EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58619 Robert Foster May 30, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: James M. Miller EN Rev. 6/ 6/84 (F.R.) Gino Grimaldi Rev. 6/ 8/84 (F.R.) Rev. 6/11/84 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER LOST KNIGHT by Robert Foster & James M. Miller ___________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. DEMOLITION SITE - DAY A large downtown building stands in the b.g. waiting to be turned into a pile of rubble, which will then be hauled off so that a modern hotel complex can take its place. The area is roped off, a crew goes about its business, and the usual safety precautions are in effect. ANGLE ON MS. JORDAN as she addresses a handful of VIPs representing various international construction and engineering firms, there to see a demonstration of a "new breed" demolition explosive. Ms. Jordan is twenty-seven and attractive. Also present, and wearing hard hats like the others, are Devon and Bonnie. MS. JORDAN Normally a building this size would require a minimum of a thousand pounds of dynamite to bring down. However, with the development of our new XPL nitro-plastique, we can accomplish the same job with just six of these packets, weighing a total of...thirty ounces. A scattering of reactions, an ad-lib comment or two. Ms. Jordan smiles as though to good reviews. MS. JORDAN We at XPL knew you'd be favorably impressed. We also knew you'd have concerns -- serious concerns -- regarding the potential dangers of an explosive this compact, this versatile...This powerful. In that regard, we at XPL are consulting with a number of experts in a variety of fields. Today we're fortunate enough to be joined by Mr. Devon Miles of the Foundation for Law and Government. Some applause, some "Who's he?" expressions. Bonnie nudges him. BONNIE You're on. DEVON So it would appear. Devon smiles, steps forward. DEVON We at the Foundation welcome the opportunity to work with private industry toward developing adequate safeguards. In today's world, some- thing as powerful as nitro-plastique isn't simply an explosive. In the wrong hands, it's a weapon. MS. JORDAN Well, I don't know if we at XPL would go that far.... She whisks him off with a smile, gestures to an XPL techni- cian off to one side, not at all pleased by Devon's candor. MS. JORDAN Thank you, Mr. Miles. And now, for the event we've all been waiting for...it's ten seconds to detonation. ANGLE ON BRONCO turning into the demolition area. It's two-tone, red and white, and on the upper white half there's a sign reading: 'BOB'S PLUMBING SUPPLIES'. It stops just short of the cordoned off area. Camera moves in close on: FRONT WINDOW Two men are in the front seat, and for some reason they wear ski masks. They will later be revealed as Bobby Pell and Julius Korso. INT. BRONCO - DAY Korso, behind the wheel, looking at LED clock --- KORSO Ten seconds. Bobby, this better work.... PELL It'll work. Seven...six...five.... EXT. DEMOLITION SITE - DAY MS. JORDAN Four...three...two...one.... A terrifying explosion. ON BUILDING as it crumbles into a pile of dust and bricks. INT. BRONCO Korso accelerates. EXT. DEMOLITION SITE - DAY - ON BRONCO pushing through the barrier, and heads for a trailer marked XPL INDUSTRIES, HIGH EXPLOSIVES. It's parked off to the side, a distance from the demolition site. ON TRAILER as the Bronco roars up. Two security guards are quickly alerted, but before they can go for their guns, Korso and Pell jump out and level sawed-off shotguns on them. PELL Don't even think it! Drop the belts -- now! The guards drop their belts as Korso disappears inside the trailer. Pell makes sure he keeps an eye on him through the open door. PELL C'mon!! Korso pops out with a small steel case. Pell looks inside, sees the packets. PELL How do we know this is the stuff? KORSO It's the stuff! Let's go! He darts for the Bronco. Pell follows, shotgun on the guards. PELL You got two choices -- stay put or kiss the holiday's good-bye. He jumps into the Bronco and Korso peels out. ON GUARDS One scrambles for his weapon, while the other races to the trailer, pulls the alarm inside. ANGLE ON BRONCO It flies past. ANGLE ON XPL SECURITY CAR It roars out in pursuit, red lights flashing. ANGLE ON DEVON, BONNIE AND OTHERS reacting to the alarm. BRONCO AND SECURITY JEEP As the Jeep tries to cut the Bronco off Korso rams into it with his heavy bumper, sends it into a spin, causing it to crash into a fence. Korso hits the street. EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (V.O.) You know, Kitt, sometimes I feel a little guilty. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. Why's that, Michael? MICHAEL Well, here we are on the way to the beach, a full afternoon off, and Devon and Bonnie have to go and watch a building being leveled. K.I.T.T. If you feel so guilty, why didn't you accept Devon's invitation to go with them? MICHAEL Guilty, yes...crazy, no. K.I.T.T. Michael, Devon's calling. MICHAEL Why did I open my big mouth? INSERT MONITOR as Devon appears, a sense of urgency about him. MICHAEL Yo, Devon. DEVON Michael, the demolition site has just been robbed! Two men made off with a quantity of that new explosive. The police are in pursuit, but if you're anywhere in the vicinity, I want you to assist in any way possible. MICHAEL What am I looking for? DEVON A red and white Bronco, with Bob's Plumbing Supply on the side. MICHAEL Did you get a make on the plate? DEVON Incomplete -- only the first three digits: 187. MICHAEL Kitt, pick up the police frequency, and plot an intercept course. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. MICHAEL I'll be in touch. Oh, and Devon... thanks for the afternoon off. Michael accelerates. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. leaving the other traffic far behind. EXT. ANOTHER HIGHWAY - DAY - ON BRONCO as it leaves the highway and turns onto a smaller road. EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (V.O.) Kitt, how're we doing? INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY A graphic appears on the monitor. K.I.T.T. I have the target vehicle's location, direction and approximate speed. Michael looks at the graphic, studies it for a moment. MICHAEL That's heading into the Kirkland Dam area. K.I.T.T. Correct. MICHAEL We'll go as far as Temple Road, and try to intercept at Needles Ridge. The speedometer rises. CUT TO EXT. KIRKLAND ROAD - DAY - ON BRONCO speeding along. ANOTHER ANGLE The Trans Am flies in from an intersecting road. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is intent behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Michael, my monitor.... MICHAEL Gotcha. Meaning the vehicle is in sight. INT. BRONCO - DAY Korso spots K.I.T.T. in the mirror, reacts. KORSO Behind us. Pell looks. KORSO What is it, a cop? PELL No...some joker in a black T-top. Let's dust him. Korso hits a switch on the dash. ON HOOD A custom air intake opens revealing a powerful supercharger. It whines. ON SPEEDOMETER It arcs up over 100, 110, 120.... INT./EXT. K.I.T.T. - CLOSE ON THE DIGITAL READOUT The mph numbers rapidly clicking upward to 140. Camera draws back to catch Michael's reaction. MICHAEL Kitt, we're not pulling like we should. K.I.T.T. I don't understand it, Michael. Michael presses buttons. MICHAEL Let's see what we're dealing with here. A graphic appears on the monitor. K.I.T.T. The vehicle in question has a super- charger, mounted on a Hemi-head V-8. MICHAEL Let's show 'em what super-charged is all about, buddy. K.I.T.T.'S CONTROLS As Michael hits Pursuit, K.I.T.T. catapults to 150, 160, 170.... EXT. ROAD - DAY - CHASE INT. BRONCO They're flying and Korso is scared beneath the conviction he will, in the end, tough-out any situation. KORSO I thought you said nothing on the street could touch this! Pell is starting to look desperate, too. He grabs one of the packets of explosives, snaps a contact detonator onto it. PELL So whoever he is thinks he's a smart guy, let him think he's a smart guy. (yells) Eat this, smart guy! He tosses a packet out of the window. EXT. ROAD - DAY The packet hits the pavement and explodes, shaking K.I.T.T. violently, but not stopping him. It does tear up the road, however. INT. BRONCO - DAY They're shocked to see the Trans Am still behind them and gaining. KORSO Bobby, c'mon! Do something! Drop the guy! Pell, totally frustrated, readies two packets of explosives. PELL If this doesn't stop him, pull over and put up your hands, the man is holy. He flings them out. OMITTED EXT. HILLSIDE ROAD - DAY The packets land between tall steel stanchions which support cross-country high voltage electrical transmission lines. MICHAEL slams on the brakes. Too late: THE PACKETS explode with tremendous force, sending a gigantic column of asphalt and debris upward. The power lines are severed. K.I.T.T. skidding, trying to stop. Can't. The whipping, arcing cables hit the Trans Am with a stunning flash. The car shudders with the impact. Michael hits his head, stunned. An intense, blue, aura-like field envelopes the outside. ON BRONCO disappearing over rise. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael is almost blinded by the megavolt charges. He has the presence of mind to hold his hands away from any metal surface. Outside the heavy cables lash at the car. Sparks and smoke come from the dash. Then: ON ONE OF THE STANCHIONS ABOVE A huge transformer can blows up. The power is cut off. The lashing cables fall away from K.I.T.T. like dead snakes. Quiet. MICHAEL shaken, very dizzy, takes in the scene, then opens the door. MICHAEL Kitt, you all right? Kitt?! K.I.T.T. I am a...Knight Industries...I am a...I...would you please...repeat ...the...question.... There's an electric sputtering from the dash, smoke, and silence. MICHAEL Kitt, say something! Silence. MICHAEL Kitt! Nothing. MICHAEL Okay, pal, you stay right here. I'll go get us some help. He gets out, feeling very weak himself. Spots a sign down the road: "REST AREA - PUBLIC PHONE - ONE MILE." MICHAEL Now don't you go anywhere...I'll be right back. And he starts off, half running, half walking, looking back every now and then to see that K.I.T.T.'s still there. ON MICHAEL beginning to feel very dizzy, but stumbling on. ON K.I.T.T. His surveillance light flashes, and he slowly leaves the road, heading into the rugged, mountainous terrain. Climbing the hillside, he stops as if to get his bearings -- suddenly spots something and holds. WHAT K.I.T.T. SEES - A BOY OF FOURTEEN stands on a distant hill looking at K.I.T.T. curiously. BACK ON K.I.T.T. looks at the boy a beat, then frightened, confused, K.I.T.T. heads up the rugged terrain to seemingly safer ground. ON MICHAEL Getting weaker by the moment, he stops, looks back, and reacts. K.I.T.T. is nowhere in sight. He begins running back, calling --- MICHAEL Kitt! Kitt! Reaching the spot where he left him, he looks about, sees nothing but the rugged terrain. Calls again --- MICHAEL Kitt!!! Then suddenly the entire earth begins to spin, as Michael slumps to his knees, barely conscious. EXT. MOUNTAIN TERRAIN - DAY - ON BRONCO as it turns off a fire road, and stops near a blue Blazer hidden in some heavy brush. Korso and Pell jump out. Remove their ski masks. Korso is thirty-five, hardened by too many years in prison, and brooding. Pell is twenty- seven, mercurial and deadly. The release of tension produces a momentary giddiness in him. He laughs. PELL Know why I like you, Julius? 'Cause next to you even I look good. KORSO A comedian. You're too good for this line of work, you should be on Saturday Night Live. As Pell reaches inside the Bronco for the nitro-plastique both react to the sound of a twig snapping. Turn. WHAT THEY SEE - DOUG WAINWRIGHT the boy we glimpsed earlier is standing a short distance away. Doug is fourteen, affects a slightly rebellious, tough-edged look. He wears a baseball cap with the initials W-W on it, carries a small knapsack with a baseball jacket rolled up and strapped to the side. He looks at the men, takes the scene in, immediately turns and runs. ANGLE TO INCLUDE KORSO, PELL PELL He made us! Without hesitation Pell charges after him. Korso is amazed. KORSO Bobby, it's a kid! What're you doing?! Bobby! No reply. Korso follows without as much conviction. VARIOUS ANGLES OF CHASE Pell is bigger, stronger, faster, leaping over brush and rocks. Doug, however, knows the terrain, weaves in and out. Still the terror builds as he sees Pell getting closer and closer. ON DOUG as he gets his knapsack caught on a branch and struggles to free it. ANGLE TO INCLUDE KORSO He pounds up the rugged terrain to join Pell. CLOSER ANGLE ON KORSO AND PELL They pause to look. WHAT THEY SEE - WILD HILLSIDE Doug has vanished. BACK TO SCENE Their eyes flash over everything. They're breathing hard. PELL He's gotta be around here somewhere. KORSO Yeah, but where? He's like a jack- rabbit. Forget it, it's only a kid. MOUTH OF CAVE It's covered with brush but behind its dense exterior we see Doug peering out, holding his breath. PELL'S VOICE You say that like kids don't count. like kids can't testify. ANGLE ON KORSO AND PELL They're right in front of the opening, not aware of it. KORSO Bobby, don't be crazy. You can't run around killing people because of what they might've seen. (beat) Relax. Calm down. You're too hyper. Pell looks around, slowly crosses to join Korso, not satis- fied. PELL I'm too hyper, yeah, an' you're too laid back. You're so laid back you won't know you been busted again 'til they slam the jailhouse doors. MOUTH OF CAVE to see Doug watching them, frightened to death. CUT TO EXT. KIRKLAND MEDICAL CENTER - DAY - ON ENTRANCE Like the town of Kirkland itself, the medical center is small but fairly modern. ON MICHAEL as he comes out, tucking in his shirt, followed by a very large and commanding Nurse who is trying to change his mind. NURSE I'm warning you, Mr. Knight, you're leaving against medical advice --- MICHAEL I appreciate all you've done, Nurse Gilmore, but I feel fine. NURSE If you feel so fine, why were you found half unconscious babbling some- thing about your car driving off by itself? MICHAEL It's a long story, but all I needed was a little rest and tender loving care, which you more than gave me. And actually my car did drive off by itself, but that's an even longer story. Thanks for everything, you're a credit to your profession.... He kisses her, leaves. She stands, still feeling his kiss on her cheek, not sure if she's shocked or grateful. ANGLE TO INCLUDE DEVON AND BONNIE having arrived in a Foundation limo. They hurry to meet Michael. DEVON Well, I see you've been discharged. MICHAEL (re Nurse) Escaped is more like it. What about Kitt? Any luck? DEVON No sign of him, Michael. BONNIE The voltage surge must've knocked out his homing device. MICHAEL Don't be surprised if that's not all. What else could be affected? BONNIE His memory modules, information banks ...Michael, how could you -- he's out there, damaged, alone --- MICHAEL Bonnie, give me a break. I was on assignment. (then) He's gotta be somewhere in those hills. (starts toward limo) Devon, I'll need a car. Four-wheel drive --- DEVON (catching up) Michael, we're doing everything possible to find Kitt. Right now our top priority is locating the stolen nitro-plastique. MICHAEL Maybe it's your top priority, but mine's Kitt. Let the police look for the explosives. DEVON They are, but they've also requested our help. MICHAEL As soon as I find him, I'll be glad to put in a double shift. DEVON (stops him) There was enough nitro-plastique stolen to level this entire city. MICHAEL Devon.... DEVON Believe me, under any other circum- stances, I'd say go out there and find Kitt and don't come back until you do...but this is different. This is an order. The limo phone buzzes. Devon answers it. DEVON Yes... (listens) I see...Good. He hangs up. MICHAEL What? DEVON The Foundation helicopter just spotted the abandoned Bronco. CUT TO CAVE AREA - DAY - ON MOUTH Doug comes out cautiously, looks around, sees it's apparently safe, then heads back in the direction of the Bronco, still carrying his knapsack. ANGLE ON BRONCO as Doug approaches it cautiously, then looks it over appraisingly. ANOTHER ANGLE He looks inside, sizes up the radio, and toys with the idea of maybe pulling it out. But then he hears an approaching vehicle, looks through the opposite window. DOUG'S POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL pulling up nearby in an open Jeep. He spots Doug. BACK ON DOUG He jumps from the Bronco and takes off. OMITTED ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL giving chase. He quickly catches him, turns him around, and Doug comes out fighting. DOUG Let go of me! Get your hands off me! MICHAEL Easy, son. I'm not going to hurt you. DOUG Then let me go -- you got no right grabbing me! I didn't do anything! MICHAEL All right. Slow down. (beat) There's no reason to be afraid. DOUG Who said anything about being afraid?! MICHAEL Then why did you run? DOUG Because... (thinks) I thought maybe you were the game warden. He's always trying to bust me for fishing in the reservoir. MICHAEL (smiles) I'm not a game warden. My name's Michael Knight. I'm from the Foundation for Law and Government. DOUG Oh, I get it. Some kind of cop. MICHAEL No, not a cop. Not even close. What's your name? DOUG (hesitant) Doug. Why? MICHAEL Good to meet you, Doug. (re cap) I see you're a ball player. DOUG Yeah. MICHAEL (patient) W-W. The name of your team? DOUG Wainwright's Warriors. I play short- stop. MICHAEL I used to play first base. DOUG Must've been a long time ago. MICHAEL Yeah. There were dinosaurs in the outfield. (beat) Doug, you know anything about that Bronco over there? DOUG I didn't rip it off, if that's what you mean. MICHAEL Never entered my mind. I was just hoping you saw the two men who left it there. DOUG I didn't see anybody. But he answered too quickly. MICHAEL You're sure? DOUG Yeah I'm sure. What is this? I thought you said you weren't a cop. MICHAEL (studies him) If you did see them, you'd tell me, wouldn't you? These aren't the kind of guys you'd want to protect. DOUG I'm not protecting anybody. I gotta go. MICHAEL Then I guess you didn't see a black T-top, either? DOUG No! (uncomfortable beat) Look, if you're finished with the interrogation, I got things to do. MICHAEL (nods) Thanks for the help. He turns and goes off. Michael watches him curiously, then heads for the Jeep. CUT TO EXT. FLAT TERRAIN - DAY - ON DOUG Knapsack in hand he moves toward a distant road having just come down the hillside. Sensing something, he suddenly slows his pace. FULLER ANGLE TO SEE K.I.T.T. tailing along behind him. Doug stops, afraid to turn. So does K.I.T.T. Then Doug continues. Then stops again, turns, reacts. DOUG Where'd you come from? The scanner flashes. Doug doesn't know what to make of it so he walks faster; K.I.T.T. continues to follow. DOUG Look I don't like anyone tailing me, so bug off. He walks on fast, building to a run. K.I.T.T. keeps up. VARIOUS ANGLES As Doug begins to run faster, faster, K.I.T.T. leaves the trail behind him. Tired, breathing hard, Doug stops, turns, to find that K.I.T.T. is gone. He can't imagine where. He turns to continue, reacts. ANGLE TO INCLUDE K.I.T.T. standing right in front of him, his scanner flashing. K.I.T.T. Help...me. And as the two look at one another we --- FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. F.L.A.G. - DAY - ESTABLISHING MICHAEL'S VOICE Kitt's more than my partner, Devon.... INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Michael, pacing the office, Devon behind his desk, tie askew, shirt uncharacteristically open at the throat. Both men are weary. Over this Bonnie enters, crosses to the computer. MICHAEL He's a friend. You've got to let me go out there and look for him. DEVON Not until we find that nitro-plastique. MICHAEL We don't even know what those two guys are driving anymore! Who they are, why they're here, what they want --- DEVON (crosses to Bonnie at computer) In spite of the fact they've switched cars, we still have reason to believe they're in the Kirkland area. MICHAEL What reason? What are you talking about? DEVON I'm talking about this man. Bonnie? Bonnie presses a button. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR to see Conrad Marrs, forty, good-looking, rugged. BONNIE Recognize him? MICHAEL No, should I? BONNIE His name is Conrad Marrs. He's one of the premier explosives men in the business. MICHAEL So? BONNIE He flew in from Dallas this morning. DEVON Of course, it might just be a coinci- dence, Michael. But if you believe that stay away from people selling bridges in Brooklyn and swamps in Florida. MICHAEL Thanks for the advice. Any idea where he's staying? DEVON We're trying to find out now. (slight beat) Michael, have you any leads? Any- thing at all? MICHAEL No, not really.... BONNIE (sensing it) What? MICHAEL I'm not sure...it's just a feeling. I ran into this kid up near the abandoned Bronco. He said he was scared because he thought I was the game warden. He was scared all right, but that wasn't the reason. DEVON You think he might've seen the thieves? MICHAEL The more I think about it the more convinced I am he saw something.... CUT TO EXT. CAVE AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. sits in a small clearing in front of the cave. Doug, now wearing his baseball jacket, with "Wainwright's Warriors" on the back, is with him. DOUG You'll be safe here for a while. If anyone comes, all you have to do is back into the cave. K.I.T.T. Good idea. I'm sorry I frightened you earlier. DOUG Look, you didn't scare me. I...I... I just don't like people...things... sneaking up on me, that's all. K.I.T.T. Well, I can understand that. And under normal circumstances I would've introduced myself first. But I'm afraid these aren't exactly normal circumstances. DOUG You can say that again. K.I.T.T. I could, yes, but is there any need to? DOUG That's not what I mean, aww forget it. (shakes head) A talking car...if that's not a mind blower. K.I.T.T. I seem to recall I can do a lot of other things, too...if only I could remember what they are. What do you do? DOUG I...Anything I want. K.I.T.T. For instance? DOUG For instance? Well...if I don't want to go to school I just split, come up here, or maybe hang out at the video arcade. Like I said, whatever I want. K.I.T.T. But how do you learn anything if you 'split' school? DOUG You don't learn anything in school anyway. Not about real life. Doug moves about him curiously, still holding his knapsack. DOUG Do you always just follow behind people...or does someone get inside? K.I.T.T. Let's find out. The door pops open. Doug's eyes grow wide and he slides behind the wheel. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Doug looks at the dash; his eyes explode --- DOUG Look at that dash! Your own TV...and all these buttons. What are all these buttons for? 'Pursuit...Scanner ...X-ray...Infraray...Turbo-Boost....' K.I.T.T. Don't touch Turbo-Boost. Something tells me you shouldn't touch Turbo- Boost. DOUG What about, 'Eject -- Right and Left'? K.I.T.T. I don't recall.... DOUG Well, there's just one way to find out. Fortunately he presses Right...the roof pops up and his knapsack, which he placed on the seat, lifts off. ANGLE ON KNAPSACK It comes close to disappearing from sight. BACK TO SCENE Doug's mouth is open. DOUG It's like a rocket! K.I.T.T. It is rather remarkable, isn't it? Doug watches the knapsack crash to the ground, shakes his head in wonderment. K.I.T.T. By the way -- what's your name? DOUG Doug. K.I.T.T. A pleasure meeting you, Doug. My name is...is... (thinks) ...Kitt! That's it, Kitt! DOUG Nice meeting you...Kitt. Doug hesitates, then places both hands tightly about the wheel. DOUG If I could drive you to school, I'd go every day.... CUT TO EXT. DAM - FULL ANGLE - DAY CONRAD'S VOICE I'm impressed. ANGLE TO INCLUDE PELL, KORSO, AND CONRAD Conrad's sporty elegance makes him stand out from the casually dressed Pell and Korso. His rented white Cadillac is parked next to their Blazer. He examines one of the packets of nitro-plastique the way Pinchas Zukerman would handle a Stradivarius. CONRAD I know guys who've been in the business twenty years and even they can't get their hands on this stuff.... PELL (defensive) We're not exactly amateurs. CONRAD (an easy smile) Good. Then I'll give you a real pro- fessional explosion. A symphony. He unfolds a map/blueprint of the dam and town on the hood of his car. KORSO Don't get carried away. All we need is a nice civil emergency. Enough to knock out the power and draw the police, fire, and emergency units. PELL While they go crazy handling traffic and evacuations and a thousand haywire alarms, we hit the museum. Fifteen mil worth of Pre-Columbian artifacts. CONRAD (studies blueprint) Dam's no problem...your basic earth- fill, structural steel, lots of concrete. They loved concrete in the '30s... (then) This quadrant ought to do it. It'll create a good spill and weaken the rest of the dam enough to worry them. KORSO All right. Then we're set for tomorrow. CONRAD I'll need an hour's notice. You know where to reach me. He crosses to the Cadillac. PELL You didn't see a kid on your way up, did you? Conrad stops. Korso throws Pell a hard look. CONRAD What kid? PELL When we ditched the Bronco this kid saw us, that's all. KORSO Forget him. He was scared stiff. C'mon, it's only a kid. CONRAD You telling me somebody made you? KORSO No. Not exactly.... PELL Okay, so what? That's on us, not you. CONRAD I thought you said you weren't amateurs... (beat) You know why I'm the best? Because I'm careful. There aren't a lot of old explosives experts around. They're either dead or in the joint. PELL Okay. We'll find the kid! CONRAD (weighs it) By morning or I'm gone. Believe it. Conrad gets into his car and drives off. Korso turns on Pell: KORSO I don't believe you, Bobby. We got the guy in our pocket and you gotta ask him if he saw a kid on the way up! PELL So now we gotta find the kid, that's all. (crosses to Blazer) We should've done it anyway. It's cleaner. CUT TO EXT. WAINWRIGHT NURSERY - DAY A nice suburban establishment. Pan as Michael pulls up in the Jeep, heads for the entrance. ANGLE TO INCLUDE JIM TURNER late thirties, big, a no-nonsense sort of guy who helps run the place. JIM Help you? MICHAEL I hope so. I'm looking for the sponsor of a Youth League baseball team. LORI'S VOICE Sorry, but we've already got one. Michael looks over. ANGLE TO INCLUDE LORI WAINWRIGHT She's thirty-two, pretty and bright. It soon becomes obvious that Turner feels very protective of her. LORI In first place, too. MICHAEL Wainwright's Warriors? LORI That's right. MICHAEL (reacts) I'm looking for a boy named Doug. He plays short-stop. Do you know him? Lori and Jim exchange troubled looks. LORI He's my son. Doug Wainwright. JIM What's this all about? MICHAEL Mrs. Wainwright, I'd like to talk to him. Is he here? JIM I asked you what this is about. LORI It's all right, Jim...why don't you help that customer over there. A last look and Turner goes off. LORI He's...a good friend. (steels herself) What's he done this time? And who are you? MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight, I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government. We're trying to locate some stolen explosives and we think Doug may have seen something. Do you know where he is? LORI Probably in the hills. He and his father used to hike up there. They discovered a cave...Doug's been spending a lot of time there lately.... MICHAEL Could you give me directions? She hesitates. MICHAEL It's very important. LORI (beat) I think I'd better draw you a map. MICHAEL (a smile) I hope you draw better than I do. She smiles, begins drawing a crude map on the back of a nursery receipt. Off to one side Jim watches, brow furrowed. CUT TO EXT. CAVE AREA - DAY Doug slowly climbs out of K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Is something wrong? DOUG No...I gotta get home, that's all. K.I.T.T. What's 'home?' DOUG That's a place where...I don't know, where you go when there's no place else to go. K.I.T.T. 'Home' doesn't sound like much fun. DOUG It used to be.... K.I.T.T. What happened? DOUG Well, my dad got real sick...and everybody said he was gonna be okay... (cuts it off) What is this, the third degree? K.I.T.T. The third degree? DOUG Forget it. He's succeeded in holding his feelings down. He grabs his jacket and knapsack, ready to leave. DOUG So, you going to be okay or what? K.I.T.T. I'll be fine. And I think my memory is improving. DOUG Good. I'll come back tonight -- late, when everybody's asleep. He starts off. K.I.T.T. That sounds like fun. Good-bye, Elliot. DOUG Doug! My name's Doug. K.I.T.T. Then who's Elliot? DOUG How do I know? I thought your memory was getting better. K.I.T.T. Yes...well...at least it's not getting any worse. K.I.T.T. flashes his scanner and Doug goes off. CUT TO EXT. FOOTHILL ROAD - DAY - ON MICHAEL coming up the mountain, but still quite far from the cave area. EXT. RUGGED TERRAIN - DAY - ON KORSO AND PELL in their Blazer and searching the area. Tired as hell. KORSO This could go on forever.... Pell spots something, points. PELL Julius...look! THEIR POINT OF VIEW - DOUG only a short distance from the cave area. BACK TO SCENE Korso floors the Blazer. ANGLE ON DOUG hearing the Blazer, reacting, and running back toward the cave. They're close enough to read the "Wainwright's Warriors" on the back of his jacket. PELL Don't let him get away! ANGLE ON CAVE AREA as Doug runs to K.I.T.T. DOUG Kitt, they're after me! K.I.T.T. Who? DOUG Those two guys! K.I.T.T. Get in. The driver door pops open. Doug jumps in. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Can you drive? DOUG Are you kidding? I can drive anything on wheels. (looks) Where's the ignition? K.I.T.T. On second thought, there are still a few things I remember. Hold on. K.I.T.T. comes to life. Doug's eyes grow wide as K.I.T.T. pulls out. EXT. RUGGED TERRAIN - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. pulling from the cave area, and heading down a fire road. ON KORSO'S BLAZER Pell points. PELL That's him! In the black T-top! Korso takes off after K.I.T.T. VARIOUS ANGLES OF CHASE through the rugged terrain, intercutting with Doug's reac- tions. The kid's definitely softening up a bit. ANGLE ON MICHAEL'S JEEP coming up in their direction. However, he's still a good distance away. MICHAEL Kitt!! He goes after him. VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. races toward the edge of the canyon. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Doug's reaction to the fast approaching edge: DOUG We're coming to the edge! K.I.T.T. I noticed! DOUG It's not that I'm scared...but what are we gonna do?! K.I.T.T. When I tell you, press Turbo-Boost! DOUG You told me never to press Turbo- Boost! K.I.T.T. I've changed my mind! And right at the edge --- K.I.T.T. Press! Doug freezes. K.I.T.T. Press! ON DOUG as he presses the button. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. shooting off into the canyon. ON DOUG eyes and mouth wide open, petrified, thrilled. ON K.I.T.T. As he heads for the opposite side of the canyon, we --- FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. CANYON - DAY We resume action, K.I.T.T. flying over the canyon. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Doug is holding onto the steering wheel for dear life, terrified. K.I.T.T. I have the strangest feeling I've done this before. DOUG Not me! ANGLE AT CANYON LIP The Blazer screams to a stop, Pell and Korso staring in disbelief. FAR EDGE OF CANYON K.I.T.T. lands, bounces, gains traction and speeds off. ANGLE ON PELL AND KORSO Pell watches the disappearing K.I.T.T. PELL Did you see that?! But Korso is more concerned with something else. POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL'S JEEP on the winding road below racing toward them. BACK TO THEM KORSO I'd swear that's the same idiot who chased us before. ANGLE AT CANYON Korso spins the Blazer around and hits the Supercharger. ANGLE AT INTERSECTING DIRT ROAD The Blazer hits the dirt road on two wheels, already going fifty, accelerating, and bearing down on Michael's Jeep. VARIOUS ANGLES as Michael first avoids being hit head-on by the much heavier wagon, and then becomes the aggressor in a duel in which he tries to put the Blazer out of commission. ANOTHER ANGLE Seeing they've met more than their match, Pell levels his sawed-off shotgun out the window, and fires at the Jeep as Michael makes a pass. ON JEEP as the radiator blows, and Michael slams the steering wheel in frustration. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BLAZER disappearing in the distance. ANGLE AT CANYON EDGE The Jeep churns to a stop, Michael leaping out. He runs to the canyon edge, looking. HIS POINT OF VIEW - RAW HILLSIDE Wild and untouched. Nothing moves. CLOSE ON MICHAEL He tries the comlink. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt! Kitt, it's me, Michael? Can you hear me? Silence. Desperate, he cups his hands to his mouth. MICHAEL (hollers) Kitt...Kitt, it's me...Kitt.... He pauses, listening. All he hears is his echo, faint. Hold on his face. CUT TO EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. races along, a rooster tail of dust behind him. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I have the strangest feeling.... ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Doug gripping the wheel, eyes wide, but trying to be cool. DOUG I know -- you've done this before, too. K.I.T.T. I have that awareness also. This is different. I have the strangest feeling someone is calling my name.... But Doug's not listening, his eyes wander over the dash, amazed. DOUG I didn't know they made cars like this. K.I.T.T. I'm not sure they do. DOUG Kitt, you are rad-i-cal! K.I.T.T. If you say so. DOUG What's this? He pushes Pursuit and K.I.T.T. accelerates, pushing Doug back against the seat. DOUG Thriller! DIFFERENT ANGLES - MONTAGE A dazzling display of K.I.T.T.'s capabilities intercut with Doug at the wheel, expression changing from fear to exhilaration to absolute wonder. This is an experience beyond his wildest dreams. ON BUTTERFLY COLLECTOR She's the dowdy type, overweight, and trying to net a butterfly. When K.I.T.T. makes a pass, she reacts, nets a limb instead, falling backwards into a muddy stream. CUT TO EXT. WAINWRIGHT BACKYARD - DAY (EARLY EVENING) The backyard is just what you'd expect; pool, tropical landscaping, Malibu lights. Gathered around lawn furniture on the patio are Lori, Jim Turner and Doug. Lori serves rice and vegetables and Jim finishes barbecuing chicken on a fancy unit. Doug looks alone, preoccupied, not a part of the occasion. LORI How hungry are you? DOUG What? Not very. JIM Your mother went to a lot of trouble to fix this. LORI It's all right. Doug can't stand him, but for his mother's sake he tries not to show it. The doorbell rings. LORI I wonder who that could be. JIM I'll get it. Doug looks worried. Jim crosses into the house. ANGLE AT FRONT DOOR He opens it to reveal Michael. Neither was expecting the other. Jim doesn't like Michael here and he doesn't try to hide it. MICHAEL Hope I'm not interrupting dinner. JIM You are. MICHAEL In that case, I apologize. Is Doug home? Jim sizes Michael up, takes his time answering. JIM Just what do you want with him? MICHAEL I want to ask him some questions. JIM (beat) Lori's husband died a little over a year ago. She's been through a lot. I'm here to see no one takes advan- tage of her. MICHAEL I appreciate your concern. Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I'm not here to see Lori, I'm here to see Doug. JIM (beat) I've got my eye on you. ANGLE IN BACKYARD - MOMENTS LATER Doug fidgets, scared, trying not to show it. JIM'S VOICE Okay, ask away. WIDER ANGLE Michael opposite Doug, flanked by Jim and Lori. Jim looks deep into his macho role. Lori is concerned, not sure just what is what here. MICHAEL Doug, before we start, I'm sorry it has to be this way. JIM What's that supposed to mean? Embarrassed, Lori tries to shush him. Doug avoids Michael's eyes. MICHAEL (to Jim) It means this is tough enough person- to-person. (to Doug) Those men I'm looking for -- I think you saw them this afternoon. Doug doesn't respond. MICHAEL They were chasing you, and you were in the black T-top. Lori and Jim exchange an incredulous look. JIM Wait a minute here, the kid's fourteen -- he doesn't even drive. DOUG I can too! What do you know, anyway?! JIM Don't yell at me, I'm trying to protect you! LORI Jim, please! JIM (to Michael) Are you satisfied? We're trying to have a nice family dinner here and thanks to you, people are yelling at each other! DOUG It is not a family dinner 'cause you're not part of the family! He bolts for the house. The silence is painful. Lori looks to Michael. LORI I'm sorry...ever since his father died.... MICHAEL I'm sorry I had to ask. Thanks. (to Jim) Take it easy. JIM Yeah. Right. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT The light in Devon's office is on. DEVON'S VOICE We know where Conrad Marrs is staying. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Devon finishes jotting it down on a slip of paper, hands it across to Michael, who looks skeptical. MICHAEL That's all? Just an address? DEVON What would you prefer, an arrest warrant? A grand jury indictment? MICHAEL Now that you mention it, yeah -- why not? Why not something tangible for a change? DEVON Because as far as the police are con- cerned, Marrs is clean. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. MICHAEL Yeah, that rings a bell. So, what am I supposed to do, take him to dinner? DEVON I'll leave the details to you. But Marrs has a reputation as a cautious man. If he bails out the whole operation may collapse. MICHAEL Whatever the 'operation' is. DEVON Indeed. I thought you said the boy is lying. MICHAEL Doug? I think he is. DEVON In that case I'd recommend a stake- out. MICHAEL Next on my list. Whatever he's got in mind, he'll wait until the house is asleep before he leaves. (glances at watch) I figure I've got a couple of hours yet. (beat) Devon, I know Foundation commitments come first, but I'm worried about Kitt. When I saw him today he shot past like I was a stranger. BONNIE'S VOICE You were. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE She enters with a small high-impact aluminum case. Realizing she's interrupted: BONNIE (to Devon) Excuse me. DEVON By all means. Perhaps you can make him understand. BONNIE I'm a scientist, not a miracle worker. Devon smiles, crosses back to his desk. Bonnie hands Michael the case. BONNIE For you. Michael opens it, sees the socket-like instrument inside. It looks small and insignificant. MICHAEL Don't tell me this is Kitt's new memory. BONNIE Absolutely. New and improved, with five thousand mega-bits of added information. The only problem now will be to get close enough to his CPU service port to install it. MICHAEL Sound Freudian. Where is it? BONNIE Facing Kitt, eight inches left of the power shift on the transmission. MICHAEL (realizes) In other words, under Kitt? BONNIE In other words. Don't worry, some of us spend a lot of time under Kitt. MICHAEL (concerned) Not when he doesn't know who you are. CUT TO OMITTED INT. LUXURY MOTEL - NIGHT A suite. A pretty girl, Angel, bounces into the living room from the O.S. bedroom (and bathroom) where we hear a shower running. She's wearing something skimpy and cute. She crosses to turn on the TV when someone knocks. ANGEL (calls off) Hurry up, it's here. She moves to the door, opens it to reveal Michael. ANGEL Hi! Where do I sign? MICHAEL Where do you want to sign? She gives him a dazzling smile and a quizzical look. ANGEL For the champagne...Aren't you from the liquor store? MICHAEL Not exactly. I'm here to see Conrad. ANGEL He's taking a shower. MICHAEL Mind if I wait? CONRAD'S VOICE You got a problem? Angel? MICHAEL (sotto voce) Let's have some fun with him -- tell him I need his signature. ANGEL (unsure) He won't get mad? MICHAEL Connie? C'mon, he's a fun guy. She likes the idea. ANGEL Okay. (calls off) Honey, he says he needs your signature. The shower stops, angry mumblings and Conrad enters, a towel wrapped around his wet body. Seeing Michael, he freezes midstep. MICHAEL Hello, Conrad. CONRAD (to Angel) Who's this guy? ANGEL He's a friend of yours -- (to Michael) Aren't you? MICHAEL (to Conrad) Where are they? CONRAD I don't know what you're talking about. You're in my room, cowboy. Get out. Now. MICHAEL There's two of them -- they stole some experimental explosives called nitro-plastique. They run around in a supercharged four-wheel drive. They hired you. CONRAD I'm not for hire. I'm on vacation an' you're still in my room. MICHAEL Do yourself a favor. Go home. Michael knows he's ready to throw a punch. MICHAEL Think before you swing, Conrad. Conrad grabs the towel before it falls. CONRAD (furious, deadly) Who are you? MICHAEL Just a guy who knows who you are. Be careful. Somebody's watching you. He leaves without waiting for a response, winks at Angel on the way out. Conrad stares after him, angry. Shaken. ANGEL (weakly) I thought he was a friend of yours.... Conrad grabs the phone, begins to dial. CONRAD (to her) Pack my stuff. (into phone) When's your next flight to Dallas? CUT TO EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - DAY (EARLY AM) It's early, this part of the world still asleep. ANGLE ON WAINWRIGHT HOUSE silent and dark inside. INT. DOUG'S BEDROOM - DAY (EARLY AM) Doug finishes dressing. He grabs his baseball jacket. ANGLE IN HALL The door to Lori's bedroom is open. We can see her in bed, beginning to stir. Pan to reveal Doug creeping down the hall, absorbed in the sense of high adventure. He reaches her open door, pauses, heart in his throat. She stirs, awakens, looks at the alarm clock: five thirty AM, and tries to go back to sleep. He drops to the floor and in commando-fashion wiggles across the open space. She sits up with a start, but can't see Doug pressed against the floor: LORI'S VOICE Doug? He freezes. The moment passes. He crawls beyond the doorway to safety. EXT. HOUSE - DAY Sliding out into the early morning from the adjacent garage area is a bicycle, a stealthy figure aboard. It's Doug. He pedals furiously up the street. REVERSE ANGLE to see a Jeep parked at a safe distance. ANGLE IN JEEP Michael is behind the wheel. He's just seen what he suspected. What he's been waiting for. He starts the Jeep and pulls out. ANOTHER ANGLE Doug pedals around a corner. Something's bothering him. He stops, looking back. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE CORNER Nothing. ANGLE ON DOUG Satisfied, he continues. ANGLE FROM CORNER Michael's Jeep appears, quiet, following at a safe distance. CUT TO EXT. WAINWRIGHT NURSERY - DAY (EARLY) Some early morning traffic, but here it's silent, a place apart. Something moves near the rear fence, a shadow, and we see Doug pull up on his bike. He stashes it, crosses to the fence and scrambles over. CUT TO ANGLE IN ALLEY The Blazer is parked in the shadows. PELL So who do you think he is? KORSO Who? PELL That guy who keeps showing up. The guy who leaned on Conrad. KORSO I don't know, but I don't like it. I don't like snatching a kid, either ...if we ever find him. PELL We'll find him. This place sponsors the team, the kid's got a jacket, he's on the team... (reacts O.S.) Julius, you're not gonna believe this ...it's him! The kid! KORSO Where? PELL (points) Right over there. CUT TO ANGLE AT STREET The Jeep pulls up a discreet distance away. Michael slides out, starts for the nursery. CUT TO ANGLE AT STORAGE SHED Doug reaches it, pauses. DOUG (whispers) Kitt? Kitt, don't be scared, it's me, Doug.... He unlocks the lock, slowly enters. ANGLE IN SHED K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes red in the darkness. Doug slips in, turns on the light. He stares at K.I.T.T., still fascinated, still unsure exactly how to relate to his new friend. K.I.T.T. Hello, Doug. DOUG How you doing...okay? K.I.T.T. I've been thinking about what you said, Doug. About 'home'.... DOUG What about it? K.I.T.T. Do I have one? It's been on Doug's mind, his conscience. He wrestles with it, decides. DOUG I was gonna tell you anyway...Kitt, there's a guy looking for you named Michael. He says you're his. K.I.T.T. Really. What does he look like? DOUG I don't know...he's older, and tall. I guess he's okay. He was looking for you near the dam. K.I.T.T. What's a dam? DOUG You don't know what a dam is? -- Oh, I keep forgetting about your memory. A dam is a big thing that holds water. K.I.T.T. I thought that was a bathtub. DOUG No, it's bigger than a bathtub. Kitt, sometimes you're really weird. K.I.T.T. Losing one's memory is so embarrassing. There's a sound outside. Curious, Doug crosses to the door, peers out. ANGLE OUTSIDE SHED Two figures suddenly leap at him. Doug tries to yell but they cover his mouth. ANOTHER ANGLE Approaching through potted ferns from the opposite direction is Michael. He hears the noises, reacts. DIFFERENT ANGLE Pell and Korso wrestle Doug out to the Blazer in the alley as Michael races toward them, using plants and potted trees as cover. But Pell spots him. PELL Hey! He points his shotgun and fires. Michael is forced to dive for cover. ANGLE AT BLAZER Korso shoves Doug in, starts the engine and pulls out, Pell leaping on as it moves past. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He sprints after it, but it's hopeless. Hold on his face for --- FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. NURSERY - DAY Michael hurries back to the shed, pauses. MICHAEL Kitt? Are you in there? It's me, Michael.... Silence. Michael slowly opens the door. ANGLE IN SHED K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. Michael grins, relieved. MICHAEL Kitt! I've been worried about you, buddy. K.I.T.T. Do we know each other? Michael approaches him slowly, aware it may be a difficult transition for him. He takes the microchip unit from his pocket. MICHAEL Know each other? Did Butch know Sundance? Did Smith know Wesson? Michael touches K.I.T.T.'s door. K.I.T.T. I'd prefer it if you would kindly keep your hands to yourself. MICHAEL (beat) Kitt, there's no time. Doug's been kidnapped. He needs us. K.I.T.T. Do you know how many yard-feet of water it takes to irrigate the Imperial Valley in July? Michael uses this opportunity to try to slip the memory unit under K.I.T.T.'s frame, but K.I.T.T. reacts like a wild horse. His systems come to life, he auto-starts and: ANGLE OUTSIDE SHED FROM ALLEY The shed wall splinters in all directions as K.I.T.T. flies out, turbines snarling. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael runs out, stops, facing K.I.T.T. He has an idea. He slowly crosses into the alley, directly in front of K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Please remove yourself from my path. MICHAEL No. Michael slowly advances on him. The memory unit in his hand, ready. K.I.T.T. Stay away from me. MICHAEL Sorry. Michael reaches K.I.T.T.'s hood. It's a dangerous stalemate. K.I.T.T. I'll be forced to push you aside. MICHAEL Go ahead. Your dominant program is the preservation of human life. K.I.T.T. What's a 'dominant program?' K.I.T.T.'s turbine revs up. He slowly advances. Michael allows himself to drop to the ground, K.I.T.T.'s hood and engine compartment passing over him. K.I.T.T. Don't say I didn't warn you! MICHAEL Don't run over my leg! K.I.T.T. reacts, for one instant, stops. INSERT - CPU SERVICE PORT Michael deftly pops it open, removes the old unit over: K.I.T.T. Move or I refuse to be responsible! MICHAEL My leg! Please! Over this, he shoves in the new unit. There's an unexpected silence, followed by: K.I.T.T.'S DASH exploding to life. TO INCLUDE MICHAEL MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Michael? Is that you? MICHAEL (relieved) Yeah, pal. It's me. He scrambles from underneath the car. K.I.T.T. If I may be so bold, what on earth are you doing down there? MICHAEL I'll explain later. Right now, we've got to save Doug. K.I.T.T. Doug's my new friend. Where is he? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael jumps in, activates various systems. MICHAEL He was kidnapped, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Kidnapped! MICHAEL (punches buttons) Let's access your audio banks, see if you picked anything up. K.I.T.T. Good idea. K.I.T.T.'s computers whir. K.I.T.T. I think I may have something. PELL'S VOICE '...The place sponsors the team, the kid's got a jacket....' MICHAEL (buttons) Fast forward. There. PELL'S VOICE '...No, Julius, this time you listen to me. the point is we do it here and it's murder. But if we take him up to the dam, and the dam 'mysteriously explodes,' he's just part of the natural disaster....' K.I.T.T. Michael, they're talking about Doug?! He slams K.I.T.T. into gear. MICHAEL I'm afraid so, pal. Let's go! K.I.T.T.'s tires spin, gain traction and they're off. EXT. DAM - DAY The Blazer speeds up a dirt road to the base of the dam area, stops. Korso and Pell get out with Doug, who has his mouth taped securely. Pell starts for a catwalk that circles the face of the dam. Julius hustles Doug down a steep canyon shoulder, below the dam. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. CITY STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. rounds a corner on two wheels, heading toward the hills above the city. EXT. DAM - DAY Pell takes the nitro-plastique, sets the timer for fifteen minutes. He attaches four strips to the concrete face and starts back. ANGLE BELOW DAM Korso ties Doug to a tree, double-cinches the last knot. KORSO So long kid. If you ever pass over St. Louis, wave. He starts back up. CUT TO EXT. BASE OF HILLS - DAY Michael and K.I.T.T. leave the last of the residential area behind, turbo over a steel rope guarding a dirt fire road and accelerate up, toward the dam. CUT TO EXT. DAM AREA - DAY Korso and Pell meet at the Blazer, jump in and take off. INTERCUT - NITRO-PLASTIQUE AND TIMER The clock reads less than eleven minutes. INTERCUT - DOUG He struggles to escape but it's no use. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. barreling up the dirt road. Michael scans the area, pushes buttons. MICHAEL All right, Kitt, let's scan for the Blazer...Doug...any movement or activity. K.I.T.T. Michael! INSERT - MONITOR We see Doug tied to the tree, struggling. BACK TO MICHAEL He whips down another road. MICHAEL Good work, Kitt! ANGLE AT BASE OF DAM K.I.T.T. skids to a stop, Michael jumping out. K.I.T.T. Michael, wait! INSERT - MONITOR We see the strips of plastique and the timer. BACK TO MICHAEL He reacts. MICHAEL The nitro-plastique! Kitt, quick -- how many minutes left on the timer? K.I.T.T. Just over seven. MICHAEL Can we disarm it from here? K.I.T.T. I don't think so. MICHAEL Then let's stop the clock. (pushes button) Full power on microwave jammer. Michael runs to the canyon shoulder for Doug. Hold on the jammer as it focuses on the timer. The timer begins to vibrate. ANGLE ON DOUG He stops struggling when, to his amazement and relief, he sees Michael coming down the ravine for him. Michael cuts the rope, pulls off the tape. MICHAEL You okay?! DOUG Yeah.... MICHAEL Let's go. They start back up. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - ON THE MONITOR We see the timer begin to shake violently, then disintegrate. WIDER ANGLE as Michael and Doug appear, climbing in. MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) How'd we do? K.I.T.T. Clock heaven. Hello, Doug! DOUG Hi, Kitt! MICHAEL All right. Now for our friends in the supercharged Blazer. K.I.T.T. Blazer heaven? Michael backs out in a cloud of dust. MICHAEL Heaven's too good for 'em. I was thinking of jail. CUT TO EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY The Blazer barrels along, unaware of: ANGLE BEHIND K.I.T.T. pulls into view. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt. Shall we put these turkeys away? K.I.T.T. I thought you'd never ask. MICHAEL Doug, you do the honors. Press Turbo Boost. Doug grins -- reaches for the turbo button, presses hard. K.I.T.T. zooms high over the racing Blazer, lands ahead of it, cutting it off. ANGLE ON KORSO AND PELL Korso cuts the wheel too sharply. THE BLAZER It flips and slides to a stop. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael and Doug jump out. As the dust clears, Korso and Pell straggle out, dazed. Michael grabs Pell's .38. MICHAEL Go ahead, Doug. DOUG Aww, I don't know...Is it legal? MICHAEL You're a citizen, aren't you? DOUG I guess. (to Korso and Pell) This is Doug Wainwright, and I'm making a citizen's arrest! FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. WAINWRIGHT HOUSE - DAY The front door opens and Lori, Doug and Michael come out, cross slowly to where K.I.T.T. is parked. Doug darts ahead to say good-bye to K.I.T.T. LORI He's like his old self again. He even offered to do the dishes this morning. I was shocked. Michael smiles. MICHAEL I wouldn't count on that. LORI (laughs) I've been a mother too long, don't worry. But it was nice. It felt good. They smile, continue toward K.I.T.T. and Doug. LORI He's going to miss you. You and Kitt. MICHAEL According to Kitt, not for long. He's already made me promise to come by. She pauses. LORI I've been doing a lot of thinking. About Doug...about Jim. I think it's still too soon. I think Doug needs more than I can give him with another man around... (kisses him on cheek) Bye. And thanks. She goes back in. Michael watches her, pleased, then turns to Doug. MICHAEL (to Doug) Sorry, partner. Time to go. DOUG I was just telling Kitt that maybe I'd start going to school a little more, maybe like even everyday. MICHAEL Sounds good to me. Sound good to you? DOUG I guess. Michael smiles, gives him a thumbs up and climbs into K.I.T.T. DOUG Don't forget to come by! K.I.T.T. I'll see that he doesn't forget, Doug. Now that I've got my memory back, you can count on me. Doug watches as they pull out and disappear down the street.... FADE OUT THE END