EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57305 R. A. Cinader August 6, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer Rev. 8/10/82 (F.R.) Steven E. de Souza Rev. 8/19/82 (F.R.) Rev. 8/20/82 (F.R.) Rev. 8/23/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER DEADLY MANEUVERS by William Schmidt & Bob Shayne Contributing Writer: Steven E. de Souza ___________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. CAMP ENGLEHART - MUNITIONS COMPOUND - NIGHT surrounded by fencing. A single light casts long shadows across the expanse of concrete and catwalks. Two bull-necked sentries pass by on their rounds. They are Corporals Mank and Cotler. We hold on this area after they pass. Col. Earnest T. Ladd, a handsome officer in his late fifties, slips around the corner...enters the main building. OMITTED INT. BUILDING - NIGHT It's a long cavernous tunnel. Ladd moves cautiously down it, reaches the first turn in the tunnel. Ladd looks around. There are boxes and crates everywhere. He moves forward... draws back as Sergeant Ray Perkins, lean, mean, in his thirties...passes by close to the camera. Perkins goes around a corner to an area illuminated by an overhead light. Ladd -- and we -- can't see what he's doing, but it makes a fair amount of noise. Ladd moves ahead cautiously...stops as his hand bumps into something. He turns on a small flashlight. INT. BUILDING - LADD'S POINT OF VIEW He has bumped into an open can of blue paint. Brushes and other paint cans are evident. BACK TO SCENE Ladd shines the light on his hand, which has blue paint on it. LADD (whispering) Oh, no. My God, no! He wipes the paint on his pants, then hurries to the window. He slips out of the building. OMITTED BY FENCE Ladd sticks the flashlight in his pocket, starts over the fence. Halfway up, the flashlight drops to the ground. THE FLASHLIGHT falls on a metal drum. In the still of the night, the clang is loud...and dangerous. THE SENTRIES Turn at the sound. One hits an alarm button, then they rush off. INT. BUILDING Sergeant Perkins is wiping blue paint off his hands when the alarm goes off. He tosses the rag aside, runs out. EXT. MUNITIONS COMPOUND Ladd jumps into a Jeep, roars off into the night. A moment later, Cotler and Mank pull up in another Jeep. Perkins runs out of the building. PERKINS He was inside! Did you see who it was? PERKINS (shaking his head) Does it matter? We gotta stop him. Perkins junps into the Jeep. They roar off. EXT. MILITARY BASE - NIGHT as the three soldiers chase their superior officer. Ladd drives desperately, but cooly. From time to time, he looks down at his blue-stained hands. In the other Jeep, Mank drives while Perkins takes Cotler's M-16, aims it. He begins firing on automatic. INT. LADD'S JEEP Ladd ducks as bullets whizz by over his head. He swerves all over the road. The other Jeep comes closer...closer.... CUT TO OMITTED A BUSY FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY stretching into the desert. The highway is crowded with travellers and truckers. From o.s., we hear: MICHAEL'S VOICE Okay...okay...whoa! A close one! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, slow down! You're going to crash! MICHAEL'S VOICE I can handle it, Kitt! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE But you're approaching a dangerous curve...your chance of survival is less than .04 percent! MICHAEL'S VOICE Will you stop with the odds? I'm okay...I'm.... Suddenly we hear the sounds of skidding tires, screeching brakes. CLOSE ON MONITOR SCREEN IN THE KNIGHT 2000 A simulated car crashes on the screen, with accompanying sounds of destruction. Then the screen reads, "SORRY - YOU'RE DEAD!" and a miniature cross springs up where the car used to be. As we pull back, we see that Michael isn't driving...K.I.T.T. is (red scanner and all). Michael has an Atari-type control hooked up to the monitor. It's one of the "Auto Race" games. K.I.T.T. Sorry, Michael. That makes it forty-two to three...my favor. Michael tosses the control aside, leans back in his seat, arms behind his head. MICHAEL Yeah, well, these computer things are all a waste of time. K.I.T.T. Ahem. MICHAEL Oh...present company excluded, of course. Michael looks out the window at --- OMITTED MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW At the side of the highway is a broken down compact car. Inside is a very pretty woman of about twenty-five, dressed in Army uniform. She is trying to turn over the engine, but only gets a grinding noise. INT. KNIGHT 2000 As it passes the car, Michael reaches under the dash, hits a control. MICHAEL Go to manual, Kitt. We're stopping. K.I.T.T. Really? Why? Is there a young lady in the vicinity? MICHAEL (suspicious) How'd you know that? Your perimeter scanners weren't on. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael. You're so pre- dictable. BY DISABLED CAR The Knight 2000 pulls to a stop and Michael climbs out. Robin looks up from the car. On closer inspection, she is even prettier, though irritated. MICHAEL Hi. Need a little help, Lieutenant? ROBIN No. (beat) I need a lot of help. Michael grins, extends a hand. MICHAEL Michael Knight. ROBIN I'm Robin Ladd. MICHAEL What's the problem? ROBIN It won't go. MICHAEL You don't have to get technical.... Michael opens the hood. Billows of smoke pour out. MICHAEL (after a moment) You're right...It won't go. He steps back until the smoke clears, peers inside. MICHAEL You got a bad hose...It's totally shot. Where are you headed? ROBIN The Englehart Army Base. MICHAEL I'm going right past it. Put your gear in my car. ROBIN Thank you! Robin goes to the trunk of her car, gets luggage. Michael goes to Kitt, gets in. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, it's our day to join the Traveler's Aid. We're going to give the lady a lift. K.I.T.T. What about her vehicle? MICHAEL We'll have to tow it in. He starts to get back out. Before he can: K.I.T.T. What do you mean, 'we'? Michael shuts the door quickly. Robin looks up only for a second. K.I.T.T. Did I hear wrong, or did you say 'tow?' MICHAEL Sure, tow. You know, we connect her car onto.... K.I.T.T. Me? Michael, I was not designed to be a...tow truck. I have numerous complex systems which could be adversely affected. MICHAEL Oh, come on, Kitt. You're built like a brick...garage. He gets out of the car to help Robin with her bags. K.I.T.T. Michael! OMITTED EXT. CAR RENTAL AGENCY - DAY as an attendant disconnects Robin's car from K.I.T.T. Robin signs a form, then gets into K.I.T.T. with Michael. They drive away. INT. KNIGHT 2000 - DAY Michael and Robin have become very relaxed with each other. ROBIN What brings you to our neck of the desert? MICHAEL Oh, work. ROBIN What kind of work? MICHAEL Something like...insurance. (changing the subject) Have you been away for a long time? ROBIN Two years...in Germany. It's funny ...when I was just an Army brat in the post school, Englehart was my home...this time it's my assignment. MICHAEL Army brat, huh? Was Mom an officer, too? ROBIN (smiling) No, Dad...and he's still there. He thinks I'm coming in next week. But I want to walk into his office and say... (deep voice) 'Colonel Ladd, sir? -- I'm reporting for duty!' I hope he doesn't mind. MICHAEL He won't. (on her look) If they had officers like you when I was in uniform, I never would've left. She smiles. EXT. ENGLEHART WEAPONS TEST CENTER - DAY A sign at the main gate of the post reads "UNITED STATES ARMY - ENGLEHART WEAPONS TEST CENTER." Like many of the larger Army posts it is "open", and Michael can drive right on. He parks near --- EXT. HEADQUARTERS BUILDING An impressive, red-bricked building. Robin practically skips up the walk in anticipation. Michael hurries to stay abreast of her. ROBIN Look at this place -- why does home always look...smaller? MICHAEL Maybe 'cause our memories are so big? OMITTED EXT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE COLONEL LADD'S OFFICE - DAY Robin starts to say something to Michael, but he just smiles, steps back -- allowing her to enter alone. INT. COLONEL LADD'S OFFICE - DAY Robin enters with a big smile. ROBIN (deep voice) Colonel Ladd? When Major Doug Sanderson, a rugged-looking man in his early fifties, looks up from the desk, he is no less surprised than Robin. ROBIN I'm sorry, sir...I thought this was Colonel Ladd's office. Sanderson gets up from the desk quickly. SANDERSON It is. You must be Lieutenant Ladd. I'm Major Sanderson, General Duncton's adjutant. ROBIN Pleased to meet you, Major. Can you tell me where I can find my father? Sanderson looks extremely ill-at-ease. Hearing the discus- sion, Michael comes into the room behind Robin. SANDERSON (rising) I think you should talk to General Duncton. This way...please. CORRIDOR - DAY Sanderson leads them along, several paces ahead. MICHAEL (to Robin) Problems? ROBIN (unsure) Oh, you know the Army...hurry up and wait. They enter --- INT. GENERAL DUNCTON'S OFFICE - DAY Behind the desk is General Frederick Duncton, a distinguished- looking man in his sixties. SANDERSON Excuse me, General, but.... Before Sanderson can finish, Duncton rises, crosses quickly to Robin, greets her warmly. DUNCTON Robin Ladd! As I live and breathe -- look at you...you're a poster for the modern Army! ROBIN (smiling) It's good to see you, too...oh, I'm sorry -- this is Michael Knight -- Michael, this is General Duncton... he's practically an uncle. MICHAEL (shaking hands) Hello, sir. DUNCTON Pleased to meet you, young man. Hope you can handle this little tomboy.... MICHAEL Ah...we're really not.... ROBIN General what's going on? Where's my father? Is he on leave or --- Duncton turns, looks at Sanderson. DUNCTON Sanderson, didn't you tell her? SANDERSON No, sir. I thought you would...uh ...rather.... Duncton looks darkly at Sanderson...if looks could bust you three ranks...Sanderson wilts. Duncton turns to Robin, pained. DUNCTON Then...you don't know...? ROBIN Know what? DUNCTON Robin, my dear -- I'm afraid there's been an accident. Robin tenses. DUNCTON I'm sorry. His Jeep went into Buena Vista Gorge out in the desert. He probably blacked out before...he, uh...felt anything.... Robin sways. Michael steps over quickly, helps support her. ROBIN Oh, no...Daddy...oh, no.... As Michael's arms go around her helplessly, we: CUT TO OMITTED INT. MILITARY CHAPEL - DAY Camera pulls back from two honor guards to reveal a full house of uniforms and a few civilians. Michael is alongside Robin. Michael wears a well-worn sport jacket, jeans, tie hastily knotted over a casual shirt. Robin is in dress uniform, her face tight, controlled. Sanderson is nearby with others we have (or will) meet. At the podium, General Duncton is in mid-eulogy. DUNCTON ...so there we were...Earnest Ladd and I...two old war horses toasting each other on our latest promotions. Suddenly he tells me, 'Fred, you're not really gonna bust those two trainees, are you?' And I say, 'Ernie, we caught them in the CO's residence having a party with some nurses...what do you expect me to do?' And he looks at me and says, 'I expect you to remember that you and I did the same thing in Eisenhower's office!' MOURNERS - INTERCUT THROUGHOUT Some smiles break through the solemnity in the room. Michael restrains his amusement until he sees that Robin, too, smiles at the anecdote. DUNCTON (after a moment) That was Ernie, to a 'T'...anytime you'd swell up like a pompous balloon, well, there he'd be...with a stick pin...I don't know what they'd say at the war college, and I don't care.... ON SERGEANT PERKINS Also in the crowd, his face appropriately solemn. DUNCTON'S VOICE But to me, Earnest Ladd was the ideal soldier...a man of war who loved peace most of all.... BACK TO SCENE DUNCTON When you asked him about the chestful of medals he earned on the frozen fields of Korea, he'd change the subject...and then he'd talk for hours about supervising rescue flights to the Mississippi flood plain...or working on the Orphan Air Lift in Vietnam. His family and friends will mourn him, his comrades and his troops will miss him...and we will all remember him. Affected, Duncton steps from the podium. Robin reaches over, takes Michael's hand. CUT TO EXT. CHAPEL - DAY as the mourners come out. As soon as sunlight hits his face, Michael removes his necktie. He moves a discreet distance away as Duncton embraces Robin paternally. Then he walks alongside her. MICHAEL Is there anything I can do for you? ROBIN (tense) Thank you, but I'm fine. The clipped reaction silences him for a moment. He tries again. MICHAEL Your father sounded like a fine officer...a fine man. ROBIN He was. MICHAEL What are your plans now? Are you going to stay, or.... ROBIN This is my new post. Of course, I'll stay. I have a job to do. They pass by Sanderson, who is in animated discussion with some other officers. SANDERSON No, no, nobody said he was drinking ...he just lost control of the wheel, I guess...maybe his reflexes weren't what they used to be, or --- Sanderson breaks off, embarrassed, as Robin and Michael pass by. Robin glares as Sanderson moves off. Robin stops walking, faces Michael. ROBIN Look, maybe there is something you can do. Didn't you say you were in insurance? MICHAEL Something like that. ROBIN Then answer this: Could a healthy sober man lose control of a vehicle he drove every day, on a road he drove every day? MICHAEL I don't know. (beat) Why don't we find out? ROBIN Terrific! Meet me in thirty minutes outside the BOQ. That's 1600 hours, got it? MICHAEL Yes, ma'am. ROBIN (embarrassed) Uh...sorry. You can take the girl out of West Point...but.... She shrugs, apologetic. Michael moves away. MICHAEL I'll be there. But no demerits if I'm late, okay? She smiles, turns away. INT. K.I.T.T. - STREET NEAR POST - DAY Michael gets in, tosses his sport jacket in back. He pushes a button and.... MICHAEL Hey, what's wrong with this window? K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm afraid I have some alarming news. MICHAEL I'm sitting down. K.I.T.T. I've checked my circuits and due to that towing incident my Alpha circuit is malfunctioning. That's all my windows, the cigarette lighter -- and the infrared radar scrambler. MICHAEL Gee, I'm sorry...but I think we can manage for a while without those. K.I.T.T. Michael...what if it was your Alpha circuit? MICHAEL Okay, okay. You're still under war- ranty. Call the home office. OMITTED EXT. ROAD ABOVE BUENA VISTA GORGE - HIGH ANGLE SHOT - DAY The camera drops down as K.I.T.T. pulls up. Michael and Robin get out, both in civvies. They walk on foot toward the accident site. MICHAEL Robin...the Military Police already checked this out...How do you know we'll do any better? ROBIN I don't...but.... She turns, looks at him thoughtfully. ROBIN You seem...subtly efficient. MICHAEL Thank you...I think. They look around at the terrain. ROBIN When Mom was alive, we'd come up here for picnics every Sunday. Dad always drove out here -- to relax. He loved this desert. Some people are mountain people. Some love the ocean. Dad was a desert person. (a pause) When I was at West Point, he'd send me things. I mean not like the other cadets -- they got cookies and cakes, stuff like that. I got articles -- and books -- on 'Women In Action'...Molly Pitcher...Queen Zenobia ...Golda Meir...even Belle Starr...! He wanted me to be the first female four-star general. She turns to him, shaking. ROBIN ...There's so much...I didn't get to tell him. She seems close to crying...something that didn't even happen at the memorial service. Michael holds her protectively... but the moment ends so quickly, it is almost nonexistent. She shakes off his grasp, is all business again. ROBIN All right, how do you want to do this? Michael looks around, kneels. See scrape mark on a boulder near the edge. MICHAEL This is obviously where the Jeep went over. (standing) Let's try a dry run. Don't go away. He runs back toward K.I.T.T. WITH MICHAEL A few yards from K.I.T.T., he stops as he sees something on the ground. He bends, picks it up. It's a .223 casing... brass from an M-16. Michael looks at it, suspicious, then looks back at it --- MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - ROBIN looking out at the terrain. She hasn't seen his discovery. BACK TO SCENE Michael gets into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, we may be on to something... I just found a spent cartridge. I wonder if.... K.I.T.T. ...it could be significant? MICHAEL Why not? K.I.T.T. Considering the fact that we are inside a military base specializing in the loading, testing and firing of ammunition, ordinance and artillery, I find it singularly insignificant. MICHAEL Uh...right. He starts the car. WIDER SHOT - ROAD Michael roars down the road. ROBIN reacting, stepping back instinctively (but not necessarily). THE SCENE Michael slams on the brakes...skids to a halt...on the inside curve of the road, against the cliff. Robin catches her breath as Michael gets out of the car. ROBIN (catching her breath) That was...very convincing. MICHAEL And productive. (pointing) You sure your father was traveling in this direction? ROBIN Yes. Why? MICHAEL This turn is inside, towards the cliff...not outside, towards the drop. If you lost control here coming from this direction, you'd stop exactly where I did against the hill. At worst, you'd wind up with a busted radiator. ROBIN Then...what made him go off the road? A beat. Michael slowly opens his hand. As Robin looks at the brass casing, we: CUT TO EXTERIOR - DAY - LIMBO - TIGHT ON COTLER He's looking at something through binoculars. It doesn't make him happy. He turns as Mank drives up, with Perkins in a Jeep. PERKINS (getting out) This better be important.... COTLER See for yourself. Perkins takes the binoculars, looks at --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - ROBIN AND MICHAEL AT GORGE - BINOCULAR MATTE engaged in animated conversation. They turn, get into K.I.T.T., drive away. BACK TO SCENE Perkins lowers the binoculars, concerned. MANK Whaddya think, Sarge? PERKINS I think it may be time for another funeral. OMITTED FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. POST PARKING LOT - DAY Army personnel pass by. Parked in the lot are various cars, Army vehicles, a catering truck -- whose Vendor doles out plastic-coated sandwiches and plastic-tasting coffee -- and the Knight 2000. INT. KNIGHT 2000 Robin and Michael are inside: MICHAEL ...so...the whole time you were overseas, he never said anything... never wrote about unusual events back at the base? Nothing like that? ROBIN No. If he did discover something, it must have been recently. I can check his quarters out. MICHAEL Good. I'll do the same with his office. He leans over, opens the door for her. She shrugs, walks away. Michael looks at --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - HEADQUARTERS BUILDING Traffic goes in and out...all of it military. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Kitt, we have to get in there. K.I.T.T. 'We', Michael? I think I would attract a great deal of attention inside that building. MICHAEL Unfortunately, so would I...unless.... Michael stops. He's noticed the activity at the catering truck behind him. K.I.T.T. Michael, I detect a certain tone in your voice. MICHAEL Oh? What tone is that? K.I.T.T. The one where you're convinced you've come up with a brilliant idea. The next thing you know, you're doing something foolhardy and I'm in my surveillance mode. MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL Go into surveillance mode. Michael gets out of the car. Some interesting lights blink on. OMITTED BY CATERING TRUCK When the crowd thins out, Michael approaches the vendor, Sanj. Sanj has a rag wrapped around his hand as he futilely tries to adjust the --- SANJ Ow! Lousy stinkin' thermostat --- MICHAEL Hi, can I have a candy bar? Sanj nods wearily. He starts towards the boxes of candy. MICHAEL In fact, can I have all your candy bars? Sanj turns back to see if this guy's crazy or what. Michael pulls out his wallet full of Foundation money. VENDOR Listen, mac, I run a business here.... MICHAEL For an hour -- max. VENDOR (skeptical) I gotta sell my sandwiches.... MICHAEL I'll buy them, too. VENDOR And...and...my chips and pretzels. Michael nods, counts out some money. Sanj's eyes light up. MICHAEL And, if anyone asks, I'm your nephew. VENDOR For another twenty dollars, I'll adopt you. FLIP TO EXT. HEADQUARTERS BUILDING - DAY Michael trots along, whistling. He's wearing a greasy apron, McDonalds-type cap...carrying a tray of goodies. He sidesteps a group of pretty lady soldiers...gives them the once over...and walks right into two very large MP's. MICHAEL Oh, hi, guys. (rummaging in tray) Looking for a snack? MP Where's Sanj? MICHAEL Sanj? Is that Indian? MP Nah, Sanj...The regular sandwich guy! The 2nd MP is rummaging through Michael's tray...helps himself to a candy bar. MICHAEL Oh, uh...he's on vacation...Sandwich Islands. I'm covering for him. MP #2 (mouth full) Yeah. So where's your health card? MICHAEL ...health card? MP #2 You know. The one that shows you vendors ain't got no diseases we might catch. MICHAEL Oh, that health card. I left it at home. But I'm the picture of health. See? He tries to go past them. They're a wall. MP (to MP #2) Do you see that? MP #2 I don't see that. MP Let's go give him a checkup. And they grab him by the elbows and drag him away. CUT TO OMITTED INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY Michael sits at a desk, across from a friendly looking, bear-like man, Major Hugh Rainey. The two big MP's stand nearby. RAINEY What exactly were you doing, Mr. Knight? MICHAEL Just trying to make a buck. That's no crime, is it Major? RAINEY No...but could you explain the cards in your wallet? MICHAEL Cards? RAINEY (reads them) 'Michael Knight -- Speedy Repairman', 'Michael Knight -- Quick Carpet Cleaner', 'M. Knight, Enterprises - Swedish massage, While-U-Wait'. MICHAEL Major, times are rough. I've had to do a lot of odd jobs -- just to make ends meet. That's why I was so lucky Uncle Sanj gave me this job. RAINEY Uncle Sanj? Even his family calls him that? MICHAEL Sure. We're a tight-knit group. Indian, you know. Rainey looks at Michael, dubious. RAINEY That should be easy enough to check. He goes out. Michael turns in the chair a bit nervously as the two MP's approach. But all they do is help themselves to more food. Michael smiles. MICHAEL Go ahead...anything for our boys in uniform. They retreat to the back of the room again, chomping. Michael's eyes fall on.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - FILE FOLDER ON RAINEY'S DESK It's sideways to Michael, but he can read -- LADD, EARNEST T., COLONEL -- ACCIDENT REPORT. BACK TO SCENE Michael can't believe his luck. He turns, looks at --- THE TWO MP'S sharing some M and M's. MICHAEL quickly slaps the file into his tray. As he finishes he reacts to Rainey, who reenters. RAINEY All right, Mr. Knight. Your Uncle Sanj verifies your story. Next time you want to make a buck, get a health card. Michael smiles, relieved. MICHAEL Okay. He reaches down into his basket. He hands Rainey a candy bar. MICHAEL Candy bar -- on the house. Rainey smiles, takes the bar. OMITTED EXT. POST STREET - DAY Perkins watches as Michael comes out of the MP building. When Michael is gone, Perkins walks briskly to the building. Major Rainey is coming out. PERKINS Sir, see that vendor...What was he here for? RAINEY Nothing, much. Why? PERKINS Uh, no reason, sir. I thought I served with him in 'Nam. Perkins turns, hurries away. OMITTED INT. MUNITIONS WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Cotler and Mank are playing cards. Perkins comes into the shot on the double. PERKINS Cotler...Mank. I've got a job for you. Lieutenant Ladd's civilian was snooping around the post. MANK (pleased, rising) Guess it's time for that other funeral. OMITTED EXT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT Michael and Robin exit. Michael gingerly touches his stomach. MICHAEL Well, that was certainly...food. ROBIN Not everyone likes junk. MICHAEL I do. This was just...beyond junk. You ready to compare notes? ROBIN If one note counts, yes. I found my father's weekly diary...but there's nothing very exciting. She hands him a pocket planner-type book. Michael leafs through it. MICHAEL According to this, your father was granted a leave over a week ago. Yet, he came back to the post...Why? They've reached K.I.T.T., Michael opens the door for her. ROBIN I don't know. MICHAEL Great. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Michael and Robin drive towards the base. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - TRAVELING ROBIN Your turn. MICHAEL Right. Was your father a handyman- type? You know, do it yourself and all that? ROBIN No way. He had to call the Quartermaster to change a lightbulb. Why? MICHAEL I, uh...borrowed a file from the Military Police. It said that your father had blue paint on his hands. ROBIN Blue paint? MICHAEL Doesn't ring any bells? ROBIN No. EXT. POST - NIGHT Michael pulls up near the BOQ, parks. He and Robin get out. Robin seems lost in thought as they walk along. ROBIN Michael...I've been thinking...I know I started this...whole investi- gation of ours...but we seem to be running around in circles...we haven't really found anything.... MICHAEL There was that empty cartridge case at the gorge.... ROBIN (wryly) On an Ordinance Testing Center, that's not much. MICHAEL A friend of mine said the same thing ...what are you saying? You want to call it quits? They've reached the building. She looks at him guiltily. ROBIN You make it sound...like retreating in front of the enemy. Michael, I have my own life...my own career...my father wouldn't want me to waste that chasing down shadows. And you...you have your insurance business to take care of. MICHAEL Look... (points to her building) You have your career waiting...I have the General Patton Motel down the road. Let's both sleep on it ...maybe inspiration will strike. If not...we can throw in the towel over breakfast. Okay? ROBIN (smiling) Okay. MICHAEL Good night. She goes inside. He crosses to K.I.T.T., drives off the base. EXT. POST - NIGHT Michael drives out the gate, exits the shot. We hold, then the camera pans to a secluded part of the road. Headlights go on. INT. PICKUP - NIGHT Mank and Cotler are inside. MANK There he is. COTLER (correcting) There he was. Cotler takes an M-16 out of an oilcloth. They drive off after Michael. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. ROAD - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. drives by. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL How about a little music, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Sorry. The Alpha circuit took out the radio, too. MICHAEL You're never going to forgive me for that, are you? K.I.T.T. Michael 'forgiving' implies an emo- tional state and has no application in my case. (beat) However, let's avoid a future occur- rence, shall we? EXT. ROAD - NIGHT suddenly the pickup truck zooms forward...comes alongside K.I.T.T. Swerves into the other car. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Hey! K.I.T.T. Michael, you really must learn to drive defensively. OMITTED EXT. ROAD another hit. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, those people seem to be very poor drivers. The car shudders from another sideswipe. K.I.T.T. Michael, are we going to just sit and take this? MICHAEL No. LOW ANGLE SHOT - MICHAEL He pops the clutch...throws the gearshift and... EXT. ROAD K.I.T.T. does an in-place 180 turn, heads back the other way. INT. PICKUP Mank and Cotler's heads swivel in surprise. Mank slams on the brakes. EXT. ROAD The pickup makes a bootlegger's turn, roars in pursuit. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael pours it on...suddenly comes up behind a truck. Oncoming traffic prevents him from passing. Michael honks to no avail. Looks over his shoulder. HIS POINT OF VIEW - PICKUP getting very close. Cotler is leaning out with the rifle. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael sees the gun, reacts. COTLER cocks the weapon...aims.... LOW ANGLE SHOT - MICHAEL clutch...gearshift...just like before.... EXT. ROAD just like before...another 180...but this time...Michael sideswipes the pickup, zooms past. PICKUP FROM DRIVER'S SIDE swerving all over the road, it skids into the bushes, stops. Smoke pours from the radiator. INSIDE PICKUP - CLOSE ON MANK across the wheel, dazed. He looks at his partner...and his mouth drops in surprise. Camera adjust to show that Cotler has the passenger door in his lap, bent to hell. The barrel of his M-16 is still sticking through the window...twisted like a pretzel. CUT TO INT. DATA PROCESSING ROOM - ON BASE - DAY Pullback from a whirring, printing computer. Robin is lean- ing over it, checking items off on a clipboard. A female Corporal, Webb, is with her. General Duncton leans over a console, watching. ROBIN (to Webb) Okay...now send the same data back in the pipeline to Washington. We'll pick up any glitches when we compare copy. CORPORAL WEBB It's already done. She exits. Duncton looks around at the blinking equipment. DUNCTON It's amazing how you handle this, Robin. My generation still gets nervous around adding machines. ROBIN Well...you have to be confident around them. They can sense fear, you know. Duncton laughs. DUNCTON I see you haven't lost your old spark. ROBIN Thank you, sir. I see you haven't lost your old devious charm. DUNCTON What...? ROBIN Begging your pardon, General...but you didn't come out here to check on the Pentagon Computer link. You came to check on me. DUNCTON Now, why would I do that? It's not...regulation. ROBIN Then I must be wrong. DUNCTON Like hell. They laugh. Michael comes in in a rush. MICHAEL Robin, I have to talk to.... He stops, seeing Duncton, who immediately puts out his hand. DUNCTON Ah, Mr. Knight, isn't it? Duncton looks from Michael to Robin knowingly. DUNCTON Now, what could keep a foot-loose civilian like you in a boring place like this? Michael shrugs, "caught"...does his best to fill Duncton's perception. MICHAEL The color scheme, General. I just love olive drab. Duncton laughs, slaps Michael on the back. DUNCTON Robin, remember...call me...for anything. ROBIN Yes sir. Duncton exits. Robin turns to Michael. ROBIN It's a little late for breakfast. She crosses to another machine. ROBIN And where's your towel? CLOSER SHOT Michael turns her around, speaks in hushed tones. MICHAEL We're not throwing it in yet. Robin, you were right all along. Corporal Webb returns with some print-outs. CORPORAL WEBB We hit the jackpot, Lieutenant. It came back clean as a whistle. ROBIN That's terrific, Rogers... (eyeing Michael) Uh...why don't you take a break now? CORPORAL WEBB Thank you, ma'am. She leaves. Robin turns to Michael. ROBIN What are you saying? MICHAEL Your father didn't die in an accident. Something's going on at this base...something worth several murders. ROBIN Well, why didn't you tell General Duncton? He could ask the MP's to --- MICHAEL Robin, the MPs already wrote your father off as an accident. I'm not ready to trust anybody yet. ROBIN How do you know all this anyway? MICHAEL Partly a hunch... (rubbing his neck) And partly whiplash. Listen, do you have a map of the base? OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - TIGHT ON A MAP as Michael's finger stabs at it. MICHAEL Right...there...! We widen, see he's with Robin in the car. MICHAEL Unless your father liked to climb mountains in the moonlight, the only place he could have been coming from that night is this...C-11. What's complex C-11? Robin looks at the legend on the other side of the map. ROBIN C-11, C-11...Munitions. She notices the thoughtful look on his face. ROBIN Michael, you can't go there. MICHAEL Of course not...it's still daytime. Put that good-bye breakfast on hold. He leans over, opens her door. MICHAEL By tomorrow morning a lot of things can happen. ROBIN I was wrong. Your efficiency is anything but subtle. She waves, walks away. K.I.T.T. Michael. MICHAEL Yes, Kitt? K.I.T.T. The home office has arrived. They're waiting two point four miles to the Northwest. MICHAEL How nice of them. He throws the car into gear, leaves the lot. CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - STOCK Michael drives K.I.T.T. into the shot...sees the Foundation trailer...drives up the rear ramp. INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY Michael gets out of the car, smiles at Bonnie and Devon. MICHAEL Hello, Bonnie...Devon. DEVON We came as soon as we got Kitt's signal. Bonnie wags a tool in Michael's face. BONNIE You know, I don't usually make house calls. (to K.I.T.T. solicitious) What's wrong with you? K.I.T.T. It's my Alpha circuit, Bonnie. BONNIE Alpha circuit? (puzzled) Kitt, the only way you could damage that is to do something stupid like...like... (thinking) ...towing another car. Right? K.I.T.T. Bonnie...no comment. Michael leans close to the car. MICHAEL (sotto) Kitt, you're one in a million. K.I.T.T. I know. DEVON (patience fading) Michael...may I have a word with you? MICHAEL Sure. Michael heads for Devon as Bonnie moves to enter K.I.T.T. with a testing device. It's a tight squeeze. BONNIE Excuse me. MICHAEL Anytime. Devon takes Michael by the elbow, leads him to the "office" part of the semi. DEVON Michael, yesterday you were sent out on assignment for the Foundation. MICHAEL I know, Devon...but.... DEVON But what? You never arrived...you never called...instead, you're out doing...doing... (beat) What are you doing? MICHAEL If you'll let me get a word in...I'm investigating something suspicious at the Englehart Weapons Center. DEVON Really? I didn't know the Military Police had been disbanded. MICHAEL Devon, I appreciate the problem...and I'll get to it. By tomorrow morning, I know I'll --- DEVON Michael, I cannot sanction you and your wild goose chases! Michael stands, earnest. MICHAEL Devon, last night someone tried to kill me. Pause. DEVON I have an alibi. Michael crosses towards K.I.T.T. just as Bonnie exits the car. MICHAEL Devon, believe me, this Army thing is important. You have my word it'll all work out, and.... BONNIE (squeezing past) Excuse me. MICHAEL Uh...where was I? DEVON 'This Army thing is important -- You have my word, it'll all work out.' CLOSE ON MICHAEL He hops in the car. MICHAEL Thanks, Devon! I knew you'd see it my way! He hits the gas. EXT. SEMI - DAY - STOCK The car backs out, spins around...drives away. INT. SEMI Devon sighs. Bonnie hides a smile. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. MUNITIONS AREA - NIGHT K.I.T.T. pulls up, pakrs in the shadows a good distance from the compound. Michael gets out, stealthily approaches the building. (Note: All these shots should duplicate Colonel Ladd's actions.) Michael suddenly ducks out of sight as Cotler and Mank walk by on sentry duty. Both sport bandages. COTLER Whaddya mean, 'demolition derby?' MANK I'm telling you, he musta been in some. I've seen them on TV. That's the only way he could drive like that.... They move on. Michaels slips into the main bunker. INT. BUNKER Michael moves along cautiously. CUT TO INT. DATA PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT Robin puts a computer tape up...runs it...panels blink. OMITTED MICHAEL moves down the long tunnel. OMITTED MICHAEL takes out a pocket flashlight...moves past crates of shells.... ROBIN punches away at a keyboard. The computer starts to print out data for inventory. OMITTED MICHAEL sees the crates and boxes marked "Practice Shells" and "Armor-Piercing Shells". Then he moves to where the wall chart is located. He looks up at the color code chart then the flashlight stops on the open can of blue paint. Above the paint are four shelves of shells, all painted blue. He points the beam of light at the color code chart which indicates various colors for artillery. He stops the flashlight beam on --- "BLUE - ARMOR PIERCING" Michael takes out his keys and starts to scrape at one of the blue shells. After a second, the blue chips away -- to reveal yellow paint. He scrapes some more and sees more yellow. He points the flashlight up to the chart which reads: "YELLOW - TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS" As Michael reacts we: CUT TO ROBIN looks at the now extensive print-out. Columns shift along- side each other. Reads it. Her eyes widen. ROBIN Oh my God.... She rips the print-out from the machine. Folds it up. Exits in a great hurry. OMITTED EXT. MUNITIONS COMPOUND - NIGHT Michael slips out the way he came...gets in K.I.T.T...drives away. CUT TO OMITTED INT. HEADQUARTERS BUILDING - NIGHT Robin comes in, hurries down the corridor. Turns into Duncton's office. ROBIN General! I --- She stops, seeing --- INT. DUNCTON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Sanderson is looking in one of the General's desk drawers. SANDERSON Can I help you, Lieutenant? ROBIN Where's General Duncton? SANDERSON He's off the post... (eyeing her) Is something wrong? Robin thinks about it...approaches the desk. ROBIN Yes, sir. Something is very wrong. She spreads the computer print-out across the desk. It spills towards Sanderson's lap. ROBIN This is a print-out of the artillery inventory. Look at this column right here. Sanderson hardly glances at it. SANDERSON Lieutenant...that's a classified document. Suddenly his hand rises from beneath the print-out...holding a .45. SANDERSON You're under arrest. Robin is stunned. ROBIN You...you knew all along.... Sanderson presses a buzzer on the desk. SANDERSON You're too much like your father, Lieutenant. He didn't know when to keep his eyes closed, either. ROBIN (quietly) You killed him. Perkins walks in the room...whistles under his breath when he sees Robin. He and Sanderson exchange a cold, business- like look. SANDERSON (to Robin) You read the report -- my report. He drove into the gorge. And now his only daughter -- crazy with grief -- went AWOL. Disappeared without a trace...along with her civilian friend. PERKINS (grimly) When we find him. SANDERSON Of course, that part of the report remains to be written. I'll try and get to it next week. (to Perkins) Take care of her. He tosses something from the desk to Perkins. It's an MP armband. SANDERSON Be discreet. CUT TO EXT. HEADQUARTERS BUILDING - NIGHT Perkins leads Robin towards the Jeep. She's in handcuffs. He forces her into the passenger seat, drives off with her. We pan them away...and hold on a lone figure who looks at the Jeep as it passes. It's Corporal Webb, Robin's assistant from the Data Processing Center. She reacts, surprised. EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Perkins' Jeep bounces across a field toward the camera. Perkins parks the Jeep in front of all things -- a tank. He pulls Robin out of the car. INT. TANK - NIGHT Perkins opens the hatch -- and shoves Robin inside. She can't keep her balance and she falls to the floor. Perkins slams the hatch shut, pitching the interior into darkness. EXT. TANK - NIGHT Camera pulls back slowly, as the Jeep drives away. We see now that the tank has a huge bull's-eye painted on the side. INTERCUT - ARTILLERY IMPLACEMENTS - NIGHT - STOCK All around the tank -- in this valley which is the Ordinance Test Range -- tanks, howitzers and other artillery -- wait to be fired. EXT. TANK The pull back concludes on a sign reading "Ordinance Testing Field - Danger." FADE TO BLACK END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. DATA PROCESSING CENTER Michael roars up in K.I.T.T., parks. He runs inside. INT. DATA PROCESSING CENTER He runs inside, sees Corporal Webb. MICHAEL Where's Lieutenant Ladd? CORPORAL WEBB I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you. MICHAEL What? CORPORAL WEBB Sergeant Perkins arrested her last night. Drove her away in an MP Jeep. Michael spins, runs out. CUT TO EXT. POST - DAY Michael parks K.I.T.T. as he sees Rainey crossing the post. He runs up to him, grabs him. MICHAEL Major Rainey! Why was Robin Ladd arrested? RAINEY Well, well, the sandwich man.... MICHAEL Lieutenant, it's important! Why? RAINEY I don't know what you're talking about. Lieutenant Ladd hasn't been arrested. MICHAEL But -- Sergeant Perkins picked her up in an MP vehicle. RAINEY Perkins? Perkins isn't in the Military Police...he's in munitions. MICHAEL (realizing) Munitions! Michael tears away from Rainey, zooms off in K.I.T.T. KNIGHT 2000 The car takes off like a shot...90 M.P.H...120 M.P.H...150 M.P.H...across the desert roads.... EXT. MUNITIONS - DAY Sanderson is supervising Perkins, Mank and Cotler. The two privates carry the blue shells from the munitions building to a truck. From o.s., we hear the sounds of artillery fire. SANDERSON Get a move on and get the last batch. That plane with our customers lands at 0-10-hundred hours. They look up when they hear an approaching vehicle.... THE KNIGHT 2000 as it tears like a glider across the desert. MUNITIONS COMPOUND As Michael screeches into sight, the four criminals see him, run in several directions. MICHAEL jumps out of K.I.T.T., points to Mank and Cotler. MICHAEL Kitt...stop those two! The car roars off on its own. Michael races after Sanderson. MANK AND COTLER running together, they realize they're heading for a dead end. They turn -- panic as they see --- THEIR POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. roaring towards them and --- THE SCENE stopping on a dime -- the dime in Mank's pocket. Both men are pinned to the wall with barely enough room to breathe. MANK D...did he talk to that car? COTLER (nods, awe) And...it listened...! MICHAEL runs into shot. He sees Sanderson run towards the door of the main building. Michael starts to follow -- and gets bumped from behind by Perkins. They roll over together... get to their feet a split second apart. Both men are big, clever. It's half a fight, half a fencing match. Finally Michael sees his opening...the Sergeant goes to early retirement. Wiping a speck of blood from his mouth, Michael heads for the main building. INT. MUNITIONS BUILDING - DAY - ON SANDERSON running desperately, Sanderson's shoes slip on the slick concrete as he comes to the end of the long tunnel. He turns, hearing --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - LONG SHOT - MICHAEL as he comes in the main door...far, far away from Sanderson. BACK TO SCENE Desperate, Sanderson turns...sees that he's near a door marked "SMALL ARMS." Sanderson opens it.... INTERCUT - MICHAEL seeing this, running forward. INTERCUT WITH MICHAEL - SANDERSON in a panic as Michael's rapid footsteps approach. Behind the door is a locked gun rack full of M-16s. Sanderson takes out a keychain...fumbles for the right key...unlocks the rack...drags out an M-16...grabs a clip from an open box...slams it home...and turns to aim -- just as Michael barrels into him at full speed! The weapon goes flying... Sanderson sags, his energy and backbone leaving together. Michael holds him by his lapels. MICHAEL Where's Robin Ladd? SANDERSON I don't know! In the b.g., we hear the gunfire of artillery coming from the ordinance area. SANDERSON You're going to be in big trouble, Knight. Accosting Army personnel, destroying government property.... MICHAEL Oh, really? Michael looks around. Near the turn in the tunnel is another box of the pseudo-blue shells. Michael drags Sanderson towards them. Conveniently, they are near the chart Michael saw during his nighttime visit. MICHAEL Those shells are blue. Then according to the chart, they must be armor- piercing shells. Sanderson is starting to get nervous. With a free hand, Michael grabs the shell. MICHAEL But...suppose somebody was repainting these shells...it's an awful, thought, I know.... Michael breaks the lead seal on the cap. Starts to slowly unscrew it. Sanderson's eyes widen. MICHAEL But, just suppose...why, then this might be a tactical nuclear weapon... a weapon that somebody planned to sell to, oh, some nasty people somewhere.... Michael's tone is losing it's pleasant edge. Sanderson stares at the turning cap. The sound of the metal threads seems amazingly loud. MICHAEL But, if that's the case, Major, don't worry...there won't be an explosion...just enough radiation to last quite a few half-lifes...And you know the saying...one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day. SANDERSON (a shout) Stop!! Michael pushes the shell towards the Major. MICHAEL Where is she? SANDERSON She's...at ground zero.... MICHAEL What the hell are you talking about? SANDERSON The test range. She's locked inside a target vehicle. When this sinks in, Michael drags Sanderson to the small arms room, locks him in. Then Michael grabs the dropped M-16, runs out of the shot. OMITTED EXT. MUNITIONS COMPOUND - TIGHT ON MANK AND COTLER still sweating it out against the wall. Camera widens to reveal Michael, leading a groggy Perkins at gunpoint. MICHAEL Move, Kitt. The car backs away. Michael gestures with the gun barrel at Mank and Cotler. MICHAEL In there. He pushes them through the door of the main bunker, locks it, (or barricades it with the M-16, if possible). Runs toward K.I.T.T. CUT TO GUN CREWS - DAY firing away. TARGET ZONE - DAY As shells explode, leaving gaping craters.... A TARGET VEHICLE vanishing in a burst of steel and dust. ROBIN inside her prison on wheels, covering her ears as the explosions rock the vehicle. EXT. ENTRANCE TO TEST RANGE A barricade looks at the sign reading: "MUNITIONS TEST RANGE - DANGER - NO ADMITTANCE: But Michael revs up the Knight 2000 -- smashes through the barricade. INT. KNIGHT 2000 O.S. the guns are much louder. When the car comes over a rise, we can see clouds of smoke and explosions. MICHAEL Kitt, can you get the Army frequency? K.I.T.T. Certainly. The Pentagon? MICHAEL Duncton. Get Duncton. INTERCUT - COMMAND POST - DAY Duncton is handed the phone by an Aide. DUNCTON Yes, Mr. Knight...You're where?! INTERCUT - MICHAEL MICHAEL Halfway across your target zone. DUNCTON Are you out of your mind? You'll be killed if you --- MICHAEL (breaking in) General, listen! I have proof that a group of men on the post tried to steal tactical nuclear weapons. Sanderson was the ringleader. DUNCTON Are you positive of that?! MICHAEL Yes, sir. Sanderson locked Robin Ladd up at Ground Zero. I'm going to get her out. Can you stop the tests? DUNCTON Stop the tests? Of course, imme- diately! You're a brave man, Mr. Knight! Duncton hangs up. Whirls towards a table, grabs a PA mike. DUNCTON (into mike) Attention all personnel. This is General Duncton. Your attention, please. EXT. ARTILLERY TEST RANGE - VARIOUS SHOTS of gun crews, observers, etc...all looking up, listening to Duncton's voice from --- PA SPEAKERS DUNCTON'S VOICE There is a black unmarked car approaching ground zero...repeat, a black unmarked car.... EXT. COMMAND POST The camera tightens on Duncton. DUNCTON This vehicle is a remote controlled drone. It is part of today's tests. The gun crew that blows it off the map will get a three day pass! TEST CENTER PERSONNEL reacting, pleased...looking forward to that pass! CUT TO KNIGHT 2000 as it heads down into the target zone...towards ground zero. ON ARTILLERY HOWITZERS - STOCK as they shoot rounds of ammo. THE KNIGHT 2000 The ammo bursts all around the car. MICHAEL Hey! They're still shooting at us! K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael, but I noticed that myself. MICHAEL (realizing) Kitt...I don't think I should have called our 'buddy' General Duncton.... Michael swerves to avoid a bomb crater. Explosions are coming closer to the car. MICHAEL Kitt, can you take a direct hit? Just then, a near hit rattles the car. K.I.T.T. I don't think we want to find out. OMITTED KNIGHT 2000 as it bears to the right, then the left, then zooms out of range. It is successfully avoiding the tank's fire. SANJ'S TRUCK - LIMBO parked on a road. The sounds of explosions tells us it's near the test center. A Soldier is looking over Sanj's wares like a comparison shopper. Again, Sanj is fiddling with the thermostat. SANJ C'mon, make up your mind. I gotta get to the PX for their lunch break. (burning fingers again) Lousy stinkin' thermostat.... Another Soldier enters the shot, calls to the first. SOLDIER #2 Hey, Lupo! We gotta go to Munitions on the double. We're running out of armor-piercing shells. The Soldiers exit. Sanj gets in the truck, drives down the road. OMITTED EXT. TARGET ZONE - DAY The K.I.T.T. continues to swerve and dodge fire. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - TRAVELING Michael is looking out the windows. MICHAEL He said a 'target vehicle'...It has to be a tank...they couldn't lock her inside anything else. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm scanning a tank... 350 meters over that ridge. MICHAEL Let's hit it! An explosion rattles the car. K.I.T.T. Michael, could you use another word besides 'hit?' A TARGET VEHICLE explodes as K.I.T.T. zooms past. ROBIN'S TANK A near hit shoots up a column of dirt. INT. TANK - ON ROBIN falling over from the shock of the near-miss. LONG SHOT - K.I.T.T. - BINOCULAR MATTE dodging, weaving...surviving. DUNCTON - AT COMMAND POST He lowers the binoculars, turns to his staff. DUNCTON That drone is tougher than we thought...ready the heat-seeking missiles! The men rush to comply. MUNITIONS BUNKER AREA - SOLDIER #2 AND FRIEND They pull into munitions, look around for a bit...until Soldier #2 sees the truck of blue shells. SOLDIER (pleased) Hey, look. Armor-piercing. All ready to go. They start to load some of the shells into their truck. INT. BUNKER - DAY Perkins, Mank and Cotler are screaming and banging on the heavy metal fire door. EXT. BUNKER AREA - DAY Soldier #2 stops, a blue shell in hand. Did he hear someone? The sound of a new artillery barrage drowns out his doubts. Nah. He shrugs...loads the last shell...drives off with his buddy. DUNCTON - AT COMMAND POST looking through his binoculars, he commands: DUNCTON Fire the heat-seeking missiles! EXT. MISSILE LAUNCHER - STOCK as missiles are launched. INT. THE KNIGHT 2000 K.I.T.T. Michael! Three heat-seeking rockets are approaching from the southwest! Michael looks out the window, sees them. MICHAEL Try and dodge them. K.I.T.T. I am trying, Michael. But they're homing in on the heat of my engine. MICHAEL We have to find another source of heat! Michael looks around. MICHAEL Head for that underbrush, Kitt. OMITTED EXT. KNIGHT 2000 drives to a thicket of chaparral, sagebrush and mesquite. INT. KNIGHT 2000 MICHAEL Fire your rocket booster! EXT. CAR K.I.T.T. does -- and the thicket bursts into flames. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael turns, looks at.... HIS POINT OF VIEW - MISSILES - STOCK heading toward them. BACK TO SCENE His heart in his mouth he watches until.... THE CHAPPARAL as three explosions in succession rock it. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (simultaneously with explosions) One...two... (beat) What happened to three? CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - LIMBO Pull back from the thermostat on Sanj's truck. It's in the "red -- danger" zone. As the shot widens, we see that Sanj has stopped by the side of the road. Sanj is in the bushes ...his back to camera...he looks up as he hears a whistling sound. CLOSER - SANJ His eyes pop. He runs away down the road as --- NEW ANGLE - SANJ'S TRUCK A heat-seeking missile slams into it, blows Danish and tuna sandwiches into the next county. SANJ Bowled over by the explosion, he looks at what's left of his truck and we: CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. Michael hears the distant explosion. MICHAEL Three...! Let's go, Kitt! THE KNIGHT 2000 It turns, heads for the tank. INT. TANK - DAY Robin reacts as a pipe drops down near her...the tank is going to fall apart soon, from near-misses alone. EXT. TANK - DAY K.I.T.T. slams to a halt next to it. Michael jumps out of the sunroof, climbs aboard. Opens the hatch. MICHAEL Robin! Come on! She appears as amazed as she is pleased. ROBIN Michael...? How did you...? MICHAEL We'll talk later. Get in! INT. K.I.T.T. as they drop inside. Before Michael's hit the seat he's shouting --- MICHAEL Go, Kitt! Go! They roar away. THE SCENE The tank takes a direct hit just as K.I.T.T. leaves. INT. K.I.T.T. Dirt showers down on the car and it rocks. But they're safe. MICHAEL You all right? ROBIN Now I am! How do we get out of here? MICHAEL The same way we got in. Kitt, plot a course that's only semi- fatal. K.I.T.T. I recommend the gap between any two gun positions, Michael. ROBIN Who said that? MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Uh...me.... I did. MICHAEL Let's go pay the General a visit! ROBIN Is this a car -- or a spaceship? MICHAEL A little of both. FAT SOLDIER AND FRIEND line the blue shells up to three red ones, wave at the gun crew. Drive away. The gun crew loads a red shell, fires. KNIGHT 2000 heading to Duncton's bunker. The only thing between them is the Howitzers. THE CREW load up another red shell. There is but one left. KNIGHT 2000 K.I.T.T. Michael, we're getting closer to the guns! MICHAEL That's the idea! GUN CREW load up the last red shell and fire. They start to load the blue shell. KNIGHT 2000 swerving.... GUN CREW The blue shell is loaded. The breech closes...a hand reaches for the chain.... TO INCLUDE KNIGHT 2000 The Knight 2000 swerves wildly close to the Howitzer, swipes one of the legs. GUN CREW Their weapon tilts. The blue shell drops from the breech. DUNCTON - IN COMMAND POST He sees this, knows the jig is up. He grabs his belongings, runs out. His staff look at each other, confused. EXT. COMMAND POST - DUNCTON Duncton runs towards an armored personnel carrier, jumps in. DUNCTON (to the driver) Soldier! Move out! That's an order! The startled soldier complies...the massive vehicle starts up. OMITTED EXT. COMMAND POST The Knight 2000 heads right for the APC...swings away at the last minute, just clipping the bogies on one side. The track snaps like an old rubber band. NEW ANGLE - APC with only one track biting the ground, it swings around in a wild circle, slams to a halt in a cloud of dust. DUNCTON Knocked off his feet, he scrambles to climb out and escape -- runs right into Michael, who grabs him. Trapped, he doesn't even struggle. MICHAEL General, I think you just blew your pension. Robin steps over. With a grim smile, she rips the stars from Duncton's shoulder. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED INT. GENERAL DUNCTON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon, Michael and Robin are inside. Devon is on a roll. DEVON ...oh, yes...it's the typical Michael Knight situation...total confusion... mass destruction...all in a good cause, of course, but without the slightest regard for --- ROBIN Mr. Miles, please. I was the one who got Michael into this in the first --- DEVON Oh, I know. That's part of his typical pattern as well...a young lady who innocently causes a --- All turn as the door opens. Major Rainey enters, crosses to the desk. RAINEY Thank you all for joining me. (aside to Michael) I see you left your sandwiches outside. Devon looks at Michael inquisitively. Michael makes an "Ixnay" gesture. RAINEY (to others) It's certainly been a confusing morning...The top brass on the post is in the stockade, and I find myself the acting Commander.... The phone buzzes. Rainey picks it up. RAINEY Major Rainey.... (eyes widening) Yes, sir. Yes, they're right here. (covering phone) They want to talk to someone from the Foundation...whoever's respon- sible for what happened here. Michael reaches for the phone, resigned. MICHAEL I guess that's me. (a look at Devon) I've just been told I was operating on my own.... RAINEY It's the White House. DEVON I'll take it. In one deft move, Devon intercepts the phone halfway between Rainey and Michael. DEVON Hello, sir. Devon Miles here. (listens) Thank you, sir. (listens) No, no we didn't have any inside information...just our own crime- busting instincts...yes, yes...The Foundation for Law and Government prides itself on flexibility... individual initiative...yes...that's exactly why the situation at this base was one of our top priorities. Thank you, sir...and good-bye. Devon hangs up, a blissful expression on his face. ROBIN AND MICHAEL She leans close to him, whispers. ROBIN How can he tell such outrageous lies? MICHAEL With a sincere expression. EXT. HEADQUARTERS BUILDING - DAY Devon and Michael enter the shot from behind the camera, walk towards K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Devon, now that this is an official Foundation effort...could we talk about my expenses here? There was a motel...I bought Robin dinner.... DEVON Michael, there's no basis for --- MICHAEL No basis? What happened to 'flexi- bility'? 'Intuitive thinking'? 'Individual initiative'? As they continue arguing, we pan to K.I.T.T....tighten on the rear bumper...where a bumper sticker reads "Go Army!" FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END