EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57821 Robert Foster September 16, 1983 (Spec.Run) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin September 19, 1983 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Tom Greene Gian R. Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER CUSTOM K.I.T.T. by William Schmidt ___________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. ROAD - DAY - CLOSE ON HOOD ORNAMENT With the sound of classical music playing softly in the b.g., we open tight on a highly polished, extremely ornate hood ornament. It glistens majestically in the morning sun. Pull back to reveal a beautifully restored Pennington Aston Regency. Behind the wheel, looking his dapper best in a blazer and silk tie, is Devon Miles, blissfully content as he cruises down the nearly deserted road. Suddenly something strikes the rear of his car. Devon reacts, horrified, looks in the rearview mirror. DEVON'S POINT OF VIEW - A LATE MODEL CONVERTIBLE driven by a young Blonde. She's wearing dark glasses. BACK TO DEVON He slows and pulls over, more distraught than one would expect. The convertible follows. ANOTHER ANGLE Devon hurries to the rear of the car and inspects the damage. We hear a car door open, high heels crunching on gravel and a giggle. BLONDE'S VOICE Uh oh.... Devon looks up sharply to see long legs. The Blonde is holding her hand over her mouth, giggling and weaving slightly. DEVON Madam, is that all you can say? Uh-oh? BLONDE Oh, you're mad. Don't be mad. It's such a beautiful day. DEVON (controlled) I acknowledge your appreciation of God's good graces. I only wish it extended to man's endeavors as well. What you just so carelessly struck, and dented, is one of the few remaining Pennington Aston Regencies in the world. (darkly) And it's not mine. She hiccups. BLONDE Bobby's going to kill me...Just kill me. Devon takes in the picture, including the fact this young woman is probably intoxicated. DEVON Madam, your attention such as it is would be appreciated. I need identi- fication, your insurance company -- you are insured, aren't you? BLONDE Bobby is. It's his car. My purse ...it's in the front seat. Could you? Please? I don't feel very good.... Devon sighs, crosses to her car. ON DEVON searching for the purse in the convertible. It's not there. Suddenly we hear the Pennington start up. Devon turns, sees it move out smartly and start down the road. He's aghast. He races to catch up, but it's far too late. He can't believe his eyes. The young Blonde honks twice and waves before she disappears from sight. CUT TO EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM cruising along about seventy. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's driving. He looks carefree. MICHAEL He looked great in the blazer, didn't he? K.I.T.T. I had the distinct impression he was trying to impress the car. MICHAEL Can you blame him? The Pennington Aston Regency is a classic. K.I.T.T. doesn't reply. MICHAEL Not that you're not in its class, Kitt. K.I.T.T. doesn't reply. Michael suspects sensitivities. MICHAEL Actually you're in a class by your- self. One of a kind. Devon's tone sounds. Michael smiles, punches buttons on the roof. MICHAEL Devon! How'd April tear you away from the Pennington? INTERCUT - DEVON ON MONITOR IN HIS OFFICE He looks grave. DEVON The Pennington has been stolen, Michael. MICHAEL (shocked) What? DEVON Please. I'll explain the details later. The point is Commander Smythe will be returning first thing Monday morning. Today's Friday in case you've forgotten. If the Commander returns and I don't have the Pennington here waiting for him.... MICHAEL Say no more, Devon. We're on our way. CUT TO HIGHWAY SHOTS - THE TRANS AM does a 180, heads back in the opposite direction. Music over. Several more shots of K.I.T.T. stretching out on the highways.... DISSOLVE TO EXT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY moving down a highway. The Trans Am appears, the semi's ramp lowers and K.I.T.T. drives inside. Hold as the semi continues down the road. INT. SEMI - DAY April's at the computer console. Michael's looking over her shoulder. In the b.g., Devon paces nervously. MICHAEL You're sure it was planned? DEVON It was a professional job. If only I could've been rude and told her to fetch her own purse. MICHAEL (smiles) A gentleman to the end. (to April) What've you got? APRIL (punches up graphics) In recent months, there's been a rash of custom and classic car thefts. The 'bump-and-run' is the newest technique. MICHAEL If that's all you've got to go on, somebody's in a lot of trouble. Devon looks over, brow furrowed. DEVON Must you be so...never mind. Besides, it's not all we have. April? APRIL We think we've come up with a common denominator. In every town where there's been a theft, there's also been a custom car show not far away. MICHAEL Makes sense. The shows attract the cars...and the potential buyers. DEVON Which is precisely why you're heading to Barton Springs. Devon fishes in his pocket, comes out with a flyer which he hands to Michael. Michael looks at the leaflet: "Barton Springs Custom and Classic Car Show. This Weekend Only!" DEVON If they want to sell the Pennington, this is the logical place. I want you to go undercover, Michael. I have a feeling this market doesn't operate with ads and 'For Sale' signs. MICHAEL You must have some idea what she looked like. DEVON I wish that were true. It all hap- pened so quickly...she was pretty, shapely and blonde.... APRIL Maybe blonde. I went over the car. Not only was it stolen, it was abso- lutely clean. Except for a single strand of hair... (punches computer) I ran it through Kitt's chemical analyzer...it's Elura, Michael. MICHAEL A wig. APRIL A very expensive wig. Michael checks the monitor, frowns. The phone buzzes. April reaches for it. MICHAEL Not much to go on, Devon. DEVON Michael, I would greatly appreciate a little optimism. APRIL Devon, it's for you...Commander Smythe. Devon looks stricken, shakes his head silently, waves his hands. Michael knows a cue when he sees one, starts for K.I.T.T. MICHAEL See ya. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM heading for Barton Springs. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I've done some research on customizing. It's absolutely barbaric. INT. TRANS AM - DAY K.I.T.T.'s lights are blinking. MICHAEL Barbaric? K.I.T.T. Yes. Do you have any idea what is done to these cars? They're painted, cut, molded, covered with decals and chrome. And why? MICHAEL Don't ask me, pal. Call it individual expression. K.I.T.T. (indignantly) Individual expression? How would you feel if someone decided to extend your nose, remove your ears, lengthen your neck and paint your body candy- apple red? Michael laughs. CUT TO EXT. CAR SHOW PAVILLION - DAY A crowd's already beginning to gather for the show, and the mood is festive: booths sell food, t-shirts, programs, etc. People are tailgating, picnicking. Kids with ghetto blasters. In the b.g. we see the Trans Am pull up, park. Michael gets out, crosses through the crowd to the contes- tant's area, where a number of car owners are unloading, registering and getting ready to take their cars inside. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He passes a radically customized car, pauses, glances at its owner, a pretty girl in her early twenties. Her name is Carrie Haver. She is meticulously polishing chrome. MICHAEL Nice car. CARRIE Thanks. She seems friendly. They smile. MICHAEL Can you tell me who runs the show? CARRIE A lady named Suzanne Westen. (points) She's over there. Look for the tightest pants. MICHAEL (smiles) Thanks. He leaves. She watches him for a brief moment, returns to her car. THE CONTESTANT'S ENTRANCE where Suzanne Westen, clipboard in hand, is standing. She's a tall, striking woman in her late twenties or early thirties. Great figure. She looks more sophisticated than the people around her. A city girl. Michael approaches her, affects a slightly hip attitude. MICHAEL Miss Westen? She doesn't bother to look up from her clipboard. She nods. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. I'm a collector. Couple of friends told me I hadn't seen a show til I saw one of yours. From what I can see they weren't just blowing smoke. Suzanne glances over the top of her clipboard to see who's talking. She takes Michael in with a glance. SUZANNE It'll be the best show this season. MICHAEL That's good to hear. I came looking to buy a car. Something special. Unfortunately, the best buys aren't always available on the 'open market.' Sometimes privacy is as important as pink slips. SUZANNE I just run a car show, Michael. I don't handle private sales. But come to the party tonight at the Barton Springs Inn, mingle a little, get to know the owners. Who knows what a good-looking man like you might turn up. The moment is broken by a commotion dominated by a thick Texas accent. Suzanne mutters something under her breath that's not kind. THE LONGHORN The world's longest limo, with a set of Longhorn steer horns on the hood. Next to the limo is Buck Rayburn and his wife, Nora. Buck's short, heavy, wearing a cowboy hat and chomping a cigar. Nora's tall, almost regal, and looking incredibly bored with everything around her. Buck's shouting, pushing people out of the Longhorn's way, gesturing to his driver. BUCK Move it, folks...y'all are gonna have plenty of time to gawk inside. Move aside and let the Longhorn come through. Take her inside, Ray, and hit 'em if they touch the paint. Buck spots Suzanne, grabs Nora by the arm and pulls her over with him. Michael smiles, ad-libs good-bye to Suzanne and crosses back toward K.I.T.T. We hear Buck's booming voice: BUCK We gotta have a little talk, Suzanne. I was promised the primo spot in the tent and I arrive to find it's been given to that Haver girl. You gotta figure out who your star is, sweetheart. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he passes by Carrie. CARRIE Find her? MICHAEL Yeah, thanks. (gestures to Longhorn) Is that your competition? CARRIE (angry) The best money can buy. It's even got a Jacuzzi inside, for those who can't wait to get home. MICHAEL (smiles) Are you going to the party tonight? CARRIE It's a command performance. You? MICHAEL (nods) Maybe I'll see you there. She smiles, turns and heads for the tent. Jan and Dean, two blond surfer-types with a custom van, fall in next to her, whisper something in her ear. She stops in her tracks, turns and says something back to them. They look surprised and then laugh uproariously. JAN Little lady's got a mouth, Dean. DEAN That ain't all. You could set a watch to that movement. Michael watches the exchange, grins as Carrie turns and walks into the tent. As Michael wanders across the grounds, he passes: HECTOR AND LEROY Two members of the rented janitorial staff. They're supposed to be cleaning the grounds with long-handled whisk brooms and ridiculous little dust pans, but mainly they're gawking, walking and talking. LEROY Lookit that blonde...those pants have got to be painted on. HECTOR She'd make a great cheerleader. LEROY Will you forget cheerleaders? Who cares about credentials? I'm talking flesh. You know what it takes to get that kind of flesh? Big bucks, Hector. Big bucks...or a hot car. Hector looks like one of the great mysteries of life has just opened for him. Leroy nods sagely. CUT TO EXT. BARTON SPRINGS MOTEL - AT THE POOL - NIGHT Japanese lanterns of all colors surround the huge pool. Rock music. Waiters circulate with drinks and hors d'oeuvres. People are clustered, laughing and talking. In the middle of the action, we see Michael, sport coat and slacks, talking to several owners. They shake their heads. Michael smiles politely and moves on. ANOTHER ANGLE - FEATURE THE POOL Where Jan and Dean have cornered two young lovelies in the shallow end. Dean's got a diving mask on and is making like Jaws in the water. The girls shriek with laughter as Jan reaches up, grabs an entire tray of drinks from a passing waiter for their party. ON MICHAEL moving through the crowd. He stops, chats briefly with another group, then moves past the pool, toward: THE PARKING LOT - FEATURE K.I.T.T. His scanner scanning, parked near the entrance to the pool and party area. Michael walks up. MICHAEL How're you doing, pal? K.I.T.T. I'm doing just as you asked, Michael -- snapping pictures of every woman who walks by. I feel absolutely ludicrous. Like a second-rate spy in a 'B' movie.... MICHAEL It's got to be done, Kitt. Devon just might be able to ID someone. K.I.T.T. I suppose. Are you making any prog- ress? MICHAEL No bites yet. I'm going to keep working the party, letting people know I'm in the market. K.I.T.T. Working the party? You call making small talk and drinking margaritas working? MICHAEL It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. Keep your eyes open and your shutter snapping. Michael smiles, turns and heads back to the party. ANGLE BETWEEN PARKING AREA AND POOL Carrie and Suzanne are in a heated conversation. SUZANNE Don't be stupid. This is a chance to do something with your life. CARRIE Thanks for your interest, but in case you didn't notice, I already am. SUZANNE Towing your father's dream around? Carrie, the car was his fixation, not yours. I'll give you twenty thousand cash. Carrie glares at Suzanne, stung by her words. Over this we see Michael appear, approaching. They don't notice him. CARRIE The car's not for sale, Suzanne. Not now. Not ever. Carrie starts to leave, but Suzanne grabs her by the arm. SUZANNE Even first prize won't give you enough money to cover the overdue mortgage -- not to mention the personal loan he left you with. CARRIE (furious) You've been spying on me! SUZANNE Twenty grand. That's as high as I'll go. If you're smart, you'll take it. Suzanne turns and walks back toward the party. Carrie stands for a beat, then turns to hurry away from the party. She nearly runs into Michael. MICHAEL Hey, what's the hurry? CARRIE What are you doing here? MICHAEL Just passing by. I couldn't help but overhear you and Suzanne. You okay? CARRIE Sure I'm okay. It's just some of these people...it's like my dad never existed. 'Eddie Haver died? Great. Maybe his kid's desperate. Maybe we can buy his dream for fifty cents on the dollar....' As she talks, Carrie's tough facade slowly crumbles and her voice cracks. Michael takes her into his arms. MICHAEL Hey, it'll be all right. Let 'em laugh now. They'll cry come Sunday when the judges announce the winner. She moves out of Michael's arms, wipes her eyes, tries a smile. MICHAEL How about breakfast tomorrow? CARRIE I planned to be at the show by seven. MICHAEL I'll grab some doughnuts and coffee and we'll drive over together. She studies him for a beat, then smiles, nods. CARRIE Sure you're not just trying to sweet- talk me because you want to buy my car? MICHAEL With coffee and doughnuts for a bribe? He shakes his head. She laughs and leaves, turns back to ad-lib good night. Michael smiles, watches her leave. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael heads back toward the pool and to the rest of the party. Suddenly Suzanne's next to him, slipping her arm through his. She smiles suggestively. SUZANNE She's a schoolgirl. Cute, but really not in your league. When you're ready to graduate to someone who can match you move for move, stop by and say hello. Room 334. Just as quickly, she's gone. Michael contemplates the events. CUT TO EXT. PAVILLION - EARLY A.M. Near the entrance, we see the night guard, Don Jensen, sit- ting in his folding chair. The morning paper's on his chest, right below his chin. Jensen snores softly. ANOTHER ANGLE NEAR THE PAVILLION The shadow of a figure disappears inside the pavillion. Jensen stirs slightly, gets comfortable, continues sleeping. In the b.g. we see the Trans Am pulling into the parking lot. ON THE TRANS AM as Michael and Carrie get out, start toward the pavillion. MICHAEL ...anyway, that's why I'm here. I was looking for something classic ...like maybe a Pennington Ascot Regency. He glances at her, trying to detect any reaction. There's none. CARRIE I haven't seen one of those in years. MICHAEL You know most of the people here? CARRIE Some. Mostly by reputation. They're an odd collection.... MICHAEL What about Suzanne? CARRIE She's the kind of woman who wants something if someone else has it -- cars, men, it doesn't matter. As they approach the pavillion entrance, they react to the sound of a car starting up inside. Jensen stirs, bolts up. CARRIE That's...my car! MOVING SHOT They run for the entrance. ANGLE ON JENSEN Closer, he draws his weapon and starts inside. We hear the engine roar, in gear. ANOTHER ANGLE Just as Jensen starts inside, the tent disintegrates as Carrie's car roars out, knocking down anything in its way, including Jensen. Clipped by the front bumper, he goes down. Carrie screams. WIDER ANGLE Michael runs up and kneels over Jensen as Carrie's car, the driver still obscured, bursts away in a trail of hot rubber. Michael feels Jensen's pulse with one hand. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, over here, quick! Carrie hurries over, stunned. CARRIE Oh, my God, is he...dead? MICHAEL No, he should be okay -- call an ambulance! INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. His systems come to life and he peels out, headed for Michael. ANOTHER ANGLE As Carrie reaches for a nearby phone, K.I.T.T. skids to a stop, door flying open. Michael jumps in and with smoking rear tires, heads out in pursuit. OMITTED EXT. NEARBY STREET - DAY Carrie's car flashes by, approaching 100 mph, its driver still not visible. Pan back a good quarter mile down the road and K.I.T.T. appears, still accelerating. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael intent behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Michael, there's a train track less than a mile ahead. MICHAEL As long as there's no train. K.I.T.T. That's precisely my point. There is. MICHAEL (punches button) Let's get a scan on the monitor. INSERT - MONITOR We see the graphic of the road, transected by railroad tracks, a red light identifying the approaching train. BACK TO MICHAEL MICHAEL Can Carrie's car make it? K.I.T.T. It's unlikely. If it does, it will be by the skin of its bumper. MICHAEL What about us? K.I.T.T. Certainly not in the conventional way. EXT. RAILROAD TRACKS - DAY The train, a slow-moving freight, appraoches the road, wood guard rails already down. A HOBO He is encamped nearby, heating his breakfast of canned pork-'n-beans over a tiny flame. REVERSE ANGLE Carrie's car suddenly appears, doing over 100 mph. HIGH SHOT Just as the freight reaches the crossing, Carrie's car splinters through the guard rails and shoots across the track, missed by inches by the huge engine. ANGLE ON HOBO He stares, amazed. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael checks the road ahead, shakes his head. MICHAEL Get ready, pal. K.I.T.T. Michael, if we fail to reach the necessary height for clearance we'll end up customized by a freight train. ANGLE ON HOBO Continuing on his journey, he now sees K.I.T.T. approaching at incredible speed. He holds his hands to his ears, as if to muffle the crash. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael presses Turbo Boost. WIDE ANGLE K.I.T.T. lifts off, flying up, higher and higher.... FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. TRAIN - DAY K.I.T.T. clears the top with only a foot or two to spare. ANGLE ON ROAD OVER TRAIN K.I.T.T. lands, still moving forward at amazing speed. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael stares ahead, reacts. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE ROAD AHEAD is empty. Deserted. BACK TO MICHAEL MICHAEL What?! K.I.T.T. My thoughts exactly, Michael. MICHAEL He couldn't have just disappeared! Kitt, are you sure your scanner's working? K.I.T.T. Positive. I hate to say it, Michael, but Carrie's car is nowhere in my field of vision. On Michael's perplexed, frustrated expression: CUT TO EXT. PAVILLION AREA - DAY Pan from K.I.T.T., parked, past a dozen or so people who've gathered to an ambulance as it pulls out. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael waits as Carrie finishes answering MOS questions from a police officer. ANGLE ON RAYBURN AND NORA as they move quickly toward the pavillion, Suzanne at their side. SUZANNE We've got a contract! RAYBURN No contract in the world's gonna keep the Longhorn here overnight again! Lucky for me the thief was graced with bad taste an' didn't steal the 'Horn' as it is! SUZANNE I could sue you, Rayburn. NORA Not without a counter-suit, Sweetpea -- your contract guaranteed adequate security. They disappear into the tent. Suzanne stares after them, furious. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND CARRIE as they move away from the police toward K.I.T.T. CARRIE ...They said they'll do their best, which is a sure sign they've got no hope of recovering it. MICHAEL (a smile) Now don't make it worse than it is. No response from her; Michael can see how deeply disap- pointed she is. Makes a decision. MICHAEL I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm not here as a buyer. I'm here to find out who's been stealing these cars. CARRIE What are you, an undercover cop? MICHAEL Something like that. I'll find your car, Carrie. Or grow old trying. She glances at him, finally smiles. CARRIE If it takes that long, I'm in real trouble. (beat) Thanks. She sees something off, reacts. CARRIE If you had anything to do with this --- ANOTHER ANGLE We see Suzanne approaching. SUZANNE If that's an accusation, you'd better be able to back it up. CARRIE If I could back it up you wouldn't be standing there with your eye shadow so perfectly overdone. SUZANNE You've got a smart mouth for a girl who just traded in her training bra, sweetie. MICHAEL Now ladies, please -- nobody's feeling very good right now, and this won't make anyone feel any better. Let's call it a draw and retire to neutral corners. He smiles. They glare. SUZANNE (to Michael) You're cute. Let me know when your taste in women catches up with your capabilities. She walks off, a perfect rhythm to her. Carrie steams. Michael laughs, puts his arm around her, guiding her away. MICHAEL I don't think the lady knows what 'neutral' means. C'mon, I'll buy you a lemonade. A double. CUT TO EXT. OPEN ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. swooshes by. DEVON'S VOICE I've studied all the photos Kitt's transmitted.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is driving, Devon is on the monitor in his office. DEVON Nothing, I'm afraid. I'm beginning to wonder if I'd recognize her if we bumped into one another at the supermarket. MICHAEL You don't go to supermarkets. DEVON True. Still, you see my point. MICHAEL Devon, what've you come up with on the promoter, Suzanne Westen? DEVON I wondered when you'd ask. I rather fancy her myself. Except for her arrest record, of course. MICHAEL Arrest record? Don't tell me it was car theft. DEVON Very good. Two counts of grand theft auto, no conviction. MICHAEL Interesting lady. I wonder if she has an affinity for wigs.... DEVON Before you go, I think you should know things have not been going well with Commander Smythe. He's had a change in plans. He'll be here tomorrow. Michael, I'm a mature man. I don't handle human frailties well, particu- larly my own. I do not, under any circumstances, intend to face the Commander carless. MICHAEL Gotcha, Devon. Michael punches off the video, smiles to himself. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY K.I.T.T. is parked outside. INT. SUITE - DAY Camera pans from a blonde wig across the suit to the door as it quietly opens and Michael slips in. MICHAEL (comlink) Thanks, pal. Intercut: K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. Michael sees the dresser, the blonde wig resting on a styrofoam head. He crosses to it, carefully pulls out several strands of hair and puts them in an envelope. Realizes he's tilted the wig, goes to straighten it and sees something written above the temple. Michael looks closer. The letters "CB - JR - JW" are written on the styrofoam. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, remember the letters 'CB - JR - JW.' K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, someone is approaching the door. Michael hears the sound of a key in the door, reacts. MICHAEL (comlink) Could've used a little more notice, pal. K.I.T.T. I'm a computer, not a prognosticator. The door opens and Suzanne enters. There's nothing for Michael to do but smile. MICHAEL I suppose you want to know what I'm doing here. SUZANNE (walking toward him) I know exactly what you're doing here. (smiles) It's just sooner than I expected. Tired of that poor child already? Heartbreaker. You need a woman who can match you in every room in the house, not just the pantry. By now she is face to face with him. MICHAEL Suzanne, maybe we ought to get a few things straight. SUZANNE (kisses him; moves) We will, lover. Don't be so impatient. I'll let you know when. She passes by the phone, business obviously on her mind. SUZANNE Now shoo. She blows him a kiss. Relieved, he leaves. EXT. MOTEL - DAY - LONG SHOT as Michael leaves Suzanne's room. Pan with him reveals Carrie, watching. She looks angry and sad. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as Michael climbs in. K.I.T.T. Michael, was the intruder dangerous? MICHAEL Not in the usual way. (places hairs in electrotray) Let's see if the lady is a tramp. K.I.T.T.'s computers whir. INSERT - MONITOR Brilliant colors compare the two hairs. BACK TO MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Sorry, Michael. As you can see, the hair from Suzanne's wig is a coarse synthetic. It comes from a cheaper wig. MICHAEL There's more wigs floating around here than Miami Beach. He starts K.I.T.T. and pulls out. CUT TO EXT. PAVILLION - DAY Saturday afternoon, lots of spectators milling about, a sprinkling of kids and dogs. Balloons, hot dogs and cold pop. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. pulls in to a stop. Michael gets out. MICHAEL Stay on those numbers, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm convinced they're to a combination lock -- but where that particular type of lock is at present is an entirely different matter. MICHAEL Good. Don't want to make things too easy for you. He smiles and moves off. K.I.T.T. Talk about being taken for granted. ANGLE ON HECTOR AND LEROY They move through the crowd with their brooms and dust pans. LEROY You gonna do this all your life? HECTOR What? LEROY Stare at the ground an' prowl for cigarette butts an' candy wrappers. HECTOR I don't want to hear any more lec- tures about smoking, Leroy. LEROY I'm not talking about smoking, beetle-brain, I'm talking about this. Common labor. How many cheerleaders you gonna get on $2.25 an hour? HECTOR Is that all we make? LEROY Hector, I'm telling you, you want cheerleaders, you gotta have a fancy car. HECTOR On $2.25 an hour? LEROY What you make don't necessarily determine how you live. Look at the guy who stole the car last night. He didn't work for that car -- but he's got it. From the look on Hector's face we see he understands. He's scared to death at the thought. But intrigued. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he looks for Carrie, who's nowhere to be seen. He spots Jan hustling a pretty girl in tight shorts. MICHAEL Excuse me. Have you seen Carrie Haver around? JAN Somebody stole her car. MICHAEL So I heard. Have you seen her? JAN (shakes his head) Don't waste your time. All she's got eyes for is chrome and twenty coats of lacquer. Michael ad-libs thanks, turns. His comlink beeps. MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, the impossible once again becomes commonplace. MICHAEL (comlink) Got a fix on the lock, Kitt? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Better than that. I can tell you where it is. CUT TO EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Pan from K.I.T.T., scanner on, to Michael at the warehouse door. He turns the combination to CB-JR-JW and the big lock opens. Michael nods to K.I.T.T. and starts inside. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I hate to disillusion you, but someone else is breaking into the warehouse from the south end. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Michael peers in. HIS POINT OF VIEW Across the vast, empty space (certainly no stolen cars) we see a figure wearing a motorcycle helmet half in a window. The figure sees him, darts back outside. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He runs toward the south end. ANOTHER ANGLE As Michael appears around the corner of the building, the figure jumps onto a motorcycle and roars off. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, around back! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. All systems spring to life. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. comes speeding up, driver door popping open. Michael jumps in and pulls out in a cloud of dust. ANGLE ON SUZANNE Approaching the warehouse in her car, she sees the motor- cyclist and Michael and K.I.T.T. in pursuit. EXT. STREET - DAY The motorcycle flies by. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. flies by. ANOTHER STREET The motorcycle turns a sharp right, almost collides with a milk truck, zigzags past, shaken. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He rounds the same corner, sees the milk truck. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He presses a button. MICHAEL Make us skinny, Kitt. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. goes onto the two right tires, slides by the stalled milk truck with inches to spare. ANGLE ON DRIVER He stares open-mouthed. ANGLE AT DEAD END The motorcycle runs out of road, out of options. DIFFERENT ANGLE K.I.T.T. skids up broadside, blocking any possible exit. Michael jumps out. The cyclist, smaller than expected, tries to run but Michael tackles him. They struggle. Michael pulls off the helmet. CLOSER ANGLE It's Carrie. She stares back at him defiantly. CARRIE I don't care what you think, I'm innocent. I am not guilty of anything -- unlike you. MICHAEL What are you talking about? CARRIE Suzanne Westen. I saw you sneak out of her room this afternoon after your nasty little assignation. Michael can't help himself. He laughs. She could tear his eyes out. MICHAEL Carrie it wasn't what you think. Now if you're so innocent, why don't you tell me what you were doing trying to break into Suzanne's warehouse. CARRIE I think she stole my car -- either stole it or had it stolen. I don't trust her. MICHAEL I'm not sure I trust her either, but that doesn't mean she's guilty. Maybe if you and I put our heads together we could narrow the field. Deal? She hesitates, finally nods. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY Carrie pulls in on the motorcycle, K.I.T.T. and Michael behind her. They start toward her room. ANGLE AT HER DOOR As they reach it, they notice it's open. Just then a plainclothes Detective steps out, flashes his badge. DETECTIVE Carrie Haver? CARRIE Yes? DETECTIVE You're under arrest. Carrie looks too stunned to respond. MICHAEL What's the charge? DETECTIVE Grand theft auto. (off) Charlie? A second detective appears with a suitcase. He pops it open. Inside are half a dozen expensive wigs. On their reaction: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. BARTON SPRINGS JAIL - DAY A one-story municipal-type building, with K.I.T.T. parked in front. Carrie storms out, Michael matching her brisk pace. MICHAEL Carrie, whoever put those wigs in your room tipped off the police. I know that...You know it. It's not going to do any good to yell and scream. CARRIE Tell it to the boys in blue back there. My car's stolen right out of the show and the cops accuse me of everything but running down that poor guard -- and I'll bet that's next! As they reach K.I.T.T., Michael steps in front of Carrie, stopping her. MICHAEL What happened to our deal? I thought we were going to work together. She looks up at him, evaluating. CARRIE I'm not going to stand around being your typical helpless female, Michael. Whoever took my car isn't satisfied -- they want me out of the way too. MICHAEL If you'll listen, I think we can kill both birds with one stone. Carrie's look becomes challenging. CARRIE I'm all ears. MICHAEL If the thief isn't interested in selling me a car, maybe he'd like to steal one from me. CARRIE I don't know what you're talking about. MICHAEL How long would it take you to customize a car? CARRIE Like the one they stole? About a year. MICHAEL Since the show ends tomorrow, we'll have to take a few shortcuts. He opens the passenger door for her. She's looking at him like he's speaking Lithuanian. MICHAEL I know just the place. She gets in. As he closes the door: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Foundation semi rolls along not far from Barton Springs. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE April, I can't believe you're parti- cipating in this barbarism.... INT. SEMI - DAY April's pouring over sketches and photos of customized cars spread out near K.I.T.T. Michael's nearby, largely enjoying K.I.T.T.'s protests. APRIL You know we wouldn't do this if it wasn't absolutely necessary. K.I.T.T. Think how horrible you'd feel if they put you on display in something tasteless. Thank goodness poor Wilton isn't here to see this sac- rilege. Behind Michael there's a beeping sound from the vidscreen. MICHAEL Yo, Devon. We see Devon appear on the monitor. He looks very tense. DEVON Michael, I haven't heard from you -- are you making any progress at all? MICHAEL Depends on how you define progress, Devon. DEVON I define it as recovering the Pennington. MICHAEL In that case, no. But I've come up with a new approach. I'm changing tactics. DEVON While you're changing tactics, I'm running out of time. Commander Smythe is due in less than twenty-four hours. MICHAEL Maybe you can stall him. DEVON My dear boy, one does not stall the Commander -- one survives him. Behind Devon, we see a door open and a figure loom up. We hear a booming, heavily English voice: SMYTHE Attennnnnnnshun! Devon's face goes white. As he turns to face the music, the image fades, leaving Michael and April in suspense. MICHAEL I guess the Commander arrived early. APRIL Poor Devon. Did you see the look on his face? April shakes her head and returns to her work. K.I.T.T. I think you're both being extremely insensitive to the humiliation involved here. MICHAEL Devon's? K.I.T.T. Mine. MICHAEL Kitt, we're not doing this for you or for me. Think of it this way. Even as we talk, innocent, beautiful cars are being stolen and customized -- against their will. K.I.T.T. (beat) Against their will? Michael nods gravely. K.I.T.T. In that case, we've no time to lose. Proceed. CUT TO INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY - CLOSE ON SMYTHE Commander Henry Ashburton Smythe, to be exact -- a cross between John Houseman, Winston Churchill and an English Bulldog. At the moment, he appears on the verge of apoplexy. SMYTHE You did what with the Pennington?! WIDER TO INCLUDE DEVON only slightly less apoplectic than Smythe, but with far different motives. He is indeed winging it. DEVON I...had her entered in a car show. SMYTHE You put the Pennington Aston Regency on display before commoners? DEVON Don't you see, Henry, such beauty should be shared with the world. Such majesty should brighten the colorless lives of the poor, the deprived.... Devon hesitates -- he's running out of sales pitches. Smythe considers it, flattered in spite of himself. SMYTHE Yes, well, I suppose I can see your point.... Devon is enormously relieved. DEVON You can? That's wonderful! Such good news for the masses.... SMYTHE Take me to the show at once. DEVON (stunned) Take you? But, Henry...It's in Barton Springs, a fair drive, and it's already late in the day. What say we relax with a good meal and drive up tomorrow for the judging? SMYTHE (darkly) There's nothing wrong, is there? DEVON Wrong? Certainly not. What could possibly be wrong? CUT TO EXT. PAVILLION - NIGHT Filled with noise and glowing with lights, this looks like a sultan's oasis in a suburban desert. We see Jan and Dean, their wallets out, counting out hundred dollar bills and making notations. Then, palming the money, they hurry inside. INT. PAVILLION - NIGHT The cars are amid a flock of festive, colorfully dressed people. Tonight is, among other things, press night, and photographers are everywhere. There's champagne and a large buffet of cold cuts arranged to look like a food mobile. ANGLE ON JAN AND DEAN Several owners and girl friends clustered around as Jan and Dean take bets on tomorrow's judging. OWNER What're the odds on the Longhorn? DEAN Even money. Bet a hundred to win ninety. OWNER That doesn't sound like even money to me. JAN There's a ten percent vig. You think we do this to win friends and influ- ence people? Dean laughs, takes the Owner's money. RAYBURN'S VOICE Put me down for a thousand. Reactions, and people turn to see Rayburn and Nora move through the crowd, Nora acting as though everyone's got leprosy. Rayburn enjoys the reactions, peels ten one hundred dollar bills off a huge roll. RAYBURN You boys better run a good book, know what I mean? 'Cause the Longhorn's a shoe-in. JAN Can we use the jacuzzi later? RAYBURN Over my dead body. Camera drifts away, picking up Suzanne with several press people. She looks slinky and sexy. SUZANNE ...and I like to think of these shows as a microcosm of Americana, a tribute to the spirit of good clean competition. REPORTER I heard one of the cars was stolen and a security guard run down. SUZANNE As I said, a microcosm of Americana. They laugh, turn to see what a commotion near the entrance is all about. People crane their necks. ANGLE ON ENTRANCE For a moment we can't believe our eyes. The car drawing all the attention is K.I.T.T. -- recognizable but distinc- tively customized, bright red and yellow flames, altered air scoops, chrome extension pipes, etc. The smoked windows glide down, revealing Carrie behind the wheel, waving to the impressed crowd. Michael is in the passenger seat. We follow the car as it moves toward Suzanne and stops. Michael and Carrie climb out. CARRIE My entry fee's still good, isn't it? Rayburn pushes his way through, furious. Nora clings to his arm, trying to calm him with ad-libs. RAYBURN No way! No ringers! No late entries! MICHAEL It's not exactly a late entry, Rayburn. Carrie had a car registered, and it was stolen. This one's just taking its place. Jan and Dean love it; more action. DEAN The odds've just changed folks! Place your bets! Carrie stares at Suzanne, daring her to refuse. CARRIE Well? Suzanne looks at her coldly. Then, noting the crowd's enthusiasm, a careful smile crosses her lips. SUZANNE The girl paid her entrance fee. The car is allowed to compete. A cheer goes up. Suzanne meets Michael's eyes. Her expression is every bit as daring as Carrie's, but a bit more cryptic. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. swarming with admirers. It's more attention than he ever dreamed of. His scanner flashes boldly, to the ohs and ahs of the crowd. ANGLE ON HECTOR AND LEROY Leroy is carrying a stack of ashtrays, Hector an armload of empty champagne glasses. Leroy's eyes are glued to K.I.T.T. LEROY Now that's what I call a mean machine. There ain't a cheerleader in the world you couldn't get with that car, Hector. CUT TO EXT. BARTON SPRINGS MOTEL - NIGHT The Trans Am pulls to a stop and Michael and Carrie climb out, laughing. He casually swings his arm around her as they walk toward the rooms. CARRIE ...and did you see Rayburn? I thought he was going to jump right out of his skin and fly all the way back to Texas! MICHAEL He could do that on his wife's broom- stick. They laugh and Carrie stops, faces him. CARRIE Have I thanked you for all your help? MICHAEL (smiles) In your own way. CARRIE I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound right. It seems to me I should thank a person in his way. What is your way, Michael? She is looking up at him, her mouth not far from his. MICHAEL Tell you what. If our plan works, and the thief tries to steal Kitt tonight, then you can thank me. CARRIE I don't think you answered my ques- tion. So I'll just have to guess.... She pulls his head down and kisses him on the mouth. CARRIE Close? MICHAEL Close. She laughs. CARRIE See you in the morning. And she scampers up the stairs toward her room. Michael watches her go, then turns and heads for his room. INT. MICHAEL'S ROOM - NIGHT Michael's key turns in the lock and he enters, closes the door behind him. As he turns back to the room, he finds himself facing a very sultry-looking Suzanne, carrying an opened bottle of champagne and two glasses. SUZANNE Hi. Michael's astonished to see her here. He glances toward the door, then back to Suzanne as she slinks up to him. MICHAEL What're you doing here? SUZANNE I thought it was time to pick up where we left off. She wraps her arms around his neck, champagne glasses clinking together. MICHAEL Suzanne, this whole thing...I'm not sure it's what you think it is. SUZANNE You mean I'm not making myself clear? I pride myself on making myself perfectly clear. She plants a very clear kiss on his mouth. Michael has no choice for the moment. CUT TO EXT. BARTON SPRINGS MOTEL - NIGHT - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as two shadowy figures move stealthily across the parking lot. A guy and a girl pass by, walking and kissing, and the two figures wait for them to pass, then continue toward K.I.T.T. INT. MICHAEL'S MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Champagne is poured into crystal. We widen to see Suzanne close to Michael, raising the glass to her lips. Suddenly his comlink buzzes. SUZANNE What's that? MICHAEL Ah...computer watch...Reminds me it's time for my pills. SUZANNE You seem in perfect health to me. He peels her off him. MICHAEL A miracle of modern medicine. He escapes to the hall leading to the bathroom. ANGLE IN THE HALL as Michael speaks softly into the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, what's up? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE We've got a bite, Michael. Two figures are approaching me with malice in mind. Before Michael can respond he sees Suzanne approaching, a pistol in her hand. SUZANNE I think it's time we had a nice little talk, Michael-whoever-you- are. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael returns to the living room, Suzanne following him with the pistol. Michael faces her. MICHAEL All right, what do you want to know? SUZANNE Who you are. Why you're here. MICHAEL I told you. SUZANNE Then let's be more specific. Why were you in my room today -- and don't tell me it was passion, unbridled or otherwise. I know better. Because, you see, I also saw you skulking around the ware- house I rented an hour or two later. MICHAEL (beat) I'm here to recover a stolen car. SUZANNE I don't believe you. MICHAEL If you knew the car and the circum- stances, you would. The car is a Pennington Ascot Regency.... CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT as we see the figures coming closer to K.I.T.T. We still can't make them out. We hold for an ominous beat; then crash! One of them drops a toolbox, causing the contents to spill towards us. Both figures quickly bend down and start collecting them. It's Leroy and Hector. LEROY Good move, Hector. You just woke up half the town. HECTOR How come I always gotta carry every- thing? (then) Look, why don't we just forget the whole thing. So far all they got on us is maybe just intent to disturb the peace.... LEROY That's a humiliation, disturbing the peace. What do you get if you dis- turb the peace? If I get busted, I'd rather get busted for grand theft auto. At least it's got substance. At least they know you were going for something. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Hector and Leroy come up on the monitor. Over their images we see a computer readout appear of their identification: Where they work, past records, etc. K.I.T.T. Oh dear, what a disappointment. Small fish in a small pond. Where in the world is a good honest car thief when you need one? CUT TO INT. MICHAEL'S ROOM - NIGHT Michael and Suzanne as before, except now the pistol is pointed at the floor instead of him. MICHAEL ...so that's about it. That's why I'm here. Why I was in your room and at the warehouse. Suzanne looks almost disappointed. SUZANNE I guess that old saying is true after all. MICHAEL Truth is stranger than fiction? SUZANNE Stranger...and not nearly as inter- esting. She smiles, rises and puts the pistol in her purse. SUZANNE For what it's worth, I hope you catch whoever stole your boss' car. What people don't realize is the owners of car shows hate the thefts as much as anyone else. We build our image on good clean family fun. She kisses him. SUZANNE If you're ever in the mood for the other kind, you know where to find me. She slips out the door. Michael sighs, raises K.I.T.T. immediately. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, what's happening? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. as Hector and Leroy work on K.I.T.T.s lock without success. K.I.T.T. False alarm, Michael. MICHAEL I thought someone was after you. K.I.T.T. They were. Are, actually. The trouble is they're not professional thieves. MICHAEL How do you know? K.I.T.T. They're trying to gain entry with a coat hanger and a Phillip's screw- driver. Michael is disappointed. K.I.T.T. Michael, the night is still young. When these baboons get tired of trying and go home, we'll be ready to catch the real thief. MICHAEL For Devon's sake, let's hope so. Good night, pal. K.I.T.T. Sleep well, Michael. STAY WITH K.I.T.T., HECTOR AND LEROY with a handful of bent tools, stop to reappraise the situation. LEROY Can't figure it out for the life of me. HECTOR Let's go home, Leroy. No cheer- leader's worth this. LEROY (brightening) I got an idea. Guaranteed to work -- c'mon. He stuffs his tools into the toolbox, hands it to Hector, and they start away, back the way they came. HECTOR How come I always carry the toolbox? ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Thank goodness. DISSOLVE TO EXTERIOR - SUNRISE - STOCK EXT. MOTEL - EARLY MORNING K.I.T.T. hasn't moved. Alert, he picks something up. K.I.T.T. Oh no.... ANGLE ON LEROY AND HECTOR as they stealthily approach with a portable generator and electric drill. They reach K.I.T.T. and prepare to launch a major assault. K.I.T.T. I see there's only one way to get rid of you two. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S DOOR as the electronic shield is released and the door softly opens right in front of Leroy's drill. HECTOR You did it! LEROY (not so sure) Yeah...told ya. C'mon! They jump in, Leroy behind the wheel, Hector on the passenger side. HECTOR Wow, lookit the dash! TV set an' all! LEROY Told ya this car was special! Before he can hot-wire it, K.I.T.T.'s engines roar to life. K.I.T.T. You ain't seen nothin' yet. On their reactions: EXT. MOTEL - DAY The Trans Am bursts through the parking area, Leroy and Hector hanging on. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. NEARBY STREET - DAY The Trans Am appears on a quiet street, comes around a corner on two wheels. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Leroy and Hector are white. HECTOR Will you slow down?! LEROY I'm not doing it, Hector! It's driving by itself! K.I.T.T. Shall we take the scenic route, or are you in a hurry? They stare at the dash, amazed. LEROY Who said that? HECTOR Let's get outta here! K.I.T.T. No you don't. You wanted to steal a car, and now you've stolen one. Hang on for the ride of your lives. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He pulls into an empty parking lot, accelerates and then does a 180. INTERCUT - LEROY AND HECTOR White knuckles and ashen faces as they're whipped around by the 180. WIDER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. executes a series of 180s, one after another. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. comes out of a 180 and skids to a stop. Both doors pop open. K.I.T.T. Remember this the next time you think about stealing a car. They scramble to get out, do, but find they're so dizzy they can hardly stand up. They weave like a couple of drunks. K.I.T.T. Now get lost. They head for safety, half-running and half-staggering. K.I.T.T. pulls out, heading for the motel. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls in and parks in the same spot; it's as though he's been there all night. We hold on the quiet of the morning for a moment, then: UNSEEN POINT OF VIEW THROUGH MOTEL WINDOW - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. parked in the lot. ANGLE ON WATCHER It's Rayburn. He turns back into the room. RAYBURN You'd better hurry up. ANOTHER ANGLE Coming from the bathroom is Nora, though at first we may not recognize her with the blonde wig and sexy outfit. We do, however, immediately identify her as the woman who stole the Pennington Ascot Regency from Devon two days ago. NORA How do I look? RAYBURN What d'you guess that black beauty's worth? NORA I'd say about seventy-five grand. RAYBURN You look like seventy-five grand. They laugh, enjoying themselves immensely. As they leave: CUT TO INT. MICHAEL'S ROOM - DAY A knock on the door. Widen to see Michael, dressed, sipping a cup of coffee as he crosses and lets Carrie in. Ad-lib good mornings. CARRIE No luck last night? MICHAEL Not the right kind. CARRIE Then the drive to the show is our last chance. MICHAEL (nods) All set? You know exactly what to do? She nods. They leave, Michael locking the door behind them. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY Michael, alone now, reaches K.I.T.T. He climbs in, looks around. MICHAEL Doesn't look like the amateurs did too much damage. K.I.T.T. Michael, I am more than capable of solving certain problems. There are scientific ways to take care of these things. MICHAEL What did you do? K.I.T.T. Scared their socks off. Michael laughs, starts the engine. K.I.T.T. You seemed to take your time with Suzanne last night. MICHAEL We only talked, nosey. And you can forget her as a suspect. K.I.T.T. Then who does that leave? MICHAEL That's what I hope this little trip will answer. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael and K.I.T.T. leave the motel, heading for open road. EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY Devon's car appears, Devon driving, Commander Smythe riding shotgun as it were. He seems expansive, in a good mood, which is all the more disconcerting for Devon. SMYTHE'S VOICE Ahhh, there's nothing quite like kippers for breakfast to set one straight. It makes one yearn for the wars, eh, Devon? To lead a bristled gaggle of men into battle. The clash of steel against steel. Hand to hand...a lost glory in our modern times. DEVON'S VOICE Yes, well why not tell me once again about that time in Corten when you were surrounded.... SMYTHE'S VOICE (continuing) We have to look for other 'medals' these days. That's why the Pennington means so very much to me. DEVON'S VOICE (sickly) Yes...yes, of course. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. appears and passes. We hold for a moment, then see an ND sedan appear at a faster spped, Nora in her wig behind the wheel. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - DAY as they continue down the road. K.I.T.T. There's someone approaching us, Michael. Michael glances in the rearview mirror. MICHAEL Male or female? K.I.T.T. Female. Blonde, to be more specific. MICHAEL Bingo. EXT. ROAD - DAY The sedan draws closer, as if to pass, then smashes into K.I.T.T.'s rear bumper. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is jolted by the hit. He looks in his rearview again, then pulls over to the side of the road. K.I.T.T. How unpleasant. MICHAEL Think of how other cars feel. They dent. EXT. ROAD - DAY Michael gets out, purposely leaving his door open, walks toward the sedan. The driver gets out. With the wig and overstated outfit, it's even hard for him to recognize her. NORA I can't tell you how sorry I am. It really was all my fault. I'm just glad no one was hurt. You're not hurt, are you? MICHAEL Not a scratch. NORA Thank goodness. These days you don't know who to trust -- so many people scream whiplash if you just wave at them. Well, my insurance company will pay for any damage to your.... She stops, suddenly and looks down at K.I.T.T.'s bumper. Nothing. She looks at her bumper; it's a mess. NORA (taken aback) Ummm, well, it looks like you got off lucky. MICHAEL (helping) There could be some internal damage. Maybe I should get the name of your insurance company...just to be on the safe side. NORA (relieved) Internal damage. Of course. Yes. Would you be a dear and get me my purse. I'm still a little shaky. I left it on the front seat. She smiles at him. Michael smiles back, then moves to her car. As soon as his back in turned, Nora jumps into K.I.T.T. A second later they are a cloud of dust.... ANGLE ON MICHAEL He watches with satisfaction as K.I.T.T. and Nora disappear down the road. He turns, looking the opposite way. ANOTHER ANGLE Carrie appears on her motorcycle, pulls in to a stop. As Michael jumps on, Carrie sliding back to a "buddy-seat" position: CARRIE It worked! Who is it?! MICHAEL You'll never guess.... CARRIE Michael! MICHAEL Nora Rayburn. On Carrie's reaction, Michael hits the gas and they zoom out onto the road, Carrie hanging on for dear life. CUT TO ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Nora is enjoying the ride, the car. She notices K.I.T.T.'s dash and instrumentation, begins to fiddle with buttons. K.I.T.T. Kindly keep your hands to yourself, madam. Nora looks around, startled. NORA What...? Silence. Nora tries to reassure herself. NORA Oh...I see. One of those cars... 'Your fuel is low...please close the door.' How unnerving. K.I.T.T. You ain't seen nothing yet. Now she is really shaken. NORA Wait a minute -- They don't program cars with bad English... (then) Maybe it's one of those foreign jobs. That's it. Foreigners. They never could learn the language. CUT TO EXT. DESERTED WAREHOUSE AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. arrives, pulls to a stop in front of the warehouse just as another car inches out...and out and out; it's the Longhorn, all forty feet of her. Buck Rayburn at the wheel. He climbs out, glances admiringly at K.I.T.T. RAYBURN Beautiful -- just beautiful! (giving her a kiss) Nora, I don't know what I'd ever do without you! Did you have any trouble? NORA Not at all. It's a strange car though. It speaks horrible English and virtually drives itself. RAYBURN That's power steering, honey. (then) Come on, let's load her up. ANOTHER ANGLE As Nora drives K.I.T.T. into the warehouse, we see several huge cargo containers, the kind used to drop onto flatbed railroad cars. ANGLE BEHIND WAREHOUSE Michael and Carrie glide up, engine off. They see the cargo containers and K.I.T.T. MICHAEL So that's it --- CARRIE What? MICHAEL How your car disappeared yesterday. They ship the cars out on trains, slow moving freights. They probably just drove it up into one of their boxcars. CARRIE There she is! My car! Before Michael can stop her Carrie bolts for the warehouse like a mother finding her long lost child. MICHAEL Carrie! Wait! WIDER ANGLE Rayburn turns and sees Carrie running towards him. He immediately pulls a gun from his jacket and takes aim. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt! K.I.T.T. responds immediately and in a split second is between Rayburn and Carrie, just as Rayburn begins firing. The bullets ricochet off K.I.T.T. in a shower of sparks. Carrie continues toward the warehouse, oblivious. Rayburn empties his gun, then seeing the driverless car come towards him, turns and jumps into the Longhorn, tearing out. K.I.T.T. heads towards Michael. ANGLE IN WAREHOUSE Carrie comes running in, stops, shocked. CARRIE (horrified) My car! It's ruined! A hand suddenly grabs her from behind. ANOTHER ANGLE It's Nora, grabbing her from behind. The two women struggle, Carrie managing to break free. Michael appears at the entrance. MICHAEL Carrie! Are you okay? CARRIE Stay out of this! She's all mine! Carrie grabs Nora and flips her, sending her into a muddy spill-off ditch. Her hot wardrobe is a mess. K.I.T.T. Michael, shouldn't you stop this? MICHAEL I think Carrie's got everything under control. Come on...that Longhorn's got a good head start, pal. Michael jumps into K.I.T.T. and they roar off. ANGLE ON CARRIE AND NORA Nora pulls herself up from the ditch, a muddy wreck. She's furious, assumes a karate stance. NORA I must warn you, I'm highly skilled in karate. CARRIE Yeah? Carrie throws a punch, a hard right, and Nora falls back into the mud. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Longhorn speeds down the highway, taking up both lanes, causing an occasional oncoming car to turn off the road. We can see K.I.T.T. gaining speed behind him. Every time K.I.T.T. tries to pass the Longhorn, it shoots over to the other side, preventing K.I.T.T. from passing. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael continues to try and pass the Longhorn. K.I.T.T. Michael, he's got twin compressive Tynsonic engines. He's faster than he looks. MICHAEL We've got to stop him before he causes an accident. He'd rather die than give up that car. (beat) Got an idea, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, you can't be thinking of turbo boosting over the Longhorn. The length far exceeds my designated limits. MICHAEL Limits are only in our minds, pal. K.I.T.T. And bones are in your body. MICHAEL Well said. But since they're my bones.... Michael hits Turbo Boost. EXT. HIGHWAY - ON K.I.T.T. as it suddenly surges up and starts over the Longhorn. It's a long way to the front end. RAYBURN He looks incredulously out his side window at the flying car above him. K.I.T.T. as he flies all the way over the Longhorn, missing the horns on the hood by inches. RAYBURN He reacts stunned to see K.I.T.T. now in front of him. His precious Longhorn is about to be branded for life. He slams on his brakes, spinning out in a cloud of burning tires and dust. He just misses K.I.T.T. FULL Michael jumps out of K.I.T.T. as Rayburn climbs out of the Longhorn. He swings at Michael. Michael ducks and flips him with a judo move. Rayburn lands on his back -- out to the world. Michael hears a motorcycle, looks up. ANOTHER ANGLE Carrie drives up on her motorcycle. She is covered from head to toe with mud, but her triumphant smile shows through all the same. She jumps off the bike and runs to Michael, throwing her arms around him. CARRIE We did it! She looks at Michael's clothes, realizes; he's almost as muddy as she is. They laugh. K.I.T.T. Mud may strike you as hilarious, but not me. K.I.T.T. closes his doors. His windows darken and he begins to inch away from Michael. MICHAEL Kitt! K.I.T.T. You two are not getting into me until you both have a thorough steam-cleaning! MICHAEL Kitt! Come back here! K.I.T.T. refuses. Michael and Carrie look at each other and laugh.... FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. PAVILLION - DAY A very uncomfortable Devon stands with Smythe, who grows more restless by the moment. K.I.T.T. is nearby. Devon is showing Smythe some of the novelty cars. SMYTHE Devon, I have seen this car twice now! Where is my Pennington? DEVON Did I show you the customized Packard? SMYTHE Twice. Devon I insist you take me to the Pennington immediately. We hear a very distinctive horn: it's Michael, in the Pennington. He drives it up to Smythe. Devon issues a huge sigh of relief. CLOSER ANGLE as Michael gets out. Devon immediately walks over to the rear of the car, and stands there -- still smiling, but rather rigid. MICHAEL (to Smythe) Just wanted to polish her up a bit. A small group of admirers gather. Smythe is flattered. SMYTHE She is a sight, I must say. Devon, you were quite right. Commoner people should experience her beauty. ANOTHER ANGLE Carrie comes out of the pavillion. She holds a large first- prize ribbon. CARRIE Michael, I won! Even with the scratches! I don't know how to thank you! (kisses him) I'm still going to think of a way.... She gives him a shy smile, then runs over to some of the other drivers to show them her ribbon. Michael smiles, walks over to Devon. CLOSER ON DEVON AND MICHAEL Michael gives Devon a friendly pat on the shoulder. Devon's smile seems a little forced. DEVON Good work, Michael. MICHAEL Devon, are you all right? DEVON I'm all right as long as I never move from this spot. Devon motions to the Pennington's bumper: We see the small but painful dent where Nora hit it. MICHAEL (smiles) I'm sure you'll think of something. See you back at the Foundation.... Devon glares. Michael grins, climbs into K.I.T.T., waves as he leaves. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Oh -- almost forgot. He takes a small yellow ribbon out of his pocket. MICHAEL For you. K.I.T.T. 'Honorable Mention?!' How insulting! MICHAEL (smiles) Don't take it too seriously, pal. You know how these contests are -- all political. K.I.T.T. I'd like to give those judges a piece of my mind. Michael laughs. EXT. ROAD - DAY as Michael and K.I.T.T. hit the open highway and accel- erate.... FADE OUT THE END