EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57312 R. A. Cinader November 8, 1982 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Hannah Shearer Rev. 11/15/82 (F.R.) Steven E. de Souza EN Rev. 11/19/82 (F.R.) Karen Harris 2nd Rev. 11/19/82 (F.R.) Rev. 11/23/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER FORGET ME NOT Story by Thomas Szollosi & Richard Christian Matheson Teleplay by Karen Harris & Deborah Davis Participating Writer Chris Lucky __________________________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MALIBU BEACH HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING K.I.T.T.'s parked in front. Push in and: DISSOLVE TO EXT. BEACH - DAY The water's edge. A head bobs to the surface -- a diver. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE DIVER furtively checking the coast before coming out of the water. ON TWO JOGGERS as they near. The diver goes back underwater, then resurfaces. ANGLE - WATER The worried diver, hand on spear gun leaves the surf and approaches the house. She removes her gear and looks up at: HER POINT OF VIEW - THE HOUSE Push in and: DISSOLVE TO INT. BEDROOM - ON MICHAEL standing in front of a full-length mirror, looking very dapper in an elegant three-piece suit. At the moment, he's struggling with the tie. ANGLE - HALLWAY - CLOSE ON FEET as they stealthily move to an open door, bare, still glistening from the ocean water, silent on the carpet. CLOSE - MARIE ELENA as she looks into the room. HER POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL yanks the tie apart and tries again. He glances up, sees her in the mirror, startled. MICHAEL What are you doing? NEW ANGLE as Marie Elena enters the room. MARIE ELENA I need a towel. MICHAEL Help yourself. She disappears into the bathroom for a moment. MICHAEL I told you not to go outside -- how am I supposed to protect you if you keep.... MARIE ELENA (reentering) I was underwater, Michael. No one could see me. She puts the towel around herself, as Michael gives up on the tie. MICHAEL (frustrated) Whatever happened to those neat little clip-on numbers I wore when I was a kid? Marie Elena crosses to him, taking matters into her own hands, quite literally, giving Michael a chance to study her face closely. He teases her a little. MICHAEL I'd say you've had some practice at this. MARIE ELENA Some. MICHAEL Recently? She ignores him. MICHAEL You don't have to be so secretive --- Still no answer. MICHAEL -- after all, we're living together. MARIE ELENA Working together. MICHAEL I was just trying to be friendly. She smiles matter-of-factly, humoring him. MARIE ELENA After you prevent my father's assassination, then I can tell you all about me...and you can tell me all about you, and we will have a lovely time. There. How's that? She stands back to admire her handiwork. Michael turns back to the mirror, critical. MICHAEL I feel silly. MARIE ELENA Well, you look very handsome. All the girls will love you madly. She takes a fresh carnation from a vase, snaps off the stem, and sniffs it. MICHAEL Jealous? MARIE ELENA (puts flower in his lapel) Of course not. Because at the end of the evening, you will come home to me. Right? She exits and he turns back to his reflection. MICHAEL (to himself) She's dangerous. OMITTED INT. LIVING ROOM A look around the place -- it's no shack. Nice furnishings, a wall of windows that open onto a deck overlooking the Pacific. Marie Elena moves through the living room and gazes out the window. A beat, then Michael appears. He watches a moment as she stares at the sea. Then he crosses to a table by the window, picking up a pair of binoculars. MARIE ELENA Isn't it a shame...Devon went to all the trouble to rent this place, and we can't even enjoy it. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW down the beach and set atop a bluff, an elegant home. There seems to be some activity. RESUME SCENE MICHAEL Looks like Rudy's guests are starting to arrive. He holds the binoculars out to her. MICHAEL Take a look? Marie Elena's face hardens. MARIE ELENA No, thank you. If there wasn't a chance I might be of some help, I wouldn't even be this close to that ...assassin. Any guest of that murdering son-of-.... She stops herself. MICHAEL Rudy del Fuego is a powerbroker not a murderer. MARIE ELENA Well, maybe he's not going to pull the trigger himself, but he's just as guilty. MICHAEL (disgust) Politics. MARIE ELENA This is more than just politics, Michael. The President of San Mirada is my father. MICHAEL I know. And I'll do everything I can to help you. He moves to the door as she picks up something from the table. MARIE ELENA Michael...They won't let you in without this. Sheepishly, Michael takes the invitation from her. MARIE ELENA How did Devon get his hands on an invitation, anyway? MICHAEL It's all a matter of knowing the wrong people. And he's gone. CUT TO EXT. COAST HIGHWAY - DAY - RUNBY Hot music in b.g. OMITTED EXT. RUDOLPHO'S HOUSE An assortment of expensive cars line the driveway. Good jazz can be heard piped in on an expensive sound system both inside and outside the house. K.I.T.T. is pulling up near the front door. A red-jacketed valet parking Attendant runs to open the car door. Michael opens the window. MICHAEL I'll park it myself, thanks. ATTENDANT (offended) Hey, it's okay -- I've driven one of these before. MICHAEL It's been acting kinda funny lately -- so if you'd just point out a good spot.... The Attendant knows the perfect spot, but instead he shrugs and points. ATTENDANT Whatever -- anywhere along there's fine. Michael follows his directions. As he pulls away, the Attendant turns to a rather large, out-of-place fellow, watching. His name's Ray -- and he's making sure no uninvited guests crash the party. ATTENDANT Some people'll do anything to save a buck. (beat) It's gonna cost him plenty. INT. RUDOLPHO'S HOUSE The party is in progress. The jazz is a touch louder, the guests mingling and wandering indoors and out. Angle adjusts to include the door as Michael enters. He's stopped briefly by Jerry -- Ray's partner -- and produces the invitation. Jerry nods and lets him pass through. Michael moves slowly through the room, studying it. NEW ANGLE - RUDY DEL FUEGO stopping to shake a hand here, kiss a cheek there. MARGO Rudy! RUDY I'm so glad you made it, Margo -- I thought you were out of town, Larry! You son-of-a-gun -- how long has it been? Did you see Tomas and Kiki, huh? They're over by the bar...they were asking about you.... Etc., etc. As he nears Michael, a short glance of non- recognition, which Michael avoids by turning to a tray- carrying waiter passing by with champagne glasses. He grabs two of them and heads purposefully away from Rudy, directly toward a lone young woman standing by the fireplace. Her name is Micki, and if she weren't so lovely, she might be thought a wallflower. ANGLE - MICHAEL AND MICKI as he reaches her, sticks one champagne glass in her hand, and kisses her on the cheek. MICHAEL There you are, my love.... She stares at him, speechless, as he glances back and sees Rudy once again occupied. MICHAEL Have a nice time --- And he leaves her standing there, placing his own glass, still full, on the passing tray of another waiter, and moving away. Micki shrugs helplessly and takes a long sip of the champagne. EXT. RUDOLPHO'S HOUSE - ON K.I.T.T. sitting nice as you please behind another car. Close behind him, on his tail, the Attendant parks a car. He gets out, checks the space between bumpers and, satisfied, moves away. EXT. GARDEN Michael wanders through -- waiters pass in and out of the kitchen. Lining the hall are small groups deep in conver- sation. He maneuvers his way through, passing two of the men. One of them is kibbitzing, the other quieter fellow reacts to the sniping quips, but remains silent. MALE GUEST #1 It's all over for him.... Michael hesitates, pauses to study a painting on the wall. MALE GUEST #1 (continuing) I mean, the kind of money he spends ...on three flops in a row. He won't direct another film for a long time. (shrugs) I always said the guy couldn't direct traffic. Disappointed, Michael moves on. A beautiful woman touches his arm. MARGO Hello darling -- how have you been? MICHAEL (charming) Hello -- fine. And you? MARGO It was Rio, wasn't it? Two years ago last spring? MICHAEL Rio? MARGO You must try Rudy's hot tub, darling. It'll bring back memories. MICHAEL (feigns disappointment) I'd love to...but I forgot my swim suit. She starts to laugh delightedly. MARGO Your swim suit...that's... (beat; realizing) You're serious -- We didn't meet in Rio, did we? He shakes his head. MARGO Forgive me. I didn't recognize you with your clothes on -- I mean -- never mind. Try the hot tub anyway. And she flits away. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Michael moves to a door, starts to open it when he feels a hand on his arm -- a big, rough hand. JERRY'S VOICE That's off limits, friend. Angle adjusts to include the bodyguard. Jerry smiles, but is firm. MICHAEL Someone said this was the bathroom. JERRY (shrugs) 'Someone' obviously made a mistake. Try down there --- He indicates a nearby door, three or four people outside. MICHAEL Sorry -- Hey! Rio...two years ago last spring, wasn't it? (beat) No -- I guess he just looked like you. He moves to the end of the line -- keeping an eye on Jerry, who's keeping an eye on him. Micki, the girl with the champagne glass, moves in behind him. She's a little tipsy. MICKI Do I have to take a number or something? He turns to her. She reacts. MICKI Oh, it's you -- thanks... (at his blank look) ...for the champagne. Remember? MICHAEL Of course -- my pleasure. MICKI Actually, I'd already decided I'd had more than enough -- but since you delivered it so nicely.... She giggles. Two people come out of the bathroom together ...two more go in. Micki looks at Michael, wide-eyed, and giggles again. MICKI I don't think I want to know --- He laughs. MICKI What's your name, anyway? MICHAEL Michael.... MICKI No kidding -- they ever call you Mickey? MICHAEL Never. MICKI Good -- it could get confusing. I mean, that's my name. Micki. With an 'i'. It's a dumb name, but it's the only one I got -- (a beat; frowns) -- I feel kinda funny. I think it was that last glass of champagne. MICHAEL I'm sorry. MICKI It's okay -- I'm a big girl. I think I'd better find a place to lie down. MICHAEL (concerned) Take it easy --- She nods, looking a little green around the gills, and wanders off. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - JERRY still guarding the door. Rudy moves out and confers with Jerry, then heads upstairs. Jerry moves away, back to the party. RESUME MICHAEL With Jerry no longer watch-dogging, Michael's free to move on...right to the now-empty room. INT. STUDY Michael slips inside, shutting the door behind him. He moves to the desk and goes through the drawers. A couple of them are locked, the ones that aren't are uninteresting. INT. MASTER SUITE It's a large room, the king-sized bed is covered with all manner of coats -- most of them furs. There's a partition and a sitting area -- couch, easy chair, fireplace, small liquor cabinet. ANGLE - SITTING AREA Rudy and his guest, David Burns, talk casually -- they might as well be discussing the Dow Jones averages -- as Rudy fixes a couple of drinks. RUDY You trust this man...this Frenchman? BURNS He's the best -- purely business. No political or personal axes to grind. RUDY Not like us, eh David? BURNS (shrugs) That's your business. All I care about is protecting my investments. RUDY You seem to be doing all right. BURNS It's all on credit. Nearly everything I have went into San Mirada's emerald mines -- on your assurances that your friends would remain in power there. (beat) We both have a great deal to lose, my friend. CUT TO INT. STUDY - MICHAEL taking photos with a cigarette lighter camera. INSERT - APPOINTMENT BOOK He flips the pages, copying Rudy's schedule...a set of initials here, a flight number there, the name of a restaurant, etc. RESUME MICHAEL He closes the appointment book and, slipping his notes into his pocket, crosses quickly to the door. INT. HALLWAY as Michael closes the door behind him, checks around, then casually blends back into the partygoers. INT. MASTER SUITE - BURNS AND RUDY moving toward the door. RUDY We'll go down now and enjoy the party -- There's a young lady I want you to meet.... He glances down, stopping, his face hardening. ANGLE - BED Micki's high-heeled foot protrudes from under the sable. Rudy reaches down and pulls the coat back. Micki's eyes fly open -- she smiles shakily. MICKI Hi -- I must've fallen asleep. (sits up) It's very comfortable -- a little warm maybe.... They're not buying it and her smile disappears as we: DISSOLVE TO INT. DOWNSTAIRS Michael tries an hors d'oeuvre, grimaces and puts it back. He glances up to see: POINT OF VIEW - STAIRS Ray is carrying something down the stairs. Jerry and Rudy, in conference, block the view as Ray disappears out the door. Jerry stops to pick up a fallen object -- a woman's shoe. Then he follows Ray out. RESUME MICHAEL worried. POINT OF VIEW - RUDY turns, puts on a smile, and moves back to the party. RESUME MICHAEL MICHAEL (into watch) Kitt -- go into surveillance mode, and meet me at the door! EXT. HOUSE K.I.T.T.'s engine starts and the surveillance lights go into action. INSERT - DASHBOARD - STOCK as the gears shift from "Park" to "Drive." ANGLE - K.I.T.T.'S BUMPER as it connects lightly with the rear bumper of the car in front of him -- and keeps going! INSERT - SERIES OF SHOTS as each car's bumper connects with the one in front of it, each with more force than the one before. EXT. HOUSE - MICHAEL exits, looks for K.I.T.T. EXT. HOUSE - K.I.T.T. has managed to push enough cars forward to clear a space for himself. He reverses, then pulls around the car beside him. He reverses up the driveway toward the house. ANGLE ON ATTENDANT watching, astonished, as the car speeds past him, driverless. He looks around him, self-consciously, trying to maintain composure. ATTENDANT Hey...What's going on... (a beat) I mean, am I on television, or what? ANGLE - MICHAEL as K.I.T.T. reaches him. INT. K.I.T.T. as he takes off. K.I.T.T. I would've been here sooner, but you didn't tip the valet. MICHAEL A car just left here -- two guys. K.I.T.T. And a female in the backseat. Apparently unconscious. They turned right at the end of the driveway. (disdainful) A grey Seville. INSERT Michael punches up K.I.T.T.'s tracking screen. The figure representing the Seville has a decent lead on them. EXT. K.I.T.T. turning onto the highway. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Shall we overtake them? MICHAEL'S VOICE Not yet -- I want to see where they're headed. INT. SEVILLE - MICKI - HANDHELD unconscious on the backseat. Camera adjusts to Jerry (sitting shotgun) as he glances back at the girl. VARIOUS SHOTS The Seville speeding down the highway, K.I.T.T. a safe distance behind. INT. SEVILLE - MICKI leaning against the right-hand door. Her eyes flutter open and adjust to her surroundings. As it all comes back to her, she shuts them again, taking a shaky breath. RAY'S VOICE Any ideas what to do with her? JERRY'S VOICE Let's keep it simple -- there's a whole ocean out there. Might as well use it. Micki reaches for the door handle, but Ray sees her and reaches into the back. Micki fights, grabbing his arm. The car swerves. Jerry takes over, trying to subdue her, but she bites and kicks and screams. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael sees the Seville swerve. MICHAEL Hey, what's going on? K.I.T.T. I would guess the female is now conscious. MICHAEL Let's go. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. passes and pulls ahead of them. THE SEVILLE tries to go around Michael, but he weaves back and forth, preventing it. K.I.T.T. turns sideways, doing a brodie, and blocking the Seville's progress. The Seville tries to brake, skidding. INT. SEVILLE - ON RAY AND JERRY RAY Who's that guy, anyway? JERRY Who cares -- we're gone! ANGLE - MICKI her hand on the door handle. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW As the Seville hugs the shoulder of the road, the door opens and a furry object rolls out, over the edge of the bluff, and disappears. MICHAEL Kitt! The Seville does a 180o and heads back down the highway. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid that was your unconscious female. Michael jumps out of the car as we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. CLIFF - DAY Michael ties a rope around himself. The other end is anchored to the front of K.I.T.T., who has his scanner flashing. He glances over the edge of the cliff. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - OVER THE EDGE Micki's fur-encased frame lies on the sand below. BACK TO SCENE as Michael, worried, starts down the cliff. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL repelling down the cliff. OMITTED ON MICHAEL as he reaches Micki and gently turns her over. ANGLE ON MICKI There is a trickle of blood coming from her right temple. She's unconscious. NEW ANGLE MICHAEL (relieved) Good thing you had one too many. (into watch) Kitt. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Yes, Michael. Michael ties the rope around Micki and checks the tension. MICHAEL (into watch) Go ahead and bring us up. Michael and Micki begin to ascend. He places his body cliffside to protect her. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. the steady whine of his electronic winch pulls in the rope. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL AND MICKI as they climb. They are almost at the top when they stop. Michael struggles for footing. He can't find it. MICHAEL Kitt!! INSERT - ON K.I.T.T. Steam coming from the winch. K.I.T.T. Michael, the pulley is overheated -- I'm cooling it now. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND MICKI as Michael grabs hold of a rock and pulls them to safety. K.I.T.T. (v.o.) It's ready now. MICHAEL (exhausted) Terrific! CUT TO INT. BEACH HOUSE - NIGHT Devon, Marie Elena, and Michael are in the living room. DEVON Temporary memory loss?! You mean she's got amnesia? MICHAEL Not exactly. The doctor said some- times a trauma can cause kind of a psychological block. It's possible she could remember certain things.... DEVON I don't want her getting in the way of your work. MICHAEL All I know is those two guys from the party weren't exactly taking her for a joyride. MARIE ELENA Yes, but what if she's a spy? What makes you think she isn't secretly working for Rudy? She begins pacing nervously. MICHAEL Probably the fact that he tried to have her killed. (to Devon) What I'd like to find out is why. MARIE ELENA I don't like this. We're playing right into the hands of that jackal. MICHAEL Trust doesn't come easy for you, does it. MARIE ELENA There is no time left for trust. She gives him a harsh gaze. CUT TO INT. RUDOLPHO'S BEACH HOUSE - THE STUDY - NIGHT Rudy and Burns are in a discussion. Jerry and Ray flank Burns. BURNS But you didn't check to see if she was dead? JERRY She went over...I saw it. When that car got in the way, I figured the best thing to do was get outta there fast. RUDY The best thing is to finish the job. This wouldn't have happened in my country.... BURNS (interrupts) In your country, Rudy, they shoot first and ask questions later. (to Jerry and Ray) I want you to check the beach for tire tracks, anything. And watch her house -- if she's dead, bury her. If she's alive, I want to know who she talked to and what she said. JERRY Yes, sir. RUDY What about this man in the car -- this Knight? He may be her boy- friend. Jerry and Ray look at Burns. He nods. BURNS Find out. The boys exit. RUDY Should we tell the Frenchman about the girl? BURNS (laughs) You don't notify professionals of his sort...you simply hire and pay them. RUDY (more secure) In that case, I once again put my trust in you, David Burns. Rudy pours two shots of Chartreuse liqueur. BURNS Isn't it a little early for that? RUDY Too early -- to celebrate success and friendship? (indicates glass) Lovely color, isn't it. The color of money. BURNS (toasting) Yes, and emeralds. DISSOLVE TO INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT A handsome man is reaching into his coat pocket. He removes a leather wallet as a bellman closes the drapes and turns down the bed. FRENCHMAN Tres bien. That will be all. Merci. He hands him the tip, and the bellman leaves. The Frenchman opens his suitcase, removes some clothes and then the false bottom of the case. ANGLE ON DISASSEMBLED GUN as the Frenchman removes it. His hands are beautiful, strong and steady as he assembles the gun. CUT TO EXT. BEACH - NIGHT The same cliff area where the accident occurred. Jerry and Ray, with a high-powered flashlight, shining it along the rocks below. JERRY This is useless. We can't even get down there. RAY So what do we do? JERRY We come back in the daylight with a boat. And they head to their car. DISSOLVE TO EXT. EQUESTRIAN SHOWGROUNDS The Frenchman wanders through a group of horse trailers... finds the correct one, unlocks the back, climbs in and hides his case behind blankets and saddles. INT. BEACH HOUSE - DAY Just inside the sliding door, Marie Elena has set up her own little "beach." A chaise lounge, suntan lotion, a transistor radio at her side. She is stretched out on a towel in a bathing suit, trying to absorb whatever rays she can. Michael enters from upstairs, but doesn't announce his presence until he's had a chance to look "things" over. She looks up, sensing his presence. MARIE ELENA Is this safe enough? Michael moves to the binoculars. MICHAEL Perfect. (beat) I'm sorry, but if we can see Rudy through these, there's a chance he could see you. Marie Elena moves to him, looks through the glasses. Michael sniffs appreciatively. MARIE ELENA Coconut oil...make you feel like having a pina colada? MICHAEL Or something.... Micki appears in the doorway, wearing Michael's oversized dress shirt, looking very vulnerable and sexy. She's groggy, but aware enough to be worried. MICKI Excuse me, but where am I? Michael rushes to her side and has her sit down. Marie Elena follows him...more cautiously, putting on a beach cover-up. MICHAEL (gently) Good morning, Micki. I'm Michael, remember? MICKI (confused) Micki? Who's Micki? There is a beat as Michael and Marie Elena look at each other. MICKI Hey, what's going on here? MICHAEL There was an accident yesterday. You have...a temporary memory loss. MICKI Then it wasn't a dream. Do I know you? MICHAEL Michael Knight. We met yesterday at a party. MICKI Look, I don't meet guys at parties and go home with them... (beat) ...I don't think. Micki becomes more upset. She stands, looks outside, looks in a mirror at herself. MICHAEL Do you remember anything at all? MICKI Not really -- nothing that make sense. (beat) There was the ocean...and a man. No -- two men. And I felt like I was falling... (beat) I don't understand. MARIE ELENA We think they wanted to kill you. The two men. MICHAEL (quickly) But you're safe here...very safe. I'm the one who found you. MICKI Why would anyone want to kill me? MICHAEL We were hoping you'd tell us. They all sit looking at her...a light seems to go on in Micki's eyes. MICHAEL Did you think of something? MICKI Well, kind of...I'm hungry. Marie Elena shows her disappointment, as Michael tried to cheer her up. MICHAEL Sure -- I'll order in whatever you want. Burgers, fries, malts. You like burritos? MICKI (looks sick) It's not fair. MICHAEL What's that? MICKI How come I know I hate burritos and I don't know my last name? MICHAEL Does Rudolpho del Fuego ring a bell? Or San Mirada? MICKI If those are restaurants, I just told you I don't like Mexican food. Michael shakes his head. Tears well up in Micki's eyes. Marie Elena takes pity on her. MARIE ELENA Don't worry, we'll help you remember ...Did you take a purse to the party? MICKI Sure, I mean, I must've...don't you think? Maybe I dropped it. MICHAEL I'll go look on the beach. (to Marie Elena) If either of you need me -- you have the comlink. Micki stops Michael as he's leaving. MICKI Michael, thank you. Both of you. MICHAEL No problem. You're a nice lady. MICKI (thoughtful) Am I? (beat) Somebody doesn't think so. Michael and Marie Elena exchange a look and he leaves. DISSOLVE TO OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael drives. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S HOOD shiny and sleek, reflecting the bright sun. EXT. HIGHWAY - K.I.T.T. - DAY - DRIVEBY Some hot music on the radio. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael, there were a substantial number of vehicles at the party last night. Doing a comparative analysis of license plates can be very involved ...sometimes as far back as the factory where the car was made. MICHAEL Kind of like a family tree. K.I.T.T. I hate to break this to you, but automobiles are not human...they have no lineage or personality. MICHAEL I don't know why I keep forgetting that. K.I.T.T. You've probably begun to form a psychological attachment to me. That would be a logical human response. MICHAEL No, I think it was the '56 Chevy I had when I was in high school. I loved that car. K.I.T.T. Really. Michael smiles at K.I.T.T.'s reaction. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. - DAY as the Trans Am parks at the cliff. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael presses a couple of buttons. MICHAEL Kitt -- go into surveillance mode. Michael starts to get out of the car. K.I.T.T. Michael. MICHAEL Yes, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Could your 1956 Chevrolet go into surveillance mode? Michael smiles broadly. MICHAEL No, but we sure had some great times cruising hamburger joints. Michael gets out of the car quickly. For once he has the last word. EXT. CLIFF - DAY Michael makes his way down the cliff again, all the while looking for the purse. ANGLE ON THE SHORE - JERRY AND RAY pulling a Zodiac onto the sand. They turn and see Michael. OMITTED BACK TO MICHAEL The sound of the waves breaking mutes the arrival of the boat. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Surveillance lights flashing. BACK TO MICHAEL as he sees something. He detaches himself from the rope -- the rest of the climb down is easy. He reaches between some rocks and comes up with an evening bag. His watch beeps. MICHAEL Yes, Kitt. K.I.T.T. My sensors show that you have two visitors. Michael looks up and sees Jerry standing above him on the rocks. MICHAEL Nice day for the beach. WIDER to see Ray to the side of him. RAY (closing in) You always carry a purse when you go to the beach? MICHAEL Yeah, it keeps my suntan lotion from melting. Michael backs toward the rocks, stopping at the sound of a gun being cocked. JERRY Hold it. Michael turns to face the gun...he stops, looks at the purse. MICHAEL Sometimes it attracts the wrong type of people. (into watch) Kitt. EXT. CLIFF - DAY K.I.T.T.'s engine roars into action. INSERT - INT. K.I.T.T. His dashboard flashes from "Park" to "Drive" -- "4-Wheel." EXT. K.I.T.T. - DRIVERLESS as he moves out along the edge of the cliff. EXT. BEACH - JERRY, RAY AND MICHAEL JERRY Just give us the purse. EXT. CLIFF K.I.T.T. backs up. INSERT - DASHBOARD activates Turbo-Thrusters. RESUME K.I.T.T. He charges forward -- toward the cliff's edge! FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. BEACH - DAY - MICHAEL, RAY AND JERRY Ray steps forward, taking the purse. MICHAEL I didn't realize -- I mean, it doesn't go with your outfit or anything. RAY It's my mother's.... Suddenly there's a crunch. Ray and Jerry turn as K.I.T.T. lands on the sand and heads toward them. ANGLE - MICHAEL He leaps onto Jerry's back, knocking the gun from his hand. Jerry reaches for it, but Michael manages to knock it away. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. spins around, spraying sand into Ray's face. He sputters and takes off blindly toward the shore. ANGLE - JERRY AND MICHAEL tussle in the sand, each getting in their share of punches. One knocks Michael down long enough for Jerry to take off after his partner. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. pulls up by Michael, who climbs in. They pursue Jerry along the shoreline, by passing him in favor of Ray. CLOSE ON RAY Cut off from the boat, he dodges the car, rolls in the sand, and drops the purse. JERRY in the Zodiac, starting the engine, and pulling away from shore. JERRY Ray! Move it -- let's get outta here. RAY splashes into the tide as his partner pulls him onto the boat. INSERT - PURSE lying in the sand. INT. K.I.T.T. as they follow the Zodiac along the shore. EXT. BEACH - WIDE ANGLE - K.I.T.T. driving down a road that parallels the beach. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. slides to a stop where the road ends. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid this is as far as we go, Michael. MICHAEL That's okay -- let's go back and get what we came here for. (beat) And don't worry, pal. I'll speak to Bonnie about adding pontoons. CUT TO INT. BEACH HOUSE - CLOSE ON TABLE The contents of the purse are scattered on the desk. A key, mirror, lipstick, tissues. MICKI'S VOICE It doesn't make sense --- Widen to reveal Michael seated at the table with her. MICKI Nobody goes out without a driver's license...some kind of ID. (beat) What good is a key if I don't know where it fits. She turns the key over and over in her hand, misting up again. MICKI (quietly) I'm sorry -- it's just that I feel so helpless. You're all I've got. She stands and turns away, once again fighting the tears. She catches a glimpse of her reflection in a mirror. Her own face looking back at herself blankly. MICKI You know what's the scariest thing of all? (turns to him) The more time goes by, the more scared I get that I'm never going to remember.... Michael moves to her, takes her hands in his. MICHAEL I promise we'll find out who you are -- Someone's bound to report your disappearance. MICKI What if they don't --- MICHAEL Then they don't know what they're missing. She attempts a smile. MICKI You'd better get ready.... She turns back to her reflection, as Michael moves away. Move in on Micki, looking...wondering. INT. BEACH HOUSE HALLWAY As Michael moves toward his room, the door to a bathroom swings open and Marie Elena steps out, wrapped in a towel. They startle each other. MICHAEL Excuse me.... MARIE ELENA (shrugs; carefully) No problem. Actually, I wanted a word with you in private, if you don't mind. MICHAEL (smiles) Why would I mind? He opens the door to his room. INT. MICHAEL'S BEDROOM as he follows Marie Elena in. She broaches the subject a little awkwardly. MARIE ELENA I'm getting worried, Michael. MICHAEL Join the club. MARIE ELENA I'm serious. My father arrives in one hour, and we're no closer to finding his...murderer. MICHAEL We don't have a whole lot to work with, Marie Elena. MARIE ELENA It's this thing with Micki -- I mean, she's a very nice person, I know. But so much time spent.... MICHAEL Micki's memory could be the clue. MARIE ELENA What if it's not? If you spend all your time on her, it might be too late to help my father -- (beat; takes his hand) I'm sorry. But you're our only hope right now. We need you...I need you. The doorbell rings. Michael is saved by the bell. MICHAEL Round three. INT. HOUSE - ON FRONT DOOR as Michael opens it. Bonnie stands, grinning, Devon at her side. Michael sighs, frustrated. MICHAEL Hey, the more the merrier. BONNIE It's nice to see you, too, Michael. She breezes past him, checking out the room. BONNIE Terrific place, Michael. How many bedrooms? MICHAEL Too many. DEVON (concerned) You look upset. BONNIE (hears) Upset? With two beautiful women and a Malibu beach house --- MICHAEL Exactly. So where did I go wrong? CUT TO ANGLE - TABLE Three pictures laid out. DEVON'S VOICE Out of the seven possible assassins; my sources show movement in three areas. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL, DEVON, BONNIE AND MICKI MICHAEL (to Micki) Recognize any of them? Micki shakes her head, disappointed, then brightens a bit. MICKI But this one kinda looks like Al Pacino, don't you think? (at their look) Sorry. She moves off, back to the purse. DEVON (to Michael) This is Carlos -- somehow I don't think they'd hire him for a Latin-American hit. The Frenchman is a definite possibility. Romeo and Juliet.... MICHAEL There's only one picture...are they a team? DEVON 'They' are the same person. No one knows whether the actual assassin is a man or woman. MICKI The Frenchman? They turn to her. MICKI There was something about a Frenchman. MICHAEL Are you sure? MICKI (excited) Yes. These two guys were talking about a Frenchman. DEVON What exactly did they say? Micki looks at him blankly. That's all she knows. She looks back at the key in her hand. MICHAEL That's good, Micki. Really. It saves a lot of work. We just have to find the Frenchman's aliases. Marie Elena enters the room, dressed and ready to go. They ad-lib greetings, except Micki, who's thinking hard. Suddenly: MICKI (screams) Joe Palmer! (at their looks) I remembered. I'm engaged to him. BONNIE You're engaged to the Frenchman? MICKI No -- Joe Palmer's my fiancee... (concentrating; then) We have to find Joe. He'll know who I am. Before anyone can respond, K.I.T.T. buzzes Michael on the comlink. MICHAEL (into watch) What is it Kitt? EXT. TRANS AM Its scanner is flashing. K.I.T.T. I'm beginning to detect some activity at Rudy del Fuego's house. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Be right there, buddy. MICKI What about me? MICHAEL Bonnie will show you how to use the comlink. And he's gone. Marie Elena looks at Micki. MARIE ELENA (gently) I'm sorry, Micki. Please try to understand -- this is so important. Micki stands, finally angry. MICKI I understand! Okay?! I understand that you have a father -- and a home -- and you know someone loves you! I understand perfectly! OMITTED CUT TO EXT. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - DAY Michael and K.I.T.T. travel down the highway. INT. CAR K.I.T.T. Michael, what is the purpose of this maneuver? MICHAEL Instinct. K.I.T.T. You know I can't compute instinct. Is there anything I can do? MICHAEL (smiles) Promise to cruise a hamburger joint with me someday. K.I.T.T. If we must. CUT TO EXT. RUDOLPHO'S HOUSE - DAY Burns pulls up and gets out of his car, looks at the taxi in front. He starts to the house, passing a cab driver carrying a suitcase. Burns rushes forward. NEW ANGLE As Rudy comes out of the door, briefcase in hand. RUDY (composed) What luck, David. Another few minutes and we would have missed each other. DAVID (angry) Where the hell do you think you're going? You're supposed to make the drop. RUDY You'll have to do it for me. I have a plane to catch -- it's important that I'm in San Mirada when the news of the assassination comes...you understand.... Burns is thrown by this change of attitude. DAVID What about the girl? RUDY Calm down, my friend. If she told anyone, we'd know it by now. After all, she knew where I lived -- Besides, you said your Frenchman was the best. I trust your judgment. By the way, how is he? DAVID I...don't know where he's staying. We agreed no contact in the final forty-eight hours. I won't even see him when I drop off the money. The cab horn honks insistently. RUDY That's very clever -- (pats his shoulder) -- so, David. Next time we meet, things will be...as we planned. He moves to the door. Burns roughly grabs his arm. Rudy looks at it disdainfully. BURNS Rudy, I can't allow this.... RUDY Funny thing about power, David. It has a subtle way of shifting. (removes his grip) You need me now. (shrugs) The ball is in motion -- and it's out of our hands. And he exits, leaving Burns behind, staring. DISSOLVE TO OMITTED EXT. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - BURN'S CAR - DRIVEBY travelling down the highway. OMITTED EXT. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - K.I.T.T. travelling. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE They're now three-quarters of a mile up and turning left. MICHAEL'S VOICE Great -- as long as they don't know where we are. What about the taxicab? INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. The driver informed his dispatcher that he was headed for the airport -- International Terminal. MICHAEL Devon should be picking up Marie Elena's father by now. Notify him and ask him to have Customs detain Rudy. K.I.T.T. Good thinking, Michael. Customs can be dreadful -- Some of my parts were imported from.... MICHAEL (interrupts) Later, Kitt. INT. BEACH HOUSE Micki is on the phone, three or four different white pages opened up in front of her. The TV is on in the b.g. MICKI (into phone; hopeful) Hi, Joe? This is Micki.... ANGLE - FEATURING TELEVISION Micki ignores it. A soap opera with a woman talking on the phone -- it is Micki. A reflection of a real woman pre- tending to be someone else when she doesn't even know who she is. MICKI Y'know...Micki. (beat) You don't know... (beat) ...This is Joe Palmer, isn't it? (dejected) Oh -- I'm sorry if I bothered you. Have a nice day. She hangs up, crosses the name out of the book. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY - DIPSY DUMPSTER Jerry, a quick look around, and he sets the pouch into the dumpster, gets in the car and drives away. NEW ANGLE - K.I.T.T. well-concealed. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael watching. MICHAEL Take it easy, pal...I think we've just hit the jackpot. K.I.T.T. Well, while we wait for the pay-off, I've had some results on the Frenchman's aliases. INSERT - SCREEN A list of names appears...mostly French, but a couple of Spanish and Italian. K.I.T.T. There are twelve that we know of. I still haven't determined which is his real name. MICHAEL That's okay -- he probably doesn't remember himself. (studies the list) That's great, Kitt. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Merci, beaucoup. MICHAEL'S VOICE How many languages do you speak now? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Should I count the archaic tongues? INT. BEACH HOUSE - DAY Micki on the phone, becoming more overwrought and anxious. The soap opera is still b.g. MICKI (into phone) ...no, officer. I don't want to report a missing person -- I want to know if someone else did. (beat) I know where she is -- look, all I want to know is if someone reported a missing Micki! (beat) This is not a joke! It's not even a little bit funny... (beat) Never mind.... She hangs up and, finally, begins to cry. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY The Frenchman's car is parked around the corner, away from where a bum is sifting through a garbage dumpster. INT. TRANS AM Michael is looking at the bum, squinting his eyes, trying to get a closer look. MICHAEL Kitt, do you see what I see? INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR K.I.T.T. If you're referring to that derelict seventy meters in front of us, yes. MICHAEL (v.o.) Let's go in for a closer look. K.I.T.T. Michael, why should that common bum be of any concern to us? ANGLE - BUM Tighten on bum until we're very close on his hands, then: CUT TO INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S VIDEO MONITOR and we see that the bum is wearing a slim, expensive gold watch. ANGLE - MICHAEL MICHAEL Because your average 'common bum' doesn't wear a Swiss watch. ANGLE - BUM as he removes a parcel from the dumpster, he turns and faces the camera and we see that indeed the bum is the Frenchman. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he watches the bum move off. K.I.T.T. Shall we, as you say, 'take him'? MICHAEL Let's just follow him. I don't want to blow it until we're sure. And they pull out, a safe distance behind. CUT TO INT. BEACH HOUSE - DAY - MICKI pacing back and forth. CLOSER - MICKI She tries to sit down, to calm herself. INSERT - HER HAND It holds the key from the purse, feeling it, turning it over, waiting for it to tell her something. VOICE (o.s.) (filtered) ...and next week, I'm going to be Mrs. Joe Palmer.... CLOSE ON MICKI Her head snaps up. ANGLE - TELEVISION The soap opera. Two women arguing -- Micki recognizes herself. CLOSE - MICKI MICKI (softly) That's me.... Frozen to her chair for a moment. QUICK INTERCUTS with the television. The two actresses continue their bitter scene. ACTRESS (on TV) I hope he makes you as miserable as he made me. MICKI (on TV) Joe loves me...and I love him...he's a different man with me...in every way. MICKI (watching) I'm an actress! Of course! ACTRESS (on TV) You wouldn't know what to do with a real man! Micki, the Actress, gasps, and slaps the woman's face. CLOSE ON MICKI watching, reacts startled, then relieved. MICKI A pretty good actress.... She jumps up, excited, and exits. A beat, she runs back in and finds the comlink, knocking things onto the floor in the process. She pushes the button. MICKI (pacing) Come on, Michael. (a beat) Forget it. I'll take care of myself! And she exits. EXT. BARBARY HOTEL - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up and Michael rushes into the hotel. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - DAY Michael goes to the desk...it's unattended. He checks the registry. INSERT - REGISTRY Michael's finger follows the names...stops on "Philipe Gerard...room 411." RESUME SCENE Michael hits the desk bell and after a beat, a sour-faced clerk appears. Michael gives him a sheepish smile. MICHAEL Sorry to bother you...locked my keys in my room...always happens when I'm in a hurry...It's 411. The clerk gives him a quick once-over, then gets the key. MICHAEL Thanks. Michael takes the key and moves off. INT. HOTEL HALLWAY - DAY Michael steps from the elevator and strides down the hall. He finds 411, checks to see if anyone's watching and puts the key in the door. INT. HOTEL ROOM The Frenchman is preparing for his task when he hears the door knob being turned. He reacts with a start. ANGLE - DOOR It opens slightly but is still fastened by the chain latch. ANGLE - MICHAEL He sees a figure move in the room, but he can't get in. He begins shaking the door, trying to break the lock. ANGLE - THE FRENCHMAN moves onto the patio. OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL as he breaks into the hotel room, runs to the window and looks out. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW Looking down, he sees no sign of the Frenchman. ANGLE - MICHAEL on his look of disappointment: OMITTED FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. BARBARY HOTEL - DAY Michael returns to K.I.T.T. and gets in. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY A steady beep appears on K.I.T.T.'s screen. MICHAEL (dejected) Lost him. K.I.T.T. And he is one of the world's best. MICHAEL (indicates screen) What's that? K.I.T.T. The comlink...Micki depressed the switch. MICHAEL Patch me through. K.I.T.T. She is already gone...but I have a message for you. INSERT - MICHAEL punches in a code. We hear the whine of a tape rewinding. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Okay. Let's hear it. The tape clicks in. Micki's voice, filled with joy and excitement. MICKI (v.o.) Michael -- It's me...Micki Bradburn. See I remembered everything. I'm going home.... Click. MICHAEL Kitt --- K.I.T.T. I've anticipated your next request Michael. There's a Micki-with-an- 'I' Bradburn living in Santa Monica. MICHAEL Let's go. EXT. BARBARY HOTEL - DAY as the Trans Am speeds out of the driveway. WIDE - SANTA MONICA - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK Push and: DISSOLVE TO EXT. DOOR STOOP Micki moves to a door, stops and stares. Her hands shake as she tries to get the key in the lock. A deep breath, a silent prayer, and she turns the key. It unlocks. INT. APARTMENT as the door swings slowly open and Micki stands there, staring in. She wraps her arms around herself and moves in slowly, as though afraid it will all vanish into smoke. CLOSE ON MICKI laughing and crying at once. MICKI (softly) Welcome home.... Her voice is cut off as a hand claps over her mouth, muffling her scream. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DRIVE BY - STOCK hurrying to Santa Monica. INT. MICKI'S APARTMENT - DAY Ray has forced Micki to sit in a chair while he makes a phone call. RAY (into phone) Sure, I can keep her here until the action dies down...then we can tie up the loose ends. Micki reacts. Ray hangs up the phone. MICKI Look, I don't remember anything. I got amnesia when I fell off the cliff...see. (shows the bump on her head) Really, don't hurt me. RAY Amnesia? You been watching too many soap operas. Micki smiles weakly at the irony. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. EQUESTRIAN SHOWGROUNDS - DAY A limousine pulls up. Casafranca, Marie Elena and Devon get out. They are heavily guarded as they walk to their box seats. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY as K.I.T.T. rounds a corner...fast. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael finds a parking spot. K.I.T.T. This is as close as I can get you. I suggest you take it from here. MICHAEL Sometimes I wonder if you're my wheels or I'm your feet. K.I.T.T. A rhetorical question that neither of us will ever figure out. MICHAEL That's comforting. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE SEVILLE BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL I hope I'm not too late. CUT TO INT. MICKI'S APARTMENT - DAY Micki sits quietly waiting, watched by Ray. MICKI'S POINT OF VIEW - THROUGH WINDOW She sees Michael's face...over Ray's shoulder. RESUME SCENE as Micki almost gives him away, but catches herself...the actress in her takes over. MICKI Have we met? I mean, I'm sure I'd remember except for this little problem with my memory. Can I get you something to drink? Ray doesn't answer -- He looks at her oddly. Michael slowly works the window up. A slight creak, which Micki covers with a coughing attack. RAY You're the one who needs a drink. ANGLE - MICHAEL climbs through the window then moves quickly, tackling Ray, who falls into Micki...knocking her over. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE MEN grappling on the floor. ANGLE - MICKI scared...backs away and watches as: ANOTHER ANGLE - THE FIGHT Michael finishes Ray off with a straight right to the chin. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he helps Micki to her feet...she's okay, just shaken up. She clings to him.... MICKI We'd better get outta here. He's called for reinforcements. CUT TO EXT. EQUESTRIAN GROUNDS - DAY We move in on Devon and Marie Elena. She has her arm linked with that of another man. Striking, in a conserva- tive suit. This is Eduardo Casafranca, her father. There are others -- security, aides and advisors from both countries, all dressed like the CIA, surrounding their box seats. DEVON (to the President) I understand this is your favorite sport, sir. CASAFRANCA Actually, Marie Elena's mother always loved horses. I feel it's important for my country to be represented in such international events. It will make my people very proud and happy. MARIE ELENA (final plea) Well, it would make me very happy if you would turn around right now and get back on the plane. Casafranca shares a look with Devon -- "Women!" CASAFRANCA And what would I say when I got to San Mirada, daughter? (a sigh) No -- to become a coward is as hateful as becoming a dictator. Yes? MARIE ELENA I wish you didn't make so much sense. (beat) Father? CASAFRANCA Yes, dear? MARIE ELENA I'm very proud of you. CASAFRANCA I'm a stubborn old man. MARIE ELENA You're my president. Casafranca touches his daughter's face. CASAFRANCA Is this a pep talk before my speech? MARIE ELENA (slyly) Maybe. CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY Michael and Micki are driving in the Trans Am. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Do you remember anything else? MICKI I'm starting to remember the party. MICHAEL Good. MICKI You were so sweet when you gave me that glass of champagne. (beat) And so handsome...I mean, it's not like you're not handsome now, but I guess a woman just feels more secure about noticing those kind of things when she knows who she is. Michael gives her a look. MICHAEL Did you remember why those guys tried to kill you? MICKI No...well, sort of. (searching) It must've had something to do with what I heard about that French guy. MICHAEL What else did you hear? MICKI Something to do with people watching. (beat) A pedestrian show? MICHAEL The Equestrian show? Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? Micki reacts, checks the backseat. MICHAEL The Equestrian grounds? K.I.T.T. According to my calculations, they're twenty miles from here, mostly city streets. Micki scrunches down in her seat a little, suspiciously looking at Michael. MICHAEL Go for it! MICKI (small) Excuse me, who are you talking to? Michael does a 180 and accelerates. EXT. EQUESTRIAN SHOWGROUNDS - FAR END OF FIELD - DAY The show is in progress. The Frenchman drives up next to his horse trailer. He gets out, moves into the trailer and opens his case. ANGLE - OTHER SIDE OF FIELD where Devon, Casafranca and Marie Elena sit in box seats, oblivious -- having a great time. BACK TO K.I.T.T. - STOCK speeding down a city street. MICHAEL'S VOICE Did you reach Devon yet? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE There's a great deal of activity on the communication system there -- I'm working on it. MICKI'S VOICE (nervous) Michael, I don't understand. OMITTED RESUME - THE FRENCHMAN taking out the pieces of the gun. He checks the view. BACK TO CASAFRANCA enjoying himself. Marie Elena exchanges worried looks with Devon. K.I.T.T. - STOCK careening around a corner and speeding past a sign. INSERT - SIGN which reads: INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIAN GROUNDS CLOSE - THE FRENCHMAN settling. CLOSE - THE PRESIDENT smiling, oblivious. WIDE - K.I.T.T. drives directly onto the field. QUICK INTERCUTS - THE FRENCHMAN AND K.I.T.T. aiming -- drive -- a race to the finish. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as he bursts onto the field. ON CASAFRANCA as he and his security react to the commotion...pandemonium. They circle him. ON THE FRENCHMAN makes a decision...takes one shot and runs. ON K.I.T.T. moving across the field -- the bullet pings off his windshield. OMITTED INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN as it shows the trajectory of the bullet. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The gunshot came from the twenty- seventh quadrant on my screen. RESUME SCENE as K.I.T.T. heads in the direction of the Frenchman. ANGLE ON THE FRENCHMAN as he runs to his car...too late, K.I.T.T. cuts him off. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE FRENCHMAN makes a running jump onto the back of the riderless horse...They take off across the field. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY after the Frenchman. MICKI Michael, please be careful. MICHAEL Don't worry, you're completely safe in this car. MICKI I meant the horses...don't scare the horses. Her own eyes are wide with fright. WIDER as the Frenchman jumps a fence, a beat, then K.I.T.T. jumps the same fence. BACK TO THE FRENCHMAN dead ahead -- security vehicles, surrounded by security officers. He turns the horse around...heading back across the field. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. doing a 180 and following. THE HORSE jumps the fence again. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he shrugs...enough already. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. going through the fence. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE FRENCHMAN taking his horse through the water hazard. ON K.I.T.T. right behind him, also going through the water hazard. ANGLE ON THE FRENCHMAN looking behind him, trying to get away. He rides down a dirt path leading to: ANGLE - THE TUNNEL The horse gallops, K.I.T.T. close behind as they head for the stables. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE STABLES as the horse rides full out. The Frenchman turns right... after a beat K.I.T.T. follows. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE STABLES a long row of empty stables...The Frenchman has disappeared. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Have you got him on the screen? K.I.T.T. Your guess is as good as mine. INSERT - SCREEN several horses in various quadrants of the screen. RESUME SCENE as Michael puts the car in reverse and pulls back out into the main path: MICKI (looking at screen) Is that one of those new video games? EXT. STABLES - DAY as K.I.T.T. cruises looking for the Frenchman. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as the Frenchman and his horse appear from one of the aisles and jump over the Trans Am. WIDER as K.I.T.T. spins around and follows the Frenchman to an open field. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael reaches under the dash, pulling out a rope. OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. is keeping up with the horse. They are a steady distance apart. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he crawls from the sunroof, twirls the rope over his head and lassos the Frenchman. ANGLE - THE FRENCHMAN being pulled from his horse onto the ground. K.I.T.T. stops just like a champion bulldogger. ON MICHAEL jumps off the roof, goes to the Frenchman, and hog-ties him. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICKI running up to Michael. MICKI Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL (nods) You? MICKI (indignant) Yes -- but don't ever do that to me again -- I've had a very bad week. On his reaction we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. BEACH HOUSE - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls in the driveway. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael takes a bunch of flowers off the seat and starts to get out of the car. K.I.T.T. Michael. MICHAEL Yes, Kitt. K.I.T.T. How much longer will we be staying here? MICHAEL Two more days. Why? K.I.T.T. The sea air is very bad for my circuitry. MICHAEL Well, it's good for my...lungs. See you in two days. K.I.T.T. Michael. You don't have enough flowers. Michael doesn't understand. K.I.T.T. My sensors show Marie Elena already has a visitor. I believe it's Micki. MICHAEL Thanks, buddy. Michael does a "Why Me?" look and exits the car. As he walks to the door he separates the flowers into two bunches. Rings the doorbell. REVERSE ANGLE - MARIE ELENA AND MICKI answer the door. Michael hands them each their flowers. They ad-lib their thanks and kiss him on opposite cheeks. MICHAEL So, you guys wanna go...cruise a hamburger joint? FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END