EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57837 Robert Foster December 15, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 12/16/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 12/19/83 (F.R.) Tom Greene Rev. 12/20/83 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi Rev. 12/21/83 (F.R.) Rev. 12/22/83 (F.R.) Rev. 12/23/83 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER SPEED DEMONS by Tom Greene & Janis Hendler ___________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN CLOSEUP - TABLE - DAY as a hand-held "documentary style" camera scans the table's contents -- an almost ceremonial arrangement of parapher- nalia -- gloves, chest pads, shin guards, heavy leather boots, and a streamlined custom helmet -- all color coordinated (to stock). As a gloved hand plucks up its mate, puts it on an awaiting hand: INTERVIEWER'S VOICE These are the weapons of a modern-day gladiator, a participant in the most rugged sport -- motorcycle racing. Camera pans up to: INT. GARAGE #1 - DAY - ON KELLY TRAVIS early twenties, blond, all-American with a boyish, friendly face and the body of an athlete. He wears skin-tight "unleathers" and, as he dons all the gear, grins right at camera. KELLY As far as I'm concerned, this is all safety experts' hype. I've been racing for five years without a bad spill, and all I need is my trusted helmet. He lifts his helmet from the table, turns it over to put it on -- and milk pours out, inundating him. As the liquid drips down his face, without turning, he roars: KELLY Duvall! Racer Danny Duvall approaches, almost laughing himself sick. He's dressed to match stock, is slightly older than Kelly, with the same boyish smile. DANNY My buddy Kelly always wanted his picture on a cereal box -- now he'll know how the cereal feels! KELLY Try this one, cornflake. As Kelly pours the remainder of the milk on Danny, a beautiful, young, blond woman approaches with a towel -- Sabrina Travis, Kelly's older sister, Danny's fiancee. SABRINA (to Kelly and Danny) C'mon, get your buns and bikes out there before they start without you. (to camera) Is it okay to say 'buns' on tele- vision? INTERVIEWER'S VOICE How's it feel having a big sister around at the races to clean up after you, Kelly? KELLY Have you ever tasted Sabrina's tuna casserole? It was a matter of national security to keep her out of the kitchen. SABRINA Have you ever seen these guys eat? Their stomachs are going to end up in the Smithsonian Institute. She tosses Danny the towel. INTERVIEWER'S VOICE Kelly, there's been a lot of criticism that you've been hot dogging lately. KELLY You call it hot dogging...I call it having an edge. I take chances -- how else're you going to win against guys like this? They're good. DANNY The best. Danny winks confidentially at the camera. EXT. OAKSIDE RACECOURSE - DAY - HIGH ANGLE as we see, still in documentary style, a final lap of a rough-track race, as the bikes in the lead begin up an incredibly steep dirt hill. We see Kelly and Danny (recognizable by their colors) and a few other racers. INTERVIEWER'S VOICE But tragedy struck that sunny after- noon, as the racers made their way up Widow's Mountain, on the last stretch of the Oakside Course. Partway up the mountain, Kelly, who's in the lead, suddenly hooks to the side, directly in front of Danny. Danny's bike goes down, causing those immediately behind him to tumble back in a landslide of metal, and bodies as suddenly, the scene freeze frames: MICHAEL'S VOICE Wow. Makes me glad to have Kitt's armor to protect me. INT. FOUNDATION - DAY - DEVON'S OFFICE where we reveal that Michael, Devon and April have been watching this footage on a television monitor. DEVON Several riders ended up in the hospital, Michael. And young Danny Duvall was killed. MICHAEL I saw him race once. He was a great rider. APRIL Since the Foundation's cosponsoring this year's competition, we were really worried when we received this letter. She hands Michael a short, typed letter on plain stationery. Michael reads it quickly, looks up with surprise. MICHAEL This says Danny Duvall was murdered. But why? Who wrote this, Devon? DEVON I don't know. And there's no way to trace it. But if there's even an out- side chance the accident was planned... we have our work cut out for us. APRIL He means you do. DEVON Yes. Particularly since there's an implication the killer might strike again. APRIL I've programmed Kitt with details of the race and its participants. You can review everything on your way to the Oakside Racecourse. Michael thoughtfully folds the letter, hands it to Devon. MICHAEL I know the proceeds of the race go to charity -- but how'd the Foundation get involved in a tough sport like motorcycle racing? APRIL You may not believe it, but Devon happens to be a genuine fan. MICHAEL You're right. I don't believe it. DEVON When I was a boy, I made quite a name for myself at the Tourist Trophy Races in England. MICHAEL Devon, somehow it's hard to picture you in racing gear, burning rubber and eating dirt. DEVON I'll have you know I was an enthu- siastic competitor at many a 'rough and tumble.' They were really most invigorating... (snapping out of his reverie) Several of the riders from last June are competing in this race. I want you to find out if there's a murderer among them, Michael. As Michael heads for the door: MICHAEL And is there is, make sure he doesn't strike again. And he's gone. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. driving quickly toward the Oakside Racecourse. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON MICHAEL as he waves at a passing motorcyclist. K.I.T.T. Michael, based on information April gave me on motorcycle racing, I must say I'm completely appalled. MICHAEL What's the problem, buddy? K.I.T.T. Why is so much time and money wasted on a means of transportation that has improved very little since the turn of the century? MICHAEL (teasing) It's a great feeling -- the country- side flying by around you, the wind in your hair.... K.I.T.T. Dust and dirt is more like it. If you want wind, you can simply open a window without getting half the roadway in your face. MICHAEL Sounds like a little professional jealousy to me. K.I.T.T. Jealous? Of those high-powered broom- sticks on wheels? Perish the thought. Michael laughs, then: EXT. OAKSIDE RACECOURSE - DAY - HIGH ANGLE as K.I.T.T. drives into the area, moving toward the course itself, where last minute adjustments are being made, some racers are "walking the course," others amuse themselves with bike hijinks. K.I.T.T. passes a group of trailers and a small television news van with CHANNEL THREE written on the side. CLOSER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. scanner flashing, stopping near the start/finish line, over which is hung a large banner proclaiming: OAKSIDE CHARITY RACE. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - FAVORING MONITOR MICHAEL Let's get an overview of the track, Kitt. Where track shows up on the monitor. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm afraid we'll have more accidents than we bargained for. This track is in no shape for a race -- it's cluttered with debris, potholes, large, gaping crevices, and numerous mud puddles. MICHAEL Sounds like a pretty good description to me. K.I.T.T. You mean that's the way it's supposed to be? MICHAEL This is like an endurance test, Kitt. They throw everything but the kitchen sink at the drivers and see if they can get through. K.I.T.T. I suppose it's just what these overbred bicycles deserve. MICHAEL Think you could take the course, pal? K.I.T.T. I really don't care to dignify that with an answer, Michael. Michael smiles. Then, someone on the track catches his eye. MICHAEL There's a guy walking the track with the name Fontaine on his jacket. K.I.T.T. A Wade Fontaine was involved in that big accident, Michael. MICHAEL Who'd know more about the crash than someone who was in it? As he climbs out of K.I.T.T., we go to: OMITTED EXT. TELEVISION VAN - DAY where two "cohosts" sit on directors' chairs, facing a cameraman. They're Roger Floyd and Darlena Webster, and look like they've just escaped from the top of a wedding cake. Roger is midthirties, too many teeth, styled hair and tanned to a crisp. The only thing natural about the well-built Darlena is her tongue, which she can't control. She wears a bright red tailored jumpsuit and a five-hour hairdo. They're just brimming over with good cheer as the cameraman cues them and they talk into camera: ROGER Hi, this is Roger Floyd.... DARLENA ...and Darlena Webster.... ROGER ...inviting you to join us this weekend on Talkabout as we go behind the scenes at the Oakside Charity race. We'll see fast bikes.... DARLENA ...and racing hunks.... ROGER ...competing for the one hundred thousand dollar winner-take-all event. It'll be a frantic race over this incredibly tough track...not an Enduro, not a motocross.... DARLENA That's right, Roger. I guess you could call it a quasi-motocross. ROGER (a look) I had a hunch you'd say that. (to camera) We'll be back after this word. They give each other shallow smiles as the cameraman gives the "cut" sign and lowers his camera. Roger immediately loses his smile and glares at his "cohost." ROGER What was that 'Quasimoto' business? You're supposed to stick to the script. DARLENA That was a funny ad-lib. You're just mad 'cause you didn't think of it. ROGER I'm known for my wit, Darlena. DARLENA Then you should recognize a good line when you hear one. ROGER But it didn't make sense. DARLENA Funny is funny, Roger. ROGER I give up.... He rockets out of his chair and storms away. She moves off in the other direction. CAMERAMAN Roger, wait. Who's going to do the commercial tag? Darlene smiles evilly. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as Roger burns toward the car, almost collides with it. To vent his anger, Roger kicks poor K.I.T.T. in the bumper. K.I.T.T. I don't criticize your telecasts -- please don't castigate my chassis. Roger freezes, looks around to see who spoke. His eyes fall on the empty car -- he can't believe it spoke. He moves slowly away, glances back once, then doubles his speed. ANGLE ON MICHAEL Michael approaches Wade Fontaine who's now checking over his bike. MICHAEL Wade? Name's Michael Knight. WADE Good for you. He continues working. MICHAEL I'm with one of the race's sponsors. I'll be keeping an eye on security. WADE So? MICHAEL Some questions have come up about the accident last June. WADE Last June? That's old news, man. MICHAEL Maybe to you, but I'm still learning. LEE'S VOICE Tell him how you caused the accident, Fontaine. We widen as Lee Carstairs approaches with a beautiful twin on each arm wearing 'Carstairs' T-shirts. LEE (to Michael) They call him the Trickster. Know why? 'Cause he knows every dirty trick in the book and uses 'em all on the course. WADE Soak your head, Carstairs. LEE He has a way with words, doesn't he girls? He moves off with the twins. MICHAEL (dry; to Wade) It's been a real pleasure talking to you. Michael heads for K.I.T.T. as Wade looks after him. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. as Michael approaches, out of earshot from the racers. K.I.T.T. Both those racers were injured in the accident, Michael. And I can see why. They're still fighting. MICHAEL Yeah. Looks like there's a lot of unfinished business floating around. INT. CARSTAIRS MOTOR HOME - DAY - CLOSE ANGLE - LEE Camera pulls back as: LEE Sure it's ridiculous, but it brings in the bucks. We now see Michael standing with Lee in his flashy motor home. The walls are papered with Lee's endorsements -- product ads, more T-shirts, posters, public service campaigns, etc. Michael indicates one poster on the wall. MICHAEL I guess your posters have smiled off more walls than Uncle Sam's. LEE No money in posters any more -- it's T-shirts now. I sold almost as many as E.T. last year -- came in second by only ten thou. MICHAEL And he can't even ride a bike. LEE The fans don't seem to care. MICHAEL Lee, what do you think caused that accident last June? LEE Not a what -- a who. MICHAEL Wade? LEE No. A clown named Kelly Travis who was busy hot dogging his way up the mountain. (beat) Y'know what gets me? These show- boaters're the ones who get the dolls and electronic games named after 'em. That's where the big bucks are. And that's why I say promotion's everything. MICHAEL Kelly Travis and Danny Duvall were supposed to have been best friends. LEE Hey, when you're competing, and you ride like Kelly, anything goes. But take it from me -- Showboating's on its way out. As if on cue, we suddenly hear a roar from outside the motor home. Michael and Lee exchange a look, then move to the door, and exit. ANGLE ON A STEP VAN as its back doors spring open and a silver and red-clad figure on a motorcycle flies out, trailing colored smoke, hits the dirt, pops a wheelie, then does a sideways slide, stopping in front of Michael and Lee. We see he's Kelly Travis. KELLY Carstairs, you may as well stay in your hotel room, 'cause you'll just be kicking over when I'm waving at you from the top of Widow's Mountain! With that, he pops another wheelie and sails up and into the van. The doors close as the crowd roars approval. ANGLE FAVORING MICHAEL AND LEE who're not amused. As the step van now drives past Lee's motor home, we see his lovely sister, Sabrina, at the wheel. Her eyes meet Michael's for a moment, then she drives on. MICHAEL That's Kelly Travis, isn't it? LEE Who else? He'll never learn. Never. He goes back inside and we hold on Michael, then: EXT. KELLY'S RENTED GARAGE - NEAR RACEGROUNDS - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. pulling to a stop near Kelly's step van, which is parked in front. As Michael climbs out, we see a couple of rather beat-up cars hauling shiney, powerful bikes in trailers. K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes indignantly. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael, look at that -- those cars are dead on their wheels and yet they're forced to pull those lazy motor- bikes. It's positively outrageous! MICHAEL Maybe now you'll appreciate me that much more, pal. He pats K.I.T.T. and heads toward Kelly's garage. INT. GARAGE as Michael comes in. The place is empty, except for the usual equipment and supplies, and a couple of bikes someone's been working on. Michael looks around. Suddenly: SABRINA'S VOICE Who are you? NEW ANGLE to reveal her in mechanic's coveralls, with a becoming smudge of grease on her cheek. MICHAEL Hi, Sabrina. SABRINA I don't know you. MICHAEL Michael Knight. I work for The Foundation for Law and Government. She wipes her hands on a rag, they shake. He holds her hand for a moment. SABRINA (a smile) I'm glad to meet one of our sponsors. But you could've knocked. MICHAEL I did. She begins working on one of the bikes. SABRINA ...Why are you here? MICHAEL Actually, I was looking for Kelly. SABRINA (a little tight) What is it you want? MICHAEL Just to talk. SABRINA About what? MICHAEL Danny Duvall. She stops working for a moment. SABRINA Danny's dead. There's nothing to talk about. MICHAEL I know you were all friends. I'm sorry. SABRINA Danny and I were engaged. No one's sorrier than I am. MICHAEL I was hoping you could help me understand what happened that day. SABRINA Why? What right do you have to be bothering us? MICHAEL We received an anonymous letter that said Danny's death wasn't an accident. SABRINA That's ridiculous. MICHAEL Does Kelly think so? SABRINA Leave him out of this! MICHAEL I've seen him ride. I'd say he can take care of himself. At least when he's on his bike. Do you know where he is? She hesitates, then: SABRINA He's out on the highway someplace. She returns to her work. MICHAEL Thanks. He turns and exits. She watches him go. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. tooling along briskly. INT. K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL keeping his eyes peeled. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm picking up a truck and two compact cars, but no motorcycles. MICHAEL He's out here somewhere. ANGLE ON SIDE ROAD as a tractor trailer pulls out, has a problem negotiating the turn. INT. TRANS AM Michael reacts. MICHAEL Kitt, you forgot to mention a tractor-trailer. K.I.T.T. He wasn't there before! MICHAEL He is now, pal. He pushes turbo-boost. ANGLE - TRANS AM as it clears the tractor trailer. INT. TRANS AM as Michael and K.I.T.T. land. Michael glances back. MICHAEL That's one for you, pal. Couldn't have done that on a motorcycle. K.I.T.T. As you'd say... 'a piece of cake....' As Michael reacts. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ANGLE ON KELLY popping wheelies and sidewinding the entire length of the road. K.I.T.T. appears and quickly overtakes Kelly, pulls up beside him. Michael calls out: MICHAEL All right Kelly, pull over, I want to talk to you. With that Kelly jams his bike into high gear and hightails it down the road. ANGLE - HIGHWAY - DAY as Michael roars past Kelly, then about twenty feet in front of him, pulls the car to a stop, creating a roadblock. Kelly races right toward K.I.T.T., and instead of stopping, jumps his bike over the Trans Am and to the highway beyond. There, Kelly "lays the bike down" and skids into the side of the road. He looks up, unharmed, and begins to laugh. Michael leaps out of K.I.T.T. and runs toward the fallen rider. ANGLE - MICHAEL AND KELLY as Michael reaches Kelly. MICHAEL What're you trying to pull, big shot? KELLY I thought it was pretty cool. MICHAEL Well, it wasn't, and neither are you. Get up! Kelly just continues to laugh, as if goading Michael. MICHAEL Are you getting up, or am I going to have to pull you up? Kelly looks at him a moment, as his laughter turns dark. KELLY Guess you're going to have to pull me up, partner, 'cause I can't make it alone. Haven't been able to...ever since that accident on the mountain. CLOSE ON MICHAEL as he reacts to the news, stunned. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON HIGHWAY as they drive towards the garage. Kelly's as calm as we've ever seen him. MICHAEL How can you ride when it's so painful to even stand? KELLY When I'm on the bike, the pressure's not on my legs. MICHAEL Isn't there some kind of surgery that can help you? KELLY Sure, if I want to take two years out of my life. Stay away from racing that long, you might as well hang it up. (beat, then) Anyway these legs are the price I'm paying for killing the best friend I ever had. MICHAEL What if you didn't kill him? Kelly reacts, looks out the window for a moment, then: KELLY My third grade teacher, used to yell at me for leaning back in my chair. But I'd do it anyway, you know, showing off. I've been tilting that chair back ever since...that day, I leaned back too far and took my best friend with me. MICHAEL What if Danny fell off his own chair? KELLY No way. Danny was the best. I lost control...something I've never done before. MICHAEL Make a deal with you. Cool the hotdogging and I'll try to find out exactly who's tilting the chairs. As Kelly nods his agreement, K.I.T.T. chimes in. K.I.T.T. Michael, this situation is deplorable. I feel like a common beast of burden. Before Kelly can react to the proverbial talking car, we cut outside to: EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY As K.I.T.T. comes to a stop in front of Kelly's garage, we can see what he's complaining about -- he's been towing Kelly's bike. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. OAKSIDE HOTEL - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. Pulling to a stop in front of the Hotel we angle with Michael as he climbs out, crosses toward the hotel with other racing personnel in party attire. As Michael enters, we hold on Roger, Darlena and their cameraman. Roger waits impatiently for Darlena, now in a baby blue jumpsuit, to touch up her hairdo. ROGER I've never in my life seen a person brush her hair one strand at a time. DARLENA You're just being catty 'cause you're losing yours. CAMERAMAN Ladies and gentlemen, we're rolling. With that, the cohosts slip into the sugary relationship that their audiences know and love as Lee Carstairs approaches with two new twins. ROGER (to camera) Welcome back to Talkabout. This is Roger Floyd.... DARLENA ...And Darlena Webster.... ROGER And we're talking to you from the Oakside prerace party. Look Darlena, here comes my very good friend, Lee Carstairs. Lee, anything you'd like to say about tomorrow's race? LEE Sure is. I'd like to announce that when I win, I'm turning the entire proceeds over to charity. ROGER Which means both the gate and the purse will be given to a good cause. LEE You bet. It's the spirit of giving that's made this country great, Ralph. Lee waves to the camera, then escorts his girls into the party. Darlena begins to laugh. DARLENA Good friend, huh? He called you Ralph! With that, Roger's fuse blows. ROGER That's it. Stop the camera. I can't take any more of this. The woman's a complete idiot! He turns and stomps away. Darlena is still laughing. ANGLE WITH ROGER as he approaches K.I.T.T., fuming. Recognizing the car, he hesitates. K.I.T.T. It's most disconcerting when a partner treats you with less than respect. ROGER You can talk. I'm not losing my mind. K.I.T.T. No, but I suspect you may if you continue your ill-fated relation- ship with Miss Webster. ROGER Do you think I chose that female flake in a flak-suit? Do I have my say in anything? Of course not! I just get up there every night in front of millions of viewers and make a fool of myself. Suddenly Roger stops. He looks at the car. ROGER I don't believe this. I'm telling my life story to a car. He quickly hurries away, praying nobody's seen him. INT. HOTEL RECREATION AREA - NIGHT A buffet table with a large figure of a motorcyclist in the middle is set up by the far wall. In the center is a dance floor which is crowded with race people rocking out to piped-in music. Lee is in evidence with his two girls, as are Roger and Darlena, socializing. ANGLE ON SABRINA TRAVIS standing by the buffet table, obviously not wanting to be there. It doesn't help that standing in front of her is Wade Fontaine, dressed in designer jeans and windbreaker. He has a drink in his hand. It's not his first. WADE I just think it's time we 'kissed and made up.' SABRINA Wade, there's no reason to 'make up.' I'm not fighting with you, I just don't like you. WADE That's 'cause you never really got a chance to know me. As he slips an arm around her, Michael suddenly appears dressed in sports clothes. MICHAEL I don't think she's going to ever get that chance because if you don't get some air and dry out, we're going to have to pour you onto your bike tomorrow. Wade starts to make a move at Michael. MICHAEL Don't.... Changing his mind, Wade gives Michael a strong look, and moves away. SABRINA Thanks. He just doesn't know when to quit. MICHAEL A lot of people have that problem. Me, for example. SABRINA What do you mean? MICHAEL Sabrina, I have a feeling you wrote that letter to the Foundation. Sabrina looks at Michael, taken aback...but before she can respond, we hear a roar from the entrance. FULL as we see Kelly, dressed handsomely, on one of his smaller motorcycles. He rides into the room and people move out of his way as he rides right out onto the center of the dance floor. KELLY C'mon everybody, don't be shy -- let's boogie! He puts his bike into a rear wheelie and begins "dancing," moving the bike in time to the music. People seem to enjoy the prank, except for Wade who comes forward and grabs Kelly's handlebars, stopping him. WADE Go home, Travis -- you're breaking up the party. KELLY You've been hanging around my sister again. Lay off, Wade, or I'm gonna be breaking you up on that hill tomorrow. He shakes Wade's hand off the handlebars, starts "dancing" again. Wade's getting angry. WADE You've got a lot of guts talking about that hill, considering it's where you killed your best friend. Kelly freezes, a silence falls over the room. Then, Kelly lunges off the bike, grabbing Wade, and the two men fall to the dance floor as people cry out and duck out of the way. SABRINA Kelly, no! Michael pushes his way through the crowd surrounding the dance floor, gets between the two men, helps Kelly get up, supports him. Wade moves after him and Lee stops him. LEE Cool down, man. Save it for the course. Wade straightens himself, walks away. Michael can see that Kelly's having difficulty standing. MICHAEL (to Kelly) Had a little too much 'celebrating,' huh? Still supporting him, Michael moves Kelly away from the dance floor. Sabrina grabs the downed bike and walks it behind them. EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL, KELLY AND SABRINA as they move from the reception building, we hear the party resume in the b.g. Once out of the line of vision of the guests, Kelly lets go of Michael and jumps to his bike, which Sabrina relinquishes. SABRINA You okay, Kelly? KELLY It hurts, like when Danny's bike hit me. It's my body's way of remem- bering what I did to him. (to Michael) Thanks for covering back there. I owe you one. MICHAEL You don't owe me anything. It's what you owe yourself. Like not trying to punish yourself so much. Kelly looks at Michael for a moment, then: KELLY You're beginning to sound just like my third grade teacher. MICHAEL Could be she was smarter than you give her credit for. KELLY Maybe. With that, Kelly roars off. ANOTHER ANGLE - NIGHT - MICHAEL AND SABRINA As Kelly drives away, they walk together. SABRINA I can start breathing again. I was so afraid you were going to tell Kelly I wrote the letter. (then) How'd you know? MICHAEL I didn't. But after reviewing all the 'players' it didn't take a psychic to see who lost the most when Danny died. (a beat) Why'd you write it? SABRINA After the accident, Kelly promised to give up racing. I believed him for awhile. Then he started practicing late at night. Next thing I knew, he'd entered this race, like he was driven by demons -- speed demons. You don't know how scared I was that something would happen to him again this time.... MICHAEL It sounds like you think someone was after Kelly that day. SABRINA I know how Kelly rides. That day on Widow's Mountain, he was different right before the fall, like something was wrong with his bike. I could never prove it because Kelly had the bike scrapped right after the race. She begins to break down. Michael stops and turns to her. MICHAEL Look...I made a promise to find out the truth about what happened, and I don't go back on my promises. SABRINA Michael, the race is less than twelve hours away. I don't think anyone could do much in that little time. MICHAEL Tell you a secret. I've got some friends who work nights. He gives Sabrina a smile. She tries a smile back as we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON FOUNDATION SEMI moving steadily through the darkness. INT. FOUNDATION SEMI - DAY - ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR where we see a replay of the final stages of last year's race in painful slow motion. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I can't imagine what you expect to find, Michael. We've been over this footage all night, and it's not getting any prettier. We widen to see that Michael's inside K.I.T.T., looking intensely at the monitor. The driver's door is ajar. MICHAEL It looks to me like Kelly's doing fine, having fun -- then he loses control. K.I.T.T. Isn't losing control par for the course on a steep incline? MICHAEL Not for someone like Kelly. Kitt, I've seen him ride with a physical handicap and he handles that bike like an ace. Without that handicap, nothing could've shaken him. (beat) There is something wrong with his bike. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but.... April approaches the open door, looks in as Michael runs back the tape. APRIL Michael, it's morning. Why don't you sleep on it -- get a fresh start. MICHAEL The answer's right there in front of me, I can't quit now.... APRIL Maybe it'll look different if you get some rest. Michael looks up at her suddenly. MICHAEL That's a good idea, April -- I need a new way of looking at it. (to K.I.T.T.) Give me an ECU on the bike. Then step it forward slowly. The image on the monitor changes to an extreme magnification of the bike, then moves forward, one frame at a time. The dust around the bike flies, then back wheel moves -- but the front wheel appears to remain frozen. MICHAEL That's what's been bothering me -- Kelly's front wheel isn't moving. Doesn't that defy the laws of physics? K.I.T.T. It does to my data banks. MICHAEL If something jammed the wheel, Kelly couldn't handle the bike, no matter how good he was. Michael fires up K.I.T.T.'s engine. APRIL Where are you going? MICHAEL To make sure Kelly's bike is all right this time. APRIL But what about sleep? MICHAEL I left it at the races. EXT. FOUNDATION - SEMI - DAY - ON HIGHWAY awash with pale morning light as K.I.T.T. drives down the ramp, hits the highway, does a 180 and speeds toward Kelly's garage. OMITTED EXT. KELLY'S GARAGE - MORNING We see the garage door open, hear muted noises from inside. EXT. K.I.T.T. approaching Kelly's garage. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. (beat) Michael, I'm picking up an intruder inside Kelly's garage. MICHAEL Let's do a little intruding of our own. INT. KELLY'S GARAGE - DAY - ON SHADOWY FIGURE moving through the darkness, helmet-clad and slight, now leaning over to take off the bike's gas cap. Suddenly, hearing the approaching roar of K.I.T.T.'s engine, the figure looks up, dropping the cap. EXT. KELLY'S GARAGE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. Easing to a stop by the garage, Michael gets out, approaches the garage as the helmet-clad rider zooms out past him on a second motorcycle. ANGLE ON MICHAEL reacting, racing toward K.I.T.T. He gets in. MICHAEL Looks like we're not the only ones interested in Kelly's bike. Let's get him, Kitt! ON K.I.T.T. squealing away from the garage, in pursuit of the myster- ious figure. EXT. OAKSIDE RACEGROUNDS - EARLY MORNING Only minutes from the garage, the motorcyclist shortcuts directly to Widow's Mountain. Speeding across the dirt, the bike seems to skid and almost fall a few times. K.I.T.T. is right on its tail as they head toward the ominous-looking mountain. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he continues to fight to keep the Trans Am on the "slippery", sandy grade at the foot of the mountain. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm afraid I'm not equipped for this terrain. I have inadequate traction.... MICHAEL Nothing we can do about it at the moment, buddy. EXT. WIDOW'S MOUNTAIN - EARLY MORNING - ON THE MOTORCYCLE as it blasts up the grade. The incline is obviously treach- erous for the bike -- it suddenly veers off, racing parallel to the desert floor. K.I.T.T. follows, moving nearly parallel to the ground. Immediately the car begins to lose traction and slip -- and worse, to angle precariously. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL struggling with K.I.T.T.'s controls, as the motorcycle gains ground. MICHAEL Kitt, we're slipping.... K.I.T.T. I told you, Michael, I'm not equipped.... But before he can finish the sentence: EXT. K.I.T.T. - EARLY MORNING as the car angles on its side, then tumbles over. K.I.T.T. rolls, bottom to top, falling down the mountain -- and finally coming to a rest right side up. Still, there's no movement from within and we angle up as the motorcyclist disappears from view, and we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. WIDOW'S MOUNTAIN - EARLY MORNING - CLOSE ON K.I.T.T. still stationery at the base of the mountain. INT. K.I.T.T. - EARLY MORNING Michael stares straight ahead, as if afraid to move. MICHAEL Speak to me, buddy. K.I.T.T. I've never been so humiliated in my life, watching that two-wheeled tarantula run circles around me. I told you my tires had no traction. MICHAEL We'll talk to April about it, pal. What about the 'tarantula?' Anywhere in the vicinity? K.I.T.T. I'm afraid he's quite literally left us in the dust. Michael activates the monitor, and in a beat, Devon appears in the semi. We intercut between them: DEVON Michael, is something wrong? Where are you? MICHAEL Kitt and I just took a little unexpected trip up and down Widow's Mountain. Listen, Devon, I think somebody just tried to tamper with Kelly's bike. DEVON You were unable to catch him? MICHAEL Yeah, and Kitt's pretty upset about it. We're on our way in. Tell April to be ready to offer Kitt a little TLC. DEVON 'TLC?' As his image vanishes from the monitor, we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - EARLY MORNING - ANGLE ON FOUNDATION SEMI ambling along the road, backlit by a crimson sunrise. INT. SEMI - EARLY MORNING - CLOSE ON APRIL next to K.I.T.T., high-tech tools in hand, finishing an adjustment to his wheels. K.I.T.T.'s raised up. APRIL I hope this'll do the trick, Kitt. Don't use them unless it's absolutely necessary. K.I.T.T. If it'll save me from further embarass- ment, it's necessary. She reaches into the dash, pushes a button. K.I.T.T. lowers. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND DEVON Michael's pacing, Devon's drumming his fingers on the com- puter module, deep in thought. MICHAEL I've got a feeling the murderer was after Kelly last June, and Danny was an innocent victim. Now all I've got to figure out is how that wheel was frozen -- and who did it. DEVON I don't understand it. We all wanted to win the 'Rough and Tumbles,' but not enough to kill for them. MICHAEL Somebody's obviously more desperate than you were, Devon. Somebody who was desperate last June, too. DEVON Who do you suspect at this point? MICHAEL Well, two of the racers still hate Kelly -- Wade Fontaine and Lee Carstairs. But I'm not sure either one has a motive for murder. DEVON Carstairs was badly injured in last June's race. I doubt a murderer would include himself in the package. MICHAEL And he's giving the money from this one to charity, so the money's not what he's after. April approaches. DEVON And Fontaine? MICHAEL He thinks Kelly stands between him and Sabrina. Of course, he probably thinks I do, too. April approaches. APRIL All right, the high-traction drop- downs are ready. But I haven't had a chance to test them.... MICHAEL The best test is using them, April. And as he heads for K.I.T.T., we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - MORNING - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. cruising along briskly in the general direction of the Oakside Racegrounds. INT. K.I.T.T. - MORNING Michael's lost in thought as he drives. MICHAEL Something about Widow's Mountain and what Sabrina said keeps coming back to me, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I'd rather we forget the whole inci- dent. MICHAEL Well, we can't. It's the idea that every motorcyclist has distinctive moves. I noticed something about that rider this morning. K.I.T.T. How quickly he lost us, I suppose. MICHAEL Because we weren't ready for the mountain. But he didn't seem too sure of himself. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid I don't understand your point. MICHAEL That rider was not a pro. As the piece drops into the puzzle, he accelerates to: EXT. KELLY'S GARAGE - MORNING - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. pulling up behind Kelly's van. Michael climbs out, goes into the garage. INT. KELLY'S GARAGE - MORNING where we see Kelly at the motorcycle, making final adjust- ments. He looks up as Michael enters, and grins. MICHAEL How's the bike? KELLY Now it's A-one. But somebody tried to play the old sweetening game on my tank -- feeding sugar into the gas line to foul up the engine. Good thing I checked it out. MICHAEL Sure is. Where's Sabrina? KELLY She's getting pretty for the race. Kelly returns his attention to the bike. KELLY What's up? MICHAEL Just before the accident last June, do you remember your front wheel jamming? KELLY (looking up) Don't you know it's bad luck to talk about accidents before a race? MICHAEL It's worse luck having them. KELLY All I remember is seeing Danny go down. And I see it over and over again. MICHAEL How could one rider cause another rider's wheel to stop turning? KELLY Easy. You shoot a little aluminum rod out of a CO2 air target pistol, right into the spokes -- stops everything cold, then disintegrates. MICHAEL Does that happen a lot? KELLY Bicycle racers do it sometimes in Europe. Why're you asking, anyway? You gonna sabotage the race? MICHAEL No. And I'm going to see that nobody else does, either. Kelly moves away, limping, stumbles. Michael extends his hand and Kelly lets Michael help him. He leans against a work bench, the pain in his legs obvious. KELLY If you don't mind, I'd like to gear up in private. I don't do it as easily as I used to. Michael again offers his hand to Kelly. MICHAEL I'm counting on you. Kelly shakes his hand and Michael leaves. EXT. KELLY'S GARAGE - MORNING Michael exits as Sabrina's climbing out of the back of the step van. She smiles pleasantly at Michael. SABRINA I figured you were inside with Kelly. I thought I'd wait 'til you came out before I thanked you. MICHAEL Thanked me? For what? SABRINA Chasing away the person who tried to wreck Kelly's bike. Kelly told me all about it. MICHAEL Kelly didn't know I chased anybody. Sabrina seems flustered. She laughs nervously. SABRINA Well, we knew someone came to our rescue.... Michael stops her. MICHAEL Why'd you do it, Sabrina? SABRINA I don't know what you're talking about, Michael.... MICHAEL Don't play games with me. What is it you really want? First you write to the Foundation that somebody murdered Danny, then you tell me that Kelly was really supposed to be the victim, and now you try to knock him out of the race yourself. What's going on? She looks away a beat, then, strongly: SABRINA I want my brother, alive. I begged you to catch the murderer -- well, you haven't. And if Kelly goes out on that race course, he's fair game. I'm not just going to sit by and let somebody kill him.... MICHAEL You're not in charge of his life, Sabrina. He's a big boy. If this race means so much to him, you have no right to stop him. SABRINA I have the right that loving him gives me. KELLY'S VOICE That's not fair, Sis. WIDER ANGLE As Michael and Sabrina turn to see Kelly, standing shakily in the door to the garage. Seeing her brother, Sabrina appears stricken. KELLY I've got to win this race for Danny. You can't stop me, Sabrina. Not if you love me. Sabrina hesitates, moves to Kelly and embraces him. He looks over at Michael, then awkwardly strokes his sister's back. KELLY Hey, c'mon. You'll ruin your mascara. Sabrina nods and moves back. Kelly smiles at Michael and goes back into the garage. Michael turns to Sabrina. MICHAEL (a beat) See you at the track? SABRINA At the finish line. He moves off, climbs into K.I.T.T. As he pulls away, we move in on Sabrina, her concerned expression returning. OMITTED EXT. OAKSIDE RACEGROUNDS - DAY now in the stages of pre-race preparation. ANGLE ON ROGER AND DARLENA walking in the sunlight together, looking from a distance like a contented couple. As they come closer, we hear their discussion: DARLENA Roger, you're out of your polyesters if you think I'm going to spend the entire race at the monitor. ROGER It's not a matter of what I think, my dear. It's simply in my contract. DARLENA Contracts were made to be burned. ROGER But you keep forgetting, Darlena -- you're a replacement, and I've got seniority. For once, Darlena doesn't have a comeback. Roger smiles sweetly. ROGER So brush up on your color, sweet- meats -- we'll all be expecting a titillating blow-by-blow. Upset, Darlena storms off. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. pulling to a stop. As Michael climbs out, starts off. ANGLE ON CAMERAMAN as he joins Roger, craning after Darlena. CAMERAMAN Boy, what's eating Darlena? She gave me a look that made my watch stop. Roger has spotted K.I.T.T. He takes the Cameraman's arm and in a very chummy manner, walks him toward the Trans Am. ROGER We're going to scoop that tinseled termagent once and for all, you and I. Meet the eighth wonder of the world! They now stand before K.I.T.T. as Roger indicates the car. The Cameraman looks at K.I.T.T., then at Roger. CAMERAMAN The discovery of the car occured some years ago, Roger. ROGER Yes, but this car talks. He approaches K.I.T.T. like an old friend. ROGER Say a few words to my Cameraman. K.I.T.T. says nothing. CAMERAMAN Guess it's not in a talkative mood. ROGER (desperate) C'mon, metalhead, say something. No response from K.I.T.T. Cameraman looks sadly at Roger, shakes his head and walks away. Roger turns angrily to K.I.T.T. ROGER Traitor! As Roger storms away, is out of earshot: K.I.T.T. That's show biz. OMITTED EXT. LEE CARSTAIRS' MOTOR HOME - DAY - ANGLE ON LEE as he comes down the steps, in racing gear, a third set of twins with him. He spots Michael approahcing. LEE How's the security business, Knight? MICHAEL Alive and well. How's the racing business? LEE Just talked to my agent. Got a new promotion. Carstairs cycle. Great idea, huh? MICHAEL I get the feeling you could sell just about anything. LEE You can't make a living just winning races. Believe me, it's those endorse- ments that count. Well, I'll see you. I've got to beat the crowds to the track so I can walk the course before the race. MICHAEL Good luck. Lee and the girls move off. Michael continues toward the starting line. WADE'S VOICE Hey, stringbean -- I've got a bone to pick with you. Michael faces Wade as he approaches, dressed in his racing unleathers and looking mean as only a hangover can make a man feel. MICHAEL Nothing like a good night's sleep to mellow you right out.... WADE Oh yeah? Listen, what's between Sabrina and me is none of your business. MICHAEL I don't think it's any of your business, either. She's not interested. WADE She was until you came along. MICHAEL I doubt that. Michael starts off and Wade grabs his arm. WADE I think you need to learn some manners, Stretch. And Wade hauls off to punch Michael. Michael simply steps aside and Wade's fist slams into the side of a parked car. It's a terrific impact that hurts considerably. MICHAEL Thanks for the lesson...I sure hope you can still ride with that bad hand of yours. Wade glares at him, then hurries off. ANGLE ON KELLY as he makes his grand entrance doing a "wheelie" towards the start/finish line. Red smoke billows from his tail pipe, blue smoke pours from each handlebar. As Kelly reaches the line, Roman candle-like rockets blast from the skid plate. CLOSE ON MICHAEL grinning, shaking his head at Kelly's audacity. He moves to a vantage point. EXT. OAKSIDE RACEGROUNDS - DAY now filled with color, life and noise -- all the excitement of a major sporting event. ANGLE ON THE RACETRACK now readily visible in the broad daylight, a tortuous assembly of moguls, mud pits, streams, and, across the long range, partially obscured by the distance, Widow's Mountain, tall and ominous. ANGLE ON THE RACERS preparing for competition, we move between the trailers and crowd, singling out riders adjusting their racing togs, testing their bikes, making final adjustments, psyching up for combat. CLOSE ON ONE RACER as gloved hands reach inside a jacket. Then, those same hands appear holding a strange weapon -- a CO2 air target pistol. A short metal bar is fed into the gun, the mechanism is checked; then the gun is safety-ed and slipped behind the tool kit on the bike. The gloved hands then zip the pants up. The legs climb on the bike, the engine revvs to life. As the bike rides away, toward the starting line, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. OAKSIDE RACE GROUNDS - DAY - ON ROGER AND DARLENA Behind them, everything's in full swing for the big day. Roger and Darlena (who's in a bright green jumpsuit) stare straight ahead -- they've given up talking to each other. The cameraman gives the "go" sign and they turn on their plastic smiles. ROGER Welcome back to Talkabout. We're at the Oakside Charity race, which is about to begin any minute.... DARLENA ...yes, and Roger will be giving you a blow by blow while I race myself to the finish line to give the lucky first-placer a great big victory kiss. Roger looks at her for a moment, confused, then: ROGER Ahhh, no, Darlena, I'm scheduled to be at the finish line. DARLENA Roger, do you really think these awe- some athletes are going to want a victory kiss from you? ROGER You've gone too far this time, Webster! CAMERAMAN Whoa, slow down -- cut, cut! DARLENA Tough donuts, Floyd. It's done, and now the whole country's expecting me at the finish line. She turns and walks toward the trailers. ROGER You're going the wrong way, bimbo- brain. DARLENA I've got to change my attire. You don't think I'm going to be seen in this old thing. Roger sits down again...defeated. ROGER (to his cameraman) I was doing Shakespeare before this! EXT. STARTING LINE - DAY as we see the racers lining up, decked out in their finest unleathers, revving engines, checking out each other's bikes. Lee and Kelly are in the center, vying for the spectators' attention; Wade's nearby, ready for action. Devon and April reach the starting line, Devon watching the racers with obvious nostalgia. As Michael approaches: DEVON (to April) The equipment may have changed, but the raw excitement remains the same. I quite miss it. April looks up as Michael joins them. APRIL You still look worried, Michael. Maybe we should postpone the race. MICHAEL All I've got is a feeling, and that's not enough to cancel all the work that's gone into this. DEVON Then I think it's time to give the officials the green light. He moves off. MICHAEL 'Dusty' Miles seems to be having the time of his life. As Devon approaches the officials' table, Michael looks at the racers, unevenly lined up, looking like eager bloodhounds straining on their leashes. Kelly keeps lifting his front wheel off the ground, making a lot of noise. APRIL Why's Kelly doing that? MICHAEL Kelly's got to do things a little bigger than everyone else, maybe because he feels so much smaller inside. (with a smile) It's his style, April. Getting attention. APRIL Seems like a lot of trouble. MICHAEL They call it promotion. It's the name of the game around here. With- out it, you're...wait a minute -- 'promotion.' That just might be it. APRIL What do you mean? MICHAEL I'll talk to you later. With that, Michael turns and hurries toward K.I.T.T. as Devon rejoins April, looking after him. EXT. STARTING LINE - DAY - LOW ANGLE ON RACERS Camera starts on Kelly as he takes his place in the line, then pans over to Wade, and to Lee, who glances coldly at Kelly. All the engines screech at a deafening pitch as the official drops the flag, a bomb goes off, and they all fly forward, right over camera. ANGLE - TRACK - ON LARGE HAY BALE WALL as the racers reach their first obstacle, a large pile of hay bales. Creating an impenetrable wall as high as a hay wagon, and six bales deep. Kelly, already in the lead, flies over the obstruction, managing to miss the narrow mud trench directly in front of it. Lee is right on his tail. Behind them, the other racers aren't so lucky, as we see some spin out into the hay, while others make direct hits into the mud trench. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - ANGLE ON MICHAEL as Michael slides in and immediately turns on the monitor. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've been watching this race and have come to the conclusion that there is very little difference between motorcyclists and lemmings jumping off cliffs. MICHAEL Right now, I need your attention on something a little less hairy. I want you to access Lee Carstair's agency contracts. K.I.T.T. Every time I interface with agency computers, I come away wanting to count my circuits. Must I? MICHAEL I think I've found a motive, Kitt. K.I.T.T. In that case, I'll take a chance. With that, we angle to the monitor where the contracts begin flashing on the screen. EXT. TRACK - DAY - ANGLE ON KELLY as he roars over a huge mud pool, and onto open road. Lee is right behind him. Camera pushes in as we see Lee as he's bumped by Wade, who wipes out into the mud. Lee continues racing neck and neck with Kelly. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - FAVORING MONITOR as we hear the drone of the racing outside, Michael studies the monitor. Then: MICHAEL Just what I thought. Kitt, every one of Lee's endorsement contracts ends this year. K.I.T.T. I don't understand the connection. MICHAEL Lee said it himself. The endorsements are his bread and butter. Without them he can't make ends meet. K.I.T.T. What does that have to do with this race? MICHAEL Lee has to win to reestablish himself as a champion, or no advertiser is going to need him. Kelly's the only rider equal to him. I'll bet you Lee got caught in his own sabotage last June. And Danny got the worst of it. Michael starts up K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Are you going to stop the race? MICHAEL That's like stopping a stampede. No, Kitt, you and I have just become the first four-wheel motorcycle team in history! He punches a button labeled DDHT. K.I.T.T. raises up so that he's far off the ground. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY taking off, tearing toward the starting line, his "high- traction drop-downs" churning. EXT. STARTING LINE - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. racing across the line and onto the track, to the shocked astonishment of spectators, officials, and Channel Three camera crew. ANGLE ON DEVON AND APRIL utterly astounded by Michael's actions. ANGLE ON SABRINA reacting. ANGLE ON ROGER sitting in his director's chair, camera in front, looking into a monitor which shows the race in progress. ROGER ...and it looks like there's no separating Travis and Carstairs as they continue to share the lead...as they have since the beginning of the race. Bringing up the rear are McNamer, Hart and...a strange black car! Roger stops for a moment, then does a double take. EXT. TRACK - FULL as we see the very strange sight of K.I.T.T. "rough and tumbling" it down the track, passing by some very surprised racers. Michael is coming to the first big obstacle: the hay bales with the mud trench behind them. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he's holding fast on the rocky course. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm developing a modicum of respect for these motorcycles. This is rather hard on the frame. MICHAEL The bones don't have it any easier, pal. (then) Looks like we've got a little challenge coming up. I hate to do this to you. K.I.T.T. That's all right, Michael. It's for charity. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON HAY BALE WALL as K.I.T.T. penetrates right through the thick hay wall, sending pieces in all directions, gliding over the narrow mud trench. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he settles back down. Hay is flying off the windshield. MICHAEL That was great, Kitt! Maybe we do have a future as a racing team. K.I.T.T. Heaven forbid, Michael. EXT. RACECOURSE - NEAR TREES - DAY As Kelly and Lee, with a tremendous lead, burst between two trees and race onto it. CLOSER ANGLE - LEE With no one behind him, and a clean ride ahead, he pulls out the CO2 air target pistol from behind the tool kit. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael continues down the course, passing more racers, reaching the river. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - FAVORING MONITOR showing a sonar depth analysis. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sonar indicates that water is much deeper than it looks. MICHAEL Let's not find out how deep, Kitt. As Michael hits the turbo button: EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - LOW ANGLE - SLOW MOTION flying over the water and the racers, landing on the other side. ANGLE - ROGER AND CAMERAMAN as he continues to stare at the monitor, unable to believe what he's seeing. CAMERAMAN Uh, Roger? Roger, we're on the air. Realizing that the camera is still on him, Roger turns to it...rather tongue-tied. ROGER Oh, hi...uh...it seems that a car has sort of entered the race and is flying over...things, so...we'll be right back after this commercial. EXT. COURSE - DAY - OTHER SIDE OF TREES Kelly and Lee, still alone, race almost neck and neck. CLOSER ANGLE - LEE Keeping the air pistol close to his side, he aims it down at Kelly's front wheel. Kelly's concentrating on his riding, doesn't even notice Lee's presence. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he drives toward trees. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've picked up Lee and he's aiming a weapon at Kelly. MICHAEL Not for long. K.I.T.T. But what about the trees, Michael? MICHAEL We're a team, right? Let's act like one! With that, Michael flips the left side booster switch. EXT. TREES - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. suddenly lifting onto his two right wheels, skiing between the trees without touching a leaf. OTHER SIDE OF TREES as K.I.T.T. settles back on all fours. Kelly and Lee are still some distance ahead. ANGLE ON KELLY AND LEE Lee's about to shoot the metal rod into Kelly's front wheel when suddenly, K.I.T.T. seems to tear out of nowhere at incredible speed, cutting between the two motorcycles, just as Lee fires the pistol. CLOSEUP - K.I.T.T.'S SIDE as the rod bounces off and falls to the ground. ANGLE ON KELLY turning and noticing K.I.T.T. for the first time. At first he's surprised, then, with a smile, he gives Michael a thumbs-up and accelerates forward off the straightaway. ANGLE ON LEE as he drops his gun, now angles away from Kelly, hoping to shake the pursuing car. WIDER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. drives parallel to Lee, then swerves toward him, forcing Lee off the path. ANGLE ON LEE suddenly realizing he's headed directly toward a large pool of water. As the motorcycle flies into the pool, Lee's thrown off the bike. CLOSE ON THE BIKE disappearing beneath the surface of the water. CLOSE ON LEE slamming against the ground, knocked unconscious. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as Michael grins out at the fallen Lee. MICHAEL Carstairs'll be out of commission for awhile. K.I.T.T. Michael, my scanner shows that Kelly has stopped at the foot of Widow's Mountain. MICHAEL He must've lost his nerve, Kitt. K.I.T.T. He's also losing his lead. I'm detecting four racers less than a hundred yards behind Kelly. MICHAEL Come on, let's give him a little boost. EXT. FOOT OF WIDOW'S MOUNTAIN - DAY as we see Kelly, sitting on his bike, staring up at the mountain...terrified. Michael races over to him, then stops beside him. Kelly talks, never taking his eyes off the mountain. MICHAEL (through open window) You've got to get up that mountain. KELLY I can't. MICHAEL Listen to me. What happened last year wasn't your fault. It was Carstairs'! K.I.T.T. Michael, the other racers are only fifty yards behind now. KELLY I'm sorry, but without Danny, I just feel too alone going up there. MICHAEL You won't be alone, Kelly. I'm going with you. Kelly looks over to him for the first time and smiles. With determination, Kelly revvs his bike and begins up the treacherous mountain. INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, let's see what those high- traction drop-downs can really do. K.I.T.T. It will be a pleasure to show this mountain who's boss. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ANGLE ON WHEELS as Michael accelerates, we see the tires catch the dirt, push the Trans Am up the mountain with surging power. EXT. WIDOW'S MOUNTAIN - DAY as K.I.T.T. overtakes Kelly and, side by side, car and motorcycle tear up the steep slope. EXT. TOP OF MOUNTAIN - DAY as Kelly on his bike and Michael in K.I.T.T. come over the crest, and fly down the other side toward the finish line. EXT. START/FINISH LINE - DAY where a finish banner flips in the breeze. Sabrina is nearby, waiting anxiously. Darlena is at the finish line, wearing a rainbow colored jumpsuit. She is yelling at a remote cameraman. DARLENA This is my show, buster, so don't tell me what to do. I want to be right at the line so that I can be the first to see the winner. ANOTHER ANGLE Devon and April join Sabrina, as the crowd cheers. Kelly glides across the finish line, followed immediately by K.I.T.T. Darlena tries to get to Kelly, but he's already surrounded by Sabrina, Devon, April and a horde of well- wishers. Without warning, four other bikes roar across the line spewing mud...and covering Darlena's new jumpsuit and hairdo. All she can do is look around in shock. ROGER at the base camp watching the "attack" on Darlena on his monitor. He smiles, then to camera: ROGER Let's see that on instant replay. TOP OF MOUNTAIN - FULL as Michael comes out, and runs to Kelly. He gives him a brotherly hug. MICHAEL You did it, kid! KELLY No -- we did it. Camera cranes up and over as we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. HOTEL - DAY - CLOSE ON RACE BANNER Various race participants are leaving. After a moment, April and Michael come out. K.I.T.T.'s parked nearby. APRIL Well, Michael, the race was a complete success. The proceeds far exceeded Devon's expectations. MICHAEL That's great. Except that Kelly had to forfeit his win because he had help. APRIL I think he won more than a race yesterday, Michael. MICHAEL Yeah. I guess our little last minute entry didn't hurt. APRIL No, in fact, I've had dozens of calls from promoters begging for Kitt's services. MICHAEL Don't tell him that -- it'll go to his head. Kelly's step van drives up, Sabrina at the wheel, Kelly beside her. Michael moves to the van. Kelly holds his custom helmet in his lap. Sabrina smiles from the driver's seat. SABRINA We want to thank you Michael -- for everything. Kelly hands his helmet to Michael. KELLY And I want you to have this. I decided that I'm going to have that surgery. Then I'm gonna find something else to put my energies into besides racing. MICHAEL Whatever it is, I hope it can stand you. That's a lot of energy. Sabrina smiles and they drive off. As Michael turns back to April, Devon returns riding a small, dignified Honda 250 motorcycle, wearing a jacket, gloves, and helmet. DEVON These races have sparked my taste for the open air once again. I'll see you back at the Foundation. He rides off, popping a "wheelie," as Michael and April react, climb into K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MICHAEL AND APRIL K.I.T.T. Honestly, the fact that Devon would choose that two-wheeled can opener over the comfort of an automobile is immensely insulting. MICHAEL You may have a point there. Michael looks after Devon, and a mischievous smile crosses his face. He starts the engine. MICHAEL In fact, I think we should demonstrate the superiority of a four-wheeled machine.... K.I.T.T. Michael, you wouldn't.... As Michael punches the "pursuit" button. OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - CLOSE ON DEVON responding to the roar of K.I.T.T.'s engine behind him, looking back over his shoulder, appalled, as: DEVON Michael, no! And before K.I.T.T. leaves the ground, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END