EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57302 R. A. Cinader July 19, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer Steven E. de Souza KNIGHT RIDER INSIDE OUT by Steven E. de Souza ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. LONELY UNDULATING ROAD - NIGHT We hear nothing except night birds, and crickets...the sounds of the country at night. Then we hear a new sound -- the "boop boop" of a radar scanner. Camera pans to a police cruiser hidden behind some foliage or a billboard. Two officers are inside. Wally drinks coffee from a thermos. Lester points a radar gun at the road. He fiddles with some dials. LESTER Got something...Coming on fast... Whoa! Eighty miles an hour! WALLY Damn kids think they own this road... a fifty dollar fine'll teach 'em different.... LESTER Uh...wait a second. Lester fiddles with the gun. Taps it a few times. WALLY You lose him? LESTER (slowly) Uh...No. He just jumped to...one hundred fifty. WALLY On this road? That can't be right. Check again. LESTER One hundred and ninety...no, two hundred...two twenty-five! Off the scale! WALLY That's impossible...No car can --- Suddenly both men hear a distant, eerie whine...unlike any car on the road. They listen, look around. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - HIGHWAY - LONG SHOT An amber glow is rapidly approaching. Music begins...some- thing reminiscent of Close Encounters. BACK TO SCENE LESTER (nervous; he's seen Close Encounters) Maybe it's not a car...maybe it's... somethin' else? They exchange a look, then pile out of the car. We tighten on them as a glow of light starts to illuminate their faces. (Again, in Close Encounters style.) HIGHWAY - APPROACHING LIGHT coming faster and faster, the whine growing louder. VERY LOW ANGLE - WALLY AND LESTER With a thud, something hits a rise on the road directly in front of them and flies over their heads. A beat. Both men are speechless. WALLY W...what was that? LESTER (after a moment, amazed) A Pontiac.... CUT TO EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Sparks fly up as the "Pontiac" -- actually the Knight 2000 -- skids into the side railing, bounces back onto the road. It's swerving wildly. INT. KNIGHT 2000 - NIGHT - CLOSE ON THE STEERING WHEEL - TRAVELING as it fights to control the car. The "Auto Cruise" dial is illuminated. No one is in the front seats. Suddenly, a man's foot kicks at the wheel, causing the car to go off the road again. K.I.T.T. Michael, I can't drive on auto cruise when you keep bumping the wheel... Michael? No answer...just the sound of a blow. K.I.T.T. Michael, what's all that noise? INT. CAR - NEW ANGLE revealing that Michael Knight is fighting for his life in the backseat against a mean-looking mother named Dugan. (The right passenger seat is inclined, giving both men some struggling room.) Michael punches Dugan, tries to grab the wheel. Dugan hauls him back. For those who notice such things, the remains of ropes and bindings are on Dugan's wrists and ankles. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The car swerves again. INT. CAR - NIGHT - TRAVELING Michael tries to say something. It's hard, with Dugan's elbow around his neck. K.I.T.T. Michael, did you say something? You'll have to speak up. Dugan produces a knife. Michael chops it out of his hand, then twists around, forcing Dugan towards the front seats. MICHAEL Kitt! Open the sunroof! K.I.T.T. You don't have to shout. The sunroof rolls back. Michael gives Dugan a terrific wallop, dropping him into the driver's seat. Then he reaches for --- INSERT - "EJECT" CONTROL Michael's hand slams down on it. EXT. CAR - NIGHT with a "whoosh" Dugan flies up and out of the car. We hear him scream as he descends towards.... A LAKE - NIGHT Dugan hits with a mighty splash, flounders in the water. THE KNIGHT 2000 lams to a half in the b.g. Michael runs towards the camera, reaches the edge of the water just as Dugan staggers out. Michael cocks his arm to deliver the final blow...it isn't necessary. Dugan collapses from exhaustion on the shore. Michael catches his breath, starts to drag Dugan towards the car. CUT TO EXT. ABANDONED CABIN - DAWN The wind whips sand past the camera. We pan to see the Knight 2000 drive up, park. Michael gets out, pulls Dugan (bound and gagged, but still damp) towards the ramshackle building. CUT TO INT. ABANDONED CABIN - DAY The interior is prefab, surprisingly modern...and built like a cage: Metal mesh over the windows, bolts on the door, etc. There's a water bottle, freeze-dried food, a bunk...that's it. Michael comes in, drags Dugan to the bunk. Loosens his bonds. Dugan stirs, groans. Michael stops at the door, key in hand. MICHAEL Sorry about the accommodations, but it's the height of the season. You understand. Dugan groans again. EXT. CABIN - DAY Michael closes and locks the door. Presto -- it's an aban- doned cabin again. Michael turns from the door and sees --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - A SEMI approaching the camera. It halts with a hiss of air brakes. In front, besides the driver (in a Knight Industries cap) is Devon Miles. Devon leans out of the cab, his Saville Row three-piece looking totally out of place. DEVON Michael, you're an hour behind schedule. I hope you have an explanation. ON MICHAEL Speechless, he wipes a fleck of blood from his chin, then he sighs, heads for --- REAR OF SEMI It drops down, forming a ramp. Michael walks inside, first turning to whistle at K.I.T.T. MICHAEL After you. K.I.T.T. drives up the ramp. K.I.T.T. You're always so polite when the boss is around. They go inside. The ramp rises, closes again. The semi moves off. INT. SEMI - NIGHT - TRAVELING We see that the rear of the semi has been outfitted as a state-of-the-art electronics lab and garage. Towards the front are some chairs and other human touches...even a coffee maker. Also inside is Bonnie Barstow, a young engineer who makes her Knight Industries overalls look like a Bob Mackie original. Bonnie looks up from a workbench as Michael enters. MICHAEL Hello, Bonnie. BONNIE We were so worried! Are you all right? MICHAEL (rubbing his jaw) Yeah, I'm okay, a few bruises, but --- BONNIE I wasn't talking to you. Michael stops in midsentence as Bonnie walks right past him, continues talking...to K.I.T.T. BONNIE How's your shocks? Are you still in alignment? K.I.T.T. Everything's in proper order, Miss Barstow.... BONNIE Please...Bonnie. K.I.T.T. Bonnie. But I'm grateful for your concern. You're an angel of mercy. BONNIE Oh, Kitt...that's sweet. But let me check anyway. Your surveillance scanners might need adjustment. She reaches for some tools. CLOSE ON MICHAEL He scowls at this display, takes coffee from the machine. A portal opens in the front of the trailer and Devon comes in from the cab. DEVON When you didn't arrive at the rendezvous point, we decided to intercept you enroute. What happened? MICHAEL Mr. Dugan got loose about an hour after I picked him up. Jumped me while I was driving. Michael takes something from his pocket, hands it to Devon. MICHAEL Here. I found this on him. INSERT showing an "X'd" map and one half of a thousand dollar bill. The words "5:00 P.M." have been scrawled beside the "X". DEVON'S VOICE What does it mean? BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL If your Mr. Kincaid is as smart as you say...we won't know... (pointing at map) ...until I get there. DEVON Thomas Kincaid is very smart, Michael ...which is why I disapprove of this entire plan. MICHAEL It's perfectly safe. Kincaid and Dugan have never met. As far as he'll know, I'm the real Mr. Dugan. DEVON That's not the point. The finest law enforcement agencies in the country have been unable to prove any allegation against Mr. Kincaid --- MICHAEL Then it's about time somebody put him away. How many robberies has he masterminded? Ten? Twenty? Before Devon can answer, a loud honk attracts their attention. NEW ANGLE Bonnie looks up from under K.I.T.T.'s hood. BONNIE Sorry. She turns, reaches under the hood with a tool. BONNIE (to K.I.T.T.) How's that? K.I.T.T. A little higher...higher...no, lower...stop! That's it. BACK TO SCENE Michael takes the map from Devon, zips it into his pocket. Moves towards K.I.T.T. Devon stops him. DEVON Michael, I want Kincaid put away as much as you do. The Foundation has been compiling a strong solid case against him --- MICHAEL For how long? Come on, Devon, how long has he had you running around in legal circles? DEVON It...has been some time, Michael -- but these things require --- MICHAEL -- endless amounts of red tape. And meanwhile the man gets richer and more powerful and by the time anyone knocks on his door with a warrant, he'll be in South America. Devon, I wasn't patient when I was a cop. I'm still not patient. DEVON Michael, there is a fine line between 'audacious' and 'foolhardy.' If you should do anything which borders on entrapment it could destroy our entire legal case against Mr. Kincaid, and --- MICHAEL I'll watch it, Devon...and I'll still nail Mr. Kincaid...from the inside out. DEVON Really, Michael, you're insufferable. If it wasn't for the fact that Wilton Knight had an obsession about you.... MICHAEL -- We'd both be out of a job. (smiling) I'll stay in touch. Michael turns, heads for the car. MICHAEL (to Bonnie) How's Frankenstein? Ready to roll? BONNIE No thanks to you. Just once I'd like to see you use a little pre- ventive maintenance, a little spit and polish...anything to show you cared. Michael grins...steps towards her. She raises a wrench. BONNIE About the car, Michael. The car. Michael sighs, gets in the 2000. MICHAEL (sotto, under his breath) I wonder if there's a real woman under those overalls...or just a robot. Suddenly, we hear computerized pops and beeps. Michael looks down at --- INSERT - MONITOR SCREEN as K.I.T.T. flashes an animated silhouette of a well-shaped woman. Metric body measurements appear at appropriate spots. K.I.T.T. You're wrong, Michael. Under the overalls, she's 168 centimeters tall, fifty-four kilos in weight, other measurements, ninety-seven centimeters, sixty-one centimeters, ninety-one centi --- MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL Shut up. INT. SEMI - DAY K.I.T.T. backs down the ramp, makes a U-turn. The semi moves off. The Knight 2000 zooms away, becomes a dot on the horizon.... CUT TO EXT. FOREST - DAY - TIGHT ON MICHAEL'S MAP showing the "X" and the notation "5:00 P.M." Camera pans to show Michael's digital watch which reads, "5:02 P.M." Pull back to reveal Michael sitting on K.I.T.T.'s hood. MICHAEL They're late. K.I.T.T. They're right on time. Michael turns. K.I.T.T. I have an object at twenty degrees and closing. ETA this location... one minute or less. WIDER SHOT Michael jumps up. We hear the sound of a motorcycle. Then a trail bike appears at the edge of the clearing, waits there, the engine idling. The rider wears a helmet and metallic clothing which obscure any facial or body features. MICHAEL Hello. No answer. The rider accelerates for a moment, zooms forward...slams to a halt close to Michael. CLOSE ON KNIGHT 2000 Mud and leaves from the trail bike splatter on the hood and the windshield. BACK TO SCENE Michael regards the rider cooly. MICHAEL I'm Dugan. When do I --- K.I.T.T. suddenly puts on the windshield wipers. The rider's helmeted head double-takes the empty car, then Michael. MICHAEL Ah...there's...uh...a short in the electrical system...Did Kincaid send you? The rider suddenly leans close to Michael, holds something up for inspection. It's half of a thousand dollar bill. Michael takes out his, holds it up. CLOSE SHOT - BILL HALVES They match up. BACK TO SCENE The bike rider points ahead. Michael is supposed to follow. Michael gets into the car, closes the door. The cyclist circles the car (again splashing mud on it), roars away. INT. KNIGHT 2000 MICHAEL I hope this leads to some answers. K.I.T.T. activates the windshield wipers again. K.I.T.T. I hope it leads to a car wash. Michael hits the accelerator. CUT TO EXT. FENCED ESTATE - NIGHT - LONG SHOT The Knight 2000 follows the trail bike down a winding road which leads towards an imposing fenced estate. The bike rider blinks the bike's headlights...three times. An answering blink comes from atop the main gate. The gate begins to open. INT. KNIGHT 2000 - NIGHT One of K.I.T.T.'s screens comes alive. An overhead computer map of the estate appears with alarm-red sections blinking ominously. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors are picking up unusual readings...several people... vehicles...and there are guard towers hidden in those porticos. MICHAEL Getting nervous? K.I.T.T. 'Nervous' has no meaning to me, Michael. But discretion is advised ...I strongly suggest an immediate U-turn. They drive through the gate. It closes ominously behind them. INT. ESTATE COURTYARD - NIGHT The trail bike circles around a massive fountain. The rider slows, points to a parking spot. Michael parks and gets out just as the rider suddenly accelerates, completes the circle -- narrowly missing Michael. Michael steps forward, grabs the rider by the arm. MICHAEL Hey! Oblivious, the rider parks, starts to take off the smoke helmet. Michael grabs the rider's elbow, angrily turns the figure around. MICHAEL You know, you drive like a --- He stops in midsentence. NEW ANGLE revealing that the rider is a beautiful young woman. Her hair spills out of the helmet. WOMAN (LINDA) Like a what? She unzips the padded jacket. Her figure rivals her face. Michael recovers from his surprise, smiles. MICHAEL Like a woman. She glares at him. VOICE (KINCAID) Mr. Dugan! Michael turns. VOICE (KINCAID) We've been waiting for you, Mr. Dugan.... REVERSE ANGLE Several tough looking figures have stepped out of the main house. Kincaid, large, around fifty, impeccably dressed -- commands center stage. KINCAID Kindly raise your hands. Please. The roughest looking man -- Thompson -- hops down from the landing, aims a Remington pump gun. Michael pales...slowly raises his hands...and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT Michael is where we left him -- surrounded and at the wrong end of a shotgun. MICHAEL Hey, what is this? KINCAID You're late, Mr. Dugan. And since you're known for your promptness I am highly suspicious. MICHAEL What are you talking about? I was there at 5:00 o'clock on the dot --- KINCAID But one day late! Michael swallows, tries to hide his reaction. LINDA It was my idea to give you a second chance...in case you had a problem. KINCAID We'd like an explanation...if you please...? As Michael turns back from Linda, Thompson suddenly steps closer, cocks the shotgun. Michael whirls, ducks his head -- kicks the gun into the air. Two quick blows and Thompson goes into the fountain. Michael grabs Thompson's shirt front in the fountain, readies another blow -- stops as he sees --- MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - GROUP Other weapons have been drawn. THE SCENE Michael lets Thompson flounder, looks at Kincaid. MICHAEL I thought you wanted to hear my story. Kincaid nods. Waves the other weapons away. Thompson angrily rises, dripping wet. Is about to charge. KINCAID (warningly) Thompson! Stay put -- and cool off! (to Michael) Some of my staff are a little impulsive. (beat) We're waiting. Michael nods appreciatively. Looks around at the hard faces. Is a little startled to see that one -- Forrest -- is lower than the others. Forrest is a midget. Meanwhile, Michael's mind races. He forces a confident smile, begins to speak. (As his confidence builds, he will pace and gesture like a homespun orator.) MICHAEL Okay. Yours truly comes here by way of Paris, New York, and Chicago. But what I don't know is that the moment I land I'm being tailed by this guy Michael Knight.... They look blank. MICHAEL ...who happens to work for the Foundation for Law and Justice. Reaction. Murmurs. Waldorf, a brute with an incongruantly friendly face, speaks up. WALDORF I heard of them. They're just a bunch of wimp lawyers. MICHAEL (sincere) I couldn't agree with you more. But even these lawyers are hip enough to know that sometimes you gotta bust heads. Apparently they keep this guy Knight around just for that purpose... Although if you asked 'em about it point-blank, they'd probably be too embarrassed to admit it. Michael loosens up. On a roll now, Michael approaches Kincaid as he speaks. MICHAEL Anyway -- to my embarrassment -- Knight jumps me when I'm not looking and ties me up like yesterday's garbage. Then he gets on the phone to the Foundation. Talks to the chief wimp. Tells him he's got this brainstorm: He's going to let me lead him to you. Michael points to Kincaid...who's thrown. KINCAID Me? Michael nods. Goes up the steps, takes a cigar from Kincaid's pocket. MICHAEL Uh-huh. They're gunning for you, Mr. Kincaid. You're the Muhammed Ali of crime...the Rope-a-dope player who dances away and never gets caught but always gets rich. Kincaid smiles. Michael kneels, bums a light from Forrest. Steps back, smiles at his captive audience. MICHAEL Fortunately, this guy Knight has a swelled head...he gets so excited he's got the famous Mr. Dugan who doesn't pat me down too well...and I still got this. Dugan's knife materializes in Michael's hand. MICHAEL So while he's hyping himself to his boss, I cut loose, jump him...and throw him out of the car at eighty miles an hour. The rest is history. KINCAID Where's Knight now? Michael grins. Only he will get this joke. MICHAEL Michael Knight is officially dead. A moment. KINCAID (finally) A satisfactory explanation, Mr. Dugan. However, you have still lost an entire day of training for our little enterprise. Since we're all counting on you, you appreciate our concern. MICHAEL I'm a quick study. KINCAID I hope so. I expect the optimum from my employees. MICHAEL (suddenly) I'm nobody's employees, Mr. Kincaid. I'm a professional...for hire. And this little kangaroo court of yours is going to cost you an extra ten grand. THOMPSON Hey, nobody shakes down Mr. Kincaid --- KINCAID I can handle the gentleman, Thompson. (to Michael) The price is set. We have a contract. MICHAEL (indicating Thompson) And water polo wasn't part of it. I get another ten or you get another man. A moment. Kincaid looks at Michael with an unreadable expression. KINCAID (finally) Very well, Mr. Dugan. Linda, show our uh...new associate to his quar- ters. THOMPSON Mr. Kincaid! Are we gonna swallow this bunch of --- KINCAID (sharply) Thompson, we're trying to get Mr. Dugan into the team spirit. I'd advise you to show it as well. Thompson glares, says nothing. Linda tugs Michael's sleeve. LINDA (to Michael) This way. Bring your wheels. Michael gets into K.I.T.T., drives off slowly to match Linda's leggy stride. The others move away as well. KINCAID Oh, Thompson.... Thompson stops in the doorway, expectant. KINCAID Go get a towel. Everyone chuckles. Thompson glowers and we: CUT TO EXT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT Michael takes out a duffel bag, locks up K.I.T.T. Linda waits nearby. LINDA You should be happy. MICHAEL Because I'm still in one piece? LINDA Because Mr. Kincaid likes you. MICHAEL How do you know? LINDA He let you live...on the other hand, Thompson hates your guts. MICHAEL That's a problem, huh? LINDA Since you'll be eating, sleeping and breathing with him it could be. MICHAEL Maybe I could let him win at poker. LINDA No. No gambling. Also no drinking, no drugs, no late hours. Mr. Kincaid takes training very seriously. Linda takes out a key, unlocks the door of the bungalow. LINDA This is yours. INT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT rustic, with anigue-y decor...like a Santa Barbara hotel. Linda walks through the place like a bored bellhop, points to bath, closet, bed. LINDA Workout clothes are in here...if they don't fit, sing out. Wake up is at 6:00 am. Lights out at eight. If you're outside in between, your room had better be on fire. That about covers it. Any questions? MICHAEL How about a personal one? Linda laughs dryly. LINDA You mean, how did a nice girl like me get in a racket like this? MICHAEL I would have phrased it better. LINDA You'd get the same answer. I'm here because I spent too many of my formative years with low-life and scum. MICHAEL Like Kincaid? LINDA Like you. She smiles sweetly, goes out. Michael absorbs that, then raises his wristwatch to his face. INSERT - WATCH as he hits a button and the digital word "ENGAGE" appears on the formerly conventional watch face. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Kitt, I --- Michael stops, struck by a thought. He turns off the watch, starts to search the room. He quickly finds hidden microphones behind a picture, under the bed, behind a bathroom pipe. His suspicions confirmed, he goes to the window, pries it open and climbs out. EXT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT Michael slips out the window, creeps over to K.I.T.T. -- gets in. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Sorry to keep you waiting. My room was bugged. K.I.T.T. Tell me something I don't know. Look.... A screen lights up showing a computer map of the estate. Red blinking lights labeled "surveillance devices" are everywhere. K.I.T.T. There's monitors all over this estate ...and every telephone line is tapped. MICHAEL Then we can't contact Devon from here.... K.I.T.T. Not without being overheard. I estimate one quarter mile away would be secure. Shall we go? MICHAEL Not just yet. Let's wait until we have something definite... (thinking) Maybe I can get something from that girl.... K.I.T.T. I wouldn't touch that line with a ten-foot driveshaft. MICHAEL What's that supposed to mean? K.I.T.T. Merely that you always seem to use our assignments as convenient spring- boards for your social life. MICHAEL Don't be ridiculous. Michael gets out, heads for his bungalow. MICHAEL That girl is a source of information -- that's all. K.I.T.T. I've heard that one before...Can I shut down for the night? My bat- teries are a little low. MICHAEL Mine too. Good night. K.I.T.T. Good night. A beat, then K.I.T.T.'s panels go dark. CUT TO EXT. COMPOUND - DAY Silent as sunlight creeps across the ground. Then the silence is broken by a loud whistle. LINDA'S VOICE Let's go! On the double! Training session by the south wall in ten minutes! Camera adjusts to show Linda, running from bungalow to bungalow, banging on the doors. She's wearing a workout suit like the ones we saw the previous evening. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW Linda arrives -- but a split second before she can knock, Michael opens the door. He's already dressed in the uniform of the day. LINDA You heard me, huh? MICHAEL They heard you in Cleveland. She grins, runs on. Michael yawns, strides over to K.I.T.T., gets in. K.I.T.T. Good morning, Michael. Are you wearing those garments for any particular reason? MICHAEL You're just jealous. Do a good job today and I'll buy you some racing stripes. K.I.T.T. Thank you, but I prefer basic black. Michael starts the car and they peel out. EXT. BEHIND COMPOUND - LONG LENS - CLOSE ON KINCAID Attired in a more elegant version of the warmup suit, he stands near a card table with a clipboard under his arm and a stopwatch around his neck. Dust swirls in the f.g. as several vehicles zoom by, their exact configuration unclear due to the camera angle. KINCAID Quiet, please! Instant silence as motors are cut. He rocks on his feet like Patton. WITH KINCAID - TRACKING He slowly walks past his "troops," all of whom stand for inspection beside their vehicles. (And all of whom we met the previous night.) First is Thompson, beside a heavily customized, mean-looking Camero. They nod to each other. Next is Waldorf and Heavy #1 (O'Brian) with a dune buggy. Then Linda, on her trail bike. Then Michael, beside K.I.T.T. Kincaid stares at him a beat longer than the others. Kincaid moves on...and Michael can't help but stare curiously at his neighbor down the line, Forrest (in scaled-down workout suit) and a matronly looking woman, Mrs. Milton. They stand by a red pickup. A tarpaulin covers some bulky gear in the back. Last is a van, with Heavies #3 (Baker) and #4 (Clark). His tour completed, Kincaid returns to center stage. Michael keeps sneaking looks at the midget until he gets caught. FAVORING KINCAID KINCAID Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Dugan, since you're our newest recruit, let me fill you in. We are about to begin an enterprise which will make you all comfortably affluent...while I, on the other hand, will become embarrassingly wealthy. Everyone laughs -- even Michael. KINCAID The next few days will consist of gruelling and arduous training and split-second drills. Some of this will seem routine...some of it will seem quite strange. But all of it is necessary. Are there any questions? A beat. Forrest steps forward. FORREST Yeah. What exactly are we gonna do when we're done training? What's the caper? CLOSE ON MICHAEL very interested. KINCAID'S VOICE A reasonable question, Mr. Forrest. Forgive me for not giving you an answer. BACK TO SCENE Forrest steps back, looks at Michael helplessly. Michael takes the cue. MICHAEL Uh, Mr. Kincaid -- ? KINCAID Yes, Mr. Dugan? MICHAEL Let me get this straight. We're going to train here around the clock for some kind of job...and we're not gonna know what it is? KINCAID No. Not until it's necessary. But I assure you that everything we practice will have a practical application. MICHAEL But -- what if --- KINCAID Mr. Dugan... (smiling) Trust me. All right, let's go through the drill. Waldorf. O'Brian. The two men by the dune buggy stiffen, alert. KINCAID Your beanbags. They go to the table. Take a half-dozen beanbags. Return to the dune buggy. Rev up, roar away. ON MICHAEL watching, at first curious...then amazed. THE SCENE The dune buggy bounces along the ground, approaches a target with a cutout hole in it. As Waldorf drives past the target in successive passes, O'Brian pitches beanbags. Two go in. The dune buggy returns to the starting point. Waldorf and O'Brian get out, expectant. KINCAID Acceptable. But I want at least three beanbags dead center by this afternoon. Mr. Forrest, Mrs. Milton, prepare to unload your gear. Forrest and Milton get in the pickup (Forrest has a booster seat behind the wheel). Kincaid takes out a stopwatch. KINCAID Now. FORREST AND MRS. MILTON They jump out of the pickup, yank away the tarpaulin. ON MICHAEL reacting. BACK TO SCENE Under the tarp is an aluminum fishing boat and a trolling motor. They race to untie it, connect the motor, and plop it down on the ground twenty yards from the jeep. Kincaid stops his timer. KINCAID I want ten seconds off that time. Mr. Baker. Mr. Clark. They get into the van, wait for their cue. KINCAID Go! They jump out, run to the back doors. ANGLE ON VAN Inside is a bank of electronic equipment and two reel-to- reel tape recorders. They throw on headphones, turn on the gear. Baker watches a rising and falling graph line while Clark spins dials. A red light goes on. Clark turns, points to Kincaid. KINCAID He picks up an FM mike from the table. KINCAID Am I on? (clears throat) 'It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood: Stones have been known to move and trees to speak.' THE SCENE Michael tries to hide his increasing puzzlement. Kincaid strolls over to the van, looks at the men. KINCAID (a command) 'Blood.' BAKER (checking graph) Uh...which blood? KINCAID (small smile) First blood, of course. Baker points to a spot on the graph as Clark watches. Clark rewinds the tape, watching a digital counter. Stops. Hits "Play". TAPE VOICE '...will have blood, they say -- ' Kincaid shakes his head. Baker and Clark's faces fall. KINCAID You've got to hit it on the exact word...without fail. He points to Baker. KINCAID You just worry about speech pattern ...leave the rest to Clark. (to Clark) And you have to trust him. (smiling) Trust is the name of the game. They nod. Kincaid strides past Michael, (who puts on his best deadpan expression) faces Linda. KINCAID Miss Elliot. Your turn. He points at --- MOCKUP OF A WALL - NEARBY - DAY about eight feet by ten feet, and two feet off the ground. Ladder-like extensions go up one edge, and there is a vertical seam down the middle. BACK TO SCENE KINCAID Without a warmup. Go. Linda runs towards the wall, grabbing a small knapsack from Kincaid's table as she goes. She throws it over her shoulders. Michael watches, interested. Forrest and Mrs. Milton go to the far side of the mock wall. LINDA She hits the springboard and leaps towards the wall -- deftly grabbing the extended handholds as she hits. Kincaid checks his clipboard and his stopwatch. KINCAID The magnet. Linda nods, takes an odd-looking box from her pocket. Puts it on a seam in the wall. It jumps to the wall with a distinct "click." REVERSE ANGLE - WALL SECTION Forrest and Linda are here. At a nod from Kincaid, they push forward. Double doors open in the prop wall. Linda works her way around the doors, drops down. KINCAID The rucksack. Remember -- dead center. Linda looks down at --- HER POINT OF VIEW - THE GROUND Red stakes indicate a rectangle on the ground. Linda goes to the front, drops the pack from her neck. KINCAID The cartridge. CLOSE ON LINDA The rucksack is tied up tight...but a large glass vial is on the outside. Linda squeezes it. We hear breaking glass. KINCAID You've got thirty seconds to live. Move. Linda whirls. Leaps out the door, swings on it. MICHAEL Despite his undercover role, pleased for her -- until --- EXT. WALL Linda hangs from the pivoting door -- and slips as she reaches for a handhold. She lands hard on the ground some six feet below. MICHAEL reacts, starts forward --- KINCAID holds up a warning hand to Michael. KINCAID Miss Elliot, you are now dead. Therefore, you won't be needing any lunch or dinner. I hope your stomach will inspire a better per- formance next time. Linda glares at him...returns to the lineup. Michael leans close to her. MICHAEL He acts like he owns you. LINDA (flatly) He does. Michael stares at her. KINCAID Mr. Dugan! Michael looks up. KINCAID You will have two tasks to perform... both of them critical. This is the first. He turns, points. Camera adjusts to show two wooden ramps in the distance -- the kind used at thrill shows. They're about seventy feet apart. KINCAID You and your vehicle must clear that gap. Michael nods, gets into K.I.T.T. Heads down towards the takeoff ramp. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yes, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Even for me...this seems rather strange. MICHAEL That's why we get the big bucks. Ready? K.I.T.T. Of course. With my rocket-powered thrusters I could do this on four cylinders. MICHAEL Well, you can't use your thrusters. We're supposed to be undercover. K.I.T.T. (beat) Do you think they could lower the ramp? Michael hits the accelerator. WITH K.I.T.T. as it soars over the camera, hits the landing ramp perfectly. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Piece of cake, Kitt. Piece of cake. K.I.T.T. Tell that to my shock absorbers. THE SCENE Michael drives back to the starting area. KINCAID Excellent, Mr. Dugan. Excellent. But since you missed yesterday's practices, I'd like you to do it again. MICHAEL Well, I don't mind...but I can't speak for the car. Kincaid laughs. KINCAID (laughing) Class, pay attention...you too, Thompson! Mr. Dugan will show us how it's done. Thompson shoots daggers at Michael. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael heads for the start ramp. K.I.T.T. (mocking) 'I wouldn't mind, but I can't speak for the car.' You could have said no. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt. This should be easy for the world's greatest car. K.I.T.T. Spare me your flattery...but I suppose you're right. We certainly seem to have made an impression. MICHAEL Of course I'm right. We're in like Flynn. K.I.T.T. Yes, yes, we are, aren't we? By next week we'll have this whole bunch behind bars. MICHAEL Well...let's not get over-confident, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Why not? I mean, what could possibly go wrong? They hit the ramp -- fly into the air and we: CUT TO EXT. ABANDONED CABIN - DAY Dust swirls around it. From within, we hear a clanging and banging. INT. CABIN - DAY Pull back from the metal bed as it is smashed against the floor. We see that Dugan -- the real Dugan -- is jumping up and down on it to separate the tubular frame from the springs. This accomplished, he takes a section, drags it to the camp stove. There we see that he has been at this a while: A series of pipes, hoses and tubes cannibalized from the sparse furnishings leads from the stove to the door. Dugan jams this last section into the stove's burner. We follow him back towards the door as he checks all the joints, which are secured with torn bedding. The end of tubing near the door leads to an empty Arrowhead bottle from the water cooler. Dugan wipes perspiration from his face, scratches his two-day beard. He goes to the other end of the cabin. Lights a hurricane table lamp. Puts it on the floor. Turns on the stove. Ducks behind what's left of the bed, hurricane lamp at his side. We hear a hissing sound. The Arrowhead bottle frosts up on the inside. Dugan throws the hurricane lamp at the door. Ducks. There is a tremendous explosion. EXT. CABIN - DOUBLE CUT as the door blows away from the building. Dust and debris rain down. A long moment passes. And then Dugan appears, rising from the ruins, covered with dirt.... He crosses across the empty sand, eyes burning with revenge. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. TRAINING FIELD - DAY - LONG SHOT The Knight 2000 is on a seeming collision course with the red pickup. ANGLE ON PICKUP Thompson is driving. In back is Waldorf -- and Kincaid. An odd metal contraption -- a triangle with a bar on the apex -- is upright in the back of the pickup. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael is behind the wheel. Linda is in the passenger seat. Both have handy talkies with ear plugs. Linda pulls welder's glasses down over her head. LINDA Don't look. She lights a portable acetylene torch. Holds the glaring tip out the open window. THE SCENE The pickup and the 2000 adjust their courses until they are traveling parallel. At a signal from Kincaid, Waldorf lowers the metal triangle at its hinge. Now it hangs over, close to the 2000. Kincaid speaks into a handy talkie. KINCAID All right. I'm starting the stop- watch. Go. INT./EXT. BOTH VEHICLES Linda leans out the window. Begins to use the torch on the thick metal bar at the end of the triangle. Michael drives carefully, watching the gap with the pickup. He looks at Thompson, who looks back. If looks could kill.... KINCAID (over handy talkie) Don't rush it, Miss Elliot...but don't dawdle, either...Dugan, don't get over-confident. (beat) When we do this for real, you'll be driving in the dark. CLOSE ON THE METAL BAR It snaps in two. KINCAID'S VOICE Dugan! Drop back! Now! THE SCENE Michael brakes, falls in line behind the pickup. They travel single file, coast inside the compound. EXT. COMPOUND COURTYARD - DAY As they park, we see Kincaid's other recruits busy practicing: tape recorders, bean bags, fishing boats, etc. LINDA That was perfect. (as they park) You are a quick study. MICHAEL Well...you're just a good teacher... Hey! He says this last because Thompson has just jumped out of the truck -- narrowly missing Michael's head with the truck door. THOMPSON Gee, I'm sorry. That won't happen again. MICHAEL (stepping closer) You bet it won't --- Kincaid gets between them. KINCAID Mr. Dugan -- please. Accidents happen. Thompson smiles. Kincaid turns, blows on a whistle. KINCAID That's it for the day, people. Dinner is waiting. Everyone heads on the double for one of the outbuildings. Linda's face falls. She moves off. MICHAEL Linda...coming? LINDA I'm still dead...remember? She manages a smile, exits. Michael turns, watches. KINCAID He moves up to Thompson and Waldorf, speaks in a whisper. They nod, follow him into the main house. We hold on the scene until the three men appear in the window of an elegant library. MICHAEL watching, interested. BACK TO SCENE Kincaid rolls a large piece of paper out on the table. Points to it. A lively discussion ensues...and then Kincaid realizes the window is open. He moves to it, closes the curtains. ON MICHAEL He turns, hurries off. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT Michael is hunched over a computer screen. MICHAEL Okay, you know the drill? K.I.T.T. I think it's quite clear...I keep you out of trouble...as usual. MICHAEL Just don't start giving yourself a tuneup or something while I'm in there. K.I.T.T. All right. Let's go. MICHAEL Not just yet. First, I have to pull off a daring robbery. Michael slips out of the car. K.I.T.T. Michael, that does not compute ...Michael? Michael? Michael is gone. CUT TO EXT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Linda is walking towards her bungalow. Suddenly a hand reaches out of a bush, covers her mouth. Pulls her out of sight. EXT. PRIVATE GARDEN - NIGHT - TIGHT ON LINDA as she twists, shoots an elbow backwards towards her assailant. MICHAEL Ow! She turns, sees Michael trying to catch his breath. LINDA What do you think you're doing? MICHAEL (rubbing his stomach) Trying to hold on to my dinner ...here's yours. He tosses her something wrapped in a napkin. She opens it, finds a sandwich. LINDA Dugan...I...I don't know what to say. MICHAEL You could say 'thanks.' LINDA (taking a bite) Thanks, Dugan. Say, you wouldn't happen to have --- Michael smiles, throws her a soda can from another pocket. LINDA Well, for once, crime does pay. MICHAEL Not always? LINDA Not for me. I guess you wouldn't know about that. We've all heard about that job you pulled in Paris. MICHAEL Ah...right, right. Actually, I don't like to talk about it.... LINDA After the way you treated those nuns, I'm not surprised. MICHAEL Nuns? LINDA (between bites) Sure. At the orphanage. MICHAEL Nuns? Oh, the nuns...at the uh... orphanage...? Well, that wasn't me ...I had some guys on back-up and uh...well, you can't get good help these days! LINDA I'd like to believe you. MICHAEL You can. A beat. They look at each other. MICHAEL Uh...You've got some mayonnaise on your face...no, there.... He reaches out to wipe it off with his handkerchief. A moment as they stand close. They move closer.... And then the foliage is roughly thrown aside. They both turn. NEW ANGLE Kincaid and Thompson are there. KINCAID What's going on in here? MICHAEL I don't think it's any of your business. Thompson steps forward, pushes Michael backwards. THOMPSON Everything here is Mr. Kincaid's business. Michael breaks out of his grasp, takes up a fighting stance. Kincaid separates them. KINCAID That's right, Thompson...but right now I want to keep everyone happy and healthy. Linda, Mr. Dugan... it's curfew. Move. A beat. Linda turns regally, leaves the garden. Michael relaxes a bit...glares at Thompson...steps out of the garden. EXT. COMPOUND Michael looks for Linda, who has vanished. Kincaid and Thompson come up behind him. KINCAID (indicating his watch) Mr. Dugan...please? Michael nods, trots along the grounds. When he's out of their sight, he ducks behind a bush. Looks at --- EXT. LIBRARY - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW Dark. Empty. WITH MICHAEL He checks in all directions, then dashes in a crouch to the house. Near the entrance he hides in the shadows, speaks into his wrist comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, go into reconnaissance mode. It's kickoff time. K.I.T.T. (filtered, over radio) Please, spare me the adolescent metaphors. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - NEAR BUNGALOW - INTERCUT THROUGHOUT The computer screen shows the main house and a blip marked "MICHAEL KNIGHT". K.I.T.T. The library entrance is on your right after you enter the foyer. MICHAEL On my way. The blip begins to move. INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT - MICHAEL slips inside, quickly moves to the windows and closes the slight gap in the curtains. Then he puts on a desk lamp, reconnoiters the room. He comes up empty in the desk drawers and finds nothing on the bookshelves...except books. Frustrated, he turns, moves to a panelled wall. Feels it, knocks on it. We hear a hollow echo. Encouraged, he searches for a hidden button. His probing fingers hit a nearby sconce. It pivots. Michael jumps back, startled, as a section of the wall rises like a curtain. ON MICHAEL as he reacts, seeing --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - WALL SECTION showing a detailed four-color map of ARIZONA MAXIMUM SECURITY FEDERAL PENITENTIARY. THE SCENE Michael moves closer, looks at it carefully. Arrows and dotted lines indicate a military-type assault. Silhouettes of several vehicles -- (and a boat on a nearby stream) are labeled with the names of all the people we've seen training ...including the name Michael's finger lingers on..."Dugan." Quickly, Michael grabs paper and pen, starts to make a copy of the map. A "chirr-upp"-like beep from his wrist comlink interrupts him. MICHAEL Trouble? K.I.T.T. That's a reasonable assumption: Two people are heading your way. They'll enter from the hall in 15.4 seconds. Indeed, two moving "blips" have appeared on the video map. MICHAEL (alarmed, into comlink) Kitt, where's the back door? K.I.T.T. There is no back door. Michael turns, nervous, scans the room for escape. His eyes fall on a large covered vent over his head. Inspiration strikes. He runs to the map, hits the button. Then, using the library table for a launch pad, he leaps onto the wall like Spiderman. INT. K.I.T.T. as the two new blips approach and reach the library door. INT. LIBRARY The doors open. Kincaid enters with Linda, both in heated debate. Camera pans them into the room. Kincaid gets some papers from his desk. KINCAID (as they enter) No, no...it isn't anything new, Linda. It's the same discussion we've had before, dressed up with new adjectives and a few more tears. LINDA This time it's different.... KINCAID Oh, yes. This time you've picked the ultimate wrong moment. Twelve hours left, and you threaten me? Come on! Camera tilts up to the ventilation shaft. INT. SHAFT - CLOSE ON MICHAEL - INTERCUT THROUGHOUT crouched in a ball, listening. LINDA'S VOICE Threaten you? That's a laugh. I've been living with your threats for two years. KINCAID'S VOICE Nobody talked you into it, Linda. You came to me. BACK TO SCENE LINDA I had no choice. You had the contacts...and my father was dying.... KINCAID Oh, there's always an excuse. But you committed perjury for dear old Dad, Linda...in a federal court! That'll get you five to ten...not to mention conspiracy --- LINDA Conspiracy? KINCAID That's what they call what we've been doing here all week. And I'm sure the Feds could find a few more charges...like maybe for what you and Mr. Dugan did in the bushes... that's illegal in sixteen sta --- She slaps him...Hard. A long beat. KINCAID You're lucky I need you. LINDA Your luck ran out. I'm leaving. She turns to go. KINCAID Five minutes after you're out the door, I tip the FBI about you. If you're going to go to jail anyway, why not go rich? Or don't you still need that money? Linda stops close to the camera. Her face falls...she's trapped. She turns slowly. Kincaid packs up his papers, walks confidently towards her. KINCAID Can I walk you to your room? You have a busy day tomorrow. She shakes off his grasp, walks out on her own. Kincaid chuckles, goes out himself. A beat. Michael drops to the floor. CUT TO EXT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael runs to the car, gets in, examines his impromptu map, excited. MICHAEL Kitt, I've got it! In less than twelve hours, we're going to break into the Arizona Federal Penitentiary. K.I.T.T. We're going to break into a prison? Well, that's a new one. Why? MICHAEL I think it's obvious. It's a maximum security prison. The kind of clients they've got in there would pay plenty for a ticket out. And Kincaid's going to play travel agent ...except.... K.I.T.T. Except what? MICHAEL Well...all this stuff, these things we've been doing...dune buggies... acetylene torches...I'm not sure how they fit in. Maybe this map can.... K.I.T.T. Let me see it. INSERT Michael puts the map in a Xerox-like slot labeled "Graphic Input". THE SCENE We hear some whirring and beeping. K.I.T.T. There are several roads near the prison...some hills...rough terrain ...and a body of water. The map ejects with an efficient and final sound. K.I.T.T. It all computes, Michael. MICHAEL Maybe...but.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I've analyzed it thoroughly. Would you like to see a forty point cross-indexed statistical readout? MICHAEL Not really...but Devon would. Can you slip out of this place and contact him? K.I.T.T. Certainly. All I have to do is get out of range of the wiretaps. MICHAEL And get past the guards. K.I.T.T. Humans versus computers? No contest. Michael gets out of the car...and sees.... HIS POINT OF VIEW - LINDA walking disconsolantly in the moonlight. BACK TO SCENE K.I.T.T. Trouble? MICHAEL Don't worry -- I'll distract her. K.I.T.T. I'll bet. MICHAEL You make that call. K.I.T.T. starts up, drives off. Michael runs in the opposite direction. WITH MICHAEL He comes up beside Linda, who jumps. MICHAEL Sorry. LINDA You're breaking curfew. MICHAEL Looks like it's contagious. My bungalow's right here. Come on. I'll buy you some tap water. She hesitates, manages a smile. LINDA Why not? CUT TO EXT. COMPOUND - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. pulls to a halt behind some trees. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS show the gate...and Waldorf on guard duty. The picture pans to a small security booth. Zooms to a coffee maker visible through the door. COMPUTER SCREEN as a computerized sketch of a coffee machine and its circuitry appears on screen, with the words "A.C. APPLIANCE --110 VOLTS--NOT GROUNDED." "NOT GROUNDED" blinks in red. Then the words "BEGIN MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION" appear. EXT. K.I.T.T.'S HOOD - NIGHT A small dish antenna rises from an alcove, points towards the guard booth. We hear a hum. INTERCUT - GUARD BOOTH - COMPUTER SCREEN - ANTENNA The hum becomes louder. On the computer screen an indicator near the coffee machine graphic goes from "NORMAL" to "OVERLOAD". INT. GUARD BOOTH - COFFEE MACHINE It suddenly sparks, smokes -- explodes. Coffee splashes everywhere. Papers start to smoulder. WALDORF reacts, startled. Runs into the shed, starts to stamp out the fire. INT. K.I.T.T. - MONITOR SCREEN "REMOTE CONTROL GATE--SIGNAL SCAN--RAPID". We hear electronic sounds, and then.... CLOSE ON GATE LOCK It "pops." The gate swings open. THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. drives out the gate. Waldorf is in the b.g. cursing and struggling with the machine. By the time he looks up, the gate is closed. INT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT Michael sips juice taken from his refrigerator. He watches as Linda paces nervously. MICHAEL I'm glad we're having this little talk.... No response. MICHAEL You're going to wear a hole in the floor.... Silence. MICHAEL (pointedly; already knows) Is something bothering you? She turns. Looks at him for a moment. Suddenly she drops down on the sofa beside him. Looks at him earnestly. LINDA I'm in trouble, Dugan. I need help. MICHAEL I'll do what I can. LINDA Then take me away from here...Tonight. We tighten on Michael as he reacts, stunned. CUT TO INT. DEVON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Devon is sitting up in bed in silk pajamas. What we see of his room reminds us of Masterpiece Theatre. DEVON Dune buggies? Bean bags? Midgets? EXT. LONELY ROAD - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. parked by the shoulder. K.I.T.T. No, midget. Singular, sir. The plural isn't what --- DEVON I can speak English, Kitt! Devon grabs paper and pen. DEVON And you say they're attacking a prison...? K.I.T.T. Yes, sir. Arizona Maximum Security Federal Penitentiary. In ten hours and thirty-eight minutes.... DEVON Incredible, just incredible...Michael is quite certain about this? K.I.T.T. Actually, no, sir. But I am. Would you like me to give you a forty point cross-indexed statistical readout? DEVON Good Lord, no, it's two am! K.I.T.T. Two-o-two am to be exact. DEVON (icily) Thank you. All right, Kitt. I'll inform the prison warden. Tell Michael they'll be ready. And tell him 'Good show.' K.I.T.T. Ahem. DEVON Ah...you too, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Thank you, sir. Knight Industries 2000 signing off. DEVON (after the phone clicks, sotto) Thank God. CUT TO EXT. ROADBLOCK - NIGHT - TIGHT ON A BLINKING ROAD BARRIER Camera widens to show a line of cars. Walking from driver to driver are none other than officers Wally and Lester. WALLY (to first Driver in line) Sorry, ma'am, but there's a tractor trailer overturned up ahead. We got molasses and honey all over the road. (pointing) But if you make a U-turn, you can take Route 13 and get back on the next onramp. DRIVER Thank you, officer. Camera pans down the line of cars as Wally moves to the next vehicle...and we see Lester at the car behind that one. Camera continues panning as K.I.T.T. slows to a halt at the end of the line. K.I.T.T. Uh-oh. Lester backs into the shot, talking to an o.c. driver. LESTER Just hang a 'U-ey' and trot down Route 13. Sorry about the incon- venience. Lester jots something down on a clipboard as he sidesteps some U-turning cars. Stands beside K.I.T.T. He raps on the window. A beat. The window rolls down. Lester fiddles with papers on his clipboard, speaks rotely. LESTER Sorry about the inconvenience, but we got a tractor trailer spill up ahead. You know the Route 13 cutoff? K.I.T.T. Yes, officer. It's three point two miles to the southeast. LESTER (thrown a bit, thinks) Uh...right! Just take that and hit the next onramp. K.I.T.T. Thank you, officer. I will. LESTER You drive careful now.... K.I.T.T. I always do. The window rolls up. K.I.T.T. makes a U-turn. Lester finally looks up. LESTER Hey! Wait -- stop --- Wally comes up, concerned. WALLY What's wrong? LESTER That car -- it's the car that --- Unable to find the words, he gestures wildly, basically replaying the opening scene of this show a la a fighter pilot demonstrating maneuvers. LESTER -- that did the -- and then went like -- over up high --- WALLY Damn! Did you get a good look at the driver? LESTER Yeah! He --- Beat. Lester freezes. Awareness slowly dawns. As his eyes widen we: CUT TO INT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT Linda is on the sofa, her eyes expectant. Michael is close to the camera, his face filled with frustration. Michael hesitates. He's caught in a quandry between his own feelings and his role as Dugan. MICHAEL Linda...I know you won't understand this...but it's just impossible. If it was up to me, I would. But.... LINDA It is up to you, Michael! She stands, faces him. LINDA I've watched you...the way you move ...think. You can do anything you want. Why can't we just get that car of yours and --- He takes her by the shoulder, holds her. MICHAEL Linda, we can't leave --- LINDA Why? What's stopping us? MICHAEL Kincaid, that's what. We have a deal, and --- LINDA A deal? Michael, tonight, in the garden, when we...I thought you cared for me.... MICHAEL I do -- but --- LINDA But what? Do you think your deal means anything to that snake? That your word is worth --- She stops, eyes him critically. LINDA It's the money, isn't it? MICHAEL No! LINDA No? Then why don't you take me in your arms and tell me you'll help me? Michael stands...helpless. MICHAEL Maybe...after tomorrow.... He steps towards her. She pushes past him, goes to the door. LINDA And I thought you were different. She goes out. He runs to follow. MICHAEL Linda! EXT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT Linda runs towards the camera ignoring Michael's calls. A beat after she exits. K.I.T.T. skids to halt near the camera -- just as Michael gives up his futile pursuit. MICHAEL Damn! He bangs his fist on the nearest object...K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Well. The same to you. MICHAEL (recovering, calmer) Kitt! Did you reach Devon? K.I.T.T. I certainly did. Michael, we've got them right where we want them. CUT TO INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT Kincaid comes in...turns on all the lights. He stands by the door for a moment. Then he slowly circles the room... looking everywhere. He stops. Looks at the curtains. Plays with them until they're partially open -- as they were before Michael touched them. He grins. Pushes a button on his desk. KINCAID Thompson! THOMPSON'S VOICE (filtered, over intercom) Yeah? KINCAID Bring Mr. Dugan to me...immediately. THOMPSON'S VOICE My pleasure. Kincaid paces, waiting. He moves to the secret wall...and sees that the sconce is a little off center. Smiles to himself. At the sound of a door opening, he looks up. REVERSE ANGLE Thompson enters, looking pleased. He gruffly waves another person inside. It's Dugan. The real Dugan. DUGAN Well? KINCAID He fell for it. Dugan and Thompson grin. Kincaid pours cognac for three. KINCAID Cheers. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN INT. KINCAID'S MANSION - LIBRARY - DAY Kincaid has assembled the entire team around the library table. KINCAID Ladies. Gentlemen. You've all been waiting patiently to learn about our ultimate objective. This is that moment. CLOSE ON MICHAEL doing his best to look not too smug. BACK TO SCENE KINCAID I assure you, you will be pleasantly surprised. Kincaid goes to the wall sconce. Dramatically pivots it. The wall starts to open. ON MICHAEL relaxed...leaning back while the others crane forward. Suddenly his eyes pop out of his head. FAVORING HIDDEN MAP It is totally different. Gone is the prison...In its place is some outdoor terrain. KINCAID This is Highway 211. It is twenty miles from here. On that highway, in exactly three hours, we are going to steal twelve million dollars worth of gold bullion. ON MICHAEL We tighten on him as he reacts in shock. CUT TO EXT. FEDERAL PRISON - DAY - STOCK WARDEN'S VOICE Of course it's short notice, Mr. Miles.... EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY Devon is with Warden Adams, a no-nonsense up from the ranks type. WARDEN ADAMS ...but my men are trained to go into instant action. A line of guards double-times into the shot in perfect unison. They have riot shields, body armor, automatic weapons. WARDEN ADAMS (shouting) 'A' team! Position to repel assault! 'B' team! Position for cover fire! The guards start scaling walls, piling sandbags. We tighten on Adams and Devon. DEVON Very impressive, Warden. WARDEN ADAMS Thank you. When those clowns come roaring up to these walls, they're going to get the surprise of their lives. Devon and Adams exchange confident smiles. EXT. COMPOUND - FORMATION AREA - DAY Kincaid speaks to the team, again assembled in front of the vehicles. KINCAID You have your maps and your communicators. I'll be in the lead vehicle guiding you every step of the way. Move out. Camera adjusts to favor Michael, who steps into Linda's path. MICHAEL Linda. About last night.... LINDA Go count your money. She shoves past him. Everyone heads for their vehicles. Michael literally races to K.I.T.T., hops in. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, we've got to call Devon as soon as we're secure. K.I.T.T. Why? What's wrong? MICHAEL We're not hitting that prison -- we're robbing a gold shipment! K.I.T.T. That...that's impossible. MICHAEL Oh, yeah? Last night you said it computed! K.I.T.T. Don't blame me: I'm only as good as my input! Michael suddenly whirls, startled by a rap on the window. NEW ANGLE Kincaid, Thompson and Linda are there. Michael rolls down his window. MICHAEL What is it? KINCAID Mr. Dugan...don't forget your partner. Trapped, Michael opens the passenger door. Linda climbs in and Thompson tosses in their robbery gear. Linda glares at Michael hatefully. FORMATION AREA - CRANE SHOT All the vehicles except the Camero fan out, make a U-turn. The camera slowly drops down, pans, when the other vehicles are gone, Dugan (the real Dugan) appears from hiding...and gets into the Camero. INT. CAMERO - TRAVELING KINCAID All set? DUGAN Yeah...but I don't know why we're stringing Knight along. We should take care of him right now. THOMPSON I'm with Dugan. Bringing him on the caper is asking for trouble. KINCAID On the contrary, bringing him along is very good insurance: If he wanted us on a conspiracy charge he would have called the Marines already. No, Mr. Knight thinks he's going to catch us red-handed...and his over-confidence is going to be fatal. (a small smile) But, until then...he's very cheap labor. DUGAN Okay, I buy that. When we're done, that phoney is all mine. I owe him. THOMPSON After me, Dugan. After me. KINCAID Boys, boys! Don't fight. When I'm through with him you can both have what's left. (into transceiver) All right everyone. Listen closely. At this moment, the Tri-National Bank of North America is moving a shipment of gold from Mexico City to Vancouver, British Columbia. Needless to say, it will not arrive. INTERCUT - INT. ROBBERS' VEHICLES - VARIOUS SHOTS - TRAVELING as they listen, interested. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - GOLD CONVOY - DAY A piggyback trailer zooms down the road. The English-Spanish- French logo of the Tri-National Bank emblazoned on the side. KINCAID'S VOICE The shipment is heavily guarded... both aboard the trucks.... ANGLE ON ROOF OF REAR TRUCK Armed guards are there with a machine gun. KINCAID'S VOICE In front of the convoy.... ANGLE ON FRONT JEEP bristling with guards and weapons. KINCAID'S VOICE And behind it. ANGLE ON REAR GUARD JEEP KINCAID'S VOICE Throughout the fourteen hundred mile journey, they are in constant commun- ication with their airborne support. ANGLE ON HELICOPTER IN FLIGHT with the same logo as the trucks. KINCAID'S VOICE Since the convoy is on a strict schedule, we dare not intercept or stop it...any delay will bring reinforcements. For this reason, we will rob it while it is moving. To do that, we must first eliminate the air cover. Baker...Clark...go to it. Forrest...Milton...get ready. The rest of you...go to your positions. INT. VAN - TRAVELING While Baker drives, Clark begins to set up the recording equipment. EXT. RURAL INTERSECTION - DAY All the robbery vehicles pass by. The van and the pickup take a side road. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael and Linda drive in silence. LINDA Funny. I thought you'd be enjoying this part. MICHAEL So did I. CUT TO THE CONVOY ELEMENTS - VARIOUS CUTS as the various vehicles drive on. CUT TO INTERCUT - THE ROBBERS CUT TO INTERCUT - THE CONVOY AND ROBBERS Throughout this sequence, the convoy rolls merrily along, and the robbers reach their positions on their maps. We linger on the van and the pickup, which are both hidden in foliage near a lake. Forrest and Milton set up their boat while Baker and Clark busily monitor and record the following convoy conversation: TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Golden Goose, this is Midas. We are on schedule and approaching check- point. All clear below. Over. COPTER (V.O.) Midas, this is Golden Goose. We have you in sight. All clear above. Watchdog and doors...report. TRUCK GUARDS (V.O.) This is Watchdog. All clear. FRONT JEEP (V.O.) This is Front Door. All clear. REAR JEEP (V.O.) This is Back Door. All clear. COPTER (V.O.) Convoy, this is Golden Goose. Clear upstairs and down. Maintain Condition Green. ALL VOICES Roger. Condition Green. ON KINCAID - TRAVELING KINCAID Forrest, Milton. Do it now. EXT. HIGH FROM INSIDE COPTER - DAY Suddenly there is an explosion in the distance. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Goose, what was that? COPTER VOICE We have the same question, Midas Convoy. Go to Condition Yellow. We'll check it out. The copter swings towards the column of smoke. INTERCUT - CONVOY ELEMENTS as all the guards cock their weapons, prepare extra magazines. TRUCK GUARDS (V.O.) We have a Condition Yellow. FRONT JEEP (V.O.) Roger, Condition Yellow. FRONT JEEP (V.O.) Roger, Condition Yellow. BACK JEEP (V.O.) Roger, Condition Yellow. Goose, please report. EXT. COPTER hovering. COPTER Convoy, this is Golden Goose.... EXT. LAKE - HIGH ANGLE - COPTER'S POINT OF VIEW An overturned rowboat burns, its motor spewing smoke. Mrs. Milton and Forrest wave imploringly to the copter overhead. COPTER (V.O.) It looks like a boating accident down there. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Should we request local assistance, Goose? COPTER (V.O.) No time for that, Midas. There's a woman and child...looks like they're going under. We'll assist and get right back to you. Maintain Condition Yellow. Over. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Roger, Goose. Condition Yellow. The helicopter starts to descend. They drop almost to water level. The copilot throws a line to the woman and "child." INT. COPTER - LOW ANGLE SHOT as Mrs. Milton and Forrest climbs aboard, dripping wet. COPTER PILOT Good thing we were in the area. FORREST (producing a gun) You said it, pal. As the pilots gape, Mrs. Milton produces her own weapon, reaches over and flips off --- INSERT - COPTER RADIO as it is turned off. CUT TO EXT. CONVOY still barreling along. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Golden Goose, this is Midas. Come in Golden Goose. Golden Goose, do you read us? INT. K.I.T.T. Michael and Linda are parked, listening. INT. COPTER - DAY Watched by Forrest and Milton, the pilots can only listen to the imploring radio voice. They land the copter near the jeep, just as the Camero with Kincaid, Thompson and Dugan arrives. Mrs. Milton chews gum, offers some to the pilots. They refuse. Thompson, Dugan and Kincaid collect Baker, Clark, and their tape equipment, run towards the copter. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Golden Goose, this is Midas. Should we go to Condition Red? Goose, please respond. Goose, do you read us? Forrest and Mrs. Milton take the pilots out, start to tie them up. Thompson takes the controls. Kincaid and Dugan climb aboard with Baker and Clark, watches nervously as they connect their tape gear, plug jacks into the copter. KINCAID Come on! Come on! TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Golden Goose, we are going to Condition Red unless you reply. Clark connects a jack, signals Baker. He throws a switch. INSERT - TAPE RECORDER as it turns. TAPE VOICE Midas, this is Golden Goose. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Goose, what happened to you? Baker and Clark play with the dials as the copter lifts off. TAPE VOICE We have you in sight. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) What about the accident? TAPE VOICE Boating accident... (beat) ...all clear. Go to... (beat) Condition Green. TRUCK DRIVER (V.O.) Roger, Goose. Condition Green. Kincaid grins, slaps Baker and Clark on the back. Then he takes out his handy talkie. KINCAID Dugan...Miss Elliot. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Here. KINCAID'S VOICE The road you are on is the only access which will allow you to intercept the convoy before it reaches Flint Mountain...Unfortun- ately, the road doesn't go all the way. Camera pulls back, rises. Michael and Linda are on the edge of a cliff. A dirt road is below them. In the distance we see the convoy, on a paved highway. KINCAID'S VOICE You're in center stage, Mr. Dugan. Get into position. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael's jaw tightens. He doesn't move. LINDA What are you waiting for? This is your big moment. MICHAEL You know, you're lucky I wouldn't hit a woman. LINDA Oh? Tell that to those seven nuns in Paris. Michael throws the car into a 180, gets ready for the jump. KINCAID'S VOICE Now! Michael hits the gas...and then, through the windshield we see --- THEIR POINT OF VIEW - A HAYWAGON barreling down the dirt road -- on a course which will intercept the Knight 2000. INT. CAR LINDA We can't make it -- ! MICHAEL Be positive! INSERT - MICHAEL'S HAND as it hits the control marked "TURBO BOOST." THE JUMP as the Knight 2000 sails through the air --- And just grazes the top of the haywagon. K.I.T.T. landing with a crash. INT. HAYWAGON as a teenage boy and girl suddenly break their embrace under the hay, look around, startled. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING LINDA How did you do that? MICHAEL You want an honest answer? LINDA Yes. MICHAEL First tell me about your father. As she reacts, we: CUT TO INT. COPTER - FAVORING KINCAID He checks his watch, leans over to Baker. KINCAID Jam the convoy radios...now. Baker nods. INSERT as Baker hits a control marked "SIGNAL JAM". KINCAID'S VOICE Waldorf! Go! Take out the rear guard! CUT TO THE DUNE BUGGY ON A HILL Waldorf and #1 adjust gas masks, open a box marked "NERVE AGENT-DANGER." Take out plastic sacks much like beanbags. They hit the gas. It roars into life. Begins to race across the rough terrain above the road. REAR JEEP - TRAVELING They catch sight of the dune buggy above and beside them. REAR JEEP Midas! This is Back Door! We are under attack! Midas, come in! GOLD TRUCK - ZOOM SHOT Camera zooms in on the Driver. He is listening to: TAPE VOICE Midas, this is Back Door...All clear.... INTERCUT - COPTER - ON TAPE DECK TAPE VOICE ...All clear...Condition Green. TRUCK DRIVER Roger, Back Door. REAR JEEP (V.O.) We're under attack, Midas! Didn't you hear us? TAPE VOICE This is Goose...all clear. All clear. REAR JEEP swerving all over the road, the guards firing at the dune buggy. REAR JEEP (V.O.) Front door, please assist! Front door, come in! EXT. ROAD - ON LEAD JEEP - FROM COPTER The shadow of the copter falls on the jeep. A gas bomb explodes near the jeep. FRONT JEEP (V.O.) We're under attack too! Goose, stop -- what's happening! Midas, come in! EXT. TRUCK ROOF - ON GUARDS WATCHDOG This is Watchdog. Condition Green... Repeat, this is Watchdog...Condition Green. FRONT JEEP (V.O.) This is Front Door! Please respond! We're under attack! FRONT DOOR as it takes a direct hit from a gas bomb. The guards wobble, fade out. The jeep swerves into the bushes. BACK DOOR The dune buggy sails past it, scoring a direct hit. The driver falls over the wheel. The jeep goes off the road, as the buggy whips past. INT. COPTER Everyone here cheers. KINCAID Excellent, team, excellent! All of you, go to the rendezvous point. Miss Elliot...your turn. INT. K.I.T.T. Linda is staring at Michael in shock. LINDA No. You're trying to trick me. KINCAID'S VOICE Miss Elliot! Dugan! You're clear! Intercept. MICHAEL Damn it, why can't you trust me? Linda stares at him. Then she pulls down her welder's glasses, lights the torch. EXT. ROAD HIGHWAY The gold truck enters a tunnel. The copter sails by overhead. KINCAID'S VOICE Dugan? Where are you? K.I.T.T. careens around a side road, enters the tunnel. INT. TUNNEL K.I.T.T. pulls alongside of the truck. Linda leans out with the torch. THE ROOF GUARDS oblivious. ON LINDA using the torch on the coupling between the two truck sections. It glows orange...then red. ROOF GUARDS One of them looks down, sees the car. Taps the other. They swing the machine gun around. THE TRUCK LINK snaps in two. EXT. K.I.T.T. - PASSENGER SIDE The sudden release of the rear cab catapults the torch out of Linda's hands. She cries out, grasps her wrist. EXT. OTHER END OF TUNNEL The tractor comes out...pulling one trailer. A beat, then K.I.T.T. appears, tailing the trailer. EXT. FRONT END OF TUNNEL The rear trailer rolls out backwards. ROOF GUARDS (V.O.) Midas! This is Watchdog! We've been cut loose! Midas! You're under attack! ANGLE ON TRACTOR as the Driver smiles, picks up his radio mike. MIDAS DRIVER Convoy. This is Midas. Request status check. INTERCUT - THE HELPLESS ROOF GUARDS ...the unconscious and snoring jeep guards...the gagged and bound copter pilots back at the lake. VARIOUS VOICES FROM TAPE This is Goose, Midas. All clear above...This is Front Door...Condition Green...This is Back Door...Condition Green...This is Watchdog...etc. The Midas Driver smiles, hangs up his mike. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Linda is wincing, rubbing her wrist. MICHAEL Are you okay? LINDA You worried about me, or your profits --- MICHAEL Linda...! LINDA I...think it's sprained.... Michael speaks into his transceiver. MICHAEL Kincaid, this is Dugan. We've got a problem. Linda's hurt...she can't make that jump. INTERCUT - INT. COPTER Everyone looks at each other, worried (about their profits -- not her). KINCAID Can she drive, Dugan? MICHAEL Drive? I guess so, but --- KINCAID Then give her the wheel. You make the jump. MICHAEL Kincaid, nobody but me drives this car --- KINCAID This is no time for argument, Dugan! If you don't jump, there's no robbery! A beat. Michael thinks about it. High above him, Kincaid turns off his "transmit" button, looks at Dugan and Thompson. THOMPSON (worried) What if he won't do it? Kincaid smiles. So does Dugan, catching on. DUGAN (to Kincaid) If we don't succeed he can't bust us, right? KINCAID (nodding) Not only that.... He smiles, holds up a small device -- a twin to the magnetic box Linda trained with. KINCAID Now I can eliminate Mr. Knight with the flick of a finger. In the car, Michael has made his decision. MICHAEL Okay, Kincaid. We're still on. KINCAID Excellent! Linda and Michael slide across the seats, changing places. As he does this, though, Michael reaches under the dash, and hits --- INSERT - CONTROL PANEL Michael changes it from "MANUAL" to "AUTO CRUISE." BACK TO SCENE Michael grabs the knapsack and magnetic box from the rear seat. KINCAID (V.O.) Dugan! You're hitting the downhill stretch! Go! Go! Michael climbs out the sunroof. EXT. TRAILER AND K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Michael crawls across the hood. Linda (actually, K.I.T.T.) edges the car right up to the trailer. INT. TRACTOR CAB The driver glances in his rearview mirror. HIS POINT OF VIEW - MIRROR Empty. MICHAEL leaps on the trailer, grabs the handholds. He takes out the magnetic box. Fastens it to the combination lock on the rear door. INSERT - MAGNETIC BOX Lights blink on it. The door lock slowly revolves. THE SCENE The doors open. Michael moves inside. INT. GOLD TRUCK - DAY Michael drops inside. Does a "take" at the gold bars all around him. KINCAID (V.O.) The rucksack, Dugan. Do it! Michael shakes it off his shoulders. Throws it down in the front of the cab. Breaks the glass. INT. COPTER Kincaid takes out the ominous-looking device he showed earlier to Dugan and Thompson. KINCAID Mr. Dugan...or should I say, Mr. Knight...? INTERCUT - MICHAEL stops dead, hearing that --- KINCAID (V.O.) You have thirty seconds to live. Kincaid twirls a dial. EXT. REAR OF TRAILER The lights blink on the magnetic box. The combination lock turns. The doors begin to close. INT. TRAILER Michael dashes for the doors -- too late. They slam shut. MICHAEL (into handy talkie) Kincaid! Are you crazy? KINCAID Good-bye, Mr. Knight. I've really appreciated your help. Michael throws aside the handy talkie. Runs to the knapsack. Rips it open. Inside, in a clear sealed container, are sticks of dynamite and a glowing fuse. He tries in vain to open it. EXT. ROAD - FROM COPTER The truck and K.I.T.T. are approaching a hairpin turn. There is an awesome drop below it. INT. TRUCK Michael drops the explosives, activates his comlink. MICHAEL (into comlink) Linda! INTERCUT - INT. K.I.T.T. Linda reacts, startled, as she hears Michael not over her handy talkie but over K.I.T.T.'s internal speakers. MICHAEL (V.O.) Listen to me! Kincaid's double- crossed me and he'll probably do the same thing to you! Help me put him where he belongs! LINDA I need the money, Michael -- the people I borrowed it from don't take no for an answer --- MICHAEL Damn it, Linda, whoever they are, whatever you've done, I can help you -- but first tell me you're with me --- LINDA I -- I don't know --- K.I.T.T. (V.O.) Linda! Tell him already! LINDA What...who -- ? MICHAEL Linda!! LINDA Okay! Okay! INT. CAB - ZOOM TO MICHAEL MICHAEL K.I.T.T.! Get me out of here! K.I.T.T. Michael! Move away from the doors. INT. K.I.T.T. as it suddenly rears up on the back wheels. Linda's eyes pop out of her head. K.I.T.T. AND TRAILER K.I.T.T.'s invulnerable front smashes in the back of the trailer. INT. TRAILER Michael dives onto K.I.T.T.'s hood. INT. K.I.T.T. as it drops all four wheels back on the ground. HIGH ANGLE SHOT as K.I.T.T. does a quick 180 with Michael on the hood. The trailer suddenly explodes. INT. TRACTOR as the driver is bounced around by the explosion. He turns -- and sees --- THE SCENE The blackened and smouldering trailer has been blown free. The tractor goes around the turn...the trailer doesn't. LOW ANGLE SHOT - CLIFF as the empty trailer flies over the cliff, bounces downwards. CUT TO EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY Dollying along the line of armed and armored guards. They wipe sweat from their brows, adjust their stifling armor. The dolly ends on Devon and Warden Adams. Devon looks a little uncomfortable. WARDEN ADAMS (with an edge) First thing this morning, right? DEVON Ah...yes. Right.... WARDEN ADAMS Unimpeachable source, right? DEVON (trying to smile) Uh...did I say that? A Prison Guard in normal uniform runs into the shot with a remote telephone. PRISON GUARD (to Adams) Excuse me sir. Phone call for Mr. Miles. Devon grabs the phone, happy for any distraction. DEVON Devon Miles here... (big reaction) Michael? (bigger reaction) What? CUT TO EXT. BOTTOM OF CLIFF - DAY Hold on the smouldering, smashed trailer. Camera rises and we see the robbers transferring the bullion to the van. As always, Kincaid has his stopwatch. KINCAID Come on...move...move.... Suddenly all become aware of a sound...a growing whine. KINCAID That noise...what the --- The Knight 2000 flies over the crest of a hill, slams into the scene. NEW ANGLE Michael drives K.I.T.T. right into the van. It rolls over, spilling out the gold. THE ROBBERS pull out handguns, open fire. K.I.T.T. The bullets bounce harmlessly off the car. INT. K.I.T.T. as Michael weaves in and out of the gang and their vehicles. LINDA (shouting over the ricochets) I didn't know the right side of the law could be this much fun! K.I.T.T. You call this fun? KINCAID sees it is time for a retreat. He grabs a knapsack, fills it with gold bars. Starts to climb up some rocks. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kincaid's getting away! K.I.T.T. I can't go up there, Michael. Michael hits the brakes. MICHAEL I can. Keep the others in the area, Kitt. (to Linda) Enjoy the ride. EXT. K.I.T.T. Michael jumps out, runs after Kincaid. K.I.T.T. turns around, circles the remaining heavies. ON KINCAID scrambling up the rocks, tearing his clothes. Michael easily catches up to him...trips him up. Kincaid drops the gold. Michael is about to tackle him when his own ankles are grabbed. NEW ANGLE Dugan has a firm grip on Michael's foot. Thompson is right beside him. DUGAN I want you, Knight! I want you! Michael shrugs, throws the sack of gold on top of both men. They roll back down the hill. Michael turns. In two quick leaps he is at the top of the hill. He grabs Kincaid, grins savagely. KINCAID No -- don't hit me -- ! Michael cocks his fist -- then stops. Both he and Kincaid have heard the sound of screeching tires. They turn, see --- REVERSE ANGLE - ROAD AT TOP OF HILL A half-dozen police cars have pulled up, their occupants loaded for bear. Devon steps out of the lead vehicle, adjusts his clothing. DEVON Well, well. Thomas Kincaid, as I live and breathe. (to Michael) Michael, you seem to have saved the Foundation a great deal of paper work. Michael grins as Kincaid is handcuffed and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. ROAD - DAY Police officers are leading the last of Kincaid's gang away in handcuffs. We track one officer as he approaches Michael, Devon, and Linda. They stand close to the camera, beside K.I.T.T. The officer politely clears his throat, looks pointedly at Linda. LINDA (to Michael, nervous) Michael...do I have to go? MICHAEL Of course not --- DEVON I'm afraid so. Michael turns, signals the officer to back off for a while. Then Michael faces Devon. MICHAEL Devon, there are extenuating circumstances...She didn't want her father to die in prison...so she lied to the Grand Jury.... He turns, cues Linda to help plead her case. LINDA And then, Kincaid held it over my head and blackmailed me.... MICHAEL ...and then she borrowed money to pay the medical bills.... LINDA ...but it was from the wrong kind of people.... DEVON Miss Elliot, I sympathize with you, really...but all this should be told to the judge. MICHAEL That's why she needs a good lawyer, Devon. You've got plenty at the Foundation...why can't they --- DEVON Michael, the Foundation for Law and Justice doesn't handle criminal defenses! Class action yes -- Adversary suits, yes...but never --- MICHAEL (exasperated) Devon, she helped me! DEVON My advice is to simply tell the judge the truth. Linda starts to speak -- Michael "shushes" her, getting a clever idea of his own. MICHAEL (deadpan) The truth? DEVON Always the best defense. MICHAEL (cueing Linda) About Kincaid? DEVON Certainly. LINDA About the robbery? DEVON Absolutely. MICHAEL About the Knight 2000? DEVON (thrown) What? MICHAEL The Knight 2000. K.I.T.T. I believe he's referring to me, sir. DEVON I know what he's referring to! Devon takes Michael's arm, pulls him aside. CLOSER - MICHAEL AND DEVON DEVON Michael, listen to me. Wilton Knight never intended for the Knight 2000 to become public knowledge until after a long test in the field. Michael does his best to look as concerned as Devon. MICHAEL Then we've got a problem, Devon. I mean, if Linda goes into court without a good lawyer -- there's no telling what she might say. Michael smiles guilelessly. Devon thinks. Sighs. Returns with Michael to Linda and K.I.T.T. Michael gives Linda a thumbs-up high sign. DEVON Kitt. K.I.T.T. Yes, sir? DEVON Activate your telephone link up.... K.I.T.T. To the Foundation? DEVON No...I daresay we need a specialist. (to Linda) Would you prefer F. Lee Bailey, or Mervin Belli? Linda is astonished. MICHAEL Devon...why not both? As Devon reacts, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END