EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57834 Robert Foster January 28, 1984 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 1/31/84 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 2/ 1/84 (F.R.) Tom Greene Rev. 2/ 6/84 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER IT'S ONLY ROCK AND ROLL by Robert W. Gilmer & Robert Foster Based on a story by William Elliott ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN INT. CONCERT HALL - NIGHT - LONG SHOT ON STAGE where a rock and roll group called "Class Action" roars through the last number of the night. The lead guitarist runs through a blistering riff while the two singers, Greg Noble and a striking blonde (whose face we don't see clearly from this distance), harmonize at a single mike. The effect is breathtaking. The crowd goes nuts, shouting, stomping, cheering. The band pushes the song and the crowd to the breaking point, then, suddenly, shuts it down. The crowd howls for more, but the house lights dim. The musicians head for the wings. CLOSER ON THE STAGE where Greg and the female singer, her face hidden in the shadows, exchange a few words, a kiss and a hug. A warm moment before she hurries O.S. Greg stands for a moment waving to the crowd, a big grin on his face. Move close on Greg, and then: CUT TO OMITTED INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT - CLOSE ON PAUL BLOCK Another smiling face, this one belonging to Paul Block, the manager of the group. He's holding up a record industry trade mag. PAUL Number twelve with a bullet! We're going gold, folks...it's only a matter of time! As a roar of approval goes up, pull back to reveal a post-concert party underway. Champagne, sumptuous food, beautiful people. Paul holds up a glass of champagne. PAUL Here's to Class Action -- the band, Stevie March and Greg Noble! Applause and cheers. Everyone follows Paul's glance to a corner of the room where we see: STEVIE MARCH the beautiful lead singer of Class Action, who we recognize as Stevie from White Bird. She smiles graciously, then looks around: no Greg. STEVIE It's not like Greg to miss champagne. Hold the toast, I'll get him. Stevie turns and pushes through the crowd and out one of the doors. Entering from another door or room is a huge man called Ivory. A CORRIDOR leading to other, smaller dressing rooms. She moves to the first one down the hall. Knocks. STEVIE Greg? No answer. Stevie opens the door, steps inside. STEVIE Hey, come on...you're missing the party.... Suddenly, she screams, then screams again. INT. DRESSING ROOM On the floor of the dressing room is the reason for Stevie's screams. Greg Noble's lying next to his dressing table. Still. Lifeless. Very dead. Off this, we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK as the Trans Am cruises by. Doing an easy ninety. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's behind the wheel. He's wearing his baseball hat (Dodgers, of course). K.I.T.T. Michael, I don't understand what this fascination with baseball is all about. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt...it's about spring and warm weather and blue skies and hot dogs with mustard. Everything that's American.... K.I.T.T. Grown men in funny costumes swinging sticks of wood at pieces of horse- hide is American? Michael grins. MICHAEL Just like apple pie and motherhood. There's a buzz. Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL Hello, Devon.... As they talk, intercut with: INT. FOUNDATION - DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon's in front of the vidscreen. Dapper in a double- breasted blue blazer. DEVON Hello, Michael...Oh, I see you've pulled that quaint hat out of mothballs again. It must be spring. MICHAEL For some of us. DEVON I never have understood that game. Cricket, yes, but baseball...well, on your way back to the Foundation, I'd like you to make a stop. MICHAEL What's up? DEVON I'm not sure. The guitarist of a group called Class Action died recently. The police have called it an accidental drug overdose. His girl friend calls it murder. MICHAEL Devon, I'm really sorry about that, but I've been on the road for sixteen days.... DEVON And as luck would have it, you're less than an hour from the Twin Cities Civic Auditorium.... MICHAEL As luck would have it. DEVON Where a Miss March is expecting you. Keep me posted. Before Michael can protest further, Devon fades out. K.I.T.T. Class Action? I'm almost afraid to ask what kind of music they produce. MICHAEL They're a hot group, Kitt. Playing good old rock and roll... (smiling) American music. CUT TO INT. CONCERT HALL - ENTRANCE - DAY Michael comes through the entrance, stops to ask an MOS question of a stage hand. He nods, points toward the: OMITTED CONCERT HALL The same arena where we opened the show. Michael enters, stands squinting into the dim light. His eyes catch some- one on the stage. Sitting at the piano. Fiddling with the keys. A woman with blonde hair. CLOSE ON MICHAEL staring intently at her, hearing the echo of a memory. He slowly walks toward the stage. We move with him and as we do, intercut with: FIRST FLASHBACK FROM WHITE BIRD Michael and Stevie are picking flowers. STEVIE not noticing Michael, lost in her thoughts. SECOND FLASHBACK FROM WHITE BIRD Michael and Stevie kissing. ON MICHAEL smiling slightly. The smile fades as he remembers. THIRD FLASHBACK FROM WHITE BIRD Stevie, in the back of the police car, driving away. Tears streaming down her face. BACK TO MICHAEL nearly to the stage. Stopping. Staring. Close to tears of his own. WIDER TO INCLUDE STEVIE as she senses Michael, looks up from the piano. Their eyes meet, lock. They hold the look forever. Then: MICHAEL Stevie.... STEVIE Hello, Michael.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. PARK - DAY - MOVING WITH STEVIE AND MICHAEL as they walk and talk. STEVIE So, when they'd arrested and convicted everyone I'd testified against, it was safe for me to 'resurface' again. (beat) I kept my new name and just sort of slipped back into life. Michael studies her for a beat. MICHAEL You could've phoned. Written. Some- thing. Stevie looks at Michael intensely. STEVIE You don't know how much I wanted to.... Michael hesitates, then nods, puts his arm around her. Decides it's better to stay away from that for now. MICHAEL So, you're a singer. A hot band and a hot record. (a smile) I couldn't believe it. I still can't. How'd it happen? STEVIE By accident. I drove to L.A., got an apartment. A week later I ran into Greg. We'd gone to high school together, even sung a little. He was putting together his forty-seventh band and was looking for someone to sing with. (shrugging) I was looking for something to hang a new life on. It all happened so fast.... A silence. An awkward silence, broken by: STEVIE Greg knew how I felt about you, but he loved me anyway. In a strange way that gave me something to live for. Now he's dead and I'm never going to have a chance to give that back.... Stevie's voice fades off. She's close to tears. Then: STEVIE Everyone loved him, Michael...he cared about his music and about this group. He gave everything he had, and never asked for anything in return. (intensely) And he never used drugs never. Someone killed him, Michael. Murdered him.... MICHAEL Who could have done it? Who might have wanted him dead? STEVIE I don't know. It's been driving me crazy. I hate to say it, but it has to be someone involved with the group. MICHAEL That makes everyone a suspect. STEVIE (nods) That's the worst part. Nothing's the same. Everyone looks at everyone else now, and you know what they're thinking... (a beat) When I phoned the Foundation, I was afraid you wouldn't come. Then I was afraid you would. (another beat) I thought I could ask you to help. But, now that you're here...I don't know.... MICHAEL Stevie, I'll help. You know that. I just can't figure out how to get on the 'inside' without everyone knowing exactly what I'm doing. STEVIE I do. He looks at her. There's a small, mischevious smile at the corner of her mouth. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH Over we hear: MICHAEL'S VOICE I'm going undercover with Class Action. I'm going to replace Greg Noble. CUT TO INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon and April stare at Michael incredulously. DEVON That's preposterous! MICHAEL Look, the group needs someone. Stevie's already been hyping me to Paul Block, the group's manager. Told him I'm an ex-patriate who's been playing in Australia and New Zealand for the past five years. APRIL But, you can't sing. Can you? MICHAEL Are you kidding? Before I went to the Academy, I sang all the time. Even had a record company interested in a demo I made. DEVON That was years ago. What makes you think you can perform professionally today? MICHAEL I'll worry about that later. First, I need to put together a video tape of my work in Australia -- to sell me to this guy Block. DEVON A video of your 'work'? You've never been to Australia, let alone sung there. Michael smiles, turns to April. MICHAEL Did you get the video equipment? April nods. MICHAEL And the stock of those rock concerts? April nods again. Devon interrupts. DEVON What is going on? MICHAEL Show biz. We'll shoot me singing ...just from the neck up. Kitt can cut in some of the concert footage, lay down some electronic music and effects and...voila! Michael Knight in concert...from Down Under. Devon just stares at Michael, shakes his head. DEVON Michael, is this absolutely necessary? MICHAEL (totally serious) Absolutely. Devon stares at Michael. A touching moment. DEVON How is she, Michael? MICHAEL (beat) As beautiful as ever. DEVON Give her my love.... Michael nods, exits. Hold on Devon and April, then: CUT TO INT. LIMO - NIGHT - CLOSE ON TV SCREEN Michael Knight in concert. From Down Under. Singing a solo. Looking very hot. As the song ends, a hand reaches out, switches the set off. Pull back to reveal Paul Block, sitting with Michael and Stevie. He nods, thinks for a beat, then: PAUL Not bad. Not bad at all... (beat) Let's give it a try. Michael and Paul smile, shake hands. Stevie smiles, too. A little nervously. Paul turns to her. PAUL This calls for a celebration. Dinner? STEVIE Count us out, Paul. Michael's got twenty songs to learn before the concert... (to Michael) Come on...if you're going to be on the payroll you'll have to start working for it. Paul laughs as they pull up in front of the motel. Michael and Stevie climb out of the limo. As they exit, he reaches over, picks up the phone, dials. PAUL It's Paul. It's set...this guy Knight's got potential...yeah, I'm sure...I said, everything's fine! We'll proceed on schedule. Off Paul's look, we: CUT TO INT. CONCERT HALL - DRESSING ROOM - DAY - MONTAGE During this sequence we see Michael and Stevie rehearsing songs, working on Michael's singing, getting ready for the concert. We don't hear their voices, but rather an instru- mental underscores the montage. Shots include: Stevie at the piano, Michael reading from sheet music, singing. MICHAEL mike in hands, moves across the stage, getting the feel for the area, working on some moves. MICHAEL AND STEVIE both at the piano. She plays something. He leans over, makes an adjustment. She nods, smiles. IN THE DRESSING ROOM - MICHAEL is trying on his stage outfit: something smashing, like black leather pants, matching shirt. Stevie's watching, making adjustments in the fit. ON THE CONCERT STAGE - TECHNICIANS make final adjustments for lights, sound. Materializing nearby is Ivory, a dark, mysterious presence. Michael watches, alone. A little nervous. Stevie appears behind him, takes his hand. They stand together at the mike, looking out into the empty auditorium. As they do, the music fades out and we: DISSOLVE TO OMITTED INT. CONCERT HALL - NIGHT The night of the concert. Filled with people. The concert is underway, and we go to a: MONTAGE OF SHOTS DURING THE CONCERT During which Michael and Stevie sing "Stay the Night." A series of shots featuring: Michael, then Stevie, stepping up to mikes. Bathed in a single spot. Starting to sing. Behind them, the band members, both individually and as a group, playing. Paul Block standing in the wings, listening. Pleased. Michael and Stevie, sharing one mike. Singing for the audience and, we sense, for each other as well. A moving moment. A thunderous ovation at the end of the concert. People calling for more, lighters being lit, flowers tossed onto the stage. As Michael and Stevie run off the stage together, we follow them: BACKSTAGE - NEAR DRESSING ROOM Normal post-concert chaos. Lots of congratulations for Michael and Stevie. Alone for a moment, Michael grabs Stevie, picks her up, twirls her. She laughs. STEVIE You were good, Michael. PAUL'S VOICE You were fantastic.... Stevie and Michael turn to see Paul following them. Smiling. PAUL (to Stevie) And you know it. STEVIE I was working up to that. You didn't give me a chance.... Everyone laughs. When a roadie named Jimmy walks up to them. He's carrying a canvas bag. In the b.g. we see Ivory again. JIMMY (to Stevie) Excuse me, but I thought you might want this. STEVIE What is it? JIMMY (glancing at Michael) Some of Greg's things...I found the bag stuffed behind a seat on the bus. STEVIE Thanks, Jimmy. Jimmy splits. Stevie opens the bag. Inside are several audio cassettes, a couple of video cassettes, a song note- book, a paperback and a pair of dark glasses. Stevie stares at the contents. Paul realizes it's personal, ad-libs good-byes and leaves. STEVIE Not much to remember him by.... There's an unmistakable sadness in Stevie's voice. MICHAEL Are you okay? Stevie starts to say something, can't. Just nods. Then: STEVIE I'll see you later, okay? I feel like being...alone for awhile. Michael nods. CUT TO OMITTED INT. MOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT (Production Note: This scene can play as indicated or in Michael's motel room.) The corridor is deserted. Michael appears, on his way to his room. As he passes an intersecting hall (or any point where someone could be concealed) a huge figure suddenly appears, blocking him. It's Ivory. IVORY I want to talk to you. MICHAEL I figured you would. IVORY Greg hired me to protect the band and Stevie. He didn't think he needed pro- tection and now he's dead. And now here you are all of a sudden, taking his place with his band and his woman. I'd hate to think you had anything to do with his death. MICHAEL I didn't. IVORY Yeah. Well, somebody did. If I find 'em, you're looking at their judge, jury and executioner. He turns and leaves, moving quickly for a big man. Hold on Michael, thoughtful. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - MORNING Just after sunrise. Quiet. INT. STEVIE'S MOTEL - MORNING - CLOSE ON TV where we see Greg Noble, a youthful man in his late twenties, roaring through a guitar riff. The tape stops, reverses, stops and then goes forward again. As it does, we pull back to see Stevie hunched forward, studying the tape. ANOTHER ANGLE As she advances the tape frame by frame, we see something flash onto the TV screen. Stevie isolates it and we see: ON THE TV SCREEN A seemingly random series of ones and zeros, filling the TV screen. BACK TO STEVIE studying the numbers, obviously confused, troubled. She switches off the set, moves to throw on a coat. She hurries out the door. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - MICHAEL'S ROOM - DAY as Stevie hurries up, knocks on the door. A beat, then Michael, half asleep, opens it. He's pulling on a shirt. MICHAEL Stevie...what's wrong? STEVIE Michael, I've got to show you some- thing. Right now. Hurry...! Michael's pulling on his boots, looking worried. OMITTED EXT. MOTEL - CORRIDOR - DAY - MOVING WITH STEVIE AND MICHAEL STEVIE I found a video tape in Greg's bag. Something we did for American Music Hall...The day before he died he must have run it a hundred times. He wouldn't tell me why, but I know he was worried about something. OMITTED INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Stevie and Michael hurry inside. Just as they get into the room, someone hits Michael and sends him crashing against a wall, then splits. Groggily, Michael struggles to his feet. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, get ready to move! OMITTED INT. TRANS AM - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes to life: shifts into drive, hits the pedal. EXT. MOTEL - DAY An ND sedan squeals out of the parking lot. K.I.T.T. drives up as Michael staggers out of Stevie's room. The door pops open and Michael jumps inside. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as the Trans Am roars onto the street. MICHAEL How far are they ahead of us, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Nearly two blocks. MICHAEL Then let's step on it! EXT. STREET - DAY as the Trans Am roars down the street, gaining on the sedan. ANOTHER ANGLE as the sedan approaches a cross street, screeches down a narrower residential street. A couple of beats later, the Trans Am makes the same turn. EXT. STREET - DAY The chase continues, with the Trans Am going rapidly. ON THE SEDAN taking the next corner on two wheels, racing toward an intersection (with lights, traffic). ON THE TRANS AM sliding through the turn, racing after the sedan. ANGLE ON THE INTERSECTION The sedan heads for the intersection as the light turns red. Not slowing, it plunges into the cross traffic. A loud crash as it clips the tail end of a car, sending it spinning in a 180 degree skid. A second car slams on its brakes, barely missing the spinning car. The sedan con- tinues down the road. ON THE TRANS AM racing toward the intersection, now blocked by the two cars. The car that was hit is beginning to smoke. INT. TRANS AM Michael prepares to turbo. MICHAEL We're going over the top, pal. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors indicate that smoking car may explode.... Michael jams on the brakes. ANGLE ON THE INTERSECTION The Trans Am skids to a stop. Michael leaps out, hurries to the smoking car, rips open the door and pulls the stunned driver out. As Michael pulls him to safety: THE CAR explodes (if possible) in a ball of fire. ON MICHAEL shielding the driver, his face reflecting the golden glow of the flames. Hold on him. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. MOTEL - DAY The Trans Am is parked outside Stevie's room. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Michael and Stevie are sorting through the ransacked room. STEVIE That's all he took, I'm sure of it...every video cassette I had. MICHAEL Including the one with the strange numbers on it. Stevie nods. They exchange a nod. STEVIE What could it be? MICHAEL I don't know -- maybe a binary code of some kind. Whatever it is, it's important enough to steal. Maybe even kill for. (beat) If it was on Greg's copy, it's got to be on the master tape. Who makes the videos? STEVIE Barbara Bellingham. MICHAEL How do I meet her? STEVIE We're scheduled to begin taping our next video in L.A. tonight. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - SEVERAL SHOTS - STOCK The Trans Am appears, heading for Los Angeles. EXT. QUAINT APARTMENT - DAY The Trans Am pulls up and parks, Michael and Stevie getting out. K.I.T.T. pops the trunk, filled with her luggage. INT. STEVIE'S APARTMENT - DAY The door opens and they enter, Stevie first, followed by Michael with the luggage. She opens windows. He looks around, takes the place in; it's small but homey, imagina- tive. It's what he'd imagine her place to be like. She notices. STEVIE Like it? MICHAEL (nods) It's you. How long have you been here? She takes some things, crosses into the bedroom over: STEVIE Three months -- no, four. He sees a framed photo, picks it up. CLOSER ANGLE It's a picture of Stevie and Greg, smiling, looking into each other's eyes. He thought he was prepared for something like this, but it catches him like an unexpected punch. STEVIE'S VOICE It's finally starting to feel like home. He puts the photo down, moves away from it, restless. MICHAEL Where do you want this stuff? The garment bag. STEVIE The closet's fine. Thanks. He picks up the garment bag, crosses to the closet and opens it. Reacts. ANOTHER ANGLE Hanging there is a pair of pants and a silk shirt, decidedly masculine. He thought he was over the hump with the photo, but this is somehow more intimate, more suggestive. It hurts. STEVIE'S VOICE I'm sorry. This time her voice isn't from the bedroom, it's close. He turns. She's behind him, only a few feet away. Michael turns to her. STEVIE Michael --- MICHAEL It's okay. It makes me crazy but I can't expect you to never be with another man. Never fall in love again.... STEVIE I won't lie to you, Michael. Yes, I loved him. He nods, again surprised by how unprepared he is. STEVIE He was a wonderful man. I loved him. But when I went to sleep at night I dreamed of you. He sees tears begin to form in her eyes. STEVIE I tried not to, I tried to forget about you.... It is, finally, no longer possible to stay apart. They meet in an embrace, holding each other as if some alien force threatens to separate them again. He turns her face up to his, kissing away her tears. As their mouths meet in a kiss.... CUT TO EXT. STEVIE'S APARTMENT - DAY as a funky van pulls up and parks behind K.I.T.T. Bumper stickers, front and rear, read "CLASS ACTION". A disheveled, long-haired kid in his late teens stumbles out of the van. He's wearing a "CLASS ACTION" T-shirt and is carrying a midsized ghetto blaster blaring rock and roll. This is Roscoe (think Sean Penn in Ridgemont High) one of the world's great Class Action fans. He checks an address on a piece of paper, smiles to himself. ROSCOE This is her place. All I gotta do is wait.... He pulls a folding chair out, sets it up on the sidewalk, sits down, adjusts the volume on the portable radio. Louder. We see K.I.T.T.'s scanner flash. INT. K.I.T.T. reacting to the music. K.I.T.T. That music simply will not do.... BACK TO ROSCOE thumbing through a music mag. Suddenly the music stops and we hear K.I.T.T.'s voice coming through Roscoe's ghetto blaster: K.I.T.T. I can't tell you how much I hate that music.... Roscoe stares at the ghetto blaster, wide-eyed. ROSCOE What're you talking about? That's rock and roll...it's the greatest. K.I.T.T. It's garbage...it's unmelodic, crass and infantile. ROSCOE (getting pissed) Hey, man, I get this at home. I don't need it.... K.I.T.T. Neither do I. That's why I refuse to play it. Roscoe pushes the "play" button on the blaster. Nothing. He twirls the dial for the radio. Nothing. ROSCOE Look, you don't want to play, then don't. There're plenty more where you came from.... Roscoe gets up, tosses his folding chair into his van, along with the ghetto blaster. He jumps inside, drives off. Again, we see K.I.T.T.'s scanner flash. INT. K.I.T.T. reacting with pleasure. K.I.T.T. Good riddance.... CUT TO EXT. RECORDING STUDIO - NIGHT The Trans Am pulls in and parks. Michael helps Stevie out, leans back in and activates X-ray mode. MICHAEL Okay, pal, if that master video's here, I need the location.... K.I.T.T. I'll do my best, Michael, but there could be literally thousands of tapes in there. MICHAEL Good. It'll keep you from getting bored. K.I.T.T. Very funny. Michael and Stevie laugh, head toward the studio, and we: CUT TO INT. RECORDING STUDIO - NIGHT Video technicians prepare the equipment. Paul and Barbara huddle away from the others. Across the studio, we see Ivory. Even standing still, he's got menace. BARBARA I don't like it. PAUL What could we do? Forget this video? BARBARA But, who is Knight? Where's he from? PAUL Look, Barbara, it's simple. We use him, then we dump him. (intense) We don't have any choice. We've got to have the video ready. (smiling) Besides, I think you're going to like him. Very much. Paul nods across the room. Barbara glances over to see Michael and Stevie come in. She does like what she sees. BARBARA Introduce me. Paul leads Barbara across the studio. ANOTHER ANGLE as Paul and Barbara come up to Michael and Stevie. Ivory steps up to Stevie, never taking his eyes off of Michael. PAUL Michael, meet Barbara Bellingham. She handles all our video work. MICHAEL Hi. I've heard good things about you. BARBARA Took the words right out of my mouth. Maybe we should exchange notes.... Barbara slips her arm through Michael's, walks him away from Paul and Stevie. We follow them. BARBARA Paul tells me you've been in Australia. MICHAEL Nearly five years. BARBARA How exciting! There's so much happening down there culturally -- music, film, theatre...especially in Sydney. MICHAEL Sydney's a beautiful city. BARBARA We shot a video down there a couple of years ago...at the Golden Palace. Did you ever play there? MICHAEL (nodding) Sure. One of my last gigs was there. But, the Palace is in Melbourne, not Sydney. Barbara reacts, smiles. BARBARA Oh, right. Of course. Over the PA we hear Paul's voice: PAUL Let's go, Barbara.... BARBARA Well, time to mix a little business with pleasure. She smiles at Michael, crosses the studio. As he follows to join Stevie, we: CUT TO INT. STUDIO - LATER Barbara huddles in MOS dialogue with a camera person. Stevie and Michael are standing in front of a backdrop, mikes in front of them. Paul, with an engineer, waits in the booth. BARBARA (to Paul) All right...we're set.... Barbara crosses to Michael and Stevie. All business now. BARBARA Okay, kids. Relax...have fun with it. The instrumental track begins. Michael and Stevie begin the duet, "Our First Night Together." OMITTED INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND STEVIE Barbara, the cameraman, the board, tape recorders, etc. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. X-ray mode searches the studio, the results reproduced on the monitor. We see volumes of tapes, row after row. K.I.T.T. Bored indeed. BACK IN STUDIO Michael and Stevie finish the song. Barbara applauds, crosses to them with kisses and hugs. BARBARA Fabulous! I love it -- heat! Just what the song needs. If I didn't know better I'd swear you two were star-crossed lovers. Over this Paul has entered from the booth. PAUL Wait'll you see what we've got cooked up for you tomorrow. MICHAEL Tomorrow? There's more? Barbara and Paul share knowing smiles with Stevie as if to say, isn't he wonderfully naive? BARBARA Honey, if I produced a video in today's market with only one location it'd be my last. Yours too. PAUL Where's this guy from, Australia? They laugh, but Michael senses something in the way Barbara's eyes linger on him, probing, searching. CUT TO EXT. STUDIO - NIGHT Michael and Stevie cross and climb into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL How'd you do? K.I.T.T. See for yourself. ANGLE ON MONITOR A blueprint of the studio appears. The monitor zooms into one particular room. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The office. A red dot pulsates. MICHAEL'S VOICE What's that? BACK TO THEM watching. K.I.T.T. A safe. It's concealed in the end table near the desk. The master tape in question is inside. CUT TO INT. STEVIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The door opens and they come in, continuing a discussion they've been having all the way back. STEVIE (upset) ...but what if they're waiting for you? What if it's a trap? She doesn't respond, crosses to the kitchen and busies herself preparing tea. MICHAEL Stevie, we need to know what's on that tape. Why it's so important to them. She doesn't respond. He moves to her, but she won't face him. MICHAEL If these are the people who killed Greg, don't you want to know? He tries to turn her to face him, but she refuses. MICHAEL Are you worried about me? Is that it? STEVIE (finally) I've learned to live without you... I didn't think I could, but then I discovered a way...as long as I know you're out there somewhere, we could meet again. I could turn around in a supermarket and there you'd be. That's how I do it. I don't know how I'd do it if.... She doesn't finish, doesn't have to. Michael puts his arms around her. MICHAEL Don't worry, Stevie. I'll be careful. (beat) That's how I do it, too. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. STUDIO - NIGHT The Trans Am pulls up. Michael gets out. MICHAEL Keep your eyes open, pal. K.I.T.T. Of course, Michael. Michael turns, heads into the recording studio. Leaving K.I.T.T. alone. For a beat. We see headlights. ANOTHER ANGLE Roscoe's van pulls up and parks. Roscoe hops out, an even larger ghetto blaster in his hand. Blaring music. He stands in the empty lot, staring at the darkened studio. ROSCOE Where is everyone? Ther were supposed to be recording here tonight...I must be outrageously late... (checking his watch) Unless it's tomorrow night...in which case I'm like really early. Roscoe smiles broadly, nods to himself, reaches into his van for his folding chair. As he's about to get settled, the music is interrupted and we hear K.I.T.T. again through the radio's speakers: K.I.T.T. You just don't learn, do you? Roscoe freezes, glances over at his ghetto blaster. He shakes his head. Unbelieving. ROSCOE Wait a minute, now.... K.I.T.T. No...you wait a minute. That music is going to rot your brain...and take years off your life. ROSCOE You're out of your gourd. K.I.T.T. Am I? Do you know why there are so few rock fans over thirty? ROSCOE Why? K.I.T.T. Because they're all in retirement homes or mental hospitals.... ROSCOE (shocked) Oh, wow... (beat) I've been into rock for years. What am I gonna do? K.I.T.T. There's only one antidote...classical music. ROSCOE Classical, huh? You mean, like Dylan? K.I.T.T. Try Vivaldi. Roscoe nods, throws everything back into his van, drives slowly off. OMITTED INT. OFFICE - NIGHT The door opens and Michael enters, turns on a small desk lamp. He crosses to the safe. MICHAEL (comlink) I'll need a little magic, buddy. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. A schematic of the lock appears. Random mathematical possibilities flash by. K.I.T.T. Magic has nothing to do with it. MICHAEL'S VOICE Just an expression. ANGLE IN OFFICE The safe opens. Michael searches inside, finds the tape. ANGLE FROM VCR He crosses to it, turns it on and slips in the tape. MICHAEL (comlink) Hope your heads are clean. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE My heads are always clean. MICHAEL (comlink) Fast-forward? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The fastest. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. We see the tape speed by on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. OMITTED EXT. STREET - NIGHT as the limo glides by. Inside, we see Paul and Barbara. INT. LIMO - NIGHT Barbara's on the car phone. BARBARA I see...you're absolutely positive?.. all right. Thanks for the help. Barbara hangs up the phone. Paul's watching her nervously. PAUL Well? BARBARA I don't know who Michael Knight is, but he's not a singer who just got back from Australia. The Golden Palace burned down a year ago.... Paul slumps back in his seat. Shocked. PAUL Then they're on to us. We've gotta pull the plug on this whole operation.... BARBARA No! If they've got anything, it's suspicions and that's it...and we've only got a half day's work to finish the new video. PAUL Finish the video? What about Knight and Stevie? BARBARA As soon as we're done tomorrow, we're going to have to take care of them. Off Barbara's look, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH We hear the vocal from the tape over: DEVON'S VOICE Aside from an intense dislike of rock 'n roll, Michael, I fail to see --- INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael is grouped around a VCR with Devon and April. MICHAEL There! He hits stop, then reverse. Then stop. MICHAEL Now a little slow motion. ANGLE TO INCLUDE VCR The tape continues in slow motion. Michael suddenly hits stop again. They react. INSERT - VCR The equivalent of one frame is isolated. What we see is a series of apparently random numbers. BACK TO THEM Devon and April exchange looks, intrigued. DEVON (to April) Your area of expertise, I believe. APRIL It looks like a binary code. (to Michael) What was Kitt's diagnosis? MICHAEL The same. Michael paces, charged. MICHAEL This is it, Devon -- This is what Greg Noble's 'overdose' was all about. To keep this secret. DEVON What 'secret'? You have no idea what this is. MICHAEL No, but whatever it is there are people who think it's important enough to kill for. Devon crosses to his desk. DEVON All right, for the moment assume that's true -- Why put it on a video tape? Why take the chance of discovery? MICHAEL Mass communication. DEVON Of what? To whom? APRIL He's right, Devon. We won't know the answer to your questions until we break the code, but it's an ingenious wau to transmit a message. MICHAEL To anyone watching a rock video broadcast it's just another group, but to people who know what to look for it's a telegram. All they have to do is record it and then play it back, just like we did. Devon ponders it for a moment. DEVON (to April) How long will it take to break the code and decipher the message? APRIL It's all based on mathematical probabilities. DEVON Translation, please. APRIL Anywhere from an hour to a week. Michael awaits Devon's decision, tense. MICHAEL Well? DEVON (to April) Then I suggest you begin at once. CUT TO EXT. COUNTRY ROAD AND HILLS - DAY Pan from idyllic green sloping hills to a narrow dirt road where there's a beehive of activity: several vans and station wagons unloading video camera equipment and musical instruments; a dozen people going about their chores. The omnipresent Ivory watches the proceedings stoically. We see: OMITTED ANGLE AT GRASSY AREA A safari motif has been set-up; a tent, Jeep, etc. The band, dressed in safari clothes, is grouped around its instruments. ANOTHER ANGLE Barbara is with Michael and Stevie, also in safari garb, as they cross to the Jeep. Paul joins them over: BARBARA ...The band mimes to the playback, you two climb into the car and pull out as the second verse begins. PAUL Camera cars ready. BARBARA Good. Where's make-up? (calls off) Make-up! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. parked off to the side. Inside, we see his monitor processing numbers, searching for the numerical key to unlock the binary code. ANGLE ON SAFARI SITE The playback begins. Michael and Stevie cross to the Jeep, climb in and pull away, lead by the camera car. MOVING SHOT In the camera car, Barbara crouches behind the video operator. ANGLE IN JEEP Michael and Stevie lip-sinc to the playback. WIDER ANGLE The Jeep follows the camera car down a narrow road boardered by a steep drop off. Both cars are picking up speed. ANOTHER ANGLE As the playback ends Barbara signals. The camera car pulls off to the side of the road. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND STEVIE Michael steps on the brake. INSERT - BRAKE It goes to the floor. BACK TO THEM Michael reacts, pumps it: nothing. STEVIE Michael, slow down. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, I've lost the brakes! ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. His systems activate. K.I.T.T. Hold on, Michael! His tires spin, dig in and he shoots away. OMITTED ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND STEVIE Michael uses all his skill as a driver, but the twisting road is treacherous and the Jeep continues to pick up speed. STEVIE (terrified) Michael! HER POINT OF VIEW DOWN THE DROP OFF It's a virtual cliff now, a hundred-foot drop. ANOTHER ANGLE Behind them, coming around a curve at seventy, is K.I.T.T. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Stay with it, Michael! Five more seconds.... Turbo boost is depressed. LOW ANGLE FROM ROAD as K.I.T.T. lifts off and soars into the air. VARIOUS ANGLES K.I.T.T. sails over the Jeep. ANOTHER ANGLE He lands just ahead of it, slows, makes contact with the front bumper and begins to slow it down. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND STEVIE The tension gives way to relief. Michael squeezes her hand. MICHAEL It's okay...we're all right now. STEVIE Thank God...what happened? Can brakes just go out like that? MICHAEL They can. Whether these had some help is the question. (comlink) Thanks, pal. Get a complete analysis on the brake system -- master cylinder, wheel cylinders, the works. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. ANGLE ON BARBARA Paul joins her as she watches the activity below; the car being towed by one of the station wagons. PAUL What happened? BARBARA It appears the car didn't go over the cliff. Nice try, Goodwrench. What do we do now -- Send them up in a hot-air balloon and shoot arrows at it? PAUL You're the one who said we couldn't chance another 'drug overdose.' If you've got any terrific ideas spit 'em out. Barbara starts to turn away, stops, looks back at him. BARBARA I talked to Donny this morning. He said 'Pegasus' lead singer is sick and they're pulling out of the concert at the Amphitheater tonight. PAUL So? BARBARA Do him a favor and plug in 'Class Action.' PAUL Barbara, it's a live telecast. We can't use the video. BARBARA We won't need it. (smiling) The Amphitheater's got a closed circuit system that feeds the action on the stage to those big screen monitors. We'll tap into that system and transmit the message through them. OMITTED ANGLE AT STAGING AREA Michael and Stevie ad-lib good-byes to the band, cross to where K.I.T.T. waits. Barbara hurries to join them. BARBARA Stevie...Michael...I've got some good news. MICHAEL Next time we get a car with brakes that work. BARBARA I'm sorry about that, really. I don't know what else to say. Paul's checking into it. In the meantime, cancel any plans you have for tonight. They exchange a look, puzzled, wary. MICHAEL AND STEVIE Why? What's up? BARBARA A coup. 'Pegasus' had to pull out of the big concert at the Amphitheater tonight. It took a lot of phone calls and arm-twisting, but guess who's filling in for them? Off their surprised reactions: ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. As they leave, Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL How'd we do, buddy? Got the analysis on the brakes? K.I.T.T. The snap ring on the clevis pin failed. INSERT - MONITOR A schematic of the brake system appears indicating a faulty clevis pin. BACK TO THEM MICHAEL Failed...or was intentionally removed. (to Stevie) Until we find out which, I don't want you out of my sight. STEVIE But what about the concert tonight? MICHAEL What about it? STEVIE I always do a sound check. If I don't, they'll be suspicious. MICHAEL I'll come with you. K.I.T.T. Excuse me, Michael, but Devon and April are awaiting the pleasure of your company in the mobile unit. MICHAEL They are? Why? K.I.T.T. While you were lip-sincing rock-n-roll. I broke the binary code. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - STOCK The Foundation semi appears. It's tailgate begins to lower. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am appears coming the opposite way. Michael executes a 180, accelerates and pops up the ramp. Hold on the semi for: MICHAEL'S VOICE The suspense is killing me. What've we got? DEVON'S VOICE Look for yourself. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael joins Devon and April at the computer. Devon hits buttons. ANGLE ON COMPUTER SCREEN The binary code breaks into neat columns of numbers and letters. It begins, "AR SB F19 8145P 1K." The next line: "AR LV F19 930P 2.5K." BACK TO THEM Michael looks puzzled. MICHAEL I hope somebody's got this figured out, because I sure don't. DEVON We have April to thank. He gestures for her to do the honors. APRIL I'd like to say it's a result of computer wizardry, but it's not. One summer I worked at a travel agency. (points) 'AR' is the abbreviation for 'arrive.' 'LV' is short for 'Las Vegas.' If this is a schedule, 'F 19' could be 'Friday the nineteenth.' MICHAEL Was the nineteenth on a Friday? APRIL (nods) The '845P' is the time -- 8:45 PM. MICHAEL The last symbol is a number and a 'K.' The numbers vary but there's always a 'K.' (realizes) 'K' is short for 'kilogram.' Is this some kind of drug delivery schedule? DEVON That would be my guess. If you look at the first two letters preceding AR you can plot a flight across the country. 'SB' is San Bernardino, 'LV' is Las Vegas and so on. MICHAEL This is all we need. DEVON I wish that were the case. One of the reasons this is so effective is its immediacy. Guess when this particular video was aired. MICHAEL The nineteenth. Devon nods. Michael paces, frustrated. MICHAEL (to Devon) What do we need to nail them the next time out? DEVON The delivery schedule before the drops are made. MICHAEL If we can do it, is the D.E.A. ready to move? DEVON At a moment's notice. CUT TO EXT. AMPHITHEATER - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. AMPHITHEATER - DAY Stevie checks the mikes on the huge stage, crosses to talk MOS with a roadie. ANGLE AT BACKSTAGE AREA An expensive late-model car pulls in and stops. Barbara and Paul climb out, Paul carrying a briefcase. They hurry inside. ANGLE ON STAGE Stevie finishes talking with the roadie, crosses toward backstage. ANGLE - BACKSTAGE Stevie appears, leaving, coming down a long silent corridor. As she passes a door she hears voices, indistinct at first, then identifiable. PAUL'S VOICE What difference does it make who he is? He's on to us. So's Stevie. She stops, listening. BARBARA'S VOICE Being 'on to' us and being able to prove something are two different things. PAUL'S VOICE For the moment, yeah. We've been lucky. For heaven's sake, Barbara, we're rich. We don't have to keep doing this. Why take the chance? Why keep --- The door opens and suddenly there are their faces. Stevie bolts. Paul runs after her, grabs her and wrestles her into submission, a hand clasp over her mouth. ANOTHER ANGLE Barbara reaches them, a pistol in her hand. Stevie is terrified. PAUL I hope you're satisfied. BARBARA Will you shut up? (to Stevie) All right, Stevie, the charade's over. No more cat-and-mouse, no more pretenses. I'll make it real simple for you. The concert goes on as planned tonight. You and Michael sing. You smile. You make him think this conversation never took place. If you succeed, you two can walk out of here afterwards. If you don't, if you try to warn him, there will be a man with a gun in the crowd. One false move and you're both dead. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT./INT. UNIVERSAL AMPHITHEATER - NIGHT - STOCK Crowds of young people stream in. INT. AREA BEHIND AMPHITHEATER - NIGHT Lots of activity, crews working on last minute checks, big amplifiers being moved, etc. Ivory moves through. His attention is diverted by: ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am pulls in and parks. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael pauses before climbing out. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Is something wrong? MICHAEL I don't know, pal. When I talked to Stevie, she sounded...strange. K.I.T.T. Frightened? MICHAEL No, cheerful. Almost too cheerful. (then) Prob'ly my imagination. Keep your eyes open. The scanner flashes. Michael climbs out, crosses toward the backstage entrance. As he does, he passes: OMITTED ROSCOE moving through the lot, heading for the front entrance to the Amphitheater. He's gone through some changes: his hair's shorter (or combed), his clothes are more conven- tional. Generally, he looks more subdued. He's carrying his ghetto blaster, though. The tune, however, is playing Vivaldi ("Four Seasons"). As he passes the Trans Am, K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes, he interrupts the music and we hear K.I.T.T.'s voice through the speakers: K.I.T.T. Nice music isn't it? ROSCOE Yeah...I guess. (beat) I think I'm going through with- drawals though.... K.I.T.T. It's all for the best, believe me. Roscoe nods, obviously not totally sold on the idea. K.I.T.T. brings the music back up and Roscoe continues on. INT. AMPHITHEATER BACKSTAGE AREA - NIGHT Members of the band, friends and roadies drift in and out. We hear rock music O.S., cheers from the large crowd. Pan to Michael entering. The roadie, Jimmy, pauses in passing. MICHAEL Jimmy -- where's Stevie? JIMMY I don't know, she was here with Paul a minute ago -- Hey, did you hear about the big screen they're using tonight? MICHAEL Big screen? JIMMY Barbara's got it all set up -- They're gonna project the show on a big screen behind us during the show. You're gonna be twelve feet tall, man. Gigantic.... He hustles off, pleased. Michael frowns, thinking, then hurries back outside. ANGLE IN DIFFERENT BACKSTAGE AREA Perhaps a dressing room. Stevie sits, dressed, ready to go on. She looks pale, tense. Barbara sits across from her. The door opens and Paul sticks his head in. PAUL Five minutes. Barbara nods. BARBARA She'll give the performance of her life. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael punches buttons, preparing K.I.T.T., talking with Devon on the monitor at the same time. DEVON I don't like it, Michael. They suspect you're onto them. They're breaking their usual pattern --- MICHAEL Devon, this is our chance. Broken pattern or not, we may not get another one. You handle the D.E.A., Kitt'll handle the code and I'll handle Paul and Barbara. (to K.I.T.T.) All set? K.I.T.T. I'm prepared for everything except another onslaught of rock-n-roll. MICHAEL (grins; to Devon) He's all set. Jimmy comes running out in b.g. JIMMY (calls) Michael, we're on! MICHAEL (to Devon) Gotta go. He punches Devon off, climbs out. INT. AMPHITHEATER - NIGHT - VARIOUS SHOTS - STOCK Over: PA VOICE And now a warm Southern California welcome for...Class Action! The crowd applauds, whistles. ANGLE BACKSTAGE NEAR WINGS Michael arrives, looking for Stevie. She appears, beautiful, moving toward him, ethereal. We see Paul and Barbara behind her, watching. MICHAEL You look fabulous.... They smile and kiss lightly. On stage, the band is striking the first notes of the first song. Michael looks at her more closely. MICHAEL You okay? STEVIE I'm fine. (listens off) I think that's our cue. MOVING SHOT as they walk toward the big stage. Michael is struck by an overwhelming feeling. MICHAEL (sotto voce) What's wrong? STEVIE Nothing. They're about to go on stage. Michael makes a decision, grabs her arm. MICHAEL Stevie, talk to me! She reacts, pulls away from him, terrified, glancing back in the direction of Paul and Barbara. STEVIE Michael, please! We're on. MICHAEL (sotto voce) They know, don't they? Did they threaten you? STEVIE (sotto voce) There's a man with a gun in the audience. ANGLE ON STAGE It's dark...The last chords of the introduction finish and the lights come on, revealing the band in place. Cheers and applause over as: OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Stevie appears, moving to the music, Michael coming in behind her. The timing is perfect. The crowd goes wild. They begin their duet from opposite sides of the stage, singing to one another, moving to the music, slowly coming closer and closer. INTERCUT - CROWD - STOCK They're hooked, captured. Some people stand and sway to the beat, hands outstretched above them. ANGLE ON STAGE Instead of meeting centerstage Michael and Stevie move past each other, as if flirting and teasing, an ageless male/female ritual. Stevie glances back at him with a toss of her head and Michael begins to move toward her, pursue her. The crowd roars its approval. ANGLE ON SCREEN BEHIND THEM The video is projected behind them, move for move, on the huge screen. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. The performance continues on the monitor, the video behind it. It suddenly freezes, then slowly reverses. Then stops. We see, isolated, a binary code. CUT TO INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT - CLOSE ON COMPUTER A transmission signal flashes. WIDER ANGLE Devon and April react. April moves to the computer as Devon reaches for his phone. APRIL It's Kitt. DEVON (into phone) Yes, get Charles Elliott, Drug Enforcement Administration. Ring his private line, he's expecting me. INSERT - COMPUTER The binary code transforms into a list of numbers and letters similar to the previous one. DEVON'S VOICE Hello, Charles. Devon Miles. We're on --- CUT TO INT. AMPHITHEATER - NIGHT - STOCK The closing notes of the song come over and the audience rises to its feet. ANGLE ON GUNMAN off to one side, half hidden. He pulls a long-barrelled pistol from his jacket. ANGLE ON STAGE Michael and Stevie are into the last verse of the song. Michael waits for the right moment, turns, speaks into the comlink. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, there's a sniper in the crowd. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL'S VOICE I need a blackout when the song ends. K.I.T.T.'s systems activate. Microwave jammer pulsates. Offstage, the song is concluding. ANGLE ON GENERATOR Sparks begin to fly. Smoke appears. ANGLE ON STAGE As they finish the final verse the auditorium suddenly goes black. People scream. ANGLE ON GUNMAN Ready to fire he pauses, frustrated, unable to see. ANGLE ON STAGE Michael finds Stevie, grabs her hand. MICHAEL C'mon, quick! The comlink buzzes. MICHAEL (comlink) Yeah, Kitt! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Paul and Barbara are leaving. MICHAEL (comlink) Don't let 'em get away. ANGLE BEHIND AMPHITHEATER Paul and Barbara climb into their car. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. His systems come alive. The gear shift shifts, the acceler- ator is depressed. ANGLE NEAR EXIT As Paul heads for the exit, K.I.T.T. suddenly appears, stops, blocking his path. Paul leans on the horn but K.I.T.T. doesn't move. PAUL (yells) Hey -- outta the way! K.I.T.T. doesn't move. Furious, Paul jumps out of his car and crosses to K.I.T.T. PAUL I don't know who you think you are but --- He breaks off, staring inside: there's no one behind the wheel. BARBARA Do something! Hit him! PAUL (stunned) There's nobody there! K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. K.I.T.T. I resent that. Paul stares in disbelief, turns and runs for his car. ANOTHER ANGLE Out of the darkness we see motion. It slams into Paul, knocking him against his car. It's Michael. DIFFERENT ANGLES Paul swings, hits Michael, kicking him back. He tries to climb into his car before Michael recovers but he doesn't make it; Michael grabs him from behind, spins him around and catches him with one good punch. Barbara screams. Paul slumps to the ground. ANGLE ON PASSENGER DOOR It pops open and Barbara comes out running, the floppy disc used to transmit the binary code in her hand. Michael catches her, wrests it from her grip. BARBARA (furious) What do you think you're doing! Give that back, it's mine! MICHAEL Got that, Kitt? K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. In b.g. we see Stevie appear, coming out. She stops, watching. K.I.T.T. Affirmative, Michael. MICHAEL (to Barbara) A good lawyer could've argued insuf- ficient proof of possession. Thanks for the statement. Barbara grabs for the gun in her purse but Michael disarms her. MICHAEL Don't tempt me. K.I.T.T. Michael! There's a man with a gun! ANGLE ON REAR OF AMPHITHEATER The man seen earlier suddenly appears, the long-barrelled gun in his hand. Intent on Michael, he doesn't notice Stevie. She grabs a length of two by four and clobbers him. The man, only slightly stunned, turns on Stevie. Michael reacts, races to help. Suddenly, out of the shadows Ivory appears and with one meaty fist knocks out the gunman. He and Michael exchange their first smile. MICHAEL It's nice having you around. Thanks.... Michael extends his hand. Ivory nods silently, takes Michael's hand in a bone-crunching shake. Off Michael's reaction: DISSOLVE TO INT./EXT. AMPHITHEATER - NIGHT - STOCK It's dark and late, deserted. STEVIE'S VOICE Michael, this is crazy.... ANGLE ON STAGE He leads her out by the hand. The seats that stretch out in front of them are empty. MICHAEL There are a thousand songs that make me think of you. But since I couldn't pick a thousand songs, I had to pick one worth a thousand. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. He knows his cue. He activates Microwave Jammer and Tape. INSERTS - DIFFERENT SHOTS Amplifiers come to life, sound systems are switched on. ANGLE ON STAGE From the huge speakers surrounding the stage the instrumental track of "Let It Be Me" fills the empty Amphitheater. Stevie reacts, incredulous. Michael begins the vocal. DIFFERENT ANGLES He sings to her across the empty stage. She begins to dance as before, slowly, magically, at one moment a young girl, the next a woman. When his vocal ends, hers begins, and she sings to him, her voice more beautiful than he's ever heard it before. LONG SHOT Across row after row of empty chairs they sing their love song to one another. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. STEVIE'S APARTMENT - DAY The band's bus is parked in front. Pan to the apartment as the members of the band exit, one after another, each loaded down with something of Stevie's -- clothes, suitcases, a framed print or two, a potted plant, etc. They carry the stuff to the bus, load it in. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael pulls up in K.I.T.T., parks, crosses toward her apartment. She appears, coming down. They smile, pause, not sure how to handle it. MICHAEL Hi. STEVIE Hi. MICHAEL (gestures re moving) You don't let the grass grow. STEVIE (shrugs) We'll be on the road for three months ...it just didn't make sense to keep it. MICHAEL Need a hand? STEVIE A hug. Michael smiles, moves to her. She drops whatever she's carrying and they embrace. STEVIE It seems like we're always saying good-bye. MICHAEL I haven't. Not this time. This time you're saying good-bye. STEVIE (beat) One of us has to. MICHAEL Why? STEVIE Michael, you know why. My life may have changed, but yours hasn't. MICHAEL I could leave the Foundation.... STEVIE That's too high a price to pay. At least right now. (beat) Maybe someday it won't be. MICHAEL We'll be together again. STEVIE I know. She kisses him, tears in her eyes. STEVIE See you in the supermarket. She turns, grabs her stuff and hurries toward the waiting bus. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He watches her leave, turns, slowly crosses back toward K.I.T.T. The sound of the bus pulling away, and he can't help himself. He looks. HIS POINT OF VIEW - STEVIE Her face appears in the rear window. She waves, trying to cover her tears with a smile. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He waves back. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END