EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57332 Robert Foster February 9, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 2/12/83 (F.R.) Rev. 2/14/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT MOVES by William Schmidt ___________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Prerush hour, early morning, the time of truckers and travellers. This four-lane, divided highway cuts through the open plains and deserts of north-central New Mexico, outside of Albuquerque. ANGLE ON RIG A huge, frightening machine roars down the highway. On the door is painted the sign, "Calley and Son Trucking." INT. RIG - TRACTOR - DAY Seated at the wheel is a big, handsome man, in his mid- thirties, Rick Calley. A country-western tune plays on the radio; the lights of a CB radio flash on top of the dashboard. On the passenger's seat is a small ditty bag. Rick takes a mug from the bag, pours himself a cup of coffee from a dashboard thermos. He takes a sip, puts down the mug, and picks up the CB transmitter. RICK Breaker, breaker. Big Brother to Terri the Tiger. Come on back, now. After some static, a woman's voice, young and enthusiastic, comes back over the CB. TERRI'S VOICE Terri the Tiger reading you fine, Big Brother. How's it going out there? RICK Almost home free, sis. Estimated time of arrival -- one hour. TERRI'S VOICE That's a big 10-4. I'll have your favorite flapjacks ready and waiting. Rick smiles mischieviously. RICK Make that, estimated time of arrival -- two days. TERRI'S VOICE All right, you bum -- you just wait! He laughs, puts down the CB transmitter. EXT. HIGHWAY - SIDE OF ROAD - DAY - ON TRACTOR A sleek one-colored vehicle parked on a dirt access road, not far from the semi. ANGLE ON RIG The rig passes the dirt access road and the tractor. ANGLE ON TRACTOR Its tires churn up a cloud of dirt as it rips out onto the highway and pulls up close to the rig's tractor. We now see that both the driver and the passenger have blakc ski masks on. The passenger points a semi-automatic rifle up at Rick. ANGLE ON RICK'S TRACTOR Rick, surprised and scared, hesitates, then pulls the steering wheel sharply, trying to ram the outlaw tractor. The outlaw tractor, more mobile, has no trouble avoiding Rick's tractor. The outlaw with the rifle aims carefully at Rick's front tires -- and shoots. The tires blow.... ANGLE IN RICK'S TRACTOR Rick momentarily loses control of the rig, then finally pulls it over to a stop at the side of the road. He quickly grabs the ditty bag -- and pulls out a .357 Magnum. He shoves the gun under his belt. ANGLE BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD The two outlaws come up to Rick's tractor and motion him out. The one outlaw with a rifle keeps a bead on Rick, while the other pulls out a pistol. They march him to the side of the rig out of sight of the road. Rick carefully eases the Magnum out of his belt. Then he wheels...but he's too slow. The outlaw with the pistol shoots him in the left arm. Rick goes down. The outlaws, working with military precision, unhitch Rick's trailer and connect it onto their tractor. One of the outlaws grab the manifest and log book from inside Rick's tractor. Then they take off, leaving Rick in agony. EXT. CITY FREEWAY - DAY - STOCK Out of a line of cars, comes one sleek black vehicle: the Knight 2000. K.I.T.T. (o.s.) Michael, I'm afraid if you won't take cover, you're going to be in serious trouble. MICHAEL (o.s.) Help me out, Kitt. K.I.T.T. (o.s.) I'm sorry, Michael, not this time. Michael lets out a shout. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as his spaceship gets wiped out on the monitor screen video game. K.I.T.T. I can't help you if I'm playing against you. That makes it thirty- seven games to one, my favor. MICHAEL Home court advantage. A beat. K.I.T.T. Michael, Devon is calling. MICHAEL Patch him through, Kitt. INTERCUT DEVON'S OFFICE While Bonnie helps gather papers, Devon speaks into his monitor. DEVON Hello, Michael. Trust I'm not disturbing anything. MICHAEL Just the age-old fight of man versus computers. (a beat) I thought you'd be in Chicago by now. DEVON My plane leaves within the hour. Michael, something's come up. I don't have all the details yet, but the president of Micro-Tech Electronics called this morning. A shipment of highly sensitive electronic components have been stolen near Albuquerque, New Mexico. MICHAEL Any idea who took them? DEVON None, I'm afraid. The odd thing is the parts were falsely labelled to discourage theft. The driver of the truck was shot and wounded. I've already contacted him -- he's expecting you. MICHAEL (resistance) Devon.... DEVON I know you're due for some R and R, Michael, but look at it this way: Would you rather go to New Mexico or Chicago? MICHAEL In March? I'm on my way to New Mexico -- on one condition: Bring me back a deep-dish pizza. Best pizza in the world's made in Chicago. DEVON Your eclectic culinary tastes never cease to amaze me, dear boy. I'll do my best. Michael laughs. MICHAEL Thanks, Devon. OMITTED DRIVE-BYS - STOCK as the Knight 2000 travels the open road. The terrain changes from cityscapes to the spacious plains of New Mexico. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is driving. K.I.T.T. Michael, I am picking up a transmission in a highly stylized dialect of the English language. MICHAEL (puzzled) Let's hear it, Kitt. A static-filled transmission comes over K.I.T.T. VOICE (o.s.) Blow your windows down, Good Buddy. Come on back now, 10-4? Michael laughs. MICHAEL That's CB -- Citizen's Band, Kitt -- trucker's shorthand. K.I.T.T. In other words, 'slang.' MICHAEL I still remember a lot of it from my police days. Do you want me to teach it to you? A beat. K.I.T.T. Unless it's imperative to this case, I'd rather you didn't. EXT. CHIEF JOE CAFE - DAY Michael pulls the Trans Am into the parking lot of this trucker's restaurant. He gets out of the car and heads towards the cafe. INT. CHIEF JOE - DAY A small, down-home-type place. Near the windows are booths. Across from the booths is a counter with stools. As Michael enters, he catches part of a heated argument. Three men, Curt Brusker, brawny and muscular, Gene Alley, slim, in his forties and Ozzie Layton, a man in his thirties, are seated in a booth. BRUSKER I don't care if he's been Sheriff sixty years, Winston ain't worth a cent.... GENE I don't know, Curt. I'm hurting as bad as anyone, but this.... BRUSKER I'll tell you what -- do it my way and the only ones hurting will be those outlaws.... They all look up at Michael, then continue their conversa- tion in quieter tones. Michael eases over to the counter and sits next to a man in his fifties, in Levi's, flannel shirt and cowboy boots, clothes of the road. This is Sam Volker. He nods at Michael. Norma Pell, an overly made-up waitress in her midthirties, comes over. At one time -- in high school -- Norma was a knockout. Now, she has the tired look of a woman frustrated by fate. She smiles at Michael as she pulls out her order book. NORMA Howdy. What'll it be? MICHAEL Hi. Coffee, please. NORMA One cup of java, coming right up. She steps to the coffee machine, and quickly pours his cup. She sets it down in front of him and he takes a sip. MICHAEL I'm supposed to meet Rick Calley here. Can you point him out? NORMA I haven't seen him here much since... the accident. He's probably at his garage, a few miles east. She sets down a doughnut on a small plate in front of Michael. Stuck on is a smiley, "Happy Face" button, the kind in vogue in the mid-70's. NORMA On the house. Never know when you might need an extra smile. Michael smiles, pins the button on his jacket. He takes the doughnut and starts to the door. MICHAEL Thanks. For your smile. Norma grins broadly. Brusker takes note of Michael as he exits. CUT TO EXT. CALLEY GARAGE - DAY Out front is parked the "Calley and Son Trucking" tractor we saw earlier. On top of the garage is a painted sign with the same words. ANGLE BY GARAGE ENTRANCE Michael parks K.I.T.T. and climbs out. He walks up to the garage entrance and meets Rick Calley, his arm in a cast. Rick is followed by Terri Calley, in her midtwenties, a pretty tomboy in trucker's garb. MICHAEL Hi, I'm Michael Knight. Devon Miles called about me. Rick nods. RICK I'm Rick Calley. This is my sister Terri. They shake hands. MICHAEL The company I represent would like to find the missing shipment as soon as possible. RICK I'd trade your problem for mine in a minute, friend. You've lost one shipment -- the A.I.T.'s lost six -- not to mention the sabotage. MICHAEL The A.I.T.? TERRI The Alliance of Independant Truckers. My daddy founded it twelve years ago to stop the men from undercutting each other. (a beat) I'm glad he's not here to see what's happening. Rick looks at Terri, peeved. RICK There's nothing more he would have done than I'm doing. TERRI Rick, I didn't mean.... RICK (to Michael) Knight, if you've got anymore questions, Terri will help you. She knows every- thing.... He turns and stalks back inside. When he's gone, she looks up at Michael. Before they can say anything the loud roar of a tractor can be heard down the road. When it comes into view, we see it's being driven by Curt Brusker. Ozzie Layton is in the passenger's seat. Brusker pulls his tractor in front of K.I.T.T., blocking K.I.T.T. in, next to another car. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BRUSKER AND OZZIE Brusker and Ozzie get out and walk up to Michael and Terri. Brusker pointedly ignores Michael. BRUSKER Hi, babe -- let's go on by the Tick Tock later. It's nickle beer night. TERRI Curt, don't you ever quit? BRUSKER Not when I want something bad enough. There's a moment of tension, then Brusker laughs, nudges Ozzie and they go toward the garage. NEW ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND TERRI as they move off toward K.I.T.T. TERRI Don't pay any attention to him. MICHAEL (smiles) Hardly noticed he was there. Can you get me a list of the A.I.T. truckers? TERRI I can do better than that -- we're having a meeting tonight. Why don't you come by? MICHAEL Thanks, I will. I'd like to start running down that stolen cargo. What's the procedure? TERRI We pick up our freight at Riggin's Distributor. Gil Riggins fought Daddy over the A.I.T. -- you know, management vs. union, but they were old friends. He'll help you any way he can. They stop by K.I.T.T. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. The Trans Am is blocked in between Brusker's tractor and the other car. TERRI (angry) That dog. I'll be right back. Terri heads for the garage. Michael climbs into K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael gets behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Michael, surely you don't expect me to move that monster. MICHAEL There's no sense spinning our wheels, Kitt. Let's spin his. ANGLE ON TRUCK K.I.T.T. starts to move it. The truck's tires begin to smoke and the truck begins to emit a loud whining sound. After a few seconds, it is pushed out of K.I.T.T.'s way. ANGLE AT GARAGE Terri, Brusker and Ozzie rush out to see what's happening. As Michael and K.I.T.T. drive away, Brusker chases after the car. BRUSKER Come back here! I'll pound you and that black bucket into the ground! But he's talking to dust. CUT TO EXT. "RIGGINS' DISTRIBUTORS" WAREHOUSE - DAY - LATER A large warehouse, replete with loading docks, to establish. K.I.T.T. is parked outside. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Michael is talking with Gil Riggins, a man in his forties. The warehouse is bedlam: men shouting, forklifts carrying cartons, etc. RIGGINS What's your role in all this? MICHAEL I'm a freelance investigator working for Micro-Tech, but I'd also like to find out who's hitting the A.I.T. trucks. RIGGINS Who wouldn't. (shrugs) Once the cargo leaves here, it's out of my hands. You know, it's a shame -- those truckers are good people. I know most of them personally. MICHAEL I heard it wasn't always that way. Riggins looks at him hard, then smiles. RIGGINS Not always. Ted Calley and I fought tooth and nail. But when he finally organized the men, that was that. I even sent them a keg of beer for their first meeting. A warehouse worker comes over to Riggins and hands him a clipboard. Riggins signs it, then hands it back. RIGGINS (to the worker) Get that fruit out of the sun. (to Michael) Anything else? MICHAEL That's all for now. Thanks for your help. RIGGINS Any time. I hope you find whoever's responsible. My suppliers won't stand for any more losses. CUT TO EXT. CALLEY GARAGE - NIGHT The door is open and lights burn brightly from inside. INT. CALLEY GARAGE - NIGHT This room has all the accouterments of a working garage. Standing around are Brusker, Ozzie, Gene, and the other truckers. Michael, Terri and Rick stand by the door, by an open cooler of beer. Talking to them and standing in the middle of the men is gruff and grizzly Sheriff Hank Winston. The meeting is at a fever pitch. WINSTON (angry) You listen to me -- I've got 3,750 square miles to cover, and two reservations. I've got three patrol cars and six men. You figure out how to kick up the county budget, and I'll get you your protection. GENE Hank, if those outlaws grab another shipment, I'm done in. You talk about county budgets, lemme tell you about mine: I got a payment for that tractor out there to the tune of $432 a month -- and I ain't made that payment in two months. I've got three kids, one wife and more debts than I can count. That's what I have, Sheriff. WINSTON I hear you, Gene -- just make sure you hear me. He turns to walk out of the garage, then stops by Rick: WINSTON You'd better use your influence on these men, Calley. I'll come down hard on anyone who breaks the law, hijacker or trucker. Rick nods. Winston strides out of the room. Rick addresses the men. RICK All right. You heard what the Sheriff had to say. Before we finish up, I got a fella with a different message who wants to talk to you. (calls off) Volker? You out there? Into the garage steps Sam Volker, the man we saw earlier at the cafe. Volker walks up to Rick and smiles evenly at the men. VOLKER Fellas, I've got a little business proposition. I'm just passing through, on my way to Tuscon...heard about the troubles you all got. I hate to see you good people in this position. I know what it's like -- I've been there. I'm an independent trucker, too -- but I got lucky, saved some money. Here's my proposition: You sell me your trucks, I'll pay a fair price, and each and every one of you has a lifetime job. There's a silence as this sinks in. GENE How much you offering? Terri steps out. TERRI I don't believe you, Gene. I remember the nights you came to the house, crying to Daddy about the squeeze Riggins used to put on you! GENE And I remember when you wore pigtails, Terri. You're not so much older now -- and you don't have all the answers! RICK All right, let's let the man finish. VOLKER That's about it. I'll be staying at the Wagon Wheel Motel, be in town for a day or two. I can deal with you as a group or as individuals, it's up to you. You know where to find me. He smiles at them, then steps out of the garage. RICK Well, you heard the man. Couple of months ago we'd of laughed him out of town...now, I don't hear anybody laughing. What you do is up to you. She stares at him, then storms out of the room. Michael goes after her. EXT. CALLEY GARAGE - NIGHT Michael steps outside to see Terri, standing alone by K.I.T.T. As he starts over, a hand grabs him from out of the darkness. It's Sheriff Winston. WINSTON I want a word with you, son. MICHAEL I'm easy to talk to. What's on your mind? WINSTON You've been asking a lot of questions. I want you to know I'm keeping an eye on you. The last thing this town needs is outside agitation. MICHAEL Agitation's not my line of work, Sheriff. I'm a freelance investigator. WINSTON You better be. After a beat, Winston goes to his car, gets in and drives away. NEW ANGLE Michael goes up to Terri. MICHAEL How you doing? TERRI Rotten. MICHAEL Want to go dancing at the Tick Tock? I hear it's nickle beer night? She turns to face him. When she sees him smiling, she smiles, too. TERRI Did you ever see The Alamo? MICHAEL Couple of times. I never missed 'The Duke.' TERRI That's what this place is beginning to feel like, too -- like when Sam Houston said, 'Everyone's complainin' and bellyachin' and what we need is reinforcements....' MICHAEL (smiles) Since I can't talk you into nickle beer night, how about a ride home? TERRI Talked me into that already. They smile, climb into K.I.T.T. ANGLE AT GARAGE DOOR The meeting is over and the men start to filter out of the garage. Brusker hurries out and watches as K.I.T.T. pulls out onto the main road. Ozzie talks to Gene at the door. OZZIE Come on, just tell her the meeting's running late. Let's go get loaded. Brusker pulls Ozzie aside. BRUSKER You can get drunk anytime. I got some plans for Knight. OZZIE (interested) Yeah? BRUSKER Yeah. Get your Friday Night Special and meet me back here. Ozzie darts off, excited. Hold on Brusker. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HOLBROOK - HIGHWAY - NIGHT K.I.T.T. travels down this largely deserted road. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT Michael and Terri's faces are awash in the glow of K.I.T.T.'s dash. Terri stares at the dash, amazed. TERRI This car has more gauges than my tractor. Where's the CB? MICHAEL (smiles) Gotta be in there somewhere. TERRI What's your handle? MICHAEL Handle? Ah...'Kitt.' TERRI Kitt? Kind of a dull name for such a flashy car. MICHAEL It's the best I could do on short notice. She smiles. TERRI (a beat) Who are you, Michael Knight? (before he can answer) I know -- a freelance investigator. But on the road you get a certain... feel for people. I wonder who you really are.... MICHAEL 'Smile when you say that, stranger.' They laugh. TERRI The Virginian. Gary Cooper said that to...I forget. MICHAEL I forget too. (beat) This almost feels like a Gary Cooper western...kind of a range war. Instead of cattle being hustled, it's trucks being hijacked. TERRI It is just like the old days -- never the big companies, just the small independents. In this case the A.I.T. (a beat) Daddy used to say that truckers were cowboys on wheels...riding the open road...living free. He thought they should have a code. The Alliance became that code. MICHAEL And now it's in jeopardy.... She nods. A thoughtful moment passes. TERRI Rick thinks I'm crazy, but I'm sure someone's out to destroy it. She looks at Michael. It's a statement -- and a plea. EXT. CALLEY HOUSE - NIGHT Michael and Terri are walking up the walk to her house. TERRI No matter what happens, I don't want to give up the highway. I think it's in my blood. MICHAEL Once, when I was travelling in the desert in winter, the sky was so full of stars, the stars were so bright, that I turned off my head- lights. I pulled off the road...and looked and listened. I don't know of a better high than that. TERRI Isolation...freedom... (a beat) What's it like in the big city? MICHAEL A lot less stars, a lot more lights. None as pretty as out here, though. He inches closer to her. She's nervous...the closer they get to a kiss, the more nervous she is...Suddenly, she breaks away...and runs up the steps. TERRI See you tomorrow! And she practically dives in the house. Michael watches her, laughs and shakes his head. He walks back to K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT MICHAEL Kitt, call the Foundation. INTERCUT - FOUNDATION Bonnie, in a robe, hurries to the monitor screen. BONNIE Michael, do you know what time it is? MICHAEL The enchanted time of the evening when beautiful women look their best. He smiles. She can't help but smile. MICHAEL Bonnie, I need your help. The robbery of the electronics components is only the tip of the iceberg. Somebody's declared war on an alliance of local truckers. I'm going to need infor- mation on who holds the paper on their trucks, who carries their insurance, information on the men themselves -- anything that indicates who stands to profit from their loss. BONNIE Michael, this is going to take some time to get together.... MICHAEL Bonnie, we don't have time. How about tomorrow morning? BONNIE Sure -- if I stay up all night. He smiles. MICHAEL I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. BONNIE (a smile) I know. CUT TO EXT. WAGON WHEEL MOTEL PARKING LOT - NIGHT Michael pulls K.I.T.T. into the parking lot of this motel, the kind in vogue before the onslaught of motel 6's. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've been monitoring CB channels and Terri's right. Kitt is rather dull -- How about 'Hot Knight.' MICHAEL I like that, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Thank you. MICHAEL Just don't let it go to your computer banks. K.I.T.T. I won't. Michael laughs. Before he gets out of the car: MICHAEL Put your ears on, good buddy. A beat. K.I.T.T. I beg your pardon? MICHAEL Go into surveillance mode. K.I.T.T. Oh. And K.I.T.T. does. CUT TO INT. MICHAEL'S MOTEL ROOM - LATER - NIGHT The room is dark. Michael is asleep on the bed. A radio plays Country Western music in the b.g. As we pan the room, we see clothes on a chair and shoes at the foot of the bed. EXT. WAGON WHEEL MOTEL - NIGHT Curt Brusker's truck slowly eases into the parking lot. It parks next to K.I.T.T. Brusker and Ozzie get out, each with a baseball bat and tire iron in hand. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER as it pops to life, the scanning light crisscrosses across the screen. ANGLE ON BRUSKER AND OZZIE AT K.I.T.T. They walk around the car. BRUSKER By the time we're finished with this, that guy will beg for a ride out of town. Brusker raises the bat -- and brings it down hard on K.I.T.T.'s windshield. The bat shatters and Brusker's amazed. Ozzie starts to pound with his bat and Brusker starts to hit K.I.T.T. with the tire iron. CUT TO INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The comlink on Michael's wrist starts to beep. Michael wakes up, groggy. MICHAEL What is it, buddy? K.I.T.T. (o.s.) Michael, two men are out here causing quite a racket. Michael can hear the pounding and muffled cursing. He throws on some clothes. EXT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Michael throws open the door -- and sees Brusker and Ozzie pounding on K.I.T.T. Both bats are in pieces and the two tire irons are bent beyond recognition. Michael smiles, leans in the doorway. Lights go on in the motel office. When Brusker's and Ozzie's energy is spent, Michael calls over to them. MICHAEL You guys are a little early on the wake-up call. They look over, gulping for breaths of air. BRUSKER Knight, I'm warning you. MICHAEL Curt, I've got no quarrel with you. Why don't you go back home. Get some rest. ANGLE AT DOOR ENTRANCE Brusker comes over to Michael with a tire iron. Michael gets into a protective stance. BRUSKER You stay away from Terri Calley. MICHAEL She's a big girl. She can decide who she's going to spend her time with. BRUSKER And I'm a big boy. She's my girl, this is my town -- and I'll decide who you'll spend your time with here in Holbrook. They stare each other down. MICHAEL I don't think so, pal. A beat. Michael seethes with an undercurrent of anger. Brusker starts to make a move to him. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as it starts after Brusker. Ozzie -- then Brusker -- look on amazed. Brusker drops the tire iron. ANGLE ON POLICE CAR Lights flashing, siren off, Sheriff Winston pulls the car into the parking lot of the motel. Winston gets out. WINSTON Curt, get in your truck and get out of here. BRUSKER The car moved by itself, Sheriff. Winston looks at Brusker funny. WINSTON Curt, I warned you before about drinking and driving. Ozzie, you'd better take him home. Ozzie leads Brusker back to the truck. They start their truck up and roar away. Winston turns back to Michael. NEW ANGLE as Winston comes face to face with Michael. WINSTON I told you -- I don't want any trouble. MICHAEL And I told you: I won't cause any. Winston stares at him, hard. WINSTON I've done some checking on you -- you have the cleanest record of anyone in the Western United States -- no traffic citations, no acci- dents, nothing...only problem -- the record only goes back about a year...before that -- nothing. (a beat) Anymore problems, and you are gone.... Michael has plenty to say, but he lets it pass. After a beat, Winston gets in his car and pulls away. Before Michael goes back inside, he spots someone looking out from another motel room -- Sam Volker. Volker nods at Michael. Behind Volker, Norma pokes her head out. CUT TO EXT. RIGGINS' WAREHOUSE - ON LOADING DOCK - DAY Warehousemen carefully load crates marked "EXPLOSIVES" onto Terri's rig. She stands with Gil Riggins, signing some papers. RIGGINS Call me the minute you get into Santa Fe. Believe it or not, I worry about you. TERRI I will, Gil. Thanks for your concern. Riggins disappears into the warehouse. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BRUSKER He steps up to Terri. BRUSKER I'm surprised to see you without your loverboy. TERRI He's not my loverboy, Curt. BRUSKER Where's Rick? TERRI He doesn't know I'm going out single -- and don't you tell him. We need this run. We need the money. BRUSKER Want me to ride along? Or are you worried we might ignite some sparks? TERRI (droll) You put your finger right on it, Curt. Thanks, anyway. She goes down the steps to her rig. He's not sure whether he's been insulted or not. He decides he's not been. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK K.I.T.T., on the move, rendezvousing with the Foundation semi. When the ramp lowers, K.I.T.T. enters. INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY Devon walks up to K.I.T.T. as Michael gets out of the car. MICHAEL Devon, I know what you're going to say: You're going to say finding the electronics components should take priority.... DEVON Well put, Michael, but not entirely correct. What I was going to say is I would have brought back your pizza, but I couldn't fit it in my briefcase. (a beat) Then I was going to launch into the rest. MICHAEL Go with me on this, Devon. These A.I.T. truckers are fighting for survival. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE Bonnie enters with data banks to be programmed into K.I.T.T. Michael smiles. MICHAEL Beautiful as ever. BONNIE Sleepless as ever. She slides into K.I.T.T., prepares to program him. BONNIE I got everything I could. The background on Sam Volker may not surprise you, but I think it'll interest you. MICHAEL What is it? DEVON Mr. Volker is employed by Panhandle Trucking. Apparently his job is to buy out struggling independents. MICHAEL (reacts) If the A.I.T. knew I bet they'd skin him alive. BONNIE Michael, I've got a new addition for you. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael comes over. BONNIE I'm installing a long-range tracking scope.... ANGLE ON MONITOR SCREENS as a picture of a truck is met by sonar-like waves. BACK TO SCENE BONNIE It will enable you to monitor the location of any A.I.T. truck with a CB radio. MICHAEL Terrific. It'll also give K.I.T.T. a chance to brush up on trucker shorthand. K.I.T.T. Trucker shorthand brutalizes my vocabulary banks. They laugh. CUT TO INT. VOLKER'S MOTEL ROOM - DAY Norma is buttoning up the last buttons of her waitress uniform in the mirror. Her face reflects sadness. In the b.g. Volker is getting dressed. NORMA I remember back in high school...I used to love my cheerleader uniform. It made me feel so special to put it on.... Volker comes over to her, stands behind her. NORMA I hate this one. Volker smiles, then starts to bite her neck. The sadness leaves her face. She lets out a tiny scream, then turns around. VOLKER Nothing I like better for breakfast. She laughs. He slips his hand into his pocket and pulls out a package. He hands it to her. She reacts with surprise and rips it open. It's a charm bracelet. VOLKER ...Just a little something I picked up on a run to L.A. The charms are all miniatures of places in the city. NORMA Oh, Sam, that's so sweet. You're so good to me. VOLKER (smiles) If things go right, you may just not have to wear that uniform much longer.... For a moment she looks like a wide-eyed school girl; it's the closest she's come to a proposal in years. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON TERRI'S RIG The tractor and rig barrel down the highway. EXT. DIRT ACCESS ROAD - DAY Behind some trees is parked a black, supercharged van. Sitting inside are the two outlaws, their faces covered with the black ski masks. CUT TO EXT. VOLKER'S MOTEL ROOM - DAY - ANGLE AT DOOR Volker opens the door to Michael. MICHAEL I want to talk to you. Volker appraises him, shrugs. INT. VOLKER'S MOTEL ROOM - DAY as Michael follows Volker in. VOLKER I buy trucks, son, not souped-up cars. Volker smiles. Michael doesn't. MICHAEL I'm not here to sell you, Volker, I'm here to warn you. You're no independent businessman just passing through, you're a broker for Panhandle Trucking, one of the biggest fleets in the southwest. VOLKER (angry) Who are you? What right do you have checking up on me?! MICHAEL Put it this way. Consider yourself lucky I'm the one who found out first. If it was some of those A.I.T. truckers, you'd be picking your teeth up off the floor. VOLKER Don't you threaten me. Like it or not, I make my money legally. MICHAEL You make your money off other people's misery and desperation. Volker takes a swing at Michael but Michael grabs his arm in mid-swing, his face close to Volker's. MICHAEL You stick around to play out your hand, Volker, and you might live to regret it. And if I find out you or your company have anything to do with these hijackings, you will live to regret it. That's a promise. Michael lets Volker's arm drop, turns and walks out. Volker stares after him. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY As Terri's rig passes the dirt access road, the outlaw van tears out after it. ANGLE - TERRI'S REARVIEW MIRROR The outlaw van is approaching. When Terri sees a shotgun being pointed out of the van, she is alarmed. WIDE ANGLE The van pulls up close to the tractor, then the one outlaw begins to shoot at the connecting lines holding tractor to rig. ANGLE IN CAB Terri is on the CB. TERRI This is Sister Terri. I've got a ten-thirty-three. Repeat, I've got a ten-thirty-three -- over? CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael climbs into K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, Terri is on the CB channels announcing a ten-thirty-three. What's a ten-thirty-three? MICHAEL (alarmed) It's a call for help, Kitt. Where is she? K.I.T.T. Approximately twenty point five miles southwest of town. MICHAEL Come on, buddy, let's go! He does a ninety in the parking lot, sending cinders flying. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The outlaws fire into the connecting wires -- and the wires split apart. The rig separates from the tractor with a lurch and the outlaws roar away in the van. ANGLE IN TRACTOR Terri fights for control of the tractor. She's pulled out of her seat -- and smashed against the window. She's knocked out cold. ANGLE ON SEMI as the rig speeds down a hill and the tractor is out of control, we: FADE TO BLACK AND FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The rig detaches completely from the tractor. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is driving. Trees, road signs, calls all are a blur as he speeds by. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S DASH The digital speedometer reading "135 MPH" and climbing. MICHAEL Kitt, how much further? K.I.T.T. Less than five miles, Michael. CUT TO INT. TERRI'S TRACTOR - DAY The tractor weaves all over the road, nearly causing a few accidents. ANGLE ON RIG as it smashes through the guard rail. It tumbles down the hill once -- then explodes. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. close by now. Michael can hear the explosion. He can also see -- up ahead -- the out-of-control tractor. Michael and K.I.T.T. close the gap. K.I.T.T. tries to maneuver next to the tractor. The weaving makes this impossible. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael puts K.I.T.T. on automatic. MICHAEL Pop the sunroof, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, you're not planning to do what I think you're going to do.... MICHAEL Just do it, Kitt. And get ready to eject me. K.I.T.T. You are going to do what I thought you were going to do.... The sunroof opens. ANGLE ON ROAD K.I.T.T. tries to get up close, pulls back, comes closer. When K.I.T.T. finally gets abreast of the tractor: ANGLE ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Now, pal! ANGLE WITH MICHAEL as he flies up -- and grabs onto the yellow warning lights on top of the tractor. Michael fights to stay on. Once he secures his grip, he climbs down the side of the tractor, holds onto the rearview mirror, then swings into the open window on the passenger side. ANGLE IN TRACTOR Michael grabs the jake brake. The tractor comes to a jarring halt by the side of the road. Terri looks up, groggy. TERRI Michael...how...did you...? MICHAEL I don't think you want to know. CUT TO EXT. CALLEY GARAGE - DAY Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. as Terri gets out of her tractor. Rick runs up to her. RICK Terri, are you all right? TERRI I'm okay.... RICK Why didn't you tell me you were going out? TERRI I didn't want you to worry. RICK Worry? Terri, you take out our best tractor, you jeopardize what's left of our business, you go out into that no-man's land.... TERRI All right, Rick -- I didn't tell you -- because we needed the money. I thought I could do it, but I failed, okay? I'm sorry. As she calms, Rick softens. Michael comes over. TERRI I guess Riggins will cancel the contract, now. RICK Why worry about it? This is a no-win situation -- we go out, we risk getting killed. We stay, we're out of business. What's the use? He searches their faces, then walks away. TERRI He's right. MICHAEL Wait a minute, Terri. We're not through yet. TERRI What's there to do? We've been attacked, shot at...and no one has a clue why -- or who...or when it will ever end.... MICHAEL Just hang on. I'm working on a few things. You with me? She looks away. He holds her by the shoulders. After a beat, she nods. CUT TO EXT. WAGON WHEEL PARKING LOT - DAY as Michael parks K.I.T.T., Norma, dressed in her waitress uniform, slips out of Volker's room. As she approaches Michael, she smiles, a little embarrassed. NORMA Mr. Knight, Sam isn't a bad man. I want you to know that. MICHAEL Thanks, Norma. He starts towards the room. She blocks his path. NORMA No, listen...he treats me real nice, a lot nicer than these other crumb bums around here. He said he might want me to quit the Chief Joe, real soon. The sad expression in her eyes gives Michael pause. NORMA He's a good man. Even if he doesn't like you, he's nice. Like when he had that argument with Gil Riggins today. MICHAEL Riggins? NORMA Yeah...Mr. Riggins wanted Sam out of town -- like you. But Sam didn't hold a grudge. He's real even- tempered! Michael's comlink beeps. MICHAEL I'll be right back. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael slips in the driver's seat. K.I.T.T. Michael, this is quite urgent. My sensors detect a clock mechanism and an explosive device located in the room right in front of us. It is set to explode in seven point six seconds. Michael looks up -- it's Volker's room. He leaps out of the car. PARKING LOT Michael runs towards the room, stops by Norma. MICHAEL (yelling) Volker, get out of the room! Get out! Norma looks at him, alarmed. Just as the doop opens.... ANGLE AT DOOR The room explodes. ANGLE WITH MICHAEL AND NORMA NORMA Sam! She starts to run towards the room. Michael grabs her and holds on tight. She tries to break free -- then collapses, sobbing hysterically. CUT TO EXT. WAGON WHEEL MOTEL PARKING LOT - DAY - LATER Firemen put out the dying embers of the motel blaze. Onlookers begin to filter away. Michael stands by K.I.T.T. Norma sits in Sheriff Winston's patrol car. The Sheriff's coat is draped over her shoulders. Winston comes up to Michael. WINSTON I'd like you to come in for questioning. MICHAEL For what? The murder of a man I wanted to talk to? WINSTON Ever since you've come in town, things have gone from bad to worse. MICHAEL Sheriff, I'm a little tired of being leaned on. I'm here to do a job -- and, believe it or not -- I'm on your side. WINSTON Look at it from my angle, who would you suspect? MICHAEL If I were a cop? If I were a cop, I'd look for someone with a motive. A beat. WINSTON All right, Mr. Knight. Stick around. I may discover that you have a motive yet. Winston turns back to his car. WINSTON (to Norma) Leave your car here, honey. I'll drive you home. Norma nods. Winston closes the door for her, then gets in the driver's side. CUT TO OMITTED INT. MICHAEL'S MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Michael is at the coffee table with a legal notepad and pencil. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, give me the figures on the insurance rate hikes over the last six months.... K.I.T.T. (o.s.) Michael, Terri Calley is approaching your door. Shall I wait? MICHAEL (comlink) Thanks, pal. We'll catch it later. Michael gets up and opens the door. Terri is just about to knock. She's surprised. TERRI Good timing. MICHAEL It's nice to see a friendly face. As she enters the room. She's agitated, upset. TERRI I heard about...what happened. I just can't believe all this...the hijackings, now murder.... MICHAEL Terri, what's the matter? Something wrong.... TERRI (hesitates) It's Rick. He wants to quit. Sell the tractors, move.... MICHAEL (beat) What about you? How do you feel? TERRI I don't know. I don't know anything any more. She's as close to tears as she's ever going to be. She walks to the window and looks out. MICHAEL Terri, it's your decision. But from what I know about you, I'm not sure 'quit' is part of the Calley vocabulary. She looks back at him. MICHAEL Do you think your father would've? (a beat) Do you think Hoss would've? She smiles, shakes her head, "no." They get closer. TERRI Michael...I.... She steps back, laughs nervously. TERRI I told you I scared all the boys away. They called me 'Tom-boy Terri....' MICHAEL That was then. TERRI I think...I really like you.... She starts close to him. Then she stops, uncomfortable. MICHAEL Maybe we could hold hands. She laughs, embarrassed. TERRI I feel so.... MICHAEL Shhh. (beat) Can we? TERRI I guess. Sure.... He slowly takes her hand in his. MICHAEL Not so bad, is it? TERRI (smiles) No. To his surprise, she kisses him; a shy, innocent kiss. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON THE MONITOR SCREEN - TRAVELLING Michael is driving. Devon is standing at his desk in the Foundation. MICHAEL Devon, I'm starting to feel like Sheriff Winston -- 3,750 square miles to cover -- and no real leads. (a beat) When I first came here, I thought someone was after the cargo -- now I'm convinced it's the A.I.T. they're really after. DEVON Is there anything I can do? A beat. MICHAEL Now that you mention it, Chicago was pretty cold, wasn't it? DEVON Cold is not the word, dear boy. MICHAEL How'd you like to visit sunny New Mexico? Devon is intrigued. CUT TO EXT. CALLEY GARAGE - DAY Tractors are parked by the door. INT. CALLEY GARAGE - DAY A meeting of the A.I.T. is in session. While all of the same participants are there -- Michael, Terri, Rick, Brusker, Gene, Ozzie, Jim, Vance, and Clay -- the mood is strikingly different. It's very somber. RICK By now, I'm sure you've all heard the news. Gil Riggins had no real choice but to cancel the Alliance contract. His distributors just quit on him. I tried to talk him out of it.... GENE Rick, we're all sure you did what you could. RICK I understand a few of you will be moving out of the area. Good luck. Some nods, some grim smiles. BRUSKER Hey, do you all remember the first meeting of the A.I.T.? OZZIE March 20, 1971. The day peace came to Holbrook's independent truckers. GENE I'll bet everyone remembers that first party, too. I had a headache that lasted clear to Tuscon. BRUSKER Always were a lightweight. Gene smiles. RICK Hell, if we keep going on like this, we'll all be bawling like babies. (a beat) A couple last announcements. Gil Riggins wanted me to tell you that if anyone's still interested in selling, he knows a buyer. And I've been asked to introduce an out-of-town businessman, Mr. Cedric Bagshaw. ANGLE AT DOOR as Devon and Bonnie enter. Bonnie smiles at Michael. Devon stands by Rick. DEVON Hello. I'd like to introduce my assistant, Miss Bonnie Barstow. Bonnie smiles at the men. DEVON I am a businessman, gentlemen. I am planning to open up a cargo route from Albuquerque to Santa Fe. I would like to center it here. BRUSKER How much business are you talking about? DEVON This is a pilot program, a trial run. But if it succeeds, I can promise a great deal of business. ANGLE AROUND THE ROOM The men are listening intently. RICK Mister, do you know the chances of your cargo making it through from here? DEVON All I'm asking is that you prove to me your roads are safe. If you can do that the contract's yours. No one responds, then: TERRI I'll do it. RICK Terri! TERRI Rick, if the A.I.T. goes down, I want to be able to say we gave it every show we could. The men are all getting excited, despite themselves. DEVON Can you leave right away? TERRI Just point me to your rig, mister. Michael steps in front of the men and addresses the meeting. ANGLE ON MICHAEL MICHAEL I know I'm not exactly the most popular guy in Holbrook, but I came here to find some stolen electronic parts -- and found a town full of fight. If Terri's going to pull this off, she's going to need all of your help. Go over to the cafe. Set up a CB. And listen. If we need help, be ready to roll. GENE We'll do it. DEVON Remember...if this succeeds, the A.I.T. will be a viable organization for a long time to come. CUT TO EXT. CHIEF JOE CAFE - DAY The men all jump out of their tractors and hurry to the Chief Joe. By the Foundation semi stands Michael, Devon, Bonnie and off to the side, Rick and Terri. ANGLE ON MICHAEL, DEVON AND BONNIE DEVON (sotto) Michael, please be careful. That semi is worth a king's ransom. MICHAEL Or a knight's yearly salary? DEVON At the very least. MICHAEL By the way, where'd you come up with a name like Cedric? DEVON It's my father's name. MICHAEL Great name. Devon smiles. BONNIE Good luck, Michael. Kitt's ready -- and waiting. ANGLE ON TERRI AND RICK RICK I'm proud of you, little sister. This is the kind of thing Dad would have done. TERRI This is the kind of thing any Calley would do -- we're all crazy enough. They laugh -- then hug. ANGLE AT DOORWAY OF CHIEF JOE Brusker and Gene pass Riggins, who is staring at the Foundation semi. BRUSKER Hey Gil -- hear the news? If Terri makes her run, the Alliance is still alive. Riggins is distracted. GENE What do you say, Gil -- same deal? We make that run, you go to bat for us? After a beat, Riggins looks up at them. RIGGINS Sure. Okay, that's a deal. After Brusker and Gene leave, he crosses to a phone booth outside the cafe. INT. PHONE BOOTH - DAY Riggins dials a number, then talks into the phone. RIGGINS They're going out again. It's their last gasp -- we stop them now, we've stopped them forever. No, the car's nowhere in sight. Get it done. As he hangs up, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON FOUNDATION SEMI as it travels down a stretch of highway. INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY - TRACTOR Terri is driving. TERRI I think we fooled everyone -- even Rick. Where'd you get the idea? MICHAEL From an old murder mystery -- the detective put all of the suspects in a room then told them the victim was still alive. It was only a matter of time before the killer sneaked out to try again. TERRI It sounds like an ambush to me. MICHAEL Not when you're the good guys. He smiles. There's a pause. TERRI What I want to know is -- if the pirates attack -- why are you so sure we can stop them? MICHAEL Another old chess technique. Hold back your most powerful piece -- until you need it. She gives him a puzzled look. CUT TO INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - RIG - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. Its scanner light flashing. CUT TO EXT. DIRT ACCESS ROAD - DAY - ON OUTLAW TRACTOR It's parked by an outcropping of rocks, the same tractor that we saw at the top of the show. INT. OUTLAW TRACTOR - DAY The two outlaws, Sax and Russell, have their masks off for the first time. Russell, the older of the two men, is in the driver's seat. Sax, the more nervous of the two, checks his watch. SAX I thought truckers were supposed to be punctual. RUSSELL She'll be here soon enough. Sax fidgets. SAX Man, there must be a better way to make a living. RUSSELL That's what you said when we were working on the docks. At least these hours are better. SAX That's true. Sax reaches behind him and pulls out the recoiless rifle. He checks the rifle, loads it. CUT TO INT. CHIEF JOE'S CAFE - DAY Devon, Bonnie and Rick all enter the cafe. The truckers are huddled around a CB in a horseshoe booth near the back of the restaurant. GENE (calling) Hey, Mr. Bagshaw, how about we treat you to Joe's famous original 'Sloppy Joe's'? Devon looks faint. Bonnie grins. DEVON 'Sloppy Joe's?' GENE Sure, they're great. Sliced ham, topped with a special barbeque sauce, chili, salsa, hot peppers -- a cure for whatever ails you. DEVON That sounds...delightful. However I had quite a large breakfast. Gene and the others make room for Devon in the booth. Devon has no choice but to sit with them. He's squeezed between them. GENE That's the great thing about these Sloppy Joe's, Mr. Bagshaw -- your stomach has to make room for them. They just won't take no for an answer. Devon smiles weakly. GENE Hey, Norma -- eight Sloppy Joe's here. (to Devon) Unless you want more than one.... DEVON No, no. Don't want to overdo a good thing. Gene smiles, slaps Devon on his back. INT. FOUNDATION TRACTOR - DAY Terri drives. Michael takes a sip from a cup of coffee, then hands her the cup. She takes a drink. TERRI Michael, thanks...for giving me hope. MICHAEL I didn't give you hope, Terri -- I just helped you borrow it back from yourself. She smiles. TERRI See that saguaro (se-war-o) -- that giant cactus -- over there? She points one out. TERRI If you look at them closely, they look like they're waving, or bowing or saluting you. Or making fun of you. Some people are mountain people, some are ocean people. I'm kind of a desert person. How about you? He thinks. MICHAEL I think -- I'm a road person. She laughs. TERRI Me, too. CUT TO INT. CHIEF JOE'S DAY Bonnie is at the counter, talking with Norma as Devon comes up. ANGLE ON BONNIE AND DEVON DEVON (sotto) So far, no one's made a move. BONNIE I'll keep my eyes open. DEVON Mine are watering -- beware the Sloppy Joe's. She laughs. Devon moves back to the table. ANGLE ON BONNIE AND NORMA Norma looks even more sad than before. She wipes up a spill on the counter while talking with Bonnie. NORMA I don't know. I guess Sam just wasn't meant to be the end of my rainbow. BONNIE There'll be other guys, Norma. NORMA That's the problem, sugar, there's always other guys. (a beat) Do you ever think of your Mr. Right? BONNIE No, not really. NORMA Come on, tell me. You must. Every woman does. BONNIE No, seriously, I don't. NORMA I do. He has to be tough, yet gentle. Forceful, but he has to let me have my own way most of the time. And, a nice car wouldn't hurt. Now, come on -- how about you? Bonnie laughs. BONNIE All right, maybe I do have a little bit of an idea. I'd like him to like classical music, but he should be open to all kinds of different styles. He's definitely got to love books and plays. I think he should have a good sense of humor, witty, you know, kind of sophisticated. It'd be nice if he were athletic, but I don't want him to be a jock. I like a guy who's full of sur- prises and.... Norma looks at her, amazed. She moves off to get a customer a cup of coffee. Bonnie continues on. CUT TO OMITTED INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. in the rig. K.I.T.T. Michael, two men are approaching from the southwest. One has a rifle. MICHAEL Okay, pal, this is it. Come get me. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. Terri looks shocked. TERRI Who's that? MICHAEL Our secret weapon. I'll explain later. Keep her steady. Michael rolls down the window. OMITTED ANGLE ON MICHAEL climbing out the window and climbing down through the sunroof. ANGLE ON OUTLAWS as they pull up next to Terri. Sax points the rifle at her. ANGLE WITH K.I.T.T. as he maneuvers around the semi -- and comes up hot on the heels of the outlaws. The outlaws look back -- and are shocked to see the car. Sax leans out and fires at K.I.T.T. The bullets bounce harmlessly off him. As the outlaws slow down to fight K.I.T.T., Terri is able to speed the Foundation semi up and pass them. The outlaw tractor starts to weave from one side of the road to the other, to stop K.I.T.T. from passing them. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is doing everything he can to pass the outlaws, to no avail. K.I.T.T. Michael, my scanners indicate that the divided highway ends less than a mile from here. And there appears to be very heavy traffic coming in the opposite direction. MICHAEL All right, Kitt. We don't have any time to waste. Michael pulls K.I.T.T. up close to the outlaw tractor. INSERT - TURBO BOOST BUTTON Michael pushes this button. ANGLE WITH K.I.T.T. as the car flies up and over the tractor. INT. OUTLAW TRACTOR The outlaws follow K.I.T.T.'s trajectory in awe and Russell momentarily loses control of the tractor. ANGLE WITH K.I.T.T. Back on earth, K.I.T.T. speeds up, then when Michael throws the car into a ninety, it blocks the highway entirely. INT. OUTLAW TRACTOR RUSSELL Now we got him! And he speeds up. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. AND THE TRACTOR coming closer, closer -- and then they hit. K.I.T.T. is undamaged, but the outlaw tractor flips over and into the side of the road. ANGLE ON TERRI She sees what's happening in her rearview mirror and pulls off the highway. ANGLE AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD Russell and Sax stumble out of the wreckage of their tractor. Sax is dazed, slumps back to the ground. Michael grabs Russell as Terri runs up to the scene. He rips off the face mask. MICHAEL All right, talk. Who are you working for? Russell doesn't answer. Michael pins him against the cab. MICHAEL Listen, pal, you'd better start talking. You've already wrecked two lives -- not to mention killing a man. (a beat) So help me, you'd better talk, or I'll wreck yours beyond repair. And if I get the Foundation to prosecute, the next time you'll see windows without bars is going to be in a rest home. RUSSELL We didn't kill no one. MICHAEL I have a witness who says otherwise. RUSSELL It wasn't us, I swear! MICHAEL Then who? CUT TO INT. RIGGINS' WAREHOUSE - DAY Riggins is out on the loading dock. In the distance are sirens. ANGLE ON RIGGINS As he hears the sirens, he becomes panicked. Then, from the highway, he sees K.I.T.T., heading straight for him. He jumps down and into a van and takes off. ANGLE ON HIGHWAY as Riggins' van speeds away. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt -- let's stop him dead in his tracks. ANGLE ON ROAD as K.I.T.T. gets closer and closer to the van. Suddenly, the van pulls off the main highway and onto a side road. As it turns, it slides into a ninety. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. which turbo-boosts up -- and through the back of the van, tearing it to shreds. ANGLE ON RIGGINS in a state of shock. K.I.T.T. pulls up close -- just as Sheriff Winston arrives with his policemen. As Michael grabs Riggins and hands him to Winston, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. CHIEF JOE'S CAFE - DAY Coming out of the cafe are Michael, Devon and Bonnie. MICHAEL That was the best Sloppy Joe I ever had. Thanks for turning me on to it, Devon. DEVON In lieu of pizza, it was the least I could do. Sheriff Winston enters the shot. WINSTON I was wrong about you, son. Thanks for all you did for us here. MICHAEL You're welcome, Sheriff. Did they find the cargo? WINSTON Every bit of it -- tucked away in Riggins' warehouse. I guess Riggins thought that if he leaned hard enough, he could break the A.I.T. and have a monopoly. Volker made the mistake of trying to horn in after Riggins laid all the groundwork. BONNIE What's going to happen to the warehouses? WINSTON They've already been sold -- and the new owner has renewed the A.I.T. contract. He stops and looks up at the door of the cafe. They all turn to see what he's looking at: Norma, dressed up in a frilly dress. NORMA Hi, Henry, I'm ready. Winston smiles. Takes her arm when she comes down. Norma whispers to Bonnie as she passes: NORMA Forceful -- and he has a nice car, too! They all laugh. NEW ANGLE as they all hear the honking of a tractor. Terri and Rick drive up in the Calley tractor. She jumps out. TERRI Check out the new sign! The sign reads, "Calley Family Trucking." Rick smiles. She takes Michael's hand, leads him away. TERRI Excuse us.... ANGLE BY TRUCK out of sight from the rest of the people. She takes some- thing off the front seat of the tractor. It's a cowboy hat -- a ten-gallon white hat, the kind Hoss Cartwright used to wear. MICHAEL Can you direct me to the Ponderosa? She laughs. TERRI Something to remember me by -- when you're on the road. When the stars are so bright...that you can turn off your headlights. He takes her in his arms. They kiss, a deep passionate kiss. CUT TO EXT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael and K.I.T.T. are leaving Holbrook. INT. TRANS AM - DAY BRUSKER'S VOICE (over CB) Breaker, breaker...Big Bro to Kitt. I got one thing to say to you, Knight. MICHAEL What's that, Curt? BRUSKER'S VOICE Thanks. MICHAEL You're welcome. K.I.T.T. Michael, the correct response in CB parlance would have been, that's a big 10-4, over and out. MICHAEL Not bad, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. How does the phrase go? When in Rome.... MICHAEL (laughs) All right, good buddy. 10-4. Over and out. As the Trans Am drives off into the distance.... FREEZE FRAME THE END