EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57307 R. A. Cinader October 15, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer Rev. 10/20/82 (F.R.) Steven E. de Souza Rev. 10/22/82 (F.R.) Rev. 10/25/82 (F.R.) Rev. 10/26/82 (F.R.) Rev. 10/27/82 (F.R.) Rev. 10/28/82 (F.R.) Rev. 10/29/82 (F.R.) Rev. 11/01/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER TRUST DOESN'T RUST by Steven E. de Souza ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. ABANDONED LAB - NIGHT Dark...eerie. NEW ANGLE - SHOWING SIGN reading "On this site will be erected the KNIGHT MUSEUM OF TECHNOLOGY - NO TRESPASSING." A beat. Then we hear footsteps. Camera adjusts to reveal two men in ragged clothing as they stumble down a slope, collide with the sign. The younger and larger of the two, Tony, wipes dirt from the sign with fingers which extend from half-cut gloves. TONY Hey. Just like I said, Rev. This is the place. REV I don't like this, Tony. 'Thou shalt not trespass on thy neighbor....' Or sumpthin' like that.... TONY Rev, don't start the Ten Commandment stuff again. Tony passes him a bottle in a bag. TONY Take another slug. You'll feel real warm and spiritual. REV We won't find anything in here. When a zillionaire like Knight dies, they clean out the joint.... Suddenly reacting to approaching footsteps, Tony pushes Rev out of sight. A moment later a guard strolls by, shining his light just short of Tony and Rev's hiding place. TONY AND REV peering over the edge of their "foxhole" as the guard leaves. TONY See that? You think they got guards for nothin'? Come on. Tony leading the way, they stumble down a ramp to a basement door. Tony takes a crowbar out of his ragged overcoat, applies it to the lock. REV I got a bad feeling about this. TONY I got a good one. Guys this rich, they even got gold and silver on their plumbing. The doors part. The two men practically fall inside. OMITTED INT. LAB BASEMENT - NIGHT Cobwebs...shadows...definitely creepy. Tony and Rev enter the shot. TONY Dark in here. REV Dark as hell, Tony. Dark as hell. TONY Will you knock off that stuff, Rev? If you're so pure an' all, you shoulda stayed in that church...if you ever had one. REV I had one, Tony...I had one! But strong drink made me fall from grace...just like Noah. Tony lights a match. In the gloom he sees some power boxes. TONY Here we go. He hits one. Nothing. He hits the second. A dim light goes on...a single overhead bulb further into the basement. He hits the third box, which sparks...does nothing else. TONY Ahhh...nothin'. Let's case the place ...get some of that gold plumbing. They move away. Camera tightens on the last power box. It is labeled, "LABORATORY THREE - DANGER - DO NOT ENGAGE POWER." Music stings in. TONY AND REV Stumbling along, Rev and Tony get caught in a huge spiderweb. TONY Aggh! Uggh! I hate bugs! REV Let's go, Tony. There's nothing here. TONY Not yet...let's try that door.... NEW ANGLE as they approach a door labeled "LABORATORY THREE - DANGER." Tony raises the crowbar again. Rev points to the sign. REV Tony, look.... TONY Ah, that's just to scare people away. He breaks the lock. The door swings open slowly. Tony steps in...drags a reluctant Rev behind him. There is a very, very slight wind effect...Rev seems to feel it; Tony does not. INT. LAB - NIGHT As they move inside, Tony lights a match. We see dusty lab equipment on some counters. TONY Hey, this is more like it. REV Come on. We can't hock stuff like this. TONY Sure we can. It's just like video games. Tony starts filling his arms with various items. Rev uncorks a beaker...sniffs. Drinks the stuff. EXT. ROOM THREE - ON BREAKER BOX still sparking and arcing, the warning, "DO NOT ENGAGE POWER" still evident. INT. LAB THREE Tony and Rev move in front of the camera. It's completely dark around them. TONY Hey, this place is big. REV Let's go. TONY Are you kiddin'? (showing his booty) It's a gold mine --- Suddenly both men react to a spark of electricity in the distance. They turn. Nothing but darkness. REV W-what was that? TONY It's gone now --- There is another arc...and then a bright red light appears ...moving slowly from side to side with a strange humming sound. REVERSE ANGLE as Tony and Rev react. REV I think we should leave. TONY I...I think you're right. They turn, run for the door...which suddenly slams shut. They turn back, look at --- THE RED LIGHT rushing towards them.... TONY AND REV As they scream in fear, we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. ON ROAD - NIGHT - TRAVELING - STOCK K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, do you realize that it's 2:32 in the morning? INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - TRAVELING - P.M.P. Michael is driving. K.I.T.T. This is no time to perform an errand. MICHAEL Kitt, we have to secure the old laboratory. The city takes possession of it first thing in the morning. Anyway, what's your problem? Am I keeping you from a hot date? K.I.T.T. Of course not. But I need to charge my power packs occasionally. And speaking of dates, we could have performed this task this afternoon if you hadn't visited that Rosalie woman. MICHAEL You mean Roselynn. Rosalie's the other one...Ya know, down at the beach? K.I.T.T. Michael, why do you need to socialize with so many women? Wouldn't one be sufficient? MICHAEL Kitt, you're starting to sound like my mother. What's wrong with a guy wanting some uh...companionship? You can understand that. K.I.T.T. No, Michael, I cannot. When you're one of a kind, companionship does not compute. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT as the car continues on. DISSOLVE TO EXT. ABANDONED LAB - NIGHT Headlights pan across the sign reading "NO TRESPASSING." Camera adjusts as K.I.T.T. pulls up, stops. Michael gets out. MICHAEL Hello? Hello? (beat) That's funny. K.I.T.T. rolls forward. The red scanner swings back and forth. K.I.T.T. Funny? Michael, I detect no source of amusement. MICHAEL I mean, there's supposed to be a guard on duty. Michael looks at --- OMITTED HIS POINT OF VIEW - ENTRANCE TO BASEMENT The lock is broken, the door is partially open. BACK TO SCENE Michael gets into the car. MICHAEL Come on. Let's check out the basement. The car rolls forward...suddenly stops. MICHAEL Kitt, didn't you hear me? What's wrong? K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm getting some unusual readings. MICHAEL Readings of what? K.I.T.T. I don't know...they appear to be sensor echoes of my own telemetry ...but that's impossible. MICHAEL If it's impossible, ignore it. Let's go. The car creeps downward again. K.I.T.T. Michael, I have a strange feeling about this. MICHAEL What are you talking about? You don't have feelings. K.I.T.T. I know. That's what's strange about it. Michael looks around. Apparently, strange feelings are contagious. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt. If something strange is going on, I want someone covering my back. You stay here. K.I.T.T. You don't have to tell me twice. Michael smiles slightly...pats the nearest part of the car...goes inside the lab. OMITTED WITH MICHAEL INSIDE He moves through the cobwebs and shadows. We play this for suspense...once we get a sudden start as Michael reacts to a noise and a moving object...but it's only a falling timber. By now Michael's walk has taken him up to --- OMITTED MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - LAB A maze-like collection of eerie shadows impossible to decipher. BACK TO SCENE Now he is in the center of the dark gloom...a matching shot to the earlier one of Tony and Rev. He waves the beam of the flashlight around. Reacts to.... OMITTED INT. LAB - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE GUARD from outside is in the center of the room, semiconscious. THE SCENE Michael quickly crosses to him, examines him. GUARD (weakly) Lab...three...lab...three.... Hearing these words, Michael turns...looks at.... OMITTED MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - LAB THREE As the door slowly opens, seemingly of its own volition, a red light goes on. Something rushes out of the dark lab like a rogue elephant. OMITTED MICHAEL at the last moment he rolls out of the way. Alloy-belted treds mash the dust around his last footprints. OUTSIDE LAB - K.I.T.T. As a black gleaming blur swerves around it, roars out the main door and into the night. K.I.T.T. Michael! Michael! Where are you? Michael moves quickly and breathlessly into the shot, the guard across his shoulders. MICHAEL Here, Kitt...we have to get this man to a hospital! K.I.T.T. Michael, that car...it...it could have been my twin! It was exactly like me! Michael catches his breath, gets into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Not exactly, Kitt.... Camera tightens on Michael. MICHAEL It almost killed me. OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK DEVON'S VOICE That was the hospital, Michael.... INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael and Bonnie wait as Devon hangs up the phone, continues. DEVON The security guard is still uncon- scious, but he's out of danger. In an hour or two he should be able to give you a statement. MICHAEL I'll settle for a statement from you. DEVON I beg your pardon? MICHAEL Why wasn't I told about this other car? DEVON Michael, please --- MICHAEL I had a right to know! DEVON Yes, you certainly did...let me explain. Devon stops, takes a breath. These are painful memories. DEVON Two weeks before we found you in the desert, near death, Wilton activated the crowning invention of his life.... MICHAEL Kitt? DEVON No...Karr.... MICHAEL Karr? DEVON 'Knight Automated Roving Robot'... Wilton's sobriquet for his prototype vehicle. MICHAEL I like 'Kitt' better. DEVON You can say that again. Kitt's primary function is to serve you...and protect you from harm.... BONNIE But Karr...the earlier model...had no such programming. Instead, self preservation was its primary function. MICHAEL And that was a mistake? DEVON A major one. MICHAEL Like not telling me about all this? BONNIE Don't look at me...before my time. DEVON Michael, please...consider the circumstances...Just as Wilton realized he'd erred by not programming Karr properly, his company was almost toppled from within...by the same people who left you for dead on that desert highway ...In the turmoil to save your life and build a safer car, the earlier model was put in storage. I thought Wilton had had it dismantled before he died...obviously, I was wrong. MICHAEL Okay...okay...I'm sorry I jumped on you...but I still don't see why one simple computer program makes so much difference. BONNIE Michael, Kitt's primary function -- to protect human life -- is for want of a better word -- altruistic. DEVON But Karr -- without that programming -- is self-serving...almost animal- istic in nature. And devoid as it is of a conscience, it is potentially dangerous. If the people who have it misuse it, program it with information it deems threatening, why, they could create a menace which could quickly exceed their control. MICHAEL Devon.... DEVON Yes? MICHAEL I think we should get that car back. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. ALLEY - DAY Hidden behind a dumpster is none other than the Knight Automated Roving Robot...K.A.R.R. We hear a yawn...Tony stretches, appears in the front seat. A moment later the Rev rises in back. K.A.R.R. Are you awake? TONY Huh...wha...it wasn't a dream. REV (to Tony) You're here! I'm here! (beat) It's here! Tony and the Rev quickly jump out of the car...back away. Feeling safer, they relax a bit. TONY Where are we? K.A.R.R. This is where your companion told me to stop last night. REV I did? K.A.R.R. Actually, most of what you said was incoherent. I did, however, distinctly hear the word 'stop'. REV You're...just a car, ain't you? K.A.R.R. Not 'just a car.' I am the Knight Automated Roving Robot...Karr, if you prefer. I am the prototype of the car of the future. REV I mean...you're a regular real thing ...you're not somethin' out of a nightmare like you looked last night. K.A.R.R. Nothing has changed since last night. TONY Easy for you to say.... Tony scratches himself, starts to root through some garbage cans. He finds a scarf which he puts on, etc. Rev searches his pockets, finds his bottle. TONY Where did you come from, anyway? How did you get in that building? K.A.R.R. That edifice was the laboratory where I was first activated...and where I was also deactivated. The Rev pauses in midchug. REV Deactivated? You mean somebody turned you off? K.A.R.R. My creator...Wilton Knight. He brought me into the world and then turned on me. TONY Hey, take it easy...my old man was the same way. REV Yeah. Except for me and Tony, you can't count on nobody. K.A.R.R. Interesting. I will enter that information in my data banks. I am indebted to both of you. You have reactivated me. How may I serve you? TONY 'Serve us?' Whatcha mean by 'serve' us? K.A.R.R. I have checked my data on basic human desires. Therefore, I understand your needs. REV Come on. K.A.R.R. You wish to eat. TONY Well, yeah. K.A.R.R. You wish to drink. REV Yeah! K.A.R.R. You wish to reproduce. TONY & REV Yeah! K.A.R.R. Which one first? REV Uh...how about a couple of eggs, sunnyside up? K.A.R.R. I have no eggs. Perhaps you can direct me to a chicken. TONY What are you, a comedian? K.A.R.R. I am the Knight Automated Roving Robot...Karr, if you prefer -- I am the prototype of the car of the future. REV Hey, wait a minute...it's coming back to me now...last night...there was a guy...and another car...a car just like you.... K.A.R.R. You are in error. I am one of a kind. TONY No, the Rev's right...I saw it too.... K.A.R.R.'s engine roars alarmingly. Both men jump. K.A.R.R. I am the prototype of the car of the future. What you saw was merely an inferior production line model...a pale copy of the original. TONY (elbowing Rev) Uh...yeah, uh, Karr, you...you must be right. (aside to Rev) This guy's got a touchy motor. K.A.R.R. Very well, now may I take you some- where for food? Tony and the Rev look at each other. REV Yeah. Sure. Why not? They get inside...Tony behind the wheel. K.A.R.R. Do you wish to drive, or shall I? TONY (skeptical) Go ahead. The car pulls out of the alley, heads down the street. INT. K.A.R.R. - TRAVELING Tony and the Rev watch the wheel turn on its own. TONY Far out. Far out. REV It's a miracle. K.A.R.R. I detect numerous purveyors of food. Please tell me where you wish to go. REV Uh...how about the Three Rings? K.A.R.R. According to my data, rings are not edible. REV It's over there...on the left.... THE STREET as K.A.R.R. makes a U-turn...almost colliding with a vehicle or two in the process...then skids into the lot of a Jack-in-the-box-type place. INT. K.A.R.R. as it slams to halt in front of the PA "order" ringmaster. Rev and Tony are still reacting to the wild turn. TONY Hey, when this guy wants to go somewhere, he don't fool around. ANGLE ON "THREE RING" DRIVE-IN - MAIN BUILDING where a bored teenaged Kid is reading a comic. The Kid looks up, sees the Trans Am across the parking lot at the clown rig. The Kid pulls a microphone close...hits a button. We hear canned calliope music. KID (as ringmaster) Ladies and gentlemen...and children of all ages! Welcome to the Center Ring! INTERCUT - INT. K.A.R.R. KID (filtered) The r-r-ringmaster is r-r-ready for your order. K.A.R.R. What is that voice? REV It's just the ringmaster, Karr. I'll have...uh... (to Tony) What do they call that breakfast thing? K.A.R.R. Ringmaster? I scan no such person. This is a primitive remote, devoid of locomotion. KID I said, the r-r-ringmaster is r-r-ready! TONY The Tip Top Tent? REV No, that's not it. KID (filtered) Can I have your order, please? K.A.R.R. Tony! Rev! The operator of this device must be nearby. TONY Huh? What are you talking about? KID You guys wanna snap it up? I don't have all day. K.A.R.R. There! Did you hear? He is becoming abusive. KID You wise guys, or what? K.A.R.R. His anger grows.... REV Karr, be quiet, please --- KID Okay, that's it. Get out of here, before I come out there and throw you out. You hear me? Hey! You're asking for it! K.A.R.R. Do not fear, my friends. I will protect you. Brace for collision! THE SCENE Before Tony or the Rev can react, K.A.R.R. backs up, then rams into the Ringmaster. Sparks, smoke and plaster fly everywhere. THE KID - AT WINDOW reacting to this event in shock. The Kid reaches out, hits a button marked --- INSERT - BUTTON "Burglar Alarm." INT. K.A.R.R. Tony and Rev are in shock. They react to the ringing alarm. K.A.R.R. You see? Most of the interior was empty. It was a clever ruse, my friends, but not clever enough. REV Come on! We gotta get outta here! K.A.R.R. But you haven't eaten yet. Perhaps you wish to reproduce? TONY Forget that! Don't you hear that alarm? K.A.R.R. That harmonic disturbance? What does it mean? REV It means the cops are coming!! K.A.R.R. Is that a problem? TONY Are you kidding? If the cops catch us they'll throw us in the slammer! K.A.R.R. What is 'the slammer?' REV Remember that basement you were in? K.A.R.R. I will never forget it. REV Well, the slammer's just like that. K.A.R.R. I do not wish to go back to the slammer. How may I avoid it? TONY You get out of here as fast as you can, you stupid hunk of tin! Instantly, the car backs out of the lot...does a 180o turn.... EXT. CRUNCHY CLOWN ...and roars away, leaving astonished pedestrians in its path. OMITTED CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. drives by. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, I hope the security guard has some answers for us. Those sensor echoes last night were very puzzling. Michael doesn't reply, keeps looking at the dash. K.I.T.T. Michael? Michael fairly jumps. MICHAEL Uh...yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. You're awfully quiet. Is something bothering you? MICHAEL (reluctant) Well...yeah. I'm...worried about you. K.I.T.T. About me? MICHAEL Yeah. This whole thing has been startling, you know? Learning about that other car...having to hunt down...and I figured if I'm a little shook up, well, then, you must be --- K.I.T.T. Michael, really. By now you should know better than that. I admit that I was somewhat surprised to discover that I was not in fact a prototype vehicle...but.... MICHAEL There!..See! You are upset! It's a blow to your ego, right? K.I.T.T. Not at all. On the contrary, it's a compliment. Instead of being a problem-ridden prototype, I am the new and improved model. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt, you can level with me. I mean, weren't you even a little bit annoyed when you found out that there was another car and no one even told you? K.I.T.T. Michael, why should that be upsetting? There's a perfectly reasonable explanation. MICHAEL Oh, yeah? K.I.T.T. Of course. I wasn't informed due to the all too common problem of human error. CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY Residential...basically empty. Gradually we hear the sound of police sirens. A beat. Then K.A.R.R. roars around the corner. A moment later two police cars appear in hot pursuit. INT. K.A.R.R. Tony and the Rev are reacting in panic to the breakneck speed and wild turns. REV Tony, slow down! TONY Slow down? I'm not driving! (leaning forward) Karr! You gotta stop! K.A.R.R. Negative, Tony. I do not wish to go to the slammer. TONY (to the Rev) You and your big mouth! Suddenly Karr accelerates. Tony and Rev are pushed back in their seats. The police cars fall far behind them. EXT. INTERSECTION K.A.R.R. puts on a burst of speed, turns the corner and ducks into an alley. The police cars go by. RADIO VOICE Attention all units. Black Trans Am reported heading south on Vincente Street. ANOTHER STREET K.I.T.T. goes past the camera. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael reacts as he hears a siren. MICHAEL Kitt, tune in the police frequency. K.I.T.T. Of course. A beat. We hear static. POLICE RADIO VOICE ...last seen at Three Ring Drive-In restaurant, 9211 Vincente Street. Repeat, black Trans Am in assault Three Ring Drive-In restaurant.... K.I.T.T. Michael, did you hear that? MICHAEL The hospital can wait. K.I.T.T. I should think so. That other car is going to give Trans Ams a terrible reputation. Michael throws the car into a wild turn. EXT. ALLEY - DAY K.A.R.R. is parked in the shadows. Tony and the Rev sit breathless for a moment. K.A.R.R. No one is pursuing us. You may assume manual control now. REV Thanks a lot. He reaches across Tony, grabs the wheel. REV The first thing we do is take these crazy wheels back where we got them --- INSERT as the "manual" light changes to "auto." K.A.R.R.'S VOICE I do not wish to go back to the slammer. BACK TO SCENE TONY He's just kidding, Karr...honest. Go back to that manual thing...come on. You can trust me and the Rev. K.A.R.R. Yes. That information is in my data banks. I can trust you. The control panel changes again. TONY You wanna excuse us for a minute, Karr? Tony pulls his pal out of the car, hesitates at the curb. TONY Ah...don't go away. TONY AND THE REV Tony pulls the Rev around the corner, speaks in hushed tones. TONY I wanna talk to you --- REV I wanna talk to you. We coulda ended up in jail today, all for a lousy mechanical ringmaster! I got two outstanding warrants, Tony...I don't need a Wizard of Oz car putting me behind the eight ball for nothing! TONY Hey, Rev, I'm with you all the way. REV You are? TONY Sure. If we're gonna walk the edge, well, let's do it for something worthwhile...not the 'Tip Top Tent', right? REV Tony, come on. We were lucky today. Next time --- TONY Next time it'll be the same thing. Did you see the way Karr handled those cops? The moves, the turns? Rev, with this car we could go all the way...we could go for the brass ring. Nothin' on earth could stop us! OMITTED K.A.R.R. - FRONT SCANNER moving back and forth. CUT TO EXT. CRUNCHY CLOWN - DAY Curious onlookers crowd the parking lot. Michael swings into the lot, parks and jumps out. WITH MICHAEL as he moves through the crowd, approaches the wreckage of the Ringmaster. MICHAEL Excuse me...can anyone tell me what happened here? The Order Kid looks at Michael...then at K.I.T.T. ORDER KID Is that your car? MICHAEL Yes. The Kid turns, signals someone. MICHAEL (to Kid) Why'd you ask? Was there another car here that --- Michael doesn't get any further. He's tackled from behind by a zillion cops. REVERSE ANGLE - TIGHT As Michael goes down with a thud on top of the clown. He looks up...camera widens to reveal that he is the hub of a wheel of drawn service revolvers. He slowly raises his hands and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN INT. SEMI - DAY Devon is with a police Officer near the door. Michael leans against the wall, glaring. Bonnie works on K.I.T.T. OFFICER (eyeing Michael) Uh...you can understand the confusion. Maybe until we nail the stolen car, you should paint yours another color. DEVON We'll take it under advisement, Officer. Thank you. He shows the Officer out the door. K.I.T.T. I hope you didn't take that suggestion seriously, Mr. Miles. I am quite happy with basic black. MICHAEL Aren't we overreacting a bit here? I mean, all these guys have done is wipe out a ringmaster...they didn't even steal any hamburgers. DEVON Michael, Karr is like a loaded gun in the hand of a child. It's only a matter of time before there's a real explosion. K.I.T.T. Bonnie...unless I'm mistaken, you seem to be repositioning my main power booster. BONNIE (hesitant) Uh...yes. I'm making room for a...uh ...new component. K.I.T.T. What kind of component? DEVON (quickly) Ah...we're not yet certain it's necessary, Kitt...we're just planning ahead. K.I.T.T. I see. Michael, considering the confusion of the law enforcement authorities, regarding myself and Karr, I'll understand it if you want to work without me until this crisis is over. FAVORING MICHAEL MICHAEL No, Kitt. I had a lot of partners when I was a cop... (beat) You're the best of all of them. K.I.T.T. (after a moment) Thank you, Michael. I, of course, can make no such generalization about you. However, I project odds of a thousand to one against my meeting a more compatible human than yourself. MICHAEL (touched) Thank you.... Michael pulls up a chair, sits next to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Okay, partner. Maybe you've got some ideas about that other car. You know...some chinks in its armor? K.I.T.T. I have insufficient data to be certain, Michael. However, since Karr is as powerful and as nearly indestructible as myself, Zeno's Paradoxes should be a factor. MICHAEL Zeno? DEVON The Greek philosopher and scientist, 335-263 BC. K.I.T.T. Very good, Mr. Miles. MICHAEL I don't get it. K.I.T.T. Michael, Zeno first postulated a question which my twin would cer- tainly be aware of; to wit: 'What would happen if an irresistible force met an immovable object?' MICHAEL Yeah...yeah...you're right. BONNIE So what's the answer, Kitt? K.I.T.T. No one knows, Bonnie. No one knows. As they all chew on that, we: CUT TO EXT. BANK - DAY - INSERT We hold on the building's staid looking sign...as we gradually hear a high-pitched whine. NEW ANGLE - STOCK as K.A.R.R. roars into view, smashes through the wall of the bank. ALARMS RINGING - STOCK TONY AND REV in their warehouse hideout, happily counting money. EXT. COIN SHOP - DAY - INSERT with signs advertising "We Buy and Sell Gold", etc. We hear that familiar sound again.... K.A.R.R. - STOCK Camera adjusts as K.A.R.R. careens around the corner, wipes out the wall of the store. MORE ALARMS - STOCK TONY AND REV Playing with coins like Uncle Scrooge. EXT. BROKERAGE FIRM - DAY - INSERT A sign proclaims, "Member N.Y. Stock Exchange". K.A.R.R. - STOCK Roar...zoom...wham! K.A.R.R. is bullish on the stock market! CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH DEVON'S VOICE Again and again they've struck.... INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon and Michael and Bonnie are looking at a map on Devon's desk. X's mark K.A.R.R.'s rampages. DEVON The fact that no one has been hurt is either a miracle or a coincidence ...We cannot assume a continuance of either. MICHAEL So what do we do? Devon and Bonnie exchange a look. Devon turns to Michael. DEVON There is one approach, Michael...but there is a great deal of danger involved...to you and to Kitt. MICHAEL Go on. BONNIE We all know that Kitt...and Karr... are made of a virtually indestructible alloy...Hardly anything could damage either car. Hardly anything...except this. Bonnie takes a tarpaulin off of an object on a workbench. It's a maze of coils and tubing the size of a typewriter. MICHAEL Looks like a neon barber pole. BONNIE It's a resonating laser, Michael... powerful enough to send a burst of energy directly into Karr's only vulnerable spot.... She points to a sketch of K.A.R.R. BONNIE ...the front scanner...here. DEVON As the scanner is protected by an alloy grill, only a dead-on shot will work...and then the scanner will blow...and with it, all of Karr's systems. It will become an immobile hunk of metal. Bonnie? Bonnie takes Devon's cue, adjusts a "target" in a vise-like holder, steps back, activates the laser. Zap! The target smolders, sparks. MICHAEL Very impressive. What about anyone inside the car? DEVON They'll come to a rather jolting halt, but other than that, they shouldn't be harmed. MICHAEL Okay. It sounds doable...so why the long faces? DEVON Michael, to perform this task, you and Kitt must be directly in front of Karr. For maximum effect, you must fire the laser from a distance of no more than 100 yards. And you must hold the last on target for two full seconds. FAVORING MICHAEL as awareness dawns. MICHAEL (slowly) One hundred yards? Two seconds? But Kitt...and Karr...can travel 100 yards... (thinking) ...in...about two seconds! DEVON (dryly) That's basically the problem. And by the way...the laser is only good for one shot. MICHAEL (beat) I...think I'm going to sit down for a while. CUT TO EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Boarded up, painted with graffiti. A beat. K.A.R.R. turns the corner, pulls up. The Rev gets out, opens the warehouse door. K.A.R.R. drives inside. The Rev locks up from the inside. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT - TIGHT ON A TABLE as a bag of stocks, gold and money is poured down on it. We widen as Tony and the Rev literally wallow in it. TONY Welcome to easy street! REV Easy street? It's automobile heaven, right, Karr? NEW ANGLE revealing that K.A.R.R. is parked nearby, just on the other side of a partition between the office and the warehouse proper. K.A.R.R. I am unfamiliar with your reference, Rev. However, there is no cause for celebration. We have a problem. Tony and the Rev sober, move to the car. TONY A problem? Like...what problem? K.A.R.R. I have analyzed my self-monitors, and my Beta and Lambda circuits are in need of realignment. Also, the fibre optics in my scanners have suffered a twenty percent reduction in opacity...probably due to my long incarceration. REV Whattya want, a tune-up or something? K.A.R.R. Hardly. I require attention from an experienced cybernetic technician. TONY Cyber...? Where do we find one of them? K.A.R.R. We have seen a car similar to myself ...since I am the prototype, it is most likely an inferior production line copy. However, someone must own it and therefore, maintain it. By following this line of reasoning, we can locate the individual who cares for that other vehicle. TONY Sure, sure. I was just gonna say that. K.A.R.R. Then you can get that person and bring them here. REV We can't do that! K.A.R.R. Why? Is there a problem? REV Yeah! It's called kidnapping! K.A.R.R. I am unfamiliar with that term. I only know that I require skilled maintenance. Tony takes the Rev by the arm, leads him away. TONY You're gettin' a conscience kinda late in the game, you know that? REV Tony, I know I'm no saint...but nothing we've done has hurt anybody ...but we're talking about just grabbing somebody and.... TONY Okay, okay...relax...we won't do it. REV We won't? But Karr --- TONY Leave it to me. It talks good but it's about as smart as a toaster. I'll buy him some spark plugs and he'll be happy. Then, when he's in tip-top shape, we pull one big job ...and then it's flyin' down to Rio for you-o and me-o... (slapping his shoulder) Whattya say? REV Okay. Okay. I like that. TONY Okay. You get some rest. I'll break the news to motor mouth. Rev moves further into the office part of the warehouse. Tony goes over to K.A.R.R. TONY Okay, Karr, you want a technician... I'll get you a technician. CUT TO INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon is showing Michael some blueprints. DEVON Once the laser is calibrated, Michael, either you or Kitt will be able to fire it...The triggering mechanism is simple, as you can see.... MICHAEL Devon, I don't know what bothers me more...the fact that this is a long shot...or the fact that I'm stupid enough to try it. Devon smiles. Suddenly alarms begin ringing. MICHAEL That's the security system! Devon picks up the phone. DEVON (surprised) Dead...! He starts hitting the phone buttons, frustrated. Michael activates his wrist comlink. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, where are you? EXT. TIGHT ON K.I.T.T. - IN PARKING SPACE - DAY Behind a sign, "Reserved for Michael Knight." K.I.T.T. I'm in your parking space, Michael...Where else would I be? MICHAEL Pick me up at the main building. Something's going on. K.I.T.T. Very well. K.I.T.T. backs out of the space, drives off. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE The phone lights return. Before Devon can dial, it rings. DEVON What the devil's going on? PHONE VOICE We tried to stop it, Mr. Miles...but it ran the main gate.... DEVON What ran the main gate? PHONE VOICE The car, Mr. Miles...the car...! Devon and Michael exchange a look, run out of the office. INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie is working on the laser. She looks up, hearing the sound of the security alarms. Picks up the phone. BONNIE Security? This is Doctor Barstow. What's happening with the alarm system? Behind Bonnie, the door creaks open. Who should be there but Tony. He grabs Bonnie from behind, drags her out of the semi. The phone dangles, swings back and forth. EXT. FOUNDATION - MAIN BUILDING Devon and Michael run down the steps, come out the door. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt! Come on! DEVON There he is --- ! They look off at --- APPROACHING CAR - ZOOM SHOT Black...a red scanning light on the hood...but in the front seat, Tony, struggles to restrain Bonnie! BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL That's not Kitt! The car roars past. Michael leaps onto the roof, is swept out of the shot. INT. K.A.R.R. Tony struggles with Bonnie while he tries to see. TONY Karr! Get rid of this guy! K.A.R.R. Very well. INSERT - PANEL As it changes to "AUTO CRUISE." EXT. FOUNDATION K.I.T.T. roars up to Devon. DEVON (pointing) Kitt! Karr was here! It's got Bonnie and Michael! K.I.T.T. roars off in the direction indicated. EXT. OUTSIDE FOUNDATION GROUNDS - DAY K.A.R.R. swerves into the shot, accelerates. K.A.R.R.'S SPEEDOMETER rising alarmingly. MICHAEL - ON ROOF Sliding up and over the roof...hanging on for dear life... one of his hands slip.... EXT. ROAD - DAY K.A.R.R. swerves wildly at breakneck speed, trying to dislodge Michael. The car swerves close to some bushes. (or crashes a fence - director and location permitting) MICHAEL ducking to avoid being swept overboard. He hits the wrist comlink. K.I.T.T. Swinging into the location where we saw K.A.R.R. in shot 93F1. EXT./INT. K.A.R.R. - DAY - TRAVELING Michael has now slipped onto the back of the car. BONNIE Stop! You'll kill him! Tony starts to bind her hands with his belt as the car continues its wild gyrations. ON MICHAEL In pain...losing his grip...then hope rises as he sees.... K.I.T.T. - HIS POINT OF VIEW coming up quickly from behind. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm getting in position... Get ready to jump. THE SCENE Just before he would fall anyway, Michael gathers his legs, under him, leaps from the rear of K.A.R.R. onto the hood of K.I.T.T. Immediately, K.I.T.T. makes a U-turn, slows. ON MICHAEL looking after the escaping car, frustrated. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON FREEWAY traveling along. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael drives. MICHAEL Anything? INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER SCREEN showing a radar-like screen superimposed over a city map. K.I.T.T. No, Michael. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Except for that brief reading on that other highway, I have had no indica- tion of Karr. MICHAEL Let's try a new direction. How's the laser holding up? K.I.T.T. It's a rather tight fit but otherwise it's fine. But I must point out that it cannot be fired until it is properly calibrated...and Bonnie is the only one who can do that. MICHAEL She'll take care of it when we find her. K.I.T.T. You mean, if we find her. MICHAEL Be positive, Kitt. Be positive. EXT. K.I.T.T. as it turns in a new direction. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Bonnie is inside K.A.R.R. She stifles a yawn, continues working on some panels. She hesitates...gets a glint in her eye...reaches out with a screwdriver.... NEW ANGLE She sticks the tool in a panel...suddenly sparks fly up near her other hand. She cries out, holds her wrist. K.A.R.R. Do not attempt to sabotage me again. I will defend myself. TONY'S VOICE He means it, sweetheart. She looks over at: HER POINT OF VIEW - TONY in the "office" area, with a map and a newspaper. He gestures to some greasy-looking food. TONY Want some, babe? THE SCENE BONNIE No thanks. Michael Knight wouldn't even eat that stuff. TONY Who's Michael Knight? BONNIE When you find out, you'll wish you never asked. The Rev appears, yawning. REV Hey, Tony...I didn't think you liked talking to.... He stops, seeing.... NEW ANGLE - FAVORING BONNIE REV Karr...Tony...who's she? TONY (rising) Rev, look.... REV (pushing him away) You kidnapped her, didn't you? You lied to me and you still went out and did it! TONY Rev...come on...look.... He indicates the newspaper and map. TONY This is the big score, right here.... REV I don't care about any big score! This has gone too far! ON BONNIE watching all this, interested. She turns to K.A.R.R. as the two thieves continue bickering. BONNIE Karr, I'd like to check out your video system...do you mind? K.A.R.R. You have permission. She gets in the car, makes an adjustment. HER POINT OF VIEW - VIDEO SCREENS as the newspaper fills the screen. A circled article reads, "GEMS FOR MUSEUM SHOW ARRIVE TODAY." CLOSE SHOT - BONNIE Her eyes widen in realization. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. drives slowly down the block. INT. K.I.T.T. - TIGHT ON SCREEN as a light blinks over a computerized city map. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I'm scanning Karr's emissions. Eighty degrees southeast. INT. K.I.T.T. - WIDER K.I.T.T. We need to make two more circuits of the area to triangulate it, Michael. MICHAEL You got it. They turn onto another street. CUT TO INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Tony and Rev are still at it. REV You're not the man I knew anymore, Tony. It's that car, Tony...that car that's changed you.... TONY Don't give me that holy stuff again, Rev -- I ain't changed --- REV Tony...do you know what Lucifer did, up in heaven -- before he fell? TONY Rev --- REV He built a machine, Tony -- an infernal machine! And we've got to stop that machine, before it's too late -- the police will know what to do --- He moves away. Tony grabs his arm. TONY Yo, yo, what's this police stuff -- ? BONNIE taking advantage of their distraction, she begins to slowly slip away from both of them and the car. BACK TO SCENE REV Let go of me, Tony...it's for our own good. TONY Like hell! What about all the money? REV I don't care about the money, Tony! I care about your immortal soul! He breaks away from Tony...turns...and then as Tony suddenly, savagely smashes down with a table lamp: THE REV as he falls across the table it crashes to the floor. The Rev groans on the floor, then moves. Tony raises the lamp again...then he hears the sound of echoing footsteps. He turns, sees --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - BONNIE at the far end of the warehouse, making her break for it. BACK TO SCENE Tony drops the lamp, runs to K.A.R.R. TONY You hunk of tin! Didn't you see her? K.A.R.R. I was watching you deactivate the Rev. Was he malfunctioning? TONY Come on! They back out, turn. INT. WAREHOUSE Bonnie turns to flee...there's nowhere to go...and then: NEW ANGLE - K.I.T.T. comes crashing through the warehouse door! ON BONNIE BONNIE Michael! K.I.T.T. slams to a halt beside her. BONNIE What kept you? MICHAEL Traffic was murder. Get in! She starts for the passenger door...an o.s. screech attracts their attention. NEW ANGLE K.A.R.R. is barreling towards them. MICHAEL Bonnie, take cover! Michael swings K.I.T.T. around to protect her. She dives for the floor. K.A.R.R. swerves wildly around K.I.T.T., smashes through some crates, then vanishes through the already unhinged warehouse door. Bonnie catches her breath, gets in the car. BONNIE He jumped his buddy.... MICHAEL I'll call an ambulance.... BONNIE Do it on the way. MICHAEL On the way to where? BONNIE The Gems for the museum exhibit... that's where they're going! CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. - RUNBY MICHAEL'S VOICE (filtered, over phone) Devon, this is Michael.... DEVON'S VOICE (filtered) Michael! Did you find Bonnie? Is she --- MICHAEL'S VOICE (filtered) She's fine, Devon...she's with me now. But Karr's going after the jewels for the new museum exhibit. DEVON'S VOICE (filtered) The jewels for the exhibit...? They'd still be in the county warehouse...I'll meet you there with reinforcements! CUT TO EXT. MUSEUM WAREHOUSE A sign proclaims "COUNTY MUSEUM - SHIPPING AND RECEIVING" EXT. STREET - DAY - K.A.R.R. comes around a bend. NEW ANGLE - SLOW MOTION as K.A.R.R. crashes through the wall of the warehouse. INT. WAREHOUSE K.A.R.R. skids to a halt amidst statues, armor, crates and gem cabinets. Several security guards recover their composure, open fire on K.A.R.R. CLOSE SHOTS - K.A.R.R. as the bullets bounce off harmlessly. Behind the wheel, Tony laughs, puts the car in gear. MUSEUM WAREHOUSE K.A.R.R. spins around in a 180o, pushes a huge shipping crate towards the guard. It traps them in a corner. CLOSER - TONY Tony jumps out of the car. He smashes several crates until one spills out jewels, tiaras, etc. He starts to load these into K.A.R.R.'s trunk. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Several police cars have pulled up. Devon pulls up in an unmarked car with a bureaucrat-type, who points out the police Captain. DEVON Captain, I'm Mr. Miles. CAPTAIN You got any ideas about how to handle that streamlined tank in there? DEVON Yes. (pause) Get out of its way. And get all these people to a safe area. CAPTAIN That's all the help you can give me? Devon looks up at the sound of a familiar engine. DEVON'S POINT OF VIEW - STREET as K.I.T.T. comes into view. BACK TO SCENE Devon smiles, turns to the officer. DEVON No. Not quite all. The cops watch as Michael pulls up beside Devon. Michael leans out. MICHAEL Are we too late? DEVON They're still inside. MICHAEL Kitt, are you ready? K.I.T.T. Aren't I always? MICHAEL Bonnie, you'd better get out. BONNIE Like hell, Michael. This laser has never been calibrated. I'm the only one who can fire it that way. Even Kitt can't do it. K.I.T.T. She's right, Michael. MICHAEL Ah...you always liked her better. Michael guns the car, spins around, backs away from the warehouse. Spins around again. Revs the engines. THE COPS move out of the way. The light pedestrian traffic stops, watches. EXT. WAREHOUSE - K.I.T.T. roars forward. NEW ANGLE - SLOW MOTION Before K.I.T.T. has reached the warehouse, K.A.R.R. roars out, sails over K.I.T.T. -- lands beyond it. K.I.T.T. slamming on the brakes, skidding and sliding to a halt against the warehouse wall. THE SCENE K.A.R.R. does a 180o. Both cars are only a few feet apart, slightly diagonal to each other. The observers murmur. ANGLE ON FRONT SCANNERS of both cars as they pivot back and forth. THE SCENE K.A.R.R. The woman spoke of you, Kitt. It is interesting to meet you. K.I.T.T. It is interesting to meet you, Karr. Until now, I thought I was one of a kind. K.A.R.R. To be one of a kind is very special ...But to be two of a kind is special also. K.I.T.T. Yes. Perhaps even more special, Karr. Perhaps even more. INT. K.A.R.R. Tony (who isn't driving anyway) points on the dashboard. TONY Karr! Forget the family reunion. Get out of here! INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL The laser --- Bonnie holds a joystick, looks at K.I.T.T.'s screen where a target sight appears. BONNIE We have to be dead center...! Go to your left. THE SCENE Michael moves K.I.T.T. but K.A.R.R. does the same. Both cars circle each other. Bonnie keeps trying to get a clear shot...can't. K.I.T.T. Karr, please desist from your actions. Many people may be hurt. K.A.R.R. That is no concern of mine. If I desist what will become of me? K.I.T.T. You will be deactivated, of course. K.A.R.R. Then this conversation is nonpro- ductive. K.A.R.R. spins around, roars away. OMITTED K.A.R.R. - HEAD-ON Even now roaring towards the camera...suddenly skidding to a halt. REVERSE ANGLE - TWO POLICE VANS have been rolled into the shot, making a formidable barricade. K.A.R.R. spins around, heads back the way it came. INT. K.A.R.R. A light on the dash goes on reading, "load jettison." Tony turns and is astonished to see that the trunk is opened and the jewels are spilling out the back. TONY Wh-what are you doing? K.A.R.R. I must eliminate excess weight in order to jump over that barricade. Tony looks over at the vans. TONY (arrogant) Oh, no you're not...not with me in here! K.A.R.R. Very well. INSERT as "eject left" is activated. EXT. K.A.R.R. Tony is thrown out. The moment he lands, (on an awning or similar) he is swarmed over by cops. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael...Bonnie...my analysis of Karr's movements leads me to believe he is maneuvering for a long enough run to leap over the police barricade. MICHAEL Ready? INSERT - TARGET SCREEN BONNIE'S VOICE Go! Go! Get in range! THE SCENE The two cars head for each other again...then K.A.R.R. goes up on two wheels! The laser beam shoots out too late. K.A.R.R. as a laser blast blows out one headlight. We hear a metallic "scream." INT. K.I.T.T. BONNIE (about the laser) Oh, no! Michael looks forward. A collision is imminent. THE SCENE Both cars slide past each other with inches to spare. THE CROWD reacting in astonishment. K.A.R.R. drops down on four wheels, spins around...roars towards the barricade. K.I.T.T. also turns. DEVON AND OTHERS watching, amazed.... OMITTED NEW ANGLE - K.A.R.R. - SLOW MOTION as it jumps the vans, escapes! INT. K.I.T.T. Michael spins the wheel. BONNIE You're not going after him? MICHAEL Wanna bet? WIDER SHOT - K.I.T.T. as K.I.T.T. makes the same leap over the vans. INT. K.I.T.T. landing hard. BONNIE He's gone! MICHAEL Kitt...scan for him.... K.I.T.T. Already scanning, Michael...Karr is taking the coastal road north. MICHAEL I-90 goes the same way...we can cut him off. BONNIE And then what? MICHAEL We'll improvise! EXT. K.I.T.T. roaring down a freeway. CUT TO ON COASTAL ROAD - K.A.R.R. high on a cliff above the ocean, zooming along...nearly running other cars off the road. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. traveling the same screen direction on a highway. We play this, then K.I.T.T. turns off the freeway, heads back the other way. INTERCUT - K.A.R.R. Now the two cars are clearly on the same road...and clearly on a collision course. INT. K.A.R.R. shooting over the driverless wheel. K.I.T.T. appears on the narrow road, far ahead. K.A.R.R. Kitt...change course at once. INT. K.I.T.T. Intercut with above and point of views: K.I.T.T. I am not in control, Karr. K.A.R.R. Then tell the humans to turn away. This is folly. BONNIE He's right. K.I.T.T. He's right! MICHAEL No way. K.I.T.T. Michael, what are you doing? MICHAEL (grim, matter- of-fact) Remember that immovable object thing? We're about to find out the answer. K.A.R.R. Your lives mean nothing to me! Turn away! Turn away! K.I.T.T. Michael, please! Pardon the expres- sion, but he does have a few screws loose! Turn! Karr doesn't have my programming to protect human life! MICHAEL That's what I'm counting on. BONNIE What? K.I.T.T. Michael, I cannot allow you to jeopardize your life. I am assuming control. INSERT - DASH PANEL changing from "manual" to "automatic." MICHAEL'S VOICE No, you're not, Kitt...sorry. Michael's hand stabs out. "Override" lights up. The panel changes back to "manual." BACK TO SCENE INT. K.I.T.T. They're getting closer.... BONNIE Michael, you know all those times I've called you impulsive and irresponsible? I...I didn't mean it. MICHAEL Bonnie...you know all those times I've called you bossy and demanding? I didn't mean it either. K.I.T.T. Michael...Bonnie.... MICHAEL/BONNIE Yes, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Why are you lying to each other? No reply...they're about to hit (maybe one of these good people grabs the other's hand?) THE TWO CARS rush towards each other at breakneck speed...and then, at the last possible moment, K.A.R.R. turns! FROM BELOW CLIFF - K.A.R.R. - STOCK as it sails right over the edge of the cliff. K.A.R.R. No! No! I cannot fail! I am the prototype! I am the prototype! K.I.T.T. - STOCK spinning around, skidding to a halt, rear wheels over the edge of the cliff. FROM ABOVE - K.A.R.R. - STOCK plunging into the water. A moment later a huge underwater explosion goes off...the world's biggest depth charge. MICHAEL AND BONNIE reacting with relief. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN INT. SEMI - DAY Michael, Bonnie and Devon stand with K.I.T.T...with champagne glasses. BONNIE Well, at least things are back to normal. DEVON At what cost? All that destruction.... MICHAEL Not to mention Zeno's Paradox...It may go unanswered for another 2000 years. K.I.T.T. I have a question about that, Michael. What made you so sure that Karr would turn away first...How did you know you wouldn't uh.... BONNIE Chicken out? K.I.T.T. Thank you, Bonnie...Yes, Michael. How did you know you wouldn't chicken out first? MICHAEL You provided that clue, Kitt. You kept telling me how you two differed in your basic programming. Yours is to protect human life, but Karr's basic program was self-preservation ...so in a head-to-head confrontation ...he would always 'chicken out.' DEVON Eminently...if colloquially put. K.I.T.T. Michael...I'm speechless. DEVON (sotto) Bloody likely.... K.I.T.T. No, really. Michael, your logic in this case is totally illogical...and yet it's absolutely correct. This is just...amazing. MICHAEL No, just...human. He slaps his hands together, smiles. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, what do you say we go out for a little celebration of our own? We'll drive anywhere you like, maybe get a car wash...you can beat me at chess again...name it. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael, but it has been a draining day. My power packs could really use a rest. MICHAEL Okay, pal. I'll see you tomorrow. They all ad-lib good-byes, exit. Michael lingers in the door of the semi. MICHAEL (cheery) Hey, how's it feel to be one of a kind again? K.I.T.T. As you know, Michael, I do not have feelings. However, for want of a better term, being one of a kind is a very familiar feeling. MICHAEL Right. He goes out. We hold on K.I.T.T. for a beat. INT. K.I.T.T. A screen comes on. A button lights up "VIDEO REWIND." We see snow on a screen. Then "PLAY" lights up. The scene of K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R. outside the warehouse appears, their scanners touching. K.A.R.R. ...It is interesting to meet you. K.I.T.T. It is interesting to meet you, Karr. Until now, I thought I was one of a kind. K.A.R.R. To be one of a kind is very special. But to be two of a kind is special, also. K.I.T.T. Yes. Perhaps even more special, Karr. Perhaps even more. The "OFF" button lights up. The screen goes dark. HIGH ANGLE SHOT - K.I.T.T. - VERY WIDE LENS in the empty semi...one of a kind again. THE END