EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57311 R. A. Cinader September 13, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer EN Rev. 9/20/82 (F.R.) Steven E. de Souza Rev. 9/21/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER JUST MY BILL Story by Catherine Bacos Teleplay by Deborah Davis Contributing Writers David Braff & Steven E. de Souza ___________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY A high-rise is going up. As we slowly pan the work under progress, we see Devon perched on a work platform several stories above the ground. He looks very much ill at ease amid the bustle and activity of heavy construction. CLOSE ON DEVON as he looks nervously over the side and reacts with a mild attack of vertigo. ANOTHER ANGLE Maggie Flynn, a fiery, outspoken, maverick State Senator is going over a set of blueprints with a worker, Charlie Kemp. MAGGIE What about the weldings? KEMP They all exceed the state safety regulations. MAGGIE Well, then everything looks okay to me. (hands him the blueprints) Keep up the good work, Charlie. KEMP You too, Senator. Maggie, Devon and Kemp enter. INT. CONSTRUCTION ELEVATOR They begin their descension to the ground. MAGGIE Are you all right, Devon? You don't look so good. DEVON Don't you think we could find some- where a bit more conducive to quiet conversation. MAGGIE Sorry, Devon, I don't have time for one of your infamous five course lunches. (beat) So if you want to talk, let's talk. If not, write a memo. The elevator reaches the ground and the three passengers disembark. ANOTHER ANGLE ON THE GROUND A group of workers are sitting around on their lunch break. They see Maggie and immediately recognize her. One of the hard hats, Al, looks up from his lunch pail and cracks: AL Hey, Maggie, when are you going to get out of politics and get an honest job? The guys laugh. Maggie comes over and pats Al's prodigious girth. MAGGIE When you lose that beer belly. As the guys crack up, Maggie takes half of Al's hero sandwich and digs in. MAGGIE Hmmm, this is not bad. KEMP Hey, Maggie, what's going on with that power bill? MAGGIE If it passes you guys are gonna get ripped off again. AL What are you talking about? MAGGIE We're talking about a bill that's designed to destroy the environment, cheat the people and line the pockets of the private power companies. AL Well, so what are you doing about it? MAGGIE (between bites of sandwich) I'm trying like hell to defeat it. KEMP All right. Maggie Flynn speaks for the people! Maggie shoots him a look. MAGGIE Well someone's got to do it. As they laugh, she walks back over to Devon. ANGLE TO INCLUDE DEVON DEVON Don't you think it's rather unwise for you to be visiting a construction site all by yourself. MAGGIE I'm not visiting, I'm inspecting. (beat) And since when do I need a bodyguard? DEVON (pointed) Perhaps since you've been receiving threatening phone calls at home...had your office broken into...found bugs in your telephones.... MAGGIE My, but you're well informed. Maggie obviously thought those were secrets. She's a little peeved and stops walking. ANGLE - TOP OF HIGH-RISE A row of heavy pipes are being rolled toward the edge of the steel framework. BACK TO SCENE DEVON Maggie, my feeling is that these incidents may have something to do with a bill you're currently opposing. MAGGIE Really? I'm currently opposing a lot of bills. You'll have to be more specific. Maggie gives him a dirty look and moves on. Devon stops and frowns, then follows. ANGLE - PIPES The wedge holding them steady is kicked away. BACK TO SCENE DEVON All I'm asking is that you permit me to provide some protection. MAGGIE Not a chance. DEVON Maggie, will you please listen to reason? MAGGIE Look, Devon, you're a good friend and I appreciate your concern...but I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. ANGLE - PIPES One of them drops over and starts falling from the high-rise. ANGLE - DEVON He looks up and sees the pipe plunging directly over their heads. WIDE ANGLE Devon grabs Maggie and shoves her to the ground as the pipe hits a few feet away. They narrowly escape getting crushed to death. ANGLE - HIGH-RISE There's no one standing by the pipes. ANGLE - DEVON DEVON Is that so? EXT. KNIGHT FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK INT. K.I.T.T.'S SEMI - DAY The Trans Am sits in the middle of the diagnostic center as Bonnie lies under the car on a roller. Michael looks on. MICHAEL What are you doing now? Bonnie comes out from under the car. BONNIE I'm about to make a very delicate adjustment to Kitt's laser ducts.... K.I.T.T. Bonnie, with those hands you should have been a surgeon. BONNIE (flattered) That's what my dad always said. (beat) I had to practically slash my wrists to convince him I couldn't stand the sight of blood. MICHAEL Medicine's loss is our gain. BONNIE (finishing adjustment) There, how does that feel? K.I.T.T. Perfect. I don't know what I'd do without you, Bonnie. MICHAEL You'd break down, that's what you'd do. BONNIE (to Michael) That's for sure. The way you abuse him. ANOTHER ANGLE Devon enters wearing his business face. They ad-lib greetings. DEVON (to Bonnie) Is Kitt fully prepared? BONNIE Yes, sir. MICHAEL Fully prepared for what? DEVON Your next assignment, naturally. MICHAEL My next assignment. Wait a minute, Devon. I've got a date tonight. DEVON That's already been taken care of. MICHAEL What do you mean? DEVON The poor girl...Sabrina?..she was heartbroken, but I assured her you honor your rainchecks. MICHAEL Devon, we've got to have a little talk. DEVON Indeed, we do. And I'm afraid there's precious little time. What do you know about Maggie Flynn? MICHAEL She's a State Senator, right? Highly controversial, steps on a lot of toes, has the best voting record in the Legislature. BONNIE (impressed with his knowledge) Not bad. MICHAEL She's also a friend of yours, isn't she, Devon? DEVON That's correct. And also a member of the Foundation's Board of Trustees. MICHAEL I thought the Foundation didn't get involved in politics. DEVON As a rule, we don't. Michael's reading Devon's mind. He smiles shrewdly. MICHAEL However, this time I get the feeling we're going to bend that rule a little, right? DEVON That wouldn't be anything new for you, would it? MICHAEL (hooked) No, Devon, I don't suppose it would ...What do you want me to do? DEVON Actually, your mission is quite simple. I have reason to believe Maggie's life may be in danger. Until further notice I'd like you to be her constant companion. Michael gives Devon a friendly slap on the back. MICHAEL You got it. Devon reacts with distaste. No one slaps him on the back. DEVON Good. She's expecting you at her office. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask Kitt. With that, Devon abruptly exits. Michael approaches K.I.T.T. MICHAEL As a matter of fact, I do have a question, Kitt. Who gave him Sabrina's phone number? K.I.T.T.'s front scanning lights blink guiltily. EXT. CAPITOL - DAY The Trans Am drives onto the Capitol grounds. Michael is looking for a place to park. He's about to pull into a space when he sees a sign that reads NO PARKING. MICHAEL Any suggestions, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Turn left. OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM as it makes a left and pulls up toward another sign. This reads UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES TOWED AWAY. MICHAEL This is ridiculous. The Trans Am approaches an underground parking lot. The sign above the entrance clearly states: OFFICIAL VEHICLES ONLY. MICHAEL I don't care. This is where we park. The Trans Am pulls into the structure. Michael finds a space, parks, gets out of the car. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, you're on your own. And try not to look too conspicuous. ANGLE - TRANS AM As Michael walks away, a security attendant, Ben, approaches the car. ANOTHER ANGLE to see that Ben is clearly annoyed that the car is parked in an unauthorized parking stall. He turns and walks back to a nearby telephone, dials. BEN (into phone) Lester, it's Ben. Listen, can you send a tow truck.... ANGLE - TRANS AM Overhearing the conversation, K.I.T.T. quietly moves to another spot. BEN ...we got an illegally parked car down here.... BACK TO BEN He turns to look at the Trans Am and reacts with bewilderment. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE PARKING STALL is empty. BACK TO BEN BEN Lester. Forget it. Ben hangs up the phone, rubs his head in confusion. INT. CAPITOL - DAY Michael is walking down a wide corridor. He stops at a door marked SENATOR FLYNN and opens it. INT. MAGGIE'S OFFICE - DAY It's the outer office, and like most representatives' quarters it is cluttered with books, pamphlets, reports, print-outs and assorted junk. On the wall is a lifesize poster of Maggie that is captioned: MAGGIE FLYNN SPEAKS FOR THE PEOPLE. ANGLE - JANE ADAMS Maggie's young, able and attractive Administrative Assistant is on the phone. JANE (into phone) Look, I need that environmental impact report no later than this afternoon...Roger, this is important.... Jane sees Michael and motions for him to sit down. Michael comes over and sits down near Jane. JANE (continuing; into phone) Listen to me, Roger, I don't want to hear your troubles. I've got enough of my own. The point is, Maggie needs your help, okay?..right... tomorrow, the latest...okay... good-bye. Jane hangs up the phone, makes an entry onto a yellow pad, then turns toward Michael, nonplussed by his appearance. JANE Yeah, what can I do for you? MICHAEL I'm here to see Maggie Flynn. JANE Who are you? MICHAEL Michael Knight. JANE Oh, of course, from the Foundation, right? MICHAEL Right. Is she in? JANE No, but she's due back any minute. ANGLE - UNDERGROUND PARKING LOT Ben is hunting around for the Trans Am. He spots it and is about to go to the phone again. Only this time he's a little shrewder. As he walks he turns around to look and make sure the car is still in the same spot. ANGLE - TRANS AM in the parking stall. ANGLE - BEN He's almost to the phone. He turns back to look. ANGLE - TRANS AM It hasn't budged. ANGLE - BEN dialing the phone. BEN Lester, it's Ben. He turns to look. ANGLE - PARKING SPACE The Trans Am is gone. BACK TO BEN He hangs up the phone. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it cruises the parking lot. ANGLE - CORRIDOR Maggie is walking down the hallway in a heated conversation with Senator Russell Forbes, the sponsor of the dubious power bill and Maggie's chief legislative adversary. FORBES I don't understand you, Maggie. Your opposition to my bill is a waste of your time and mine. MAGGIE What about the taxpayers' dollars? That's the waste I'm worried about. FORBES (stern) The State needs that power plant. MAGGIE Come off it, Forbes, the only reason you're pushing this bill is because the company that wants to build that worthless plant happens to be the largest source of your campaign funds. FORBES I wish you'd reconsider your position. I don't want a fight on the Senate floor. They have arrived at her office. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL MAGGIE I'll bet you don't. Well you're in for one whether you like it or not. The people of this state are not going to be swindled out of their natural resources. Not if I can help it. (beat) Good day, Senator. Forbes shakes his head wearily and continues walking down the corridor. ANGLE - MAGGIE AND MICHAEL as she sees Michael waiting in her doorway. MICHAEL Hello, Senator. MAGGIE Who are you? Maggie doesn't wait for an answer. She brusquely enters her office. Michael follows. INT. MAGGIE'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS MICHAEL Michael Knight. Devon Miles asked me to.... MAGGIE I know, I know. I was hoping he'd forget about me. MICHAEL On the contrary. I'd say he's very concerned about your well-being. MAGGIE Of course, he is. Devon's more of an old lady than I am. He's blowing this whole thing out of proportion. MICHAEL Well, Senator, I'm here just in case he isn't. Jane gets up from her desk and hands Maggie a stack of messages. MAGGIE Call me Maggie, okay? Nobody calls me Senator except my enemies. JANE Here are your messages, Maggie. Maggie takes them, starts rapidly flipping through the pile. MAGGIE What's the latest head count on the power bill? JANE No change. It's still too close to call. Maggie tosses down the messages, moves towards Jane's desk. MAGGIE Okay, what's next on the agenda? JANE You've got that TV interview over at KRDL. MAGGIE Can you push it back an hour? JANE No, it's live from the studio. Maggie checks her watch, then turns to Michael. MAGGIE Can you get me across town in twenty minutes? MICHAEL Are blueberries blue? MAGGIE You call that a sense of humor? Come on, let's go. Maggie heads for the door. INT. UNDERGROUND PARKING LOT - DAY Michael and Maggie are coming out of a door and into the parking lot. MAGGIE Where are you parked? MICHAEL (looking around for K.I.T.T.) I'm not sure. (pointing) If you want to wait here, I'll drive around and pick you up. MAGGIE Michael, I'm a politician, not a princess. MICHAEL Come on, Maggie, for a politician you are a princess. From what I've read, you received awards from practically every civic group in the state. MAGGIE Those awards are easier to come by than campaign contributions. Michael turns away from her, surreptitiously speaks into his watch. MICHAEL (sotto) Kitt, where are you? ANGLE - TRANS AM K.I.T.T. is cruising around the lot. K.I.T.T. (sotto) I'll be right there, Michael. ANOTHER ANGLE An ND car starts up. We can see the driver's face. We will later learn his name is Luger. BACK TO MICHAEL AND MAGGIE They are approaching the open lane, walking between cars. ANGLE - ND CAR It comes racing around a row of parked cars and bores down on Michael and Maggie. Before it can hit them, the Trans Am arrives on the scene, cutting off the ND car and forcing it down another row. The ND car speeds away. ANGLE - MICHAEL AND MAGGIE They react to the near hit and run as K.I.T.T. pulls up to them. MICHAEL Come on. Michael opens the door for her, then sprints around and jumps in the other side. As Michael starts the Trans Am and begins his pursuit of the ND car, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. CAPITOL - DAY - CONTINUOUS ACTION We pick up the chase with the Trans Am pursuing the car through the capitol parking lot, then onto a business street. INT. TRANS AM Maggie has never seen a car like this and acts accordingly -- with awe. MAGGIE My goodness, what do you call a car like this? MICHAEL Kitt. OMITTED EXT. STREET The traffic is heavy enough that Michael can't catch the assailant. EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET The ND car zips around a corner and onto an empty street. Michael follows, and starts gaining on the ND car when it crashes a stop sign and races through an intersection. EXT. DUMP TRUCK It is approaching the intersection from the other way. ANGLE - TRANS AM on a collision course with the truck. OMITTED ANGLE - DUMP TRUCK - CLOSE ON THE HORRIFIED FACE OF THE DRIVER as he sees the Trans Am about to ram his vehicle. WIDE ANGLE At the last second Michael puts the Trans Am into a power slide and does a 180-degree spin to avoid plowing into the truck. EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY Michael pulls over to the side of the road and parks. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL Are you okay, Maggie? MAGGIE I'm fine. I think. MICHAEL Take a few deep breaths. MAGGIE (breathing deeply) Did you get a look at the driver? MICHAEL Never got close enough. (thinks a beat) But maybe Kitt saw something I didn't. Michael pushes a few buttons on the dashboard. MAGGIE What are you doing? MICHAEL Calling for an instant replay. INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR We see a replay of the chase. Tighten on the rear of the ND car so that the license plate becomes distinguishable. ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Hold on there. Freeze that and zoom in, will you, Kitt. VIDEO MONITOR The frame freezes on a shot of the license plate. BACK TO SCENE MAGGIE What is it? MICHAEL The license plate. WPG-596. (beat) Kitt, can you run a check on that with DMV? K.I.T.T. I've already made the inquiry. Unfor- tunately, the response has been delayed. You know how difficult it is to deal with bureaucratic computers. MAGGIE You can say that again. K.I.T.T. (repeating himself) I've already made the inquiry.... MICHAEL Kitt! She didn't mean that literally. K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Senator. MICHAEL (to Maggie) While he's doing that I'm getting you back to your office. Michael starts the car. MAGGIE I beg your pardon. We were on our way to a television studio. MICHAEL I think you should keep a lower profile until I can do some investigating. MAGGIE What are you going to discover? That I've got powerful enemies. We already know that. MICHAEL We also know that the guy in that car was playing for keeps. MAGGIE Michael, I don't care who wants me out of the way, I refuse to be intimidated. MICHAEL Maggie, if you stay visible, you're making yourself an awfully easy target. MAGGIE Maybe. But isn't that why I have a bodyguard? Maggie and Michael exchange looks that indicate she won that round. EXT. MODERN OFFICE BUILDING - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK A high-rise edifice not unlike the black tower. INT. OFFICE - DAY The richly appointed suite of an obviously powerful man. Seated at his desk, his back to the camera, is J. Hanford Dixon, the shadowy, profit-goaded, sinister director of the vast utility company that stands to benefit from the building of the power plant. He is watching a television set. INSERT - TV SCREEN Maggie is being interviewed. We pick her up in the middle of her comments. MAGGIE Let me put it as simply as I can. The Portage River Power Bill is an attempt by a handful of greedy profiteers to exploit both the people and the resources of this state. If this bill were to become law not only would a lush, unspoiled valley be turned into a desert, but the people living there would be forced to buy back both the water and the power that rightfully belonged to them in the first place. Now who makes out on a deal like that? Certainly not you or me.... BACK TO SCENE Dixon gets up from his chair, goes to the TV set and angrily snaps it off somewhere in the middle of Maggie's oration. DIXON That woman is a menace. ANOTHER ANGLE We see that Dixon is talking to Russel Forbes who sits on a couch, clearly feeling the heat and irritation emanating from Dixon. FORBES That's putting it mildly. DIXON Does she have the votes to stop us? FORBES I don't think so, but if she can create enough of a public outcry to sway the undecideds...the bill could be in a lot of trouble. DIXON Well, then I suggest you go back to the Capitol and start twisting some arms. I want a victory, Forbes, and if you can't ensure that, next election I'll find someone in your district who can. FORBES Look, I'm doing all I can. But you just saw for yourself. Maggie Flynn isn't backing down an inch. DIXON Let me worry about Maggie Flynn. EXT. TELEVISION STATION - DAY Michael and Maggie are coming out of the studio. They walk toward the Trans Am which is parked nearby. MAGGIE (rubbing her face) Do I still have any of that hideous makeup on? Michael wipes away the last remains from her cheek. MICHAEL There, you're clean. MAGGIE So, what did you think? How did I come across? MICHAEL Like gang busters. MAGGIE I wasn't too pushy. MICHAEL Of course you were. I thought that was part of the image. MAGGIE What image? With me what you see is what you get. Michael opens the door and Maggie climbs into the Trans Am. Michael enters from the driver's side. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL Then I've got to hand it to you, you're a very gutsy lady. MAGGIE When you spend your life in political hand-to-hand combat, it toughens you up. Michael starts the car and they drive off. INSERT - DASHBOARD Michael pushes a few buttons. MAGGIE What are you doing? MICHAEL I had Kitt on surveillance mode. MAGGIE Surveillance mode? MICHAEL He has a sensory device that can detect any kind of suspicious movement within a two-hundred foot radius. (beat) Anything to report, Kitt? K.I.T.T. All clear, Michael. It's safe to proceed. MAGGIE I recall Devon telling me about a special car they were developing at the Foundation, but I had no idea it would be so sophisticated. MICHAEL Don't flatter him. He has a tendency to show off. K.I.T.T. Not true, Michael. Flattery implies that I'm capable of responding to my own unique capabilities. The truth, Senator, is that I deal solely in empirical data. MICHAEL See what I mean. Maggie smiles. MAGGIE Whatever the case, I'm impressed. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Senator. The feeling is mutual. MICHAEL Where to now? MAGGIE Back to the office. I've got a climbing date with a mountain of paperwork. EXT. CAPITOL - DAY - ESTABLISHING INT. MAGGIE'S OFFICE - DAY The door opens and Maggie and Michael enter. The office is empty. Maggie is surprised and calls out: MAGGIE Jane! ANGLE - MAGGIE'S INNER OFFICE The door opens and Devon, not Jane, comes out. FULL SHOT DEVON I believe she's out to lunch. MICHAEL Devon, what are you doing here? DEVON Trying to solve a problem. MAGGIE What kind of problem? DEVON You're familiar with the Foundation's international conference on democracy in the emerging nations? MAGGIE Of course I'm familiar with it. I organized it with Professor Funaka. He should be up at the Blue Lake retreat right now. DEVON That's the problem. Professor Funaka was forced to cancel. We've got no one to moderate the discussion groups. I fear a fiasco for the Foundation. MAGGIE Devon, is this a set-up? DEVON What on earth are you suggesting? MAGGIE That in order to get me out of town you'd resort to something underhanded like this subtle form of blackmail. DEVON It can't be blackmail if you care. MAGGIE Of course I care. I spent six months putting that conference together. DEVON Then I assume you have a vested interest. MAGGIE I also have a vested interest in defeating that power bill. MICHAEL Maggie, the vote's not until next week. DEVON You'll be back in plenty of time. MICHAEL And it will give me a chance to find out who's been harrassing you. Maggie looks at Michael and without saying anything he conveys the feeling that she should go to the conference. After a beat, Maggie relents. MAGGIE All right, Devon...you win. DEVON (relieved) Excellent. Come along, there's a car waiting. MICHAEL Devon, be careful. MAGGIE (to Michael) You too. MICHAEL No sweat. I'll see you when you get back. Devon and Maggie exit. EXT. CAPITOL - DAY Devon's limousine pulls out of the Capitol grounds. Devon and Maggie are visible in the backseat. ANOTHER ANGLE Luger, the same man who tried to do in Maggie and Michael in the parking lot, is sitting in another ND car. He recognizes Maggie in the limousine. He starts the car and begins to tail them. INT. MAGGIE'S OFFICE - DAY Michael, sitting at Jane's desk, pushes a button on his wristwatch. MICHAEL Kitt. Intercut with: ANGLE - K.I.T.T. parked in the underground parking lot. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. MICHAEL Have you turned up anything on that license plate? K.I.T.T. It just came through. The car was registered to the Western Auto Rental Company. MICHAEL It was a rented car? Great. Another dead end. K.I.T.T. Will you permit me to complete my report? MICHAEL I'm sorry. Go on. K.I.T.T. I checked their computers. The name on the credit card used in the transaction was Brian Owendorf. SMASH CUT TO OMITTED CLOSE SHOT OF JANE bewildered. JANE Brian Owendorf? That's impossible. Pull back and widen to: EXT. CAPITOL LAWN - DAY Michael and Jane are eating hot dogs. MICHAEL Why is it so impossible? JANE Because it doesn't make sense. He's one of Maggie's oldest and most loyal supporters. Besides, why would an environmental activist try to kill Maggie? I mean he's been working with us on ecology issues for years. MICHAEL It's not unheard of for supporters to manifest their support in radical ways. JANE What's that supposed to mean? MICHAEL He might be staging this whole thing to win political support. Like you say, no one would expect a friend of Maggie Flynn's to mow her down in a parking lot. JANE No, they'd point the finger at the conglomerates behind the power bill. MICHAEL And maybe that's exactly what Brian Owendorf hopes will happen. JANE Michael, how can you be so sure? MICHAEL Actually, I'm not. But I do think it's time I had a few words with Mr. Owendorf. EXT. ROAD - DAY The Trans Am is on the move again. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael and Jane are in the front seat. Michael takes a curve without touching the brakes. JANE Michael, what are all those lights on your dashboard? MICHAEL That's a little, uh, computer gadget the Foundation had installed. Cuts down on my speeding tickets. JANE Clever. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY It is tooling down an old business street, like you might find in Venice, with aging but well-kept office buildings. JANE (v.o.) Slow down. It's right over there. (beat) The building across the street. The Trans Am comes to a halt across from a funky old building that would be a likely spot for a non-profit organization. INT. TRANS AM Michael and Jane are about to get out. Michael puts a hand on her knee. MICHAEL I want you to stay here. Just in case it gets nasty. JANE Michael, I'm not going to sit in the car by myself. MICHAEL Kitt will keep you company. JANE Who's Kitt? K.I.T.T. The little computer gadget. MICHAEL Sorry, Kitt, you're not the easiest thing to explain. K.I.T.T. Next time you have trouble just ask me. I know exactly who I am. MICHAEL I'll remember that. He gets out of the car. MICHAEL (to Jane) Just hang in there. She frowns at Michael as he leaves. K.I.T.T. Jane, according to my information you went to Stanford University. JANE (startled) That's right.... K.I.T.T. Part of my circuitry was developed there. Excellent school. Jane can't believe she's conversing with a dashboard. JANE Oh yes.... K.I.T.T. I don't suppose you knew anyone in the engineering department.... INT. RECEPTION AREA - DAY Michael steps into a small, sparsely furnished and kind of rundown office. A sign on the wall reads FRIENDS OF MOTHER EARTH. He's greeted by a cautious secretary named Kate. She's tall, blonde, and very earthy. MICHAEL Hi there. KATE Can I help you? MICHAEL That depends on whether or not Brian Owendorf is here. KATE (curious) Yes, he's here. Do you have an appointment? MICHAEL Gosh, no. Bri and I are old buddies. I just thought I'd drop by and say hello. KATE I see. MICHAEL We marched together to save the redwoods. Yeah, those were the days.... KATE Why don't you have a seat. MICHAEL Sure. Kate exits to: INT. BRIAN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Brian sits at his messy desk looking out the window. He's a mild mannered guy, wears wire-rim glasses and does not appear very threatening. He reacts as an anxious Kate enters. BRIAN What is it, Katie? KATE There's a man out there. Says he's an old friend of yours. Brian gets up from his chair, concerned. He goes to the door, opens it a crack and peers out. HIS POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL is looking through the file cabinet. BACK TO SCENE KATE Do you know him? BRIAN Never seen him before in my life. KATE What should I do? BRIAN Stall him. Brian looks gravely at Kate. INT. RECEPTION AREA Kate comes out of Brian's office and Michael steps away from the file cabinet. KATE He'll be with you in a minute. (beat) Can I get you something to drink? We have lots of juices. MICHAEL No thanks. They look at each other for a beat. Michael sees that Kate is nervous, hiding something. Then the sound of a window opening is heard, followed by a dull thud. ANGLE - MICHAEL He realizes something is up. Disregarding Kate, he bursts into: INT. BRIAN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Michael enters to find the window open and the room empty. He runs over to the window and looks out. HIS POINT OF VIEW - BRIAN is fleeing down an alley behind the building. BACK TO MICHAEL Hold on Michael's look of anxiety, and: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN INT. BRIAN'S OFFICE - ANGLE - MICHAEL - CONTINUOUS ACTION Michael sees Brian turn down another alley and stops, raising his wristwatch to his face. MICHAEL Kitt, our man took a powder. He's heading south on an alley behind the building. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'm picking him up on the scanner. MICHAEL Go for it. OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM The car moves from its parking space with a sudden jolt. It takes off down the street. INT. TRANS AM Jane, taken by surprise, is freaking out. JANE Kitt, what are you doing? K.I.T.T. Employing my self-propelled guidance system. (beat) You can follow on the screen. INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR K.I.T.T. is pursuing the fleeing man. BACK TO JANE JANE I don't believe this. ANGLE - MICHAEL He runs after Brian who turns down another alley. MICHAEL (calling) Brian! ANGLE - BRIAN He looks back, sees Michael, then jumps a fence and proceeds down another back street. ANGLE - TRANS AM Turning down an alley, K.I.T.T. is honing in on his quarry. ANGLE - BRIAN He hears the roar of K.I.T.T.'s engines and turns to see the bizarre sight of a fierce black car with a passenger and no driver, bearing down on him. He is not a tough guy to begin with, but now he's absolutely petrified. WIDE ANGLE to see that Brian is trapped in a blind alley. In a matter of seconds, K.I.T.T.'s got him against the wall. CLOSE SHOT Brian is pinned against the wall. His hands flail above his head. BRIAN (terrorized) I give up. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he arrives on the scene. Jane gets out of the car. JANE Michael, will you tell your car to back off. Michael reaches inside and flicks a switch. The Trans Am settles down. Brian recognizes Jane. BRIAN Jane! Can you tell me what's going on here? JANE It's okay, Brian... (indicating Michael and K.I.T.T.) ...they're with me. MICHAEL Why did you take off like that? BRIAN I thought you were one of the goons. JANE What goons? BRIAN We've been getting phone calls telling us if we don't stop protesting against the Forbes bill we'll all be dead. JANE You too? BRIAN (nods) And a few days ago somebody broke in and ransacked the office. Destroyed the files, the whole bit. (to Michael) So when I saw you looking through the file cabinet, I got scared. MICHAEL I'm sorry. BRIAN That's all right. I'm just glad we established we're on the same side. JANE Did they take anything from your office? BRIAN Not much. A few bucks from petty cash. To make it look like a burglary, I suppose. MICHAEL That's it? BRIAN Oh, yeah, my credit cards. They got those, too. Michael and Jane look at each other in silence. BRIAN I guess there's somebody out there who wants that power bill to pass real bad. DISSOLVE TO EXT. RETREAT - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING It looks like an Arrowhead A-Frame. The house is surrounded by pine and fir trees. A fence runs around the perimeter. Behind the house is a hill. There is an entrance gate in front of the house. Through a window we can see a lambent flicker of fire light. INT. RETREAT - NIGHT A large living room contains a sizable and colorful contingent of international dignitaries. It has the feel of a United Nations cocktail lounge with men in dashikis and women in saris sipping drinks and conversing. ANOTHER ANGLE Maggie is standing by the fireplace with a pretty woman named Miriam. MAGGIE I understand you're making great strides in your country. MIRIAM (nods enthusiastically) Yes, we've been able to open our doors recently and allow the flow of new ideas to reach our people. MAGGIE Well I hope the conference enables you to go home with a few more new ideas. MIRIAM I'm certain it will. This one-to-one communication is much more affective than formal governmental relations. MAGGIE Absolutely. When you get the oppor- tunity to relate to your neighbors in this kind of environment you quickly discover that the world is not such a big place after all. ANOTHER ANGLE A proud, tall, handsome Asian man approaches the ladies. He is smiling broadly. This we will soon learn, is none other than Professor Funaka. He speaks with an Oriental accent. FUNAKA Ah, Maggie, it is a delight to see you. ANGLE - MAGGIE She is surprised to see him. MAGGIE Professor Funaka!? ANGLE TO INCLUDE MAGGIE AND FUNAKA FUNAKA I was under the impression that you would be unable to attend. This is a most pleasant surprise. He shakes her hand warmly. Maggie realizes she has been had by Devon. MAGGIE For me as well. I was under the impression that you wouldn't be here. FUNAKA Good heavens, where did you get such erroneous information? ANGLE - DEVON He is sipping champagne when he sees Maggie glaring at him from across the room. He smiles sheepishly and begins to mingle. EXT. PICKUP TRUCK - NIGHT It's nestled under a thick cover of trees suggesting that it's not far from the retreat. INT. TRUCK A ruddy-faced, ferret-eyed man sits alone, a car phone in his hand. He is Luger, the guy who drove the ND car in the parking lot. The dirty trickster determined to stop Maggie. He speaks into the phone. LUGER Everything's under control. She's up at the retreat. Nice and isolated. Intercut with: J. HANFORD DIXON putting in a late night in his office. DIXON Splendid. What about that hot shot driver she had? LUGER Don't worry none about that boy. I got him going around in circles. DIXON Have you assembled the necessary support personnel? LUGER It's all set. DIXON Use whatever methods are called for. Just make sure Maggie Flynn stays put...I'll handle the rest of the operation. Dixon hangs up the phone. Hold on his malevolent smirk, and: DISSOLVE TO EXT. JANE'S HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING The Trans Am is parked outside. EXT. JANE'S PATIO - DAY It's the next morning and Michael has a pot of coffee and toast on the table. There is also a telephone. Jane enters from inside, tying a robe around her pajamas and failing to stifle a major yawn. JANE You're up bright and early. MICHAEL Thought you might like some breakfast. JANE Very thoughtful of you. Michael pours her some coffee. MICHAEL How did you sleep? JANE I didn't. I spent the night worrying about Maggie. MICHAEL (handing her the cup) Here, this will make you feel better. Jane takes a sip. It's good. JANE You may act like a crazy man some- times, but you know how to make a cup of coffee. MICHAEL I'm taking that as a compliment. JANE That's how it was intended. They exchange warm glances, both glad they're getting to know each other. MICHAEL So tell me, how does a girl like you get to be a girl like you? JANE Oh, I don't know...four years of college, then grad school, an internship in Washington, and a major stroke of luck -- I met Maggie Flynn. MICHAEL You really admire her, don't you? JANE She has more integrity and plain old guts than anyone I've ever known. Michael raises his coffee cup. MICHAEL To Maggie. They clink coffee cups in a toast as the phone rings. Jane answers it. JANE (into phone) Hello...yes, this is Jane...wait a minute. Slow down...yes...what?! ...No! How could he? (face reddens with rage) ...don't worry. She'll be there ...right. See you later. Jane hangs up, obviously shaken by the news she has just received. MICHAEL What was that all about? JANE (disgusted) That creep Forbes did a number on us. He got his cronies to push the bill through committee last night and he's bringing it up for a vote before the full Senate this afternoon. MICHAEL He knew Maggie was out of town. JANE (nods) Russel Forbes is as slick as they come. He knows if Maggie isn't there, the opposition will fall apart. MICHAEL No problem. I'll just go up and get her. Michael picks up the phone, begins dialing. MICHAEL I'll call the retreat and let them know I'm on my way. Michael's face takes on a puzzled look as he listens to the phone. After a beat, he puts down the receiver. JANE What's wrong? CUT TO EXT. TELEPHONE POLE - DAY A bad guy climbs down. Above him a severed telephone cable dangles, out of commission. ANGLE - LUGER He sits inside a pickup truck and nods his approval of the dirty deed. WIDE ANGLE TO REVEAL that there are two additional pickups with bad guys. ANGLE - LUGER'S TRUCK The guy who snipped the wire reaches the ground, hops in the seat next to Luger and the ringleader steps on the gas. The convoy moves out. EXT. ROAD - DAY as the trucks approach on the driveway to the retreat. INT. RETREAT - DAY Maggie is addressing the body of conferees in the living room. They listen intently to her every word. MAGGIE Some people call me an idealist because I have a firm, unwavering belief in people and the inherent right of men and women to control their own destinies. But to me that is what America, that is what democracy, is all about. Idealists, foolish enough to throw caution to the winds, have advanced mankind and enriched the world. Each time an individual stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a ripple of hope.... Intercut with: EXT. RETREAT - DAY Luger's truck has established itself as a roadblock on the narrow driveway. Luger gets out, walks over to his cohorts in another pickup. LUGER Position yourself up the road a piece. If anybody tries to get through, stop 'em! The cohort nods and pulls away in the truck. Luger walks back to his truck, gets in next to his fellow evil-doer. LUGER We've got the place sealed tighter than a drum. There's no way that lady's getting out of here. MAGGIE ...and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistence. That is our goal. To destroy those barriers to freedom so that people in every corner of the globe might rejoice in the splendor of liberty. As she finishes the conferees break into a rousing spon- taneous burst of applause. Maggie beams her appreciation of their warmth and support. ANGLE - DEVON Standing near the rear of the room, he is nudged by a security guard who whispers something in his ear. Devon's face reflects the gravity of the news. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am is hauling it up a scenic mountain road at breakneck speed. INT. TRANS AM Michael stares ahead at the road, a fiery intensity in his eyes. Jane tightens her seat belt. JANE Michael, do you really think they're in trouble? MICHAEL One thing I learned in the special forces, when you cut an enemy's line of communication, you cut him off from help. JANE But why do it? MICHAEL My guess is that someone doesn't want her to find out about that vote today. JANE (hopeless) Unfortunately, that's my guess too. MICHAEL It's up to us to make sure she not only finds out about it, but has a chance to do something about it. ANGLE - DASHBOARD The digital speedometer begins a steady climb from sixty-five to ninety. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am shoots like a comet around a harrowing mountain curve. OMITTED EXT. RETREAT - BALCONY - DAY - ANGLE Devon gazes pensively. ANOTHER ANGLE Maggie appears on the balcony. MAGGIE Devon, what's going on here? I just tried to reach my office. The phones are dead. DEVON (reserved) Yes, I know. MAGGIE Don't give me that British stiff upper lip routine. What's happening out there? For a beat Devon doesn't want to tell her, then realizes he must. DEVON We're under siege. MAGGIE What!? DEVON An unidentified group of armed men have set up a roadblock. I'm afraid we're cut off from the outside world. MAGGIE I knew Forbes was desperate to stop me, but I didn't think he'd go this far. DEVON You think he's responsible? MAGGIE Maybe not directly, but who else except the people he works for are ruthless enough to pull off that kind of stunt. DEVON I suppose none of this would have happened if I'd have left well enough alone. I never should have brought you here. MAGGIE Will you knock off the hindsight. We've got to figure out a way to get me out of here. OMITTED ANGLE - LUGER He's outside of his truck. HIS POINT OF VIEW The Trans Am is coming up the driveway heading for the roadblock. BACK TO LUGER LUGER Our first visitor's arriving earlier than I expected. Get ready to greet him. OMITTED EXT. RETREAT - DAY - ANGLE - SIDE DOOR Devon is sneaking out of the house toward his limousine. ANGLE - MAGGIE as she appears in the doorway. MAGGIE Devon, where do you think you're going? ANGLE - DEVON crouching to stay out of the sight of the bad guys. DEVON If I can get to my car, I'll call for help. ANGLE - MAGGIE as she dashes out to join him. FULL SHOT as she reaches him. MAGGIE What good will that do? (forceful) Give me the keys. I'll bust through that roadblock myself. DEVON I'm not going to let you kill your- self. MAGGIE Devon, it's my problem. I'll deal with it in my own way. (extends her hand) Now give me the keys. DEVON I will do nothing of the sort. We leave them bickering. EXT. ROAD - DAY The Trans Am is within striking distance. The roadblock looms dead ahead. INT. TRANS AM Jane reacts to the sight of the pickup blocking the road. JANE How are we going to get past them? K.I.T.T. May I suggest we enter through the entrance. MICHAEL (gritty) My sentiments exactly. JANE But it's blocked! ANGLE - LUGER He is stunned by the sight of the Trans Am coming straight at his truck. LUGER What the hell is going through that boy's head? ANOTHER ANGLE The boys with the rifles jump out of the way without firing a shot. INT. TRANS AM as the car is fast approaching the blockade. MICHAEL Better make that over the entrance, Kitt. WIDE ANGLE At the last second, just before it seems like the Trans Am will plow right into the pickup, Michael sends the machine aloft and the Trans Am guides gracefully over the truck. MAGGIE AND DEVON They react to the roaring sound. MAGGIE What's that? DEVON By God, it sounds like Kitt! ANGLE - TRANS AM as it speeds up the driveway. ANGLE - MAGGIE She is truly amazed. MAGGIE Michael! On her look of elation.... FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. RETREAT - DAY A few seconds later. The Trans Am pulls up to the side of the house where Devon and Maggie greet the unexpected visitors. Michael stops the car and leaps out. Jane does the same. MICHAEL Maggie, hop in. We've got to get you back to town. MAGGIE What? JANE They're taking the vote on the power bill in less than two hours. MAGGIE I figured as much. (to Devon) Are you going to be all right? DEVON Yes. They don't care about us. JANE Maggie, will you get going before it's too late. MAGGIE All right, let's go! She jumps in the car, as does Michael. He fires up the Trans Am and prepares to take off. ANGLE - LUGER He is having his men rearrange three pickups into a "Z" formation which would make it impossible for Michael to hurdle. INT. TRANS AM MAGGIE I hope you're as good getting out of here as you were getting in. MICHAEL (honest) So do I. EXT. TRANS AM Michael sends K.I.T.T. hurtling toward the wooden fence surrounding the grounds of the retreat. They crash through and take off across the rugged hillside terrain. ANGLE - LUGER as he observes his revamped and seemingly unjumpable configuration of pickup trucks. He turns to one of his rent-a-thugs. LUGER (cocky) I'd like to see him try to get past us now. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it comes out of the woods about fifty feet past the road- block and begins racing down the road. ANGLE - LUGER as he reacts with disbelief. LUGER (in shock) Holy Toledo. He jumps into his pickup and begins to chase Michael. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it takes a corner at high speed. WIDE ANGLE Luger pursues the Trans Am. His colleague in the front seat leans out the window and blasts away with a rifle. INT. TRANS AM The sound of bullets bouncing off the body of the car is heard, startling Maggie. She ducks instinctively. MICHAEL It's okay. Kitt's got a pretty thick skin. MAGGIE I should say so. ANGLE - LUGER As K.I.T.T. accelerates and leaves Luger's pickup eating his dust, he reaches down for his car phone. Intercut with: INT. DIXON'S OFFICE - DAY Dixon sits alone at his desk. DIXON (into phone) What do you mean she got away? LUGER Look, all I know is this guy's never gonna get caught from behind. I need all the help I can get. DIXON All right. But just stay on his tail. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM as it races down the road. MICHAEL Kitt, did you get hold of the State Police? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. Go ahead. MICHAEL (picking up the car phone) Hello...listen to me, there's been a terrorist assault on the Foundation retreat at Blue Lake. A group of international dignitaries are there and their lives may be in jeopardy. CUT TO STOCK FOOTAGE - VARIOUS SHOTS OF ARMY HELICOPTER, POLICE SQUAD CARS whatever else is available. All are taking off, heading up for the retreat. ANGLE - TWO PICKUPS coming up the road, one in each lane, about to encounter: MICHAEL He sees the two trucks. ANGLE - TRANS AM The car goes up on two wheels and squeezes between the two trucks. It's a very tight fit. REVERSE ANGLE As the two pickups continue down the road they force Luger's truck onto the shoulder. It careens off the road and wraps a fender around a tree. ANGLE - LUGER He is jolted by the impact. EXT. ROAD As the Trans Am continues it's sprint down the hill, Michael and Maggie approach a clearing as the road winds along a lake. MICHAEL Good work, Kitt. Let's head for home. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid we're not out of the woods yet. MICHAEL What do you mean? MAGGIE (pointing) That's what he means! HER POINT OF VIEW - A HELICOPTER comes over the hill alongside the lake. It's flying directly toward the Trans Am. ANGLE - HELICOPTER There are two men inside. One is the pilot, the other holds a deadly antitank gun. He takes careful aim and fires! ANGLE - TRANS AM The shot misses, but the explosion rocks the Trans Am. Another round is fired and the car keeps going. A third shot is very close and the impact of the explosion jars the car. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL Can we take a direct hit? K.I.T.T. I'd prefer not to find out. But the real problem is the bridge at Twin Forks. They can take it out with two rockets and even I can't jump that far. ANGLE - HELICOPTER It swoops down low, fires another round at the Trans Am, then bears down on the fleeing car, attempting to ram K.I.T.T. with the skids. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL Kitt, open the sun roof. MAGGIE Michael, what are you going to do? MICHAEL See if I can get rid of that pest. Take over, Kitt. The sun roof pops open and Michael reaches up just as the helicopter makes a low pass. INSERT He puts K.I.T.T. on automatic. K.I.T.T. (reacting) Michael.... ANGLE - MICHAEL as he grabs onto the skids as the helicopter rises and circles over the lake to make another pass at K.I.T.T. ANGLE - HELICOPTER The two men inside are unaware that Michael is climbing up toward the cockpit. He reaches the door and leaps in, stunning the gunner with a powerful karate chop just as he is about to fire at the Trans Am. They struggle, but Michael quickly gains the upper hand and flings the gunner out of the cockpit. ANOTHER ANGLE The gunner tumbles into the lake, the water breaking his fall so he doesn't get killed. BACK TO HELICOPTER Now Michael is taking on the pilot. As they fight for the controls the helicopter starts swerving and dipping. Finally Michael perseveres and gives the pilot the heave-ho as he takes over the controls. ANGLE - PILOT as he splashes into the lake and bobs up to see the helicopter regain a steady course. ANGLE - MICHAEL He guides the helicopter back toward the Trans Am which continues to speed down the road. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael makes a low pass over his car and drops back in. K.I.T.T. Nice to have you back. MICHAEL Nice to be back. ANGLE - HELICOPTER Without anyone to guide its path the helicopter flies over a hill and crashes. A gigantic fireball rises from beyond the hill. INT. TRANS AM Michael is back in the driver's seat. Maggie is impressed. MAGGIE Michael, you're a very brave man. He smiles at her. MAGGIE I just hope the next time you go for a ride like this you take me along. It's fun. MICHAEL Yeah, it's a real blast. EXT. TRANS AM It crosses the bridge K.I.T.T. alluded to and speeds homeward. INT. FORBES' OFFICE - DAY Forbes is about to exit when the door opens and Dixon enters, clearly upset. FORBES Ah, you're just in time. The session convenes in a few minutes. I just put the champagne on ice. DIXON Let's hope we're able to celebrate. FORBES What's going to stop us? DIXON Maggie Flynn's on her way to the Capitol. FORBES What? I thought you.... DIXON Just get on the floor and get things moving. We don't have much time. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The Trans Am is nearing the Capitol. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL Maggie, when does the afternoon session begin? Maggie checks her watch. MAGGIE I'm afraid it already has. Michael looks at her and puts the pedal to the floor. MICHAEL Hang on, it shouldn't take us much longer. EXT. TRANS AM The car goes around a corner at breakneck speed. INT. SENATE CHAMBER - DAY Forbes is huddled around the podium with a handful of concerned-looking colleagues including the Speaker. SPEAKER You're saying that Maggie Flynn has withdrawn her opposition to your bill? I don't believe it. FORBES It was a shock to me as well, Mr. Speaker. But that's what she told me. I just got off the phone with her. SPEAKER And she said she wasn't even going to show up for the vote? FORBES I think that's more of a face-saving gesture. It would be awfully embarrassing for her to throw in the towel in public. She's a proud woman. EXT. CAPITOL - DAY The Trans Am pulls onto the Capitol grounds and races up to the front door where it comes to an abrupt halt. Maggie and Michael leap out of the car. K.I.T.T. Give 'em hell, Maggie. INT. SENATE CHAMBER - DAY Dixon is standing in the rear watching: MICHAEL AND MAGGIE dash breathlessly through the rotunda. THE SPEAKER standing at the podium addressing his colleagues. SPEAKER If no Senator wishes to speak in opposition to the bill, we'll proceed with the vote. (beat) All those in favor of the Portage River Power Act signify by.... MAGGIE'S VOICE Point of order, Mr. Speaker. ANGLE - MAGGIE She stands at a side door to the chamber. Michael is at her side. An audible buzz rises from the legislators. MAGGIE I wish to speak in opposition to the bill. ANGLE - DIXON His face goes white. He curses silently, then turns to look at his confederate. ANGLE - FORBES He's in a state of shock as the chamber erupts in applause. SPEAKER You may have the floor, Senator.... EXT. CAPITOL - DAY Dixon is hurrying out of the building. When he reaches the parking area he sees: A POLICE CAR standing in front of it is Devon, and Luger who wears handcuffs. BACK TO DIXON He realizes he's in deep trouble. ANGLE - MICHAEL He comes out of the building a few steps behind Dixon. DEVON Mr. Dixon, I presume. Your friend Luger had some interesting things to say about you while we were flying back to town. (beat) Would you step this way, please? As Dixon comes over to the car, a policeman gets out and handcuffs him. Michael joins the group and as he and Devon exchange victorious grins.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG INT. RETREAT - DAY Forthcoming. Michael, Devon, Maggie, and Jane. Two to three pages.