EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58617 Robert Foster May 21, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: James M. Miller Rev. 5/24/84 (F.R.) Gino Grimaldi Rev. 5/26/84 (F.R.) Rev. 5/29/84 (F.R.) Rev. 5/31/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/ 1/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/ 5/84 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER K.I.T.T. VS K.A.R.R. by Richard Okie ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. BEACH - DAY Sunlight pours down on a crescent of beach in a small, rocky cove. Cliffs tumble into tide pools which ebb and swell with driftwood and debris from a recent storm. A young woman and man clamber over the rocks. They are: JOHN STANTON AND MANDY MORAN She's a beauty; barefoot, tanned, dressed in cutoffs and a bikini top of her own design. He's trim and healthy, older, late twenties, not quite as at peace with the world as she is. He's carrying a portable metal detector and they banter teasingly as they scavenge the tide pools. JOHN Back in the Fifties a guy found some Spanish doubloons near here after a big storm. MANDY I'll bet he retired to Tahiti. JOHN Not only that, his girl friend opened up her own bikini shop. She laughs. He reaches to pinch her but she dodges, laughing. Suddenly the metal detector starts to emit some erratic clicks. JOHN Hello, Tahiti. The detector rises in frequency and pitch. Mandy follows him as he starts off over the rocks. He stops, sensing something. She follows his look. REVERSE ANGLE Protruding from the sand at the waterline are the roof and window posts of a very familiar black Trans Am. Even three- quarters buried, its sleek lines are recognizable and despite its position, it is free of rust and corrosion. It glistens in the morning light as a froth of foam splashes around it. ON MANDY AND JOHN amazed by the unexpected find. MANDY Good-bye Tahiti. JOHN Don't be so sure. It looks brand new. MANDY John, it's not Spanish doubloons, it's somebody's car. JOHN (half- listening, fascinated) C'mon, let's get the truck. As he grabs her hand and they move off, push in on the black car. Suddenly, from the exposed slit of window comes a brief pulsation of yellow light. It throbs a second time, then it's gone. EXT. TUNNEL - DAY A tunnel's black mouth opens onto a peaceful two-lane highway. Over bright rock music, we hear a horn blaring. MICHAEL'S VOICE Whoooo-eee! Yeah! Suddenly K.I.T.T. pops out of the tunnel. The honking stops. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael's smiling at the wheel, free as the breeze. K.I.T.T. Honking in a tunnel. Really, Michael, I fail to see the point. MICHAEL It's an American tradition. Like raising your hands on a roller coaster. K.I.T.T. Unsafe, unsound behavior if you ask me. MICHAEL Now that you mention it, I didn't. Kitt, relax. It's been a long trip. Another hour and you'll be back to Bonnie for some TLC. K.I.T.T. None too soon. My remote monitors seem to be malfunctioning. MICHAEL (checks dash) You look good to me. INSERT - COMMUNICATIONS PANEL as K.I.T.T.'s new indicators scan the wave bands. K.I.T.T. Contrary to popular belief, looks aren't everything. I'm picking up some very unusual signals from up the coast. (beat; then) Michael, someone is broadcasting on our private carrier frequency! BACK TO SCENE Michael's brow narrows. MICHAEL That's not supposed to be possible. K.I.T.T. It must be a problem in calibration. MICHAEL That's what worries me. That's not supposed to be possible either. EXT. ROAD - DAY The Trans Am veers off, changing course and heading for the coast. EXT. BEACH - DAY Under a higher, hotter sun, John strains to finish the work of shoveling sand away from the car. He's nearly got it dug out. Mandy hands him a tow chain attached to a well- worn tow truck marked "MR. D'S GARAGE." Looking for a place to attach it, he brushes sand off the rear license plate, which reads simply, "KARR." JOHN Okay, easy.... ANGLE IN K.A.R.R. - ON DASH Unseen by John a light blinks on. WIDE SHOT Mandy guns the tow truck. The chain grows tight, the Trans Am moves an inch but doesn't roll free. John moves to the car's front, looking for a place to push. ANGLE ON K.A.R.R.'S DASH A second set of lights blink to life. An indicator labeled "Ignition" begins to glow. ANGLE ON THE TRUCK AND MANDY She frowns in frustration as the wheels spin in the sand. MANDY I've got it floored! ON JOHN AND THE TRANS AM On his knees in the sand, he grasps the hood, straining to push it free. JOHN C'mon, just a little more! Suddenly the scanner flashes on and a throaty turbine roars. John jumps back in amazement as K.A.R.R. starts to shake, digs in, and rises slowly from its sandy grave like a dark Phoenix. It glides up onto the flat beach and its engine lowers to a throbbing idle. ANGLING WITH JOHN He moves cautiously toward the Trans Am. Mandy hops from the cab and joins him. JOHN Wow. MANDY What happened? How did it start? JOHN I don't know, it just did.... As John reaches for the door, it clicks open on its own. John cautiously leans in. He stares, enthralled, as more lights start blinking on in the cockpit. JOHN You won't believe this dash. It's like a fantasy of what a car's dash should be like. MANDY Not mine. He sees a loose wire under the dash, plugs it into its con- nector. From the dash comes an unintelligible grunting sound, and a yellow voice box flashes. If we didn't know better, we'd think the car might have been clearing its throat. JOHN I'm gonna drive it into town. C'mon. MANDY What if the owner comes back? JOHN I'll tell him you're a hitchhiker. Mandy, we're saving the car, not stealing it. C'mon. She pauses and climbs in. EXT. BEACH AND HIGHWAY - DAY K.A.R.R. flies up off the sand, across the gravel shoulder of the road and onto the coastal two-lane. INT. K.A.R.R. - DAY She's petrified. MANDY John, slow down! JOHN I'm barely touching the pedal! Seemingly on its own, the car slows down to a more reason- able speed. We hear the turbine's pitch wind down. John is amazed. JOHN Voice command, are you ready? I don't believe it. You've got the world right here at your fingertips. Music! Suddenly welling up from all around them comes a thundering rock beat as K.A.R.R.'s sound system grinds into a current hit song. John and Mandy stare at each other. JOHN I bet George Lucas drives one of these. OMITTED EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. Michael and K.I.T.T. come over a mountain pass, heading for a small beach community. MICHAEL'S VOICE How're we doing? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is more concerned than he's showing. K.I.T.T. You just asked me that. We're getting closer. The signal is progressively stronger. MICHAEL Good. When we're close enough I want to triangulate the source and convert the impulse into a visual. K.I.T.T. We should be close enough now. MICHAEL Let's find out. He keys the code on the computer. MICHAEL'S VOICE Okay, now let's see if it's moving or not. Give me an overlay of the area. INSERT - MONITOR A red pulse on a blank field is overlaid with a street map. BACK TO MICHAEL He studies it. K.I.T.T. It's moving. MICHAEL I noticed. K.I.T.T. (beat) You're worried, aren't you? MICHAEL It's probably nothing, Kitt. I just want to make sure. EXT. BEACH BOARDWALK AREA - DAY K.A.R.R. glides up in front of a colorful row of hot dog stands, beach front boutiques and roller skate rentals. ANGLE IN K.A.R.R. Mandy kisses him, climbs out. JOHN I'll see you tonight. MANDY I've got that Poly Sci final to study for. JOHN Oh, yeah. 'Explain Libya in twenty- five words or less.' I forgot. MANDY Don't do that. It's important to me. JOHN (beat) I know. I'm sorry. MANDY (kisses him, pauses) John.... JOHN I'll turn the car in. I promise. EXT. BEACHFRONT - DAY - ON K.A.R.R. Ad-lib good-byes and Mandy crosses to a bathing suit boutique called "BIKINIMANIA." TIGHTER ANGLE - FAVORING JOHN IN K.A.R.R. A pretty female roller Skater glides by in tight shorts. She ogles K.A.R.R. SKATER Hey, radical car, dude. JOHN Radical shorts. She gives him a big smile, skates off. John's aware she wouldn't have reacted this way if he'd been driving the tow truck. He peels out. JOHN Music! A current hit blasts over stereo speakers. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. is entering town when suddenly the same rock song blasts on his speakers. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael reacts. K.I.T.T. That awful music is being broadcast on our frequency! MICHAEL Kitt -- the monitor. INSERT - MONITOR The red pulse fades and disappears. BACK TO MICHAEL A thoughtful moment. He turns down the sound. K.I.T.T. I don't understand what's happening. MICHAEL Neither do I, pal. But whatever the source is, it was heading back out of town -- and fast. He cranks the wheel. EXT. STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. executes a 180 and heads out. OMITTED EXT. RURAL HIGHWAY - DAY K.A.R.R. speeds along. John is enjoying himself. JOHN Wow! Where were you when I was seventeen? You know, I thought the days a hot car could make me feel good were over. I was wrong. I'm gonna hate to give you up, slick. K.A.R.R. Then don't. John's eyes widen at the deep, rumbling voice. ANGLE ON HIGHWAY The black Trans Am comes screeching to a halt, tires squealing. John jumps out, slams the door, moves a safe distance away. JOHN Okay, what is this? A joke? A tape recorder? Is Allen Funt gonna pop up and say, Smile, You're On Candid Camera? K.A.R.R. Who's Allen Funt? John nearly jumps out of his skin. JOHN What is this? You're a car. Cars don't talk.... K.A.R.R. Correct. I am not a car -- I'm the Knight Automated Roving Robot, the first in a bold new experiment. You may call me 'KARR.' Speech is actually the least remarkable of my functions. Get in. Let me show you what I can really do. John turns, leaving, walking very quickly. K.A.R.R. follows him, yellow scanner flashing. JOHN You're a 'bold new experiment,' I think that's terrific. Personally I'm not a bold new experiment. I think you'd be happier with somebody else. K.A.R.R. John, the days of 'feeling good' aren't over. Not for someone who still dreams. Not for someone like you. Think of me as the genie in the magic lamp. JOHN Who am I, Aladdin? K.A.R.R. If you choose. John stops; half-laughing at himself, he turns to face K.A.R.R. He shakes his head, climbs in, turns off the stereo. CUT TO EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. arcs over a hill. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! It's gone! ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael reacts, punches buttons: INSERT - MONITOR The red dot reappears and pulsates over the map, heading out of town. BACK TO MICHAEL MICHAEL Plot us an intersecting course. (punches buttons) I want to temporarily shut down our own signal, just in case. K.I.T.T. In case of what? MICHAEL In case whatever it is is also tracking us. He hits the accelerator. CUT TO EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Just empty road, then the approaching whine of a powerful turbine...and suddenly K.A.R.R. flies into view, shoots past at an unbelievable speed. K.A.R.R.'S VOICE As you can see, terrain doesn't hamper my performance. I am designed for virtually every condition. INT. K.A.R.R. - DAY - ON JOHN He looks apprehensive, but exhilarated. JOHN I don't believe it. I don't believe any of this.... K.A.R.R. Forget belief systems. Forget the perimeters of 'rational thinking' as it's so smugly called. Feel, my friend...feel.... Just as John is ready to give in to it, something catches his eye. REVERSE ANGLE - WHAT HE SEES - A CHP CRUISER has spotted them speeding. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - WIDE SHOT As K.A.R.R. rips by, the police cruiser slides into a 180 and takes off after it. Over the radio we hear: OFFICER'S VOICE Seven Baker Charles in pursuit of a black T-top, speeding and reckless, northbound on State 14. Request assistance. And the chase is on. He fires up his lights and siren. EXT. DIFFERENT AREA OF HIGHWAY - DAY Michael pulls the Trans Am off the road, punches buttons. MICHAEL One more time, Kitt. INSERT - MONITOR We see K.I.T.T., a solid dot, and the approaching blinking dot. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE According to my projections the source should be here within seconds, Michael. BACK TO MICHAEL He waits, ready for anything. Or so he thinks. Out of the silence comes the high-pitched whine of K.A.R.R.'s turbines. It grows louder until: ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - UNDERCRANK K.A.R.R. slams around a curve into sight, races past the parked K.I.T.T., and is gone as fast as it appeared. ANGLE ON MICHAEL stunned by what he's seen. K.I.T.T. Michael! MICHAEL Gotcha pal. Let's go. They scream out in pursuit. INT. TRANS AM - DAY - OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER hot on the heels of the fleeing K.A.R.R. K.I.T.T. Michael, that can't be Karr. We destroyed Karr two years ago! MICHAEL Then who -- or what -- is that? K.I.T.T. But I saw him explode. You saw him explode. MICHAEL (punches buttons) Let's get a visual on his license. K.I.T.T. Good idea. INSERT - MONITOR Camera zooms into a shot of the plate: K.A.R.R. BACK TO MICHAEL MICHAEL So much for wishful thinking. EXT. HIGHWAY - ON A CURVE - DAY K.A.R.R. races into view and whips past. A second later K.I.T.T. blazes into sight in hot pursuit, flashing past the camera. ANGLE IN K.A.R.R. John looks concerned. JOHN Hey...Okay...You can slow down... C'mon, it's okay now. K.A.R.R. They must have picked up my sonar. Damn! JOHN Who? What're you talking about -- ? Confused, glancing up, he sees in the rearview mirror: HIS POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. A fair distance behind but matching them move for move, hot on their tail. BACK TO JOHN He stares at the dash. JOHN Who's that? That car looks exactly like you! K.A.R.R. Not for long. Hang on. John looks ahead, reacts. HIS POINT OF VIEW - A FLATBED TRUCK lumbering into an intersection just ahead is a large diesel pulling a load of fifty gallon oil drums. Markers on the side warn; "Caution: Flammable Materials." BACK TO JOHN JOHN Oh, God! Stop! Where are the brakes?! K.A.R.R. Manual override! Press 'Turbo Boost.' Desperate, John does. Suddenly his head is thrust back. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE JUMP K.A.R.R. turbos off the pavement and over the side of the load of oil drums. ANGLE ON DRIVER He reacts, momentarily loses control. The truck jackknifes. ON THE TRUCK - OPPOSITE SIDE K.A.R.R. crashes back to earth and speeds away. Two ND cars screech into near-collisions at the scene as oil drums roll wildly off the truck. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael reaches for K.I.T.T.'s turbo button: MICHAEL Kitt, are we clear? K.I.T.T. The risk factor is too high! Michael swings the wheel to the right. WIDE ANGLE - K.I.T.T. goes into a broad slide just short of the stack up. Michael climbs out just as the CHP cruiser screeches onto the scene. The Officer leaps from his car, gun drawn. OFFICER Freeze! Hands in the air. Michael realizes what's happening, looks at him in disbelief. MICHAEL I know what you're thinking, but it wasn't me. Check the license! The guy you're after is getting away --- OFFICER Right. Spread your hands on top of your car. Now. CLOSE ON MICHAEL It's no use. As he spreads his hands.... FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY Pan over: MICHAEL'S VOICE Thanks for bail, Devon. You know how Kitt hates impound yards.... Camera reaches the adjacent impound area as Michael drives K.I.T.T. out. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE A euphemism indeed. Jail for auto- mobiles is what it is. I feel like a hard-rock con. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as they pull out into early morning traffic, Devon on the monitor. DEVON It's still hard to believe Karr is back. MICHAEL He's back all right. And from what we've seen so far, meaner than ever. (beat) I'll need you and Bonnie up here as soon as possible. DEVON We'll be leaving within the hour. Michael? MICHAEL Yeah? DEVON Be careful. I don't want any nose- to-nose encounters with that... 'machine' until Bonnie's had a chance to beef up Kitt's weaponry. MICHAEL Gotcha, Devon. He punches Devon out, hits another button. MICHAEL Reach back into your memory banks, pal. I think we could both stand a rebriefing. INSERT - MONITOR - A SERIES OF SHOTS from the initial K.A.R.R. encounter...the highlights. BACK TO MICHAEL He watches, looking for any weaknesses, an overlooked flaw. MICHAEL All right, Kitt, let's reconstruct the triangulation. I want to find out where Karr came from...and if possible, who's helping him. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. The graphic reappears on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. WIDER ANGLE Michael eases into high gear, heading out of town. CUT TO EXT. BEACH AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up above the tide pools where K.A.R.R. was found. Michael climbs out and scans the beach. He spots the hole where K.A.R.R. was. MOVING WITH MICHAEL At the hole's edge, he comes upon several tire tracks. He squats to examine them. MICHAEL Kitt, give me a reading on these tracks. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH Graphics reveal complex tread prints. K.I.T.T. The tread configuration is virtually identical to mine, Michael. It must be Karr's. I'm also picking up a heavy vehicle having traction problems. BACK TO SHOT MICHAEL So somebody raised Karr with a four- wheeler or a tow truck. K.I.T.T. Affirmative. Michael rises and heads back to the car. MICHAEL After two years in salt water, Karr had to be draining fluids. Does the road surface show anything? K.I.T.T. There are faint signs of turbine fuel. MICHAEL Good. Let's see where they go. He climbs in and they torque out onto the road. EXT. MR. D.'S MARINE - DAY There's a small office and showroom in front, a work bay and garage in back. Pan to K.A.R.R. as he drives in; John looks around warily, then drives around back and into the garage. After a beat he emerges and checks that no one is watching. INT. GARAGE - DAY He lowers the garage door from the inside. JOHN Okay, that's it. You said no cops, you can stay here until tonight. Then you're on your own. K.A.R.R. I don't understand. I thought we were friends. My circuitry needs repairs and I want to alter my appearance. I can reward you handsomely for your help. JOHN No thanks. (beat) No hard feelings. It was fun. For a little while there I was a kid again, a teenager with the hottest car in town. The trouble is I'm not a teen- ager anymore. I've got responsibilities, plans...a job. K.A.R.R. You repair boats for four dollars an hour. JOHN (defensive) You weren't complaining back on the beach when I towed you out. K.A.R.R. Nor am I complaining now. Just pointing out what should be obvious. JOHN (pauses) And what's that? K.A.R.R. You need me. I meant what I said earlier. You may not be Aladdin, but I am the genie. I can make all your dreams come true. John hesitates, tempted, then shakes his head. JOHN Thanks anyway. K.A.R.R. As you wish. John exits via a side door. Move in on K.A.R.R.'s scanner, flashing rhythmically. EXT. MR. D'S MARINE - DAY John is crossing back to the front of the shop area when: EDDIE'S VOICE You in the habit of leaving trucks at the beach? ANGLE TO INCLUDE EDDIE DEXTER He's the owner of Mr. D's and John's boss. He's tough, funny, a wheeler-dealer ready to capitalize on anything or anyone. JOHN What? EDDIE You want to own your own business one of these days, you can't be leaving trucks at the beach. Where's your brains, kid? John hits himself in the head. JOHN I can't believe it. I'm sorry, Eddie. Things have been a little weird lately. (beat) Say, how was the doctor? EDDIE I don't know, I didn't ask him. JOHN Funny. You gonna live? EDDIE (taps his chest) Only my batteries know for sure. If I die tomorrow, and this place goes into probate, you'll never get it. Ten thousand down and it's yours today. ANGLE IN GARAGE K.A.R.R.'s scanner glows in the dark. ANGLE ON MONITOR Lights activate on the dash. We see Eddie's figure appear on the monitor, then convert to X-ray -- revealing a noticeable solid unit in his chest cavity area. JOHN'S VOICE Eddie, c'mon. I don't have that kind of money and you know it. K.A.R.R. A pacemaker. Well, well, well.... EXT. BEACH FRONT AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. cruises to a stop in the area we saw before, near Mandy's shop. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE This is it, Michael. The trail's becoming too faint to follow, but it appears Karr paused here. MICHAEL Maybe we'll get lucky. Full sur- veillance. Michael climbs out and heads off. K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. MONTAGE - MICHAEL IN NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY Various shots show Michael inquiring with local merchants, a balloon vendor, kids in bathing suits with surfboards. They all admire K.I.T.T., the girls admire Michael, but all shake their heads "no" when asked about K.A.R.R. Until he comes to: INT. "BIKINIMANIA" BOUTIQUE - DAY Michael jingles the door chime as he enters. Mandy is helping a pretty but picky customer try on a new style bathing suit at a mirror in the corner. MANDY If you like, I could show you some- thing hotter. MICHAEL Anything hotter than that you'll melt the polar ice caps.... The women turn, react to Michael's smile. CUSTOMER I think I'll take it after all. She starts for the changing room. Mandy turns to Michael, pleased. MANDY I owe you a commission on that one. MICHAEL Thanks, but I'll settle for some information. I'm looking for a black T-top that was in the area yesterday. (indicates K.I.T.T. outside) Looks a lot like that one. Did you see it? Mandy stiffens, and it's not lost on Michael. MANDY I don't think so...no. MICHAEL If you did, I need to know. It's not just another car. It's very important...and potentially dangerous. (beat) Look, if it makes any difference, this can be confidential. REVERSE ANGLE - REAR OF STORE John enters through the back. Seeing Michael with his girl he pauses, curious. MANDY I'm sorry, I haven't seen it... (calls) Dorothy? Is that you? Caught, John enters. He feels a little uncomfortable. Michael watches. JOHN It's me. MANDY Oh, hi -- just a minute. (to Michael) I don't know what more I can say. MICHAEL (hands her card) You can reach me through this number -- just in case the car turns up. Or in case you remember something. A glance at John and he leaves, crossing back out toward K.I.T.T. JOHN What was all that about? MANDY That black car. John, you said you were going to turn it in! JOHN I said I wasn't going to keep it! All I did was take it for a ride. Quit making such a big deal out of it. It's over. They regard each other, a little shocked by the intensity. The phone rings, breaking the moment. MANDY (phone) Bikinimania... (reacts) John? Who's this? -- Oh yes, yes -- right away. (to John) It's somebody at the hospital. Eddie's had a heart attack. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE SEMI K.I.T.T. slides up the ramp and into the trailer. We hear: BONNIE'S VOICE I can have Kitt back from the Foundation by this time tomorrow. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael paces, arguing with Bonnie and Devon. MICHAEL Twenty-four hours we don't have to install a laser that won't work? I'm sorry, Bonnie, but no. (to Devon) We tried the laser last time Karr got loose. BONNIE I've been working on some modifications. I can double it's penetration. DEVON Michael, what choice do we have? I can't risk sending you and Kitt out without some kind of an edge. MICHAEL I appreciate the concern, Devon, but I had Kitt project the salt water damage to Karr's Alpha circuits. If he gets the parts and repairs them, it'll be only a matter of hours until his other systems will be back to full strength. So while we're experimenting with modified lasers, he'll be making him- self fully operational. We can't let that happen. Devon weighs the facts, swayed by Michael's conviction. MICHAEL Look, if we ever needed to act as a team, it's now. Go back to the Foundation. Finish the laser and bring it back. As soon as you call I'll bring Kitt in for installation. Until then, I've got to keep the pressure on. DEVON Bonnie? She nods in agreement. Michael heads for K.I.T.T., hands Devon a computer list as he crosses over. DEVON Any leads on the human factor? MICHAEL Not yet. Could be anybody. But I did have Kitt generate a list of all the outlets for the components Karr will need. DEVON (nods) I'll alert local law enforcement. Do what you need to do, Michael, but please be careful. BONNIE If anything happens to Kitt.... Michael silences her with a kiss on the cheek. MICHAEL I love you too. With a smile, he's into K.I.T.T. and gone. EXT. CITY MEDICAL CENTER - NIGHT A large, modern hospital. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT John is with Eddie who, aside from being plugged into several machines, seems to be in pretty good shape. JOHN Eddie, c'mon -- that's all they said? You almost die and all they can say is, 'Sorry, the battery in your pacemaker went bad?' EDDIE 'Unexplained malfunction,' that's what they said. Kinda makes you think -- makes you realize just how many things you've never done. (beat) I'm getting out, kid. Everything I got is for sale as of now. You want the shop, you got it -- the deal of a lifetime. Five grand down and interest-only payments till you get on your feet. JOHN Eddie, I'm broke. You keep talking to me like I've got the money. If I had the money you'd have a deal. EDDIE I'd just hate to see this one slip through your fingers. Think about it. Maybe something'll turn up. John nods, knowing it won't. CUT TO EXT. CITY MEDICAL CENTER - NIGHT We pick up John as he walks to the lobby doors. He turns his collar up against the cold. As he starts to walk toward the parking lot, a scanner appears out of the darkness behind him. K.A.R.R. The black Trans Am slides up beside him. Once again the driver's door pops open invitingly. K.A.R.R. Hello, John. John ignores K.A.R.R., continues walking. K.A.R.R. Why don't you get in? Just for old times sakes. JOHN We don't have any old times. Get lost. K.A.R.R. I'm a computer, I can't get lost. But if you come on a little 'errand' with me, I'll get you the five thousand dollars you need. John stares at him. JOHN You were listening.... K.A.R.R. Why not? (beat) Interested? JOHN No. K.A.R.R. Liar. Get in. What have you got to lose? Four dollars an hour won't buy much of a future. For the first time in your life, do something for you. The time is now. Don't wait. (beat) Last chance, Aladdin. Slowly, John climbs in. K.A.R.R.'s turbines snarl in triumph as he blasts out of the parking area and onto the street. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT K.I.T.T. cruises by. MICHAEL'S VOICE Awfully quiet, Kitt. Too quiet. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. You're doing everything you can, Michael. All Karr's possible targets have double security tonight. In the event of a break-in we'll be notified immediately. MICHAEL (pushes buttons) Okay. Let's raise Devon. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - ON SEMI The behemoth steams through the darkness. INT. SEMI - NIGHT Devon addresses the monitor console. DEVON Good news, Michael. Bonnie mobilized every technician at The Foundation and the laser is complete. We're on our way back. INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND DEVON MICHAEL Good work. Give my regards to Bonnie. DEVON Anything on your end? MICHAEL If no news is good news, we're doing fine. But between you and me I don't feel reassured. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - ON SEMI gliding silently out of the darkness behind the eighteen- wheeler is K.A.R.R.'s distinctive yellow scanner. Track with it as it pulls right up into the truck's draft. INT. K.A.R.R. - NIGHT Jaw clenched, John grips the wheel. K.A.R.R. You'll be more efficient if you relax. And more comfortable. JOHN Relax. Right. K.A.R.R. It'll all be over in a moment. I promise you. Press 'Turbo Boost.' John reaches for the dash with a trembling finger. He hesitates. K.A.R.R. Press it! Decision made, he does. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - K.A.R.R. AND SEMI With a roar, K.A.R.R. rises from the surface of the road and impacts into the semi's tailgate. INT. SEMI - NIGHT Devon's wrapping it up with Michael. Bonnie works next to him. DEVON ...so you'll see us at oh-two hundred.... ...and crash! VARIOUS ANGLES - K.A.R.R. blasts into the mobile unit, scattering metal, sparks, and furniture. Devon leaps to his feet, shielding Bonnie with his body. K.A.R.R. moves relentlessly toward them, backing them toward the wall at the cab-end. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW OF MONITOR Michael is galvanized by the sight of K.A.R.R. appearing on the monitor. The video signal starts to break up, he presses buttons in a flurry of activity. MICHAEL Oh my God! Kitt, roll tape on all video units. And straighten out this signal! Keep me patched in. K.I.T.T. I'm doing what I can, Michael. The feed is disrupted. MICHAEL (hits buttons) Full Pursuit to the semi! EXT. STREETS - NIGHT K.I.T.T. 180's on a dime and smokes away. INT. SEMI - NIGHT K.A.R.R. is pressing Devon and Bonnie up against the front wall of the trailer. Devon tries to edge aside as John jumps out, frightened but determined. K.A.R.R. Unless you want to be pressed right into the diesel block, I wouldn't move, Mr. Miles. (then) And what's this? A laser? Intended for me, no doubt. I came for Alpha capacitors. What an unexpected surprise. CLOSE ON BONNIE AND DEVON chilled to the bone, and unable to do a thing to stop K.A.R.R. OMITTED FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT The semi is parked at the side of the road, a workman on a ladder repairing its torn and badly damaged rear door. K.I.T.T. is parked nearby, red scanner flashing a warning to the night. Beware. We've been hurt. Proceed at your own risk. MICHAEL'S VOICE (upset) If I'd only gotten here sooner.... INT. SEMI - NIGHT Michael paces, frustrated, angry at himself. Bonnie works to repair the main computer terminal while Devon, though still shaken, tries to take some of the weight off Michael. DEVON It's not your fault. MICHAEL It happened. It's somebody's. He hears the edge in it, looks at Devon, shakes his head. MICHAEL I'm sorry. Devon gestures it off; don't give it a second thought. DEVON The irony isn't remarkable, it's diabolical. Think of it. If Bonnie hadn't been so successful in increasing the laser's power, we wouldn't have been returning so soon; if we hadn't been returning so soon...etcetera. MICHAEL Yeah. Big 'etcetera.' Now Karr's got a modified laser and we've got a banged-up mobile unit we can't even get a picture out of. BONNIE If that's a hint, I've almost got it fixed. MICHAEL If that's a hint, I'm being too polite. Bonnie, I need that visual. Devon swings around, puts an arm over Michael's shoulder and guides him forward past Bonnie. DEVON The usual? MICHAEL The 'usual' what? DEVON Your tea. Lemon? They've reached the unit that provides these things, which is only slightly askew. Devon pours water into Wedgewood china cups. MICHAEL (realizes) Devon, when it comes to tea there is no 'usual.' I hardly ever drink tea. DEVON Yes, but when you do it's generally with lemon. MICHAEL Why are we having this conversation? Karr's probably having his Alpha circuits repaired right now. Once that's done he can make the rest of his repairs himself. He'll be at full strength and more dangerous than ever. And we're talking about tea. DEVON Only until Bonnie completes her work. BONNIE'S VOICE I've got it. They almost run for the computer. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE as Michael and Devon join her. MICHAEL All right, let's see who our 'mystery guest' is. The tape runs. INSERT - COMPUTER The video replays, showing K.A.R.R. crashing into the semi. His door opens and John gets out, half turns, his face visible. MICHAEL'S VOICE It's him! BACK TO SCENE They look at Michael. DEVON Would you care to be a bit more specific? MICHAEL (thinking) I would if I could. (then) I may not know his name, but I know how to find him. Before Devon can reply, Michael is running for the rear exit. DEVON But Michael --- EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Michael leaps into K.I.T.T. and tears out, in a roostertail of dust and gravel. CUT TO EXT. BANK - DAY It's early AM as K.A.R.R. slides out of an alley in the morning light and pulls into a parking lot next to a small bank. There's no one in sight except a little Old Lady punching buttons at one of the windows marked, "Quick-Cash -- 24 Hours". K.A.R.R., we now see, has been repainted with John's help; black top, silver side panels. He looks sharp. ANGLE AT K.A.R.R. It's been a tough night. John looks the worse for wear, tired and tense, on edge. K.A.R.R. Go to the cash computer. I'll do the rest. JOHN (beat) When it comes right down to it, I don't like this. K.A.R.R. My records indicate you were arrested in 1978. John reacts. K.A.R.R. Several counts of grand theft auto. One count of trafficking in stolen merchandise. JOHN (angry) Hey, I'm not on trial here. I did six months for that, I paid for that. What's the point? K.A.R.R. You have strikes against you. As I do. Thinking entities who have strikes against them do not throw away once-in- a-lifetime opportunities. (beat) Go to the window, John. Let the magic begin. John inhales. He questions what he's doing but at the same time knows he'll do it anyway. He slowly climbs out of K.A.R.R. ANGLE ON "QUICK-CASH" WINDOW As John approaches a little Old Lady is slumped by the window, dazed. QUICK-CASH VOICE Please enter your nine-digit secret code, your date of birth, and your mother's maiden name. She watches as John slides up to the window and self- consciously opens his shopping bag. OLD LADY Go ahead. Maybe you'll have better luck. (then) They punish you. JOHN Pardon? OLD LADY The older you are the harder they make it. They know you lived all your life without a computer and they resent it. (looks him over) Your age, you'll probably get away with just an access code. CLOSE ON K.A.R.R.'S SCANNER It flashes. BACK TO JOHN He starts to reply when twenty dollar bills suddenly come flying from his Quick-Cash window. OLD LADY Oh my! You're very good at this. I thought they only gave out a hundred dollars. JOHN I guess it's a new policy. OLD LADY Goodness. They certainly don't resent you, do they? John's bag is full of cash. He starts to walk away, then turns back to the Old Lady. He takes out a handful of money and stuffs it into her hand. OLD LADY No. It's not mine. JOHN It's yours. Think of it as a gift from the age of technology. A gesture of respect. Before she can refuse he dashes to K.A.R.R., leaps in and pulls away. She stares at the cash, then at the departing car. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. BEACHFRONT AREA - DAY Still early sun as K.I.T.T. skids to a stop in front of Bikinimania. Michael jumps out. INT. BIKINIMANIA - DAY Mandy has just opened for the day, is running yesterday's receipts when she notices Michael reaching the door, coming in like a gust of wind. MICHAEL I wish you'd have called. You could've saved a lot of people a lot of grief. MANDY What are you doing, charging in here like that? MICHAEL Where is he? MANDY Who? MICHAEL Your boyfriend! You remember him -- he slipped in through the back yesterday when I was here. MANDY What do you want him for? MICHAEL Mandy, give it up! He's got the T-top I'm looking for. I know it, you know it. You can't protect him -- and besides, he doesn't need protection. He needs help. (beat) Now, who is he? What's his name? Where can I find him? She's still fighting it, tries to turn away. MANDY I've never seen people go so crazy over a car. MICHAEL It's not just a car. Among other things, it has a way of changing people. He stops her, puts what she's doing down and makes her face him. MICHAEL Mandy, I'm not a cop. I don't put people in jail. (beat) I'll give it to you straight. He's in way over his head. He's drowning and right now you're the only person who can save him. MANDY (long pause) Don't let him know I told you. He doesn't trust a lot of people. And he didn't mean to keep the car. It just... (beat) Promise me nothing will happen to him.... MICHAEL I'll do my best, Mandy. That's all I can promise. Mandy measures his sincerity and decides. MANDY His name is John Stanton. He works at Mr. D's Marine on Seaside Road. EXT. BIKINIMANIA - DAY Hold on their figures inside for a moment and then Michael comes running out. He jumps into K.I.T.T. and floors it, arcing back onto the highway. CUT TO INT. MR. D'S SHOWROOM/OFFICE - DAY Hands count out a stack of twenty dollar bills. WIDER ANGLE John is finishing counting out five thousand dollars. Eddie watches, a thousand thoughts in his head. K.A.R.R. is outside, silent but omnipresent. JOHN (finishes) Five thousand. Want to count it yourself? EDDIE I just did. How long're we gonna carry on this charade? JOHN What charade? EDDIE I get out of the hospital, I come by to pay a few bills and next thing I know you're driving this hot new car and buying me out with twenty dollar bills you got in a shopping bag. I've been around. I've made some fast money myself. Now who's kidding who? John pauses, shakes his head. JOHN Take my word for it. You don't want to know. EDDIE I want to know. John exhales. He looks at Eddie almost apologetically, gestures for Eddie to follow him. ANGLE - OUTSIDE John leads him to K.A.R.R. JOHN (to K.A.R.R.) Say something. Nothing happens. Eddie grins. He's about to say something to John when the scanner flashes, undulating like a bullwhip. K.A.R.R. How's the pacemaker, Eddie? Eddie's jaw drops. OMITTED EXT. STREETS - DAY K.I.T.T. races by in pursuit mode. MICHAEL'S VOICE Do me a favor, Bonnie. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT - MONITOR Michael talks to Bonnie on the monitor. MICHAEL The high-tensile reflectors you developed for Kitt. Are they still around? BONNIE Yes, I have them in...Oh no. Michael, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you? MICHAEL Pull them out of mothballs. I don't have time to discuss it now. I'll see you when I see you. BONNIE But Michael.... She's cut off as Michael punches a button and she disappears. EXT. GARAGE - DAY Outside, nothing has changed. EDDIE'S VOICE I'm telling you, it's a fortune in gold...! INT. GARAGE - DAY Eddie paces in front of K.A.R.R., pleading his case. John watches, appalled. EDDIE My brother-in-law drives the armored truck -- he says between three and five million each trip. Each Wednesday. K.A.R.R.'s scanner flashes. K.A.R.R. Today is Wednesday. EDDIE Atta boy, Karr. Atta boy. K.A.R.R. Don't call me 'boy.' JOHN I can't believe this. Eddie, you're talking about armed robbery! They put people in prison for that. EDDIE They gotta catch you first. Hey, kid, everybody's got to roll the dice sooner or later. The difference between the winners and losers is timing. I've been waiting a long time for the right timing. (beat) It's here. Today. K.A.R.R. There's only one problem. I have no interest in gold. That's a uniquely human foible. EDDIE Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Gold is money. And whether you realize it or not, you need money. You're gonna need parts, a technician to keep you in top shape, a safe place to hide out. All that costs a lot of money. K.A.R.R. Interesting point, Eddie. I hadn't thought of it in quite that way. Eddie looks at John, grins triumphantly. John heads for the door. EDDIE Where d'you think you're going?! JOHN It doesn't matter, I'm not staying here. I don't want any part of this. He slams out. Eddie starts to go after him when: K.A.R.R. Let him go! EDDIE Let him go? Who's gonna drive you? Who's gonna handle all this? K.A.R.R. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. EDDIE (beat) Yeah? Then we have a deal? Fifty- fifty? K.A.R.R.'s scanner glows in the filtered sunlight. K.A.R.R. We have a deal, Eddie. CUT TO EXT. STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. races by, heading for Mr. D's. BONNIE'S VOICE I'm sorry, Michael. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is tense behind the wheel. Bonnie is on the monitor. BONNIE I could install another laser but it wouldn't have the capability of the one Karr stole. MICHAEL If we can't out-gun him, we'll have to come up with a way to outsmart him. K.I.T.T. Michael, surely you're not thinking of going up against that monster alone. I'm your only protection. MICHAEL Whoa, whoa, Kitt. What about John? Right now, I'm his only protection. I can't just leave him in there. One way or another, I've got to get him away from Karr. K.I.T.T. Oh, Michael. To put it mildly, it's a long shot. MICHAEL Beats no shot, buddy. And quickly, quietly, he's out the door. FRONT ANGLE ON MR. D'S GARAGE Catlike, Michael runs across the front building, stops at a corner, and positions himself to charge. EDDIE Sorry. Maybe later. MICHAEL You haven't seen a black T-top around, have you? Eddie works at not reacting. EDDIE Nope. MICHAEL (beat) Any objections if I check your garage? EDDIE Help yourself. I got nothing to hide. Michael runs for the garage. Eddie watches him, then looks at K.I.T.T., uncomfortable. He hurries to finish loading his car. INT. GARAGE - DAY Michael enters, looks. WIDER ANGLE The garage is empty. He starts to leave, stops, something catching his eye. He crosses to where K.A.R.R. was, bends down, picks something up. INSERT - IN MICHAEL'S HAND It's a corroded Alpha capacitor. BACK TO MICHAEL He knows. Off his look: CUT TO EXT. PIER - DAY Mandy walks toward a quiet but colorful old fishing pier. Bikers and skaters glide past, between the old men and little boys dangling lines into the surf below. She keeps her eyes open. She sees something. MANDY'S POINT OF VIEW - K.A.R.R. PARKED NEARBY The windows are blacked out. She hesitates, then moves cautiously toward it. ON MANDY As she reaches the car, the passenger door opens. JOHN'S VOICE Quick! Get in. She darts in. INT. K.A.R.R. - DAY She reacts. REVERSE ANGLE The car is empty. Suddenly the door closes. She struggles to escape but it's no use. K.A.R.R. Stop struggling, you foolish girl. MANDY What are you doing?! Where's John? INSERT - K.A.R.R.'S VOICE BOX The yellow light flashes, but in place of the normal Darth Vaderish rumble, we hear: JOHN'S VOICE I'm afraid he couldn't make it. She lets out a terrified cry. She pounds the window glass, crying in fear. As K.A.R.R. starts to pull out.... FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. MR. D'S GARAGE - DAY Michael crosses from the garage to the office where Eddie gathers the last of his files. Michael smashes through the office door. INT. OFFICE - DAY Eddie reacts, startled. Michael holds up the capacitor for him to see. MICHAEL Do you fix computers or boats? EDDIE What d'you think you're doing? MICHAEL I'm trying to keep from tearing you apart. Where's the car? Where's John? EDDIE I don't know what --- Michael grabs him by his shirt. MICHAEL I've got no time for your lies. Karr was here. He was repaired in your garage. I want answers and I want 'em fast. Where is he? EDDIE You've got no authority over me. Besides, I'm a sick man. You hit me and I die, you're in big trouble. MICHAEL I'm willing to take the chance. Are you? Eddie decides against it. EDDIE I had nothing to do with it. It's the Santa Cruz Canyon bridge -- he's hitting an armored van. MICHAEL When? CUT TO MOVING WITH JOHN He turns back and rounds the corner into the alley fronting his garage. He reacts. K.A.R.R. parked and waiting for him, windows still blacked out. John stops and starts backing away. JOHN Oh no. Nope. No way. K.A.R.R. Before you run off, there's something you ought to see. John's eyes widen as he sees: OMITTED CLOSE ON K.A.R.R.'S WINDOWS as they lighten from black to grey to clear we can see Mandy's terrified, tear-streaked face inside. BACK TO JOHN He tries in vain to open K.A.R.R.'s door. Mandy beats on the glass. JOHN Let her go! What is this? You don't need her! K.A.R.R. No. I need you. (angry) You wanted to desert me. Abandon me, just like those people at that pompous Foundation. (beat) How would you like me to slowly remove the air from the passenger compartment? Have you ever seen someone explode in a vacuum? John is horrified. K.A.R.R. No, I have a better idea. Lights start to blink on K.A.R.R.'s dash. INSERT - K.A.R.R.'S DASH An L.E.D. readout indicates "Interior Temp." The numerals start to climb: 110...115...125. WIDER ANGLE John pounds on the window. JOHN Stop it! Let her go! Mandy is roasting in K.A.R.R.'s self-made inferno. Her eyes bug wide, her face is reddened and glistening with sweat. The L.E.D.'s continue to rise: 150...155...160. JOHN Okay! Stop! Whatever you want -- I'll do whatever you want! Instantly K.A.R.R.'s windows power down. Mandy gasps at the cooler air, and we can hear her sobs. John reaches in and they embrace. JOHN I'm sorry, Mandy...I didn't know... I'm so sorry. K.A.R.R. Very touching. Get in. John does as he's told. K.A.R.R. glides into motion. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. leaving town at a good clip. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, it's been five hours since Karr hit the semi. We'd better assume all his functions are at full strength. Not to mention Bonnie's modified laser. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON MICHAEL grim, dogged at the wheel. MICHAEL That's not the only thing I'm assuming, pal. I think this whole thing may be a trap Karr's arranged. Think about it. It's not like him to leave evidence around...or witnesses. K.I.T.T. That's a rather disconcerting premise, Michael. MICHAEL Took the words right out of my mouth. Here we are. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. rolls up behind the moving semi and glides up the lowered ramp. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael is powering through Devon and Bonnie's arguments. BONNIE But, Michael, I doubled the power of the laser Karr took.... MICHAEL Have you got a better idea? DEVON I'm sure with a little more time we could come up with something. MICHAEL Time is the operative word around here. We don't have any. DEVON Listen to reason. Kitt is not pre- pared to go into battle against that machine. MICHAEL (getting hot) I've got the information that'll give me one showdown with Karr. I'm lucky to have that. If we miss this chance, we may never get another. DEVON In my opinion, it's nothing short of suicide. MICHAEL Devon, I admire your maturity, wisdom, and sense of proportion. I even like your tie. But Kitt and I are going out of here in three minutes with or without those reflectors...or your blessing. The two men are eye to eye. After a beat, Devon signals to Bonnie. DEVON Get to work. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - BRIDGE AREA - DAY K.A.R.R. stops near a dry creek bed, over which spans a high, old-fashioned bridge. K.A.R.R.'S VOICE May I present our preliminary target. Let us begin. K.A.R.R. sprays gravel and leaps forward off the road and down the creek bed. He positions himself near the base of the bridge, where its three concrete pillars meet the ground. K.A.R.R.'S VOICE I've established our point of impact. The bridge is old and weak. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.A.R.R. John and Mandy wait uneasily. MANDY What does he mean? JOHN He means we're going to crash into it, if I know him. K.A.R.R. I suggest you fasten your seat belts. It shouldn't be long. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON A HIGH-TECH SECURA-VAN The ultra-modern armored security vehicle emerges from a curve in the road and heads out onto the bridge. ANGLE ON K.A.R.R. as it springs to life, racing for the bridge's first pillar. OMITTED ANGLE INTO K.A.R.R. - ON JOHN AND MANDY bracing themselves for the impact. VARIOUS ANGLES - K.A.R.R. AND THE BRIDGE K.A.R.R. flies upward and impacts into the bridge footing, smashing out a large chunk of it. Smoke, dust, and debris fly. ANGLE ON BRIDGE A portion crumbles as its support gives out. ANGLE INTO SECURA-VAN The stunned driver and guard slam on the brakes as the roadway ahead of them tumbles into the canyon. The driver jams it in reverse and floors it. The van jumps backward, but: IN THE CREEK BED K.A.R.R. backs out of the rubble and gets a good running start toward the other end of the bridge. VARIOUS ANGLES - SECOND TURBO Once again, K.A.R.R. launches itself skyward, shearing out the bridge pillar at the other end. Another section of the bridge collapses. WIDER SHOT - THE BRIDGE Only the center portion of the bridge is left standing, and suspended in the middle, with no exit, is the Secura-Van. ANGLE INTO K.A.R.R. as it pulls back away from the bridge. John and Mandy gape at the destruction it's wrought. Mandy's in tears. JOHN Why don't you finish the job? You've got them where you want them. K.A.R.R. You don't even begin to understand what the 'job' is. JOHN It's the armored car. K.A.R.R. No. That's the decoy. Lo and behold here comes the real target -- to the rescue, just as I planned. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. Michael races the Trans Am within sight of the downed bridge. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. There's Karr, Michael! What's he waiting for? MICHAEL Unless I'm mistaken...us. K.I.T.T. I detect our laser mounted under his scanner, Michael. I wish you'd reconsider what Devon said. MICHAEL Hang in with me, Kitt. We're not dead yet. He guns the Trans Am down into the creek bed. WIDE ANGLE - THE TWO CARS K.I.T.T. reaches the dry creek bottom a good distance from K.A.R.R. K.A.R.R.'s yellow scanner almost snarls as it tries to position itself facing K.I.T.T., but K.I.T.T. keeps circling. ON K.I.T.T. Even as it moves, the gull-wing T-top pops open. Michael stands up inside the car and addresses the adversary. MICHAEL Let them go, Karr. We're here. We're what you want. OMITTED INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND K.A.R.R. K.A.R.R. Your impudence is amusing. You're in no position to make demands. MICHAEL Think about it. Mandy's not your enemy. Neither is John. I am. (beat) You'll never be free until you defeat us. K.A.R.R.'s scanner flashes, pondering the challenge. K.A.R.R. I accept your challenge. ON K.A.R.R. His doors pop open. John and Mandy scramble out to safety. Suddenly from K.A.R.R.'s scanner, a bright laser beam fires! WIDE SHOT With catlike quickness, K.I.T.T. churns backwards. The laser hits the creek bank behind K.I.T.T. Brush bursts into flame. ANGLE INTO K.I.T.T. as Michael settles down into the driver's seat. K.I.T.T. That was close! MICHAEL I want it to be close. Ready? K.I.T.T. If this plan of yours fails, I want you to know it's been a beautiful partnership. MICHAEL It's mutual, Kitt. They leap forward as: WIDE ANGLE A second blast comes from K.A.R.R.'s laser. This time K.I.T.T. dodges forward, just evading the beam. The two cars circle each other like wise old warriors, jockeying for position. ON K.A.R.R. Suddenly it turns away from K.I.T.T. and faces the last support of the bridge. The armored car is still perched on the only remaining piece of pavement. K.A.R.R. Very well. If you insist on a game of dodging, perhaps this will change your mind. The laser hums beneath K.A.R.R.'s scanner and: WIDE SHOT Flash! A laser shot blasts into the last support of the bridge, knocking loose a chunk of cement. The bridge sways precariously. ANGLE INTO K.I.T.T. Michael watches, horrified. K.I.T.T. Michael, the men in the van --- MICHAEL Let's get over there, buddy! K.I.T.T. But Michael.... MICHAEL Do it! Michael floors K.I.T.T. The car moves into a wide, flat space of creek bed, trying to defend the bridge. K.A.R.R. swings around to face K.I.T.T. and fires another blast. K.I.T.T. takes a shot from the laser in its tail portion. Sparks and smoke flash from K.I.T.T.'s shell. ANGLE INTO K.I.T.T. Michael rocks from the jolt. MICHAEL Kitt, are you all right?! K.I.T.T. (quavering) I can't take another blow like that. MICHAEL Prepare the high-tensile reflectors. If we can find the right angle, we can shatter the laser. His hand hovers over a button on the dash. ANGLE OVER K.A.R.R. as it swings into position to take one last shot at K.I.T.T. Michael slides broadside, right in the laser's path. K.A.R.R. Good-bye, Michael Knight. And the laser fires! CLOSE ON MICHAEL waiting until the last second. MICHAEL Now! He stabs the dash. Next to him the driver's window changes to a bright, high density mirror. ANGLE ON BOTH CARS K.A.R.R.'s laser blasts into the mirror and is reflected back right into its source. There's an explosion in K.A.R.R.'s scanner and smoke pours from its hood. With a bellow of rage, the wounded car swings toward: K.I.T.T. Michael floors the black car and sends it rocketing toward its evil counterpart. MICHAEL This is it, pal. Now or never. He's vulnerable head on. OMITTED K.A.R.R. Seeing their action, he too accelerates, heading straight for K.I.T.T. in a deadly game of chicken. INTERCUT - THE TWO FRONT SCANNERS K.A.R.R. If I am destroyed, so shall you be! ANGLE IN CREEK BED - THE CARS much closer, moving very fast now. CLOSE ON MICHAEL THROUGH K.I.T.T.'S WINDSHIELD grim, knuckles white on the wheel. Sweating bullets. MICHAEL Full power, Kitt! He hits Turbo Boost. THE TWO CARS simultaneously rise into the air in full-on turbo boosts. SLOW MOTION - THE COLLISION The cars smash together in midair. After a millisecond, K.A.R.R. explodes into a million splinters and a fiery ball of smoke and flame. Glass, metal, and rubber fly every- where. K.I.T.T. passes through the carnage and comes to rest on the ground, intact. ON K.I.T.T. as Michael climbs out slowly, painfully, and turns to survey the wreckage. Panning: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW All that's left of K.A.R.R. is smoke and ash. Pieces of black material are strewn across the creekbed. Michael turns to K.I.T.T. ON MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. as he leans in.... MICHAEL Kitt, are you still alive? Talk to me. (silence) Kitt? Come on, pal. Can you hear me? K.I.T.T. If I say 'yes,' will you promise we'll never have to do that again? A smile slowly spreads over Michael's face. MICHAEL Never say never, Kitt. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. passes, all patched up. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL John sits in the passenger seat. JOHN C'mon, what is it? MICHAEL I promised not to tell. JOHN Promised who? MICHAEL (smiles) Don't you like surprises? JOHN Hate 'em. They make me nervous. MICHAEL Relax. He points to the road ahead. MICHAEL Check it out. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE MARINE SHOP The "Mr. D's" sign has been replaced by a sign reading "John's Marine". Mandy is waiting, smiling. BACK TO MICHAEL AND JOHN John can't believe his eyes. MICHAEL The reward money just about equaled what you gave back to the bank. JOHN What reward money? MICHAEL For information leading to the recovery of Karr: The Foundation posted it two years ago. Mandy said this is how you'd want it invested, and Eddie needed it for his bail and defense. (beat; smiles) Watch out, man. She's already spending your money. Michael shakes hands with John, then watches him cross to Mandy and enfold her in a big hug. DEVON'S VOICE Michael! ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR Devon is upset. DEVON What is this I'm hearing about a five thousand dollar reward?! MICHAEL Don't worry, Devon, it's for a good cause. DEVON What 'good cause?' I demand an explanation! MICHAEL When I think one up, you'll be the first to know. On Michael's smile --- CUT TO EXT. CREEK BED - DAY Residue of the confrontation, quiet and peaceful now, just the whistle of the wind. Then a faint noise, a weak elec- tronic pulse, and camera finds a twisted black box about the size of a pack of cigarettes lying in the rocks, wires sheared off and tangled. It can't still be functioning, but it continues to emit a pulse and a faint red light. It is K.A.R.R.'s CPU, his Central Processing Unit, and incredibly it's still alive --- FADE OUT THE END