EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #58640 Robert Foster FIRST DRAFT PRODUCERS: Gerald Sanford Gino Grimaldi Burton Armus KNIGHT RIDER CUSTOM MADE KILLER by Burton Armus __________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. STREETS - NIGHT A sports car zips off the freeway ramp. The local roads are empty at this hour and the car picks up speed again and moves along. SPORTS CAR The driver of the car is middle-aged Sam Dennis, perhaps a little too old to be jammed into and driving this minicar, but matching his attempt at youthfulness...Dennis is well dressed in the fashions of the day, his hair either a well made toupee or an expensive cut. Dennis suddenly squints against the glare of: DENNIS' POINT OF VIEW - AN ONCOMING VEHICLE'S HIGH BEAMS even brighter than normal, the lights coming directly at him...becoming brighter...closer.... DENNIS blows the horn, then instinctively yells out in anger and fright as he yanks at the wheel and swerves the car out of the way at the last moment.... SCENE The oncoming sedan passes by the sports car, missing by inches, the Dennis car almost losing control and then regaining it, and continuing on.... DENNIS' CAR Dennis lets out a breath of relief, still mumbling some unreadable obscenities under his breath, but he drives with a better grip on the wheel, still showing the signs of his close call.... SEDAN It swings around in a speed turn and takes off after the Dennis sports car.... DENNIS CAR Dennis suddenly looks up fearfully as he sees the bright lights in his rearview mirror. SCENE The sedan bearing down on the Dennis car. CLOSER ON SEDAN looking normal in a quick glance, but then, on a closer inspection, the windows are a little darker, the sound of the engine is different, like a controlled roar, then: INSERT - FRONT BUMPER A hi-tech "cowcatcher" type bumper swivels up from its hidden compartment on the car. SEDAN The cowcatcher out in front of the bumper, a lethal-looking piece of equipment. It now looks like what it is, a Killer Car. NEW ANGLE The Killer Car jams into the rear of the sports car, remains bumper to bumper, then the sound of the car's motor changes from its throbbing power to a high-pitched whine as the twin blowers and a fuel booster take over...the two cars remain locked together by the sheer force of the Killer Car's power and momentum.... SERIES OF CUTS A) Dennis, a terrified look on his face...He jams down on the brake. B) The two cars racing along the road, locked together, the rear vehicle in control of both of them...Smoke pouring from the rear wheels of the Dennis car as the brakes lock, but do little to slow the progress...The Killer Car is in complete control of the situation.... C) The Killer Car races to a turn in the road and suddenly jams on his brakes and swerves off to the side.... ANGLE ON DENNIS CAR as it is projected through the barriers and over the side of the road, hurtling into space, a seemingly unending drop, and then hitting and bursting into flame.... OMITTED ROADSIDE - KILLER CAR The whine of the engine decreases back into the lower tone as the car pulls up to the side of the road...The window rolls down.... INT. KILLER CAR stripped to a shell...A heavily padded roll bar, netting brackets the driver's seat, which is the semi-reclined bucket seat, shoulder and lap straps with heavy double buckles, and next to the driver is a booster fuel tank containing ether (or whatever fuel would boost an engine's speed) which the driver is now turning down...He pulls off his helmet and looks down at the wreckage.... CLOSER ON DRIVER We see the cold and disinterested eyes of a man we will know only as Flood...He looks down at the Birninf burning sports car with a bored, efficient look, it's obvious that nothing could have lived through this wreck...He holds a beat, then picks up a car phone, is about to put it to his mouth, then takes out a clean handkerchief and wipes a smudge of dirt from the mouthpiece...He punches in a prerecorded phone number, speaks into the phone.... FLOOD It's done...I'll be stopping by for payment in the morning.... He hangs up the phone; pulls away.... TWO HOCKEY PLAYERS - STOCK as they crash into each other and then splatter along the boards. MICHAEL (V.O.) All right!! The camera pulls back to: INT. K.I.T.T. a hockey game filling the screen of the monitor...K.I.T.T. and Michael in a friendly argument.... K.I.T.T. You call that all right? That player on the bottom may never get up.... MICHAEL He'll get up...He's used to it.... K.I.T.T. Why would a man want to get used to that? MICHAEL This is the first hockey game you've ever seen in your life. K.I.T.T. So? I have an infinite memory. I can discuss the history of man...The Stone Age...Creation itself if I wish.... MICHAEL Better not say that in Canada, Kitt. K.I.T.T. The similarity of hockey and a war between various caveman tribes on a frozen lake bears a very close parallel. MICHAEL (with a laugh) Kitt, you sure you're not becoming a little bit of a snob.... DEVON (V.O.) Snob, who are you calling a snob? MONITOR The hockey game fades out and the image of Devon appears on the screen. Devon is somewhat more serious.... MICHAEL Good morning, Devon.... INT. SEMI - INTERCUT AS NEEDED DEVON If I were a snob I wouldn't allow you to watch sports contests on state-of- the-art Foundation equipment. (beat) Good morning.... MICHAEL I'm on my way in.... DEVON Good, you've been a little hard to reach lately... (pointedly) Last night for instance. MICHAEL (beat) I guess I have a weakness for dancers.... DEVON (covering a smile) Dancers pirouette on their toes to the strains of violins and flutes. They do not gesture to the throbbing beat of a bongo drum and saxophones.... MICHAEL She's working her way through college. Besides, every once and a while, I have to get away from.... Realizing what he might have said, Michael flusters into silence.... K.I.T.T. Away from whom? Michael, recovering.... MICHAEL Just away from...period.... DEVON Well consider the subject closed. For now. The monitor goes blank. K.I.T.T. (a touch sensitive) Michael, do you feel the need to get away from me? MICHAEL (aware) No, Kitt...The human condition... 'life.' You and me, pal, we're partners. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. EXT. K.I.T.T. as it picks up speed and moves to the meeting place.... CUT TO EXT. HEADQUARTERS - SEMI as the ramp drops and K.I.T.T. drives in. DEVON (V.O.) Two accidents that have a connection might be a coincidence...Three in a row leads me to believe a great deal more.... INT. HEADQUARTERS - SEMI Devon has folders, charts, photos all prepared for Michael. Bonnie works on K.I.T.T. She is part of the conversation. MICHAEL What about the police? BONNIE The incidents occurred in three different jurisdictions in two different states...There's no reason for them to make the connection.... MICHAEL (to Devon) But you made a connection.... DEVON They all were quite well dressed. Which is precisely the point. Were all the victims successfully involved in the garment industry...? MICHAEL Okay, that's the pattern. So what's the motive?..Extortion? DEVON (nods) You still have your street instincts ...I have some evidence and a great deal more speculative information that it's exactly that.... MICHAEL Any speculation on who's behind it? DEVON D.G. Grebbs...Extremely well organized and extremely deadly. Devon hits a switch and: MONITOR The screen lights up with the face of D.G. Grebbs, forties, hard looking, you would not buy a used car from him.... DEVON (V.O.) He buys his muscle men at group rates. MICHAEL (V.O.) Then he uses the garment industry to clean up his money...A legitimate cash flow.... SCENE DEVON At Harvard they call it vertical integrity. MICHAEL On the street it's called a monopoly.... BONNIE Total control through force. That's Grebbs game. Bonnie slams the hood.... BONNIE Kitt has it all...including a list of the businesses Grebbs already has under control. MICHAEL Then I better make sure we really have a murder. Michael moves off.... SCREEN The cold face of Grebbs.... MATCH CUT TO CLOSEUP - GREBBS smiling now as he turns to camera. GREBBS Another accident -- (smile) You've really got it down, Flood.... The camera pulls back to: INT. GREBBS' OFFICE - DAY sitting above and looking down on the Fashion Mart...The office is spacious, lavish, hi-tech, woman's fashion sketches fill the walls...Grebbs sits under a sun lamp, trying to put some color in his face. He turns his head to get the heat at a different angle. GREBBS In New York anything darker than pale was a tan...Out here you have to cook for a few hours a day or you look like an outpatient...you did a good job...have a drink on it.... ANGLE Flood sits across from him, a stack of money on the coffee table in front of him...Flood is conservatively well dressed, blue jacket, plain knit tie, button-down shirt...he looks more like a wine taster than a killer, except for the eyes, the bored noncommital attitude and the coldness of them...when he speaks there is a trace of the European accent, unidentifiable, but present. CLOSER He uses the eraser on a pencil to finger the money on the table, finds it acceptable and places it gingerly in an attache case...the henchman approaches with a drink, Flood motions it away.... FLOOD No thank you.... He removes a small bottle of brandy and a silver cup from his case, pours his own drink.... FLOOD To your health and your tan... (sips) You know where to reach me in the future.... GREBBS Hold on...I need you around now.... FLOOD Sorry, I have to drive to New Orleans ...I have an appointment there, some work.... GREBBS I'll buy that job...put a number on it.... FLOOD There's no price on my reputation.... GREBBS Then what will it cost me for a delay ...push it off for a week...I'll buy the time for twenty grand...Call it hold money for the next job...not part of your fee. Grebbs swings the sunlamp away from his face...The henchman hands him some lotion and a towel...He uses both as he talks.... FLOOD (thoughtful beat) I can arrange that, but only for one week.... GREBBS That should be all I'll need to tie it up...I got everything covered from the trucking to the fabric supply, and right down to the buttons...All I need now is a few successful fashion houses in the sportswear business...they run the biggest cash flow.... FLOOD You seem to have it all under control...You could be wasting your money on me.... GREBBS Money is easy...I raise the interest on what they've been borrowing to make their fall line... (beat) I'm also the largest factor in this area.... FLOOD Loan-shark.... GREBBS Factor...It's legitimate...I even pay some taxes.... Flood returns the silver cup to his attache case after wiping it clean.... FLOOD I'll be in contact with you...Every hour should do it.... GREBBS ...I'm waiting to hear the come back on a meeting with a man...named O'Malley...O & M Fashions -- one of the biggest...tie him up, I've got everything I need.... Flood nods, moving off.... CUT TO CLOSE ON SKID MARKS The camera slowly pulling back to include Michael and K.I.T.T. as they study them. MICHAEL What's taking so long Kitt? The camera continues back to: EXT. ROAD - DAY - SCENE OF DENNIS KILLING As we hear and see the operation of K.I.T.T.'s computers, then: K.I.T.T. It's definitely two different sets of tires. The second set overlapping the first...Sam Dennis was forced off the road...I'm surprised the police didn't spot this.... MICHAEL They weren't looking for it...A normal investigation would never disclose it... (beat) Car that could cause this has to be a custom job. K.I.T.T. Taking in the weight of the sports car and the projection of it, over the side, I would say it exceeded one hundred miles per hour and had to have at least 450 horsepower...It overcame an excellent braking system to shove the car off the cliff. MICHAEL Exactly. And this M.O. fits the other 'accidents.' We have a series of murders.... K.I.T.T. Obviously, now what? MICHAEL You have all the information Devon gave you? K.I.T.T. Rather extensive, I'm afraid...There's hundreds of companies involved.... MICHAEL Okay, eliminate the ones in business over two years.... INTERCUT - MONITOR as names and data flash across the screen and off: MICHAEL Now scratch out the ones with a triple A Dun and Bradstreet...can't touch people with money like that. More data flashes. MICHAEL Now lose the ones in a stationary- type clothing line...like winter coats or formal wear.... K.I.T.T. Slow down...We're losing our list.... MICHAEL Good. How many left? K.I.T.T. Eighty one...Not counting jobbers. MICHAEL Lose them too. Just give me the ones in the high risk fashions. K.I.T.T. That's sportswear.... MICHAEL Just the hot ones.... K.I.T.T. We're down to nine.... MICHAEL Okay. Key their owners with the DMV and cross check job accidents on police band. Then give me the top two. That'll make our potential victims list.... MONITOR The lights, the process...then a picture on the screen...A name appears under TOM O'MALLEY, O & M FASHIONS...Then the screen flashes again...the photo of two very attractive women, arm in arm, comes. A print-out appears on the screen under this...DEBRA SANDS, JOAN KEAHEY, DEBJO STYLES...Then the picture flashes back and forth between the two choices ...Michael finally interrupts the process.... MICHAEL (impatient) Which one.... K.I.T.T. They're both prime. MICHAEL Then I'll pick it.... K.I.T.T. DebJo Fashions, of course.... MICHAEL Of course.... Michael starts the car and drives away.... CUT TO EXT. FASHION MART - DAY - ESTABLISH THE HUSTLE OF ACTIVITY, THE FLASH OF COLORS AND STYLES as we pan past the windows and racks of clothing...attractive ladies catch Michael's eye.... EXT. DEBJO FASHIONS Michael exits K.I.T.T., still looking at the ladies...speaks to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Be good.... K.I.T.T. Be serious.... Michael passes a model and cameraman who are on the street ...He glances at her, then enters the DebJo showroom... Camera stays with the Photographer.... ANGLE He is slightly prissy, exacting in his need for perfection. He struts...yelling at the model.... PHOTOGRAPHER Move over...The left...left darling...I need the contrast. He turns and spots the gleaming black Trans Am.... PHOTOGRAPHER That's it...It's 'Eureka Time'. Hop up on the hood darling, and give me legs and profile.... ON K.I.T.T. bored and annoyed; the Model does as she's told...and sits on the car. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH showing a response to this disturbance...K.I.T.T. clears its throat. EXT. K.I.T.T. The Model turns to stare at the car.... MODEL It's coughing.... PHOTOGRAPHER So he has a cold...Hold it.... The camera flashes. OMITTED K.I.T.T.'S DASHBOARD The series of lights moving a little quicker.... MODEL She stretches a little more...The camera flashes again, then the horn blows...The Model reacts, loses her poise and slides off the car...She turns to peer in the car... K.I.T.T.'s windows darken.... PHOTOGRAPHER That's not holding it.... MODEL Someone blew the horn.... PHOTOGRAPHER Of course darling...Now get back up on the hood...Play deaf...and beautiful. Her unsure look.... CUT TO INT. DEBJO FASHIONS - DAY A high style, fashion boutique-type operation...Michael waits and glances around at both the activity and the array of attractive females that pass under his gaze...Finally a tall, extremely well dressed Debra Sands, approaches him...Eyes him a beat before she speaks.... DEBRA We're not open to the public. MICHAEL I'm not the public.... DEBRA We only meet with salesmen first thing in the morning and I know you're not a buyer, so good-bye.... She heads towards the front door, motioning him to follow...Michael delays her move, steps in front of her so she has to stop. MICHAEL My name is Michael Knight. The only thing I'm trying to sell you is some help.... Debra shoots him an annoyed look. DEBRA I've heard that sales pitch before...Okay, how are you going to help me??.. MICHAEL (gambling) I can help you get Grebbs off your back.... ON DEBRA Her reaction.... DEBRA I don't know what you're talking about. MICHAEL (reading her look) I think you do...Grebbs is pushing on you. DEBRA Who are you? What do you know about my business with Grebbs? MICHAEL Money...You need it...He's got it... But once he gets in, he'll never let you out.... DEBRA I don't know what you're talking about.... MICHAEL I think you do... (beat) You're trying to get out a fall line ...You'll need about fifty thousand dollars to get your fabrics...You've got hot designs and accounts receivable to more than cover, but no cash... Grebbs has that. He's trouble...I'm not.... She hesitates, debating it. ANGLE TO INCLUDE a shorter, pert, loosely, but fashionable-garbed, Joan Keahey, approaches Michael and Debra. She has a pencil stuck behind her ear, a wrist pad full of pins, and some sample fabrics draped over her arm...She has energy and a bright smile. JOAN Debra, which one of these wools falls over the hips better? DEBRA Not important right now...This is Michael Knight in shining armor with a leather jacket and a blank check -- or so he says. JOAN Slow down, Debra, you're talking East Coast...I'm from the Midwest, remember? MICHAEL I can't give you a blank check, but I can give you some straight talk... You've got a going business...You deal with Grebbs and you'll end up with a skeleton. He'll pick you apart piece by piece. JOAN I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say.... MICHAEL You're not supposed to say anything. Think it over...Just don't take too long. He hands her his card...They read it.... JOAN We'll have to talk about it. MICHAEL You know where to reach me... (turning back) Where's O & M Fashions? JOAN O'Malley? MICHAEL (nods) He's in the same boat you are.... DEBRA (smiles) Maybe, but he's got a loaded paddle. MICHAEL On his puzzled look we: CUT TO A HAND GUN looking like a cannon and pointed right at camera...The camera pulling back to show O'Malley, a short, overweight, and worried-looking human being, who covers his worries with a pretty good set of balls...But the gun is an unfamiliar instrument in his hand, although he waves it bravely.... O'MALLEY Get out of here...Go back to Grebbs and tell him that I can take care of myself and my business, and to stay away from both of them.... The camera adjusts to include.... INT. O & M FASHIONS - DAY In the b.g. we see a different kind of operation from the DebJo...This one is set up for mass production...There's movement and bolts of cloth piled high and being moved on dollies from trucks, to the interior of the plant. Michael faces O'Malley. Behind O'Malley, we see another, older, more patient-looking man, Lewis, who puts a restraining hand on O'Malley's shoulder.... LEWIS Relax, Tom...I know the Grebbs people, he's not one of them...Besides the gun's not loaded. MICHAEL Could you put the gun away...It's those unloaded ones that do the damage. O'MALLEY So he ain't Grebbs...So he ain't Santa Claus either...He ain't one of us... (to Michael) Get out of here...Take your conversation back to the gutter. LEWIS Why not let him talk first? O'MALLEY Not to me.... O'Malley turns and stomps away from the two men...Michael turns to the calmer Lewis.... MICHAEL Bet he's got a lot of friends. LEWIS (slight smile, nods) I'm one of them. He's a good man...forgets that he's sixty years old, but we all like to do that.... MICHAEL You have a place here too? LEWIS They're all mine at one time or another...When cash gets a little tough I front them money on their accounts receivable.... MICHAEL A factor...You're in competition with Grebbs...could be dangerous. LEWIS (shrugs) If I can keep people in business I can deal with them again and again...I'm a legitimate part of this industry.... MICHAEL (beat) I believe you.... LEWIS Then also believe that you should wait a few days to talk to Tom again.... He nods and moves off.... CUT TO EXT. O & M SHOWROOM - K.I.T.T. AND MICHAEL As he climbs in, starts the car. K.I.T.T. I'm glad we're leaving. MICHAEL We'll be back...Two down, seven to go.... K.I.T.T. Please could you park me in a lot next time? Person isn't safe around here.... Michael's look, he pulls out; camera pulls back to: FLOOD as he watches Michael pull away...Not that concerned, but interested enough to note Michael and the look of the car...The camera stays with Flood...He checks his watch again.... FLOOD'S POINT OF VIEW - TOM O'MALLEY exits the building from the loading door...Walks down the few steps to the parking area and heads for his car.... FLOOD He slips on his helmet...Races the engine, then drops the car in gear.... FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. STREETS - DAY O'Malley passes, driving home in his sedan, his mind on his wife and a cold martini. After a few beats, Flood drives by in his Killer Car. The powerful V-8 growls beneath the hood like a caged panther. ANGLE IN O'MALLEY'S CAR - DAY O'Malley looks up to his rearview for a moment, notes the presence of the Killer Car behind him. At first he thinks nothing of it, then decides to change lanes just in case the hot rod wants to pass. ANGLE IN FLOOD'S CAR - OVER FLOOD'S SHOULDERS Fist clenched in a driving glove, Flood floats his machine into the lane behind O'Malley, maintaining his tail. EXT. A STREET CORNER - DAY - FOLLOWING CARS O'Malley hangs a right turn. Flood lets his car linger around the same corner but is soon back in place, stalking his prey. They head into a more suburban/rural area. INTERCUT - THE TWO DRIVERS O'Malley grows more nervous. Glances from road to rearview. Behind him, Flood pulls the cover off his ether tank, checks his gauges. He tightens the chin strap on his helmet. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON A RAILROAD CROSSING O'Malley's car approaches just as the lights and bells start to signal an oncoming train. He starts to accelerate, but sees the crossing arm descending and thinks better of it. THROUGH O'MALLEY'S WINDSHIELD He whistles a nervous little tune. Nothing to worry about, right? He glances up at the rearview as the Killer Car fills the frame of his rear window. The crossing alarms continue. THE TRAIN rumbles toward the crossing at a good pace. INSERT - FLOOD'S BUMPER His distinctive cowcatcher unfolds its ominous form from under the idling engine. INTERCUT - THE TWO DRIVERS Flood drops his car into first gear with a surgeon's touch. The engine roars as he lets out the clutch and glides up to O'Malley's rear bumper. O'Malley rocks with the impact as Flood hits him. He looks around, adrenaline charging into his system. He stomps his brake pedal. O'MALLEY What the devil.... WIDE SHOT - THE TWO CARS Flood's killer engine rises in pitch, roar becoming whine. O'Malley's brakes lock, his wheels protesting as his rear end starts to crumple under Flood's pressure. His car moves forward, front bumper pressing the crossing arm, bending, then breaking it. THE TRAIN continues its approach, oblivious. OMITTED INTERCUT - FLOOD AND O'MALLEY Flood bears down, his face inscrutable behind his helmet/ mask. He reaches for the supercharger switch on his dash. His engine screams up to high revs. O'Malley looks around, panicked, sees the train. His car is now straddling the tracks. Anger turns to fear and desperation. O'MALLEY Help! Stop! He fumbles with his seat belt, trying to get free. It's the last thing he ever sees. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE CRASH Flood backs clear just as the train rams into O'Malley's sedan, crushing the driver's side and pushing the whole car ahead of it down the tracks as tires blow, windows shatter and pop out, and finally the gas tank booms! FLOOD watches, satisfied, then drops his car into reverse. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising past. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE You'll love our next stop, Michael. 'Muriel's Menswear.' ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR Michael driving. MICHAEL Can't be worse than the first two. I'm talking dead ends. K.I.T.T. You think they were tough? Muriel's been fifty-two years in the garment business. Born in Brooklyn in 'ought-nine. MICHAEL (smiles) Wonder if she ever went to Ebbetts Field. Suddenly the monitor comes alive. K.I.T.T.'s tone changes to one of urgency. K.I.T.T. Michael, one of our keyed license plates just flashed on police band. An automobile-train collision three miles north of here. Michael cranks the wheel and stomps on the gas, galvanized. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid it's Tom O'Malley. EXT. STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. slides a 180 and screams away. They race up the highway toward a section where the road drops under an overpass. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE A witness placed a second car leaving the scene westbound. A red and white custom sedan. OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER (2ND UNIT) Through the windshield ahead of him we see Flood's car rumbling across the overpass above K.I.T.T. at a high speed. MICHAEL (pointing) Like that one? I want him, Kitt. Bad. K.I.T.T. He'll be hard to catch, Michael. We'll have to plot a course doubling back against traffic.... MICHAEL Don't say it, do it. EXT. STREETS - VARIOUS ANGLES - K.I.T.T. screams through the corners, trying to get up to where Flood was spotted. MICHAEL'S VOICE Did you get a make on the car? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'm afraid not. Contact was too brief. EXT. STREETS - DAY - FLOOD'S CAR speeds up to make a stoplight; rockets through. ANOTHER STREET - K.I.T.T. races ahead, driving parallel to Flood. Michael looks down a block to the right and spots the target car. MICHAEL One more block and we take him. KILLER CAR as Flood maneuvers it around a truck and fishtails a turn into: A CAR WASH and jams on his brakes in front of the Attendant. ATTENDANT Whoa...you in a rush? Flood has his helmet off, rolls down the window and hands the Attendant a twenty dollar bill. FLOOD Not anymore. I'll take this through myself.... ATTENDANT That's against the rules.... Flood peels off another twenty. The Attendant, a much happier person now, waves Flood through. ATTENDANT Be my guest...Use all the soap you want.... Flood pulls into the washing apparatus.... CAR WASHING TUNNEL As the first water hits the car, we see the bright red paint running off the car to leave another color exposed. EXT. NEARBY CORNER - DAY - K.I.T.T. speeds through the traffic into the street where he spotted the Killer Car and screeches to a halt. Michael gets out, scans the street in both directions. Nothing but the normal flow of traffic. He reacts, pissed. MICHAEL How could we lose him? K.I.T.T. My calculations placed our contact point right at this corner.... MICHAEL What'd he do...go airborne? Pull back to reveal, behind them: FLOOD pulls his car out of the car wash tunnel. It's now sparkling, completely returned to its original color -- beige. Move in to see Flood taking careful note of Michael before he pulls away. Michael slams K.I.T.T.'s roof in frustration. CUT TO EXT. FASHION MART AREA - DAY - TO ESTABLISH its uniqueness. LEWIS' VOICE I told you, I'm not the type. INT. MAIL AREA - DAY - LONG ANGLE Michael walks with Lewis, pushing, persuading. MICHAEL I'm not buying, Lewis. O'Malley was your friend. LEWIS Hell of a pinochle player. Every day over lunch, for years we played. MICHAEL He's dead, Lewis. Your friend is dead. Murdered. Help me do something about it. Lewis stops, studies Michael. LEWIS Don't know much about this business, do you? MICHAEL Innocent people are dropping like flies. How much do I need to know? LEWIS (shakes his head) Back on the Lower East Side of New York, it used to happen a lot. I buried some good friends. MICHAEL So you want to watch it happen all over again? Grebbs decides the trade is his backyard and everybody rolls over.... LEWIS (angering) What can I do alone? You get a crowd together, I might get brave. I'm not young and I'm not a hero... you are. MICHAEL You're not alone. Crowds always start out with one or two people. And believe me, if we get this ball rolling, we'll attract plenty of attention. Lewis studies Michael a long beat. This is hard for him. LEWIS I'm listening. I'm crazy, but I'm listening.... SMASH CUT TO INT. DEBJO FASHIONS - DAY busy and sexy as before. Models and seamstresses passing through as Michael and Lewis have Debra and Joan cornered. DEBRA That's none of your business! MICHAEL Come on, you're not shy. How much do you owe Grebbs? JOAN (softer) Why do you want to know? MICHAEL 'Cause Mr. Lewis here has agreed to take over your factor. We want to buy out Grebbs' debt. The girls react, look at each other, nervous. DEBRA Obviously, you don't know Grebbs. That's not smart business. MICHAEL For us, maybe. For you, it's brilliant. LEWIS What's his rate? Twenty points? Twenty-five? I'll take over your whole figure at one point over prime rate. The girls are stunned. DEBRA Why are you doing this..? I couldn't get a car loan that cheap.... LEWIS I got my reasons. MICHAEL Grebbs killed Tom O'Malley this morning. JOAN (disturbed) I heard that was an accident. MICHAEL Right. Just like Sam Dennis was an accident. The girls eye each other again. Lewis reaches into a satchel and produces a leather-bound book of bank drafts. He tears one out. LEWIS Here's the draft. You can fill in the amount. Add a little cushion if you like. DEBRA The money's fine, but what's keeping us from being Grebbs' next accident? MICHAEL I am. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a dollar, slaps it on the desk. MICHAEL I now own one share of preferred stock in DebJo Fashions. JOAN But we don't have any stock. This is a partnership.... MICHAEL (smiles) Well when you do, I'm in on the ground floor. For now, just figure you've hired yourself a new head of security. (offers a hand) Partners? The girls look at each other, then at Lewis, who smiles. They smile, too. Debra shakes Michael's hand. DEBRA Partners. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH There's a heated discussion in progress. DEVON'S VOICE Michael, I sent you there to stop the deaths, not cause more. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT where Devon and Michael pace as they argue. DEVON Jeopardizing your own life is one thing, but drawing in three innocent people is quite another. MICHAEL Devon, I'll protect them. DEVON The way you protected Tom O'Malley? This stings. Both men stop, cool off. DEVON Sorry. MICHAEL No, it's okay. You're right in a way. But these garment people are tight, close. I wasn't getting anywhere ringing doorbells. DEVON So you went to the opposite extreme. You might have checked with me first, Michael. MICHAEL Right. And by the time we get through discussing procedure, another one bites the dust. Now it's Devon's turn to be stung. Michael relents. MICHAEL Devon, you know I respect what you do. But while I was spinning my wheels out there, I saw another man die. I had to do something. DEVON I suppose you've a plan behind all this? Michael, knowing Devon's on his side: MICHAEL I let Grebbs know he's got a new competitor in the marketplace. One who won't go belly up when he snaps his fingers. DEVON And then.... MICHAEL If I shake him hard enough, he'll make me the next target for his mobile assassin. Only I've got an ace in the hole...named Kitt. Once I've got his driver nailed and he's facing a murder charge all alone, I've got the feeling he'll turn on Grebbs and supply all the ammunition we'll need. Devon moves behind his desk, holds a beat.... DEVON I know I don't need to tell you how dangerous it is. MICHAEL No. You don't. They shake hands. Michael starts out. CUT TO INT. GREBBS' OFFICE - DAY - CLOSE ON MONEY Michael's hand plops a packet of bills onto Grebbs' desk beside two other stacks piled high. MICHAEL'S VOICE ...Twenty thousand. Cash. I want your note from DebJo Fashions. I just paid it off. Widen to reveal: GREBBS seated behind his desk, looking through narrowed eyes at the pile of money and Michael behind it. GREBBS Who are you, their guardian angel? MICHAEL That's right, as far as you're concerned. The note? Grebbs weighs Michael's intent, then stands and crosses to a file cabinet. GREBBS Those girls must be doing better than I thought. I'll have to look into it. MICHAEL They're doing fine. They just found a better way to deal than you. Grebbs starts to simmer. He pulls a file from the cabinet, turns to Michael. GREBBS That so.... MICHAEL Yeah. That's so. In fact, you're looking at the new partner in DebJo. GREBBS (smirks) Don't tell me. You're into dresses. MICHAEL (unruffled) I'm into money. And muscle, where it's needed. Is that my note? GREBBS (slams cabinet shut) I've seen boys like you come and go around here. It's a rough trade, sportswear. The girls'll be back to me. He hands Michael a note from the file. Michael looks it over, then starts tearing it up in little pieces, dropping them around Grebbs' rug. MICHAEL They won't. (as he tears) And get ready to lose some more. I plan to move on your other accounts, too. Grebbs' simmer reaches a boil. Coldly: GREBBS Get out of here before I make you leave by the window. MICHAEL Pleasure doing business.... He turns and heads out the door. Hold on Grebbs' fury. INT. FASHION MALL BUILDING - DAY Michael exits Grebbs' office into the airy mall, pleased with his meeting. As he walks, he raises his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, monitor Grebbs' phones. I want to know who he calls. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH K.I.T.T. Very well, but, Michael, you have an emergency call from Joan. She has to see you. Michael darkens. MICHAEL At Debjo? K.I.T.T. No, she was afraid to go there. She's waiting on top of the fashion mall parking structure. Michael turns, sees the parking structure from where he stands. MICHAEL I'm on the way --- He takes off at a run. EXT. PARKING STRUCTURE - GROUND LEVEL - DAY Michael reaches the structure, spots an open elevator car waiting. He ducks inside and punches "roof." EXT. PARKING STRUCTURE ROOF - DAY - ON THE ELEVATOR DOORS They open and Michael steps outside quickly, stops. Reacts to: WHAT HE SEES - NOTHING - BLUE SKY The top level of the parking structure is almost empty of cars. The elevator doors close behind him with a metallic click. He whirls, punches the button, but the car's gone. Turns back, puzzled. He starts to tense as he hears a low rumble, growing into a roar. Suddenly: THE KILLER CAR bursts up from the level below, almost going airborne as it screeches over the top of the driveway and onto the flat roof. Flood is dimly visible through the darkened windows. The car pauses, engine throbbing, taking Michael in the way a bull takes in a matador. MICHAEL crouches, starts to sidestep, catlike. Into comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, get up here right away. K.I.T.T. parked in the street below, auto-starts and heads for the parking structure. ON ROOF - FULL SHOT Suddenly the tires of the Killer Car screech and smoke into motion as the car leaps for Michael. He looks around, sees only a low parapet separating him from the long fall to the pavement below. At the last second, he dives aside, the car just missing him. As he rolls, Flood wheels his car around for another pass. IN KILLER CAR - ON FLOOD emotionless, all business, shifting and spinning the wheel. INT. PARKING STRUCTURE - DAY - K.I.T.T. races, driverless, up the ramps, squealing round and round. RESUME ON ROOF Michael's sweating, eyes wide, as Flood begins another tire- burning pass at him. He leaps aside again, but this time Flood's fender catches his leg, spinning him around and sending him tumbling awkwardly. FLOOD mechanically maneuvers for another pass. This time, he flips the supercharger switch on the dash and his engine's blowers whine. FULL SHOT Michael reaches his feet shakily, limping. He can't move as fast. The Killer Car closes in like a hungry barracuda. Michael tries to leap aside but can't do it. The car hits him, sends him flying. MICHAEL hits the pavement, tries to rise, then falls back, unconscious. THE KILLER CAR snarls into position to make one more pass, completing the job. As Flood pops the clutch and the tires scream, hurtling the car toward Michael's fallen form.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. TOP OF PARKING STRUCTURE - DAY - CONTINUOUS ACTION Michael stunned, semiconscious on one end of the structure, Flood behind the wheel of the Killer Car on the other. He drops the gear into low, arcs the engine. ANGLE AT MOUTH OF ENTRANCE TO TOP The whir of the turbines, and K.I.T.T. suddenly appears. INTERCUT - FLOOD He reacts, hits the gas. INTERCUT - MICHAEL Helpless. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. The accelerator is floored. WIDER ANGLE The two cars race for Michael. ANGLE FROM MICHAEL K.I.T.T. reaches him just a split second before the Killer Car does, skids in front of him, shielding him. ANGLE ON FLOOD He whips the wheel at the last second, just missing a collision with K.I.T.T., then accelerates, disappearing down the ramp. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. AND MICHAEL K.I.T.T. activates his med-scan, producing appropriate graphics on the monitor. K.I.T.T. Michael! Michael, can you hear me? Michael stirs, tries to clear his head. MICHAEL (weak) Kitt...? K.I.T.T. My preliminary med-scan doesn't indicate any serious injury. MICHAEL Easy for you to say. He struggles to his feet. The driver door pops open. K.I.T.T. I can call a paramedic unit. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. I'll take a rain check for now. Where's the Killer Car? K.I.T.T. Long gone, I'm afraid. Michael painfully climbs into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Gone, but not forgotten. Not by a long shot. C'mon, buddy, we've got work to do. They pull out, disappear down the ramp. CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH DEVON'S VOICE Michael, how could you put yourself in a spot like that? INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Bonnie escorts Michael in, still bruised and dirty. Devon comes from behind his desk, concerned and upset. MICHAEL It wasn't easy, believe me. If it wasn't for Kitt, I wouldn't be here at all. DEVON Don't say I didn't warn you. I didn't like this plan from the beginning. MICHAEL Don't rub it in. (to Bonnie) He's rubbing it in. BONNIE It's his way of showing you he cares. DEVON I dislike being talked about in the third person. And I don't need someone to interpret my statements, thank you. (beat) What happened? MICHAEL I went to meet Joan. She wasn't there. The Killer Car was. DEVON I assume there's a reasonable explanation why she wasn't. MICHAEL I already talked to her. She saw the car turn into the parking structure. She panicked and took off. Devon paces. DEVON Michael, I don't have to tell you what this means. By forcing Grebbs' hand, we've entered into a war. Your friends are vulnerable now. We have an obligation to protect them. MICHAEL I guess you feel pretty strongly about that. DEVON I couldn't feel more strongly. Bonnie hides a smile; she knows where Michael is going with this. MICHAEL Probably feel no sacrifice is too great. DEVON None. MICHAEL Good, Bonnie? She smiles, crosses to the door and opens it. BONNIE Okay, guys. In comes a rack of clothes and other tools of the trade, followed by Debra, Joan and Lewis. Ad-lib hellos. Devon looks shocked. BONNIE The temporary home of Debjo Fashions. Lewis crosses to Devon's desk. LEWIS Mind if I use your phone? He begins dialing, absently fingers the material of Devon's jacket. LEWIS Not bad for off-the-rack. Off Devon's look: CUT TO INT. GREBBS' OFFICE - DAY Grebbs paces, agitated. Flood, as usual, is perfectly self-contained. Or appears to be. GREBBS I run a tight operation. Not like some of these guys who move to Miami and run a business on a phone under a palm tree.... He stops, staring at Flood. GREBBS And now, all of a sudden, I'm not in control any more. I got people defying me. And you, the guy who never misses -- suddenly, out of the blue, you miss. FLOOD I hit him...He's hurt. GREBBS Not enough. You know what your trouble is. You're too perfect. Maybe if you used a dirty glass once in a while, you wouldn't blow the big ones. Flood's eyes go cold. He rises, facing Grebbs. FLOOD You've said enough, Grebbs. Don't press it. GREBBS You're not behind the wheel now. Their eyes lock, then Grebbs moves away, point made. GREBBS Don't you see...you get a couple of people who refuse to go along. If they keep breathing, next thing you know there's four or five of 'em, then a dozen. (faces Flood) None of this would be happening if it wasn't for that Knight character. I want him gone, Flood. He opens a desk drawer, pulls out a strongbox stacked with money. He puts a stack on the desk. GREBBS I'll double your fee. Flood looks at the money, at Grebbs, then opens his attache case. He takes out the money Grebbs gave him, crosses to the desk and puts it down. FLOOD Keep your bonus money. This isn't business any more. It's personal. This one's on me. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. passes. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael drives, Debra sits in the passenger seat. He glances across at her. MICHAEL Feeling better? DEBRA I don't know. I guess so... (beat) You really didn't have to drive me back. MICHAEL Call me paranoid. Right now I don't want to take any chances. (beat) Any regrets? DEBRA You mean standing up to Grebbs? As a matter of fact, yeah. I'm scared. I don't like being scared. MICHAEL Nobody does. DEBRA No, but some people handle it better than others. You for instance. MICHAEL (a smile) An occupational hazard. She studies him for a moment. DEBRA He's going to win, isn't he? Grebbs. In the end, he'll win.... MICHAEL Not if I can help it. DEBRA But what can you do? We're trapped. He can just wait us out. MICHAEL Unless I miss my guess, waiting isn't one of Grebbs' strengths. Besides, I've got a little something in mind to stir the pot. EXT. FASION MART - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls in and parks. Michael escorts Debra toward the DebJo offices. ANOTHER ANGLE The Photographer spots K.I.T.T., grabs his model and hustles her over. PHOTOGRAPHER It's back. Perfect. Black on black, a single strand of pearls! K.I.T.T. Not you again. MODEL It talks! PHOTOGRAPHER Most drivers do. Who cares, I'm doing print. I don't pay S.A.G. Now just kind of drape yourself over the fender. She does. K.I.T.T. It's none of my business, but your F-stop should be opened and your shutter speed reduced. She jumps off the car, looks into the window of the empty Trans Am...Her reaction --- MODEL This is ridiculous! PHOTOGRAPHER No, he may have a point. (adjusts camera) Would you say eight or eleven? MODEL You're talking to an empty car!! K.I.T.T. Given present light conditions, eight. PHOTOGRAPHER Gotcha. The Model hurries away. PHOTOGRAPHER Hey, come back here! So I was off one F-stop. Is that any reason to lose faith? CUT TO INT. DEBJO OFFICES - DAY Michael helps Debra pack the last of the necessities. She looks subdued, quiet. MICHAEL (re an object) Is this a 'take' or a 'leave?' DEBRA A 'take.' He nods, puts it in box. Regards her for a moment. MICHAEL You okay? DEBRA Sure.... She isn't. He touches her shoulders, brings her to face him. MICHAEL What is it? DEBRA I was just remembering when Joan and I moved in...we had such high hopes ...we worked nights, weekends... nothing was going to stop us...and now I have this awful feeling I'll never see this place again. MICHAEL You will. That's a promise. DEBRA You don't know Grebbs. MICHAEL You don't know me. I always keep a promise. He smiles, forces her to meet his eyes. She finally smiles, a flicker of hope still there. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The Killer Car drives up. GREBBS' VOICE I got some good news for you. ANGLE IN CAR Flood in on the cellular phone. FLOOD I'm listening. INTERCUT - GREBBS IN HIS OFFICE He's behind his desk on the phone. We see a person sitting in the chair in front of the desk, facing him, but we can't see who it is. GREBBS I pulled an old marker, from an old friend...So I got inside information now. From now on, we'll know every- thing we need to know about Michael Knight -- what he's planning, where he is, where he'll be. Over this, camera has moved to reveal the person across from Grebbs. It's Joan. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. GARMENT DISTRICT - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. O & M FASHIONS Lewis is going through the bills and files of O'Malley's operation...He stacks different bills in their appropriate piles...Michael enters. Lewis looks up.... LEWIS Just cleaning up some of the mess... for Tom's wife...His kids are all grown...They have a life...Ann is all alone. MICHAEL We can't bring Tom back, but maybe we owe her something more. LEWIS Like what? She's got enough money from insurance. MICHAEL Like Grebbs' scalp.... LEWIS (reacts) This may be the west, but there's no more cowboys and Indians.... MICHAEL Why not?..We're a group of small operators fighting the big, bad wolf...The cattle baron...None of us can do it alone...We need a group of our own people...A posse.... LEWIS That car must have hit you too hard ...How's your head?... MICHAEL I'm serious...How many owners around here can you really trust?... LEWIS Tom's gone...Maybe six or seven more.... MICHAEL You do business with them?... LEWIS Used to...Grebbs has them now.... MICHAEL Those are the ones I want...Can you round them up.... LEWIS You try and pull a meeting like that and Grebbs will know about it before everybody even sits down...I made my move...I put my money where my mouth is...Maybe it's time for me to shut up.... MICHAEL Sure, you can visit Tom O'Malley's grave and lay some flowers on his chest, or maybe teach his widow how to play pinochle and sit around and talk about good old Tom.... Lewis flares...He stands to face Michael.... LEWIS And maybe you're not to big to be sitting on the floor and looking up at me.... Michael holds a beat.... MICHAEL You're getting mad, Lewis. Now get mad at the right guy. Get mad at Grebbs.... ON LEWIS His anger stays, but an awareness brings a half smile to his face...He nods.... ON MICHAEL Understanding the commitment, he nods back.... MATCH CUT TO MICHAEL as he speaks out.... MICHAEL The word is 'enough'...You've given enough...Taken enough...Enough of the fear...Enough of having to answer for your livelihood.... The camera widens to include: INT. DEBJO FASHIONS Michael is up in front of six businessmen...They listen to him with an uncomfortable uncertainness...Glancing at Lewis from time to time...But they listen...The showroom is bare...Michael's voice echoes.... MICHAEL You people worked too hard all your life to give away what you've attained.... There is a silence in the room, broken by one of the businessmen...Call him, Joe. JOE Lewis, what is it with this guy? He selling T-shirts with targets on back? LEWIS You ought to listen to him...I did... You guys know I'm not the easiest person in the world to con.... There is a slight rumble of nervous, knowing laughter.... JOE So what do we do, buy guns? Circle the wagons? MICHAEL You cut off Grebbs supply of money ...Kill his cash flow.... Another businessman, Phil, sounds off...The men are getting more into the passion of the meeting.... PHIL I've been poor before and I know what broke is. Forget all the poetry written about it...It's not fun and I don't want to do it again... (beat) I can't do it again.... That impassioned speech throws the room back in silence again.... ON LEWIS He stands and moves in front of the group.... LEWIS (to Phil) Why not?..When I met you, you were a cutter on the third floor...I backed you the first two years...cause you were a good man and a hard worker... Pay Grebbs off and I'll back you again.... Lewis turns to Joe.... LEWIS You, Joe, you were doing cuffs at a denim factory twelve years ago...You had guts and a talent...I bet on it...I'll bet on it again.... The businessmen stare at Lewis in amazement.... JOE You got any idea how much we owe Grebbs? LEWIS To the penny...I've been around too long not to know... (beat) I'm willing to back every man in this room.... PHIL (beat) Then we really got nothing to lose. You're the only one who can take a bath.... LEWIS I've been broke before, too... (pause) ...wasn't so bad.... The men have to laugh...They stand and look at each other, feeling better...Feeling more like the men they once were.... ON MICHAEL He moves over to Lewis, whispers.... MICHAEL Like it or not, Lewis, you're a hero.... CUT TO INT. GREBBS OFFICE Grebbs and Joan sit across from each other. Flood and a henchman are off to one side...Flood eyes Joan, disdainfully, as she presses Grebbs for a little more of the action.... JOAN They're down there at a meeting right now...Michael Knight is trying to get the whole group of them together...I can give you every name.... GREBBS Then do it.... JOAN I will...but I have to know what's going to happen on my end of it.... Grebbs flares.... GREBBS I set you up with that Debra Sands, didn't I? I helped make your line the hottest in town...What else do you want? JOAN I want to run O & M Fashions. I've struggled for ten years, even put up with Debra playing showroom chic while I sweated it out in the back rooms... (beat) I -- want O & M for me! GREBBS It's mine...It's why I pushed on it, and that's why O'Malley and the others are dead...You're a piece of equipment... rented equipment...I turn you on and off...I push the buttons... (beat) You got it?... ON JOAN She realizes that she's gone a little too far...She pales, backs off in her attitude.... JOAN It's not just for me...I can run it successfully...You know I can.... GREBBS The names.... ON FLOOD He has a cold satisfied smile after watching Joan being taken down. JOAN There's Lewis...The factor.... Flood pushes away from the window, interrupts.... FLOOD The meeting could go on for hours. You want Michael Knight or not? Grebbs holds up his hand to silence Joan...Speaks to Flood.... GREBBS You know I do...Sure he's not too tough for you? FLOOD I'll be taking him out personally.... Flood moves from the room.... CUT TO EXT. DEBJO - ON K.I.T.T. Michael exits the building, climbs into K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Well, Michael...You've done it.... MICHAEL I planned on doing it.... K.I.T.T. We better both get ourselves one of those T-shirts with bull's-eyes on them.... MICHAEL You were listening in.... K.I.T.T. If I'm going to be a target, I'd like to know about it.... MICHAEL At least you'll be a moving target.... He revs the engine and pulls away.... EXT. ROAD - K.I.T.T. Out of the city traffic and picking up more speed. CUT TO EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY The camera pans the peaceful scene and then slowly moves in to: BRUSH AREA Just off the road where we see the deadly looking Killer Car sitting concealed.... INT. KILLER CAR - FLOOD patiently waiting. FLOOD'S POINT OF VIEW - THE ROAD K.I.T.T. cruises by. Flood puts on his helmet, hits the starter...The powerful engine roars into life.... K.I.T.T. driving through the same open country.... OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL tense, eyes alert. MICHAEL Anything, yet? As K.I.T.T. goes through the process, and: INSERT - THE MONITOR Empty road. K.I.T.T. Nothing out of the ordinary.... FLOOD CAR as it pulls from its spot and onto the road...Picks up speed as it comes after K.I.T.T. OMITTED K.I.T.T. Michael glances in the rearview mirror...A car bearing down from his rear.... MICHAEL I think we have company.... K.I.T.T. Affirmative, Michael.... ROAD Flood is at the rear of K.I.T.T. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. Michael is suddenly bounced backward in the car, as: ROAD Flood and the Killer Car jam into the rear of the Trans Am, sending it forward and almost out of control.... FLOOD hitting a duel blower switch on his dashboard...opening the access fuel tank.... ANGLE ON ROAD As the Killer Car speeds up even more and locks in on the rear bumper of K.I.T.T. LOW SHOT as the two vehicles, locked front and rear, zoom by camera. MICHAEL fighting the wheel. MICHAEL I need everything you can give me.... DASHBOARD As all of the lights speed up their series.... K.I.T.T. We've got a sharp curve a thousand meters ahead.... SERIES OF CUTS A) Michael jams on his brakes, lurching forward from the force. Smoke billows up from the rear tires as they lock.... B) Flood is jammed forward in his car, then back in his seat, as: C) Michael releases the brake and hits the gas and pulls away from Flood's car.... D) Flood speeds up and tries to close the gap...He's losing ground. E) Michael hits the brake again in a speed turn and swivels K.I.T.T. around to face the oncoming Flood.... F) Flood sees the car headed right for him...He's not used to being the target and panics...He edges over to one side of the road.... G) At the last moment, Michael allows him to pass and then swings another speed turn and tucks in behind the Flood car.... H) Michael jams into the rear of Flood's car and picks up even more speed. FLOOD Panic and fear fill his face as he sees the curve coming up ahead of him.... MICHAEL intent on his driving.... K.I.T.T. Three hundred meters.... Michael continues to drive.... K.I.T.T. He'll never make it past the curve ...You have to slow down.... THE CARS still locked together and racing towards the turn...Then: MICHAEL hits the brakes and lets the Flood car loose.... FLOOD jams on his own brakes and swivels the car around so that it comes to a stop sideways on the brink of the turn and only inches away from dropping off the mountain...He looks over and sees nothing but space...Then turns in the other direction and reacts again. FLOOD'S POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL has moved K.I.T.T. up to the side door of Flood's car...He gives it a slight bump...Flood's car is a little closer to going over the edge...Flood can't get out the driver's door and if he attempts to exit on the passenger's side, he's over and out...Michael exits the Trans Am. SCENE He rips the helmet off Flood, to expose his terror-filled face.... MICHAEL Now you and me are going to talk about a couple of murders and a man by the name of Grebbs.... ON FLOOD He looks over to Michael...Nods his surrender...Michael into com-link. MICHAEL Kitt, pop in a cassette... (to Flood) Now, let's start with once upon a time.... Flood's face.... CUT TO EXT. GARMENT DISTRICT - DAY - ESTABLISHING INT. GREBBS' OFFICE Grebbs is nervous. Joan, still in the room, but sitting silently. They react as the door bursts open.... ON DOOR Michael stands there with a couple of uniformed cops.... ON GREBBS His reaction. He senses the end of it...Holds his silence. JOAN She pales, then her street senses come alert. JOAN Michael, thank God you got here... He's been holding me.... Michael simply stares at her...He holds up a cassette.... MICHAEL That's not what Flood said.... Joan sags, defeated. The cops move forward.... MICHAEL They both go.... As the cops cuff them.... CUT TO EXT. GARMENT AREA - GREBBS' OFFICE BUILDING as Grebbs is led from the building between the two cops.... FULLER ANGLE There's a strange silence in the area as Grebbs looks around and surveys his domain. Slowly, the sound of a man clapping breaks the silence. It's joined by a second set of hands, then a third. THE GARMENT SHOP OWNERS emerge from concealment, clapping, now cheering, raising fists at Grebbs, as he's dragged away. Among them, Lewis, feeling like the hero he is. ON MICHAEL taking it in. And feeling great about it. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. GARMENT AREA - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. DEBJO FASHIONS Michael is finishing his fitting on a new jacket...He poses for Debra and Lewis.... MICHAEL Fits like a glove.... LEWIS It's supposed to fit like a jacket.... DEBRA I haven't heard that line since I left New York.... LEWIS It was time.... Michael steps from in front of the mirror, puts his hands on Debra's shoulders.... MICHAEL Thank you.... DEBRA Thank me? You are crazy, Michael...If it weren't for you, I'd be back modeling rags on Eighth Avenue.... MICHAEL And probably looking great doing it ...I'll be seeing you.... DEBRA Not that fast.... She grabs Michael and gives him a lingering kiss.... DEBRA Now, you can leave.... LEWIS He'll be back.... Michael smiles at Lewis, gives him an affectionate hug... Heads out.... EXT. DEBJO FASHIONS Michael stops and smiles.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. Our model and Photographer are back at it...She is sprawled on the hood...The camera snapping...Michael walks over, just as the Model leaps off the car and kicks at one of the tires...The door opens for Michael and as he enters, she turns to him.... MODEL Is that your car? MICHAEL You might say that.... MODEL Well, you ought to teach it better manners.... She walks away in a huff...The Photographer yelling after her.... PHOTOGRAPHER Darling, it's your best layout...This one could make you...Come back.... Michael gets into the car.... INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL What did you say to her???? K.I.T.T. I merely computed her exact weight and advised her of it.... ON MICHAEL his look. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END