EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57326 Robert Foster January 10, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 1/12/83 (F.R.) Rev. 1/13/83 (F.R.) Rev. 1/14/83 (F.R.) Rev. 1/17/83 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 1/17/83 (F.R.) Rev. 1/18/83 (F.R.) Rev. 1/20/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER CHARIOT OF GOLD by William Schmidt _________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. DESERT ARCHEOLOGICAL DIG SITE - DAY A barren landscape of sand and excavated dirt. Sounds of metal hitting rock, not far away. A sign that reads, "COUNTY MUSEUM ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE #32, DR. JAMES LITTON, FIELD SUPERVISOR." Near the sign a lizard makes its way to an unseen burrow. Suddenly, it stops when it hears a sound from o.s., an approaching car. The lizard scurries for safety. EXT. KNIGHT 2000 - DAY The car tears around a bend near the sign and starts down the bumpy, unpaved road. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I hope it won't be much longer. This dirt is beginning to clog a few of my more sensitive instruments. INT. KNIGHT 2000 - DAY Michael has his hands firmly on the wheel and he takes the jars and jolts effortlessly. MICHAEL We're almost there. And, anyway, this isn't just dirt -- it's the stuff of ancient Indian civilizations.... K.I.T.T. Perhaps. But the stuff of ancient Indian civilizations is wreaking havoc on my turbines. MICHAEL Sorry, Kitt, but Devon said it was urgent. Michael takes a bend in the road abruptly. K.I.T.T. groans. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW Michael spots three pretty women in khaki clothing, archeology students, chipping at some rocks on a bench at the side of the road. OMITTED IN K.I.T.T. Michael starts to pull K.I.T.T. off the road when, from behind the tent, a Jeep roars out, nearly sideswiping the car. MICHAEL Hey! K.I.T.T. automatically jerks back to avoid the hit and we get a good look at the driver of the Jeep -- a wild-eyed, bespectacled man in his fifties. K.I.T.T. According to my visuals, Michael -- that's Doctor Litton. Michael, puzzled, takes the controls and goes after the Jeep, which swerves wildly from one side of the road to another. ON THE TENT as a brawny young man, also dressed in khaki, steps outside. Brawny and intelligent looking, this is Peter Stark. He intently stares up the road at the chase, then hurries towards the dig site. ROAD as Michael pulls abreast of the Jeep, Dr. Litton ignores Michael's hand motion to pull over -- and he slams the Jeep into K.I.T.T. The impact does nothing to K.I.T.T., of course, but it badly damages the right wheel of the Jeep. IN K.I.T.T. Michael keeps K.I.T.T. close to the Jeep. K.I.T.T. I estimate that in less than fifteen seconds, the Jeep's right wheel will spin off. At his rate of speed.... MICHAEL I can imagine. LITTON suddenly takes his foot off the gas and slumps against the steering wheel, sending the car into a spin. EDGE OF ROAD Michael slams on his brakes, missing the Jeep by inches. The Jeep slides into a ditch. Michael pulls K.I.T.T. over, hops out and runs to the Jeep. BY THE JEEP Litton is out cold. Michael starts to lift him out of the Jeep, when Litton's eyes open very wide, staring at some invisible monster. LITTON No. No! No! Litton leaps on top of Michael, but Michael has no trouble subduing the older man. Michael jumps up and Litton tries to stand. He gets halfway up -- then collapses. Michael catches him to break his fall. Litton mumbles something unintelligible to Michael, his eyes glazed. MICHAEL Doctor Litton -- I'm Michael Knight. You called Devon Miles asking for help.... There's a glint of recognition in Litton's eyes. With what seems his last ounce of strength, Litton grabs something under his lapel. He yanks it off and presses it into Michael's hand. Michael opens his hand -- to a pin. INSERT - PIN A very small black pin with a gold sun emblazoned on it. BACK TO SCENE Litton shakes his head "yes," then passes out. Michael stares at the pin, bewildered. CUT TO INT. OFFICE - DAY Absolutely pitch black. Nothing can be made out until we hear a click and a flickering of light from a TV screen illuminates the room. The sound is off, and there's nothing but static on the screen. We now see five people sitting in chairs facing the screen. Near the screen, in the shadows, is a speaker, a woman in her midforties who we'll come to know as Ellen Sullivan. SULLIVAN What you are about to see will astound even you. This is truly one of the engineering wonders of our time. She presses a tape cassette into a VTR machine, flicks it in and hits a button. CUT TO OMITTED INT. KNIGHT 2000 - DAY - TRAVELING With Michael driving, the car is going back up the unpaved road as quickly as possible. Litton is slumped in the passenger's seat, out cold. K.I.T.T. What's wrong with him, Michael? MICHAEL I'm hoping you can tell me, pal. Michael hits a button on the dash and a tray marked, "BLOOD ANALYZER", opens under the dash to reveal a velcro-like piece of cloth, connected by wires. Michael puts K.I.T.T. on automatic and wraps the Blood Analyzer around Litton's wrist. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREEN as the number "340 over 140" flashes on the screen. K.I.T.T. His blood pressure is 340 over 140 -- this man is in extreme danger. Another picture flashes on the screen, a thermal X-ray of Litton's arm. K.I.T.T. And I detect the presence of a very potent drug. On the screen comes the word, "UNKNOWN." MICHAEL Unknown? I thought you had every possible drug -- something like three thousand. K.I.T.T. Five thousand eight hundred seventy- five to be exact. And I have records of each chemical within the drug... but this particular combination of chemicals is unknown. LITTON His face is white, tortured, his features misshapen by some chemical devil. INT. OFFICE - DAY The people still cannot be made out, their faces reflecting a rainbow of lights from the TV screen. Sounds of cars screeching and tires squealing can be heard. SULLIVAN And so, in terms of pure speed...The question isn't how fast this vehicle will go -- the question is how fast do you want it to go? ON THE TV SCREEN We now see that the tape is of -- K.I.T.T., performing terrific stunts, going over cars with his turbo-boost, out- running other vehicles at amazing speeds, going through solid brick walls and taking hits, with no damage, from machine guns. SULLIVAN ...As you know, this is our missing link. All that is left is to separate the car from its driver. A pleasant, but unremarkable young man by the name of Michael Knight. CUT TO EXT. KNIGHT FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT - ON MIRROR Devon is trying to knot his tie, gazing into a mirror built into a closet door in the office. He grimaces -- when he straightens his tie, it comes out all askew. TO INCLUDE BONNIE Pretty, stylishly dressed. She watches Devon with bemuse- ment. DEVON Why is it when one is rushing, one's tie refuses to be knotted? She comes over and begins to tie it for him. BONNIE I think it's called 'Devon's First Law of Nervousness.' She finishes the tie. DEVON I'm glad you're here to share this moment with me, Bonnie. (with a hint of mischief) I only wish Michael were here, too. There's a knock at the door. Devon and Bonnie share a look of excitement and she holds up crossed fingers. Devon crosses and opens the door. NEW ANGLE A distinguished, portly man, Graham Deauville, enters and clasps hands with Devon. Deauville is a John Houseman look-alike, with a preoccupied, worried air. DEVON Graham, it is good to see you.... DEAUVILLE You're looking well, my friend. (to Bonnie) And it is always a pleasure to be graced by your beauty, my dear. He crosses to her, bows courtly, then takes her hand and kisses it. She blushes. When he looks back to Devon, he is grave. DEAUVILLE Devon, I have something very impor- tant to discuss with you. DEVON (smiles) I certainly hope so. Deauville is a little confused. After a beat, it dawns: DEAUVILLE Oh, yes, your Helios scores. He opens his leather valise and takes out some papers. BONNIE You didn't grade mine, did you? I just took it to keep Devon company. Deauville finally manages a small smile. He looks from her to Devon. DEAUVILLE As you know, the Helios test is more than just an entrance examination -- it's widely acknowledged as the most accurate measure of native intelli- gence. Devon beams. DEAUVILLE It scores mental ability -- and the capacity to grasp the higher planes of thought we use to solve the important problems facing our world. So... (a dramatic pause) I am pleased to announce the newest member of Helios -- Miss Barstow! Bonnie's face lights up; Devon's face falls. BONNIE Me? Are you sure? DEVON Yes, are you quite sure? DEAUVILLE (with an impish grin) We at Helios don't make mistakes, remember? BONNIE I don't know what to say...I even had a cold that day.... This isn't what Devon wanted to hear. DEAUVILLE We're having our induction ceremony this weekend at the estate. (to Bonnie) You'll be there of course. And, my dear Devon, I'm very pleased to invite you to our reception Saturday -- and to announce that, for your years of friendship and support, we're making you an honorary member. DEVON Honorary. Of course. I am most pleased. He isn't. Deauville takes something out of his coat pocket and reaches for the lapel of Bonnie's blouse. He clips on a pin. CLOSE ON PIN The same small black pin with the gold sun emblazoned on as before. BACK TO SCENE Bonnie is beaming. Devon's phone rings and he crosses to answer it. DEVON (into phone) Michael, where are you? INT. HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR - NIGHT Michael is at a pay phone. MICHAEL At Physician's Hospital. Devon, I've got some bad news. When I found Doctor Litton, he was having some kind of fit. Now he's in a coma...the doctors don't know anything, yet...there's some kind of drug in his system but Kitt has no record of it.... ANGLE ON DEVON DEVON I'll be right there, Michael. Devon hangs up the phone. DEAUVILLE What is it? DEVON Something happened. Jim Litton is in a coma. Deauville looks as if he's been stricken. DEAUVILLE Oh, my God! (a beat) This is the reason I came today, Devon. In the past month, two of our Helios members have died -- mysteriously. Off Devon's alarmed reaction, as we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH An imposing structure. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT - MOVING Deauville, flanked by Michael and Devon, walks down the stark, white hallway. This is the mental ward, but could just as easily pass for a jail. Deauville talks in a subdued, wistful voice. DEAUVILLE Jim and I go all the way back to Princeton together. (a beat) I remember one professor, in partic- ular Doctor Whitehead, who took us on a dig -- and said the folklore about Indian gods protecting their graves was...superstition. So, one night, Jim and I dressed up in hideous masks and sneaked into Whitehead's tent... I never saw a man so frightened -- or run as hard as he did! Michael and Devon smile. BY HOSPITAL DOOR They stop in front of a door with a tiny window. DEAUVILLE Last year's find of the Aztec gold, just outside of Mexico City, was Jim's greatest triumph...as much as the gold is worth, it's historical value is incomparable. Now, to think of Jim Litton -- at the peak of his career...as you described him.... He trails off. Then they all enter the room. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - HIGH ANGLE SHOT - DAY A padded cell with one bed. Strapped on is Dr. Litton, who is sleeping. ANGLE BY BED Deauville looks ashen, as if he's viewing a corpse. Litton's raspy breathing tells us he isn't. Deauville approaches his friend very slowly and getting around the straps as best as he can, hugs him tightly. When he looks up, he can see that Litton's eyes are fluttering open. DEAUVILLE (choked with emotion) Jim... (a beat) Jim, it's going to be all right. As Litton's eyes focus, they bug out at Deauville. LITTON (screaming) No. No! No! Deauville jumps back as if he's been bitten. DEAUVILLE Jim, it's me -- Graham. LITTON No! No! Then he issues a terrifying, piercing scream. A nurse hurries into the room to try and calm Litton. Michael and Devon escort a very shaken Deauville out of the room. ANGLE IN CORRIDOR They all collect their wits. When Deauville speaks, it is full of emotion and anger. DEAUVILLE That...isn't Jim Litton in there. I don't know who...what...is inside him, but it isn't the Jim I know. (a beat; to Devon) I hate to ask...such a big favor. DEVON Anything Graham. Anything we can do.... DEAUVILLE Come to Helios this weekend...and find whoever's responsible...for.... He indicates Litton's room. MICHAEL Why do you think it's someone in Helios? DEAUVILLE I don't know what to think. But if it isn't someone inside our organiza- tion -- I'm at a total loss.... DEVON We'll be happy to come...and do what we can. OMITTED EXT. DEVON'S CAR - DAY - MOVING as it pulls inside the main gate of the Helios estate, a massive, ornate metal structure, with intricate grill work. The gate opens as they approach. EXT. HELIOS MANSION - DAY Devon pulls to a stop in front of the mansion. He and Bonnie get out of his car and walk towards the front steps. She carries a weekend travel bag. BONNIE This is...beautiful. I don't believe it. I've always dreamed of belonging to something like this, but.... DEVON Helios is a fine organization, Bonnie. They made an excellent choice. I'm proud of you. BONNIE Thank you. (a beat) I'm sure if you took the test again.... DEVON It's not that important. Really. I was just...surprised, that's all. BONNIE This wouldn't be the same if you were upset. And anyway, it's not as though you've been left out. You're an Honorary Member. She smiles and he keeps his stiff upper lip frozen into a smile. When she looks away, the smile fades. ANGLE ON STEPS As they come to the base of the steps, Deauville comes out of the front door to greet them. On the steps, he and Devon shake hands. DEAUVILLE Thank you so much for coming, my friends.... DEVON I hope we're not too late.... DEAUVILLE (smiling at Bonnie) We would never begin without our loveliest new member. Deauville takes the bag from Bonnie, then extends his other arm to her. She takes it and they all walk through the main front door into the mansion. INT. KNIGHT 2000 - DAY - TRAVELING pulling off the main road not far behind Devon's car. Michael looks very bored. K.I.T.T. ...and Helios, the Greek sun god, the God of Brilliance, rode to his palace in a chariot of gold.... MICHAEL Kind of like a Rolls Royce, right? A beat. K.I.T.T. I fail to see the logic of that statement. MICHAEL Forget it. K.I.T.T. Had you used a more domestic brand as your model.... Michael pulls to a stop near the main door of the mansion. MICHAEL Just a figure of speech. Did you do a scan on the data banks Bonnie added on Helios? K.I.T.T. Yes, I did. I find no connection between Doctor Litton and the two deceased Helios members. MICHAEL Great. Maybe I can organize a game of tackle football or something here. Michael starts out of the car. K.I.T.T. By the way, Michael, can a Rolls Royce do computer scans? Michael laughs, getting the gist of K.I.T.T.'s argument. MICHAEL Not a one. And, listen -- you're as good as gold to me, buddy. K.I.T.T. Thank you. Michael gets out of his car by the front steps. HIS POINT OF VIEW OF THE HOUSE In a window by the front door of the mansion, Michael spots a pretty woman in her twenties staring out at him. This is Charlene Hanover. After a beat -- she disappears. ON MICHAEL not sure if he saw anything at all. He continues up the steps. CUT TO OMITTED INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY An orderly -- in white hospital clothes -- wheels a linen cart down the corridor. We only see the orderly from his back. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY The orderly enters the room and closes the door behind him. He wheels the cart to the foot of Litton's bed. Litton wakes up from a fitful sleep. LITTON When his eyes focus, he looks up at the orderly -- and opens his mouth to scream. REVERSE ANGLE The orderly -- actually Peter Stark -- stuffs a towel in Litton's mouth. Then he takes a bottle from his coat pocket, opens it, and spills some of its contents onto a towel. Litton, his eyes wide with terror, is strapped in and thus can do nothing. Stark covers Litton's nose with the towel. Litton struggles...fights against the drug... then -- stops struggling. His body goes slack. As Stark removes the towel and wheels the cart out of the room, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HELIOS MANSION - DAY More cars arrive with members, guests and inductees. OMITTED INT. MANSION - HALLWAY - DAY Michael, Bonnie and a handful of other Helios members and guests are being given a tour by Ellen Sullivan, the woman we saw earlier in the dark office. The house is expensively furnished with many old paintings and antiques. The archi- tecture is Gothic in period, with many interesting nooks and crannies, side rooms and blind hallways. Strolling the hall- way are two museum guards. Sidling next to Michael and Bonnie is Irving Farber. He has huge glasses, a receding hairline -- and an obvious crush on Bonnie. SULLIVAN The mansion was purchased in 1952 by the Helios trustees. Many of our members live on the premises while working on projects and.... As she drones on, Farber nudges Bonnie. Michael watches the following exchange with bemusement. Farber points to a piece of artwork. FARBER (whispering) That one was done by the famous Genoan artist, Renaldo Sofo. It took him twelve years to complete it. Trying to put him off without hurting his feelings: BONNIE Isn't...that amazing? FARBER My name is Irving Farber. My notes on the Renaissance are particularly stirring. Perhaps we can get together and discuss them sometime. BONNIE That...certainly sounds exciting, Irving. Farber smiles, ecstatic at this major victory. He gives Michael a knowing manly nod and follows the tour. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - DOWN THE HALLWAY A door opens -- and out steps Charlene Hanover. She seems distraught. They make fleeting eye contact, but she hurries away down the hall. She turns a corner -- and almost runs into Devon. They ad-lib apologies. BACK TO SCENE Devon comes up to Michael. He is very grave. DEVON Michael -- Doctor Litton is dead. MICHAEL Dead? DEVON The doctors still don't know the cause. I've asked to see the results of the autopsy as soon as possible. MICHAEL Three dead men...no clues...Devon, when I was a cop, they'd call this kind of thing a 'Blind Man's Bluff.' DEVON Have you seen anything odd or peculiar? MICHAEL Besides most of the Helios members -- no. DEVON They're not odd, Michael, they're different. MICHAEL Let's just say this isn't my kind of place. DEVON I'm well aware of that, my dear fellow. Devon smiles at him and moves away down the hall. Michael laughs, then heads to the door Charlene came out of. AT DOOR Michael tries the handle, but it's locked. He checks the hallway, sees that it's empty, then talks into the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, I need a schematic reading of this lock. Can you do it? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Certainly. I can also describe the make, model and serial number of the device in question. I can order you a like item. And I can also unlock it, with my microwave jammers. MICHAEL Kitt, you are a full-service car. A humming sound comes from K.I.T.T.'s hood. Then -- the lock springs open. INT. STORAGE ROOM - DAY A room lined with metal shelves that hold boxes marked, "CANNED TOMATOES," "CANNED CHOPPED BEEF," "CANNED PRUNES," etc. At the end of one aisle of boxes is something covered by a large tarp. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He walks towards the tarp and starts to lift it -- when.... TO INCLUDE DEAUVILLE Deauville enters the room. Michael spins around, dropping the tarp. DEAUVILLE I see you've found our storeroom. (indicating boxes) These are for our food distribution program for the poor. (ushers him out) If one is wealthy in spirit, one cannot ignore the less fortunate, don't you agree? MICHAEL Sure do. INT. HALLWAY - DAY They come back out into the hallway where Devon greets them. DEAUVILLE (to Michael) I can see you're rather bored by our tours and activities...I have an idea: why don't you take our test? Devon flashes a wide grin, eager to have company in defeat. DEVON What a splendid idea. MICHAEL I don't think it's all that splendid.... Before Michael can finish, Deauville ushers him into a room. Deauville catches Devon's eye and winks; great fun. INT. ND ROOM - DAY Just a chair, a table -- and a number two pencil and the test. DEAUVILLE You will have forty-five minutes to complete the test. You may begin once the door is closed. DEVON Do your best, old boy -- use every resource at your disposal. And good luck! ANGLE ON MICHAEL They leave. Michael picks up the test, thinks for a second, then turns on his comlink. MICHAEL (reading from the test) Kitt, given the unbalanced electron composition of zirconium, would its atomic mass increase or decrease with a change in molecular valance? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, isn't this cheating? MICHAEL Nah, it's called using every resource at my disposal. K.I.T.T. sighs. They continue on.... CUT TO INT. MANSION - BALLROOM - DAY A large room which connects to an outside patio area, replete with a large pool. Near the pool, by the dance area, plays a four-piece combo. Crowded in the room and on the patio are Helios members and guests, in informal wear. A few couples are dancing. Irving Farber, looking even more sad in a loud sports coat, stands by a punch bowl-refreshments table. He smiles at every woman who walks by. When they see him smiling, they walk by even faster. DEVON AND DEAUVILLE standing at the edge of the crowd. DEVON Shall we rescue the poor fellow? DEAUVILLE (checking his watch) In thirty seconds his agony will have lasted exactly forty-five minutes. Chuckling, they go in. CUT TO OMITTED INT. ROOM - DAY As Devon opens the door, his face is full of anticipation. But when he looks inside, his face falls -- Michael has his feet up, chair back, arms behind his head. He looks up, yawns and smiles. MICHAEL Actually it was easier than I thought it'd be.... Deauville crosses to the table and picks up the test, astounded. DEAUVILLE You finished each and every question! Devon grabs the test and looks it over. Michael winks at him and heads out. They watch him go, amazed. CUT TO INT. MANSION - BALLROOM - DAY The party is in full swing. Michael, in a sports coat, comes up to the punch bowl. Farber is still there, ogling women. MICHAEL Nice jacket. FARBER (smiles brightly) Look your best and you'll look best to her, that's my motto. Something at the ballroom entranceway catches Michael's eye. Farber follows his gaze. ANGLE ON BONNIE entering on Devon's arm. Michael walks towards them, but Irving Farber hurries over, getting to her first. FARBER Why, Miss Barstow. Your attire is most becoming and fits you in all the right...er...it is very well tailored. Would you care to.... MICHAEL Bonnie, excuse me, but Kitt's electro- transformer has been acting up. Can we discuss it? BONNIE We'd better. (to Farber) Excuse us.... Michael wisks Bonnie outside to the veranda. Farber is chagrined. Devon smiles. DEVON I do admire a woman with such dedication...don't you? Farber nods, glum. VERANDA - DANCE FLOOR Michael and Bonnie glide around the floor surrounded by a few other couples. BONNIE Thanks for saving me. MICHAEL I should thank you. After all, I didn't know whether you'd still talk to me since you're smart now. BONNIE Never stopped me before.... MICHAEL Very funny. They continue to dance until the song ends. The split- second it does, Farber heads for Bonnie. But Devon steps in just ahead of him and takes Bonnie by the arm. They dance. MICHAEL (to Farber) That was gentlemanly. What a guy. Farber shrugs, tries to smile. BY PUNCH BOWL Michael heads to the punch bowl. Charlene Hanover, very tense, is already there. CHARLENE I suppose congratulations are in order... (off his look) You're a new inductee, aren't you? MICHAEL (laughs) No -- no way. I'm just a guest. CHARLENE I thought so. You don't look like a Helios member to me. MICHAEL I'll take that as a compliment. They both smile. CHARLENE I'm Doctor Charlene Hanover. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. CHARLENE The man who found Doctor Litton? MICHAEL Did you know him? A beat. CHARLENE My field is also archeology. I visited him at the dig site. Quite a large dig, considering.... MICHAEL I didn't get a good look at it, but it didn't seem all that large to me. (beat) 'Considering'? Considering what? She is about to reply, when something catches the corner of her eye. Michael looks to where she is staring. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - DEAUVILLE standing with Devon, smiles at them. BACK TO SCENE When Michael turns back -- Charlene's gone. He starts to look for her, when his comlink beeps. MICHAEL (into comlink) What is it, Kitt? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors have picked up some animal cries coming from a room at the far end of the mansion. MICHAEL (puzzled) Thanks, pal. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Michael nods to the two guards that patrol the hall and walks past guests and inductees, staring at some of the Helios artwork. When he gets to the end of the main hall- way, he turns right. SECLUDED HALLWAY dark, oak doors and dim lights. Michael sees a light burning in one room and, as the songs from the ballroom recede, faint terrified cries take over. In the desolate hallway, Michael's footsteps make eerie echoes and the interesting nooks and crannies of the mansion's architecture become strange shadows. As Michael stops by the lighted room, the shrieks are much louder and the melodies from the ballroom sound like whispers of ghosts. INT. LABORATORY - DAY Michael swings open the door -- to a laboratory -- and a handful of cages populated by rhesus monkeys. A lab worker, in a white coat turns quickly around from one of the cages. The lab worker is Peter Stark. As they talk, Michael checks out the lab, and the lab tables of test tubes, chemicals, vials and beakers full of oddly colored liquids. At a far wall is a door marked "Office - Authorized Personnel Only." MICHAEL Sorry...party got a little dull. You, too? Stark stares at him weirdly. STARK Sometimes animals are more...friendly than people. MICHAEL Yeah, but, they usually make pretty rotten dancers. Stark doesn't crack a smile. MICHAEL Well, nice talking to you. Michael smiles, leaves. Stark stares after him. OMITTED INT. HELIOS ESTATE - HALLWAY - DAY Devon and Michael walk towards the front door, as Deauville and Bonnie come down the hallway to meet them. DEVON Thanks for a marvelous time, Graham. Sorry I can't stay longer, but my schedule won't permit it. DEAUVILLE Perhaps next time, my friend. And do phone when the autopsy report is completed. EXT. HELIOS MANSION - DAY at the bottom of the steps Deauville and Devon clasp hands and ad-lib good-byes. Devon gets into his car and pulls away. DEAUVILLE (to Michael) I trust you can amuse yourself. Bonnie still has a few more rites to go through. (with a wink) Very secret stuff, you understand. MICHAEL I think I'll take a drive...stretch my legs.... DEAUVILLE Don't be too long -- we have a gourmet meal planned for seven thirty. OMITTED INT. HELIOS MANSION - HALLWAY - DAY - MOVING Deauville puts a paternal arm around Bonnie's waist. DEAUVILLE And now, my dear, for the next phase of your indoctrination.... BONNIE (smiles) I can't wait. ANGLE TO INCLUDE STARK who greets them in the hall. DEAUVILLE Bonnie, this is Peter Stark. He will show you our laboratory facilities. I trust you will find them most interesting.... BONNIE I'm sure I will. She smiles, starts away with Stark. Stark looks back at him, and Deauville nods. DEAUVILLE (to himself) You've no idea, my dear. None whatsoever.... OMITTED HIGHWAY - DAY - LONG SHOT K.I.T.T. tears down the desert highway, towards the dig site. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) By the way, how did we do on the test, Michael? MICHAEL (V.O.) It hasn't been scored yet. But I'll bet I get the highest score ever recorded by a human. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) Or the lowest score ever recorded by a computer. MICHAEL (V.O.) Come on, I had to answer a few -- or we would've been done in twenty minutes. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) But the '42 Cubs, Michael? Really. Everyone knows it was the '27 Yankees. Never the Cubs. MICHAEL (V.O.) Nah, the Cubs. I know my baseball. OMITTED EXT. DIG SITE - DAY Michael passes the sign, then continues up the dirt road. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - OFF TO THE WEST He sees a fenced-in area, something he had no time to notice before. Leading into a gate in the fence are bulldozer tracks. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael stares out towards the fence. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, let's see what Doctor Charlene Hanover seemed so mysterious about.... K.I.T.T. My sensors have detected an electronic cable from the fence to the power lines up the road. MICHAEL They've got the place wired...okay, let's use your infra-rays and see what the big mystery is.... CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS The graphics show the outline of the field...then, beyond the field, the outline of a huge pit. K.I.T.T. I detect a large pit and sizeable deposits of fresh earth inside. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Dirt -- a dumping ground? Why would there be a dumping ground at an arche- ological site? K.I.T.T. Perhaps some Indian artifacts were discovered while excavating the dump site. Michael is puzzled. He starts to back K.I.T.T. up, when.... CLOSE ON CLAY POT smashed by K.I.T.T.'s wheel. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. stops suddenly. K.I.T.T. Speaking of artifacts, Michael, I believe I just ran over one.... Michael opens the door and gets out. ANGLE AT CAR Michael picks up a fragment. CLOSE ON FRAGMENT A small piece of the pot, flecked with drab brown paint. ON MICHAEL as he gets back into K.I.T.T. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL This thing must be hundreds of years old...I wonder what it's doing over here.... K.I.T.T. I could date it for you if you like. CLOSE ON DASH A compartment opens and Michael puts the fragment inside. The compartment closes. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael waits a second, then: K.I.T.T. Michael, this fragment is less than a month old. MICHAEL A month?! He thinks a beat, taking the fragment from the dash, holding it, wondering. MICHAEL Doctor Litton was a world-reknown archeologist. He wouldn't have been involved in something like this.... K.I.T.T. Then who do you think is? MICHAEL Good question, Kitt. Who...and why. EXT. K.I.T.T. as Michael turns the car back towards the dirt road. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HELIOS MAIN GATE - NIGHT Michael pulls K.I.T.T. to a stop behind some trees near the main gate, out of sight of the mansion. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. The sunroof is open. Michael stands up on the passenger seat. MICHAEL All right, Kitt, pop me up. K.I.T.T. Michael, you are an invited guest. May I suggest the front door? MICHAEL Not this time, buddy. This time I want to visit without anyone knowing I'm here. Go ahead. There's a click. WITH MICHAEL as the ejection seat boosts him up -- and over to a tree. He grabs a branch and holds on. Then he shimmies down the tree and races to the mansion. DISSOLVE TO INT. MANSION - NIGHT Michael crosses to a bedroom door. He opens it, looks in. MICHAEL Sorry.... And he closes it. DISSOLVE TO HALLWAY - NIGHT - LATER Michael looks ragged. He slumps against a wall, rubbing his eyes. Into comlink: MICHAEL How much longer do we have? K.I.T.T. It's less than thirty minutes until dawn. INT. HELIOS MANSION - LAB - NIGHT The lab is dark. Michael enters from a window, holding a flashlight, and is greeted by the beady little eyes and outraged cries of the monkeys. He tries to "shh" them and they eventually quiet down. He moves quickly to the door marked "OFFICE - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY." The door is locked. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt.... K.I.T.T. I detect a lock in front of you, Michael. Would you like this one picked too? MICHAEL I'd appreciate it. There's a hum from K.I.T.T. and the door pops open. INT. OFFICE - NIGHT A bare office with some file cabinets, a clean desk, some floor plans tacked on one wall and a TV set. He crosses to some file cabinets and finds dossiers on each Helios member. He leafs through some until he finds Litton's. LITTON'S FILE very old, with a snapshot of a much younger Litton clipped on. There's nothing else in the file but the test, marked "176 - PASSED", and some newspaper clippings about the Aztec gold find. One headline reads, "Dr. Litton Discovers Aztec Gold Find." Another reads "Gold to be Kept in Ultra- Secure Exhibit at County Museum." BACK TO MICHAEL He puts the file back and closes the drawer. He opens another and pulls out a file. He looks in the file -- does a double-take -- and pockets a piece of paper. Then he goes through the file carefully. THE FILE marked "New Members" on top of a fuzzy Polaroid of Irving Farber, who looks like he was caught just stepping out of the shower. His test score reads, "187 - PASSED." Michael comes to Bonnie's which has stamped on it: "137 - FAILED." BACK TO SCENE Michael puzzles this out and looks around the room. He spots the TV set. On the top of the set he spies a cassette and picks it up. INSERT - CASSETTE whose label reads, "K.I.T.T." ON MICHAEL as he quickly turns on the set and inserts the cassette. ON TV SCREEN The tape of K.I.T.T., performing the fantastic maneuvers that are K.I.T.T.'s stock-in-trade. CLOSE ON MICHAEL His face bathed in flickers of colored light, shocked and unnerved. OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I don't like it. We've got to find Bonnie. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. My sensors detect Bonnie on the second floor, in the south wing -- and Michael? Hurry. The sun is rising. He hurries to an elevator at the end of the hall. NEW ANGLE - AT ELEVATOR Michael presses the up button and, when the elevator arrives, he jumps inside. HALLWAY as Michael steps out of the elevator and runs down the dark hallway. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Michael opens the door. The shaft of light from the hall- way shines on the bed. Bonnie, still in her clothes, lies on top of the covers. Michael crosses and shakes her, trying to wake her. MICHAEL Bonnie, wake up! We've got to get out of here.... He shakes her again and she stirs, groggy. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, in exactly thirty seconds be at the front door. He grabs her overnight bag and helps her up. She seems foggy, unsteady. OMITTED EXT. MANSION - ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. revs up, then -- it smashes through the front gate, sparks flying. OMITTED EXT. HELIOS MANSION - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls to the front steps, Michael appears with Bonnie. He helps her in. Then K.I.T.T. burns asphalt. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING as it races down the road that ribbons down the mountain. After they pass the front gate Bonnie eases her hand into her overnight bag. BONNIE Michael, go back. When he looks over at her, he's astonished -- she's pulled a pistol out of the bag and has it aimed at him. MICHAEL Bonnie, it's me, Michael! BONNIE (cocks trigger) Go back! It's a command and a shout. And as Michael searches her eyes, he finds no recognition whatsoever and we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. HELIOS MANSION - DAY K.I.T.T. slowly pulls up past the destroyed gate to the main drive. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON BONNIE AND MICHAEL K.I.T.T. is in automatic. Bonnie has the gun trained on Michael. MICHAEL (desperate) ...Bonnie, it's me -- Michael -- I don't know what they've done to you but --- BONNIE (overlap) Shut up! Pull over in front, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Bonnie, I agree with Michael. This is highly irregular and disconcerting. BONNIE It's okay, Kitt. Trust me. I'll explain later. OMITTED INT. HELIOS MANSION - HALLWAY - DAY Bonnie prods Michael at gunpoint. As they enter the mansion, Deauville, Stark and Sullivan greet them. DEAUVILLE (to Stark and Sullivan) Chemicals are indeed the magic of our time. (to Bonnie) Good work, my dear. Excellent. (to Michael) One word of protest -- a plea for help -- anything out of the ordinary and you will be shot on the spot. I trust that's clear. MOVING WITH THEM as they walk down the hall. Deauville talks softly, smiling at the other Helios guests on their way to breakfast. Stark takes the gun from Bonnie and sticks it surreptitiously in Michael's side. DEAUVILLE You see, Mr. Knight, in addition to highly toxic, intraceable drugs, we've also perfected mind control chemicals. Deauville takes a key and unlocks the door to the storage room. They all enter. Near the door, behind a piece of sculpture, is Charlene Hanover, watching intently. INT. STORAGE ROOM - DAY Deauville leads them to the tarp, past the metal shelves of food. DEAUVILLE Normally, I wouldn't do this...but after all, if your death is the result of our Master Plan, I think it only fitting for you to behold its brilliance. You see, the truth of our time is that nuclear holocaust is inevitable. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week -- but someday, and probably someday soon. (a beat) Common wisdom states that even if anyone should survive, the nuclear aftermath would decimate the popu- lation. But those doomsayers have quite forgotten their Darwin.... MICHAEL You're insane. DEAUVILLE All great thinkers have been so labeled -- from Copernicus to Darwin to Freud. No, not insane. Advanced intelligence. And who better to survive than the most intelligent people on Earth.... Deauville flings off the tarp -- to reveal a vast scale model of an underground city -- underneath the archeological dig site. There are rooms for every conceivable facility -- housing, dining rooms, concert halls, etc. Michael is incredulous. DEAUVILLE The dig site was our perfect cover -- until poor James Litton started nosing around and became suspicious. He was a far better archeologist than detective. MICHAEL Why have you done this to Bonnie? What can you possible want from her? DEAUVILLE (smiles) Kitt. That car will make an impossible crime impossibly easy. Does it surprise you we'd conceive the perfect crime to finance this project? MICHAEL From you, Deauville -- nothing sur- prises me. DEAUVILLE Good. Then we understand one another. You see, our city is already one- quarter excavated, under the dig site. When it is finished, it will be the perfect society, built on the ashes of civilization. Where we can live, survive...and procreate.... He winks at Michael as he motions Bonnie over from the doorway. DEAUVILLE The most brilliant people on earth... and the most beautiful. He puts his arm around her, stroking her hair suggestively. MICHAEL Sorry to disappoint you, Deauville, but you can't use Kitt. He's programmed to listen only to me. DEAUVILLE (smiles at Bonnie) Not for long. Peter, please take care of Mr. Knight. Stark pushes Michael toward the door. DEAUVILLE Oh, by the way: you did quite well on the test. Too well, in fact. You missed only one question: The correct answer was the '27 Yankees. Never the Cubs. MICHAEL Sorry, but I think I'll decline joining Helios. With you in charge, it won't be around for long. DEAUVILLE That's the trouble with lower-order minds. Confusion. It's you who won't be around for long. EXT. HELIOS MANSION - DAY Stark walks Michael to a parked car. Suddenly, Michael throws an elbow to the big man's face and Stark deftly ducks the blow. He shifts the gun in his hand and knocks Michael out. He looks quickly around, sees no one, and drags Michael to the car. CUT TO INT. GARAGE - ON ESTATE - DAY Deauville and Bonnie stand next to K.I.T.T. She's now dressed in mechanic's overalls. DEAUVILLE Do you have everything you need, my dear? BONNIE Yes, I do, Graham. DEAUVILLE Then let's begin. With that, Bonnie touches a button inside the car -- and K.I.T.T.'s hood pops open. CUT TO EXT. DUMP SITE - DAY Stark's car pulls up close to the bulldozer and parks. He drags Michael out of the car. IN PIT Stark rolls Michael over the edge. Still unconscious, Michael falls to the bottom, about nine feet down. ON BULLDOZER Stark pilots the machine to push dirt over the edge. ON MICHAEL He spits out dirt, now fully awake. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt...Kitt, it's me, Michael. Kitt, are you there? Kitt! All he hears is static. CUT TO INT. GARAGE - DAY Sparks fly under K.I.T.T.'s hood as Bonnie makes some adjustments. CUT TO EXT. PIT - DAY Michael looks up -- just as another load of dirt falls. He's knocked to the ground, but gets up quickly -- and makes a leap for the edge of the shovel as it pulls back from the pit. He misses. Another load comes down -- and Michael hugs the pit wall, to avoid getting hit. When he leaps again -- he grabs the edge of the shovel. The excruciating pain is evident on his face -- but the shovel lifts him up and out. INT. CAB OF BULLDOZER - DAY - ON STARK When he hears a sound behind him, he turns -- to Michael, who punches him. They grapple, Stark is the bigger of the two, but Michael is a bundle of fury. At first chance, Stark leaps out of the bulldozer and runs to his car, for the gun. ANGLE ON CAR Stark jumps in.... ANGLE ON BULLDOZER Michael takes the controls and goes straight for the car. OMITTED ANGLE ON CAR as Michael slams the bulldozer head-on into the car. He pushes the car back...back...and over...the side of the pit. ANGLE ON STARK as he climbs out of the wreckage at the bottom of the pit. ANGLE ON BULLDOZER as Michael pushes a load of dirt into the pit. He shuts the motor off and runs over to the edge. OMITTED MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW OF THE PIT The car is demolished -- and Stark is buried up to his head in dirt. He's trapped. BACK ON MICHAEL He catches his breath. MICHAEL Hey, Stark -- Stick around awhile. (into comlink) Kitt, can you hear me? Come on, buddy! (more static from comlink) Kitt, where are you? Still more static. CUT TO INT. GARAGE - DAY More sparks fly under K.I.T.T.'s hood as Bonnie keeps working. K.I.T.T. Ooh, Bonnie, that was quite a jolt. BONNIE A little more, Kitt, and you're going to feel like a whole new car. K.I.T.T. That does sound invigorating. ANGLE TO INCLUDE DEAUVILLE He touches her on the shoulder. She looks up, startled, then smiles. DEAUVILLE How lovely you look...even in overalls. She laughs. DEAUVILLE Is our information ready yet? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Bonnie crawls into the driver's seat. She hits a button and a computer print-out appears from K.I.T.T.'s dash. She hands it to Deauville. DEAUVILLE The entire operation should take no more than seventeen minutes. Excellent. K.I.T.T. Bonnie, you said you'd explain about Michael. Where is he? Bonnie and Deauville share a look of concern. BONNIE He...kind of went underground. K.I.T.T. Underground? I have no record of such a mission. Bonnie starts to hit some buttons in the dash. K.I.T.T. Bonnie? Suddenly, K.I.T.T.'s dash lights up like it's the Fourth of July. Loud clicking noises begin to sound. Deauville smiles at Bonnie. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Michael is on the highway, thumbing. Every so often a car will pass. Dirty and scruffy from his fight with Stark and the climb up the pit, he is unable to entice any takers. CUT TO OMITTED INT. GARAGE - DAY - IN K.I.T.T. Bonnie is sitting in the driver's seat next to Deauville. K.I.T.T.'s lights are still blinking wildly. BONNIE Now for the security system.... She leafs through some papers on the seat. K.I.T.T. Bonnie, I hesitate to bring this up again, but I've done a complete search of my records, and still find no record of Michael's underground mission. BONNIE (aggravated) All right, Kitt, I can fix that. She reaches near the bottom of the dash and begins to hit some buttons. Through K.I.T.T.'s next speech, his normal, calm voice slowly becomes more and more insistent and demanding. K.I.T.T. (calm) Bonnie? (a little insistent) Bonnie! (calm) I still cannot find... (insistent) I have no record... (calm) Of Michael's... (barely audible) Of Michael's.... Bonnie looks up from the dashboard at Deauville. They are both very pleased. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - HIGH ANGLE SHOT ON MICHAEL A hot blistery day. The heat waves are almost palpable. ON MICHAEL MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt! Kitt, are you there?! Are you okay?... Static. Like a constant busy signal, the sound is nerve- wracking. CUT TO OMITTED INT. GARAGE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS The transformation is now complete. K.I.T.T.'s voice is all insistent. K.I.T.T. I am to obey Graham Deauville! WIDER ANGLE Bonnie and Deauville are in the front seat. Sullivan and the two guards are gathered around the car, all dressed in identical black commando costumes. DEAUVILLE Splendid -- please play back the plan now. EXT. GARAGE - DAY - ON CHARLENE HANOVER Clipboard in hand, she walks to the door -- until she hears voices. Then she stops at the door, and listens. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS - SERIES OF SHOTS A) -- of newspapers with the headlines, "LITTON DISCOVERS ANCIENT AZTEC GOLD IN DESERT" and "AZTEC GOLD TO BE KEPT IN THEFT-PROOF CASE AT COUNTY MUSEUM." K.I.T.T. With my microwave jammers and surveil- lance capabilities, Phase Two, at the County Museum should take no more than one minute and ten seconds. B) -- of an overall map of the museum, outlined in white. A gold sun signifies the gold exhibit. K.I.T.T. Once the Aztec gold is reached.... C) -- on the map. The gold sun begins to pulsate. K.I.T.T. Phase Three will commence. D) -- Photo of the gold. The gold is dazzling: gold furniture, gold cooking utensils, crowns, pots and more. K.I.T.T. Once secured and melted down, the gold at current international prices, will be worth 25.7 million dollars. E) -- Over the photo flashes the numbers, "$25,700,000.00" over and over. ANGLE ON CHARLENE HANOVER in the shadows, by the door. She is frightened...and quietly steals away. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - CLOSE ON MICHAEL He is sweaty, exhausted, still filthy. Beyond misery. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. MANSION - IN FRONT OF GARAGE - DAY A large flatbed truck is parked in the lot. As K.I.T.T. drives towards the truck, the Helios members -- Deauville, Bonnie and three others -- trail behind like so many apostles. K.I.T.T. stops and the guards slide a ramp down from the rear of the truck. K.I.T.T. drives up the ramp. The guards then take a huge tarp and cover K.I.T.T. They secure the tarp with a rope, tightly. They all position themselves around the car. Deauville and Bonnie stand near the truck with Sullivan, also dressed in a black costume. ANGLE ON DEAUVILLE AND BONNIE He stares up at the truck, proud. He slips his arm around Bonnie. SULLIVAN There's still no word from Stark. DEAUVILLE We can't wait any longer. She salutes, then climbs in the cab of the truck. Bonnie and Deauville climb onto the back with K.I.T.T. and the guard. DEAUVILLE Let us begin. Sullivan turns the motor over. It roars and she starts the truck down the main drive. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON MICHAEL Michael is moving slowly. From off in the horizon, he hears a car approaching. Or does he? He listens.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW It is a car -- a red foreign sports car. MICHAEL starts to flag it down. ANGLE IN SPORTS CAR Driving is Charlene Hanover. She stares as if she's just seen an apparition. SCENE The sports car is about 200 yards away from Michael -- and it begins to slow down. Michael is ecstatic -- he starts to run to the car. CLOSE ON CHARLENE She is wracked with indecision. Then --- SCENE She takes off and roars past a startled Michael, missing him by inches. CLOSE ON MICHAEL as his last hope becomes a dot in the distance, we: OMITTED FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Just as Michael is about to turn back towards Helios, the brake lights of Charlene's car go on. She reverses the car back to him. He runs up, gets in. ANGLE AT CHARLENE'S CAR On the backseat is a suitcase. She is obviously upset. MICHAEL Thanks for stopping -- I've got to get back to Helios -- fast! CHARLENE (reacts) Helios -- no, I won't go back there! MICHAEL You've got to -- Deauville's brainwashed Bonnie and they're planning to use my car in some kind of incredible robbery to finance --- CHARLENE (overlap) It's too late! They've already left --- MICHAEL Are you sure? CHARLENE I overheard them -- That's why I left. Why I'll never go back --- MICHAEL Where! You said you overheard them -- where were they going?! She seems frozen in indecision. Michael grabs her. MICHAEL Charlene, listen to me -- forget the crime, forget what Deauville's 'Master Plan' will do to Helios -- he's got Bonnie! What if it was you? CHARLENE (torn) You don't understand -- he's mad! If he finds out I helped you he'll kill me like he killed the others! MICHAEL (beat) I'm sorry, Charlene -- there's no time left. Where were they going? CHARLENE The County Museum. MICHAEL (face-to-face) Then that's where I'm going. Either you drive me or I'll drive myself. It's up to you. CHARLENE You'd...take my car? Michael nods. She sees he's deadly serious. She sighs, puts the car into gear and they peel out, disappear down the highway. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON HELIOS TRUCK The Guard -- plus Bonnie and Deauville -- sit in the back of the truck, concealed from view from the road. Under the tarp, K.I.T.T. waits. LOW ANGLE SHOT FROM ROAD as the flatbed truck roars past. A silent missile, heading to its target. OMITTED INT. CHARLENE'S CAR - DAY flying down the highway. EXT. COUNTY MUSEUM - DAY The flatbed truck pulls into the parking lot (it's late Sunday -- and the museum is closed). When it comes to a stop: ANGLE ON RAMP as the guards slide it down from the truck to the ground, noiselessly. ANOTHER ANGLE - MOMENTS LATER - ON HANDS undoing the rope that holds the tarp. ANOTHER ANGLE - ON TARP A pair of hands grab one side of the tarp. ANOTHER ANGLE - ON TARP Another pair grabs the other side -- and they both pull. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. unsheathed, the tarp removed. ANOTHER ANGLE - MOMENTS LATER - DOWN ON RAMP K.I.T.T. backs down the ramp to the parking lot. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON CHARLENE'S CAR It roars by. OMITTED EXT. MUSEUM PARKING LOT - DAY The museum is a modernistic structure. K.I.T.T. is parked at one end of the parking lot. At the other end is a solid wall. The Helios members surround K.I.T.T. Deauville stands with Bonnie. BONNIE Phase One, Kitt. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS A map of the building flashes on: the outline of the museum is one solid white line. Inside that are two solid red lines. A gold sun signifies the gold. A humming sound comes from somewhere inside the car. CLOSE ON GRAY SECURITY SYSTEM CONTROL BOX - DAY marked "Security System Control Box." It starts to smoke and then spark -- then the door flies open and the wires inside burn up. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS One of the red solid lines fades out. On the screen flashes the message: "PRIMARY SECURITY SYSTEM - DEACTIVATION COMPLETED" CLOSE ON SMALL BLACK SECURITY SYSTEM CONTROL BOX - DAY marked "Auxiliary Security System Control Box." Same as the gray box -- it smokes, sizzles -- then burns out. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS The other solid red line fades out. On the screen flashes the message "AUXILIARY SYSTEM - DEACTIVATION COMPLETED" A flashing white light blinks by an entranceway. DEAUVILLE (O.S.) The locks, Kitt -- Phase Two. CLOSE ON DOOR OF MUSEUM and a massive steel lock. ON K.I.T.T. as his microwave jammers begin to hum. CLOSE ON LOCK There are some squeaking sounds, then some movement -- as the lock is being picked open by K.I.T.T. EXT. PARKING LOT As the Helios members all run to the museum entrance -- Charlene tears into the parking lot. Michael jumps out of her car by the wall. MICHAEL Call the police! She tears out, tires squealing. OMITTED HIGH ANGLE SHOT K.I.T.T. and Michael face off, at either end of the parking lot. ON MICHAEL as he starts to walk towards K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, it's me, Michael. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. The scanning light flashes. INTERCUT - LOW ANGLES - DEAUVILLE to Sullivan and the guards: DEAUVILLE Start the operation. I'll take care of our stubborn friend. After a beat, all but Bonnie and Deauville enter the museum. DEAUVILLE Kitt -- kill Michael Knight. Kill him! K.I.T.T. revs up, tires burning, like a bull ready to charge. The noise is almost unbearable. It's a Western- style face off. Michael keeps coming towards K.I.T.T., slowly. MICHAEL No, Kitt -- you belong to me. K.I.T.T. I have my orders! MICHAEL You're my car.... K.I.T.T. I obey Graham Deauville! As Michael continues forward, so does K.I.T.T. MICHAEL What does Kitt stand for? No answer. INTERCUT - BONNIE She looks increasingly confused by all this and follows the exchange like she's watching a tennis match. MICHAEL Knight Industries Two Thousand. I know that because you're my car, Kitt. K.I.T.T. revs up again, like he's furious at Michael's statement. DEAUVILLE You obey me! You've been programmed to obey me! Tell him, Bonnie! BONNIE That's right, Kitt.... MICHAEL No, Kitt. I am Michael Knight.... K.I.T.T. starts to shake. MICHAEL You are the Knight 2000.... K.I.T.T. starts to shake more. MICHAEL You are my car. K.I.T.T. suddenly revs up...and starts for Michael. K.I.T.T. I...obey...Graham Deauville! K.I.T.T. tears up to Michael -- and stops an inch away. MICHAEL You'll have to kill me to stop me, Kitt. The shaking now becomes violent. Sparks fly from under the hood. DEAUVILLE Kitt, kill him! MICHAEL You're mine, Kitt -- remember, the Cubs. K.I.T.T. Everyone knows it was the '27 Yankees ...Never the Cubs. A frightening shudder -- then silence. Deauville shakes Bonnie. DEAUVILLE Do something -- make him obey me! ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he walks towards them. MICHAEL You made two mistakes, Deauville: The first was your arrogance...and the second was ignoring that Kitt is programmed never to take human life.... Deauville looks from Michael to Bonnie -- then he runs to the flatbed truck, Bonnie reacts, running after him. BONNIE Graham! Michael catches up to her as Deauville starts the truck and pulls out. MICHAEL Bonnie, it's all over.... She pulls back from him, distrustful. BONNIE No...! MICHAEL Bonnie, listen to me! You're part of us -- we're a team -- You and me and Kitt and Devon! BONNIE No! MICHAEL Yes! We work together...not to hurt people, to help people.... Michael reaches out his hand to her. MICHAEL Bonnie, take my hand...remember... the Foundation...You and me, Kitt, Devon...take my hand, Bonnie... remember.... She doesn't pull away. Tears stream down her face. MICHAEL We're a team, Bonnie...we love each other.... OMITTED CLOSE ON THEIR HANDS as her reaches out -- and grabs his. BACK TO SCENE Michael grabs her and hugs her fiercely. She falls into his arms, sobbing. MICHAEL (to Bonnie; quietly) It's okay...it's okay now...call Devon, tell him what's happened. Bonnie nods. OMITTED NEW ANGLE - ON MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. Michael comes up close to the car. After a beat, K.I.T.T.'s door pops open. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael smiles, relieved. MICHAEL It's good to be home, pal. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. I feel strangely ...relieved. (beat) The remaining Helios members are still inside the museum. MICHAEL All right, Kitt -- let's do something different this time. This time let's lock the door. CLOSE ON MUSEUM DOOR LOCK as the tumblers click -- and the door locks. OMITTED MUSEUM - ON K.I.T.T. as Michael turns the car around and pulls out of the parking lot. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael maneuvers the car down the city street, hits surveillance mode. MICHAEL Kitt, see if you can give me a location on the truck. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREENS which flash a map of the area. A blinking red dot sig- nifies the Helios truck as it moves a few blocks through town. K.I.T.T. (O.S.) 3.7 miles to the west, Michael. Shall we pursue? ON MICHAEL MICHAEL You bet, buddy.... ON K.I.T.T. as it accelerates.... EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - ON FLATBED TRUCK The truck rips down a deserted city street, past ware- houses and lots. It weaves jerkily. INT. TRUCK - DAY - ON DEAUVILLE This is the first time he's ever driven the truck -- and it shows. He is trying his best to control the truck. When he checks his rearview mirror.... ANGLE ON REARVIEW MIRROR The Knight 2000 appears in the mirror, getting close. ANGLE ON DEAUVILLE panicked. He swings around a block.... ANGLE ON TRUCK as it takes the corner abruptly, crashing into some gar- bage cans and nearly sideswiping some cars. Deauville steers the truck down an alleyway. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. in hot pursuit. ANGLE IN ALLEYWAY as K.I.T.T. comes right behind the truck, then, pulls to the left -- and goes up on two wheels...and passes the truck! ANGLE ON STREET as K.I.T.T. comes out of the alleyway and comes to a stop. ANGLE ON DEAUVILLE absolutely panic-stricken. He turns the wheel to try to avoid K.I.T.T., but turns it too fast.... ANGLE ON TRUCK as it screeches to a halt -- then jack-knifes over. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he jumps out of K.I.T.T. and runs to the cab of the overturned truck. ANGLE ON TRUCK as Michael pulls Deauville out of the wreckage, we: OMITTED FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Bonnie, wearing a robe, is escorted in by Devon. Michael is putting the finishing touches on a tray of food set up at Devon's desk. Bonnie's overnight bag and jacket rest on the desk. BONNIE What's this? MICHAEL This is eggs -- scrambled, toast -- light, coffee, orange juice, straw- berries in cream -- Devon's idea. BONNIE And a single yellow rose? DEVON Michael's idea. Devon brings her to the desk and she sits down. They stand on either side of her. She picks up a magazine from the tray and reads its cover. BONNIE Automotive Today? From Michael's comlink: K.I.T.T. (O.S.) My idea, Bonnie. I hope you like it. BONNIE (laughs) It's great, Kitt. Just what I needed. MICHAEL He's been nice to me all morning. I think he feels guilty. K.I.T.T. (O.S.) Michael, guilt is an emotional -- a human -- response. However, I could order you a subscription of Automotive Today, too. MICHAEL That's okay, Kitt. I'll read Bonnie's. (a beat) Oh, I almost forgot. A little some- thing I ran across in the Helios files. He pulls the paper he found at Helios out of his pocket. He hands it to Devon. DEVON (awestruck) I passed! They all laugh. When Michael and Devon look over at Bonnie, she is staring at her jacket on the desk. DEVON What is it? She carefully holds up the Helios pin. CLOSE ON HER HAND It's the Helios pin. BACK TO SCENE Michael and Devon share a look of concern as she stares at it. Then -- she looks up, smiles -- and hands the pin to Devon. BONNIE I think this should be yours. They all let out laughs of relief. Michael looks at the tray of food. He picks out a strawberry and bites into it. BONNIE Hey! MICHAEL Just a small one.... Devon reaches over and snatches another strawberry. DEVON These do look rather delicious. BONNIE Wait a minute! As they all grab for strawberries, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END