EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58624 Robert Foster August 23, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 8/25/84 (F.R.) Gerald Sanford Rev. 8/29/84 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER HALLOWEEN KNIGHT by Bill Nuss ____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - NIGHT - JACK-O'-LANTERN by the apartment entrance door. It's cutout face macabrely glows. It's after midnight and two costumed musketeers and one sexy female cave girl move up the path, laughing. They enter the building. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - BONNIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - BONNIE down with the flu and fever, spooning out a creamy medicine from a brown prescription bottle. Around the apartment are half-opened boxes, suitcases, and furniture, not yet set in place, evidence of a recent move. Bonnie takes the medicine, makes a face and puts the cap back on the bottle, placing it back on a box that serves as a temporary phone stand. A sudden, loud disturbance is heard in the hall. She moves to the door, looking through the peephole: THE MUSKETEERS duelling in the hallway for the honor of the sexy cave girl. Distorted through the fish-eye glass. BACK TO SHOT Bonnie sniffles, shaking her head, about to turn off the lights and get into bed. Abruptly, a scream is heard. She moves to the door, unlocking it. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT - SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY A Woman, thirty, in a stylish white dress, screams as she runs down the hall, pursued by someone in a black gorilla costume. Bonnie steps out. BONNIE Please, could you keep it down...at least until you get to the party. The gorilla clamps a hairy paw over the screaming Woman's mouth. As Bonnie reacts, the gorilla quickly picks the Woman up, beats comically on his chest and carries the Woman off. Bonnie shakes her head, bewildered. BONNIE (dry) ...And Halloween's still two days away. OMITTED INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - BONNIE moves unsteadily toward sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony; starting to feel a bit woozy from the medicine. Gets her balance and reaches for the curtains' drawstrings. Looks out for a moment, her eyes trying to focus on: BONNIE'S POINT OF VIEW - APARTMENT 2-H diagonally across. A dizzying vision. In the lavishly furnished place she can make out the gorilla, who has hold of the Woman in white, in what appears to be an embrace. INT. FURNISHED APARTMENT - NIGHT The gorilla angrily shakes the Woman in the white dress, his hands around her neck, throttling her. WOMAN (choking) I...don't have it...the... (gasps for breath) ...apart...ment! The gorilla listens for more, but it's too late. The Woman slumps to the floor, pulling a lamp down with her. Dead. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - CLOSE ON BONNIE her face registering her shock and horror. BONNIE'S POINT OF VIEW - APARTMENT 2-H The gorilla nervously looks at his victim, then turns to the window. GORILLA'S POINT OF VIEW - BONNIE watches him, transfixed. ANGLE IN BONNIE'S APARTMENT - BONNIE as she turns away in horror and goes for the phone. Her temperature rising as her hand wipes her brow. She begins to dial, then swoons, collapsing on the floor. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. steering through the darkness. K.I.T.T. Michael, have you decided on a costume for the Foundation Halloween party? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL I was kind of thinking about Long John Silver. K.I.T.T. Long John Silver! He was a brigand... a murderer. MICHAEL But women love a man with an eyepatch, pal. K.I.T.T. I can't imagine why. (beat) Devon's calling. Michael reaches up, pushing the button. MICHAEL Yo, Devon. INTERCUT - MONITOR - DEVON in his office, looking weary. DEVON Good evening. I realize I'm probably interrupting something terribly important, but I need to know your ETA. MICHAEL Nine AM. Why the long face? DEVON It's Bonnie. I'd like you to swing by her new apartment on your way in. MICHAEL Still got the flu? DEVON Yes, but that's not the problem. She just woke me with the most fantastic story. It seems she thinks she saw a gorilla strangling a girl in her apartment building. MICHAEL Could be a bad dream...medication... Did you notify the police? DEVON I debated that one until I spoke to her doctor. He told me the medicine she's taking, combined with her symptoms could create very disorienting side effects. So, for Bonnie's sake, please handle this with...sensitivity. MICHAEL My bedside manner's impeccable. DEVON No comment. Let me know what you think. Devon smiles. His image fades on the monitor. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. zooming off, disappearing into the night. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - ENTRANCE - DAY Michael walking up the path, seen from behind, entering the building. Camera pans to the side. We see a man in work overalls there. He is Norman Baines, a thin, wispy, twenty- five year old. He watches Michael enter as he works large hedge clippers, cutting with a vengeance. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT COURTYARD - DAY - BONNIE moving to the door, as the bell rings. A box of tissues in her hand. She looks like she's been up all night chasing phantoms. BONNIE Who's there? MICHAEL'S VOICE Michael. Bonnie checks through the peephole to make sure. Then opens the door. Michael hands her a bouquet of flowers. MICHAEL Happy new apartment. He offers them to her, stepping in. Bonnie is delighted. BONNIE Oh...Michael...they're beautiful. She tries to inhale the scent. But through her congestion, it's difficult. MICHAEL They smell great. Take my word for it. She leads him into the apartment. BONNIE Now if I can just find a vase. The only one I've unpacked I'm using for a juice pitcher. She starts to look through some boxes. Michael picks up a large empty juice can. MICHAEL No problem. This should fit right into your decorating scheme. (off Bonnie's laugh) How you feeling? BONNIE Physically, a little better. Emotionally...I'm really glad you dropped by. She takes the can from him, starts washing it in the sink. Suddenly unnerved, her hands start to shake as she rinses out the juice can. The can drops into the sink, rattling on the aluminum. MICHAEL You all right? She glances at him. MICHAEL Devon told me. BONNIE And you think I've lost my mind, don't you? That's why you're being so nice. MICHAEL (winces a little) Ouch.... Bonnie instantly regrets she said it. BONNIE I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just keep seeing the image of that girl.... MICHAEL ...That's why I'm here. Where did it happen? BONNIE (pointing out her window) Apartment 2-H. I'm going with you. MICHAEL Don't forget your tissues. They start out, Bonnie grabbing a box of tissues on the way. INT. SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY - ON DOOR 2-H Fist knocking on it. Pull back to see Michael and Bonnie. They exchange looks. Michael tries the knob. It's open. They step in. INT. APARTMENT 2-H - CLOSE ON MICHAEL AND BONNIE as they enter, stop at what they see: THEIR POINT OF VIEW - APARTMENT Empty of all furnishings, as if no one had recently lived here. BACK TO SCENE Bonnie turns to Michael. BONNIE Michael! There was furniture here... Couches, wall hangings, a lamp. She knocked it over when she fell. I saw it! MICHAEL (gently) Bonnie, you're sure this is the right apartment? BONNIE I'm positive. (moving over to the window) That's my apartment diagonally across. It's a clear view. There are the flowers you brought me, wilting on the sink. MICHAEL (patient) It was dark, and with the fever.... BONNIE (interrupts, emphatic) Michael, I saw it! Suddenly the apartment door suddenly slams shut. Bonnie shrieks. Michael comforts her, arm around her. He glances over to the drapes, billowing by the screened balcony door. MICHAEL Take it easy...it's just a cross draft. C'mon, let's go back to your place. Gently, he guides her out. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY Michael and Bonnie reach her apartment. BONNIE Is this it? You quitting on me? MICHAEL (looks at her) You know me better than that. Where was the party? She smiles. BONNIE One-B. He starts off. BONNIE Michael? He turns, nods with a grin: MICHAEL A black gorilla suit. Gotcha. As they part, camera holds on a service door, slightly ajar. Through the cracks we see a pair of eyes watching Michael and Bonnie and hear the sound of heavy breathing. INT. FIRST FLOOR HALLWAY - APARTMENT 1-B Michael rings the bell, waits a beat. The door partially opens. The pretty face of Denise appears. MICHAEL Hi. I'm Michael Knight. I understand there was a party here last night. DENISE Party? Now where'd you ever hear that? A balloon floats out. Michael catches the string, smiles. MICHAEL The Great Pumpkin told me. (returns the balloon) Can I come in? DENISE Any friend of the Great Pumpkin is a friend of mine. Denise lets Michael in. INT. DENISE'S APARTMENT Michael and Denise enter the living room, amidst major party debris. DENISE As you can see, it was just an intimate affair. MICHAEL (looking around) Six or seven of your closest friends. DENISE (beat) Right. What can I do for you? MICHAEL Well, I've got a good friend who just moved into the building. Last night she thought she saw something really strange. DENISE I saw some strange things myself. MICHAEL Did you have any trouble here? DENISE You mean, like running out of ice? MICHAEL No...like a gorilla going ape. Maybe hurting someone. Denise turns, thinking. She toys with some streamers. DENISE Hmmm. Let me see. We had at least a dozen Boy Georges, a couple of break dancing mummies and one John De Lorean, but no one came as a gorilla. That I'd remember, 'cause I like hairy guys. Her phone rings. DENISE That's either rave reviews for the party or my landlord asking me to move. (lifts the phone, holds it close) You'll excuse me. MICHAEL Thanks for the help. I can find the door. DENISE (to phone) Hello? Harry? Yes, I had a ball, too. ON MICHAEL On his way out, he suddenly notices: A CLUMP OF BLACK HAIR snagged on the entrance air-conditioning vent. BACK TO SHOT Michael unsnags it carefully, considers it closely, then exits. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY as Michael moves to K.I.T.T. with the patch of hair --- ANGLE ON ESMERELDA hurrying to catch up with him. Esmerelda is twenty-seven, sultry, dressed in black, and a bit vampish. She also carries a black cat. Why not? Re K.I.T.T. --- ESMERELDA It's a dream! ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. flashes his scanner: K.I.T.T. I think she means nightmare. (softer) Michael, if she's trick-or-treating tell her she's a day early. Esmerelda reaches Michael. Re K.I.T.T. --- ESMERELDA Exactly what I need for the Witches' and Warlocks' Ball. I'm Esmerelda, top witch of the Northern Hemi. Are you a warlock by any chance? MICHAEL I...don't think so. ESMERELDA A pity. It's so hard to find a good warlock these days. K.I.T.T. Have you tried warlocks anonymous? ESMERELDA (casually) And it talks, but then so does my broom. Well? Can I use him for my witch-mobile tomorrow night or not? K.I.T.T. Witch...mobile? MICHAEL (amused) I'm afraid he already has other commitments. ESMERELDA (to Michael; simply) I'll put a curse on you you'll never forget. (to cat) Come, Voodoo, time to take the newts out of the oven. And she heads back to the apartment, or wherever she came from. K.I.T.T. If you ask me, Michael, she has newts in her belfry. MICHAEL Let's just hope she keeps them there. Run this through your analyzer, pal. Michael reaches in, placing the clump of hair in the analyzer tray. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR Graphics and picture confirm: "Gorilla." BACK TO SHOT Michael reacts, as does K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. It's hair from a real gorilla. Oh, why did Bonnie have to choose one of these singles' buildings? MICHAEL Relax. This monkey probably hasn't peeled any bananas lately. Kitt, there can't be too many places in town that rent real gorilla hair suits. Check it out. K.I.T.T. Right away. Michael starts off. OMITTED ANGLE ON APARTMENT BALCONY We see hands, shifting a heavy cement flower planter atop a small pedestal, too close to the balcony railing. RESUME ON MICHAEL about to enter Bonnie's apartment wing. A scraping is heard. Instinctively, Michael glances up. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE HEAVY CEMENT PLANTER plummeting down, right for him. MICHAEL leaps aside, dodging it at the last instant. It crashes on the pavement, inches away. Michael looks up to see: A FIGURE just a glimpse, disappearing into the apartment. ANGLE - MICHAEL off and running. Into comlink: MICHAEL Apartment 2-H? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Exactly. Michael dashes through the doors. INT. APARTMENT 2-H - DAY - MICHAEL charges into the same apartment he and Bonnie searched. There's no one in sight. Michael checks the apartment, opening doors. As he opens one, Norman Baines springs from another, racing for the exit. Michael leaps for him, grabs him, spins him around. NORMAN Please...don't hurt me. MICHAEL Hurt you? Buddy, you almost potted me into the pavement. NORMAN I...I was just putting flowers in that planter and the pedestal.... MICHAEL ...just fell over by itself. Come on, you can do better than that. NORMAN No, no, I bumped into it, but...it was an accident. Why would I want to hurt you? MICHAEL You tell me. Who are you anyway? NORMAN I'm Norman Baines, custodian of the building. Michael relaxes his grip, still suspicious. NORMAN Uh...You're a friend of Bonnie Barstow's, aren't you? MICHAEL How did you know that? NORMAN I saw you bring her some flowers. I hope she'll be happy here. MICHAEL So do I. How long has this place been vacant? NORMAN Three, four months. MICHAEL Which is it, Norman? Before Norman can answer: INCLUDE EDWARD GRANT sixty, dressed smartly, a gruff air of power and confidence about him. He speaks right up as he moves in from the doorway. GRANT Four, and who wants to know? MICHAEL Michael Knight. Excuse me, but I didn't catch your name. GRANT Grant. This is my building. You interested in renting? MICHAEL (fishing) Someone told me this was a furnished apartment. GRANT Someone told you wrong. The furnished apartments are in the other wing. Well? MICHAEL (studies him a beat) I'll get back to you. With that, Michael exits, leaving Norman and Grant. We hold on them as they share a glance. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT - DAY - BONNIE trying to keep busy. She stands on a box dusting walls with a feather duster. Suddenly, unbeknownst to Bonnie, a key is dislodged from atop the door chimes. It falls to the carpet. Bonnie finishes dusting, steps off the box, and notices the key for the first time, but not where it came from. OMITTED CLOSER ANGLE Confused, Bonnie picks the key up. Looks it over, then tries it in a nearby cabinet. It doesn't fit. She shrugs, clips it to her key ring, lying on a nearby table. Abruptly, the sound of water running is heard from her bathroom. Alarmed, Bonnie starts toward it. INT. BATHROOM - DAY - ANGLE TOWARD SHOWER ROOM DOOR Bonnie crosses to it. The water running sound ceases as abruptly as it started. She pushes the door open, stepping inside. ANGLE IN SHOWER ROOM Bonnie looks around. Everything seems as it should. She sighs, shakes her head, and turns as if to walk out. Then turns back and looks at the closed door of the shower stall. She grabs the handle, waits a beat, then pulls it open. Her face fills with horror as: WHAT SHE SEES - THE STRANGLED WOMAN in the white dress, slumped against the tile walls, dead. BONNIE screams, rushes out. INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY - DAY - ON MICHAEL Hearing the screams, he breaks into a run, turns a corner. ANOTHER ANGLE Bonnie and Michael almost collide as she rushes from her apartment. MICHAEL Bonnie, what is it? BONNIE (hysterical) The girl from last night...She's in my shower! Michael takes off into the apartment. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT - DAY Michael races from the living room into: INT. BATHROOM - DAY Michael enters, looks into the shower, reacts. WHAT HE SEES - THE SHOWER is empty and dry. The girl has vanished. BACK ON MICHAEL Bonnie moves in behind him, afraid to look. BONNIE She's dead, isn't she? Michael? MICHAEL (very gently) Bonnie, look. Bonnie looks to see the empty shower. She reaches out to touch the dry tile. She turns to Michael, desperate. BONNIE It can't be dry. I heard the water running! And I saw her, right down there! (breaks into tears) Michael, am I going crazy? MICHAEL No, but someone sure wants you to think so. Bonnie reacts, Michael draws her close, gently putting his arms around her. MICHAEL Easy, Bonnie. It'll be okay. I promise you...and I promise we'll find out who's doing this...who and why. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. STREETS - DAY - K.I.T.T. driving, moving with a purpose through a pleasant urban setting. MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt, you're sure Central Costume is the only place that rents real gorilla suits? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. According to my information, Michael. And by the way, I've been giving some thought to your party costume. MICHAEL Lay it on me, pal. K.I.T.T. Since you intend to interest a lady in the birds and the bees...might I suggest -- St. Francis of Assisi. MICHAEL You do and you're going as a witch- mobile. OMITTED EXT. CENTRAL COSTUME AND PROPS - DAY - SIGN It reads: "CLOSED". Under it "HALLOWEEN HOURS, 9:00 to noon, 3:00 to Midnight." Camera pulls back to reveal a huge warehouse -- dark and uninviting. K.I.T.T. cruises slowly to the front. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE It's closed for another few hours. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael scopes the place out. MICHAEL Good. It'll be easier to look around. Can you see a way in? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR Showing a window. K.I.T.T. There's a window with a broken latch in back. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael steers into the alley, next to the building. INT. CENTRAL COSTUME - DAY - ON A WINDOW It slides open and Michael clambers in, then drops to the floor. The place is cavernous, dark and old, and filled with rack upon rack of costumes of all shapes, colors, and sizes. FOLLOWING MICHAEL He moves catlike through the racks, looking left and right. He rounds a corner and reacts as he sees: AN EXECUTIONER complete with black hood and a nasty-looking axe, looming right in front of him. Michael drops to a defensive posture by reflex, then realizes he's looking at a well-dressed mannequin. K.I.T.T. (comlink) Are you all right? Your pulse and respiration are racing. MICHAEL I'm fine. Just a little too much Halloween. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael turns into a new row of costumes, this time taking note of a complete suit of armor standing upright on a rolling base. He passes it, then spots what he's looking for: a rack containing several gorilla suits and heads. He hurries to it, flips through them until he finds: CLOSER ANGLE A black gorilla suit matching the color of the hair he found. He holds the comlink close to it, whispers: MICHAEL Is this the genuine article? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) A perfect match. He pulls the suit from the rack and notes a tag receipt dangling from the hanger. He reads it. Slight reaction. MICHAEL Well, what do you know? Footsteps are heard approaching. ANGLE ON A DOOR as it opens, admitting a shadowy Figure. MICHAEL grabs the gorilla suit and disappears into the racks of costumes. VARIOUS ANGLES - INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND SHADOWY FIGURE A gun drawn, the Figure moves cautiously, stalking his prey. Michael crouches beside some costumes, seeing the feet passing under the rack. Eventually, Michael is forced into a corner where he hides. FIGURE (quietly; threatening) I know you're back there. MICHAEL stays frozen, whispers into his comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, I could really use a Knight in shining armor. EXTERIOR - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER - DAY flashing, making its characteristic sound. INT. CENTRAL COSTUME - DAY - ROW OF COSTUMES The Figure, gun poised, is suddenly distracted by a rumbling behind him. He whirls to see the suit of armor bearing down on him rapidly, sword arm waving. He fires and the suit's head flies off and rolls away. The Figure screams and runs off, spooked. Only now do we see he's a security guard. ANGLE ON MICHAEL appearing out of the racks, gorilla suit in hand. MICHAEL Looks like we just rented ourselves a gorilla suit. He heads for the window. CUT TO INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY - CLOSE ON DOOR "1-B" A hand raps insistently and the door is opened by Denise. Widen to reveal Michael, all business, holding the gorilla suit at her door. Her eyes widen, but she quickly covers her surprise, smiles. DENISE Oh, good, you found one. You'll make a great King Kong. MICHAEL I need to talk to you. DENISE Come on in. You like brie or gouda? She opens the door and he crosses into the apartment. ANGLE IN DENISE'S APARTMENT Michael's hard, determined as he follows Denise toward the living room. MICHAEL Cut the tap dance, Denise. You lied to me. SIMON'S VOICE Is something wrong? ANOTHER ANGLE TO REVEAL SIMON early thirties, tanned, handsome, and athletic, rises to help Denise meet Michael's intrusion. With him, to Michael's surprise, is Bonnie. She reacts, both to him and to the gorilla suit. BONNIE Michael.... DENISE (still the hostess) Oh, good, you know each other. I'll open another bottle. BONNIE (a little awkward) Michael, this is Simon. He and Denise were nice enough to throw me a little 'Welcome to the Building' party. SIMON Nothing fancy...cheese, a little Beaujolais.... DENISE I thought these two should meet. MICHAEL Very nice, but I didn't come to party. I'll go back to the beginning. Denise, you'll never guess where I found this gorilla suit. DENISE Central Costume. MICHAEL With your name on it. DENISE (cheerfully) I took it back today. MICHAEL (still tough) I asked you this morning.... DENISE ...if anyone at the party wore a gorilla suit, and I said no. I never took that thing out of the closet. MICHAEL (skeptical) Oh, I see. You just rented it, brought it home, then took it back. DENISE That's right. I changed my mind. Really...do I look like the gorilla type to you? MICHAEL If you didn't wear it, why'd you take it to be cleaned before you returned it? DENISE Now you're hallucinating. I'm not that conscientious. MICHAEL For your sake, you'd better be telling the truth, 'cause if I find out you're not.... Bonnie and Simon have grown more and more uncomfortable during this exchange. Bonnie moves to Michael and tugs his sleeve. BONNIE Thanks a lot for the party, you guys. And don't mind Michael. He's just being...brotherly. Bonnie and Simon exchange smiles, and she leaves with Michael. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. Scanner light flashing warily: K.I.T.T. Really, Esmerelda, I think you're going a bit too far. FULLER ANGLE to see Voodoo the cat resting on K.I.T.T.'s hood, while Esmerelda completes a pentagram completely around K.I.T.T., made with a pretty purplish powder of bat. K.I.T.T. And will you kindly get that black fur ball off my hood. ESMERELDA Voodoo's my medium, Kitt. He helps me with my magic. K.I.T.T. Then see if he'll help you make him disappear. The pentagram completed, Esmerelda picks Voodoo up in her arms. K.I.T.T. Thank you. Then she steps out of the pentagram and begins chanting: ESMERELDA 'Bat wings and toad tails, Lizzard tongues and snake scales...' K.I.T.T. I'm getting sick to my transmission. As she goes into a humming trance --- BONNIE AND MICHAEL They move out of Denise's entryway and cross to Bonnie's entrance, unable to see K.I.T.T. from their angle. BONNIE Do you really think Denise is involved? MICHAEL You don't? BONNIE I don't know, she seems so nice. Not my image of a murderess. MICHAEL That's what they said about Lizzie Borden. I had Kitt run a check on the suit for foreign matter: Blood, hair.... BONNIE (cringing) And?... MICHAEL Nothing. But he did find fresh evidence of dry cleaning chemicals. Either a very conscientious person ...or someone with something to hide. I'd guess the latter. BONNIE If I had a couple weeks I could program Kitt to analyze the mixture. MICHAEL I'm way ahead of you. It's Premiere Cleaners on Wilson. We're on our way there now. BONNIE How could you trace it so fast? MICHAEL (winks) I read the ticket on the hanger. They stop at her entrance. She begins looking for a key on her key ring. We'll notice the one she found in her drapes. MICHAEL You going to be okay? BONNIE If I can find the right key to my apartment. This building has more locks than a Federal Reserve Bank. See you later. Bonnie enters the building. Michael heads back toward Kitt when he suddenly reacts to what he sees. ANGLE TO INCLUDE K.I.T.T. AND ESMERELDA as Michael hurries to them. She's begun her chanting again. ESMERELDA 'Prince of Darkness, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Devil, Satan, let's all welcome Kitt!' With this the pentagram ignites and burns a blazing ultraviolet until it flashes out. Very impressive. ESMERELDA You're one of us now, Kitt. K.I.T.T. As long as I don't have to buy a cat. Esmerelda looks at Michael: ESMERELDA You're next. And goes off. K.I.T.T. Funny, Michael, but I don't feel any different. MICHAEL Between you and me, Kitt, I think one of the newts got out. He smiles, slides in and they peel off. OMITTED INT. EDWARD GRANT'S MANSION - DAY - LIVING ROOM Open close on an expensive phone chiming discreetly. Widen to reveal Edward Grant in casually elegant lounging attire. We hear only his side of a brief phone conversation. GRANT Yeah. (beat; expression darkening) Knight again...too bad. That costume's your problem...'Course I still want the key. (another beat) Just try not to do anything stupid. He hangs up, shakes his head. He pulls a bottle out of a cabinet and pours himself a drink. CUT TO EXT. SMALL SUBURBAN SHOPPING CENTER - DAY A convenience store, a video arcade, and a small shop reading "Premiere Cleaners" surround a simple parking lot. OMITTED ANGLE PAST K.I.T.T. INTO CLEANERS where Michael is conversing with a clerk, who looks at the suit, nods, checks a book and shows the page to Michael. INT. ND SEDAN - DAY A large, hairy hand rests on the steering wheel. Widen to reveal a hairy arm and shoulder. Sounds of heavy breathing over. ANGLE AT CLEANERS Michael comes out, crosses behind K.I.T.T. with the suit. MICHAEL Trunk, por favor. Thr trunk pops open. K.I.T.T. I hope that monstrosity doesn't shed. MICHAEL You'll never guess who brought it in. Norman Baines. K.I.T.T. Norman? But Michael, how? MICHAEL He probably took it out of Denise's closet. Think about it. He can go anywhere, do anything -- he's got keys to every lock in that building. K.I.T.T. Michael, look out! Michael turns, reacts. WIDER ANGLE The sedan driven by the gorilla swings into the center, heading directly for Michael; caught outside K.I.T.T., Michael dives just in time as the sedan arcs past, narrowly missing him. DIFFERENT ANGLE The sedan shoots out the other driveway, hitting the street. Michael dives into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's hit it, buddy! He fires K.I.T.T. up, slams it into reverse, burns out, then punches it into gear, tires squealing. OMITTED EXT. ADJACENT STREET - DAY Flanked with buildings under construction. The sedan screeches a hard right and cuts into a narrow delivery alley between the sites. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael and K.I.T.T. round the corner just as the sedan disappears into the alley. ANGLE IN ALLEY The sedan rockets through just before a loaded glass truck, delivering mirrors to the site, backs up, blocking the alley, and K.I.T.T. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael looks left and right. There's no room to pass. He reaches for turbo boost. K.I.T.T. We can't clear it, Michael, we're too close. MICHAEL No choice now. Hang on! Michael presses turbo boost regardless. K.I.T.T. Michael! DIFFERENT ANGLES - THE JUMP The glass truck blocks the driveway...K.I.T.T. turbos, arcing up but not able to fly over the truck; he crashes through the mirrors, sending an explosion of glass every- where. REVERSE ANGLE K.I.T.T. lands, brakes. The sedan is nowhere to be seen. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael's eyes search the area. MICHAEL Kitt, can you pick him up? K.I.T.T. No Michael. Wherever he is, he's out of scanner range. Michael's jaw muscles flex in frustration. He sighs, shakes his head. MICHAEL (beat) Got a broom? FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT COMPLEX - NIGHT Late Saturday night, only a few lights on. An old car appears, turns in and parks. ANGLE AT CAR The driver is Norman. He climbs out, glances around, and slips a large knife into one of his rubber boots, then pulls out a sack that looks suspiciously like body parts. Heads, to be more precise. He slings the sack over his shoulder, hurries toward his apartment. INT. NORMAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The door unlocks and Norman slips in, double bolts it behind him. Sighs relief. Then he jumps, startled. REVERSE ANGLE Michael is there, waiting. Watching. He slowly rises. MICHAEL Hello, Norman. NORMAN What are you doing here? How did you get in? That's trespassing! MICHAEL No, it's breaking and entering. What's in the sack? Norman holds the sack away from Michael, who slowly advances. He notices the knife handle. NORMAN Get out of here! MICHAEL The sack, Norman. And the knife in your boot. NORMAN No! MICHAEL You did it, didn't you. NORMAN I want a lawyer! You can't do this if I don't have a lawyer. MICHAEL I'm not a cop. There'll be plenty of time for lawyers. Norman's shoulders slump. NORMAN All right, I confess. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I couldn't stop myself. I've been doing it for years.... Norman dumps the contents on the floor. Michael steals himself, ready for anything but the six pumpkins which roll out. Michael stares. MICHAEL Pumpkins.... NORMAN I always raid a patch the night before Halloween. Are you going to turn me in? MICHAEL For now, I'll settle for a few straight answers. Did you go to Denise's party wearing a gorilla suit? NORMAN No, I couldn't make Denise's party. MICHAEL Then why did you take a gorilla suit to the cleaners? NORMAN As a favor for Denise. She offered me five dollars, but I refused the money. MICHAEL Because she's your friend.... NORMAN Yes. If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself. MICHAEL I think I'll do that. He starts to leave. NORMAN She's not there. MICHAEL Where is she, Norman? NORMAN She's gone away. MICHAEL You make it sound permanent. NORMAN No, just until tomorrow. I know because she asked me to keep an eye on her place. MICHAEL Another favor? NORMAN Yes. He smiles. Michael glances at the pumpkins, leaves. ANOTHER ANGLE Norman crosses back over to a pumpkin and begins cutting. Slowly, and with a look of great pleasure on his face.... CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt ran the sedan's plates through the DMV computer.... INT. BALLROOM - DAY Michael is helping Bonnie string decorations somewhat against his will. The room is half decorated. Devon stands with them, occasionally ducking or dodging Bonnie's bunting. Other workers bustle in b.g. MICHAEL They were stolen. DEVON (beat) If we only had a viable suspect.... MICHAEL What d'you mean? We do. DEVON Denise Reynolds? What could she have against Bonnie? MICHAEL I'll ask when I find her. BONNIE Aside from motive, I don't think Denise is strong enough to have overpowered that woman. MICHAEL Not normally. But under pressure, who knows? (beat) Let's go back to your apartment. I want to see if Miss Halloween is home. They start out. OMITTED EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up, Michael and Bonnie climbing out. ANOTHER ANGLE as they approach Bonnie's apartment Simon appears from the adjacent complex in full tennis attire, a racquet in his hand. Ad-lib hellos. SIMON You don't feel like some tennis, do you? BONNIE Thanks, but I think that might be pushing it. SIMON I just got stood up. Denise and I had a date for noon. MICHAEL (a reaction) She's not in? SIMON (shakes head) Knowing Denise, she forgot all about it. Knowing Denise, she could be gone for days. MICHAEL Excuse me. He starts for Denise's apartment across the way. SIMON You can save yourself a trip. MICHAEL I can use the exercise. Simon looks back to Bonnie, smiles. SIMON C'mon, I'll walk you in. ANGLE FROM MAILBOX DEPOT as they cross toward it, heading for Bonnie's apartment: SIMON I've been calling you all morning. Want to go to a costume party with me tonight? BONNIE I'd love to, but I can't. My boss is having a Halloween party. Reaching the depot, Bonnie produces her key ring. Simon watches as she selects the right one and opens the mail slot for her apartment. We notice once again the key she found in the drapes. BONNIE (an idea) Hey, how'd you like to take me to my party? Simon smiles, delighted. SIMON Now you're talking. You've got a date. ANGLE AT DENISE'S APARTMENT Michael knocks. There is a throwaway local advertiser near the door. No one is home. Michael leaves. ANGLE ON BONNIE AND SIMON As Michael crosses back to join them Bonnie darts ahead, moving toward her apartment. Simon hangs back as Michael approaches. SIMON (to Bonnie) We'll catch up. He falls into step with Michael as they follow Bonnie. SIMON That's one terrific lady. Bright, funny, great looking.... MICHAEL Weak backhand. SIMON (smiles) All the better. (beat) Let me ask you a question. These hallucinations.... MICHAEL I'm working on it. SIMON I'd hate to see anything happen to her. Sometimes you meet a girl that pushes all the right buttons. As they reach the stairwell they hear: BONNIE'S VOICE Michael! They bolt up the stairs. ANGLE AT BONNIE'S FRONT DOOR They reach her standing there, limp and shaken. Ad-libs over "What is it?" "What's wrong?" etc. POINT OF VIEW INTO ROOM It has been ransacked, destroyed, turned upside down. ANGLE INSIDE APARTMENT Michael pushes in, Simon staying behind to comfort Bonnie. He quickly checks, makes sure the intruder's gone. SIMON I'll call the police. He reaches for the phone. MICHAEL Not from here. SIMON Right. There could be prints. (looks) Who would do something like this? BONNIE Excuse me. She crosses to the bathroom. MICHAEL When did you last see Denise? SIMON (a take) You don't think.... MICHAEL Put it this way. If they hung people for circumstantial evidence, Denise would be twisting slowly in the wind. ANGLE IN BATHROOM Bonnie comes in to wash her face. She instinctively glances at the bathtub. Nothing there. ANGLE ON MIRROR as Bonnie rinses her face and looks into the mirror. She freezes. A HIDEOUS GREMLIN staring at her in the mirror. The Gremlin talks rapidly in a sing-song gibberish. Bonnie screams, bolts out. ANGLE FROM LIVING ROOM Michael and Bonnie almost collide, Simon not far behind Michael. BONNIE (hysterical) In the mirror! Michael, quick! ANGLE IN BATHROOM Michael rushes in, looks. ANGLE IN MIRROR The image of the gremlin is still there, repeating the gibberish, fading, then gone. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael pops open the medicine chest behind the mirror; nothing. He turns, examining the bathroom, reacts to a vent fan unit in the ceiling. He stands on the bathtub, reaches up and pops off the vent face. ANGLE INSIDE VENT Michael pulls down a cigar box-sized unit. SIMON'S VOICE What's that? WIDER ANGLE Simon and Bonnie stand at the door, Bonnie still shaking. MICHAEL Proof. SIMON Proof? MICHAEL That Bonnie wasn't hallucinating. A hologram projector and a minicassette recorder. He punches "rewind", then hits "play" on the tape recorder. The sound of a shower is heard under: MICHAEL There's your running water, Bonnie. BONNIE Thank God. SIMON But why? MICHAEL To scare Bonnie. To make her think the one frightening thing she really saw was all in her head. Abruptly the shower sound ends and the gremlin's gibberish starts again. Bonnie winces. Michael frowns. BONNIE Great. If we only spoke gremlin.... MICHAEL Kitt might. (comlink) Kitt, play this in reverse for me, will you? EXT. K.I.T.T. - ANGLE ON HIS SCANNER flashing..."whoop-whoop." BACK TO SHOT The tape recorder reverses and an eerie voice is heard. TAPE VOICE 36 Fairview Road...36 Fairview Road.... MICHAEL (to Bonnie) Sounds like the place to be. You coming? BONNIE Try and stop me. CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY The Trans Am drives past, slows, turns off on to a smaller road: Fairview. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am passes. EXT. PSYCHO HOUSE - DAY A dilapidated house on the hill. Boy, this place looks familiar. K.I.T.T. appears, pulls up to a chain strung across the drive with a 'No Trespassing' sign on it, and stops. K.I.T.T. This is it, Michael. Michael and Bonnie get out. Bonnie shudders. MICHAEL Want to wait here? BONNIE Are you kidding? Michael smiles, and they continue on by foot. ANOTHER ANGLE They walk hand-in-hand up the creepy stairs. A crow flies overhead. Or is it a raven? Bonnie grips Michael's hand tighter. Suddenly a sound nearby, a rush of frenzied move- ment. Bonnie gasps. THEIR POINT OF VIEW A startled covey of quail takes to flight. ANGLE FROM HOUSE An old rusty swing sways in the wind. Michael and Bonnie reach the front porch, cautiously step up. Michael's eyes are everywhere. They pause. MICHAEL (beat) Whoever it is has a morbid sense of humor. BONNIE I wouldn't go that far. MICHAEL Morbid? BONNIE Sense of humor. MICHAEL Gotcha. Let's take a look inside. They step for the door. Suddenly the world seems to disappear. More to the point, they do; the floor beneath them collapses. ANGLE FROM PIT shooting up as, in slow motion, their figures tumble down into this dark abyss like rag dolls. CLOSER ANGLE They land on top of each other in a tangle of arms and legs. MICHAEL Are you okay? Bonnie? Bonnie! BONNIE (slowly) I think so...yes. What happened? MICHAEL Looks like a trap door. He collects himself, stands, helps Bonnie to her feet. Looks up at the patch of light above. Suddenly an object behind Michael moves, a white yard-long item flopping out to rest on his shoulder. Bonnie screams. Michael turns. MICHAEL Bonnie, easy, it's just... (reacts; finishes slowly) ...An arm. It is. Bonnie flattens herself against the opposite wall, trembling. Michael forces himself to investigate; the arm, attached to a female body, is rolled up in canvas. She wears a white dress. BONNIE It's her! Michael, the girl I saw murdered -- That's her! Now a strange new sound: a hissing from somewhere close by. MICHAEL (reacts) Gas! (comlink) Kitt, are you there?! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Yes, Michael. The question is where are you? MICHAEL In a trap, buddy. Beneath the porch. Hurry! Somebody's trying to put us to sleep -- permanently! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He self-activates, crashes through the chain. WIDER ANGLE He drives up the steps, brakes as he reaches the porch. INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND BONNIE fighting to stay conscious. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, hurry.... ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He activates the grappling hook. DIFFERENT ANGLES It ejects, shoots past the hole. K.I.T.T. begins to retrieve it...and it drops into the hole. ANGLE IN PIT Michael grabs it with one hand, holds onto Bonnie tightly with the other. MICHAEL (comlink) Okay...slowly...easy.... As they start up. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. PSYCHO HOUSE - DAY Police cars. Flashing lights. A covered body being loaded into a morgue van. Devon is comforting a very shaken Bonnie, while Michael is a short distance away getting some information inside K.I.T.T. DEVON It's small consolation, but at least you know you weren't hallucinating about the murder. I'll never doubt you again. BONNIE (fighting tears) That...poor girl. Do you have any idea who she is? As Michael moves toward them: DEVON According to the police, her name was Linda Ramsden. MICHAEL And according to Kitt, her last known address was Greenview Terrace, Apartment 2-A. BONNIE (stunned) That's my apartment. MICHAEL Which may explain why your place was ransacked. Linda must have hidden something there...something the killer wants very badly. BONNIE The place was completely empty when I moved in. What could it be? MICHAEL That's what I'm going to ask Edward Grant, your landlord. Michael starts back to K.I.T.T. DEVON Isn't that reaching a bit, Michael. MICHAEL (gestures to the house) Not when you consider he also owns this cozy little hideaway. (off their reactions) It used to belong to his mother. Michael slides in and peels away from the Psycho House. As Bonnie and Devon watch him leave --- ANGLE ON SHADOWY FIGURE - THE BREATHER hidden behind some dense brush, he takes in the scene, then settles on Bonnie. EXT. GRANT ESTATE - DAY - K.I.T.T. pulls into the driveway of the magnificent house. MICHAEL'S VOICE Looks like Mr. Grant has the Midas touch. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL What are his other holdings? K.I.T.T.'s dash beeps. K.I.T.T. A chain of grocery stores and a company that's a major supplier to the movie industry. MICHAEL Don't tell me...'special effects,' as in hologram projectors? K.I.T.T. Michael, sometimes I wonder if you really need me. MICHAEL Couldn't do without you, pal. Keep your scanners peeled. FOLLOWING MICHAEL He climbs out and moves to the front door where he pounds the shiny brass knocker. Beat, then it opens. Michael reacts to see Denise standing there. She's a bit surprised herself. MICHAEL We have to stop meeting like this. DENISE It's not the impossible dream. MICHAEL Oh, by the way, Norman told me all about the gorilla suit. DENISE (not overly concerned) Norman has a big mouth. He enters without being asked. INT. ENTRANCE HALL - DAY The crystal chandelier, the curved staircase and all. Michael shows his appreciation of the finer things by moving into: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY It's grand, and Michael takes it all in. MICHAEL I like it. Maybe I'd add a Tina Turner poster, but that's all. She's no longer amused. DENISE Mr. Knight, just what are you doing here? MICHAEL Hey, come on, Denise, yesterday it was Michael. And assuming you don't always pay your rent in person, I could ask you the same thing. GRANT'S VOICE She belongs here, Knight.... Michael turns. Grant enters from an inner room. GRANT She's my daughter...and you have no manners. Michael quickly overcomes the surprise. MICHAEL I never do when it comes to murder. Grant studies Michael a beat; then turns to Denise. GRANT Honey, would you excuse us? This won't take long. She gives her father a nervous look, then steels herself for Michael: DENISE It's a pity...you had such promise. MICHAEL The story of my life. Denise leaves. Grant crosses to the bar, pours a Scotch. GRANT Like a drink? MICHAEL This isn't a social call. GRANT When you reach my position in life, you can afford to mix business with pleasure. He drinks. MICHAEL As in the case of Linda Ramsden, huh? Grant looks at him hard, then softens just a beat. GRANT What about...Linda Ramsden? MICHAEL She's dead. In case you didn't know. Grant covers beautifully. GRANT I was wondering why I haven't heard from her recently. Pours himself another drink. His hand not quite as steady as before. MICHAEL Then I'll really make your day. Her body was found in your 'guest house' on Fairview Road. What was it, Grant? A winter-spring romance that turned to blackmail? GRANT You're pushing me, Knight. MICHAEL Was she getting too greedy, maybe threatening to tell your wife? GRANT (exploding) You keep my wife out of this! MICHAEL What did Linda hide in Bonnie's apartment? Letters? Photographs, a tape? What did she have that you wanted so badly you murdered her for it? GRANT She was bleeding me dry, that little tramp! She was taking money that belonged to my family, my children ...but I didn't kill her...and you can't prove I did! Now get out of here! MICHAEL Grant, some of your illusions are more convincing that you are. But I've got some special effects of my own. Like making you disappear for about twenty years. See ya. Michael leaves. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING SHOT INT. FOUNDATION BALLROOM - NIGHT - ON DEVON dressed as Louis XIV, wig and all, and beaming as he greets: DEVON Miss Scarlett...how nice of you to come. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE dressed as Scarlett O'Hara. Her date is dressed as a pumpkin, complete with pumpkin head. A Southern accent: BONNIE What else is a lady to do when she receives an invitation from Louis the Sixteenth? DEVON (clears his throat) That's the fourteenth, Bonnie -- Louis the Sixteenth was beheaded for his tyrannical treatment of his subjects, his insensitivities to his fellow man, his blind arrogance, his.... Noticing that Bonnie has been nodding her head through this, he quickly gets her message and changes the subject: DEVON And this must be the young man you've told me so much about -- Simon. But the pumpkin removes his head and we see it's Norman. BONNIE Simon left a message on my service saying he couldn't make it, something about business, so I brought Norman Baines instead. Norman grins. DEVON How...nice. (raises eyebrow) Well, enjoy yourselves. Norman leads the way in. Bonnie stops a beat: BONNIE Is Michael here, yet? DEVON No, but now that that horrible murder is solved, I'm sure he's on his way. Devon smiles, straightens his wig, and Bonnie goes off with Norman. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. moving through light traffic. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I thought Rhett Butler was supposed to be dashing and carefree. You're acting like Hamlet. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - NIGHT Michael is dressed to look like Rhett Butler/Clark Gable. But there's something disturbing him. MICHAEL I know how important this party is to Devon, but I just can't stop thinking about this case. K.I.T.T. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you get the evidence you need to put Grant away. MICHAEL But that's just it, pal. As much as I don't like the guy, I'm not convinced he's guilty either. K.I.T.T. Michael, he did have a motive.... MICHAEL ...and a lot more imagination than to bury the body in a house he owns and then lead us right to it. Give me what you have on Grant's personal history. K.I.T.T. Coming right up, Michael. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR as Grant's bio appears. K.I.T.T. reads: K.I.T.T. 'Born Edward Joseph Grant, 1924, married 1950, one child, Denise....' BACK TO SHOT MICHAEL (interrupting) One child? That's strange. He talked about children. There's got to be another somewhere. K.I.T.T. Michael, you're right! There was another child by a first marriage. A son. Between stints in the family business, he's been in and out of mental institutions. MICHAEL What's his name, Kitt? The name flashes on the O.S. monitor. MICHAEL Ohhh, nooo. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid so, Michael. MICHAEL See if you can reach Devon...we've got to get to Bonnie before it's too late. Michael hits the throttle. EXT. STREET - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. A surge of power and the sleek Trans Am cuts through the night. INT. FOUNDATION BALLROOM - NIGHT Norman is attempting to drink punch through his pumpkin head. No easy task. Bonnie is with him at the refreshment table. BONNIE Norman, I'm sure no one would care if you took your mask off just to drink your punch. NORMAN It's quite all right, Bonnie...I've been practicing for this all year. And he tosses the drink inside. But soon afterwards begins to cough. Choke. BONNIE You all right, Norman? NORMAN (stops coughing, breathless) Yes...but...if I could rest a minute. BONNIE (thinks) Come on, there's a couch in the hallway. She leads the way. CLOSE ON NORMAN to hear his "breathing" under the pumpkin mask, as he watches her, then follows. EXT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - ON K.I.T.T. pulling up. Michael jumps out: MICHAEL You know who to look for, buddy. He makes a dash for the entrance. INT. FOUNDATION HALLWAY - NIGHT It's empty except for Bonnie and Norman, who move toward a couch. BONNIE You can lie down over here. She turns toward him. And even with the mask, she senses a certain look on his face. He stares at her, and we hear his breathing. BONNIE Norman...is something wrong? Norman, what is it? Norman! But he still doesn't reply. Instead, he simply begins walking toward her. Frightened, she begins to back up. INT. FOUNDATION BALLROOM - NIGHT Michael finds Devon, escorted by a beautiful lady. Seeing Michael, Devon moves to him. MICHAEL I've been trying to reach you. DEVON Nothing came in over the remote communication system. MICHAEL Have you seen Bonnie? DEVON Yes, she was right over.... THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE BUFFET AREA But no Bonnie. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL We've got to find her. They begin their search. INT. FOUNDATION HALLWAY - NIGHT Bonnie has backed into a dark corner, with nowhere else to go. Norman continues moving toward her. NORMAN I...don't want to hurt you, Bonnie, I...just think you're so nice, and... beautiful. Summoning up all her strength, she manages to push Norman away, and makes a dash to Devon's office. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Bonnie enters. Locks the door, rests against it to catch her breath. The lights are off, and the only illumination comes from the moon. SIMON'S VOICE (deeply resonant) Hello, Bonnie. Bonnie spins about. WHAT SHE SEES Standing there, almost glowing in the darkened room, is a Star-Warish character, complete with a gleaming, high-tech steel sword, and amplified breathing. Beat, and he lifts up his mask; it's Simon. SIMON Hope I didn't frighten you. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE She's very relieved to see him, but: BONNIE Simon, what are you doing in here? I thought you were tied up with business? SIMON The remote communication system is in here, Bonnie...and my business is you. BONNIE What? I don't understand. Is this some kind of a Halloween joke? SIMON Do you think I've risked all this for a joke?! (slight beat) No, Bonnie -- I want that key. BONNIE What key? What are you talking about? He doesn't answer. Instead, rips the purse from off her wrist. She's too petrified to scream out. He begins going through it. INT. FOUNDATION BALLROOM - NIGHT Norman is about to hurry out when Michael comes from another corridor -- with Devon -- and catches hold of him. MICHAEL Norman, where's Bonnie? NORMAN I didn't hurt her. I just wanted to tell her how much I liked her. DEVON For heaven's sake, where is she?! NORMAN She...locked herself in one of those rooms down that hallway! DEVON My office. They leave Norman and head for Devon's office. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Simon has found the key, shows it to Bonnie. SIMON This is what it's all about, Bonnie -- Linda's key to her safety deposit box. It holds a very revealing video tape. BONNIE Linda's key? You...killed her. SIMON I had to...and now I'm going to have to kill you. As he is about to take hold of her throat with his strong free hand --- INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL kicking the door open. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Simon, his mask over his face again, looks toward Michael; and in this moment's distraction Bonnie breaks away, and runs to Devon, who stands outside. It's between Michael and Simon now. MICHAEL It was the money, wasn't it? Every month seeing a little more of your inheritance going to the old man's mistress. With this, Simon slices at Michael with his sword. Michael ducks and electrical sparks fly from the blade as the weapon decapitates one of Devon's statues. The fight continues as: SIMON That money was meant for me! MICHAEL And then you saw a way to get it all. Kill the lady friend and frame your father for murder. Another sparking slice severs the top of a lamp. SIMON He should have retired long ago. That business should be mine. Simon strikes and Michael ducks the electrical blade as it slices through several more objects in Devon's office. MICHAEL I suppose Denise was next. I wonder how you planned to get rid of her? Suddenly Michael finds himself trapped. SIMON Your wondering days are over, Knight. He lifts the sword that will cut Michael in two. But as he brings it down: OMITTED FAVORING MICHAEL Michael sidesteps with a deft karate kick, catching the sword's handle and sending it spinning across the room where it lands in a hail of sparks. MICHAEL It's a little more even now, isn't it, Simon. As Michael moves toward him, Simon turns over a chair blocking Michael's path, then disappears through the French windows. It takes Michael a second to get around the chair and he follows. EXT. SIDE OF FOUNDATION - NIGHT Michael sees Simon racing for his car, takes to the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, pick me up outside Devon's office. K.I.T.T. On my way, Michael. INT./EXT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT starting up and peeling out. EXT. SIDE OF FOUNDATION - NIGHT Simon roars away in his car, disappearing into the night. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. pulling up. Michael jumps in. MICHAEL Pick him up on your scanner, buddy! Hard on the throttle and the chase is on. VARIOUS ANGLES - MICHAEL AND SIMON Simon has a good head start, turns up one street then down another. Michael races to catch up. NEW ANGLE - SIMON turns a corner and heads up a commercial street. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael tries to spot Simon's car. MICHAEL Where is he, Kitt? K.I.T.T. He's headed south on Jefferson. MICHAEL I want that guy! The Trans Am does a fishtail, then turns down the street. ANOTHER ANGLE - SIMON'S CAR runs alongside the drive-in, then crashes through a railing behind the screen. ON TEENAGER'S CONVERTIBLE as they watch from behind their 3-D glasses, eating munchies. TEENAGE BOY See? Fake City? I can't believe we paid for this. TEENAGE GIRL Baa-ry...Shhh.... ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael spots Simon's car inside the drive-in --- MICHAEL There he is, Kitt! K.I.T.T. I see him, Michael. They go in through the same railing simon crashed through. EXT. DRIVE-IN - ANGLE ON SCREEN A maniac, brandishing his knife, chases a nurse through a hospital parking lot. The nurse reaches her car, a black Camero, and fumbles with her keys. ANGLE ON TEENAGERS He's still bored by the movie and makes the old "stretch out the arm and put it around her shoulder move"...She watches intently through the 3-D glasses. TEENAGE GIRL Not now, Barry. Here comes the good part.... ANGLE ON SCREEN - NURSE manages to get into her car and slam it into drive. As in any good 3-D movie, she drives straight at the audience. ANGLE ON SIMON'S CAR racing along the various cars parked in front of the screen, and heading for a way out. ON K.I.T.T. still in back of the screen, giving chase, but suddenly he finds himself cut off by a couple of cars driving out. Michael has to brake or else. K.I.T.T. Michael, we have to abort the chase. MICHAEL He's a murderer, Kitt, I'm not going to lose him now! He turns toward the back of the screen, reaches out and hits turbo boost. The Trans Am lifts off.... ANGLE ON SCREEN As the nurse drives towards the audience, K.I.T.T. bursts through the drive-in screen in sync with the nurse's black Camero. ANGLE ON THE TEENAGERS The Boy spits out a mouthful of popcorn and spills his Coke. Both kids pull off their glasses in amazement. TEENAGE GIRL Woww...! TEENAGE BOY Now that's gnarly...hey! He's lost in a dust cloud kicked up by: K.I.T.T. landing and picking up the chase after Simon. VARIOUS ANGLES As K.I.T.T. pulls in front of Simon, forcing Simon's car to crash into an immovable object. Simon jumps out. FAVORING MICHAEL also jumping out and going after Simon. Rhett Butler going after Darth Vadar. VARIOUS ANGLES OF FIGHT It's brief, before Michael decks him. MICHAEL Show's over, Kitt...let's take him in. As Michael looks up, he suddenly reacts. WHAT HE SEES The cars have turned away from the screen and are facing in his direction. To show their appreciation, the fans begin to applaud and whistle as we --- FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY Michael pulls up in K.I.T.T. Devon is there waiting for him, having just come in his own car. As Michael gets out --- ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE coming to meet them. BONNIE Glad you guys could make it. DEVON Bonnie, are you sure you want company so soon? You've hardly had time to get settled. BONNIE Company's exactly what I want. In fact I even invited one of my neighbors for you to meet, Michael. (sees her coming O.S.) Jean.... Michael turns. Reacts. OMITTED ANGLE TO INCLUDE JEAN It's really Esmerelda, only dressed in bright colors and looking fantastic. She also carries a covered cooking pot. MICHAEL Jean? What ever happened to Esmerelda? ESMERELDA/JEAN (laughs) That was just for Halloween. I mean, you didn't really believe that nonsense about being a witch, did you? MICHAEL You? A witch? You gotta be kidding. K.I.T.T. Not for a minute. BONNIE Well, shall we go upstairs? DEVON I'm looking forward to seeing your new apartment. Bonnie leads the way, followed by Devon and Esmerelda. Michael hangs behind. Softly: MICHAEL Kitt...how 'bout scanning what's inside the pot? K.I.T.T. does. MICHAEL Well? K.I.T.T. Michael...You don't want to know. Michael gives K.I.T.T. a strange look, then glances back toward Esmerelda. Reacts. WHAT HE SEES As she heads for the entrance door...a number of flowers and plants whither in her wake. Esmerelda stops, turns and gives Michael a beautiful smile. BACK ON MICHAEL forcing a smile in return. MICHAEL Keep an eye out for newts, pal. And he heads toward the beautiful Esmerelda, K.I.T.T.'s light flashing, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT THE END