EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57322 Bob Foster December 1, 1982 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin EN Rev. 12/ 7/82 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Steven E. de Souza Rev. 12/10/82 (F.R.) Rev. 12/13/82 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER HEARTS OF STONE by Bob Foster ___________________ ACT ONE FADE IN INT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - DAY A big city church, old and grand, quiet in the late afternoon. Several women pray silently. REVERSE ANGLE Michael enters, pauses to let his eyes adjust to the reflected light. A priest passes. Michael stops him, asks him something MOS. The priest indicates another priest, up in one of the front pews. OMITTED ANGLE FROM PRIEST His name is Father Carlos Laguna. He prays as Michael approaches, moves in the same pew and kneels. Father Carlos looks at him. MICHAEL Father Carlos Laguna? FATHER CARLOS Yes? MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. Father Carlos has been thinking about this moment. FATHER CARLOS Thank you for coming. MICHAEL Devon said you might have a name for me. A contact. FATHER CARLOS I'm seeing a man after one o'clock mass -- the man with the contact's name. I'll be going straight to my sister's wedding and reception -- could you meet me there? Michael nods. A thought: MICHAEL I'm on my way back from New Orleans. I haven't had a chance to get together with Devon yet, but it sounded like something the police could handle. FATHER CARLOS The attacks are hit-and-run. The police? They question people, they take pictures, they count bullet holes. (beat) Tuesday afternoon they shot my brother Miguel, two men in a car with automatic assault rifles. In the middle of a gas station in South Houston. Innocent people could have been killed. They don't care, these 'Corazones de Piedras.' MICHAEL Hearts of.... FATHER CARLOS That's what my family calls them -- Corazones de Piedras. 'Hearts of Stone.' CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am speeds by, the only car for miles. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am comes over a rise. Ahead, rolling along about fifty, is the Foundation's semi. OMITTED DIFFERENT ANGLE The semi's hydraulic loading ramp descends and the Trans Am drives up and in. The semi continues down the highway. DEVON'S VOICE I'm afraid what we're dealing with here is a kind of modern-day range war.... OMITTED INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie adds new information banks to K.I.T.T.'s computers. DEVON'S VOICE It's a war over territory and markets, but the goods in question aren't cattle like the old days.... ANGLE ON DEVON AND MICHAEL Devon tosses Michael a fearsome-looking automatic assault rifle. DEVON This is what it's over. MICHAEL (examines it) Looks like something out of Buck Rogers or Star Wars. DEVON (continuing) It's called the Nunn X-19, legally manufactured in Lexington, Kentucky, advertised as quote 'The most effec- tive automatic assault rifle in the world today.' Features as standard equipment a rocket launcher. Rate of fire 850 rounds per minute -- more efficient than the Uzi or any- thing the U.S. Army has in production at this time. In other words, a su- perior weapon in all respects. CUT TO EXT. DESERTED HIGHWAY - DAY The semi is pulled over. Devon and Michael move away. Devon with the Nunn X-19. MICHAEL You said legally manufactured. DEVON Legally manufactured, diverted into the world of black market arms by various means -- weapons 'stolen,' shipments 'lost,' records 'incomplete.' The primary market is the turmoil in Central America. (tosses Michael rifle) Here. I want you to get the feel of it. MICHAEL There's only one way to do that. Devon nods. Michael raises the rifle to his shoulder, touches the trigger. It fires a dozen rounds before he can remove his finger, severs the trunk of a dead tree like a buzzsaw. MICHAEL (impressed) Makes an M-16 feel like a black- powder musket. DEVON Rather like this weapon is to combat rifles what Kitt is to conventional cars. MICHAEL Couldn't have said it better myself. They smile, start back. MICHAEL Father Carlos is a priest -- Where do the rest of the Lagunas fit into this 'war'? DEVON The Laguna family has a monopoly on just about anything of value that crosses the border into Mexico ille- gally. Has had for years. Then about six months ago that all changed. CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY Angle on a VCR screen, a series of black and white surveillance-type photos, blown-up, generally unclear, appear one after another. The men pictured are tough- looking Anglos, big, all in their thirties. DEVON'S VOICE No one knows exactly who these new people are. There are six of them, at least four of whom are veterans, either Special Forces, or Green Beret. INTERCUT MICHAEL, DEVON AND BONNIE They watch the unfolding photos. DEVON The Laguna family is proud and fiercely loyal. And tough. But these gentlemen, they're different. They don't play by the old rules. They've got guns to sell and to do that the Lagunas have to move over. The Lagunas resisted.... INTERCUT SCREEN Several shots of dead bodies on sidewalks or in cars. DEVON It's turning into war in the streets. As I said, they're different. Quite ruthless as a matter of fact. MICHAEL Corazones de Piedras. DEVON (nods) Known in Anglo circles as the 'Stones.' Devon nods, turns on the lights, shuts the VCR off. Michael likes the sound of it less and less. MICHAEL Before you go any farther, just what are you looking for from me? DEVON Find these men. Convince them you're a black market arms dealer. Arrange a buy. If we can catch them 'dirty' -- with the rifles -- we can cut the pipeline into Mexico. We'll be saving lives on both sides of the border. MICHAEL Devon, it'll take more than a name from Father Carlos to sell me as an arms dealer. BONNIE We've arranged some help in that area. She moves to the car to show him. BONNIE Specialized data banks on Texas, Mexico, ex-Special Forces and Green Beret personnel, major and minor figures in international arms smug- gling --- MICHAEL Bonnie? Has Kitt got it all? BONNIE (smiles) Kitt's got it all. MICHAEL (to Devon) I won't be flying blind here? DEVON I've honed it to the final contingency, my boy. MICHAEL In that case you'd better get me out of here before I change my mind. (gets into car) Bonnie, how do you like your steaks? BONNIE I've decided to become a vegetarian. MICHAEL Not in Texas. In Texas it's a sacri- lege not to eat steak. BONNIE (smiles) Medium rare. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The semi's lift slowly lowers and the Trans Am rolls down backwards and hits the pavement moving. It accelerates, arcing past the semi and shooting down the highway. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael drives, glances at K.I.T.T.'s monitor. On the screen are shots of two men, Ricky and D.D. K.I.T.T. This is the suspected leader, known only as 'Ricky.' No other firm ID. Picture changes. K.I.T.T. This is Ricky's chief lieutenant, Danny Dwight, no last name. Known as 'D.D.' No other firm ID. MICHAEL (shakes his head) I've seen files on shoplifters with more information. K.I.T.T. Shall I continue, Michael? MICHAEL Give me all you've got, Kitt. CUT TO EXT. RENTED HALL - DAY The wedding reception is in progress inside. Parked outside are several dozen cars, Cadillacs, Mercedes and Jaguars. Outside, loosely grouped in two's and three's, are heavily armed young men, drinking and joking between themselves in English and Spanish. From time to time guests arrive and go in or come outside for fresh air. Despite the noise, the sense of celebration, there's an undercurrent of tension. ANGLE ON TRANS AM It appears, starts to turn into the parking lot when a hot muscle car pulls alongside, revs its engine. DRIVER (yells to Michael) You're lookin' at the fastest car in Houston, the mean machine. Blow that black bucket right off the street. MICHAEL Maybe some other time. The driver laughs victoriously, peels away. The Trans Am parks with the other cars. ANGLE IN CAR Michael puts K.I.T.T. in surveillance mode. MICHAEL Don't fall in love with one of these beauties and run off on me. K.I.T.T. I wouldn't dream of it. Michael, you haven't finished reviewing my new data banks. MICHAEL Something I should know? K.I.T.T. Don't drink the water. MICHAEL (smiles) We're not in Mexico, Kitt. Just outside of Houston, Texas. K.I.T.T. I hear mariachis. MICHAEL I'll have to talk to Bonnie about your Spanish. It's mar-i-ach-is. He leaves, taking a wedding present in with him. CUT TO ANGLE OUTSIDE FRONT OF HALL Father Carlos Laguna comes out for a cigarette, exchanges ad-lib comments with several of the young men as Michael approaches from the parking area. They greet each other, ad-lib hellos. Father Carlos puts an arm over Michael's shoulder and moves him away from the others. MICHAEL Did you get it? FATHER CARLOS The contact's name is Angie. MICHAEL I expected a man. FATHER CARLOS In this business it pays to expect the unexpected. MICHAEL Who is she? FATHER CARLOS All I know is she's a cocktail waitress at a place called The Embers in downtown Houston. MICHAEL This is hard for you, isn't it. Father Carlos nods. A figure suddenly appears from behind, grabs Father Carlos, pinning his arms to his side. ROBERTO A thousand Hail Marys or your life! Father Carlos smiles, bends one knee and executes a perfect judo move, throwing Roberto off balance. They laugh, obviously very close. FATHER CARLOS Roberto, I want you to meet a friend of mine, Michael Knight. They smile, shake hands and ad-lib hellos. OMITTED INTERCUT - FIVE TON TRUCK several blocks away, approaching. BACK TO SCENE FATHER CARLOS Roberto is my youngest brother -- youngest and craziest. Vato loco. ROBERTO (laughs) To be Catholic is hard enough, but to have a brother who's a priest -- Que Dios tenga misericordia. INTERCUT - TRUCK Closer, we can see two men in the cab. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. His surveillance picks it up. ANGLE ON MICHAEL, FATHER CARLOS AND ROBERTO They start inside. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) Michael, there's a truck approaching with men hidden in the bed --- Michael turns, sees the truck, now less than fifty yards away. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, over here -- between us and them. (to others) Look out! OMITTED ANGLE ON TRANS AM It barrels over from the parking area, positioning itself between the guests and the street as the truck speeds up. Michael dives on Father Carlos, knocking him down. People scream and hit the pavement as the truck's tarp lifts and two men with X-19's rise and strafe the area. K.I.T.T. deflects most of the bullets. Pandemonium. Michael starts for K.I.T.T. but Father Carlos grabs his arm. FATHER CARLOS Roberto's been hit -- he's bleeding bad -- please --- Torn, wanting to pursue the truck, Michael helps Father Carlos load Roberto into the Trans Am. LONG SHOT It speeds off. CUT TO EXT. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. HOSPITAL HALL - NIGHT Michael waits alone, a distance from other family members. Father Carlos comes out of Roberto's room, pauses with Michael before continuing to the family. FATHER CARLOS The bullet tore up an artery in his leg. With rest and care he'll be all right. MICHAEL Good. I'll be in touch. FATHER CARLOS Be careful. Michael nods, starts away. Father Carlos watches him. CUT TO EXT. HOUSTON - NIGHT - UP ANGLE FEATURING HOUSTON'S DRAMATIC NEW SKYLINE twenty and thirty-story buildings reaching for the sky. INT. THE EMBERS - NIGHT It occupies the top floor of a new hotel, a circular bar that slowly revolves, providing a spectacular view of the city below. Michael enters, weaves his way through well- dressed guests to the bar. ANGLE AT BAR Michael sits, looks around, acclimating himself. BARTENDER What'll it be? MICHAEL Draft. Whatever's coldest. He draws a draft, places it in front of Michael. Michael puts a twenty on the bar. MICHAEL Keep the change. BARTENDER (surprised) Thank you, pardner. MICHAEL I'm looking for someone. A cocktail waitress named Angie. BARTENDER Who wants her? MICHAEL A friend of a friend. He nods, moves around the circular bar to where several cocktail waitresses are. One is an extraordinarily attrac- tive young woman. A brief MOS conversation and the young woman moves to where he sits. ANGIE Looking for me? MICHAEL Are you 'Angie?' ANGIE I'm whoever you want me to be. You want me to be Angie, I'm Angie. Who're you? MICHAEL Michael. ANGIE What can I do for you, Michael? MICHAEL I'm a gun collector. An acquaintance of mine told me you might be able to steer me in the right direction. ANGIE What direction is that? MICHAEL I'm looking for some rifles. Auto- matic Assault rifles. Her eyes narrow, her face changes. ANGIE I don't know what you're talking about. She turns to leave but he grabs her arm. MICHAEL I'll make it worth your while. ANGIE (beat) I don't know you. MICHAEL I'm a businessman. My business just happens to be weapons. ANGIE Who gave you my name? MICHAEL A man you've never heard of. A man who used to do business with the Lagunas. He said the Lagunas are on their way out, and you might be able to introduce me to the people on their way in. (beat) Look, Angie, all I'm asking you for is an introduction. If I'm not for real your people will know. That's their job, not yours. She hesitates. MICHAEL I usually give a five-percent commission. In your case I'll make it ten. Take it or leave it. Her eyes hold him for a long moment. ANGIE I'll make a call. If the answer is yes, I'll meet you in front in five minutes. If the answer is no, I don't want to ever see you again. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. SOUTH HOUSTON - NIGHT The Trans Am leaves the city. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT They drive in silence. ANGIE Mind if I turn on the radio? He shakes his head. She turns it on. ANGIE What a strange looking dash. Michael smiles, anticipating K.I.T.T.'s reaction. The music is Mexican. She changes the station, more Mexican music. ANGIE Doesn't this radio play anything beside Mexican music? MICHAEL It's a strange radio. Fits in with dash. She turns it off, glances at him. ANGIE These people are bad. I just hope you're who you say you are. MICHAEL Are you always this suspicious? ANGIE No. Just when it comes to this kind of business. I hate it. MICHAEL Then why are you in it? ANGIE I'm not 'in' it. I happen to know these people, that's all. She looks out the window. Michael studies her, thoughtful. CUT TO EXT. DESERT AREA - NIGHT The Trans Am turns off the highway onto a small two-lane road, leaving civilization behind. It heads into the darkness. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT As if for the first time she becomes aware the car she's in is different, radically different. ANGIE What kind of car is this? MICHAEL Special. Had it custom-made. How much farther? ANGIE We're there. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - AHEAD The car comes over a rise and ahead, out of the darkness, is an oasis of light. EXT. DESERT HOUSE - NIGHT The house is large and all the more impressive because it's so unexpected. Country and Western music from inside, loud, several dozen cars scattered about the front. Pan to the Trans Am as it approaches, pulls to a stop. ANGLE AT TRANS AM Michael puts K.I.T.T. in Surveillance Mode. He and Angie start for the house. Michael stops, as if having forgotten something. MICHAEL Forgot to lock up. I'll be right back. He returns to the car. MICHAEL (sotto voce) Kitt, get the license plate number of every car here. K.I.T.T. I don't have a 'strange looking dash.' I'm proud of my dash. MICHAEL (smiles) Don't take it personally. (beat) I just hope that name you gave me will work in there. K.I.T.T. I simply selected the name least likely to be traceable with the information Bonnie added to --- MICHAEL Okay. Sorry I mentioned it. K.I.T.T. De nada. (beat) How's that? MICHAEL Not bad, not bad. CUT TO INT. HOUSE - NIGHT The house is surprisingly tasteful, beautifully furnished. The people present are an interesting mixture of nomadic high-rollers and their women, Texas chic, jeans and $300 boots, lots of cleavage. People dance, talk and drink, make moves on one anothers' dates. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND ANGIE They enter, Angie pausing for MOS words with a big bodyguard in a cowboy hat at the door. They come in. ANGIE I'll tell Ricky we're here. Michael nods. She weaves her way through the crowd, disap- pears down a hall. Michael looks around, trying to get a feel for the place, the people. Hard to get a fix on. He takes a beer from an iced tub, pops it open and drinks. A Girl in tight jeans and boots passes, pauses. Smiles. GIRL Howdy, stranger. What brings you out this way? MICHAEL A little of this, a little of that. How 'bout you? GIRL Same thing, only a lot of this and a whole lot of that. (smiles) I hope to see you later. Don't you run off, y'hear? She slides on by, wiggles her jeans for him. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT A new Cadillac pulls out. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT A picture of the car appears on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. The license plate, the numbers 573 XKY appearing in digital print, immediately processed. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL ANGIE'S VOICE Michael. He looks as she appears. She gestures for him to follow her. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT The door opens and Michael steps in. QUICK CUTS Two big men grab him and slam him up against the wall. They are Ricky and D.D. Ricky holds a Magnum on him. RICKY Blink and I'll put your brains all over this wall. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Ricky holds the gun on him while D.D. searches him for weapons. MICHAEL Last fella tried this got kicked in the face. D.D. (face to face) Yeah? By who? MICHAEL I'm a professional. I have a reputation. I didn't come in here patting you down, and I expect the same courtesy. RICKY You're either real good or real foolish. I'll find out which. (calls) Angie, get in here. She comes in, not wanting to. ANGIE I'd rather wait outside. RICKY You brought him, you stay. Finished searching him, D.D. moves away. Ricky puts his arm around Angie. She doesn't like it but she doesn't move away. RICKY Angie tells me you're lookin' for some guns. Michael nods. RICKY Who said we had 'em? MICHAEL Fella named Pavlon told me to look you up. Emile Pavlon. Ricky and D.D. study him. RICKY (to Angie) Go get us a coupla cold beers. Relieved, she leaves. RICKY You know Emile, huh? How's he doing these days? MICHAEL He's in Torreon Federal Prison in Guatemala. D.D. Yeah, that's what we heard. Too bad. That where you met him? MICHAEL Nope. Met him in a little town called Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico, in '79. He was running Thompsons by the thousands to Belize. We did some business. He told me about you. RICKY What'd he say? MICHAEL Your prices are too high. Beat. Ricky doesn't show an attitude. MICHAEL (continuing) Other than that, he said you had access to the best automatic assault rifles around. D.D. Emile still have that tattoo on his arm? MICHAEL Which arm? He's got 'em on both. Ricky and D.D. exchange a look, seem satisfied for the moment. RICKY Got anything particular in mind? MICHAEL (nods) The Nunn X-19. D.D. Good choice. Good gun. How many you looking for? MICHAEL How many you got? RICKY Twenty boxes, eight to a box. MICHAEL How much? RICKY Fifteen hundred a copy. You want 'em all, two hundred forty thousand. Cash. MICHAEL When can we do it? RICKY When can you have the money? MICHAEL Tomorrow. RICKY We'll be ready. When you're ready, contact Angie. ANGLE IN HALL The bedroom door opens and Michael comes out alone. ANGLE IN BEDROOM Ricky puts his arms around Angie, pulls her up against him. RICKY (to D.D.) See if you can get a line on Pavlon. I want to know if this guy's who he says he is. CUT TO EXT. HOUSTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - DAY FATHER CARLOS' VOICE 'The wages of sin is death.' INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Father Carlos is visiting Roberto, who is recovering from his wound, heavily bandaged. ROBERTO I know what the Bible says, Carlos. Mira mano, if you want to talk to me talk to me as a brother, not as a priest. Please. FATHER CARLOS I can't separate the two, Roberto. No Christian can. You can't go on living with a foot in each world -- church on Sunday, business-as-usual on Monday. ROBERTO Why not? The rest of the world does. FATHER CARLOS Roberto, listen to me. You're the youngest. You can change. You can leave this craziness behind you. ROBERTO How? By becoming a priest like you? Carlos, one priest is enough for any family. Someone has to fight. FATHER CARLOS Why? ROBERTO Because if we don't fight we'll be killed -- you know that. Carlos, it's one thing to sit in church and talk about violence and death and how it must end, but it's another thing when you can't drive down the street without wondering if they're behind you. It's another thing when you can't go to your own sister's wedding without being shot. (beat) You talk about me changing. Leaving. What about the family? What should I do, turn my back while they shoot my brothers? I don't think so. FATHER CARLOS (gently) They're my brothers, too. Because I won't fight and shoot and kill, does that mean I've turned my back? No, not to my family. But to violence, yes. To sin and death, yes, I have turned my back. They're different things, Roberto. Roberto looks away, troubled. Father Carlos touches his forehead, slowly rises. EXT. HALL - DAY The door opens and Father Carlos leaves. Camera pans the opposite way and we see Angie, waiting. With F.C. gone she slips into the room. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY The Trans Am is parked in front. Devon's classic, meticulously restored car pulls in and parks. He carries a briefcase in. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY - CLOSE ON A BRIEFCASE full of cash as it's opened. MICHAEL'S VOICE You never cease to amaze me. WIDER ANGLE Michael and Devon, briefcase open on the table. DEVON You almost made me out a liar on this one, Michael. I believe I told you I had every contingency covered. MICHAEL Looks to me like you did. DEVON By the skin of my teeth. Two hundred and forty thousand dollars is a lot of money to raise overnight. I had to borrow from several accounts, one being the Annual Charity Benefit Fund. MICHAEL (smiles) I'll be careful. DEVON Please do. He produces a receipt and a pen for Michael to sign. DEVON A receipt for the money. MICHAEL Don't you trust me? DEVON A formality, dear boy. Michael signs it. Devon looks pleased. DEVON Very good. I can read it. (beat) How's Kitt? MICHAEL Practicing Spanish every chance he gets. By the way, I had him run a make on every car there last night. Interesting collection of people -- two from Peru, one from Canada, a couple from Florida.... DEVON Doesn't surprise me. These 'stones' are nomads. They have no permanent address, no families, no roots. They'll rent a house, stay for a week or two and suddenly disappear. It seems they've adopted the tactics of guerilla warfare and brought it home. The Lagunas are sitting ducks. (beat) When will you know if it's on? MICHAEL When the phone rings. DEVON Don't take any chances. The serial numbers on those bills have been recorded. When you take possession of the weapons, phone me. Michael nods, preoccupied. The phone rings and they react. CUT TO EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY The Trans Am flashes by. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael and Angie. She looks troubled, tense. MICHAEL We meeting them at the house? ANGIE Somewhere else. (beat) I'm sorry about last night. The way they treated you.... MICHAEL All in a day's work. But thanks. ANGIE You seem...different. MICHAEL From what? ANGIE The other people in this business. MICHAEL So do you. He smiles. She looks at him for a moment then glances away, keeping her thoughts to herself. EXT. RURAL ROADS - DAY - SEVERAL SHOTS as the Trans Am barrels through the quiet countryside. INT. CAR - DAY They drive into raw outlands. ANGIE Turn left on that little road. Michael slows, turns left on a rutted dirt road. EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY The Trans Am pulls in, parks fifty yards from a windblown old warehouse. They get out of the car, Michael with the briefcase. He unobtrusively puts K.I.T.T. in Surveillance Mode. ANGIE (suspicious) What's that? MICHAEL Computerized auto alarm. Just got it the other day. They get out. Michael looks around, concerned. MICHAEL I thought you said they'd supply transportation for the guns. ANGIE They did. It's probably in the warehouse. OMITTED ANGLE FROM WAREHOUSE A loose corrugated tin door creaks in the dry breeze. Spooky. Michael and Angie come toward it, two lone figures against a barren landscape. ANGLE ON THEM Angie stops. Michael turns, puzzled. ANGIE Go ahead. They're waiting for you. MICHAEL I like company. ANGIE They don't. Michael debates it, continues toward the hangar with the briefcase. He feels naked. MOVING SHOT WITH MICHAEL The wind blows his hair. A raven caws overhead. ANGLE AT WAREHOUSE He reaches the door, pauses. Inhales, opens it. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Dark. Michael steps in. HIS POINT OF VIEW Dirt floor, an abandoned washing machine, old mattresses. Otherwise, it's empty. ANGIE'S VOICE Drop the briefcase. He'd considered it, but he'd grown to like her. Even trust her within this limited framework. He was wrong. He turns, sees her standing in the doorway, a .32 pointed at him. ANGIE Drop it or so help me I'll shoot you where you stand. He drops it. ANGIE Step back. He steps back. She takes the briefcase. MICHAEL Is this the way the stones do business. ANGIE They don't know anything about this. If you try to follow me I'll shoot. I'm sorry, Michael. She steps outside, locks the door and disappears. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, activate your scanners! Is there a car in back? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE No, Michael, but there is a helicopter. The sudden roar of an engine startles him. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, get in here! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He shoots forward, tires squealing. ANGLE ON WAREHOUSE K.I.T.T. goes through it like it was papier-mache, corrugated walls flying with impact. ANGLE IN WAREHOUSE K.I.T.T.'s driver door pops open and Michael, running, leaps in. ANGLE AT REAR OF WAREHOUSE A Bell two-saater helicopter is lifting off as the Trans Am bursts through the wall. The helicopter lifts up and away. ANGLE IN TRANS AM MICHAEL Kitt, we've got to catch that copter! K.I.T.T. I'll do my best, Michael. WIDER ANGLE The helicopter rises in the sky and the Trans Am, smoking rubber, sets off after it. FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. AIRFIELD AREA - DAY Trans Am races after the helicopter. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael activates K.I.T.T.'s full array of electronic surveillance capabilities. MICHAEL Kitt, I'm activating your surface to air surveillance mode and the Microwave Jammer. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah? K.I.T.T. She's got Devon's money, doesn't she? MICHAEL (heavy) Yeah. INSERT - MONITOR A radar-like blip shows the helicopter slowly pulling away from the Trans Am. BACK TO MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Do you know who The Foundation's Annual Charity Benefit is for? MICHAEL Don't tell me. K.I.T.T. Widows and orphans. MICHAEL (winces) Like I said, Kitt -- we've got to catch that copter. EXT. ROAD - DAY The Trans Am hurtles past, a blur. EXT. MOUNTAIN - DAY The helicopter rises to clear the mountain, its engine coughing and sputtering from insufficient electricity. INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Angie and the pilot look concerned. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY The Trans Am zooms up a narrow mountain road. MICHAEL'S VOICE It's working, Kitt! She'll have trouble clearing that peak. INTERCUT - TRANS AM The Microwave Jammer glows. MICHAEL Give me everything you've got on the Jammer. Pull enough juice from her coil to bring her down and I'll erect a monument in your name. EXT. PEAK - DAY The helicopter, sputtering, struggles to clear the peak. The Trans Am is right behind it, now under it. INSIDE CAR Michael pops the sun roof, puts K.I.T.T. on Auto Drive and starts to climb out. MICHAEL Steady, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Michael! The car comes to an abrupt stop. MICHAEL What happened?! K.I.T.T. I was forced to activate my retro rockets. Michael, look. He looks, reacts. EXT. PEAK - DAY The car is half-suspended over a cliff. Below lies a steep gorge which is impassable. BACK TO MICHAEL If K.I.T.T. could make it, it would take more time than they've got. Michael looks at the monitor, sees the bleep of the helicopter go off the screen. It's suddenly silent. K.I.T.T. Widows and orphans, Michael. MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL No monument. EXT. PEAK - DAY The Trans Am slowly starts back the way it came. EXT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - DAY The Trans Am speeds in, screeches to a stop. Michael jumps out, hurries inside. INT. CHURCH - DAY Michael is with Father Carlos, who's equally distraught. FATHER CARLOS I don't know anything about her. MICHAEL You gave me her name! FATHER CARLOS It was given to me. MICHAEL By who? FATHER CARLOS I can't tell you. MICHAEL You've got to tell me -- she robbed me, she's got two-hundred and forty- thousand dollars I'm responsible for! FATHER CARLOS It was given to me in the sanctity of the confessional. I'd be violating my vows if I told you. (beat) I'm sorry, Michael. Please try to understand. The tension draws from Michael, dismay replacing it. FATHER CARLOS Roberto's disappeared. MICHAEL (reacts) I thought he was in the hospital. FATHER CARLOS He checked out an hour ago -- against medical advice. No one's heard from him. MICHAEL You don't think the Stones.... FATHER CARLOS I don't know what else to think... do you? Michael pauses before answering, struck by a thought. MICHAEL I'll let you know. He hurries out. CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY A Nurse prepares the room for a new patient being wheeled in. Michael appears behind the patient. NURSE I'm sorry, visiting hours are over. MICHAEL I'm not visiting, I'm here to inquire about the patient who was in this room -- Roberto Laguna. NURSE You'll have to check with Admissions. MICHAEL I've checked with Admissions, they don't know -- were you on duty when he left? NURSE I'm really not authorized to answer these questions --- MICHAEL Miss, this could be a matter of life and death. NURSE Whose? MICHAEL Mine among others. NURSE (beat) It was kind of strange...They hurried out, like someone was after them. MICHAEL 'They?' Who was he with? NURSE A girl. CUT TO EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY Michael and the Nurse sit in the Trans Am, doors open. MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) I need a visual on Angie -- lets see, brunette hair, blue eyes --- K.I.T.T. I can do better than that. NURSE (reacts) What's going on here? What kind of car is this? A photo-like image of Angie appears on the monitor. MICHAEL Is that her? NURSE My God, it's amazing.... MICHAEL (urgent) Is it? NURSE Yes. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE TRANS AM speeds out, leaving the Nurse staring after it. MICHAEL'S VOICE Give me all you've got on Angie -- full name Angeline Martin. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Devon is calling. MICHAEL'S VOICE Tell him I'm...in transit. CUT TO INT. TRANS AM - DAY Computer lights flash and whir. K.I.T.T. Angeline Martin, Texas driver's license number F 10762B. No regis- tered vehicle. No current address. Father, deceased. Mother, where- abouts unknown. MICHAEL Great. K.I.T.T. I'm not finished. MICHAEL Sorry. K.I.T.T. Sister, Monica Johnson, divorced. Angie used her address for mail until two months ago. MICHAEL If they're looking to lay low for a day or two it's worth a shot. Where's she live? K.I.T.T. Gatesville, Texas, thirty-nine miles west, southwest of Waco. MICHAEL If Angie doesn't own a car, what about Roberto Laguna? K.I.T.T. A light green sedan, license plate 375 RKJ. MICHAEL Kitt, plot me the most likely route from here to Gatesville. K.I.T.T. Si. Lights flash and a route appears on the monitor. K.I.T.T. Devon's calling again. MICHAEL Tell him.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm not constitutionally constructed to lie. MICHAEL None of us are, Kitt. Think of it as a temporary condition for a good cause. K.I.T.T. What cause? MICHAEL My hide. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am shoots by. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael is discouraged. MICHAEL They could be heading for Mexico for all I know. (beat) Activate scanners, Kitt. DEVON'S VOICE Michael? It's Devon. Are you there? K.I.T.T. You might as well face up to it. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. He's ready to push the com-button when: K.I.T.T. I've got a reading! License plate 375 RKJ. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am accelerates, passing more cars. MICHAEL'S VOICE Tell Devon, 'No en casa.' CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY A light green sedan pulls in and parks, Angie getting out with an armful of take-out food and the briefcase, Roberto with her, limping on crutches. They go to their door, open it. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Angie comes in, freezes. REVERSE ANGLE - MICHAEL is sitting on the sofa. MICHAEL Buenos dias. Roberto goes for a gun but Michael is across the room in three steps, takes it away from him. ANGIE (stares) How did you find me? I can't believe you found me.... ROBERTO What do you want? MICHAEL We can start with the money. He holds out his hand. Reluctantly Angie hands him the briefcase. He opens it on the coffee table, checks to make sure it's all there. It isn't. MICHAEL How much is gone? ANGIE Four hundred dollars and some change. Helicopters aren't cheap. MICHAEL Not much is these days. Except maybe promises. (beat) Don't just stand there. Come on in. Make yourselves comfortable. They close the door and sit, uncomfortable. ROBERTO You got your money back. What do you want from us? MICHAEL For a change of pace the truth. Why did you set me up? ANGIE I had no other choice. MICHAEL I don't know what that means. ANGIE (beat) I don't know where to start...all right, you want the truth, Roberto and I met at The Embers three months ago. We fell in love. We didn't mean to, it just happened...then we real- ized we couldn't be in love, not in Houston, not in Texas as long as the Lagunas and the Stones are at war. We wanted to leave but we had no money...and then you came along with a briefcase full of cash. It seemed like providence. MICHAEL It wasn't. She looks away, not proud of herself. ROBERTO Who are you to talk? To judge? You deal illegal weapons. MICHAEL No, Roberto. I say I deal illegal weapons. There's a difference. They look at him. ANGIE Who are you? MICHAEL That doesn't matter. What matters is I'm here to stop this warfare. Stop the X-19s from going to Central America or anywhere else... and I still need your help. ANGIE You'd trust me after all that's happened? MICHAEL I didn't say that. ANGIE (beat) What do you want me to do? MICHAEL Come back to Houston with me.... ANGIE Why? MICHAEL You said you did what you did on your own. If that's true, Ricky and D.D. still have twenty cases of Nunn X-19s for sale. Angie is torn, undecided. ANGIE This is our chance! If we don't get out now.... MICHAEL There's more than you and Roberto at stake here. There's other people, other lives. You can't make a new start until you can walk away from this clean, once and for all. (beat) Come back with me. I need your help, Angie. EXT. MOTEL - DAY The door opens and Michael comes out with the briefcase, pauses. In the doorway, Angie and Roberto embrace. ANGIE I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am speeds by, headed for Houston. CUT TO INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Roberto paces, wrestling with himself. He picks up the phone and dials the desk. ROBERTO (into phone) I want to call Houston. Bill it to the room. He gets a line, dials the phone. ROBERTO (phone) Eduardo, es Roberto. Como esta? Bien? (pause) Eduardo, something's happened. I know how we can find Corazones de Piedras.... CUT TO EXT. PHONE BOOTH IN HOUSTON - DAY Camera pans from Angie making a call to the Trans Am, where Michael waits. MICHAEL (car-com) Look, Devon, it's all right now --- INTERCUT - DEVON in the Foundation office with Bonnie. DEVON Michael, don't tell me you lost the money. MICHAEL I didn't lose the money. DEVON Then why have you been avoiding me? MICHAEL I ran into a few problems. DEVON You lost the money. MICHAEL Well, I misplaced it, but I got it back. DEVON I knew it. Michael, the Charity money is for.... MICHAEL (finishes with him) Widows and orphans. (sees Angie returning) Devon, I've got to go. I'll call you as soon as I know what's happening. Give my love to Bonnie. He disengages the car-com as Angie gets in. MICHAEL What did you say? ANGIE I told them you'd been delayed, but everything was all right now. MICHAEL Are we on? ANGIE Because we didn't show up today, they want to see the money first, this time. In person. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY He sighs. BONNIE Is he all right? DEVON For the moment. BONNIE What did he say? DEVON He said to give you his love. BONNIE Are you sure he's feeling all right? CUT TO EXT. HOUSE IN DESERT - NIGHT The Trans Am pulls in, Michael and Angie getting out. No party tonight, only one other car visible, an off-road truck. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT - CLOSE ON BRIEFCASE as it is popped open. WIDER ANGLE - RICKY AND D.D. count the money while Michael and Angie watch. The mood is tense. D.D. It's all here. Ricky nods, closes the briefcase. Looks at Michael. RICKY What happened today? MICHAEL Ran into a few problems. Ricky nods slowly, studying him. D.D. You expecting any problems tomorrow? MICHAEL (shakes head) I'll be here with the money. You be here with the guns. RICKY Twelve noon. MICHAEL That's good with me. RICKY This is your last chance. You screw up tomorrow, find somebody else. If you can. MICHAEL I'll be here. D.D. hands him the briefcase and they start for the door. D.D. Hold on a minute. They stop, Michael with an uneasy feeling. D.D. Almost forgot. A fella stopped by, knows an old friend of yours. As if on cue a Man appears from one of the other rooms. He's older, late forty's, a friendly if crafty face. He speaks with a slight French accent. MAN My friends here tell me you know Emile Pavlon. MICHAEL (beat) Yeah...yeah, I do. You know Emile? MAN One of my closest friends. Then he went to Guatemala and... (smiles) I'd visit him, but I have an aversion to prison. He smiles. Michael smiles, uneasy. MICHAEL I know what you mean. MAN Nice to meet a friend of Emile's. Good luck. MICHAEL Take it easy. They leave. There's a silent moment, then Ricky and D.D. look to the Man. RICKY You know him? MAN I've never seen him before. Do you think he's with the Lagunas? RICKY That'd be my guess. They been trying to get a fix on us for months. D.D. We'll have a few surprises for 'em tomorrow. D.D. peels off five thousand dollar bills, hands them to the Man. D.D. Always a pleasure doing business with you, Emile. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Trans Am heads back toward Houston. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Silence in the still countryside. Angie looks at him. ANGIE Don't be too angry with me. MICHAEL Right now, I'm more concerned with who that fella back there was. ANGIE Who do you think he was? MICHAEL I don't know, that's the problem. (looks at her) Do you know? ANGIE (hurt) No. I lied to you, Michael. I'm not asking you to excuse it, just try to understand it. (beat) I won't do it again. MICHAEL I'd like to believe that. ANGIE You can. A moment passes. MICHAEL I just hope Roberto stays where he is. ANGIE He's waiting for me -- why wouldn't he stay? He loves me. MICHAEL I don't doubt that. ANGIE Then what do you mean? MICHAEL He's been in love with you for months, but he's been a Laguna all his life. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT The Trans Am pulls in and parks, Michael getting out. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Camera pans the dark room, Michael's clothes over a chair, reaches the bed where he lies. Camera moves in and we realize he's awake. Sleepless. Now footsteps, pausing at the door. Michael leaps out of bed and moves behind the door. A knock. MICHAEL (making voice sound sleepy) Who is it? DEVON'S VOICE Devon. Relieved, he opens the door, turns on the light. Devon steps in, reacts to Michael's appearance. DEVON Going out? Michael realizes he's nude except for shorts, smiles, gets his pants and puts them on. MICHAEL What's up? DEVON I was in the neighborhood. MICHAEL Right. And I'm a high-wire walker on my way to the circus. Devon smiles, sits down. Looks at him. Michael can tell he's got something important on his mind. MICHAEL What? DEVON I've been in constant touch with Guatemalan authorities. MICHAEL I appreciate that. DEVON Emile Pavlon escaped from Torrean Prison day before yesterday. Their eyes catch. Michael feels the news in his stomach. Devon rises, moves to Michael. DEVON I want you to cancel the buy tomorrow. MICHAEL Why? DEVON Michael, he had help! Somebody paid off the guards. MICHAEL It could've been someone else. DEVON It could've been someone working with the Stones, too. Emile Pavlon had been in prison over two years. Doesn't it strike you as peculiar he escaped the day after you used his name to fit your cover? Michael paces. DEVON Michael, I appreciate your dedication. I admire your courage. I do not, however, want to mourn your death. MICHAEL What about the other deaths, Devon? The innocent people caught in the crossfire in Houston. The peasants in Central America. A moment between them. DEVON As always, it's your decision. He moves to the door, pauses. DEVON If you decide not to take the chance, call me. MICHAEL If I don't call? DEVON I'll be waiting on standby as agreed. Whatever you decide, I'm behind you all the way. CUT TO INT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING SHOT Michael and Angie drive in silence. The tension is palpable. ANGIE Michael? I don't know what it is.... MICHAEL What? ANGIE I'm so scared. I have this awful feeling...It's going to be okay, isn't it? MICHAEL It'll be okay. CUT TO EXT. ROAD TO HOUSE - DAY The Trans Am comes over the rise. INT. TRANS AM - DAY They look. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE SAME AS BEFORE - THE OFF-ROAD TRUCK parked where it was. Nothing has changed. BACK TO THEM Angie starts to get out but Michael stops her. He activates the scanner. ANGIE What're you doing? MICHAEL I'll explain later. K.I.T.T. There's no one inside. ANGIE What is that -- that voice --- K.I.T.T. Michael, there are four cars approaching. MICHAEL How far away? K.I.T.T. Two hundred yards and closing fast. I've also detected movement in the ravine by the road. Michael activates the radar probe. MICHAEL Pinpoint it for me. OMITTED ANGLE ON MONITOR The radar probe reveals the Stones half a dozen strong, lead by Ricky and D.D., lining either side of the road. They are fully armed, combat-ready. In addition to the Nunn assault rifles, there is an antitank bazooka and other assorted weapons. MICHAEL Ambush. Notify Devon --- K.I.T.T. Michael? Over the rise. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE FOUR CARS appear, one behind the other, loaded with men. The lead car we remember from before -- Roberto's light green sedan. BACK TO THEM ANGIE (reacts) Roberto! Oh, God, no.... Before Michael can grab her she's out of the car and running toward the road. MICHAEL Angie! ANGIE He'll be killed! They'll all be killed! She continues running, waving her arms wildly in hopes of alerting the Laguna cars. ANGLE IN RAVINE D.D. points out the Laguna cars to Ricky. D.D. Just like we figured -- the whole bunch of 'em. Ricky raises field glasses. RICKY They think we gave 'em hell in Houston, wait'll they see what we got waiting for 'em here -- (reacts to some- thing off) What's that? THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE TRANS AM is speeding toward the road, toward Angie. ANGLE IN CAR Michael behind the wheel. MICHAEL Hang on to your fenders, pal, this one could be tough. K.I.T.T. Michael, surely you don't expect me to.... ANGLE ON ROAD A land mine explodes beneath the car, rocking it violently. ANGLE ON ANGIE Fifty feet ahead of the car, running, waving to the approaching Laguna cars, screaming. INTERCUT - STONES Dismayed the mine hasn't taken out the Trans Am, they train all their firepower on it. ANGLE IN CAR Michael accelerates, pushes Auto Drive. MICHAEL Keep it steady, Kitt, and open the door...now! ANGLE FROM ROAD The passenger door opens just as the car parallels Angie. Michael reaches out with both hands, half-suspended out the car, grabs ger as they pass. ANGLE IN CAR He hauls her in like a sack of potatoes. MICHAEL Full speed, Kitt! INTERCUT - STONES Desperate to stop the car, determined, they rise from their bunker-like positions and open up with every weapon in their arsenal. INTERCUT - CAR It is hit from all sides in a withering assault. More land mines explode beneath it. The body shudders and shakes, is literally lifted off the road by the land mines, progress impeded but never stopped. INTERCUT - STONES They attack with a vengeance as the Trans Am passes, run out onto the road to continue firing. WIDER ANGLE - THE TRANS AM succeeds in running the gauntlet just as the Laguna cars arrive. He lets Angie out, hits the accelerator. MICHAEL Got an idea, Kitt. A little tear gas.... ANGLE ON LAGUNAS They screech to a stop, one car behind the other, forming a rough half-circle. The men leap out and begin firing at the Stones. The Trans Am appears, moves in between them. ANGLE IN TRANS AM He pushes the Smoke Release button and turns the steering wheel violently. ANGLE OUTSIDE CAR The Trans Am spins in circles, smoke billowing out, filling the air, spreading. INTERCUT - LAGUNAS Unable to see, they begin to stop firing. INTERCUT - STONES also unable to see. Some of the men start coughing, stop firing. ANGLE ON RICKY Unseen by the others, he sprints away, back toward the house, taking an X-19 with him. ANGLE FROM OFF-ROAD TRUCK Ricky leaps in, fires it up and pulls away, headed for open country. ANGLE ON RISE APPROACHING HOUSE The sound of sirens approaching and half a dozen police cars appears, one after the other. INTERCUT - LAGUNAS They drop their weapons. INTERCUT - STONES They drop theirs as well. ANGLE ON SMOKE It fills the screen and then the Trans Am appears, coming from nowhere, leaping the ravine. ANGLE ON OFF-ROAD TRUCK Ricky is driving, convinced he's escaped. The Trans Am suddenly appears behind him, accelerates over a little rise and lands in the truck bed. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael grabs at Ricky in the cab. Ricky slams on the brakes, jumps out with the X-19, but Michael leaps on him. They trade punches until Michael connects with a solid right. Ricky crumples and goes down. OMITTED ANGLE AT TRANS AM Michael appears with Ricky slung over his shoulder. He lays him over the hood, as one might a bagged deer. OMITTED EXT. ROAD TO HOUSE - DAY The police are searching and handcuffing the Lagunas and the Stones when the Trans Am rolls up, Ricky unconscious across the hood. Everyone stares. ANGLE ON DEVON AND ANGIE waiting. ANGLE ON TRANS AM Michael gets out, crosses to them. Angie sees Roberto, starts to run toward him but an officer stops her. MICHAEL He wouldn't be here today if I hadn't brought Angie back. DEVON I'll see what I can do. (to officer) I think perhaps an exception is in order here. Michael turns to Angie, watching Roberto. MICHAEL It's okay...when this is over, you'll be free, you and Roberto. Devon looks at her, nods it's okay. Angie hugs Michael and runs to Roberto. OMITTED ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND DEVON watching, they smile. MICHAEL Need a lift? DEVON You don't expect me to hoof it, do you? Michael smiles. They move for the cars. MICHAEL I see you're picking up the local vernacular. DEVON All I need to learn now is The Texas two-step. LONG SHOT Before anyone can ask how, or who, the Trans Am leaves. Camera rises above the scene, the devastation, staying on the car until it's a black dot on the horizon. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. DESERTED HIGHWAY - DAY The same area where Michael and Devon first met. The semi is pulled over to one side, ramp down, Bonnie waiting. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am appears over a rise, glides to a stop at the ramp, Michael and Devon inside. Smiles, ad-lib hellos. Devon gets out. K.I.T.T. Bonnie, ai-yee! Ay que chula. BONNIE (laughs) Why thank you, Kitt. MICHAEL Show off. They laugh. Michael starts to pull K.I.T.T. in when there's a screech of tires behind them. ANOTHER ANGLE It's the hot car from the wedding. The Driver revs the engine. DRIVER (grins) Well, look who's here. You did say 'some other time,' didn't you? K.I.T.T. (before Michael can answer) I believe those were your exact words. Michael smiles, pulls back off the ramp. BONNIE Wait a minute, you owe me a steak. DEVON (laughs) She's got you there, Michael. MICHAEL One steak, medium rare. Give me five minutes? DEVON Only if you buy me one too. Medium well. MICHAEL You got it. (to Driver) Okay, mean machine. Pedal to the metal. HIGH ANGLE The hot car is floored, tires spinning. It shoots ahead like a jack rabbit. Then, Michael stands on K.I.T.T. The Trans Am closes the gap within seconds, flies by the hot car and flashes down the road like the hot car is still in low gear. FADE OUT THE END