EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57809 Robert Foster August 5, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 8/16/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 8/18/83 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi Rev. 8/25/83 (F.R.) Rev. 8/27/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER BLIND SPOT by Jackson Gillis __________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. GASTNER AUTO WRECKING YARD - DAY A big operation, with rows and rows of cars, stacked six high. A large crane arches toward a crusher/compacter that's used to reduce entire cars to flattened blocks of metal. Numerous workers man the equipment -- and although we may not immediately notice, all are Latinos. ANGLE ON ALFREDO A Latino foreman, moving through the stacks, barking orders in Spanish at the workers. He approaches a more isolated area of the yard, where the dead cars are stacked, rounds one of those stacks. He stops suddenly as he's confronted by: WIDER ANGLE - MEL AND DUDLEY stocky, muscular men in their early forties, supporting between them the limp body of a young Latino. ALFREDO Celso! Mel and Dudley look up. MEL No problema, Alfredo. Your friend here just can't hold his tequila. Alfredo stares at the inert Celso, starts to approach and Mel stops him with a sharp command. DUDLEY Go back to work! Alfredo pauses, eyeing Celso uncertainly, then slowly turns and heads out of the stacks, gazing back as the three men disappear among the stacks. After a moment, a horrible scream of metal makes Alfredo jump, and he turns to see: ANGLE - AN OLD CAR in the steel claw of the crane, being lifted into the air, swivelled toward and dropped out of view, into the crusher. ANGLE ON ALFREDO His face pained, as we hear the sound of metal scraping against metal, a terrible rending sound, and go to: EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK as the Trans Am pulls up fast and Michael hops out, hurries into the Foundation. MICHAEL'S VOICE I got here as fast as I could. Where's Devon? APRIL'S VOICE Still on the phone. If we hurry.... OMITTED INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon's standing by his desk, jotting down notes as he listens intently to someone on the other end of the phone. He looks up as Michael and April enter, signals them to stand by. DEVON (phone) ...I understand...No, if we agree to accept the case, we'll honor your terms and conditions.... INT. AN OFFICE - DAY - ANGLE ON A LATINO seen from the back, speaking into a telephone. He's obviously terrified, is almost whispering to avoid being overheard. He has only a slight accent. LATINO (phone) ...I have papers, evidence against him...I can't, no...if he finds out he'll kill me.... INT. AN ADJACENT OFFICE - DAY We recognize Mel as he enters the room and may or may not figure out that we're in the Gastner Wrecking Yard office. Mel crosses to a telephone and lifts the receiver to his ear, hears that the line's engaged and begins to hang up. Then, catching a bit of the conversation, he again raises the receiver to his ear, listens. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon scribbling like mad, taking down directions from the mysterious caller. He hands what he's written to Michael, who scans it quickly, "salutes" Devon and leaves. April moves closer to Devon, watching him. DEVON ...I'll have someone there, don't worry. If you'd just give me your name --- From his expression, it's apparent that the caller has hung up. Devon also hangs up. APRIL Devon, how do you know it's not a crank caller? Maybe he's just angry at someone. DEVON He's angry at someone, all right. The difference is the man he's angry at is Louis Gastner. April reacts to the name. INT. OFFICE - DAY The office the Latino phoned from. Mel bursts in, intent on capturing the caller. The office is empty.... CUT TO EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM moving fast through city traffic. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's behind the wheel, wearing a Dodgers baseball cap. K.I.T.T. Gastner...why is that name familiar? MICHAEL The guy's been in the papers for years -- name a crime and he's been accused of it. The problem is nobody's been able to get a conviction on him. K.I.T.T. This 'evidence drop,' as you call it, is all very strange and unorthodox, Michael...so is that cap you're wearing. Michael glances in the rearview mirror, adjusts his cap. MICHAEL It's what the caller ordered, Kitt. Instant ID. All part of the plan. EXT. SHOPPING CENTER MALL - PARKING LOT - DAY As the Trans Am pulls into the lot, we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I don't think I'm going to like this.... INT. TRANS AM Michael scans the parking lot. MICHAEL Relax, it'll be a piece of cake. K.I.T.T. I've heard that before. For instance, when we went up against Goliath. (beat) No, Michael, it's this location. Parking lots depress me. MICHAEL With all these cars? I thought you'd feel right at home. K.I.T.T. It's precisely all these cars that bother me. Here they sit, left in the sweltering sun, for all practical purposes forgotten, while their owners browse in air-conditioned comfort.... Michael checks out the rows of cars. He smiles. MICHAEL Don't take it so personally. K.I.T.T. That's easy for you to say. I happen to be a car, and crimes against cars bother me. MICHAEL Okay, okay. (beat) There's row D. Michael pulls down the row, finds a space and parks. He checks his watch. MICHAEL I've got about two minutes to get across to the mall. You wait for our informant to drop the evidence in the window. K.I.T.T. Now I'm a mobile mailbox. Michael smiles, gets out of the car, leans back in, punches buttons. MICHAEL Devon wants visuals on this, so I'm activating your video camera. And buzz me when he makes the drop. K.I.T.T. Despite what you may think, I'm perfectly capable of handling my responsibilities. MICHAEL Boy, you're touchy today. Wake up on the wrong side of the garage? K.I.T.T. Very funny. Michael tips his hat, heads off. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY - FEATURING MICHAEL as he saunters away from the Trans am, toward the shopping mall, passing by a late model Porsche parked not far from the Trans Am. The darkened window on the driver's side slowly lowers, and inside we see: DUDLEY AND MEL Dudley at the wheel, both watching Michael walk by. Dudley takes out an automatic, checks the clip. Mel checks his watch, scans the parking lot, waiting.... ANGLE ON MICHAEL moving toward his preset destination, a kiosk inside the shopping mall. From here, he can see the Trans Am -- but he's some distance away. EXT. PARKING LOT - FEATURING A BLUE SEDAN pulling in. Behind the wheel is a young man, John Murray. Sitting beside him, wearing lightly tinted sunglasses, is a stunningly pretty young woman, Julie Robinson. In the backseat, we see a golden retriever, named Sugar, her head hanging out the open window. John pulls down row "D," obviously looking for a space. ANGLE ON DUDLEY AND MEL watching the blue sedan, Dudley indicating his watch. He raises the automatic.... INT. K.I.T.T. - ON THE VIDSCREEN Lights flashing, vidscreen activated. We see a video image of John's car pulling past the Trans Am, backing up and taking a space two over from the Trans Am. A sports car parked between the two should effectively block the low- level view K.I.T.T.'s camera has of John's car. We see the door open and John gets out of the car. We hear: JULIE John, where are you going? JOHN I'll be right back. Stay there.... EXT. PARKING LOT - FEATURING THE PORSCHE Dudley and Mel watch John as he moves quickly between cars, looking to his right, then his left, seeming to case the area. Suddenly, he spots the Trans Am and moves decisively toward it. Dudley tenses, starts the Porsche, inches forward. INT. K.I.T.T. The vidscreen showing John as he moves toward the Trans Am. K.I.T.T. (comlink) Michael, I think we've got a visitor. ON MICHAEL by the kiosk, as K.I.T.T.'s voice comes through comlink. MICHAEL (comlink) Gotcha, Kitt. ON THE TRANS AM At this point, we should see John, as well as other ND passersby: an elderly man, a lady with shopping cart, a young man in a jogging suit and a dark-haired young man. As John moves toward the passenger side of the Trans Am, his hand reaching for the door handle.... ANOTHER ANGLE Just as John appears to connect with the Trans Am, the Porsche pulls up and Dudley fires his automatic. The shot hits John and he falls against the Trans Am, then hits the ground. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He runs forward, toward the action. ANGLE AT TRANS AM Mel jumps out of the porsche, runs to the Trans Am and tries to open the door. It's locked, so he reaches through the window. Just as quickly K.I.T.T. powers up the window, nearly clutching his hand. Then: JULIE'S VOICE John? John...! Mel turns, sees Julie climbing out of the blue sedan two cars over, facing directly toward him. At that moment: MICHAEL Hey, you -- stop! Mel whirls to see Michael dashing toward him. He turns and bolts for the Porsche, leaps in and the car peels away. ANGLE TO FEATURE MICHAEL dodging cars, racing toward the fallen John. The passersby stare, horrified, and a shopping mall security guard runs to John. As he's about to lift him, Michael arrives: MICHAEL Don't move him! The guard looks up as Michael kneels, checks John's injury. MICHAEL Call the paramedics! The dark-haired young man in the b.g. yells: DARK-HAIR I'll call them! He sprints away. As the security guard comforts John, Michael circles to the Trans Am, jumps in. ANOTHER ANGLE as the Trans Am backs up at break-neck speed, whirls around and takes off after the Porsche. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY as the Porsche threads its way through the maze of cars, finds an exit, hits the street. A beat later, the Trans Am squeals the wrong way down a one-way row, barely missing a car and fishtailing out onto the street. EXT. STREET - DAY The Porsche's got enough of a head start to give K.I.T.T. something to go for. The traffic is heavy enough to provide some obstacles, but Dudley handles the Porsche with panache. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael negotiates the same traffic. They're moving fast. K.I.T.T. I suppose this is your idea of 'a piece of cake?' MICHAEL Thanks for the reminder, smart guy. (beat) Let's get some history on his plates. Michael punches the appropriate buttons, and on the vid- screen, we see the Porsche and as we zoom in on the rear plates, we go to: ANGLE AT CATERING TRUCK several people, including a motorcycle cop, Officer Gray. He's just gotten a donut and cup of coffee when the Porsche flashes by. Torn, he nevertheless dumps coffee and donut into a trash container and runs to his bike. Just then the Trans Am flashes by. Could be a bank robbery! He leaps on his bike, winces as delicate parts are sat upon, hits the starter: nothing. Hits it again...and, finally, it catches. He shoots away. THE PORSCHE ON THE STREET roaring toward an intersection, light turning yellow. Congestion, including a large dump truck waiting to move through the intersection. ANGLE ON THE STREET as the Porsche hits the intersection, the light turns red. The Porsche runs the light, weasels around the dump truck and barely misses a school bus which is forced to stop beyond the dump truck, completely blocking through traffic. The Porsche tears away up the street. A beat later, the Trans Am approaches the intersection. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael sees the dump truck dominating the intersection. He's moving toward it at high speed. MICHAEL Kitt, are we clear to Turbo Boost? K.I.T.T. No, Michael...there's a school bus trapped behind the truck! EXT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael hits the brakes and goes into a broadside skid into the intersection, coming to a stop just feet from the dump truck. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael takes a deep breath, then slowly drives the car out of the intersection. The light turns green and the dump truck begins to move, then the bus, the drivers of both shouting MOS insults out the window. MICHAEL Can you pick 'em up with your scanner? K.I.T.T. They're out of range. I'm afraid we've lost them, Michael. MICHAEL Them and ten years off my life. A beat as Michael pulls away from the scene of the skid, then: ANGLE ON OFFICER GRAY tearing into the intersection screeching his bike to a stop. He looks around, confused. Where'd everybody go? EXT. WRECKING YARD - DAY - CLOSE ON PORSCHE dangling in the air, about to be caught in the steel jaws of the crane's claw. Over the whine of the crane, we hear: DUDLEY'S VOICE You know how I feel about that car.... Camera adjusts to reveal Dudley, Mel and Louis Gastner. Dudley is visibly upset. GASTNER It's potentially incriminating evidence. DUDLEY Yeah, but it's my car. I love that car. I hand wax it every weekend.... MEL Changes the oil himself, too. DUDLEY Look, Mr. Gastner, gimme a break. I'll stash it. I'll have my brother drive it over the state line. Gastner debates, signals the operator to stop; the Porsche dangles helplessly above the crusher. GASTNER Okay, stash it. Stash it good. Dudley nods, relieved. GASTNER I want that evidence -- and the guy who stole it, whoever he is. You understand me? They nod, sincere. GASTNER You shot a guy...left an eyewitness. Said so yourself -- She looked right at you. (beat) You screwed up. That's human. I'm forgiving...that's me. All heart... (suddenly cold) To a point. I want the eyewitness. With that, Gastner turns and strides quickly toward the office. MEL That was a close one. DUDLEY We'd better find that girl. OMITTED EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY The Trans Am pulls in and parks. Michael climbs out of the car, leans in, addressing K.I.T.T.: MICHAEL You going to be okay in this parking lot? K.I.T.T. This is a hospital, not a shopping center. By definition, there's a valid reason for every car here. I'm quite comfortable, thank you. MICHAEL Anything to keep you happy. Michael heads for the entrance. OMITTED INT. HOSPITAL - NURSES' STATION - DAY A uniformed cop's hanging out near the station and not far from him is Julie Robinson, still in her tinted sunglasses, pacing near a large sofa in the waiting section. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he approaches. He sees a nurse, pauses to ask an MOS question. The nurse indicates Julie. Michael approaches her. MICHAEL Excuse me...Julie Robinson? Julie doesn't turn, but she's obviously listening. MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. No response. MICHAEL I'm the one John was supposed to meet in the parking lot today.... She faces him, confused. JULIE John didn't say anything about meeting anyone. MICHAEL Whether he said anything or not, he had some evidence to deliver. I checked with the paramedics, the hospital -- no one knows anything about it. JULIE I really don't know what you're talking about. John and I were going shopping and someone just ...shot him. For no reason.... Julie looks as if she may cry, stubbornly wills it away. MICHAEL Look, I know this doesn't seem like the right time to be asking you questions, but you were there. You must've seen where he hid the evidence.... Michael's interrupted by the Nurse. NURSE Miss Robinson? The doctor's with John now if you'd like to see him. JULIE Thank you. Julie turns away from Michael, toward the sofa. JULIE Sugar? There's a movement beyond the sofa and a golden retriever comes forward. As we see the dog (seen earlier in the blue sedan), and the dog's harness, we realize, as Michael does...that Julie's blind. ANOTHER ANGLE as the dog moves skillfully beside Julie, the harness sliding perfectly into her grasp. She walks the dog up the hall, disappearing from view. We hold on Michael watching her leave, stunned, and then: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY Michael comes out of the hospital, crosses to the Trans Am and climbs in. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael talks to K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, I sense something is bothering you. MICHAEL Our eyewitness to the shooting is blind. K.I.T.T. But she moved with such certainty, surely I would've noticed.... MICHAEL Hard to say, pal. She also insists that John Murray had nothing to do with the evidence drop. K.I.T.T. Do you believe her? MICHAEL We'll see. Let's hang out for a minute...She should be out soon. (beat) How'd you do on the Porsche? In the b.g., we see a motorcycle cop pull to a stop in front of the hospital. We recognize Officer Gray as he climbs off his bike, crosses toward the hospital. K.I.T.T. The car in question is registered to a David Dudley. Insofar as it was involved in an attempted homicide, shouldn't we share this information with the police? MICHAEL The man called the Foundation because he couldn't go to the police. We've got to honor that confidence. Michael sees Julie and Sugar appearing through the glass hospital doors, approaching to exit. K.I.T.T. I doubt I'll ever grasp this human need for secrets. EXT. HOSPITAL ENTRANCE - DAY as Officer Gray jumps to open the doors and holds them for her and Sugar. JULIE Thank you. GRAY You're welcome. She smiles, exits the hospital and the doors flap back in Gray's face. We follow Julie as she heads into the parking lot, Sugar walking in perfect step at her side. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael watches Julie. She pauses to rummage through her purse and Sugar sits obediently, her harness effec- tively hidden from sight by Julie's body. K.I.T.T. Michael! There's a car approaching at high speed! Michael turns to see: AN ND SEDAN roaring across the parking lot, directly toward Julie. Mel's at the wheel, Dudley's beside him. OMITTED ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM as Michael whips it into gear, squealing out of the space, races toward Julie. Just in time he reaches Julie, K.I.T.T. between her and the oncoming car. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - WIDER as Mel, eyes wide with surprise, swerves to the left. Sensing trouble, Sugar pulls Julie away. She loses her balance, stumbles and falls to the asphalt, the contents of her purse emptying everywhere. INT. SEDAN - DAY squirreling away from the Trans Am, heading out of the lot, Dudley staring back. DUDLEY That girl -- she's blind! MEL You sure?! DUDLEY Sure as I'm sitting here. So much for our 'eyewitness.' OMITTED EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY The Trans Am screeches to a halt and Michael jumps out, runs to Julie. She rubs her skinned knees, struggles to gather her fallen belongings. Sugar stands protectively at her side, wags her tail as she sees Michael. MICHAEL Are you all right? JULIE Most of me. Thanks for cutting that maniac off. MICHAEL You know what happened? JULIE A car was coming at me from there. (points) You seemed to come at me from over there... (points, then a beat) You must be some driver, Michael Knight. MICHAEL And you don't miss a trick. How'd you know it was me? JULIE I heard you. Could you hand me my wallet? She points at her wallet, lying behind Michael. He spots it, grins, impressed with Julie's ability. He hands her the wallet. She's already on her feet. MICHAEL You're a pretty remarkable lady. Julie grabs Michael's hand, tilts her face up at him. JULIE It wasn't an accident, was it? MICHAEL Didn't look like it to me. I think whoever tried to kill John thinks you're an eyewitness -- just like I did. (glances after departed car) I wonder if they still do... (beat) C'mon, I'll give you a lift home. JULIE Well...you do sound all right. MICHAEL With ears like yours, I figure that's a compliment. Julie manages a smile. Michael begins to "walk" her toward the Trans Am and she gently -- but firmly -- indicates that she can find her own way, with Sugar. NEW ANGLE as Michael, Julie and Sugar reach the Trans Am and Michael opens the passenger door. Sugar immediately jumps in. K.I.T.T. clears his throat. MICHAEL Sorry, pal, I know how you feel about dogs as passengers, but this one's real well-trained. K.I.T.T. Training is one thing...obeying is quite another. JULIE You've got a computer in your car! MICHAEL The computer is the car. Introduce yourself, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Robinson. Julie listens intently to the sound of K.I.T.T.'s voice. Even Sugar cocks her head slightly. JULIE A talking car! Now it's my turn to be impressed. (beat) Kitt, is it? What an intriguing voice. A little too much gain in your tweeter, and a slight metallic ring to your bass.... K.I.T.T. (concerned) Do you really think so? Michael laughs and they pull away as we: CUT TO EXT. JULIE'S CONDOMINIUM - DAY The Trans Am pulls to a stop in front of the attractive, two-story dwelling. Julie's door opens and she and Sugar are heading for the stairs before Michael can reach them. He smiles, follows. INT. JULIE'S CONDO - DAY The door opens and Julie and Sugar enter, followed by Michael. The living room is full of light, furniture covered with canvas -- this is clearly an art studio. There are attractive paintings on the walls and sculpture materials and tools neatly arranged for easy access. As Michael eyes the artwork, Julie heads into a small, open kitchenette, moving for all intents and purposes like a fully sighted person. Her nimble hands prepare Sugar's dinner as Michael pauses in front of an attractive painting of a dog. MICHAEL This looks like Sugar. Julie crosses toward him, obviously knowing the painting. JULIE Sugar wasn't even born when I painted that. MICHAEL You...? JULIE I lost my sight when I was seventeen. I painted until then. Now, with John's help, I sculpt. MICHAEL Then you two are close.... JULIE (beat) Close? In ways, yes.... MICHAEL Julie, why did John bring you to that shopping center at that particular time? JULIE We were going to buy supplies at the art store. At that particular time. You still don't believe me, do you? MICHAEL It's not that I don't believe you -- but isn't it possible that John didn't tell you his real reason for being there? JULIE No. MICHAEL How can you be so sure? JULIE The same way I knew you didn't believe me -- I could hear it in your voice. I'd've known if John was worried or anxious -- no, it's just not possible. MICHAEL Then why was John reaching for my car? JULIE What makes you think he was? MICHAEL I saw him. JULIE Seeing isn't necessarily knowing, or understanding. This stops Michael up short. Julie's obviously upset. JULIE I heard a shot ring out. I could feel John was hurt and all I could do was stand there, helpless.... Michael sees the anguish that the word "helpless" holds for Julie. He thinks, tries a new tack: MICHAEL I've got a video of what happened today. Maybe you ought to take a look at it. She looks up at him, evaluating him. MICHAEL Maybe you'd hear -- or feel -- some- thing I'd miss. Julie waits a beat, head cocked. Then, she nods and we: CUT TO OMITTED INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT - CLOSE ON THE TV MONITOR where we see the video tape of our opening sequence. We pick up the action as John's car pulls in and parks. JULIE'S VOICE John, where are you going? JOHN'S VOICE I'll be right back. Stay there. Julie nods as she listens, turns to the others. JULIE John was going after Sugar, my dog. She didn't have her harness on and when John opened the door, she slipped out. Devon and Michael exchange a look. DEVON Miss Robinson, Sugar's not in the picture. JULIE But she has to be. I can hear her! Could you back up the tape...? Michael reverses the machine, adjusts the volume. Against the b.g. noise, we hear a faint sound that could be a bark. JULIE There she is...hear her? Suddenly, Michael points to the monitor, pushes "pause." MICHAEL Wait a minute...what's that? On the screen, we see John moving past the cars, and in a corner of the frame is the tip of Sugar's tail sticking up past a parked car. DEVON A dog's tail.... She smiles, as do the others. At that moment, April enters the room while Michael reactivates the tape. APRIL I've run every possible check on John Murray. He's clean. Julie nods knowingly. DEVON The man who called me had a Spanish accent. Is John a Latino? JULIE (smiles) He's Irish. On the tape, the shot rings out. We hear the dialogue. MICHAEL'S VOICE Don't move him! Call the paramedics! DARK-HAIR'S VOICE I'll call them! Julie suddenly sits forward. JULIE If you're looking for a Latino, there he is! He runs the tape back. Once more: DARK-HAIR'S VOICE I'll call them! MICHAEL (to Devon) He does have an accent.... On the screen, we zoom in on the dark-haired man, but his back is to us as he moves away. APRIL I'll try to blow it up, but we'll lose some clarity. DEVON Do what you can, April. April rewinds the tape, Devon addresses Michael and Julie. DEVON Thank you, Miss Robinson. You're an excellent 'eye' witness. She smiles and we: CUT TO EXT. GASTNER'S WRECKING YARD - DAY The Trans Am pulls in and parks. It's a beehive of activity -- the crane is busily feeding another car to the crusher and everywhere are Latino employees. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael stares at the yard around him. K.I.T.T. It's worse than I imagined. MICHAEL Awful lot of guys with Spanish accents, huh? K.I.T.T. No, that machine. That horrible machine. Look what it's doing. Michael eyes the crusher, a little awestruck by its power. MICHAEL And you thought parking lots were bad. K.I.T.T. I fail to see the logic of what we're doing here. MICHAEL Trying a long shot, pal -- maybe we'll get lucky. K.I.T.T. Michael, is it true? MICHAEL (getting out) What? K.I.T.T. Too much gain in my tweeter and a metallic ring to my bass.... MICHAEL (smiles) I wouldn't worry about it, Kitt. You sound fine to me. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael climbs out, crosses toward the office. A red Cadillac is parked in front. Gastner comes out of the office. He eyes the Trans Am, then Michael, with equal mistrust. GASTNER Yeah? Michael sizes Gastner up with thinly concealed distaste. MICHAEL I'm looking for a guy named Dudley -- Dave Dudley. He brought his Porsche by my place last week, wanted to trade it for my car. Michael indicates K.I.T.T. and the scanner flashes. MICHAEL Thought I might take him up on his offer, Mr.... GASTNER Gastner. Nobody named Dudley works here. MICHAEL You sure? GASTNER Yeah. But if you find him, take him up on his offer. You'll be getting the best end of the deal. INT. TRANS AM K.I.T.T.'s dash lights flash. K.I.T.T. (offended) Spoken like a true barbarian. Michael appears, climbs in. MICHAEL Did you say something? K.I.T.T. I certainly did. That awful man is an insult to the human race and the automotive industry. He belongs behind bars. MICHAEL (starts the engine) No arguments from me there... (beat, pauses) He seemed pretty sure of himself. I've got an idea Dudley and his pal realized Julie is blind.... K.I.T.T. Then we're back to square one. MICHAEL (thinking) Maybe not. (punches buttons) Give me all you've got on David Dudley -- personal habits, hobbies, friends -- the works. K.I.T.T.'s computer lights flash. Michael puts K.I.T.T. in gear and pulls out. OMITTED EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY Michael, Julie and Sugar exit and approach the Trans Am, which is parked out front. MICHAEL The way John's improving, he should be able to talk soon. JULIE (nods; beat) I'm still not sure I understand your plan. I thought you were after Gastner. MICHAEL We are. But as long as Dudley and his buddy are running interference for him, we've got to nail them first. JULIE But they know I'm blind. MICHAEL You said it yourself, Julie -- 'seeing isn't necessarily knowing or understanding.' He smiles, opens K.I.T.T.'s door for her. Sugar jumps in. MICHAEL Don't worry, Kitt'll take care of you. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. PARK - DAY Dudley and Mel toss a football, their dates a short dis- tance away on a blanket listening to rock 'n roll on a radio and gossiping. FEATURE THE TRANS AM ACROSS THE PARK Julie's behind the wheel, hands gripping it. As she becomes more accustomed to "driving," she relaxes more. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY JULIE Am I doing all right, Kitt? K.I.T.T. With a little more practice we could enter the Indy 500. JULIE (laughs) Flatterer. OMITTED ANGLE ON MEL AND DUDLEY as Mel, ready to throw, spots Julie. He stares, points. MEL Dave, look -- the blind broad! DUDLEY (stares) I thought you said she was blind! MEL You said she was! Dudley and Mel run for their car parked nearby. They floor the sedan and take off after the Trans Am, tearing across the park. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY as K.I.T.T. picks up speed. K.I.T.T. I believe Michael's ploy is working. JULIE Good. Pedal to the metal, Kitt. EXT. PARK - DAY K.I.T.T. leads the sedan on a chase through the park, dodging plants and other obstacles, heading toward a more sparsely-populated area. ANGLE ON OFFICER GRAY He is buying a hotdog from a vendor, ready to bite into it when he sees Julie. He drops the hotdog, runs to his bike. GRAY (radio) This is 42786, Officer Peter Gray. I've just spotted a blind girl driving a car...please advise. RADIO VOICE A blind girl? You'd better see your optometrist, 42786. The voice clicks off as the sedan flies past in pursuit. Gray starts his bike. ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM AND SEDAN K.I.T.T. tears around a curve and suddenly brakes sharply, skidding to a stop in a deserted picnic area. In the b.g., we see a lone jogger in a sweatsuit with hood, apparently oblivious to the action as he approaches. The dust still hasn't settled when Mel and Dudley skid to a stop behind the Trans Am. OMITTED ANGLE - WIDER - MEL AND DUDLEY climb out of their car, Dudley wielding a baseball bat. MEL Looks like the little lady's run out of gas. DUDLEY Run out of luck, too. They run to the Trans Am, try the door handles and find them locked as Julie "looks" at them through the window. Dudley raises the bat high and slams it against the driver's window. The bat splinters and Dudley and Mel stare at it with awe. They stage an all-out attack on the Trans Am, bat swinging, Mel slamming rocks and whatever else's available against car and window. ANOTHER ANGLE as suddenly, K.I.T.T. backs up, directly onto Mel's foot. He lets out a howl -- he's pinned in place. DUDLEY What're you yelling for?! MEL The car moved! It's got my foot! He crosses to help Mel and they struggle with the boot -- then suddenly, the jogger appears behind them and we see it's Michael. Dudley takes a swing at him and Michael ducks, grabs Dudley and judo-flips him to the ground. OMITTED ANGLE - WIDER At that moment, Officer Gray rides his motorcycle into the picnic area, jumps off, gun drawn. Seeing Michael over Dudley, Mel, pinned by the car, a grinning Julie climbing out of the Trans Am and Sugar poking her head out of the window is too much for him. GRAY Somebody's under arrest. On Michael's grin, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY - CLOSE ON MONITOR We see several 8 x 10 photos, all of the same dark-haired young man from the video tapes. All are either out of focus or show angles which do not reveal the man's identity. We widen to see April watching Michael as he in turn eyes the photos. Finally, he shakes his head. MICHAEL I can't identify him, April. Look at that -- it could just as easily be me. APRIL (nods) I know. I'm sorry, Michael. It's the best I could do. Michael frowns at the monitor as Devon enters, looking aggravated. DEVON Well, your plan may not pay off. The police have questioned Dudley and Mel to no avail, the sportscar you described has disappeared and there's simply no concrete evidence linking them to John Murray's shooting. MICHAEL At least we've kept them out of action for twenty-four hours. The telephone rings and April answers it. APRIL Hello? (smiles) Hi, Julie...That's wonderful...sure, I'll tell him. Bye. (to them) Good news. John's regained conscious- ness. DEVON That is good news. MICHAEL Maybe we've got an eyewitness after all. He hurries out of the room. OMITTED EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM heading toward the hospital where John's now recovering. INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T. clears his throat, then: K.I.T.T. Michael, I've been thinking. If I adjusted my bass... (in a deep, rich voice) ...an octave or so, perhaps it might sound more... (very deep) ...mellow. What do you think? MICHAEL Kitt, stop worrying about your voice. It's fine. I like it just the way it is. K.I.T.T. You wouldn't fib to me, would you? MICHAEL Never. A beat, then: K.I.T.T. Michael, I've been thinking about David Dudley's sportscar. I'm afraid it may have met with a dreadful end. MICHAEL I don't follow you. K.I.T.T. It's occured to me that insofar as the car is essentially evidence in the shooting, those hoodlums may have disposed of it in that crusher at the wrecking yard. MICHAEL That'd really make a compact out of it. K.I.T.T. I fail to see the humor in that. It's a most humiliating way to go, transformed into a tin can. MICHAEL I'll remember that next time I have sardines. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael. Sometimes you're so insensitive. Michael grins. EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY The Trans Am drives in and parks. INT. HOSPITAL - JOHN'S ROOM - DAY Michael's sitting at the foot of John's bed. John's pale, obviously still sedated, in some pain. MICHAEL I'm sorry you got caught up in this, John. JOHN (shrugging) Just a matter of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was trying to help Julie and she was telling me not to. That's the way it is with us. MICHAEL Where is she? JOHN (smiling) Probably in the cafeteria telling them how to cook my food. John's distracted by Julie, who walks into the room carrying a vase full of flowers. He beams at her. JOHN Thanks, Julie. They're beautiful. JULIE Smell good, too. She holds the flowers out for John to smell. He takes her hand as he smells, holds it. She pulls away from him and as she does a look of disappointment crosses John's face. Michael notices it, covers by speaking: MICHAEL John, we're putting this puzzle together, but we're still missing a couple of pieces.... JOHN I don't know how I can help, but if I can.... MICHAEL Right after you were shot, a man called the paramedics...a Latino. JOHN Yeah...yeah, I think I remember him. One minute he was coming toward me, like he was going to help catch Sugar, then he was gone. MICHAEL We think he's the key to this whole thing...would you recognize him if you saw him again? John shakes his head. JOHN I don't think so...no. I was paying more attention to Sugar. Then, when I got shot...everything just went black. I'm sorry. Michael nods, disappointed. A silent moment. JULIE Visiting hours are almost over. Michael nods. JOHN (to Julie) I was hoping you could stay a little longer. Michael starts to say something, but Julie's already in motion toward the door. JULIE You get some rest. I'll be back later. John reaches out, takes her hand. She squeezes it briefly, then exits. Michael turns to John. MICHAEL Thanks, John. Hang in there. John nods, his eyes on Julie. As Michael exits, we go to: OMITTED EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY as Michael, walking with Julie and Sugar, heads for the Trans Am. JULIE Where're you going? MICHAEL The wrecking yard. I'm going to try to find out which one of the Latino workers speaks English. JULIE Good idea. We'll talk to every one of them if we have to. MICHAEL Look, I appreciate your help, but maybe you should've stayed with John. JULIE (shaking her head) He's doing fine. Besides, you don't know who you're looking for, but I know exactly what he sounds like. (smiling) Face it...you need me. MICHAEL You're right...I do. (beat) But, I don't think I'm the only one.... Julie's smile fades quickly, but she doesn't respond. Instead, she deftly opens the door to the Trans Am and she and Sugar climb in. As she closes the door, we hold on Michael a beat, then: CUT TO EXT. TRANS AM - DAY moving through traffic, toward the wrecking yard. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Suddenly, we hear K.I.T.T., speaking in a clipped, very precise voice: K.I.T.T. 'Now is the winter of my discontent, made glorious summer by the sun of York...' MICHAEL Say what? K.I.T.T. Shakespeare. I wanted Julie to hear the tonal purity of my voice.... JULIE Nice, Kitt, very nice...but do I detect a slight reverberation in your tremble? K.I.T.T. That does it. My tweeters are sealed. Julie laughs, turns toward Michael. He seems lost in thought. JULIE Something's bothering you.... MICHAEL Can't hide much from you, can I? JULIE This time it's simple female intui- tion. What's wrong? MICHAEL Nothing's wrong. I'm just...curious. JULIE About? MICHAEL You and John. Julie stiffens slightly, becomes a little distant, cool. JULIE (shaking her head) I told you, Michael, we're.... MICHAEL 'Close in ways,' I know. (beat) I wonder if that's how John sees it. JULIE (smiles) No pun intended. MICHAEL (smiles) None intended. (beat) Maybe you've got a blind spot, Julie -- a blind spot that's got nothing to do with whether you can see or not.... JULIE (beat) Go on.... MICHAEL I get the feeling you're so busy proving you don't need anybody, you're overlooking someone who needs you. Who loves you very much.... Julie just listens without responding. As she does, we: CUT TO EXT. GASTNER WRECKING YARD - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as it pulls into the yard, moves slowly toward the work area outside the office. We see a number of Latinos in the yard. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael parks the car, pushes some buttons on the dash panel. MICHAEL Is Gastner around, Kitt? ANGLE ON MONITOR as a picture of Gastner's red Cadillac appears, with a red line through it. We hear Michael's voice as he laughs. INT. TRANS AM - DAY The picture vanishes from the monitor. MICHAEL Kitt's not talking...but Gastner's car isn't here. Michael starts to climb out of the car. JULIE Be careful. This place feels... dangerous. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael moves toward the workers. Among them, we see Ramon. The men see Michael coming toward them, exchange uneasy looks. MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. I work for the Foundation for Law and Government.... The Latino workers stare at Michael impassively. No one utters a word. Michael stares at them, waiting. Nothing. MICHAEL Louis Gastner's a bad man, you know that...one of you called the Foundation for help...we're still here, we can still help.... Still no response from the men. MICHAEL But, you've got to help us...tell us what you know...come forward and identify yourself.... Suddenly a Voice booms through a bullhorn: VOICE Regresa a trabajar imediatamente! Michael glances around as the men begin to slowly disperse. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM as Julie leans forward, listening intently. JULIE Kitt, that voice over the bullhorn ...that's him! K.I.T.T. Are you positive, Julie? JULIE Absolutely, Kitt. EXT. YARD - ON MICHAEL as we hear K.I.T.T. via the comlink: K.I.T.T. Michael, Julie's identified the man with the bullhorn.... Michael glances over to see: ALFREDO standing on the runningboard of the crane. He glances over, sees Michael staring at him. Quickly, he jumps down, hurries across the yard. ANOTHER ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL starting after Alfredo. MICHAEL Hey...wait a minute! Stop...! Alfredo breaks into a run. As Michael starts after him, a group of Latinos start to move into his path. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, run some interference for me.... ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM firing up, peeling out, driving toward the Latinos. The men look up, startled, at the driverless car, Julie inside. K.I.T.T. roars up, drives between Michael and the men, screeches to a halt. As Michael sprints after Alfredo, some of the Latinos try to get around K.I.T.T., but he keeps them at bay. We hear: K.I.T.T. Easy on the paint job, hombres.... With that, the men back off and stare at the car in wonder, several of them crossing themselves hastily. ANGLE ON ALFREDO moving through the yard, with Michael right on his heels. Without much trouble, Michael catches him, grabs him by the arm. Alfredo struggles to escape. MICHAEL Hey, slow down...C'mon, I'm on your side. All I want to do is talk... (into comlink) Over here, Kitt.... As K.I.T.T. comes roaring up, Alfredo stares, frightened, first at K.I.T.T., then at Michael. As Michael puts Alfredo into the car: MICHAEL Thanks, Julie...you too, pal. Good job. CUT TO OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY A frightened Alfredo's in the backseat with Sugar, who seems to be partial to him. Julie's grinning like the cat who swallowed a canary. ALFREDO You make a terrible mistake. My name's Alfredo Diaz and I work for Mr. Gastner ten years. I'm an honest man. MICHAEL I'm sure you are. That's why you came to us in the first place...and that's why I'm here now. Alfredo eyes Michael nervously, but doesn't respond. JULIE He's the one, Michael. The more he talks, the more sure I am. Michael glances back at Alfredo. MICHAEL Alfredo, if you called the Foundation you must've been desperate. We're ready to help. Why not let us? Alfredo doesn't answer. K.I.T.T. Allow me, Michael. (beat) Solamente queremos ayudarle. Alfredo clams up. MICHAEL Maybe Devon'll have more luck. EXT. JULIE'S CONDO - DAY The Trans Am stops and Michael walks Julie and Sugar to the stairs. JULIE That poor man must be frightened to death. MICHAEL It's for his own good. Gastner'd do a lot more than scare him if he'd found him first. ANGLE ON TRANS AM Alfredo is sunk down in the backseat, staring sullenly out the window. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND JULIE Michael and Julie stop at the foot of the stairs. Sugar's at Julie's heel. MICHAEL I really don't like leaving you alone. Julie pats Sugar on the head. JULIE I'm not alone. I've got Sugar. MICHAEL You'll be at the hospital later, right? And you've got my number at the Foundation if you need me. (beat) Lock the door. Don't open it for anyone. Julie nods then as Michael turns to go, speaks slowly, thoughtfully. JULIE I've been thinking about what you said...about my 'blind spot.' Maybe it's true...maybe I've been trying so hard to be independent I haven't left room for anyone else in my life. She takes Michael's hand, squeezes it, turns and starts up the stairs. Michael smiles, watching her, then turns and leaves. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK The Trans Am's parked out front. DEVON'S VOICE You said you had evidence of Gastner's criminal activities. Why won't you talk to us about it now? You're safe here.... INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael, Devon and April strive to crack the taciturn Alfredo, who's still battling his conscience and his fears. ALFREDO We're never safe. He would kill me. Like he killed Celso.... MICHAEL Celso? Alfredo looks up at Michael, pained by what he will say. ALFREDO A man from Guadeloupe. They told me he was drunk, but he was dead. They put his body in a car, and they put the car in the crusher.... He stops, horrified by the memory. April, Michael, and Devon are equally as moved. MICHAEL Why did Gastner kill him? Alfredo hesitates again, clearly frightened. Devon steps up to him. DEVON Alfredo, the Foundation exists to help anyone who needs it, anyone who feels a wrong must be righted...you know that. We'll protect you. ALFREDO (after a long beat) Gastner brings people in across the border to work for him. He gives us money we must pay back with interest. The more we earn, the more we owe. Celso -- he refused to pay. Then he threatened to go to the police...he was proud -- too proud. APRIL The evidence you have on Gastner -- where is it now? Alfredo lowers his eyes. ALFREDO I have it hidden. I'll get it for you. At that moment the telephone rings. April answers it. APRIL Hello? Yes? (beat) What?! When? Michael and Devon watch her. April is highly distressed. APRIL Yes, I understand. Thanks for calling. She hangs up the phone. APRIL Dudley and Mel were formally charged with attempted assault. Bail was set and Gastner posted it before the ink was dry. The significance of this strikes Michael and he's out the door. On their reactions: INT. JULIE'S CONDO - DAY - ANGLE ON SUGAR Sugar's lying near the front door, gnawing a bone. Suddenly she raises her head, turns toward the door, whimpers. WIDER ANGLE as Julie enters the room, senses Sugar's reaction. JULIE What is it, Sugar? Someone at the door? There's a soft knock at the door. Julie comes to it, pauses. JULIE Michael? There's another knock. Before Julie can open the door, it's kicked open. ANGLE ON DUDLEY AND MEL move quickly on Julie and as she realizes what's happening and begins to scream, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. JULIE'S CONDO - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as it screeches to a stop in front and Michael jumps out, runs to the front door. He rings the bell, waits an impatient beat, then tries the doorknob. The door swings open. INT. JULIE'S CONDO - DAY Michael looks around at the apparent emptiness. A few things have been knocked over by Julie's struggle. MICHAEL Julie? From O.S. he hears a muted crying and scratching. He crosses to the bedroom door, opens it and Sugar comes out, whining and jumping. Michael kneels to stroke her. MICHAEL I'll bring her back, girl. I promise. And he runs out. OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as it moves fast through city traffic, heading toward the wrecking yard. INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T.'s dashboard lights flash. K.I.T.T. Did you know it takes less than sixty seconds to destroy an auto- mobile in a crusher, Michael? MICHAEL (preoccupied) Hadn't thought about it, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Well, I have. (beat) And, in case you didn't know it, another name for a wrecking yard is an 'auto graveyard.' How tasteless and insensitive.... MICHAEL Don't get yourself worked up.... As K.I.T.T. responds, his voice grows louder, deeper, more powerful, surprising both K.I.T.T. and Michael. K.I.T.T. I have a perfect right to get worked up, Michael...this man Gastner is a despicable human being...!! (surprised) My goodness, I didn't know I had that in me. I wish Julie had heard it.... MICHAEL Soon as she's safe, you can do an encore, buddy.... CUT TO EXT. GASTNER WRECKING YARD - DAY - ON THE OFFICE where we see Gastner's Cadillac parked. The trunk's open and as we watch, Gastner comes out of the office lugging a suitcase which he loads in the trunk. A moment later, Mel follows with Julie, who's tied and gagged. GASTNER You idiot! Some 'eyewitness.' MEL She was driving that car. We saw her plain as day. Gastner looks at Mel, then at Julie, thinking. GASTNER Her boyfriend doesn't know anything, or the cops would've been all over us by now. MEL Yeah, but who knows what Alfredo gave 'em? GASTNER That's why I'm clearing out... (looking at Julie) ...and she's going to be my insurance. Gastner takes Julie by the arm to put her in the Cadillac. She breaks away, tries to run, but Mel's on her. Just then, Dudley comes running up, breathless. DUDLEY The guy in the black car...he's headed this way! GASTNER (shouting) Ramon...! (beat) Ramon! Aqui! As Ramon and several of the other Latinos hurry across the yard, we go to: OMITTED EXT. STREET - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM speeding toward the front gates, which are wide open. OMITTED EXT. WRECKING YARD - DAY as the Trans Am skids to a stop in the middle of the yard. A beat, then, Ramon and the other Latinos dart out of the shadows and surround the Trans Am, forming a human barrier, holding them in. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael looks out at the circle of Latin workers. MICHAEL Look at that -- a welcoming committee. K.I.T.T. I'd have settled for a red carpet. MICHAEL Scan the smashed cars. I'm going to be neighborly.... EXT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T.'s scanner activates and Michael climbs out of the car to face the silent, menacing crowd around him. A beat, then Dudley approaches, holding a gun. Michael scans the yard to see: MEL seated at the controls of the crane, hands moving nervously, and: GASTNER AND JULIE He's at the crusher's controls, maintaining a firm grip on Julie. Her head is cocked as if listening, then Michael calls out: MICHAEL'S VOICE Julie! Are you all right? Julie struggles, but can't answer. ANGLE ON THE WRECKING YARD Dudley moves quickly through the circle of workers enclosing Michael and the Trans Am. He frisks Michael roughly as the Latinos watch. DUDLEY He's not armed. Dudley again pushes Michael roughly. The Latinos exchange uneasy looks, begin to speak softly among themselves. Even with the gun in his hand, the mumbling makes Dudley uncom- fortable. MICHAEL Let the girl go, Gastner. It's all over. GASTNER You gotta be dreaming -- all over? Because of some flimsy evidence and the word of an illegal alien? Suddenly, K.I.T.T. speaks. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've located human remains in one of the compacted automobiles. Dudley whirls at the sound of the voice, aiming his gun at the Trans Am. DUDLEY Who said that? He peers into the car, sees it's empty. Michael turns to the Latinos. Their muttering increases in volume. Not even Ramon, eyeing the Trans Am in awe, tries to stop them. Instead, he translates as Michael points toward the stacks of cars. MICHAEL Your friend Celso Diaz died here, in the crusher. Gastner and his men murdered him, because he spoke out against their cruelty. Because he fought back.... GASTNER Don't listen to him! He's lying! MICHAEL (urgently) Now you've got to fight for yourselves. Don't be afraid...you're not alone.... RAMON Is that true, Mr. Gastner? You said Celso went back to his family in Mexico.... The buzz in the crowd builds. Gastner hears it, shouts: GASTNER Shut him up! Dudley slams the butt of his gun against the back of Michael's head, knocking him unconscious. The Latinos begin to move in and Dudley shoves Michael into the Trans Am, trains his gun on the advancing workers. DUDLEY Get back! GASTNER Mel! ANGLE ON MEL IN THE CRANE The machine comes to life and its long arm and claw swing toward the Trans Am. Seeing the claw coming, the Latinos move away from the car, as their newly awakened courage flees. Michael's slumped over in the car, still uncon- scious, and we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! Michael, I need you! Michael doesn't move as the claw closes over the car's roof and lifts the Trans Am high into the air. The crane arches across the lot, carrying the Trans Am -- then drops the car into the crusher. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY The jolt stirs Michael and he looks blurrily around, trying to figure out what's going on, where he is. Blood trickles from his wound. K.I.T.T. Michael...you've regained conscious- ness. MICHAEL Where are we? Kitt? K.I.T.T. At the end of the line -- we're inside the compactor. MICHAEL The compactor?! From outside comes a terrible metallic screeching. OMITTED EXT. WRECKING YARD Gastner shoves Julie into the Cadillac, slams the door and hurries back into the office. Across the yard, we see Dudley and Mel watching the compactor close in on the Trans Am. Around them, the Latino workers also stare, their horror growing. They glance, with growing hostility, at Mel and Dudley. Their mutterings grow, suddenly turn and start moving on the two men. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - FEATURE MEL AND DUDLEY as they react to the approaching mob. Dudley tries to raise his gun, but it's too late. The Latinos swarm over them, and we go back to: INT. TRANS AM The noise is deafening. The compactor begins pressing against the Trans Am. Michael's pushing buttons franti- cally. K.I.T.T. My worst nightmares are being realized, Michael! I can see me now...tin cans, TV dinners, garbage can lids.... MICHAEL Not if I can help it! Give me every pound of turbo boost you've got...! Michael pushes the turbo boost. Nothing. Frantically, he pushes the button, and we intercut with: INT. COMPACTOR as the compactor bears down on K.I.T.T. Screeching of metal. Suddenly, the chamber begins to shake, sparks shoot through cracks that develop in the walls. Then, everything comes apart, and we go to: EXT. WRECKING YARD - DAY - ON THE CRUSHER as the Trans Am roars through the smoke and debris. The workers, with Dudley and Mel under control, stare in awe. ANOTHER ANGLE - FEATURE GASTNER racing out of the office with a heavy briefcase. He sees the Trans Am breaking free, jumps in the Cadillac. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael whoops with joy and relief, then: MICHAEL We did it, Kitt! You okay...? K.I.T.T. For the moment, I'm practically speechless... (urgently) Michael, Gastner's trying to escape. With Julie! Michael glances over, sees the Cadillac heading for the gate. MICHAEL Let's go! EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as the Trans Am shoots forward, cutting the Cadillac off before it reaches the gate. CLOSER ANGLE as Gastner jumps out of the car, runs into the stacks of cars. Michael's out of the Trans Am. MICHAEL Kitt, you take the back, in case he makes a break for it.... K.I.T.T. With pleasure.... As K.I.T.T. takes off, Michael hurries over to Julie. MICHAEL You all right? JULIE (nods) I think so...yes. MICHAEL Sit tight...I'll be right back. With that, Michael turns and races after Gastner. ANGLE IN THE STACKS - FEATURE GASTNER racing down a row of cars, turning a corner and seeing Michael bearing down on him from the right. He turns to his left, pulls a rusted fender which crashes into Michael's path, slowing him temporarily. ANOTHER ANGLE - FEATURE MICHAEL as Gastner heads down another row of cars, Michael pursuing him. MICHAEL (into comlink) He's heading your way, Kitt. ON GASTNER rounding a corner, slamming on the brakes as he sees K.I.T.T. bearing down on him. He starts backpedaling, then running, glancing over his shoulder as K.I.T.T., from one direction, and Michael from the other, gain on him. ANGLE - WIDER allowing us to see that Gastner is down a dead-end row, the exit blocked by several compacted cars. K.I.T.T.'s right behind him, snipping at his heels. Gastner runs out of room, turns to face K.I.T.T., who slams on the brakes, skids to a halt, and then slowly, menacingly, inches for- ward, pressing Gastner back against the cars. Gastner's terrified, shouts at Michael who comes running up. GASTNER Stop this thing! He's gonna crush me.... K.I.T.T. No less than you deserve, you cretin. GASTNER Okay, Celso's dead...but it was a mistake, I swear! Please.... MICHAEL (enjoying the moment) What do you think, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I think he's lying, Michael...but I know a court of law will determine that. Perhaps we should give them the pleasure. K.I.T.T. backs up, Gastner sighs a huge sigh of relief and Michael slaps K.I.T.T. on the hood. MICHAEL Good work, pal. Good voice, too. K.I.T.T. But...that was my normal voice. MICHAEL (smiles) That's what I mean. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED EXT. HOSPITAL ENTRANCE - DAY - ANGLE ON MICHAEL, JULIE, SUGAR as they come out of the hospital. JULIE I can't believe John'll be coming home tomorrow. It seems like a miracle how fast he's recovering. MICHAEL It's always easier when you give a man something to come home for. Julie smiles. JULIE What's going to happen to Alfredo and the other workers? MICHAEL First, they've got to testify against Gastner...with Alfredo's evidence, that shouldn't take long. Devon's already looking into a way to allow them to stay here and work...legally. JULIE I think that's all they really want...to work and live in peace. That doesn't seem too much to ask for. Michael smiles. Julie suddenly stops, remembering something. JULIE Oh, I almost forgot.... ANOTHER ANGLE as they reach K.I.T.T. and the passenger door pops open. Julie reaches into the back where something's concealed by a piece of white canvas. Julie holds it up. JULIE When something or someone really moves me, I like to try to capture his likeness. Michael, realizing Julie holds a sculpture, becomes embarrassed. MICHAEL I don't know what to say...nobody's ever done this for me before.... Julie pulls off the canvas, revealing an excellent likeness of...K.I.T.T. Michael registers surprise. K.I.T.T.'s scanner blinks. K.I.T.T. It's beautiful, Julie. And such a remarkable likeness, don't you think, Michael? MICHAEL Yeah. Very...remarkable. JULIE Michael, I have one request to make... of Kitt. MICHAEL Name it. JULIE Kitt, I'm always going to be blind, and I'm never going to have another opportunity to drive.... K.I.T.T. Say no more, Julie. Julie grins, hands the sculpture to Michael and hurries around to get behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Don't just stand there, Michael -- we're in for the ride of our lives. (beat; to Sugar) You might as well get in, too. Just mind your manners. The dog jumps into the car, Michael climbs in with the sculpture, the engine fires up and the Trans Am roars out. OMITTED EXT. STREET - ON MOBILE CATERING TRUCK where young Officer Gray is about to dig into a foot-long hoagie. He glances over his sandwich, stiffens as he sees: ANGLE - THE TRANS AM pulling past, Julie at the wheel, heading down the street. ANGLE ON OFFICER GRAY staring pathetically, suddenly having lost his appetite. As he stands, openmouthed, we go to: EXT. TRANS AM - DAY disappearing down the street, with Julie beaming behind the wheel and Sugar happily hanging her head out the window. Hold on the car, and then: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END