EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57828 Robert Foster November 25, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 11/28/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer 2nd Rev. 11/28/83 (F.R.) Tom Greene Rev. 11/29/83 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi Rev. 12/ 1/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER WEEKEND WARRIORS by Richard Okie ________________ PLEASE NOTE: KCLF Radio Broadcast has now been changed to: KCPY Radio Broadcast throughout the entire script. ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY - ON TRANS AM The gleaming Trans Am serpentines its way through summer- scorched hills, falling toward the coast where a late gold sun descends for its evening dip in the Pacific. Peaceful. INT. MUSCLE CAR - VARIOUS INSERTS A fist grips the knob of a Hurst gearshifter. A heavy- booted foot stamps on a stiff clutch pedal. New Wave music blares through the car's speakers, its beat mixing with the roar and throb of a big V-8 under the hood. BACK TO TRANS AM cruising. Quiet again, Michael Knight sits easy and com- fortably at the wheel. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON TWO MUSCLE CARS lined up across both lanes of the paved road. In one car -- with a "REBELS" plate on the corner of windshield is Ron Prescott, early twenties, good looking in a James Dean vulnerable kind of way. In the other car is Mace Beaudry, local boy, a little younger, intense. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - DRIVING Michael is meditative, wrapped up in the car, the road, the moment. Unaware of the danger rocketing toward him. MICHAEL You know, sometimes I think I have the best job in the world. A lot of men would die for duty like this. K.I.T.T. You nearly have on several occasions. MICHAEL You're all heart, Kitt. EXT. HIGHWAY - RON AND MACE pouring on the power, just missing each other as they scream down the straight two lanes. INT. TRANS AM - DAY driving. Michael's reverie is interrupted. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors are picking up two obstacles heading directly this way. MICHAEL What kind of obstacles? MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD The two drag racers zoom into sight through a slight bend in the road -- head on. Seconds away. K.I.T.T. That kind. Michael, there's no shoulder. INT. RON'S MUSCLE CAR - DAY A look of sheer horror on his face. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's razor-sharp reflexes take over and his finger stabs the dash for turbo boost. MICHAEL Do it, Kitt! EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY An instant before a splintering head-on, K.I.T.T. soars up, up, and over Ron and Mace's cars, then lands hard behind them. The carnage is averted miraculously. The two competing racers slam on their brakes and stare out their respective windows in disbelief. They both then turn and race off -- away from the flying car. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - ON K.I.T.T. The Trans Am spins immediately into a 180 and roars after the racers, who are already out of sight. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL We've got to stop them before they kill somebody. K.I.T.T. Michael, my scanners indicate those maniacs are splitting up. I'm also picking up a siren coming up behind us. MICHAEL Might as well leave them to the cops. We have an appointment to keep, buddy. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael is passed by a wailing black-and-white. K.I.T.T. then does a U-turn and heads off. EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY - RON'S CAR He's pulled off into some thick brush, as the black-and- white roars past him. He looks over to the other side of the road where we can see Mace's car -- also camouflaged. OMITTED EXT. VISTA BEACH, CALIFORNIA - DAY - ESTABLISHING A quaint, colorful coastal resort town. Sun-drenched streets, clean air, and a blue, blue ocean. EXT. MATTHESON GALLERY - DAY K.I.T.T. drives up in front of a building, appealing and funky. We note signs of vandalism in the gallery, however. A makeshift sign reads "Closed", and a window is broken. ANGLE ON MICHAEL Before he can cross the sidewalk and enter, he finds himself pumping the hand of a brash, old-style salesman dressed in a plaid Zachary-All sport coat and a bow-tie. This is Manny Carmichael. MANNY Nice car. Beautiful car, in fact. Had her long? Carmichael's the name, auto alarms is my game. Friends call me Manny and I hope you will too. MICHAEL Well, Manny, I hate to stop you in midpitch, but I really don't think I need an alarm system. Manny shuffles through his briefcase and comes out with a coat hanger and a screwdriver. MANNY If you'll just permit me a little demonstration? Thirty seconds to break into this baby, thirty seconds ...and I'm just an amateur, mind you. MICHAEL (smiling slyly) Tell you what, Manny. I've got an appointment. You go ahead and shoot your best shot and if you can break into... (pats K.I.T.T.'s roof) ...'this baby,' we'll talk some business, okay? MANNY You've got a deal! Michael heads for the gallery, barely keeping a straight face. INT. MATTHESON GALLERY - DAY A door chime rings, announcing Michael's entrance. Inside is a curio shop of paintings, objects d'art, and funky antiques of toys, small appliances and signs. Many objects have been broken, turned over and generally disrupted. FOLLOWING MICHAEL as he surveys the damage and looks for signs of life. MICHAEL Hello? Anyone home? MARIETTA'S VOICE Freeze, buster! Hands away from your body! Michael does. We pull back enough to see the point of a shotgun prodding his back. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL AND MARIETTA Holding the gun on Michael is Marietta Mattheson, an attrac- tive, slightly eccentric lady in her late forties. MARIETTA (calling out) Cindy! Call the cops. CINDY'S VOICE Aunt Marietta, you put that gun down this minute. Cindy walks into the gallery from the back room. She is nineteen, a lovely blonde, wholesomely attractive California teenager. Michael turns around, smiles. MICHAEL You must be Marietta Mattheson. Devon's told me a lot about you. MARIETTA Devon sent you? Why didn't you say so? MICHAEL Somebody stuck a gun in my back. MARIETTA I see what you mean. (puts gun aside) This is my niece, Cindy. CINDY Hi. Excuse us. It's just gotten a little scary around here and we're leery of strangers on weekends. MICHAEL So I hear. You want to tell me what's been happening? MARIETTA Rotten, thieving hoodlum bums. Decent people can't stay in business. This used to be a quiet, lovely town, until these 'weekend warriors' started coming in. That's when the burglaries began. We got hit last Saturday night. CINDY We can't even clean the place up until the insurance company checks it out item by item. MICHAEL Who are these 'weekend warriors'? MARIETTA (an edge) Cindy could help you there. CINDY (a touch defensive) They're out-of-town car clubs mostly. They come in every weekend. MICHAEL And you're convinced they're the burglars. CINDY My aunt is. MARIETTA So's most of the town. Cindy doesn't want to believe it because her boy- friend's one of them. CINDY Nobody really knows who it is. Our police chief hasn't even gotten close to an arrest yet. MICHAEL If this has been going on for a while, you'd think he'd ask for some outside help. MARIETTA Chief Craig's been here for thirty- five years and he's never needed any. He retires this year and he doesn't want to spoil his record now. If you ask me, it's already spoiled. MICHAEL Well, Devon'll be here sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, I'd like to look around. Got any idea where I might find these 'weekend warriors'? Marietta looks pointedly at Cindy. CINDY I waitress over at the Hurricane Club. A lot of them hang out there. And my boyfriend'll be coming in later this afternoon. MICHAEL Sounds good to me. When can we leave? CINDY I'll just grab a sweater. OMITTED EXT. MATTHESON GALLERY - DAY Michael and Cindy cross the sidewalk to K.I.T.T. An exhausted Manny is still working on the Trans Am's door. His coat is off, his tie is askew, and he looks a little apologetic. MANNY Oh, hi. Back so soon? Well, like I said, I'm an amateur at this, but those pros...thirty seconds. MICHAEL Don't doubt it for a minute, Manny. Thanks anyway. MANNY Hey, but I'm going to be around town for a few days, so if you can give me another crack at this baby I'd sure.... Manny stops in midsentence as he sees Michael open the car door with ease and let Cindy in. He then goes to the driver's side and opens his door. We see the red lights under the door handles flash green to Michael's touch. Michael gets in, then sticks his head out. MICHAEL Catcha later, Manny. Off Manny's confused look, Michael drives off down the street. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael drives down the road toward the Hurricane Club. Cindy looks around the dash. CINDY Some car. Do you race? MICHAEL Not in the normal sense. CINDY (re monitors) Watch TV? Michael laughs. Looks at her. MICHAEL I got the idea from Devon this was a personal matter, but from what I see it's a lot bigger than that. CINDY (nods) Everyone's keeping it quiet. Trying to. Crime's not good for business. But just because they happen on the weekends, everyone automatically thinks it's the car clubs. MICHAEL You sound like you're sure it isn't. CINDY Well, I know it's not Ron or The Rebels -- That's the name of his club, The Rebels. When I first met him I thought he had an attitude problem. But after I got to know him, I realized he's not what people think he is. He's not antisociety or antipolice or anti anything. He just likes cars and likes to race. He's not involved, Michael. Believe me, if he was I'd know. MICHAEL (a smile) Spoken like a lady in love. CINDY (a little taken aback) Is it...that obvious? MICHAEL Only to a trained eye. She looks relieved. Michael smiles, liking her. EXT. HURRICANE CLUB - DAY as Michael pulls K.I.T.T. into the parking lot. Parked together are a group of the muscle cars seen earlier. We can hear loud rock music coming from inside. CLOSER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as Michael and Cindy come out and head for the club. Michael notes one of the cars is the one racing earlier. CINDY Your car is outrageous. I love it! MICHAEL Some of these aren't too shabby either. (re the car) Whose is that? CINDY Mace Beaudry. He's a local. Wait'll you see Ron's. He's restored it him- self. (beat) Don't get me wrong about Aunt Marietta. I love her and she means well -- and I want these burglars caught as much as anyone. If things keep on like they are, she and a lot of other small businesses could be forced to close down. MICHAEL That's why I'm here. (off her look) To see things don't keep on like they are. INT. HURRICANE CLUB - DAY Michael and Cindy enter amid young adults of all types, eating, drinking, dancing and socializing. Rock music blasts from overhead speakers. A few guys play pool. MICHAEL When did the car clubs start coming to Vista Beach? CINDY About six months ago. Nobody knows exactly how or why it started, but now it's the thing to do. They come from all over. Mace stops playing pool and comes over to Cindy. MACE Hey Cindy, I ordered a couple of turbo burgers -- got an ETA on 'em? CINDY Mace, I'm not even working yet. When did you order? MACE Last night. (to Michael) She's a great little dancer, but as a waitress you could starve to death. (then) Play pool? MICHAEL Never before dark. Didn't I see you out on the road into town earlier? MACE Could be. (reacts) You don't drive a black hardtop, do you? MICHAEL Could be. Mace studies him, unsure. Then, to Cindy: MACE You really go for the out-of-towners, huh Cindy? Why not try a little home-grown once in awhile? Before she can respond he drifts off, back to pool. CINDY (to Michael) Mace Beaudry. I should've introduced you. MICHAEL We already met, in a manner of speaking. I'll settle for Ron. HANDSOME ANSON (V.O.) Hey, hey all right boys and babies, lords and ladies, a big hand for that song -- number twelve with a bullet...here live from the Hurricane with Handsome Anson on KCLF! Michael turns to see: OMITTED ANGLE ON SMALL STAGE - HANDSOME ANSON JAMES We see where the music is coming from: Dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and narrow punk sunglasses which he doffs and twirls in his hands as he raps, is Handsome Anson. Dick Diondi/Cousin Brucie/Wolfman Jack: he's one of a grand tradition. He sits in front of a small DJ two-turntable setup. As he blares on in the b.g.: RESUME - MICHAEL AND CINDY Michael turns back to Cindy, leans close to be heard. MICHAEL Your own club DJ? I'm impressed. CINDY He's Vista Beach's one and only celebrity. Handsome Anson. He has his own radio show. Michael looks around the club again, smiling, shaking his head. MICHAEL Some things never change. CINDY You've been here before? MICHAEL Not here, but these guys remind me of myself about ten years ago. The clubs, the rap...the turbo burgers, they all stay the same...only the sideburns change. Cindy laughs as Michael takes in the deja vue. ANGLE - ENTRANCE OF HURRICANE CLUB as we pick up Ron Prescott, the racer we saw in the opening scene. Out of his car, he's tall and lean; a natural leader. He's dressed in jeans, boots and a worn-out bomber jacket bearing the colors of his car club: The Rebels. He's with Ty, another club member. As they come in: RON Can't do it, man -- jets that big'll foul your plugs, I don't care how hot they are. TY Not if you keep the RPM over three grand. RON It's your car. We hear Cindy laugh as she and Michael continue to talk. Ron sees her, smiles...then goes over to her. ANGLE - MICHAEL AND CINDY as Ron approaches and Cindy sees him. Ron grabs Cindy and lifts her up, gives her an affectionate hug. Ad-lib greetings. RON Hey, Cindy, I wait all week to see you and I'm ten minutes late and you're with another guy. CINDY (laughs) That'll teach you. Ron, I want you to meet Michael -- Michael Knight. Michael, this is Ron. They smile, shake hands. Ad-lib hellos. CINDY He's here to look into the burglaries. RON (a reaction) In here? MICHAEL (shakes his head) Just dropped by to look around. Say hello. See what's happening. RON Yeah? What's happening? MICHAEL (beat) Ron, I'm not after you. I'm not after Cindy. Relax. RON Yeah, well it's kinda hard to relax when half the people in town look at you like you're Attila the Hun coming in to rape and pillage. MICHAEL I didn't say that. RON No, nobody says it. But you're not out somewhere dusting for prints, you're here. If you don't think it's us -- or me -- why here? MICHAEL Like I said, I'm just looking around. Ron studies him for a moment. RON (to Cindy) I got a few things to do. I'll see you later. With that he turns and walks toward the door. Cindy looks incredulous, hurt. CINDY (calls after him) Ron...Ron, please.... MICHAEL It's okay. Maybe he needs a little time. Where does he usually go to when he gets like this? CINDY I don't know...but he'll be at the races tonight. I can tell you where they are. MICHAEL I think I already know. EXT. ROAD - NEAR TWO-LANE DRAG ROAD - NIGHT as we see K.I.T.T. drive toward the stretch of roadway. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT Michael drives. K.I.T.T. Both cars we saw racing were in the parking lot of that awful rock-and- roll club. MICHAEL Gotcha, Kitt. One belongs to Mace Beaudry. I've got a hunch who the other belongs to. K.I.T.T. Michael, there's something I don't understand. What is this drag racing all about? Why is everyone in such a hurry? MICHAEL It's competition. You know, who's fastest. Who's the baddest. K.I.T.T. The 'baddest'? MICHAEL Just an expression. To racers, it means 'best.' K.I.T.T. The slang use of words is beyond me. However, as far as who is the fastest, that's simple. I am. MICHAEL (smiles) Yeah, but that's just between us, pal. EXT. DRAG ROAD - NIGHT Headlights illuminate the darker side of the local scene. A number of heavy-duty cars have congregated here, several showing Rebels' logos. Handsome Anson's voice blares out of turned up stereos, seemingly coming from everywhere. Guys and girls hang out of cabs and tailgates, drinking and partying. The roar and throb of high-powered engines sometimes drowns out the pounding of the rock hit, "Crumblin' Down" which comes from the radios. The song continues to echo through dozens of speakers, creating a cacophony of rever-berating rock. K.I.T.T. Michael, it's one thing to have to hear that 'music' from my own speaker, but to be assaulted from all sides...I feel like Custer at Little Big Horn. MICHAEL Hang in there, buddy, this isn't your last stand. I don't see Ron. Scan the cars, see what you can pick up. And let's get pictures. Michael punches appropriate buttons, climbs out. CLOSEUP - K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER as he begins to record the scene. OMITTED FULL as Michael turns to the crowd. MICHAEL I'm looking for Ron. Ron Prescott. Is he here? Ty, Ron's friend from the Hurricane Club, walks up to him. TY You want the top dog, you gotta earn it. Can that thing move? MICHAEL When there's a reason. I don't consider street racing a reason. This elicits hoots from the crowd. TY I could've figured. All show, no go. Better move it out of the way, we've got some races to run. MICHAEL Not until I know where Ron is. The moment tenses. The song "Crumblin' Down" continues to blare in the b.g. Then the sound of a siren, growing louder. The group reacts by leaping into their cars. TY The heat! Meet at the bluffs! And he climbs into his car and backs up and off. The scene is breaking up pretty thoroughly as a black-and-white police car arrives, red lights flashing. A spotlight from the car is trained on Michael. CHIEF CRAIG (over bullhorn) Hold it right there, son. ANGLE ON THE POLICE CAR as Chief Rupert Craig climbs out of the driver's door. He's a flint-jawed, old-school lawman in his midfifties. Out of the passenger side comes Officer Apted, early thirties, lanky, but boyish face. He guards his holster as he monitors the scene. MICHAEL I've got no reason to run. CRAIG No? We'll see. What's your name? MICHAEL Michael Knight. I'm in town on business. CRAIG What business is that? MICHAEL For the time being, it's personal. CRAIG Then I'd suggest you get to it. Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, you're just another out-of-town street racer. Got that? Michael smiles, starts back into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL You bet, sir. Fifty-five, stay alive. And he drives off. Craig watches him. OMITTED EXT. JEWELER'S STORE - NIGHT An alarm is ringing as we see the aftermath of a break-in, smashed glass, discarded merchandise, etc. We see a robber, his back to us, run from the store toward a muscle car -- the same kind of car we just saw at the drag road. Taillights blink on and the engine roars away as he makes a clean escape...as the final strains of "Crumblin' Down" scream from his car radio. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. AND SEMI - STOCK as K.I.T.T. pulls a 180 after passing the truck, then glides up the ramp. INT. SEMI - DAY as Michael climbs out of the Trans Am, ad-libs hellos. APRIL I've come up with something new for Kitt. MICHAEL A program to help him understand drag race slang? APRIL (smiles) I'm afraid that's beyond my grasp. This comes straight from Research and Development. MICHAEL I can hardly wait. (crosses to Devon) Devon. Did you get the info on... (sensing Devon's concern) What's wrong? DEVON (at the computer) We just received a report from Vista Beach. Apparently it wasn't as quiet as you thought last night. MICHAEL Another burglary? DEVON (nods) A jewelry store. MICHAEL Devon, this isn't just an isolated incident or two. The whole town is being hit every weekend. We've got more than we bargained for here. Devon looks back at the monitor. DEVON Apparently. They took jewelry. A rather good selection. All of quality. (then) What's this I hear about a gang? MICHAEL There's some out-of-town street racers everybody's got their eye on. I'm not saying they're innocent, but one thing's for sure -- they don't look like diamond experts. DEVON Looks can be deceiving. MICHAEL I hear you. What've you got on a guy named Ron Prescott? Devon punches it in. It comes up on the screen. Michael looks it over, then: MICHAEL What do you know. A prior. Breaking and entering. Maybe I spoke too soon. (beat) I wonder if Cindy knows about this. DEVON Who? MICHAEL Marietta's niece. Ron's her boyfriend. Devon's face lightens a bit. DEVON So, you met Marietta. How is she? She used to be quite a...fun-loving young lady. MICHAEL (carefully) She's...seasoned a bit. DEVON (undaunted) Good. Proper seasoning tends to bring out the true flavors. I'm looking forward to seeing her after all these years. Michael gives Devon an amused look as April shuts the hood. APRIL Kitt's all set. The unit is desig- nated 'Silent Mode.' Push the activator and Kitt's engines become virtually noiseless. K.I.T.T. Michael, I resent being muzzled. Over this, the phone rings and April answers it, then: APRIL (to Michael) It's Cindy. She needs you back at the gallery. She says it's urgent. Off Michael's look, we: CUT TO EXT. MATTHESON GALLERY - DAY The Trans Am glides to a stop. We can see Chief Craig's cruiser parked outside the gallery. As Michael gets out of K.I.T.T.: K.I.T.T. Michael, that horrible man is here again. MICHAEL Chief Craig? K.I.T.T. The auto alarm salesman. Manny leaves an MOS pitch down the street, approaches. He has a flat metal "door popper" in his hand. MANNY Hey, remember me? Been thinking about yesterday. See, I was using the wrong tools. This baby's what the pros pop you open with in thirty seconds. MICHAEL Manny, I think you're wasting your time. MANNY Hey, just one more chance. That's all I ask. Manny looks over at K.I.T.T. as Michael crosses to the gallery. Manny inserts the "door popper" between the window and door frame, applies pressure; it bends. Manny stares in disbelief. He's about to try again when K.I.T.T. starts up and blind-drives away from Manny, making a U-turn in the street and parks in front of the gallery. Manny stares, transfixed. INT. GALLERY - DAY Michael comes in and sees Chief Craig and Officer Apted as they are searching through the back room, Marietta watching every move. Cindy runs up to Michael. MICHAEL Cindy, what's happening? CINDY They've got a warrant out for Ron's arrest! MICHAEL (reacts) What? What's the charge? CINDY Suspicion of burglary. Can they do that? MICHAEL We'll see. With that, Michael walks toward the door to the back room as Chief Craig comes out. Officer Apted stays in the back room, searching. CRAIG You again. MICHAEL Me again. What's the evidence against Ron, Chief? CRAIG Do I see a badge on that jacket? MICHAEL You don't need a badge to ask a question. CINDY Michael, you were with Ron last night. Tell him. MICHAEL Wish I could, Cindy. But I never caught up with him. I'm sorry. CRAIG That's bad news for the boy. Although I'm not surprised. You see, his car was made leaving the scene of the crime. Officer Apted comes out of the back room, followed by Marietta. OFFICER APTED He's not here, Chief. They both turn to leave. CRAIG (to Michael) How's the 'personal business' coming? MICHAEL I'll let you know. They both go out the door. Cindy turns to Michael, upset. CINDY Michael, he didn't do it. He didn't commit that burglary...but now Chief Craig is convinced he did. MICHAEL I'm not saying he did, Cindy. But the truth is the truth -- I didn't see him last night. MARIETTA (trying to comfort) Cindy, Devon sent Michael here to help solve the crimes -- not prove Ron innocent. CINDY I happen to think they're the same thing. MICHAEL I'll look around, see what I can find out. Cindy, if Ron's innocent, I'll help him prove it. That's a promise. Cindy nods. The phone rings. As she crosses to answer it: MARIETTA Tell Devon is he stands me up I'll never forgive him. MICHAEL (a smile) He'll be here. She smiles. Michael goes out the door. EXT. GALLERY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. As Michael comes out, we see Manny spread-eagled across K.I.T.T.'s hood as Officer Apted pats him down. Chief Craig calls out as Michael approaches. CRAIG He was trying to jimmy your door locks. Claims he knows you. MANNY Tell 'em! Tell 'em it's okay! MICHAEL It's okay, Chief. Thanks. Michael opens K.I.T.T.'s passenger door, pauses. MICHAEL The door was open, Manny. Can't figure out why it's so tough for you. Manny stares, turns and walks away, glancing back. Craig and Apted cross to their car. Michael starts to get in as Cindy comes running out of the gallery. CINDY Michael! Michael turns as Cindy reaches him. CINDY (excited) I just got a call from Ron! He wants to talk to you. MICHAEL That's a surprise. Where is he? CINDY He found out about the warrant. He's hiding. (starts to get in) C'mon, I'll show you. MICHAEL No, it's better if I go alone. Just give me the location. CINDY Half a mile south of the Glenrock Cliffs, just off I-19. (then) Michael, help him. Please. I didn't mention this...but he's got a prior. MICHAEL So I heard. CINDY You knew? Why didn't you say anything? MICHAEL I was hoping you would. He smiles. Off her look, we: OMITTED EXT. GLENROCK CLIFFS - DAY as K.I.T.T. drives along the road. NEWSMAN'S VOICE ...We repeat, an all points bulletin has been issued for the arrest of one Ronald Prescott in connection with the town's recent string of burglaries.... EXT. KCPY RADIO STATION - DAY - ESTABLISH A small building on the hill. We hear: NEWSMAN'S VOICE Prescott is a white male, light brown hair, blue eyes, one hundred seventy pounds and has been seen with the car club known as The Rebels. INT. KCPY RADIO BROADCAST BOOTH - DAY as camera pans through the equipment and the voice continues, we pick up the "Newsman." It's Handsome Anson, sans sunglasses, reading the official copy with a low "newsman's voice." HANDSOME ANSON Any citizen spotting Prescott or knowing his whereabouts is urged to call the police hotline at 555-0933. And now, back to Handsome Anson James on KCPY. Anson puts the sunglasses back on, and in his "jock voice:" HANDSOME ANSON Yeah, yeah, Handsome Anson back spinning 'em for you here with The Police and 'King of Pain'.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael negotiates the rough road. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've been doing some research on this hot rodding business. It's absolutely criminal. MICHAEL Yeah? How's that? K.I.T.T. Did you know that each year over a thousand cars are sacrificed in front of paying crowds in the name of speed? MICHAEL That's competition, pal. K.I.T.T. (dry) It's comforting to know just how far humans have progressed since the days of the Christians and the lions. (then) We're here, Michael. MICHAEL Okay, let's scan for any sign of Ron. EXT. K.I.T.T. - ON SCANNER as it oscillates back and forth...looking for signs of human life. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON MONITOR as we see a graphic representation of Glenrock Cliffs. We see the figure of a man behind some trees. K.I.T.T. I've located him, Michael. At two o'clock...behind those trees. EXT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he comes out of the Trans Am and begins toward the trees. MICHAEL (calling out) Ron? It's Michael. C'mon out, man. There's no answer. Michael goes further away from K.I.T.T. toward the trees. MICHAEL I'm here. I'm alone. More silence, then: RON'S VOICE You sure you weren't followed? MICHAEL Positive. ANGLE - TREES as we see Ron look out. RON'S POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL as Michael walks toward him. We see K.I.T.T., his scanner still on, in the distance. MICHAEL You wanted me, here I am. ANGLE ON AREA ABOVE CLIFFS We see a muscle car pull up and stop. The door opens and we see two booted feet get out and walk to the edge. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR as we see on the graphic of Glenrock Cliff the sudden appearance of the muscle car and figure. K.I.T.T. Michael! We're not alone. MICHAEL as he hears this on his comlink. He looks around. Ron reacts to the voice. MICHAEL (comlink) Where? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The cliffs above you! CLOSEUP - HANDS as they pull into frame three sticks of dynamite, taped together. The fuse is lit, then the dynamite is thrown down towards Michael and Ron. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as we see the dynamite sail through the air and fall to the ground in front of Michael. Ron looks up to where the dynamite was thrown. He begins to run. Michael turns to run after him, but slips on the loose gravel and falls. OMITTED ANGLE INCLUDING DYNAMITE as the fuse burns toward the sticks. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt! I need you! INT. K.I.T.T. - ON CONTROLS as the auto drive button activates, the gearshift moves to drive and the gas pedal is depressed. EXT. K.I.T.T. as he blind-drives for Michael. ANGLE - MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. as K.I.T.T. drives over the dynamite, covering it with his body. HIGH ANGLE with Michael only a few yards away, the dynamite explodes under K.I.T.T., sending up a deadly billowing cloud of smoke and a massive roar. The cloud fills the frame so that all we see is the thick white smoke and hear the echoing sound of the explosion as we: OMITTED FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. GLENROCK CLIFFS - DAY as the cloud of smoke still hangs in the air. It is now silent -- uneasy silence, as the dust and debris settles. We can't see anything. Then: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael...Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL'S VOICE I'll know better once the smoke clears. Thanks, pal. CLOSER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as the debris thins out and we see Michael approaching K.I.T.T. He opens the door and goes inside. MICHAEL I think I'm okay. How 'bout you? K.I.T.T. After surviving that music last night, this was a piece of cake. (then) A vehicle is just leaving scanner range. I trust whoever was driving threw the explosive. MICHAEL Right now I'll settle for the guy who set me up. EXT. FIELD - BY GLENROCK CLIFFS - DAY as K.I.T.T. does a 180 and heads back the way they came, in hot pursuit of Ron, who we pick up running toward the slope. CLOSER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. The sun roof popped, we see Michael as he stands up on the seat, and as K.I.T.T. glides next to Ron, Michael leaps out -- tackling Ron. They both hit the ground hard. ANGLE - MICHAEL AND RON as they slide over the ground and come to a stop. Michael grabs Ron, furious, as Ron struggles. RON What're you doing? They're getting away! MICHAEL I don't want them, I want you. Why'd you do it? RON Do what? What're you talking about? MICHAEL You set me up! RON I didn't -- I swear I didn't. MICHAEL No one else knew I was coming up here except Cindy! RON I don't know! All I know is it wasn't me. You gotta believe me. Michael stares hard at Ron, and long. He's weighing the situation and the adrenaline is wearing off. RON Look, maybe I get hot sometimes, race, get into a little trouble, but that's it. I'm no burglar. I'm no killer. MICHAEL (beat) All right, then who do you think that was? RON I don't know. That's what I wanted to find out. MICHAEL Let's go back to last night. The police said your car was made near the burglary. What about it? RON Hey, Craig knows my car, he knows me. It must just be getting too hot for him. I wasn't anywhere near there. MICHAEL Where were you? RON I came up here. I wanted to be alone, I wanted a chance to think. Some of the locals know about this place, but it's kind of a secret. Michael motions Ron toward K.I.T.T. Camera moves with them. MICHAEL Well, somebody knew about it today, and they must have followed you here. They didn't follow me. RON What makes you so sure? MICHAEL Kitt, were we followed? INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH K.I.T.T. No, Michael. BACK TO SCENE Ron had started to get into K.I.T.T. but jumps back out. Michael's amused. RON Who's in there? MICHAEL Come on. He doesn't bite. RON What about my car? MICHAEL We'll pick it up later. Right now it's a red flag. Ron gets into K.I.T.T. Cautiously. MICHAEL You know, I've been thinking about your club's cars. Seems to me if you had all this sudden money, your cars would be in better shape. RON Then you believe me? MICHAEL For the time being. The point is, if it's not the weekend warriors, who is it? CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. They drive down the open road. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL AND RON Ron keeps looking behind him. MICHAEL Don't worry, I can black out the windows if I have to. RON Hey, I haven't exactly had a whole lot of people believe in me before. Why you? MICHAEL Because there's a cute waitress with a terrific smile who believes in you. And one other reason. RON What's that? MICHAEL Somebody did it for me once. EXT. SEMI - STOCK as the back opens and the ramp comes down. RON as he stares ahead. RON Far be it from me -- but don't you think you're tailgaiting just a little too close? MICHAEL Come on, racer. Live dangerously. With that, Michael floors the Trans Am as Ron braces himself. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. AND SEMI - STOCK as K.I.T.T. hits the ramp, then rides up and into it. INT. SEMI - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes to a stop and Ron and Michael get out. Ron looks around, mouth open. RON I think I'm hallucinating. I've heard of pit stops before but.... He stops as April walks over to K.I.T.T. Michael sees his reaction. MICHAEL April, meet Ron Prescott. Ron, this is April Curtis. She takes care of Kitt. RON A mechanic. Right. Now I know I'm hallucinating. APRIL You're the one the police are looking for. MICHAEL I thought I'd leave him here with you and Devon while I check out a few things. APRIL Devon's not here. He's gone to see Marietta. Michael, can I talk to you for a second? Alone? Michael moves to her while Ron scopes out the rest of the semi. She and Michael keep their voices low. APRIL Do you really think this is a good idea? MICHAEL What could I do, there was nowhere else I could take him. The whole town's after him. APRIL Did you check this with Devon? MICHAEL Didn't have time. Relax, it's Foundation business. Michael moves back toward K.I.T.T., calls to Ron. MICHAEL Your buddies -- will they be racing tonight? RON I doubt it. The heat's just too heavy. MICHAEL Well, I need to get them out racing to test a little theory of mine. And I think I know just the way to do it. Straight ahead. He pulls away in K.I.T.T. down the lowering ramp. Ron smiles at April who does her best to smile back. OMITTED EXT. SEMI ON HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK as K.I.T.T. slides out, does a 180 and heads back toward town. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - FAVORING MONITOR as Michael drives and looks at the monitor. MICHAEL Kitt, did you access those police reports? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. Graphics pop up. K.I.T.T. Each night a burglary occurred, there was also a racing incident which took the police out of town. Michael is puzzled, intrigued. MICHAEL The timing is amazing. Whoever's behind this has a way of knowing whenever a race is happening. Intentional or not, I've got a feeling they're a smoke screen for the burglaries. K.I.T.T. Michael, if you don't mind I'd like to know what this plan of yours is... since I have a feeling I'm going to be involved. MICHAEL Simple, Kitt. I'm just going to stimulate a little action and see if it creates some itchy fingers around town. K.I.T.T. Is this what they call competition? MICHAEL No. Hopefully it's what they call confrontation. EXT. HURRICANE CLUB - DAY The parking lot is about half full. The Rebels' cars are in evidence as K.I.T.T. pulls up. Michael gets out and looks at the cars. MICHAEL I used to have a GTO like that, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Isn't your life better now? Michael gives K.I.T.T. a smile, then walks toward the club. OMITTED INT. HURRICANE CLUB - DAY as Michael enters. It's not as lively as the day before. A few pool players...more beer drinkers. The music comes from a jukebox. A group of Rebels, including Ty, sit around a table. Anson is setting up for a broadcast. The Rebels seem subdued. Before they see Michael, Cindy intercepts him. CINDY Michael! Did you find him? Is he all right? MICHAEL He's okay. Safe and sound for the time being. Just go about your business. There's a few things I've got to take care of. Michael turns and heads to the Rebels' table. She watches, unsure. CLOSER ANGLE - TABLE Michael walks over to the jukebox, unplugs it. Reactions. Ty looks up. So does Anson. MICHAEL I'm glad I found you turkeys. I thought you'd be out of town by now. TY Hey, clear out, man. You're not welcome. MICHAEL Where's your top dog hiding out? 'Cause I've changed my mind. I want him on the strip, eyeball to eyeball. TY With that no-go of yours? You gotta be kidding. MICHAEL All right. You guys want me to earn the shot at him, I'll run against all of you, one at a time. Any time. Tonight. The challenge perks the Rebels out of their doldrums. TY We're not running tonight. Not until we find Ron. MICHAEL I heard I could get some action in this town. Guess I was wrong. Ty looks at him for a moment. He's burning. Behind them, we can see Anson as he finishes setting up for the day's DJ action. The debate attracts his attention. Over this: TY Okay, smart mouth, you want action you got it. Meet at the pier at eleven. We'll go from there. HANDSOME ANSON Whoa, whoa, make it mellow, lads. You know the heat is on. MICHAEL (to Ty) I can handle it. Can you? TY Eleven. I can't wait. Michael strolls out nonchalantly, winks at a surprised Cindy as he leaves. CUT TO OMITTED INT. MATTHESON GALLERY - DAY The place has now been cleaned up pretty well. Devon has his sleeves rolled up and his tie loosened; he's been helping his old friend. He's finishing straightening a painting. DEVON That's really a lovely painting. MARIETTA It's a Deyar...she's a local artist. Two of her other works were stolen in last weekend's...assault. DEVON (comforting) I must admit, at first I thought you might be exaggerating. But from what I can see, and from what Michael's told me, there's more to this than meets the eye. MARIETTA The Chamber of Commerce reports that business is off by twenty-five percent. If this keeps up I'll be forced to close down. DEVON I think thoughts of closing down are a bit premature. If anyone can get to the bottom of this, it's Michael. Marietta glances at him, something on her mind. MARIETTA (then) Oh, Devon, when I called you I thought I'd be getting the best kind of help, and frankly, I'll admit I'm disap- pointed. DEVON Really? By Michael? Why? MARIETTA I expected someone who would come in and...well, if nothing else present a decent role model for Cindy. Devon smiles to himself, a good idea of what is coming. MARIETTA I'm afraid your Michael Knight is more sympathetic with the problem elements than the victims. DEVON Marietta, Michael may not always take a conventional approach but I've found him to be bright, reliable and above all trustworthy. MARIETTA If you say so. I just hope he won't make his efforts here an exception. DEVON He won't. You have my word on it. INT. SEMI - DAY Devon is furious. DEVON Michael, I can't believe you've done this! We pull back to: WIDER ANGLE Michael and Devon are in the forward area, in b.g. April shows Ron K.I.T.T.'s dash MOS. MICHAEL He's being framed. He's innocent. DEVON He's a fugitive from the law. He's wanted by the police. The law is what we're all about. MICHAEL What about justice? Devon, you sent me here to stop these burglaries. And to catch the people responsible. Now someone out there wants a scape- goat and they've picked Ron. And there are some real burglars who may decide to lay quiet and let him take their rap unless we do something about it. DEVON No one is arguing that point, but by keeping Ron here we're jeopardizing our own ability to continue our work. MICHAEL I understand this puts us in a sensitive position but --- DEVON 'Sensitive' is hardly the word. 'Culpable' is more likely. MICHAEL All right, what's our choice? Kick him out? 'Sorry, Ron, but when push comes to shove we're more interested in covering our own tails.' Devon looks at Michael, then at Ron. He takes a deep breath, then: DEVON (to Michael) You've made your point, Michael. Now I'll make mine. You have until this noon tomorrow to close the case. If you're not successful by then, I'll have no choice but to turn Ron over to the authorities. OMITTED FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. VISTA BEACH PIER - NIGHT as we see the Rebels and other street racers who have caught onto the word-of-mouth about the "big race." Handsome Anson once again blares out of car stereos and ghetto blasters. Young people laugh, flirt, compare cars. We pick up Ty and the Rebels. They check their watches and look impatiently for Michael's arrival. Ty yells at some of the younger locals who are gunning their engines. TY Hey, keep it down! I don't want the heat getting here before Knight does. The kids respond, back off. Ty paces. Waits. EXT. STREETS OF VISTA BEACH - NIGHT K.I.T.T. cruises by quietly. The streets are nearly empty. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he too listens to Handsome Anson on the radio. K.I.T.T. It's eleven oh-five, Michael. How long do you think we'll have to wait? MICHAEL I don't know, Kitt. But there's no way you can put a crowd of street racers together on a Saturday night and not have some action. Whether we show up or not. K.I.T.T. I hope you're right. MICHAEL Just in case I am, let's get a graphic of the streets. ANGLE - FAVORING MONITOR as we see a graphic of the city streets of Vista Beach come up on the monitor. There is a random series of red dots on the map. K.I.T.T. Per your request. MICHAEL Well, we've lit the fuse, pal. Let's see if anything explodes. EXT. PIER - NIGHT - ON REBELS Ty has lost control of the locals, as well as some of his own racers. A few "jump starts" are going on around him as more and more engines are being fired up. Ty talks to one of the other Rebels. TY He's not showing. I wouldn't be surprised if he set us up to get busted. HANDSOME ANSON'S VOICE (over radios) Eleven-seventeen at the big KCPY. It's Saturday night and yours truly is feelin' all right! And now, from me to you, special delivery...'Crumblin' Down.' Under the first bars of the music we can hear the strains of a different type of music: police sirens approaching. TY The cops! I was right! Let's find that sucker! The Rebels peel out. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - FAVORING MONITOR Michael is also listening to "Crumblin' Down" on the radio. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael, you'd think of all the music in the world they could find a better piece than that monstrosity. Suddenly one of the red dots begins to blink. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm picking up a burglar alarm activated on the west side. MICHAEL I think we've trapped a live one. Let's go! EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. as he turns and squeals away toward the alarm. EXT. FURRIER SHOP - NIGHT as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop in front of a store with a broken window and a clanging alarm. Michael jumps out of K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid we're too late. Whoever was in there is already off my scanner. MICHAEL (frustrated) We were so close.... Michael looks around the street. Something catches his eye. Michael kneels to examine a prominent set of skid marks on the pavement. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, can you analyze these tire marks? INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR as we see the tread marks being broken up on a graph. K.I.T.T. They're still warm, Michael. Made by a vehicle accelerating, not stopping. And I detect traces of clay in the tires. MICHAEL as he gets up. MICHAEL (into comlink) Clay? Like at Glenrock Cliffs? K.I.T.T. Affirmative. (then) Michael, I think we have company. We hear a siren and see the flashing light of a police car as it comes into view and stops. Chief Craig and Officer Apted come out, both with drawn guns. MICHAEL You're too late. They're gone. CRAIG Open the trunk of your car. Now. The trunk pops open. A surprised Officer Apted looks in. OFFICER APTED It's clean. MICHAEL Hey, if I'd robbed that store, why would I hang around waiting for you? Chief Craig walks up to Michael, face to face. CRAIG Lemme tell you something, Knight. I'm sick of outsiders coming into Vista Beach doing what they want. And that includes you. MICHAEL I'm after the same thing you are. CRAIG Not in my town you're not. Go give somebody else the benefit of your wisdom. If I have to arrest you for having your shoes untied on a city street, I'll do it just to get you out of my hair. Got that? MICHAEL Got it, Chief. Michael climbs into K.I.T.T., the trunk goes down and Craig and Apted begin up to the broken-in shop. Michael roars off. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. We can hear "Crumblin' Down" playing from inside K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - FAVORING MONITOR Michael's face is lit up by the monitor. We can see a replay of the first confrontation the night before with the Rebels as recorded by K.I.T.T.'s scanner. The music comes from the audio portion. The video ends. MICHAEL Kitt, there's got to be something I'm missing. K.I.T.T. Michael, you've been analyzing this over and over again. I'm afraid I'm going to burn out a circuit. MICHAEL Wait a minute -- that song, 'Crumblin' Down' -- it was on the air just before the burglar alarm went off. (then) And the only other time I heard it was up with the street racers -- which was when the last burglary took place! K.I.T.T. I don't think I understand the correlation. If there is one. MICHAEL I think there is, pal. Access the airplay logs from KCPY and cross- reference them with the times the police were called out to break up the drag racing. CLOSE ON MONITOR as the print-out comes up: on one side the dates and times of the police calls -- on the other, the airplay logs, after which the song played is listed: 7/6: 12:06am: "CRUMBLIN' DOWN"; 7/7: 1:16am: "CRUMBLIN' DOWN"; 7/14: 11:56pm: "CRUMBLIN' DOWN", etc. MICHAEL Now superimpose the dates of the burglaries. We see the same dates and times flashing over the print-out. MICHAEL That's it! Instant communication. The cops are called to bust street racers, the song is played and the burglars strike. Time to shake the tree and see who falls out. OMITTED EXT. KCPY RADIO STATION BUILDING - NIGHT as K.I.T.T. pulls up in front and Michael gets out. MICHAEL Got it straight? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. I hope this plan works better than the last one. MICHAEL It better. It's our last shot. Michael heads into the building. INT. KCPY RADIO STATION - BROADCAST BOOTH - NIGHT - ON HANDSOME ANSON He's dressed the same as always, but this time he's doing the voice of an early Sunday morning inspirational deejay. HANDSOME ANSON This is Gary Spurley on the Gospel Hour here at KCPY. Here's three songs of love and inspiration from Andre Crouch. Gospel music starts up. Suddenly the doors burst open and in flies Michael Knight. Handsome Anson flips a switch and the volume drops. MICHAEL Why don't you play 'Crumblin' Down,' Handsome? Or isn't the timing right? HANDSOME ANSON I don't know what you're talking about, brother. This is Gospel Hour. Michael lifts him out of his chair. The song choruses about love and truth in the b.g. MICHAEL I think you do. You want to tell me about it or wait for the police? CRAIG'S VOICE Nice try, Knight. The police are already here. Michael whirls around and finds himself staring down the barrel of Craig's service revolver. Mace Beaudry stands behind him. MICHAEL Well what do you know. I figured there had to be somebody on the inside, but I didn't think it was a crooked cop. EXT. RADIO STATION - NIGHT - CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER as we see it oscillate back and forth. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - ON MONITOR as we see the "record button" activate. INT. RADIO STATION - FULL Michael steps closer to Chief Craig. MICHAEL It's right out of a 'B' movie. Small town cop on the take. Too bad. Because being a real cop is not a bad life. I know. Against his better judgement, Craig responds. CRAIG Don't preach to me you long-legged punk. I've been a 'real' cop. Thirty- five years worth. But you can't live on that the rest of your life. Not when half the slime you've put away have condos in Hawaii. So what's a little stolen property. I deserve it. Michael looks at him, satisfied. Craig slaps cuffs on him. MACE Hey, let's move it. Let's get it over with. CRAIG Take him to the Cliffs. And do it right this time. EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY It's morning as we see a high-riding four-wheel pickup thumping over the road. Mace is at the wheel. Michael is beside him. We pan over to: OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. as we see him driving behind Mace. Silently. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON DASHBOARD as we push in and see the "Silent Mode" light blinking. EXT. GLENROCK CLIFFS - DAY Mace stops the truck, and he and Michael get out. He prods Michael at gunpoint to the edge of the cliff. Mace stands facing him, in front of his truck. Michael looks out at the water. MICHAEL Beautiful sunrise. Hate to think it's my last. So what's the story? I handcuffed myself from behind, then jumped? That's always a tough one to sell. Mace carefully unlocks the cuffs. We widen to see K.I.T.T. silently pulling in back of Mace's truck. Michael turns and sees K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Hey Mace, behind you. MACE You think I'd fall for that old trick? MICHAEL Don't say I didn't warn you. K.I.T.T. bumps up against Mace's truck, pushing it slightly toward the cliff. Mace jumps and Michael steps out of the way. K.I.T.T. pours on the steam and pushes the truck right up to and over the edge of the cliff. Mace drops his gun and grabs the push-bar on the grill as he falls over the edge. He's forced to cling for his life. MACE Help! I'm falling! K.I.T.T. You were right, Michael. 'Silent Mode' does have its advantages. MICHAEL Nice work, Kitt. MACE Hey! I can't hold on any longer! I don't want to die! Michael leans over the cliff next to the truck, looks down at Mace. MICHAEL Spell it out, Mace. All the details. Now. Out loud. MACE Okay, okay -- just get me up first! MICHAEL A little more pressure, Kitt. Use your grappling hook. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S GRILL K.I.T.T.'s grappling hook locks firmly onto the truck's rear axle. FULL K.I.T.T. pushes the truck further over the cliff. MICHAEL Now then, from the beginning.... MACE (talking fast) Craig scouted the hits during the week. He'd tell Anson. Anson gave me the target. They'd wait for the weekend and the street racers. When Craig went after the racers, Anson played, 'Crumblin' Down' and I'd do the job. MICHAEL Got that, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Loud and clear. MICHAEL Pull him up. K.I.T.T. backs up. Michael pulls Mace to safety. The beaten young man stands breathless on the cliff. MICHAEL You okay now? MACE (panting) Yeah. MICHAEL Good. He decks Mace with a crushing right. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. rolls past an intersecting road where we see Ty and the other Rebels. TY There he goes! As the hot rods pursue, we see K.I.T.T. pulling away from them. The chase is on. They pass a police car coming in the opposite direction. INT. CRUISER - ON OFFICER APTED AND PARTNER He sees K.I.T.T. fly past him. OFFICER APTED (into mike) I've got a speeder on eighteen, heading east. Black hardtop, license K-N-I-G-H-T. Wait a second. Make that four speeders. Request assistance. He hits his siren and burns a U in pursuit. OMITTED INT. POLICE CAR - DAY - ON CHIEF CRAIG Craig has heard the call. He picks up his mobile unit. CRAIG (into unit) All units! Move to pursue black hardtop. Consider driver armed and dangerous. Stop him, boys. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. I'm afraid we've attracted attention, Michael. MICHAEL How close do you need to be to the radio station to broadcast? K.I.T.T. The closer the better. MICHAEL Then let's deliver it right to their doorstep. EXT. OUTSIDE OF TOWN - DAY As K.I.T.T. races to the radio station, we see him being pursued by the Rebels, Apted's police car and another squad car. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. Michael. We're within range. MICHAEL Okay, pal. Do your stuff. K.I.T.T. (very official) And now a special news announcement. EXT. RADIO STATION - DAY Craig arrives, runs inside. INT. KCPY - BROADCAST BOOTH - DAY Handsome Anson sits at his console, frantically pushing buttons. K.I.T.T.'s voice rings out over his speakers. Craig runs in. CRAIG What are you doing?! HANDSOME ANSON Me? Are you crazy? I'm trying to get him off! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Police Chief Rupert Craig and radio personality Handsome Anson James confessed today to being the master- minds behind the recent string of weekend warrior burglaries. HANDSOME ANSON He's stepping on our frequency! There's nothing I can do! INT. APTED'S CRUISER - DAY - ON APTED AND PARTNER He is startled by the continuing "Special Bulletin." K.I.T.T.'S VOICE In his own words, Chief Craig said.... CRAIG'S VOICE (recorded) '...So what's a little stolen property? I deserve it.' EXT. RADIO STATION - DAY as K.I.T.T., followed by the Rebels, Officer Apted and another black-and-white drive up. K.I.T.T. continues his broadcast. It is now also playing on his own loudspeaker. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE ...suspect Ron Prescott was cleared by the confession of local mechanic Mace Beaudry, the actual burglar. Chief Craig exits, reacts. Michael gets out of the car. Apted and the Rebels are right behind him. CRAIG It's a lie! Don't listen! Craig goes for his gun, but Michael grabs him in a bear hug, pinioning his arms. Officer Apted is out of the cruiser, his gun on the Chief, as the Rebels look on. OFFICER APTED Freeze Chief...you're under arrest. MICHAEL (to Apted) I think you'll find Handsome Anson inside. Michael releases the Chief to Apted and tosses him the Chief's gun. He turns to the Rebels. MICHAEL Sorry I missed our race last night. But I figured helping clear Ron was more important than letting you beat me. Ty smiles, shakes his head. Michael's diplomacy doesn't fool him. TY Sure. Maybe some other time. K.I.T.T.'s broadcast comes to a close. K.I.T.T. And now, back to the Gospel Hour. (beat) How was that, Michael? MICHAEL Perfect, Kitt. Now that Handsome Anson's off the air, maybe you'd like to take a crack at rock 'n roll. K.I.T.T. Perish the thought. On Michael's grin.... FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED INT. MATTHESON GALLERY - DAY Everything is now back to normal. Marietta has put out a punch bowl and some fruit and cheese for her invited guests: Ron and Cindy, Michael and Devon. MARIETTA ...And then there was the time it was raining so hard you had to spend the night in my mother's den. Do you remember that? DEVON (embarrassed) As I recall, I had pneumonia. MARIETTA (meaningfully) Oh no, you were in very good health. (then) I propose a toast...to Michael Knight. The group ad-libs its agreement. CINDY Michael, if it hadn't been for you.... RON It's true. You saved my bacon. If there's ever anything I can do.... MICHAEL Maybe there is one thing. Try your racing on a drag strip. They give you trophies instead of tickets. Ron laughs. DEVON There's a rumor the radio station wanted to hire Kitt as their regular newsman. MICHAEL Well, they'll need somebody new now that Anson's in jail. In fact, I'd better leave if I'm going to deliver those tapes of Craig's confession to the DA by four. The Chief's got some dues of his own to pay. Cindy gives him a kiss. CINDY This one's from me...I don't care what Ron says. Michael smiles, gives Ron a thumbs-up sign and leaves. EXT. GALLERY - DAY Michael gets into K.I.T.T. He is stopped by Manny and two very large, unsavory looking guys. MANNY Hiya Mike! Thirty seconds, and these guys can prove it. These are real professionals. MICHAEL Sorry, Manny. Deal's off. You convinced me having a car is too much trouble. I'm getting a Moped. K.I.T.T. Moped, indeed. Michael grins, starts up K.I.T.T. and pulls out. The two thugs give Manny very unfriendly looks. MANNY (chasing after him) Hey, come back! I brought these guys in special from L.A. -- and now I got to pay 'em...Mike, come back...! OMITTED FADE OUT THE END