EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57824 Robert Foster August 29, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 8/31/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 9/ 7/83 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi Rev. 9/11/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER K.I.T.T. THE CAT by Janis Hendler ___________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE BUILDING - NIGHT It's late and the building is mostly dark, except for a random night owl's window which glows in the night. ANGLE ON A CAT BURGLAR coming over the edge of the roof on a cable and down the side of the building like a spider. We move closer to the figure, clad head to toe in black, leather gloves and a tight-fitting ski mask concealing his identity. A handyman's bag filled with delicate tools dangles from his belt. He moves methodically and quickly down the thin cable. ANOTHER ANGLE as the cat reaches an office window. He pulls a laser light from his bag and runs it along the window. Then attaching a vacuum cup to the center of the glass, begins cutting a neat entrance through the window. INT. OFFICE - NIGHT We see the cat through the window glass, finishing his body- sized cut and silently removing the glass from its frame, "taping" it to the outside building wall. The cat then eases in through the opening he's cut, landing in the expensively furnished office. He pulls out a narrow-beam flashlight and flicks it around the empty room, settling upon a large armoire. Carefully opening it, the cat reveals a safe. He quickly spins the tumblers and opens the safe, begins pulling out the contents, dumping everything into a black canvas bag. ANGLE ON CONTENTS OF SAFE Some small stacks of large denominationed bills, a lot of loose but expensive-looking jewelry, all passing into the cat's bag. He hesitates as he pulls out a remarkable ruby necklace called Sangre de Coeur, bags it. WIDER ANGLE as the cat closes the safe, then the armoire doors. He pulls a small white card out of his bag and places it in the corner of the armoire, then heads for the window. We angle down to the card on the corner, immaculately engraved, reading: YOUR GENEROSITY IS APPRECIATED OMITTED EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The Trans Am appears in light late night traffic. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Michael is at the wheel. He's been driving for some time. MICHAEL You've been awfully quiet tonight. Homesick? K.I.T.T. No. However, it will be nice to see April and Devon again. MICHAEL (smiles) Homesick. EXT. HIGH-RISE BUILDING - NIGHT The cat burglar can be seen descending the building, hand over hand. ANGLE ON SECURITY GUARD making his rounds. He turns a corner, stops short, staring. WIDER ANGLE The cat burglar comes down the last few feet and jumps to the ground. The Security Guard draws his gun. SECURITY GUARD Hey you -- stop! The cat burglar reacts, immediately darts away. SECURITY GUARD Stop or I'll shoot! The cat burglar ignores him, sprinting in the opposite direction. The Security Guard fires a warning shot in the air and pursues. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael hears the distant shot. MICHAEL Kitt, what was that? K.I.T.T. A pistol, Michael. MICHAEL Where? K.I.T.T. Just around the corner. Surely you're not thinking of.... Michael hits the gas. K.I.T.T. Apparently you are. ANGLE IN HIGH-RISE COMPLEX K.I.T.T. comes around the corner and from nowhere, the cat appears, an elusive dark figure, running, almost colliding with the Trans Am. Michael hits the brakes and the cat rolls across the hood, lands on his feet and darts into a corridor between two buildings. ANOTHER ANGLE The Security Guard comes running up, breathing hard. SECURITY GUARD You see a guy run by here?! MICHAEL (points) He went down there. Need any help? SECURITY GUARD (running, shouts back) I could use some light! ANGLE AT MOUTH OF CORRIDOR Michael and K.I.T.T. arrive with the Security Guard, K.I.T.T.'s headlights illuminating the area. They react. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE CORRIDOR deadends a short distance away, bordered on all sides by concrete and stone. The cat is nowhere to be seen. MICHAEL Kitt, can you pick him up on your scanner? K.I.T.T. How extraordinary. I had him on my scanner, Michael. He simply... vanished. On Michael's reaction: CUT TO INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon is seated at his desk, reading a newspaper article with interest. After a moment, he puts the newspaper down, rises, and moves thoughtfully to the window. As he looks out, Michael enters, carrying a small overnight bag. He tosses it onto a chair, moves into the room. MICHAEL Devon.... DEVON (preoccupied) Michael, welcome back. MICHAEL I didn't expect a brass band, or a red carpet or anything like that, but I wouldn't have minded a little ceremony of some kind...nothing elaborate, just family...you, April, a bottle of champagne -- domestic would've been fine.... DEVON You've only been gone a week. How was the vacation? MICHAEL Let's define terms, Devon. This trip was strictly business, remember? Now comes the vacation. Devon moves toward the desk, reaches for the newspaper. DEVON I'm afraid not, Michael. At least, not just yet. MICHAEL I should've known. What's up? DEVON (hands Michael the paper) Something rather intriguing. It seems the newspaper has received anonymous tips regarding a number of elaborate robberies which apparently haven't been reported to the police. MICHAEL All right, that's intriguing, but what's it got to do with us? Devon is rummaging in a desk drawer, finally comes up with the item he's been looking for. He tosses it across to Michael, who hesitates, then picks it up. MICHAEL I know I'm going to regret this.... He looks down at the item. INSERT - THE IDENTICAL BUSINESS CARD left by the cat burglar, but clearly worn and somewhat aged. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL (reading) 'Your generosity is appreciated....' DEVON The robberies were committed by a cat burglar with quite a distinctive M.O., which includes leaving cards like that behind at the scene.... MICHAEL But how did you get it? DEVON By going to the theatre one night many years ago, and dining out after- wards while my apartment was being robbed by a cat burglar. That card was left behind. I've kept it all this time as a sort of...memento. (beat) Michael? MICHAEL (remembering last night) I wonder if it's the same guy.... DEVON Pardon? MICHAEL Nothing -- just an incident last night. I almost hit someone dressed like a cat burglar. He disappeared right before my eyes, like Houdini. (beat) Was this cat burglar ever identified? DEVON Not positively, but it was widely believed to be a man named Raymond Fallan -- a very clever and daring chap. Nothing against him was ever proven. MICHAEL (glancing at the card) Now here he is again...after all these years. DEVON That's what's really intriguing, Michael. You see, the papers reported that Raymond Fallan died last month. On Michael's reaction: CUT TO EXT. BANK IN ELEGANT NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY - ANGLE ON AN OLD ROLLS ROYCE as it pulls into a parking lot adjacent to the bank. A weasel-faced man, Ricky, carrying an attache case, moves quickly to the passenger door, climbs in. INT. ROLLS ROYCE - DAY Ricky smiles nervously at the driver, Griffin, an elderly, very proper-looking Englishman, immaculately dressed. RICKY Let's see what you've got. Griffin pulls a briefcase out of the backseat and opens it. We see the contents of the safe. Ricky immediately plucks out the Sangre de Coeur, holds it in the sunlight. RICKY Nice. Very nice. For this an extra ...hundred thou. Griffin, with a tolerant smile, takes the necklace from Ricky and pockets it. GRIFFIN It's worth twice that. RICKY Let me think about it. GRIFFIN Don't take too long. Ricky leaves the attache case he brought, grabs the briefcase and climbs out of the Rolls, leaves. Griffin watches him go, then opens the attache case, rifles through the money. He heaves a huge sigh of relief, dabs his brow with a handker- chief, closes the attache case. EXT. ROLLS ROYCE - DAY - ANGLE ON GRIFFIN as he climbs out of the car, carrying the attache case. He carefully locks the doors and heads toward the bank, limping pronouncedly, like a man with a wooden leg. As he enters the bank, we: CUT TO EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING THROUGH THE CITY cruising at a peppy speed, darting traffic obstacles. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - CLOSE ON COMPUTER VISUAL OF THE SANGRE DE COEUR NECKLACE broken down in graphic lines, rotating on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The current market value of the Sangre de Coeur is $350,000, Michael. Devon's cat burglar has exquisite taste. WIDER ANGLE - MICHAEL as he turns off the visual on the monitor. MICHAEL Or incredible luck. It's the only item mentioned in the newspaper. K.I.T.T. Of course, I find it hard to under- stand why anyone would value a mere bauble so highly. According to my data, a ruby is just a form of carbon, naturally crystallized in a red variety of corundum. MICHAEL Maybe. But that bauble, as you call it, in that particular combination, is valuable because it's so rare. K.I.T.T. The law of supply and demand.... MICHAEL Exactly. All right, Kitt, let's see what you've got current on Raymond Fallan. He punches a button. A computerized line-by-line photo- graph of Raymond Fallan appears on K.I.T.T.'s screen. K.I.T.T. There's your cat burglar, Michael. I'm afraid it's not very recent -- but that's because he's deceased. I do have his last known address -- Oh, and one more thing. A daughter. MICHAEL A daughter? A second photograph appears. Michael looks at it. CLOSE ON PHOTO MICHAEL'S VOICE Not bad, Kitt...not bad at all. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'd say thank you, but I have the feeling you're not referring to my technical proficiency. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FALLAN'S MINI-ESTATE - DAY An attractive, gated property, not extremely fancy, but neatly maintained. The Trans Am pulls through the gates, passes a gardener and stops at the front door. Michael climbs out, crosses to the door and is about to knock when the door flies open and Grace Fallan, dressed in rather revealing gardening clothes and carrying flower clippers, nearly collides with Michael as she darts out of the house. GRACE Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you knock. I almost stabbed you with these things. MICHAEL (smiles) Glad you spared me. You're Grace Fallan. At the mention of her name, Grace reacts, seems to withdraw. GRACE Yes. What do you want? MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight -- I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. I'd like to talk to you about your father. GRACE In that case there's nothing to talk about. My father died over a month ago. She shuts the door to punctuate this, moves out into the garden to clip some flowers. Michael follows her. MICHAEL I know. I'm sorry. GRACE You said you're with some kind of agency. This must be the beginning. MICHAEL I don't follow you. GRACE I've spent my whole life terrified to see articles in the paper about cat burglars, knowing people would start asking me questions. I thought that now that my father's dead, it would end...and here you are, with a thousand questions in your face. MICHAEL A famous necklace was stolen last night. The burglar left a card like this.... He offers her the calling card but she ignores it, looks directly up at Michael. GRACE There's something you should under- stand about me and my father. I didn't know him as a notorious cat burglar. To me, he was a wonderful man who did magic tricks and told stories and came down the chimney at Christmas like Santa. MICHAEL (beat) Grace, someone's been using your father's M.O. to pull off highly professional burglaries. And some- one's been feeding information about those burglaries to the press.... Grace occupies herself with the flowers. MICHAEL You said so yourself -- this could just be the beginning. GRACE (frustrated) I've got a nice quiet life now. I work with children. I don't want to be notorious. I don't want my life opened up for public consumption. MICHAEL Maybe I can help. (beat) Did anyone else know your father's techniques? GRACE Only one person. MICHAEL Who? GRACE Me. He takes in the information. She watches him. GRACE Thanks for offering to help but I prefer to think it will just go away...back into the past where it belongs. MICHAEL (beat) I hope you're right. It's clear he doesn't think it will. Ad-lib good-byes and Grace turns back to the flowers. Michael moves off. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. parked as before. The gardener appears, whistling, dragging a garden hose as he sprays flowers. As he passes he acci- dentally sprays K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Would you mind raining on someone else's parade? The gardener nearly jumps out of his skin, loses control of the hose and sprays the house. He catches himself, returns the spray to the flowers, shaken. K.I.T.T. Thank you. The gardener shudders and quickly moves off. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael reaches the driveway, glances back over his shoulder toward Grace as he walks -- and nearly collides with a man who approaches the front door with a huge bag of groceries, some of which fall to the ground. Michael stoops to pick up the groceries, as does the man, who has a great deal of trouble kneeling. As the man straightens, with Michael's help, we see his liability -- he's Griffin, the man with the limp. GRIFFIN I beg your pardon, sir. That was most clumsy of me, not looking...I'm Miss Grace's butler, Griffin. The groceries safely bagged, Griffin heads for the door. Michael sees he's having trouble. MICHAEL Can I give you a hand? GRIFFIN No thank you, sir. The exercise does me good. And as Griffin struggles into the house, Michael grins and climbs into the Trans Am. ANOTHER ANGLE as the Trans Am pulls down the driveway and heads away from the Fallan property. NEW ANGLE - TO ESTABLISH that Michael's exit was seen through the eyes of a Watcher, and we now see him -- parked in an ND car, across the street from the house. He's a big, strong man, hard-faced. He watches as the Trans Am vanishes from sight, then his eyes return to the Fallan house and he stares, unblinking, as we: CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY - THE TRANS AM drives through. INT. TRANS AM - MICHAEL K.I.T.T. I'm not sure I understand, Michael. You think there's a possibility Raymond Fallan's daughter is the cat burglar? MICHAEL It's a possibility, Kitt. Right now that's all it is.... K.I.T.T. Not a penny over four hundred dollars. MICHAEL What? K.I.T.T. Grace Fallan's diamond ring. The stones were tiny, Michael -- not at all what a prosperous cat burglar would wear. MICHAEL (a smile) I'll keep that in mind, pal. There's a familiar sound. K.I.T.T. Devon's calling. Michael punches a button. Devon's image comes up on K.I.T.T.'s screen. MICHAEL Devon, what's up? INTERCUT - DEVON DEVON It took some persuasion, but my sources at the newspaper confided the names of the burglary victims. Thomas Delbert...Martin Anderson... James Elliot. And although it's not common knowledge, Elliot is the owner of the Sangre de Coeur. MICHAEL Any common denominator between the victims? DEVON Nothing readily apparent, but we're still checking. MICHAEL I'll pay Elliot a visit. Maybe he can shed some light. CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. - RUN THROUGH EXT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE BUILDING - DAY We recognize the same building as in the opening scene. Michael pulls the Trans Am in, parks, enters the building. INT. ELLIOT'S OFFICE The one we saw robbed. James Elliot, midforties, well- dressed, no-nonsense, is seated on the edge of his desk finishing a phone call. He speaks very softly. There's a single knock on the door, it opens and an attractive secretary steps aside to allow Michael to enter, then with- draws, closing the door. Elliot looks Michael over as he finishes his call. Michael looks the office over with approval and interest, glances at the armoire, moves to the window which we saw cut open and looks out. The window has been repaired. Suddenly, Elliot hangs up the phone, moves behind his desk and sits. Michael turns as: ELLIOT All right, since you managed to talk your way past my secretary, you must have something compelling to say. You have three minutes to say it. MICHAEL In that case I'll get right to the point. You were robbed the other night. Someone cleaned out your safe and got away with the Sangre de Coeur necklace --- Elliot is surprised, but covers nicely. ELLIOT You've been misinformed. For your information there was no robbery. You've been reading too many gossip columns. MICHAEL Do you know Martin Anderson or Thomas Delbert? ELLIOT No. You have two minutes left. MICHAEL Guess I'll have to learn to talk faster. How many people knew where you kept the necklace? ELLIOT Where I keep the necklace is no one's business but my own. MICHAEL May I see it? ELLIOT Don't press your luck. MICHAEL Still got a minute left. Michael glances at his watch, smiles. Elliot hesitates, then rises, crosses to the armoire, opens the doors, revealing the safe, works the combination quickly, opens the safe, removes a small jewel case, opens it, showing Michael the contents. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE CASE containing the necklace, apparently identical to the one we saw taken. THE SCENE Michael reacts. Elliot closes the case, replaces it in the safe, closes the safe, twists the dial, closes the armoire. ELLIOT Time's up. Elliot resumes with his paperwork. Michael turns and exits, Elliot looking up after him. EXT. HIGH-RISE OFFICE BUILDING - DAY - ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he exits the building, strides over to the Trans Am and climbs in. INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors indicate you're somewhat disturbed. MICHAEL You could say. (pushes buttons) I want you to scan the building, Kitt -- let's find out if Elliot was robbed last night or not. K.I.T.T.'s computer lights flash. INTERCUT - ANGLE ON THE MONITOR as a view of the building appears on the screen. The angle tightens and adjusts to feature Elliot's office windows, the roofline above and the facade of the building. Appro- priate graphics are superimposed as: K.I.T.T. Threadlike abrasions indicate the play of cable against the edge of the office window...I also detect the residue of a foreign substance with considerable abrasive properties.... MICHAEL As in 'cutting'? K.I.T.T. Perhaps. I'll process as much detail as I can. MICHAEL While you're at it, there's a safe inside with the Sangre de Coeur necklace.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I thought the Sangre de Coeur was stolen. MICHAEL So did I. I want to find out if the one in that safe is real.... As K.I.T.T.'s computer lights continue to flash: OMITTED INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY - ANGLE ON DEVON DEVON (amazed) Paste? Are you absolutely sure? MICHAEL Kitt is. Over this, April rises from the computer with data sheets. DEVON But why? Not reporting a burglary is one thing, but going so far as to provide a phoney necklace is quite another. It defies credibility. APRIL Maybe to us, maybe not to a criminal mind. (beat) The men who've reportedly been robbed -- Delbert, Anderson and Elliot -- do have something in common after all. It's not public knowledge, but they've all made a lot of their money illegally. MICHAEL That sounds like a good reason not to bring in the police -- and maybe even offer up a fake Sangre de Coeur as proof they weren't robbed. DEVON Are you suggesting whatever was in their safes might incriminate them? MICHAEL It's happened before. (to April) Anything on Kitt's data on the burglary? APRIL (re data sheets) It was Fallan's M.O. to the last detail. MICHAEL So Elliot's office was burglarized by a dead man.... DEVON Or a very able student. Devon paces thoughtfully, captivated. DEVON For years I've been fascinated with Fallan. The gentleman cat, colorful, adventurous, elusive, romantic.... APRIL Romantic? DEVON After a fashion, yes...Robbing the rich, donating large sums to various charities...daring the authorities to stop him. A bit like Robin Hood, don't you think? Not that I condone his criminality. But his style, his panache -- that's something else. I thought it was all over, long ago. Apparently it's just beginning. MICHAEL (a knowing look to April) Does that mean it's an official Foundation case? DEVON Absolutely. After all, catching a cat burglar is well within our franchise...don't you agree? EXT. PUBLIC PARK - TENNIS COURTS - DAY - ANGLE ON GRACE delivering an expert serve. We widen to see that she's being carefully watched by several children holding rackets; outside the court, parents watch from a picnic area. NEW ANGLE as the Trans Am, scanner flashing, pulls to a stop outside the tennis courts and Michael climbs out. He crosses to the fence and when Grace looks up, he waves. Grace hesitates, sets up the children to continue practicing and moves to meet Michael. GRACE How did you find me? MICHAEL Through brilliant deduction. Griffin told me. Grace smiles, exits the court and we move with them as they talk. GRACE I'd like to think this was strictly a social visit, but you have the look of somebody with more questions. MICHAEL Just a few. Tell me if any of these names sound familiar. (from notes) 'Thomas Delbert. Claude Anderson. James Elliot.' GRACE 'George Freidrich. Harold Salen.' Michael reacts quizzically. GRACE After Dad died, I was going through his things and I found a list of names -- The three you mentioned, and the two I added. MICHAEL Delbert, Anderson and Elliot were burglarized recently. Grace looks surprised. After a pause: GRACE Is that it -- Are you suspicious of me? Michael, if I were trying to hide something from you, why would I tell you any names at all? (glances off) No, Elizabeth -- remember, it's the shoulder. She moves toward her students, demonstrating. Michael's comlink buzzes. MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Michael, the man at the picnic table is heavily armed. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - PICNIC TABLE past the happy-faced parents, cheering their little one's every move, we see the hard-faced man, whom we recognize as the Watcher from outside the Fallan residence. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER It flashes in anticipation. OMITTED ANGLE ON THE WATCHER as Michael moves quickly across the park, skirting the tennis court and coming up behind the man. MICHAEL Like to talk to you for a minute.... The Watcher looks back at Michael. Without answering, he gets up and starts to walk away. MICHAEL Excuse me. He reaches out to stop the man but the man whirls, smashes him in the solar plexis and sprints across the park. ON MICHAEL doubled over, gasping for breath. Into the comlink: MICHAEL Need some help, buddy. Head him off for me. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. His engine comes to life, all systems functioning. As he pulls out --- FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. PARK - DAY The Watcher darts between cars, heading toward the parking lot. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He screeches out backwards, spins at 180 and heads toward the fleeing Watcher. ANGLE ON PARENTS watching open-mouthed as the driverless car pursues the Watcher. ANGLE ON TRANS AM as K.I.T.T. slides to a stop directly in the path of the running Watcher, cutting him off. He stares in disbelief. He tries to go around, but K.I.T.T. moves in his path, scanner flashing. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he comes racing up. The Watcher turns to Michael, furious. He whips out his wallet, a police shield inside. WATCHER Since you're so interested, the name's Barth. Police Lieutenant George Barth. And right now you're a gnat's hair away from being busted for obstruction of justice.... Michael stares at the badge in surprise, and we hear: GRACE'S VOICE Lieutenant Barth. I should have known.... ANGLE - WIDER TO INCLUDE GRACE Barth and Michael turn to see Grace walking up to them. GRACE You hounded my father for twenty years, Lieutenant. Sorry he died before you could satisfy your obsession to catch him. Barth fixes Grace with a cold, hard look. BARTH You can hide behind your manicured bushes and fancy house, but I know who you are. What you're doing. You don't fool me, Grace Fallan. The only difference between you and your father is I'll catch you. And that's a promise. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FALLAN MINI-ESTATE - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He pulls to a stop in front of the house. Michael and Grace climb out, she still carrying her tennis racquet. They enter the house and we hold on the Trans Am as the gardener, on a ladder pruning a nearby tree, cuts some leaves which fall on K.I.T.T. Rather than startle the gentleman by speaking, K.I.T.T. opts to simply back up a few feet. The gardener, however, notices this, reacts, the ladder wobbling beneath him. Panicked, he grabs the tree limb as the ladder crashes to the ground. He is left suspended fifteen feet off the ground, clinging to a tree branch. INT. FALLAN LIVING ROOM - DAY An attractive, warm room, filled with garden flowers and photographs of Grace and the dapper Raymond Fallan. MICHAEL Did Lieutenant Barth ever arrest your father? GRACE Twice. Dad was always out on bail in time for breakfast. MICHAEL Who bailed him out? GRACE Griffin. He's always taken care of everything. Dad hired him before I was born. While my father was out borrowing the crown jewels, Griffin was changing my diapers. MICHAEL What about Barth? Why is he so obsessed with your father? GRACE If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be teaching tennis. I'm serious, Michael. Who knows why people become obsessed. George Barth is. 'Why,' you'll have to ask him. MICHAEL Next time I see him I will. GRACE All I know is with a man like Barth, I'm guilty until proven innocent. MICHAEL I wouldn't count on that. With a man like Barth, it might not make any difference. She stares at Michael, chilled by the thought. MICHAEL I still want to help, Grace. Barth thinks you've taken up where your father left off. Make no mistake about it, he's after you. (beat) It's not going to just go away. Grace holds his eyes for a moment. MICHAEL Deal? She thinks it over, finally nods. Then turns and reaches into the top drawer of a bureau, takes out a small telephone book. GRACE The list I told you about. She opens it to a list of names in the back. Michael scans it. GRACE If the cat's following this, George Friedrich's next. And Molly Friedrich's just invited me to a society fund raiser at her restau- rant, Chez Voltaire... (a smile) It's exactly the kind of affair my father loved to hit. MICHAEL How many is the invitation for? GRACE Two. Interested? MICHAEL Wouldn't miss it for the world. She looks at Michael, the trace of a smile on her face. GRACE Good. I've always had a weakness for men in three-piece suits. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Michael is driving out to Grace's. INT. TRANS AM - NIGHT Michael's got on a suit and he's looking very debonaire, if not overjoyed. A single rose, wrapped in lace, sits on the seat beside him. K.I.T.T. Michael, I have a question. MICHAEL If it's how to tie a necktie, don't ask. K.I.T.T. It's about jewelry. And the fas- cination humans appear to have with it. They even sing about it. How can a human being conceive a phrase like, 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend' -- much less put it to music? MICHAEL (smiles) Don't take it so personally. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm quite serious. How can a crystalline carbon possibly function as anyone's friend? Michael laughs. MICHAEL Just a figure of speech, pal. A diamond's special because it's beautiful and rare...and expensive. OMITTED INT. CHEZ VOLTAIRE - NIGHT - ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND GRACE as they enter, Michael looking very debonaire in a suit and tie, Grace stunning in a skin-tight black jump suit. She stays close to Michael as they approach a desk where Molly Friedrich, a striking, multiple face-lifted former bimbo, is signing people in, doing an extraordinary amount of cheek-kissing. She sports a large diamond ring. She sees Grace and her face lights up. She holds out her arms. MOLLY Grace, how delightful to see you! You're looking wonderful. Grace returns the hug, looking at the ceiling. GRACE It's nice to see you, Molly. But Molly's eyes have already found Michael. She breaks from the embrace, takes his hand. MOLLY And what a pleasant surprise this is. You must be.... MICHAEL Michael Knight. MOLLY Of course! Michael, darling. So delighted you could join us.... Grace links her arm through Michael's just as it appears that Molly would sink her fangs into him. Ad-libbing an "excuse me" to Molly, she leads him into the party. GRACE Better count your fingers...she'd take any piece of you that wasn't attached. WIDER ANGLE as Michael and Grace move into the room, filled with well- dressed, obviously moneyed people; there's a lot of jewelry on display. CLOSER ON MICHAEL AND GRACE as they mingle. A few people admire the handsome couple that Michael and Grace present as they cross to a punch bowl. Michael pours them drinks as: MICHAEL Hope they validate parking.... Grace smiles. Michael glances around the room. MICHAEL If the cat makes a call, I wonder which way he'll come in. Without hesitation Grace points across the room. GRACE That's where the offices are -- where the fewest people would be. Grace looks over Michael's shoulder, sees Molly approaching. Quickly: GRACE Oh, no...here comes Molly. I have a sudden desire to powder my nose. MICHAEL Wait a minute...You can't leave me here. Too late. Grace is already moving across the room. A beat, and then Molly descends on Michael, all smiles and squeezing hands. MOLLY This is criminal. MICHAEL Pardon? MOLLY A gorgeous man like you...alone. (seductive smile) But, you're worth breaking the law for.... Another sticky sweet smile. Michael responds weakly, looks around for some help. Grace has disappeared. Molly lumbers ahead. MOLLY Now, tell me, Michael Knight, where did Grace find you? She never men- tioned you, not that I blame her... (smiles) Of course, Grace is a dear, sweet child, but just the slightest bit ...how shall I put it...strange? (beat) But, with a father like Raymond Fallan, what else could one expect.... Molly's interrupted by the buzz from Michael's comlink. MOLLY How darling! A wrist alarm! MICHAEL Actually, it's a beeper. If you'll excuse me.... Before Molly can respond, Michael turns and walks away. We see Molly stare after him for a beat, then walk toward the office Grace pointed out earlier. ON MICHAEL finding a quiet corner of the room. He speaks into his comlink: MICHAEL What's up? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The burglar alarm has just been deactivated. MICHAEL Where? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Somewhere inside the building, Michael. Wait -- a sealed window has just been opened.... At this moment, the lights in the restaurant go out. Numerous protests ring out, accompanied by a few screams; then, after a long beat and much scuffling, the lights go back on. Across the room, Molly Friedrich appears, clutching what we can see is another of the cat's calling cards, stunned. She stares at the ringless finger where the diamond ring was. MOLLY My ring! He took my diamond ring right off my finger! Michael runs for the exit, calling into the comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, get around to the west side of the building pronto! Just as Michael disappears across the room he turns, looking for Grace: she's nowhere to be seen. OMITTED CUT TO EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT - CLOSE ON THE CAT as the cat burglar comes down a wire hanging from somewhere above, hangs for a beat and then drops a good distance to the alley below. OMITTED CLOSE ON THE CAT springing to his feet, glancing around and then turning and moving quickly down the darkened alley toward a street a good half block away. ANOTHER ANGLE as we see K.I.T.T. suddenly appear at the far end of the alley, slam on the brakes and skid into a turn that takes him into the alley, and directly toward the fleeing cat. ON THE CAT Seeing the Trans Am sppeding toward him, he skids to a stop, turns and starts to run in the other direction. Suddenly, a shot rings out. ANOTHER ANGLE At the other end of the alley, we see a figure, face concealed in the darkness, with an automatic in his hand. He fires again. ON THE CAT ducking, rolling and scrambling to find some kind of cover in the alley. There's not much more than garbage cans and trash bags. The bullets ricochet around him. OMITTED ON MICHAEL as Michael comes around the side of the building, sees the man shooting. He shouts into his comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, he'll be killed! Give him some cover...! Michael races toward the man with the gun as: K.I.T.T. squeals down the alley toward the cat, skids to a stop in front of the defenseless cat, who then springs to his feet and races down the alley and disappears. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE ON THE ALLEY - FEATURE MICHAEL as he races up to the man with the gun, grabs him by the arm, turns him and finds himself facing George Barth. BARTH You let her get away! I had her right in my hands and you let her get away! MICHAEL You were shooting to kill! BARTH What I do is none of your business, Knight. I'm a cop. You're not. MICHAEL Let me tell you something, Barth. You don't have an exclusive. You've got to operate under laws too -- whether you like it or not. BARTH Why do you insist on defending her?! MICHAEL Why do you insist on persecuting her?! BARTH Because she's guilty. She was up there tonight -- right? With you. Was she with you when the lights went out? Michael thinks about it, his mind racing to the events just before the robbery. Barth shoves his gun back into his holster. BARTH Save your breath, I know the answer. Barth turns and walks down the alley. Michael, more shaken than he'd care to admit, runs back toward Chez Voltaire. CUT TO OMITTED INT. CHEZ VOLTAIRE - NIGHT - ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he enters amid a flurry of activity, guests checking their belongings and attempting to leave. It's a human traffic jam. Michael spots Molly Friedrich pouring apologies over the fleeing guests. We angle with Michael as he strides over to her. MICHAEL Mrs. Friedrich, where's Grace? She looks up at him, grabs his arm. MOLLY If I knew I'd have her arrested! She took the diamond ring right off my finger! MICHAEL Did you see her? Are you sure it was Grace? MOLLY It was the cat burglar -- who else could it be but Grace?! On Michael's look.... FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. FALLAN MINI-ESTATE - NIGHT - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as it tears up the driveway, screeches to a stop in front of the house. We see Michael activate Surveillance Mode, and as he climbs out: MICHAEL Kitt, keep your scanners peeled for anything unusual. K.I.T.T. Would you care to be more specific? MICHAEL Would if I could, pal. We follow Michael as he strides toward the door. Grace opens it, wearing a hostess-type robe. GRACE Did you catch him? MICHAEL No, he got away. 'He' or 'she'.... She reacts to the inference, regards him, opens the door for him to enter. INT. FALLAN LIVING ROOM - NIGHT as Michael comes in, paces. The energy of what just happened still with him. GRACE So that's it...now you suspect me again. MICHAEL I don't want to, Grace, but you don't leave me much of a choice. One minute you're there, then you leave, and as soon as you're gone, the lights go out and the 'cat' appears. GRACE For your information, I was in the powder room -- and no, I can't prove it. I didn't bring a witness along. MICHAEL Why did you leave? Why didn't you wait for me? GRACE Because I knew people would start looking at me...'She's the cat's daughter. I'll bet she's involved' ...So I took a cab home. He can't fault her reasoning; it's true. She looks at this moment particularly alone and vulnerable. GRACE Do you believe me? MICHAEL I want to. (beat) Grace, for the moment forget what- ever's between us. Barth was there tonight, waiting...he almost killed the cat burglar. He's convinced it's you. If it is...stop while you're ahead. While you're still alive. She moves closer to Michael, oddly touched by his concern. She looks up at him. GRACE You're really concerned about me, aren't you? You really care...I'm not the cat, Michael. Kisses don't lie. Try me.... Her mouth moves to his and he kisses her, but even as their lips join, Michael's eyes open to find hers, too, filled with open doubt. In midkiss, someone across the room clears his throat. Michael and Grace look up to see Griffin at the entrance to the living room, wearing a bathrobe, looking as if he just woke up. GRIFFIN Beg pardon, Miss Grace, but I heard you and wondered if you might be needing anything. GRACE No thanks, Griffin. Mr. Knight was ...just leaving. MICHAEL (a smile) In case you didn't notice. Griffin smiles. She kisses Michael lightly and allows Griffin to escort him to the front door, ad-lib good nights as he leaves. EXT. FALLAN HOUSE - NIGHT as Michael exits, heads toward the Trans Am, thinking about Grace, wondering. K.I.T.T. Well, well, Michael -- carnauba wax and glycerol on your collar. Is that any way to catch a cat? Michael glimpses lipstick stains on his collar as he moves closer to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL We'll see, Kitt. How about you -- come up with anything? K.I.T.T. I did notice something rather pecu- liar while you were in the house. MICHAEL What? The lights on the dash pulsate as an image appears on the monitor. ANGLE ON MONITOR showing a linear layout of the property, scanning it, stop- ping at the garage. The outline of a Rolls Royce is visible there, with spectral colors radiating from it. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The vehicle in the garage exhibits heat stress -- exhaust, radiator and tire temperatures indicate it's been recently driven at a high rate of speed. ON MICHAEL glancing away from the monitor, toward the sealed garage. MICHAEL And nobody's been home to drive it ...except the butler. Thanks, pal. ANGLE FROM HOUSE Michael moves around to the side of the house, where a light burns in a downstairs window. There's a door nearby and Michael knocks lightly. Griffin opens it. GRIFFIN Why, Mr. Knight! MICHAEL Can I see you for a minute, Griffin? GRIFFIN Of course, sir. Please, come in.... INT. BUTLER'S QUARTERS - NIGHT Michael and Griffin enter the immaculate room. MICHAEL Did you go out tonight? GRIFFIN Why, no, sir. (pats bad leg) The old war wound's been kicking up a bit lately. MICHAEL In that case you might like to know that somebody's been driving your car. Griffin looks like a man who's been caught with his pants down. He hangs his head. GRIFFIN Please don't tell Miss Grace, sir. Griffin reaches into his robe pocket, pulls out a small liquor bottle. GRIFFIN I'm afraid I'm a midnight nipper. You see, I've a history of liver ail- ments which precludes my drinking. Miss Grace would be most displeased with me. So I drove quite fast in order to beat her home, sir. Michael really isn't sure he believes this explanation, but Griffin looks sincere. MICHAEL You didn't happen to be in the vicinity of the Chez Voltaire Restaurant tonight, did you? GRIFFIN No, sir. I prefer health foods. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK A sunny, peaceful afternoon. APRIL'S VOICE ...He was born in Lancaster, England.... INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael and Devon, April at the computer. APRIL (from computer) Third generation butler...he's been with the Fallans since 1950...shot in the leg in World War II, won a Purple Heart.... DEVON (to Michael) You did say the man has a pronounced limp, didn't you? Michael nods. DEVON Obviously his war injury. (beat) Michael, are you sure your... 'interest' in Grace Fallan isn't clouding your judgment? MICHAEL (sighs, paces) I don't know...I don't know what to think anymore. (beat) You think it's Grace, don't you? Devon hesitates, glances to April, deferring to her. APRIL (gently) Michael, look at the facts...She's physically capable, she was at the restaurant, she can't verify her whereabouts.... MICHAEL What about Raymond Fallan? DEVON What about him? MICHAEL He was presumed dead in a plane crash, but his body was never found. Maybe he's not dead after all.... Devon and April appear disappointed in Michael's reasoning. MICHAEL All right, it's a long shot...but it's possible. It's also possible Griffin's not as disabled as every- one likes to think he is. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. BANK IN ELEGANT NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY - ANGLE ON GRIFFIN as the butler limps out of the bank we saw before, carrying a sealed yellow envelope. There's a mailbox across the street; he's heading toward it. ANOTHER ANGLE as we pull back to see the Trans Am parked nearby and realize that we're watching Griffin from Michael's point of view. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael watches the butler toiling toward the mailbox. K.I.T.T. You must admit that's an awfully pro- nounced limp, Michael. MICHAEL Whose side are you on, anyway? K.I.T.T. The side of logic. MICHAEL If logic could explain everything, Kitt, people wouldn't pay thousands of dollars for stones that are only worth pennies. K.I.T.T. Which reminds me, Michael -- how much did you pay for those cuff links you wore last night? MICHAEL They were a gift. Why? K.I.T.T. They were gold fill. Far be it from me to speculate on their value, but --- MICHAEL Then don't. K.I.T.T. Very well. (beat) Not over three dollars wholesale. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - ON GRIFFIN as he reaches the mailbox, slips the envelope in. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael eyes Griffin thoughtfully. Then suddenly punches some buttons. MICHAEL Wait a minute -- run a medical scan on Griffin and see if you can find the old war injury. ANGLE ON MONITOR as a medical diagram of Griffin appears, running through muscles and blood systems and ending with skeletal structures. A red dot shows on Griffin's left upper thigh. K.I.T.T. I do detect an early trauma to Mr. Griffin's left upper femur. ANGLE ON MICHAEL peering out at Griffin. MICHAEL In that case, it's kinda strange that he limps on his right leg, don't you think? EXT. TRANS AM - DAY Griffin limps back across the street. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael starts the engine and pulls away. MICHAEL So much for old war wounds. K.I.T.T. To quote the cliche, it appears as if the butler did it. MICHAEL Looks like we're going to have to share a few unpleasant facts with Grace. (punches buttons) Let's get Devon. INTERCUT - MONITOR Devon appears with April. DEVON Michael, I was just going to contact you...any luck with Griffin? MICHAEL More than I'd hoped for -- I'll fill you in later. What's up? DEVON April's come up with something interesting.... APRIL The last name on the list, Harold Salen, was arrested on parole violation last night. Michael is intrigued by the possibilities. MICHAEL Where? APRIL Mexico City. It could take days before it becomes general knowledge. MICHAEL (a smile) Could it be we're thinking along the same lines? APRIL (smiles) Could be. DEVON In that case, kindly share the benefit of your brilliance. I'm lost. MICHAEL It's simple, Devon. With Salen temporarily out of the picture, no one will think twice if he throws a party. Polish up your diamonds, April. You're invited. CUT TO INT. FALLAN LIVING ROOM - DAY - MICHAEL AND GRACE squared off from a distance, facing each other. GRACE You're telling me that a man I've known all my life is the cat burglar -- dragging my life and my father's name through the mud? I don't believe you! MICHAEL Grace, I know how hard this is for you...but it's the truth. I saw it. The limp is a fake. GRACE All right, maybe it is -- but that doesn't mean he's the cat. MICHAEL I also ran a check on his bank account. In the last month he's deposited and withdrawn over half a million dollars. The weight of the evidence settles on her. For the present, there's no fight left in her. Michael moves to her, takes her hands, comforting her. MICHAEL I know what Griffin means to you. And believe it or not, I hope you're right about him. There's a way to find out. Harold Salen's throwing a party tonight, and I managed to get invited. Come with me. If the cat burglar's true to form, he'll be there, too. GRACE What if he is, and it's not Griffin? MICHAEL Then I'll admit I was wrong and apologize to both of you. (beat) But I think he'll be there -- unless you warn him. On her troubled look.... CUT TO EXT. FALLAN HOUSE - DAY As Michael walks toward the Trans Am K.I.T.T.'s voice suddenly rings out: K.I.T.T. Michael, there's a car approaching at high speed. Simultaneously a car tears up the driveway, cutting Michael off from the Trans Am. Barth jumps out, his gun pointed at Michael. BARTH Get in. MICHAEL If I'm under arrest, I want to know the charge. BARTH No charge. Just a little private conversation. Michael debates it, crosses to the car. CLOSE ON MICHAEL As he climbs in, he speaks into the comlink. MICHAEL Give us a head start, then follow. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER It flashes acknowledgment. EXT. FALLAN MINI-ESTATE - DAY Barth's car leaves, Michael in the passenger seat. The gardener seen earlier is now carefully engaged in pruning a juniper which has lovingly been shaped, over the years, into the image of a delicate swan. As Barth's car passes, the gardener glances at it, returns to his work. EXT. GRIFFITH PARK-LIKE AREA - DAY Barth's car pulls off the street into the lushly overgrown area, largely deserted; moves into the greenery. OMITTED EXT. FALLAN HOUSE - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as it bursts to life, turns and starts down the driveway toward the street. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am barrels by, heading in the direction of Barth's car. The gardener looks up from his surgeon-like work, the electric shears safely away from the swan. He sees that the car is driverless and reacts as if he'd seen a ghost. The color drains from his face. His hands tremble. He hears the sound of his shears biting into wood, turns just in time to see the swan's head fall to the ground, its delicate neck severed. From the look on his face, he might as well have decapitated a human. CUT TO EXT. GRIFFITH PARK AREA - DAY Barth's car swerves in, pulls to a stop. Barth gets out, the gun still clutched in his hand. He gestures and Michael gets out. BARTH I don't like you. MICHAEL If that's why you brought me here, I could've saved you a trip. I figured that one out already. BARTH No, there's more to it. Lots more. (nudges Michael forward with the gun) You see, I did a little checking on you, Michael Knight. You're a real mystery man -- it's almost like you didn't exist before last year. Michael stops, turns to face Barth, ignoring the gun pointed at him. MICHAEL I'll level with you, Barth -- you're a lousy conversationalist. Why don't you just say what you want to say. BARTH Turn around and walk over to that brush. MICHAEL No. The two men stare at each other, neither backing down. Barth raises the gun into firing position. BARTH Move. Michael holds his ground. We feel at any moment Barth may fire. Then, suddenly, we hear the whine of K.I.T.T.'s turbines. UP ANGLE - K.I.T.T. comes flying over greenery, airborne on Turbo Boost. ANOTHER ANGLE Stunned, Barth's eyes leave Michael for just an instant, and an instant is all Michael needs. He tackles Barth. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He lands and skids to a stop, facing them, scanner flashing and turbines snarling. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND BARTH Barth throws a punch, misses, and Michael executes a perfect judo move; Barth lands flat on his back on the ground. MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) Thanks, pal. K.I.T.T.'s scanners flash. Michael empties Barth's gun, throws the bullets into the brush. Then he hauls Barth to his feet. MICHAEL You're a dangerous man, Barth. You're obsessed. You've got no business carrying a badge. A last look at him and Michael tosses the gun in the opposite direction of the bullets, turns and crosses to K.I.T.T. Barth stares at Michael with hatred. CUT TO EXT. FALLAN HOUSE - DAY It's quiet and peaceful. INT. GRIFFIN'S QUARTERS - DAY The room's dark until the door opens and an arm reaches in to flick on the light. Grace enters, shuts the door silently behind her. She looks around the immaculate abode of the butler; then, using the methodical skill of a cat burglar who knows instinctively where the goods'll be kept, she begins searching the room -- rifling through drawers, carefully returning the contents to their original state; reaching under the mattress, feeling around, then straight- ening the bed so no one could tell it'd been mussed; continuing in this manner around the room, finding nothing. ANOTHER ANGLE as Grace's eyes light on a mirror hanging over the dressing table. She crosses to it, careful not to put fingerprints on the glass, and lifts it away from the wall. Behind the mirror is a stash -- nothing fancy, just a hollowed out area. Grace takes a small leather bag resting there, opens it. CLOSE ON GRACE Inside are two items -- the Sangre de Coeur necklace and Molly Friedrich's diamond ring. Grace looks at them for a long moment, a silent tear tracing its way down her cheek. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY It's late afternoon. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon's pacing, clearly upset. Michael's with him. April stands by with what we'll learn is a stack of bills. DEVON I can't shake the feeling we should cancel this party, Michael. If some- thing goes wrong, all we'll have succeeded in doing is making the cat burglar a walking target.... MICHAEL He already is, Devon. At least this way we'll have some control over what happens...I hope. APRIL Speaking of the party.... April hands the bills to Devon. DEVON Yes? What's this? APRIL Examples of the high cost of living these days. Bills. Devon rifles through the papers. DEVON Caterer? Valet parking? Orchestra? Do we really need an orchestra? EXT. TRANS AM - MOVING THROUGH CITY STREETS - NIGHT - STOCK The city glitters in the darkness, as if studded with diamonds.... OMITTED EXT. HIGH-RISE HOTEL - NIGHT One building in a row of similar-height high-rises (if possible). There's a multi-level parking lot next door. CLOSER ANGLE as Michael pulls up in the Trans Am. He's wearing a tux. Tres chic. INT. K.I.T.T. as Michael activates Surveillance Mode, climbs out, leans into the Trans Am. MICHAEL Beep me once for Barth entering the area, twice for anybody scaling the building. Michael starts away, then pauses. MICHAEL How do you feel about heights, buddy? K.I.T.T. They are quite literally for the birds, Michael. Michael smiles and moves away from the Trans Am. We hold on K.I.T.T. for a moment, then pan up to the roof. OMITTED INT. HOTEL - PENTHOUSE BANQUET ROOM - NIGHT Michael enters the room, which is packed with formally- dressed, well-appointed people. APRIL'S VOICE Michael Knight! How delightful to see you. Michael turns as April sweeps toward him as if she hasn't seen him in years. She's wearing a stunning strapless gown, her hair is coiffed high on her head, and around her neck is a heavy, ornate diamond necklace. Reaching Michael, she squeezes his hands, kisses his cheeks. MICHAEL You look terrific, April. I've never seen diamonds look so natural on a woman. April touches the necklace, grins. APRIL They're real. Borrowed, but real. (beat) Well, look who's here. She and Michael turn toward the entrance, and see: MICHAEL AND APRIL'S POINT OF VIEW as Grace steps into the room in a flowing, kaftan-like gown. She looks very lovely, whereas her date -- Griffin -- looks very uncomfortable in his once-fashionable formal attire. Grace spots Michael and heads directly toward him, smiling in a way that does not say "glad to see you." NEW ANGLE as Grace and Griffin join Michael and April. Michael's clearly confused by Griffin's presence. GRACE Don't look so surprised. I said I was bringing a date. Griffin looks stricken, as only a man who knows he's out of place can look. GRIFFIN I realize I shouldn't be here, sir. But Miss Grace was most insistent.... MICHAEL How are you, Griffin? Good to see you. Grace links her arm through Griffin's. GRACE Wouldn't you like to introduce us to your lady friend? Michael realizes she refers to April. MICHAEL Griffin, Grace Fallan, this is April Curtis. APRIL I'm so glad you could come. Harold will be so pleased. Grace looks to Michael for an explanation. MICHAEL April and Harold are...engaged. APRIL I've never been happier. People make too much of age difference. What's a decade or two when you're in love? April smiles and moves to link her arm through that of a man whose back is to us as he talks to someone. Then, "Harold" turns and we see he's in fact Devon, dressed to the nines. April escorts Devon over to Michael, Grace and Griffin. APRIL I'd like you to meet Harold Salen, my fiance. Harold, this is Michael Knight, Grace Fallan, and.... GRIFFIN Griffin, miss. Just Griffin. Ad-lib hellos and greetings. Grace sizes up Devon. GRACE The last I heard you were in prison, Mr. Salen. DEVON Yes, I was. Dreadful place. For- tunately, I was paroled for good behavior. GRACE I'm Raymond Fallan's daughter, you know. DEVON So I understand. GRACE According to my father, you're incapable of good behavior. Devon feigns surprise, chuckles. The band begins to play and Michael takes Grace's arm. MICHAEL May I have this dance? Grace looks up at him, removes his hand from her arm. GRACE That would hardly be polite to my date. She leads Griffin toward the dance floor. ANGLE ON MICHAEL, DEVON, APRIL They watch Grace and Griffin dance -- which, with Griffin's limp, is an awkward affair. DEVON I'm beginning to seriously doubt your theory, Michael. Since Griffin's here as a guest, I'd say it's unlikely he's planning to burglarize the place. APRIL And if the cat burglar doesn't strike, this whole party will have been for nothing. DEVON You wouldn't say that if you were paying the bills. MICHAEL (smiles) May I? Michael takes April's hand and leads her toward the dance floor. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as a car cruises down the street -- an ordinary, unnotice- able car, except that we've seen it before -- it's Barth. ANGLE ON TRANS AM as Barth's car cruises past, the scanner flashes, and: INT. HOTEL BANQUET ROOM - NIGHT - ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND APRIL on the dance floor. Michael's comlink beeps once. April looks up at him, knowing it's a signal. MICHAEL Barth's here. He looks across the room. He doesn't see Grace or Griffin. APRIL Where's Grace? And Griffin? MICHAEL Good question. (to April) Thanks for the dance. Michael hurries away through the crowd. ANOTHER ANGLE - CLOSER Michael finds an isolated spot, speaks into the comlink. MICHAEL What's Barth doing, Kitt? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Circling wide. Waiting. MICHAEL No sign of the cat burglar? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid not. (beat) Wait...We just lost a burglar alarm, Michael. And a window has just opened on the opposite side of the building. MICHAEL From the outside? K.I.T.T. From the inside. Michael swings around to face into the room. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE ROOM Neither Grace nor Griffin can be seen. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He reacts, starts away when suddenly the lights go out. ANGLE ON THE ROOM barely visible in the dim light cast by the many large windows. Then a scream rings out. A figure in black can be seen darting through the crowd, toward the far side of the room. ANGLE ON MICHAEL squinting in the darkness, seeing the fleeing figure. ANGLE ON APRIL as the lights suddenly go back on. April's standing with Devon. She clutches her neck, which is now bare of jewelry. APRIL My necklace! It's gone! WIDER ANGLE - HALLWAY The cat's legs disappear into a duct in the ceiling. Michael, from the dance floor sees this, moves into the hallway as the duct closes. Michael dashes through an exit door. INT. OUTER HALLWAY - NIGHT as Michael runs in, sees elevators close by. He pushes a button, jumps into the elevator. OMITTED INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT as Michael darts from the hallway into this luxurious corridor, bordered on both sides by suites. He runs to the end of the hall, goes through a door heading for the roof. INT. FIRE EXIT STAIRWELL - NIGHT as Michael runs up the stairs toward the roof. EXT. ROOF - NIGHT As the cat comes out of the duct, April's diamond necklace still clutched in his hand, another figure suddenly appears, identically dressed. This new cat grabs the necklace; there's a strange, unspoken moment between these two figures, then the original cat, sans necklace, scampers away into the darkness, gone. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he appears on the roof, sees the cat with the necklace and pursues. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Michael lunges, tackling the cat, and they fall to the rooftop, struggling. April's diamond necklace falls from the cat's grip. Michael gets a hand on the cat's tight- fitting ski mask, pulls.... ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND THE CAT as the mask comes off and Michael finds himself face to face with Grace Fallan. GRACE So you've caught your cat. Surprised? MICHAEL Grace, what are you trying to do? I know it's Griffin --- Suddenly, a shot rings out, striking Grace in the right shoulder. MICHAEL No! The force of the shot knocks her down and Michael moves to protect her with his body, drag her back out of the way. ANGLE ON THE ADJACENT BUILDING'S ROOFTOP where Barth crouches with a long-range rifle. He takes aim again, fires. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND GRACE MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, I need help -- get Barth! Quick! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Hold on, Michael -- I'm coming. More shots ring out and a couple of bullets ricochet near Michael. OMITTED ANGLE ON TRANS AM as the engine bursts to life and the car pulls out fast, heading toward the parking structure. ANGLE ON PARKING LOT ATTENDANT seeing the Trans Am coming. He realizes the car's moving driverless, and his eyes grow wide. He stares at the Trans Am, gawking, as it races past. ANGLE ON TRANS AM tearing into the parking structure and up from level to level at incredible speed. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND GRACE More shots. BARTH moving to a better vantage point. ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM as it reaches the roof of the parking structure, speeds across the roof, heading toward its far edge. ON THE TRANS AM as it turbo boosts from the parking structure's roof, flying through the air in an upward arc, landing on the roof of the hotel. NEW ANGLE as K.I.T.T.'s doors pop open. Michael and Grace, crouching low, climb in. ANGLE ON BARTH He reacts, opens fire on the car. ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM The bullets bounce off as it turbo boosts toward Barth's rooftop, blasting directly toward Barth. The cop flattens against a wall as K.I.T.T. skids up to him, stopping just short of impact but nonetheless pinning him to the wall. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he jumps out to confront Barth. OMITTED DOWN ANGLE - THE SCENE as Michael picks up Barth's gun and K.I.T.T. backs up, lights still flashing. MICHAEL I'd say this makes you 0 for 3, Barth. That's a strikeout in any- body's league -- even yours. He grabs Barth's handcuffs and snaps them on Barth. K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes in satisfaction. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED EXT. FALLAN MINI-ESTATE - DAY The Trans Am's parked in the driveway. The front door opens and Michael comes out, escorting Grace, whose arm's in a sling. Griffin follows them out, all apologies. GRIFFIN ...And so you see, sir, before Mr. Fallan died, he gave me the list of criminals who deserved to be robbed.... MICHAEL And you took it upon yourself to carry out his Robin Hood fantasy. Griffin nods, ashamed. Michael looks to Grace, continuing. MICHAEL And once you became convinced it was Griffin, you took it upon yourself to protect him by taking his place on the roof. GRACE I was afraid he'd be caught or killed -- or both. MICHAEL Instead you almost were. She nods, not proud. They reach the Trans Am, pause. MICHAEL Well, at least all of the money was turned over to charity. Every penny -- confirmed by the Foundation. Griffin lowers his eyes, holds his hands out. GRIFFIN Well, sir, I suppose this is the end of the line. For what it's worth, I'm through being a cat. A butler's more to my liking. Please don't put the cuffs on too tight, my circulation isn't what it once was. Michael looks at him, then to Grace. MICHAEL It's a good thing we were able to recover Molly Friedrich's ring, isn't it? GRACE A real stroke of luck. MICHAEL Too bad we couldn't catch the cat burglar who took it. Griffin looks up, eyes filled with hope. GRACE Guess you can't win 'em all. Michael winks at Grace, starts to climb into the Trans Am. GRACE Michael? Don't forget this. She hands him his comlink watch. He looks at his wrist, confused; realizes she lifted the watch. MICHAEL I see I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on you. GRACE Promise? He straps on the watch, closes the Trans Am's door, starts the engine and pulls away. INT. TRANS AM - MICHAEL K.I.T.T. You know, Michael, I've been thinking of changing my name. MICHAEL To what, pal? K.I.T.T. Kitt the Cat. Michael laughs. ANOTHER ANGLE As they leave down the long driveway, we see the gardener has a new juniper in place of the old one, is meticulously trimming the long arching neck of what will be a swan. As K.I.T.T. passes, his scanner flashes. K.I.T.T. Sorry about the other one. The gardener reacts, spinning around and staring, as the electric shears lop off the swan's half-completed head. He can't believe he's done it again. On his look of abject despair.... FADE OUT THE END