EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57330 Robert Foster February 2, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 2/ 5/83 (F.R.) Rev. 2/ 7/83 (F.R.) Rev. 2/14/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER WHITE BIRD by Virginia Aldridge _____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN INT. LAWYER'S OFFICE - RECEPTION AREA - DAY It's plush, well appointed, efficient. The secretary's desk is empty. The phone rings and a strikingly pretty young woman dashes in from a side room (the law library) with several books in her arms (bookmarks sticking out here and there). This is Stefanie Mason, law clerk for the lawyer who resides behind the carved oak office doors. She's dressed well -- black slacks, wool blazer. She juggles the books and grabs the phone. STEFANIE (phone) Law offices...no, she's away from her desk right now. This is Stefanie Mason, may I help you?..Yes, it's set for ten o'clock Monday...Right. We'll see you then. Bye. She hangs up and walks to the carved oak doors with the books. She raps lightly on the door, then walks in. INT. LAWYER'S OFFICE - DAY Elegant, luxurious. Original art on the walls. Obviously a successful lawyer views the world from this high-rise. Edward Cole matches his decor...tailor-made three-piece suit and a touch of grey at his distinguished temples. Yet his manner is pleasant and down-to-earth. He looks up from paper-work, smiles easily as Stefanie enters. STEFANIE It's almost 5:30. Anything before I leave? COLE No, I can't think of anything...wait, if you're going down you could help a forgetful client retrieve his briefcase. (indicates briefcase) He's on his way over. Silver Cadillac, chauffeur, the works. STEFANIE Sounds hard to miss. Anyone I know? COLE (teasing) No, just another wealthy bachelor with tax shelter problems. STEFANIE (smiles) You're right, no one I know. (puts the books on his desk) By the way, here are the precedents you wanted. Greyson versus Mitchell First District Court 1980 and Tandy versus Simms State Supreme Court 1975. COLE (pleased) You don't drop a stitch, do you. STEFANIE (a vague shadow) I...like to keep busy. She picks up the briefcase from an occasional table. Ad-lib good-byes, see you tomorrow, etc., and she leaves. Cole looks thoughtful. INT. LAWYER'S OFFICE - RECEPTION AREA - DAY Stefanie puts on her coat, takes her purse and the briefcase and leaves. EXT. STREET - DAY Stefanie exits the high-rise, briefcase in hand. There are people on the street, leaving work, window shopping. Among them: one man reads a newspaper near a bus stop bench and another looks at a display window. Stefanie looks for the limo. ANGLE - STREET A white limo slowly approaches. INT. LIMO - DAY A heavyset, well-dressed man sits in the back, Anthony Solan. As he sees Stefanie, he motions for his driver to pull over toward her. We see Stefanie look in the direction of the limo and start forward. ANGLE - STREET As the limo comes closer, the man at the bus stop and the man at the store window move in unison, closer to Stefanie. ANGLE INSIDE LIMO Solan sees them. SOLAN It's a setup! ANGLE - STREET As the limo screeches away, one of the men (Carson James) grabs Stefanie, pulls the briefcase from her hands. She's startled, confused. The second man talks into a walkie- talkie. STEFANIE What are you doing?! Let me go --- JAMES Calm down, miss. You're not going anywhere. STEFANIE (beat) Who are you? JAMES Federal agent, Department of Justice. Right this way. He leads her toward an unmarked car. On her reaction: EXT. HIGHWAY - OPEN ROAD - NIGHT The Trans Am cruises by effortlessly. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT - MICHAEL relaxes, enjoying the scenery. Pop music plays. Michael punches up another tape. It's a ballad -- a love song. Michael starts to sing along with it, improvising here and there in his own style. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt. K.I.T.T. C is beyond your grasp, and D is beyond your vision. MICHAEL (smiles) I didn't know you had perfect pitch. Michael spots a roadside convenience store ahead and turns off the road. K.I.T.T. It's a cross I have to bear. MICHAEL You do it so well. K.I.T.T. Thank you. MICHAEL De nada. Michael pulls up in front of the store and parks. MICHAEL (climbs out) Can I get you something? K.I.T.T. Very funny. MICHAEL Thank you. EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - NIGHT As Michael walks to the door, he glances at the evening newspapers in a rack by the entrance. He stops...his eyes fixing on the picture: a photograph of Stefanie. The headline above reads: "FEDS NAB GANGLAND LINK". Michael stares. It takes him a moment to react. He fumbles for change, anxiously puts in a quarter and gets a paper. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT - MICHAEL presses the car-com. His face is tight, drawn. Intercut with Bonnie at Foundation office. MICHAEL Kitt. Get Devon for me. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. BONNIE Michael, this is Bonnie. MICHAEL Where's Devon? BONNIE Fine thanks, how are you? MICHAEL I'm sorry, Bonnie. Hi. Where is he? BONNIE Quebec. MICHAEL Quebec?! What's he doing in -- never mind. I've got to talk to him. How do I get through? BONNIE You don't. He's in flight. MICHAEL Bonnie, as soon as you can contact him, I need to talk to him. It's urgent. INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT Stefanie sits at a table. She looks tired, grim. Frightened. James moves around as he talks, except now he's not talking. There's a strained silence. STEFANIE (finally) Why don't you just tell me what we're waiting for. JAMES First thing you've got to learn is to put a lid on that impatience of yours. You're going to be spending a lot of time looking at walls and waiting. STEFANIE I told you what happened. I told you everything I know. What do --- She breaks off as a uniformed Cop comes in with the brief- case. It's got an evidence tag on it. James takes it, drops it on the table, glances at the Cop who hasn't left. JAMES Thanks. COP Sorry, I stay with it until it's checked back into E.R. JAMES For my own protection, right? COP (smiles) Always looking out for our fellow officers. Stefanie watches this with confusion, a growing sense there really is something she's not aware of. JAMES You remember this briefcase.... She nods. He looks at her, pops open the briefcase. It's full of neatly stacked bills. Stefanie can't believe what she's seeing. She looks up at James. Their eyes hold for a moment. STEFANIE I had no idea.... JAMES She had no idea. COP Right. JAMES Give my regards to the boys in E.R. The Cop grins, takes the briefcase and leaves. The shock in Stefanie is giving way to anger. STEFANIE Believe it or not, it's true. Why wouldn't it be true? As I've told you a thousand times it's not my briefcase. I don't own a brief- case. I hate briefcases. What do you want from me?! JAMES The truth. STEFANIE I'm telling you the truth! JAMES Okay. He moves around the room. She doesn't know whether she's gotten through or not. JAMES I believe you. I don't think you know what's coming down. I'll educate you. The money in that briefcase is marked. It's illegal money. It's dirty. It comes from a man named Anthony Solan. The name may mean nothing to you, but it's well known in the Department of Justice, FBI, and various other circles. What isn't as well known is the very special relationship between Anthony Solan and a lawyer by the name of Gilbert Cole. STEFANIE I don't believe that. JAMES You don't have to. We've had your boss under investigation for six months. We've known about the connection between him and Solan, but we've never been able to prove it. Now we can. That briefcase proves conspiracy. STEFANIE If that's true, why don't you arrest him? JAMES We will -- after you testify at a Federal Grand Jury hearing that Gilbert Cole gave you the briefcase with specific instructions on who to deliver it to. Once you do that, it's over for you. STEFANIE But he didn't give me the briefcase -- not physically. I picked it up. And he didn't tell me specifically who to deliver it to -- he just said a man in a silver sedan. JAMES He's a smart lawyer. You wouldn't want to see a guilty man go free just because he's smart, would you? (beat) I'll spell it out for you. Our con- spiracy case will rest on your testi- mony. You've got to say he gave you the briefcase and he gave you specific instructions. STEFANIE What if I refuse? JAMES If you refuse, and there's insuffi- cient evidence to prove the briefcase is Cole's, there's only one person left to hang it on, and I'm looking at her. On Stefanie's reaction: EXT. COUNTY JAIL/COURTS AREA - DAY Michael appears from a building, quickly crosses to where the Trans Am is parked, climbs in. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael slides in. He looks worried. MICHAEL Get me Bonnie, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Right away. Lights flash. BONNIE'S VOICE Michael? INTERCUT - BONNIE AT FOUNDATION on the phone with Michael. MICHAEL Hi, Bonnie. Any luck reaching Devon? BONNIE I've got messages all over Quebec. Michael, are you all right? What's going on? MICHAEL A friend's in trouble. She's been arrested on a Federal conspiracy charge, and I want to post her bail. BONNIE (concerned) I don't know who this...friend is, but I can't authorize posting bond unless it's a Foundations project. MICHAEL (sharp) Then make it one. BONNIE I can't do that, Michael. Only Devon can and --- MICHAEL Devon's not available! What happens, Devon goes away and the world stops? (beat) I'm sorry. Look, Bonnie the friend is Stefanie Mason. Devon knows about her. If he were there he'd approve this, believe me. I need to put up ten percent of her bond and I need programming for Kitt on every- thing you can get on a lawyer named Gilbert Cole -- his clients and cases, business connections, political affiliations, family, friends.... BONNIE Michael? MICHAEL Yeah? BONNIE How much is the bail? MICHAEL (hard to say) Half a million dollars. Silence. INT. COUNTY JAIL BOOKING AREA - DAY Michael paces back and forth, jumping every time the doors open and someone comes out. Then Stefanie comes through. Michael impulsively starts forward a few steps then stops him- self. He can't stop looking at her. She's tired, showing the strain of what she's been through. Carries a small bag con- taining her personal possessions. She looks around expecting to see Edward Cole. Michael takes a few steps closer. MICHAEL (softly) Stefanie. Stefanie turns to his voice. Michael stares at her. A fleeting trace of confusion crosses Stefanie's face as they make eye contact. STEFANIE Yes? MICHAEL My name is Michael Knight. I arranged for your bail to be posted. STEFANIE (a long look) Do I know you? MICHAEL No. STEFANIE Do you work for Mr. Cole? MICHAEL No. I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. STEFANIE I'm sorry. I don't know anything about them... (realizes) Why would some foundation I've never heard of post bail for me? MICHAEL We're...interested in your case. We help people we're interested in. STEFANIE I'm not sure that answers my question. MICHAEL Maybe I can fill you in on the way. STEFANIE (cautious) On the way where? MICHAEL Your apartment. Unless you want to hang around here. STEFANIE (a smile) No. It's the first time he's seen her smile and it unlocks a flood of memories. He covers. They start out together. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael drives. Stefanie looks preoccupied. A thought strikes her, and she looks at Michael. STEFANIE How did you know I live in an apartment? MICHAEL Your address was on the arrest report. She seems satisfied. Then looks at him again. STEFANIE How did you get a hold of the arrest report? MICHAEL The Foundation has friends. STEFANIE Everyone seems to have friends in high places except.... MICHAEL You? STEFANIE I'm sorry, that's just a little self-pity slipping through. MICHAEL You're entitled. But you have friends too -- if you choose. STEFANIE You and this Foundation you work for? Michael nods. Their eyes meet and hold. STEFANIE Thank you. Really. But my boss is going to help me. In fact he's probably arranging bail right now. She sees the troubled look on his face. STEFANIE What's wrong? MICHAEL I...appreciate your sense of loyalty. And trust. But the facts of the case so far indicate Gilbert Cole may be more than an innocent bystander. If that's true, helping you and helping himself may not be one in the same. STEFANIE (bristles) Everyone seems so convinced he's guilty of...I don't know, some major tie-in with the underworld. I don't believe it. MICHAEL I'm not asking you to. All I'm saying is that until we can develop more information, I think you'd be wise not to lock yourself into a particular defense...or a particular person. She considers what he's said, troubled. EXT. HER APARTMENT - DAY The Trans Am pulls up and they get out. Michael puts K.I.T.T. into surveillance mode, walks Stefanie to her apartment. MICHAEL (finally) What do you think? STEFANIE I don't know what to think. MICHAEL I'll make you a deal. Do it my way for twenty-four hours. If you're not convinced by then, you're free to handle it any way you choose. They've reached her door. It's a door Michael remembers well. They pause. STEFANIE Why are you doing all this? MICHAEL I told you.... STEFANIE I know, the Foundation and all of that...but it seems like there's something more. Is there something more? MICHAEL (beat) No. STEFANIE You seem...familiar to me. Your voice. The way you move.... Michael wants to leave before his feelings get the better of him. MICHAEL Do we have a deal? STEFANIE All right. MICHAEL I'll be back in a couple of hours. She nods, smiles. Ad-libs good-byes and he leaves. She watches him until he's gone from sight, then unlocks her door. INT. BOOKING AREA - DAY Edward Cole is at the booking Officer's window. COLE I want to post Stefanie Mason's bond. OFFICER Stefanie Mason? (checks his sheet) Her bond's already been posted. COLE (reacts) What do you mean? OFFICER I mean somebody bailed her out. COLE There must be a mistake. She doesn't have a family here -- she doesn't have anyone. OFFICER No mistake. We don't make mistakes on a half-million dollar bond. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael is heading for the semi, fast. He's anxious, deep in thought. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Are you all right? I took the liberty of scanning your vital signs. Your blood pressure is 190 over 120 and your pulse is one hundred four. MICHAEL Good. K.I.T.T. Not according to my information on the human body. MICHAEL What I mean is it's not as bad as I thought. INT. STEFANIE'S LIVING ROOM - DAY An average size apartment living room but with nice touches of her own. It's light and airy...afghan over the couch, lots of plants. Stefanie paces nervously looking at her phone. She starts to pick it up, hesitates, then picks it up. She dials, slowly. It rings.... COLE'S VOICE Gilbert Cole...hello?..Stefanie, is that you? She starts to answer but hangs up and sinks into a chair, filled with frustration and indecision. Now that she's alone, the tears she's been holding back fill her eyes and roll down her cheeks. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK The Trans Am approaches the semi. The ramp lowers and the Trans Am disappears inside. INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie is in the midst of programming K.I.T.T. Michael paces. MICHAEL Did he say 'no?' BONNIE Michael, if Devon said 'no' I wouldn't be here. MICHAEL Well, what did he say? BONNIE He said he was taking an early flight back. He wants to talk to you in person. (beat) Who is Stefanie Mason? Michael debates it, decides there's no point in keeping it from her. MICHAEL In my...other life, before I had this face, this identity...when I was Michael Long, Stefanie and I were engaged to be married. She looks at him for a long moment. BONNIE I'm sorry. I didn't know.... MICHAEL No one knows except Devon. And now you. Finished, Bonnie rises. Pauses. BONNIE I've programmed Kitt with everything I could get on Cole. I hope it helps. MICHAEL Me too. Thanks, Bonnie. He starts to get into K.I.T.T. BONNIE Michael? He pauses. She gives him a hug. BONNIE Be careful. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK The ramp lowers and the Trans Am rolls out, hits concrete and does a 180. EXT. STEFANIE'S APARTMENT - DAY The Trans Am pulls up, parks, Michael getting out and hurrying to her apartment. ANGLE AT HER DOOR Michael starts to knock but sees the door's lock has been broken. The door swings open when he pushes. INT. STEFANIE'S APARTMENT - DAY Michael enters slowly. It's dark inside. Suddenly, from behind the door someone lunges at him, swinging a baseball bat. Instinctively he ducks but it catches him on the shoulder. He falls but reaches up and grabs his assailant by the legs. They fall to the floor, struggling. Then Michael stops. It's Stefanie. She tries to free herself. MICHAEL Stefanie! It's me! For the first time, she looks at him. STEFANIE Oh, Michael! She falls into his arms, shaking and frightened. STEFANIE I thought they'd come back. I didn't know.... MICHAEL Who? What happened?! STEFANIE Two men came while you were gone. They tried to break in when I wouldn't open the door...I ran out the back.... MICHAEL (holds her) It's okay. Stevie, it's okay. I'm here now. It's all right. She relaxes in his arms a moment, then looks at him, something in her eyes. STEFANIE Why did you call me that? MICHAEL What? STEFANIE Stevie. No one calls me that any more.... Michael realizes he's slipped, tries to cover. MICHAEL Guess I'm too thorough. I must've read it in the Foundation's research. (helps her up) We've got to get out of here, get you someplace safe. Go put some clothes together. She turns and walks to the bedroom, pauses, looks at him. It's so strange...this feeling I know you. Michael doesn't respond, can't. She goes into the bedroom. Hold on him. EXT. HER APARTMENT - DAY They exit the building and climb into the Trans Am, Michael tossing her suitcase in back. Pan as they pull out and down the street, then pan back to a car parked half a block away, two men inside. They pull out, following the Trans Am. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. STEFANIE'S APARTMENT - DAY The Trans Am disappears down a cross street. The sedan follows at a discreet distance. INT. SEDAN - DAY The driver's name is Blake. The man on the passenger side, Donner, is ten years Blake's senior, late forties or early fifties. They both look seasoned. Donner talks on the car phone. DONNER (phone) They just left the apartment. INTERCUT - ANTHONY SOLAN on a phone in his study. We remember his face from the opening scenes. SOLAN Find out where they go. Right now that's all I want. DONNER Who's the guy with her? SOLAN Some cowboy named Knight. He works for one of those foundations with a long name. I got people looking into 'em. Call me if things change. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael and Stefanie drive. There's a silence between them. Stefanie looks more closely at the car. MICHAEL What are you looking for? STEFANIE The microwave oven and the sunlamp. Michael laughs. STEFANIE Really. I've never seen anything like this. I'm still amazed if a person has a phone in their car. MICHAEL Might as well deal with this right now. Stefanie, meet my car, Kitt. She gives him a strange look. MICHAEL Kitt, say something. She's going to think I'm crazy. K.I.T.T. Hello, Stefanie. She stares. K.I.T.T. Michael isn't crazy -- not in the clinical sense, at least. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. (to Stefanie) He talks. STEFANIE How can a car...talk? MICHAEL Computers. Don't ask me how, I don't know. I don't ask. (beat) How do you feel? Better? STEFANIE Aside from trying to adjust to being in a car that talks...yes, better. Thanks. In fact, the farther we get away the better I feel. (suddenly) Where are we going? He sees the undercurrent of alarm in her face. MICHAEL The Foundation has a retreat in the mountains north of here. What's wrong? STEFANIE I just realized I hadn't asked you...that scares me. MICHAEL What scares you? STEFANIE That I'd trust a stranger that much. Again their eyes catch. Michael doesn't know how long he can keep everything in. STEFANIE I think the reason I did is this feeling I have. The feeling I know you.... She unconsciously fingers a gold heart-shaped necklace she wears. K.I.T.T. Since you haven't bothered to look in the rearview mirror, Michael, I suppose it's my duty to inform you there's a car following us. Stefanie reacts, startled by K.I.T.T.'s voice. MICHAEL (eyes in rearview) Which car? K.I.T.T. The blue sedan. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Appreciate it. STEFANIE Do you think it's the men who came to my apartment? MICHAEL That'd be my guess. Kitt, I want the car's license number and visuals on both men inside. Lights flash. K.I.T.T. The car is registered to a corporation, Amtec Inc. by name. The visuals will take a moment longer. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY The Trans Am passes. MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt, got what you need? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Yes, Michael. Now you can do what you've been aching to do for the last five minutes. MICHAEL'S VOICE You got that one right. He floors the Trans Am. ANGLE ON SEDAN It accelerates. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES The Trans Am flies along the road, leaving the sedan in its wake. EXT. NARROW ROAD OF HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am locks into a ninety degree turn, comes in off the highway fast. A large pile of dirt from roadwork con- struction blocks the road. The Trans Am bursts through it like papier-mache. A nearby backpacker sees this and reacts amazed. ANGLE AT NARROW ROAD The sedan turns off the highway, desperately trying to follow. It tries to barrel through like K.I.T.T. did, gets bogged down, tires spinning. EXT. RAVINE - DAY The road is washed out. The Trans Am appears, accelerates and leaps the ravine. It lands on the far side, on pavement, accelerates away. OMITTED ANGLE AT RAVINE The sedan approaches, slams on its brakes, skids to a stop just before the ravine. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as they race along. MICHAEL Any reading on them? K.I.T.T. None. I'm hoping that means we'll soon be returning to more conven- tional surfaces. MICHAEL In due time, Kitt. In due time. STEFANIE Not only does he talk, he's got a sense of humor. MICHAEL I wouldn't go that far. K.I.T.T. I beg your pardon. They laugh. ANGLE ON SEDAN heading back toward the highway. Donner is on the phone, defending himself. DONNER (phone) Look, the guy's got a car that's twice this car, what am I supposed to do? INTERCUT - SOLAN on the phone with him. SOLAN All right, forget it. I think I know where they're going. This Foundation... (looks at paper) The Foundation for Law and Government -- according to tax roles, they've got a place in the mountains another forty or fifty miles north. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The sedan reaches the highway and turns, heading north. EXT. MOUNTAIN CABIN - DAY A peaceful mountain hideaway with panoramic vistas of pine trees, valleys and meadows. Sunlight filters through the trees casting a warm glow on the cabin. The Trans Am pulls up in front and stops. ANGLE - TRANS AM They get out, stretch, look around. MICHAEL Well, here we are. Stefanie can hardly believe her eyes. STEFANIE It's beautiful! A fireplace too? MICHAEL You want it to have a fireplace? STEFANIE Yes. MICHAEL Then, it's got a fireplace. STEFANIE (laughs) Thank you. Michael gets her suitcase and his bag. ANGLE AT DOOR Michael unlocks the door, swings it open and they both freeze. REVERSE ANGLE - THEIR POINT OF VIEW The cabin is perfect -- beam ceilings, comfortable furnishings, stone fireplace. On the couch, cipping a hot cup of tea, is Devon. DEVON You're late. I thought you'd be here at least an hour ago. STEFANIE (to Michael) Who is he? MICHAEL My boss. STEFANIE Oh. Devon crosses to where they stand. DEVON Since Michael seems to have lost the power of speech, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Devon Miles. I assume you are Stefanie Mason. STEFANIE Yes. DEVON Please, make yourself at home. The tea is quite delicious. If you will excuse me while I speak with Michael outside? STEFANIE Sure, of course. I'll unpack. Devon gives Michael a look and walks out past him. Michael, with a touch of apprehension, follows. EXT. CABIN - DAY They walk down the steps and move slowly along as they talk. MICHAEL Look, I know this is a little... unorthodox, but I can explain it all. DEVON There's no need. I know who Stefanie is -- what she meant to you in the past. What I don't know is what she means to you now. MICHAEL Devon, the point is the Foundation's purpose is to help people in trouble and she's in trouble. DEVON Does she know who you are? MICHAEL (beat) No. DEVON Good. Keep it that way. Michael, you're not thinking clearly. No matter how you deny it, you have an emotional involvement that could be dangerous, both to yourself and the Foundation. MICHAEL I'd never jeopardize the Foundation, you know that. DEVON Not intentionally, no. Unfortunately, not all risks are intentional. (beat) What do you know of her recent past? How do you know she's not involved? MICHAEL Because I know her. She couldn't be! DEVON That's an emotional answer. Your life has changed in the past year. Her's could have as well. MICHAEL For God's sake, Devon, I was going to marry her! DEVON That alone doesn't make her innocent, my boy. A beat, then: MICHAEL (simply) I have to do this. DEVON (beat) This may surprise you, but I do understand...better than you think. They pause. MICHAEL Then you'll help? DEVON I'll do what I can. (beat) You know she's been scheduled to testify at a Federal Grand Jury hearing next Tuesday. MICHAEL No, I didn't. (digests this, then) Devon, the Department of Justice is squeezing her. Either she testifies and implicates her boss or they'll try her on conspiracy charges. Whoever's behind this knows that if she testifies they're in big trouble. I think they want to take her out of the picture before she ever gets to the Grand Jury. DEVON I'll see what I can do, starting with the car that followed you. (pauses) Michael? You've chosen the most difficult thing a man in your posi- tion can choose -- to help someone you love. If this were anyone other than you -- and that girl in there anyone other than who she is -- I'd forbid it. They hold a moment. Then ad-lib good-byes and Devon starts toward his car, behind the cabin. Michael watches him, then goes to the cabin. INT. CABIN - DAY Michael comes in. A warm fire crackles casting a rosy glow on the room. Stefanie comes over from the kitchen area. She has a plate of sandwiches. STEFANIE Hungry? Please say yes, I'm starved and I don't want to feel guilty. She puts the food down on the rug before the fire. Michael walks over, very pleased with this surprise. MICHAEL Yes. She stops and looks at him, puzzled. MICHAEL What? STEFANIE (quietly) Did you ever have the feeling you've been someplace before, said the same things, to the same person...I know it can't be true, but that's how it feels. MICHAEL You're just tired. STEFANIE I guess. I've been working so hard ...trying to get my life together, take care of myself... (derisive smile) And look at me now. I can't go home. I can't do anything I'm... dependent on you. (beat; looks at the fire) The last time I depended on someone I lost him...His name was Michael, too...Michael Long. She looks deeply into his eyes, as if she'll find the answer there...and again unconsciously fingers her necklace. Michael wants to tell her the truth so bad it hurts. There's a long, somber silence between them. STEFANIE Don't listen to me. It's beautiful outside -- c'mon, let's take a walk. MICHAEL (laughs) I thought you were hungry. STEFANIE I am. You grab the sandwiches, I'll grab the drinks! EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY They walk through the lush landscape, finishing eating. She's tired, expansive, a little heady with it all and captivating. She's in the midst of a story. STEFANIE ...so these boys always tried to scare us on the way home. Anyway, one time...I remember...it was winter. They broke my sled and chased us down the street. We were terrified! We tried to hide behind the snowbanks but they found us. Michael listens to every word, sees every nuance on her face. MICHAEL I'm on the edge of my seat. What did you do? STEFANIE We fought them off with snowballs. MICHAEL Snowballs? STEFANIE Each one had a rock the size of an egg in it. They laugh, their eyes holding again. STEFANIE So when are you going to tell me? MICHAEL (guarded) Tell you what? STEFANIE About you. You know all about me, I know nothing about you. It's not fair. MICHAEL Later. STEFANIE Tonight? MICHAEL (smiles) Maybe tonight. (beat) Stefanie, we've got a lot more to talk about than me. We've got to talk about Gilbert Cole.... STEFANIE (glances away) Not now. Later. (teases) Maybe tonight. In the meantime, I refuse to let this day go by without picking some flowers. (hesitates) Is it all right? MICHAEL Just don't go too far. She sticks out her tongue at him, prances away. Michael laughs, watches her every move. EXT. BRUSH COVERED MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY Donner and Blake struggle up, reach a ridge overlooking the cabin. Donner carries a scoped high-powered rifle. Blake is huffing and puffing. DONNER Quit smoking, you might be able to walk a hundred yards without dying. BLAKE Will you get off my back? THEIR POINT OF VIEW - STEFANIE runs down the hill. Michael sits and watches as she makes her way through the flowers, picking and choosing and holding up her "finds" for Michael to see. ANGLE ON THEM K.I.T.T. (comlink) Michael, I'm picking up two men on the ridge above you -- one has a rifle. MICHAEL (yells) Stefanie, get inside the cabin! Hurry! She looks at him. She doesn't question it. She runs toward the cabin. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He runs for K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, try and cover her! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. His systems come to life. Tires spinning, he starts toward the area where she runs for the cabin. A shot rings out, then another. Stefanie falls, hit. OMITTED ANGLE ON DONNER AND BLAKE They plunge back down the hill, convinced she's dead. MICHAEL AND STEFANIE He runs to her side. She's lying on the ground, unconscious, bloodstains on her blouse. Michael falls by her side and cradles her in his arms. MICHAEL (a whisper) Stevie, no, no...It'll be okay, I promise... (comlink) Kitt, as close as you can! He gently lifts her in his arms and runs for K.I.T.T. FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. PRIVATE HOSPITAL - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING SHOT Small, exclusive and secluded. INT. PRIVATE HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT Bonnie and Michael outside the recovery room. Michael waits anxiously. MICHAEL She should have been out hours ago. Something's wrong. BONNIE If something was wrong we'd be the first to know. It's just taking a little longer than they thought, that's all. MICHAEL You're right, I know... (paces) I feel so useless just waiting around. BONNIE Michael, you're not just waiting around. You're here! And you'll be here when she comes out of this. You're all she's got right now, and if waiting is all you can do, it's all you can do. Michael digests this, nods. Tries a tired smile. MICHAEL Look, she'll be okay. I'm okay. Why don't you go home and get some sleep? Before Bonnie can reply. Dr. Carlysle comes out of recovery. Michael collars him. MICHAEL How is she? Is she okay? DR. CARLYSLE She will be, I'm reasonably assured of that. MICHAEL (reacts) What's the matter? What happened? You said --- DR. CARLYSLE Michael, I know what I said. The bullet wound isn't the problem -- The problem is she hasn't regained consciousness yet and we're not sure why. She sustained a blow to the head, probably when she fell...right now, all she has is a mild concussion. If anything changes I'll let you know. Dr. Carlysle walks on down the hall. Michael watches for a moment, undecided, then he goes into the recovery room. INT. RECOVERY ROOM - NIGHT Michael walks into the dimly lit room and sits beside Stefanie. The only sounds come from the machines which monitor her continually -- heartbeat, respiration, pulse, brain waves. He stares at the array of equipment, then looks at Stefanie's face. She looks beautiful, strangely peaceful. He reaches over and touches her hand, holds it in his. EXT. FOUNDATION GROUNDS - TERRACE - DAY Michael sits at a table on the patio. He's lost in thought, picking at the breakfast that sits before him. Devon walks out to join him. A cup of tea in his hand. DEVON Come now, Michael, it's unlike you not to eat. Just look at the break- fast I had prepared for you. Steak and eggs, potatoes appropriately greasy...Michael, she'll be fine. You have Doctor Carlysle's personal assurance on that. Michael nods, pushes the food away, restless. MICHAEL I've gone over Kitt's programs twice. Nothing. You have any luck? DEVON Some. MICHAEL (looks at him) Well? What? DEVON Regarding Edward Cole? He's apparently everything the Department of Justice says he is. MICHAEL Which is exactly what? DEVON Among other things, a 'business partner' of Anthony Solan's. Apparently his primary contribution to said partnership is the laundering of Solan's money. MICHAEL Strange world we live in, Devon. The Department of Justice can know Cole is breaking the law, and I can know he's behind Stefanie being shot, but nobody can move a damn finger against him. DEVON Calm down, Michael. You're serving no one's purpose when you react from emotion. MICHAEL (angry) I'm not reacting, Devon, I'm feeling. Is it all right to feel? Does the Foundation permit it? Do you? Angry, upset with himself, Michael moves off, walks down the steps to the grounds. He pauses, staring off. Devon joins him. DEVON Come. Let's take a walk. MOVING SHOT as they walk the grounds. DEVON (after a moment) Michael, I'm not concerned about Stefanie dying. I'm frankly more concerned with her living. MICHAEL What does that mean? DEVON Have you thought about afterwards? When this is over? What are you going to do then? He stops, looks at Devon. MICHAEL All I know is I want her with me. DEVON How do you propose to accomplish that? Tell her who you really are? Set up hosekeeping and, as the phrase has it, 'live happily ever after'? MICHAEL I don't know. Why? Are you saying that's impossible? DEVON Michael, you know better than to ask that. You have too many enemies in the real world. You can't go back. You can't even afford to look. Michael is quiet. After a beat, Devon continues thoughtfully. DEVON Perhaps loving her means making another kind of choice. When I was with the O.S.S. in France I met a young lady...a very special young lady. (smiles to recall) I met her in a little cafe outside of Paris. She was wearing a white dress. She looked like an angel. We were young. Time was short. We fell very much in love...I soon realized I had a choice to make. I too was in a very dangerous occupation. MICHAEL What did you do? DEVON What do you think? Beat. Michael digests this. It doesn't sit well. MICHAEL Do you ever regret it? DEVON (trace of a smile) There are times. MICHAEL (beat) Devon, I love her. Are you saying I can't ever love anyone? DEVON Everything changes, Michael. I have no idea what the future holds. But right now, you have a choice to make. A decision. I trust it will be the right one. (beat) Before I go, there's one more thing. I don't like having to tell you this, Michael, but I feel I must. Stefanie's been arrested twice. Represented by Edward Cole in both cases. MICHAEL For what...jaywalking? DEVON Solicitation. I'm sorry, Michael. Devon turns and leaves, knowing it's the best thing to do. Hold on Michael, it's like a blow to the solar plexis. INT. COLE'S OFFICE - DAY Cole is working at his desk when Michael comes bursting through the door. Cole's secretary, Claire, is right behind him. MICHAEL I want to talk to you. Cole jumps to his feet. COLE Who the hell do you think you are?! MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. Cole's expression changes. A touch of wariness. CLAIRE I tried to tell him you don't --- COLE It's all right, Claire. I'll handle it. Relieved, she leaves. Michael is outwardly calm but his fury is like a heartbeat in his body. COLE All right, you're here. What do you want? MICHAEL Did you defend Stefanie Mason on criminal charges? COLE (beat) Do you have her? Is she with you? MICHAEL I didn't ask you what you want, you asked me. What I want is my question answered. COLE Get tough with me and I won't answer anything. Michael steps so close their noses are touching. MICHAEL Stefanie Mason was never arrested for solicitation. So when it's popped up on a computer, I start asking some serious questions. The first question I ask is who salted a phony bust on her and why. The second question I ask is who represented her. I'm still working on number one, but I got my number two. You. My plan to find out number one is simple. I'm going to start rattling cages and I'm going to keep rattling cages until the monkeys fall. So get a good grip. Michael waits to see if Cole will challenge him. When he doesn't Michael leaves, slams the door behind him. Hold on Cole, shaken. INT. OFFICE BUILDING CORRIDOR - DAY Michael exits from Cole's office, pauses. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, if I'm right a call should be going out from Cole's office. See if you can pick it up. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. INT. COLE'S OFFICE - DAY Cole finishes dialing. The phone rings. Intercut call with Solan. SOLAN Yeah. COLE He was just here -- that Michael Knight character -- he was hot, he was raging on about Stefanie never being arrested and how he was going to find out who salted her record. SOLAN Good. Let him spin his wheels on that for a while. Buy us a little time until we find out where they're keeping her. COLE How many choices do they have? What's the problem? SOLAN The problem is she's not in a public hospital. We're checking the private ones now. We'll find her. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael gets in. MICHAEL Kitt, how'd we do? K.I.T.T. We drew a blank, Michael. A call went out on his private line, but he has a scrambler on it. MICHAEL Terrific. Michael starts the car, frustrated, peels out. EXT. FOUNDATION RETREAT - DAY quiet, peaceful. Camera pans as the Trans Am appears, pulls in and stops. Michael looks troubled, thoughtful. K.I.T.T. Why have we come back here, Michael? MICHAEL I don't know, Kitt. I guess I just need some time to think.... K.I.T.T. Maybe Bonnie could give you a tune-up. MICHAEL (a smile) Yeah, I'll have to talk to her about that. He climbs out, stretches, steps past K.I.T.T.'s hood, taking in the scene, remembering Stefanie, all that's happened in such a short period of time. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. My comprehension of human emotions is somewhat limited...however, in light of your recent behavior, I feel compelled to ask you a question. MICHAEL I think I'm fresh out of answers, pal...but ask away. K.I.T.T. Why are you so sad? Said with the direct innocence of a child, it takes Michael aback. MICHAEL Kitt...I don't know if you can under- stand this, but there's a thing called love, and.... K.I.T.T. According to my information, love is an emotional condition which produces happiness, not sadness. MICHAEL Well, that's true, Kitt, only some- times...Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL Could we go into this later? It's a little complicated. K.I.T.T. Of course, Michael. MICHAEL (smiles) Thanks, pal. He climbs back in, starts the engine and leaves. INT. FOUNDATION COMPUTER CENTER - DAY Devon and Bonnie are at work. Devon, for the first time in recent memory, is without his tie. His jacket is off and his sleeves are rolled up. DEVON Bonnie, I think we're on to something here. Cross reference the union case. BONNIE Coming right up. Michael comes in and walks over to where Bonnie and Devon are programming the computer. Michael looks at Devon, then takes off his jacket, rolls up his sleeves. Devon looks at Michael curiously. Michael smiles. MICHAEL Just trying to blend in with the dress code. BONNIE (pulls out a run) Look at this. (hands Devon a read-out) Those two cases Cole recently lost... in one of them he represented a splinter group of a large labor union. They were trying to form an independent bargaining unit and lost. Guess whose name pops up on the winning side...Anthony Solan. Michael takes the computer read-out. DEVON The name keeps popping up. Solan was also a behind-the-scene principal in Cole's other major defeat -- a zoning dispute over a shopping mall site. BONNIE I'll bet a little more digging will turn up a connection. MICHAEL You need more, I'll get more. He starts out. DEVON Michael? The Grand Jury convenes day after tomorrow. Michael nods, leaves. INT. LAWYER'S OFFICE BUILDING CORRIDOR - NIGHT Michael walks down the hallway toward Cole's office. It takes him about five seconds to open the door with skeleton keys. INT. COLE'S OFFICE - NIGHT Michael goes directly to the desk. He flips through the desk calendar. Solan's name shows up three or four times. He tries the desk drawers. Locked. He moves quickly to the files. He thumbs through and pulls out two files. "UNCO vs. Reynolds" and "Land Lease - Adamston Mall." MICHAEL Gotcha. K.I.T.T. (comlink) Michael, my sensors detect the electronic signal of a silent alarm. Michael goes to the window. MICHAEL (comlink) That gives us about two minutes. Okay, Kitt give it your best infrared shot. He holds up the pages of the files to the window and flips them both through like the pages of a book. K.I.T.T. (comlink) One minute, Michael. MICHAEL Right. Michael moves fast. He puts the files back in the cabinet, takes a last look around and heads for the door. EXT. BUILDING CORRIDOR - NIGHT Michael looks out. All clear. He locks and closes the door behind him and starts down the hall. K.I.T.T. (comlink) Security guard approaching! ANGLE Michael ducks around a corner just as the security guard approaches. The guard checks Cole's door. Then unlocks it and goes inside. Michael waits until the door closes then slips past the door and out. INT. PRIVATE HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT outside of Stefanie's room. Michael approaches a Nurse who has just come out of her room. MICHAEL How is she? NURSE She's showing signs of improvement. She --- Michael brushes by the Nurse and heads for Stefanie's room. The Nurse shrugs. INT. STEFANIE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT It's dimly lit, silent...except for the continual monitoring of the machines. Stefanie lies still. Michael comes in and goes to her bedside. He's quiet a moment, touches her face. MICHAEL Hey Stevie. Stefanie stirs. MICHAEL It's me, Michael. STEFANIE (faint) Michael? Where are you? MICHAEL I'm here. Right here. She opens her eyes. STEFANIE (groggy) I woke up...I was alone.... MICHAEL Don't talk. You're not alone anymore. STEFANIE (weak) Michael, don't go away again...Don't leave me...please.... MICHAEL (holds her) I won't...I won't. INT. FOUNDATION COMPUTER CENTER - DAY Michael and Bonnie are working. She pulls off a computer print-out and hands it to Michael. Devon comes in. He carries a newspaper. Michael sees him, turns. MICHAEL Devon. Look at this -- Cole's scholar- ship to Harvard was funded by UNCO, the labor union Solan's involved with. This connection goes back over twenty years. Devon is oddly under-enthused. He shows Michael the paper. MICHAEL What's the matter? DEVON Frontal assault. And we're running out of time.... Michael sees the headlines: LAWYER NAMES LAW CLERK IN GANGLAND CONSPIRACY. Hold on Michael.... FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION TERRACE - DAY Stefanie's reading the newspaper article. She puts it down and looks up at Michael, dumbfounded. STEFANIE It's a lie...everything in there is a lie. (beat) Why? What does he hope to accomplish? Does he really think a Grand Jury will believe I'm a money courier for the underworld? MICHAEL Don't be so sure they won't. It's a matter of credibility. Your word against his. STEFANIE I'll take that chance. My credibility's intact. She sees him glance away, uncomfortable. STEFANIE Isn't it? Michael? MICHAEL I didn't want to have to deal with this until I could prove otherwise.... STEFANIE What are you talking about? MICHAEL A routine computer run shows you have a record. STEFANIE What?! MICHAEL Two arrests in Las Vegas. STEFANIE Las Vegas? That's ridiculous. I've never been arrested in Las Vegas or any place else...What was I supposedly arrested for? MICHAEL (hard for him) Solicitation. She stares at him, face coloring. STEFANIE That's a lie! How can they do that? You can prove that's a lie, can't you? MICHAEL We're working on it. STEFANIE (beat) Do you believe me? He meets her look, the intensity of it. He touches her hand, nods. MICHAEL I believe you. It's the Grand Jury I'm worried about. Bonnie appears from inside. BONNIE Michael? Devon wants you. INT. FOUNDATION COMPUTER CENTER - DAY Michael and Devon are at the computer terminal. DEVON Stefanie's arrest record. Watch. COMPUTER READ-OUT Stefanie Mason. Las Vegas. June 10, 1982. Solicitation. Arresting officer - William Donner. Las Vegas. July 13, 1982. Solicitation. Arresting officer - William Donner. MICHAEL AND DEVON MICHAEL The same arresting officer. That's interesting. DEVON And look at this. Devon punches up another run. He reads. DEVON William Donner. Ten years on the police force. Last fall he was indicted in a police scandal, but it didn't stick. Then he disappeared... (punches up a picture on the screen) And here he is. Michael moves in for a closer look. MICHAEL I've seen that face...wait a minute. The car that tailed us to the cabin. (comlink) Kitt, the visuals on the two men who tailed us to the cabin. Can you patch them through? K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. Two pictures emerge. One of Blake and one of William Donner. It's a match. MICHAEL That's our man. This is proof, Devon! Proof they salted a phony record on Stefanie, proof they --- DEVON Hold on, Michael. It's enough to question the veracity of Stefanie's record, but it doesn't touch Edward Cole. Not yet. MICHAEL What will?! Devon, we're running out of time.... STEFANIE I know a way. They turn and see her in the doorway. Bonnie is with her. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Stefanie picks up the telephone and dials. When she speaks it's in an anxious, hushed voice. STEFANIE (phone) Edward, it's me -- Stefanie. I need your help...no, they've got me at the Foundation, but I heard them talking. They're taking me back to some cabin in the mountains. They're coming -- I'll try to call you from there. She hangs up. Pull back to see Michael and Devon. DEVON I still don't like it. Too risky. BONNIE'S VOICE Well, how do I look? ANOTHER ANGLE as Bonnie enters wearing a Stefanie look-alike wig. DEVON If I may say so, you look like Bonnie Barstow in a wig. MICHAEL He's right, Bonnie. BONNIE C'mon. A little makeup, the right clothes. They'll never know the difference. STEFANIE What if they do? No one has a ready answer. STEFANIE We won't get another chance. This is it. (beat) Thanks, Bonnie, but it's my life, my future. It has to be me. Michael and Bonnie exchange looks. Devon doesn't like it, but he knows she's right. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY The Trans Am maneuvers the curves. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - MICHAEL AND STEFANIE They're both on edge, both trying not to show it. MICHAEL No matter what happens...you stay with Kitt. STEFANIE I will. MICHAEL Promise me. STEFANIE (smiles) I promise. MICHAEL Devon's arranging a roadblock, so all we have to do is bait the trap. STEFANIE Me. Michael nods, tense. EXT. MOUNTAIN CABIN - DAY The Trans Am approaches slowly, sensors alert, surveillance mode flashing. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - MICHAEL scans the terrain. MICHAEL Kitt. Scan the cabin.... K.I.T.T. There's no one inside, Michael. Michael drives up beside the cabin and stops. He starts to get out. MICHAEL I'm going to look around. Take care of her, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Like she was a Ferrari, Michael. MICHAEL She is. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael slowly gets out and walks around the far side of the cabin. K.I.T.T. (comlink) Michael! A vehicle is approaching at high speed. ANGLE - MICHAEL MICHAEL (comlink) Got it! He runs for K.I.T.T. ROAD TO CABIN The sedan squeals around the curves and bears down when the cabin comes into view. DARK SEDAN Two men inside. Blake is driving. On the passenger side is William Donner. He sports a submachine gun, opens fire through the car window. MICHAEL dives and rolls on the ground. Bullets splatter around him. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, over here! ANGLE ON TRANS AM K.I.T.T. lunges forward, swinging between Michael and the sedan. The door pops open and Michael jumps in as bullets pound at them in a fierce barrage. ANGLE ON CABIN It takes some of the random hits, a window shattering. ANGLE ON SEDAN The sedan circles, leveling its entire arsenal at K.I.T.T. -- to no apparent effect. ANGLE IN SEDAN They're starting to panic. DONNER I've hit it with everything I've got! Ram him! ANGLE IN TRANS AM MICHAEL Here they come, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Surely you don't expect me to just stand here, Michael. MICHAEL Just a second longer. FULL ANGLE K.I.T.T. surges forward at the last moment and the sedan plunges past them, careens over an embankment and nosedives into a ravine. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. How was that? MICHAEL Perfect, buddy. Now call Devon. (to Stefanie) You okay? She nods, shaken. He climbs out. ANGLE AT SEDAN Donner and Blake are struggling out of the car as Michael slides down the embankment. Blake sees him, tries to pull a pistol but Michael coldcocks him with one punch. ANOTHER ANGLE Donner searches frantically for the machine gun. Michael grabs him from behind, slams him against the hood of the car. MICHAEL Where's Cole?! DONNER I don't know what you're talking about --- Michael is ready to slam his head against the hood again when: DEVON'S VOICE Michael? ANGLE TO INCLUDE DEVON AND POLICE OFFICERS above him, looking down. The cops' guns are drawn. DEVON Do you need any assistance? MICHAEL Thanks, just a little privacy. Devon smiles, nods, gestures and the cops move away with him. Donner looks frightened for the first time as Michael turns his full attention back to him. DONNER Wait a minute...We can work some- thing out. We can talk. MICHAEL Last chance. Where's Cole? DONNER He's with Anthony Solan -- they went to the airport. If they don't hear from us they're gonna take off.... ANGLE FROM CABIN as Michael leads Donner up the embankment to the waiting cops. Several others start down after Blake. ANGLE AT K.I.T.T. Bonnie and Devon stand with Stefanie, who's still weak from the ordeal, from her stay in the hospital. Michael approaches. MICHAEL How do you feel? STEFANIE A little wobbly, but all right... Thanks. MICHAEL I shouldn't be too long. STEFANIE (smiles) I'm not going anywhere. Michael jumps into the Trans Am, spins around and starts down the road. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY A Cessna 150 waits at a terminal near the commercial air- lines. It's ready to go. Nearby, Solan paces, nervously checks his watch. ANGLE - STREET The Trans Am speeds toward the terminals. ANGLE - CESSNA Cole hurries toward Solan from the terminal. COLE No call. I checked with the operator. The car phone's dead. SOLAN Something's gone wrong. Let's get out of here. ANGLE - AIRPORT PARKING LOT The Trans Am speeds through the airport parking lot. When it reaches the last row of cars, Michael hits the boosters and K.I.T.T. sails over the cars and the airport fence. ANGLE - CESSNA Cole and Solan see the Trans Am racing toward them. They climb into the Cessna, its engines running, ready to take off. ANGLE - THE TRANS AM as it bears down on the Cessna. ANGLE - CESSNA It picks up speed as it heads down the tarmac and onto the taxiway, passing other planes waiting to take off. ANGLE - TRANS AM full throttle after the plane. FULL ANGLE - THE CESSNA angles for the runway as the Trans Am races past them, out- pacing them. Then Michael spins K.I.T.T. in a 90 slide and they head directly for the Cessna, closing the angle. ANGLE IN CESSNA Solan sees the Trans Am barreling toward them. He veers sharply. COLE What is he doing?! He's crazy! INTERCUT - TRANS AM charging straight for the side of the plane. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. leaps forward, smashing into the rear section of the fleeing plane, sheering off the tail. The plane careens on blindly, skids and slides to a halt on its side. Cole and Solan struggle free of the wounded craft as the Trans Am skids to a stop in front of them. We hear the sound of distant sirens. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND THE TWO MEN Michael walks over to Cole as K.I.T.T. waits, surveillance mode flashing. Behind them, two police cars close in and squeal to a stop. Cole tries to run but Michael grabs him. MICHAEL (to Cole) I run across a lot of scumbags, Cole, but compared to you they're royalty. Before Cole can respond, Michael throws a hard right, lifting Cole off his feet. The officers emerge, guns drawn. Solan's hands shoot into the air. Cole doesn't move. EXT. MOUNTAIN CABIN - DAY Michael and Stefanie stand talking by the edge of the mountain clearing looking at the meadow below. They both find it hard to talk, yet there is a need to. STEFANIE I talked to the Federal Attorney. He said after I testify I'll be in the witness relocation program... a new place to live...a new identity ...Sometimes it doesn't seem like any of this ever happened. MICHAEL It's all behind you now. The night- mare's over. STEFANIE (softly) And the dream. She puts her hand to her neck unconsciously. The necklace isn't there. Michael notices this. MICHAEL You lost your necklace. STEFANIE No, I gave it back. A flicker of confusion on Michael's face. STEFANIE It's going to be strange becoming someone else. Leaving my life behind.... Their eyes meet, the implied question unanswered. She looks away, fighting to keep back the tears that are filling her eyes. She looks out at the mountains, the trees, the sky. STEFANIE (softly) There's a bird I read about once a long time ago. The swift. It eats ...sleeps...spends it's whole life in flight. It never lands. That's its purpose, its destiny...to fly forever.... Michael gently turns her to him. They look at each other a long moment. He kisses her softly. STEFANIE Good-bye, Michael. MICHAEL Good-bye...Stevie. There are tears in her eyes. She turns and walks back toward the cabin. Devon stands on the porch. K.I.T.T. is parked out front and a police car waits for her. ANGLE - MICHAEL He watches her go, fighting back tears of his own -- for her, the love he feels for her, and for himself -- for the past is, finally, forever sealed. FULL ANGLE Michael stands by the edge of the clearing, watching as Stefanie reaches the car. She turns, looks at him one more time, then gets in. The car drives away. Michael watches as it slowly disappears. END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN INT. MOUNTAIN CABIN - DAY Michael and Devon are working -- picking up debris, broken glass, shattered souvenirs. MICHAEL I'll make it up to you...Name it ...anything. Devon doesn't answer. MICHAEL What do you want me to do? DEVON I don't think it's within your power. MICHAEL Devon, I didn't know they were going to shoot up the place. Devon moans as he picks up some pieces of wood. DEVON Do you know what this was? A clock. MICHAEL Maybe I can fix it. Devon holds up the hopelessly shattered pieces. MICHAEL I guess not. Devon drops the clock remnants and walks transfixed across the room. MICHAEL Say, Devon, maybe I'll take a drive. I'll come back in an hour or so when you've added up all the damages and.... He backs out the door, relieved, disappears. EXT. MOUNTAIN CABIN - DAY Michael closes the door behind him. He takes a deep breath and walks to the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM Michael gets in. He's about to start up but then he stops, leans back. Long pause. K.I.T.T. What is it, Michael? MICHAEL I wonder if she really knew. K.I.T.T. She left something for you. MICHAEL What? Where? K.I.T.T. Look in the glove compartment. Michael opens the glove compartment. INSERT - THE GOLD NECKLACE is there. MICHAEL He takes the necklace, stares at it for a long moment. K.I.T.T. Why did she leave it for you? MICHAEL A mutual friend gave it to her a long time ago. He's dead now...I think she wanted me to remember him with this. K.I.T.T. What was his name? MICHAEL Michael Long. FADE OUT THE END