EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57331 Robert Foster February 17, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 2/22/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER NOBODY DOES IT BETTER by David Braff ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. INDUSTRIAL COMPOUND - NIGHT Close on a sign that reads Delton Micronics. In the quiet of the dimly lit night, the camera pans the barb-tipped wire fence surrounding the manufacturing headquarters of the high-tech firm. The metallic snipping of wire cutters is heard and we tighten on a shadowy figure dressed commando style -- black shoes, pants, turtleneck and a ski mask to conceal his identity. He finishes his shearing, picks up a tightly wrapped coil of thin nylon rope, and furtively enters the factory grounds. As he runs from the fence.... CUT TO EXT. MAIN BUILDING - NIGHT A strand of rope is hurled upward. It lands on top of the modern, two-story building and a hook catches. ANGLE - MAN He tugs on the rope. It holds fast and he begins climbing up the side of the building. ANGLE - ROOF OF MAIN BUILDING The interloper gathers his rope, approaches a skylight and carefully, silently starts to remove the top portion. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT The nylon rope drops down from the ceiling and the figure in black shimmies into the shot. He lands softly in the stark corridor, gets his bearings, then pads stealthily down the darkened hallway. ANOTHER ANGLE The intruder approaches a heavy green metallic door marked Authorized Personnel Only. There is a slot next to the door for the plastic card required to open the "sesame." The man takes a small tool from his pocket and attempts to slide it into the slot. ANGLE - TV MONITOR BANK On one of the sets we see the intruder. Pull back to reveal a security guard, Sikes, get out of his chair and take a hard, disbelieving look at the screen. Sikes takes his walkie-talkie from his belt and urgently intones: SIKES We've got a code nine in Sector A. Does not appear to be armed, but let's not take any chances. Sikes holsters the walkie-talkie and exits the monitoring station. ANGLE - HALLWAY The burglar is not faring well. He can't get the door open. Suddenly he hears footsteps coming from one end of the hallway. He takes off down the other end and goes down another hallway just as an ND security guard appears and starts chasing after him. ANGLE - THE MAN as he returns to the site of his illicit entry. He grabs onto the rope and gets about halfway up when he hears: SIKES (o.s.) Freeze! ANGLE - SIKES He stands with the other guard, both holding guns trained on the intruder. CUT TO INT. OFFICE - NIGHT Elegant, modern, well furnished, highlighted by the presence of several arcade machines and television monitors with joystick hookups which tell us that Delton Micronics is in the video game business. There is a knock on the door and Elliot Stevens, a hip, curly haired, electronic wunderkind answers the door. Attired in jeans, open shirt, and corduroy sport jacket, Stevens is the embodiment of the youthful entrepreneurs who have led the surge in high tech growth. He opens the door to reveal Sikes and his colleague who step into the office, the still hooded intruder firmly in their grasp. SIKES He's all yours, sir. STEVENS Nice job, guys. SIKES Don't mention it. If there's anything else we can do.... STEVENS No. The authorities will be here any minute. I think I can handle it til then. SIKES Roger. Good night, Mr. Stevens. As the two guards exit, the intruder removes his mask. It is Michael Knight. ANOTHER ANGLE Entering the office from a wood-panelled side door is Devon. He's all business. DEVON Good evening, Michael. (beat) I'd like you to meet the President of the Delton Micronics...Elliot Stevens. Michael Knight. The two men shake hands and ad-lib "nice to meet you's." STEVENS (to the point) Where did they catch you? MICHAEL Outside the programming room. Devon refers to a floor plan of the building which is spread across the desktop. The security sectors are distinguishable by color and letter. DEVON Then even without Kitt's assistance you were able to penetrate the outer security perimeter? MICHAEL Only cause I'm good. (points to chart) Still, once I got here I was dead meat. STEVENS There was no way you could have entered the programming room? MICHAEL Not without the access code. (beat) Whoever is stealing your software programs is doing it from the inside. Stevens takes a deep breath. STEVENS I was afraid of that. (beat) Sometimes I wish I still ran this company out of my garage. I mean I'm just not prepared to deal with industrial espionage. MICHAEL Leave that to us. DEVON How many of your employees have access to the programming room? STEVENS Myself and four others. But I can't believe one of them would steal our prototypes. MICHAEL Why not? This is a boom or bust industry. One lucky strike and a man becomes an instant millionaire. DEVON You're living proof of that, Elliot. STEVENS And look what it's got me? An ulcer and a new set of corporate masters who demand more and more profits. All I ever wanted to do was design video games. DEVON It still baffles me that these machines generate so much revenue. STEVENS It's the future, Mr. Miles. Especially in the areas we're developing -- educational games that will be part of every child's basic school training by the end of the decade...That's if we can keep from losing the rest of our prototype designs. If not...phht, Delton will go right down the tubes. Stevens gives Devon and Michael a desperate look. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Michael and Devon are seen in Devon's Mercedes. They are heading for a rendezvous with: EXT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY It is parked at a scenic roadside turn off. We hear the sounds of a video game being played off screen. INT. SEMI - DAY It's the next morning and Bonnie is making a few adjustments on Kitt's dashboard - or so it seems. On closer inspection we see that Bonnie is really playing a video game on Kitt's monitor. She controls the flow of the game with a remote joystick, intently trying to roll up a high score. OMIT INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR Her dot gets blown up and we hear a sound indicating the game is over. BACK TO SCENE K.I.T.T. Sorry, Bonnie. Would you care to try again? BONNIE No thanks. You know how low my resistance is. I don't want to get hooked on Space Cadet. K.I.T.T. Whatever you say, Bonnie. However, I'd like to point out that this is a game of skill, designed not only to challenge one's hand-eye coordination but to stimulate strategic thinking as well. BONNIE As long as you put it that way... one more quick one. K.I.T.T. resets the game on the video monitor, but before Bonnie can start playing, Devon and Michael enter the semi. DEVON How are you coming with Kitt? BONNIE (red faced) Oh, fine... (gets out of the car) His data banks are overflowing with everything you ever wanted to know about Delton Micronics. (beat) Personnel files, business reports, stockholders, leading competitors; not to mention their entire line of video games. INSERT Michael looks into the car, sees the video game on Kitt's monitor. MICHAEL Which one have you been playing? BONNIE Space Cadet. MICHAEL Looks like fun. Come on, Devon, let's see if you can beat me. DEVON Michael, I have no intention of partaking in a game of Space Cadet. MICHAEL Why not? DEVON (condescending) Because I fail to understand the allure of such a frivolous pastime. Michael gets into Kitt. MICHAEL I'll bet your mom said the same thing when you used to run off and play cricket. Devon is disarmed. DEVON Actually, it was my Nanny. (beat) However, I was in elementary school at the time. MICHAEL You're never too old for video games, Devon. Try it, you'll like it. (starts the car) Catch you later. EXT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY The Trans-Am emerges from the semi, does a one eighty and heads back toward town. OMITTED INT. TRANS-AM - DAY Michael is driving down a scenic rural road. MICHAEL Kitt, how about a rundown on the four suspects? K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. INSERT VIDEO MONITOR We see four male faces. Two of them more closely resemble rock stars than electronic engineers. Another is Oriental and the last man is a well groomed, fragile type with glasses and a look of subtle concern. K.I.T.T. (o.s.) Each of the individuals possesses a degree in computer science and is considered a top man in the profession. The two men pictured above have been close friends of Elliot Stevens since college and would seem highly unlikely to betray him. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL What about the other two? K.I.T.T. Unfortunately, the personal data I've compiled sheds no light whatsoever on their potential for criminal behavior. MICHAEL In other words, you're stumped. K.I.T.T. Perhaps if I did some cross referencing.... MICHAEL Kitt, isn't there one bit of informa- tion in the files that seems out of the ordinary? K.I.T.T. I'm not sure if this fits into that category, but one of the suspects maintains two local addresses. MICHAEL Who's that? K.I.T.T. Julian Groves. INSERT VIDEO MONITOR A single close up of Julian Groves flashes on the screen. DIRECT CUT TO: CLOSE SHOT OF JULIAN GROVES Pull back to reveal that he is coming out of an old residence hotel along the ocean front walk. Pushing thirty years of age, Julian has the harried look of a man who has begun to lose control of his life. As he steps into the bright sunlight he squints, trying to get a look at who's outside the hotel. ANGLE - OCEAN FRONT WALK We see the familiar beach denizens. An assortment of musclemen, old people, bike riders, girls in bikinis and tourists. Among this crowd is a woman in her late twenties. Attractive, dressed in Khakis, polo shirt and running shoes, she is pretending to be an out-of-towner. CLOSE ON FLANNERY ROE She has a camera dangling from her neck and she is apparently taking a picture of two outlandishly dressed roller skaters who can't stand still, hopping and bopping to the music silently emanating from their walkman radios. SKATER #1 Come on lady, we don't got all day. Flannery notices Groves coming out of the hotel and hurries to line up her shot. FLANNERY Just hang on a second. I can't seem to get the focus right.... ANGLE THROUGH CAMERA We see Groves fill the frame. She clicks the camera, taking his picture as he comes out of hotel. FLANNERY (v.o.) Okay, let me see some of your moves. ANGLE - THE SKATERS They do a little roller boogey. FLANNERY Far out. Get down. She takes a couple more shots of Groves. ANGLE - GROVES He sees the woman taking the pictures and reacts with suspicion, then quickly moves on. WIDER ANGLE Flannery sees him go and stops taking pictures. SKATER #1 You done? FLANNERY Huh? Oh, yeah, thanks a lot fellas. If you want I can send you copies when I get back to Des Moines. SKATER #1 Don't they roller skate back there? FLANNERY No, we're still into hula hoops. As they skate off shaking their heads at the crazy tourist lady, Flannery goes into the hotel that Groves came out of. INT. HOTEL HALLWAY - DAY Flannery takes the las few steps up the stairwell and creeps cautiously down the hall. She reaches room 206, removes a lock pick set from her purse, opens the door, makes sure no one's looking and enters: INT. JULIAN'S HOTEL ROOM - DAY By no means the Ritz. We see Julian's tools of the trade. A word processor and appropriate software. The room is sparsely furnished in ramshackle modern. There are dirty clothes strewn across the bed and junk food containers heaped on the dinette set. Flannery pokes around, checking the closets and drawers. At one point she picks up a white shirt and holds it up to her. Concluding that it's Julian's she puts it down. She then takes a small device from her coat pocket. We see that it is a bugging device. She plants it inside the telephone receiver. EXT. TRANS-AM - DAY Michael and Kitt are tooling down a different city street, decreasing speed as they approach a tennis club. INT. TRANS-AM - DAY MICHAEL You're sure this is the place? K.I.T.T. According to my data Julian has a court reserved for this time every Wednesday morning. They pull into the parking lot of the Match Point Tennis Club. It's a classy athletic facility with a handful of shapely members entering with tennis gear. MICHAEL (sees ladies) We've got to start somewhere. Might as well be here. Michael pulls into a parking space. K.I.T.T. Michael, before you go in, it might help if you familiarize me with your strategy. MICHAEL My strategy is to take a thread of evidence and see if I can weave a case out of it. He puts Kitt in surveillance mode. MICHAEL In the meantime...stay tuned to this station. EXT. TENNIS COURT - DAY A game is in progress. Julian versus a veritable goddess. Tall, blond, with high cheek bones and legs that stretch from the baseline to the net, the lady knows her tennis. She gives Julian a workout, skillfully spraying her shots all over the court. INT. TENNIS CLUB - DAY Separated from the courts by a glass partition, the club's restaurant and bar area provides a casual setting to eat, drink and watch the play on the nearby courts. Michael is at the bar. He's got his eye on Julian and his curvaceous opponent. ANGLE BAR A bartender approaches Michael and flips a cocktail napkin on the counter. A strong, virile guy in his late twenties, he wears a name tag that reads ARMAND. MICHAEL Is that fresh orange juice? ARMAND Squeezed it myself. MICHAEL How 'bout a double? ARMAND Coming right up. Armand starts squeezing his oranges as Michael directs his attention back to the tennis match. MICHAEL She's really putting on a show out there. ARMAND What'd you say? MICHAEL I was just watching that blond. She can really handle the old racquet. ARMAND That's Connie Chasen. She's one of our instructors. MICHAEL No kidding? I wouldn't mind having her give me a few pointers. As Armand sets a glass of orange juice on the bar Michael notices a woman at a nearby table who also seems very interested in Connie and Julian. It's Flannery, in tinted shades. This time she has a miniature camera and is discreetly photographing the couple. ANGLE COURT Connie strokes a passing shot by a vanquished Julian and trots gracefully toward the net. CONNIE Julian, I hate to say this, but your tennis game is falling apart. JULIAN It's not just my tennis game, it's my entire life. CONNIE Want to talk about it? JULIAN No. They walk from center court to a nearby bench where each has a gym bag. They gather their things and walk toward the clubhouse. Julian is very fidgety. CONNIE Julian, I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong. JULIAN Okay, I'll tell you what's wrong. This whole business of me stealing for you. That's what's wrong. It's driving me crazy. Look at me, I'm a basket case. Julian makes his point by jerking up his racket and hitting himself on the side of the head. JULIAN See what I mean. Connie rubs his head sympathetically. CONNIE What do you want, more money? I'll see what I can do. JULIAN You haven't heard a word I've said. It's not a question of money. You can have all the money back, I just want out. CONNIE It's not that easy, Julian. The fact is that you're an industrial spy, and since that fact can easily be brought to the attention of the police.... JULIAN You wouldn't. CONNIE I wouldn't want to, Julian. All I want is the last software program you promised me. JULIAN Connie, you don't understand. I'm being followed by a strange woman. She's been taking pictures of me. CONNIE Julian, you're letting the pressure get to you. No one's after you. You've got nothing to worry about. JULIAN How can you say that? As they reach the entrance to the clubhouse, Connie stops and puts her arms on Julian's shoulders. She stares deeply into his eyes. CONNIE Because I'm looking after you, Julian. Now, don't you trust me? (silence) One more time, and you're free and clear. JULIAN Haven't I done enough already? CONNIE After tomorrow you'll have done enough. Now come on. I'll buy you a celery tonic. She puts her arm around him and walks up the steps to the clubhouse. OMITTED ANGLE FLANNERY She snaps one last picture and stashes the camera inside her purse. She hastily picks up a menu as Michael enters the shot, pulling up a seat at her table. He catches Flannery off guard. MICHAEL Is this seat taken? FLANNERY Oh! You startled me. MICHAEL Sorry. (indicates court) You play? FLANNERY What? Tennis? No. But I'm thinking about taking lessons. MICHAEL Oh, really? That's one of the instructors over there. Maybe you should talk to her. He points to Julian and Connie who are at the bar. ANGLE BAR Julian notices Flannery and reacts with fear. JULIAN There she is! CONNIE There who is? JULIAN The girl who's been tailing me. I've got to get out of here. CONNIE Julian, will you.... She can't stop him. Julian hurries toward the exit leaving Connie alone as Armand arrives with two drinks. BACK TO MICHAEL AND FLANNERY He sees Julian leaving. So does Flannery. MICHAEL Will you excuse me? As Michael leaves we see Flannery watch him curiously. As he exits the bar she gets up too. ANGLE BAR Connie watches her leave, trying to figure out what's going on. Armand is with her, equally inquisitive. As Connie turns to the bartender.... CUT TO: EXT. TENNIS CLUB - DAY Michael is getting into the Trans-Am. K.I.T.T. Michael, Julian just left. He seemed to be in quite a hurry. MICHAEL I know. Michael pulls out of the lot just as Flannery emerges from the tennis club. As she sees him drive off.... CUT TO: EXT. TRANS-AM - DAY Michael and Kitt are cruising down a city street. INT. TRANS-AM - DAY K.I.T.T. What did you learn about Julian? MICHAEL Two things. He's a lousy tennis player. (beat) And we're not the only one's interested in him. K.I.T.T. Michael, would the other interested party happen to be driving a convertible? Michael checks his rear view mirror. ANGLE THROUGH MIRROR Flannery is following them in a Mustang convertible. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Good guess, Kitt. K.I.T.T. She's been following us since we left the tennis club. (beat) Michael why are we slowing down? MICHAEL I don't want her to lose us... Not yet anyway. K.I.T.T. What about Julian? MICHAEL Keep him on the tracking scope. We'll get back to him later. First I want to have a word with our curious lady friend. WIDE ANGLE The Mustang pulls up close to the Trans-Am. Michael makes certain Flannery sees him and knows he knows she's tailing him. Then suddenly Michael accelerates. The Trans-Am shoots forward. Flannery floors the Mustang in an attempt to keep up. OMITTED EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREETS - THE CHASE - VARIOUS ANGLES Michael lets Flannery stay close behind as he twists and turns through a web of residential streets. Then suddenly Flannery loses sight of the Trans-Am. As she searches futilely for a glimpse of the black car.... INTERCUT WITH: EXT. TRANS-AM - DAY Michael makes a few judicious cuts through alleys and streets, avoiding assorted obstacles in his path. ANGLE - POLICE CAR A cop, Officer Kirby, sees the Trans-Am fly past him. He fires up his motor. NEW ANGLE Michael takes a corner on two wheels and winds up on Flannery's tail on an isolated street. He cuts her off and she jerks the Mustang to a halt. Michael hops out of Kitt and approaches the Mustang. MICHAEL All right, lady. Out. Flannery opens the door and sheepishly gets out of the car, shielding her hand behind the door. When she exposes her hand it grips a stainless steel automatic pistol trained on Michael. FLANNERY Let's keep it right there, Mister. And get your hands up. Michael doesn't know how to respond as he looks at Flannery, obviously inexperienced with a weapon, but trying to act tough. MICHAEL Who are you? FLANNERY I have a gun, right. That means I get to ask the questions. MICHAEL Oh, is that the way it works? Flannery nods and Michael suddenly reaches for the gun, knocking it from her hand. FLANNERY Hey, you can't do that. Michael picks up the gun. MICHAEL Never point a gun unless you intend to use it. He puts the gun in his pocket, grabs her by the arm and leads her toward Kitt. MICHAEL It's time you and I had a serious discussion. ANGLE POLICE CAR It arrives on the scene and Kirby, a tough, sinewy cop in reflector shades, gets out of the car. Flannery immediately launches into a dramatic rescue routine. FLANNERY Officer! Thank god, you're here. You just saved my life. She breaks away from Michael. FLANNERY This man pulled me over, dragged me from my car, and was about to assault me. MICHAEL Assault you? FLANNERY Be careful, officer. He's dangerous. KIRBY Okay, pal, turn around and put your hands on the car. Kirby begins to frisk Michael. He reaches the pocket and removes Flannery's gun. FLANNERY Omigod, he had a gun! MICHAEL Officer. That's not mine. Kirby roughly pins Michael against the Trans-Am and draws his own gun. KIRBY Shut up! Now get your hands up and keep looking straight ahead. As Kirby goes for his handcuffs, Flannery can't keep from smiling. FLANNERY Who says there's never a cop around when you need one? On Michael's look of frustration and contempt.... OMITTED FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY Open with a close shot of a sign that reads Police, then pan to see the Trans Am pull out of the parking lot. INT. TRANS AM - DAY A plainly frustrated Michael is behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Michael, Devon's calling. MICHAEL I was afraid of that. Put him through. INTERCUT WITH INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY He's communicating with Michael over the phone. DEVON Michael, where in the blazes have you been? MICHAEL The police station. DEVON Am I to infer that you've already wrapped the case? MICHAEL No. DEVON Then what were you doing at the police station? MICHAEL Let's just say there was a misunder- standing. DEVON A misunderstanding? Why didn't you call for help? MICHAEL Because they didn't press charges. DEVON Michael, I think a more detailed explanation is in order. MICHAEL Look, Devon, everything's under control. I'll get back to you after I take care of a little unfinished business. ON DEVON as he hangs up the phone, perplexed. INT. TRANS-AM - DAY MICHAEL Kitt, did you run a check on the convertible's license plates? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. The car is registered under the name of Flannery Roe. MICHAEL Address? K.I.T.T. 2818 Euclid Ave. I take it that's our immediate destination. MICHAEL You got that right. As the Trans-Am accelerates down the street. CUT TO EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY - ESTABLISHING We're in a funky part of town. The building is old, but stylish. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Close on a door that reads Flannery Roe, Private Investigator. Pull back to see Michael reading the print. His face registers surprise at the fact that the lady is a private eye. He opens the door angrily and storms into: INT. OUTER OFFICE - DAY It's totally still. A secretary's desk is in one corner, but there's no secretary, nor does it appear that one has been around for awhile. The agency has not been prospering. MICHAEL Flannery! No answer. He walks toward the door of a private office. It is slightly ajar. Michael opens it and steps inside. INT. FLANNERY'S OFFICE - DAY The room is in disarray. Desk drawers lie overturned on the floor. The files have been rifled through. Michael notices a folder on the desk marked Groves. He opens it and finds a check payable to Flannery Roe signed by Linda Groves. He also discovers several pictures of Julian and Connie. As he flips through the photos a hand holding a pistol appears from behind the open door and Michael is conked on the head. Armand, the bartender, steps out from his hiding place as Michael crumples to the floor. Armand takes the file, steps over Michael and exits. INT. JULIAN'S ROOM - DAY Julian is eating a meager lunch, looking very lonely and scared. The phone rings, startling Julian. He picks it up with a shaky hand and speaks with a tremulous tone to his voice. JULIAN Hello. INTERCUT WITH INT. TENNIS CLUB - DAY Connie is speaking softly into a pay phone. CONNIE Hello, Julian. I just called to say I'm free tonight. EXT. JULIAN'S HOTEL - ANGLE BEACH - DAY We see a woman listening to what appears to be a ghetto blaster lying on the beach. Tighten to see that it is Flannery. Her previously planted listening device is picking up the phone conversation from Julian's room and she listens intently. BACK TO TELEPHONE CONVERSATION JULIAN Tonight? Isn't that a little pre- mature. CONNIE I really want to see you, Julian. JULIAN Can't you give me till the end of the week? CONNIE No, something's happened. It has to be tonight. JULIAN Connie, I don't think this is such a good idea. I mean what about that girl.... CONNIE Julian, will you stop worrying so much. Now what time will you be through with work? JULIAN About eight. But Connie.... CONNIE (cutting him off) Perfect. I'll meet you at your hotel at eight thirty. JULIAN Wait a minute, you can't just hang out in the lobby. CONNIE Don't worry. I took the precaution of having your key duplicated. I'll be waiting in your room. (beat) Don't disappoint me, Julian. She hangs up the phone. Julian stays on for a beat, looking very worried. EXT. JULIAN'S HOTEL - DAY - ANGLE - BEACH Flannery removes her headset, turns off the recorder that had been taping the conversation, and walks away from the hotel, a victorious smile on her face. INT. FLANNERY'S OFFICE - DAY Michael comes to. He gets up slowly, rubs his head, establishes a sense of place. Remembering the file, he looks for it on the table. It's gone. Michael beeps his watch. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, you still there? K.I.T.T. (v.o.) (through comlink) Michael, what happened? Are you all right? MICHAEL No. Call Devon and tell him I need background on Connie Chasen. She's an instructor at the tennis club. K.I.T.T. I'll relay the message at once. Michael is distracted by the sound of the door opening. ANGLE INTO OUTER OFFICE Flannery enters, is immediately suspicious when she sees her office door open and papers strewn about the floor. She goes into her office. INT. FLANNERY'S OFFICE - DAY When she sees Michael in the disheveled room Flannery's face reddens with anger, but she tries to remain cool. FLANNERY Mr. Knight. I had a feeling our paths would cross again. MICHAEL (grim) Hello, Flannery. FLANNERY Don't let me interrupt you. Go right ahead and trash the rest of the place. MICHAEL In case you forgot, it was like this when you knocked me out. FLANNERY When I knocked you out? What are you talking about? MICHAEL Don't play dumb with me. I've already got half a mind to take you over my knee and spank you. FLANNERY Look, if you came here to act out some weird fantasy, you've got the wrong girl. MICHAEL I came here to find out what your connection is to Julian Groves. FLANNERY Why are you so interested in Julian? MICHAEL Just answer the question. FLANNERY No. MICHAEL Look. I know you were hired to tail Julian. I want to know why. FLANNERY That's privileged information, Mr. Knight. If I told you I'd be violating the confidential relationship with my client. Michael is ready to explode. MICHAEL All right, Flannery. I'm going to give you a little piece of advice: Lay off Julian Groves. FLANNERY That sounded more like an order. MICHAEL Take it however you like. Just stay out of my way. FLANNERY If you want me to stay out of your way, stay out of my office. MICHAEL You're in way over your head, Flannery. If you don't watch out, you're gonna go under. With that, Michael walks out of Flannery's office, slamming the door as he exits. Flannery picks up her telephone, dials a number. INTERCUT WITH OMIT INT. JULIAN'S HOUSE - DAY The ringing phone is picked up by Julian's timorous wife, Linda. LINDA Hello. FLANNERY Linda, it's Flannery Roe. LINDA Flannery, how's it going? FLANNERY Well, there've been a few minor setbacks...but I think tonight should be the clincher. LINDA What do you mean? FLANNERY They're getting together at Julian's hotel room. LINDA (shaken) I see. FLANNERY I know this isn't easy for you, but in the long run you'll be glad you hired me. Now I'll call you first thing in the morning and we'll set a time to get together and examine the evidence. LINDA Whatever you say. Goodbye, Flannery. FLANNERY Goodbye. EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK DEVON (v.o.) Your friend Miss Chasen has a very, shall we say, colorful background. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY DEVON Not only is she a gifted athlete, she was formerly one of the top fashion models in New York. BONNIE Where, according to the society pages, she was romantically involved with some of the wealthiest businessmen on the East Coast. MICHAEL What's she been doing out here? DEVON Keeping a slightly lower profile. Aside from her job at the tennis club, she's had bit parts in several minor films. MICHAEL So we're talking about a very sophisticated, very ambitious and very attractive lady. BONNIE I'd say so. MICHAEL Then what's she doing with a wallflower like Julian Groves? DEVON What are you driving at, Michael? MICHAEL Look, Julian's wife hires a private detective to watch her husband. Most likely because she suspects he's seeing another woman. The private detective has a file full of pictures of Julian and Connie--now officially missing in action. But from what you just told me about Connie, there's no way they could be having an affair. So why else would they be getting together? DEVON So he could sell her the purloined software programs. MICHAEL Bingo. (beat) Julian is vulnerable. Connie Chasen is a master manipulator. It's the perfect match. DEVON Michael, that's a very tenuous theory. BONNIE And even if it does manage to hold water, we still don't know who put Connie in touch with Julian. MICHAEL I know. But as soon as Connie gets the next delivery, she'll lead us right to him. EXT. DELTON MICRONICS - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING We hear the sound of laughter and conversation emanating from the main building. INT. JULIAN'S OFFICE - NIGHT He enters from a door, behind which we see and hear portions of a small, but lively office party. Julian closes the door, eliminating the noise. He's shaking like the lead singer in a rhumba band. He checks his watch. It's already eight- thirty. He picks up the phone and push buttons a number. INTERCUT WITH INT. JULIAN'S HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The phone rings. Connie enters the shot to answer it. Pull back to reveal a briefcase on one of the chairs. CONNIE Julian, where the hell are you? JULIAN How did you know it was me? CONNIE (caustic) I'm psychic. (silence) Julian, did you get what I asked for? JULIAN Yeah, I got it. But I don't know if I can get it out. CONNIE What do you mean? JULIAN There's a party for one of the secretaries. There are a million around. CONNIE Julian, listen to me. Relax. Count to ten. Take deep breaths. You're going to be fine. Julian starts breathing deeply. CONNIE Isn't that better? JULIAN I can't tell. I think so. CONNIE Good. Now just walk out like everything's normal. No one will even notice you. JULIAN Okay...I'll see you in fifteen minutes. EXT. DELTON MICRONICS - NIGHT Julian comes out of the main building, into the lot, walking in quick short bursts toward his car. INT. TRANS-AM - NIGHT Michael is staking out the premises, sees Julian. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, give it your best shot. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER It wigwags across the grill, zapping Julian's briefcase with a barrage of X-rays. INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR We see the outline of reams of computer paper. INT. TRANS-AM - NIGHT MICHAEL Looks like Julian's had his hand in the cookie jar again. K.I.T.T. Shall we apprehend him? MICHAEL Not now. Julian's only half the equation. The plan is to follow what's inside the briefcase. (beat) Lock him in on the tracking scope. ANGLE - JULIAN'S CAR - MICHAEL'S P.O.V. Julian is sitting in his car, staring straight ahead. INT. TRANS-AM - NIGHT MICHAEL Kitt, what's he doing? K.I.T.T. As far as I can tell, he's... hyperventilating. ANGLE - JULIAN'S CAR He calms down, starts the car and drives away. INSERT - TRACKING SCOPE We see the dot that represents Julian move away from the center of the scope. DISSOLVE TO EXT. JULIAN'S HOTEL - NIGHT Julian's car pulls up. He parks, gets out of the car and enters the hotel carrying the briefcase. ANGLE - FLANNERY'S CAR She observes Julian's arrival. Starts to assemble her flash cube attachment. She gets it ready, waits a beat, then opens the door and enters the hotel. EXT. JULIAN'S HOTEL - NIGHT Michael pulls up in Kitt. INT. JULIAN'S HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The wind is blowing through the open window, ruffling the drapes. Suddenly, the door bursts open and there's Flannery. She points her camera at the bed and starts flashing away. After the third flash she stops. INT. HALLWAY Michael hears Flannery scream and runs toward Julian's room. INT. JULIAN'S HOTEL ROOM - MICHAEL'S P.O.V. Connie lies lifelessly across the bed, a smattering of blood on her chest. Julian is nowhere to be found. And the briefcase has vanished. ANGLE - MICHAEL He stands in the doorway, eyeing the corpse. Flannery turns and instinctively buries her head in Michael's chest. On Michael's reaction. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT There is not much action in the eatery. Michael and Flannery sit in one of the few occupied booths. She is clearly downcast, her face is white and her eyes have a glassy emptiness. Michael watches her sympa- thetically as she sips a cup of tea. He is drinking coffee. MICHAEL Maybe you should have something to eat. FLANNERY No thanks. Tea is about all my stomach and handle right now. MICHAEL You got a pretty strong dose of reality tonight. It takes a while to shake it off. FLANNERY It was my first murder, that's all. They say once you get one under your belt, it hardens you. MICHAEL Sometimes. Not always. FLANNERY Look, Michael, you don't have to stay here and hold my hand. I'll pull through. MICHAEL Flannery, did it ever occur to you that maybe you're not cut out for this line of work? FLANNERY (bristling) No! Why would you even ask me that? Because I'm a woman? Because without the support of a big strong man I'd fall to pieces? MICHAEL That's not what I meant. Flannery comes out of her funk. She's getting combative again. FLANNERY Oh, sure. Look, this whole thing is Julian's fault, not mine. If he hadn't started cheating on his poor wife, none of this would have happened. MICHAEL They weren't having an affair, Flannery. FLANNERY That's your opinion. I happen to believe otherwise. Julian is a devious little worm. I wouldn't put anything past him. Including murder. MICHAEL Is that what you're going to tell his wife? FLANNERY She hired me to learn the truth. Sometimes the truth is painful. MICHAEL And sometimes the truth is not what it seems. Michael picks up the check and rises from his seat. MICHAEL Can I give you a ride home? FLANNERY No thank you. Despite what you may think I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. MICHAEL I hope you're right, Flannery, I really do. Michael walks away. EXT. FOUNDATION GROUNDS - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY - CLOSE ON HEADLINE of the morning paper that blares: Tennis Pro Murdered. A picture of Connie takes up two columns below. Pull back to reveal Michael and Devon. DEVON Julian is wanted for questioning by the police. MICHAEL (decisive) I'm telling you, Devon, he didn't do it. DEVON Your gut feeling notwithstanding, he's their number one suspect. Devon puts down the paper. MICHAEL He may be a thief, but there's no way Julian Groves is a murderer. DEVON Unfortunately, he's not around to proclaim his innocence. MICHAEL What do you expect? Put yourself in Julian's shoes for a second. He goes to his room to meet Connie, he finds her dead. Wouldn't you think that whoever killed her might have the same thing in mind for you, too? Especially if you're still holding a million dollars worth of briefcase. DEVON Michael, that's nothing but pure speculation. MICHAEL What's Julian's motivation? What would he gain by killing her?... Michael is interrupted by the arrival of Elliot Stevens who enters the office in a state of defeat. He carries a newspaper. STEVENS Well, guys, looks like the ball game's over. (beat) We lost the program source code for our hottest new game last night. DEVON I'm sorry. STEVENS Hey, you did the best you could. Actually, I'm as much to blame as anyone. I always had a sneaking suspicion that it was Julian. MICHAEL Why didn't you tell us before? STEVENS I didn't want to prejudice your investigation. It's not like I had any real proof. (beat) Anyway, since the police are involved now, and we know the identity of our spy...your services will no longer be required. But I appreciate your effort, really. MICHAEL Elliot, just one question: who do you think Julian was selling the program to? STEVENS I couldn't even guess. There are so many new companies...that question won't be answered until the game appears on the market. (beat) Well, I've got to start working on some excuses for the board of directors. See you around. Stevens leaves. Devon and Michael look at each other, uncertain what to make of this latest development. After a beat of uneasy silence, Michael heads for the door. DEVON Where are you going? MICHAEL Just because you get laid off doesn't mean you have to hang around the house. (beat) I've got too many questions, Devon. I'm going after the answers. INT. TENNIS CLUB - DAY Michael approaches the bar, sits down at a stool, facing Armand. MICHAEL How you doing? Armand gives him a look, acknowledging the greeting, but offering none. MICHAEL Hey, I'm sorry about your instructor. I read about that in the paper this morning. Hell of a way to go. ARMAND You were orange juice, right? MICHAEL Good memory. Armand pours Michael a glass of juice, ignoring Michael's initial comments about Connie. MICHAEL Did you know her well? ARMAND What do you mean? MICHAEL I mean, from what I read between the lines, she liked the fast lane. ARMAND (hostile) Hey, who cares, huh? The lady's dead. No sense dragging her name through the mud. MICHAEL Hey, I didn't mean to offend you. The bartender turns his back and walks away. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael spots Flannery talking to a man in a tennis outfit. She's taking notes on a pad. MOS they finish their con- versation and the man enters the locker room. Flannery turns around and sees Michael staring at her. She starts to walk away. Michael catches up to her. MICHAEL What are you doing here? FLANNERY That's none of your business. Michael takes her arm and leads her outside. ANGLE THROUGH GLASS PARTITION MICHAEL I thought you learned something about yourself last night. FLANNERY What I learned was that when you find yourself in the middle of a hot case, you don't back off. MICHAEL Flannery, one person is already dead. Do you want to be the next? FLANNERY Don't try to scare me, Michael. MICHAEL All I'm trying to do is prevent you from getting into unnecessary danger. FLANNERY Danger is my business. MICHAEL (irritated) Will you stop playing private eye and listen to me. Despite all your snooping around you have no idea what's going on...Julian and Connie had a business relationship. She was his middleman, not his mistress. FLANNERY Why do you insist on protecting Julian? MICHAEL At this point because his life may be at stake. FLANNERY You're crazy. MICHAEL Okay. I'm crazy. (beat, hard) Now do you have any idea where he might be hiding? FLANNERY (stands up to him) Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. MICHAEL (angry) So long, Flannery. Michael turns, walks back into the restaurant and toward the exit. ANOTHER ANGLE Armand the bartender has been watching Michael and Flannery. As Michael walks out, Armand slices an orange vengefully and squeezes the hell out of it. EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY Michael pulls up and parks in front of a modest, but attractive suburban home. He sees a woman working in a garden toward the back of the house. In her late twenties, Linda Groves is a shy, self-effacing and, at the moment, emotionally confused young woman. We see a plastic bucket at the end of the garden as Michael enters the shot with his long strides. He approaches her softly. MICHAEL Mrs. Groves... (she turns) My name's Michael Knight. LINDA I've already told the police everything I know. MICHAEL I'm not with the police department. LINDA One of the papers? MICHAEL I'm a friend. LINDA If you're a friend you'll leave me alone. MICHAEL Mrs. Groves, it's very important that I find your husband. LINDA I wish I could help you, Mr. Knight, but I haven't spoken to Julian in weeks. He could be in...Afghanistan for all I know...or care. MICHAEL That's not true. LINDA That he's in Afghanistan? MICHAEL That you don't care. LINDA (deep breath) Okay, I care. I know Julian's in a lot of trouble, but honest to God, I don't know where he is. (beat, emotional) All I know is that Julian couldn't have killed that girl. He might have been fooling around with her, but he didn't kill her. MICHAEL He wasn't fooling around with her, either. LINDA How do you know? MICHAEL Your husband has been stealing software programs from Delton Micronics. Connie Chasen was taking them off his hands. Julian's a thief, not an adulterer. Linda's face perks up a little at the news of Julian's fidelity. LINDA So that's why he started acting so weird. MICHAEL How weird? LINDA Well, it used to be that Julian spent all his free time on his computer. All he cared about was his work. He never showed any interest in sports at all. Then one day he decides he wants to play tennis. Next it's fishing. He left me with a freezer full of trout. (indicates bucket) You want some? I was gonna use them for fertilizer in the garden. Michael looks closely at the trout. They're all the same size, clean and very unfishy. MICHAEL I don't think so. (beat) Did he mention where he went fishing? LINDA No, but I hired a private investigator to follow him once. He went to Shaker Lake. MICHAEL When was that? Michael picks up one of the trout and eyes it skeptically. LINDA I'm not sure of the dates, but he went for four weekends in a row last month. That's about all I can tell you. MICHAEL That's all I need to know, Mrs. Groves. You've been a big help. Michael starts to leave. LINDA (smiling) It's Linda. (beat) And if you see Julian, would you tell him something? MICHAEL What's that? LINDA Tell him I love him. (beat) That I'll always love him. No matter what he's done. MICHAEL I'll make sure he gets the message. OMITTED EXT. TRANS-AM - DAY K.I.T.T. and Michael are on the move away from Julian's old house. INT. TRANS-AM - DAY Michael is driving in silence, immersed in thought. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt, I'm just thinking. K.I.T.T. About what? MICHAEL Trout. (beat) Kitt, Julian went trout fishing and came back with store-bought trout. What does that tell us? K.I.T.T. That he couldn't catch any fish. MICHAEL Or that he never intended to catch any. I think Julian's fishing trips were a cover for something else. (beat) Kitt, punch up the dates the thefts were reported. INSERT - VIDEO MONITOR We see a calendar for February with two Thursdays and two Fridays circled. OMIT OMIT BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Each of Julian's trips took place a day or two after a robbery. (beat) Kitt, plot the fastest course to Shaker Lake. CUT TO EXT. TRANS-AM - DAY - RUNBYS - STOCK through the hills. K.I.T.T. (v.o.) Michael, there's one thing I still don't understand. MICHAEL (v.o.) What's that, Kitt? K.I.T.T. (v.o.) How did you know Julian bought the trout in a store? MICHAEL (v.o.) Fisherman's instinct, Kitt. No way you can catch that many plastic looking trout. EXT. SHAKER LAKE - DAY A tiny, one road mountain fishing town. We see Julian's car drive up to a cabin and stop. He gets out of the car and walks toward the cabin carrying a bag of groceries. He's eating from an open bag of cheese puffs. He reaches the door, fumbles for his keys and almost drops the bag. Finally he gets the door open. INT. CABIN - DAY Julian steps inside and drops the bag of groceries in shock. The cabin has been ransacked. ANOTHER ANGLE Armand appears from behind the bathroom door holding a gun. ARMAND What do you say, Julian? JULIAN (terrified) What are you doing here? ARMAND I know all about you, Julian. I know you and Connie had something going on before you bumped her off. And I want in on it. EXT. SHAKER LAKE - ANGLE TRANS-AM Michael and Kitt are approaching the cabin. Michael spots Julian's car. INT. TRANS-AM MICHAEL There's his car, Kitt. Looks like we hit the jackpot. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors are picking up the sounds of two voices emanating from the cabin. MICHAEL Two voices? INT. CABIN - DAY Julian is removing a gym bag as well as the briefcase from a secret compartment hidden in the wall. He hands them to Armand, his hands trembling. JULIAN Here, you can have the computer codes and all the money Connie gave me. I never spent a penny of it. ARMAND (evil smile) That's very generous of you, Julian. JULIAN But I swear to you I didn't kill her. You've got to believe me. ARMAND Sure, Julian, you can tell me all about it on the way back to town. Armand grabs Julian and pushes him toward the door. EXT. CABIN - ANGLE MICHAEL - DAY Michael is looking through the window. He overhears the tail end of the conversation between Armand and Julian and springs into action. INT. CABIN - DAY The door swings open and Michael bursts in, fists first. He and Armand take a few swings at each other. Neither one establishes dominance. Then Armand grabs hold of Julian and flings him into Michael, disabling both men. Armand makes his escape. JULIAN Who are you? MICHAEL I'll explain later, Julian, just stay put. Michael dashes out the door. EXT. CABIN - DAY Michael cautiously searches around the cabin. There's no sign of Armand. K.I.T.T. (v.o.) (through comlink) Michael! Behind you! Michael whirls around to see Armand with his arm wrapped around Flannery and a gun in his hand. ARMAND One more step and your friend's a memory. On Michael's reaction... FADE OUT: END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR OMITTED FADE IN: INT. CABIN - DAY Armand is holding Michael, Julian and Flannery at gunpoint. ARMAND Julian, put the briefcase in the gym bag. Julian obeys the command. MICHAEL Armand, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. ARMAND That's what you think. (to Flannery) Now, let's go, honey. You're coming with me. FLANNERY You sure? I mean, I'm really not very good company. We probably don't have a thing in common.... MICHAEL Armand, if you want to leave, leave. You don't need her. ARMAND I'm calling the shots here, buddy. She's my insurance policy. There's one road out of this dump and if I see you on it, the lady dies. Armand picks up the gym bag and drags Flannery toward the door. FLANNERY Michael, aren't you going to do something? ARMAND Yeah, he's gonna wave goodbye. Let's go. Armand opens the door and exits with Flannery. JULIAN Can you tell me who you are now? MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. I work for the Foundation for Law and Government. It's my job to bring you back to justice, Julian. JULIAN (sighs) I had to ask. MICHAEL If you keep running, it will only get worse. JULIAN Yeah? Well, what about Armand, are you going to let him get away scot- free? MICHAEL You'll see. Come on. They start for the door. OMITTED INT. ARMAND'S PICK-UP (BLAZER) Armand is driving with reckless abandon down the mountain road. He holds the steering wheel with one hand while the other holds a gun trained on Flannery. FLANNERY You know, you really should have both hands on the wheel. ARMAND Shut up. I don't need you to tell me how to drive. FLANNERY It was merely a suggestion. Something in the side view mirror catches Armand's attention. ANGLE THROUGH MIRROR The Trans-Am appears in the distance. BACK TO SCENE ARMAND There's that black car. I hate to have to show them I wasn't bluffing. Flannery turns around to look out the window. ANGLE ROAD - HER P.O.V. There is no car. INT. PICK-UP FLANNERY What are you talking about? There's no car back there. Armand checks in the mirror. There's no sign of the Trans-Am. ARMAND There was, a second ago. FLANNERY Let's try to stay cool, okay, Armand? ANGLE TRANS-AM We see Kitt rambling across the rugged off-road terrain, without benefit of a driver. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - ANGLE JULIAN'S CAR - DAY Michael is driving. Julian rides nervously in the passenger seat. MICHAEL How did you get mixed up with Connie in the first place? JULIAN It started at the tennis club. When I told her I designed video games, her eyes lit up. She really thought I was a neat guy. MICHAEL And that was enough to turn you into a criminal? JULIAN What can I say?...I'm weak. (beat) But that's the only way I'm involved. I didn't kill her. You've got to believe me. MICHAEL I believe you, Julian. I believe you. EXT. TRANS-AM - DAY The driverless Kitt leaps a ravine and lands on the mountain road, straightens out and starts heading back toward the approaching pick-up. INT. PICK-UP As Armand comes around a bend, he sees the Trans-Am heading toward him in the other lane. ARMAND What the.... EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Kitt drives past the pick-up. Armand looks into the Trans-Am and sees nothing. INT. PICK-UP ARMAND (in shock) There's nobody driving that car. FLANNERY Armand, get a hold of yourself. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Kitt does a one-eighty and heads back toward the pick-up. As the Trans-Am approaches the pick-up, Kitt calls out: K.I.T.T. (v.o.) Pull over! INT. PICK-UP Armand can't believe what he just heard. ARMAND Did you?...no, that's impossible. K.I.T.T. (o.s.) Didn't you hear me? I said, pull over! FLANNERY You better do what he says. That car means business. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Kitt pulls in front of the pick-up and delicately runs it off the side of the road so no one is hurt. At the same time, Michael and Julian arrive. Michael jumps out of the car and runs over to Kitt. MICHAEL Nice work, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I was merely executing a brilliant plan, Michael. MICHAEL Thanks, buddy. Better buzz the police and tell 'em to get right over. Michael goes over to the pick-up and opens the door, hauling out a visibly shaken Armand. Flannery bounces out of the passenger's side. She carries the gym bag. FLANNERY Michael, you saved my life. MICHAEL (cool) It couldn't be helped. (to Armand) Okay, Armand, start talking. You're too dumb to be the mastermind of this scam, so I want some names. ARMAND I don't know any names. MICHAEL Look, you're already on the line for kidnapping and extortion. If you insist you're working alone, that tells me you killed Connie Chasen, too. ARMAND Get out of here, man. She was my girlfriend. Why should I kill her? MICHAEL Maybe 'cause she had another boyfriend. ARMAND I was cool about that. MICHAEL Who was it? ARMAND I don't know. I never saw him. I just knew she had somebody else on the side. I don't know who. ANOTHER ANGLE A state police car pulls up and Michael releases Armand. MICHAEL (to the cop) There's one more. Michael walks over to Julian's car. He is standing there with Flannery. He knows the bell tolls for him. JULIAN Are you sure this is absolutely necessary? MICHAEL It's time to start putting your life back together, Julian. JULIAN You're right. MICHAEL I'll do everything I can to help. JULIAN Won't I need a little more than that? MICHAEL You'll have Linda, too. Julian's face brightens at the mention of his wife's name. EXT. JULIAN'S HOUSE - ESTABLISHING - DAY The Trans-Am is parked in front. INT. JULIAN'S HOUSE - DAY Michael is there with Flannery and Linda Groves. FLANNERY I don't know what else to say, Linda, except I'm sorry. I never thought to give your husband the benefit of the doubt. LINDA As long as Julian's safe, that's my only concern. MICHAEL How would you like to go see him? LINDA Could I? MICHAEL I'm sure Flannery would love to give you a ride down to the station, wouldn't you, Flannery? FLANNERY Oh, yes, I mean it's the least I could do after all the anguish I've caused. LINDA Just give me a second to get ready. She starts out of the room, but Michael stops her. MICHAEL Linda, can I ask you one quick question? LINDA Certainly, Michael. MICHAEL You said Julian was always an observer, never an active participant. LINDA He used to be that way. Until he joined that stupid tennis club. That's when all the problems started. MICHAEL What made him decide to join? LINDA One of the men at work talked him into it. MICHAEL Do you remember who that was? LINDA Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. DIRECT CUT TO: CLOSE SHOT -- THE BACK OF A CHAIR The phone rings and the man in the chair swivels around to pick it up. The man is Elliot Stevens. PULL BACK to reveal we are in: OMITTED INT. STEVEN'S OFFICE - DAY Stevens is alone as he answers the phone. STEVENS Hello. INTERCUT WITH: INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Bonnie is on the other end of the line. BONNIE Am I speaking to Elliot Stevens? STEVENS Yes, who is this? BONNIE You don't know me, Mr. Stevens. I was an old friend of Connie Chasen. We went through modelling school together back in New York. STEVENS Is that what you called to tell me? BONNIE No, I called because the night Connie was killed she brought a briefcase to my apartment. She said if anything happened to her, I should get in touch with you. STEVENS Young lady, this is highly irregular.... BONNIE If you're not interested, I'll just turn it over to the police. STEVENS No, I want it. BONNIE I thought you might. Connie also said there'd be some money in it for me. STEVENS How does five thousand dollars sound? BONNIE Ten thousand and it's a go. STEVENS All right, ten thousand. Where can I meet you? BONNIE How about the tennis club? STEVENS Couldn't we make it someplace slightly less conspicuous? BONNIE Since I don't know you, I'd feel safer in a crowd. STEVENS Okay, the tennis club. How will I know you? BONNIE I'll be at the back of the lounge. Look for a lady in red. Bonnie hangs up. Michael and Devon nod approvingly. INT. TENNIS CLUB - DAY Bonnie is in a booth sipping a cocktail. She is dressed in a red designed pant-suit. Stevens enters the bar, sees Bonnie and approaches her. He carries a tennis bag. He takes a seat next to Bonnie. STEVENS I believe we spoke on the telephone. BONNIE Mr. Stevens? Stevens nods. Bonnie takes the briefcase from her lap and hands it to him. BONNIE Here you go. It's all yours. Stevens takes the briefcase, opens it and looks inside. Satisfied, he hands the tennis bag to Bonnie. STEVENS It's been a pleasure doing business with you. He starts to leave. Bonnie grabs his arm. BONNIE Yes, it has been a pleasure. EXT. TENNIS CLUB - ANGLE TRANS-AM - DAY Michael is in the car waiting for Stevens to come out of the building. INT. TRANS-AM - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael, he's on his way out. MICHAEL Did he take the bait? K.I.T.T. If you mean does he have the briefcase, the answer is yes. MICHAEL Then I better go reel him in. Michael opens the door and gets out of the car. ANGLE STEVENS As he comes out of the tennis club he sees Michael coming toward him. He instantly dashes toward his car. Michael takes off after him, but is cut off by a car that turns into the parking lot. Stevens fires up his engine and zips away. ANGLE TRANS-AM Michael runs over and hops into Kitt. MICHAEL Let's get him, buddy. OMITTED EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES - THE CHASE Michael pursues Stevens through heavy traffic, down backstreets, and around various obstacles before nailing him. Michael takes him into custody. MICHAEL This time, the ball game really is over. On Michael's ironic smile.... OMITTED FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon, Michael, Bonnie and Flannery are assembled, rehashing the case. FLANNERY I've got to hand it to you. You guys really know your stuff. MICHAEL I hope you were taking notes. FLANNERY Actually, I still can't figure out how you knew it was Stevens pulling the strings. DEVON That was accomplished by a phone call to a member of the board of directors of Delton Micronics. BONNIE Devon learned that a decision had been made in secret to replace Elliot as President of the company. MICHAEL Unfortunately, Stevens had gotten wind of that decision, so he cut a deal to trade Delton's experimental programs to another company in exchange for a future job. FLANNERY But why did he bring in the Foundation if he was the real villain? MICHAEL For one thing, it removed him from suspicion. Besides, he was setting up Julian to take the fall, not only for the rip-offs, but for Connie's murder. BONNIE Hold it a second, now I'm confused. If Stevens was using Connie, why did he kill her? MICHAEL Because he didn't trust her. She was the only person who could implicate him. Stevens showed up at Julian's hotel thinking the final exchange had been made already. What he didn't know was that Julian was going to be late for the meeting. He killed Connie before he realized Julian hadn't made the delivery. DEVON That explains why he removed us from the case. FLANNERY It does? MICHAEL He wanted to find Julian himself. He needed that last program to complete his own deal. So we had Bonnie give it to him. FLANNERY Boy, do I feel stupid. All I thought was going on was a little extra-curricular hanky panky between Connie and Julian. MICHAEL Well, don't feel too bad. Under the circumstances, Julian will probably get off on probation. FLANNERY I hope so. I'll feel guilty until he and Linda are back together. MICHAEL That reminds me, Devon. Julian wanted me to give you this as a little token of his appreciation. Michael takes a package from beside the desk and hands it to Devon who immediately unwraps it. DEVON What is it? What it is is a miniature video game. BONNIE Here, I'll show you. She turns it on and shows Devon how to operate the joystick. He quickly gets the hang of it. DEVON This is rather amusing, isn't it? Michael and Bonnie begin to chuckle. MICHAEL Watch it, Devon, you'll get hooked. DEVON Nonsense. As he continues playing.... FREEZE FRAME: END OF TAG