EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58622 Robert Foster June 15, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 6/20/84 (F.R.) Gerald Sanford 2nd Rev. 6/20/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/21/84 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 6/21/84 (F.R.) 3rd Rev. 6/21/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/22/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/25/84 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 6/25/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/28/84 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT IN DISGRACE by Simon Muntner Participating Writers Tom Lazarus Robert Foster Gerald Sanford _________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. NEW ORLEANS - DAY - HELICOPTER SHOT - STOCK The high wail of a Dixieland clarinet. Swooping low over the Pontchartrain Bridge and establishing New Orleans. OMITTED EXT. CATFISH'S DIXIELAND BAR - DAY Sign establishes. One can only imagine what's going on inside at this moment. But the music's hot, and it floats clear out onto the street. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. parked at a safe stakeout distance from the entrance. DEVON'S VOICE Maybe we're just wasting time. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Devon's on the monitor from his Foundation office. MICHAEL If you've gotta waste time, Devon, there's no better place to do it than New Orleans. DEVON I'm sure you're right, but you've been tailing this Willis character for almost twenty-four hours now and all you've got to show for it is a tour of the city. MICHAEL He likes to enjoy himself, no question about that. But if we want to put Lasalle out of business we've got to squeeze his key people -- people like Willis. DEVON All right, Michael. Keep me posted. Devon disappears from the screen. K.I.T.T. To tell you the truth, Michael, it's not the waiting that bothers me. It's the Dixieland jazz that goes with it. If I hear 'When The Saints Go Marching In' one more time.... But Michael spots something O.S., interrupts: MICHAEL Kitt...there he is. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - WILLIS coming from Catfish's Bar and moving toward a fast sports car parked at the curb. He's thirty, wears designer jeans and shirt. Nice looking in a rough sort of way. He carries an overnight bag. The lovely young lady clinging to his arm is Ginger, twenty-five, blonde, a woman who's seen both ends of Bourbon Street. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, he didn't have that case when he went in. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL You got that right. Let's take a peek inside. He presses the X-ray mode. INTERCUT - MONITOR as a computer-generated image moves through the case and focuses on a plastic container filled with white powder. K.I.T.T. A kilo of pure heroin, Michael. MICHAEL Known on the street as 'China White.' ANGLE TO INCLUDE WILLIS THROUGH WINDSHIELD shooting from behind as Michael sees Willis kiss Ginger good-bye. K.I.T.T. I didn't think Lasalle was involved with drugs. Willis starts toward the driver's side. MICHAEL Why not, he's into everything else. ANGLE ON WILLIS As he starts to open the car door something suddenly catches his eye. WILLIS' POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. Michael behind the wheel. BACK TO WILLIS He debates, then suddenly takes off on foot. ANGLE ON MICHAEL MICHAEL He made us! Notify Devon, then cut Willis off. Michael jumps out and races after Willis. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S PEDALS to see the accelerator depress and light up. BACK TO SCENE as K.I.T.T. pulls out. VARIOUS ANGLES OF CHASE Willis is big, agile and fast, making use of sidewalk artifacts -- trash cans, bicycles, vendors racks, etc. -- to keep Michael off balance. ANGLE AT CORNER Willis is about to cross the street when K.I.T.T. suddenly pulls up and cuts him off. Willis turns to run the other way when Michael manages to tackle him and bring him down. And as he does: TIGHT ON HIGHLY POLISHED BOX as it falls to the sidewalk from Willis' pocket. ANGLES ON FIGHT Willis catches Michael in the midsection with his foot, sending him sprawling on his back. Michael quickly springs to his feet, drops the charging Willis with a right, and as police sirens are heard arriving he lifts Willis up, pins his arms around his back and slams him against the brick wall. ANGLE ON POLICE CARS screaming up, lights flashing. Several police officers jump out, revolvers drawn. SERGEANT Police officer! Hands up against the wall! Legs spread. Willis obeys with the help of another armed officer. A third officer takes the case, begins working to pry the locks with a penknife. SERGEANT That goes for you, too! MICHAEL Officer, my name's Michael Knight, I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government --- SERGEANT You heard me. Spread 'em! Michael obeys. CLOSER - SERGEANT as he spots the box near their feet, picks it up and opens it. INSERT - KEY It's unusual, highly tooled and sophisticated. FULLER ANGLE The Sergeant takes it out. To Michael: SERGEANT This yours? MICHAEL His. As the Sergeant returns the key to the box, puts it in his pocket and begins patting Michael down: POLICE OFFICER (re heroin) Sergeant, looks like heroin. MICHAEL It is heroin. I've been tailing him. But the Sergeant pulls something out of Michael's jacket pocket. SERGEANT You've been tailing something, that's for sure. He shows Michael a small plastic bag of heroin. Michael looks at it in total shock and disbelief. SERGEANT You're under arrest. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - ESTABLISHING MICHAEL'S VOICE Suspension?! INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Devon is near his desk, looking terribly distressed, at the same time toying thoughtfully with the key. DEVON I'm sorry, but until this mess is straightened out I have no other choice. MICHAEL (hot) But I was framed! He must've slipped that heroin into my pocket while I was busting him! DEVON Michael, please. I want to believe you but we need proof... (re key) And at this moment, the Foundation must concentrate all its efforts on this key. MICHAEL Key? I'm suspended and you're worried about a key they found on Willis? DEVON (patient) Michael, the police have requested that I use all our resources to find out just what this key unlocks. If Lasalle has anything to do with it, it has to be important. MICHAEL Devon, in case you've forgotten, I'm one of those resources. DEVON Not under the present circumstances! (softer) Michael, the Foundation has people to answer to. We're a visible organiza- tion. If we let these charges against you pass without an investigation, it would be looked upon as a cover up. MICHAEL All right, investigate all you want, just don't keep me from doing my job. DEVON (difficult beat) I'm sorry, but my decision is made. MICHAEL Well, I've got news for you, I've made a decision, too. I've been framed and there's just one person who can clear me. He grabs his stuff, starts for the door. DEVON Willis is sticking to his story. MICHAEL I'm not talking about Willis. I'm talking about his boss -- Lasalle. DEVON (concerned) Michael, the Foundation cannot operate above the law. MICHAEL But I'm no longer with the Foundation, remember...I'm on suspension. A last look at Devon and he starts out. DEVON Whatever you do, Michael...however you do it...it will have to be without Kitt. MICHAEL I figured. Anything else you'd like to strip away while I'm still here? (contrite) I'm sorry, Devon, we've been friends for a long time, I shouldn't have said that. DEVON In your position I might have said the same thing. (forces smile) Believe me, in a week or so we'll all have a good laugh about this. (smile fades) But until that time, Michael...I'm truly going to miss you. They look at one another...then Michael leaves. CUT TO OMITTED INT. FOUNDATION GARAGE - DAY - SHOOTING OUT DOOR to see Michael approaching and entering. ANGLE TO INCLUDE K.I.T.T. parked in the service stall as Michael moves to him. K.I.T.T. Well, Michael, I'm glad you got that little matter straightened out. MICHAEL The only thing I got was a suspension. K.I.T.T. A suspension? But how can that be? MICHAEL It's a long story and I don't want to bore you with it. (difficult beat) I'm leaving, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Where are we going? MICHAEL Not we. I'm going alone. K.I.T.T. Alone? But Michael, we're a team. MICHAEL You belong to the Foundation, Kitt. K.I.T.T. But, Michael, without you.... MICHAEL I know, pal, I feel the same way. It's not over yet. Not by a long shot. (beat) Until then, take care. He grabs a casual jacket from the backseat, starts down the long driveway. K.I.T.T.'s red scanner light slows and then stops. CUT TO EXT. FRENCH QUARTER - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING - STOCK Dixieland jazz over. INT. FRENCH QUARTER BAR - NIGHT - STOCK Tastefully crude, smoky and colorful, with foggy mirrors and ceiling fans. The funky piano man, sleeves pulled up, nurses a shot as he plays his music. ANGLE ON MICHAEL having just entered and stepping up to the bar. He hasn't shaved and his clothes look as if he's slept in them. He's also had a few drinks, although he's far from drunk. Gino, the bruising bartender, spots him, shakes his head, and comes up to him. GINO You again. You're worse than a bad dream. MICHAEL All you gotta do is tell me where I can find Lasalle and I'll be glad to take my business down the street. ANGLE TO INCLUDE DANTON seated in a nearby booth. Huge and black with muscles bulging inside his three-piece suit. With him is a beautiful young woman named Linda. Both watch Michael's action, Danton with interest, Linda without. GINO I told you, I don't know what Lasalle you're talking about. MICHAEL How many Lasalle's own a big chunk of the French Quarter, including this joint? GINO Look, you wanna drink or not? LINDA'S VOICE Sure he wants a drink. Michael turns as Linda slides up. LINDA I don't think he's here for the scenery. She smiles. He relaxes some, returns it. MICHAEL A beer for me...a mint julep for Blanche here. Linda laughs. LINDA I love a man with a sense of humor. Make mine a gin and tonic, Gino. Gino pours Michael a beer and Linda a gin and tonic. Michael holds the glass for a toast. MICHAEL To a long friendship. LINDA Even if it lasts all night. Michael grins, and they drink. After which Linda moves in for a kiss. Michael doesn't fight it. As Linda kisses him with surprising passion: CLOSE ON HER HAND slipping over Michael's beer and dropping in a quick- dissolving tablet. FULLER ANGLE They finally break, smiling, tasting the kiss. She touches the rim of his glass, and they drink, Michael polishing off his beer. MICHAEL You know, I've kissed a few ladies in my life.... LINDA (smiles) Really? Could've fooled me. Tell me all about it...lady by lady and kiss by kiss.... MICHAEL But you, you're the...the.... He's having trouble focusing; feeling a bit dizzy. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - LINDA out of focus, getting fuzzier, spinning. BACK TO MICHAEL He tries to speak, can't, slowly slips to the floor. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - BAR LIGHTS ON CEILING out of focus, spinning into: DISSOLVE TO INT. MICHAEL'S ROOM - DAY Soft focus of sunlight playing on crystals. We tilt off the chandelier tinkling in the breeze down to the morning sun shining through the eight-foot beveled glass windows and backlighting Linda. She wears a simple, yet sexy white summer dress. LINDA I thought you were dead. MICHAEL Who says I'm not. It's an elegant room filled with tasteful antiques and classical paintings. Michael sits up painfully. MICHAEL If I didn't know better I'd think somebody put something in my drink last night. LINDA Now why would anyone want to do that? MICHAEL You tell me. LINDA Boyd's waiting for you on the veranda. (motions to closet) There's some clothes in that closet. She leaves. On his reaction: CUT TO EXT. VERANDA - DAY Boyd Lasalle, a powerful, handsome man in his early fifties, is having coffee and reading a newspaper. Linda is seated next to him having juice. Danton, always formally dressed, sits on the balcony railing nearby, a faithful and fierce watchdog. Lasalle glances up to see the freshly shaved Michael heading their way. He wears a casual but expensive outfit. LASALLE You must be Michael Knight. MICHAEL How'd you guess? LASALLE I'm Boyd Lasalle, and this is Linda. MICHAEL We almost met earlier. Michael and Linda exchange looks until: LASALLE Darling.... Knowing what's coming, she gets up: LINDA I know. Business. One last look at Michael and she goes toward the house. Michael watches her; she moves like a thoroughbred. LASALLE Now, I understand you've been looking all over New Orleans for me. Why? MICHAEL Because one of your errand boys framed me, that's why. LASALLE (shrugs) Willis? So what do you want from me? MICHAEL I want my suspension lifted and my name cleared. I want you to talk to him, tell him he made a big mistake. LASALLE But you and I are natural enemies. As long as you're on suspension I sleep better at night. MICHAEL I'm not going to be on suspension forever. LASALLE No, you aren't. As a matter of fact, your status at the Foundation has taken another turn for the worse. MICHAEL What are you talking about? Over this a twenty-three-year old computer expert, thin, long hair, John Lennon glasses, crosses from the house carrying what appears to be a briefcase. He places it on the table. LASALLE Thanks to my electronic wizard here, I've recently gained access to the Foundation's inner sanctum. We actually use your surveillance equipment to spy on you. Poole smiles and opens the top of the briefcase to reveal a state-of-the-art portable TV monitor. LASALLE Watch. He motions to Poole to turn it on. Michael reacts to what he sees on the screen. ANGLE TO INCLUDE SCREEN A freeze frame of Devon talking to Bonnie in his office. There's a time and date readout at the top of the screen. LASALLE As you can see, this was recorded just over an hour ago. INSERT - SCREEN as seen on the monitor. Both Bonnie and Devon are terribly upset. BONNIE But Devon, you can't just fire him! INTERCUT AS NEEDED with Michael's reactions. DEVON It's the board's decision, Bonnie, not mine. BONNIE But why? He was supposed to be suspended pending the results of the investigation! DEVON The consensus was that Michael has been compromised. I'm sorry. I argued against it. I did everything I could. BONNIE (beat) Have you told him? DEVON I'm trying to locate him now. BONNIE But what are we going to do? DEVON Do? We're going to replace him. BONNIE Just like that? DEVON We've no other choice. Bonnie, I'm going to miss him, too...but the integrity of the Foundation is more important that any one man -- including Michael Knight. LASALLE Seen enough? Michael glances at him, stunned. He nods. Poole turns it off. LASALLE I can imagine how difficult this is for you. Fortunately I think some good can come out of it after all. MICHAEL (beat) I can't imagine what. LASALLE I can use a man of your talent. Michael regards him with contempt. MICHAEL What do you think I am, for sale to the highest bidder? No questions asked? LASALLE You haven't heard my offer yet. MICHAEL Save your breath. Angry, he starts away. LASALLE Then what are you going to do for a living? With your present security rating you couldn't get a job as a rent-a-cop. No response. LASALLE I'm willing to pay you fifty thousand dollars for an hour's work. Despite himself Michael pauses. MICHAEL (beat) What kind of work? LASALLE Stealing something I want very much. (motions to screen) Come here. I'll show you. Michael crosses back. Poole presses another of the remote buttons. Michael reacts to what he sees. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. inside the Foundation garage, being worked on by Bonnie. LASALLE'S VOICE The Knight Industry Two Thousand. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL AND LASALLE Michael reacts. LASALLE Or as you so fondly call it...Kitt. Lasalle looks to Michael and smiles. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. ROAD - DAY - FAVORING K.I.T.T. as he races behind two trucks running alongside each other, then lifts up on two wheels and skiis right between them. ANGLE ON TRUCK DRIVER THROUGH WINDSHIELD reacting. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE No, Charles, Ski Mode is used only in emergency situations.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Charles, thirty, looking every bit an FBI agent, sits behind the wheel, eating up every moment of his adventure. CHARLES Just checking out the equipment, little buddy. K.I.T.T. (appalled) Little...buddy? CHARLES And, by the way, you can call me Chuck. K.I.T.T. I can, yes, but why would I want to? CHARLES Well, if I'm going to be your new partner.... K.I.T.T. (interrupting) Unless I'm mistaken, Chuck, at this point you're simply one of many candidates being considered for the job. CHARLES That's true, but when Chuck Wallyburton goes after something, he usually gets it. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR as Devon appears, sitting behind his desk. DEVON Well, I see you and Kitt are getting to know each other, Charles. K.I.T.T. You can call him Chuck, Devon. Devon raises his eyebrows. CHARLES We're getting along just fine. And I must say, this is some organization you run, Dev. Just give me the word and it's good-bye Feds, hello Foun- dation. DEVON Yes...well...you realize we're still in the process of interviewing possible replacements.... CHARLES Like I always say, why shop for ground round when you've got top sirloin right on your plate. DEVON That's...what you always say, is it? CHARLES And what does this little button do? CLOSE ON BUTTON as Charles reads: CHARLES Eject...left. FULLER ANGLE K.I.T.T. (pregnant pause) Why don't you check it out Chuck? Devon raises his eyebrows. CHARLES Now you're talking, little buddy. He pushes eject button. EXT. ROAD - DAY as Chuck is ejected skyward. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Devon has mixed feelings. DEVON Kitt, I didn't see that. EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY - ON CHARLES having landed in a soft area, unhurt, and dusting himself off. CUT TO EXT. MANSION VERANDA - DAY - ON MICHAEL as he studies a blueprint labeled, F.L.A.G. Garage. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Linda comes out the french doors with that same look, never fully making eye contact with him. LINDA Danton's ready to take you to the plane. MICHAEL What if I'm not ready to be taken? LINDA Are you asking a question or making conversation? MICHAEL Maybe a little of each. Is that allowed? LINDA If it makes you feel better. She turns to go back in but Michael lightly catches her arm. MICHAEL What is it with you? Do you have contempt for everyone, or am I special? She looks at him fully for the first time, a long enigmatic look, then turns and walks inside without replying. OMITTED EXT. F.L.A.G. GARAGE AREA - DAY A limo pulls up and Michael quickly crosses toward the building. (Note: This limo should not have Louisiana plates.) CLOSE ON COMPUTER LOCK as Michael punches in 2, 1, 6, 7 and the garage door opens. INT. GARAGE - DAY Caruso is singing, otherwise, K.I.T.T. is alone. MICHAEL'S VOICE Been taking voice lessons? Caruso shuts off abruptly. K.I.T.T. Michael! Michael slips in through the door. K.I.T.T. I thought I'd never see you again! MICHAEL Hey, pal, you can't get rid of me that easy. K.I.T.T. You've talked with Devon. It was a misunderstanding. Everything will be the way it was. MICHAEL No, Kitt, it'll never be the way it was. Stunned. K.I.T.T. Then why did you come back? MICHAEL To get you. K.I.T.T. I don't understand. MICHAEL You said it, Kitt: we're partners. He presses his hand on the pressure plate but the door doesn't open. K.I.T.T. Michael, this is all very confusing. MICHAEL (reaching for the driver's door) Come on, Kitt, we've got things to do. Places to go. K.I.T.T. I am the property of the Foundation for Law and Government. MICHAEL Kitt, open the door. Let me in.... He tries again: nothing. MICHAEL This is it, pal. I won't ask again. He tries again. Intercut Michael's face, his fingers, K.I.T.T.'s dash...and then the sensors keyed to his touch flash. He opens the door and jumps in. MICHAEL All right, Kitt! Butch and Sundance, back in the saddle! Rock-n-roll! K.I.T.T. Michael, if you'd only try to appreciate 'Il Travotore.' From a different area Bonnie suddenly appears. BONNIE Michael! Kitt, no --- Michael hits a button and the garage doors slowly open. Then he hits the throttle. EXT. TWO LANE ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. flashes by, heading back for New Orleans. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael smiling, taking it all in. MICHAEL It feels great. Come on, admit it. K.I.T.T. There is an undeniable nostalgia. Unfortunately it's clouded by your recent behavior. MICHAEL My recent behavior's history. We've got a whole life ahead of us. K.I.T.T. It would seem as fugitives. OMITTED EXT. MANSION GATES - DAY A high open wall surrounds the huge estate. The Trans Am stops at the open gate guarded by two burly security officers. MICHAEL Michael Knight. GUARD (very polite) I don't see your name on the guest list, Mr. Knight. Are you here for the birthday party? MICHAEL What birthday party? I work for Lasalle. GUARD (tense) Please wait here. He goes back to the security office, picks up the phone, glancing suspiciously at Michael. MICHAEL Are you thinking what I'm thinking? K.I.T.T. Quite possibly. MICHAEL Shall we? Just for old time's sake? Michael drives through the open gate. The Guard calls out, still holding the phone: GUARD Hey, you, stop! He hangs up the phone, starts after K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, it is good to have you back. Michael laughs. ANGLE ON GUARDS running after K.I.T.T. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael hits the throttle, then pushes Turbo Boost. INTERCUT - GUARDS They stare. ANGLE FROM GATE The Trans Am arcs up and heads toward the manicured hedges. ANGLE FROM MANSION GROUNDS A Dixieland band, dozens of guests, vats of jumbalaya, crawfish pies and file-gumbo. The pool and lawns are crowded with party-goers, and there's more than an ample supply of beautiful young women. ANGLE ON LASALLE AND LINDA Lasalle is holding court with influential guests. Linda is breathtaking. At the whine of a turbine approaching they turn. WHAT THEY SEE - K.I.T.T. He soars over the hedges and slides to a dramatic stop. The door pops open and Michael steps out. The jaded crowd applauds, assuming it's part of the festivities. Michael bows, smiling, then to K.I.T.T.: MICHAEL Guess they don't allow parking on the grass, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Don't worry, I'll find a place for myself, Michael. LASALLE A new business associate... (smiling) ...who favors dramatic entrances. K.I.T.T. goes off and Michael approaches Lasalle. He catches Linda's eye. This time there's another brief, mysterious contact before she turns away. Lasalle shakes Michael's hand. The ever present Danton materializes from the crowd, watching Michael. LASALLE Congratulations. MICHAEL As agreed. LASALLE As agreed, yes. But considering we live in a time where agreements are broken as often as honored, I'm impressed. MICHAEL The price was right. LASALLE Is that a hint? MICHAEL No. I'd like my money. Lasalle seems to enjoy Michael's brashness, guides him toward the house, away from the guests. Michael glances across at Linda, sees her react to something off. He looks. HIS POINT OF VIEW - A LIMO It glides through, darkened windows concealing who or what is inside. It continues past, disappears toward the rear of the estate. ANGLE ON LINDA She immediately excuses herself, hurries off in the direction of the limo. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. ON THE LAWN near a clump of trees, away from the party. K.I.T.T. Oh my.... REVERSE ANGLE A huge alligator lumbers out of the trees, coming toward K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Scat! Scedaddle! The alligator continues to come closer. K.I.T.T. Adios, arrivaderci, ciao, sayonara, aloha, bug off! The alligator is nose-to-nose with K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I support endangered species, but this is ridiculous. ANGLE INSIDE K.I.T.T. He auto-starts, shifts into reverse and backs up. ANGLE ON ALLIGATOR He comes forward again. His jaw opens revealing rows of huge teeth. K.I.T.T. This calls for extreme measures. K.I.T.T.'s hood pops open, jaw-like and huge. The alligator thinks it over, does an about-face and heads back toward the trees, out-jawed. K.I.T.T. Thank goodness. OMITTED INT. MANSION - DAY Lasalle counts out fifty thousand dollars in stacks of hundred dollar bills onto a table. Michael watches. MICHAEL Thanks. He picks up the bills and puts them in his pocket. LASALLE That's all? MICHAEL Did I forget something? LASALLE Let's not play games. Without you the car is virtually useless. You know that and I know that. It's a means to an end. What will it cost me? MICHAEL What do you want done? LASALLE Something dangerous. MICHAEL I figured. Interrupted by Danton running in, concerned. He pulls Lasalle aside, whispers something in his ear. LASALLE Excuse me. I won't be a minute. He hurries out with Danton. Michael watches them go outside, cross quickly toward the rear of the mansion -- the direction the limo went. ANOTHER ANGLE Just as Michael is ready to leave, a pretty dark-haired girl enters from the party outside. Her name is Carmen. CARMEN Hi. MICHAEL Hi. CARMEN Could you tell me where the salle de bain is? That's French for bathroom. MICHAEL I figured. He points down the hall. She smiles, starts down the hall, aware he's watching her walk. CARMEN Don't run off. MICHAEL I wouldn't think of it. As soon as she's gone, he darts out. EXT. REAR AREA OF MANSION - DAY Michael appears, cautious. He hears a woman scream, men's voices. He pushes through trees and undergrowth. HIS POINT OF VIEW - LINDA Danton and another security guard are dragging her away from the limo kicking and screaming. Lasalle watches, grim. The darkened window electrically rises, a child's face glimpsed briefly before it's obscured. The limo pulls out. ANGLE ON LINDA She's hysterical, kicking and biting. In the fury the locket she wears is ripped off, forgotten in the dirt. Danton looks to Lasalle. LASALLE Go ahead. Danton pulls a syringe out of a case in his pocket. Linda screams. The other guard holds her down while Danton injects her with a powerful tranquilizer. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He watches, hating the helplessness he feels. ANGLE ON LINDA She goes limp, and Danton and the guard carry her off, followed by Lasalle. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael appears from the trees, moves to where the locket fell. He finds it, picks it up and opens it. INSERT - LOCKET Inside is a picture of a beautiful little girl, the same little girl who was in the limo. CUT TO INT. MANSION - DAY The doors to the study/communications room open, Danton coming out. DANTON He'll see you now. REVERSE ANGLE Michael pacing, restless, crosses to enter the study. INT. STUDY/COMMUNICATIONS ROOM - DAY Michael enters, followed by Danton who secures the door behind them. Lasalle watches Michael's reaction to the room; it looks like a cross between a state-of-the-art telecommunications center and the war room at the Pentagon. Every electronic surveillance device known to man. A variety of images flicker across a dozen TV monitors. MICHAEL Now I'm impressed. LASALLE Thank you. Whether it's the incident at the limo with Linda or not, Lasalle seems more abrupt, less willing to spend time being charming. LASALLE Shall we get down to business? MICHAEL I already got down to mine. He pats the pocket with the 50,000, smiles. LASALLE That's nothing -- six months if you're not too extravagant. I'm prepared to make you a wealthy man. MICHAEL Care to be more specific? LASALLE Five times that. Two hundred and fifty thousand cash. MICHAEL Who do I have to kill? He smiles. They don't. MICHAEL That was a joke. Lasalle smiles thinly, crosses to the array of electronic wizardry. LASALLE What you see here is the state of the arts in digital communications. With it I can detect and monitor and elec- tronic transmission in the world. (points to underwater diving sequence) A treasure hunt off the coast of Haiti. A gamble, but if we hit the jackpot is enormous. (points to another monitor) And that one could be even bigger. (beat) Now, tell me what you know about the Bohr-Fellows lock? MICHAEL It's the most impregnable lock ever designed. Titanium alloy tumblers, a coded magnetic key... (the slightest hesitation as he begins putting it together) ...that's next to impossible to duplicate. LASALLE Excellent. And I was this close to getting my hands on one...until Willis decided to moonlight a drug deal on his own.... MICHAEL And the rest is history. LASALLE History I intend to rewrite. I want that key back, Michael...and we both know who has it. Danton --- Danton types in an access code on the computer. The underwater diving sequence is replaced by: ANGLE ON MONITOR The Foundation office with Devon busy at his desk. MICHAEL He'll die before parting with it, Lasalle. LASALLE Yes...I imagine he will. Lasalle grins, and --- FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. FOUNDATION PERIMETER - DAY Michael appears, slips in and deactivates the perimeter surveillance system. ANGLE ON INNER WALL A grappling hook arcs through the air, hooks onto the wall...and Michael appears, pulls himself up, vaults over onto the grounds. OMITTED INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY at his desk, trying to catch up on paperwork. He hears someone on the veranda, glances up, reacts. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael enters through French doors. The two men stare at one another. DEVON Michael! What are you doing?! MICHAEL It turns out we have some unfinished business. Devon rises, furious. DEVON The only 'unfinished business' we have is your theft of Kitt -- That and breaking into my office! I demand an explanation. MICHAEL Sorry, Devon -- your days of 'demanding' are over. I don't do your bidding anymore, I do my own. Over this Michael sees Devon's foot moving surreptitiously under the desk. He pulls the pistol from his belt, grabs Devon and pulls him roughly away. MICHAEL Don't step on the alarm. DEVON I can't believe you're doing this! Michael, for God's sake, stop this insanity before you do something you truly regret. MICHAEL Save the moral indignation. I've had enough to last a lifetime. Open the safe. DEVON Why? MICHAEL Open it! Devon moves to the wall, removes a book which reveals a hidden wall safe. He punches the digital combination, opens it. DEVON What is it you want? Money? MICHAEL The key. Devon reacts, horrified. Tries to cover. DEVON What key? MICHAEL (angry) Don't press your luck. The key they found on Willis. DEVON (deadly calm) Michael, listen to me.... MICHAEL (holds out hand) The key, Devon. Now. No choice, Devon reaches into the safe. ANGLE IN SAFE Secreted there is a small revolver. Devon surreptitiously reaches for it. WIDER ANGLE as he turns, concealing the revolver: INTERCUT MONITOR IN LASALLE'S COMMUNICATION ROOM Lasalle, Poole and Danton watch as Devon spins around, the pistol in his hand. Michael reacts, fires his revolver before Devon can get off a shot. Devon stumbles, collapses, mortally wounded. Michael steps over his body and reaches into the safe. ANGLE ON LASALLE He looks at Poole, pleased. LASALLE Phase two is complete. CUT TO EXT. MANSION - NIGHT K.I.T.T. arcs up the long driveway, pulls to a stop. ANGLE ON UPSTAIRS BALCONY French doors open and Linda moves out, watching Michael. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He climbs out, starts for the house. OMITTED CUT TO INT. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM - NIGHT The box is placed on the table. MICHAEL'S VOICE If you don't mind, I think I'll turn in. It's been a long day. Lasalle opens the box, admires the key. LASALLE Good idea. We complete the third and final phase tomorrow. Be ready to leave at seven AM. MICHAEL Mind telling me what the 'third and final phase' is? LASALLE From now on, information will be on a need-to-know basis. MICHAEL I need to know. LASALLE You do, but not tonight. Michael starts out. LASALLE Was it difficult for you? MICHAEL What? LASALLE Dealing with Devon Miles. Michael glances knowingly at the monitor screen, then: MICHAEL Yeah...it was. But I did it. He turns and leaves. Hold on Lasalle, fingering the titanium key, thoughtful. CUT TO EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Later, quiet, only a few lights on. Honeysuckle in the air. INT. MICHAEL'S ROOM - NIGHT He is in the process of taking his jacket off, when he hears something outside, a sound. He crosses cautiously to the French doors, opens them. ANGLE FROM BALCONY as Michael comes out. At first he doesn't see anything. Then he does. ANOTHER ANGLE Linda is barely visible, half-hidden by potted palms a few yards away. LINDA Don't say anything, you're on the surveillance system. I have to talk to you. (beat) Someone...left something in my bedroom. If it was you, show me. Do something to let me know. Michael yawns and stretches, pretends to look out into the Bayou night. He unobtrusively speaks into the comlink. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, I want you to knock out the system monitoring my room. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. His systems come to life. K.I.T.T. Michael, this is a very sophisticated operation. The old saying 'easier said than done' comes to mind. MICHAEL'S VOICE Buzz me twice when it's okay. Graphics appear on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. ANGLE IN COMMUNICATIONS ROOM Danton is monitoring security. One of the monitors shows Michael's room, Michael at the balcony as before. Suddenly a soccer game appears on all the screens. Danton reacts, punches buttons to no avail. ANGLE ON BALCONY Michael's comlink buzzes twice. MICHAEL (comlink) Thanks, pal. (to Linda) It's safe now. LINDA (cautious) Are you sure? Michael nods, crosses to meet her as she approaches. LINDA I want to believe you, but I can't take any chances. What did you leave in my room? MICHAEL A birthday card with something inside. LINDA What was inside? He touches the locket which is back around her neck. MICHAEL This. For a moment it looks as if she will cry. He wonders if he's ever seen such beautiful eyes, such pain, an anguish that goes right to her heart. CUT TO ANGLE IN COMMUNICATIONS ROOM Frustrated, Danton picks up a phone and buzzes Poole. DANTON (phone) You'd better get down here, genius, all I can see is soccer. (beat) Soccer -- you know, where you hit the ball with your head. He hangs up. CUT TO ANGLE IN MICHAEL'S ROOM Linda moves absently around the room, too frazzled to sit. Michael watches her, waits. LINDA (finally) Who are you? MICHAEL Someone you can trust. LINDA That doesn't tell me who you are. MICHAEL If you can trust me, who I am shouldn't matter. (beat) I'd like to trust you, too. If only you hadn't slipped whatever you did into my drink.... LINDA Boyd told me to. MICHAEL And like a good little girl you always do what he says. LINDA You don't refuse Boyd. (beat) He's sick. You know that, don't you? Michael refrains from answering. LINDA I didn't. When I met him I thought he was...different. A savior. I guess if you're looking for a savior you'll see one whether he's there or not. MICHAEL Who's the little girl? Your daughter? LINDA Mary Beth was three when I met Boyd. I was divorced, working in one of his clubs on Bourbon Street, trying to support us...keep Mary Beth in preschool...Boyd told me he'd take care of everything if I moved in with him. I should've said no, I wanted to, but I didn't. (beat) Then, when I tried to leave, it was too late. MICHAEL What happened at the limousine? LINDA He'd promised I could see her on my birthday. Then when she came I found out he'd told them no more than ten minutes -- he thought it might be 'too upsetting.' I guess I just...went a little crazy. MICHAEL So to make sure you never leave him, he's keeping Mary Beth prisoner. LINDA Yes. MICHAEL Do you know where? LINDA Somewhere outside the city. He'd never tell me. MICHAEL Maybe I can trace it through the limousine's license. The comlink buzzes. MICHAEL (comlink) Yeah. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE They're working on the system. I can't hold the override more than another ten or fifteen seconds. MICHAEL (comlink) Thanks, pal. LINDA What was that?! MICHAEL A friend. Quick. He hustles her out the French doors. ANGLE IN COMMUNICATIONS ROOM Poole, at the controls, brings the signals back. Michael's room is empty. At the balcony Michael yawns, stretches, comes back inside as if nothing's on his mind but a good night's sleep. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT From out on the grounds a figure turns, leaving. It's Lasalle. What he's seen, or hasn't, isn't clear. CUT TO EXT. MANSION - DAY It's early. Lasalle and Danton accompany Michael to K.I.T.T. Lasalle hands Michael the twin keys. LASALLE Good luck. MICHAEL Yeah. I'd feel a lot better if I knew where I was going...exactly what I'm supposed to do. LASALLE When the time is right, you'll know. Beat. Michael climbs into K.I.T.T., pulls out. Lasalle watches him leave. CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. glides by. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Well, Butch, where now? MICHAEL Kitt, I meant that as an example of friendship. Partnership. We're not outlaws. K.I.T.T. What would you call us? Models of civic responsibility. MICHAEL (beat) I wouldn't go that far. K.I.T.T. I thought not. In fact.... INT. COMMUNICATIONS CENTER - DAY Poole presses Audio Override as Lasalle watches. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE How very odd.... INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. LASALLE'S VOICE (overriding K.I.T.T.) Michael, can you hear me? His voice is coming from K.I.T.T.'s speaker box, which flashes as if K.I.T.T. is talking. MICHAEL (surprised) Lasalle? LASALLE (microphone) Listen carefully. You are fifteen point three miles from Fire Mountain Chemical Facility. After penetrating security, proceed to Delta Level refrigerated storage vault, which can be opened by punching the code -- 3-2-8-1. There, inside the Bohr -Fellows wall depository, you'll find our target object -- a canister of Tri-Hydrosulfate-G. You'll receive additional instructions when needed. Lasalle clicks off...and K.I.T.T. reappears. K.I.T.T. (outraged) How dare that person override me!?! MICHAEL Kitt, what's Tri-Hydrosulfate-G? K.I.T.T. Coming right up. INTERCUT - MONITOR Holographic models of four separate molecules combining into a single, snake-like chain rotating on the screen. K.I.T.T. Tri-Hydrosulfate-G is an experimental genetically engineered amino acid being tested as a bacteriological agent. It is quantumly more powerful than anything that is presently in use. MICHAEL (tightening) Biological warfare? K.I.T.T. To say the least. If one litre were accidentally released into the atmos- phere, no living organism within a thousand square miles would survive. MICHAEL (after a beat) You have a site map of the Fire Mountain facility? No response from K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Michael, given the severity of the situation, I can no longer support your actions. MICHAEL I'll manual override. K.I.T.T. What you do is sadly beyond my control. But I cannot and will not aid in anything that could jeopardize a human life. MICHAEL Last chance, Kitt. No response. After a beat Michael programs a manual Map Search into the system. INTERCUT - MONITOR Maps flash by. Michael presses Freeze. Hold on a map of Fire Mountain Facility. Michael studies it, then presses Pursuit. EXT. TWO-LANE ROAD - DAY The Trans Am leaps up the road. INT. TRANS AM - DAY Michael behind the wheel. EXT. FIRE MOUNTAIN - DAY As the Trans Am approaches the security fence it suddenly accelerates, smashing through it. ANGLE AT SECURITY STATION A Guard on routine duty looks up and reacts, stunned. He grabs a phone. GUARD Someone just busted through the north fence, get on over here! ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am heads directly for the chemical facility. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael grips the wheel. MICHAEL Kitt, we're about to hit three feet of reinforced concrete wall. I'll abort if you say you can't do it. Silence from K.I.T.T. WIDER ANGLE The Trans Am hurtles toward the wall and slams directly into it, concrete and steel girders flying in all directions. INT. FACILITY - DAY K.I.T.T. comes to a stop across from a large security vault labeled DELTA LEVEL CHEMICAL STORAGE. Michael climbs out of the Trans Am, a little shaken, punches the code, 3281. The huge vault door swings open revealing a cloudy cold room with a tamper-proof Bohr-Fellows depository box in the wall, along with several sophisticated gauges recording temperature, earth movements, etc. ANGLE IN COLD ROOM Michael enters. DEVON'S VOICE Hello, Michael. It's Devon, bundled up in a parka, emerging from the cold, cloudy shadows of the room. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN INT. COLD ROOM - DAY With various alarms sounding over, Devon embraces Michael: DEVON Good to see you, Michael. MICHAEL Me too, Devon. I see you also dis- covered what the key unlocks. DEVON Just a short time ago. He's after the Tri-Hydrosulfate-G. Michael nods, moves to the depository box, fits the key into the Bohr-Fellows lock. DEVON Any idea what he's going to do with it? Turns the key: MICHAEL Ten to one sell it to the highest bidder. He opens the box, removes a canister smoking with frost. Looks at it, reflecting on its horrifying capabilities. DEVON I know what you're thinking, Michael -- what if he outsmarts us and gets away with it? MICHAEL (looks at Devon) I'd sure feel a lot safer if this were filled with shaving cream. DEVON That makes two of us. Only Lasalle wouldn't get thirty days for master- minding the theft of a can of shaving cream. But once he takes possession of that Tri-Hydrosulfate-G, we're talking about a life sentence. MICHAEL Just make sure you have the authorities there to arrest him. Wherever there is. DEVON We'll be able to track your destination by monitoring Kitt's homing signal. They react to the O.S. voice: GUARD'S VOICE Take the labs. We'll check out the cold storage vaults. DEVON Now go! And for heaven's sake, Michael, do be careful with that. Michael nods and hurries out. ANGLE DOWN CORRIDOR Several security guards are racing toward them carrying automatic weapons. One of them spots Michael --- GUARD You! Don't move! ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL leaping into K.I.T.T. He puts the canister on the passenger seat, waits for K.I.T.T. to start up. When he doesn't: MICHAEL Kitt, this is no time to hold a grudge! (starts him manually) All right, we'll talk about it later. Michael hits the throttle. ANGLE TO INCLUDE SECURITY GUARDS firing. The bullets bounce off K.I.T.T. as he blasts through hole. EXT. CHEMICAL FACILITY - DAY The Trans Am emerges from the building, races toward the hole in the fence as automatic weapon fire ricochets off. CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. moving fast down the highway. INT. TRANS AM - DAY As Michael glances over at the canister a red light near the speaker begins to flash. LASALLE'S VOICE (over speaker) Well done, Michael. MICHAEL (eyeing canister nervously) Where do I get rid of this thing? INT. COMMUNICATIONS CENTER - DAY Lasalle is on a panel microphone, tracking K.I.T.T. via a monitor screen. Poole is nearby. LASALLE I can see where you might be a little nervous. Continue on I-10 for another thirty minutes at your present speed. INTERCUT AS NEEDED Michael nods. MICHAEL You got it. (to K.I.T.T.) You heard the man. K.I.T.T. remains silent. ANGLE IN COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Lasalle takes a last look at K.I.T.T. on monitoring screen, then turns to Linda. LASALLE Ready for our little trip? LINDA Where are we going? Boyd please... what about Mary Beth? Let her come with us, she won't be any trouble, I promise. LASALLE Oh, it's not Mary Beth I'm worried about. It's you, Linda...you and Michael Knight...and your little rendezvous behind my back. Danton enters the room. DANTON The chopper's ready, sir. LASALLE Then let's get started. LINDA I'm not going, Boyd -- no! You can't make me! LASALLE Danton. Danton grabs Linda by the arm and all but drags her out. Lasalle watches her a beat and then follows. EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. moving fast. EXT. HELICOPTER - DAY - IN FLIGHT INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Danton at the controls. Lasalle takes the microphone. LASALLE Michael...Boyd. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL I hear you. Intercut as needed: LASALLE You should be approaching Laffite Crossing. Turn off there, then take a left onto the old River Road. Follow it to the end. MICHAEL You're the boss. LASALLE And just so you don't forget that, Michael...I've decided to take out an insurance policy -- Linda and her daughter. MICHAEL What are you getting at? LASALLE Call it the paranoia of a suspicious mind...but if anything goes wrong... if for some reason I don't get that canister...Linda and her daughter will die. Michael thinks fast, then forces a small laugh: MICHAEL Hey, Boyd, she's your girl friend, not mine. What do I care what happens to her? LASALLE (looking at Linda) Somehow, Michael, I don't believe you mean that. That's why I'm sure you won't let anything go wrong. Anything at all. He clicks off. Michael weighs his words a beat, then reaches for a dash button: OMITTED INSERT - HOMING BUTTON as Michael presses it and the green light turns to red, signaling it's off. OMITTED EXT. OLD RIVER ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. His wheels bounding along a road that's little more than a dirt path, overgrown with swamp vegetation. He splashes through a deep puddle. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael has his hands full controlling the wheel. MICHAEL They call this a road...even an alligator would have a hard time around here...sorry, Kitt. (then suddenly sees something up ahead) Well, what do you know. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - DISTANT CLEARING It's actually been hacked out of the swamp. Linda, Lasalle and the armed Danton stand outside the helicopter. Michael also sees a couple of Bayou boys, Cajun swamp boatmen obviously moonlighting for Lasalle and armed with shotguns. MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt, I think it's time we had a little heart to heart. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL I wasn't suspended from the Foundation. Devon and I planned this whole thing so I could infiltrate Lasalle's operation, put him away. K.I.T.T. What about the heroin the police found in your jacket? MICHAEL I put it there myself. It was all part of the plan. K.I.T.T. But why didn't you let me in on it? MICHAEL We were afraid Lasalle might've tapped into you, too. We couldn't tell anyone. Not even Bonnie. K.I.T.T. (slight beat) Michael, I recall you turned off my homing signal. I truly hope part of your plan wasn't to have Devon monitor our position. MICHAEL You got it, buddy. But after what Lasalle said I couldn't risk Linda's and her daughter's life. K.I.T.T. No, of course you couldn't, Michael. EXT. CLEARING - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up near Lasalle and Linda. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Well, at least we're partners again. K.I.T.T. Butch and Sundance. OMITTED EXT. CLEARING - DAY Michael gets out. LASALLE There's not much time. Where's the canister? MICHAEL (holding it) Right here. (then) On one condition, Lasalle. LASALLE What's that? MICHAEL You let Linda go. LASALLE (beat) You ask too much. MICHAEL (re canister) I've got the ace in the hole. LASALLE I could kill you now and just take it away from you. MICHAEL In that case I better just open it up right here. He makes a motion as if to release the valve. The Bayou boys back off some. Quickly. LASALLE No. Wait. I expect to get about ten million dollars for that canister. (beat) You have a deal. MICHAEL (to Linda) Get into the car, Linda. She hurries over and gets in. MICHAEL Get her out of here, Kitt. K.I.T.T. But Michael...! MICHAEL You heard me. Hearing K.I.T.T. talk, the Bayou boys back up more, appear to discuss with themselves if they really heard what they heard. In Cajun. K.I.T.T. But what about you? MICHAEL I can take care of myself, now go. As K.I.T.T. starts to move off, the Bayou boys do the same thing, heading back for the swamps. LASALLE Where are you going?! BAYOU BOY No one said anything about poison gas and a talking car. MICHAEL Just can't get good help anymore. LASALLE The canister. Michael proffers it. MICHAEL All yours. Beat, then Lasalle takes it. To Danton: LASALLE Kill him. But as Danton's levelling his automatic: ANGLE ON MICHAEL diving behind some brush, turning a somersault, getting to his feet and racing toward K.I.T.T. who has circled around behind Lasalle. Danton fires several wild shots, then Michael dives into K.I.T.T. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL That's the old team work, pal. K.I.T.T. Michael, look. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - LASALLE AND DANTON getting into the helicopter, and starting to lift off. BACK TO SCENE as Michael starts after it. EXT. CLEARING - DAY The helicopter's about ten feet off the ground now. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Kitt, microwave jam the copter and bring her down. OMITTED EXT. HELICOPTER - DAY as the helicopter begins to drop toward the ground out of control. INT. HELICOPTER - DAY Danton struggles with the controls. LASALLE Pull up! DANTON I can't! EXT. CLEARING - DAY The helicopter lands. Michael runs to meet Danton coming out with his weapon. MICHAEL AND DANTON Michael grabs hold of the weapon, using it to throw Danton off balance, and then doubles him up with a blow to the midsection with the stock. ANGLE TO INCLUDE LASALLE getting out the other side and starting to run with the canister. MICHAEL Kitt! INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S PEDALS to see the accelerator depress and light up. BACK TO SCENE as K.I.T.T. cuts Lasalle off, and Michael comes up behind him, spinning him around and slamming him back against the Trans Am. MICHAEL I'll take that, Lasalle...Kitt has enough photographs of you with it to put you away for a long time. Michael takes the canister. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. MANSION GROUNDS - DAY Michael is with Linda. K.I.T.T. is nearby. MICHAEL All your things packed? LINDA Yes...by evening this will only be a bad dream...thanks to you. MICHAEL I couldn't have done it by myself. K.I.T.T. And I hope you remember that, Michael. MICHAEL Kitt, I promise I'll never keep anything from you again. K.I.T.T. Well, I certainly hope not. Linda sees Devon's limo pulling up. She tenses: LINDA Michael.... He puts his arm around her comfortingly. ANGLE ON LIMO Bonnie gets out with Mary Beth. The child runs to her mother: MARY BETH Mommie, Mommie.... ANGLE TO INCLUDE LINDA as she hurries to her daughter, embraces her, picks her up. LINDA Mary Beth...sweetheart...oh, my darling, we're never going to be away from each other again. She swings her around in her arms. ANGLE ON MICHAEL as Bonnie joins him. MICHAEL Thanks for finding her, Bonnie. BONNIE My pleasure. And I even forgive you for not letting me in on your little secret. Devon told me Kitt might've sensed I was keeping something from him. MICHAEL Where is Devon anyway? BONNIE Helping the authorities prepare their case against Lasalle, Danton, and all the others who worked for him. K.I.T.T.'s red scanner suddenly begins to flash. K.I.T.T. Oh, no. Michael looks over. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE ALLIGATOR heading to visit with K.I.T.T. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Kitt, the alligator only wants to be friendly. K.I.T.T. Michael, it's not the alligator I'm worried about. They turn to look. AND WHAT THEY SEE - CHUCK WALLYBURTON coming from his official Fed car. ANGLE TO INCLUDE OUR PEOPLE BONNIE Oh, I forgot to tell you -- Chuck Wallyburton is handling the case for the Feds. Chuck spots Kitt, waves --- CHARLES Little Buddy...look who's here! As all but K.I.T.T. enjoy the moment, we --- FADE OUT THE END