EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57829 Robert Foster September 28, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 9/29/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 10/5/83 (F.R.) Tom Greene 2nd Rev. 10/5/83 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi Rev. 10/6/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER SOUL SURVIVOR by Robert W. Gilmer & Robert Foster ____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN INT. VAN - DAY - CLOSE ON COMPUTER MONITOR We open very close on a computer monitor screen displaying a series of complicated equations. As the equations multiply, we hear the sound of a computer keyboard over, and pull back to reveal three other monitors. Technical data on one, mechanical schematics on the other two. Always, we hear the sound of the keyboard as someone works feverishly. Pull back further to reveal: RANDY MERRITT seventeen. Dishevelled hair and clothing, with an old baseball hat riding low on a pair of glasses. The kind of kid who lives and breathes computers. He takes a swig of a soft drink, stuffs a piece of candy in his mouth, but his eyes never leave the monitors in front of him. A small smile of excitement flashes across his face now and then. Behind him someone steps into the van. Randy turns expect- antly. WIDER ANGLE At first all we see is the backlit and shapely figure of a tall, sensuous woman. As she steps into the light sur- rounding the monitors, we see a beautiful woman in her late twenties. This is Adrianne Margeaux, a woman of commanding presence. Confident, in control. She smiles a breathtaking smile at Randy. He grins back, very much infatuated. ADRIANNE Don't let me interrupt. RANDY (excited) I was just about to call you! I've completely debugged the algorithmic system analysis program, Adrianne. It's going to work...I know it is. Look.... Randy turns back to the computer, starts typing rapidly. In front of him, the monitors start flashing a series of numbers, equations. As he works, Adrianne moves close to him, one hand resting on his shoulder. Casual, yet intimate. Randy notices it, and so do we. ADRIANNE (purring) I knew you could do it. RANDY (pleased) I wasn't so sure...I've never written a program for something like this. With that, he punches another button on the keyboard. ON THE MONITORS As all three screens go blank and then flash computer pictures of -- K.I.T.T.! A front, side and rearview of Trans Am. Off this, we: OMITTED CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - CLOSE ON A SIMILAR PICTURE OF K.I.T.T. as the Trans Am moves down the highway. Over, we hear the characteristic jingle of "Pac-Man" or some other appropriate video game, and we hear: MICHAEL'S VOICE Gotcha! Did you see that, Kitt? INT. TRANS AM - DAY - CLOSE ON MONITOR where we see a video game in progress, preferably Pac-Man. As the little creature gobbles baddies, pull back to reveal Michael playing the game, laughing delightedly. K.I.T.T. I've seen nothing else for three hun- dred miles. Don't you think you've had enough? MICHAEL What's the problem? I thought you'd appreciate me getting into computers.... K.I.T.T. Playing a video game where circles eat blobs is hardly 'getting into computers.' Michael, a computer is a sophisticated, very complicated piece of equipment.... MICHAEL You want to talk complicated? Try getting twenty thousand points on this thing.... K.I.T.T. Never. But, if you can tear your- self away, my sensors are picking up a disabled automobile ahead.... Michael looks up to see a beautiful black Bentley parked by the side of the road its hood up. Someone is bent over the engine, though we can't see who. Shapely legs indicate it's a woman. MICHAEL Let's see if we can lend a hand.... Michael pulls to the side of the road, behind the Bentley. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as Michael parks, gets out of the Trans Am, walks to the Bentley. As he approaches, the woman under the hood looks up. It's Adrianne. She flashes Michael a smile. ADRIANNE Help! MICHAEL What's the problem? ADRIANNE It won't go. (smiling) I'm afraid that's the extent of my diagnostic capabilties. MICHAEL It's a good place to start. Adrianne laughs. Michael smiles, moves to the engine, looks in, studies it for a moment. MICHAEL Ah ha.... ADRIANNE 'Ah ha?' As in, 'I think I see the problem?' Michael nods, reaches in, fiddles. MICHAEL Your distributor cap was loose. Try it now. She does. It starts. Michael closes the hood, as Adrianne studies him. She clearly likes what she sees. ADRIANNE It seems like just saying 'thanks' isn't nearly enough. MICHAEL 'Thanks' is plenty. I needed to stretch my legs anyway. ADRIANNE Look, my house is just down the road. How about letting me buy you a drink? (before he can refuse) Oh, come on...what self-respecting knight denies his damsel a chance to thank him? (coyly) Besides, what if this stupid car stops again and you're gone? She holds Michael's look for a beat, smiles. As Michael smiles back, we: CUT TO EXT. HOUSE - DAY Something luxurious. In front we see the Trans Am parked next to the Bentley. We should see a garage in the b.g. with its doors closed. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Beautifully furnished. Plants. Carefully chosen prints on the walls. A magnificent sound system, highlighted by two very large speakers mounted on the walls. Michael is walking around, admiring the room as Adrianne comes in carrying a tray with drinks, hors d'oeuvres. MICHAEL Quite a place.... ADRIANNE I'm an art dealer. I love having beautiful things around me. Adrianne sets down the tray, hands Michael a glass. ADRIANNE Art and music. They're two of the three essential ingredients in my life.... Adrianne lets her last line sink in, then moves to a reel- to-reel tape recorder. As she switches it on, we notice her quickly place plugs in both her ears. ADRIANNE I want you to hear something. It's a new sound from a group in Europe.... EXT. HOUSE - DAY as a van pulls up the driveway, parks next to the Trans Am. It's got a huge termite on the roof, and a sign on the side that reads, "Rodent Raiders -- If It Crawls, It Falls." The door opens and Randy jumps out. He crosses to the Trans Am, peers in the window like a kid at a candy store, then moves toward the house. We hear the faint sound of synthe- sized music (a la "Vangelis" or "Tangerine Dream"), and go to: INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY The music fills the room, Michael stands, listens intently, seemingly lost in the melody. Adrianne's at his side, smiling warmly. He catches himself drifting, shakes his head, stands shakily. MICHAEL Strange.... ADRIANNE I find it so...soothing. Enchanting.... Michael looks at her sharply. She gestures for him to sit. ADRIANNE Come and sit down. She takes his arm, very gently leads him toward the sofa. Michael's distracted by the music again, then brings himself back to reality. He looks at Adrianne, then over to the tape recorder. MICHAEL I...think I've had enough music. He turns, lurches toward the door. Again, Adrianne very calmly takes his arm. ADRIANNE (crooning) Michael...I want you to relax. MICHAEL (groggy) Who are you? What are...you... doing? ADRIANNE Making you comfortable. Helping you...relax.... He tries to break free from her grasp, but he's weak as a kitten. She leads him back to the sofa, sits him down. Her hand caresses his face. He tries to get up, but can't find the strength. Adrianne caresses his face. ADRIANNE Don't...Stay here...with me... (beat) Just...relax...relax. The front door opens and Randy steps into the room. Adrianne and Michael turn to see him. Adrianne nods that every- thing's all right. Randy hesitates for a moment, a frown on his face, taking in the scene. Finally, he backs out and closes the door. Michael sinks back on the sofa, closes his eyes. Adrianne smiles at him, and we: CUT TO EXT. HOUSE - DAY as Randy comes out, crosses directly to the van and climbs inside. INT. VAN - DAY Not a rodent control van at all, but a mobile computer center. We realize it's the setup from the opening sequence. Randy sits down, punches into the keyboard. A schematic of K.I.T.T. appears on one of the monitors. Intercut with: INT. TRANS AM - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. blinking to life. K.I.T.T. (surprised) I beg your pardon! What do you think you're doing? K.I.T.T.'s monitor blinks to life. As Randy types into his computer, we see words appearing on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR The words read, "Hello. My name is Randy. I want to be your friend. Don't resist. It won't do any good." BACK TO K.I.T.T. blinking in alarm, his voice box activating. K.I.T.T. I'm highly classified material... Now get out of here, before I... (a beat) We hear a rapid succession of electronic pulses. K.I.T.T.'s lights blink in alarm. K.I.T.T. Michael, someone's trying to gain access to me...! INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CLOSE ON MICHAEL as we hear K.I.T.T. over Michael's comlink: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, can you hear me! Help...! Michael slumped over on the sofa, completely mesmerized by the music. Adrianne's standing over him. As she turns and walks out of the room, we go back to: INT. VAN - DAY Randy types on his keyboard. A monitor shows a schematic of K.I.T.T., focusing on a door handle. EXT. TRANS AM - CLOSE ON DOOR As the electric lights in the handle begin to blink, signi- fying Randy trying to get inside. We hear: OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM - ON THE HANDLE as it suddenly pops open. INT. TRANS AM - ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. (shocked) How did he do that? INT. VAN - ON RANDY smiling delightedly. He punches another series of buttons. Adrianne appears behind him, watching intently. EXT. TRANS AM - ON THE HOOD as it pops open. We hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Oh, no, you don't.... The hood slams shut again. INT. VAN - ON RANDY frowning with irritation. He punches in another combination of numbers. EXT. TRANS AM The hood pops open. INT. TRANS AM - ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. All right, if you insist. (fiercely) But that's all you're going to get. INT. VAN - ON RANDY working feverishly over his keyboard. The monitors in front of him reflect the interior of the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM as the dash lights come on, the gear shift moves, the wind- shield wipers activate, the horn honks. Then the ignition turns, catches and the Trans Am roars to life. K.I.T.T. is powerless to stop it. The gear shift moves into drive and the Trans Am lurches forward, stops, reverses, stops. The movement is awkward, jerky, but K.I.T.T.'s under Randy's tentative control. OMITTED INT. VAN Randy whoops, pounds the table with his fist. He turns to Adrianne, whose eyes are burning with excitement. Spon- taneously, she hugs him. ADRIANNE You've done it, Randy! RANDY Part of it. I've got control of the car. Once I get into the central processing unit, I've got control of the computer, too. Adrianne frowns, checks her watch. ADRIANNE How much longer will that take? RANDY It's hard to say. It depends on how tough he is.... ADRIANNE How tough he is? You're talking about a computer. RANDY (smiling) Yeah, but he's got a personality. Randy punches in a series of numbers, followed by a phrase. "Designate Access Code." A beat, then we hear: K.I.T.T. I am the Knight Industries Two Thousand. My serial number is Alpha Delta Two Two Seven Five Two Nine. I am unauthorized to allow access to Central Processing Unit. Randy shakes his head, punches in another series of letters and numbers. As we hear K.I.T.T.'s voice, repeating the previous phrase; Adrianne frowns with irritation. ADRIANNE Your computer controls the car, Randy. We don't need someone else's. Randy looks up at her, his face filled with innocent excitement. RANDY But, Adrianne, you told me the Knight Industries Two Thousand is one of the most fantastic computers in the world. If I can get inside it, into its C.P.U.--- ADRIANNE (interrupting) Randy, we don't have the time. Destroy what we can't use.... RANDY (shocked) Destroy it? You've got to be kidding.... Adrianne senses Randy's mood, changes tactics. She leans over, her face close to Randy's. Suddenly, she's pure sensuality. ADRIANNE (softer) Randy, because of you, your bril- liance, we don't need that computer. You can control the car, can't you? Just like you promised? She leans closer, kisses him, softly. Randy melts, and as we hold on his face, then: CUT TO EXT. DESERTED ROAD - DAY A two-lane blacktop somewhere out of town. Lightly traveled. As our camera pans slowly down the side of the road, we suddenly see: MICHAEL Just off the shoulder of the road, looking like a bum sleeping off a binge. Not moving, so we worry he might be hurt, even dead. Then, slowly, he moves, struggles to sit up. Suddenly, he's on his feet, grabbing for his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt...Kitt, can you read me? Come in, Kitt! Dead silence. Michael scans the horizon in every direction, then turns and starts walking down the road. As he breaks into a run, we: CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY Over, we hear: DEVON'S VOICE You've lost Kitt!? CUT TO INT. FOUNDATION - DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael's standing in front of Devon's desk, still dusty and disheveled from the road. April stands behind Devon, just as stunned as he. APRIL (dismayed) To a woman who picked you up on the side of the road?! Michael, how could you...? Michael holds up his hands, frustrated, angry. MICHAEL All right, I know how it sounds, but it wasn't a casual mistake. It was planned. The music she put on was like a siren's song...it was ultra- low frequency...hypnotic...and her voice...it literally drained the strength out of me. April and Devon exchange a look. Michael's angry. MICHAEL Look, we can debate this later. The fact is, Kitt's gone and we've got to get him back. (to April) April, how far could they get with Kitt? He's programmed to respond only to me.... APRIL That's right. But, if someone changed that program.... Michael glances at Devon, who rises. MICHAEL What're the chances of that? DEVON Infinitesimal. But they exist. (urgently) Do you think you can find the house? Michael thinks for a beat, nods. CUT TO EXT. ADRIANNE'S HOUSE - DAY deserted as a red Mercedes convertible pulls up the driveway and stops. A "For Sale" sign is planted on the front lawn. The garage doors are open. Devon and Michael get out, hurry to the front door. Michael rings the bell. No one answers. Michael goes to work with a key pick and in a second the front door opens. He and Devon enter to: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Completely empty. Michael and Devon stand in the middle of the room. Michael's fuming. MICHAEL She was here, Devon. It was completely furnished...and it wasn't for sale. Devon glances around the empty room. DEVON If that's the case, this young lady obviously went to some trouble to snare you and Kitt. Why? MICHAEL (grimly) Good question. One way or another, I'll find the answer, Devon, and that's a promise. Michael wheels and walks out of the house. Devon follows. EXT. HOUSE - DAY He notices the open garage door. Thinks a minute. Then turns and hurries toward it. Devon follows. ANGLE - ON GARAGE as Michael walks inside. Like the house, it's empty, except for a pile of boxes stacked in the corner. Michael stands staring at the garage as Devon joins him. A beat, then: DEVON What is it, Michael? MICHAEL I don't know...I felt something...in here. A presence... (beat) Kitt's presence. Both men glance around the empty garage, turn to leave. As Michael starts to close the garage door we see a faint red light flicker in the pile of boxes. It catches Michael's attention. He freezes, peers through the darkness. Again, a red light flickers. MICHAEL Devon...! Michael throws open the door, hurries to the pile of boxes, reaches in and pulls out a black metallic rectangle about the size of a cigar box. Severed wires dangle from it and it's been badly mishandled. As Michael picks it up, a red LED flickers, then grows bright. Devon hurries over. DEVON What is it, Michael? MICHAEL It's Kitt...Kitt, are you all right?! Kitt...talk to me...Kitt! There's no response. As the two men stare in shocked amazement at a Kitt we've never seen, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH Over, we hear: MICHAEL'S VOICE Will he be all right? CUT TO INT. FOUNDATION - DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Michael paces across the room. Devon and April face him, looking very somber. APRIL He's been badly cannibalized.... MICHAEL Cannibalized? APRIL Most of Kitt's programs were broken into...everything concerning the operation of the car is gone. Devon and Michael share a concerned look. DEVON In the wrong hands, that car is a lethal weapon. APRIL They also tried to access Kitt's central processing unit and his 'bubble memory'...everything that makes Kitt...what he is. Who he is. MICHAEL It sounds like brainwashing. APRIL That's exactly what it is. DEVON This is becoming a crisis of major proportions and we still don't have a clue as to who we're dealing with. (to April) How're we coming with those composite pictures? APRIL I've already entered Michael's des- criptions. Kitt's data should be in the computer by now.... April crosses to the computer terminal, punches in. Devon and Michael follow, peer over her shoulder. ANGLE TO FEATURE THE MONITOR as a computer-generated picture of Adrianne comes up on the screen. Michael peers at it closely, excited. MICHAEL That's her! APRIL Good...that's a start. Let's see the boy.... More keys are punched. We see a picture of Randy appear. MICHAEL That's going to be tougher. I only caught a glimpse of the kid.... April is peering intently at the picture. She punches a button, blows the picture up. APRIL I have the strangest feeling I've seen him somewhere.... April thinks for a beat, then crosses to a pile of magazines. She grabs one, hurriedly flips through it. APRIL Last month there was a convention in Chicago. The brightest computer kids in the country got together, read papers, exchanged programs... awards were given to the best pres- entations. A local boy took almost every prize.... She stops turning the pages, stares at the magazine. APRIL His name was Randy Merritt.... She holds up the magazine. ANGLE ON THE MAGAZINE where we see a picture of a smiling Randy Merritt, under the caption "Computer Whiz Kid Wows Chicago." It's very similar to the composite picture of Randy. BACK TO SCENE as Devon and Michael stare at the picture. DEVON Good work, April. Let's find him as quickly as possible. There's a buzz on the intercom. April crosses, picks up the phone, speaks softly, then hangs up. APRIL That was the 'clean room'. Kitt's ready...in a manner of speaking. April turns for the door, stops. APRIL He's going to look...different. The adjustment's been difficult for him, so don't make it any worse.... April exits. Devon and Michael share a look. MICHAEL Different? Before Devon can answer, April enters, pushing a gurney which carries one of those portable entertainment units, with a five-inch TV screen, AM/FM radio, speaker and carrying handle. She sets it on a table in front of Michael and Devon. They're flabbergasted. We hear K.I.T.T.'s voice, smaller, slightly metallic, but undeniably K.I.T.T. As he talks, a light on the top of the set flashes. K.I.T.T. Don't say a thing! Not one word! MICHAEL Kitt, you're...okay! K.I.T.T. I am not 'okay.' I'm being held captive inside a television set.... APRIL Kitt, it's the best we can do to make you portable.... K.I.T.T. And totally ridiculous! I feel like the booby prize at a Halloween party. April, Michael and Devon have to hide smiles. K.I.T.T. Well, don't just stand there. We've got to find those beasts...immediately! MICHAEL As soon as we get a lead on the kid. (beat) You sure you feel up to traveling, pal? K.I.T.T. Like April said, Michael... (sarcastic) I'm portable. Off everyone's amused reactions, we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as we pick up the red Mercedes convertible moving down the highway. INT. CONVERTIBLE - DAY Michael's behind the wheel. K.I.T.T.'s on the passenger seat next to him. Silence, then: K.I.T.T. You seem to be enjoying this. MICHAEL It's kinda fun having the top down. K.I.T.T. Well, if being burned by the sun and buffeted by the wind is your idea of fun.... MICHAEL Look, I'm only driving this until we get our car back. Don't be paranoid. K.I.T.T. That's easy for you to say. You're still you, and I'm a...shadow of my former self! I used to be sleek and black and dashing, and now... (poignantly) Oh, Michael, do I look just dreadful? Be honest.... Michael glances over at the portable TV, smiles. MICHAEL What matters to me is who you are, not what you look like, Kitt. Sure, we don't have the car, so we can't turbo boost or go two hundred miles an hour, but that was all frosting on the cake, anyway. It was never you. K.I.T.T. It wasn't? MICHAEL No...the car was fantastic but if you break it down it was steel, glass and rubber. We can always make another one. (beat) But, you...you're a lot more than silicon chips and fancy circuitry. You're my buddy and my partner. You're one of a kind. K.I.T.T. Why, thank you, Michael. The feeling's mutual...I mean, I've always considered you as more than a dollar and seventy- eight cents worth of chemicals...a good deal more, in fact. MICHAEL (smiles) Thanks, pal. CUT TO EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY A middle-class neighborhood, with small houses and apart- ments lining the street. We see the Mercedes parked in front of one of the houses, and: CUT TO INT. APARTMENT - DAY where we find Michael talking with Denise Merritt. She's in her early forties, with an attractiveness that's given way to the concern and fatigue etched in her face. MRS. MERRITT I'd give anything to know where he is...I've been worried sick since he disappeared. (beat) It's been nearly a month... (near tears) ...no calls, no letters. The police haven't turned up a thing, the private investigator I hired has been use- less.... MICHAEL Mrs. Merritt, I think I saw Randy. He was with a woman.... Mrs. Merritt stares at Michael. MRS. MERRITT You saw him? With Adrianne? MICHAEL I don't know her name. She's tall, dark hair, late twenties or early thirties.... MRS. MERRITT That's her! Where did you see them? How can I find him? Mrs. Merritt has grabbed Michael's hand. She's squeezing it tightly. MICHAEL (gently) I don't know. They've disappeared ...but I want to find them just as much as you do. Anything you can tell me about her might help. MRS. MERRITT I really don't know that much. Her name's Adrianne Margeaux. They met at one of those computer conventions ...she started filling his head with plans for building a computer, making millions of dollars... (beat) Randy's a good boy, but he's young and impressionable. She's so much older, so beautiful...sophisticated. (shaking her head) I watched him changing right in front of my eyes. He even started lying, and he'd never done that before. (beat) I finally told him he couldn't see her anymore...two days later, he was gone. She gives way to tears again. MICHAEL (a beat) He couldn't have taken a lot with him. Maybe if we check his room, there's a clue hidden away some- where.... MRS. MERRITT I doubt that. Not in his room. MICHAEL Why? Rather than answer, Mrs. Merritt turns to exit. Michael follows to: INT. RANDY'S ROOM - DAY A small, barren bedroom. A single bed and a night stand line one wall. The other part of the room is occupied by a desk with a home computer and monitor, a workbench with electronic gadgets, a few magazines and books. A phone should be hooked up to the computer monitor. Michael and Mrs. Merritt walk in, stare at the room. MICHAEL Looks like Randy wasn't into much besides his computer. Denise nods sadly, glances toward the computer. MRS. MERRITT There wasn't anything else. Randy was so shy, so quiet...I thought that computer would be good for him ...give him something to share with me. (beat) But, once he discovered the world inside that machine, he disappeared into it. Michael nods, notices a picture stuck on the wall. He crosses, looks at it. It's a picture of Adrianne and Randy, standing next to a computer. They're smiling. MRS. MERRITT I used to hate it when he'd spend hours with that computer. (sadly) Now, I'd give anything just to have him here. She crosses to Michael, takes the picture. As she and Michael look at it, move in close on Randy's smiling face, and then: CUT TO INT. RODENT RAIDER VAN - DAY - CLOSE ON RANDY in front of his computer and monitors. Rather than his keyboard, though, he's got a joystick apparatus, much like the kind used in home video games. On the monitor in front of him we see, via live-action, a car racing across the desert. The point of view is from the driver's seat, and we realize that Randy is, in fact, "driving" the car. He jams the joystick straight ahead and we intercut with: OMITTED EXT. DESERT - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM jumps forward with a roar of power. The wheel turns to the right sharply and the car skids into a turn, but too sharply. It's responding awkwardly like a pup still learning to obey it's master. In the b.g. we see the van parked next to a sleek limo. INT. LIMO where we see Adrianne watching the Trans Am perform. She's sipping champagne. Her driver, Turner, is behind the wheel. As the Trans Am spins out again, Adrianne frowns and we go back to: RANDY who frowns, mutters to himself, straightens out the joystick, hits a button. THE TRANS AM skids to a stop, then shoots forward, swerving from side to side erratically. Then it turns, races toward the limo as: RANDY hunches over the joystick, hits two buttons simultaneously, pulls back sharply on the joystick. ON THE TRANS AM as it lifts off the ground, turbos over the limo, and hits the ground hard. Another skid as the car spins out and stops. ANGLE ON THE LIMO as Turner gets out, opens the door for Adrianne. A beat later, Randy comes out of the van, crosses to Adrianne. She's furious. ADRIANNE What's the matter? You were driving that car like a drunken sailor. Randy stares at her, hurt to the quick. RANDY I told you it might take some time.... ADRIANNE (shaking her head) I thought you could deliver what you promised. RANDY I can! Adrianne looks at Randy, dismisses him with a single shake of her head. ADRIANNE It was a mistake to send a boy to do a man's job. We should never have gotten rid of the Knight Industries CPU.... RANDY You told me to! Besides, it's not the computer you want...it's him! The guy who you stole the car from. Isn't it...! Adrianne doesn't respond. Her smile drives Randy crazy. RANDY I'll make this work! I will...! Randy turns and hurries back into the van. Adrianne smiles to herself and steps back into the limo. As she does: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE MERCEDES cruising down the highway. INT. MERCEDES - DAY Michael's lost in thought. K.I.T.T. I know it must seem strange talking to a television set, but you could say something.... MICHAEL Sorry, pal. I was just thinking about Randy Merritt. (beat) You know, I always figured where someone lived reflected who they are. K.I.T.T. That can be deceptive. My present surroundings certainly don't reflect who I am. MICHAEL Yeah, but his room was so empty. There was nothing of him in there. No personality, no character.... K.I.T.T. That doesn't surprise me. It sounds like Randy lived in his own private world.... Michael looks at K.I.T.T. sharply. MICHAEL Kitt, that's it! His own private world...his mother said he lived in his computer.... Michael slams on the brakes, spins a U-turn and heads back down the road. As he does: CUT TO INT. RANDY'S ROOM - DAY Michael's sitting at Randy's computer, with K.I.T.T. on the table beside him. In the b.g. we see Mrs. Merritt leave the room. MRS. MERRITT I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. MICHAEL Thanks. (beat) Okay, buddy...let's see what you can find. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you sure we should be doing this? Computers are very personal. MICHAEL Look at it this way, Kitt...the sooner we find Randy Merritt, the sooner you can trade that portable in for a bigger model. K.I.T.T. (briskly) I'll get right to work. ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE MONITOR as the screen blinks on. We hear a series of electronic tones as K.I.T.T. goes to work. K.I.T.T. I'm accessing everything that's not coded, Michael...it's all rather predictable: video games, telephone numbers, homework assignments... several weeks overdue, I might add ...just a moment, what's this...? On the screen, the word "Orpheus" appears. MICHAEL Orpheus? What's it mean? K.I.T.T. I'm not sure, but it must have been important because it's protected by a rather sophisticated entry code. MICHAEL Can you break it? K.I.T.T. Probably. It could take time. MICHAEL Let's go for it. We don't have much else.... Before K.I.T.T. can respond, we hear another series of electronic impulses. K.I.T.T. Michael, someone's calling into this computer...! MICHAEL Calling in? You mean from outside? K.I.T.T. Yes. Via the telephone...it's another computer. MICHAEL It's gotta be Randy! Can you trace the call? ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN as a map grid flashes onto the screen, searches, then stops. A blinking light pinpoints the origin of the call. K.I.T.T. It's coming from a mobile phone. RESUME SCENE As Michael grabs K.I.T.T. and hurries out the door, we: CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - IN THE DESERT A deserted road heading into the desert. We see the Mercedes crest a hill, head toward camera. INT. MERCEDES - DAY as Michael studies the countryside. MICHAEL Looks pretty desolate out here, Kitt...You sure we're on the right track? K.I.T.T. (testy) Michael, I might look like a tele- vision, but I am still a computer. Of course, I'm sure.... MICHAEL (shaking his head) I don't know...there's nothing in sight.... Just then, we hear the roar of a car approaching them at high speed, from behind. Michael looks in his rearview mirror, sees: THE TRANS AM bearing down on the Mercedes, doing a hundred plus. ANGLE ON THE ROAD as Michael swerves to the right and the Trans Am whistles by on the left. It's driverless. During this, we intercut with: INT. VAN - DAY - ON RANDY at the joystick, a wild look in his eye. He laughs, jams the joystick to the right and: THE TRANS AM spins into a sloppy one eighty, heads back toward the Mercedes, weaving uneasily as Randy struggles for control. INT. MERCEDES as Michael stares in stunned disbelief at the Trans Am racing toward them. MICHAEL Kitt...that's our car! And no one's driving.... K.I.T.T. I'm picking up electronic impulses, Michael...it's under remote control.... As the Trans Am bears down on them: MICHAEL It's heading straight for us! K.I.T.T. Then I suggest we move. Quickly! ANGLE ON THE ROAD as the Trans Am barrels toward the Mercedes. Michael takes it as far to the right on the shoulder as he can go, but still the Trans Am bears down on it. INT. MERCEDES The Trans Am almost on top of it. ON RANDY watching the monitor. EXT. ROAD as the Trans Am speeds toward the Mercedes on a sure collision course, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. DESERT ROAD - DAY Continuous action from the end of Act Two, as the Trans Am bears down on the Mercedes. Almost to the point of impact. ON RANDY pulling the joystick back as far as it will go. ON THE TRANS AM Turboing over the Mercedes, hitting the ground and disap- pearing in a cloud of dust down the road. INT. MERCEDES as Michael slows almost to a stop, takes a very deep breath. MICHAEL You know something, pal...I don't much care for being on this end of things. K.I.T.T. That makes two of us. MICHAEL Especially when you can't see who's trying to run you down. K.I.T.T. We might be about to find out, Michael...there, in the road ahead.... As Michael comes over a rise in the hill, we see: OMITTED THE LIMO Pan up the road to the Mercedes as it approaches, slows and parks. As Michael gets out, Turner also gets out. As the two men face each other, the back door to the limo opens and two beautiful legs swing out, followed by Adrianne. She's holding her champagne, smiling radiantly. Not the slightest bit bothered by Michael's appearance. ADRIANNE My, my, what a delightedly small world. I've been thinking about you.... She lifts her glass in a toasting gesture to Michael. ADRIANNE To my brave knight...even if he seems to have lost his trusty steed. She laughs, drinks, then reaches inside the car for the bottle and another glass. She offers it to Michael, but he refuses. MICHAEL I want that car back. ADRIANNE (another laugh) Yes, I'm sure you do. Coinci- dentally, I very much want the one remaining piece of him: the central processing unit. Michael almost smiles. This is proof. MICHAEL Having trouble without it? ADRIANNE Not trouble. But it would simplify things. Give me the CPU for twenty- four hours, and I'll return it and the car to you intact. MICHAEL If I don't? ADRIANNE You'll never see the car again. Michael studies her for a beat. MICHAEL I don't know what you're up to, but I don't like being threatened, and I don't make deals. (beat) Get your things. You're coming with me. She looks at Michael and laughs. She snaps her fingers toward Turner who brings her a walkie-talkie from the car. ADRIANNE You don't think I'd be here without a guarantee, do you? (into phone) Fredericks, what are you to do with Randy if I don't call every half hour? She holds the walkie-talkie so Michael can hear a crackly voice: FREDERICK'S VOICE Kill him. Adrianne smiles coldly at Michael. Off his look: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK MICHAEL'S VOICE It's not just recovering Kitt's body now, Devon.... INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael paces. Devon is at his desk, April is at the computer, listening. MICHAEL It's Randy's life too. He's just a kid in way over his head. Adrianne's a regular black widow. When she's through with him, she'll kill him. DEVON And we still don't know a thing about her. We don't even know if that's her real name. I've circulated her photo with my law-enforcement contacts -- even Interpol. No one recognizes her. MICHAEL Look, Adrianne implied that this 'Orpheus' project, whatever it is, will happen by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe that's our best lead. APRIL (shaking her head) I've researched it from its genesis in Greek mythology to every conceiv- able modern application. I can't find any connection. MICHAEL We can't just give up. DEVON I quite agree, Michael -- but we've exhausted every idea we've come up with -- and then some. They stare at one another, frustrated. Michael paces, then pauses, an idea forming. He grabs the phone, dials. APRIL What is it? Michael? MICHAEL A long shot. (phone) Mrs. Merritt, this is Michael Knight.... INTERCUT - MRS. MERRITT on the phone in her living room. MRS. MERRITT (anxious) Have you found him? MICHAEL No, not yet. Mrs. Merritt, you mentioned that after Randy met Adrianne he started to lie...what did he lie about? Anything in particular? MRS. MERRITT (embarrassed) Adrianne. MICHAEL (intrigued) What kind of lies? Can you give me an example. MRS. MERRITT Yes. One Saturday he had me drive him to the Parkhurst Hotel. He said there was a computer convention.... MICHAEL There wasn't? MRS. MERRITT No. I found out later he'd gone to visit her.... MICHAEL She was staying there? MRS. MERRITT Apparently. He spent all day with her in her suite.... On Michael's reaction: CUT TO EXT. PARKHURST - DAY - STOCK CLERK'S VOICE May I help you? INT. FRONT DESK - DAY Michael is walking and talking to an Assistant Manager type, who's shaking his head. MANAGER I'm sorry, but we guarantee our clientel the strictest privacy. Registration is confidential. Michael pulls out the photo of Adrianne. MICHAEL Well, let's forget the records. Maybe you'd recognize the face.... He hands it to the Clerk, who reacts: A hundred dollar bill is folded underneath it. The Clerk expertly palms the bill, studies the photo. He glances around. MANAGER (sotto) Of course. Miss Margeaux. She's often here...but she never registers. MICHAEL How could she not register? MANAGER (confidential smile) She stays in Mr. Atherton's permanent suite. Michael reacts to the name, obviously recognizing it. MICHAEL Mr. Atherton? Mr. George Atherton. As the Manager nods, we hold on Michael's look, then: CUT TO OMITTED INT. N.D. GARAGE - NIGHT A small, empty garage, except for the Trans Am and the "Rodent Raider." We pan past the Trans Am to the van. The doors are open. Inside, we see: RANDY bent over a bench, absorbed in his work. We hear the sound of footsteps and Adrianne comes into the van. Randy doesn't bother to look up. Adrianne stands next to him for a moment. The mood is distant, a little cold between them. ADRIANNE You've been awfully quiet. How's the work coming? RANDY Okay. It'll be okay, you'll see. I should have complete control over the car by tomorrow. Randy fiddles with the keyboard, looking very unhappy. Adrianne sits next to him, brushes a hair off his fore- head. ADRIANNE That makes me very happy. And proud. (beat) Why do you look so sad? Randy shrugs, hesitates, then: RANDY Look, Adrianne, the computer stuff is fun, but the rest of it... (long beat) Maybe...maybe I shouldn't be involved. I mean, I didn't know it was gonna be like this...any of it. Adrianne studies Randy intently, then smiles warmly. ADRIANNE After this, we'll take a long trip...just you and me. The world will be our playground and you'll be my little Prince.... Randy stiffens, glares at Adrianne. RANDY I'm not 'little!' She's startled by his vehemence. She smiles; she has uncovered what's bothering him. ADRIANNE Randy, that's just a phrase, a figure of speech. Are you jealous? RANDY No. ADRIANNE Yes, you are. But, who...not Turner or Fredericks, certainly.... RANDY (beat) You were with him today.... ADRIANNE (realizes) Michael Knight? (laughs) You darling, I'm flattered, but you have nothing to be jealous of. Hand- some men are nice, but looks aren't what really attract a woman. Cer- tainly not for long. No, women are attracted by power, and a man's power is in his mind. What a man can do, what he can create and control. No one but you could reprogram and control the Knight Industries' Two Thousand, darling. No one. Smiling, she gently turns his face to hers. He trembles at her touch, totally under her spell again: ADRIANNE Your genius is your power, Randy. Never forget that.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT The Mercedes passes, Michael pushing it. DEVON'S VOICE (astonished) George Atherton? ANGLE IN MERCEDES Michael is driving, K.I.T.T. is on the passenger seat, Devon's image on his little screen. Intercut as necessary. MICHAEL That's what the clerk said, Devon. Devon shakes his head. DEVON He's been on the Foundation Board of Directors for nearly fifteen years. There must be an explanation. MICHAEL Adrianne Margeaux is a very beautiful explanation. DEVON An indiscretion is one thing, but to share confidential information about Kitt. I just don't understand.... MICHAEL Maybe Atherton can shed some light on the subject. Got an address on him? DEVON He stays at the Blackwell when he's in town. He's there now. MICHAEL I'm on my way. DEVON Michael...George Atherton was an old, dear friend of Wilton Knight's. Please be... considerate. MICHAEL I'll try. But, given what's happened to Kitt and the car, I'm not going to make any promises.... DEVON How's Kitt holding up? K.I.T.T. Devon, just because my size and capabilities have been temporarily reduced, I can still speak for myself. Michael smiles. MICHAEL Does that answer your question? DEVON Quite. Stay in touch. Ad-lib good-byes and he fades from the screen. K.I.T.T. Now I know how short people feel. CUT TO EXT. BLACKWELL HOTEL - NIGHT The camera angles up from the Mercedes, parked, to the top floor. INT. ATHERTON'S SUITE - NIGHT - GEORGE ATHERTON is a good-looking, well-tanned man in his fifties. At the moment he looks angry, controlled. ATHERTON Are you out of your mind? ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL across from Atherton in his beautiful, expensively furnished living room. Both men are standing. ATHERTON I told you, I've never heard of Adrianne Margeaux! Now, if you don't mind.... He moves to the door. Michael doesn't budge. MICHAEL Look, Mr. Atherton, your private life's your business...but this thing's out of control. The Knight Industries' Two Thousand computer was nearly destroyed, the car is still missing, and a young kid's life is in danger. And, it all comes back to Adrianne Margeaux. (firm) Which leaves the whole mess on your front porch. Atherton stares at Michael for a beat, then sags. He nods. ATHERTON I've known Adrianne for nearly five years. We've been...more than friends, but I never discussed Kitt... (thinking) She could've gone through my files, it could have been pillow talk.... MICHAEL What's 'Orpheus?' Atherton looks at Michael, shocked. He hesitates, then: ATHERTON When we became...involved, I set up a Swiss numbered account for her. Only she has access. We code named it 'Orpheus' -- each letter of the name is a number in the account. MICHAEL Mr. Atherton, she's planning a crime of some kind...a big one. My guess is it involved something of yours. ATHERTON That's absurd. How could she possibly hurt me? MICHAEL You tell me. What do you have that's worth a lot of money and somehow vulnerable? Atherton paces, perplexed. Then suddenly stops, staring at Michael. ATHERTON My collection! MICHAEL What collection? ATHERTON My art! It's been on display in San Francisco and is being transported by a special armored car to Denver. MICHAEL Any idea what it's worth? ATHERTON At last appraisal, over fourteen million dollars. On their looks.... FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. ND GARAGE - DAY The big doors slide open. ANOTHER ANGLE A flatbed truck backs up to the entrance. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Driverless, he moves out of the warehouse and rolls up onto the flatbed. ANGLE ON RANDY AND ADRIANNE Inside, Randy at his mobil computer control. Adrianne smiles. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He stops at precisely the right place on the truck. Turner, and the mysterious Fredericks, cover K.I.T.T. with a snap-down tarp, designed for travel. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Mercedes flashes by. OMITTED INT. SEMI - DAY Michael is on with Devon. MICHAEL Devon, I'll need every possible piece of information on this special car, the route, terrain, intersecting highways -- the works. DEVON April's arranging to interface Kitt with Centra-Comp right now. From what I understand, the vehicle is a state- of-the-art armored bus capable of withstanding virtually any impact. MICHAEL How about a laser? DEVON (reacts) Kitt's laser isn't operative. MICHAEL The laser powerpack is still there. If Randy's the computer genius he appears to be, anything's possible. A sobering thought for Devon. April crosses from the b.g. APRIL Kitt's connected to Centra-Comp. Within minutes he'll know every- thing we've got. MICHAEL Everything except where they plan to strike. (beat) Thanks, April. Devon. We'll be in touch. Ad-lib good-byes and their faces fade. A silent moment passes, Michael deep in thought. K.I.T.T. My laser power pack...Michael, in the wrong hands it's a weapon of incredible destruction. MICHAEL I'm aware, pal. Well aware... (beat) How you doing down there? Okay? K.I.T.T. 'How you doing down there'? You're making me feel like a child. MICHAEL (smiles) Sorry, big fella. K.I.T.T. That's better. Michael laughs. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY - DAY We see the tarp-covered flatbed, followed by the "Rodent Raider" van, pass camera. Adrianne and Randy are in the van, Turner and Fredericks in the flatbed. ANGLE IN VAN Randy drives, Adrianne in the passenger seat. ADRIANNE ...but darling, those things don't matter. Those are things of the past.... RANDY Yeah, but it's not just that, it's lots of things...like my club, 'The Computer Clones.' I'm secretary- treasurer. I owe petty cash $8.95.... ADRIANNE (laughs) We'll make it good, I promise you. Randy, listen to me. You're a little homesick, that's all. It's not unusual. The trick is not to think about what you've left behind, but what awaits you.... OMITTED EXT. DIFFERENT HIGHWAY - DAY The Mercedes speeds by. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I've got something, Michael. ANGLE IN MERCEDES Michael at the wheel. He glances at K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Go. K.I.T.T. The two most likely places for inter- cept are ten point two miles north of Cutter's Crossing and six point seven miles north-northeast of a town called Bridgeport. Intercut K.I.T.T.'s little TV screen as it flashes maps, indicating each location with a red dot. MICHAEL Which one's more likely? K.I.T.T. They're virtually the same in terms of desirability. MICHAEL I think Randy worships computers. He'd abandon his own judgment for even a fractional advantage. K.I.T.T. In that case, I'd say the Cutter's Crossing location. Before Michael can respond, the car sputters, coughs, dies and coasts to a stop. MICHAEL Kitt, what's wrong? K.I.T.T. A chronic problem with petrol- dependent vehicles...we're out of gas. MICHAEL Out of gas? Why didn't you tell me we were running out? K.I.T.T. Why didn't you watch the gauge? You're the driver...I'm only along for the ride. MICHAEL How far to Cutter's Crossing? K.I.T.T. Nearly ninety miles. EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY as Michael climbs out, checks his watch, looks around. Nothing. Then, putting along toward Michael, we see: A '49 STUDEBAKER cruising along about forty. Michael moves onto the highway, waving his arms. The Studebaker slows, finally stops. An old hayseed, Elmer, looks out at Michael. MICHAEL Thanks for stopping. Listen, how'd you like to own that expensive convertible? ELMER (hard of hearing) What's that? MICHAEL (shouting) Look...I'm in a big hurry and I just ran out of gas. I'll trade you cars -- that convertible's worth ten times what this is. More. It's a great deal. Elmer climbs out of his car, crosses to the Mercedes, inspects it, then turns to Michael. ELMER If it's such a great deal, how come I'm driving and you ain't? Michael glances at his watch, at his wit's end. Then an idea strikes. He pulls out his wallet. MICHAEL Look, I'll trade you straight across and throw in... (counts his money) ...sixty-eight dollars. What'd you say? Deal of a lifetime. Elmer ignores the money. He's spotted K.I.T.T. in the front seat of the Mercedes. ELMER Tell you what.... MICHAEL (encouraged) Yeah? ELMER Throw in the sixty-eight dollars and that little TV set, an' you got a deal. Michael stares. MICHAEL I can't throw in the TV. ELMER Been wantin' a little TV like that for years. MICHAEL Yeah, but you don't understand -- it's not really a TV. ELMER Looks like a TV to me. MICHAEL Elmer, look at me. I'm an honest man. Make the trade for the convertible and the sixty-eight dollars, give me your address and I'll send you a little TV just like that one. ELMER Thought you said it wasn't a little TV. Michael is ready to kill Elmer. MICHAEL I'll send you two. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. SIDE ROAD - DAY The caravan passes camera, lead by the Rodent Raider at a deserted part of the road, Randy turns off and parks. The flatbed parks behind it. EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY Just empty road and then, over a rise, we see the Studebaker appear, going full out, which means about forty-seven. ANGLE IN STUDEBAKER Michael is at the wheel, K.I.T.T. beside him. Michael doesn't look happy. K.I.T.T. That Elmer was quite a character. MICHAEL Yeah. K.I.T.T. Drove a hard bargain. MICHAEL Yeah. K.I.T.T. We're behind schedule. MICHAEL Kitt, keep one thing in mind. I can always switch you to a game show. CUT TO EXT. ARMORED BUS - DAY It speeds along the highway. It's high-tech panelling gives an unusual appearance. A driver and a guard are seen in the cab. CUT TO OMITTED CUT TO EXT. SIDE ROAD - DAY Fredericks and Turner untarp the flatbed, revealing the Trans Am. Randy, inside the van, operates the mobil computer and guides the car off the truck. Adrianne watches, smiling, then steps into: OMITTED THE VAN - ANGLE ON RANDY AND ADRIANNE Randy at the controls. ADRIANNE How far away is the armored bus? RANDY (pushes buttons) Two minutes and thirteen seconds. ADRIANNE Shouldn't you begin the computer override? No response. ADRIANNE I said, shouldn't you start the computer override? Randy glances at Adrianne. She looks at him sternly. He hesitates, then nods, starts to work. Adrianne smiles. ADRIANNE That's my good boy. RANDY I'm not your boy. Randy keeps working as Adrianne watches him carefully and we: CUT TO ON THE STUDEBAKER wheezing down the road, barely making it up a medium incline, maybe even starting to steam. ARMORED BUS moving down the highway, looking invincible. OMITTED EXT. SIDE ROAD - ON THE TRANS AM - DAY Poised. Ready. The body, without K.I.T.T.'s heart and soul, looks strangely evil. Behind the Trans Am, we see the flatbed and the van. Turner and Fredericks are in the flatbed. INT. VAN - DAY Randy's at the computers, Adrianne at his shoulder. He pushes a series of buttons. We see the armored bus on a monitor in front of him (live-action video). RANDY Five, four, three, two, one...go! INT. ARMORED BUS CAB - DAY as the bus sputters, misses. Dashboard lights flash on and off, then off. The driver and the guard exchange a startled look as the big rig starts to slow to a stop. EXT. ROAD - DAY With Randy's beautiful planning, the armored bus slows to a stop directly in front of the place where the Trans Am and the other vehicles are parked. As it does: THE TRANS AM roars forward, heading for the bus. Behind it, Turner and Fredericks wait, poised and ready to strike. OMITTED ANGLE AT ARMORED BUS The Trans Am pulls alongside, stops. A laser beam begins to cut a hole through the reinforced car. ANGLE IN CAB The driver and guard react, pulls their weapons, jump out of the cab and watch, incredulous, as the laser proceeds to cut a 4 x 4 chunk out of the side. They open fire on the car, bullets ricocheting in every direction. INTERCUT - RANDY AND ADRIANNE IN VAN Adrianne watches, eyes flashing with excitement, as Randy expertly manipulates the action via computer. The laser continues to cut. ANGLE ON STUDEBAKER as it careens down the dirt road. ANGLE - ON THE FLATBED as Turner roars across the road, coming up behind the driver and the guard. Fredericks opens fire, winging one of the guards. The other, wisely, drops his gun as Fredericks leaps out of the truck. ANOTHER ANGLE As Fredericks ties up the two guards, Turner backs the flatbed toward the now complete hole in the side of the bus. The Trans Am moves away from the bus and Turner pulls the truck close. In a second he's out, pulling the loading ramps from the back of the flatbed across to the bus, forming a walkway between the two vehicles. Fredericks joins him and they start unloading crates. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - ON THE STUDEBAKER moving down the road. In the distance, we should be able to see the armored bus at the side of the road. OMITTED INT. VAN - DAY as Adrianne rushes from the door to Randy, who's still at the computers. ADRIANNE There's a car coming this way... who's inside? Randy punches into the monitor. We see Michael's dirty face appear. ADRIANNE It's Michael Knight! Before Randy can respond, Adrianne has him by the arm and is dragging him outside. EXT. VAN - DAY Adrianne pulls Randy across the road. The Trans Am sits nearby the armored bus. Fredericks and Turner are busily unloading the bus. Adrianne shoves Randy toward the Trans Am. ADRIANNE Get in! (off Randy's look) I want you to stop Knight. In person, not remote control.... RANDY What do you mean? ADRIANNE Kill him! (shouting off) Fredericks! Fredericks rushes over from the bus. ADRIANNE Take a ride with the whiz kid...make sure he finishes off Mr. Knight. RANDY No! I'm not gonna do it.... Fredericks pulls his gun, points it at Randy. Adrianne pushes Randy into the Trans Am and Fredericks climbs in the passenger side. INT. STUDEBAKER heading for the tracks. In front of it, we can see the Trans Am firing up, ready to pull out. MICHAEL Uh oh...there's your body again, Kitt... (staring ahead) And Randy's behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Randy? I can't believe he'd try and harm us. MICHAEL He may not have a choice. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Fredericks has got his gun on Randy, his eyes on the road ahead of them. Randy glances at Fredericks, then suddenly swerves to the left. Fredericks recovers, leans over and grabs the wheel from Randy, knocking him against the door. INT. STUDEBAKER - DAY as the Trans Am heads for them. K.I.T.T. Michael, we're on a collision course! MICHAEL Kitt, can you override Randy's CPU? K.I.T.T. With my limited power, I wouldn't have a chance, Michael.... MICHAEL In that case, give me enough juice for one little trick. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as it races on a straight line for the old Studebaker. Randy struggles to turn the wheel, but Fredericks has a steel grip on it. INT. STUDEBAKER - DAY Michael shouts to K.I.T.T. The Trans Am is almost on top of them. MICHAEL Hit it, Kitt! Now...! K.I.T.T. I'm trying, Michael! INT. TRANS AM - DAY as the "Eject" button on the dash comes to life. Suddenly, Fredericks' seat, with Fredericks aboard, goes shooting out of the car. Randy jams on the brakes, jerks the steering wheel as hard as he can to the right. EXT. ROAD - DAY as the two cars barely miss each other, come skidding to a stop. Randy spins a perfect one eighty, drives back to the Studebaker just as Michael jumps out. He stops, pops the passenger door open. RANDY Hop in! Michael grins, gives him the thumbs up sign, starts to climb in. As he does, we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, don't forget me! Michael grins, retrieves K.I.T.T. from the Studebaker, then jumps into the Trans Am. Randy jumps on it and they race toward the train. INT. TRANS AM Randy behind the wheel, Michael in the passenger seat. He glances over at Randy. MICHAEL You handle this pretty well. Randy grins delightedly. RANDY Thanks. Thanks a lot. MICHAEL Guess we've only got one loose end to wrap up, huh? Randy nods. EXT. HIGH-RAIL VEHICLE - DAY Turner and Adrianne are still unloading the armored car when the Trans Am comes roaring up and skids to a halt. Randy gets out as Adrianne looks up. She beams at him. ADRIANNE Good work, Randy! I knew you could do it.... Then, Michael steps out of the car. Turner sees him, reaches for his gun. Michael's on him in a second, knocking the gun from his hand, then cold-cocking Turner with a single blow. Then, he turns to Adrianne. MICHAEL Me, too...I didn't doubt him for a second. By then, Adrianne's smile has turned to an icy sneer. As Michael and Randy exchange a big smile, hold on them, and then: OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. RANDY'S HOUSE - DAY K.I.T.T. (or at least K.I.T.T.'s body) is parked in front. Pan to the front door as it opens and Michael, Randy and Mrs. Merritt step out. MRS. MERRITT I don't know how we'll ever thank you. MICHAEL It's enough for me that Randy's back home and Adrianne is under arrest. (to Randy) When do you go back to classes? RANDY Monday. I fell behind, but I'm kind of looking forward to catching up. They reach K.I.T.T., pause. MICHAEL Well, guess I'd better get a move on. They shake hands, ad-lib good-byes. MICHAEL Oh, almost forgot. He reaches inside K.I.T.T., hands Randy the little TV. MICHAEL Just in case you ever want a break from your computer. Mrs. Merritt doesn't know the TVs former significance, but Randy does. He smiles. He and Michael shake. RANDY Thanks. MICHAEL You're welcome, partner. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael climbs into K.I.T.T. and pulls away. They wave good-bye. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael drives, feeling good. Relaxed. K.I.T.T.'s voice box lights up. K.I.T.T. What a relief. MICHAEL To see Randy home again? K.I.T.T. To be whole again. Michael, you have no idea what it was like to be locked inside that little TV. Michael laughs. MICHAEL Driving Elmo's old Studebaker was no picnic either, pal. Glad to have you back. A buzzer sounds. K.I.T.T. Devon's calling. I guess it's business as usual. MICHAEL I don't know about that. Let's play hooky. K.I.T.T. Hooky? I'm not familiar with the term, Michael. MICHAEL (grins) Then let me educate you in one of life's finer pleasures. He hits Pursuit. EXT. DESERTED ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. flies by in excess of 100 mph. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Oh, this does feel good. MICHAEL'S VOICE How about a little turbo boost? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Dare we? Without sufficient reason? MICHAEL'S VOICE Without sufficient reason is the definition of hooky, pal. Shall we go for it? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Lets. DIFFERENT ANGLE - STOCK as K.I.T.T. leaps over an obstruction. He soars higher and higher. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END