EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58611 Robert Foster August 17, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Gerald Sanford KNIGHT RIDER THE BAD APPLES by Peter Dixon Revised by Gerald Sanford ____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. RANGE - DAY - DAWN Rebecca Hammond, twenty-seven, attractive, her arms folded in front of her, trying to keep warm behind a small hill, looks out into the gray and windy morning. Propped up on the ground nearby, his bony shoulders covered with an old horse blanket, his vintage rifle resting on his loose-skin thighs, is Cat Holliday, sixty, the hard way. Except for the wind, and the occasional sound of the calves bawling nearby, a coyote barking in the distance, all is quiet. Cat watches Rebecca with narrow, slit eyes. CAT Bet the comforts of home would feel mighty good to you about now. She doesn't respond. CAT Soft perfumed sheets...breakfast in bed...a nice hot bubble bath. How does that sound? REBECCA Like you've never been to the Bronx. CAT Nope, can't say that I have, but I once got to New Orleans for a weekend. I remember I met this big redhead, must've been over six foot tall. Her name was Charlene...and she was a dancer who had hit upon hard times. REBECCA (interrupting) Cat!..listen! He listens, clutching his rifle, then shakes his head --- CAT Just the wind, Rebecca...just the cactus suckin' wind and a city girl's imagination. He laughs to himself, taking a swig of cold coffee from a tin cup. EXT. OPEN HIGHWAY - DAY - DAWN - ON K.I.T.T. Fences, tumbleweed, an occasional steer and nothing more. MICHAEL (V.O.) (singing) 'It's a lonely highway morning, And without any warning, I'm off again.' ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (singing) 'It's a time to be a-leavin', So don't you be a-grievin', I'm off again.' K.I.T.T. Michael, isn't it bad enough to be in a land where rattlesnakes out- number people a hundred to one, without your doing your imitation of Waylon Nelson. MICHAEL That's Willie Nelson, Kitt, and for your information, I was imitating Merle Haggard. How much farther to Sage City? K.I.T.T. This is Sage City. As for the Right On Ranch --- ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR to see a colorful map and grid. Flashing light indicates the ranch itself. K.I.T.T. It's exactly thirty-three point five miles. MICHAEL Good. With any luck we'll be at the ranch in time for breakfast. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. rolling down the road. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE With any luck...the ranch won't be there. On Michael's laugh: CUT TO EXT. RANGE - DAY - FAVORING REBECCA still alert, listening. Then: REBECCA Cat, there's someone out there! I know it! She grabs her rifle resting on a rock, and heads for the four-wheeler. He finishes the coffee, shakes his head, and hurries to catch up with her. Rebecca drives. Cat rides shotgun. EXT. FENCE AREA - DAY - ON CALVES fifty or so head, bunched together. (Note: The fence area is far enough away, and at such an angle that Rebecca couldn't see it from her vantage point.) ON REBECCA'S FOUR-WHEELER still some distance off. Rebecca and Cat keeping a sharp eye. Shouting over the wind --- CAT What did I tell you! Just the cactus suckin wind! But Rebecca has seen something O.S. REBECCA Yeah, then what's that over there?! Cat looks, his eyes grow wide. WHAT THEY SEE - THE SHADOW OF A BIGFOOT TRUCK coming into frame. It's enormous, and crushes a fifty-foot section of fence with ease, then goes after the frightened calves which have begun to scatter. BACK TO SCENE REBECCA I won't let him have anymore of our calves! I won't, Cat!! Cat stands up, fires a wild shot which only knocks him back into his seat. Rebecca drives to stop the rustling. VARIOUS ANGLES as Bigfoot cuts a dozen or so calves from the bunch and begins driving them beyond the fence to a nearby truck, waiting with the ramp down. There are also two men on horses and wearing bandanas on their faces. Rebecca tries to run interference, but it's no match. Cat stands to fire --- CAT You get off this land, you cactus suckin'...! Fires, and is knocked back into his seat again, which causes him to accidentally fire again. This time straight up in the air. CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. approaching the area not too far from where the rustling is taking place. Reacting to the gunshots: MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt, did you hear those shots? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid so, Michael. MICHAEL Find out where they came from. K.I.T.T.'s scanner light flashes. INSERT - MONITOR to see Bigfoot driving the calves into the truck, with the help of the two bandana-masked cowboys. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Looks like rustlers, pal. Give me a hard copy of that. ON DASH as a hard copy of the rustling scene pops out. K.I.T.T. Welcome to the wild, wild west! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as Michael drives to the rescue. EXT. FENCE AREA - DAY The calves in the truck, the ND driver closes the rear door and drives off. The two cowboys wave to the driver of Bigfoot and ride away. ON REBECCA still inside the four-wheeler. CAT They're getting away! REBECCA Not if I can help it! She starts driving to cut off the truck. But --- ON BIGFOOT as the driver sees Rebecca and bears down on her. ON K.I.T.T. appearing on the range, but still a good distance off. K.I.T.T. Michael, is that a truck or a mountain on wheels? MICHAEL It's called a Bigfoot, pal. K.I.T.T. Well, it's about to step on some toes. MICHAEL Anything we can do to stop it? K.I.T.T. Not from here. ON FOUR-WHEELER REBECCA Jump, Cat! CAT You don't have to tell me twice! And each dives out the nearest exit. Unfortunately, Rebecca dives into a deep and muddy water hole. Not being able to swim, she begins thrashing about. ON BIGFOOT as it rolls right over the four-wheeler, pulverizing it. Intercut Big Ed, enjoying that moment. (Note: He's high enough up in the cabin, that no one on the ground can see him.) After which, he heads on out. ON K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (re Bigfoot) Let's go get him, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, judging by the way she's thrashing about, I don't think she can swim. Michael looks to see Rebecca, then drives to her rescue. He gets out, extends his hand. As for Cat, he's been trying to reach her but to little avail. MICHAEL Grab hold. She does, and he pulls a muddy Rebecca out. MICHAEL You okay? REBECCA Oh, yeah, sure. I just lost another twenty calves, my four-wheeler looks like it went through a giant can crusher, and these just happen to be a brand new pair of boots. So why shouldn't I be okay? Who are you anyway? MICHAEL (looks at his own muddy hand) You're welcome. (smiles) Michael Knight from the Foundation. She glances about, trying hard to be patient. Cat wanders over near Kitt. REBECCA Where are the others? MICHAEL What others? REBECCA With all I had to go through to convince this Devon Miles I needed help, I figured he'd send an army, or at least a bunch of reformed muggers. MICHAEL What you see is what you get. CAT And what you saw is only part of what you're up against. There's also a couple of cowboys and a trucker. MICHAEL Any idea who they were? REBECCA Yeah...the bad guys. Can you give us a lift back to the ranch? MICHAEL Hop in. I'll drop you off, then I want to pay the sheriff a little visit. There is a sheriff, isn't there? REBECCA Yeah...lots of luck. ANGLE ON CAT about to spit a wad of tobacco near K.I.T.T.'s tire. Until: K.I.T.T. Don't...you...dare! Cat's been around, nothing really surprises him. Still, he studies K.I.T.T. a beat, before spitting somewhere else, O.S., and then looks to K.I.T.T. again. CAT I'm keepin' my eye on you. Cat heads for the passenger door. But K.I.T.T. has to get the last word in: K.I.T.T. It's not your eye I'm worried about. Cat gives him a quick look back, then continues on. CUT TO EXT. SAGE CITY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. driving onto Main Street. Main Street? It's the only street. There are a few shops, a bus station, general store, and the most notorious place in town -- Big Ed's Shaggy Buffalo Saloon. Michael looks about until spotting: MICHAEL The hoosegow's over there, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Hoosegow, Michael? Is that something like a moo cow? MICHAEL It's western for jail, buddy. K.I.T.T. Don't tell me -- they even have their own language. Michael pulls up, gets out and heads for the jail, where he finds the door locked, but a sign hanging on the knob. INSERT - SIGN "At the Shaggy Buffalo. (Signed) Sheriff Lance Barton." BACK TO SCENE Michael looks around until he spots Big Ed's Shaggy Buffalo Saloon, then heads for it. INT. SHAGGY BUFFALO SALOON - DAY - ON MARILYN She's twenty-seven, blonde, buxom, pretty, and even kind of bright, but not being one to boast, prefers keeping it to herself. She also sings, in her "inimitable" style, and right now she's perched on the end of the bar singing her heart out. MARILYN 'If you leave me tonight I will cry, Though you say we will soon meet again, For the hours I spent here with you, Are like words from a poet's pen.' She notices someone coming in. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL Marilyn likes what she sees. So does Michael. Without missing a beat: MARILYN 'Words like love and truth and goodness, Words like 'till death do us part. I will never love another, Take my heart, take my heart, take... My...heart!' She finishes to complete silence. But then, Michael begins to applaud, keeping it up until he reaches her at the bar. And as he moves: ANGLE ON BIG ED BARTON seated at a table playing cards with two other men. Big Ed doesn't like what he sees. ANGLE ON MICHAEL face to face with Marilyn. She smiles: MARILYN At least someone around here had an ear for good music. He lifts her down from the bar. MICHAEL It's not the song but the singer. Now she really smiles, even a bit flustered. MARILYN My name's Marilyn -- like in Monroe. MICHAEL Michael...like in... (thinks) ...Knight. She doesn't quite get it, but likes the way it sounds. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BIG ED standing nearby now. Big Ed's bigger than big, forty, and owns almost everything in Sage City, including the Shaggy Buffalo. He's also the one we saw driving Bigfoot earlier that morning. BIG ED Showtime's over, Miss Mar-i-lyn. Time to put on your apron and do some honest work. She gives him a dirty look, but not much more. Then a gentle smile to Michael: MARILYN Hope to see you again...Michael. MICHAEL It would be my pleasure. Their eyes hold a beat, then she looks at Big Ed with a "humpf" and heads for her apron. BIG ED Can I buy you a drink, stranger. MICHAEL No, thanks, I was just looking for the Sheriff. BIG ED Then you don't have far to look. He heads for the nearby table. Michael follows him. The other two men are Alfred Barton, thirty-five, a mountain, and one of the cowboys we saw earlier. The other is Sheriff Lance Barton, twenty-seven, smaller, thinner, weaselier, and sort of a cross between Napoleon and Billy the Kid. He was the other cowboy. As for the Shaggy Buffalo Saloon, well, it's sort of the Gilly's of Sage City, even has one of those bucking broncs. It's not very busy at this hour, although someone does begin riding the bronc in the b.g. BIG ED Little brother, someone here to see you. Sheriff Lance doesn't bother to look up from his cards, nor does Alfred. To Michael: BIG ED Seen him enough? Big Ed grins, lifts his leg over the back of the chair and flops down to his cards. Lance struggles to hold back a laugh determined to come out, especially when Big Ed winks at him. Alfred, too, suppresses a snicker. Michael fights to keep cool. MICHAEL It's about Rebecca Hammond. She lost another twenty calves to rustlers this morning. Not looking up from his hand: BIG ED Rustlers? You've been watching too many late-night movies, boy. Lance is about to burst with laughter. MICHAEL Then what do you call this? Michael puts the hard copy of K.I.T.T.'s photo on the table. INSERT - PHOTO as Big Ed looks at it. FULLER ANGLE BIG ED I call it a truck taking a bunch of calves to market. Returns photo to Michael. MICHAEL Except for one thing -- they're someone else's calves. BIG ED Says who? MICHAEL Says Rebecca Hammond! Her brand is on them! The joking's over. Big Ed rises. Lance becomes deadly. Alfred wipes the grin off his face. BIG ED Well, let me tell you something about Rebecca Hammond, boy. She's a rancher, like Marilyn over there's a singer. She don't care anything about cattle, she only bought that spread so she'd have a place for her kids. MICHAEL What kids? LANCE (jumps up) A bunch of bad apples she picked up off the sidewalks of Noo Yoorrkk Citty. And now she wants to move 'em out here so's they can terrorize our decent, law-abiding citizens. (fast draws his gun) Well, the only ones goin' to do any terrorizin' around here is me! BIG ED Will you put that thing away, Lance! Lance spins the gun right back into his holster. BIG ED You a friend of Miss Hammond's?! Still somewhat taken back by this new turn of events: MICHAEL Yeah. BIG ED Then maybe she'll listen to you. I happen to know the Unified Ranch Corporation has made her an offer for her place. A very fair and reasonable offer...and if you're really her friend, boy...you'll see that she accepts it. You got that?! MICHAEL Yeah, I got it. Now maybe the Sheriff over here will get off his brains and get those rustlers. He floats K.I.T.T.'s photograph in front of Lance, turns and leaves. They watch him -- real unfriendly like. EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. parked where Michael left him. Forced patience: MICHAEL'S VOICE Devon...I think there's something you failed to tell me. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Devon on the monitor from his desk. Intercut as needed. Forced nonchalance. DEVON Really? And what is that, Michael? MICHAEL 'That'...is Rebecca Hammond's real reason for buying the ranch in the first place. DEVON Ohhh...I take it you mean the children. As Michael speaks, his eyes slowly fall on something driving into Main Street. MICHAEL Devon, that's exactly what I.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - BUS It's really an old school bus, only painted white, and covered everywhere with graffiti. Including several renditions of: "SAGE CITY OR BUST" and "RIGHT ON RANCH". It heads for where Rebecca and Cat are waiting to meet it. K.I.T.T. Michael -- what on earth is that?! MICHAEL Something tells me...the bad apples. DEVON Ahhh, they've arrived. Well, Michael, I won't keep you. Just remember, children are the flowers of mankind. But Michael is starting to see these "children" getting off the bus. MICHAEL I'll...try, Devon...I'll try. Michael turns Devon off, and slowly gets out of the car. K.I.T.T. Be careful, Michael...there's just the two of us. Michael nods in agreement and moves toward the bus. Some townspeople will also begin to look on, tight-lipped, suspicious, even angry. ANGLE ON BAD APPLES as they come out: "Diablo" Sanchez, fifteen, good-looking, and cocky. "Star," fourteen, going on thirty. Cute, but sooo much makeup. "Trasher," fifteen, his electric purple punk hair says it all. "Magic Fingers" Jackson, fifteen, black, a ghetto blaster glued to his ear. But there's also a hand resting on his shoulder, and this belongs to Joanna, sixteen, long blonde hair, the slender body of a ballerina, and blind from birth. As they step off the bus, and take in the town --- DIABLO Death. STAR Bizarre. MAGIC FINGERS Man, what did I do to deserve this? He helps Joanna off, Rebecca runs to her first, embraces her. REBECCA Joanna, sweetheart! God, I've missed you! (to others) All you bad apples! Welcome to Sage City! (but then she looks into the bus; back to the kids) All right, what did you do with the driver? TRASHER He quit. REBECCA He quit? When? JOANNA After the breakdown. REBECCA The bus broke down? STAR No, the driver. Forty-five minutes outside New York City. DIABLO No guts. REBECCA (afraid to ask) Then...who drove? MAGIC FINGERS What difference does it make? We got here, didn't we? MICHAEL He's got a point. REBECCA Whose side are you on? All right... everybody back on, let's go to the ranch. MAGIC FINGERS You mean this ain't the ranch? Rebecca laughs, shaking her head. ANGLE TO INCLUDE "BLUE" twenty-two, a pleasant-faced, unsophisticated ranch hand, moving from the general store with bags of groceries. REBECCA Get everything, Blue? BLUE Yes, ma'am. Even the Coney Island hot dogs. REBECCA Cat, you drive the bus. Joanna, you'll come with Blue and me. As she starts for a nearby Jeep: MICHAEL I'll meet you out there, we've got a lot to talk about. She nods and continues on. Michael moves to K.I.T.T., slides in. MICHAEL Let's sashay on out to the old home- stead, pardner. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael, I think I liked you better when you spoke rock-and-roll. As the black Trans Am rides off in a cloud of dust --- ANGLE ON BIG ED, LANCE AND ALFRED standing outside the Shaggy Buffalo, watching. Suddenly Lance fast draws his gun, spins it around. LANCE Just give me the word, Big Red, and I'll blow him away. BIG RED And what good is that going to do? Time's running out, we need her land, not a gunfight at O.K. Corral. ALFRED Maybe there's another way to get it. Alfred and Big Red exchange looks --- BIG RED Yeah...maybe there is, Brother Alfred...maybe there is. On Big Red's tight little smile we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. RANCH - DAY - ESTABLISHING SHOT Beyond the wooden gate, the compound: main house, bunk- house, various sheds, barn, various pieces of ranching equipment, all of which have seen far better days. In fact, the only thing new is the wooden sign swinging between the gate posts. It reads: RIGHT ON RANCH and each letter is painted a different color. It's early evening. MICHAEL (V.O.) Rancher...mother hen to a bunch of bad apples.... ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND REBECCA Rebecca carrying a bunch of empty plastic water jugs. Michael with her. MICHAEL Which is it? REBECCA Both. And they're not really bad apples. They just haven't fallen far enough from the tree. They've been battered, abused, used, and then left to fend for themselves. MICHAEL Even Joanna? Rebecca stops by an old water pump, putting down the jugs. REBECCA Especially Joanna. She's been kicked around more than an Italian soccer ball. In case you haven't guessed, Michael, my real occupation isn't ranching. I'm a child psychologist. Rebecca starts priming the pump. MICHAEL I kinda got that idea. REBECCA By the way I handle the kids? MICHAEL By the way you tried milking that cow earlier...which turned out to be a bull. REBECCA All right! So in New York we get our milk from cartons! Still no water has come out. Rebecca stops momentarily, to catch her breath. Michael takes the handle. Working the pump. Water comes out. Rebecca reacts. REBECCA ...and our water from a tap! With that, she places a jug under the water. As Michael pumps, it fills. MICHAEL (slight laugh) I think you handle the kids great. REBECCA (calm, smiles) Thanks. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that all the testing, counselling, understanding in the world didn't mean a thing if, after those kids left my office, they went back on the streets. MICHAEL So you bought this ranch. REBECCA With all my savings, and every penny I could beg, borrow or steal. I figured if I could bring a handful of them out here with me, keep them for maybe a year...Let them help me work the place, share in some of the profits, if there are any, see that there's more to life than dealing and hustling.... MICHAEL Then maybe they might have a chance. REBECCA Right. This is my first group...and if I lose any more calves it could be my last. Cat and Blue are the only real hands I've been able to hire, so I need help, Michael. MICHAEL (re pump) Hey -- haven't I helped you so far? Michael smiles and she returns it with a nod, moving in another empty water jug. EXT. RANCH - DAY Diablo and Trasher -- Star tagging along -- are wheeling an acetylene torch from the tool shed toward K.I.T.T., parked on the opposite side of the house from the barn. Magic Fingers, always with his ghetto blaster, moves to the nearby fence, looks out over the dirt road. Reaching K.I.T.T., Diablo looks at Magic Fingers curiously --- DIABLO What are you doin' over there, man? MAGIC FINGERS Keeping my headlights on, in case someone drives by. DIABLO Drives by?! Where do you think you are, 125th Street?! We've been deported to a lunar outpost! STAR Strictly death warmed over. TRASHER Deee-composed! MAGIC FINGERS Then what are you going to chop up that T-top for?! K.I.T.T. Chop up that T-top?! Star is the only one close enough to have heard K.I.T.T. --- STAR Oh, wow, bizarre. DIABLO Because I'm makin' my statement! Stakin' out my territory! Tellin' every straight that this here is my turf!!! He lights the torch --- K.I.T.T. Your turf?! Well, we'll see about that!! They've all heard him this time, and what follows knocks their socks off. VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. whinnies like an angry stallion. Then rides circles around them, kicking up storms of dust, and even bucking angrily on occasion, his doors and hood opening and closing. Wide-eyed faces seen through the dust: MAGIC FINGERS That car's bad! DIABLO Killer wheels, man! STAR A way happening! TRASHER A real punk out! K.I.T.T. finally comes to rest. They're covered with dust. K.I.T.T. Now whose turf is it?!! EXT. BARN AREA - DAY - ON JOANNA as she makes her way toward the barn, responding to a calf bawling inside. INT. BARN - DAY - ON ALFRED having just come in, he's about to open a container of poison -- to mix with the nearby feed -- when he hears Joanna coming in. Not realizing she's blind he quickly takes cover. ANGLE TO INCLUDE JOANNA moving to a calf, and kneeling to pet it. JOANNA Don't cry...I'm here...everything's going to be all right. Alfred, moving to get a better look at her, bumps into something causing Joanna to look in his direction. JOANNA Is anyone there? (silence) Is someone there? Then, sensing danger, she rises and starts for the door. Alfred, confused himself, grabs hold of her, putting his hand over her mouth. ALFRED Just be quiet and I won't hurt you! OMITTED EXT. MAIN HOUSE - DAY Michael and Rebecca cross the yard carrying the filled jugs. MICHAEL This Unified Ranch Corporation -- what do you know about them? REBECCA Nothing, really, except that they've been buying up a lot of the ranches around here. MICHAEL Who's behind them? REBECCA I don't know. Suddenly, Joanna's screams are heard. REBECCA That's Joanna! They drop the jugs and hurry around the house. INT. BARN - DAY Joanna's freed his hand from her mouth, and continues to scream and struggle as he tries to quiet her again, all the time pulling her from the barn. EXT. HOUSE - DAY Michael and Rebecca race to the front. The screams continue over. Into comlink: MICHAEL Pick me up, buddy. ANGLE TO INCLUDE K.I.T.T. peeling up in front. Michael jumps in. K.I.T.T. It's coming from the barn, Michael. K.I.T.T. roars off. EXT. BARN AREA - DAY Alfred, having dropped the poison container, is pulling Joanna toward his four-wheeler when he hears K.I.T.T. in the distance. Feeling she's slowing him down, he pushes her away and proceeds on his own. ON JOANNA as she hits the corral fence, falling between the wide railings. Alfred roars off. ANOTHER ANGLE Joanna gets to her feet, and as she begins walking into the corral we see she has company -- a wild Mustang, who begins pawing the ground and eyeing her warily. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. arriving on the scene. Rebecca and the kids are racing toward the corral in the b.g. K.I.T.T. Michael, in the corral! MICHAEL I see her, buddy. He pushes the turbo boost. ON K.I.T.T. Turbo boosting over the corral fence, and landing just as the Mustang races toward Joanna. VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. cuts the Mustang off, takes a couple of kicks itself, and finally forces enough distance between the bucking horse and Joanna for Michael to get out and race to the frightened and helpless girl. Picking her up in his arms: MICHAEL It's going to be okay, Joanna. Trust me. VARIOUS ANGLES As Michael runs toward the gate, the Mustang charges. K.I.T.T., however, manages to squeeze in between, taking the slicing, pounding hooves. ANGLE ON GATE Rebecca and the kids are there to open it. Michael leaves the corral, followed by K.I.T.T. ANGLE OUTSIDE CORRAL Magic Fingers closes the gate as K.I.T.T. passes through. MAGIC FINGERS Man, you just knocked my socks off! K.I.T.T. Yes, well, put them back on, it gets cold here at night. ANGLE ON MICHAEL putting Joanna down near Rebecca. She embraces the girl --- REBECCA Joanna...it's all right. You're safe, sweetheart...you're safe! She comforts the sobbing Joanna. ANGLE TO INCLUDE CAT hurrying up as fast as his old legs can carry him. He holds the container of poison. CAT Found this in the barn. Michael takes the unlabeled container, gets into K.I.T.T., and puts it into the analyzer. MICHAEL Give me the recipe, pal. ANGLE ON MONITOR to see a flashy chemical breakdown graph. K.I.T.T. Two parts C-21, H-22, N-2-O-2, and one part S-2-O-4. MICHAEL Something tells me that's not the ingredients to Mom's apple pie. K.I.T.T. It's a high-grade poisonous alkaloid, Michael. Mixed in with the feed, enough to destroy at least a thousand head of cattle. INT. SHAGGY BUFFALO SALOON - DAY - BIG ED as he examines the container. BIG ED Poison? FULLER ANGLE He sits at a table, playing cards, with Lance and Alfred. Michael stands over them. MICHAEL You heard me, and it was found in Rebecca Hammond's barn. Now this goes beyond rustling, and I'm going to see that something's done about it! ALFRED In her barn, you say? Well, she oughta be more careful 'n that. LANCE Here, I'll just take that for evidence. But Michael takes it first. MICHAEL You take it and it's going to be the hard way. Lance rises, hand on gun. LANCE Now, you listen here. I'm the sheriff, and if I say I want that for evidence, then I'll take it for evidence! Ain't that right, Big Ed?! BIG ED Well, now, you are the sheriff, little brother...But on the other hand, possession is nine-tenths of the law. And it seems to me that poison's in his possession. (to Michael) Of course...Lance here can shoot the wings off a fly while blowing his nose. Lance's thumb plays nervously with the holstered gun. Big Ed, however, has another idea, smiles: BIG ED Tell me, you a betting man, Mr. Knight? MICHAEL I'm listening. BIG ED That buckin' bronc over there. I'll bet Lance can stay on it longer than you. MICHAEL And if he doesn't? BIG ED Then you walk out of here with the evidence. Of course, you can always walk out of here right now... (looks to Lance's gun) ...without it. Well? Michael looks at the gun, Lance's itching fingers, the bronc: MICHAEL Let's go buckin'. They get up and move to the mechanical monster. BIG ED Guests first. (re controls) Brother Alfred will do the honors. ON MICHAEL AND MARILYN He gives her the container. MICHAEL Hold this for me. MARILYN I've seen real cowboys break their backs on that bronc. MICHAEL (glances at bronc) Real...cowboys? MARILYN Rodeo champs.... MICHAEL (a weak echo) Rodeo champs? MARILYN Snapped right in two. Michael grimaces from the thought. Nods weakly: MICHAEL Thanks for the vote of confidence. Smiles at her, and climbs aboard the bronc. VARIOUS ANGLES as Alfred increases the current, and Michael begins to hang on for dear life, Marilyn rooting him on much to Big Ed's anger. Then, suddenly, Michael is thrown, landing on a table and smashing it. Marilyn hurries to help him up. MARILYN You all right? MICHAEL Hey, c'mon, like riding a merry-go- round. He hobbles back to the bronc as Lance mounts. Alfred reads the time: ALFRED Twenty seconds! MICHAEL Twenty seconds?!!! LANCE Let 'er rip! Alfred turns up the controls, but the bronc barely bucks. I mean it's super slow-mo time. To Marilyn: MICHAEL Are they kidding? He has more chance of falling asleep than falling off. ALFRED Ten seconds. MICHAEL And still dancing. (on comlink) Pardner.... EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL'S VOICE There's a bronc in here needs some juice. K.I.T.T. I got the picture, Michael. OMITTED ON DASH as the Electro Inducer comes to life. INT. SHAGGY BUFFALO - DAY The bronc suddenly comes to life, even though Alfred starts turning it down. Marilyn cheers even more, and in a matter of seconds Lance is thrown off. Marilyn glances at the clock: MARILYN Nineteen seconds! MICHAEL Thanks. MARILYN My champion! She throws her arms around his neck, and gives him a big beautiful kiss. MICHAEL Just call me bronco Knight. He grins and leaves with the evidence. Big Ed looks hard at Marilyn, and then he's interrupted by Alfred. ALFRED I think I figured out another way to get rid of Rebecca Hammond once and for all. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE BAD APPLE BUS parked outside the general store. BACK TO SCENE BIG ED Good idea, Brother Alfred... (turns) Meantime, I got some house cleanin' of my own. The object of Big Ed's look -- Marilyn! EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. Michael is about to get in: K.I.T.T. Michael, why do I get the feeling that 'Home On The Range' wasn't written with us in mind. MICHAEL I hear you, pal... (sees something) But maybe we've got someone else on our side. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - MARILYN being tosses out of the Shaggy Buffalo by Big Ed. BIG ED And if I ever catch you in Sage City again you'll be singing up on Boot Hill! MARILYN Yeah, well for your information -- Sage City is Boot Hill! ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL catching up to Marilyn as she heads for the bus depot, carrying all her possessions in a small suitcase -- some of it hanging out. MICHAEL Marilyn.... MARILYN There's a bus pulling out of here in ten minutes, and I'm going to be on it. MICHAEL You won't miss it, I promise. She stops. In the b.g. we will see Rebecca and the kids boarding the Bad Apple bus, carrying various goods from the general store. MARILYN Well? MICHAEL Tell me about Big Ed Barton. MARILYN He's a rat. What more do you want to know? MICHAEL Tell me why the rat's so anxious to move Rebecca Hammond off her ranch. MARILYN I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with those kids. MICHAEL I don't. Marilyn, have you ever heard of the Unified Ranch Corporation? MARILYN Yeah...I think I heard Big Ed and his brothers talking about it once. MICHAEL Do you remember what they were saying? MARILYN No, but look, you want to find out about Big Ed, just take a little peek inside his safe. MICHAEL His safe? MARILYN In his office behind the saloon. Being a crook himself, Big Ed doesn't trust banks. He keeps his entire life locked inside that safe. (beat, touch of sadness) Well, I got a bus to catch. MICHAEL Know where to? MARILYN Yeah...wherever it's going. See ya around...Michael...as in Knight. MICHAEL Take care...Marilyn...as in Monroe. He smiles, she returns it, waves and continues off toward the bus depot. As Michael starts back to K.I.T.T. --- ANGLE ON BAD APPLE BUS pulling out. Rebecca drives. Then --- ANGLE ON ALFRED hiding nearby. He holds a steel cutter and file, and his hands are covered with grease. He watches the bus pull out, satisfied he's done a good job. ANGLE ON MICHAEL sliding into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL We've got to get into Big Ed's safe, pal. K.I.T.T. In broad daylight?! Michael, even the most desperate desperado... (beat) Is something wrong? Michael is looking off, troubled. MICHAEL There's a puddle on the ground where the bus was parked. What do you make of it, Kitt? K.I.T.T.'S POINT OF VIEW - PUDDLE ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR A graphic breakdown of puddle's composition. K.I.T.T. Michael, it's brake fluid. And I also detect some steel filings on the ground. MICHAEL The brake lines were cut, pal. Let's go. He floors the pedal. OMITTED ON K.I.T.T. pulling out and away in a cloud of dust. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY - ON BAD APPLE BUS Rock music can be heard from inside. INT. BAD APPLE BUS - DAY The music blasts. The mood is up. REBECCA All right, you bad apples, try to keep it down to a roar! They ignore her completely. ON REBECCA enjoying the day. Then, going over the top of a hill, she steps on her brakes...to find them all but gone. She pumps them. INSERT - BRAKE PEDAL hitting the floor. BACK TO SCENE Rebecca's fighting panic...and the runaway bus. The kids begin reacting to the danger. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY as the bus speeds down the hill, out of control. INT. BAD APPLE BUS - DAY On Rebecca's desperate plight, we --- FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. CANYON HILL ROAD - ON REBECCA - CONTINUOUS steering the brakeless bus as it picks up speed. Tires squealing on the hairpin turns. She yells back. REBECCA Everyone down...get under the seats. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as it moves up behind the bus. K.I.T.T. Michael, we're close enough for me to microlock the wheel system. MICHAEL Too risky, pal. Once we jam she's not going to have the strength to keep that bus under control. Pull up to their bumper. Michael activates AUTO-CRUISE. Then the button that opens the T-top roof. K.I.T.T. (concerned) Michael, what are you going to do? MICHAEL My imitation of John Wayne. Stay with me, pardner. ANGLE ON MICHAEL climbing out of K.I.T.T.'s roof. Over the top of K.I.T.T.'s hood, to the back of the moving bus. He balances atop K.I.T.T., as he works the bus's back door. He pulls it open just as: THE BUS swerves out on a curve. The back door flies back, with Michael on it. Swinging him out over the roadside's abyss. He hangs on, for dear life. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE DROP BELOW A dizzying distance down. BACK TO SHOT Michael pulls himself, hand over hand, across the door. Then jumps into the back of the bus. ANGLE IN BUS Rebecca steering all she's worth. The steering wheel vibrates so hard it jumps out of her hands. Quickly, Michael's hands appear on it. He slides into the seat, as she slides out. MICHAEL (into comlink) Okay, pal, give me all the microlock you've got. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - DASHBOARD Microlock button activates. THE BUS swerving down the hill. Suddenly its wheels lock, stopping it. Causing it to go into a perilous spin. ANGLE IN BUS Michael steering it out of the skid. Fishtailing around. THE BUS coming to a stop, right at the edge of the precipice. ANGLE IN BUS as it comes to rest. A beat and then the kids cheer. Rebecca, too. Michael smiles. MICHAEL Everybody just stay put. I'm gonna hitch up old paint here and get you all back to the ranch. As Michael stands, Rebecca looks at him. Still white-faced from the experience. REBECCA I don't understand it. I just had the bus safety checked. MICHAEL This wasn't mechanic failure, Rebecca, someone cut the brake lines. Off her reaction: CUT TO CLOSE ON A PAIR OF BINOCULARS watching the goings on. Pull back to reveal Big Ed, as he lowers them. With him is Sheriff Lance, and behind them looms Bigfoot, parked on a high mesa. LANCE Big Ed, I say we fire up Bigfoot right now and grind those apples into sauce. BIG ED Not with that guy Knight around. He's more trouble than a Texas twister. We're gonna be safer stickin' to our original plan. CUT TO EXT. RANCH - DAY K.I.T.T., parked out front the main house. Cat comes by trying to twirl a rope and chew tobacco at the same time. He stops twirling. Stops and one-eyes K.I.T.T. Beat --- CAT I think I got you figured out. He spits tobacco --- K.I.T.T. Disgusting. CAT (wipes mouth) It was when I was lost on the Mojave Desert. '54, I think it was. No maybe '55. K.I.T.T. sighs. CAT Anyway, there I was, when all of a sudden this mean-lookin' snake comes slitherin' up to me. K.I.T.T. I hate snakes. CAT I'm not partial to them myself. But this one was different. He talked. K.I.T.T. That's ridiculous. CAT Just as good as you. It seems he wasn't a snake at all, but a spirit in the body of a snake. And of all the things he said, one thing in particular stayed in my mind all these years. Bet yo're dying to hear what that was, aren't cha? K.I.T.T. Not really. What? CAT He said...'there was stranger things in this world than a talking snake...' (moves close to K.I.T.T.'s grill) I think he was referrin' to you, pardner...I think somewhere inside that T-top...there's a spirit named Kitt. Cat waits. Kitt's scanner flashes. Cat grins, convinced it's an affirmation. INT. BARN - DAY - ON REBECCA AND BLUE Reluctantly, she's counting out his weeks wages in cash. REBECCA Sure I can't change your mind, Blue? BLUE (embarrassed, contrite) I'm sorry, ma'am...but since I've been working for you the guys in town don't talk to me anymore and the gals don't smile the way they used to...I don't mind the guys not talking.... He grins. Rebecca hands him the money. REBECCA I understand. BLUE I did fix the brakes for you, though. REBECCA Thank you, Blue. That was nice. He tips his hat and moves off. Passing Michael, who has entered. Rebecca slumps down onto a haybale. MICHAEL I got some good news. REBECCA I can use some. MICHAEL Reinforcements are on the way. Devon's coming. She can't believe her ears. REBECCA Devon's coming? That's it, Devon's coming?! (forces laugh) We just barely escape death because someone cut the brake line. My one able-bodied hand quits. The bank's going to foreclose my mortgage if I lose any more cattle...and you tell me, Devon's coming. She fights to keep from breaking! MICHAEL What's this about the bank? Why didn't you tell me? REBECCA I just found out in town. My equity's in my livestock. No livestock, no equity. No equity, no Right On Ranch! Know what else they told me? That I should accept Unified Ranch Corpora- tion's offer and sell. MICHAEL Did you give 'em both barrels or just one? REBECCA I...told them I'd think about it. And don't look at me that way! (fighting tears) Michael, maybe it's just not worth any more fight. Michael goes to her, gently takes her shoulders. MICHAEL If I thought you believed that, Rebecca, I'd say okay, it's your ranch. Your dream. Hold up the white flag and surrender the fort. (slight beat) But that's not you...and it's not me. (wipes a tear from her eye) We've got 'em whipped, Sergeant... they just don't know it yet. She smiles at him, feeling a whole lot stronger. OMITTED EXT. COUNTRY HIGHWAY - DAY - ON SEMI barrelling along. C-W sound-alikes over. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael is with Devon and Bonnie. K.I.T.T. in b.g. MICHAEL Devon, I need some answers. Is it a corporation, or isn't it? DEVON Unified Ranch, Inc. is what's known as a closed corporation. There is one majority stockholder. But the only way to uncover his identity is to know who holds the securities them- selves. Michael paces, frustrated. MICHAEL It's got to be the Bartons.... DEVON It may well be. Unfortunately, at this point in time, proving it is another matter entirely. MICHAEL You just said the operative word, Devon. Time. Rebecca's running out of that, along with her cattle. BONNIE Michael, if you stop to think about it, none of this makes sense. Why would anyone want to buy Rebecca's ranch enough to go to these lengths? DEVON She's right. Ranching is one of most depressed businesses in the country right now. MICHAEL Who says they want Rebecca's ranch for ranching? DEVON What other purpose could there be? MICHAEL I don't know, but whatever it is must be big. Because they sure want it bad. BONNIE Michael, you've got that look in your eye again. DEVON What are you thinking about? MICHAEL John Wayne, Devon...The Duke himself. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY - SEMI The semi barrelling along. The ramp coming out and K.I.T.T. backing out of the semi. Doing a 180 turn, and zooming off. EXT. SHAGGY BUFFALO - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. pulling up in front. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you sure John Wayne would do it this way? MICHAEL (imitating Wayne) Darn tootin', Pilgrim. You just keep an eye peeled for the bad guys. He heads for the Shaggy Buffalo, where we hear music and rowdiness coming from inside. INT. SHAGGY BUFFALO SALOON - NIGHT The joint is jumping with cowboys, whooping and hollering. Consuming booze and gambling at the tables, while others step out on the dance floor. Dancing with the saloon girls to a C & W song on the jukebox. The mechanical bronc is busy. Michael carefully shoulders his way through the crowd, scoping the place out. Gets hard looks from a lot of the meaner hombres. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE OFFICE DOOR next to the bar. Blocking it is Big Ed himself, making time with two saloon girls. BACK TO SCENE Michael moves toward the jukebox. Next to Smiley, a tall angry-looking cowboy with a scar and a cigar in his mouth. Michael watches the couples dance to the C & W ballad, as an idea brews. He addresses the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, I think this place needs a disc jockey. Put on something I can dance to. K.I.T.T. How about Swan Lake? As Michael reacts. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S DASHBOARD K.I.T.T. Just kidding, Michael. K.I.T.T.'s ultra-frequency modulator activates. THE JUKEBOX Suddenly the needle pulls up midsong. The record flips up and away. Another platter comes down and a hard-driving rock song plays. DANCE FLOOR Couples try to make the transition, including Alfred Barton, who is dancing with a real saloon spitfire, Charlene. She boogies on, but Alfred can't. Michael moves up to him. Tapping him on the shoulder. MICHAEL I'll take it from here, pal. Michael moves in, to dance with Charlene, as Alfred seethes. Michael and Charlene rock and roll, as people watch, including Sheriff Lance and Big Ed. ANGLE ON ALFRED enraged. Smashes his fist against the jukebox. The record bounces off the turntable. He slips in a quarter and a C & W ballad comes down into place again. Alfred storms back on the floor. Pushing Michael off and resuming his slow dance with Charlene. She looks over at Michael. Gives him a little wave, obviously preferring him to Alfred. ANGLE ON MICHAEL standing a good distance from the jukebox. Addresses comlink again. MICHAEL One more time, buddy. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, if you're not careful, they'll be doing the Texas Two-Step on your head. MICHAEL Just let it rock, Kitt. THE JUKEBOX Again, the C & W ballad stops, midsong. The disc flips up. The rock record comes down and pulsates loudly over the room, with its driving beat. DANCE FLOOR Alfred, enraged again. Charges over to Michael. Michael holds his hands up, innocently. Pointing over to Smiley, next to the jukebox. MICHAEL Don't look at me...It was handsome there. ANGLE ON ALFRED Bursts over to Smiley and throws a haymaker. Smiley ducks and it connects with another cowboy, who is sent flying into the card table, shattering it. Angry cowboys rise and a saloon brawl erupts. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE BRAWL Everyone against everyone. Shots of fighting all around. Michael dodges a punch and moves through the melee to the bar. Just as he's about to hop over it, a bottle swings toward him. He blocks it with his arm. It's held by Charlene. MICHAEL I'm really a nice guy once you get to know me. She gives him a quick kiss, then turns to smash the bottle down on Smiley's head as he lunges for Michael. Michael winks, hops over the bar. ANGLE BEHIND BAR as Michael crouches, glasses and bottles breaking and whizzing over his head. He makes his way to the end and slips through the office door into: INT. BARTON'S OFFICE - NIGHT - SAFE a big, old one. Michael works the tumblers while the brawl is heard outside. He pauses a beat and tries the handle. The safe opens. Michael peers into the safe. Starts rummaging through the items. Pulls out a wad of bound documents. OMITTED CLOSE - STOCK CERTIFICATES for Unified Ranch Corp. BACK TO SHOT Michael produces a mini-Minox camera, snaps the certificates. Something else catches Michael's eyes as he is about to put the stocks back. At the bottom of the bound pile is a map. CLOSE - GRID MAP with one grid marked with an "X". BACK TO SHOT Michael snaps a picture of the map, too. Behind him, unseen, Sheriff Lance moves into the room. Michael returns the map to the safe, closes it, then spins around as Lance draws his gun. Lance, showing off, twirls it, passes it from one hand to the other, preparing to blast Michael. MICHAEL (almost speechless; searching for the right words) That's...That's...fantastic! And without blinking he reaches out and decks the surprised Lance with a straight-armed right to the jaw. (A beat out of Raider/Lost Ark.) Lance goes down and Michael steps over him. INT. BAR as Michael runs in from the office area. It looks like the Second World War's been staged here. Debris everywhere. In the middle of the barroom, the last two punch-drunk cowboys are still duking it out. Michael makes for the door but his way is suddenly blocked by --- BIG ED AND ALFRED loom into his path, all business and mean. They lunge for him. VARIOUS SHOTS - THE FIGHT Michael using judo and street-smart combinations, ducks the worst of their punches and gets in a few licks of his own. Then, when he sees his opportunity, he races for the door. Into the comlink, he whistles for K.I.T.T. EXT. SHAGGY BUFFALO - NIGHT The door bursts open and Michael flies out just ahead of Big Ed and Alfred. K.I.T.T. screeches up, the door pops open and Michael hops in. K.I.T.T. If you expect me to gallop off now, Michael, forget it. MICHAEL Hi-Yo Kitt! Away! K.I.T.T. churns up a cloud of dust as Michael peels out, leaving Big Ed and Alfred coughing and shaking their fists. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. ANOTHER SECTION OF ROAD - DAY The semi passes. MICHAEL'S VOICE This map was in Big Ed Barton's safe. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael, Devon and Bonnie are at the computer, where we see a photo of the grid map with the prominent X. DEVON Michael, if you're expecting an interpretation. Sorry to disappoint you. MICHAEL Kitt, give me an overlay of Rebecca's ranch. K.I.T.T. Coming right up, Michael. A red line cuts out a particular area. The "X" falls just inside it. MICHAEL Whatever that 'X' represents, I'm positive it's somewhere on Rebecca's ranch. DEVON If you're suggesting mineral deposits -- I happen to know the old gold mines have been picked clean long ago. BONNIE And there's no record of oil in this area. MICHAEL It has to be something. 'X' marks the spot, Kitt. Let's find it. He crosses for K.I.T.T. Devon follows, concerned. DEVON Michael, there's an APB out on you! MICHAEL It's not the first time. DEVON No, but out here I'm without influence of any kind. If they catch you, you're on your own. Michael fires up K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Not the first time for that either. A half-smile to reassure Devon, then Michael backs out. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. slips out, hits the road and does a 180. EXT. NORTH PASTURE - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. scanner flashing. MICHAEL'S VOICE Hey, I thought they made them tough in the Bronx. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL with a comforting arm around Rebecca. Cat eyeing K.I.T.T. REBECCA Like nails! MICHAEL Then don't give up, Rebecca...don't let 'em beat you. She looks at him. REBECCA It's not just the ranch and the kids now, it's you too. They've been here looking for you twice already. They're calling you a fugitive. MICHAEL I've been called worse. K.I.T.T. Affirmative. Rebecca laughs. Cat nods, as if to say "me too." MICHAEL Okay, wise guy. You're supposed to be working. K.I.T.T. I am. As a matter of fact, I think I've located the mysterious 'X.' MICHAEL Where, Kitt?! K.I.T.T. About ten feet directly to the right of you, Michael. Michael paces the distance. K.I.T.T. Now two steps forward. Michael takes the steps, looks down to see a hole in the ground no larger than a half dollar. Getting on his knees, studying it. MICHAEL Looks like someone bored a deep hole here. (to Rebecca) You or Cat know anything about this? She shakes her head no, looks at Cat. CAT I sure don't. Michael examines chips around the hole. MICHAEL I'd say it's a core sample. (beat) Kitt, put your geological cap on. I need some answers. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. As Michael and Rebecca cross to him. The monitor displays a colorful graphic of the earth's layers. K.I.T.T. The hole goes down forty-six feet, Michael, and there appears to be sizeable deposit of malidium-sulfate. MICHAEL (a reaction) ...Malidium-sulfate? That's a new one on me. K.I.T.T. It's a space age ore. Extremely valuable, once it's strip-mined. MICHAEL Are we talking mega-millions, pal? K.I.T.T. Conservatively speaking. And Rebecca's ranch sits right on top of the mother lode. REBECCA Strip-mining? Have you ever seen what that does to the land? It makes the Bronx look like a rose garden. MICHAEL Unfortunately there's no law against it. But there is against rustling, and that's how we're gonna stop them. (to Cat) Cat, I want you to drift into town and spread the word. We're moving the remaining stock to the south pasture. REBECCA But that's where they hit us before. MICHAEL That's right...let's make it easy for them. CAT Thinkin's one thing, but catchin' 'ems something else again. MICHAEL This time I've got a little help in that department. He takes a suger cube-sized radio frequency monitor from his pocket. MICHAEL They use these to follow big game in Africa. A couple dozen steers should be a pushover. CUT TO EXT. SOUTH PASTURE - NIGHT A full moon overhead, several dozen cattle graze near a clump of trees. Camera pans to nearby rise, where we see just the speck of embers from a campfire. ANGLE AT CAMPSITE - FAVORING MICHAEL AND REBECCA The kids and Cat sleep nearby. K.I.T.T. and the bus are partially hidden. So far it's been a quiet, fruitless vigil. REBECCA If my friends in New York saw me now, they'd think I was crazy. MICHAEL You know something -- sometimes crazy helps. She smiles, then it disappears. REBECCA Michael, they're not coming. MICHAEL They'll come. It's only a matter of time.... Holding on their image we: LAP DISSOLVE TO OMITTED EXT. OPEN COUNTRY - SUNRISE The sun peeps over a distant hill. ANGLE NEAR ROAD The silence is broken by the roar of a big engine and suddenly Bigfoot appears. Big Ed at the wheel. ANGLE AT CAMPSITE Everyone is asleep. Michael bolts upright simultaneous with: K.I.T.T. Michael! MICHAEL Gotcha, pal. HIS POINT OF VIEW - BIGFOOT moving out of the morning haze and crushing a long section of fence, then beginning to round up the frightened calves. Two ND cowboys load them into the rear of the cattle truck, which is being driven by Lance. BACK TO SCENE Michael shakes Rebecca as the sleepers stir. MICHAEL Rebecca, wake up. Look. REBECCA Michael...it worked! MICHAEL Not yet...not 'til we follow them and round up the whole gang. DIABLO Man, look at the size of that thing! TRASHER Rad-ic-cal! STAR Bizarre.... MAGIC FINGERS Let's go get 'em, Michael! Michael crosses toward K.I.T.T. Getting in. MICHAEL Sorry, guys. This is a one-man job. DIABLO Hey man, there's no way we're gonna miss out on a rumble. MAGIC FINGERS That's the fact, Jack. You're lookin' at the warlord of the Purple Gang. MICHAEL Diablo, Magic, hold it. What if they send out more bad guys? Someone's gotta stay here and defend the women, right? DIABLO AND MAGIC Right. Michael jams the pedal and skids out. The kids turn to Cat, Rebecca and Joanna. MAGIC FINGERS You heard the man, Cat. Stay here and defend the women. (to the others) Let's head 'em off at the pass! Before anyone can protest, the three boys and Star hop into the bus, start it up, and smoke off in the other direction across the open field, leaving Rebecca, Cat and Joanna gaping. OMITTED EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - ON CATTLE TRUCK as it barrels along, Lance at the wheel. INT. CATTLE TRUCK - DAY - ON CALVES We see the radio transmitter tucked behind one's ear. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. tails at a safe distance, out of sight of the cattle carrier. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY There's a beeping sound, and a pulsating light on the monitor. MICHAEL Looks like they're turning off the highway, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Map overlay indicates Old Canyon Road. MICHAEL Does map overlay indicate where it goes? K.I.T.T. No. But were I to hazard a guess, I'd say into an old canyon. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Don't know what I'd do without you. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY - ON CATTLE TRUCK as it speeds past an area of dense terrain --- Hold on: BIGFOOT (#1) parked some distance off the road, and hidden by heavy brush. INT. BIGFOOT (#1) - DAY Big Ed reacts as K.I.T.T. passes, then growls into the CB. BIG ED He's onto us, Alfred. But this time he's in for a big surprise. OMITTED EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY Panning with cattle truck. The loaded truck rounds a blind hairpin curve, a steep granite wall rising on one side and a hundred-foot drop on the other. Once around the curve, it pulls onto the shoulder and stops, to reveal: BIGFOOT (#2) Suddenly, a second Bigfoot, Alfred at the wheel, lumbers out...and toward the unsuspecting Michael. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael looks around, begins to tense. MICHAEL Kitt, I've got a feeling.... K.I.T.T. What feeling? Michael reacts. WHAT HE SEES - BIGFOOT (#2) rounding the bend, and heading straight for them. MICHAEL (re Bigfoot #2) That feeling. Hold onto your hat! Michael whips the wheel. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. does a 180, heading in the opposite direction, just short of Bigfoot's bumpers. ANGLE ON THE CATTLE TRUCK parked on the shoulder. Lance climbs from the cab, smug, and watches with relish as Michael barely escapes and flees. ANGLE TO INCLUDE THE BUS moving in behind Lance from the other direction. It stops and the doors open. Lance turns, as the kids charge from the bus with bloodcurdling yells, flattening him, knocking his gun far away. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY Michael's managed to put a little air between himself and Alfred, but.... ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER Looming into view through the windshield is Bigfoot #1, driven by Big Ed. K.I.T.T. Michael, am I seeing double? MICHAEL 'Fraid not, pal. K.I.T.T. We're running out of room! MICHAEL Not if we time it right. He jerks the wheel. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. spinning another 180, coming within a hair of Big Ed's wheels. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY The two huge trucks are about the flatten K.I.T.T. in a Trans Am sandwich, but: ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael waits until the last possible second, then hits Ski Mode. CANYON ROAD - VARIOUS ANGLES K.I.T.T. flips up onto two wheels and skis past Bigfoot #2, only inches from going over the steep side. OMITTED ON BIGFOOT TRUCKS as they plow head on into each other. Tires explode, metal crunches, glass flies everywhere. ON K.I.T.T. landing back on all fours, and coming to a stop beside the semi. Michael gets out, looks back --- MICHAEL Better get some help out here, Kitt. The State police...an ambulance...and a couple of very big tow trucks. He turns to see: THE KIDS stand with satisfied grins. At their feet lies Lance, completely hog-tied with rope, bawling like a bulldogged calf. FULL SHOT - THE GROUP MICHAEL Looks like the Right On Ranch will survive after all. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED EXT. RANCH - CORRAL - DAY Cat and Star are struggling to hold down a calf about to be branded by Rebecca. Joanna is seated by herself, nearby. Devon and Bonnie are also present, but Devon looks skyward, unable to watch the branding. CAT Will you hold still, you cactus suckin' calf! BONNIE Sure you don't want to help, Devon? DEVON (quickly) Of course, I'd happily lend my expertise. (takes one look, then quickly elsewhere) Only...what's that about too many chefs spoiling the...calf. Magic Fingers, Diablo and Trasher keep their distance. Michael calls over to them. MICHAEL What's wrong, you guys chicken? MAGIC FINGERS Chicken? Man, my old Purple Gang does that to its new members. REBECCA Then come on here and give us a hand. DIABLO No sweat. The group saunters over. But their eyes grow wide as Rebecca holds up the hot iron. REBECCA Who wants to do it...Trasher? She offers it. Trasher faints. Right into Diablo's arms. Magic Fingers fans him. MICHAEL No sweat, huh? Joanna stands. JOANNA I'll do it. Michael gently puts his arm around Joanna, leading her over. Giving her the handle of the iron. Together, he helps her brand the calf. As the others, including Trasher, watch. We see the satisfaction on Joanna's face. CAT First B.A. brand doggie! MAGIC FINGERS B.A.? Like in Bad Apples? MICHAEL That's right. Cat lets the calf up, the B.A. brand on its side. The group suddenly looks excited. DIABLO It's got our mark! We see the enjoyment in their faces, as the calf runs off. Cat grabs another calf. Rebecca holds up the brand again. REBECCA Who wants to do the next one? The kids, at once, all respond, to Rebecca's delight. KIDS Me!!! MICHAEL (looks at Rebecca) Not worth the fight, huh? REBECCA (making a fist) Sez who? MICHAEL (winks) Now, that's the old Bronx cheer. He moves off as Rebecca watches. A look of admiration on her face. On this very "right-on" beat, we --- FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END