EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57817 Robert Foster October 12, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 10/20/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 10/21/83 (F.R.) Tom Greene Gian R. Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER SILENT KNIGHT by Janis Hendler Robert W. Gilmer Stephen B. Katz _____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. STREET - DAY We pick up a well-worn van as it winds through the mid- morning traffic. On the side of the van, a faded sign introduces "The Amazing Banducci Brothers -- World's Smallest Circus". ANGLE ON THE VAN Inside, we get a glimpse of three men, all of them are wearing outlandish clown masks: big red noses, white faces, oversized mouths, curly orange hair. To all the world, it looks like the Banducci Brothers, but we'll know them as Casey, Skip and Paolo. EXT. BANK - DAY - ON ARMORED TRUCK An armed guard stands watch at the rear of the truck as his two partners unload the truck. WIDER ANGLE TO REVEAL A BANNER stretched across the front of the bank heralding a "Grand Opening." Balloons and bunting add to the festive feel. Across the street we see a Santa Claus ringing a bell for charity. In front of the bank an anxious assistant branch manager poses, checking his watch. Then, a smile breaks out on his face as he sees: THE AMAZING BANDUCCIS as they round a corner, head for the bank. The manager steps forward to greet them. The van skids to a halt, the doors fly open and the clowns, brandishing automatic weapons hit the street. Across the street, Santa pulls out a gun and races toward the bank. A crack of gunfire sends the guards and the manager ducking to the ground. One of the clowns, Skip, stands guard over them, while the other two start loading bags from the truck to the van. The operation goes like clockwork and in seconds the transfer has been made. CLOSER ANGLE As Skip spots a gold watch and fob the Manager is wearing. He kneels, pulls off his heavy gloves and starts to take it off the manager. Casey shouts at him: CASEY What're you doing?! SKIP I've always wanted a gold watch --- Skip grabs the watch as Casey grabs him by the collar, yanks him to his feet. CASEY Wadda you, nuts? You can buy a million watches...later! Skip shoves the watch into his coat pocket and he and Casey jump into the car. The third clown, Paolo, is behind the wheel. Doors slam and the van lurches off, tires squealing. CUT TO EXT. FUNERAL PARLOR - DAY - CLOSE ON DOOR At first, we see nothing but a beautiful Christmas wreath adorning the front door. Then, as we pull back, we see it's the front door of a funeral parlor. At the same time, we pick up a scruffy-looking gypsy kid, about fourteen, walking down the sidewalk. This is Tino. He stops outside the funeral parlor, stares at the wreath for a beat. Then, he takes the gum he's chewing out of his mouth, sticks it to the underneath of the funeral sign and walks inside. INT. FUNERAL PARLOR - VIEWING ROOM - DAY Dark, somber and quiet. Organ muzak plays softly in the b.g. In the middle of the room stands a casket. It's open and the body, though not quite visible, is covered with a variety of untraditional funeral offerings: coins, beads, pictures, race stubs, flowers. ON TINO as he walks into the room, steps up to the casket and stands for a long beat. He reaches deep into his coat pocket, comes up with a single coin, stuffs it disgustedly back into his pocket. He takes a chain and religious medal from around his neck, kisses it lightly, then places it on the hands of the deceased. A beat, then: TINO Sorry, that's all I got. (beat) But I'm gonna get some money, I'm gonna make sure Marta's okay, then I'm getting outta the city. (defiantly) So I can be a real gypsy. You'll see ...you'll be proud. I promise.... Tino steps back, turns to leave. At the door, he hesitates, turns back to the casket: TINO Bye, Papa. With that, he turns and leaves. As he does, we: CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM traveling through the city. Hopefully, we can see some kind of Christmas decorations along the way. We hear a Christmas carol playing, and: MICHAEL'S VOICE I love Christmas...the lights and trees and music. The whole spirit of the season makes me feel great.... INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's smiling, humming along with the carol. K.I.T.T. It confuses me. What could a paunchy man in a red suit possibly have to do with the birth of a religious leader? Michael laughs. MICHAEL Hey. Christmas is a time for giving, Kitt...and Santa Claus is the greatest giver of them all. Speaking of which, we've only got... (checking watch) ...seven days until he loads up his sled. K.I.T.T. And three days before the Foundation Christmas Banquet. Michael glances at K.I.T.T., shakes his head. MICHAEL You're getting more like my mother everyday. K.I.T.T. I'm simply reminding you. MICHAEL It's been on my calendar for months. Besides, I promised Devon.... K.I.T.T. You promised Devon last year, too. This year, you'll actually be there... (beat) Because I promised him. MICHAEL You promised? K.I.T.T. Well, one of us has to be respon- sible. Now, about your tux... I've already located several formal wear shops. On the monitor, we see a grid of city streets, with blinking red lights signifying the stores. Michael stares at it a beat. MICHAEL Yep. Just like my mom.... Off Michael's look: CUT TO EXT. STREET - UPTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY where we pick up Tino wandering aimlessly down the street. He stops now and then to test the doors of the several cars parked on the street, but nothing gives. He checks the coin returns in a row of pay phones. Empty. As he turns away in frustration, we see: THE BANDUCCI VAN - DAY as it roars past Tino, turns down a side street. INT. BANDUCCI VAN - DAY In the back, Skip's putting the finishing touches on a pile of Christmas presents -- all of them obviously stuffed with money since the canvas money bags next to him are empty. Paolo, behind the wheel, pulls over and stops. In a second, the guys have the van doors open and they start unloading. EXT. VAN - DAY The packages are being loaded into a brown Camero parked behind the van. The guys are working fast, silently. In the b.g., walking down the street toward them, we see Tino. He's watching them curiously. He's particularly interested in Skip, who's closest to the sidewalk, and standing with his back toward Tino. ANGLE ON TINO Moving more quickly, he comes hurrying up to where the men are working, his head down, seemingly lost in thought. And walks right into Skip. Looks up, startled, very apologetic. TINO Oh, hey, sorry. Excuse me, mister. Skip just growls at Tino, turns back to his work. Tino glances at the other men, then turns and keeps walking. ANGLE ON THE MEN As the last package is loaded, Casey turns to Skip, holds out his hand, snaps his fingers. CASEY Gimme the watch. SKIP What're you talking about, Casey. It's mine...I stole it. CASEY Yeah...from the bank manager. Which makes it the one thing that links us to the robbery. Come on, banana- brain...gimme. Skip hesitates, then reaches in his coat pocket. No watch. He tries his other pocket. Nothing. First, a look of surprise, then confusion. SKIP It's gone.... Then he realizes and looks down the street toward Tino. Tino, walking at a normal pace so he's not suspicious, isn't yet to the corner. SKIP That kid...he musta lifted it. Hey...! You...! Kid...! ON TINO hearing Skip yelling at him. He glances over his shoulder, sees Skip and Casey waving at him, then running after him. Without missing a beat, he turns and runs. ANOTHER ANGLE as Paolo jumps into the Camero, fires it up and roars down the street. OMITTED ANGLE DOWN THE STREET Tino comes racing out of an alley, frantically looking for an escape route. He glances over his shoulder at the heavies gaining on him, then sees the Trans Am heading toward him. Suddenly, he bolts into the street, right into the path of the oncoming car. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY - FEATURE MICHAEL as he looks to his right just in time to see Tino streaking in front of him. He jams on the brakes. OMITTED ANGLE - CLOSER ON THE TRANS AM as Tino hits the car, slides across the hood and lands on the ground. Michael jumps out of K.I.T.T., hurries to Tino's side. Tino's moaning, holding his leg. In the b.g. Skip and Casey stand, panting for breath, listening and watching to the exchange. TINO My leg! You broke my leg... You gotta get me to a hospital.... MICHAEL You're going to be okay. Just calm down. Michael helps Tino to his feet and into the Trans Am. He hurries to the driver's side, jumps in. As the Trans Am pulls out, Paolo drives up to Skip and Casey. He's excited. PAOLO Casey, I've seen that kid before! He's one of the gypsies who live in the neighborhood. CASEY Yeah, well, the good samaritan's taking him to the hospital. We gotta stop him. SKIP Hey, why not forget the kid...in two hours, we can be out of the state. Gone. CASEY Listen, the minute that kid tries to hock that thing, the cops'll grab him. He ID's us and in twenty-four hours your ugly face is in every post office in the country...right next to ours! Skip blanches. Casey shoves him into the car and it takes off. EXT. STREET - DAY As the Trans Am follows the signs to the hospital. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael drives toward the hospital. Tino stares with fascination at K.I.T.T.'s dash, while feigning pain. MICHAEL Kitt, give me a readout.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I find no broken bones, no abrasions, no physical trauma what- soever. Which isn't surprising, since I didn't touch him. Tino sits up as though he's been kicked. TINO You got a talking car? K.I.T.T. In other words, this little con artist is lying through his teeth. TINO Who you calling a liar? K.I.T.T. You. (urgent) Michael, more importantly, my sensors indicate a problem...directly to our right. Michael and Tino look over to see: THE CAMERO racing forward, veering toward the Trans Am, then falling back. Threatening, challenging, but not attacking. OMITTED RESUME SCENE Michael doesn't get a good look at them, but Tino does. He flinches. Michael notes his reaction. MICHAEL What's the problem? Are they hassling you? TINO No. Yeah. Well, sort of...look, I'll make you a deal. Lose those creeps and I'll forget about the hospital, the lawsuits, everything.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I don't think this is a good idea. TINO Who asked you? MICHAEL Calm down, you two...looks like they're leaving. EXT. STREET - ON THE CONVERTIBLE as it speeds ahead of the Trans Am, then suddenly skids broadside across the street, blocking both lanes. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael sees what's happening. He doesn't care for it. MICHAEL Those guys sure don't have the Christmas spirit. (punching buttons) Let's make like Donner and Blitzen, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I hardly think that is an appropriate response.... MICHAEL Come on, pal...it's Christmas. (to Tino) Hold on.... Michael punches the turbo boost as the Trans Am races toward the Camero. EXT. STREET - DAY as the Trans Am turbos over the Camero. ANGLE IN THE CAMERO as Paolo and the others stare, open-mouthed, as the Trans Am sails over them and roars down the street. INT. THE TRANS AM - DAY Tino wired. He can't believe what he's just seen. TINO Wow! How'd you do that? MICHAEL Got the tires inflated with helium. Who are those men? Tino hesitates, then: TINO Those guys are Bombers. They say this is their turf. They start hassling me, and I tell 'em.... K.I.T.T.'s lights blink, and we hear: K.I.T.T. Michael, perhaps you should ask about the gold watch he has in his right front pants pocket.... Tino glares at K.I.T.T. TINO Hey, that's an invasion of privacy! MICHAEL A gold watch. You didn't happen to steal it, did you? Tino's starting to sweat a little, but he covers it with righteous indignation. TINO Look, the watch happens to be a family heirloom. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've just monitored a police band broadcast...there was a bank robbery blocks from here. In addition to a great deal of money, a gold watch was stolen. The criminals are still at large. Tino suddenly tries to escape. The door won't budge. TINO Lemme out of here! This is kid- napping! You can't keep me here.... MICHAEL Give me a rundown on the robbers, Kitt. TINO I didn't rob no bank! K.I.T.T. Any bank. For once, he seems to be telling some fraction of the truth. Though they were wearing clown masks, witnesses said the three robbers were older and bigger than this little delinquent.... Tino brightens, pounds the dash excitedly. TINO Clowns! Yeah...the dude I lifted the watch from.... Tino bites his tongue, glances guiltily at Michael, shrugs. TINO ...he was unloading this crazy van that belonged to a circus. (thinking) And there were three of them.... MICHAEL In that case, we'd better pay the local police a little visit. TINO (groaning) The cops? That's the last thing I need. Off Tino's dismayed look, we: CUT TO EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY - STOCK Your basic stock police station, with black-and-whites parked in front. INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Michael's talking with a Lt. Weber. In the b.g., through a glass partition, we can see Tino being interrogated by another officer. Michael's concerned. MICHAEL There's got to be something you can do to protect him. WEBER I wish we could. MICHAEL Look, the robbers know Tino stole the watch, and they know he can ID them. If they find him, they could kill him. WEBER I wish we had the manpower to provide some kind of adequate protection. I'm sorry. MICHAEL So, what're you going to do? Just turn him loose on the streets? WEBER The kid's got a sister. Maybe he can stay with her. Michael glances over at Tino, shakes his head. MICHAEL A fourteen year old and his sister aren't going to be much of a match for three bank robbers. As Michael speaks, the door opens and Tino comes walking out, trying to look cool and together. But, for a moment, we can see him as he really is: a young, scared kid. Then he covers with: TINO Piece of cake. I'm outta here. With that, Tino casually walks out the front door. MICHAEL Hey, not so fast. OMITTED EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY as Michael catches up with Tino and walks with him as they talk. MICHAEL In case you don't know it, you're a ticket straight to prison for those guys? TINO So? MICHAEL So maybe it's not such a hot idea to go strolling down the street in broad daylight. TINO (shrugging) I'm not afraid. MICHAEL You ought to be. You're just a kid. Tino turns to Michael, puffs up his chest dramatically. It's all for show and not very effective. TINO I'm a gypsy! I can take care of myself.... With that, he turns and starts across the parking lot. Then, to Michael's surprise, he stops at the Trans Am. TINO Besides, I'm not walking. I told the badge inside you were giving me a ride to my sister's. With that, he climbs into the car. Michael hides a surprised smile as he crosses to the Trans Am. Tino's already punching buttons on K.I.T.T.'s dash, and we hear: TINO Hey, which one's the radio, man? K.I.T.T. Would you mind keeping your grubby little hands to yourself? Off Michael's smile, we: CUT TO EXT. FLOWER SHOP - DAY A cute little shop in a nice part of town. INT. FLOWER SHOP - DAY where we find Tino's sister, Marta, putting the finishing touches on a display. She's pretty, carefully, if inexpen- sively dressed, in her midtwenties. Right now, she's frowning, shaking her head, as she talks to a man in his thirties, Nick. MARTA I can't. I'm sorry. NICK Sorry. You're always sorry. Come on, Marta...a hundred bucks. Seventy- five then. Until the weekend. It's important, baby.... MARTA No, and don't call me 'baby.' That's over.... CUT TO EXT. SHOP - DAY as the Trans Am pulls up and parks. Michael and Tino climb out, and Michael follows Tino into: INT. FLOWER SHOP - DAY As Tino comes into the store, he and Nick exchange a look of mutual dislike. Marta looks at Tino. In an instant, we know that she fears the worse. When Michael comes in, Marta knows it's a problem. MARTA Oh, Tino...what's wrong now? TINO Nothing, Marta, nothing. I'm innocent until proven guilty, all right? Marta looks to Michael. MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. There was a bank robbery this morning.... MARTA (stunned) A robbery? MICHAEL (a smile) Don't worry, Tino wasn't involved. Not directly, at least. He...found a watch stolen during the robbery. It's become an important piece of evidence.... Tino paces around the room, clearly uncomfortable with everything that's happening. TINO See, like I said...no big deal. Nick gets up, heads for the front door. NICK You're right about that, kid...You're no big deal. TINO Look who's talkin'. Nick shoots Tino a look, then exits the door, slamming it behind him. Marta turns to Tino, close to tears. MARTA Tino, what am I going to do with you? TINO Nothing. I can take care of myself, okay? Tino turns and wanders toward the back of the store as Michael and Marta continue to talk. MICHAEL I was at the police station with him. The only problem is --- MARTA The police station? Are you a police- man? MICHAEL No, I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. It's a private organization. (beat) The only problem with Tino is the bank robbers may know who he is. ANGLE - FEATURE TINO glancing over his shoulder as Michael and Marta talk. They don't notice as he slips into the back of the store and exits. EXT. SHOP - DAY as Tino comes racing around from the back of the store, hits the sidewalk and then tears down the street. K.I.T.T.'s scanner lights flash, and we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Good riddance. ON TINO disappearing over the fence. In a second, he's gone. EXT. STREET - DAY Same neighborhood, different street. We pick up Nick walking slowly down the street. Suddenly, a car stops next to him. It's the Camero. Paolo leans across the window to Nick. PAOLO Hey, Nick...come here. Nick cautiously approaches the car, glances warily at Casey and Skip. PAOLO We're looking for someone. A kid. Fourteen, fifteen. Dark hair. Curly. One of the gypises. He took my friend's watch...it's worth some money. Nick studies them, knowing it's Tino they're after. NICK How much? Paolo exchanges a look with the others. CASEY It's worth a grand to you. Nick doesn't respond. PAOLO You hang out with their people. Maybe you heard something, huh? Nick hesitates a beat, then: NICK Twenty-five hundred. Another look between the guys. Casey pulls out a wad of bills. As he starts counting, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. FLOWER SHOP - DAY Marta's standing in front of the store as Michael comes walking up the street. He shakes his head. MICHAEL I've got a feeling he could hide away for months if he wanted to. MARTA That's Tino...you can't do a thing to help him, even when he's in danger. MICHAEL Which he is...whether he believes it or not. Marta, isn't there someplace else he could go until the police catch the robbers? Some place away from here with friends or relatives? Marta shakes her head, then brightens. MARTA Uncle Stephano! Papa's brother. He still lives the gypsy life. He and his people are camped out near Lockett for the winter. Tino's been dreaming for years about going to live with him. (smiling) Like a gypsy.... MICHAEL Sounds like it might be the answer. If you can find him. MARTA He's built a shack on a vacant lot over on Butte. That's probably where he is. Michael smiles, nods, starts towards K.I.T.T. Michael hesitates, then continues. MARTA Michael you've already done so much, I hate to ask...but I just can't leave the shop...not now, during Christmas. If you could find Tino, take him to Stephano's...I have a little money and I could pay for your gas and time. Michael tries to think of an excuse, sees the look in her eye...decides what the hell. MICHAEL Well, I'm going that direction any- way. Kind of. I'll be glad to drop Tino off. No charge. Marta smiles. MARTA Thank you, Michael. MICHAEL Consider it a Christmas present. Marta and Michael smile warmly at each other, then Michael turns and heads for the Trans Am. MICHAEL I'll give you a call before we leave. And don't worry...everything'll be okay. He's a good kid...basically. Marta nods her head, waves. As Michael drives off in the Trans Am: CUT TO INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael drives. K.I.T.T. I heard that. MICHAEL He is a good kid, Kitt. He's just a little...uneven around the edges. K.I.T.T. Michael, in case you've forgotten, you have a command performance at the Foundation -- and a tuxedo to rent. MICHAEL Kitt, it's going to take half an hour, forty-five minutes at the most. Besides.... Michael laughs, reaches over and turns on some more Christmas music. MICHAEL ...it's Christmas. This'll be our good deed for the season. K.I.T.T. (dryly) Your good deed for the season is appearing at the Christmas banquet ...which is probably the subject of the call coming through. MICHAEL Uh-oh.... Michael punches up. We intercut with: INT. FOUNDATION - DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY We see April speaking into the monitor. Michael breathes a sigh of relief. MICHAEL April...Season's Greetings! APRIL Same to you, Michael. I hope you and Kitt are on your way back to the Foundation. MICHAEL (hesitating) Heading in that direction. You bet. APRIL (senses it) Michael, what are you up to? MICHAEL Nothing. Not much, at least. See, I ran into this gypsy kid who's a witness to a robbery. He and his sister.... April interrupts: APRIL His sister? I should have known. MICHAEL April, I know how that sounds, but.... APRIL And you know how seriously Devon takes this banquet. He's seated you between Lady Pinwall and the Duchess of Wellington. He's counting on you. MICHAEL (nodding) And I'll be there. Sure as Saint Nick. APRIL For your sake, I hope you are... Saint Nick. With that, April punches out, and we: CUT TO EXT. VACANT LOT - DAY where we see Tino's ramshackle shack. Not much more than four walls and a scanty roof creating one room. Coming from inside the tiny building, we hear the tiny sound of a cheap portable radio. Suddenly, the music clicks off and we see Tino peering through a crack in the door at: MICHAEL climbing out of the Trans Am which is parked at the curb, and starting to cross the cluttered lot toward Tino's shack. K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. ANGLE ON THE SHACK as Tino makes an unobtrusive escape out the back of the building, hiding in the shadows of the neighboring buildings. Michael doesn't see him leave as he walks up, knocks on the front door. MICHAEL Tino...hey, Tino.... No answer, but Michael probably didn't really expect one. He tries the door, opens it and steps inside. As he does, we go to: K.I.T.T. AT THE CURB His scanners are picking up something. Down the block we see exactly who. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I think we have company. THE CAMERO heading toward the empty lot. It screeches to a spot near the Trans Am. Inside, we see our three heavies. INT. CAMERO as they check out K.I.T.T. Casey nods to Paolo. CASEY They gotta be inside. Go for it.... PAOLO You're sure...? CASEY I said, hit it! Paolo exchanges an uneasy look with Skip, throws the car in gear and floors it. INT. TRANS AM We hear: K.I.T.T. Michael, look out! ON THE SHACK as Michael comes to the front door of the shack, looks out to see: THE CAMERO jumping the curb, roaring across the lot toward the shack. BACK TO MICHAEL into his comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, gimme some help! K.I.T.T. roars to life, starts across the lot. It's clear he's not going to make it. OMITTED WIDE ANGLE - ON THE SHACK as the Camero roars toward the shack. Michael's got nowhere to run. Tino watches in horror as the car hits the shack, ripping through the side of the building sending wood, glass and dust flying everywhere. The Camero hits the alley behind the lot and disappears. ON THE SHACK or what's left of it. Tino comes running out of the shadows, hurries to the pile of debris. TINO Michael! Michael...! No answer. Tino starts frantically digging through the rubble. Suddenly, an arm appears, pushing off boards. It's followed by a battered, dusty and very shaken Michael. Tino rushes to his side, grabs his arm, helps him out of the mess just as K.I.T.T. roars up. TINO Michael you okay? MICHAEL I don't know. It's the first time the roof's fallen on me.... Michael turns to K.I.T.T., leans inside. K.I.T.T. I'm terribly sorry, Michael, but he had such a headstart. MICHAEL It's okay, pal. What did you get on that car? K.I.T.T. It's out of scanner range, but I did run the plates. Unfortunately, they were stolen from another car yester- day... (beat) Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL Yeah. Except those jokers are starting to take some of the thrill out of Christmas for me. OMITTED ON MICHAEL AND TINO as Michael turns to the boy. MICHAEL You finally getting the message? They thought you were in there with me. Tino looks from Michael to the wrecked shack, and then back to Michael. For the first time, we see him subdued, shaken, and more than a little afraid. TINO Too much. MICHAEL Yeah, way too much. Michael turns, gestures to shack. MICHAEL Grab anything in there that's important -- and still in one piece. You're taking a trip. TINO (still stunned) Where? MICHAEL Uncle Stephano's. Tino looks at Michael, not quite understanding him at first. Then a big smile spreads across his face. TINO Uncle Stephano's? Yeah? Really? Michael nods and before Tino realizes what he's doing, he's giving Michael a hug. Only a quick one, though, cuz it's extremely uncool. He backs off, regains his composure. TINO That's great. Thanks. Before Michael can respond, Tino's digging through the debris. Michael starts to help him. MICHAEL You got much? TINO Nah...hardly anything. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. LOT - LATER - DAY - CLOSE ON TRANS AM crammed to the brim with junk: clothes, pots and pans, a skateboard, a 'One Way' sign, dirty sneakers, several cardboard boxes, etc. A musty old sleeping bag is added to the pile. We pull back to reveal Michael stuffing it into the trunk and we hear: K.I.T.T. Really, Michael, this is simply out- rageous. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt. Where's your Christmas spirit? K.I.T.T. Gone! I'd like to see you 'deck the halls' if some mud-covered moppet was filling your trunk with junk. Tino staggers toward Trans Am carrying a black pay phone, complete with wires dangling. Suddenly, K.I.T.T. slams the trunk closed. K.I.T.T. Absolutely not! I must draw the line somewhere -- and that monstrosity is it. Tino stares at K.I.T.T., miffed. TINO What're you talking about? This is an art object. K.I.T.T. That is a phone and I am not a booth. TINO Open up...it's the last thing I'm taking. K.I.T.T. It's the last thing you're not taking. Tino stares at K.I.T.T., then turns to Michael. TINO Tell you what...I'm gonna make you a deal. MICHAEL This is my car. You're making me a deal to ride in it? TINO Sure. You let me drive the car once we get out of town and I'll forget about the lamp. Before Michael can respond: K.I.T.T. Deal. MICHAEL (surprised) Kitt, you're sure you want Tino behind the wheel? K.I.T.T. I'm sure I don't want any more of his 'objects d'art' in my trunk. Tino beams, tosses the lamp away, and climbs into the Trans Am. As Michael smiles to himself, we: CUT TO EXT. FLOWER SHOP - DAY The door is shut. A sign reading "closed" sits in the front window. CUT TO INT. SHOP - DAY We hear a frightened little scream, and pull back to reveal Marta flattened against the wall, facing Casey, Paolo and Skip. She looks terrified. PAOLO Your brother's a thief. He steals things, see? What good's it gonna do, letting a little thief hide behind your skirts? Still, Marta doesn't respond. Casey shakes his head. CASEY I'm getting tired of asking her to help. She needs some encouragement.... As Casey moves toward Marta, the door suddenly flies open as Nick hurls himself against it and into the room. He glances at the men, then quickly crosses toward Marta, stands near her almost protectively. NICK I told you to leave her alone. CASEY (shrugging) We don't listen too good. NICK The kid's split. He told one of the punks at the park he's going to his uncle's. MARTA That's not true! Casey looks at Marta, chuckles. CASEY Sure, it's not. (to Nick) Where's that? NICK Stephano's got a caravan of gypsies. They spend every winter camped out by Lockett.... The heavies smile, head for the door. Casey stops, tosses Nick a wad of money. CASEY A deal's a deal, pal. Thanks.... They leave. Marta stares at Nick, furious. He fumbles with his money, avoiding her eyes. MARTA How could you.... Nick doesn't answer. Marta grabs her purse and keys, rushes past him out the front door. Hold on him, and then: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. OPEN HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM - STOCK gliding along at a nice, even speed of about ninety-five mph. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's driving and Tino's checking out the various controls in K.I.T.T.'s interior. TINO What's this? K.I.T.T. None of your business. MICHAEL That's a chemical analyzer. TINO Oh. Yeah.... MICHAEL You put things in and the computer tells you what they are. TINO I could tell by just lookin' at 'em. K.I.T.T. (very droll) Bully for you. Tino cocks his head toward the dash. TINO I don't think you like me, car. K.I.T.T. I live in mortal terror of what you might do next. TINO You're scared of me, huh? That's pretty funny. K.I.T.T. A boy named David killed Goliath with one stone. TINO (to Michael) I don't know those guys. What's he talking about? MICHAEL It's from the Bible. You've read the Bible, haven't you? TINO Sure. But, I don't have to brag about it.... Tino stares out the window, pouting, then starts fiddling with K.I.T.T.'s dash. Michael knows he can't read. MICHAEL To use a computer like this, you've got to know a couple of things. Like how to read. TINO I could handle this baby with my eyes closed. (then) When can I drive? You promised me I could, an' you're goin' back on your word already! Before Michael can respond: K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Allow me. Please. Michael senses what K.I.T.T. has in mind, begins to pull over. MICHAEL Whatever you say, pal. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as it screeches to a stop by the side of the highway. Michael climbs out and Tino hops into the driver's seat. Michael leans in: MICHAEL You sure you know what you're doing? In answer, Tino stomps on the accelerator and the Trans Am blasts away with screaming tires, fishtailing up the highway. Michael shakes his head, watching as the car becomes a speck. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Tino is hunched behind the wheel, terrified and exhilerated. ANGLE ON A FARMER some distance ahead, driving a very old pickup truck across the highway. He hears a roaring sound approaching and turns toward it, shading his eyes from the sun. ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM still seemingly out of control, barrelling up the highway. ANGLE ON THE FARMER Realizing the car's heading straight for him, he jams the accelerator to the floor and the truck tears from fifteen mph to a death-defying twenty-five mph. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Tino's like a madman at the wheel. K.I.T.T. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a truck ahead. TINO No problem. I got it totally under control. They're almost on top of it. K.I.T.T. Allow me. Turbo boost is depressed automatically. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY The Trans Am turbo boosts and leaps over the truck, heads on down the highway. ANGLE ON THE FARMER He can't believe his eyes. ANGLE ON HIGHWAY K.I.T.T. does a 180, heading back. ANGLE AT MICHAEL as K.I.T.T. appears with Tino at the wheel, hits the brakes; it broadsides up to Michael. Tino looks small and shaken behind the wheel. MICHAEL How'd it go? TINO (bravado) I been in faster, but not bad...not bad.... Michael grins, gets in. MONTAGE - NIGHT A. Shots of K.I.T.T. winding through beautiful countryside, music over. B. Intercut with a shot of Michael and Tino stopped at a roadside fruit stand, eating fresh fruit, talking and laughing MOS. C. Intercut with Michael and Tino in the car, Tino finally dropping off to sleep. EXT. GYPSY CAMP - DAY A collection of trailers, trucks and old Cadillacs, camped in an open field, near a stream if possible. A collection of scroungy dogs, kids and adults moves through the camp which is centered around a scruffy trailer larger than the others. All in all, not an impressive sight. ANOTHER ANGLE FEATURING THE TRANS AM as it rolls into the camp and stops. Several gypsies look up, stare at the car. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Tino stares at the gypsy camp around them. TINO Look at them -- real gypsies! I'm gonna find Uncle Stephano! Tino bolts out of the car. K.I.T.T. Thank goodness. Being a Good Samaritan isn't all it's cracked up to be. MICHAEL Now, now. 'Tis the season to be jolly. Give me two minutes. Michael climbs out of the car. EXT. GYPSY CAMP - DAY - MOVING WITH MICHAEL following the path Tino took through the camp, toward the large trailer. He attracts a lot of attention -- dogs bark, people stare, some kids follow in his footsteps, mimicking his long stride. Good-natured laughter from the adults. Michael turns, sees the kids, smiles, too. Mean- while: ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. also attracting a lot of attention, namely from a handful of young gypsy teenagers, who descend upon the fancy black car like a swarm of locusts. Two of them go for the hubcaps, one tries to pry open the hood, another the door. Needless to say, no one's having any luck. Finally: K.I.T.T. I've got a fortune for you fellows.... They all stop in midsteal. K.I.T.T. I see police, iron bars and bread and water, unless you get your hands off me, immediately. Everyone jumps away from the car, turns and hustles back to the camp as we go to: EXT. STEPHANO'S TRAILER - DAY The big one. As Michael approaches, Tino comes out with Uncle Stephano. Stephano is in his early fifties, large, physically capable. TINO (beams) This is my pal, Michael. STEPHANO You bring my nephew to me. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you! Stephano bear hugs Michael. MICHAEL Nice to meet you. STEPHANO My brother never tells me he has such a big boy. Now, Tino is here, where he belongs -- with his people. Come, we are about to eat. You are the guest of honor at our table today. MICHAEL I'd like to, but you wouldn't be- lieve how late I am getting to work. STEPHANO Of course, of course. (to Tino) I leave you to say good-bye. And Stephano strides off, leaving Michael and Tino alone. Confronted with the reality of parting with his newfound friend, Tino finds it hard to look in Michael's eyes. CLOSER ON MICHAEL AND TINO as Tino does a close inspection on his shoes, the ground.... MICHAEL Well, here you are. Safe and sound and on the road with gypsies...just what you've always wanted. TINO (without much conviction) Sure, all my life I want to be here. It's...great. You gonna come visit me? MICHAEL If I can, sure... (beat) You keep your hands off other people's watches, okay? TINO Don't run down any little kids. Michael grins, ruffles Tino's hair. Then, he crosses to the Trans Am, climbs in. Tino watches Michael drive off, more than a little sadly. Finally, he turns and walks toward the communal dining table where many of the gypsies have gathered. ANGLE ON PAOLO standing in front of him. In a flash, Tino turns to run and nearly collides with Skip. Tino tries to wriggle out of Skip's grip, but Paolo's on him, wrestling him back between the trailers, out of view of the other gypsies. EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM - (STOCK) It speeds past. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael drives in silence, seemingly lost in thought. K.I.T.T. I think at the very least you could have stayed for breakfast Michael. MICHAEL (smiles knowingly) You're worried about Tino, aren't you. K.I.T.T. (defensively) Well, the boy was distressed by our departure. His vital signs were highly elevated. The Foundation "hotline" buzzes. MICHAEL Speaking of elevated vital signs, here comes Devon. Devon appears on the vidscreen. DEVON Well, Michael, I was hoping to see you coming out of a formal wear shop. MICHAEL Don't worry, Devon. We've wrapped things up here and Kitt's plotting a direct route to formal wear even as we speak. DEVON Yes. Well, in the event that his routes lead astray, allow me to show you this. Devon holds up perhaps the worst-looking rental tuxedo in the world. Wrinkled, hopelessly out-of-fashion, too large. MICHAEL Did somebody die in that? DEVON No, but somebody might. It's what you will wear, if you're unable to find a suit on your own. Devon fades from the vidscreen. Off Michael's reaction we: CUT TO EXT. GYPSY CAMP - BEYOND THE TRAILERS - DAY where Paolo and Casey have Tino cornered. His clothes are torn, dishevelled. He's been roughed up pretty badly. PAOLO He doesn't have it. He must've ditched it someplace. Casey grabs Tino by the face, squeezes his cheeks. CASEY Come on, you little punk. Where's the watch...open your mouth.... Which Tino does, biting Casey hard. Casey yells, lets go of Tino and he takes off. Runs directly into the arms of Uncle Stephano as he appears between the trailers. Tino grabs the older man, holds onto him tightly. TINO Uncle Stephano, help! Before Stephano can respond, Skip appears right behind him, a gun in his hand. Stephano shakes his head sadly. STEPHANO Tino, what choice do I have? They have guns. Tino looks at his uncle, shaken, disbelieving. TINO But, there's twenty of you and three of them.... Stephano just shakes his head. Casey laughs harshly. CASEY Don't think you can hide behind your uncle, kid... (grabbing him) Now, where's that watch? TINO On your mother's grave. PAOLO I bet he left it with his sister. TINO (alarmed) No! The men look at Tino. Casey smiles. CASEY Guess that rang a bell, huh? TINO I told you, she don't have it! I gave it to the cops. That stops Casey in his tracks. CASEY For your sake, that better not be true. Without that watch, you're dead, kid. He grabs Tino roughly by the arm, starts to drag him kicking and squirming toward the Camero. Uncle Stephano watches helplessly. ANGLE ON TINO as he turns, glances over his shoulder at Stephano. His eyes are filled with tears of disappointment. As Casey tosses him into the Camero: ANGLE ON STEPHANO AND PAOLO Paolo crosses back, hands Stephano a wad of bills. An old crone, passing, sees the exchange. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON TRANS AM - STOCK as it cruises along. Again, we hear the strains of a Christmas carol, hopefully "Frosty the Snowman" or "Jingle Bells." INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's enjoying the music. We hear: K.I.T.T. Michael, I've noticed that so many of the Christmas songs we've been hearing mention snow. MICHAEL Sure. Snow, sleds, snowmen...It's that time of the year, Kitt. K.I.T.T. In case you hadn't notice, there's no snow in sight and the temperature outside is nearly seventy degrees. It must be difficult to get in the mood. Michael laughs, nods. MICHAEL Well, yes and no. Snow's nice, but what's important about Christmas is the state of mind.... Michael's attention is distracted by a car pulled over to the side of the road, hood up. EXT. SIDE OF ROAD - DAY We see a woman anxiously staring at the engine. It's Marta. BACK TO MICHAEL craning over his shoulder to see the woman. MICHAEL Kitt, that's Marta. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am whirls around on the highway and pulls up beside the overheating car. As Michael climbs out, Marta looks up from beneath the hood. She's very surprised to see Michael. MARTA Michael! She rushes over to him. MARTA Thank God -- those men who're after Tino -- they came to my store. Nick told them you were taking him to Stephano's! Michael stiffens as the gravity of the situation hits him. He immediately moves toward the Trans Am. She follows, grabbing the handle of the passenger door. MARTA I'm coming with you. MICHAEL Let's go. They climb in. WIDER ANGLE as the Trans Am screeches a one-eighty and roars back in the direction of the gypsy camp. OMITTED EXT. GYPSY CAMP - DAY The Trans Am comes roaring down the road, onto the field. ANOTHER ANGLE FEATURING THE TRANS AM as Michael pulls the car to a stop. He and Marta look, stunned. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE GYPSY CAMP It's deserted. The gypsies have moved on. All that's left is some trash and the smoking embers of their fires.... FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. GYPSY CAMP - DAY Michael and Marta are walking slowly through the gypsy camp, looking for anything that might tell them Stephano and the others have gone. MICHAEL They didn't leave any clues behind. MARTA They never do.... Michael's attention is suddenly diverted to a small puddle of something on the ground. He kneels, gets a finger full, smells it. He stands up, thinking. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as Michael turns, hurries to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, any idea what this is? K.I.T.T. My chemical sensors indicate a petroleum-based product of relatively high viscosity.... MICHAEL In English that means oil, right? K.I.T.T. Yes. An inexpensive commercial grade...and filthy, I might add. MICHAEL One of their cars has an oil leak. Think you could follow a trail of it? K.I.T.T. It depends on how frequent the drops are. It's certainly worth a try. Michael turns to find a thoroughly dumbfounded Marta staring over his shoulder into K.I.T.T. MARTA Tino was right...it does talk. MICHAEL Yeah, he talks and he's got a nose sharper than a bloodhound's. Jump in. We're going after Stephano. Marta hurries around to climb into the Trans Am. Michael slams the door, fires the car up. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON CAMERO moving along a two-lane highway. INT. CAMERO - DAY Casey's at the wheel, Skip's beside him. Paolo's in the back with Tino. The windows are rolled up and it's sweltering inside. PAOLO It must be a hundred and fifty in here. TINO I don't feel so good. I think I'm getting sick.... The men exchange ominous looks of dread. Paolo hurriedly rolls down the back window a crack. PAOLO Here, kid...suck up some air. TINO I gotta have something to drink. CASEY We're not stopping. TINO (groaning) I don't think I can make it.... Skip and Paolo exchange another look. CASEY I'm sick of listening to that brat. He turns on the radio, flicks channels, as: TINO I gotta get to the bathroom, I'm not kidding.... Casey reaches a news station and as Tino groans in back, he turns up the volume so that we hear: NEWSCASTER'S VOICE ...and, in a more recent development, the watch recovered by the police department was definitely identified today as belonging to Richard P. Henzer, manager of the bank that was robbed in broad daylight in one of the most daring armored truck robberies this year.... Casey snaps off the radio. Tino's still ad-libbing groans and gripes as Casey turns to Skip. CASEY The cops do have the watch. SKIP I heard. CASEY Then what do we need this pain in the neck for? Skip shrugs; he has no answer. Tino hears Casey, suddenly stops groaning. EXT. A SMALL TRUCK STOP CAFE - DAY as Casey pulls the sedan off the highway. ANGLE ON CAMERO as Casey and Skip climb out, followed by Paolo. Tino starts to climb out and Casey stops him. CASEY It's a private conversation. TINO You're gonna be real sorry when I get sick. Paolo pushes him back into the car and slams the door, stations himself nearby. Tino feigns sickness, hunches under the dash -- and surreptitiously begins to hot-wire the ignition. ANGLE ON CASEY AND SKIP forming a huddle some distance from the sedan. Closer to the car, Paolo stands watch. SKIP Casey, c'mon -- we kill the kid an' it just means that much more heat on us. CASEY The kid can ID us. Without him, there's no way to tie the watch to us. Suddenly, they hear the sound of the engine igniting, turning over, then catching. They turn to see: THE CAMERO whipping out backwards, right toward them. They have to jump out of the way as the car screeches past, and they get a very good look at Tino as he flicks his hand across his chin and takes off up the highway. Casey pulls his gun and runs after the fleeing sedan, sees it's hopeless. Casey and Skip run over to him. CASEY What happened?! PAOLO You got the keys -- he must've hot- wired it! SKIP What do we do now? CASEY What do you think? We steal a car! As they turn toward the line of parked cars, we: CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - TRANS AM moving along the highway, still scanning the oil spots. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael scans the road ahead. Marta's all nerves. K.I.T.T. The frequency of the oil spots seems to be growing rather than diminishing, Michael. MICHAEL Just keep your nose to the blacktop, pal. K.I.T.T. And to think some poor animals are forced to do this for a living. CUT TO OMITTED CUT TO EXT. ANOTHER STRETCH OF HIGHWAY - DAY as Tino, behind the wheel of the Camero, comes speeding past camera. INT. CAMERO - DAY The radio blares rock 'n roll, Tino's beating out the rhythm on the dash, having a ball. Although Tino doesn't notice, we have a look at: THE GAS GAUGE riding heavy on "E." BACK TO TINO smiling, singing to himself. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - AN OLD PICKUP TRUCK somewhere behind Tino, moving slowly along, smoking, sputtering. INT. TRUCK - DAY Our three heavies are crammed in, earlobe to elbow, each with the same look of silent fury on his face. Casey's driving. The speedometer reads just over thirty. CASEY Of all the stupid cars to take, we gotta nab one that died ten years ago. SKIP The rest were locked. CASEY We'd catch that kid faster if we walked, which is what you're gonna do if I hear another dumb word outa either one of you. Paolo and Skip exchange a look. EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am cruises by, turns off onto a dirt side road and disappears over a rise in the road. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael and Marta peer anxiously through the windows. MICHAEL (reacts ahead) Bingo! THEIR POINT OF VIEW - ON THE DIRT The gypsy caravan lumbers on ahead. BACK TO THEM MARTA That's them? MICHAEL (nods) The big trailer's Stephano's. He hits the gas. ANGLE ON HIGHWAY as the Trans Am approaches, pulls alongside the big trailer and forces it to the side of the road. The other cars in the caravan pull over to see what's going on. ANGLE ON TRAILER Stephano climbs down, angry, as Michael and Marta jump out. Michael pushes past two of Stephano's people, confronts the older man. MICHAEL Where's Tino?! Stephano regards Michael and Marta. Gypsies gather round, potentially threatening. STEPHANO (shrugs) Gone. MICHAEL Gone where? What happened? STEPHANO Some men came -- policemen. They said he stole a watch.... MICHAEL How do you know they were policemen? STEPHANO They showed me badges. Who are you? Why do you care what happens to a poor gypsy boy? MARTA (to Michael) He's lying. Michael grabs the big man, face to face. MICHAEL He trusted you. He worshipped you. Those men weren't policemen and you know it. You sold him down the river, didn't you? STEPHANO Take your hands off me or I'll break every bone in your body and feed you to the dogs. I am honorable man -- the great Stephano, king of the gypsies. OLD CRONE Liar! I saw them give you money! The crowd, about to devour Michael, suddenly shifts its attention to Stephano. STEPHANO Shut up, old woman! OLD CRONE I saw you, swine! You sold your own nephew! Michael tightens his grip on Stephano. MICHAEL I'll let your own people deal with you. All I want is which way they went. STEPHANO (beat) North. Toward the highway. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON THE CAMERO sputtering to a stop by the side of the road. A cornfield with a threshing machine is the only sign of civilization. CLOSER ANGLE ON THE CAR as Tino frantically tries to start it. No luck. It's bone dry. Tino climbs out, gives the car a kick -- then he looks around and starts walking. Behind him, he hears the sound of a backfire, turns to see: OLD PICKUP TRUCK coming up the highway toward him like a slow-moving mirage. ANGLE ON TINO starting toward the approaching truck, grinning and waving his arms. As the truck comes closer, Tino stops and stares. ANGLE ON THE TRUCK with Casey, Paolo and Skip inside, now bearing down on Tino. ANGLE ON TINO realizing his salvation's turned to a nightmare, breaking into a run away from the highway, toward the cornfield. CUT TO EXT. TRANS AM - DAY tearing down the highway, headed north. EXT. CORNFIELD - DAY Looking around desperately for a place to hide, Tino sees nothing but the field of corn. He races for it, stumbles, twists his ankle badly. He pulls himself to his feet and, limping, staggers toward the field and disappears into the tall stalks as the truck pulls up and the heavies pile out. ANGLE ON THE HEAVIES seeing Tino vanish into the field. PAOLO We'll never find him in there -- it's too thick. Casey looks around, sees the thresher. CASEY There's more than one way to skin a gypsy. He runs to the thresher, jumps up and fires it up as Paolo and Skip pull guns. ANGLE ON THE THRESHERS Big, noisy and very lethal looking. As the giant blades start to hack through the cornstalks, we see: TINO crouched in the middle of the field. He rises at the sound, sees the thresher coming toward him. He starts to run and the top of his head becomes visible -- Paolo spots him and fires a shot. Tino ducks back into the field. FEATURE THE THRESHER mowing through the field, heading for Tino. Then, in the b.g., we see: THE TRANS AM streaking along the highway past the field. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Marta stares ahead, worried. Michael's glancing out the window, toward the field. MARTA They could be anywhere by now.... MICHAEL Don't give up yet. If I know Tino, he's made it tough on them. Michael glances at the thresher as they pass. MICHAEL Kitt, that's corn out there...isn't it a little late for harvesting? K.I.T.T. I'll check, Michael. Lights flash on the dash. K.I.T.T. You're right. My data banks indicate harvest in this region was completed two months ago. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as it cuts a screaming 180 and heads back toward the field. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's drawing closer to the field. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors are picking up someone hidden in the field -- it's Tino! He's directly in the path of that machine! OMITTED ANGLE ON THE FIELD where Tino's running awkwardly, the limp crippling him. The thresher is nearly upon him, and as he glances back at the attackers, he trips, falls to the ground. He des- perately crawls away from the onslaught of blades. ANGLE - WIDER as the Trans Am heads into the corn stalks. Paolo and Skip see the car open fire on it. Bullets harmlessly bounce off. They empty their guns. They stare. Skip takes off, running for the highway. OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael punches turbo boost. MICHAEL Let's do a little harvesting of our own.... EXT. FIELD - ON TRANS AM lifting into the air and soaring over the crushed field, bumping down just feet in front of the startled Casey, between the thresher and Tino. ANGLE ON TINO still on the ground, realizing he's being saved. He cheers. CLOSER ANGLE as Casey tries to drive his thresher through or over the Trans Am. Bad choice -- the thresher's blades grind and the machine seems to crumble, as Casey leaps to safety. WIDER ANGLE As the Trans Am screeches to a halt and Michael jumps out, runs after Casey. When he catches him, they tumble to the ground, but Paolo suddenly appears, joining the fight. It's two against one. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Michael flips Paolo with a judo toss, only to find that Casey's got him in a bear hug from behind. Paolo's on his feet, moving toward the helpless Michael when suddenly Tino's on his back, riding him like a bucking bronco. Michael jerks free from Casey, turns and drops him with a solid right. Then drops Paolo, struggling with Tino, with a blow to the solar plexis. ANGLE - WIDER Tino whoops with excitement. They're both breathing hard, grinning. In b.g. we see Marta come running toward them. MICHAEL Thanks for the help. You okay? TINO Okay? I'm a gypsy. We know how to take care of ourselves. Marta reaches them, throws her arms around Tino. They hug wildly. TINO (to Michael) Hey, whatsa matter with you? It's Christmas. You got something against gypsies? They open their embrace to include him. He laughs, joins them. HIGH SHOT The three of them embracing, K.I.T.T. nearby, scanner flashing. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. MARTA'S SHOP - DAY The Trans Am's parked in front, the passenger door's open. Michael hoists a large box out of the back, filled with Tino's stuff, carries it to the shop as Marta comes out to take it. Even as they struggle with the box, Tino comes out, brushing his hands and rubbing his back as if he's done all the work. MARTA Not so fast! Carrying the stuff inside's only half the job...putting it away comes next. She smiles at Michael, then goes inside. Tino eyes her skeptically. TINO I'm still not sure moving in with my sister's such a great idea. MICHAEL Hey, you're the man of the family -- Marta needs you. Tino likes this. Expansively --- TINO Yeah, that's right. MICHAEL So, what're you going to do with all that reward money, bigshot? TINO Well, I been thinking. You know, school's for kids and all -- but I really think I could do okay with com- puters...after I learn to read. Then I'm gonna buy a car! A big one with fuel injection, four on the floor, AM/FM cassette and.... MARTA'S VOICE ...that's not going to happen for years. Michael and Tino turn to see Marta walking out of the store. TINO (to Michael) See? I told you this wasn't such a good idea. (dramatically) Women...they don't understand what a man needs. Tino frowns at Michael for a beat, then breaks into a grin. Marta and Tino turn to Michael. MARTA Thanks for everything, Michael. Without you.... MICHAEL Hey, Tino saved my neck.... Tino beams proudly. Marta gives Michael a little kiss and hug. Michael turns to Tino, sticks out his hand. MICHAEL See you later, pal. Merry Christmas. TINO (shaking his hand) Yeah. If you're ever stuck again and need a hand.... MICHAEL You'll be the first to know. Tino hesitates, then gives Michael a big hug. Michael loves it. He smiles, waves good-bye, then crosses to the Trans Am, just as a car pulls to a stop. ANOTHER ANGLE It's Devon's car. He and April climb out, Devon carrying a covered garment on a hangar. K.I.T.T. Oh oh. MICHAEL You can say that again. (to them, feigning cheerfulness) Devon! April! Merry Christmas. DEVON For the rest of the civilized world, yes. For you, I'm not so sure.... Whereupon he whips off the garment cover, revealing the awful tux seen earlier. APRIL (sympathetic) I tried to talk him out of it. DEVON Quite. To no avail. MICHAEL (retreating) Devon, I'll be there. I promise. DEVON Indeed you will. Cocktails at seven, dinner at eight. In this. Tonight. Between Lady Pinwall and the Duchess of Wellington. And he crosses to get in the passenger seat. MICHAEL (grimaces) He's coming with me? APRIL & MICHAEL I tried to talk him out of it.... On Michael's hapless look: FADE OUT THE END