EXEC. PRODUCER: Glen Larson PROD. #57309 PRODUCER: Harker Wade March 18, 1982 (Spec. Run) April 7, 1982 (Spec. Run) June 25, 1982 (F.R.) Rev. 7/ 2/82 (F.R.) Rev. 7/ 8/82 (F.R.) Rev. 7/13/82 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 7/13/82 (F.R.) Rev. 7/15/82 (F.R.) Rev. 7/16/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER by Glen A. Larson Contributing Writer R.A. Cinader _______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN RENO - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING - STOCK EXT. ND HOTEL - NIGHT - STOCK INT. CASINO - NIGHT - STOCK Should be maximum up-key. CLOSE ON CRAP TABLE (TO MATCH) Action at the table, loud music from the lounge, Charles Acton, fifty-five, graying temples, handsome and distinguished is on a roll. Quite appropriately standing next to him as if completing an ad for Gentleman's Quarterly, a woman wearing both furs and jewelry, none of which she'd need to be the centerpiece for the entire room. She is Tanya Walker. She looks at her watch discreetly as Charles clenches his fist in conservative jubilance. CROUPIER Seven the winner. A stack of hundred dollar checks is pushed at Charles and he modestly picks them up and places them in a chip holder already packed. He is having a very lucky night. CHARLES I can't seem to lose tonight. TANYA Don't say that. It could lead to bad luck. CHARLES I don't believe in luck. As Acton turns to look back at the game, Tanya's eyes drift to Wilson, a husky man in a three-piece suit standing to the back of the gallery. He is chief of security for Consolidated Chemical Corporation, something we might deduce as we push in to a small earpiece with an inconspicuous, flesh-colored wire leading down into his suit. He lifts a hand to the earpiece, which brings his watch up into proximity to his mouth. When he speaks, it is surrepticiously unnoticed by people craning to see the game in front of him. WILSON Okay, Lonnie. He's winning big. It's now or never. Wilson turns his head and we follow his gaze to an elevator into which moves a statuesque dark-haired girl. Her name is Lonnie. CLOSE ON LONNIE as the elevator doors close on her, and we pull back to reveal the back of the head of a second man watching her progress. He too is wearing a tell-tale earpiece. He is standing farther back behind both Wilson and the game that is in progress. He is Michael Long. We see little of his face except to notice that he is young, has dark curly hair and rugged outlines to his sparsely seen features. He turns away from the game and we tilt down to avoid his face and see him flip a microswitch on his belt receiver/transmitter. MICHAEL I think it's coming down -- Wilson just sent Lonnie into the elevator. Do you read? A MAN STANDING ON A LADDER - MUNTZY wearing hotel coveralls. MUNTZY Loud and clear, Lieutenant. If she's coming -- I'll have a front row seat. He is changing a ceiling fixture as an elevator door opens down the corridor and Lonnie heads his way, giving him a smiling look as she moves past. He doesn't acknowledge the girl, continuing his work, obliviously. LONNIE reaches a door, looks both ways. POINT OF VIEW OF THE MAN ON THE LADDER No interest. She is relieved. She puts a key in the lock and enters...We push back up to the man on the ladder, he turns his head to us, full on and we now see an earpiece. MUNTZY I've got her. She just went into Acton's suite. TO INTERCUT WITH MICHAEL LONG IN THE CASINO LONG Muntzy. Be careful. MUNTZY Hey -- I've got ten years on you, junior. I'm the original man of steel. You're the one I'm worried about. You're right inside that nest of snakes. INSIDE ACTON'S SUITE Lonnie moves hurriedly to a safe installed for the use of "high roller" guests in most lavish Nevada suites. She opens it and removes a folder containing documents. She places them under a table light and begins to shoot photographs of them with a minicamera. ON WILSON at the craps table. Nothing but passes and cheers. LONNIE'S VOICE (filtered) I'm finished. BACK IN THE ROOM We see that she's closing the safe and is walking to the door. TO INTERCUT WITH WILSON WILSON Be sure no one sees you. LONNIE There's no one in the corridor but an electrician. Wilson's facade stiffens. WILSON Electrician. You didn't say anything about an electrician. LONNIE He works for the hotel. I've seen him around. WILSON Stay in the room. LONNIE For how long? Suddenly Acton is turning from the table with Tanya on his arm and both hands filled with chips. ACTON Come on, Wilson. We're calling it a night. A startled Wilson exchanges looks with Tanya. WILSON But you're on a roll. ACTON I got to be chairman of Consolidated Chemical by knowing when to quit winners. Let's go, darling. Be sure security stays close behind until we get these in the room safe. As Acton moves off -- Wilson holds Tanya back. WILSON Delay him. Wilson turns hurriedly. ON MICHAEL LONG'S BACK as Wilson rushes to him. WILSON Stay close to Mr. Acton. He's carry- ing a lot of money. As Michael rushes off, we hold on Wilson who speaks quietly. WILSON Get out of there, Lonnie. Acton's coming up. TO INTERCUT WITH LONNIE standing nervously at the door to the corridor. LONNIE What about the guy on the ladder? WILSON If he follows you, I'll handle him. You just get in your car and head east, out of town. We'll pick up the film from you there. IN THE CORRIDOR Lonnie rushes out of the suite and down to the elevator bank. We push into Muntzy on the ladder as the elevator door opens and she hurries inside. MUNTZY She's leaving in a hurry, Lieutenant. ON MICHAEL crossing the casino -- a few yards behind Acton and Tanya. MICHAEL I know. Wilson just put me in charge. That means they've got a broken play -- can you follow Lonnie? BACK IN THE CORRIDOR Muntzy scampers down the ladder and races for a second elevator as Lonnie disappears into a first. MUNTZY Back me up if I blow it. BACK IN THE CASINO - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL We've got six months in this one, Muntzy. I'll be right behind you. OMITTED BACK AT THE ELEVATOR as Acton looks at Tanya with puppy-loving eyes, a small crowd of anxious guests around them waiting for their elevator impatiently. TANYA Charles, security can only do so much in a crowd with you carrying all those chips. I'd feel much better if you stop off at the cashier's. Michael moves up hurriedly. MICHAEL That's good advice, Mr. Acton. I'd recommend it. ACTON I guess you're right. They're clumsy as hell to carry, anyway. Michael walks with the couple towards the cashier's cages, keeping his eyes on the elevators behind him. Tanya, too, is eyeing the elevators. ON THE ELEVATORS As one car arrives, Lonnie steps out and hurries away. On another car as it arrives and we see Muntzy, the hotel maintenance man exit, look both ways, spot Lonnie and hurry after her. ON MUNTZY hurrying across the lobby. He lifts his cuff. MUNTZY You can relax, Lieutenant. MICHAEL Be careful, Muntzy. I don't know where Wilson is. ON WILSON as he watches the entire charade and speaks covertly. WILSON Gray. They've burned her. She's got a guy on her tail. He's wearing a maintenance suit...Stop him. OUTSIDE THE HOTEL Gray, a rugged-looking man steps out of the shadows of a billboard and watches as Lonnie races out of the casino and towards a car. GRAY I've got her. She jumps into her car and drives off. GRAY And I've got him. Gray pulls out a weapon and attaches a silencer. BACK INSIDE THE CASINO at the cashier's cage. MICHAEL Wait here, Mr. Acton. Don't leave these cages and guards. ACTON What're you talking about. Where are you going? TANYA Michael...Michael...I don't know what's gotten into him, Charles. I'll be right back. She too, hurries off. ON MICHAEL racing across the casino. He talks into his lapel. A small American flag. MICHAEL Watch it, Muntzy. Wilson is on his way out. I think he made you... Muntzy. Muntzy. OUTSIDE THE CASINO A security car, complete with red lights and formal lettering on the side, speeds up. Wilson jumps in as the car streaks off into the night, driven by Gray. Right behind them, Michael exits the casino on the dead run. He sees the security car streak off and runs into the parking lot, panning back we see Tanya following the parade. She sees Michael entering the darkened lot and hurries after him. TANYA Michael...What are you doing? ON A BLACK TRANS AM as Michael streaks up to find Muntzy clutching at the door to the car. He collapses as Michael reaches him, Tanya -- right behind him. MICHAEL Muntzy! (to Tanya) Watch him. I'll get help. MUNTZY Forget it, Lieutenant. Go after 'em. MICHAEL Muntzy...you've got to hang on -- Muntzy. But it's obvious that Muntzy is dead. Michael looks up at Tanya, ashen. TANYA What is it? What's going on? MICHAEL Stay here with him. Michael starts into the car. Tanya races to the other side as hotel personnel and bystanders move up, warily. TANYA Why are you doing this. You were hired to protect Charles. You can't leave him. MICHAEL These people are no longer interested in your boss. They just got what they were after. TANYA What are you talking about? I'm coming with you. INSIDE THE TRANS AM as Tanya jumps in and it speeds off into the night. Michael is pulling out his gun and checking it. MICHAEL I don't have time to explain it all to you, Tanya, but your boss's chief of security is up to his Bahamian bank accounts in industrial espionage -- and now murder. TANYA I don't believe it. MICHAEL Did you believe that dead cop back there? He was my partner. I was supposed to be covering him. DESERT ROAD - NIGHT (SHOT) It is night on a lonely desert road as Wilson and Gray emerge from their car which has pulled Lonnie off the road. With red lights flashing, Symes moves from a car marked: CONSOLIDATED CHEMICAL Special Security WILSON Will you step out of the car please. Lonnie steps out revealing a sumptuous figure. WILSON Good work, Lonnie. I'll take the microfilm.... Lonnie reaches into her purse and removes a small micro- camera. Suddenly, the scene is bathed in light as Michael's Trans Am screams up from o.s. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as he climbs out of the car, his gun leveled on the three- some. MICHAEL Hold it right there. You move. I fire. THE CONSPIRATORS (SHOT) freeze. MICHAEL Drop the gun, and kick it over here. WILSON Michael Long, (Mr. Acton's personal bodyguard). We seem to have made a small mistake. (Words in parenthesis to be looped into scene, v.o.) Tanya climbs out of the Trans Am and comes forward around the side of the car. MICHAEL I'd call treason more than a small mistake. It draws the death penalty. Tanya, pick up that gun. TANYA That won't be necessary. I have my own. Michael freezes, a chill racing up his spine. He sees the expressions on the faces of his three captives relax into smiles, then into laughter. Slowly he turns to look. ON TANYA (SHOT) as she stands with the gun straight out, aimed into Michael's face. MICHAEL You're working with them? TANYA Ahh. I've disappointed you. MICHAEL Tanya. Give me the gun. I can still make a deal for you, if you cooperate. He extends his hand for her gun. MICHAEL Give it to me. TANYA I intend to. Cooly, she fires into Michael's face at point-blank range. MICHAEL (SHOT) flies off of his feet in slow motion, his hands racing up to cover his face...He tumbles backwards into the darkness of the desert fringing the highway, only his shoes protruding onto the light of his own headlights. Michael's point of view slow motion. All is suddenly still except for the sound of Michael's idling car. A NEW ANGLE (SHOT) on the strange death scene as suddenly something is happening as we perceive a strange whine far in the distance and camera tilts up to reveal a pinpoint of light far off on the horizon. The light grows larger and larger until it is directly over- head. Suddenly a powerful light bursts on, bathing the scene of carnage in dazzling brightness. Close on a weathered old face. The man is Wilton Knight. He stares down from the hovering machine. KNIGHT My God. We're too late. He signals and the machine begins to lower down to the highway. SLOW DISSOLVE TO HIS POINT OF VIEW (SHOT) where we see the body of Michael sprawled in the dust. THE KNIGHT ESTATE - DAY (SHOT) as a twin turbine jet helicopter lands behind a massive house. On the machine is the logo of KNIGHT INDUSTRIES. OMITTED ON DOCTOR MILES (SHOT) as he examines the now carefully bandaged and reconstructed form of Michael Long. He looks at a wall of medical instru- mentation and examines the eyes of Michael as Wilton Knight enters the room. KNIGHT Well? MILES I'll give you the same answer I've given you the past four days. He's probably the only human being on this planet in worse condition than you. KNIGHT You have the bedside manner of a rattlesnake. MILES My deal with you was honesty. KNIGHT Is he going to die? MILES He should have. The bullet was fired into his head at point-blank range. KNIGHT Then how did he survive? MILES The man has a metal plate in his forehead. Military surgery, I'd suspect. It deflected the bullet away from a dead center hit in his brain and back out through his face. We'll never know what he looked like. ON MICHAEL stirring restlessly...mumbling...crying out in anguish and anger. (Note: The following underlined dialogue will either be shot in closeup or v.o.) KNIGHT That's it, son...get mad...and stay mad. It will keep you living. Just like me. OMITTED INT. THE ESTATE HOSPITAL ROOM (SHOT) Doctor Miles stands over Michael who is prone on an operating table. Knight looks on from across the room as one by one, the delicate bandages come off. ON DEVON (SHOT) as he enters and moves up to Knight. DEVON I have good news for you. The Knight 2000 will be ready by.... KNIGHT Shhhh.... Knight moves forward leaving Devon mystified and not just mildly frustrated. DEVON (under breath) I work these people around the clock and suddenly you aren't interested. ON MILES (SHOT) as he masterfully lifts the final strip of adhesive and begins to unwrap Michael's face. Knight moves in to stand beside him, and Devon beside the two other men. We are looking up at them from Michael's point of view as they stare down not revealing anything. ON MICHAEL KNIGHT (SHOT) A new face, far more rugged than his former image. Char- acter and age somehow replacing youthful naivete. MICHAEL That bad? MILES On the contrary. An excellent job if I do say so myself. Why don't you look for yourself? Almost reluctantly, Michael rises up and moves slowly across the room to a mirror. KNIGHT Perfection. MICHAEL It isn't me. Michael raises his fingers up to feel the unfamiliar contours. DEVON You now have a second chance to live. Unless you'd prefer to walk around with a face that could get you killed all over again? Michael turns a sober look towards Knight. KNIGHT Take my word. You'll be much safer with this face. And it's rather handsome if I do say so myself. Devon leans in. DEVON Does it strike you that there's an uncanny resemblance between this fellow and you as a young man? Knight shoots Devon a wilting glare. DEVON Just my imagination, I'm sure. KNIGHT Stick to your task. When will I see it? DEVON I tried to tell you. It'll be ready within the week. KNIGHT Excellent. I pray it leaves me enough time. EXT. GROUNDS - DAY - ON MICHAEL THROUGH BINOCULAR MATTE jogging around the perimeter of the Knight Estate wearing simple blue shorts and jogging shoes. ON KNIGHT Camera pulls back to reveal Knight watching him. Knight lowers the binoculars and nods in satisfaction as Devon moves up. DEVON How much have you told him? KNIGHT I've told him he no longer has anyone to fear. In the eyes of the law, Michael Long is legally dead. Devon looks uncomfortable. DEVON But Mr. Knight, stealing a body from the medical school for the police to find wasn't exactly playing by the rules. KNIGHT I make my own rules. So does the government. They fake deaths and identities all the time. Not to mention our adversaries who don't exactly play by the rules. DEVON All right. But why are you doing it? KNIGHT I think you know why, Devon. I want to leave something behind -- something worthwhile, not just numbers in a bank account. Now, when will the Knight 2000 be ready? DEVON Soon. I'm already working the crew double shifts. KNIGHT Make it around the clock. We must hurry.... DEVON Has the Doctor told you.... KNIGHT (interrupts) Don't worry about what the good Doctor's told me. Let me worry about the doctors...and Michael Long. CLOSE ON MICHAEL - DAY as he pulls up to Knight, as Devon moves off. KNIGHT Aren't you pushing it a bit, Michael? MICHAEL I've got to get back into shape fast. I've got one last debt to pay. KNIGHT Is revenge all that you can think of? You're better than that. You were a good cop. MICHAEL Was I? I blew it? KNIGHT What if I could offer you another shot. I want Tanya and her friends too -- but they're just the tip of the iceberg. If we were to work together.... Michael comes back to his feet. MICHAEL (interrupts) Mr. Knight, my last partner is dead. It's nothing personal, but from now on I work alone. I can't take responsibility for anyone's life but my own. I think you can understand that. Michael jogs off. INSIDE GARAGE WITH COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Devon enters. DEVON It's ready. KNIGHT I know -- and so are we. I've found our man. I'm sure of it. DEVON Wilton, I've never been in total agreement about this project. But even if I were, I question Michael Long as your choice. He's too young --- KNIGHT He'll need to be young --- DEVON And inexperienced. KNIGHT Three years of counter intelligence work in Nam, working on his own in deep cover. DEVON He was captured. KNIGHT He survived -- which is more than I can say for his captors. DEVON All right. I'll give you his ability to work well on his own -- Perhaps that's what disturbs me most -- what you have in mind -- what we hope to accomplish -- demands team work. KNIGHT Does it. He's going to have to be out there on his own most of the time, Devon --- DEVON Yes, at first -- of course -- but eventually when we prove --- KNIGHT When we prove. He's going to be the living proof, Devon -- The living proof that each of us as individuals can make a difference. DEVON Why do I always attempt to challenge your instincts with logic? I always lose. Knight smiles.... KNIGHT This time in losing -- you win -- we both win. Michael Long is our man. OMITTED INSIDE THE LARGE WAREHOUSE-LIKE STRUCTURE It might have been designed to accommodate a prototype 747. In fact, the superstructure is very much like an aircraft hangar, although the small Lear-type jet which sits in a far corner is dwarfed by the dimensions of the building, where a dark form in the shape of an automobile silhouette stands ominously beckoning to Michael. He moves closer, closer, until a narrow red light comes on and begins to scan the area between the shape and Michael. It is as if he is being perceived by a red-eyed Cobra. Michael stops in his tracks, sucks in his breath, then moves forward once more. Suddenly the headlights pop up, bathing him in light. Again, Michael stops, startled. Once more he starts forward and suddenly the engine roars to life. Suddenly, the car lunges ahead driving straight for Michael. As the car bears down on him, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as the sleek car screeches to a halt at his feet, and the lights to the cavernous room resembling something out of the Kennedy Space Center suddenly blossom, with straight down beams of light on the sleek vehicle. KNIGHT Enough, Devon. You've had your fun with your guest. Devon climbs out of the car and Michael turns to see Wilton Knight limping forward with his cane. DEVON'S VOICE It's not polite to sneak about uninvited. KNIGHT Be gracious, Devon. I think an explanation is well overdue. MICHAEL You're damned right it is. Now what is all this? What are you guys up to with people sneaking in and out of here at all hours of the day and night? DEVON Look who's talking. KNIGHT Be quiet both of you. Let's get down to business. I'm running out of time and Michael is now healthy enough to carry on. Knight moves up to stand beside Michael, Devon right behind him. MICHAEL (v.o.) Carry on what? Hey, look. I don't know what you do out here, but all I want to do is settle the score and get on with my life. DEVON (v.o.) That's not very grateful. (*Several additional lines are to be added either in closeup or v.o. as underlined.) MICHAEL The guys you're after are too big. They're the kind of criminals that operate above the law. Nobody can touch them. KNIGHT I don't agree with you. MICHAEL You're entitled to your opinion. As for me, I'm pulling out of here tonight and I'm taking my car with me. KNIGHT Prepare the car for him, Devon. DEVON But sir. KNIGHT I said, prepare the car. There's a great deal he'll need to know about it before it's safe for him to drive. I must go to bed. I'm not feeling very well. Knight turns and starts out of the huge room. Devon turns a severe look to Michael. DEVON You just struck a dying man. MICHAEL Hey, listen. I like that old man. I really do. But it's time to get on with my life. DEVON You wouldn't have a life if he hadn't brought you here. There are people who will still kill you if they find out you're alive. MICHAEL But I'm legally dead, remember? I don't even know me with this face. Now what is all this I'm supposed to know about my own car. DEVON Any resemblance between your car and this one is purely superficial. Michael walks closer to the machine. MICHAEL What're you talking about. That's my Trans Am. I left it out in the desert. DEVON No, it may look like your car, but in actuality, that vehicle is now probably the most expensive car in the world. MICHAEL Come on...What are you talking about? It's just.... Michael has moved up to the sleek machine. He pats the fender. He reacts. MICHAEL What is this, new paint? It feels like baby skin. He looks closely. MICHAEL Guys do nice work. Hasn't got a ripple in it.... He leans in close. MICHAEL Like a mirror. A dentist could use this to drill.... DEVON It isn't paint. It's a finish bonded into the molecular structure of a new substance. MICHAEL You mean the metal? DEVON It isn't metal, and it isn't Fiberglass. Devon moves forward with a large pinhead hammer. DEVON Here. Strike the surface as hard as you can. MICHAEL I'm not going to hit my car. It's beautiful. Devon smiles. Takes the hammer himself and raises it high, driving it down. It bounces off the surface and out of his hand. Michael stares in disbelief. MICHAEL How'd you do that? OMITTED MICHAEL (SHOT) walks up and stares at the point of impact. It is flawless. DEVON Don't stand there with your mouth open. Get in. INSIDE THE TRANS AM (SHOT) Michael sits staring at the futuristic panel. DEVON Welcome aboard the Knight 2000. MICHAEL Thank you. What is all this? It looks like Darth Vadar's bathroom. DEVON This is a one of a kind car, Mr. Long. It is faster and safer, and stronger than any machine in the world. It is completely fuel-efficient and is entirely operated by microprocessors which make it physically impossible for it to be involved in any kind of collision or mishap, unless specifi- cally ordered by its pilot. MICHAEL Pilot? Don't tell me this thing flies. DEVON No. But it thinks. MICHAEL It thinks? My car thinks? DEVON We like to think of it as our car. Devon reaches over and touches a panel and a whirring sound snaps on as the car comes to life. DEVON Now, in order to motivate forward. MICHAEL Devon. I recognize the more rudimentary controls -- such as the accelerator. I do know how to drive. Michael simply does as he's told. The results are startling. The Trans Am leaps forward with such acceleration that there is no stopping at the door. ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE WAREHOUSE-LIKE STRUCTURE (SHOT) as the Trans Am fires through it, splintering the door into a million toothpicks. Suddenly the car screeches to a halt. INSIDE THE TRANS AM (SHOT) DEVON I'd have preferred you let me open the door first, however, no harm has been done to the car. Michael jumps out and rushes to look at the front of the car, then slowly moves back and reenters the vehicle. MICHAEL There's not a scratch on it and that door is made out of metal. DEVON You were told that the new alloy is virtually indestructible. MICHAEL Yeah? Well, you also said that this machine couldn't have a collision. DEVON Not if that system is operable. But first you have to turn it on. Devon simply reaches over and touches another heat-sensitive switch on the dash. MICHAEL Now you're telling me I can't hit anything? DEVON Trust me. MICHAEL I'll never trust anybody again. Michael floors the car and aims for the edge of the property. A security guard tips his cap to Devon and opens the gate in time for the Trans Am to streak off the grounds. OUT ON THE HIGHWAY - DAY (SHOT) The Trans Am roars along. MICHAEL I'm warning you. I'm going to put this thing to the test. DEVON Be my guest. ON A SEMITRUCK AND TRAILER (SHOT) moving up the highway...panning back we see the Trans Am moving up rapidly behind it. INSIDE THE TRANS AM (SHOT) MICHAEL I can't believe this. I'm playing chicken with a ten-ton semi.... DEVON I believe the expression is, 'Keep the pedal to the metal.' ON THE TRANS AM (RESHOOT) as it races up and suddenly turns, passing the truck. BACK INSIDE THE TRANS AM (SHOT) MICHAEL The car just drove around the truck ...it steered itself. DEVON Marvelous, isn't it? MICHAEL I hate it. I like to make my own decisions. DEVON The microprocessor deduced that you were making one counter to your best interests. It had two options. Slow the car down, or maneuver around the obstacle. MICHAEL Okay, so why did it steer around the truck instead of slowing down? That would have been much safer. Devon looks pained. He doesn't answer right away. MICHAEL Come on...come on...I think I just found a flaw in your perfect machine. DEVON It isn't a flaw...It's just that.... MICHAEL Yeah.... DEVON It's showing off for you. Michael's head snaps around to look at Devon. MICHAEL What? He brings the car to a halt. MICHAEL Oh, great. You mean it can decide to take off and go for gas, or a car wash. Just like that. Be great if you happen to be working under it at the time. DEVON It wouldn't do anything to harm you, I assure you. Its primary function is in the preservation of human life. Your life. MICHAEL By me, you mean anyone driving this thing? Devon takes a long pause, and a deep breath, continuing to stare straight ahead. DEVON No, actually I mean you. Michael Arthur Long. Soon to be Michael Knight. IN A CORRIDOR - NIGHT Doctor Miles stands waiting anxiously as Michael and Devon move down the hall. MILES You'd better hurry. INSIDE A LARGE BEDROOM - NIGHT (SHOT) A fire rages in the fireplace. The drapes are drawn and Wilton Knight lies as if in state, his eyes closed. Devon approaches fearfully, Michael not far behind him. (Note: The following underlined dialogue will be shot in v.o.) MICHAEL We're too late. Knight's eyes open. They shift to Devon and Michael. KNIGHT Almost. What kept you? Car not fast enough? MICHAEL Hey, look. I don't even know what to say. You've got to put that machine on the market. It could save thousands of lives. There's never been anything like it. KNIGHT And have it taken away from me and kept off the market like my airplane. (grimaces and coughs) No! I have other plans for that car. DEVON Don't try to talk, sir. Let me explain. Knight appears to be sinking. Devon turns to Michael. DEVON Mr. Knight is the last of his breed. He built his own empire like the Fords and the Rockefellers. MICHAEL Devon, we've been through all that. KNIGHT Enough. Now, Michael come closer. Think about the opportunity you have. MICHAEL What opportunity? KNIGHT You don't exist. You're legally dead. No one can trace your source of funds or identity. Even your fingerprints have been altered. MICHAEL You set this whole thing up. KNIGHT You set it up when you still had faith that 'one man could make a difference.' I want you to get that spirit back. I want it to be your obsession as it is mine. MICHAEL (almost breaking) Look, I'd like to be able to promise you I'll feel like taking on the world some day, but I can't. I used to have a real life with real friends -- Now...I still wake up in the middle of the night shaking, remembering that gun in my face and the whole world blowing up. KNIGHT Remember that moment, and think of it as your baptism by fire. You were spared to lead a great fight. Don't turn away in fear. One man can make a difference. You're going to be that man. MICHAEL Mr. Knight...I can't stand here at a time like this and lie to you...I just don't know if.... Michael stops midsentence as he sees a frail hand extended towards him. He looks from the hand to the face of Wilton Knight. There is a small smile on his face. Michael fights off emotion as he reaches out and takes the hand. KNIGHT My adventure has ended, and yours has just begun. OMITTED KNIGHT seems to relax, his eyes slowly closing out the visitors. His smile fades to a look of peace. ON MICHAEL as he looks down at the limp hand in his own. He places it at Knight's side. IN A SPRAWLING, LUSH GREEN CEMETARY - STOCK A large number of people are in attendance of Wilton Knight's funeral, including some television news teams. REPORTER (v.o.) (speaking in a hush) And so the end comes for another American pioneer whose life was dedicated to bucking the system and proving that the individual can still fulfill the American dream. Wilton Knight, dead at the age of eighty-one. MINISTER (v.o.) Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, amen. Michael Long turns and walks out of the crowd of mourners. Devon Shire whispers something and tosses a flower onto the grave. ON MICHAEL AND DEVON IN THE GARAGE (SHOT) Michael walks hurriedly towards the car, Devon trying to catch up. (To be used as shot plush indicated v.o.) (Note: The following underlined dialogue will either be shot in closeup or v.o.) DEVON Don't walk so fast. I'm an old man. MICHAEL Sorry, but I've got places to go. DEVON Typical. You can't wait to go into action and you haven't got a clue where to start. MICHAEL And I suppose you do. DEVON Of course. Michael stops in his tracks. DEVON Tanya's working in Silicon Valley -- Millston to be precise. Probably the wealthiest four-mile strip of space-age industry in the world. She's managed to promote a position as executive assistant to Will Benjamin, president of Com Tron -- one of the biggest operations there. MICHAEL I've heard of Silicon Valley -- where they make all the microchips. The stakes may have changed but she's still playin' the same game. DEVON My thoughts exactly. MICHAEL Well if Tanya is in Silicon Valley, that's where I'm going. Now...today. DEVON I forbid it. MICHAEL You can't forbid it. You don't own me. DEVON I can certainly take away the car. MICHAEL I'll get another one. Besides it's in my name. DEVON That's where you're wrong. Devon hands Michael the registration slip. MICHAEL Michael Knight? DEVON Michael Long is dead. Remember that. You wouldn't want to die using it a second time. MICHAEL No, once was plenty, but how do I suddenly.... Devon extends a wallet to Michael. He flips it open. MICHAEL Driver's license...credit cards.... DEVON All according to Mr. Knight's orders. MICHAEL (v.o.) Then I'll be on my way. Michael fires up the car. DEVON Wait...there are countless more things about the vehicle to explain to you.... MICHAEL I'm a fast study. I'll pick things up as I go along.... DEVON That's very foolhardy. MICHAEL Good-bye and thank you, Devon. I want you to know I kind of got to like you. DEVON What? MICHAEL Never mind. What does it mean, anyway. Coming from a primitive like me. (PLUS ADDITIONAL SHOT FOOTAGE) FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED ON BEAUTIFUL NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (SHOT) lush and green as we helicopter a shot of the Trans Am cutting up a long, nearly empty highway. ON A SIGN (SHOT) SAN FRANCISCO 241 Miles MILLSTON 171 Miles INSIDE THE TRANS AM MICHAEL One hundred seventy-one miles to Millston, the heart of Silicon Valley. Might as well put on some music. (looking at the Knight 2000's complex dash) With all these stupid gadgets, you'd think they'd give you a radio. Suddenly a voice resembling the voice of Hal, the computer in 2001, begins a low drone. K.I.T.T. What would you like to hear? A little Beethoven? The car suddenly screeches to a halt. MICHAEL What the hell was that? Michael scans the dash. CLOSE ON A FLASHING LIGHT marked: K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (SHOT) pushes the light. The voice resumes. K.I.T.T. Possibly, you'd prefer Chopin. MICHAEL Hell, no. I want to know who you are and how you're listening in. K.I.T.T. There's no reason for increased volume. I am scanning your interrogatives quite satifac- torily. I am the voice of the Knight Industries 2000's micro- processor. K.I.T.T. for easy reference. Kitt if you prefer. MICHAEL I don't prefer and what's more I do not intend to drive around in a car that talks back to me. So, either Devon pulls your plug, or you get yourself a new driver. K.I.T.T. Unfortunately, I am not programmed to overrule your wishes. MICHAEL Oh, that's real good to hear, because I don't want to hear another peep out of you, until I can get a call off to Devon. So clam up so I can listen to some good music. And don't offer any suggestions. I'll choose my own. K.I.T.T. As you wish, Mr. Knight. But, since I sense we are in a slightly irritable mood caused by fatigue...may I suggest you put the car in the auto cruise mode for safety's sake. MICHAEL No, you may not. And that's final. Good night. K.I.T.T. Good night. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as he punches up a radio button and music fils the car with a hard-driving beat. MICHAEL (mumbling) Can't believe it. Car starts talking to me. This machine has got to go. SLOW DISSOLVE THRU TO ANOTHER AREA OF THE HIGHWAY - DAY (SHOT) The Trans Am is speeding along to the sounds of different music. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as we see him fighting off sleep. ANOTHER SLOW DISSOLVE THRU TO THE TRANS AM (SHOT) in still another part of the highway. Underscored by new music from the radio. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as his head nods, falling back against the headrest and slightly cocked to one side. He is now sound asleep. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S FUTURISTIC INSTRUMENT PANEL as we hear a beep and see two lights exchange positions. INSERT ON THE LIGHTS (SHOT) A flashing light reading "NORMAL CRUISE" moves from the flashing stage to simply illuminated, while the light next to it which has been illuminated to read "AUTO CRUISE" begins to flash indicating that it is now activated. ON THE TRANS AM (SHOT) as it begins to maneuver around a corner, neatly and safely. OMITTED INSERT - CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S FUTURISTIC INSTRUMENT PANEL A single light flashes and we see the car wheel turn slightly and move over, the speed coming down. Michael continues to sleep. OMITTED A POLICE CAR (SHOT) as it races out across the double line and speeds up to pass. ON DEKE AND KYLE (SHOT) as they pass the car. POINT OF VIEW OF THE TRANS AM (SHOT) with Michael cuddled against the window, sound asleep. BACK INSIDE THE POLICE CAR (SHOT) KYLE Did you see what I saw? That man is plumb asleep at the wheel. DEKE Well slow down and get his attention. He ain't gonna make Dead Man's Curve up ahead. THE POLICE CAR (SHOT) slows down until it is driving parallel to the Trans Am. The police car's horn begins to honk incessantly. They flip on the intersection bleeper which sounds like a destroyer bearing down on a submarine. MICHAEL (SHOT) remains dead to the world. BACK IN THE POLICE CAR (SHOT) Kyle looks up ahead with fright. DEKE Kyle, drop back. He ain't gonna make that curve and he'll take us right along with him. KYLE He's deader 'n a doornail...but you can't say we didn't try. THE POLICE CAR (SHOT) drops back behind the Trans Am. POINT OF VIEW OF THE TRANS AM (SHOT) as it negotiates Dead Man's Curve perfectly. ON THE TWO POLICEMEN (SHOT) as they exchange incredulous looks. ON THE TRANS AM (SHOT) as it continues to snake down a winding road leading to the valley below. KYLE That boy woke up just in time. DEKE Probably drunk as a skunk. Let's pull him over. Once again the police car pulls alongside the Trans Am on the winding road. POINT OF VIEW OF THE TRANS AM (SHOT) with Michael sleeping soundly, a smile on his face. THE TWO POLICE OFFICERS (SHOT) exchange incredulous looks. OMITTED INSIDE THE TRANS AM (SHOT) The radio dial turns down to be replaced by a beeper not unlike a wake-up call. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as he stirs, his sound sleep jarred by the change in environment, first the comparitive silence from the dimming radio, then the beeper...then the ungodly siren, horn blaring and screaming policemen. MICHAEL What in the.... Michael looks back. MICHAEL Oh oh...What'd I do?... K.I.T.T. Deny everything. INSERT - THE DASHBOARD as Michael switches it from super to normal. THE TRANS AM (SHOT) pulls over, the police car moving to a stop behind it. Michael is digesting that as the officers both come forward, each with a hand on his gun. DEKE Okay...Out.... K.I.T.T. If I may suggest. Deafness is always a good approach to law enforcement officers. MICHAEL You shut up. I'll handle this. You were probably weaving all over the road. K.I.T.T. On the contrary. You couldn't have driven better. I might also suggest you display a slight kink in your neck since you were driving with your head against the window. MICHAEL Aah -- terrific. Why didn't you warn me? K.I.T.T. You told me to keep quiet. DEKE Who's he talking to? KYLE Nobody. This boy's a hard-core alky. DEKE Did you hear me? I said, out, or you'll spend the night in jail. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) as he moves his lips without sound coming forward and points to his ears with one hand as he rolls down the window with the other. KYLE That's better. Out. Get the balloon, Deke. MICHAEL (loudly) I'm sorry, officer, but can you speak in sign language, or slightly slower. I haven't quite gotten lip reading down, yet. KYLE You mean you can't hear? MICHAEL Could you talk louder, into this ear. Michael climbs out and turns his other ear, bending over slightly for the officer, his head kinked to one side like a permanent injury. KYLE You mean you're deaf? DEKE That explains everything. I told you nobody could drive that smooth if he was drunk. MICHAEL What? Michael is yelling. So do the officers in return. KYLE He said...Never mind. Go on your way. Sorry to bother you, but watch your rearview mirror from now on. We've been flashing you for miles. MICHAEL Yes, sir. I'll do that. The officers walk back to their car, climb in and drive off as Michael watches them, then climbs into the car. MICHAEL Why do I have the feeling this won't be the last time I run into trouble in this town? Michael shoves the car in gear and drives off. EXT. MILLSTON - DAY - ESTABLISHING ON A LARGE MODERN MANUFACTURING PLANT - DAY A large logo reads: COM TRON ON THE TRANS AM - DAY as it cruises to a stop across the street from the plant in time to see a number of people, including several very attractive young ladies, cross the street and enter a lively looking establishment called the House of the Rising Sun...with subneon lights in script proclaiming sushi, disco dancing, and motel accommodations. MICHAEL House of the Rising Sun. This looks like a good place to pick up on the local scene. K.I.T.T. Saloons usually are. MICHAEL How would you know? Michael pulls up into the parking lot. K.I.T.T. Social gathering places where alcoholic beverages are consumed in quantity can create an environment in which indiscretion becomes commonplace. Just remember this is business, not pleasure. Michael flares up, pounding the dash as he climbs out. MICHAEL You can say that again -- You're about as much fun as a divorce -- which is a good idea. K.I.T.T. I want custody of me. Three girls have paused in the doorway to take note of Michael's outburst. Michael slams the door and storms away, mumbling under his breath. MICHAEL Should have gotten rid of you before I turned you on...Now I can't shut you up. (arrives at the door) Evening, ladies.... They give him a weird look as he passes them and enters.... LONNIE Some guys sure start early. LONNIE - DAY is possibly the prettiest of the three girls but it's almost a toss-up between three tens. LONNIE He isn't our problem. Those guys are. Let's stick to business. The girls look back to see the three young men crossing from the plant, wearing three-piece suits and laughing amongst themselves. The girls enter the House of the Rising Sun. INSIDE THE LIVELY DISCO Michael sits alone at a corner table. The booths are taken up by boisterous people enjoying themselves with ample rounds of libation. Michael is eyeing a corner booth. AT THE BOOTH The three girls who entered the restaurant with Michael are now well-ensconced with the three young executives who entered just behind them. Two of them are getting extremely friendly. A few kisses don't go unnoticed as Sally, remaining aloof from the public display of affection, casually glances over at Michael with sober curiosity. Michael stares back. Sally appears interested, but is cut off as Maggie, a young waitress, interrupts the cross-room romance. MAGGIE Your tab's starting to get up there. I'll need a credit card. Michael glances up. MICHAEL Sure. Uh. Do you know those people in the corner booth? Maggie looks over at them. MAGGIE Lemme do you a favor. Unless you like waking up sucking dirt, don't get interested in anyone at that table. MICHAEL It wasn't anyone at the table I was curious about. It's someone else. I noticed they all came across the street from Com Tron. MAGGIE Yeah? MICHAEL Well, I'm trying to look up an old friend of mine who works there. I thought she might be able to help me. MAGGIE I used to work there. Who's the friend? MICHAEL Tanya Walker. Maggie's half-patient stare turns bitterly sour. She suddenly takes the fresh beer on her tray and pours it into Michael's lap. He jumps to his feet. MICHAEL Hey...What's a matter with you.... MAGGIE That's what I think of friends of Tanya Walker. SALLY is frozen on the outburst across the room. Catching snatches of it, she watches as a Manager rushes up. MANAGER What happened here?..Oh, look at your pants, what a terrible accident. MAGGIE It wasn't an accident. MANAGER Maggie, this is the last time I put up with your discourtesy. You may as well punch out. When you finish up. You're fired. MICHAEL Hey, that's not necessary. MAGGIE Shut up, jerk. Go hang out with those Com Tron bums. I fight my own battles. She shoves a tray with drinks into the Manager's gut in a way he can't possibly handle. Three more drinks come tumbling down onto Michael. MICHAEL watches as Maggie hustles into the kitchen. He is obviously determined to continue the discussion. MICHAEL I think I'll leave before something else comes down on me. He rises giving special attention to Sally who is eyeing his every move. OUTSIDE THE DISCO - DAY As Michael heads towards the car...Lonnie appears in the doorway behind him. LONNIE I heard you mention Tanya Walker. You a friend? MICHAEL You're not going to throw anything at me, are you? LONNIE Why should I? She's a friend of mine, too. MICHAEL You know how I might get in touch with her? LONNIE I'm afraid she's seeing someone. MICHAEL I'm not interested in her body. I'm interested in her money. LONNIE Come again? MICHAEL I've got something to sell. Some- thing rather valuable. LONNIE Like what? Michael looks both ways. MICHAEL That's between me and her. LONNIE Who shall I tell her inquired? MICHAEL Tell her an old friend. Michael smiles and climbs into his car as she hurriedly scribbles down the license number. EXT. COM TRON - DAY - ESTABLISHING IN AN INNER OFFICE SYME'S VOICE Security. Symes, speaking. A man turns around in his chair and we recognize him as the uniformed security guard who participated in the Nevada desert shootings. TO INTERCUT WITH TANYA IN AN EXECUTIVE OFFICE Plush furnishings and pools of light. Tanya is in one of them. TANYA This is Tanya. Someone just came to town asking about me. Let me give you a car and license number. (refers to a note pad) A new black Trans Am with Nevada plates and the lettering, K N I G H T. SYMES Got it. If it's another cop we'll handle him like the last ones. TANYA Exactly what I had in mind. BENJAMIN Who're you calling, love? She reacts to a pair of arms being placed around her from behind. Warmly she turns into Will Benjamin's embrace. He is forty-five, in good shape and reasonably handsome. TANYA Just our people in Security. As president of this company you're an irreplaceable asset and I want to make sure you're safe tomorrow. You know how I worry about you out in public. BENJAMIN Nothing's going to happen to me. TANYA Darling, in this day and age, there are all kinds of people out there in the world, who'd like to get their hands on a rich man like you. She kisses him fully and we push into her eyes which open diabolically as she rests her chin on his shoulder. TANYA Just be grateful you have me to look out for your best interests. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN ON THE TRANS AM - NIGHT sitting parked in the shadows at the back door of the disco bar. Maggie exits carrying her clothes and other belongings that might be appropriate for someone who just cleaned out their locker. Michael watches as she moves to an old VW. He starts his car and moves up behind the vehicle. MICHAEL Maggie. Maggie spins around. MAGGIE Get lost, I warn you I've got a purse full of mace. MICHAEL I stayed in my car so I wouldn't alarm you. MAGGIE Well, ain't you the David Niven. MICHAEL Look, I'm sorry about what happened in there. But you misunderstood. I'm not a friend of Tanya's. I just need to find her. MAGGIE Who cares. Not me. She and that group of parasites have taken away everything I had...my husband...my job...my house. I can't even afford decent clothes for my kid. She starts into her car. The Trans Am blocks any chance of her backing out.... MAGGIE Hey...out of my way, or I'll put a dent in the middle of that machine. I mean it. MICHAEL If it'll make you feel better. K.I.T.T. That's easy for you to say. It's my body we're abusing. MAGGIE You asked for it.... She floors her car and it backs into the Trans Am with a resounding crash. Her bumper falls off. Michael jumps out of the car and moves to the back of hers.... MICHAEL I'll pay to get this fixed for you. Maggie is looking at her car and at his. MAGGIE How can I go through life with luck this bad? I plow into your door and my bumper falls off. MICHAEL Let me help change your luck. MAGGIE Just leave me alone. I just lost the last job I'll ever get in this town. MICHAEL What if Tanya and her crew could be run out of Millston? She looks at him and starts to laugh. MAGGIE Don't tell me. You're about to hand me a silver bullet. MICHAEL Just a chance to get even. MAGGIE For what? How much do you know about what's going on here? MICHAEL Not enough. I was hoping you could tell me what I need to know. MAGGIE To do what? MICHAEL One step at a time, Maggie. Will you help? She studies him. ON THE SILICON VALLEY STRIP - NIGHT A colorful assortment of lights from restaurants, motels, nightclubs, etc.... MAGGIE It's a regular boom town. There's more money flowing through this valley now than there was during the California Gold Rush. THE TRANS AM - NIGHT moves easily up the strip, the colorful lights dancing off of the diamond-finish black paint. The dashboard is in normal configuration. MICHAEL All because of tiny little micro- chips. MAGGIE Yeah. Every calculator, every electronic kid's game. They were all born right here. MICHAEL What about you? How do you fit into Silicon Valley? MAGGIE My husband came here to take a job as head of security and Com Tron. MICHAEL It didn't work out? MAGGIE It worked out great until the pres- ident got a new executive assistant. You wouldn't believe her. She started as a fill-in girl and worked her way to the top inside of three months. MICHAEL Tanya Walker? Maggie shoots him a look. MAGGIE Hey, before she rode that flashy tail of hers to the top, Com Tron was one happy family. Then she started making wholesale changes. MICHAEL Your husband was fired? MAGGIE That wasn't the worst of it. He couldn't accept what was going on. He started poking into things. One night he didn't come home. MICHAEL He disappeared. MAGGIE They found him dead in a gulley. Said he'd been drinking. He didn't drink. Not even beer. MICHAEL How'd they make that stick? MAGGIE Witnesses. Half a dozen truck drivers who hang out in that place where I work. All animals who work for Com Tron. MICHAEL You wouldn't have taken that job to find some answers? MAGGIE I took the job to feed our little boy. This is where I live. What else do you want to know? Michael pulls to a stop. MICHAEL Everything. MAGGIE Well, in that case I guess you better come on in. EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT as they get out of the car and enter the building. INT. MAGGIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT It's neat, clean and cheap. As they are allowed entrance by a kindly elderly woman of Hispanic origin who removes a door chain, several dead bolts and a door lock: LUCE Ah...senorita -- I was worried --- MAGGIE I'm sorry I'm late, Luce...I ran into -- something --- LUCE Oh -- I hope it was nothing serious -- (as she sees Michael in doorway, puts her hands to her cheeks) Oh my goodness, I hope it is something serious --- MAGGIE Luce -- please -- you're embarrassing me -- this is Mr. Knight -- Luce looks after my son. Luce sweeps up her shopping bags, stuffed with who knows what, and beats a hasty retreat. LUCE He is sleeping -- and I am leaving you two -- have a good time. You especially. She is a wonderful woman -- a saint -- remember that. She hugs Maggie. LUCE (whispered) Good luck -- this one is a winner. And Luce is gone, pulling the door closed behind her. Maggie turns to Michael, beet red and speechless. MAGGIE I don't know what to say -- she never behaves like that. MICHAEL No apologies necessary. What could I be, but flattered. MAGGIE Thank you, but I have to know you believe me. I haven't had a man in my apartment since my husband --- BUDDY Mom --- She turns in place to see a sleepy-eyed Buddy, age approx- imately nine, enter in his footed pajamas. MAGGIE Buddy -- what on earth are you doing up -- This is Buddy. MICHAEL I figured -- Hi, Buddy --- BUDDY Hi! Are you going to marry my mother? She reacts like she just touched a hot stove. MAGGIE Ahh -- I don't believe he said that. Now you get right back to bed. Will you excuse me a minute --- Michael smiles warmly. MICHAEL Listen -- I know you've got to get to bed, and I only need to talk over a couple of things -- like.... She exits to bedroom as Michael idly wanders around the room, calling off to her. MICHAEL If I wanted to talk to Tanya, alone, where would I go? The plant, her apartment...? BUDDY (v.o.) Who's Tanya -- competition? MAGGIE Shh -- Go to bed. Look, forget trying to get to her off duty. I think she's staying at Benjamin's estate. MICHAEL William Benjamin? MAGGIE (v.o.) He owns Com Tron. She rarely leaves his side. Now you go to sleep. Michael seems to sink as Maggie reappears, closing the bed- room door behind her. MAGGIE Wait a minute! Tomorrow's one day she and Benjamin have to go out. Com Tron is sponsoring a charity show out at the track. MICHAEL The track? MAGGIE A demolition derby for charity. Buddy wanted to go. Ya see, in Silicon Valley, they have so much money, they don't use junkers. Every plant is putting up a brand new car. People are eating it up. Michael seems to be lighting up.... MICHAEL Can anyone enter? MAGGIE Come on. Who can afford to get his brand new car totalled out? Michael nods.... MICHAEL Tell your son, I'll be by to pick you both up at ten o'clock. MAGGIE You mean we get to watch it? MICHAEL You two get to watch. I'll be in it. On Buddy as he appears in a suddenly opened door. BUDDY Yeah!!! AT THE AUTO RACING TRACK - DAY A carnival of activity as beautiful new cars from various electronic manufacturers in the famous valley, proudly bear their company logos and are being serviced by teams each utilizing the same semi truck and trailer rigs furnished by Com Tron and each bearing its logo and stripes. ON THE TRANS AM as it pulls into the area. INSIDE THE TRANS AM Michael is behind the wheel. Maggie is beside him wearing shorts and a halter. Her nine-year-old son is in the back. The dash is in normal. BUDDY Wow, it's better than an auto show! MAGGIE Better take 'em in while you can, Buddy. There won't be much left of them after the race. MICHAEL Why all the trucks from Com Tron? She turns to Michael. MAGGIE Because they're sponsoring the race and providing the drivers. You aren't really thinking of entering your beautiful car? MICHAEL It's for charity, isn't it? MAGGIE It's also for people who can afford it. I can't figure out why you're doing this. MICHAEL I have my reasons. MAGGIE You're a strange man. Nice...but strange. MICHAEL Thanks. (beat) Well, let's at least get you some good seats in the owner's row.... MAGGIE Me? In the owner's row. That'll frost 'em. AT A CREDENTIAL BOOTH Tanya is seated with several other girls as Michael moves up, opening his wallet. MICHAEL I understand this is where I check in, Tanya. TANYA (looking at him curiously) I beg your pardon. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. TANYA You're the one who phoned. Then you were serious about entering your car? MICHAEL Dead serious. TANYA Well, your car serves as the entry fee. You'd better not plan on getting much of it back. There is a nice trophy to the winning car and the driver gets a five-thousand- dollar prize. MICHAEL That's nice. I'll give the prize money to the charity. TANYA You're very confident. You know I should warn you that most of these Com Tron drivers are professionals and a little too eager for the driver's money. It could be dan- gerous. MICHAEL These days what isn't? A beat as she worries about the implications of his words. MICHAEL By the way, did anyone mention the fact to you that I was in town? TANYA As a matter of fact, yes. But I didn't understand the message and I don't deal with salesmen. MICHAEL You don't know what I'm selling. TANYA It wouldn't matter. MICHAEL Want to bet? After the race, you'll be looking for me. I guarantee it. TANYA Mr. Knight. I'm not sure I can accept your entrance into this race without proper credentials. Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you here? As she studies him Benjamin moves up. BENJAMIN Come on, Tanya...Let's go, let's go...The crowd's a waiting. MICHAEL You must be Mr. Benjamin. I sure do admire your charity work here, and I'm sure glad to do my little part. Michael has his hand out and is pumping Benjamin's like he's attempting to pull water out of a dry well. BENJAMIN Doing your part? MICHAEL I guess I'm the only independent driver in the race. But it's still an honor. BENJAMIN We don't use jalopies in this race, Mister...? MICHAEL Knight...And my car's no jalopy...You can see for yourself. She's brand spanking new. BENJAMIN Well, you are a generous man. You make sure the crowd appreciates his gesture, Tanya. Tanya eyes Michael coldly.... MICHAEL Oh, and I'll need a couple of seats in the owner's row. Tanya looks over Michael's shoulder and sees Maggie standing with her son. TANYA Here are your passes to the owner's row, Mr. Knight. Good-bye. She rises up and follows after Benjamin, talking in muffled tones which suggest she's angry.... BENJAMIN Why are you so hostile? You think there's a kidnapper under every lunch pail.... Michael smiles and moves to Maggie with the tickets.... MICHAEL Here ya go. Take your place with the valley's finest. MAGGIE You're a doll...Buddy...Buddy. She looks around. MAGGIE Now where did that boy go? MICHAEL There're a lot of cars to see. He'll turn up. ON THE STARTING LINE as row after row of gleaming new cars right off the show- room floors roar around the figure-eight track in tight formation, waiting for the starting flag. ON THE STARTER as he waves the green flag.... ANNOUNCER And the race is on. Remember ladies and gentlemen, this is a figure-eight track and as the cars begin to spread out, it will become increasingly dif- ficult to get through the intersection without colliding with another car. ON THE TRANS AM as Michael switches the dashboard to Super and jockeys to take the lead, pouring it on. He is wearing racing-style shoulder belts. Suddenly a small head appears behind him from the floor, staring wide-eyed at the Super dash. BUDDY Gosh. I've never seen anything like that. Michael's head spins around.... MICHAEL Buddy...what're you doing here? You're supposed to be with your mother.... BUDDY This is much more fun. ON A CAR deliberately trying to run Michael up and off the track as Michael was trying to pass on the outside...Michael brakes and lets the car go ahead.... BUDDY Awww...why'd you chicken out?... MICHAEL Because you're standing there ready to be flipped out of the car. Climb over the seat and strap yourself in. Now...fast. Buddy climbs over the seat.... ON THE TRANS AM as it approaches the next curve.... ANNOUNCER Once again, the young independent is challenging on the outside against a car weighing half again as much...We'll see if he backs down again.... INSIDE THE TRANS AM where Buddy is strapped in the passenger seat. MICHAEL Ready? BUDDY Ready.... MICHAEL Here we go. ON THE CORNER as the Trans Am screams up on the outside and as the competing driver decides to once again force Michael to fall back or hit the wall. Michael gives the wheel a hard left and the inside car makes the equivalent of a U-turn sending it flying back into the infield where it plows into one of the Com Tron trucks.... INSIDE THE TRANS AM BUDDY Yeah...You not only wiped him out, you wiped out the truck. ON THE SIDELINES Benjamin looks up, shaking his head. BENJAMIN Those boys aren't supposed to hit my trucks. Where'd you get these new drivers, Tanya? Tanya burns. ON THE TRACK as two cars are in front of Michael, with only a half-a-car width between them.... INSIDE THE TRANS AM BUDDY We're in trouble...There's no room.... MICHAEL Well, if the shoe fits.... Michael looks down at Kitt and its related lights.... MICHAEL Okay, Kitt. I need to knock out about four feet, I'm going on Auto Pursuit...you figure out what to do. K.I.T.T. As you wish. ON THE DASH as we see the lights go from Normal to Auto.... ON THE TRANS AM as it moves up towards the two cars, and suddenly turns up onto two wheels and barrels down the narrow alleyway between the two cars.... ON DRIVER ONE as he is so busy staring at what's just gone by him, he fails to negotiate a turn and puts his car through a fence. BACK TO THE TRANS AM as it comes back down onto all fours. INSIDE THE CAR MICHAEL Thanks, Kitt. I needed that.... K.I.T.T. You're welcome. It's so good to be communicating again.... BUDDY Golly...this car even talks. MICHAEL That was just the radio.... BUDDY No, it wasn't...I may be just a kid but I'm not stupid. The car talked to you. MICHAEL Buddy...It might be better if we didn't mention that to a whole lot of people. Like any, if you know what I mean. BUDDY I think I know what you mean. ON THE TRANS AM racing around the track gaining on two more cars. INSIDE ONE OF THE LEAD CARS Logan is looking back into his rearview mirror. LOGAN Hey, Carney? CARNEY in the car next to logan yells back. CARNEY Yeah.... LOGAN I figure this hotshot's trying to horn in on my money that rightly belongs to one of us. You get my drift? CARNEY Loud and clear. Let's give him a little room to get through. The two cars separate allowing Michael to shoot up between them. ON MICHAEL in the car. MICHAEL Now, why are they being so generous? BUDDY They're chicken. MICHAEL I wonder. THE TRANS AM as it shoots up the middle, we see the two cars close the gap, banging in to catch the car in a pinzer. BACK INSIDE THE CAR BUDDY Look out.... Michael hits a button.... ON THE TRANS AM as it leaps over the other two cars. ON THE TWO DRIVERS gaping out and over as the car hits the track in front of them.... CARNEY How'd he do that? LOGAN I don't know...But nobody makes a fool out of me. I'm going to get him. ON LOGAN as he races up behind Michael and begins banging into the back of the car. INSIDE THE TRANS AM BUDDY He can't do that...It's against NASCAR regulations. MICHAEL I don't think this is a regulation race. They get punched again from behind.... BUDDY looks at the various buttons on the console. BUDDY Wow...if that last button made this thing fly...I wonder what this one would do.... Buddy pushes a button. MICHAEL Hey, don't start pushing things. I don't even know what those do. ON THE BACK OF THE TRANS AM to see a pipe reveal itself and begin spewing out a continuous stream of thick oil. ON A CORNER as Logan races up to pass the Trans Am, suddenly hits the oil slick and spins out, doing a one eighty. ON LOGAN LOGAN Hey...what's happening.... ON BUDDY looking back. BUDDY Wow...All right.... CARNEY CARNEY Okay, pal. Now you're up against number one. ON BUDDY BUDDY Here comes the other dirty rat who tried to cut us off.... MICHAEL Just sit tight and don't touch anything. ON BUDDY eyeing Michael warily. Then looking at the buttons, breaking into a smile. INSERT - A BUTTON SMOKE SCREEN ON CARNEY as he races up towards a corner. ON A SMALL FINGER pushing a button. ON A SMOKE SCREEN pouring out of the back of the Trans Am. ON CARNEY CARNEY Hey...I can't see. ON CARNEY'S CAR as it crashes straight ahead, missing a turn, and plowing through a wall. ON THE FLAG MAN as he starts to raise a black flag. ANNOUNCER Oh, oh, ladies and gentlemen, that flashy Trans Am has apparently blown an engine and is about to get the black flag disqualifying it.... INSIDE THE CAR MICHAEL Buddy. Take your finger off that button. Buddy's hand jerks back as if touching a hot stove. ON THE TRANS AM as the smoke abruptly stops. ON THE FLAG MAN looking puzzled. ANNOUNCER An amazing turn of events as the lead car is apparently all right, after all. The flag man scratches his head and puts down the black flag and reaches for the checkered flag. ANNOUNCER We're coming up on the end of the race with only six cars still in the running. ON THE FIGURE-EIGHT INTERSECTION as two competing cars arrive at precisely the same time resulting in a total head-on with both cars skidding off in opposite directions, rolling over and over, clearly out of the race. ANNOUNCER The field has narrowed to but six cars, ladies and gentlemen, and oh, oh...here go two more. ON THE TRANS AM as it heads into a certain collision at the figure-eight. MICHAEL punches up a button.... THE TRANS AM leaps the intersection, vaulting over the other car. ANNOUNCER I saw it ladies and gentlemen, but I don't believe it. Apparently a bump in the road allowed the Trans Am to go airborne, completely escaping certain destruction. ON THE LAST CARS mangled messes, bumping and shoving one another as steam and oil flow from the cars in all directions. ANNOUNCER As a matter of fact ladies and gentle- men, from here, it doesn't look like the Trans Am has a mark on it. BENJAMIN is looking at the track through field binoculars. BENJAMIN That car's incredible, Tanya. I want to know all about that young man. TANYA That makes two of us. As Benjamin exits, Tanya moves over to Wilson, but before she can speak, Michael intercepts her. MICHAEL You just saw what I'm selling. If you want to know more, meet me at the Rising Sun -- tonight -- eight o'clock. Michael walks off and Tanya resumes with Wilson. TANYA What have you found about about him. WILSON He doesn't exist. We've run his credit card numbers from the club, car license...Everything. Up until three months ago, there was no Michael Knight. She looks at Wilson...then back to the track. TANYA Phony credentials don't surprise me. He says he's here to sell me something. WILSON Since when did we go public? TANYA Since I saw that car perform. WILSON It's one thing to sneak out of a development lab with secrets to sell. It's quite another to steal an entire prototype. This smells like a setup. TANYA Did you run his fingerprints? WILSON I don't have them, and in any event that's a fallacy. Fingerprints are only on file if someone has a criminal record. TANYA Or has worked for the government in some law enforcement capacity. WILSON Well, I can only think of one way to get his prints and it could get messy. TANYA I leave it entirely in your hands. IN FRONT OF MAGGIE'S APARTMENT - DAY The Trans Am pulls up to the curb, and almost before it can come to a stop, Maggie's boy is jumping out of the car. MAGGIE Buddy, you come back here and say thank you. BUDDY Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. Knight...I gotta go tell every- body.... On his exit there is a pregnant pause. MICHAEL You don't look very happy. I thought it was a real nice day. MAGGIE Who are you really? MICHAEL A friend. MAGGIE Michael. Do you know what you're up against? I still hurt from the last man who made me feel...I can't go through it again. She reaches over and kisses Michael on the cheek and exits as he stares after her. ON THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN - DAY Michael pulls up and climbs out and enters. INSIDE THE RISING SUN - DAY It is like a scene from an old Western, as the place seems to come to a halt when Michael enters to find himself looking into the faces of all the truck drivers who raced against him. They are a Rogues Gallery of misfits and criminal-types. MICHAEL Hi, fellas. Nice race. DOLAN Let's talk about it outside. MICHAEL Sorry. I'm here to meet a young lady. CARNEY Miss Walker got the message. She sent us to pick you up. MICHAEL Tanya did that? You work for her, too? DOLAN She suggested we show you what we think of outsiders coming into our little town and taking away our prize money. MICHAEL Oh, didn't Tanya tell you, I'm donating it to the charity. CARNEY Yeah, well we've each got a little donation for you, too. MICHAEL Fellas -- I hate to mention this, but I'm kind of heavily into martial arts. They smile. DOLAN Yeah? Reactions as we see Maggie, Lonnie and others gasp as drivers fly through air across tables, out doors, etc. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN ON THE TRANS AM - DAY as it is being towed through the gates of the large modern factory bearing the Logo of Com Tron Industries. ON FRED WILSON - DAY as he exits the office building section in the company of Tanya. They move towards the car which is being towed towards some opening doors in the factory. TANYA I want that car examined from top to bottom. Inside and out. WILSON What's that going to tell us? TANYA Who Michael Knight is working for. WILSON The car is going to tell us that? TANYA Even cars that are specially engineered require stock parts and they have serial numbers. Benjamin's engineers should be able to give us a pretty good idea where the work was done and by whom. ON DEVON INSIDE THE KNIGHT MANSION (SHOT) He is standing at a window, speaking into the telephone with a look of grave disappointment on his face. DEVON You're where? INSIDE THE JAIL - TO INTERCUT (SHOT) Michael is in a holding cell, using the telephone. MICHAEL Jail. But it's a trumped up charge. DEVON It always is. MICHAEL Look, I'm dead serious. These people we're after are practically running the town. DEVON Where is the Knight 2000? MICHAEL I...I'm not sure. DEVON What do you mean you're not sure. Mr. Knight practically went to his grave creating that marvelous machine. How can you call me long distance and tell me you've misplaced it. MICHAEL I didn't misplace it. They impounded it. The trouble is, I think Com Tron talked the Sheriff into letting them check the car out. DEVON Congratulations. You've managed to live up to my every expectation. MICHAEL This is no time to be trading insults, Devon. What are we going to do. DEVON Wonderful. Now it's we. A few hours ago you practically drove over my foot to be on your own. MICHAEL I was a little hasty. Deke moves up. DEKE Your time's up, boy. Let's get back to the cell. MICHAEL I'm counting on you, Devon. We've got 'em right where we want 'em if you come through. DEVON It'll take me awhile to get there. We may have to rely on other...means, temporarily. MICHAEL What do you mean by that. Devon... Devon...Hey you guys cut me off... I demand another phone call. Deke opens the holding cell door and stands impatiently. IN AN ORDINARY CELL BLOCK - NIGHT Michael is deposited in a cell adjacent to a second cell in which we see Carney who was arrested in the same brawl. Deke turns and walks away as Carney moves to the bars between the two cells. CARNEY Hey, cowboy. Michael folds onto his bed. CARNEY Hey. I'm talking to you. I want to know what that machine of yours is made of. MICHAEL Sit and spin. OMITTED EXT. COM TRON - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING INT. GARAGE - ON THE TRANS AM as a team of auto experts buzz around the machine like a swarm of bees. Unfortunately, nothing is getting accom- plished. A man on the door is trying to drive a crowbar into the door. A second man, assisted by a third is attempting to penetrate the hood with a diamond bit drill. Two more crewmen with acetylene torches are trying to burn their way into the car through the windows and trunk. ON TANYA watching impatiently. SYMES We've gone through three diamond bit drills. TANYA It's impossible. Just plain impossible. WILSON arrives hurriedly. WILSON Maybe I can explain it. He hands a wire to Tanya.... TANYA I don't understand what this means. WILSON The Sheriff fingerprinted Knight when he was arrested. These are the results. TANYA What does this mean? No identification possible. WILSON Keep reading.... She reads on, then suddenly pales. TANYA Altered? WILSON Expertly done. But still not the man's own prints. Tanya moves off to herself. TANYA It's unraveling. Someone on a very high level is breathing down our necks. It's time to get out. WILSON A few days from penetrating all of Com Tron's secrets? TANYA We can go for the main one. I got the access code for the bubble memory chip from Benjamin. It's worth more than all their other patents combined. We can get it out of the computer and fly out tonight. WILSON Tanya...You're panicking over nothing. If he had any proof of anything, he wouldn't be wasting time in demoliton derbies or letting himself get locked up. He'd tell the Sheriff why he was here. TANYA Trust me, I could feel it when I looked into his eyes. He's not an ordinary cop. He's far more dangerous. He has to be eliminated. (a long pause) Now go get Michael Knight out of jail while I start clearing out the records. ON THE JAIL - NIGHT CARNEY You're just making it worse. This your first time in the can? MICHAEL No. I used to nose around for Army Intelligence back in 'Nam. I got caught once by the Cong. CARNEY What happened to you? MICHAEL I had to punish them. Carney nods...then does a take, looking at his cellmate with a new kind of respect. CARNEY I hope you didn't take what we did to you tonight, personally. MICHAEL No. You look like you already paid a pretty good price. CARNEY You got any friends on the outside at all? I mean you did make the one call, but no one seems to have shown up. MICHAEL I have one friend. CARNEY That's good. MICHAEL But we aren't on the best of terms. CARNEY That's bad. INSIDE THE FACTORY - ON THE TRANS AM as the light hoods shift up and the lights flash on. We push in closer and hear the powerful engine turn over. INSIDE THE CAR - ON THE NORMAL DASH We see the dash convert to Super. Then we see the micro- processor shift from normal to pursuit. The brake lights go out as the transmission light shifts to low gear. INT. GARAGE (SHOT) as the car burns rubber and lurches forward. ON THE GARAGE DOORS (SHOT) as they shatter into the sky and come bounding down in the wake of the Trans Am which disappears off into the night. BACK INSIDE THE JAIL - NIGHT Michael moves from the window to lie on his cot. MICHAEL The other drivers. The ones that beat me up. They local boys? CARNEY Naw. We all got hired by Wilson, the new security chief. I heard about it in stir as I was getting my parole. They pay good and you don't have to break too many laws. MICHAEL Sounds great. Ever wonder why a nice polite electronics company needed strong-arm boys? CARNEY I don't ask questions like that. OMITTED ON THE TRANS AM as it cruises slowly down main street. It stops at the entrance to the alley. EXT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE - NIGHT as a Com Tron security car pulls up in front and Wilson gets out leaving Gray at the wheel. He enters the building. ON THE SUPER DASH (SHOT) as microprocessors are sensing directions and opportunities. Lights change and the Trans Am turns down the alley. Suddenly it stops...guns its engine and hauls for all its worth towards a brick building at the end of the alley. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) His eyes are shut. IN THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE (SHOT) WILSON Deputy. I have a court order for Mr. Knight's release. DEKE Okay...I guess he's yours. BACK ON MICHAEL (SHOT) He rolls over, his back to the window. Suddenly his eyes open as he hears the screaming whine of an engine growing louder and closer. Suddenly: THE WALL BEHIND MICHAEL (SHOT) explodes, sending bricks everywhere. IN THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE (SHOT) Deke, Wilson, react, as dust drops in from the ceiling. WILSON What the hell was that? Deke turns to rush back to the cell block. Wilson looks and races after the deputy. BACK IN THE JAIL CELL (SHOT) Michael climbs out from under a layer of red chalk and stares in disbelief. MICHAEL I don't believe it. CARNEY Must be a drunk. See if he hurt himself. Michael climbs across the bricks to the door and opens it. The front seat is empty. MICHAEL I won't even ask how you did this, Kitt. CARNEY Who you talking to? There's nobody in there. The deputy rushes up to the door, Wilson behind him. DEKE Hey...what in the.... With that Michael jumps into the machine and throws it into reverse, roaring back into the alley. EXT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE - NIGHT as the Trans Am brodies out into the main street and flashes past Gray as Wilson rushes out and jumps into his car. Gray spins a fast U-turn and takes off in pursuit. OMITTED ON THE TRANS AM screaming down the dark highway. ON THE SECURITY VEHICLE as it tries vainly to catch up. INSIDE THE SECURITY VEHICLE WILSON It isn't any use trying to catch that machine. GRAY Then how do we stop him? He's got to be heading out of town. There's nothing else out this way. WILSON Oh, yes there is. ON COM TRON INDUSTRIES - NIGHT situated handsomely amongst its well-manicured grounds, illuminated only by exterior ground lights. Only the executive floor is lighted with a single car out on the parking lot. THE TRANS AM pulls into the parking lot and moves up beside the single vehicle in front of which we see the sign: TANYA WALKER MICHAEL looks up at the lighted top floor and a security fence which surrounds the building. He drives on around the side of the building. ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING Michael looks up. It's a long way to the roof and the fence whose top is laced with razor wire prohibits any intruders with a bent for climbing. MICHAEL examines the Super dash. MICHAEL Now how am I going to get up there? It's times like this that I wish I'd listened a little more closely to Devon. K.I.T.T. Might you entertain a suggestion? Michael takes a deep breath. MICHAEL Yes...yes. It's all right. I have to get up to a roof about one hundred feet straight up! K.I.T.T. Very well, if you'll set the pressure adjustment for precisely six hundred pounds, you should land quite gently. MICHAEL That's it. I just set the pressure and hit the button? K.I.T.T. It would help if you also open the sun roof. MICHAEL Smart aleck car.... Michael quickly sets the button and opens the roof. He takes a deep breath and pushes the button. ON MICHAEL as he is catapulted high into the air and onto the roof. ON A NIGHT WATCHMAN who steps out of a door and looks around. He spots the car and quickly runs toward it. ON THE SUNROOF as we see it slowly closing on its own. THE GUARD rushes up and looks at the vehicle. He tries it, then grabs his walkie-talkie. GUARD You guys aren't going to believe this, but it's back. IN THE GARAGE portion of the building where the shattered doors are bathed in lights as guards stand gaping at the damage done by the missing vehicle. Tanya grabs the walkie-talkie from the Guard and barks into it. TANYA What do you mean, it's back? Back where? ON THE GUARD GUARD Right out here on the south parking lot. TANYA looks at the assorted guards around her and charges out the door. INSIDE THE OFFICE BUILDING An air duct is pulled up, and Michael Knight lowers himself to the floor. He moves to the nearest desk, looks amongst the directories in a file stand and opens one marked Com Tron Industries. MICHAEL Let's see. Data Processing. Ninth floor. Michael turns and hurries to a staircase and down into the darkness. ON THE TRANS AM as all the guards try in vain to open the car. Headlights suddenly bathe the scene in light as the security car races to a stop. TANYA Where's Knight? WILSON I dunno. He busted out of jail. TANYA You think he's here? Wilson turns and looks up at the lighted executive suite on the top floor. WILSON There's no way he could get in. Not without being seen. TANYA How much do you want to stake on that? I'm going back up and secure the microchip design. You give the guards orders to shoot to kill. This is a serious breach of national security. Tanya enters the building as.... WILSON You heard her, gentlemen. We've got a man in that building trying to get at our top secrets. We've got to stop him. (turning to a guard) You stay by this vehicle and shoot anyone who attempts to come near it. Wilson removes the gun from his shoulder and cocks it and takes off on the dead run. OMITTED TANYA enters the office, punches an identification code into a desk top computer as the phone rings. She answers. TANYA It's okay. I've accessed the design specifications on the new memory chip. I'll be leaving for the airfield now. Alert the pilot -- I'm flying out on Benjamin's orders. You get Knight and meet me at the field. She hangs up and reaches for her gun which is lying on the desk. As she does so.... MICHAEL'S HAND reaches under her arm and picks up the gun. She spins around, startled half out of her wits. He looks at her with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. MICHAEL Very kind of you to organize the evidence for me, Tanya. TANYA Look. Don't do this. Whoever you're working for -- it can't be worth what I can do for you. He raises the gun to her face. MICHAEL Would you rather I did this, Tanya? It's not a starry night in Nevada, but it'll hurt just as much. She pales. TANYA Michael Long?... ON TANYA She gasps. FADE OUT END OF ACT FIVE ACT SIX FADE IN IN THE OFFICE TANYA You don't want to do this. Look, I can share millions with you. All the money we took out of Consolidated and Knight Industries is safely out of the country. Please don't do this...please. Michael lowers the gun almost imperceptibly. Tanya takes it as a sign of weakening and presses her case. TANYA I didn't want to hurt you, Michael, but I had no choice. If I hadn't done it, Wilson would have. Those were his orders. MICHAEL Come on, Tanya. How can we share the millions if someone else is giving the orders? You're the boss, Tanya. No one else. TANYA Okay. I'm the boss. But we could use someone like you. (seductively) I promise you ours would be a very rewarding partnership. OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER We can see Symes in the corridor, moving towards the suite, his gun drawn. MICHAEL Not this time, Tanya. You see, I work alone. Standing close to him, he holds the gun at her belly. Suddenly Michael catches a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eyes. He dives as a shot rings out spinning him around. FROM THE FLOOR Michael fires at Symes who is himself firing while going down. Recovering first, Michael races for a door as Tanya rises up and races towards the fallen Symes. She grabs the gun and fires it into the door after Michael. Slowly she moves to the door and opens it. ON AN EMPTY CORRIDOR Tanya spins around and races for the elevator. ON WILSON running down a corridor. He stops as a Guard rounds the corner surprising him. WILSON Where'd the shot some from? GUARD I couldn't tell. WILSON Get every guard to check in. OMITTED IN A THIRD FLOOR CORRIDOR Michael rushes towards a stairwell, starts down, then jumps back at the sound of voices coming towards him. GUARD #1 I'll take Personnel. You take Accounting. Michael ducks back into an office alcove as a guard rounds the corner. His hand suddenly shoots out and grabs the man by the mouth and pulls him back into the alcove. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT as Tanya exits, jumps into her car and takes off. ON A GUARD racing down a corridor. ON ANOTHER GUARD in the garage area. ON MICHAEL as he steps out of the alcove in a guard's uniform. IN A STAIRWELL as Michael struggles hurriedly down. Suddenly his walkie- talkie squawks. GUARD #1 Nothing in Personnel. What about you Baker?...Baker...Baker.... Michael looks down at his nameplate. MICHAEL Nothing. ON WILSON standing with another guard. Symes rushes up. WILSON That wasn't Baker. ON THE PARKING LOT A Guard paces by the Trans Am as across from him a silhouette appears at one of the doors. A figure exits. The Guard raises his weapon. MICHAEL Don't shoot. It's Baker.... The Guard is momentarily fooled by the uniform, but he relaxes only slightly, squinting against the back-lighted man in uniform. GUARD #2 What's going on? MICHAEL Wilson wants you upstairs. As Michael is almost close enough to make a move...the walkie-talkie on his side begins to squawk. WILSON All guards be aware that Baker's uniform has been stolen. Repeat... suspect is now wearing a guard's uniform.... GUARD #2 Hold it right there, Knight. Holding the weapon in one hand and raising his own walkie- talkie with the other, he chortles into his instrument. GUARD #2 I got him. Dead in my sights. Right out here by his car. ON WILSON as he turns, excitedly inside the building. WILSON Don't let him move so much as an inch and you've got yourself ten thousand dollars, boy... (then to Symes) Let's go. GUARD #2 Yes sir. BACK TO THE GUARD AND MICHAEL GUARD #2 You almost made it...But I was too smart for you, fella. MICHAEL Sorry. You'd better look behind you. GUARD #2 Oh no. There's no one behind me for two hundred yards. MICHAEL What about the car? GUARD #2 There's no one in the car, either. I checked. Michael nods silently. Then.... ON THE TRANS AM as the headlights suddenly snap on and the engine starts. ON THE GUARD as his knees weaken and his mouth falls open. GUARD #2 Don't kill me. I have dogs at home and a sick mother. MICHAEL Just lay right down and toss your weapon over here. He falls to the ground and hurls his weapon. Michael picks it up as guards led by Wilson and Symes race out of the building. MICHAEL turns and moves painfully to the car...touches the lock. It opens to his touch. He enters...backs up and spins around, races off. WILSON You idiot. How'd you let him get away? GUARD #2 He had help. There musta been dozens of 'em. WILSON Get to the cars. And alert the two guarding the driveway. ON THE TWO SECURITY CARS AT THE DRIVEWAY as the Trans Am races towards the entrance without slowing. The guards in both cars hold their guns steady, and commence firing, round after round. INSIDE THE TRANS AM Ping, ping, ping, as the two cars loom up less than thirty yards ahead. ON THE CARS as at the last possible moment, the security guards leap out of their vehicles narrowly making it to safety as the two cars explode sending flames high in the sky. BACK TO WILSON AND SYMES driving looking at the entrance in disgust. WILSON Forget trying to catch him in security cars. There's only one way to stop him now. Wilson turns and hurries towards the building. ON THE HIGHWAY The Trans Am races along. INSIDE THE CAR (SHOT) Michael is faltering behind the wheel. MICHAEL Kitt? You there? K.I.T.T. Where would I go? MICHAEL Look, I know we've had some misunder- standings, but I'm not sure I'm going to be around at the end of this trip. K.I.T.T. If you're suffering from any form of trauma, you should seek immediate medical attention. MICHAEL We can't stop, pal. They're going to be coming at us from all directions. K.I.T.T. What can I do? MICHAEL Is there any way to get in touch with Devon? K.I.T.T. Mr. Devon is en route to Millston now. You could communicate quite easily by phone. MICHAEL Do it. Do it fast. ON THE KNIGHT 2000 JET (SHOT) streaking through the night sky. ON DEVON seated in an executive interior. A veritable war room. DEVON What in the name of heaven is going on? TO INTERCUT WITH MICHAEL IN THE TRANS AM He speaks without using a hand phone and fights off dizzyness. MICHAEL They were going to kill me. Would have if it weren't for Kitt. DEVON Michael. What's wrong? Kitt. What's wrong with Michael? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid Mr. Knight's been injured. His vital signs are deteriorating rapidly. He's losing blood. I really feel I should take over. MICHAEL You aren't taking over anything. You hear? DEVON Michael...Forget everything. Save yourself. We'll regroup to fight another day. Remember -- Wilton Knight had a dream for you that goes well beyond Tanya and her sordid rabble. MICHAEL He was a great man, Devon. I'm proud he chose me to help him. But I'm afraid I'm not going to be around to help with his dream. DEVON Michael, don't talk like that. Kitt!! K.I.T.T. What can I do? He's still overriding me. MICHAEL Don't worry Devon, I'm going to take us out winners -- for Wilton, for you -- for Kitt.... DEVON Kitt? K.I.T.T. Given his signs, I suggest you hear him out -- quickly. DEVON Michael, what does this mean? What have you learned? MICHAEL That Tanya and her buddies are about to rip-off Com Tron. DEVON Can you prove it? MICHAEL Right now they're trying to get away with millions of dollars worth of Com Tron's secrets. We have to catch them in possession. DEVON I'll contact the local police immediately. MICHAEL Forget them. They've been bought. Get to the State Police or the FBI. Have them standing by. DEVON Standing by where? MICHAEL They're making a run for it. To the airport. I'm going after them. DEVON Kitt. Can he make it? K.I.T.T. You want the truth -- in front of him? MICHAEL You can both take a flying leap -- If I'm going out -- I'm taking those vultures with me. DEVON Michael -- Michael -- I forbid it. You'll destroy everything. K.I.T.T. Listen to him, Michael. He's not just talking about me. OMITTED IN A COM TRON HELICOPTER Wilson is in the passenger seat beside Gray who is piloting the bird. Wilson calmly talks into the headset. WILSON This is Chief of Security Wilson. Patch me into Com Tron truck dis- patch. I want everything we've got on the road to stand by for special insructions. BACK IN THE TRANS AM - NIGHT racing through the night. Michael trying to hang on. DEVON Michael, are you there? Kitt? K.I.T.T. He's still conscious, sir and insisting on maintaining control of the vehicle. MICHAEL And that's another thing that gripes me. DEVON What's that? MICHAEL I don't want to have anything to do with a car that takes off on its own. That can listen to my thoughts and make its own decisions. DEVON You're giving it far too much credit. MICHAEL I don't think so. I can see myself out on a dance floor sometime and my car comes up and cuts in on me. K.I.T.T. Amusing, but not factual. DEVON It's all right, Kitt. Keep him talking. MICHAEL Anything to keep me awake, Kitt...to keep me angry.... POINT OF VIEW - A GIANT SEMITRUCK AND TRAILER (SHOT) is racing towards an intersection. The logo on the truck reads Com Tron Industries. MICHAEL MICHAEL Great. Just great.... DEVON What is it? MICHAEL I just figured out how they intend to keep me from getting to the airport. Michael slows down to a stop as he sees the semi's next move as it moves into the intersecting highway. THE SEMI (SHOT) stops, completely blocking the intersection. ON THE TRUCK DRIVER (SHOT) as he looks out his window smiling and we recognize him as Dolan, one of the drivers who gave Michael such a beating. DOLAN Come on, big shot. Come to papa. ON MICHAEL (SHOT) MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, here goes nothing. K.I.T.T. With all due respect, you aren't possibly considering.... Michael floors it. K.I.T.T. Oh my word, you are. ON THE TRANS AM (SHOT) as it accelerates towards the intersection, faster, faster.... ON DOLAN (SHOT) as his look turns sour.... DRIVER Hey...is he nuts?... ON THE TRANS AM (SHOT) as it hits a dip in the road and goes airborne, directly into the logo on the side of the truck. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRUCK (SHOT) as the Trans Am exits and continues on up the highway leaving a gaping hole in its wake. MICHAEL MICHAEL I gotta admit. This car is something. K.I.T.T. Bold of you. MICHAEL Don't rile me, Kitt. Don't rile me. K.I.T.T. But that's the whole idea. Your condition should improve drastically when you get angry. ON DOLAN (SHOT) as he stares back at his trailer in disbelief. INSIDE THE CAL TRON HELICOPTER WILSON Dolan. Dolan. Did you get him? DOLAN'S VOICE I blocked the road and cut him off. WILSON Good work. DOLAN But he went right through my trailer. WILSON Have you been drinking? DOLAN Not yet, but I plan on it. You aren't going to stop that thing. POINT OF VIEW OF THE CAR from the copter. BACK TO WILSON WILSON Attention all drivers. Anybody wanting a fifteen thousand dollar bonus is to smash that Trans Am head on. Do you hear me? Head on. He's currently moving north on Highway 17. RED This is truck forty-one coming up 17 and you're nuts. What good is fifteen thousand dollars if you're dead? WILSON Jump clear, you idiot. Just be sure you level that Trans Am. OMITTED INSIDE THE TRANS AM RED Forget it. WILSON'S VOICE Make it twenty-five thousand to the first man that nails him head on. Michael reacts to the radio. MICHAEL Did you hear that, Devon? DEVON I'm afraid so. MICHAEL Well? You know what Kitt can do. Can he do it? K.I.T.T. Yes, can I? DEVON I can't recall having put him to that precise test. MICHAEL Great. K.I.T.T. I suggest we'd better reach the airport before we reach the truck. MICHAEL You know something? I think you're right. OMITTED ON THE TRANS AM racing along the highway.... OMITTED ON THE COM TRON TRUCK (SHOT) racing along the highway in the opposite direction. ON THE COM TRON HELICOPTER WILSON Where are you, forty-one? DRIVER #2'S VOICE Just coming up to the airport turnoff. OMITTED INSIDE THE HELICOPTER WILSON I see you. You've got him. He's just over the next rise. Wilson smiles at Gray (pilot) next to him. The pilot takes a shotgun from its rack and places it in a handy position. GRAY Just in case he gets by. WILSON No one survives a head-on collision with a semi. Wilson smiles securely. BACK ON THE TRANS AM barrelling down the highway. MICHAEL We should be seeing him any minute. ON THE TRUCK - FROM MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW coming in the opposite direction. DRIVER #2'S VOICE I got him in sight. He's coming over the rise now. ON WILSON IN THE HELICOPTER WILSON Remember, twenty-five thousand big ones if you nail him. DRIVER #2 Consider him nailed. INT. CAR - NIGHT K.I.T.T. Mr. Knight. This is foolhardy. I really must assume control. ON THE PANEL as we see the light go from manual to automatic. MICHAEL Negative. I'm driving this machine. Michael pushes the manual button back in. The light reverts to manual control. K.I.T.T. Mr. Devon. Michael is in no condition to be making decisions. ON DEVON DEVON Kitt, I'm afraid so long as he is in the driver's seat and conscious, we have no choice. K.I.T.T. An absurd set of circumstances. MICHAEL Too bad, Kitt. But the guy who designed you believed in the strength of the individual. We may have to put it to the test. ON WILSON looking down. WILSON He isn't stopping. GRAY Man's nuts. WILSON I hope so. OMITTED INSIDE THE TRANS AM MICHAEL Any last thoughts, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I wish you hadn't put it that way. ON THE SCENE The Trans Am coming from the left. The truck from the right. Closer...closer...closer.... Intercut: POINT OF VIEW FROM COPTER as it lights the scene as the truck and car hurtle towards each other. Closer and closer. We reveal an intersection with a left turn towards the airport. It's even money which vehicle will make it first. Intercut: THE CAR AND TRUCK CLOSING FROM BOTH POINTS OF VIEW POINT OF VIEW FROM THE COPTER as the two vehicles close, the car at the last possible moment swings left up the airport road as the truck hurtles by. INT. CAR - NIGHT MICHAEL Now that's about as close as it can get. K.I.T.T. Tell me about it. OMITTED AERIAL VIEW OF MICHAEL'S CAR weaving up the airport road. ON WILSON WILSON Take her down. It's up to us. ON THE TRANS AM as it continues on the road. ON MICHAEL as he continues trying to hold himself together as he continues towards the airport. ON THE HELICOPTER as it drops to running parallel and very close to the car and Wilson lifts the shotgun and fires point blank at Michael's head through the open side of the copter. ON THE WINDOW as the myriad lethal pellets ricochet back into the chopper. INSERT - SMOKE pouring out of the chopper. GRAY WILSON He hit us -- GRAY No, you hit us! WILSON Shut up and make another pass. GRAY You want to make another pass. You jump out. We'll be lucky to make the airport. EXT. AIRPORT - NIGHT Tanya's car slams to a stop next to the whining jet, as the chopper lands. TANYA You get 'im? WILSON Does it look like it? Roll this machine. TANYA Not until I finish Michael Knight. She suddenly reacts: HER POINT OF VIEW of the rapidly approaching distant headlights of the Trans Am. BACK TO SCENE as Wilson and Gray dash towards the jet, physically grabbing Tanya. As the hatch closes the jet starts to roll out. THE TRANS AM as it screams through the airport gates towards the runway. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW OF THE JET taxiing fast. INT. CAR - CLOSE ON MICHAEL bathed in a cold sweat. K.I.T.T. Better let me take over. Your reflexes can't handle it. MICHAEL It's two out in the bottom of the ninth, Kitt. I'll finish the game. K.I.T.T. I'll bet nobody talks that way to Tommy Lasorda. WIDE SHOT As the jet reaches the end of the runway and swings around for take-off, Michael swings the car towards the plane and aims toward it. They are both starting towards each other from virtually opposite ends of the field. INTERCUT 1. Michael's point of view of the approaching jet. 2. The Pilot's point of view of the approaching car. OMITTED CLOSE ON THE CAR as it closes with the jet's wingtip. THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER as the car reaches and tears off the jet's wingtip as the rest of the wing explodes. WIDE SHOT as the car turns off as the plane does a 180 and comes to a stop, the burning wing o.c. The door opens and Tanya, Wilson and Gray stumble out followed by the crew as the plane blows up in the b.g. As sirens begin to be heard in the distance: WILSON Run for the hangar -- we've got to find another way out. ON TANYA as she cold-bloodedly starts across the apron towards a pair of closing headlights, slowly removing the gun from her fur coat pocket, the same gun she used to forever destroy Michael Long. TANYA I'll get you a way out of here, that nothing can stop. GRAY Tanya, come back here. THE TRANS AM screeches to a halt. Michael Knight looks out through half-opened eyes. TANYA raises the gun to the side window at point blank range. TANYA You lose, Michael! MICHAEL No Tanya, don't.... WILSON The windows are --- Tanya smiles and fires. Michael grimaces. Tanya's hands clutch her once beautiful face. ANGLE ON THE GATE as three police cars, sirens screaming and red lights flashing, pour onto the runway. INT. CAR - NIGHT - MICHAEL looks down with empty satisfaction. MICHAEL It's done, Kitt. And now it's all yours. He passes out. There is a short beat as we see steam pouring out from under the hood. ANGLE ON THE SUPER DASH as the car shifts from manual to automatic. EXT. CAR - NIGHT as it slowly drives off as the police stare after it. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING - STOCK CLOSE ON EMERGENCY ENTRANCE as the car slowly pulls up to a stop, the horn honks and the door opens to reveal Michael. Michael stirs and comes to slightly. MICHAEL Where are we? K.I.T.T. Emergency hospital. They should be able to take care of you. MICHAEL Thanks. K.I.T.T. While you're in there, see if they've got room for me. MICHAEL What's your problem? K.I.T.T. Acute exhaustion. He honks again as a couple of attendants come out, discover Michael, load him in a gurney and rush him inside. There's a beat, then the door closes and the car slowly moves out of frame. Hold on emergency room doors as we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT SIX TAG FADE IN EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK OMITTED EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY A nurse is rewrapping Michael's bandages as Michael stands next to his hospital bed. MAGGIE Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL Well I'm a little stiff and sore but the Doc says I'm mobile. MAGGIE I don't know what I'm going to do with Buddy now that you're leaving. MICHAEL I'd keep him. He's a pretty good kid. MAGGIE You know what I mean. He needs a man. I can see that. I thought I could just go on not caring.... MICHAEL ...and not looking? MAGGIE Stupid, huh? Here I had a prime candidate right under my nose and I chased him away. MICHAEL Don't consider it a permanent condition. MAGGIE You mean that? I mean, you might come back to see us? MICHAEL Tell Buddy it's a promise. Michael leans over and kisses Maggie who tears up. MAGGIE You know Buddy was hoping you'd take him for one last ride in your car. MICHAEL Well that might be a small problem.... DISSOLVE TO CLOSE ON DEVON (SHOT) driving the Trans Am. DEVON Only you could have put a dent in that machine. Pull back to reveal that the Trans Am is being towed through the gates of the airport towards a ramp, leading up into a waiting truck bearing the logo, KNIGHT INDUSTRIES. MICHAEL Hey. Nothing's perfect. When do I get it back? DEVON Who said anything about getting it back? MICHAEL Devon. It's my car. I have the registration. DEVON We'll have to talk about that! The tow truck comes to a stop. Michael and Devon climb out as workers, wearing the Knight Industries logo, begin pre- paring the car to be winched up into the waiting semi. OMITTED ON THE LEAR JET as it streaks off into the air. INSIDE THE JET MICHAEL Now then, about my car. DEVON Well, simply stated, Wilton Knight was my friend as well as my employer. It's my legacy to see that his final dream is faithfully pursued, like it or not. (beat) You on the other hand, have no such obligation, your options are still open. You don't have to.... MICHAEL Devon. The old man wanted me. It was his dying request. DEVON Yes, of course. To rid the world of Tanya and her friends -- The rest of his dream would bore you to tears -- just a sort of insignificant foundation. MICHAEL Tell me about it, Devon -- Tell me about the foundation. What's it for? DEVON For law and justice. But largely paperwork. The major part of our activity involves legal research, class action suits, strictly bureaucratic.... MICHAEL What else, Devon? DEVON What else? MICHAEL The part he wanted me for. The truth! DEVON The truth. Well, Mr. Knight also believed that there are certain situations in which direct action might provide the only feasible solution. That's what the Knight 2000 was designed for. The pilot program is to consist of one man and one car. Absurd really -- who'd want to take that on --- MICHAEL I was supposed to be that man, wasn't I? DEVON Well, I --- MICHAEL The truth. DEVON He did seem to feel you were singu- larly well qualified to go it 'alone' as he put it. But!!! MICHAEL But, what? DEVON Who could expect it of you? I mean you barely came through this mis- adventure with your life -- not to mention the damage to the Knight 2000. MICHAEL I don't have any more choice than you do, Devon. DEVON You don't? MICHAEL Think about it. I've spent years knocking my head against criminals of one type or another who've always had the upper hand. Now this. DEVON Now what? MICHAEL The answer! A loner's dream. I've had it all handed to me on a silver platter. A completely free hand. The world's most fantastic car. All the money and resources of the Knight Foundation, and most of all, the best chance I'll ever get to prove that one man really can make a difference. DEVON An admiral ambition in theory -- however.... MICHAEL I don't think we're ever going to get along too well, Devon. But you're straight and you're honest. And you know I'm what Wilton Knight wanted. So you've got no choice about me. Not until I decide to leave. And that may be a long time coming. After all -- I gave Mr. Knight my word on his deathbed. Devon nods in resignation and pours a couple of drinks. DEVON I was afraid that might be your attitude. He hands Michael a glass. DEVON Well, shall we drink to what could be the start of.... MICHAEL (interrupting lightly) Of what? DEVON Of one man's dream. MICHAEL And to our future! No matter who it may take us up against -- or where. Devon nods. For once they are in complete agreement. As they touch glasses: FREEZE FRAME THE END