EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57316 R. A. Cinader October 28, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer Rev. 11/ 2/82 (F.R.) Steven E. de Souza Rev. 11/ 5/82 (F.R.) Rev. 11/ 8/82 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 11/ 8/82 (F.R.) Rev. 11/ 9/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER THE FINAL VERDICT by John Alan Schwartz and E. Paul Edwards Contributing Writer David Braff __________________________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES - STOCK K.I.T.T. and Michael surge down the open road accompanied by the pulsating rhythms of the hot theme music. EXT. SEMI - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie is standing in front of a TV monitor. Next to her is Devon who is perched over an easel where he is drawing a sketch based on the description offered by Bonnie. BONNIE (addressing TV monitor) Brown, curly hair, wide-set piercing blue eyes, a well-set jaw, with a cute little dimple on the chin.... INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR Responding to Bonnie's voice, a composite sketch is being formed by the computer on the screen. We can see that it's going to be Michael's face. BONNIE (v.o.) ...medium width, straight nose, small ears, and a full, sexy lower lip. ANGLE - DEVON drawing hastily, trying to keep up. DEVON Slow down, Bonnie. BONNIE That's it. ANGLE - DOOR It opens and K.I.T.T. enters. Michael stops the car and bounds out. MICHAEL Hi, guys. He notices the TV and easel set-up. MICHAEL Hey, what's all this? DEVON Kitt's got a brand new feature. K.I.T.T. I do? BONNIE Yes. You can now construct a com- posite drawing on his screen based on a verbal description. ANGLE - DEVON standing next to his very sketchy sketch. DEVON As you can see, it's a rather striking facsimile. ANGLE - VIDEO MONITOR A very good sketch of Michael. ANGLE - TRANS AM K.I.T.T. I'm impressed. BONNIE You should be. Michael looks at Devon's sketch. MICHAEL I'd like to say, it's back to the drawing board for you, Devon...but frankly, I'm not sure there's much hope. Michael smiles as he needles Devon, who comes right back at Michael, reaching for a manila folder. DEVON I could say the same of your wit...but I shan't. Instead, allow me to present your next case. MICHAEL Devon, uh...I have a problem. DEVON Don't be modest dear boy. (beat) You have a wide range of problems. While Michael and Devon talk, Bonnie takes a disc from the computer that was hooked up to the TV and installs it under K.I.T.T.'s dashboard. MICHAEL I'm serious. I just got a call from Albuquerque. DEVON From whom, may I ask? MICHAEL A friend of mine, Cheryl Burns, is in jail there. She asked me to help her. DEVON (pauses) I see. MICHAEL You remember what Wilton Knight said about one man making a difference. DEVON (still noncommittally) Oh, indeed I do. As Bonnie climbs out of K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Good, I didn't think you'd have any objections. Michael climbs in, not waiting for Devon's approval. DEVON Wait a minute. Michael starts up the car. DEVON You have two days. And then I want you back on this case. MICHAEL Thanks, Devon. Bye, Bon. Michael waves and backs out of the semi as Devon and Bonnie look at each other and shrug. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES - STOCK Montage of K.I.T.T. en route to Albuquerque. EXT. ALBUQUERQUE PRISON - DAY - AN ESTABLISHING SHOT of a cold green building protected by barbed wire fencing, armed guards in towers, and bars on the windows. ANGLE - PRISON SIGN which reads NORTHFOLK WOMEN'S HOUSE OF DETENTION. CUT TO INT. PRISON VISITATION ROOM - DAY Michael is waiting impatiently in a drab gray room at a metal table. A jowly prison matron escorts Cheryl Burns, a twenty-six-year-old woman with blonde hair and a fawn-like countenance, into the room. CHERYL (happy to see him) Michael! Oh, thank you for coming. I'm so glad to see you. Michael is somewhat puzzled by the presence of his comely friend in penal attire. MICHAEL No problem, Cheryl. (beat as they both sit down at a table) CHERYL It's like a nightmare, Michael. The police are convinced I killed my boss. Michael can't believe it. CHERYL You know me, Michael, you know I'd never do something like that. Michael reaches out and takes her hands in his own. MICHAEL (comforting) It's all right, Cheryl. CHERYL No, it's not. Not when nobody believes a word I say. They won't even listen to me. MICHAEL (calm) I'll listen. Now tell me what happened. CHERYL (in a broken voice) We were working late -- for about the tenth day in a row. He always kept me late for something. Finally, I asked him for a raise. He said if I wanted a raise, I would have to earn it, then he started pawing at me. MICHAEL What did you do? CHERYL I ran out of the office, that's what I did. The next morning the janitor found him with a fractured skull and my desk lamp beside him. MICHAEL Where did you go when you left the office? CHERYL I walked for a while and then went to a bar called the Bent Arm. MICHAEL Can anybody prove you were there? CHERYL The only person I talked to was this guy named Marty. He was so nice. He listened to my problems for hours. MICHAEL Did he tell you anything about him- self? CHERYL Only that he was an accountant. And that he liked to gamble. MICHAEL What did he look like? CHERYL He's about five-six. Light colored hair, kind of thin on top. Glasses. He kind of reminded me of Woody Allen. MICHAEL The police couldn't find him? Cheryl shakes her head no. MICHAEL So you don't have an alibi. Cheryl stares at Michael and her eyes well up with tears. CHERYL I'm frightened, Michael, this is an awful place...the people in here.... MICHAEL Don't worry. CHERYL What else can I do? If my lawyer can't delay the trial, I'm finished. MICHAEL No you're not, Cheryl. I'll find the guy. CHERYL What if you don't? MICHAEL (trying to lighten up) Then I'll rob a bank and get tossed in here with you. Maybe they'll give us a co-ed cell. Cheryl smiles for the first time in two weeks. Michael smiles back. OMITTED EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - STOCK K.I.T.T. driving on city streets. EXT. BENT ARM BAR - DAY Michael pulls in and parks. CUT TO INT. BAR - DAY Michael enters the noisy, crowded bar in the center of which a waist-high butchers' block serves as a battlefield for two combatants locked in an arm wrestling match. Michael walks to an attractive female Bartender. BARTENDER Hi, there. What can I get you? MICHAEL Beer's fine. BARTENDER Draught? MICHAEL Perfect. She begins to draw a cold one as Michael surveys the busy environs. His eyes fix on the arm wrestling clash. MICHAEL (to Bartender, indicating wrestling match) Looks like fun. BARTENDER (blase) Yeah, if you like holding hands with an ape. She brings him his beer. MICHAEL A friend of mine told me about this place. He comes here a lot. Maybe you know him. Name's Marty. He's an accountant. She gives Michael a funny look and remains curiously silent for a beat, then: BARTENDER I don't know any Martys. MICHAEL Kind of short. Brown hair. Glasses. The Bartender starts washing a glass, trying to be low key. BARTENDER (stiff) I said I don't know him. MICHAEL That's too bad. Because I haven't seen him in awhile and I was hoping you might know where he is these days. I owe him some money. BARTENDER Sounds like a guy who used to come in here, but he moved out of town. MICHAEL Oh yeah? Where to? BARTENDER Sorry. I don't remember. (beat) Did you say you wanted to wrestle? Before Michael can respond she calls out to the arm wrestler. BARTENDER (continuing) Hey, Butch. This guy's next. ANGLE - BUTCH who takes on all comers at arm wrestling. He is a hairy, hard-looking hombre with forearms twice the size of Steve Garvey's. Butch dispatches a beefy opponent and beckons Michael with a crooked finger. ANGLE - MICHAEL He's suspicious and becomes even more so when the Bartender walks to the end of the bar and picks up a telephone to make a call. MICHAEL (into wristwatch) Kitt, there's an outgoing phone call from this bar. Get me the number. Michael saunters to Butch. ANGLE - BUTCH AND MICHAEL MICHAEL How you doing there, Butch? Michael extends his hand for a shake but Butch greets him with only a grinding of teeth. Michael sighs -- this isn't gonna be easy. Michael gets down in position and the two men lock hands. It looks like an even match but the experienced Butch feels an edge and begins to smile. Michael's face reflects his concentration and discipline -- he won't go down without a fight. BUTCH Ready, go! ANGLE - BARTENDER who speaks softly into the phone at the bar. BARTENDER Hello, Marty, it's Kim. There's another guy here looking for you. He says he owes you money...No, I didn't tell him anything...Okay, Marty. Take care of yourself, kid. Bye-bye. She hangs up. OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL as he begins to make his move on Butch who tries to look cocky but he's a little concerned -- he didn't think this kid had this much power. Michael slowly pulls his hand toward the table but Butch stops him and pulls his arm upright. ANGLE - BARTENDER She takes a long hard look at Michael who is slowly losing ground to Butch who is really putting on the pressure. BUTCH You're gonna go, pally. You got nothing left. Butch makes his move to finish him off. K.I.T.T. (v.o.) (through wrist watch) Michael, I've traced the number you requested. BUTCH What?? The momentary loss of his concentration costs Butch the match as Michael pulls his arm to the block. The crowd roars -- this is something they don't see too often. BUTCH (blustering) His watch was talking. I heard it! MICHAEL Better luck next time, Butch. The crowd laughs at Butch as Michael moves back to the Bartender. BARTENDER I'll keep an eye out for your friend. MICHAEL That won't be necessary. She gives Michael a curious look as he leaves. EXT. BAR - DAY Michael exits the bar, gets into the Trans Am. He is about to start the car when he sees that he has been pinned in by a garbage truck. INT. TRANS AM Michael leans out the window and calls to the Garbage Man. MICHAEL Excuse me. No response. K.I.T.T. Not a very cooperative fellow, is he? MICHAEL No, he isn't. Michael gets out of the car. EXT. BAR - DAY Michael walks to the driver of the garbage truck who sits on a fender eating his lunch and delighting in Michael's pre- dicament -- he's just the type. MICHAEL I hate to bother you, but could you back your truck up a couple of feet so I can get out? GARBAGE MAN (with a mouthful of food) Sorry, buddy, but the city only gives me forty-five minutes for lunch and I ain't getting back in that truck 'til then. You understand.... MICHAEL Yeah, I understand. As Michael's face reddens and he takes a few steps away from the man, his watch beeps. Raising his wrist, Michael speaks into the communicator. MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, can I be of assistance? MICHAEL As a matter of fact, you can. OMITTED ANGLE - K.I.T.T. backs into the garbage truck, pushing the huge vehicle back about five feet, sending the driver sprawling. ANGLE - GARBAGE MAN sitting on the road surrounded by what's left of his lunch and reacting to the actions of the self-propelled car. GARBAGE MAN Hey, what's the big idea? The Garbage Man does a double take when he sees no driver in the Trans Am. GARBAGE MAN Holy mackerel. (beat) Hey, get back here. You can't do that to city property. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he backs K.I.T.T. out of the parking space. MICHAEL Sorry, but I'm sort of in a hurry. You understand. Bon appetit. BACK TO SCENE Michael gets back into his car. K.I.T.T. drives off, the garbage truck driver throws a half-eaten sandwich after them. EXT. TRANS AM as it pulls away from the bar. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, what about that phone number? K.I.T.T. I traced it to an apartment building on Mayfield Road. MICHAEL Mayfield Road? Where's that? K.I.T.T. Claremont Bay. Which is approximately four hundred seventy-four miles north northwest of our current location. MICHAEL Well, then set our course for Claremont Bay. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm not certain who the call was made to. There's no guarantee we'll find Marty at that address. MICHAEL Kitt, there's an old expression I learned when I was a cop. K.I.T.T. What's that? MICHAEL A lead is a lead. (beat) Besides, it's a beautiful day for a drive. DISSOLVE TO INSERT - EXT. WIDE OPEN SPACES - DAY - MONTAGE - VARIOUS SHOTS OF K.I.T.T. - STOCK on the road, mission-bound. Car and driver wind through hills, rip down straightaways, and bask in the sunshine and splendor of the scenic surroundings. INT. TRANS AM K.I.T.T. Is there any further information you can provide? MICHAEL Sorry, Kitt. I told you all I know. K.I.T.T. Although the data is relatively sketchy, the composite can be computed. MICHAEL Well, let's see it. INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR With a flurry of flashing lights and squiggly lines, a composite sketch of Marty appears on the screen. K.I.T.T. (o.s.) Voila. Hold on the composite, then: CUT TO CLOSE SHOT OF MARTY His face is twitching nervously. Pull back and widen to: INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Marty is fidgeting in a chair while his two stone-face interrogators loom ominously above him, pacing the floor in a circle around his bare wooden chair. They are Lieutenant Dickerson, a lean, hard-boiled man in his forties, and his assistant, Brad, a young detective. MARTY (stammering) C-c-can I go now? DICKERSON No. MARTY Look, officers, I'd l-l-love to be of assistance. Honest. But I don't think I can be of any u-u-use to you. DICKERSON I'll be the judge of that. Marty slumps back in his chair. BRAD (playing good cop) Look, Marty, we know all about your work at Falcon Enterprises. In fact, we'd like to get a first-hand glance at some of that 'creative bookkeeping' you're so famous for. MARTY (flinching) I don't know what you're talking about. DICKERSON He's talking about trafficking in hot merchandise, transporting stolen goods across state lines -- and lots of other good things. BRAD Including illegal accounting. MARTY I've got nothing to do with that. I swear. DICKERSON Sure you do, Marty. On a stack of Bibles. Beat, as Dickerson comes nose-to-nose with Marty. DICKERSON Now, listen to me, Marty. I'm giving you a chance to help me and help yourself. I need those books to make a case against your boss. If you get them for me, maybe we can cut a deal. MARTY (trying not to crack) I told you I don't know what you're talk.... DICKERSON (cutting him off) Think about it, Marty. (beat) We'll be in touch. MARTY Am I free to go? He gets up. DICKERSON Yeah. Now get out of here before I change my mind. And I suggest you leave through the back. Marty hastily exits from the room. Brad looks at his mentor. BRAD What do we do now? DICKERSON We watch him like a hawk. All we've got to do is keep the pressure on him. He'll crack soon enough. BRAD He better. Or we'll never get this case to the grand jury in time. As the detectives share a look of concern.... DISSOLVE TO OMITTED EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT K.I.T.T. pulls up in front of the apartment building. K.I.T.T. (v.o.) We're here. ANGLE - APARTMENT SIGN that reads "Harbor View House." OMITTED INT. TRANS AM Michael wakes up from a light sleep as the car comes to a halt. MICHAEL You sure this is the place? K.I.T.T. Michael, are you questioning my navigating capabilities? MICHAEL I was just asking. K.I.T.T. You want apartment number three. MICHAEL Thanks, Kitt. He gets out of the car. MICHAEL Hang in there, Kitt. This shouldn't take long. K.I.T.T. I've heard that before. Michael approaches the building. ANGLE - DOOR When Michael walks to the door and knocks, two men, one of them being Brad, appear out of the darkness. Before he can move, they pin Michael's arms to his side, put a hand over his mouth and stick a gun in his stomach. BRAD Don't make a sound. Just turn around and start walking. Michael obeys and the two men noiselessly escort him out of sight. After a beat, Marty opens the door as far as the chain will allow it to go and peers out. MARTY Hello? When he sees no one, Marty unlatches the door and cautiously steps out as if afraid of his own shadow. His balcony is empty and he quickly scurries back inside like a mouse returning to its hole, and as he slams the door, we.... FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT - STOCK INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Under the glare of interrogation lights, Michael is being questioned by Lt. Dickerson, a man who still uses the old tried and true methods of force and intimidation. DICKERSON What were you doing at Marty Keene's apartment? MICHAEL That's the sixth time you've asked me that question. DICKERSON And there will be a seventh time unless I get the right answer. MICHAEL I told you I'm trying to help a friend. She's on trial for murder and Marty.... DICKERSON Yeah, I know all about that. Now what I want you to tell me about is Falcon Enterprises.... MICHAEL I've never even heard of Falcon Enterprises. A young detective named Brad enters the room. MICHAEL I'm not here to cause trouble, believe me. DICKERSON You're causing trouble whether you like it or not. MICHAEL What's going on? What's this all about? DICKERSON That's on a need to know basis. MICHAEL Look all I need is to get Marty Keene to Albuquerque so he can testify. Then he's all yours and I'm out of your hair. DICKERSON I'd like to help you, but you and I want the same man. And in this town I'm bigger than you so guess who gets what he wants. MICHAEL You're making a big mistake. DICKERSON No, you're making a mistake if you think you're gonna waltz in here and do as you please. Got it? Michael stares through Dickerson. DICKERSON I hope that look means yes. (to Brad) Let him go. Brad pulls Michael roughly by the arm. BRAD C'mon.... Brad and Michael exit as Dickerson stares after them. CUT TO EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY - TO ESTABLISH a large set-up with storage and office space like you might find in an industrial park. A large sign proudly proclaims it to be headquarters for Falcon Enterprises. INT. MARTY'S OFFICE - DAY Marty fidgets as he scans the books laid out on his desk and his fingers busily tally an adding machine. There is a look of concern on Marty's face -- something is definitely wrong. There is a knock on the door and as Marty looks up Al Farlan enters. Farlan is the head of Falcon Enterprises, a burly man who knows how to get his way. FARLAN Hello, Marty. Marty nervously shuts the books he's been doing and gets a little antsy at the surprising sight of his boss. MARTY (nervous) H-hi, Mr. Farlan. FARLAN (chummy) What's with the Mr. Farlan, Marty. I told you to call me Al. MARTY Right. Mr...Al. Farlan smiles, sits down in a chair next to Marty's desk, the only chair in the tiny cubicle Marty calls his office. Farlan gives Marty a long look. FARLAN They said you wanted to call me, Marty. What can I do for you? MARTY (timid) Nothing really...It's just that well, you know, I think I've done a pretty good job of making this operation look legit. He indicates the books. FARLAN Are you kidding, you're a genius. And to show how much I appreciate your services I'm giving you a ten percent raise. MARTY That's very generous of you Mr...Al. But I was thinking more of a little time off. FARLAN How much time off do you want? MARTY How 'bout the rest of my life. Farlan's face turns serious. He leans onto Marty's desk intimidatingly. FARLAN Marty, don't make jokes with me. I need you to keep the books, you know that. MARTY Mr. Farlan, I think the pressure's getting to me. My nerves can't handle it. I'm not doing my best work. What if I make a mistake? Then we're all gonna be in a fix. Farlan gets up and beams at his accountant. He claps Marty on the back like a brother. FARLAN Marty, you're trouble is you underestimate yourself. You're under too much stress, that's all. He walks toward the door like everything is hunky-dory. FARLAN As soon as we clear out this inventory, I'm gonna send you to Acapulco, all expenses paid. In the meantime, relax. Everything's gonna be fine. Farlan leaves the office with a big grin on his face. ANGLE - MARTY He's confused. INT. HALLWAY outside of Marty's office. Farlan comes over to one of his assistants who has been standing outside the office. His name is Dink. FARLAN (grim) Keep your eye on him. That little wimp knows enough to cause us a lot of trouble if he starts getting cold feet. Dink nods as Farlan walks away with a mean look on his face. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY The Trans Am is parked in the Falcon Enterprises parking lot. INT. TRANS AM Michael sits behind the wheel, gazing at the warehouse as people leaving work walk past. MICHAEL You picking up any sign of him, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Not as yet, Michael. Perhaps we're barking up the wrong tree, as they say. MICHAEL No, that Lieutenant mentioned Falcon Enterprises. There has to be some connection between this place and Marty Keene. INSERT - DASHBOARD A few lights flash. K.I.T.T. Michael, I think I've made a positive identification. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Yeah? Where do you see him? K.I.T.T. Coming out the side door. Michael looks. HIS POINT OF VIEW Exiting the building from a discreet side door is Marty Keene. He sticks his head out the door, casts about anxiously, then walks hurriedly toward his economy sedan. INT. TRANS AM Michael is watching Marty then pushes a button on the dash panel. INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR We see the computerized composite sketch of Marty Keene. The similarity is readily apparent. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL You're right, Kitt. I think we found our man. ANGLE - SEDAN Marty starts up the car and pulls out of the parking lot. ANGLE - TRANS AM Michael begins following Marty. EXT. ROAD - DAY Marty weaves in and out of traffic as other drivers honk and shake their fists at him. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL I don't think we'll have a problem losing him in traffic. K.I.T.T. I hope Marty's better in court than he is behind the wheel. INT. MARTY'S SEDAN - DAY Marty cowers at the sound of the honking horns. He's having a minor anxiety attack. He sees a store on the other side of the road. He yanks the wheel to the left. ANGLE - ROAD Marty swings in front of an oncoming car. It screeches to a halt, the irate driver gesturing maliciously at the driver of the reckless sedan. ANGLE - MARTY MARTY (quietly) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Marty pulls into the lot of a small shopping center. He parks his car in the lot and heads for a health club, carrying a gym bag. ANGLE - TRANS AM Michael can't follow Marty right away because of a steady stream of oncoming cars. MICHAEL It looks like he's going in that health club. ANGLE - DICKERSON AND BRAD tailing Marty in their unmarked car. They see Marty going into the club, but they can't see Michael from their location. Nor does he see them. OMITTED INT. HEALTH CLUB - DAY Michael enters and begins the search for Marty. The room is filled with weight machines and barbells and lots of gorgeous scantily-clad guys and dolls. ANGLE - MARTY He is walking toward the locker room. Michael spots him and approaches. MICHAEL Excuse me. You're Marty Keene, aren't you? Marty is taken by surprise. He practically leaps out of his shoes at the sound of Michael's voice. MARTY Huh? What? Will you guys leave me alone already. I'm just a little guy. I don't know a thing. Marty starts scurrying away. MICHAEL (confused) Wait a second. I just want to talk to you. Marty ducks behind a luscious looking female and takes off. MARTY Well, I don't want to talk to you. The woman steps into Michael's path, delaying him for an instant as Marty runs into the locker room. Michael eventually follows him into: OMITTED INT. LOCKER ROOM Marty's not there, just a few muscle men. Michael sees a door marked POOL and enters. INT. POOL Michael is again disappointed because Marty is not present. There are, however, several striking femmes in bikinis around the pool. Michael checks out the scene, then exits. INT. LOCKER ROOM Michael hustles back toward the gym. ANGLE - BRAD He steps out from behind a row of lockers and tosses a medicine ball at Michael. ANGLE - MICHAEL He's startled, but makes a nice catch. FULL SHOT BRAD (severe) Nice catch. There is a beat as Brad glares at Michael. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Dickerson steps out from behind the lockers, shaking his head in mock bewilderment. DICKERSON I have a real hard time understanding people like you, Knight. MICHAEL Why, because I'm trying to keep an innocent lady out of prison? Dickerson stops pacing, waits a beat, then stares at Michael with quiet fury. DICKERSON I told you to stay away from Marty Keene. MICHAEL Yeah, but you didn't give me a very good reason. DICKERSON I don't have to give you a reason, friend. Let's just say my depart- ment's put too much time and effort into this investigation to let it go down the tubes because of some self- appointed hero. (beat) Get my drift, Mr. Knight? MICHAEL You do what you have to do, Lieutenant, and I'll do what I have to do. DICKERSON Good, because from this moment on my men have orders to lock you up if you interfere. MICHAEL I'll keep that in mind. DICKERSON See that you do. Michael turns to Brad and tosses the medicine ball at him. It hits Brad in the gut and he grunts. MICHAEL Here you go. Michael walks away, exiting the locker room. DISSOLVE TO EXT. ROAD - DAY The Trans Am is parked close to a transformer. ANGLE - MICHAEL Dressed in a power company uniform, he walks from the transformer over to the Trans Am and gets in. He pushes a few buttons on the dashboard. K.I.T.T. Michael, wouldn't it be more advantageous to go to the local DA and arrange for extradition? MICHAEL I don't think so, Kitt. It would take too long. K.I.T.T. Yes, but perhaps he'd overrule Lieutenant Dickerson and allow us to transport Marty back to Albuquerque. MICHAEL Remember what Dickerson said. This is his turf. He calls the shots. And I don't see him giving us any help. K.I.T.T. In that case my microwave jammers are ready. MICHAEL Then start the show. INSERT - DASH Michael pushes a button marked MICROJAM and the dashboard blinks and wiggles in a graphic response to the release of energy. ANGLE - TRANSFORMER Sparks fly all over the place. OMITTED INT. FARLAN'S OFFICE - DAY The lights in the warehouse begin blinking on and off. Farlan and Dink react to the malfunctioning lights. FARLAN Dink, call somebody and get 'em out here. This is ridiculous. Dink goes to a phone and dials a number. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is closely monitoring K.I.T.T.'s video screen. K.I.T.T. Here comes our call, Michael. MICHAEL Standard Power Company. DINK (v.o.) Yeah, could you send a guy over to 1322 Crescent as soon as possible...we got some kind of power foul up. MICHAEL Be right there. The phone goes dead. MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) I'll be back soon. Don't blow a fuse. K.I.T.T. On the contrary. The sensation is quite intoxicating. MICHAEL Well, try to stay sober until I get back. Michael exits K.I.T.T. with toolbox in hand and walks down the road to the warehouse. CUT TO INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Dink leads Michael past several offices. DINK I've never seen lights doing that. They were...I don't know wobbling -- it's like they was drunk. It was weird.... MICHAEL (matter- of-factly) It's the winds off the desert. They blow a lot of positive ions around -- it affects everything -- even our sleep. DINK (impressed) Oh yeah?..Well, here's the fuse box. MICHAEL Thanks. Michael opens the circuit box and shines a flashlight on it as Dink watches. MICHAEL If you don't mind, I'd rather work without an audience. DINK Oh sure...yeah...sorry. Dink shrugs his shoulders and exits. Michael pretends to work until the coast is clear then runs down the hall and starts checking the names on the office doors. He comes to one marked Marty Keene. He opens it. ANOTHER ANGLE Al Farlan is coming down the other side of the hall. Michael doesn't see him, but Farlan sees Michael enter Marty's office. His face reflects both his curiosity and his concern. INT. MARTY'S OFFICE As Michael enters, Marty looks up with a start. MARTY Oh! (beat, as he recovers) The outlet's on that wall over there. As Marty points toward the wall, he gets a second look at Michael and recognizes him. MARTY Hey, wait a minute. (loud) You're the guy from the hardware store. Michael comes over to Marty and puts his hand over Marty's mouth to keep him quiet. MICHAEL I know that. And you know that. But the rest of the world doesn't have to. Michael releases the quivering bookkeeper. MARTY What do you want from me? MICHAEL A while back you met a girl in a bar called The Bent Arm in Albuquerque. Her name was Cheryl -- nice looking blonde? MARTY Yeah...What's this all about? MICHAEL Murder. MARTY (blanches) Murder!? CUT TO INT. FARLAN'S OFFICE - DAY A semi-plush suite with a large metallic desk and an intercom system set up through the phone. Dink is going through a set of files as Farlan enters. FARLAN What's that repair man got to do in Marty's office? DINK Beats me. I didn't even know he was in there. Farlan reaches over the phone and switches on his intercom allowing him to eavesdrop on the conversation taking place in: INT. MARTY'S OFFICE Michael has told Marty the story. MARTY Gee, I'd really like to help you, but Mr. Farlan would never let me go with you. MICHAEL Why not? Marty covers his books with his arms. MARTY Well...because. Michael is suspicious and takes a look at the books. MICHAEL Just what kind of business is Falcon Enterprises? Michael leafs through the books. MARTY You can't look at those. MICHAEL (reading the books) Hmmm. Looks interesting...no wonder the cops are on to you. INT. FARLAN'S OFFICE A troubled Farlan is listening. He shuts off the intercom and turns to Dink. FARLAN (foreboding) We better take care of them while we've got the chance. ANGLE - HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF MARTY'S OFFICE Michael and Marty are making a furtive exit. MARTY I don't think this is such a good idea. MICHAEL Trust me. As they sneak down the hallway and into: INT. WAREHOUSE Marty gasps. Michael turns to see Farlan bearing down on them from behind the controls of a forklift, with the forks held high. On Michael's reaction: FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS ACTION Michael pushes Marty out of the way, he dives and rolls across the floor to elude the forklift. ANGLE - FORKLIFT The fork rams through the plasterboard wall. ANGLE - MARTY MARTY (shrieks) Aiyeee.... He bolts out of the warehouse for an unknown destination. ANGLE - MICHAEL The forklift comes around for another pass and Michael scrambles to the top of a fifteen-foot high stack of television boxes and speaks into his wristwatch. MICHAEL Kitt, can you hear me? K.I.T.T. (v.o.) (calmly) Of course, Michael. Can I be of service? MICHAEL Yes! Get your tailpipes in here. On the double! And Michael has good reason to panic. Farlan is lifting the pallet holding the stack Michael is on and it teeters precipitiously. Michael jumps to another stack as the television boxes come crashing to the floor. EXT. WAREHOUSE K.I.T.T. comes alive. ANGLE - FARLAN FARLAN Damn! (to Michael) There's no way out of here. I'll get you yet. BACK TO SCENE Michael scrambles down from the stack and runs down an aisle of boxes. Farlan heads after him smashing the forks against the boxes in his way. MICHAEL (into wrist- watch) Kitt, where are you? Michael runs down another aisle of boxes and runs into a dead-end canyon of boxes. He turns to find Farlan bearing down on him with the forklift. FARLAN Eat some steel!! Farlan puts the pedal to the floor in a final charge at Michael. Within ten feet of Michael, one side of the canyon of boxes explodes and K.I.T.T. enters by crashing through the wall. The blades of the forklift bounce harm- lessly off his side. FARLAN What the hell...? INT. TRANS AM Michael climbs in the passenger side of the window as Farlan backs the forklift away. MICHAEL What took you so long? K.I.T.T. I came as quickly as I could. MICHAEL Okay, now do something about that forklift. BACK TO SCENE As K.I.T.T. squeals away, he sends boxes flying. Farlan sees K.I.T.T. coming and dives off the forklift before K.I.T.T. sideswipes the vehicle knocking it over on its side. INT. TRANS AM MICHAEL Not bad, Kitt. Now how about getting us out of this snake pit. BACK TO SCENE as the Trans Am makes an abrupt turn and goes through the wall he previously crashed through. CUT TO INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Farlan stands in the midst of a shambles: Boxes, and assorted debris are strewn about the warehouse. Dink enters. FARLAN (fuming) Look at this place. It's a disaster area. DINK There's no sign of Marty. FARLAN What about the other guy? DINK (shakes his head) No way I was gonna catch him. FARLAN Come on. We've got to find Marty before he spills his guts to the law. The two men head for the exit. INT. POLICE STATION - DAY A plainly aggravated Dickerson is barking into a phone. Brad watches intently. DICKERSON (into phone) No one disappears into thin air! I don't care. It's imperative neither of them crosses the state line -- under any circumstances...All right, keep me posted. Dickerson hangs up the phone, turns to Brad. BRAD What about Farlan? DICKERSON Come on, we've got to find Marty before Farlan does. Brad nods and both men exit. INT. HEALTH CLUB - DAY There's an aerobics class going on. A group of ladies in leotards are jumping and twisting to the accompaniment of fast-paced rock music. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael enters and observes the frenetic scene before him. As he casts about looking for Marty, a mouth-watering instructor named Tracy approaches. She flashes a warm, toothy smile. TRACY Hi, there...like what you see? MICHAEL Who wouldn't? TRACY Well right now we're having a special offer. If you join the club for one year, you get another year absolutely free. MICHAEL Actually, I'm.... TRACY (keeps going with her sales pitch) We have a complete weight room, sauna, pool, a full-time masseuse, and lots of happy members. MICHAEL I can see that. TRACY So you want to sign up? MICHAEL Not really. TRACY (frowns) Well, then, what do you want? MICHAEL Look, do you know a guy who comes here named Marty Keene? TRACY Sure. Marty's my special project. In a couple of months that little pussycat's going to be a tiger. MICHAEL Do you have any idea where I might find him? TRACY (shakes her head no) Sorry. He was here before. But he left. MICHAEL Is there any special place he goes to? TRACY I really wouldn't know. We're not that close. She gives Michael a dirty look. MICHAEL Okay. Yeah...well, thanks anyway. He smiles at her and leaves. When he exits, Tracy walks down a hall and stops at a door marked LADIES SAUNA. She opens it and says: TRACY You can come out now, Marty. Marty comes out, his clothes soaked from the sauna. We can hear some girlish giggles coming from inside the sauna as Tracy rubs Marty's head with a towel and comforts him like a mother. TRACY You poor thing.... EXT. TRANS AM - DAY It is tooling down a Claremont Bay side street. INT. TRANS AM Michael has a disconsolate look on his face. MICHAEL Any luck with the scanner, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael. I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but I'm afraid we've lost him. Michael pushes a button on the dashboard. Intercut with: OMITTED INT. SEMI - DAY Devon, picks up a ringing phone. Bonnie looks on. DEVON Hello, Michael. I'm glad you called. I was just thinking of you. MICHAEL Listen, Devon, things are not going as well as I thought...I may need an extra day or two. DEVON That's perfectly all right with me, however at this point, time is a luxury I fear you can't afford. MICHAEL What do you mean? DEVON I just received a phone call from Cheryl's attorney. The Judge refused to grant them a continuance. I'm afraid Cheryl goes on trial tomorrow. CLOSE ON MICHAEL as the news hits him like a ton of bricks. EXT. MARTY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING A big luxury car, which we will soon learn belongs to Farlan, is parked in front of the apartment building. INT. MARTY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Farlan is in the modestly decorated living room checking one of the closets. He finds nothing as Dink enters from the bedroom. DINK He ain't here, boss. FARLAN That no-good little twerp. I give him the chance to make more money than he's ever had in his life and this is the thanks I get. DINK Want me to trash the place. FARLAN No, let's get out of here. He may already have the cops onto us, that worthless fink. They head for the door. EXT. MARTY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - ANGLE ACROSS THE STREET Tucked in the protective shadows of a neighboring apartment building, Marty observes his own apartment building. HIS POINT OF VIEW - FARLAN AND DINK come out of the building, get into the big car and drive off. ANGLE - MARTY He breathes a sigh of relief, comes out from his hiding place and begins to walk toward the street. Suddenly he hears a car approach. ANGLE - STREET Dickerson and Brad pull up in an unmarked car. They get out of the car in a hurry and head for the apartment building. ANGLE - MARTY He sees them, suspects the worst and ducks back into his hiding place. EXT. TRANS AM - NIGHT The car is again tooling down a Claremont Bay side street. INT. TRANS AM Michael is frustration personified. Even K.I.T.T. is a little testy. K.I.T.T. Michael, this is the third time we've reconnoitered this neighborhood. MICHAEL So what? You got a late date? K.I.T.T. May I make a suggestion. MICHAEL No, you may not, Kitt. I just thought of something. Michael abruptly turns down another street and accelerates. K.I.T.T. Where are we going? MICHAEL To Marty's apartment. K.I.T.T. Michael, my analysis of human behavior suggests that the last place Marty would hide is his own residence. Perhaps you'd care to explain the logic behind your decision. MICHAEL It's more like reverse logic, Kitt. No one would think Marty would hole up in his own place. So maybe he figures no one will bother checking there. K.I.T.T. I'd have to say that's a long shot. MICHAEL Maybe. But right now it's the only shot we have. EXT. MARTY'S APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING The unmarked police car is still parked in front. ANGLE - MARTY watching cautiously from his perch across the street. OMITTED INT. MARTY'S APARTMENT Dickerson and Brad stand in the living room, their faces reflecting their failure. DICKERSON There goes our case...right down the toilet. BRAD Maybe the blues turned up something. Knight's car is awfully hard to miss. DICKERSON Let's hope so. They exit the apartment. OMITTED ANGLE - MARTY He watches the unmarked car drive off and then emerges from the shadows, checks to make certain the coast is clear. He determines that it is, and hurries across the street and enters his building. MICHAEL turns into an alley behind Marty's apartment. He parks near a fire escape about twenty feet off the ground. INT. TRANS AM Michael checks out the situation. MICHAEL Kitt, pop the sunroof. K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. The sunroof opens. K.I.T.T. But why? MICHAEL I'm going to need a boost. Michael braces for lift-off. INSERT - DASH He pushes the ejector button. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he sails out of the car and up to the fire escape. He grabs hold of the metal stairs, safe and sound. MICHAEL Thanks, Kitt. INT. TRANS AM K.I.T.T. Don't mention it. ANGLE - MICHAEL He begins climbing up the fire escape. Follow him as he climbs past an open window. A light is on and we can see inside. INT. ROOM A couple lies in bed, fully covered, but highly shocked and embarrassed by the sight of Michael on the fire escape. ANGLE - MICHAEL MICHAEL (red-faced) Uh, sorry about that...forgot my key.... Michael quickly climbs away. INT. MARTY'S APARTMENT Marty carefully enters through the front door. He tiptoes about the room, still frightened someone might be there. He goes to check the bedroom. ANGLE - MICHAEL He pulls up a window and enters: INT. MARTY'S KITCHEN - NIGHT Michael pads silently across the darkened kitchen, heading toward a swinging door that leads to the living room. ANGLE - MARTY He returns to the living room from the bedroom. He walks toward the swinging door that leads to the kitchen. ANGLE - MICHAEL He is about to push the swinging door. ANGLE - MARTY He pushes the door. It doesn't open. He reacts with fear and uncertainty. ANGLE - MICHAEL He pushes the door and it doesn't open. He's perplexed, then backs away. ANGLE - MARTY He pushes again, this time with his shoulder. There is no resistance, however, and he goes flying into the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN As Marty gets his balance, Michael flicks on a light. Marty reacts with a yelp. MARTY Eee-yahh. He tries to run out the door, but Michael stops him. MICHAEL Oh, no you don't. You're not getting away this time. Michael takes Marty by the shoulder and parks him in a chair. MICHAEL I want to get a few things straightened out here. First of all, how did you get involved with Falcon Enterprises? MARTY I took this job 'cause I owed a lot of money. I didn't know it was a fencing operation. Honest. When I saw what was going on I tried to quit, but Mr. Farlan wouldn't let me. Marty drops his head into his hands. MICHAEL Calm down, Marty. I'll help you out of this, but only if you'll come back to Albuquerque with me and testify. Marty brightens at the prospect of getting away from the mess he's in. MARTY I'll do anything...anything to get out of this jam. MICHAEL Great, we'll take off as soon as we steal your accounting books. MARTY What? Are you crazy? Not me, no way. Marty goes after his Maalox and takes a big swig. MICHAEL You don't have much of a choice. We have to get the evidence on your boss or the police will never let us out of town. And Cheryl's trial starts tomorrow. MARTY Yes, but.... MICHAEL Look, the cops can't break in and steal them. We can. MARTY Yes, but there's still one thing you don't seem to understand. MICHAEL What's that? MARTY I'm a coward. MICHAEL Not for long. EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Michael and Marty are standing under the cover of a thatch of trees or shrubbery. The Trans Am is parked nearby as they stare through a tall chain-link fence at the warehouse. MARTY We'll never make it. It'll be daylight pretty soon. MICHAEL I know, that's why we've got to get cracking. Michael walks over to the car, opens the door and addresses K.I.T.T. quietly. MICHAEL Kitt, we're going in. If I'm not back in an hour, call the police. K.I.T.T. Be careful, Michael. MICHAEL Aren't I always? K.I.T.T. You don't want me to answer that question. Michael closes the door and goes back over to Marty. MICHAEL Ready? MARTY No. MICHAEL Let's go. Michael climbs the fence and places his hands carefully between the barbed wire at the top. With one graceful push, he easily clears the barbed wire and lands softly on the ground -- the man is an athlete. MICHAEL Okay, c'mon. Marty shakes his head and starts his climb over the fence as Michael watches the warehouse for signs of life. MARTY Oy.... Marty gets to the top of the fence and falls over the barbed wire trapping himself like a fly in a spider web. As he hangs upside down, Marty emits sounds like duck being strangled. MARTY Eergh...! ANGLE - GUARD He walks around the building. ANGLE - MICHAEL He sees the guard and looks over at Marty. ANGLE - MARTY as he flails about helplessly on the fence.... OMITTED FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Michael makes certain that the guard is out of sight, then rushes to help Marty. ANGLE - MARTY He struggles to free himself and manages to do so at the instant Michael arrives. Marty tumbles down on top of Michael and they both hit the ground hard. MARTY Oomph! ANGLE - MICHAEL His wrist is pinned against the ground. He lifts his hand to check his watch. INSERT - WATCH It's broken. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL (upset) Damn. Marty sees the damage and feels a twinge of guilt. MARTY Is everything all right? MICHAEL Unfortunately, no. MARTY Sorry. MICHAEL Forget it. Let's move out. They make a quick dash for the rear of the warehouse. CUT TO EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The Guard shines his flashlight into the trees. He sees the Trans Am and approaches the car. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Before the Guard gets close enough, K.I.T.T. sends out an S.O.S. K.I.T.T. (sotto) Michael, I've been spotted by one of the Guards. No reply. K.I.T.T. Michael? K.I.T.T. shuts down as the Guard starts nosing around. ANGLE - GUARD He looks in the window, sees nothing. Next, he tries to open the door. As he does, K.I.T.T. moves forward. The Guard does a take, then goes to K.I.T.T. and tries the door again. This time K.I.T.T. moves backward. The Guard is really perplexed. He takes out a walkie-talkie, turning his back to the car. GUARD (into walkie-talkie) Mr. Farlan, you better get over here. Something funny's going on. ANGLE - TRANS AM K.I.T.T. self starts, and with scanner flashing, drives off. The startled Guard turns around and reacts. GUARD What the...? The Trans Am rolls past him. INT. FARLAN'S OFFICE - NIGHT In the office, still messy from the day's events, Marty works on a combination of a wall safe. He's nervous and his eyes dart outside the office windows to see if any guards are around. He stops with a frustrated, constipated look on his pace. MARTY I can't do it. MICHAEL Sure you can. MARTY I'm too nervous -- what are we doing in this place? MICHAEL Sit down for a second. Marty plops down in a chair next to him. MICHAEL (calming) Now, close your eyes. MARTY What for? MICHAEL (stern) Close your eyes. Marty closes his eyes. MICHAEL Picture yourself on a sailboat off the coast of a tropical island. You're lying in a hammock basking in the midday sun.... MARTY I'm seasick. MICHAEL You're not seasick. You're totally relaxed. The waves lap gently against the side of your boat. At your side is the girl of your dreams.... MARTY ...Alice Schmelkin...? Michael looks at him and shrugs -- why not? MICHAEL ...Alice Schmelkin...Your life is good, everything is calm. You are at peace with the world. Michael pauses to let Marty contemplate the scene and relax. Marty has a smile on his face. Michael shakes Marty back to reality. MICHAEL The safe? MARTY (calm, smiling) Sure. Marty walks to the safe and quickly turns the combination through the right sequence and the safe pops open. MICHAEL There you go. It's all in the mind. Marty reaches in and grabs the books which he hands to Michael. MICHAEL Let's get out of here. Michael and Marty move into the warehouse, avoiding guards as they make their way toward the exit. OMITTED EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT K.I.T.T. surreptitiously nudges his way inside the gate. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAWN Marty and Michael carefully open the door of the warehouse and peer outside. The sun is coming up. MICHAEL Looks like the coast is clear. Michael steps outside and Marty follows. MICHAEL Stay low and try not to trip over anything. Marty appears out of the warehouse beside Michael. They walk close to the wall of the building keeping an eye out for guards. As they sneak around the corner of the building, they come face-to-face with Farlan and Dink who stand next to their car, guns trained on their victims. FARLAN Nice of you to drop by. MARTY (stammering) Mr. Farlan, this isn't what it looks like.... DINK Knock it off, Marty. You're not gonna weasel your way out of this mess. Farlan's hand trembles with anger as he points his handgun at Marty and Michael. FARLAN I suppose the cops would give you a nice bonus for that set of books. MICHAEL I'm not working for the police. FARLAN No? Well, that's too bad 'cause I hear they give nice funerals. Now, if you don't mind, I believe those belong to me. Farlan reaches for the books but stops cold when he hears a booming voice. K.I.T.T. (v.o.) (over loudspeaker) This is the police. You are surrounded. Throw down your weapons and put your hands over your heads. As Farlan and his men throw down their guns and reach for the sky, K.I.T.T. barrels directly at the crowd. When K.I.T.T. gets close, it becomes obvious it's not the police. DINK Look! It's that car again! GUARD I told you it moved by itself. OMITTED ANGLE - K.I.T.T. The Trans Am pulls to a screeching halt in front of Michael and its doors fly open. MICHAEL Good timing, Kitt. (to Marty) Get in. Michael and Marty get in. The Trans Am crashes through the fence and zooms away. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM While Marty is still in a daze, Michael tries to buckle Marty's seat belt. MARTY (screams) Who's driving the car! MICHAEL Kitt. Marty looks around. MARTY (another scream) Who is Kitt? Michael gives up on the seatbelt -- Marty's squirming too much. MICHAEL Don't worry about it. Just buckle your seatbelt. MARTY I'm worried about it. I'm worried about it. ANGLE - FARLAN AND DINK They are in a major state of disbelief. DINK I ain't never seen anything like that. FARLAN Wait 'til you see what happens when I catch them. They get into their car and take off in pursuit. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY It is going down a Claremont Bay street in the dock/ warehouse district. CUT TO INT. TRANS AM - DAY Marty can't keep his eyes off the dashboard. MARTY What is all this stuff? MICHAEL A computer. MARTY Yeah, but how did it manage to drive itself? MICHAEL Let's just say it manages. MARTY Yeah, and I suppose it can talk, too. K.I.T.T. On a variety of subjects. What do you care to discuss, Mr. Green? A nervous smile freezes on Marty's face. Michael contains his laughter. Michael presses some buttons on K.I.T.T.'s console. MARTY (nervously) What are you doing? INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S VIDEO SCREEN On the radar scan, a strong dot appears headed toward the middle of the screen. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL What's their distance, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Approximately 400 yards. Shouldn't we accelerate or do you want them to catch us? MICHAEL No, I just want them to think they can catch us. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm not sure I understand. We've got the books, why don't we just go to the police? MICHAEL That's the next step. See if you can pick up the police frequency. I want to talk to Lieutenant Dickerson. ANGLE - FARLAN'S CAR It takes the corner at top speed, and the Trans Am comes into view. INT. FARLAN'S CAR Dink is at the wheel. Farlan rides shotgun. FARLAN There he is. Step on it. EXT. FARLAN'S CAR It shoots down the street in hot pursuit. EXT. DICKERSON'S CAR - DAY as it races down a street. OMITTED INT. DICKERSON'S UNMARKED CAR - DAY DICKERSON (into radio) Dickerson here. MICHAEL (o.s.) (through radio) Lieutenant, this is Michael Knight. Dickerson and Brad react with complete surprise. DICKERSON Knight!? How did you get a police frequency? Intercut with: MICHAEL as they race through the warehouse district. MICHAEL I don't have time to explain. I've got Marty and the books from Falcon Enterprises. Where do you want them delivered? DICKERSON What kind of stunt are you trying to pull, Knight? MICHAEL All I'm trying to do is help, Lieutenant. DICKERSON (thinks for a beat) All right, I'll be at the end of Highland Road. That's down by the docks. MICHAEL See you there. Dickerson pushes a button on the radio, ending his conver- sation with Michael. BRAD You think he's on the level. DICKERSON Only one way to find out. THE UNMARKED CAR speeds down the street. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - THE TRANS AM - VARIOUS ANGLES It bounces along the hilly roads near the docks with Farlan right behind them. INT. TRANS AM Marty is turning pale as they are jolted up and down. He gulps audibly. MICHAEL What's the matter now? MARTY There's something I've got to tell you. I get carsick. K.I.T.T. What do you mean, you get carsick? MARTY Sometimes.... MICHAEL Just hang in there, Marty. MARTY I think I'm going to be ill. Suddenly shots ring out. MARTY I'm definitely going to be ill. EXT. POLICE CARS on the move to form a blockade. EXT. ROAD - DAY Farlan's car is closing in on them. Farlan leans out the window and fires a rifle at the Trans Am. ANGLE - FARLAN reacting to his misses. FARLAN Hold this thing steady so I can hit him. DINK I get the feeling all the bullets in the world ain't gonna stop that car. EXT. TRANS AM - VARIOUS ANGLES Michael continues at less than top speed. Farlan and Dink remain on his tail. They cut corners, run red lights and make hair-raising turns as Michael leads them toward their destination. EXT. POLICE BLOCKADE - DAY Two police cars are lined up hood-to-hood, effectively blocking a narrow street between two rows of warehouses. ANGLE - DICKERSON as Brad approaches him. BRAD (indicating cars) We're all set, Lieutenant. DICKERSON I guess the ball's in Knight's court now. OMITTED ANGLE - TRANS AM as it turns down Highland Road. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm picking up an obstruction a half mile ahead. MICHAEL Good. That should be Dickerson. MARTY What are you doing? MICHAEL Just sit tight, you'll see. WIDE ANGLE to see the Trans Am and Farlan's car racing down the street. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE POLICE BLOCKADE looms ahead. ANGLE - DICKERSON seeing the Trans Am. DICKERSON Here he comes. ANGLE - WAREHOUSE Just in front of the police blockade a garage door opens and a large truck begins to back out. ANGLE - DICKERSON He reacts to the sight of the truck with alarm. DICKERSON What's that truck doing? WIDE ANGLE The Trans Am bears down on the truck which is a flatbed laden with large sheets of glass. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM Marty is freaking out as it looks like they're about to hit the truck. MARTY Watch out for that truck. Wait a minute. You're not gonna.... MICHAEL When I count to three, hold your breath. One. Two. Three. As he utters the number three, Michael hits the turbo boost button and the Trans Am goes airborne. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. glides over the truck. ANGLE - BRAD AND DICKERSON standing to the side of the blockade. Both are awestruck as they see the car hurtling over them. BRAD Look out! He and Dickerson hit the deck. EXT. TRANS AM It clears the truck and neatly swerves to avoid the police cars. OMITTED ANGLE - FARLAN'S CAR It has been following at top speed and can't stop in time despite Farlan's protestation. FARLAN Hit the brakes, you fool. Too late. Farlan's car goes slightly airborne, but not enough to clear the glass truck. WIDE ANGLE Farlan's car smashes through the sheets of glass creating a shower of flying shards. ANOTHER ANGLE Farlan's car comes out on the other side of the truck and smacks into one of the police cars. OMITTED ANGLE - TRANS AM MARTY (amazed) How did you do that? MICHAEL With a little help from my friend. (beat) Let's go back and square things away, Kitt. The Trans Am turns around and comes back toward the blockade. ANGLE - BLOCKADE Brad and Dickerson get up from where they dove for cover and approach Farlan's twisted, smoking car. They are surprised to find Farlan and Dink. Dickerson takes out his gun. DICKERSON Okay, Farlan, get out, you're under arrest. Farlan and Dink get out of the car, hands held high. FARLAN What do you mean, we're under arrest? You got nothing on us. OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL as he pulls up in the Trans Am. MICHAEL Not true. He holds up the books. Michael and Marty get out of the car. Michael hands the books to Dickerson. MICHAEL Here you go, Lieutenant. All the evidence you need to put them away. Brad puts the handcuffs on the heavies, leads them away. DICKERSON Thanks, Knight... (beat) I suppose I was a little harsh on you. MICHAEL Well, maybe a little. DICKERSON (chuckles) Sorry, kid, I guess that's just my style...But I want you to know I appreciate what you did. Dickerson offers his hand. They shake. DICKERSON (to Marty) Come on Marty, you're part of this package too. MARTY But.... MICHAEL Wait a minute, Lieutenant. This whole thing was Marty's idea. If it weren't for him you wouldn't have those books. He's willing to help you put away his boss, aren't you, Marty? MARTY (confused; then nods) Huh, oh, yeah.... DICKERSON Really? MICHAEL On one condition, that is. DICKERSON And what might that condition be? MICHAEL You let him come back to Albuquerque with me now. Dickerson looks at Marty a beat, then: DICKERSON I can live with that. MICHAEL Thank you, Lieutenant. I'll have him back before you know it. (to Marty) Let's go. Michael gets in K.I.T.T. Marty waves to Dickerson, then climbs into the Trans Am. As K.I.T.T. fires up and pulls away.... FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG OMITTED INT. BENT ARM BAR - DAY Michael, Marty, and Cheryl are seated at a table having a drink. MICHAEL Well, how does it feel to be free again? CHERYL Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. (beat) Especially since they caught the real murderer. Michael, I'll never be able to properly thank you for all you've done. She leans over and plants a kiss on his lips. MICHAEL Well, that's a start. MARTY Hey, what about me? CHERYL Thank you too, Marty. She kisses him. He gets his money's worth. MICHAEL Marty, I hope you've learned a lesson from all of this. MARTY You better believe it. From now on I'm staying away from crooks. (beat) I've got better luck with the ponies. He takes out a racing form and opens it up. MARTY You know who's running tomorrow.... Before Marty can get into detail on the upcoming race, Butch enters the shot, placing one of his beefy paws on Michael's shoulder. BUTCH I want you. Michael is not wild about seeing Butch. MICHAEL Hi there, Butch.... BUTCH Let's go. Indicating the wrestling block, Butch lifts Michael by the arm and leads him toward the field of battle. As Michael rises, he speaks into his wrist watch. MICHAEL Kitt. K.I.T.T. (through wrist- watch) Yes, Michael.... BUTCH You can talk to your watch all you want this time. I know you're not a ventriloquist. MICHAEL (incredulous) A ventriloquist? Michael looks at Marty and Cheryl. They're laughing. He smiles back as Butch leads him away. Hold on his smile and: FREEZE FRAME THE END