EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57810 Robert Foster May 10, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 5/13/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Rob Gilmer Rev. 5/18/83 (F.R.) Stephen Downing KNIGHT RIDER RING OF FIRE by Janis Hendler _________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. A MUDDY COUNTRY ROAD - NORTHERN LOUISIANA - DAY A hot afternoon sun beats down on a row of men toiling on a road gang. Angle on a rifle-toting guard, Brown, leaning against a beat-up station wagon. He's sipping a beer, laughing and talking mostly to another guard. They turn and stare at the row of men. Their attention directed pri- marily to: CHRISTOPHER "CRAY" CALLAN Handsome, arrogant. Clearly a big cut above the rest of the boys in the gang. Callan pokes casually at the ground with his shovel, barely breaking a sweat. WIDER ANGLE as Brown comes sauntering along the row, ignoring everyone but Callan. He walks to Callan, his rifle in one hand, his beer in the other. Brown takes another swig of his beer. Callan ignores him. Brown finally reaches out, prods Callan with his rifle. BROWN You ain't sweating, Callan. Callan glances at him. BROWN You too important to sweat? Callan still doesn't respond. Brown glares at him. BROWN Maybe you need to get closer to the.... With that, he slams his elbow in Callan's gut. Callan drops to the ground. We see the other prisoners smiling as Brown steps up to Callan. HARRIS I brung you a libation from your daddy. And he pours the beer onto Callan's head. CLOSE ON CALLAN as beer pours over him, followed by something small and metallic that drops from the can. We see that it's a key as Callan palms it and jams it into the lock on his manacles as he struggles to his feet. He faces the smiling Brown. BROWN Feel like working now? Callan grins and lashes out with his now-free leg, kicking the rifle out of Brown's hands. In a flash, Callan's gained the rifle and aims it at Brown. The other guard leaps forward, but he's stopped short as Callan fires a warning shot over his head. Callan turns to Brown, whose hands are up over his head. CALLAN You overdid it just a little, 'boy.' He slams the butt of the rifle into Harris, knocking him out. He starts to move toward the station wagon and the other prisoners begin to follow. Callan's glare stops them cold. CALLAN Don't even bother to ask. The prisoners drop back and Callan climbs into the station wagon, fires it up and pulls away in a cloud of dust as we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. F.L.A.G. FOUNDATION - DAY - STOCK A clear, sunshine-filled morning. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) I really don't like this, Michael. INT. CONCRETE TESTING AREA - DAY The Trans Am sits in a cinderblock well resembling an over- sized oven. Michael leans in the open front door. MICHAEL Come on, pal. What's a little heat? K.I.T.T. Temperatures exceeding six hundred degrees is hardly a little heat. MICHAEL Maybe baking for a couple of hours will give you a greater appreciation of roast beef. K.I.T.T. If that's an attempt at humor, I'm not amused.... ANGLE TO INCLUDE APRIL visible behind a glass wall that separates the oven from a control booth. Her voice echoes through the room. APRIL You're vulnerable to sustained heat. We're trying to make you invulnerable. MICHAEL Exactly. In theory, the pyroclastic lamination April's designed ought to keep you cool as a cucumber in temp- eratures up to eight hundred degrees. (beat) In theory. K.I.T.T. 'In theory.' How comforting. MICHAEL Look, Kitt, it's like taking your vitamins or getting a shot. It's for your own good. Behind Michael, we hear: APRIL'S VOICE So's this. Michael turns to see April standing behind him, holding an asbestos suit. She hands it to Michael. APRIL The invitation calls for formal wear. MICHAEL What's this? APRIL We're testing man and machine. Or if you prefer, man in machine. Michael looks from April to the suit, then back to April. He's incredulous. MICHAEL Wait a minute. You expect me to play baked guinea pig in this oversized microwave? K.I.T.T. What's a little heat, Michael? It's just like taking your vitamins.... MICHAEL I hated taking vitamins. Forget it.... He hands the suit back to April. At this moment, Devon approaches. Seeing that the asbestos suit's returned to April's hands, Devon nods approvingly. DEVON Good. You've completed your experi- ments. I trust they were successful. APRIL We haven't even started them. He won't cooperate. MICHAEL I'm not in the mood to be pushed past my boiling point. DEVON Forgive me for interrupting this debate, but I have something here that may postpone your experiments. He holds out a small cassette tape. Seeing the tape as his ticket out of this sticky situation, Michael grabs it. MICHAEL Good idea, Devon. I'd better get right on it. He hurries toward the Trans Am. APRIL Wait a minute.... DEVON Perhaps I'd better explain the content of that tape, as it's not customary Foundation business.... MICHAEL Don't worry. Kitt and I'll figure it out. He jumps into the car and backs out of the well as fast as possible. April protests, tries to stop him, can't. She's furious. APRIL He's impossible. Absolutely impossible. Frustrated, she heads back toward the booth. Devon seems amused. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - STOCK The Trans Am moves through the darkness along a stretch of two-lane highway. INT. TRANS AM Michael relaxedly cruises at 120. He's looking at the tape. MICHAEL This cassette got us both out of some hot water. Least we can do is listen to it. He pops the cassette into the Trans Am's tape deck. We hear a male voice with a Southern accent ad-lib "Are you ready? Go ahead," etc. Slowly, haltingly a small female voice begins speaking in a thick, odd dialect not immediately identifiable. LAYLA (cassette) I am Layla Charon Callan...my husband is Christopher Callan...they call him 'Cray.' I see him murder a man and I.... She pauses and the previously heard male voice prompts her from the b.g. She continues: LAYLA (cassette) ...testify against him. He is on road gang and now he escapes. Whereas the girl's spoken almost by rote, her voice now fills with desperation, pleading. LAYLA (cassette) He will kill me, I know. Please I never hurt nobody. Don't let him kill me. Help me, I beg you.... And the tape clicks off. Michael is disturbed and deeply moved by the plea. MICHAEL It sounds like a little girl. Run a voice analysis, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Right away. Michael takes the tape out and eyes it. ANGLE - THE CASSETTE Printed neatly is the following: THOMAS BAYLOR Fleur Du Lac, Louisiana BACK TO SHOT as Michael places the cassette back in the deck, doesn't turn it on. K.I.T.T. The speaker is indeed female, approx- imate age eighteen years, limited educational background indicated by broken speech pattern. Emotional timbre is sincere and indicates con- dition of extreme stress. MICHAEL What kind of an accent is that? K.I.T.T. Linguistic background is an amalgam of Southern American English, French, Spanish and American Indian dialect, nonspecific. MICHAEL Very strange. Got anything on Christopher Callan? K.I.T.T. Let me interface with Omni-comp and see what there is. A beat, then: ANGLE ON A PHOTOGRAPH OF CHRISTOPHER CALLAN as it's fed to Michael. We see the handsome countenance. ANGLE ON MICHAEL studying the photograph. K.I.T.T. Age thirty-five, traditional Southern stock, no record previous to a con- viction for murder. (beat) A particularly brutal murder, Michael. MICHAEL Guess we'd better find Layla Callan before he makes that two murders. He pushes a button and Layla's tape begins to play again. OMITTED EXT. HOUSE - DAY A small, ND white clapboard house. In the yard, scattering feed to a bevy of chickens, we see: MINISTER BAYLOR A gentle-looking man in his early fifties. He's wearing a minister's collar, but he's shed the dark coat. His shirt-sleeves are turned up and he's perspiring slightly in the hot morning sun. As he works, he clucks softly to the chicken at his feet. He hears a noise behind him, he turns to face Layla Callan, a delicate, beautiful girl dressed shabbily in tight jeans and heavy boots, a man's plaid shirt thrown over. A soft felt hat is pulled down around her young face. BAYLOR Layla...I told you to stay with your family. Layla moves close to him, grabs his sleeves. LAYLA Cray is here, Reverend. I feel it. I hope maybe you have heard... something. Baylor rests his hand on hers, shakes his head. BAYLOR Nothing yet. But we can't stop hoping.... LAYLA (despondent) No one comes. No one cares. BAYLOR Layla, if you won't leave the parish, you've got to stay home in the bayou. You'll be safe there.... LAYLA I am never safe from him. (beat) Maybe I am meant to die. Hold on the minister's helpless look, as Layla turns and hurries from the yard. CUT TO EXT. LOUISIANA HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK The Trans Am is now soaked in warm Southern sunlight, rich as honey. INT. TRANS AM as Michael cruises toward Fleur du Lac. MICHAEL How much farther to Fleur Du Lac, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Four point six miles. (beat) Michael, my cultural data bank indicates that smaller southern towns are often not favorably disposed to- ward strangers. MICHAEL Relax. This part of the country's famous for it's hospitality. K.I.T.T. Perhaps, but I hope you have some kind of plan for finding Layla Callan. MICHAEL It's a small town. It'll be a snap finding one little girl named Callan. (smiling) I mean, how many Callans can there be? CUT TO EXT. MAIN STREET - FLEUR DU LAC - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM cruising slowly down the street. Almost every business has the name "Callan" out front. Over this, we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Shall I start counting? INT. TRANS AM as Michael looks to his left and right. MICHAEL Thanks anyway, wise guy. K.I.T.T. It occurs to me that since the escaped convict is a member of the Callan family, this town may be less than receptive to your attempts to help his wife. Perhaps even hostile. MICHAEL I've been thinking the same thing. K.I.T.T. What are you going to do? Michael pulls over and parks the Trans Am. MICHAEL Only thing I can do...stir up the pot and see what rises. With that, Michael gets out. MOVING WITH MICHAEL as he wanders through the town, in a montage of shots that include: THE LOCAL GAS STATION as Michael talks briefly with a crusty old attendant wearing a painter's hat and overalls. Nothing but a lot of head shaking. Michael moves on to: CALLAN GROCERY where Michael stops to talk to a clerk who's arranging fruit and vegetables on a stand in front of the store. This time, Michael doesn't even get a response. Quick as she can move, the clerk disappears inside the store. THE LOCAL TAVERN or any other spot where the locals might gather. A couple of good ole boys are sitting on benches, chewing and whittling. Michael stops, finally gets their attention. They eye Michael from head to toe, go right back to the business of passing the day. Without Michael. He turns and leaves, and we go to the: OMITTED TRANS AM Just as Michael reaches K.I.T.T., Sheriff Casey, the long arm of Fleur du Lac's law pulls up and parks. About two inches from Michael's foot. Casey gets out, real slow and easy, crosses to Michael. CASEY This your car? MICHAEL That's right. CASEY You're running around with a busted taillight. That's an infraction of the law. MICHAEL What taillight? Michael moves to the back of K.I.T.T. Casey follows. CASEY This one.... With that the Sheriff leans back and kicks K.I.T.T.'s left taillight. His foot bounces off. Casey's surprised, kicks the light again, harder. Still nothing. Red-faced and angry, Casey turns to Michael. CASEY In addition to that faulty brake light, I'm citing you for running a stop sign. MICHAEL I haven't seen a stop sign for a hundred miles. CASEY Back there at Main and Fourth. You just sorta coasted right through. (beat) I'm gonna have to take you in. MICHAEL For running a stop sign? Where I come from, that's worth a ticket and.... CASEY You ain't where you come from, boy.... Before Michael can respond, Sheriff Casey's escorting Michael into the backseat of the squad car. ANGLE ACROSS THE STREET ON MINISTER BAYLOR watching as Michael is driven away. ANOTHER ANGLE TO FEATURE K.I.T.T. as the squad car pulls past the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM as we hear: K.I.T.T. So much for Southern hospitality. CUT TO EXT. OLIVER CALLAN'S MANSION - DAY - ESTABLISHING an antebellum two-story on the end of Main Street. The squad car is parked in the long circular drive. Michael and the Sheriff get out, head toward the house. OMITTED INT. MANSION - LIVING ROOM - DAY Dark, quiet, a scattering of chairs, sofa and a large white straw peacock chair. And electric fan hums quietly. There's a knock on the door and then it opens. Michael and the Sheriff step into the room. SHERIFF I got the young fella here, Judge Callan. Michael reacts to the name Callan as the chair swivels to reveal a large man in Colonel Sanders white, fanning himself. The man, Judge Oliver Callan, views Michael with all-observing, shrewd eyes. SHERIFF I'll be out front if you need me, Judge. The Sheriff leaves. Michael stands before the Judge, his mind calculating the setup. JUDGE CALLAN What's your name, boy? MICHAEL Michael Knight. JUDGE CALLAN I'm Judge Oliver Callan. I represent the judiciary here in Fleur Du Lac. MICHAEL Seem to be a lot of Callans in town. JUDGE CALLAN Just one that counts. MICHAEL Cray Callan must ring a bell. JUDGE CALLAN He's my son. MICHAEL Must be hard for you...your son being a murderer and an escaped convict, I mean. JUDGE CALLAN (coldly) I didn't see any murder and I didn't convict him. (beat) I hear you're lookin' for that little tramp wife of his. Why? MICHAEL That's personal. JUDGE CALLAN It's my family and it's my town, boy. Nothing's personal. MICHAEL Look, I was brought here because I ran a stop sign allegedly. Why don't I pay that off and head on my way? Callan studies Michael for a long beat. Finally, he smiles. Too broadly. JUDGE CALLAN I don't like visitors to leave with a bad opinion of Fleur Du Lac, so I won't charge you for that infraction. I'll just give you a piece of advice. (hard) Don't go against me, boy. Christopher Callan is safe as a clam in his shell in this parish, but you're out of the water, you get me? He swivels around in his chair, turning his back to Michael as an indication of dismissal. MICHAEL Yes, sir. I think I get you very well. With that, Michael turns and exits, and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY as Sheriff Casey stops near the Trans Am. Michael steps out, watches as Casey continues down the street. CLOSE ON MICHAEL as he moves toward K.I.T.T. Suddenly, Minister Baylor crosses the street, passes close to Michael. As he does, we hear: BAYLOR (sotto voce) I sent you the tape. I need to talk to you at the church. Before Michael can respond, Baylor turns and hurries for the opposite corner. ANOTHER ANGLE as a shot rings out and a bullet catches the minister in the shoulder. Michael reacts, rushes into the street, looks up to see: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - A ROOFTOP NEARBY A man with a rifle is visible -- Christopher Callan. He ducks out of sight. BACK TO MICHAEL as he looks up at the crowd of locals gathered around him. The people look shocked but nobody's pursuing Callan. MICHAEL Isn't anybody going to stop that guy? Nobody answers. Michael looks at the minister, who's passed out. Blood oozes from a shoulder wound. MICHAEL Somebody get help! He gets up, runs after Callan. ANGLE ACROSS THE STREET Hidden in the shadows of a building, we see Layla Callan. She watches, wide-eyed with horror and grief, as several of the locals finally go to the aid of the minister. With tears streaming down her face, she finally turns and races down an alley. As she does, we go to: MICHAEL racing around a corner, where he spots two deputies sitting inside a coffee shop. A squad car is parked out front. Rifle still in hand, Callan is running toward the squad car. Michael stares in disbelief at the two indifferent cops, then shouts: MICHAEL Hey, you! Stop! Callan turns, sees Michael and fires at him. Michael leaps out of the way, rolls behind a parked car. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt! I need you! EXT. CALLAN GROCERY - DAY A few kids are peering at the car, tapping it and staring in the windows when the Trans Am bursts to life. The kids jump away, staring with awe. K.I.T.T. backs up fast, executes a 180 and tears up the street toward Michael, leaving a gaping gathering of kids behind. EXT. INTERSECTING STREET - DAY as the Trans Am roars around the corner. Callan reaches the squad car, jumps in and with a squeal of tires, tears off. The Trans Am reaches Michael and the door flies open. MICHAEL Did you get a visual on him, Kitt? K.I.T.T. It's Christopher Callan, Michael. MICHAEL Just what I figured. WIDER ANGLE as the Trans Am squeals away, heading in pursuit of the squad car as it disappears around the corner, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - LOUISIANA - DAY The squad car carrying Cray Callan tears down the road with the Trans Am gaining quickly. Suddenly, the squad car veers off the highway onto a dirt road and heads across a field toward a dense wall of trees ahead. Kicking dust, the Trans Am follows. INT. TRANS AM Determined, Michael stays on Callan's tail. K.I.T.T. Michael, we are approaching a very unorthodox environment. MICHAEL So's Callan. We'll have the edge on him. K.I.T.T. The area we are entering is a dense swampland with irregular solid surfaces.... MICHAEL The bayou. Hold your breath, pal.... EXT. THE TWO CARS as around them, the ground becomes muddier, wetter. The squad car hits a thick, oozing puddle and fishtails, nearly losing control as the Trans Am gains. Callan speeds toward a fallen tree, jerking the wheel sharply, skids almost out of control again but clears the tree. Behind him, the Trans Am barrels toward the tree, Michael hits the turbo boost, and the Trans Am jumps the fallen tree. OMITTED ANOTHER PART OF THE BAYOU as the squad car reaches the heavily treed area of the bayou. The Trans Am is right on its tail. INT. TRANS AM Michael maneuvers K.I.T.T. through the growing morass. K.I.T.T. I am not programmed for an under- water obstacle course, Michael. MICHAEL Neither am I, but I'm learning. EXT. THE SQUAD CAR as it angles off to the side, hits a small bank, soars up into the air, then comes down again beyond the thick brush. NEW ANGLE as the Trans Am easily clears the same turn, rises over the bank and, in slow motion, comes down with a sucking splash in swamp water. Nearby is the squad car, already sinking into the mire. INT. TRANS AM - ANGLE ON MICHAEL peering out through the mud-spattered windshield. MICHAEL Where's Callan? MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - CALLAN climbing onto a seemingly forgotten trapper's fan boat. He activates the engine, and roars away, quickly swal- lowed up by the swamp. ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM as the engine revs, strains, sputters. The Trans Am's wheels spin, sinking further. INT. TRANS AM - ANGLE ON MICHAEL pressing the accelerator to the floor, to no avail. MICHAEL We gotta get moving, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, we've got absolutely no traction. Michael activates the turbo boost, nothing happens. MICHAEL C'mon, buddy...turbo boost. K.I.T.T. Some foreign element in the liquid has neutralized several of my functions including turbo boost. I'm quite incapacitated. MICHAEL We'll see.... And Michael pulls one of the dashboard levers. EXT. TRANS AM A grappling hook at the end of the long steel rope shoots out the back of the car and lodges in one of the large, thick-based trees on the bank. The engine revs and the Trans Am begins to move slowly out of the water, toward land. Then, suddenly, with a creak, the entire tree pulls out of the ground and falls, roots and all, onto the squad car. With an unattractive gloop, the squad car vanishes beneath the surface of the muck. INT. TRANS AM Michael reacts to the demise of the squad car. MICHAEL What's keeping us from going under, Kitt? K.I.T.T. In my opinion, extremely good luck. Suddenly, from O.S., Michael hears the approaching sound of dogs barking. MICHAEL Dogs! There might be someone with them! EXT. TRANS AM as Michael climbs out the pop top and wades toward the bank, calling: MICHAEL Hey! Over here! Help! OMITTED CLOSE ON MICHAEL as he reaches the bank. Suddenly, three dogs burst through the brush, knock Michael to the ground. In a second, they're on top of him. ANGLE ON TWO MEN Tall, weather-worn and grim-visaged; the hunters, ap- proaching behind the dogs, pausing in the cover of trees to watch as the dogs continue ripping. ANGLE ON MICHAEL struggling to free himself from the jaws of the furious beasts. It's a battle he can't win. He shouts out: MICHAEL Kitt! Kitt, help me...! ON K.I.T.T. as the engine turns over, sputtering and missing badly. It catches, then fails, then catches again. Finally, it sputters to a halt. ON MICHAEL battling with the dogs. He's fading badly. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE DOGS Snarling, their huge teeth flashing, they continue the attack. We hear Michael's cries, a scream of pain. Then, slowly, everything begins to blur, slip out of focus: the dogs, the bayou, the two men watching. As we go to black and total, terrifying silence: DISSOLVE TO OMITTED EXT. CHARON CABIN - DEEP IN THE BAYOU - DAY - ESTABLISHING A rudely built, swamp-encrusted cabin. Two black hunting dogs doze on the porch. INT. CABIN - ANGLE ON MICHAEL lying on a rough-made bed, his wounds bandaged. He awakens drowsily. He struggles to sit up, grimacing with pain. As soon as he moves, we hear the low, threatening growl of: A BLACK HUNTING DOG lying at the foot of the bed. He bares his fangs, growls more loudly. ANGLE ON MICHAEL remembering those teeth, recoiling. He glances around the room, and we widen to reveal one of the two men we saw with the dogs. The dogs growl again. The man, who we'll know as Jacques, finally speaks. JACQUES Emile...allez dehors. Vite! With that, the dog turns and meanders out of the cabin. Michael breathes a big sigh, relaxes for the first time. MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. I...I've come here...to Fleur du Lac...on business. To see someone. A man was shot and I was chasing the guy who did it...Callan. Cray Callan. As Michael talks, Jacques gets up, opens a door leading to a bedroom. A beat, then Layla Callan steps into the room. She faces Michael. LAYLA I am Layla. Layla Callan. Michael reacts. LAYLA I think maybe you come for me.... Michael nods yes. Layla looks at him, then away. She crosses to a table, takes a small transistor radio in her hand, holds it closely to her chest. She turns to Michael, looks at him simply, openly. LAYLA I pray someone will come. For a long time. Now, you come...and I am afraid. Michael tries to stand, can't. MICHAEL Layla, don't be afraid. I'm here to help you. To take you out of here ...away from Callan. All I need is my car, then we can leave.... Layla studies Michael for a long beat, both fascinated and frightened by this man. LAYLA My brothers get your car.... MICHAEL How long will that take? No response. MICHAEL Soon? No response. MICHAEL How far is it to town? To a road? Still, Layla doesn't respond. She switches on her radio and we hear the faintest sound of music, voices. Layla turns to Michael. LAYLA You rest now. Get stronger before you go.... Before Michael can respond, Layla exits. Michael tries to stand and follow her, but a wave of dizziness pushes him down on the bed. As he lays down, we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. BAYOU - DAY A panorama of gray, hanging silence unfolds, thick trees reaching beyond the realm of vision, gray lichen draped like dry beards from the sky. Into the dank world comes Cray Callan, piloting the Charon's fan boat, clutching his rifle. ANGLE ON A CLUMP OF UNDERGROWTH as Callan's boat glides past. Something moves behind the plants. ANOTHER ANGLE as another figure, half-seen, lopes along keeping pace with Callan's boat. ANOTHER ANGLE of a third watcher, thickly-bearded and dressed in heavy, dark clothing. ANGLE ON CRAY CALLAN aware of the watchers, increasingly uneasy, his fingers twitching on the rifle. He steers the fan boat up against a sloping bank joined by a rickety pier. CALLAN Je suis Callan. Come on out, you swamp ghosts. I know you're there. WIDER ANGLE A man appears from the camouflaging surroundings. He's hard-faced, bearded, scarred, mean looking -- it is Henri Lecroix. He faces Callan, speaks with a thick Cajun accent. LECROIX What you want? CALLAN I want Layla Charon. She's here, in the bayou. Lecroix shrugs. CALLAN No one knows the bayou like a Cajun. (beat) I'll make it worth your while. Just name it. Lecroix looks around at the invisible figures, as if only his eyes can pierce the shadows that veil them. LECROIX Sheriff Casey stop our poaching minks. We want no more trouble from him. CALLAN Done. Lecroix looks around again, then slowly nods at Callan. EXT. CHARON CABIN - NIGHT The silver glow of a full moon creeps through the thick tree cover, dropping a muted sheen onto the quiet cabin. INT. CABIN - NIGHT A single kerosene lamp lights the cabin. We see Michael sitting on the edge of the bed. He's using his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt...Kitt, can you read me? Kitt, where are you? Do you read me? Nothing. Michael turns in the direction of the front porch, where we can hear Layla's radio. Slowly, Michael stands, crosses to the front door. EXT. CABIN PORCH - NIGHT Layla is sitting, staring out at the bayou. The night is alive with a symphony of sounds: crickets, frogs, owls. Under this, we hear music from Layla's radio. She starts, turns quickly as Michael steps onto the porch. MICHAEL Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you. LAYLA I know all the sounds here. You are not from the bayou.... Michael moves and sits next to Layla. MICHAEL Neither was Cray. But you married him. Why? Layla looks at Michael, hesitates for a moment, then: LAYLA I got to Fleur du Lac. To sell fish. I am very young -- thirteen. Cray Callan sees him, wants to buy me from my father. When he says no, Cray threaten Papa. Says Lecroixes will take everything. MICHAEL Lecroixes? LAYLA Bad Cajuns. Poachers. They steal our game, tear our nets. Callans own them. We feud with them for years. (very quietly) It kill Papa when I go with Cray. There's a beat of silence. MICHAEL Who did Cray kill, Layla. Another silence as Layla fiddles with her radio. LAYLA A man. A stranger. From the north ...like you. MICHAEL Why? LAYLA He look at me. With hungry eyes. Cray was crazy. Like an animal.... MICHAEL Doesn't sound like he's changed much. (urgently) Layla, I've got to find my car. LAYLA Jacques et Arnaud...they find. Bring to you. MICHAEL Good. I want to get you out of here as soon as possible. Then I can take care of Cray.... Michael stops talking as he notices a look on Layla's face. He studies her. MICHAEL What's wrong? You do want to leave, don't you? LAYLA This place...the bayou...it is my home. It is all I know. No response. MICHAEL Look, Cray's going to try to kill you ...you said that on the tape you sent.... LAYLA Minister Baylor sent tape. He try to help and he is shot. Now you come, and maybe you are hurt, too. (desperately) This is not right. I cannot allow.... Layla fights back a tear. MICHAEL Look, I'm already here, so I'll take my chances. But, it's going to be a lot safer...for both of us...when we've got a few miles between ourselves and this place. Layla holds up her radio, shows it to Michael. LAYLA From this, I hear songs about places. Big cities, many people... (beat) Here, I know how to live, but in the cities.... MICHAEL Layla, Cray Callan's gonna find you here. Layla looks at Michael, her eyes calm and clear. LAYLA I am Cajun. If I leave the bayou, I will die. MICHAEL (frustrated) But, if you stay.... Michael's voice trails off. He knows she's not listening. Then she turns to him. LAYLA Tomorrow, you go. Please. MICHAEL Not without you. Layla stares at Michael, shakes her head, then smiles at him for the first time. Michael smiles back. A warm moment. In the silence all we hear is the bayou and Layla's little transistor. CUT TO EXT. CALLAN HOUSE - DINING ROOM - MORNING A long table made for a dozen people. This morning it's set for one: Judge Callan. He's finishing a big breakfast as he thumbs through the morning paper. A door opens and we hear: CALLAN Hello, Daddy. Judge Callan lowers his paper, quickly cloaks his surprise at seeing his son. JUDGE CALLAN You all right, boy? CALLAN None the worse for wear. Thank you for gettin' me off that road gang, Daddy. JUDGE CALLAN I didn't do it so you could shoot the minister, Cray. CALLAN He took my wife from me. Now, that ain't right, even in the eyes of the church. JUDGE CALLAN That is over and done with. You hear me? Deliberately, Callan circles the table, punctuating his words with each step. CALLAN Every shovel of Louisiana mud I dug reminded me of the people who hurt me. The Judge rises, crosses to lay his hands on his son's shoulders. JUDGE CALLAN Forget about the girl. She's just Cajun trash. She'll crawl back into the bayou and be forgotten. CALLAN Not by me, Daddy. Never by me. He starts to move away but the Judge stops him, hard. JUDGE CALLAN Now, you listen to me, Cray. You're the only son I got, and I brought you back to help you put what you've done behind you, safe from the out- side law. But don't push too hard, understand? 'Cuz you keep bendin' the law and you're gonna find me on the other end of it. (beat) You stay outta that bayou. The flare of anger that's appeared in Cray's eyes during this speech softens and he leans in to kiss his father's cheek. CALLAN I'll be a good boy. As Cray disappears into the night: CUT TO EXT. CHARON CABIN - DAY - EARLY MORNING Michael steps onto the porch, moves cautiously around the hunting dog sleeping there and then crosses toward a rough-hewn lean-to next to the house. ANGLE ON THE LEAN-TO where we see the Trans Am. It's been meticulously cleaned. Michael hurries to the front door, opens it. MICHAEL Kitt! Am I ever happy to see you. A beat, then: K.I.T.T. The feeling is mutual, Michael. How are you? MICHAEL A little raw around the edges, but I'll live. How about you? K.I.T.T. Well, I fail to understand the appeal of those so-called mud baths. MICHAEL I see your sense of humor's still intact. INT. TRANS AM as Michael climbs inside. MICHAEL I was afraid something was wrong. I couldn't reach you on the comlink last night. K.I.T.T. I heard you, Michael, but I appar- ently can't transmit. MICHAEL If that's all that's bothering you, we're in good shape. (punches buttons) Let's get a readout from your self- diagnostic analyzer. K.I.T.T. Apparently it's not functioning, Michael. MICHAEL Terrific. This is like being a doctor with a patient who can't tell him where it hurts. K.I.T.T. (a trifle defensive) I would if I could, Michael. MICHAEL Yeah, I know. Sorry, pal. K.I.T.T. Besides, even if I could, I'm not certain you'd be able to utilize the data. MICHAEL Wait a minute. I'm not exactly all thumbs. K.I.T.T. Not exactly.... Michael thinks, nods. MICHAEL Right. We've gotta try and reach April. K.I.T.T. Precisely what I had decided. I'll do the best I can. Michael turns to the video screen. The monitor comes to life, but it's fuzzy. We are able to make out Devon and April, but not well. The sound transmission crackles and pops with static. As Michael talks, we intercut with: INT. F.L.A.G. HEADQUARTERS - DAY - ON APRIL AND DEVON DEVON Michael, we've been worried sick. Where are you? MICHAEL I'll brief you later, Devon. Right now, I need to talk to April. APRIL Is there a problem? How's Kitt? MICHAEL A little soggy.... APRIL Soggy? Michael Knight, what have you done...? MICHAEL Look, April, we're stuck in the middle of a swamp. I can't have this discussion right now. I need your help. Kitt needs your help.... April exchanges a glance with Devon, takes a big breath. APRIL What precisely is the problem? MICHAEL We don't know. That's the problem. Kitt's diagnostic indicator's out. APRIL It's probably a short. I'll punch in a schematic of the circuitry. You'll have to make the repair yourself. You can do that, can't you? Michael leans forward, staring at the video screen. The picture's growing dimmer, April's voice fading. MICHAEL I can do it, but you're going to have to hurry. Our connection's going.... APRIL What? Michael...? Just then, the picture on the video monitor goes completely fuzzy. No picture. No sound. They're off the air. MICHAEL Kitt.... K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael. We've lost contact. MICHAEL (exasperated) Great.... OMITTED ANGLE ON THE CHARON PORCH as the hunting dog suddenly raises his head, hearing something beyond the range of human hearing. The hair starts to bristle on his neck, and he growls softly. ON THE BAYOU - VARIOUS ANGLES In the lush foliage surrounding the Charon cabin, we see the vague outlines of figures moving with total silence, closing in on the cabin. Hold on them, and then: OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. CHARON CABIN - DAY As the hunting dog climbs to his feet, his low growls grow louder, become barks. He strains at the rope tying him to the porch as Layla comes hurrying through the front door, quickly turning off her radio. ON LAYLA sensing the danger the dog has felt. She strains to see into the bayou. She tenses as she sees: LAYLA'S POINT OF VIEW - FIGURES moving through the brush. OMITTED BACK TO LAYLA hesitating only a second before she rushes from the porch, across the yard. ANGLE - WIDER TO INCLUDE MICHAEL coming out of the lean-to. Layla comes rushing past him. MICHAEL Layla...Layla! LAYLA Go now, Michael! No more deaths.... Before Michael can respond, Layla runs into the clearing. A split second later, a shot rings out. Layla continues on, unhurt, scrambling into the bayou brush, clinging to her portable radio. ANOTHER ANGLE across the clearing as Henri Lecroix becomes visible, still aiming his rifle. He shouts to his hidden brothers: LECROIX After her! And everywhere, shadows begin to move. ANGLE ON MICHAEL leaping into the Trans Am, firing the car to life. INT. TRANS AM as the car prepares to move out. MICHAEL Let's hope this works, Kitt.... EXT. CLEARING The Trans Am blasts out of the lean-to, roars across the clearing, shots sparking off of K.I.T.T.'s body. The car tears into the greenery beyond the clearing and several Lecroixes dive for safety as the car pursues Layla. The Lecroixes fan out and rush into the bayou, still shooting. DISSOLVE TO OMITTED EXT. BAYOU - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES - THE LECROIXES as they individually make their way through the swamp brush, searching for Layla. DISSOLVE TO ANGLE - PAUL LECROIX moving quickly, he trips a concealed rope which lifts a net and Paul is yanked off the ground, moving up and out of frame. EXT. BAYOU - DAY - ANGLE ON LAYLA pushing her way through the swamp brush, gasping for breath as she runs. Then the Trans Am rolls into scene. She runs blindly, oblivious to the Trans Am until it's beside her. The passenger door opens and Michael reaches toward Layla, shouting: MICHAEL Get in! Without losing pace, Layla grasps Michael's hand and is pulled into the car. she drops her radio, pulls away from Michael to get it. LAYLA My radio.... MICHAEL (shouts) Layla forget it...they're coming. Get back here! A figure emerges a distance away, a shot rings out. Layla grabs her radio as another shot puffs dust up around it. She jumps into the car. NEW ANGLE as the door shuts and as the pursuing Lecroixes become visible in the surrounding greenery and the shots intensify, the Trans Am blasts off, disappearing into the bayou. ANGLE ON THE LECROIXES as they gather in the clearing left by the Trans Am. There are five of them, silent and mean, all armed. They stand beside Henri, awaiting commands, but instead hear the outside shouts from the snared Paul. The men react to another O.S. cry for help and then run in that direction. ANOTHER ANGLE as the five men move through more brush and pause beneath a large tree. Above their heads, hanging from his heels by a stout rope, is Paul. LECROIX Cut him down! The men approach the tree, help the trapped man down and we angle to a concealing clump of brush nearby, where Jacques and Arnauld Charon, carrying the remaining piece of rope, watch the peril of the Lecroixes with amusement. Arnauld turns in the direction the Trans Am took and speaks softly. JACQUES Bon chance, Layla. He and Jacques head back toward their cabin. EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE BAYOU - DAY - ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM moving slowly through faceless, gray swampland. INT. TRANS AM Michael and Layla peer out at the void around them. Michael studies her a beat. She nods, shyly holds it. MICHAEL Who were those men, Layla? LAYLA The poachers. The Lecroixes. The best hunters in the bayou. They will find us. MICHAEL We've got to get out of here. Do you know where we are? LAYLA This is Lecroix land. I have not been here for many years. Michael hesitates to communicate directly with K.I.T.T. in front of Layla, but knows he must. MICHAEL Can you give me a visual on our location, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I'll most certainly try. Layla reacts to the talking car. LAYLA Mon Dieu! MICHAEL It's a computer, Layla. It's very complicated. LAYLA I never see car like this. You will explain this...this computer? MICHAEL In time. Right now.... K.I.T.T. I have it for you, Michael. Out comes a blank sheet. Michael realizes that K.I.T.T.'s malfuntioning again. MICHAEL Can you at least tell me what direction we're going in? K.I.T.T. I gather the visual was inadequate. MICHAEL I'm afraid so. K.I.T.T. We're going northeast, Michael. MICHAEL Are you sure? K.I.T.T. Under other circumstances the question would be insulting, Michael. But, due to organic contamination of my integrated micronetic navigational.... MICHAEL (over) You're not sure. K.I.T.T. In a word...no. MICHAEL Your best is all we can ask for, pal. (then) What's at the northeast end of the bayou, Layla? LAYLA Cajun settlement. Northwest belongs to the Lecroixes. Hold a beat on their reactions. MONTAGE 1) ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM - just as the car turns more to the east and continues on. 2) ANGLE ON FOUR OF THE LECROIXES - omitting Henri and the man who was caught in the trap, tracking the Trans Am. Its course through the bayou is fairly clear -- tire tracks in the mud, broken brush -- the men are confident. 3) ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND LAYLA - as she attempts to guide them, pointing the way. 4) ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM - moving deeper and deeper into the bayou. Time seems suspended, as it becomes occasion- ally denser, then dryer; sometimes there are black pools or the occasional whisper in dry brush of some living thing. 5) ANOTHER ANGLE OF THE TRANS AM - as it's about to cross a shallow pool of muddy water. A bear trap suddenly lashes out of the pool and clamps onto K.I.T.T.'s tire. MICHAEL Wha.... LAYLA Trap. Michael and Layla alight from the car, look at the trap locked onto K.I.T.T.'s tire. K.I.T.T. This is humiliating. MICHAEL I'll get you unlocked, pal. Michael picks up a log and begins to pry the trap free, while: MICHAEL This isn't the only thing we have to look forward to out here, is it? Layla looks around, shakes head. OMITTED BACK TO SHOT LAYLA More traps. Quicksand. Much danger. Michael pulls the trap aside. She and Michael climb back into the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM as Michael carefully steers around the traps. K.I.T.T. I've failed you again, Michael. I should have scanned that ugly device. MICHAEL To err is human, pal. We'll find our way. Layla looks at Michael with alarm. He comfortingly squeezes her hand. EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE BAYOU - DAY The bank and pier where Cray Callan previously recruited Henri Lecroix. Now, Callan waits here again, fingering his rifle. We see a hunting knife strapped to his thigh, and he's dressed for the hunt. A beat, then Henri Lecroix approaches from the brush. CALLAN Where's Layla? LECROIX My brother is caught in Charon trap. Now is our fight, Callan. CALLAN My wife? Where is she? LECROIX L'etranger with black car get her. We track. CALLAN You bet we track. Callan moves out, Henri and Paul follow. MONTAGE 1) ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM - moving deeper into nothingness, keeping as direct a course as possible. 2) ANGLE ON LAYLA - pointing through the windshield at a thick cord draped with animal pelts, as the Trans Am passes beneath it. 3) ANGLE ON THE HIGH SUN - flickering visible above the trees. INT. TRANS AM as suddenly, Layla waves excitedly, pointing. LAYLA The shack! The poachers' shack! I know this place. And we angle toward a small shack, looming ahead through the bushes. INT. SMALL SHACK - DAY Michael and Layla enter and Michael finds a small lantern, lights it. The shack is cluttered with crates and checking their contents, Michael whistles. MICHAEL There's enough dynamite here to flatten Manhattan. He turns to see a collection of canned goods. He moves to them, grabs a can of peaches, an opener. MICHAEL (continuing) Food...Get something in your stomach. She takes the can and begins to open it as he examines the cabin further. MICHAEL This dynamite...the poachers use it for fishing? LAYLA (nods) And gators. We stay here, Michael? Rest? MICHAEL The Lecroixes know about this place, don't they? LAYLA (nods) Everybody knows. My father built it. Then, the poachers take it away. Now, is their dynamite, their food. MICHAEL Then we don't stay.... He picks up a tarp, fills it with cans of food. MICHAEL You know the way out of here now? LAYLA Like your car, Michael...I can make good guess. He gives her a warm smile. She returns it shyly. He blows out the lantern, scoops up the food. MICHAEL Like my car, you're nice to have around. A beat between them and they exit. EXT. BAYOU - MERGING POINT - DAY Callan and Henri Lecroix merge with the other four Lecroix trackers, they converse, (MOS) a beat, one points to K.I.T.T.'s tracks and they all move out. EXT. CAJUN SETTLEMENT - DAY The Trans Am moves slowly into Cajun civilization. Out here, forgotten in the middle of the bayou, is a colorless, wood-structure town. Cajun locals mill about. As the Trans Am pulls into the center of the settlement, we hear that the car's engine is missing badly. Finally, the car dies, and the hum of its engine is replaced by strange Cajun music wafting out of a nearby barn. A few Cajuns stroll by carrying beer and foods, laughing; there's a festive air amidst the gloom. INT. TRANS AM as Michael tries uselessly to restart the engine. MICHAEL What is it, Kitt? K.I.T.T. The juncture between my accelerator and fuel injection has deteriorated, Michael. I am unable to correct the problem. MICHAEL I'll see what I can do. EXT. TRANS AM Michael and Layla climb out and Michael crosses to open the Trans Am's hood, tinker with the complicated engine. Layla is very tense as Cajuns stroll by, ad-libbing greetings to Layla, during: LAYLA We must go, Michael. Lecroixes come. I feel them. They will hurt these people, too. Michael glances at the festivities going on around them. MICHAEL What's going on? LAYLA Life in the bayou is hard. We celebrate when we can. She moves away from Michael, to peer worriedly up the road from which they entered the village. Michael turns back to K.I.T.T. ANGLE ON MICHAEL ungracefully working on the engine. K.I.T.T. I must say...April does have a more delicate touch, Michael. MICHAEL Get her on the phone. I'll be happy to sit in the shade. K.I.T.T. Point well taken, Michael. ANGLE ON LAYLA as two Cajun men rush up to her. One man sweeps her off the ground in a genial hug. CAJUN MAN Layla, allons! The second man twirls Layla around, responding to the music; then the two men pull Layla toward the nearby barn. LAYLA No, no, je n'ai pas le temps... (crying out) Michael --- ON MICHAEL Michael comes up from under the Trans Am's hood just as, pulled by well-meaning friends, Layla disappears into the barn. Michael starts after her, then instead shuts the car's hood and slides into the driver's seat. K.I.T.T. Despite your inexperience, I do believe you've done the trick. MICHAEL Don't take April off the payroll yet. K.I.T.T. I assure you...the thought never entered my memory. He turns the ignition and the car's engine growls, doesn't connect. It growls again, turns over, then dies. It growls a third time, turns over and begins to idle. K.I.T.T. Given adequate time to warm up, I should now be able to filter out the most troublesome impurities. MICHAEL Time's the one thing we haven't got, Kitt. I'm putting you on surveillance until I get back. Michael climbs out, K.I.T.T. increases the rpms. Michael hurries toward the barn. OMITTED EXT. POACHERS' SHACK - DAY Cray Callan waits outside with the four Lecroix trackers. Henri Lecroix exits the shack, holding an empty can. The Lecroixes set off on foot from the shack, Callan following. EXT. CAJUN BARN - DAY - ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he approaches the celebration, where several Cajuns are eating, dancing. ANGLE ON MUSICIANS Older men, a singer of words both alien and recognizable, a fiddle player, bottleneck guitar player, Cajun accordian. ANGLE ON LAYLA in the middle of the dancing, being spun around, obviously adored by locals who are unaware of her anxiety. She sees Michael, calls out to him. WIDER ANGLE TO FEATURE MICHAEL as he tries to make his way to Layla, but is caught by a young Cajun woman who pulls him playfully into the dancing. Michael tries to resist, but he's quickly swept along with the other dancers. He and Layla glance at each other over the heads of the dancers. Meanwhile: ON K.I.T.T. His surveillance lights flashing. Behind him, moving toward the celebration, we see one of Lecroixes men moving toward the celebration. INT. K.I.T.T. as he tries to contact Michael on the comlink. K.I.T.T. Michael, can you hear me? Michael, those trappers are here...Michael... Michael.... EXT. BARN - DAY as the party continues. Michael and Layla are still dancing. ANOTHER ANGLE revealing a second Lecroix man watching the festivities from near the crayfish pot. ON MICHAEL In the midst of the crowd, he spots the hostile Cajun near the crayfish pot. He turns, glances hurriedly around. ON LAYLA following his glance, and stopping when she sees the other Cajun who just passed K.I.T.T. ANGLE - WIDER as Michael fights to get to Layla. It's a struggle, but he reaches her, takes her by the arm and turns to escape. MICHAEL Come on...it's getting hot around here. They turn to escape, but are stopped short by: HENRI LECROIX looming up in front of him, with a good-sized knife in his hand. He waves it slowly, menacingly, at Michael, who pushes Layla to the side. MICHAEL Layla, run...get out of here. LAYLA Michael...be careful. ON MICHAEL AND HENRI as Henri grins at Michael, beckons him forward with the knife, then lunges, barely missing Michael, who leaps to the side and catches Henri with a sharp jab. Lecroix stumbles, turns and advances on Michael. Around them, the Cajuns have stopped dancing. The musicians have stopped playing. ANOTHER ANGLE FEATURING THE TWO LECROIX HENCHMEN moving closer to the action, ready to jump in if Henri needs a hand. ON CALLAN as Cray Callan steps out of the barn, quickly crosses through the crowd to Layla's side. He grabs her by the arm. She screams as he begins to drag her, kicking and struggling through the crowd. ON THE FIGHT as Michael continues to elude the knife. He hears Layla's scream, turns to see her in Callan's grasp. As he does, Henri rushes him. Michael ducks under the knife, comes up swinging and connects with Henri's jaw. The big Cajun staggers back and Michael connects again, knocking the knife out of his hand as Henri falls through the picnic table near the barn. Michael turns to K.I.T.T., shouting into the comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, down here...quick! ON K.I.T.T. coming to life, roaring toward the barn. In front of him, we see the two Lecroix men racing forward to help Henri. ON MICHAEL watching K.I.T.T., and seeing the two heavies barreling toward him. Into his comlink: MICHAEL I'm gonna need some pass inter- ference on those guys, buddy.... WIDER ANGLE TO FEATURE K.I.T.T. as he comes up behind the heavies, both doors fly open and smash into them from behind, knocking them sprawling into the dust. K.I.T.T. stops in front of Michael, who jumps behind the wheel and roars into the barn. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BARN as the Trans Am comes flying out, and disappears around the corner in a cloud of dust. MOVING WITH THE TRANS AM as Michael speeds toward the edge of the bayou, screeches to a halt. He jumps out and peers frantically around. Nothing and no one in sight. A beat, then Michael sits dejectedly on the front seat of the car. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM Michael stares out into the bayou. MICHAEL They've got her.... Michael looks down to see Layla's radio sitting on the seat of the car. MICHAEL Back inside their world. Hold on Michael's worried face, then: OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. BAYOU - DAY as Michael and K.I.T.T. slowly make their way through the soggy bayou. We hear K.I.T.T. starting to miss, cough and sputter. Off this, we: CUT TO INT. POACHERS' SHACK - DAY - ANGLE ON A TERRIFIED LAYLA lit by flickering lantern's glow, hunched against crates of dynamite. We widen as Callan steps into the shack, silhouetted by the daylight behind him. CALLAN It's nice to be alone like this again, isn't it, Layla? LAYLA Let me go, Cray. You know I do only what is right. We move closer as Callan slowly approaches Layla. CALLAN You shouldn't have betrayed me. LAYLA You should not kill a man. Callan leans over and takes a whisp of Layla's hair, fondles it almost lovingly. CALLAN I couldn't stand the way he looked at you, mon cherie. When he touched you.... LAYLA He meant nothing! Callan kneels beside Layla, grabbing her chin, tilting her face up toward his. CALLAN Remember when it was good between us? LAYLA It was never good between us. He tightens his grip on her chin, squeezing until it hurts. Layla fights back the tears that well in her eyes. CALLAN Cajun memories are short. You need to be reminded.... And he kisses her, pressing her back against the crates of dynamite. Her body goes almost limp beneath his passion, but her hand moves toward his thigh, her fingers wrap around the hunting knife ensheathed there. As she care- fully slips the knife out, he suddenly grabs her hand, pulling the knife away, slamming her back against the crates. He pulls out the knife, holds it up to her face. LAYLA Please, Cray.... CALLAN You Cajuns really are nothing but animals. Just not as loyal as dogs. And he slams the knife down into the crate, missing Layla's cheek by a fraction of an inch. The tears she's been holding back begin to fall. He grabs her bound wrist, twisting her so that he can see her hands. CALLAN Where's your wedding ring, Layla? You sell it? LAYLA No, no.... He shoves her away. She strikes her head against the floor, doesn't get up again. CALLAN That wedding ring I gave you belonged to my late mommy. It bound you to me and now a ring's gonna tie you to death. He rises, a smile tickling the corners of his mouth. CALLAN A ring of fire. And he moves toward the burning lantern, the firelight playing evilly across his face as we: CUT TO EXT. BAYOU - DAY - ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM moving slowly through faceless terrain, the engine coughing and missing again. INT. TRANS AM as K.I.T.T. continues to cough and sputter. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt. You can make it. K.I.T.T. This is all so frustrating, Michael. MICHAEL Listen, champ, you're doing fine. K.I.T.T. I dislike feeling inadequate. MICHAEL Hey, we're all in the same boat. We'll find her buddy. We've got to.... OMITTED EXT. BAYOU SURROUNDING POACHERS' SHACK - DAY - ANGLE ON CRAY CALLAN moving in a large circle around the shack, swinging the now- open lantern into the lichen draped from the trees bordering the area, lighting dry brush, moss, etc., forming a huge ring of flames around the shack. Then, closing the circle behind him, Callan vanishes into the undergrowth. EXT. BAYOU - DAY - ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM The car's engine is still missing, moving slower than ever. INT. TRANS AM Michael's frustration is growing as the area outside begins to darken. He notices K.I.T.T.'s CRT begin to dance with an unusual scan readout. MICHAEL Your scan is showing something again, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Yes, it seems to be a radical increase in temperature ahead. I can't quite compute it, Michael. MICHAEL Temperature... (then) Fire? Is it a fire? K.I.T.T. You're quite right, Michael. It is a fire. A large one. I also detect a wooden structure...and someone inside. MICHAEL Layla!...Keep those cylinders popping, buddy...and pray. EXT. TRANS AM as the car now picks up speed, struggling against its engine malfunctions, following a direct course. EXT. BAYOU SURROUNDING POACHERS' SHACK - DAY as the Trans Am draws closer, the threat of fire grows -- dark smoke wafting through the air as the flames whip up a wind, the crackling of flames in dry brush, an occasional tongue of fire visible between the dense trees. Soon, the Trans Am is approaching a veritable wall of flames. EXT. POACHERS' SHACK - DAY The shack is blurrily visible amidst the smoke and flames. The fire is rapidly approaching. INT. POACHERS' SHACK - DAY - ANGLE ON LAYLA unconscious at the foot of the dynamite crates, smoke filling the air around her. EXT. BAYOU - ANGLE ON TRANS AM as it idles just outside the wall of flames, engine sputtering. INT. TRANS AM Michael peers out at the conflagration ahead. MICHAEL We're gonna have to make a run through it. K.I.T.T. The technical malfunctions I've been experiencing have made me crucially aware of my -- shall we say -- mortality, Michael. MICHAEL At least we've got April's heat resistant glaze. K.I.T.T. I don't believe this is a propitious time to try something new. If it fails.... MICHAEL You'll melt down and I'll be a crispy critter...but there's no other way to get her out of there, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Unfortunate, but true. MICHAEL Hang onto your microchips, pal. EXT. TRANS AM as the car's engine coughs, sputters -- and the car moves forward, directly into the flames. ANOTHER ANGLE As the Trans Am moves through the fire, as fast as possible, we intercut Layla in the cabin as flames lick closer and closer to the dynamite. NEW ANGLE - K.I.T.T. punching a hole through the inferno, streamers of burning lichen clinging to the automobile's body, the engine coughing but making progress. The entire car seems engulfed in flames, then the shack is in sight, already covered with sizzling tendrils of fire. INT. POACHERS' SHACK Layla lies, overcome by the thick smoke fumes, not far from flames licking through the walls, sending hungry trailers toward the awaiting crates of dynamite. We widen as Michael dashes into the shack, spots Layla and runs to her. As Michael lifts her into his arms, Layla stirs, looks up at him with blurry eyes. LAYLA You come...Michael.... And Michael runs with her out of the shack. EXT. POACHERS' SHACK The waiting Trans Am appears to glow, reflecting the flames which surround it. Carrying Layla, Michael runs to the car, climbs in. INT. TRANS AM Layla is limp but conscious. Michael glances out at the shack, as its walls dissolve in flames. MICHAEL That dynamite's gonna go! I'm trying turbo boost, Kitt. K.I.T.T. An excellent idea, Michael, but.... Michael pulls out, reaches for the turbo boost, punches the button, nothing. He hits it again. MICHAEL Nothing. Zip. We're not gonna make it... (an idea) Unless.... He quickly punches overhead buttons, dripping with sweat from the heat. K.I.T.T. Michael, what are you doing? INTERCUT - FLAMES AT DYNAMITE BOXES MICHAEL Transferring all source energy systems to turbo. INTERCUT - DYNAMITE BOXES igniting. K.I.T.T. My logic systems make it highly remote that it will work, Michael. INTERCUT - DYNAMITE BOX growing with flames. MICHAEL It's all we've got, Kitt. Finished punching the overhead, he reaches again for turbo, hits it. Nothing. Intercut dynamite boxes fully enveloped now. Michael hits turbo again, we hear a whine start to work up. MICHAEL Come on, baby...come on.... EXT. TRANS AM IN FIRE The turbo whines up to a pitch and then ignites. K.I.T.T. leaps from the area of the cabin with a blasting roar as: THE CABIN begins to explode, first small pops, a stick, two sticks going off, while: OMITTED EXT. TRANS AM still moving through the flames, explosions in the b.g., then, suddenly -- bursting into clear, unburning turf. The car stops and Michael and Layla half-climb, half-fall out, gasping for air. Behind them, the dynamite explodes again, a giant explosion, and the bayou erupts, shooting debris high into the air. OMITTED CLOSE ON MICHAEL AND LAYLA as she instinctively burrows against Michael and he pro- tectively hugs her to him, stroking her hair. We move in on them in this tender moment; then, Layla's expression changes as she sees something behind Michael. LAYLA Cray, no! ANOTHER ANGLE Layla pushes away from Michael as a shot rings out. Michael grabs her and rolls out of the clearing, into the surround- ing brush. ANGLE ON CRAY CALLAN across the clearing, holding his rifle, trying to see where Michael and Layla have rolled to. Crouching, he moves around the clearing, keeping under cover. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND LAYLA Michael comforts Layla, who indicates silently that she's all right. Michael speaks softly into the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, can you distract him? ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM AND CALLAN as he moves past the car and suddenly K.I.T.T. begins to move. Startled, Callan opens fire on the Trans Am and Michael leaps out of the bushes at him, knocking Callan to the ground. The men struggle with the rifle and it fires, then falls free of Callan's hands. NEW ANGLE as Layla crawls out of the brush, groping toward Callan's rifle. Callan grabs Michael by the throat, oblivious to Layla. CALLAN You know what, boy? Your problem is you just don't have the killing instinct. Michael doubles Callan over with a blow to the midsection. Moving forward, he punches, once, twice, three times and Callan goes down, beaten, struggling for breath, done. MICHAEL You know what, boy? You're damn lucky I don't. And he rises, pulling Callan to his feet, pushing him toward the Trans Am as we: FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. FLEUR DU LAC STREET - DAY - ANGLE ON CRAY CALLAN handcuffed, being led by two State Policemen toward an awaiting State Patrol car. Callan looks up as he passes Sheriff Casey and Judge Callan. Seeing his father, Callan's face shines with relief. CALLAN Daddy! Don't let them take me away. You can stop 'em. The Judge looks sadly at Callan, turns and walks away. Callan watches him in disbelief. CALLAN Daddy, you can't do this to me. Daddy! The State Policemen "help" Callan into the squad car and it pulls away, moving out of town. NEW ANGLE - ON DOCTOR'S OFFICE visible as the squad cars vanish in the distance. Michael, Layla and Minister Baylor, his arm in a sling, exit the office. BAYLOR We appreciate all you've done, Mr. Knight. Michael nods, shakes hands with him. Then they both look to Layla who looks to Michael, her eyes glistening with tears. CLOSE ON MICHAEL AND LAYLA as the minister moves down the street giving them their moment of privacy. MICHAEL Sure you want to stay? LAYLA This is my home, Michael. Michael reaches into his back pocket and pulls out her portable radio, presses it into her hands. MICHAEL Someday your outside world here is gonna get your curiosity up...when it does, don't be afraid to go out and take a look for yourself. LAYLA You teach me not to be afraid... maybe someday. MICHAEL If you ever decide to leave, you know where I'll be. Layla nods, stands on tiptoes to kiss his cheek, then runs, childlike, after the minister. NEW ANGLE As Michael strides across the street, toward the awaiting Trans Am, which is still covered with bayou mud, another State Patrol car approaches and stops nearby and Devon alights. DEVON Since we lost communication we got here as soon as we could. April emerges, sees Michael and hurries toward him. APRIL My God, what've they done to you? Michael is pleasantly surprised by this concern. MICHAEL Well, it wasn't really that bad.... But April runs right past him, directly to the Trans Am. APRIL Oh, Kitt...I've been so worried. K.I.T.T. You've no idea the harrowing ordeal I've been through, April. And as April begins to fret over K.I.T.T., Michael, hands on hips, shakes his head. MICHAEL You?! Intercut their reactions. Pull to a high shot and: OMITTED FADE OUT THE END