EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #57804 Robert Foster June 2, 1983 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCER: Joel Rogosin Rev. 6/ 6/83 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCERS: Robert W. Gilmer Rev. 6/ 9/83 (F.R.) Gian R. Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER BIG IRON by Julie Friedgen ____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. EXCAVATION SITE - NIGHT Dark. Quiet. At first we see nothing but blackness, but gradually we begin to make out the shape of something hunched like a giant beetle in the dirt. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps crunching through the dirt is heard, and we see: TWO MEN hurrying toward the beetle. A click of a flashlight and a beam of light cuts through the night, illuminating our beetle: a big D8 tractor. In a second, the man without the flashlight -- Sam -- is on the tractor. He snaps cable grips on the battery terminal, takes out a screwdriver and leans into the engine. A spark flashes and the D8 fires to life. He tosses the cables to the second man, Junior, and jumps into the driver's seat. ANGLE - WIDER as Sam backs the tractor up, heads it toward a waiting truck. A third man (whose face we don't see) joins them, helps guide the tractor into the bed of the truck where they secure it with heavy chains. They move silently, quickly. It's clear they've done this before. Suddenly, light sweeps across the construction site. The three men turn to see twin beams of: HEADLIGHTS OF ANOTHER CAR heading toward them. BACK TO SCENE as Sam and Junior jump into the cab of the truck, start it. The third jumps into a waiting Bronco. With a grinding of gears, the big rig rumbles forward, its lights off. The Bronco heads in an opposite direction, disappearing into the night. ON THE RIG as it heads directly toward the oncoming car. The big rig is riding squarely in the middle of the narrow, dusty road. ON THE CAR A small compact, dwarfed by the truck speeding toward it. Inside, we see Joe Glover, the night guard assigned to the construction site. He leans on his horn and is answered by the thundering roar of the truck's air horn. ANGLE - WIDER as the truck bears down on Glover, without a possibility of stopping. Another blast from the truck's horn and then suddenly the road is bright as day as Sam switches on the truck's high beams. ON JOE blinded by the light of the truck as it looms over the tiny compact. At the last moment, he swerves sharply to the right, off the road and into the ditch that parallels it. The big rig rumbles by, shaking the ground and leaving a choking trail of dust in its wake. ANOTHER ANGLE as the rig heads down the road. Slowly, Joe struggles out of the battered car. He reaches for a pill box around his neck, takes a small pill out and quickly swallows it. As he slides to the ground we: CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY - STOCK As the Trans Am pulls up to the semi and starts up the ramp, we hear: MICHAEL (V.O.) I can't believe it. All I wanted was one measly jelly doughnut, and you act like it was a capital offense. As the Trans Am disappears inside: CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY as Michael parks. He gets out and we hear: K.I.T.T. As far as your body is concerned, it would have been. (beat) I analyzed its composition...bleached flour, refined sugar, preservatives, artificial color and flavoring...in other words, poison. As they talk, April crosses to them. APRIL How'd the ultraphonic chemical analyzer test out? Michael and K.I.T.T. respond, simultaneously: MICHAEL K.I.T.T. It's a pain in the neck. Extremely well. MICHAEL He's like a kid with a chemistry set. Everything's molecules and atoms...he doesn't know when to stop. April smiles at Michael, turns to K.I.T.T. APRIL We'll run it for a month to get the bugs out.... MICHAEL A month? I'm gonna starve to death. DEVON (V.O.) Then before I leave for Montreal, I'd best give you something to take your mind off your stomach.... ANOTHER ANGLE - TO FEATURE DEVON as he crosses to the Trans Am, speaks to Michael. DEVON I trust you've reviewed the computer file on Mr. Sanderson? Michael turns to Devon. MICHAEL Yeah. I never realized there was such a market for stolen construc- tion equipment. Devon smiles at Michael, moves to a computer terminal, punches in as he talks: DEVON See for yourself. ANGLE TO INCLUDE COMPUTER SCREEN as a brightly colored bar graph appears, delineating frequency and cost of theft on a yearly, or monthly, basis. Michael whistles. DEVON Millions of dollars worth of equipment is stolen and then illegally resold each year. MICHAEL The old five-finger discount. DEVON It's epidemic. And the authorities have neither the time nor the manpower to help people like Frank Sanderson. That's why he contacted us...he's desperate. (checking watch) Well, I've got a jet to catch. Good luck, Michael.... ANGLE - WIDER as Devon heads for the exit and Michael for the Trans Am. MICHAEL April, can't we do without the chemical analyzer? I've done my research and I should be able to tell the difference between a tractor and a taco. K.I.T.T. Quite frankly, Michael, you might be better off ingesting the tractor. APRIL You may find that sooner or later, it'll come in handy. She crosses to the Trans Am, opens the door, sits in the front seat of the Trans Am and punches a couple of buttons. The vidscreen lights up. INT. TRANS AM TO INCLUDE THE VIDSCREEN where we see a graphic representation of a ninety degree protractor, with the Trans Am at the base. Michael leans in, looks over April's shoulder at the screen. APRIL I've also adapted a trajectory guide to Kitt's turbo boost system. April punches buttons which adjust the angle of the Trans Am on the graph. APRIL By adjusting the angle here you should be able to launch him at any angle within a ninety degree arc. MICHAEL In case we have to leap tall buildings in a single bound, huh? April climbs out of the car. APRIL If that suits your purposes. If you want to make me happy, just find some semi-reasonable way to test it. Michael gets into the car, smiles back at April. MICHAEL I'm hoping I won't have to. CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY - STOCK as the Trans Am backs out of the semi, pulls away. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - TUCSON - DAY A simple, sunlit family stopover. Michael comes out of the office, jumps in the car, and slowly pulls forward to a parking space in front of a room. Michael grabs a bag from the backseat. Before he gets out of the car: K.I.T.T. Michael, you're not planning to eat in the motel diner, are you? MICHAEL Hadn't thought about it. Why? K.I.T.T. Because its kitchen contains more bacteria than a petri dish. Michael smiles and climbs out of the car. Next to his room is a soft drink machine and an ice machine. As Michael fiddles with his key, the door next to his opens and we hear the delightful giggle of: A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN who we'll later know as Lucy Sanderson. Right now, though, she's just one great-looking dame. She whispers to a man in the room (we don't see his face), closes the door and turns to nearly bump into Michael. Another delightful laugh for Michael's benefit, then she's gone. ON MICHAEL As he turns to go into his room, he spots the soft drink machine, hesitates a beat, then opens his door and goes inside. A second later, Michael emerges, heads for the soft drink machine like a kid raiding the cookie jar. In a second, he's got a can of something. Glancing guiltily over his shoulder at K.I.T.T., he disappears back into his room. CUT TO EXT. EXCAVATION SITE - DAY The same site that opened the show. During the day we see it's the site of a subdivision that's just getting started. The drone of one backhoe (or comparable construction equip- ment) is heard. At the end of the dusty road off the highway is a faded white trailer, with "Sanderson Construction" written across the side. The Trans Am pulls up and parks. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he climbs out and walks toward the trailer. The door is closed, so he knocks. No answer. Another knock, but still no answer. Finally, he tries the knob. Just as it turns, we hear a click behind Michael and then: VOICE Freeze. Michael turns very quickly to see: FRANK SANDERSON on the other end of a very lethal-looking shotgun. Fiftyish, muscular, brown. A day's growth of beard covers a leathered face. FRANK You'd better have a real good story. Michael steps back, his hands in the air. MICHAEL I'm looking for Frank Sanderson. FRANK You found him. What do you want? MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. Devon Miles, from the Foundation sent me.... A beat as Frank evaluates this, decides it must be true, then Frank lowers his shotgun, sets it by the front door. FRANK Sorry. Not exactly hospitable, I guess. (angrily) But, I don't know who to trust anymore. They hit me again two nights ago... nearly killed my guard, and drove off with a brand new D8. The cops have been out, but they've only got one guy for the whole county.... Before Michael can respond, a telephone rings inside the trailer. Sanderson answers it, leaving the door open as he talks. FRANK Hello...hello, John. I know. Listen, I can't finish the job without equip- ment, but I can't pay you back without the job...look, I'm coming over to talk ...now...fifteen minutes, that's all I want.... Frank slams down the phone, stands in the doorway of the trailer. Finally, slowly, he takes a battered hat and walks down the stairs. Michael's moved away from the trailer, but he's overheard everything. Frank knows it. ON FRANK as he crosses to Michael. He suddenly looks ten years older. He shakes his head. FRANK Worked thirty years. About all I've got left is memories... (beat) They get you between a rock and a hard place, and there's no place to move.... Frank's voice fades away. He stands, surveying his building site, then turns to Michael. FRANK Look, I don't mean to sound ungrate- ful, but at this point nothing less than a miracle's gonna help me. MICHAEL I'm not strong on miracles, but you mentioned a guard. I'd like to talk to him. (beat) It's a start.... Frank looks at Michael, long and hard, then smiles. Sticks out his hand. FRANK His name's Joe Glover. He's worked for me for twenty years. He's a good man. Anything you need to know, he'll tell you. You can usually find him down at Tulley's about now. Frank turns to head for his pickup, turns back to Michael. FRANK I'd be pleased to have you to dinner tonight. Like you to meet my wife, Lucy. (smiling) Best cook in the whole state. With that, Frank turns and climbs into his pickup truck, fires it up and drives off. Hold on Michael watching him go, then: CUT TO EXT. TULLEY'S BAR - DAY An ND neighborhood bar. A couple of dusty trucks are parked outside. We see the Trans Am parked in the street in front of a meter reading "Violation." A meter maid pulls up in her wagon, stops, gets out and prepares to write a ticket. We hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Please don't do that...I'm allergic to tickets. The meter maid looks up, startled, sees no one, and goes back to writing her ticket. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as the Trans Am silently creeps forward into the next spot directly in front of him where the meter shows fifteen minutes left. ON THE METER MAID finishing with her ticket, looking up and finding the Trans Am parked in the other spot. She stares at the Trans Am, checks the meter, looks around trying to figure out what's going on. Finally, she tears the ticket she's written in half, stuffs it in her pocket. As she does, we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE There...don't you feel better? I certainly do. By this time, the poor meter maid's convinced she's been in the sun too long. She quickly climbs into her cart and hurries down the street. As she does: CUT TO INT. TULLEY'S BAR - DAY A funky bar, with pool table, pinball and neon bear signs. A handful of customers are visible, drinking beer, watching the tube. At a table near the bar, a raucous domino game is being played by two men we recognize as Junior and Sam. Behind the bar, a pretty young woman in her twenties, Mary Beth, washes glasses. Michael's sitting at the bar. ANGLE ON THE BAR as a good-looking smooth-talker, Vance Burke, moves in beside Michael. BURKE Howdy. Saw you sittin' all alone. Name's Vance Burke. He shakes Michael's hand, gives him a business card. INSERT - THE CARD reading: VANCE BURKE, EQUIPMENT SALES BACK TO SHOT MICHAEL Michael Knight. Just passing through. BURKE When I see a new face in town, I just like to let 'em know I'm here in case they need any big iron. MICHAEL Sorry. I'm not in the market. BURKE Keep the card anyway. You never know. He slaps Michael on the back and exits the bar. Mary Beth crosses to Michael. MARY BETH Get you anything else? Behind them, the domino game rages, with raucous laughter, shouting. Mary Beth grimaces, shakes her head. Michael smiles sympathetically. MICHAEL Maybe you could help me. I'm looking for Joe Glover, thought he'd be here. MARY BETH He was, but he's gone home. Feeling pretty rotten. MICHAEL Yeah, I heard about the accident. MARY BETH Some accident. He was run off the road, nearly killed... (suspiciously) You from that insurance company? MICHAEL No way. Just a friend of a friend... Frank Sanderson. Behind Michael, Sam and Junior exchange a glance. Mary Beth wipes the bar with a vengeance. MARY BETH I've got nothing against Frank, but I told Joe to quit that job months ago...when all the trouble started. But, you think he'd listen? To me or anyone else? No way. He's been out there every night, in the cold...with his bad heart and arthritis. Like a sitting duck. MICHAEL Sitting duck? MARY BETH Sure. Joe said it himself...whoever's stealing from Sanderson knows where he's working, the rigs he's running, the guard schedule...everything. MICHAEL I'd like to talk to Joe. Mary Beth's suddenly a little distant, standoffish. She doesn't respond. MICHAEL Look, if I can help Frank, it's going to make Joe's job a lot safer, right? (beat) Mary Beth nods. MICHAEL But, you don't trust me, right? Never seen me before, don't know exactly what I'm up to, don't particularly care for my after- shave.... Mary Beth blushes, smiles in spite of herself. MARY BETH I didn't even notice it. MICHAEL Good, 'cuz I don't wear any. Just testing you. Mary Beth laughs, grabs a pencil, writes down an address on the back of a napkin. MARY BETH You can always catch him home after eight. That's the easy part.... MICHAEL What's the hard part? MARY BETH Getting him to talk. I'd bring a little hair of the dog if I were you.... MICHAEL Got it. And thanks.... With that, Michael pays for the beer, gets up and leaves. As he passes the table where Sam and Junior are playing dominoes, both of the men turn to stare after him. Hold on them and then: CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY As the Trans Am drives by, we hear: MICHAEL Kitt, give me what you've got on Frank Sanderson's company history. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - ON MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. (beat) It's rather brief, actually. In 1956, he went into partnership with a Lloyd Newald. Three years ago they dissolved their partnership, and Sanderson's been working by himself ever since. MICHAEL A silver anniversary and then they split up. What's Newald up to these days? K.I.T.T. Working independently also. Very successfully, I might add. (beat) I'm not sure whether it's relevant but the volume of legal documents accompanying the end of the partner- ship indicates a rather acrimonious separation. MICHAEL (nodding) Sounds like a lot of divorces. (beat) Wonder if they argued over community property. CUT TO EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH We see the Trans Am parked outside. Over this, we hear: FRANK'S VOICE Of course we argued. Like cats and dogs.... CUT TO INT. FRANK'S HOUSE - NIGHT A comfortable, nicely furnished Western house. Michael and Frank are in the living room. Frank comes into the room with chips, dip and cheese on a tray. FRANK We couldn't agree on anything. But, after twenty-five years, that's normal ...isn't it? Frank looks at Michael, half-expecting an answer. Finally, he pops open a beer, hands it to Michael. FRANK Afraid this is gonna be it for dinner...I didn't think to phone Lucy, and she'd made plans. You know how women are today. MICHAEL (grabbing a chip) No problem. (beat) Why did you and Newald finally split up? FRANK Simple. Newald got this crazy bug to start speculating in real estate. I wouldn't go along. MICHAEL Any money problems because of the split? FRANK Big ones. I'd put more money into the company when we started, but we'd never thought about writing anything down. MICHAEL And twenty-five years later it's real hard to remember.... FRANK Remembering was easy. Problem was, I remembered one figure, Newald remembered another. It got real sticky... (frowning) Newald even started talking about how I'd cheated him. That's died down now, but Newald's like an old pit bull. Once he gets his teeth into something, he just can't let go... (shaking his head) We haven't said two words to each other since we split up.... We hear the sound of footsteps from the hall and Lucy's voice: LUCY (O.S.) Frank, I'm leaving. Frank and Michael stand as Lucy steps into the living room. ANGLE ON THE DOORWAY framing Lucy, the same beautiful woman we saw outside of Michael's motel room. Michael and Lucy recognize each other at the same moment. A spark of recognition that Frank misses completely. He's looking at Lucy with the proprietary pride a man might have for a fine bird dog. FRANK Michael, my wife Lucy. Lucy, Michael Knight. He's out here on business.... Michael and Lucy exchange ad-libbed hellos. Lucy avoids Michael's eyes, turns quickly to Frank and gives him a cursory peck. LUCY Don't wait up, hon.... FRANK Are you kidding? I'll be sawing logs by ten. LUCY (a beat) I know. Nice to meet you, Mr. Knight. Hope you can take a rain check on dinner. MICHAEL Be glad to. Thanks.... Very proper, very cool. Lucy exits. Frank watches her go, a smile playing across his face. FRANK She's a beauty, isn't she? Michael nods, but doesn't respond. Off his troubled look: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. STREET - NIGHT as the Trans Am pulls up in front of an ND little cottage. Obviously not the high-rent part of town. Michael gets out, walks to the front door. ANGLE ON THE FRONT DOOR He knocks. There's no answer in the house, though a light is burning. He knocks again. Still no answer. Michael tries the knob -- the door opens a crack. MICHAEL Joe? Joe Glover? No answer. Michael pushes the door open, enters the cottage. INT. COTTAGE - NIGHT where we see Joe Glover sprawled on the living room floor, obviously quite dead. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he rushes to the body, leans over, searches for a pulse, doesn't find one. MICHAEL Oh, no.... Something O.S. catches Michael's eye. He crosses to a couch not far from the body, kneels and retrieves some- thing from beneath it. He holds the thing up and we recognize the small pillbox that hung around Joe's neck. The chain's broken but the pills are intact. Michael encloses the pillbox in his fist, turns back to Joe, and we hold on Michael staring at the lifeless body as we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON THE TRANS AM - STOCK as the Trans Am moves slowly toward the outskirts of the city. MICHAEL'S VOICE I don't know, buddy. Something just doesn't wash. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael's lost in thought, fingering Joe Glover's pillbox on its broken chain. K.I.T.T. The medical examiner's report states the cause of Joe Glover's death as cardiac arrest. MICHAEL I know, no sign of a struggle, nothing out of the ordinary. Very convenient. What about the pills? Scientific figures and data flash through the chemical analyzer, appearing on K.I.T.T.'s screens. K.I.T.T. Glyceryle trinitrate, or a form of nitroglycerine, commonly used as a vasodilator. MICHAEL The kind of thing you'd keep real close if you had a heart condition ...maybe even wear around your neck in case of an attack, right? K.I.T.T. Most certainly. MICHAEL But the chain that held them was broken and somehow Joe's pills ended up all the way across the room when he was having an attack. Sounds like somebody could've kept Joe from getting to them, doesn't it? K.I.T.T. That doesn't necessarily follow, Michael. MICHAEL Maybe, but something in my bones tells me I'm right. More visuals flash on K.I.T.T.'s screens -- anatomy diagrams of human bone structures. K.I.T.T. The ultraphonic analyzer indicates there's absolutely nothing unusual about your bones. MICHAEL I'm talking about a feeling, Kitt. A gut reaction. More visuals, this time of internal organs, intestinal systems. K.I.T.T. And I'm showing no unusual activity in your gastro-intestinal system. MICHAEL Okay, okay, let's drop it. We'll just follow the only lead we've got -- to Lloyd Newald's. As Michael steps up the speed, we: CUT TO EXT. NEWALD CONSTRUCTION - DAY Compared to Frank's lone trailer, this is the big leagues. An attractive building, a yard with impressive equipment. We see the Trans Am parked out front. ANGLE ON MICHAEL moving through the machines, casually inspecting them. He stops near a D8 (same kind of machine we saw stolen in the opening sequence), shiny with a new coat of paint. Michael runs his finger over it. The paint's wet. Behind him, we hear: SAM'S VOICE You looking for something, mister? Michael turns to see Sam and Junior glaring at him. He smiles, wipes the paint off his finger. MICHAEL Lloyd Newald. JUNIOR This ain't Mr. Newald's office...and you're trespassing. Just then, Lloyd Newald arrives. Like Frank, he's in his fifties, tanned, muscular. He nods at Sam and Junior. NEWALD I'll take care of this, boys. Sam and Junior reluctantly back off, but don't leave. Newald turns to Michael. NEWALD What can I do for you Knight? (off Michael's look) Word gets around pretty quick. Michael glances over at Sam and Junior. They glare right back. He turns back to Newald. MICHAEL Then I'll get right to the point... I'm trying to find out what's been happening to Frank Sanderson's equipment. NEWALD So you've come to talk to me. (with an edge) I don't like the implication. MICHAEL None intended. I'm just trying to get some information.... NEWALD I'll give you some: Sanderson's not the only guy around here losing equipment -- lots of guys are. Practically everybody gets hit once in a while. I lost two pieces in the last six months, and I've got the police reports to prove it. MICHAEL Frank's lost over twice that many. And whoever's hitting him knows his operation inside and out. Newald stares hard at Michael. He's getting pissed. NEWALD Meaning me, right? Is that what Sanderson said? Because if he did, he's a liar! I'm making enough running my business...I don't have to steal from his. Michael shows Newald the paint on his fingers. MICHAEL Sanderson lost a D8 last week...a lot like the one you just painted. NEWALD (flaring) That's his problem not mine. I'd suggest you and Sanderson get that straight. Real soon... (beat) ...or you're both gonna have some real trouble on your hands. With that, Newald wheels and stomps away, gesturing to Sam and Junior: NEWALD I want him out of this yard...now! Michael turns to see Sam and Junior approaching him. They don't look happy. Michael stops, smiles. MICHAEL No problem, guys...I can find my own way.... Sam and Junior stare hard at Michael as he walks past them to the Trans Am. Hold on them, and then: CUT TO EXT. FRANK'S BACKYARD - LATE AFTERNOON A beautiful garden, with flowers, plants, shrubs. In the midst of this, we see Lucy Sanderson, in an attractive bathing suit, sitting by the pool. She's talking into a cordless telephone. Her tone is playful, almost seductive. LUCY Would you stop it... (giggles) I can't...you know that.... At this point, Lucy glances over to see Michael standing uncomfortably in the b.g. She blanches. LUCY Look, someone's just come in. I'll have to phone back. Bye.... Lucy sets down the cordless phone, stands to face Michael. MICHAEL Sorry...I thought Frank would be home by now. I saw your note on the door... so I came around.... LUCY I was expecting the caterer for the party, not... (regaining her composure) Frank's still at the site....he's always at a site somewhere... Fourteen hours a day, six days a week, fifty two weeks a year. That's Frank's life. That's all he ever talks about. (a little bitter) We took a vacation about three years ago...went to Vegas for a weekend. There just happened to be an equipment show going on.... MICHAEL Look, Mrs. Sanderson.... LUCY Frank's idea of a night on the town is chicken fried steak at the truck stop cafe, a beer at Tulley's, and the late movies on TV. Lucy looks around at the lush backyard. LUCY This yard's my little oasis...it keeps the dust and the dirt and the desert out...there. (fiercely) I'm not going to dry up and wither away. I love Frank. He's my husband. But... (beat) A thirsty person's got to have water. That's basic. MICHAEL (beat) Mrs. Sanderson, what you do with your life is your business, not mine. But, I'd be real careful about drawing your water from someone else's well. Lucy doesn't like the accuracy of Michael's implication, changes the subject. LUCY What'd you want to talk to Frank about, anyway? MICHAEL Bad news, I'm afraid. (beat) Joe Glover died last night. I think he was murdered. The news stuns Lucy, shakes her up. Off her reaction, we: CUT TO INT. FRANK'S HOUSE - NIGHT Frank and Michael are in the living room. Michael paces the floor. Frank is clearly disturbed. FRANK Kill Joe...I just can't believe it. MICHAEL Someone must've been afraid Joe recognized him the night your place was hit...someone Joe could identify. FRANK I know what you're thinking. Newald. (beat) There's a part of me just can't believe he could be involved... (beat) And there's a part of me knows he could. It's that damn pride of his.... MICHAEL Joe worked for you and Newald nearly twenty years. Developed loyalties... to both of you. FRANK You think he was protecting Newald? MICHAEL Maybe.... Frank thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. FRANK I don't know, Michael...I really don't. MICHAEL Frank, Newald's nursing a big grudge. Against you. And he happens to spread so thin he's about to rip. FRANK What? MICHAEL I did some digging. He's lost his shirt in real estate, and he's in big trouble.... In the hallway, the phone's been ringing. Frank answers it and we hear one end of a muffled conversation. A beat, then Frank returns. He's totally shaken. FRANK He just got another one. The most expensive grader I own. Frank sinks onto the sofa, a beaten man. MICHAEL You're not finished yet, Frank. CUT TO EXT. EXCAVATION SITE - DAY The Trans Am pulls slowly down a dirt road somewhere near the excavation site that opened the show. Michael pulls to a stop. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael surveys the surrounding countryside. MICHAEL The guard Frank hired to replace Joe was checking out another site...didn't see a thing. K.I.T.T. It doesn't appear there's much to see.... MICHAEL Hold on.... EXT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael jumps out of the car, walks down the road, K.I.T.T. following behind him like a loyal puppy, Michael carefully examining the road. He stops over a deeply embedded tire track. He turns to K.I.T.T., whose surveillance lights are flashing. MICHAEL Kitt, check out these tire tracks ...they're fresh. Michael walks back to the Trans Am, opens the door, and sits down. ANGLE ON MICHAEL waiting for K.I.T.T.'s response. In a second, it comes: K.I.T.T. Michael, I've found something rather interesting.... MICHAEL What is it? K.I.T.T. Silicon dioxide in the tracks.... MICHAEL Silicon dioxide. You mean sand? (impatiently) In case you haven't noticed, buddy, we're in the middle of a desert. K.I.T.T. If you'd let me continue...I've also detected a miniscule amount of horiz- onthal onium...better known as echino cactus...which only grows in one small section of the state: The Silverbell Mountains a few miles west of our present location. Michael slams the door shut, fires up the Trans Am. MICHAEL And if that's where the truck came from, that's probably where it went.... K.I.T.T. A logical conclusion...so much nicer than one of your gastro-intestinal responses.... MICHAEL Yeah, but not nearly as much fun. As the Trans Am spins in the dust and takes off, we: CUT TO EXT. DESERT - DAY A stretch of open desert, near a range of foothills. The Trans Am races across the desert floor, kicking up a plume of dust behind it. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael steers down the narrow, dusty road. MICHAEL You sure you know where we're going? K.I.T.T. Of course. The flora and fauna of an area can be read like a road map. MICHAEL Then keep reading, pal, 'cuz I'm lost. K.I.T.T. Michael, my ultraphonic analyzer is detecting an extraordinary amount of iron, with smaller amounts of carbon, manganese, coal.... MICHAEL Speak English.... K.I.T.T. Steel. At approximately forty- seven degrees north by northwest. MICHAEL Well, let's check it out. Michael takes a sharp right turn up an even smaller road, leading into the hills. As he does: CUT TO EXT. QUARRY - DAY An abandoned quarry pit, with a large warehouse-type building which stands on the edge of the pit. At the front of the building, we should see a pair of sliding double doors. The Trans Am roars down the road and parks in front of the warehouse. ON MICHAEL as he gets out of the Trans Am and moves to the double doors. They're locked, so Michael moves to one of the windows further down the wall, and peers inside. He lets out a long, low whistle, as he sees: INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY A nice collection (as much as our money can buy) of heavy equipment. BACK TO MICHAEL as we hear K.I.T.T.: K.I.T.T. My sensors indicate a vehicle approaching...approximately a quarter of a mile away. Michael backs away from the warehouse, toward the car. EXT. RED AND WHITE PICKUP TRUCK - DAY moving toward the warehouse. INT. RED AND WHITE PICKUP TRUCK Sam's at the wheel. Junior's gaze is on the warehouse. JUNIOR Looks like we got company. EXT. TRANS AM as Michael fires it up, quickly drives to the rear of the warehouse. INT. TRANS AM K.I.T.T. Michael, it would be wiser to use this time to effect a strategic departure. MICHAEL Sit tight, Kitt. I want to see who's behind this operation. K.I.T.T. We could always observe from a distance. (beat) Too late...the vehicle is directly in front of the warehouse. CUT TO EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY as Sam and Junior jump out of a red and white pickup truck with Newald's name on the side. They both disappear inside the warehouse. As they do: CUT TO EXT. REAR OF WAREHOUSE - DAY as Michael starts to get out of the Trans Am. MICHAEL I'm going to have a look around front. Just then, we hear the pulsing growl of diesel engines firing up. Michael stops, listens. MICHAEL What's that? K.I.T.T. I believe it's two D8 tractors... and they're coming this way. MICHAEL This way? There's no door back here.... K.I.T.T. I don't think that matters...Michael, get in here...quickly! The sound of the tractors grows louder. Michael leaps for K.I.T.T., just as the two tractors come barreling through the rear wall of the warehouse. INT. TRANS AM - ON MICHAEL as the big tractors loom over him, their blades smashing into K.I.T.T. and pushing the Trans Am toward the edge of the quarry. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt...let's go! K.I.T.T. I'm afraid that's out of the question, Michael. EXT. TRANS AM - DAY as the tractors push it over the edge and into the quarry pit, skidding backwards down the walls of the pit to the bottom. ANGLE - CLOSE ON THE TRANS AM Michael, knocked dizzy by the fall, struggles to gain consciousness. As he lifts his head and looks through the windshield, he sees: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE TRACTORS pushing an avalanche of dirt into the quarry. In an instant, the Trans Am is buried under tons of dirt. As the screen goes black, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. QUARRY - DAY K.I.T.T. is nowhere to be seen, buried under a tremendous mound of earth. Sam and Junior gaze down from the edge of the pit, then get into their pickup and leave. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY But it looks like night, pitch-dark night. Michael is lit only by the faint glow of K.I.T.T.'s dash. MICHAEL Give me a systems check, Kitt. Is everything functioning? K.I.T.T. It's hard to tell, Michael. My systems have never gone underground before. MICHAEL Neither have mine, and I don't like it. What's our depth? On K.I.T.T.'s monitor screens, sonar waves start to measure the quarry's depth. Then they begin to bounce back and forth, running into each other, a jumbled mess. K.I.T.T. It's impossible to tell. The granite composition of the soil around us has rendered my sonar useless. MICHAEL How much air have we got in here, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Twenty minutes, with a half-hour reserve. MICHAEL Then we've only got one chance -- April's new gadget. K.I.T.T. I don't believe the trajectory guide was designed with excavation in mind. MICHAEL And I wasn't designed with being buried alive in mind, pal. ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE DASH as Michael presses another button and the trajectory guide appears on the screens. It's a ninety degree protractor with K.I.T.T. at its vertex. Michael maneuvers the button until it reads "60 degrees." MICHAEL Keep your microchips crossed. He pauses, then he hits turbo boost. K.I.T.T. begins to shake -- the lights on the dash flicker -- but nothing happens. K.I.T.T. goes nowhere. K.I.T.T. There does not appear to be enough oxygen to achieve combustion for turbo boost. MICHAEL What if we tap into the reserve supply? K.I.T.T. I can't do that, Michael. In the event the trajectory guide should fail, you would not have enough oxygen left to survive. MICHAEL I'm not going to survive sitting here waiting for a miracle...let's go for it. K.I.T.T. I cannot willingly endanger human life, Michael. You know that. MICHAEL Yeah...well, if anyone asks, you can blame it on me. Michael hits the turbo boost. The car shakes violently -- the lights on the panel flicker. Nothing is happening. ANGLE ON MICHAEL holding his breath, tense, the shaking continues. ANOTHER ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE DASH as Michael punches up an oxygen reading. The supply is depleting rapidly. CLOSE ON MICHAEL beginning to strain for breath, sweat pouring down his face, the darkness beginning to close in. Suddenly.... EXT. QUARRY PIT - DAY The mound of earth explodes and K.I.T.T. flies up. The car barely clears the sheer granite wall and comes to a stop by the bulldozers. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY As the car, covered with dirt, settles, and K.I.T.T. springs open the doors. Michael stumbles out. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL Yeah...good job, Kitt. K.I.T.T. As a machine, I believe I'm quite fortunate not to have your human dependency upon oxygen for survival. MICHAEL As a human, I'm pretty lucky to have a machine like you for a friend. This seems to take K.I.T.T. aback. It takes a beat for him to respond. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. MICHAEL That pickup truck...any idea where it is? K.I.T.T. My sensors indicate it's still on a road east of us, moving away at a rapid rate. MICHAEL Yeah? Well, let's head 'em off at the pass. Michael shuts the door, starts K.I.T.T. up, hits the "Pursuit Mode" button on the dash. K.I.T.T. lurches and almost stalls out. MICHAEL What's wrong? K.I.T.T. I'm not certain. Then K.I.T.T.'s engines begin to purr normally. K.I.T.T. reaches Pursuit Mode speed. K.I.T.T. Apparently a temporary dysfunction. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE CHASE K.I.T.T. picks up amazing speed -- quickly closing the gap over the desert roads. On a rise we see the pickup truck. INT. TRUCK - ON SAM AND JUNIOR too engrossed in making tracks to notice the Trans Am behind them. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY The speedometer reads "125...130...135..."; then, oddly, it begins to read "135...130...125...." MICHAEL We're losing them! K.I.T.T. My diagnostic scanner indicates a plethora of mechanical malfunctions. To put it in your terms, Michael, I'm trashed. Michael watches, frustrated, as the pickup truck heads down the road. MICHAEL Can you catch the license plate? K.I.T.T. Q17425. MICHAEL Run a DMV check. A beat, then: K.I.T.T. According to the information in the Arizona Motor Vehicles Division, that truck is registered to Lloyd Newald. On Michael's reaction, we: CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION SEMI ON THE MOVE - DAY K.I.T.T. goes up and into the semi. INT. SEMI - DAY As Michael climbs out of the car, April hurries up, staring at K.I.T.T. He's dirty, dusty -- a wreck. So, for that matter, is Michael. April only has eyes for K.I.T.T. APRIL What in the world.... MICHAEL April! April spins angrily to face Michael. APRIL I don't want excuses, stories or explanations.... Michael grabs April and gives her a big hug. She backs away, flustered and embarrassed. APRIL Michael, what...why...I mean.... MICHAEL I just wanted to thank you for saving our skins. You and your trajectory guide.... K.I.T.T. Don't forget the ultraphonic chemical analyzer. April eyes Michael unsurely, trying to determine whether or not there's a punchline coming. APRIL He'll never thank me for that. MICHAEL Oh, you're wrong. We couldn't have found the stolen D8s without the chemical analyzer. You'll never hear me say another bad word about it. APRIL I'll believe it when I see it. MICHAEL I mean it...I love that thing. (pats K.I.T.T.'s hood) And you're the greatest. (smiles) So, if you could get Kitt ready to roll as soon as possible. We've got our first lead. APRIL As soon as possible? Look at Kitt. How can you expect me.... MICHAEL Like I said...you're the greatest. I'm going to grab a shower. Fifteen minutes? Another smile and he heads toward the semi's inner quarters. We hold on April's glare, as we: CUT TO EXT. TULLEY'S BAR - DAY Michael parks the newly cleaned Trans Am and heads inside. INT. TULLEY'S BAR - DAY Michael enters, and spots Newald, sitting at a table across the room. Enroute to Newald, he passes Sam and Junior, who are kibitzing with Mary Beth at the bar. They're shocked, dismayed. ANGLE ON SAM AND JUNIOR Intercut as they warily watch the discussion between Michael and Newald. ANGLE ON NEWALD'S TABLE as Michael crosses to the table, stands over Newald. The older man glares up at Michael, nods curtly. Michael stares back at him, barely controlling his anger. MICHAEL We've got a lot to talk about, Newald. Newell looks up at him, annoyed. NEWALD I seriously doubt that. MICHAEL I think you'd better listen. Real carefully...I just found a whole collection of stolen equipment out in the Silverbell Mountains. Newald straightens up. NEWALD That a fact? I'll bet some of it's mine.... MICHAEL I seriously doubt that. (beat) Someone driving one of your trucks tried to kill me out there. NEWALD One of my trucks? That's impossible! MICHAEL I've got the license plate and a MVD identification. NEWALD Then it was stolen. It had to be. MICHAEL That's what Frank would say. He thinks you're an honest man. Me...I'm not so sure. This enrages Newald and he jumps to his feet, collaring Michael. He spits out his words in a soft, menacing voice that only Michael can hear. NEWALD You ain't lived long enough to sit there an judge me, kid. We may not see eye to eye, but I'd stop breathin' before I'd steal a penny from Frank Sanderson...before I'd lend a hand in taking away everything he's worked for in his life. (beat) If he's nothing else, he's a man...and something plenty rare in this world. Newald releases Michael, sits down. Michael stands, staring at him, and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt he's telling the truth. ON SAM AND JUNIOR not liking the turn the conversation between Newald and Michael has taken. SAM They're talking too much. Let's get that guy out of here. Sam and Junior move quickly across the floor. WIDER ANGLE as the two men approach Michael from behind. Neither Newald or Michael see them coming. SAM C'mon, fella, we don't want any trouble. NEWALD Let him go, Sam. MICHAEL Hold on, boys, I'm not finished talking.... They're not listening. A scuffle develops as they pull Michael across the room. Michael breaks free, swings on Sam, decks him, then finds himself facing Junior who's holding a chair. A second later, Sam picks himself up and joins Junior. ANOTHER ANGLE as Frank enters the bar, sees the two-on-one in progress and hurries to Michael's aid. Across the room, Newald sees Frank joining the crowd and heads for him. VARIOUS ANGLES ON THE FIGHT Michael takes on Sam and Junior and, with a minimum of punches, neatly dispatches them. As he fights Frank and Newald are circling each other like two old grizzlies. Neither's throwing a punch, but they look like they're ready to. Suddenly, Frank lunges for Newald, misses him. Newald throws a blow that whistles past Frank's ear. They grab each other and stagger around the floor, knocking over tables and chairs, but never really hurting each other. Before they're able to do that, Michael's across the floor, prying them apart. ON MICHAEL standing between the huffing, wheezing middle-aged men. MICHAEL All right...knock it off. Frank and Newald stare warily at each other. NEWALD Look at you -- wheezing and puffing like an old goat. FRANK Look who's talking. You're lucky the kid broke us up. MICHAEL I broke it up because I want you guys talking. Not fighting. (beat) Whether you know it or not, I think you guys are up the same creek. Frank and Newald stare each other. They don't buy this for a moment. Michael stands between them like a referee. MICHAEL Let's find a quiet place and try and figure out how we can get you down. Off Frank and Newald's distrustful looks: CUT TO EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - DAY The Trans Am's parked among several cars in front of Frank's house. Michael and Newald wait as Frank starts to unlock the front door, finds it open. INT. FRANK'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY As Michael, Frank and Newald step into the living room, we hear the sound of music coming from the backyard, and we see a number of people, in bathing suits and summer clothes, dancing and talking on the back lawn. As they stare, sur- prised, we see: VANCE BURKE the guy Michael met in the bar. He comes in from the back- yard, crosses toward the kitchen. He sees Frank, smiles. Frank scowls. FRANK Burke...what're you doing here? BURKE Same thing as everyone else, Frank ...enjoying the party. Come on out.... Burke passes Frank, nods to Newald and Michael, disappears into the kitchen. Michael and Newald exchange an uneasy look. NEWALD Look, maybe we should've gone to my place. FRANK My place is just fine. (suddenly yelling) Lucy! ANOTHER ANGLE TO INCLUDE LUCY as she steps inside, hears Frank's voice and looks up, obviously startled to see him. LUCY What are you doing home so early? FRANK This is my house. What are you doing? LUCY I'm having a party. This is my house, too. Frank stares past Lucy at the party. Back to her: FRANK Without telling me? LUCY I mentioned it...lots of times. You weren't interested. In the party, or my friends.... FRANK Friends? I've never seen any of them. LUCY Of course not, Frank. You never wanted to meet any of them. Ever. I got tired of waiting. Lucy turns and runs outside, slamming the door behind her. Frank glares after her, then ashamedly over at Michael and Newald. Newald comes to the rescue. NEWALD You got a beer in this dump? Frank glances back at the party, then nods and moves toward the kitchen as we: INT. KITCHEN - DAY Frank, Newald and Michael are standing in the kitchen. Newald and Frank are still uneasy in each other's presence, staying to opposite sides of the room. NEWALD I said this to the kid, and I'll say it to you, Frank...I don't like being accused of stealing. Especially behind my back.... FRANK Funny thing. I never like being accused of cheating...behind my back. The two men glare at each other, each remembering past hurts, past injustices. Newald finally turns to Michael. NEWALD You said you wanted to talk. About what? MICHAEL Getting the rest of the equipment... and the guys who stole it. (beat) I'm going to need you guys...working together. NEWALD Look, I'm not particularly interested in helping him. FRANK And I don't need the help. NEWALD You give me half an hour with my crew and I'll find out who's been using my truck. Guaranteed. FRANK Stop puffin', Newald. It's not that easy. Newald starts to retort, but Michael's faster. MICHAEL There's more to this operation than the guys that're doing the leg work. We need whoever's pulling the strings. FRANK You got a plan? Michael nods. MICHAEL Somebody was sitting on that ware- house, figuring it was money in the bank. Now, we've taken away his goods. He's going to be real anxious to get his hands on some new merchandise, soon. (beat) If we dangle some bait in front of his nose, chances are he'll go for it. NEWALD What kind of bait you got in mind? MICHAEL A buyer, with a wad of money he's willing to spend, and a piece of equip- ment he wants real bad. Frank and Newald look at each other, back to Michael. FRANK The equipment's no problem. Where're we going to find a buyer? Off Michael's knowing smile: CUT TO EXT. AUCTION YARD - DAY - CLOSE ON DEVON A weekend auction for construction equipment being held in a field that, surprisingly, looks somewhat like our excava- tion site. Devon moves past the equipment, consulting an auction book. He shakes his head. ANOTHER ANGLE - WIDER as we pull back to reveal the auction site. A dozen pros- pective buyers, wearing everything from cowboy hats to suits, check out the equipment. Devon looks very demure and very wealthy by comparison. In the b.g., eyes locked on Devon, are Sam and Junior. ANGLE FOLLOWING DEVON as he moves to another piece of equipment. He studies his booklet again, jots down some notes. As he does, we hear: SAM'S VOICE That's a mighty nice piece of equipment. Devon turns to Sam, nods. DEVON Yes. And the opening bid is mighty inflated. SAM They get big money at these auctions. DEVON Not from me, I'm afraid. Which is a disappointment, because I am in the market for a decent skip grader. He starts to move away as Sam and Junior exchange a look, then Sam moves in close to Devon. SAM That's tough to find. Course, if you got the right contacts, you can get the right piece...at the right price. DEVON Unfortunately, I'm from out of town. And I don't have time to shop around.... SAM (beat) Look, maybe I could help you out.... As Devon and Sam talk, we go to: EXT. TRANS AM - DAY parked on a hill overlooking the auction site, invisible from below. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael watches Devon via the vidscreen. K.I.T.T. Michael, I hope you don't mind me pointing this out, but Devon's res- piration rate and heartbeat are increasing, as is the secretion of water through his pores... (beat) He appears to be lying. MICHAEL He's acting, pal. Sweaty palms and butterflies are occupational hazards. K.I.T.T. I've scanned the area, and there don't appear to be any type of lepidoptera for miles. I'm afraid I don't under- stand what they have to do with acting.... Michael glances at the dash, grits his teeth a little. MICHAEL (slightly exasperated) Look, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Oh, my...you're getting angry. I never should have opened my voice module about any of this. MICHAEL (too loudly) Look, I'm not... (catching himself) ...mad. This just isn't the time or the place.... Michael suddenly leans over the vidscreen. ON THE SCREEN As the conversation between Devon, Sam and Junior finishes, and the two men walk off. Devon takes out a handkerchief, wipes his brow. In the b.g., we see Sam cross to a pay phone, begin to dial a number. ANGLE ON MICHAEL noticing the signal, and the call being placed. MICHAEL We got a nibble, pal. There's a call going out. Trace it, Kitt. ANGLE ON THE VIDSCREEN as K.I.T.T. zooms in on the phone. We hear a series of beeps, and a blur of digital numbers begin flashing on the screen, finally falling into place like cherries on a slot machine. K.I.T.T. Elementary. Though there is no number listed, the address for this number is.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY - CLOSE ON AN ADDRESS reading: 2031 Casa Buena. Just as we see it, we hear: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE 2031 Casa Buena. ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM cruising slowly past a condo with 2031 clearly visible on the front. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as Michael pulls over and parks across the street. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm still not certain why we're here. What are you looking for? MICHAEL A connection, Kitt. The final piece in this puzzle. Just then: K.I.T.T. Then this should be of interest. The car heading this way...my monitors indicate it belongs to Frank Sanderson. MICHAEL (surprised) Frank? Michael watches as the car rounds the corner, pulls to a stop down the block from 2031. Out of the car steps Lucy. She hurries to 2031, rings the bell. When Vance Burke opens the door, they embrace. MICHAEL I think we've just discovered the connection, pal. We hold on his troubled reaction, as we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - DAY The Trans Am is parked across the street. We hear: LUCY'S VOICE So this is how you really make your living, Mr. Knight...spying on people. CUT TO INT. FRANK'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CLOSE ON LUCY standing in the living room. Livid. LUCY How much is Frank paying you? ANGLE - WIDER TO REVEAL MICHAEL standing in front of Lucy. MICHAEL Frank doesn't know anything about this. Lucy stares at Michael, surprised. LUCY Then what're you following me around for? You going to blackmail me? Michael sits beside Lucy, locks eyes with her. MICHAEL Your relationship with Burke wouldn't be any of my business if it wasn't for the fact that he's been stealing your husband's equipment. LUCY (incredulous) What are you...? MICHAEL What I want to know is how...and why...you're helping him. (beat) Do you really hate Frank that much? Lucy shakes her head, unable to clearly understand or believe what Michael's saying. She doesn't speak for a moment, then: LUCY Look, whatever's going on with Vance and me is my business. But, to think I'd steal from Frank...that's ridiculous. MICHAEL Is it? Vance Burke sells heavy equip- ment. He knows Frank, but not that well ...his operation depended on knowing everything he needed to know about your husband's business. Things only Frank...or you...would know. Lucy is listening intently to what Michael's saying. She's suddenly gone white. She shakes her head. Tears well up in her eyes. LUCY Why would I steal from Frank? He gave me all the money he made... (laughing bitterly) Which is funny, 'cause all I ever wanted was someone who loved me. (beat) Vance loves me. And I've never told him anything about Frank's business. He never asked. Michael watches her carefully, believes what she's saying. MICHAEL (gently) But, you two had to arrange time to be together...and that meant discussing Frank's schedule...where he was working, when.... Lucy shakes her head again, as though she can shut out Michael's voice and the implication of his words. MICHAEL He may have been using you, Lucy.... LUCY No! I told you...he loves me.... Michael hesitates, then rises, picks up a phone, hands it to Lucy. MICHAEL There's only one way for you to be sure. Call Burke, tell him Frank's going to be moving his skip loader tonight down 19 toward Nogales. Tell him you'll be free to see him. I'll be surprised if he can get away. Lucy hesitates before taking the phone, stares at Michael, a mixture of defiance and fear in her eyes. Then, she dials. As she does: CUT TO EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - DAY as Frank parks his truck in the driveway. He notices the Trans Am parked across the street, heads into the house. INT. FRANK'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Lucy sits, still on the phone. LUCY No, I understand...it's okay. Tomorrow night, maybe...okay...bye. Lucy slowly hangs up the phone, avoiding Michael's look. There's a long beat, then the front door opens and slams. A second later, Frank enters the living room, heads directly for Michael. He barely notices Lucy. FRANK How'd we do? Any bites? MICHAEL A big one. I think we're all set for tonight. He glances at Lucy, who looks away. Frank ignores this ex- change, grins and slaps Michael on the back. FRANK (delighted) Well, this calls for a celebration. Lucy, how about getting us something...? Lucy looks at Frank for a long beat. LUCY Frank, we've got to talk. Right now.... MICHAEL I'm going to head down to Tulley's... Catch you later, Frank. Michael glances at Lucy, heads toward the front door. Frank finally catches on that something's amiss. FRANK What's going on? Lucy...? We move in close on them as we: CUT TO EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - DAY as Michael walks out of the house, crosses to the Trans Am. Gets inside. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael just sits, staring at the house. K.I.T.T. Michael, at the risk of being too inquisitive.... MICHAEL What is it, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Well, now your palms are clammy, your heartbeat, blood pressure and respira- tion rate is up. Does this mean you're lying? Or acting? Or...I'm terribly confused. MICHAEL It's called anxiety, Kitt. I'm waiting for an explosion. K.I.T.T. But, there's no detonating device in the vicinity. MICHAEL Sure there is...a shaky marriage is about to blow...sky high. Through the windshield we see Frank come storming out of his house, stomp toward his truck. MICHAEL And we better try to stop it. Michael fires up the Trans Am. EXT. STREET - DAY As Frank's backing down his driveway, Michael roars up, blocking his path. Michael jumps out, crosses to Frank. FRANK Get out of the way. MICHAEL Maybe you'd better hear the whole story. FRANK I'm not in the mood. Now, move... before I knock you across the street. MICHAEL Go ahead, if it'll make you feel better. Frank stares at Michael for a beat, then nods his head, defeated. He slumps back against the truck and we: CUT TO EXT. TULLEY'S BAR - DAY The Trans Am parked in front of the bar, basically the same place we saw it parked before. Again, the meter shows "violation." And, again, the same meter maid comes walking down the sidewalk, checking meters. ANGLE ON THE METER MAID as she spots the Trans Am, stops in her tracks. Almost reluctantly, she checks the meter, sees the little red flag. She starts to take out her ticket book, hesitates, and instead, digs into her pocket and comes up with a quarter. Looking both right and left, she steps up to the meter, deposits the coin. ANGLE - WIDER Avoiding looking at K.I.T.T., our little meter maid turns and briskly walks down the street. Hold on her, and then: CUT TO INT. TULLEY'S BAR - DAY where we find Michael and Frank sitting at one of the tables. Michael's got a coke, Frank's nursing a cup of coffee. FRANK The funny thing is, it doesn't really hurt. It's just kind of numb. MICHAEL You're better off that way. It gives you a chance to think. FRANK About what? This is out of the blue. Everything's fine, then.... A beat as Michael thinks, then: MICHAEL Frank, what color does Lucy look pretty in? FRANK Huh? I don't know.... MICHAEL What's her favorite song? Her favorite perfume? Where's she like to go when you take her out to dinner? Frank stares at Michael like he's lost his mind. FRANK How should I know? What're you getting at? MICHAEL That maybe this didn't happen over- night for Lucy. That maybe she's been unhappy for a long time, and you just haven't noticed. Frank thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. FRANK She could've told me. We've been married ten years -- she's had plenty of time. (angrily) I never did anything to deserve this. MICHAEL Maybe that's the problem...maybe you didn't do enough. FRANK Didn't do enough? I worked my fingers to the bone making that business grow, building the house, putting in the pool...and this is what I get. (shaking his head) I was married before, when I was a kid, to a woman who ran off with a rancher rich enough to buy her every- thing she wanted. With Lucy, I've busted my back making sure she had everything, and it still wasn't enough. MICHAEL (gently) It wasn't enough of what she really wanted. (beat) You know you can't turn your back on a construction site, or the weeds'll grow in and take over. Same thing happens to a marriage.... Frank doesn't respond. He sips his beer thoughtfully. Michael watches him, waiting for a response but none comes. Finally, Michael checks his watch. MICHAEL It's about time to toss out our bait. FRANK I wouldn't miss this for anything. He polishes off his beer, as Michael heads for the door and hurries after him. He stops Michael at the door. FRANK You're okay, kid. He pats Michael's shoulder, Michael grins and they exit. EXT. EXCAVATION SITE - NIGHT as Frank drives a big piece of equipment up the ramp of a low bed truck. Michael and Newald quickly move to secure the machine with chains. Frank jumps down to help. NEWALD What makes you so sure Burke's gonna hit this particular run? MICHAEL I'm not that sure. Call it an educated guess. (smiling) Besides, I've got someone on the inside.... FRANK What's this help you won't tell us about? MICHAEL I'll explain everything if my plan works. (checking his watch) You guys ready? Frank and Newald nod. MICHAEL Okay. You go ahead, I'll follow in the car. Soon as we get some action, I'll be there. Frank makes a thumbs-up sign to Michael as he and Newald climb into the big truck. Michael hops in the Trans Am and the two vehicles start up and move into the night. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAWN as the lights from the low bed cut through early light of morning. We can't see the Trans Am. INT. TRANS AM - MORNING Michael's hunched over the wheel of the Trans Am. Next to him is a paper bag from which he removes a styrofoam cup of coffee. As he takes off the top: K.I.T.T. The substance you are about to consume contains enough benzosulfimide to remove the enamel from your teeth, Michael. Michael peers into the coffee, then lowers it in disgust. MICHAEL Kitt, I'd like to make a deal with you. K.I.T.T. If you wish to protest my use of the chemical analyzer, please remember your comments to April in the semi. MICHAEL I remember. And I want you to feel free to analyze tire tracks and cactus and even evaluate human emotions in terms of chemical imbalances -- but please leave the state of my stomach to me, okay? K.I.T.T. I'm merely trying to be helpful. MICHAEL I appreciate it, pal, but...don't. Michael raises the coffee to his lips and drinks. K.I.T.T. Michael.... MICHAEL I don't care if it's made of paint, I'm drinking it. K.I.T.T. My sensors are picking up two addi- tional vehicles coming onto the highway from a sideroad. MICHAEL Where? EXT. HIGHWAY - MORNING as two vehicles, a high-rise Bronco we saw at the original excavation site, and an ND pickup, race to overtake the truck. ANGLE ON THE TRUCK as the Bronco pulls directly in front of the truck, forcing it to slow down. Frank blasts his air horn, but the Bronco doesn't budge. Suddenly, the pickup pulls up alongside the truck. ON THE PICKUP Inside, Sam and Junior are wearing ski masks. Junior's riding shotgun and he leans out the window, a rifle in his hand. He fires a warning shot over the hood of the truck, waves the truck toward the side of the road. From his perspective, he can't see Newald riding next to Frank. IN THE TRUCK Frank begins downshifting and pulling toward a wide turn- about area off the road. EXT. TRANS AM racing toward the scene. K.I.T.T.'s scanner glowing red in the early morning light. EXT. TURNABOUT - DAY The Bronco is parked in front of the truck. Sam and Junior meet Frank as he opens the door and slowly climbs down. Junior cranes his neck, half-seeing Newald inside the truck. JUNIOR Hey, buddy, you get out of there, too. The other door opens and Newald climbs out, partially hidden by the door until he hits the ground. He steps around the front of the truck, and faces Sam and Junior. He glares at them. They exchange a startled look. NEWALD Well, Sam and Junior decided to go into business for themselves... (with an edge) That's gonna be the last dumb thing you boys do.... SAM Shut up.... Sam pulls off his mask and cocks his rifle, points it at Newald with shaking hands. Junior looks at him, scared. JUNIOR Wait a minute...you said no more killing. You said the old man was it.... SAM Yeah, well, now we've got two more witnesses we don't need.... As they talk, the door to the Bronco opens and Burke leans out. BURKE Let's go...move it! Suddenly, we hear a blast from K.I.T.T.'s horn, loud enough to split an eardrum. Sam and Junior turn to see: ANGLE ON THE TRANS AM bearing down on them at high speed as if out of nowhere. Michael hits the dirt, slams on the brakes, and slides toward the thoroughly frightened Sam and Junior who leap out of the way. ANGLE ON BURKE as he slams the door, fires up the Bronco and roars down the highway. ANOTHER ANGLE as Sam and Junior bolt, Newald and Frank are on them. Newald knocks the rifle out of Junior's hand, then tackles him when he tries to make a break for the desert. Frank's got Sam in a bear hug and he's squeezing the air out of him. In a second, the younger man's lying on the ground, gasping for breath. Michael jumps out of the car, and Frank yells to him. FRANK We've got this under control. Get Burke.... Which, by now, has headed down the long stretch of highway. Michael jumps into K.I.T.T. and goes after the Bronco. EXT. HIGHWAY - MORNING as the Trans Am roars after the Bronco, steadily, easily gaining on the truck. ANGLE ON THE BRONCO as Burke jockeys back and forth across the road, keeping Michael from pulling even with him. INT. TRANS AM as Michael rides the Bronco's tail. MICHAEL He's not being very cooperative. K.I.T.T. Understandable, but not practical. MICHAEL Yeah. Well, I hate to do it, but sometimes you've gotta go over people's heads to get something done.... Michael reaches for the dash, punches the turbo boost. EXT. HIGHWAY as the Trans Am lifts off the highway, sails over the top of the Bronco, lands in front of it. ON BURKE Gasping with surprise, he nearly loses the Bronco as it swerves wildly. INT. TRANS AM as Michael checks him out in the rearview mirror. MICHAEL Let's spread some oil on Mr. Burke's troubled waters, buddy. EXT. TRANS AM - CLOSE ON REAR FENDER as oil shoots out of a series of jets. ANGLE - WIDER The Bronco hits the oil slick and goes into a spin, doing a three sixty off into the flat desert land and coming to rest in a shallow ditch. ON MICHAEL as he jumps out of the Trans Am, hustles over to the Bronco just as Burke jumps out and tries to run for it. Michael tackles him, they roll in the dirt and, with two solid punches, Burke's under control. As Michael picks him up and props him against the Bronco, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. STREET - DAY as the Trans Am moves through traffic. Inside, we see Michael and Frank. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - MOVING Frank's doing most of the talking, a smile occasionally playing across his face. FRANK It was just like it was twenty years ago...almost. (smiling) Me and Lloyd, we could've taken on a bar full of truckers and come out on top. MICHAEL I can believe it. FRANK 'Course, we were younger then, but we made a helluva team. MICHAEL (beat) You probably still would. Michael and Frank exchange a glance. Just as they do, Michael pulls up in front of Frank's house. OMITTED EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - DAY A taxi's parked in front of the house. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Frank states at the taxi. He doesn't make a move to get out. FRANK Maybe it's for the best. MICHAEL Whose best? FRANK Lucy's. Through the window, we see the taxi driver come out the front door with three big suitcases. Lucy, nicely dressed, follows him. She turns, glances back sadly at the house, then closes the door, heads for the taxi. MICHAEL Frank, you asked who helpedme... (beat) Lucy did. She phoned Burke, and helped set the whole thing up. (another beat) She could've told him what was happening, but she didn't. Question is...why? FRANK More questions, huh? MICHAEL Yeah...but I've got a hunch you already know the answer to this one. Frank looks at Michael, hesitates for a second, then extends his hand. FRANK You ever find a woman and need a nice house built, you call me. Michael shakes his hand, gives Frank the thumbs-up sign. Frank gets out of the car. EXT. FRANK'S HOUSE - DAY as Frank walks to the taxi, opens the passenger door. Taken completely by surprise, Lucy slowly gets out of the cab. INT. TRANS AM - DAY as we watch with Michael, through the windshield of the car. Though we can't hear the words, it's clear what's being said. Frank takes Lucy's hand, she shakes her head, tries to hide her sudden tears. Frank says something to her and she leans against him, burying her face against his chest. He wraps his arms around her and holds her. Michael smiles a big smile, starts the car. K.I.T.T. This is very intriguing.... MICHAEL What's that? K.I.T.T. I'm picking up a radical fluctuation in your friends' hormone levels very similar to that experienced when they were quite angry; and yet all indi- cations are that they have formed a reconciliation. MICHAEL I'm picking that up, too. As Michael starts down the street: K.I.T.T. If the chemical reactions to both happiness and anger are similar, how do you know which you are experiencing? I'm still quite confused. MICHAEL All it proves is that you can't analyze everything, pal...some things you've got to just feel. And we hold on Michael's smile, as we: FADE OUT THE END