EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57321 Robert Foster December 30, 1982 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 1/ 3/83 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Steven E. de Souza Rev. 1/ 5/83 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 1/ 5/83 (F.R.) Rev. 1/11/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER THE TOPAZ CONNECTION by Stephen B. Katz ___________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MANSION - NIGHT An imposing Bel Air structure highlighted by water cascading from the well-lit fountain in front of the main house. Limos pull up and discharge a cross-section of "high society." OMITTED ANGLE - MERCEDES Devon pulls up and stops his car. A valet opens the door allowing Devon and Bonnie to get out. Devon thanks the attendant with a nod, takes Bonnie's arm and they walk toward the entrance. Camera zooms to a study on the upper floor. OMITTED INT. STUDY - NIGHT Pan from the window. We can still hear the noise of the party here. The room is dimly lit...expensively furnished ...framed photographs of beautiful models adorn the walls. Camera pans over to the desk where Philip Royce sits, typing data into a computer terminal as he talks quietly but intently on the phone. ROYCE (into phone) ...and I have a deadline to meet ...I know you are -- look, don't push too hard, but push -- every day you're there we're risking discovery.... A knock on the door causes Royce to look up. ROYCE Yeah? LAUREN (O.S.) It's me. ROYCE Two seconds, honey. (into phone) My daughter. Stay on top of it, we'll talk tomorrow. He hangs up the phone, turns off the computer and goes to open the door. A stunning young woman in her midtwenties enters. LAUREN When a magazine throws a party, the guests expect to see a mingling publisher. ROYCE (kissing her) I'm sorry. Just give me twenty more minutes. LAUREN Real time or Philip Royce time? ROYCE (smiles) Real time for a change. By the way I'm expecting a man, Devon Miles. I think he'll have a young lady with him. When he arrives send him right up. It's important. Okay? LAUREN Real time my eye. He laughs, gives her a paternal kiss and opens the door. Lauren exits. Royce goes back to his desk. There is a beeping noise and he picks up his private line. ROYCE (into phone) Hello. He listens and his face changes. It's not a voice he expected. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The girl calling Royce, Janet, is on the phone. She looks frightened, but we don't know why. JANET (phone) Please, don't hang up...I know it's been a long time, I know there's nothing between us anymore, but I need to talk to you.... Over this pull back to reveal a man (Hagen) five feet away, a gun pointed at her. She's terrified. JANET (phone) Please come, Philip -- it's the last time I'll ever bother you, I swear.... OMITTED INT. MANSION - LOBBY - NIGHT The large room is filled with beautiful and semibeautiful people sipping cocktails and nibbling finger foods as they revel in the festive atmosphere of the Royce Mansion. Lauren appears and moves through the crowd, performs her hostess role with charm and ease. LAUREN I'm so glad you could come. Roger, how nice to see you...hello...(etc.) MAN'S VOICE Barely out of diapers and she's running the show. Lauren turns around to see a handsome, stylish, prematurely graying man in his early forties. He is Paul DeBrett. LAUREN (pleased) Hello Paul. I thought you couldn't make it. PAUL I couldn't. I can't. But I'm here anyway. I've got some terrific news. Our marketing research team tells me our ads in Escape are over sixty percent more effective than other print media. LAUREN (smiles) I told you, Paul, we're changing our image. And our demographics. Stick with us and Parkway Pharmaceuticals will make the Fortune 500. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Devon and Bonnie standing at the door with a well-dressed bouncer who apparently thinks he has a gate crasher. He scans a guest list as Devon grows uneasy with the delay. Bonnie takes in the sights. DEVON If you'll kindly get Mr. Royce, he'll clear up the misunderstanding. As the bouncer scrutinizes the guest list, an attractive woman in her late thirties approaches. She is Anne Tyler. ANNE Excuse me, is there a problem? DEVON My guest and I were personally invited by Philip Royce, but apparently we're not on the guest list. ANNE I'm sorry, are you Devon Miles? DEVON I am. And this is Miss Barstow. Ad-lib hellos. ANNE Forgive me. I'm Anne Tyler, Philip's personal secretary. He is expecting you. Please, follow me. (off, to Lauren) Lauren, I found him. Lauren, talking with someone else, waves. Devon and Bonnie follow Anne Tyler. A man (Photographer), admiring Bonnie, grabs her arm as they pass. PHOTOGRAPHER I hardly recognized you with your clothes on! BONNIE (reacts) What did you say? PHOTOGRAPHER Didn't I shoot you last year? Miss June? Pausing to watch, Devon smiles, takes her arm. DEVON I think you have the wrong young lady. Or the wrong month. They continue with Anne. The Photographer tries to follow. PHOTOGRAPHER I've got it -- Miss May! No reaction. PHOTOGRAPHER Miss August? They're gone. OMITTED INT. HALLYWAY - NIGHT Anne escorts Devon to Royce's study and knocks. ANNE Philip? They're here, Mr. Miles and Miss Barstow. Philip? (silence) INT. STUDY - NIGHT Anne, Devon and Bonnie start in. The room is empty, Royce gone. The door to a private exit is open. On their puzzled reactions: SMASH CUT TO EXT. HOTEL - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - DAY A maid pushes a cleaning cart down the hall. INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY The maid unlocks the door, taking the PLEASE MAKE UP ROOM sign off the doorknob. She picks up a woman's dress and liquor bottle off the floor. She walks over to the window and throws back the drapes and turns to make up the bed. She freezes, her hand flying to her mouth in horror. MAID'S POINT OF VIEW OF THE BED where Royce and a young woman lie dead wrapped up in the blankets. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - STOCK Michael is racing for a rendezvous. EXT. SEMI - DAY - STOCK The ramp descends and the Trans Am glides up. INT. SEMI - CLOSE ON NEWSPAPER HEADLINE which screams: SKIN PUBLISHER FOUND DEAD. Underneath is a photo of the bodies on the bed. DEVON'S VOICE As you can see, Michael, they're turning the man's death into a circus. WIDER ANGLE to reveal the presence of Michael and Bonnie. Devon puts the newspaper down. MICHAEL Given the circumstances, I can see why. What's the tie-in with Philip Royce? BONNIE Royce called two days ago. He wanted the Foundation's help on a story he was researching. MICHAEL What kind of help? DEVON We never found out. But the impres- sion I got from his phone call was that the story was an expose. MICHAEL If you're right, we find out who he was going to expose and you've got your number one suspect. DEVON Agreed. MICHAEL Does it have a title? DEVON He referred to it by a code name, 'Topaz.' MICHAEL (to Bonnie) You run it through the computers? BONNIE (nods) Nothing. The word doesn't seem to connect to anything in Royce's per- sonal or corporate life. (smiles) It is, however, a birthstone. Mine. MICHAEL November 24th -- I forgot your birthday, didn't I? DEVON You were on assignment. Don't worry, I covered for you. Tastefully. MICHAEL Thanks. Okay 'Topaz.' Where do I start? DEVON I'd suggest Royce's daughter, Lauren. From what I understand they were very close. Michael nods, starts toward K.I.T.T. Michael gets in. BONNIE I've programmed Kitt with everything imaginable on Royce's publishing empire. Along with all the past issues of Escape Magazine. MICHAEL Including the centerfolds? BONNIE I anticipated your every need. Michael laughs, pulls out as the ramp drops. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK The Trans Am rolls out, accelerates and flies by the semi. OMITTED EXT. ROYCE MANSION - DAY Michael drives through the well-tended grounds. We see a bevy of beautiful girls in shorts and bikinis exercising, playing volleyball, having fun. Michael parks in the midst of this wonderland. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael. Michael is too busy looking to answer that. K.I.T.T. Michael?! MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Why are all those young ladies running around in such skimpy attire? Michael gets out of the car. MICHAEL When I find out you'll be the first to know. He heads for the mansion entrance. OMITTED ANGLE - PHOTOGRAPHER Loaded with gear, he walks up to the Trans Am with an assistant. PHOTOGRAPHER This must be the new car. He tries the door, can't open it. Pounds on it, frustrated. Now several sexy models appear, gliding up to K.I.T.T. MODEL Boy, what I wouldn't give for one of those. K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes and his dashboard lights up. OMITTED INT. MANSION - LOBBY Anne Tyler leaves Paul DeBrett to answer the door. It's Michael. ANNE Yes? MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. I have an appointment with Lauren Royce. ANNE Yes, Michael. Come in, please. I'll be right with you. Michael notices the gallery of beautiful models that adorn the wall. He moves in for a closer look as Anne sees DeBrett out the door. ANNE Thanks for stopping by, Paul. I'll tell Lauren what you said. PAUL And tell her if there's anything I can do.... ANNE I will. Bye. DeBrett exits, Anne moves to Michael. MICHAEL Terrific place. Terrific photos. I'd swear one of them is you. ANNE (smiles) Was. An earlier incarnation. I was the first centerfold. A nearby phone rings. ANNE Excuse me. (into phone) Yes?..Tell him I'll get right back to him. (hangs up; to Michael) A magazine is like a newspaper, it never sleeps. Regardless of personal tragedy... (beat) I'm sorry, we all miss him very much. MICHAEL I understand. ANNE Lauren's on the south lawn. Just go out the door and to your left down the path. You can't miss it. MICHAEL Thanks. ANNE Michael, I realize you have business with Lauren, but I do hope you'll keep it brief. This is a very difficult time for her. OMITTED EXT. FIRING RANGE - DAY A lone figure, Lauren, stands on the range, blasting away. Michael enters the shot, stands behind Lauren and watches her fire off the last of her rounds. OMITTED INSERT - TARGET as bullets tear into its center. RESUME SCENE Lauren cracks open the barrel of her Woodsman Colt .22 and reloads. Michael walks over to her. MICHAEL Very good. Lauren glances at him briefly, coldly, snaps the pistol's barrel back and takes up the marksman's stance and cooly, deliberately fires off her rounds. There's a grim deter- mination about her. It's as if the act of firing were a catharsis for her. Michael tries to talk to her as she keeps shooting. She ignores him. MICHAEL I know some marksmen who'd trade their bull's-eyes for yours.... She fires. MICHAEL I might just be one of them.... She fires. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. I believe Devon Miles called about me.... She fires. MICHAEL Look, Miss Royce -- Lauren -- I'm here to see if I can help find out what happened to your father.... She fires. MICHAEL I'm not a cop. I'm not an enemy. I'm on your side.... She fires. MICHAEL I need to know about 'Topaz.' She looks at him, her eyes hot and direct. OMITTED INT. STUDY - DAY They enter. Lauren goes to her father's desk, stops, faces him. LAUREN All right, what do you want to know? MICHAEL I want to know how I can get a hold of the story your father was working on. The story he called Devon Miles and the Foundation about.... LAUREN Topaz. Michael nods. Lauren crosses to the computer. LAUREN It's all in here, in the computer. The story, the research, the documentation, names, times and places. Watch. OMITTED INSERT She punches keys. The word "TOPAZ" appears on the screen, followed by, "ENTER SIX DIGIT ACCESS CODE." BACK TO SCENE LAUREN Do you know anything about computers? MICHAEL A little. LAUREN Then you know that without the access code it's unreachable. It might as well not exist. MICHAEL You don't have it? LAUREN No one has it. It died with my father. It was his way of guaranteeing security. For his story, and for his family and friends. MICHAEL What no one knew could never hurt them. LAUREN Exactly. So they hurt him instead. She turns away, pauses, collects herself. LAUREN When you think of Philip Royce, what do you think of? When Michael doesn't answer immediately she looks at him. LAUREN Don't say it. I'll say it for you. Glamour and sex...cars and sex... fashions and sex...a glossy, air- brushed girlie magazine. MICHAEL I feel like I should say, 'Guilty as charged.' LAUREN Say whatever you like. All I care about is vindicating my father's name. And I will. MICHAEL I didn't know it needed vindication. LAUREN Then you're no different from the others. Philip Royce, bon vivant, womanizer who turned an avocation into a profession. Found murdered in a hotel room with a girl half his age. Makes perfect sense. After all, those who live by the sword die by the sword. MICHAEL Why are you so angry? LAUREN Because that's what the world believes. That's his epitaph. So few people knew the real Philip Royce, the serious journalist, the man who when he turned fifty came into my room crying, saying he'd rather sell the magazine than have it continue as it had. He wanted to turn it into a magazine that would make a difference. Topaz was to be the new beginning... (fights back tears) Don't you see what they've done? By killing him the way they did they not only took his life they took his reputation, his credibility, his...dignity... (beat, hard) They won't succeed. I refuse to let them succeed. The phone rings. Lauren goes to the private line, answers it. LAUREN (into phone) Hello. EXT. PHONE BOOTH George Olin, a private detective is in the booth. He's nervous, tense. OLIN Lauren Royce? LAUREN Yes. Who is this? OLIN I'd rather not go into names on the phone. I was working with your father on Topaz. LAUREN (expression changes) Just a minute. (covers phone, to Michael) This is a personal call. Thanks for coming by. If I need your help I know where to find you. No choice, Michael nods. OMITTED INT. MANSION - HALLWAY - DAY Michael closes the door, pauses. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, trace the call on Royce's private line. EXT. PHONE BOOTH/INT. STUDY LAUREN Do you know who killed my father? OLIN I have a good idea. Meet me and I'll fill you in on the details. EXT. MANSION - DAY Michael walks over to K.I.T.T. where the Photographer is shooting pops of two delightful ladies modeling the latest in scanty swimwear. Both doors are open and K.I.T.T.'s scanner is flashing devilishly. MICHAEL Excuse me, ladies. MODEL If we have to. PHOTOGRAPHER Hey, pal, who do you think you are? MICHAEL The owner of this car. Sorry girls. MODEL So are we. The girls move away, disappointed. Michael slides behind the wheel, fires it up and pulls away. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING MICHAEL I've never seen you so...receptive to strangers. K.I.T.T. The young ladies and I were comparing 'bodywork.' I found it quite stimulating. MICHAEL I could tell. Did you trace the call? K.I.T.T. Unlike most humans, Michael, I can perform more than one task at a time. The call was placed from a phone booth at the corner of Sixth and Colgate. EXT. MANSION GATES - DAY They open and a limo drives through, Lauren in back. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it pulls away from the curb down the street and falls in behind Lauren's car. CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY Lauren gets out of the limo, dismisses the reluctant chauffeur. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it pulls over to the curb. Michael puts K.I.T.T. into Surveillance Mode and starts out of the car. OMITTED ANGLE - GEORGE OLIN He emerges from the phone booth. ANGLE - ROOFTOP A man named Hagen takes aim with a rifle. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, there's an armed man on a rooftop down the street! Michael sprints toward Lauren. A shot rings out. Michael tackles her, knocking her to the ground. LAUREN What are you doing?! MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, over here quick! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. - SEVERAL SHOTS The instrument panel comes alive, the gearshift moves, tires spin. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael calms Lauren. MICHAEL Take it easy. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - GEORGE OLIN He lies dead on the sidewalk. BACK TO THEM LAUREN Oh no...no.... K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop, door popping open. Michael jumps inside. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am races toward the parking structure. ANGLE AT PARKING STRUCTURE as the Trans Am rounds a corner on two wheels, dodges several cars. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'm not getting a reading on him, Michael. MICHAEL'S VOICE He's gotta be here somewhere, Kitt. The Trans Am flies into the parking structure. INT. PARKING STRUCTURE - DAY - SEVERAL SHOTS as the Trans Am races up the various levels to the top. EXT. TOP OF PARKING STRUCTURE - DAY The Trans Am appears, races to the edge. Michael jumps out. HIS POINT OF VIEW No one is here. He can't believe it. He looks down. HIS POINT OF VIEW - SEVERAL SQUAD CARS are parked down the street, officers examining Olin's body and talking to Lauren. BACK TO MICHAEL He turns back to K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael. I focused my scanners on traffic and pedestrians. When I went back up here he was gone. MICHAEL It's okay, pal. Can't win 'em all. He gets in and they start back down. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY Pull back from a coroner's van as the body of Olin is put inside. The van drives off. Several uniformed cops are present. We continue widening, see Michael and Lauren standing in the b.g. with a Homicide Lieutenant, note pad in hand. He drifts off, talks MOS to other cops. Lauren and Michael approach camera. Lauren is furious. LAUREN It's like I told you. They believe what they want to believe! MICHAEL C'mon. NEW ANGLE Michael leads her toward the Trans Am. MICHAEL They operate on facts. We can't give them facts -- just theories. LAUREN George Olin was not a 'theory.' MICHAEL (a smile) What I'm trying to say is that's our advantage. We're not limited by facts. If we put our heads together there's a chance we could get to the bottom of this on our own. (beat) Okay? LAUREN Okay. They continue to the Trans Am. MICHAEL Let's start by reconstructing the last couple of days of your father's life. Where he'd been, who he'd see.... LAUREN Where is easy. Las Vegas. They reach the Trans Am, get in over: MICHAEL Business or pleasure? LAUREN I'm not sure. He went on Tuesday, returned on Wednesday. MICHAEL Alone? LAUREN I don't know, but we can find out. The Trans Am pulls away. QUICK CUT TO OMITTED EXT. PRIVATE AIRPORT - DAY K.I.T.T. appears on an access road, drives right up beside the Escapade Lear jet, parks. INT. K.I.T.T. - CLOSER as they come to a halt. Lauren looks at the dashboard. LAUREN Amazing. It's like riding with mission control. MICHAEL I'm into gadgets. LAUREN There's Don. She gets out, approaches a pilot who's walking towards them from the plane. K.I.T.T. (immediately) Michael, I am not a 'gadget.' I am a state of the art --- MICHAEL Right. Kitt, give me a state of the art composite on George Olin. Hard copy. K.I.T.T.'s computers whir. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH as a computerized photo of George Olin appears in a slot. Michael takes it. OMITTED EXT. AIRFIELD - DAY Michael walks towards Lauren who's with Don, the pilot. She turns to Michael. LAUREN Dad took someone with him to Vegas, but he came back alone. A 'Mr. Williams.' MICHAEL Any chance this is 'Mr. Williams'? The pilot takes the photo, nods. DON That's him. Lauren and Michael react. MICHAEL (to Lauren) Hang on, I'll be right back. Camera stays on Michael as he crosses to K.I.T.T., slides inside. MICHAEL Kitt, patch me through to Devon. K.I.T.T. Good news? MICHAEL Right now any news is good news. DEVON'S VOICE (filtered, over phone) Michael? MICHAEL Devon, get me all you can on a man named George Olin. He was working for Royce under an assumed name, and --- Michael suddenly stops, realizing he is being drowned out by --- REVERSE ANGLE as Michael turns and sees that the jet is taxiing down the runway! OMITTED BACK TO SCENE DEVON'S VOICE Michael, are you there? Michael? MICHAEL I'll call you back! Michael hits the gas. OMITTED EXT. CONTROL TOWER - DAY - STOCK INT. CONTROL TOWER - DAY - STOCK CONTROLLER #1 (V.O.) I have an unidentified speeding object on runway two. CONTROLLER #2 (V.O.) I didn't authorize that. Get me the aircraft's ID number. CONTROLLER #1 (V.O.) Uh, sir...it's not a plane. CONTROLLER #2 (V.O.) What are you talking about? Give me those binoculars. EXT. RUNWAY - UNDERCRANK - DAY - BINOCULAR MATTE The Trans Am hurtles down the runway. CONTROLLER #2 (V.O.) I see it...but I don't believe it. K.I.T.T. ON ROAD - STOCK MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt, plot me a route to Las Vegas off major highways. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Right away, Michael. OMITTED EXT. DESERT ROAD - DAY - 2ND UNIT Barren, beautiful vistas seeming to stretch on forever. Suddenly the sound of an engine breaks the stillness, then K.I.T.T. appears. K.I.T.T. - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES MICHAEL (V.O.) Devon...it's Michael. Our lady publisher ran out on me. DEVON (V.O.) She ran out on you. MICHAEL (V.O.) That pretty well sums it up. How'd you do on George Olin? DEVON (V.O.) He was a private investigator, but don't get your hopes up. MICHAEL (V.O.) Devon, if he was an investigator, he had files.... DEVON (V.O.) What he had was a photographic memory. It was his trademark. No files.... MICHAEL (V.O.) Wonderful...I'll call you from Vegas. I've got a plane to catch. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. LAS VEGAS - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK Glamorous, gaudy...a mecca of eternal hope and broken dreams. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING MICHAEL'S VOICE Welcome to Las Vegas -- land of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael...would you draw to an inside straight? MICHAEL'S VOICE Been doing it all my life, Kitt. CUT TO EXT. MC CARREN AIRPORT - STOCK OMITTED RUNWAY - DAY Lauren gets out of the plane, waves at the pilot...turns and walks onward. Suddenly stops, stares in amazement at --- HER POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL In the parking lot, he leans casually against K.I.T.T. He smiles pleasantly. MICHAEL Hi. THE SCENE She approaches him. LAUREN What is this, a joke? Magic? MICHAEL Somewhere between the two. Need a lift? LAUREN Yes...no...how did you get here ahead of me? You didn't drive.... MICHAEL I think we've got more important things to talk about. Like you and me and some ground rules for working together. LAUREN I didn't know we were 'working together.' MICHAEL I gathered that when you took off at the airport...so I'd say that's the first thing we've got to decide. Either we are or we aren't. If we aren't, just say the word. I won't bother you again. They've reached the Trans Am. She looks at him. LAUREN Are you sure you can handle me? MICHAEL No. You sure you can handle me? She smiles and climbs in the car. LAUREN No. OMITTED EXT. ESCAPADE HOTEL - DAY Michael pulls up. Lauren points. LAUREN Use the VIP parking. Goes with the territory. Michael pulls in the space, which is close by the main entrance. They get out. INT. ESCAPADE LOBBY - DAY Slot machines spill into the lobby from the adjoining casino. Michael and Lauren come inside, passing one of those ubiquitous Las Vegas grannies...the kind with a racketball glove on the slot machine hand. LAUREN I'll let them know we're here. Michael nods, unobtrusively speaks into his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, I'll be awhile. Go into Surveillance Mode. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, my sensors are picking up some very strange vibrations. MICHAEL Probably the one-arm bandits, Kitt. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Shall we pursue them? MICHAEL (smiles) Just a figure of speech, Kitt. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S FRONT SCANNER - THROUGH LOBBY WINDOWS - DAY as it goes on and we hear the "whizz whizz." Snap pull back to reveal the little old lady working two slot machines, losing. Down to her last few quarters. INTERCUT WITH SCANNER - SLOT MACHINES as the wheels spin. They pay off jackpots. ANGLE - SLOT GRANNY Delighted, she scoops up her winnings -- looks out and sees K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashing. Curious, she moves to the next machine, deposits more quarters. ANGLE - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR K.I.T.T.'s monitor shows a spinning slot machine. With K.I.T.T.'s help it stops at three cherries. ANGLE - SLOT GRANNY Her machine pays off big. She stares at K.I.T.T.'s scanner -- is it possible? Then reacts to: HER POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER seems to wink and K.I.T.T. moves to VIP parking. ANGLE - SLOT GRANNY She turns to the man at the next machine. SLOT GRANNY This must be my lucky day. Her neighbor nods affably, now visible for the first time. It is Hagen, the man who shot George Olin. HAGEN Mine, too. CUT TO OMITTED INT. HOTEL SUITE - DAY Michael and Lauren walk into the tastefully furnished suite. LAUREN Welcome to the Escapade Suite. Michael spots a computer terminal in the room and walks over to it. MICHAEL Is this tied into the L.A. computer? LAUREN I think so. Michael turns on the terminal, starts hitting the keys. INSERT - TERMINAL SCREEN where Michael punches out "TOPAZ." He gets the familiar.... ENTER SIX DIGIT ACCESS CODE RESUME SCENE They're not surprised. There's a knock on the door. Lauren goes over and opens the door. Bob Kroiger walks in with a bouquet of white roses. Late thirties, he wears the Escapade color scheme translated to blazer and slacks. LAUREN Bob! How sweet.... KROIGER I can't tell you how bad we all feel about...what happened.... LAUREN I know, Bob. Thanks. (to Michael) Michael, meet Bob Kroiger, head of hotel security. Bob, Michael Knight. The men shake hands, ad-lib hellos. Lauren puts the flowers on a table, arranges them. MICHAEL We're trying to clean up a few loose ends regarding the estate. (hands him photo) Do you know this man? FAVORING KROIGER KROIGER (looks) Yeah. That's Ed Williams. Reactions from Michael and Lauren. MICHAEL Where do you know him from? KROIGER Here. The hotel. Mr. Royce brought him to my office last week, told me to hire him in security. So I did -- and the guy disappears on me after one day. MICHAEL That's all? KROIGER That's all I know. (beat) Well, if you need anything else.... They nod, ad-lib thanks. He leaves. When the door closes they look at each other. LAUREN Ed Williams -- the same alias they used with the pilot, Don -- why? What were they trying to hide? MICHAEL My guess is your father's investi- gation turned up something or someone here at the hotel. So he brought George Olin in undercover.... LAUREN But why would he suddenly leave the next day? Michael shakes his head, moves around the room, thoughtful. MICHAEL Why don't you look through the desk, I'll check over here. Maybe we'll find something that's not locked away under Topaz. INT. HOTEL SUITE BEDROOM - DAY Lauren searches through her father's things. INT. HOTEL SUITE - DAY Michael walks back over to the computer terminal and stares at it. MICHAEL (watch comlink) Kitt, any progress on the access code? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE As Bonnie pointed out, Michael, the possible numerical combinations are virtually unlimited. MICHAEL C'mon, use your imagination. How 'bout 000001? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (wry) Thank you, Michael. MICHAEL (smiles) Don't mention it, pal. Michael decides to try something, starts hitting the terminal's keys. INSERT - TERMINAL SCREEN as Michael punches out the name GEORGE OLIN. The following appears underneath...SEE TOPAZ. OMITTED BACK TO SCENE Another dead end. Then he becomes aware of a sound... someone crying softly. Camera moves with him to the bed- room. Lauren is holding a beautifully wrapped gift. LAUREN I'm sorry, I feel so.... MICHAEL What? What is it? LAUREN Today's my birthday. He always used to forget...I found this in the closet. This time he didn't forget.... He puts his arms around her, holds her close, comforting her. OMITTED INT. LOBBY - DAY - TIGHT ON SLOT GRANNY still at it. Camera pans over to show Hagen playing a slot machine. Kroiger enters the shot, stands at the next machine. Both men speak in hushed asides, the machines drowning out their conversation. Kroiger looks tight, worried. KROIGER They're asking questions about that detective, Olin. HAGEN What'd you tell them? KROIGER Nothing. That he came and left. But they're not going to let it go at that. HAGEN Next thing you know, they'll be trying to get 'Topaz' out of the old man's computer. KROIGER They won't have any better luck than we did. HAGEN How do you know? They ain't here for their health. If they're onto something, we could be in a lot of trouble. KROIGER Look, Royce is dead...Olin's dead ...you're not talking about.... He doesn't want to say it. Hagen pulls the handle on the slot. HAGEN I'm talking about doing whatever's necessary to stay well-paid and safe. And as long as those files are in that computer, and Royce's daughter and her pal are asking questions, I don't feel safe. FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. ESCAPADE HOTEL - DAY Michael is talking to the doorman, who looks at the picture of Olin, shakes his head. Camera pulls back to reveal Lauren, waiting by K.I.T.T. Michael approaches her. LAUREN Any luck? MICHAEL A few people remember him...he smoked filter tipped cigarettes and left a twelve dollar tab at the bar. How about you? She shakes her head, discouraged. LAUREN Maybe we should go back to L.A. MICHAEL (for her benefit) I think we need a break -- I know I do. (smiles) C'mon. For me. I'm itching to try my luck. She finally responds, smiles. MONTAGE - EXT. LAS VEGAS - NIGHT - STOCK The sights and sounds of the gambling capital of the world in all its splendid glitter...showing the spinning faces of slot machines...dice bouncing off a crap table...stacks of chips...an ace landing on a ten to make blackjack...a spinning roulette wheel. SUPERIMPOSED Over the spinning roulette wheel are shots of Michael and Lauren laughing, enjoying themselves in each other's company. SLOW DISSOLVE TO INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT We hear a key in a lock. Michael and Lauren come into the dark room. LAUREN (laughing) ...and then at the blackjack table, splitting a pair of tens.... MICHAEL You defied the gods. LAUREN And won! Believe it or not I've never won before. She turns on the lights, stops. WIDER ANGLE On the coffee table is a birthday cake, noise makers, champagne, etc. She turns, touched. LAUREN Oh, Michael.... MICHAEL Now don't tell me I shouldn't have. LAUREN You shouldn't have. MICHAEL Why? LAUREN Because.... For a moment it looks as if she'll cry again. MICHAEL Lauren, he loved you. He wanted the best for you. If he thought you'd let your birthday pass without a cake, without a smile, a glass of champagne.... LAUREN You're right. You hardly know me, but you're right. How can you be so right all the time? MICHAEL It's my specialty. They laugh. Their eyes hold for a moment longer than usual. LAUREN All right, there's the smile. What do we have left, let's see -- the cake, a glass of champagne...any- thing else? MICHAEL Tell you what. You do the cake, I'll do the champagne, and we'll see what else comes to mind. LAUREN (smiles) Deal. She crosses to the cake, begins lighting candles as Michael pops the cork, begins to pour. LAUREN Ready? MICHAEL Make a wish. Lauren closes her eyes and makes her wish. Michael knows what it is. She inhales and blows out the candles, smiles up at him. MICHAEL Very good. Now the champagne. He hands her a glass. LAUREN My toast. To a man I'd like to get to know better. They touch glasses and drink. The doorbell rings. LAUREN Who could that be? Excuse me. ANGLE AT DOOR She opens it to see Kroiger. KROIGER Lauren, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Anne Tyler called while you were out. She said the police want you back in L.A. first thing in the morning. Over this Michael drifts over, curious. LAUREN Did she say why? KROIGER Something about a witness to connect George Olin's death to your father's. On their reactions: CUT TO OMITTED INT. ESCAPADE LOBBY - NIGHT Michael and Lauren go out, get into K.I.T.T. We notice the Slot Granny still playing. K.I.T.T. circles around the parking lot to exit, swinging past the entrance en route. His scanner comes on. Immediately, the slot machines pay off again. K.I.T.T. - LAS VEGAS RUNBY - STOCK EXT. AIRPORT - DAY Michael pulls up and stops alongside the runway. The jet stands there waiting to fly Lauren back. Michael takes her arm and they cross to it, pause before Lauren boards. MICHAEL Call me as soon as you find out what they've got. LAUREN I will. And you call me if you get any more on George Olin. (beat) Michael? I'll miss you. MICHAEL Me too. LAUREN Can I take a rain check on the rest of the champagne? He smiles, nods. She kisses him quickly on the mouth and boards. Camera pans Michael as he returns to K.I.T.T., opens the door. INT. PLANE - DAY Close on Lauren entering, puzzled. LAUREN Don? Camera pulls back to reveal Hagen and another man, Franks. Hagen approaches her, smiling. HAGEN Don couldn't make it. She turns, tries to open the door but Hagen grabs her. She struggles, screams. ANGLE AT K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors are picking up screams inside the plane. Michael reacts, sees the plane taxiing down the runway. He jumps into the Trans Am and hits the gas. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY Michael burns rubber as the Trans Am shoots toward the runway, pursuing the plane. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE The plane increases speed. The Trans Am tries to cut it off but the plane changes direction, gathers speed. MICHAEL'S VOICE Looks like I need a boarding pass, Kitt. ANGLE - TRANS AM It pulls abreast of the speeding plane. ANGLE - MICHAEL He puts K.I.T.T. on Auto Pilot, pops the roof open and climbs up. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE This is highly unorthodox, Michael. MICHAEL'S VOICE Thanks for reminding me. ANGLE AT PLANE Michael climbs onto the wing, threads his way back to the tail where he jams the flaps. ANGLE IN COCKPIT The pilot, Franks, can't get the plane to lift-off. HAGEN Shake him lose! ANGLE ON PLANE It suddenly swerves back and forth violently. Michael tries to hang on, can't, falls to the ground and rolls. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am does a 180 as the jet lifts into the air, speeds over to where Michael lies, unconscious. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! Michael, are you all right? Silence. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Devon, it's Kitt. I'm at the airport. Hurry, Michael's been hurt. DISSOLVE TO OMITTED INT. SEMI - DAY - UP ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW of diffused images, out of focus. DEVON'S VOICE Michael? Can you hear me? Slowly the faces come into focus: Carlyle, the Foundation's doctor, along with Devon and Bonnie. ANOTHER ANGLE We see Michael is on the sofa in the office end of the semi. Carlyle checks his pupils with a thin flashlight. Michael stirs. MICHAEL Devon...? DEVON (relieved) Hello, Michael. BONNIE Welcome back. MICHAEL Where am I? What happened? He tries to sit up but Carlyle stops him, checks him with a stethoscope. CARLYLE Not so fast. DEVON We're in the semi just outside Las Vegas. Fortunately, Doctor Carlyle was on one of his monthly gambling forays. I collared him at a crap table. CARLYLE My 'forays,' as you call them, are semiannual, not monthly. (to Michael) Breathe. Deeper. Michael remembers something, bolts upright. MICHAEL Where's Lauren? Uncomfortable silence. BONNIE Michael, you should rest.... MICHAEL What happened?! DEVON I'm afraid they got her. MICHAEL 'They?' Who's 'they?' DEVON I was hoping you could tell me. MICHAEL What about the plane -- it was the company plane --- DEVON Whoever planned this was very clever, very thorough. They used a plane identical to Royce's. They filed a fictitious flight plan.... MICHAEL (to Bonnie) Anything on Topaz? Bonnie shakes her head. BONNIE I've got Kitt and every available computer working around the clock. It's a long shot. Michael struggles up, uses the wall for support. ANGLE FROM WHERE K.I.T.T. IS PARKED Michael comes in, followed by Devon and Bonnie. In b.g., Carlyle makes a phone call. DEVON Please, Michael, sit down. Rampaging around won't accomplish anything. MICHAEL (a thought) The phone call! DEVON What? MICHAEL You've been in touch with the police -- do they have a new lead? A witness? DEVON No, not as of an hour ago -- why? Michael moves to K.I.T.T., jumps in and starts the engine. Devon and Bonnie cross, concerned. DEVON Michael, you're in no condition to drive -- where do you think you're going? MICHAEL Gotta talk to a centerfold. SEMI - NIGHT - STOCK - TRAVELING K.I.T.T. exits, zooms away. EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY A four-wheeler is seen driving up the road, Hagen inside. ANGLE - FRANKS The one who helped Hagen kidnap Lauren. He steps out from the trees, a rifle under his arm, a walkie-talkie clipped to his belt. The four-wheeler slows, Hagen waves, continues past the check point. ANOTHER ANGLE The four-wheeler continues up the road to the house. EXT. CABIN - DAY The four-wheeler pulls up and parks. Hagen reaches in back and lifts out a bag of groceries, walks over to the cabin. INT. CABIN - DAY Hagen walks in and puts down the groceries on a table. The cabin is a "rustic elegance"...a rich man's getaway retreat. Hagen crosses to the kitchen with the groceries... passing by Lauren as he does. She's tied to a straight back chair and gagged. HAGEN Had to drive twenty miles to find a store, and then they don't have steaks. What's happening to this country -- you can't keep a country strong when you got people eating fish and chicken all the time. And vegetables. You think the Russians eat vegetables? He pops open a beer, returns to where Lauren is. He sits in a chair opposite her, regards her soberly. HAGEN You hungry? She stares at him. HAGEN (nods) This means yes. (shakes head) This means no. She finally shakes her head, no. HAGEN I gotta tell you, sweetheart, I don't like this any more than you do. But it won't be much longer now. (glances at watch) They should be here in a half hour or so. He studies her for a moment. HAGEN You know, I can't figure somebody like you out. You're young, you're rich, you got great legs...why'd you want to go on this crusade? Your old man's dead. Why couldn't you just leave it alone? CUT TO OMITTED EXT. ESCAPADE MANSION - DAY Michael screeches up in K.I.T.T., parks, runs for the front door. INT. MANSION - DAY Michael opens the door and walks in. Anne Tyler is on the phone. She stares at Michael in disbelief, puts down the receiver. ANNE I thought you were.... MICHAEL Dead? ANNE (reacts) Why would I think that? I thought you were still in Las Vegas. Where's Lauren? MICHAEL That's what I came here to find out. ANNE I don't know what you're talking about --- MICHAEL Yes you do. You called Bob Kroiger at the hotel with a phony message about the police needing Lauren back here. ANNE I did not. I don't know what Bob told you, but I haven't talked to him in days. Good-bye, Mr. Knight. She turns away but Michael grabs her, makes her face him. MICHAEL Anne, listen to me. It's all coming apart at the seams. It's not going to work. I don't know exactly how you're involved in this, or why, but I know you're involved. Help me find Lauren before they kill her too. For a moment it appears Anne will soften, break, but then it passes. She's cold as steel. ANNE Take your hands off me or I'll call security. MICHAEL She trusted you! ANNE Get out of here! Michael drops his hands, pauses. MICHAEL I don't know what Philip Royce did to you, real or imagined, but to let Lauren die for his sins puts you in a whole different category, lady. When your pals go down on this one I'll make a point of seeing that you go down with them. All the way. A lost look at her and he starts out. It's a calculated move. ANNE (screams after him) 'Real or imagined?!' You don't know the half of it. I was Philip's first centerfold -- I worked with him day and night to make his magazine a success! I loved him! I gave him everything.... Michael has reached the door, pauses, his back still to her. Her voice changes. ANNE Don't you see...I helped create the great Philip Royce...but instead of marriage I got a lifetime contract and a title. Instead of love I got a constant series of affairs, one woman after another, year after year.... Michael turns to face her. She is crying softly. MICHAEL Where have they got her? ANNE I don't know. I had no idea it would...come to this. I'm telling you the truth, I swear.... He believes her. Something catches his eye: The photo of Anne on the wall. MICHAEL (a sudden thought) Your centerfold shot -- what month were you? ANNE Miss November -- why? MICHAEL The birthstone for November is 'Topaz.' (off her confused reaction) He thought more of you than you know. He dashes outside. OMITTED EXT. MANSION - DAY - ANGLE UP FROM K.I.T.T. as Michael runs over, opens the door. MICHAEL Kitt, run me Anne Tyler's measure- ments from the first issue! K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - FEMALE OUTLINE - STOCK FROM INSIDE OUT Anne Tyler's measurements appear. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Ninety-seven...sixty-one...ninety- seven.... BACK TO SCENE Michael reacts. MICHAEL That's impossible. K.I.T.T. I beg your pardon, that is accurate, Michael. Down to the last centimeter. MICHAEL (through his teeth) Inches, Kitt. Inches. K.I.T.T. I do wish you'd learn to be more explicit, Michael. Thirty-six... twenty-four...thirty-six. MICHAEL That's it...The access code to 'Topaz.' OMITTED FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. ROAD TO CABIN A sedan makes its way along the road. Shadows darken the windshield, preventing us from recognizing the two men in the car. EXT. TREES - DAY Franks picks up his walkie-talkie. Pan the car as it moves past. INT. CABIN - DAY Hagen finishes on the walkie-talkie. HAGEN (walkie-talkie) All right. Stay there, hold your position. Hagen puts down the walkie-talkie and crosses to Lauren. HAGEN They're here. I'm gonna take off your gag, but before I do I want to tell you something. I've been in situations like this before. People go crazy, you know what I mean? They scream and yell and do stupid things. It doesn't do any good. Doesn't change a damn thing. So take my advice, do yourself a favor -- relax. Go with it. Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen. He moves behind her and begins to untie the gag. EXT. CABIN - DAY The car pulls in and parks. The man driving is Kroiger. The other man can't be seen. INT. CABIN - DAY as before, Hagen untying the gag. Lauren moves her jaw, which is stiff. Hagen smiles. HAGEN What'd I tell you -- pretty as ever. Over this, footsteps, and the door opens. The first man is Kroiger. He glances at Lauren but refuses to look at her. He's ashamed but determined to see it through. The second man in is Paul DeBrett. Lauren stares in shock. DE BRETT Hello, Lauren. LAUREN (beat) Paul...Bob...what...? DeBrett crosses to her, puts a black leather case on a nearby coffee table. DE BRETT I'm sorry. This isn't what I intended. None of this should have ever happened.... He looks at her, quite sincere. He opens the leather case. LAUREN You? You're behind all this? My father's death...? Paul, you murdered my father?! Hagen taps her on the shoulder. DeBrett prepares a syringe. HAGEN Remember what I said. Do yourself a favor. LAUREN (to DeBrett) He was your friend! (to Kroiger) You too, Bob -- he trusted you! Why? This is insane. How could you do that to him? Why? DE BRETT In a word, 'Topaz.' Let's not mince words, Lauren. I'm not proud of what I've had to do, but I had to do it. Believe that. But let's not labor under the romantic illusion that Philip Royce was a saint. For that matter, even a decent man. He was out to destroy me. Me and my company. The great Dialozene expose, code name 'Topaz.' For the good of the world? (shakes his head) For the good of Philip Royce. (to Hagen) Hold her arm. Lauren screams and struggles but Hagen holds her mouth with one hand and her arm with the other. DeBrett injects her with the drug. DISSOLVE TO OMITTED INT. STUDY - DAY Michael punches keys on the computer. Devon and Bonnie watch with anticipation. INSERT - COMPUTER SCREEN It flashes the familiar: TOPAZ ENTER SIX DIGIT ACCESS CODE BACK TO SCENE Now Michael punches in numbers. DEVON (puzzled) 36-24-36? MICHAEL Miss November. DEVON BONNIE Miss November? You can't be serious. MICHAEL Look. INSERT SCREEN It reads: ACCEPTED. It is immediately replaced by type- written material. BACK TO SCENE They watch, fascinated. MICHAEL Who's the speedreader? DEVON BONNIE I am. I am. MICHAEL There's got to be a name in there. The name. He moves away, a little dizzy. He leans against the wall for support, exhausted, still suffering side effects. DEVON BONNIE It's about drugs.... One drug in particular, Dialozene.... DEVON BONNIE Passed by the FDA.... But later independent tests showed possible side effects.... DEVON BONNIE The company is Parkway The man is Paul DeBrett.... Pharmaceuticals.... Devon turns to Michael, sees the shape he's in. DEVON Are you all right? MICHAEL I'm okay. Paul DeBrett...That name sounds familiar. BONNIE He was on the guest list at Philip Royce's that night. DEVON It's hard to imagine a man of his position directly involved. MICHAEL Not if he feels his own life's at stake. DEVON Bonnie, be a love and...Bonnie? He's turned, sees she's not there; she's at the computer. BONNIE (beat) Parkway Pharmaceuticals, Paul DeBrett, President. What would you like to know? MICHAEL His home address. INT. CABIN - DAY Lauren lies on the couch, half-unconscious under the effect of the drug. DeBrett stares down at her. Hagen and Kroiger look on. DE BRETT All right, Lauren, you're relaxed... you feel good...everything is going to be just fine.... HAGEN You guys want a sandwich? DE BRETT (stares at him) What? HAGEN Forget it, we'll eat later. DE BRETT (to Lauren) Tell me about 'Topaz', Lauren. She twists her head, troubled. DE BRETT It's all right...think of Topaz as a friend who's trapped, a friend you want to set free.... (beat) Do you know the access code? LAUREN No.... DE BRETT Does your friend, Michael Knight? LAUREN Michael...Michael.... DE BRETT Does he? LAUREN No.... EXT. TRANS AM - DAY racing down the road. DEVON'S VOICE Michael, it's Devon. INT. TRANS AM - DAY MICHAEL Yeah, Devon. DEVON'S VOICE To use your expression, Michael, do a one-eighty. MICHAEL What are you talking about? DEVON'S VOICE I made a few calls. Paul DeBrett isn't at his house in the city, he's at his house in the country. Eagle Lake to be specific. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY It does a 180 and heads back the opposite way. INT. CABIN - DAY Lauren is semi-conscious, still under the effect of the drug. LAUREN I don't know.... DE BRETT Are you absolutely positive? KROIGER She doesn't know. I told you we didn't have to do this -- she doesn't know anything and neither does Knight. DE BRETT Don't fall apart on me now, Bob. KROIGER (sick of it) I just want to get this over with. He shakes his head, goes outside for some air. OMITTED EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY - STOCK The Trans Am speeds down it. INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors are picking up someone in the trees up ahead. MICHAEL Armed? K.I.T.T. Decidedly. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. EXT. TRANS AM It pulls off to the side of the road. K.I.T.T. Michael, why are we stopping? MICHAEL I want to keep our arrival a secret. EXT. TREES - DAY Franks reacts as he hears something o.s. He picks up his rifle and moves off to investigate. ANGLE - FRANKS as he brings up his binoculars. MASK SHOT THROUGH BINOCULARS as Franks sees the Trans Am driving towards him. RESUME FRANKS Someone taps him on the shoulder. Franks turns around and Michael hits him with a hard right. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he lowers the unconscious Franks to the ground. Michael takes the rifle and walkie-talkie with him. INT. CABIN - DAY Hagen ties the final knot on the cord around Lauren's wrist. Kroiger and DeBrett are preparing to leave. HAGEN We coming back afterwards or what? DE BRETT Why? HAGEN I got sixty dollars worth of food in the kitchen, that's why. DE BRETT You amaze me. HAGEN I amaze you, you amaze me. We coming back or not? DE BRETT Put it this way. If we don't, I'll give you sixty dollars. Hagen half carries Lauren toward the door. Kroiger bursts through the door. KROIGER It's him -- the guy in the car! Knight! OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM - DAY closing the distance between it and the cabin. EXT. HOUSE - DAY Hagen runs out with a scoped hunting rifle, sights and fires. He squeezes off several rounds, looks. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE TRANS AM It keeps coming, winding its way up. BACK TO HAGEN He runs over to DeBrett's car and jumps behind the wheel. INT. CAR - DAY - MOVING Hagen can see the Trans Am heading for him. He throws open the door. ANGLE - HAGEN rolling out of the car and into the bushes. ANGLE - MERCEDES as it gathers speed down the sloping road. In seconds it'll crash head on into the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING Michael can't turn off the road, it's lined with trees. The Mercedes seems to fill the windshield. MICHAEL Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL On the road of life, one must overcome certain obstacles.... Michael hits a button on the dash. K.I.T.T. My, how poetic. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it shoots over the speeding car. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it flies through the air. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it crashes back down on the road. ANGLE - HAGEN He runs back toward the cabin. The Trans Am overtakes him, its door flying open. ANGLE - MICHAEL He dives out of the Trans Am and tackles Hagen. They struggle to their feet, punching. Michael lands a hard right and Hagen goes down. OMITTED ANGLE AT CABIN DeBrett and Kroiger haul Lauren out and stuff her into the four-wheeler. DeBrett gets behind the wheel. The Trans Am roars in, Michael leaping out. DeBrett aims a pistol at Lauren. DE BRETT (to Michael) One step closer and I'll kill her! (to Kroiger; sotto voce) Don't just sit there! Get the rifle and shoot him. Kroiger grabs a rifle from in back, jumps out. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Michael is frozen, unwilling to approach and risk Lauren's life. K.I.T.T. What do we do now, Michael? MICHAEL Bide our time, Kitt. Kroiger aims. Michael steps behind the shield of K.I.T.T.'s open door. Kroiger fires, fires again. The bullets bounce off. Kroiger and DeBrett react, amazed. DeBrett shoves the four-wheeler into gear and speeds off down the road. KROIGER Wait! Paul -- wait! He's gone. Kroiger looks at Michael, terrified, throws the rifle aside and runs wildly after the four-wheeler. K.I.T.T. Are we through biding our time? MICHAEL (jumps in) You got it, pal. The Trans Am fishtails down the road. ANGLE ON ROAD Kroiger is running as the Trans Am barrels down on him, its door popping open and hitting him on the back. Lifted off the ground, he flies into the underbrush. MICHAEL'S VOICE Nice touch, Kitt. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Thank you. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY The four-wheeler speeds along the rutted dirt road. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it tears after it. ANGLE - FOUR-WHEELER as it jumps a drainage ditch. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it suddenly cuts off the road. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it crashes through a shallow pond, water spraying in all directions. INT. FOUR-WHEELER - DAY - MOVING DeBrett glances in his rearview mirror, satisfied he's lost Michael. OMITTED ANGLE - TRANS AM as it suddenly appears out of nowhere and cuts in front of the four-wheeler. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE It spins out of control, lands in a drainage ditch or ravine. CLOSER DeBrett, momentarily stunned, searches frantically for the pistol, sees Michael approaching, grabs a tire iron instead and jumps out. WIDER ANGLE DeBrett advances on Michael, swings the tire iron at him, Michael ducks. DeBrett swings at him again and again, backing Michael up. On one swing he misses Michael and hits the Trans Am. K.I.T.T. (piqued) I beg your pardon. DeBrett reacts, eyes off Michael for an instant. It's all Michael needs. He hits DeBrett with everything he's got, three or four punches in quick succession. DeBrett crumples. K.I.T.T. Nice touch, Michael. MICHAEL (smiles) Thanks, Kitt. ANGLE AT FOUR-WHEELER Michael runs over, finds Lauren still shaken, groggy from the drugs. He helps her out. MICHAEL Are you okay? Lauren? Here, give me your hand, etc.... She looks up at him, focuses. LAUREN What happened... (remembering) Paul -- Paul DeBrett! And Bob Kroiger! They.... MICHAEL I know. It's okay. It's all over. Relief floods through her. She looks faint. Michael puts his arms around her. HIGH SHOT They hold that way for a moment, then Michael slowly walks her back to the Trans Am. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED EXT. MANSION - DAY Michael, Devon and Bonnie stand beside the Trans Am as Lauren passes out the latest issue of Escapade Magazine. LAUREN The phone's been ringing off the hook. The FDA has prohibited the sale of Dialozene pending further investigation. DEVON Your father would be proud of you. You're a worthy heir. LAUREN (smiles) Thank you. (to Michael) If I'm not mistaken, you and I have some unfinished business. MICHAEL (nods, smiles) Rain check on a half-bottle of champagne. LAUREN Two-thirds of a bottle. She smiles, gives him a kiss. Bonnie, flipping through the magazine, checks out the centerfold and laughs. BONNIE Lauren, I love it! LAUREN I think it's one of our best. MICHAEL I'll give you an expert opinion. He sees the centerfold and laughs. MICHAEL Whoa. Look at those lines! Those curves! INSERT - CENTERFOLD K.I.T.T. -- surrounded by bathing beauties. BACK TO SCENE DEVON Well, Kitt, what do you think? K.I.T.T. Overall, it's a very flattering layout. However, there is one small detail that keeps it from being picture perfect. MICHAEL What's that, pal? K.I.T.T. Please remove the staple from my fender. OMITTED FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END