EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57305 R. A. Cinader July 28, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer Rev. 8/ 3/82 (F.R.) Steven E. de Souza Rev. 8/16/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER PLUSH RIDE by Gregory S. Dinallo Contributing Writer: Steven E. de Souza ___________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY as a limousine winds through the turns at normal speed, and we are: INSIDE THE LIMOUSINE - REAR SEAT Where Devon Miles sits in quiet elegance. He looks at his watch. DEVON We seem to be behind schedule. Camera adjusts to show that Michael Knight is driving the limo. MICHAEL Assuming the schedule is right... (grimly) I wouldn't count on it. Devon looks around at the countryside. DEVON I really wish we were using the Knight 2000 for this...errand. MICHAEL Yeah, I know...but you're a VIP, Devon. Gotta show your staff in style. DEVON Yes...but sometimes style can be dangerous. RESUME THE ROAD as the limousine passes as intersecting road. One that adjoins at a sharp angle affording concealment for a vehicle that we glimpse waiting, and we are: ON VEHICLE'S REAR TIRE as it screeches, biting into the tarmac and rocketing out of the shot, and we are: ON THE VEHICLE to reveal it is an orange coupe that accelerates onto the main road in pursuit of the limousine, and we: RESUME THE LIMOUSINE as the coupe pops into view behind it and quickly closes the gap between the two cars, and we are: ON THE REARVIEW MIRROR OF LIMOUSINE as the coupe explodes into view, filling the mirror edge to edge, and we are: ON THE DRIVER OF THE COUPE Marc Redmond, thirties, square-jawed, in shape, his clothes casual...his mood intense. This guy's serious. He slams down on the accelerator. INT. LIMO Michael also accelerates instantly. MICHAEL Hang on, Devon. Michael goes into a wild turn. Devon bounces around in the rear seat. DEVON Hang on to what? RESUME THE SCENE as the two cars come through a turn at high speed. The coupe drafting right behind the limousine, accelerates and begins to pull abreast of the limousine on the driver's side, and we are: INSIDE THE LIMOUSINE as Devon reacts to the coupe's advance; leans forward to Michael. DEVON Michael, forgive my backseat driving ...but they're catching up to us! MICHAEL Good. That's the whole idea. DEVON That's the wrong idea. MICHAEL Not on this road! See that? POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - ROAD to see that it forks up ahead. The "Y" looms closer and closer and we are: ON BRAKE PEDAL OF LIMOUSINE as Michael slams his foot down hard, and we: RESUME THE TWO VEHICLES as the limousine dives in a panic stop and the coupe rockets past it into the left fork. Before coming to a full stop, the limousine accelerates and swerves into the right fork at high speed, and we are: ON THE COUPE as it screeches to a fast stop; swings around in a big "U" that takes it from the left to right forks, and we are: ON DEVON as he glances out the back window of the limousine and sees the coupe pop into view, gaining rapidly. DEVON Ah...Michael...we seem to be experiencing deja vu here.... MICHAEL Hang onto your socks! Michael whips the steering wheel, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as the limousine swings around in a one-eighty slide that puts it on a collision course with the coupe that approaches at high speed, and we are: ON DEVON as he reacts to this maneuver. His cool, unruffled demeanor giving way to genuine concern. DEVON Michael... (beat) Michael? DEVON'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD as the coupe swerves to one side at the last possible instant avoiding a head-on with the limousine. DEVON (v.o.) Michael!!! The coupe spins off the road coming to an angled stop on the slanted shoulder. The limousine rockets past, spins around. OMITTED ON THE LIMO as it leisurely drives back to the coupe. Michael parks, grandly opens the door for Devon. At the same time, Redmond extricates himself from the tilted coupe, approaches the other two men. Good humor has replaced his former sober mood. DEVON (adjusting his tie) Michael, you avoid vehicular on- slaughts as deftly as you dodge the Foundation paperwork. MICHAEL Could you rephrase that? DEVON Good job. Redmond approaches, pleased. REDMOND Mr. Miles, you weren't pumpin' no dry well. (slamming Michael) This boy can rack a pinion with the best of 'em. Beat. DEVON Could you rephrase that? THE SAME SCENE AS ABOVE but on a television monitor. The three men approach the Foundation semi. Camera widens to reveal that we are parked nearby in K.I.T.T. Bonnie has wires and circuits all over her lap. She is using a joystick to control the picture on the screen. BONNIE Up...up...over. That's it...perfect. Kitt, you can cover 180 degrees with this new configuration. K.I.T.T. Wonderful. BONNIE Kitt, is something bothering you? K.I.T.T. No, no, what could bother me? I mean, Michael risks life and limb in an inferior assembly line clone.... CLOSE ON MICHAEL - ON MONITOR Seeing he's on camera, he blows a kiss at Bonnie. BONNIE reacts...that is, she appears not to react.... K.I.T.T. And meanwhile a state of the art, top of the line machine sits here in the shade, gathering dust.... BONNIE If I didn't know better, I'd say you were jealous. K.I.T.T. Really, Bonnie. Such a pretty emotion is beneath me. BONNIE Okay. Let's try the closeup lens. K.I.T.T. Certainly. But aim it at something besides that...that other car. Bonnie reacts knowingly and we: CUT TO INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY Devon leads Michael and Redmond to the coffee machine, does the pouring. Redmond takes in the scenery, impressed. DEVON Michael, next week, as a result of years of delicate negotiations by our government, the leaders of five hostile, Third World nations will meet in an attempt to resolve their differences. REDMOND Burr in the saddle is, all five got compadres sooner send 'em to boot hill 'n let 'em palaver with the peace pipe. Devon looks at Redmond blankly. Michael leans close to Devon. MICHAEL I think he means all five leaders have people at home who'd like to blow them away. DEVON (grateful) Eloquently put. Yes, exactly the situation. Consequently, Michael, the heads of state will arrive without fanfare at a remote airstrip and.... Devon sits at the computer console, punches in commands. DEVON (continuing) ...be driven in separate vehicles to a secure desert compound by.... ON A COMPUTER TV MONITOR as it retrieves six faces in succession. Next to each, a column of data is printed out at high speed. DEVON (v.o.) (continuing) ...this team of specially trained chauffeur/bodyguards. Jason Keller, M.W. Jacobs, Roberto Lopez, Joanna Cory, Tip Maguire and Margot Wells. INTERCUT - INT. SEMI - DAY as Devon, Redmond and Michael study the images and data that come up on the monitor. DEVON (continuing) They've been hand-picked from an international pool of... (searches for word) ...operatives. REDMOND (overlapping) Action junkies...every one of 'em. Only difference between 'em an out-'n-out mercenary is they care which side pays for their bacon. DEVON Fortunately ours. Supposedly, they've all been cleared by Military Intelligence. However.... Redmond points to the screen derisively. REDMOND Four kings and two queens...But there's a joker in this hand o' stud. MICHAEL (aside to Devon) I think Mr. Redmond is trying to say, one is an assassin. DEVON (nods; grateful) Ah! Fortunately, we don't know which one. MICHAEL (impressed) Slick. The assassin's got to have someone on the inside. No other way to get that close to the target. DEVON Precisely. That's why the job has fallen to us. The government doesn't know who of their own people they can trust. Outside of we three, needless to say. MICHAEL Why not just scrap the entire team for a new one? REDMOND 'Cause till Mr. Miles here smokes out that maverick, there's no way to guarantee a new bunch wouldn't be rustled just the same. DEVON (before Michael can speak) I caught the drift of that one...This will be a two-pronged attack, Michael. We'll throw all of the Foundation's facilities into a nonstop search for the assassin's inside man.... MICHAEL Uh-huh...and what's my end of the prong? DEVON (a beat) Ah...you? Well, to polish up their skills for their assignment, the members of the security team will attend Mr. Redmond's Vanguard School. REDMOND (everyone's heard of it) We teach tactical and evasive driving techniques. Along with.... MICHAEL (finishing sentence) ...advanced hand-to-hand and weapons oriented combat skills. REDMOND You got it. Now, if you're as good with your dukes as you are with those wheels.... Redmond eyes Michael; lets the sentence trail off. We hold a beat, and then we go to: EXT. RURAL AREA - ROAD - DAY - WIDE as we pan across and pick up the K-2000 as it straightens out a series of turns in the twisting road, and we hear: MICHAEL (v.o.) You sure are quiet today. K.I.T.T. Oh? INSIDE THE K-2000 as Michael nods emphatically. MICHAEL Perfect example of what I mean. Anything wrong? K.I.T.T. (a beat) Michael, I'm programmed to be used... not...put up on blocks. MICHAEL Now, what's that mean? K.I.T.T. Michael, this mission is already in my data banks. I happen to know that you're going to spend most of your time in...other vehicles. MICHAEL Uh...yeah...but I was going to tell you, I want you to keep close watch on everything that goes on at the school. K.I.T.T. Surveillance mode again? MICHAEL Kitt...it's very important. I mean, every assignment can't be an action- packed ride. K.I.T.T. Don't remind me. I've never gotten over those two weeks in that auto yard posing as a wreck. I thought my plugs would never fire again. MICHAEL Yeah, but laying back and waiting paid off. K.I.T.T. Sure. But while you were laying back, I was the one that Neanderthal with the tattoos tried to turn into a cube twice a day. MICHAEL The look on his face was worth it. EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL COMPLEX - DAY as the K-2000 turns into the entrance and we hold on a sign that proclaims...VANGUARD SCHOOL...and move into a distinctive logo that combines elements from a car and a machine gun into a powerful graphic, and we go to: EXT. TEAM BUNGALOWS - DAY as the K-2000 pulls to a stop in front of a row of motel-like bungalows; each with its own entrance and parking spaces. As Michael gets out he notices Margot Wells, an attractive blonde with an appealing vulnerability, opening the trunk of her car in the adjacent space. Both are startled by a loud noise o.s. They react and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - ADJACENT BUNGALOW as the door explodes open and Jason Keller, who could be the production prototype for the full-size John Matuzak doll, tumbles through it; sails through the air and lands in a heap on the ground. A beat later, Tip Maguire, five-six, a wirey, tightly-wound, 142 pounds of piss and vinegar dives through the open door after Keller, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING KELLER as he gets to his feet straightening his six-seven, 250- pound frame to full height, just as Maguire slams head-first into his midsection like a battering ram. Keller doubles over but remains on his feet; grabs hold of Maguire and flips him over his head into the air like a rag doll, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - MAGUIRE as he somersaults into the shot and lands on his feet. We follow as he runs toward Keller who readies a fist and throws a punch that would clearly separate Maguire's head from his body. Maguire sucks; leaps into the air and directs a windmill uppercut toward: LOW ANGLE - KELLER'S FACE as Maguire's fist bounces off Keller's jaw, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as Keller shakes it off and Maguire circles around and leaps onto his back. Keller spins trying to throw Maguire off. The two men go down in a punch-throwing heap, as members of our security team collect around them. During the fight we: INTERCUT - VARIOUS SHOTS - TEAM MEMBERS as they react to the action, and we also: INTERCUT - LOPEZ standing off to one side; silent, alone, his face expression- less; and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - COMBATANTS as they roll on the ground. Maguire comes out on top astride Keller's chest; pulls back a fist. MAGUIRE Remember this the next time you sit on my bunk without asking!!! Keller grabs Maguire's wrist and gets to his feet; Maguire clinging to him like a chimpanzee. KELLER The next time I sit on your bunk... you'll be in it!!! The two men eye each other a beat before they smile and crack up with laughter. Keller sets Maguire down. KELLER You little wimp! I didn't know you were on this caper! MAGUIRE Would've turned it down if I knew they were still piling it that high in this business. The two men laugh, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - TEAM - FAVORING MICHAEL as he turns to Margot Wells next to him. MICHAEL If that's how they greet an old friend, what do they do when they meet an enemy? MARGOT (off group laughter) If we're careful, we'll never find out. (smiles) Margot Wells.... MICHAEL Michael Knight.... Cory, a dark-haired vivacious woman, and Jacobs, a natty, European-type, offer their names and ad-lib greetings during a round of handshakes, and react to a booming voice as Keller and Maguire join them. KELLER Howdy! Keller. The free-lance fightin' game's been kinda shakey. Just keepin' our hand in. MAGUIRE Yeah, we get a little high-strung sitting around. Michael stretches to full height vibrating with as much energy as he can muster...just another itchy action junkie. MICHAEL Know what you mean. That nervous energy just keeps building. KELLER Now you know who to call when you want to work it off. Keller pops a playful punch into Michael's shoulder that almost knocks him over. The group disperses toward the bungalows in the b.g. and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael and Margot cross to their cars. MICHAEL I think I'll pass. There are much more interesting ways to burn off excess energy. Margot chuckles as she pulls a suitcase from the open trunk and gestures to another that she leaves behind. MARGOT You can start with that if you like. She walks a few steps to her bungalow and goes inside. Michael grabs the handle of the suitcase; pauses; glances around, and we are: ON THE SUITCASE as Michael pops the latches; rifles the contents and finds a handgun beneath some clothing, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING MARGOT as, unseen by Michael, she watches from the doorway of her bungalow; waits until he slams the trunk before revealing her presence. As he hefts the suitcase toward her.... MICHAEL I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this isn't Club Med. MARGOT You mean, I won't need the perfume, makeup, sexy gowns, string bikinis...? MICHAEL (shakes no) Wrong kind of ammunition. Michael's remark is buttoned by a burst from a machine gun and we are: ON A CAR WINDSHIELD as the rounds glance off without damaging it, then stop. REDMOND (v.o.) You'll notice that ain't your Sunday-go-to-meetin' ordinary windshield.... EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL TRACK - DAY as Redmond, holding a smoking Uzi, talks to the security team who wear identical driving suits and crash helmets that have the school logo on the side and darkened visors. The group stands in front of a line of cars at the base of an observation tower in the center of the infield. One car for each team member; no two alike in color or style; one a limousine. REDMOND (continuing) Fact is...nothin' 'bout these cars is ordinary. They ain't indestructible, but they can take a hit that'd send a production line model, to car heaven. JACOBS Any chance I could get one for my live-in? REDMOND (off laughter) If you don't mind her cruisin' your home spread at 150 per.... MICHAEL All these cars move that fast? REDMOND You bet. But it takes more'n speed to beat a vehicle bushwhack. The trick is to anticipate the desperado's strategy and use it against him. So you'll all be drivin' attack and target vehicles durin' training. ANOTHER ANGLE - TRACK as the limousine comes through a turn at high speed pursued by a white sedan, an orange coupe and a silver K car, and we hear.... REDMOND (v.o.) First group...Target, Cory. Attack ...Wells, Knight, Jacobs. The cars blow past in a blur, and we are: ON THE LIMOUSINE as it accelerates too quickly and starts to turn sideways to the track, and we: INTERCUT - REDMOND IN OBSERVATION TOWER as he reacts to Cory's side-slide. REDMOND Stay with it, Cory.... INSIDE THE LIMOUSINE as Cory reacts to the voice that comes from within her helmet; works the steering wheel to bring the car around. REDMOND (v.o.) (continuing; filtered) Don't hang back! More throttle! Kick 'er into high gear! RESUME THE TRACK - REDMOND'S POINT OF VIEW as the limousine slowly starts to straighten out, but is still somewhat sideways. REDMOND (v.o.) More! Really pop it!! Cory tromps on the accelerator. The car turns back into the groove; begins to pull away from the pursuit vehicles moving onto a distant part of the track and out of view, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - TRACK as Michael's sedan followed closely by Jacobs' coupe and the K car, begin to close the gap moving up on the limousine, and we are: ON MICHAEL working the steering wheel, keeping the car in the groove. He glances up to: REARVIEW MIRROR - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW as Jacobs' coupe looms larger and is soon almost "kissing" the rear bumper of the white sedan, and we are: ON THE WHITE SEDAN AND ORANGE COUPE moving as if glued together. The coupe drafting in the sedan's slipstream. As they come out of a turn at top speed, the coupe suddenly bumps the rear of the sedan causing it to spin out of control, and we go to: REDMOND'S POINT OF VIEW FROM TOWER as the sedan comes spinning out of the turn and back into view of the tower and we are: ON REDMOND as he reacts. REDMOND Jacobs! You crazy? This ain't for real. Settle it down. RESUME THE SEDAN as it pinwheels across the track narrowly missing Margot's speeding car that maneuvers around it and we go to: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD to see the retaining wall rushing toward camera and we are: ON MICHAEL as he reacts; whips the steering wheel, and we: RESUME THE SEDAN as it responds; changes direction at the last instant and spins back across the track coming to a stop in the infield area. Michael swings the car around, drives across the infield at high speed and we go to: ANOTHER AREA - INFIELD as the limousine and two remaining attack vehicles comes in off the track and stop near the base of the observation tower. Jacobs gets out of his coupe and is startled by the screech of tires as Michael's sedan nose dives to a stop next to him. Michael gets out; crosses to him. MICHAEL Hey?! I thought we were supposed to be on the same side out there?!! JACOBS (shrugs) I'm sorry. The car got away from me. MICHAEL I'm not looking for an apology. I just want to hear it won't happen again. JACOBS Whatever it takes. I mean, I'm not sure how it happened, but.... MICHAEL (interrupts) I'm sorry to hear that. Uncer- tainty can be a fatal liability in high stress situations. Michael eyes him for a beat; turns and moves off and we go to: EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. DINING AREA - SELF SERVICE AREA - NIGHT as Michael puts food on a tray and Keller, next to him, turns with a tray overflowing with food and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - LOPEZ eating alone. Keller passes on his way to a table in the b.g. where the rest of the team is eating; pauses, gestures. KELLER Why don't you join the party? Lopez glares at him and the tray of food with disgust; gets up and leaves, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - TABLE as Keller joins Cory, Maguire, Jacobs and Redmond and settles in with the tray of food. KELLER What's with him anyway? REDMOND If you'd spent three years in solitary in a Cuban hoosegow, you wouldn't ask. Where's Wells? CORY Should be on her way. She said something about a...phone call. Redmond drains a cup of coffee and gets up. REDMOND I'd better round her up before Bigfoot here eats everything in sight. As Redmond leaves, Michael arrives with his tray and joins the group. Jacobs reacts; gets up and goes after Redmond. JACOBS Hey, I'll go with you. Michael glances with amusement from his modestly filled tray to the mountain of food that Keller is devouring next to him, and we go to: EXT. TEAM BUNGALOWS - NIGHT as an unidentifiable figure moves in the shadows toward: MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW so identified by the slip-in name card on the door. The figure pushes inside, and we are: ON A BOMB AND DETONATOR as the intruder slides it under Michael's bed and runs a sensor wire up and underneath the mattress. We hold a beat and then we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. VANGUARD PARKING LOT - NIGHT Michael gets inside K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Hello, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Excuse me, have we met? MICHAEL Come on, Kitt, it hasn't been that long. K.I.T.T. Only nine point four hours. How would you like to sit here for nine point four hours. Your only company a few primitive assembly line vehicles with an intelligence level equal to the average clock radio.... MICHAEL If you're through, I have an important job for you. K.I.T.T. Well, that's more like it. What is it? Pursuit driving? Demolition and collision? Evasive --- MICHAEL I want you to go into surveillance mode. Watch my room while I catch some z's, okay? K.I.T.T. How exciting. Lights on the dashboard go on. Michael gets out, heads for his bungalow. EXT. TEAM BUNGALOWS - NIGHT as Michael approaches and crosses toward his bungalow. OMITTED INT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT He flips on the light and crosses to his suitcase. Takes a book from his suitcase and crosses to the bed...plumps up the pillow against the headboard. Weary, Michael falls back onto the bed. There is a muffled explosion and loud hissing noise that startles Michael. He leaps off the bed, as the room begins filling with smoke that billows from beneath the bed, and we: INTERCUT - THE BOMB as it rapidly produces the expanding cloud of smoke, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as Michael, enveloped by the smoke that obliterates the room, stumbles with his hand over his mouth and nose in search of the door. OMITTED EXT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT As Michael stumbles out the door in a cloud of smoke, a figure moves swiftly out of the darkness and grabs him from behind. Michael reacts instinctively; hip rolls his attacker to the ground, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael, ready to throw a punch, finds himself face to face with Redmond, who grins: REDMOND You are pretty good hand-to-hand. Michael pulls the punch, turns and sees --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - BUNGALOW AREA - NIGHT All of the other trainees are staggering out of smoke-filled bungalows. They cough their way towards Michael and Redmond, ad-libbing angry complaints and queries. ON A SMOKE BOMB as Redmond pulls it from under his jacket, shows it to the assembled group. REDMOND Just a little Halloween smoke...but it coulda been dynamite, fulminate, lay plas-teek, you name it. If I was a for real bandido, I woulda blown you all so far your families woulda been black and blue. There's laughter from the group...both sincere and embarassed. REDMOND Remember...you gotta be 'on' every minute of the day...not just when the sun's shining. Now bunk down, all of you. They move away. Redmond catches Michael's arm, speaks in a lowered voice. REDMOND Remember -- every minute of the day. That goes double for you, amigo...comprende? MICHAEL Comprende. Redmond slaps him on the back, exits. Michael heads for his bungalow. INT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT Michael comes in, opens the windows, uses a pillow as a fan to get rid of the last wisps of smoke. His wrist comlink buzzes. MICHAEL Yes, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Michael, I have to see you. MICHAEL Can't it wait? I'm zonked. K.I.T.T. Someone was in your bungalow tonight. MICHAEL I know. It was Redmond. A little fun and games to --- K.I.T.T. (interrupting) No, not Redmond. MICHAEL Who?! K.I.T.T. I don't know. ON THE K-2000 - NIGHT as we move in and hear.... MICHAEL What do you mean, you don't know? ON DASH CONTROL PANEL as Michael depresses a button labelled...VIDEO TAPE...and then another labelled...PLAY.... K.I.T.T. (dismayed) I was afraid you'd overreact like this. ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREEN as the video tape comes to life and a figure in a driving suit and crash helmet, visor down, enters Michael's room. K.I.T.T. You see? It could be any one of them. I'm sorry, Michael. MICHAEL (v.o.) Freeze that. The image on the monitor stops suddenly, and we are: INSIDE THE K-2000 as Michael, eyes riveted to the monitor, studies the image. He reacts to something; looks closer. MICHAEL Give me a frame by frame review. K.I.T.T. Michael...I've already examined every frame. That helmet visor blocks out.... MICHAEL (interrupting) Do it, Kitt. The image on the monitor reverses action. The helmeted figure turns in ultra-slow motion bringing the Vanguard School logo on the side of the helmet more into view. MICHAEL Hold it right...there! The image freezes. K.I.T.T. I don't know what you expect to find. MICHAEL If you did, I wouldn't be doing this. Would I? Zoom in. (a beat) More. Keep going. The image continues zooming until the crash helmet fills the screen. K.I.T.T. I tried that too. You still can't make out the face. MICHAEL Forget the face. Zoom into the logo. All the way in.... As the logo zooms to fill the screen.... K.I.T.T. But Michael, all the helmets have the same logo. Michael leans to the monitor, and we are: CLOSE ON THE MONITOR as Michael's finger points to a distinctive vee-shaped scratch that cuts through the logo decal. MICHAEL Not all of them have that! ON A BULLHORN REDMOND (v.o.) (amplified) In this scenario, I'm the target and I've been shanghaied. EXT. URBAN STREET - DAY A row of three and four-story old brick structures. Redmond stands on the roof of a building with the bullhorn. Michael, alone in the street below, holds a coil of rope with attached grappling hook...a handgun in a holster on his hip. REDMOND (continuing; amplified) You've savvyed I'm bein' held in this abandoned building. If you get to me before any other bravo gets to you, why, then, you win. Go! Redmond moves out of view. Michael moves to a wall of the building as he uncoils the rope; whirls the grappling hook overhead and tosses it, and we are: ON A BALCONY as the hook drops into the shot and hooks on the edge. We angle over to pick up Cory as she moves onto the balcony and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE FAVORING MICHAEL working his way up the rope toward the balcony. Cory leans over the edge of the balcony. Michael reacts by running along the wall. An action that gets him swinging like a pendulum, and we are: ON A WINDOW as Michael swings into the shot on the rope and drops through the open window into the building, and we go to: INT. CORRIDOR - DAY as Michael lands; glances about cautiously; moves toward a staircase; pauses and turns in reaction to a noise behind him, and we go to: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - CORRIDOR - MOVING as we pan across a doorway, a window at the end of the corridor and come onto a large, covered trash pail, and we: RESUME MICHAEL as he moves cautiously to the trash pail; pulls the lid off fast; pushes his weapon forward. MICHAEL You're dead! CLOSE ON TRASH CAN - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW to see that it is empty. Michael replaces the lid, and we move up and across an adjacent wall to a dumbwaiter door that moves slightly, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL as he quickly moves to the dumbwaiter; slams the door shut and turns the latch handle. He moves around to see: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - DUMBWAITER DOOR to see Maguire's face through the circular glass viewing port. He is curled up in the dumbwaiter. MICHAEL Gotcha! Michael pushes the button next to the door. Maguire's face drops out of sight, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - STAIRCASE as Michael moves up cautiously; glances up to see: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - A STACK OF WOODEN CRATES on the landing above, as they rock and tumble down the stair- case right at him, and we: RESUME MICHAEL trapped; the crates tumbling at him. He leaps up and grabs an overhead pipe; swings himself out of the way as the crates roar beneath him and smash into a wall with force, and we are: ON JACOBS as he appears at the top of the stairs; looks down. JACOBS Knight? Hey? Hey you okay? JACOBS' POINT OF VIEW OF THE SMASHED CRATES No sign of Michael, and we: RESUME THE SCENE - STAIRCASE as Jacobs descends; looks puzzled, then whirls, startled as Michael drops behind him; puts a gun to his forehead. MICHAEL You're the one that's dead, friend. JACOBS (gestures to crates) Hey, listen, they.... MICHAEL (interrupts) Got away from you. I know. Michael eyes him a beat; climbs the stairs, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - CORRIDOR As Michael enters from the staircase, a huge shadow moves across the wall in front of him. He turns and ducks as Keller dives, misses and smashes into the wall. Michael takes off. Keller gets to his feet and pursues, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - CORRIDOR - FIRE DOOR that closes off the corridor. Michael arrives on the run; yanks on the handle. It won't budge. Keller gains in the b.g. Michael finally slides the door open about six inches; barely slips through as Keller arrives. He works on the door but it refuses to move, and we go to: OPPOSITE SIDE OF FIRE DOOR Michael watches as Keller forces an arm and shoulder through the narrow opening, but his massive body won't make it. MICHAEL You're dead! (to himself, as he moves off) Cholesterol strikes again.... ANOTHER ANGLE - CORRIDOR as Michael moves past doorways, looking into rooms; pauses when he sees.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - REDMOND as he sits in a chair reading a girlie magazine. He glances up and smiles, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as Michael moves into the doorway; places a hand on the door ready to slam it all the way open to be dure no one is behind it, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - MARGOT pressed against the wall. The door slams inches from where she stands. It bounces back a few feet. Margot moves behind it now; readies a handgun, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING MICHAEL as he enters and crosses toward Redmond. Margot steps in behind him. Michael hears and whirls, and we are: ON MARGOT'S HANDGUN as she pulls the trigger and it fires, and we are: CLOSE ON MICHAEL'S FACE as he is hit square in the forehead by a dart with a rubber suction cup, that sticks on impact, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as Margot moves forward. MARGOT You're dead, Mike. Redmond joins them; takes one look at Michael and cracks up, and we are: ON A SINK FULL OF WATER as Michael leans down to it and washes his face. We widen out as he scrubs his forehead with a cloth. MARGOT (v.o.) (concerned) It won't come off? CLOSE ON A MIRROR OVER SINK as Michael looks up and we see a perfect circle centered on his forehead. He scrubs it again to no avail. MICHAEL Either that, or... (scratches at surface of mirror) There's a little red circle on this mirror that moves.... INT. MICHAEL'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT as Margot crosses to him. MARGOT Gosh, I'm sorry, Michael. Maybe I can.... She pauses as Michael turns to her. She tries not to laugh but can't hold back. MARGOT It's funny. It really is.... MICHAEL Great. What's that old saying? 'Yesterday I couldn't spell Hare Krishna, today I are one.' Margot chuckles. Michael dries his face. MARGOT So, what's your excuse, anyway. (off his look) I mean for being in this business. MICHAEL Well, when I was a kid, I used to dream about being a hostile Third World leader. When that didn't work out, I took the next closest thing. MARGOT Come on. Really.... MICHAEL Really? Margot nods. MICHAEL (deadly serious) I was a cop. I got tired of being shot at while I shouted halt and fired warning shots. I wanted something where the rules were the same for both sides. She studies him a beat. He pulls on a shirt. They hold a look. He turns and leaves the bungalow and we go to: EXT. COUNTRY/WESTERN BAR - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. COUNTRY/WESTERN BAR - NIGHT as music blasts and a figure in a wide-brimmed ten-gallon hat moves through the crowd, back to camera, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - BOOTH - MICHAEL as a shadow falls across the table. VOICE Hello, cowboy? Michael glances up from his bowl of chili. REVERSE ANGLE revealing that Michael's visitor is a girl in a snug sequined rodeo blouse, tight jeans and Stetson. She looks like the girl in the Jordache commercials...however, it is.... MICHAEL (astonished) Bonnie? BONNIE (throaty) This place ain't big enough for both of us, fella. Let's mosey outside and talk to our head honcho, okay? Michael rises, taking the bowl of chili. He looks at her in passing. MICHAEL Did you change your hair or something? She smiles. ANOTHER ANGLE - BAR as they push through the crowd passing a darkened corner of the bar. A cowboy, back to camera, turns and we recognize Lopez. He watches them exit, thoughtful. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - STOCK The Foundation semi zooms down the road. INT. SEMI - NIGHT - TRAVELING Bonnie and Michael come inside. Devon rises to greet Michael. DEVON We had a devil of a time finding you tonight, Michael. Is that Western Country place the only nightspot in this... (generously) ...town? MICHAEL It's 'Country Western', and it is. DEVON No wonder Mr. Redmond talks like that.... Devon peers into Michael's bowl of chili. MICHAEL It's chili. A gourmet like you wouldn't be interested in --- Before Michael can finish, Devon has appropriated the bowl and spoon, tasted it, thoughtfully. A wine-connoisseur-type look crosses his face. Bonnie, meanwhile has gone behind a rack of equipment to change her clothes. Michael sneaks a look there, but really can't see anything. DEVON Unassuming...and far too simple. Cayenne is no substitute for cumin. And all those beans...Ernest would never approve. MICHAEL (turning back to Devon) Ernest? DEVON Hemingway. One time in Havana, he and I...oh, well, enough reminiscing. Let's get to the point. Bonnie enters the shot, zipping up her Foundation overalls. She punches up some data on the computer. BONNIE We've been cross-checking all of our information...it hasn't been easy, because we don't want to spook our target.... DEVON (pleased) But we've done it! We've narrowed down our search for the inside man. Whoever planted that assassin in the Vanguard School has been working out of the State Department. MICHAEL State Department, huh...how many employees do they have? BONNIE Eighty-four thousand. MICHAEL Well, that narrows it down...Are you trying to tell me that you haven't made any progress at your end? DEVON Oh, well, you might say that.... MICHAEL I just did. DEVON Michael, I'm sorry, but the ball is still in your court. The Third World leaders arrive in only two days and you can ferret the assassin out from a group of six far easier than we can find his confidant in a group of one hundred thousand. MICHAEL I thought it was eighty-four thousand. BONNIE I forgot to count overseas personnel. Michael sighs wearily, digs into his chili. CUT TO OMITTED VERY CLOSE ON MICHAEL'S FACE as he knocks down the visor of his crash helmet. He is suddenly grabbed from behind in a choke hold, and we go to: INT. VANGUARD SCHOOL GYM - DAY revealing we are in a hand-to-hand combat class. Michael reaches back over his head; grabs his opponent whose identity is concealed by driving suit and visored helmet. Michael expertly flips and rolls his adversary over his shoulder onto the mat, and during the above we: INTERCUT - REDMOND observing this activity. REDMOND Way to go. Nice. Nice.... He turns his attention to other one-on-one teams working out in the b.g. and we: RESUME MICHAEL AND ADVERSARY as they struggle to get the advantage. Another flip-roll puts them face to face, and we go to: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - ADVERSARY to see the vee-shaped scratch in the logo on the helmet. Michael flips up the visor revealing Margot to be the inhabitant of the helmet. We hold a beat, and then we: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN INT. VANGUARD SCHOOL GYM - DAY as Michael flips Margot onto the mat; presses a hold. She grimaces; twists around to him; tight-lipped, sotto.... MARGOT Hey?! Hey, that hurts! MICHAEL It's supposed to. What were you doing in my room last night? MARGOT Returning the favor.... He uses his leverage to turn and pin her. Now face-to-face. MICHAEL (shakes no; smiles) That'd be something I'd remember. Believe me. MARGOT Come on. I wasn't here ten minutes, you were rifling my suitcase. MICHAEL You're very observant. MARGOT The company emphasizes it. MICHAEL (skeptically) CIA? Margot nods. MICHAEL That .45 in your bag isn't exactly standard issue. Margot makes a quick move; gains the advantage; flips Michael; comes out on top. Eyes him for.... MARGOT Neither is the Knight Foundation. They hold a look, and we go to: EXT. COUNTRY/WESTERN BAR - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. COUNTRY/WESTERN BAR - BOOTH - NIGHT as we pan across the noisy crowd and pick up Michael and Margot in a darkened corner. MARGOT You still don't believe what I told you. Do you? MICHAEL I do, and I don't.... MARGOT What's the problem? MICHAEL Some pieces that don't fit. (off her look) I'm on this case because a breech in security forced the government to go outside for an agent. They purposely didn't assign someone to.... MARGOT I wasn't assigned to it. (off his look) I was in Europe investigating one of our operatives...someone we suspect of being recruited by Third World dissidents. His movements led me to the case. Michael digests her response; studies her a beat, before.... MICHAEL Only European on the team is...Jacobs. MARGOT (nods) But I have no proof, he's a terrorist or an assassin. MICHAEL We may soon. I'm having him checked out. What can you tell me about him? MARGOT Privately, he exhibits the typical terrorist profile. Angry, zealous, talks about a higher purpose; seems to be in search of followers. MICHAEL Great. Maybe he was a Bible salesman in a former life. MARGOT I said, I wasn't sure. But your presence clearly threatens him. He accused you of what we suspect of him. MICHAEL An old technique. Hitler used it to great advantage. MARGOT Look, we both came to the same con- clusion. Why don't we just have him picked up? MICHAEL Because if we're wrong, we'll blow our cover and we'll never flush out the assassin in time. MARGOT So what do you want to do? MICHAEL Depends. Does Jacobs trust you? MARGOT (nods) I'm always up front with him. He knows I'm here now. MICHAEL (muses) Then, we'll work together and force his hand. MARGOT Sorry, I can't take that chance. MICHAEL Why not. You took this one? MARGOT I had no choice. (smiles) How did you get onto me, anyway? MICHAEL (a wry smile) Your perfume. I smelled it in my room. MARGOT (a skeptical pout) Come on, Michael. I'm not the only woman on this team. MICHAEL Ah, but how could you know I have highly sensitive olefactory powers able to distinguish between.... MARGOT (laughs; interrupts) Sure, and next you'll promise to tell me only if I work with you. Right? MICHAEL (wry smile) If that's what it takes.... Margot smiles; a sideways glance as she considers, before.... MARGOT (nods) Okay. As long as you understand those long lashes, sensuous mouth and highly sensitive olefactory powers had nothing to do with my decision. Michael breaks into an easy chuckle. Margot leans closer for.... MARGOT (sensuously) What do you want me to do? They hold a look and we go to: EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL COMPLEX - NIGHT INT. JACOBS' ROOM - NIGHT as he responds to a knock; crosses to the door.... JACOBS Yeah? MARGOT (v.o.) It's Margot. Jacobs opens the door. Margot enters the room. As she does she wags a finger at.... MICHAEL around the corner. Now, he moves to the door, listens. JACOBS' ROOM JACOBS What'd you find out? MARGOT He knows I checked out his room. He has this idea about...an assassin. JACOBS Maybe we should introduce him to one? MARGOT (considers; nods) That's a very interesting idea. (a look) You know any? JACOBS (chuckles) Tomorrow, during survival training. We'll turn him into the perfect example of how not to. They hold a look, and we go to: EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL SURVIVAL COURSE - DAY an area that combines high-swamp grasses, rocky high ground and heavily treed forest. We pan across and pick up a four- wheel drive off-road vehicle moving across this terrain, and we hear: REDMOND (v.o.) You'll split into two-man teams. One guard, one target. In this scenario only the guard carries hardware. ANOTHER ANGLE - CLEARING as the four-wheel drive vehicle pulls to a stop. Redmond and the security team pile out, and gather around him. REDMOND Okay. Despite evasive tactics, the V-A...the vehicle ambush, was successful. You poor bozos are slap-dang in the middle of nowhere. Shooters converging. You remove the target from the vehicle and burn leather! As Redmond turns to a rack of Uzis on the rear of the four- wheel drive vehicle, we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL as Margot moves in next to him; leans close for.... MARGOT What do you say, pardner? MICHAEL That's what I was going to ask you. Make any headway with.... He inclines his head slightly toward Jacobs who stands off to the side. Margot nods. Redmond turns from the four- wheel drive vehicle holding an Uzi. REDMOND Okay. First team. MARGOT Right here. She and Michael step forward. Redmond tosses the Uzi to Margot; points to Michael. REDMOND Bodyguard...target. Move out. Margot and Michael move off at a jog into the high grass that soon conceals them. Redmond leads the remainder of the team toward high ground, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE as a hand pulls another Uzi from the rack, and we widen out to include Jacobs who moves off into the swamp grass and we go to: EXT. SWAMP AREA - DAY as Margot and Michael make their way through high grass. MARGOT He'll be out here somewhere. He's going to try and kill you. She hands Michael the Uzi. MICHAEL Be careful, okay? Michael leads the way with the Uzi; pauses suddenly at a sound. Uses a gesture to hold Margot back and advances cautiously to investigate, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - SWAMP as Michael appears from the tall grass; pauses with concern; clicks on his wrist communicator. MICHAEL Kitt...they're playing for keeps. Get into this sector and watch everything that moves. EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL PARKING AREA - DAY - K-2000 as the grille illumination on the K-2000 comes to life. The engine starts. The car roars out of the parking area. ON THE DASH CONSOLE - VIDEO MONITOR as a graphic; a representative map of the area appears. A pinpoint of light that marks Michael's location flashes, and we: RESUME MICHAEL as he moves through the grass; pauses in reaction to a sharp noise behind him. He whirls and fires a burst from the Uzi, and we are: ON A POP-UP TARGET as it is ventilated by the rounds, and we are: ON MARGOT as she reacts to the gunfire; frozen in position. Suddenly an arm reaches out of the grass behind her and pulls her back out of view, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - JACOBS AND MARGOT as he eases his grip on her, and she settles. JACOBS Nice. Perfect set-up.... He moves off taking Margot with him, and we: RESUME MICHAEL as he begins to retrace his steps looking for Margot. MICHAEL Margot? Hey? Hey Margot? He reacts to a woman's scream; takes off toward it and we are: ON JACOBS AND MARGOT as she settles to the ground, Jacobs arranging her posture. JACOBS You're hurt. Call him. Jacobs moves into the tall grass. MARGOT Michael? Michaeeelll? RESUME MICHAEL as he reacts; hurries toward the voice, and we are: ON JACOBS concealed in the grass nearby. Uzi raised; reacts to: JACOBS' POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL as he pops in and out of view moving through the grass toward Margot; spots her; takes a step forward; freezes when he sees: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - MARGOT as she opens her eyes wide; fearfully; as a signal; gestures with her head to the brush behind her, and we: RESUME JACOBS as he aims and fires, and we: RESUME MICHAEL as he reacts to Margot's warning; dives and rolls as the rounds from the Uzi chop into the grass where he was standing, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL as his momentum carries him into dense brush. He smashes into a concealed pop-up target that springs to life and decks him, knocking the Uzi into the air, and we are: ON THE UZI as it sails through the air and lands in the water. INTERCUT - THE K-2000 as it skids to a halt along a road that parallels the swamp area. OMITTED BACK TO SCENE - WIDE as Michael's hand gropes for the Uzi; Jacobs lunges into the shot; snaps his Uzi to his shoulder and cranks off a burst, and we are: ON MICHAEL as he rolls aside and the rounds pop into the dirt. Unhurt, Michael quickly gets to his feet and runs concealed by the high grass. OMITTED ATOP A RISE - ON JACOBS as he scans the area from this vantage point, and we go to: JACOBS' POINT OF VIEW - SWAMP AREA as we pan across, and pick up a sudden movement in the tall grass. We can't see Michael but the action of the grass charts his course to a dense cluster of trees, and we: RESUME JACOBS as he reacts and notes Michael's destination. He moves off toward it, and we go to: REDMOND AND SECURITY TEAM as Margot exits the tall grass on the run and hurries toward them. REDMOND What are you doin' back here? Where's your target? MARGOT In trouble. Someone's trying to blow him away! REDMOND 'Course they are! That's part of the scenario. MARGOT No, no! I mean, really kill him! (off Redmond's reactions) Jacobs! He's hunting him down. Michael's unarmed! Redmond and the group pile into the four-wheel drive vehicle. It roars off into the tall grass, and we go to: MICHAEL - HIDDEN IN FOILATE He activates his wrist comlink. MICHAEL Kitt? Do you have me on your scanners? INTERCUT - INT. K.I.T.T. A blinking dot indicates Michael on the map. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. But I'm not certain I can reach you in this kind of terrain. MICHAEL Nobody's perfect...Look, somebody's stalking me and I can't reconnoiter without getting ventilated. Can you tell me where he is? K.I.T.T.'s scanner screen scrolls up, down, left...right. Another dot appears. K.I.T.T. I believe so, Michael. There's another person about eighty meters southeast of your position. MICHAEL That's all I need to know. Don't call me...I'll call you. Michael switches off, begins to move stealthily through the terrain. OMITTED JACOBS as he follows the path of flattened grass Michael made as he ran. We follow Jacobs as he emerges from the tall grass and moves into a heavily treed area, and we are: ON TREE LIMB that Michael has arched back and down close to the ground. He straddles it, heels dug into the ground keeping it from springing forward...a catapult straining to release, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as Jacobs emerges from behind some heavy brush and Michael rockets into the shot on the tree limb and smashes feet first into Jacobs' chest like a battering ram. They go down in a fist-swinging heap. As they roll over, Michael grabs the Uzi's strap...pulls...this pulls Jacobs to his feet... both men strain for control of the weapon...then.... INSERT - UZI STRAP it snaps --- THE SCENE Michael falls head over heels. Jacobs stumbles back, gains his balance. Aims...Michael, on the ground, knows it's over -- then we hear the bursts of machine gun fire --- CLOSE ON UZI MUZZLE as 9mm bullets explode in flashes of death and --- OMITTED MICHAEL reacts to not dying as --- JACOBS staggers as he takes several hits, his unfired weapon dropping into the slime a moment before he does. A beat. Stunned, Michael turns, sees --- REDMOND AND MARGOT - ON CREST OF HILL Redmond is as surprised as Michael. He stares at Margot, who still holds her smoking Uzi, her face ashen. CUT TO INT. FOUNDATION - DAY - SEMI Devon on the phone, listening, concerned. DEVON You're not hurt? Don't humor me, Michael.... OMITTED INTERCUT - MICHAEL IN REDMOND'S OFFICE - DAY as he talks he is surrounded by Redmond and all the other team members, sans Jacobs. MICHAEL I'm fine, Devon. And our first hunch was the right one. DEVON Then it was Jacobs! Has he talked? Who financed him? Did he.... MICHAEL I know it'd be nice to pick his brain, but he challenged an Uzi and lost. I'm sorry. DEVON Not to worry, Michael. That's a purely secondary consideration. My congratulations. MICHAEL Thanks. See you later. Michael hangs up. Redmond extends a hand. A round of handshakes with team members ensues, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING MARGOT as Michael is about to shake her hand and she kisses him. The group breaks into spontaneous cat-calls and wolf whistles. We hold a beat, and go to: EXT. VANGUARD SCHOOL PARKING AREA - DAY as Michael approaches the K-2000 and gets inside, and we are: ON THE K-2000 as Michael settles triumphantly behind the wheel. MICHAEL Well, Kitt, we did it again! K.I.T.T. Michael, you can't mean that this mission is over. MICHAEL (reaching for wheel) Why not? K.I.T.T. Usually you take your luggage home. MICHAEL Ah...right...I was distracted by uh.... K.I.T.T. Let me guess. A young lady? MICHAEL (getting out) Don't go away. ON MICHAEL - OUTSIDE REDMOND'S OFFICE strolling along happily, making the turn into the doorway -- then reacting as he sees --- OMITTED INT. REDMOND'S OFFICE - DAY - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW as a team member, in driving uniform and back turned to Michael holds an Uzi on Redmond who is seated in a chair. He is being gagged and tied up by the other members of the team, also in driving uniforms, that initially create anonymity. Suddenly the Uzi wielder sees him. It's --- MARGOT Freeze! ON MICHAEL belted hard by this revelation. He slowly raises his hands. MICHAEL You had plenty of shots at me. Why didn't you take 'em? MARGOT Because whoever sent you would have been all over this place. We couldn't risk that. MICHAEL So, when I zeroed-in on Jacobs, you...let me have him. JACOBS' VOICE Not exactly.... OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING JACOBS who has moved up behind Michael with an Uzi. He is a shocking sight. Covered with mud from the swamp and theatrical blood from the exploding squibs that have torn and blackened his uniform. Jacobs whaps Michael from behind on the head. We hold a beat and then we: FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Pullback from the K-2000. Michael is behind the wheel, unconscious. We see that the car is at the edge of a downward slope in the road...Margot beside it. She waves someone o.s. into the shot -- like a parking attendant. Jacobs drives up in a four-wheel drive vehicle. JACOBS Too bad. Guy wrapped up the big case...and got totalled in an accident on the way home. MARGOT Who said life was fair? They share a smile. Responding to her signals, the four-wheel kisses the 2000's bumper...that's all it takes. ANOTHER ANGLE - K-2000 it starts to roll down the road...which ends abruptly ahead. MARGOT AND JACOBS watch this, turn. We see the rest of the assassination team behind them. MARGOT Okay, let's go! Our sitting ducks touch down in thirty minutes! With Jacobs and Margot in the Jeep, and the others on foot, they head towards their waiting vehicles. Peel out. OMITTED INSIDE THE K-2000 - ON MICHAEL slumped in the front seat, as he comes to, sees --- MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD they go off the road and down a dangerously steep hill. RESUME THE K-2000 as it plummets down.... MICHAEL Kitt! K.I.T.T. I see you're awake. MICHAEL (hitting switches) Yeah, but are you? How'd you let this happen? K.I.T.T. You left me in surveillance mode. I assumed anything else would ruin our undercover operation. MICHAEL Brilliant thinking...okay, just hit the brakes! K.I.T.T. I am hitting the brakes. EXT. CAR Indeed, the wheels have locked...but they're still going down. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael looks ahead...and turns even more ashen because.... HIS POINT OF VIEW - THROUGH WINDSHIELD There's good news and bad news. The good news is, this forty-five degree slope is about to end. The bad news is, it ends in a straight drop of about 1000 feet. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Kitt, stop! K.I.T.T. I'm trying, Michael, but the law of gravity takes precident. If you're familiar with Newton's Laws of Motion, then --- Michael grabs the wheel, throws it over. EXT. K.I.T.T. The car spins around in a 180 degree turn.... MICHAEL'S HAND hits "Rocket Boosters" --- REAR OF K.I.T.T. The rockets fire and --- THE SCENE The car comes to a dead stop...inches from oblivion. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael sighs with relief. MICHAEL That was...close. K.I.T.T. Yes...and also a brilliant demonstration of Newton's third law of motion. MICHAEL You can grade me later...let's get out of here.... K.I.T.T. May I suggest we take a horizontal route? MICHAEL You got it. THE SCENE as the car heads sideways along the slope. EXT. DESERT - DAY - WIDE - TO ESTABLISH as we pan across an endless panorama of dunes that act as a backdrop for a road that cuts through the sand in a straight line from horizon to horizon, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - ROAD as a line of vehicles comes over the horizon traveling at high speed, and we are: ON THE VEHICLES to see there are six, four security team cars and two limos. They roar past camera in a 100 mph blur and continue down the center of the road. The sound of the vehicles segues to the high-pitched whine of a jet aircraft, and we are: ON A LEAR JET as it streaks at low altitude over the desert floor and we follow as it banks slightly and flies right over the line of cars on the road below, and we are: ON MARGOT behind the wheel of her car; as she reacts to the sight of the aircraft. She smiles. MARGOT Come to mama. She tromps on the accelerator and we go to: INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING MICHAEL Kitt, patch me through to Devon. I want to warn him. K.I.T.T. makes some interesting pops and beeps, then --- K.I.T.T. Sorry, Michael. I can't get through. MICHAEL Why? We must be in range of the airfield --- K.I.T.T. We are. But the security precautions for the Third World leaders include jamming of all uncoded transmissions. MICHAEL Can you break the code? K.I.T.T. Do we have an hour? MICHAEL (grimly) We don't have five minutes. OMITTED EXT. DESERT AIRSTRIP - DAY - WIDE as we pan across and pick up a limousine that approaches. We follow it to a large white tent that stands off to one side of the runway. Two MPs stand at the entrance. One of them opens the door of the limousine that pulls to a stop. Devon and another man, ostensibly a government official get out, and react to: THE LEAR JET as it approaches overhead and makes a wide, swinging turn that lines it up with the runway, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - JET as it screeches past; touches down and we are: ON THE DESERT ROAD as the six vehicle caravan approaches at high speed, and we: INTERCUT - THE K-2000 as it zooms across the desert floor, rooster tail of sand flying into the air behind it, and we: RESUME THE LEAR JET as it taxis to a stop a short distance from the tent. The door opens. The Third World leaders, attaches in hand, deplane. They are greeted by Devon and the government official who usher them toward the tent, and we: RESUME THE K-2000 as it bounces from the sand onto the road; takes off at top speed, and pan ahead to pick up the line of six vehicles ahead of it, all now on the same course. ON MICHAEL as he sees them, tromps on the accelerator. MICHAEL We're not too late! There they are! ON THE ROAD as the K-2000 and the line of security vehicles come closer and closer together. ON MARGOT in the tailing car, she reacts as she catches a glimpse of K.I.T.T. in the rearview mirror. She grabs a radio mike. MARGOT Everyone, we're being pursued. I don't know how, but it's Knight! INTERCUT - OTHER VEHICLES as they react, ad-lib remarks. JACOBS That's impossible. MARGOT Really? Well, 'impossible' is going about ninety miles an hour. JACOBS Pull the limos over! We'll stop him right here! THE SCENE as the two limos in the lead stop, swing around...block the road. The drivers get out, aim Uzi's as the four pursuit vehicles swerve around them, continue their race towards murder. MARGOT (v.o.) Finish him and rendezvous with us after the mission! CUT TO EXT. ROAD - ON K.I.T.T. coming up from a dip in the road. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL reacting to --- HIS POINT OF VIEW - LIMO ROADBLOCK rising in view ahead, thirty feet of steel blocking the road ...boulders and rough terrain on either side preventing a turn. INTERCUT - THE DRIVERS open fire with their Uzi's... INTERCUT - THE KNIGHT 2000 as bullets ping off the alloy surface. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Remember that limo I was driving? The one you didn't like? K.I.T.T. What about it? Michael reaches for the control marked "COLLISION SPEED". MICHAEL Your big chance is coming up. OMITTED THE SCENE (SLOW MOTION) The two assassins suddenly realize Michael ain't stopping. They run for cover. The two limousines go to car heaven as the Knight 2000 crashes through them like a knife going through butter. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. KILLER'S CONVOY - DAY - HIGH ANGLE The four armored pursuit vehicles tearing up the dust. We hold...until slowly, surely...the Knight 2000 brings up the rear. INT. MARGOT'S CAR double-taking at the black mirage in her rearview. MARGOT (into radio) He...he's back...he's still there! Ad-lib reactions of astonishment, then.... JACOBS We're two minutes ahead of schedule. Let's take him out. Go -- nutcracker pattern -- now! ROAD - HIGH ANGLE as the four pursuit cars cwing out of the road in deft coordinated turns...and then head from four points of the compass towards you-know-who. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD as we pan across and pick up a car heading right at him, and we continue panning...a 360 degree move that picks up vehicles coming at him from every direction, and we are: INSIDE THE K-2000 as Michael reacts to this development. MICHAEL Kitt, I think we're parked on ground zero. THE SCENE - WIDE - FROM ABOVE to see the K-2000 is the bull's-eye for the four vehicles converging at high speed. K.I.T.T. Michael, I thought you liked being the center of attention. OMITTED INTERCUT - VARIOUS SHOTS - ADVANCING VEHICLES closing in on the K-2000; seconds away from ramming it from four directions simultaneously, and we are: ON K-2000 PEDALS as Michael's foot pops off the clutch; the other tromping down on the accelerator, and we are: ON THE K-2000 as it rockets forward like a dragster coming off the line and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - TWO ONCOMING VEHICLES as the K-2000 scrapes paint as it pops through the rapidly narrowing space between them, and we: RESUME HIGH ANGLE as the converging cars meet in a three-way head-on collison and the K-2000 squirts out of the pile-up at the last instant, and we: INTERCUT - VARIOUS SHOTS - SLOW MOTIONS as the momentum of the vehicles jam them into a comedic fender-crunching pile-up, and we are: ON MARGOT as she reacts; slams her vehicle into reverse, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as the car backs out of the pile-up and takes off at high speed across the desert. The K-2000 immediately pursues, and we go to: INT. LARGE TENT - DAY as the Third World leaders are being welcomed by Devon and the government official, and we go to: EXT. LARGE TENT - DAY as Margot's vehicle comes over a dune in the distance and approaches at high speed...on a collision course with the tent. The posted MP's react with alarm, and we are: ON THE K-2000 as it appears from behind some dunes and accelerates on an intercept course, and we: RESUME INT. TENT as the group reacts with uncertainty to the sounds of the approaching vehicles. Devon crosses to the entrance and peers outside, and we go to: DEVON'S POINT OF VIEW - MARGOT'S CAR as it comes right at him at top speed, and we are: CLOSE ON DEVON wide-eyed with alarm; can't believe it; dashes back into the tent and we: INTERCUT - MP'S as they raise their weapons and crank off bursts at the advancing car, and we are: ON MARGOT'S CAR - VARIOUS SHOTS as the rounds glance off the windshield and the car keeps coming, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as Margot's car bears down on the tent and the K-2000 roars into the shot and rams it. Margot's car careens out of control, narrowly misses the tent and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING TENT as Devon and leaders exit on the run, Margot's car careens into view, smashes into the vacated tent and comes to a stop as the canvas settles all around it. Margot climbs out of the car, battling the canvas and is face-to-face with two gun-toting Marines, and we are: ON THE K-2000 as it pulls to a stop in front of the collapsed tent next to Devon and group. The window lowers. Michael waves. Devon sighs with relief. We hold a beat on their looks and then we: FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. AIRFIELD - DAY A uniformed chauffeur, back to camera stands stiffly next to a long, stretched limousine. Devon is surrounded by the group of Third World leaders. A congenial, very up atmos- phere is evident as they shake hands, ad-lib good-byes, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - LIMOUSINE as the chauffeur, identity still not revealed, opens the door to the limo and the Third World leaders file in, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - CHAUFFEUR as he closes the door, turns to camera revealing it is Michael in the monkey suit. Devon crosses and joins him; gives Michael a list on a file card. DEVON Your itenerary.... MICHAEL What itenerary? I thought they were going home? DEVON Their meetings went so well, they've decided to stay. Do a little sight- seeing as a group to reinforce the feelings of comraderie in a lighter, less formal atmosphere. MICHAEL (glancing to list) Look, when I agreed to do this it was because we... (pauses; groans) Universal Studios Tour? Dodger Stadium? Grauman's Chinese? Sea World? The Wax Museum? DEVON (wistfully) I know. The days when peace treaties were signed on the decks of battleships, are gone forever. Michael eyes him; grins as they walk around the car to the driver's door, and we are: ON THE K-2000 as it pulls to a stop nearby, and we hear: K.I.T.T. Bonnie, why is Michael doing this? INSIDE THE K-2000 Bonnie is behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Didn't Devon say they caught that insider at the State Department who was working with the assassins? BONNIE Yeah, but there wasn't enough time to clear and train another driver. K.I.T.T. I'm concerned about Michael. BONNIE Not that other car nonsense again? K.I.T.T. Of course not. It's just that lately ...he seems to be developing this big car mentality. Bonnie laughs, and we: RESUME THE LIMOUSINE as Michael opens the driver's door; about to enter. Devon nods encouragingly. DEVON It could always be worse. MICHAEL True. At least I don't have to put up with Disneyland. DEVON (a take) Isn't that on there? Michael shakes no apprehensively. DEVON Oh, they've just got to go to Disneyland. Michael scowls good-naturedly. Devon grins. We hold a beat and then we: FADE OUT THE END