EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58604 Robert Foster October 1, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Gerald Sanford KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT BY A NOSE by William Elliot ____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. HORSE FARM - TRAINING TRACK - DAY Liquid morning light illumines an inspiring sight. A good- looking, spunky young woman galloping a magnificent black stallion with a reddish blaze on its forehead. MAXINE (MAX) FLEMING AND KNIGHTRIDER with a fluid grace, they move as one. Her hair spills from under her exercise helmet and mingles with Knightrider's wind-whipped mane. Knightrider is a three-year-old colt with the conformation of a champion. VARIOUS ANGLES - SLOW MOTION as they gallop around the track. Both live for this moment. ANGLE ON TOMMY LEE BURGESS by the rail, stop watch in hand. He is co-owner of Knightrider with Max, a racetrack character in his thirties, showing signs of good old boy living. The sound of a vehicle approaching is heard. His head turns to: INCLUDE A PICKUP pulling up to the track. Driving it is Dr. Harley Thorpe, a veterinarian, florid and overweight. He looks like he'd rather not be up this early. He steps out of the Jeep and moves over to Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee gives him a little nod. TOMMY LEE 'Mornin', Harley. Dr. Thorpe nods back, as he joins Tommy Lee. MAX AND KNIGHTRIDER finish their workout and Knightrider slows to a jog. Max slides easily off his back and leads him in a walk. She nestles his head over her shoulder, allowing his breath the mingle with her own in a gesture horses use with one another to show trust. Knightrider tosses his head playfully. MAX You big speed demon. You loved that, didn't you? You'd race the wind if I let you. The horse nickers in response and Max laughs. She scratches him in a favorite place under his chin. MAX What? You say you want to take me away from all this? How soon? Their intimacy is interrupted by Tommy Lee and Dr. Thorpe. TOMMY LEE Hey, Max, what were you holding him back for? MAX (laughs) Holding him back? That had to be a twenty-three point two quarter mile. TOMMY LEE Try twenty-four. As Max reacts, Tommy Lee puts an arm around her shoulder, turning her away. Dr. Thorpe starts to look Knightrider over. FAVORING DR. THORPE with Max's back turned, Thorpe moves in to pat Knightrider's flank. We see that he is palming a small syringe, which he surreptitiously sticks in the horse. Knightrider whinnies. TOMMY LEE Little lady, you've got to remember the Futurity tomorrow is a mile and a quarter. We don't want our baby fading in the stretch. Max shakes her head, turning to Dr. Thorpe. MAX Do you believe this railbird? He's got half interest in the surprise sensation of the racing season and he's still treating Knightrider like a 'also ran.' DR. THORPE From what I saw, Max, his stride looks a little off. TOMMY LEE (smiles) You see? Always listen to your partner. Tommy Lee gives her a leg up on to Knightrider. Max takes the reins. MAX Okay, but watch out. This time he's gonna blow your blinkers off. She starts the horse back to the track. Thorpe gives Tommy Lee a knowing nod. MAX AND KNIGHTRIDER galloping around the track as before. They reach the stretch, Max urging him on. CLOSE ON MAX frowning. Something is a little off. MAX What's wrong, baby?... Her face registers shock as she feels the horse collapse from under her. WIDER ANGLE Knightrider's legs crumble as he slides into the ground. Max is pitched forward. MOVING WITH THE MEN as they turn toward the fallen horse and rider. Tommy Lee goes for Max while Thorpe goes to Knightrider. ON MAX AND TOMMY LEE as Max stirs into consciousness, Tommy Lee comforts her, lifting her head off the ground in his arms. MAX What happened? TOMMY LEE He took a fall, honey. Lie still. You might be hurt. Max ignores his warning, trying to crane her head up to see Knightrider. MAX (dazed; fearing the worst) I'm fine. Knightrider...where is he? He's all right, isn't he? INCLUDE DR. THORPE moving over to his pickup truck. DR. THORPE I wish he was, Max. His foreleg's badly shattered. Dr. Thorpe reaches into his pickup. Grabs a thirty-thirty rifle off the gun rack, starts back to the horse. MAX No! TOMMY LEE (equally upset; to Thorpe) Harley, you can't! Isn't there anything you can do? Dr. Thorpe cocks the gun. DR. THORPE I'm...sorry. He's...in tremendous pain. MAX Don't do it! Please! I can nurse him, I'll take care of him! Please don't! She struggles to get up but Tommy Lee restrains her. TOMMY LEE Max.... He pulls her away as the sound of the thirty-thirty blast shatters the air. MAX (screams) Nooooo! CUT TO EXT. RURAL HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. slices comfortably through the curves in a rolling country area. MICHAEL'S VOICE Sleek, spirited and moves like a hurricane. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, you're too kind. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL reading a Green Sheet racetrack paper. He smiles and puts it on the seat next to him. MICHAEL Not you, pal. The Futurity Preview of Max's horse. K.I.T.T. (ego bruised) What? A horse? Try stubborn, skittish, and expensive to maintain. MICHAEL Not at all like you. K.I.T.T. Never! And capable of only forty miles per hour in short bursts. Useless creatures. What do people see in them? MICHAEL Dreams, buddy. This is Max's big day. K.I.T.T. Max? You mean Maxine Fleming? MICHAEL Right. Remember? Wolf Creek Pass continental divide? Six feet of snow, mid January? K.I.T.T. How could I forget? You had me hitched up to her horse trailer. I recall thinking, 'What next, a plow?' MICHAEL Well, that little pony you were pulling is now the hottest comer on the thoroughbred circuit. Speaking of which, how 'bout dipping into Bonnie's magic money machine for me, partner. K.I.T.T. Michael, it's called an Auto-Currency Dispenser, and there's nothing magic about it. We have to account for every penny. MICHAEL No prob, I'm just a little lean on cash this week.... K.I.T.T. You wouldn't be thinking of squandering Foundation funds on something as chancy as a wager...? MICHAEL Who...me? As they pull to a stop, we hear an electronic beep and two crisp $20s pop out of a slot on the dash. Michael takes them and smiles. K.I.T.T. All right, but forty dollars and not a penny more. MICHAEL Besides, how can a horse named Knightrider lose? K.I.T.T. Michael! Too late. Michael's gone, with a wink. INT. RACETRACK BARN - TACK ROOM - DAY - MAX packs her belongings and racing souvenirs with a heavy heart. She pauses over pictures, trophies, and plaques as she puts them in boxes. A lot of memories. Michael appears in the doorway. MICHAEL Let me guess. Moving to a better barn? Max is startled by his voice, then relaxes, glad to see a friendly face. MAX Michael.... MICHAEL Knightrider's biggest fan. MAX (fighting emotion) You didn't hear? (off Michael's look) He's dead. MICHAEL Oh no... (off her look) Max, what happened? MAX (breaking into tears) Yesterday...he just collapsed mid- stride...I tried to cushion his fall...his leg was...was.... MICHAEL Broken? MAX Yes, I can still hear that shotgun blast.... He comforts her in his arms. MICHAEL There'll be other horses. MAX Not for me. MICHAEL Sure there will. Come on, horse- racing's in your blood. MAX (remembering) I pushed him too hard. I must've missed all the signs. MICHAEL Hey, I saw you on Knightrider once, remember? It was like you and that horse had one heart, one mind. If he had a hangnail, you'd feel it. MAX Don't sugar-coat it, Michael, it was my fault. I'm through with horses. MICHAEL I don't believe that. She pulls away. MAX Michael, I know you mean well, but I've got a bus ticket to Atlanta tomorrow.... MICHAEL (slight beat) Take me out and show me the spot. MAX Michael! MICHAEL I'll make sure you catch your bus. (gentle smile) I won't let you run away like this. Like they say, when you fall off a horse, best thing.... MAX ...is to get right back on. But in this case I can't 'cause the horse is dead, and I've got nothing but bad memories out there. MICHAEL I know. Let's go bury them. She looks at him, takes a breath, and together they move out. EXT. DR. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY - TOMMY LEE BURGESS drives up in a Seventies Cadillac. He pulls up next to Dr. Thorpe's pickup. Gets out and enters the small vet's complex and stable. He walks past a shingle that reads: DR. HARLEY THORPE, D.V.M. INT. STABLE - QUARANTINE STALL - DAY - KNIGHTRIDER whinnies ferociously, trying to kick up, but tied down tightly by many heavy ropes and tethers. The horse struggles against them as Dr. Thorpe is seen nearby filling a feed bin. Tommy Lee enters and reacts at the sight. TOMMY LEE That's my million-dollar baby, Harley. What are you doing? He'll hurt him- self on those ropes. DR. THORPE Try feeding him without them and he'll kick your skull in. I want this horse out of here. TOMMY LEE Harley, relax...we did it. We made him disappear into thin air. THORPE I got my practice. How long do you want me to keep him here? TOMMY LEE A day, tops. By tomorrow you'll be hauling in enough long green to choke a horse. Tommy Lee slaps Harley on the back, laughing at his own joke, and then turns to stroke Knightrider. The horse rears back ferociously, baring his teeth. EXT. TRAINING TRACK - DAY Michael and Max walking the track near the sight of the accident. Max stops, pointing down. K.I.T.T. follows their steps. MAX That's the spot. MICHAEL You positive? MAX I was riding him! MICHAEL Who else was out here? MAX Just my partner, Tommy Lee Burgess. And Doctor Thorpe. MICHAEL Track vet? MAX Right. Just what are you trying to prove out here, Michael. MICHAEL Right now, that you're a better rider than you think. (scuffs his boot in the track's soft dirt) Kitt, scan the track here for me. K.I.T.T.'s red scanner takes in the area. K.I.T.T. Normal carbon/silicon composite soil, soft to a depth of...wait. Move over closer to the outside rail. Just to your left.... Michael moves toward the outside rail, sifting the soft dirt. As he shakes the dust off his hand carefully, we see: INSERT - MICHAEL'S HAND holding a small jagged shard of colored glass. MICHAEL'S VOICE Whoa! This doesn't look like it belongs here. BACK TO SHOT MAX Knowing the grounds keeper, that's from last night's beer bottle. MICHAEL No, the glass is too thin. Kitt, let's run an analysis. He crosses to the car. Max follows. ANGLE INTO K.I.T.T. Michael drops the glass into K.I.T.T.'s analyzer. MICHAEL Reconstruct what this came from, pal. MAX Taught him some new tricks, huh, Michael? K.I.T.T. Taught me?! Really Max...that's like the tail wagging the horse. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR An outline of the shard appears. Then, like a police artist, K.I.T.T. graphically projects various outlines onto the screen, much to the amazement of Max. Finally, one shape stays: the shape of a small hypodermic needle, like the one we saw in Thorpe's hand. MICHAEL A micro syringe.... K.I.T.T. Yes. Residue shows that it recently held 'Promazine'. A veterinary tranquilizer. MAX Promazine?! MICHAEL Strong stuff? MAX Like heroin for horses. They use it for surgery. I don't know what it'd be doing out here. MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) How fresh is that residue, Kitt? K.I.T.T. My calculated guess would be... thirty-six hours. MICHAEL How many other horses train out here? MAX None this week. Just Knightrider. (off Michael's look) Michael, just what are you thinking? MICHAEL About insurance, Max...and partners. MAX Well, put a rein on it. Let me tell you about Tommy Lee. There's been times he had to choose between burgers for himself and oats for the horse. MICHAEL And he chose oats. MAX You're darn right he did! He's been a good partner, Michael, and a better friend. MICHAEL Okay. (holding up the shard) Then he shouldn't mind me asking him a few questions. MAX You'd do anything to avoid helping me pack. MICHAEL (smiles) You got that right. She smiles back. They start off. CUT TO EXT. RACETRACK ENTRANCE - DAY - K.I.T.T. glides through a gate into a parking lot. Michael parks near a row of men aggressively hawking tip cards: "Benny's Best Bets," "Gary's Green Card," etc. in the b.g. MICHAEL Have fun, pal. I'll be back. K.I.T.T. Michael, you're leaving me alone in this lot of iniquity? MICHAEL Maybe you can show 'em the error of their ways. With that, Michael starts off through the crowd. WIDER ANGLE FAVORING OSCAR the track regular, about sixty, wearing a bright green leisure suit, smoking a big cigar, doing some figuring in his Racing Form as he walks along. The pockets in his jacket are stuffed with tip sheets, clippings of past performances, and odd scraps of paper. Oscar pauses in front of K.I.T.T. and talks aloud as he studies a complex problem of handicapping. OSCAR December Bride's got the form...Yoo Hoo Mabel's run with class...but then Foster's Folly owes me one, the old nag.... INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR showing a page of the Racing Form, which K.I.T.T. digests with a few electronic flashes and beeps. BACK TO SCENE K.I.T.T. There's no room for emotion in betting. Taylor's Goose in the fourth. OSCAR Huh -- what say? He looks around for the voice, spots K.I.T.T. He tries to get a look in the windows but they quickly go black. OSCAR Who's in there? K.I.T.T. Never mind who's in here. I've given you a scientific projection. Kindly remove yourself to the betting window and spare me your superstitious prattle. OSCAR Hey, watch your language! (interested though) You got inside information...? K.I.T.T. Let's just say I have a hot system. Oscar raises his eyebrows. What the hell? He starts off. EXT. RACETRACK - BARN AREA - MICHAEL walking past trailers/offices of horse owners, near the stable area of the main facility. He spots: TOMMY LEE BURGESS getting out of his car. Michael hails him. MICHAEL Tommy Lee Burgess? I'm Michael Knight. (offers his hand) I saw your picture on Max Fleming's wall. I'm a friend of hers. TOMMY LEE (warms; they shake) Hey, any friend of Max... (beat) How she doin'? Takin' this any better? MICHAEL I wish. I've never seen her so low. TOMMY LEE Me neither. MICHAEL Seems she blames herself. TOMMY LEE Yeah, well, I haven't told her yet, but apparently our insurance company feels the same way. They're holding back pay- ment on suspicion of trainer negligence. Boy, when it goes, it goes. MICHAEL Maybe not. I know Max, and I don't think she's to blame. TOMMY LEE I'd like to believe that. MICHAEL Well believe this. (produces the shard) It's Promazine. I found it on the track near where Knightrider went down. TOMMY LEE (beat; shakes head) Must be at least two dozen horses train on that track. MICHAEL Is that a fact.... TOMMY LEE Sure. Ev'ry day. But listen, Mr. Knight, if you think you're onto something, you hang with it. Max and I could really use that insurance. MICHAEL I'm sure you could. TOMMY LEE (snaps his fingers) Fact, if you want, I'll call Doc Thorpe. He might know something 'bout this. MICHAEL Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather talk to him myself. Catch you later. TOMMY LEE Sure...I'll be around. He starts off. Tommy Lee watches him go, thoughtfully. INT. TOMMY LEE'S BARN - DAY - TOMMY LEE stepping in. As he does, he is abruptly punched hard in the stomach by Lewis, a hefty goon. Tommy Lee doubles over. Lewis gives him a quick chop to the back of the neck and Tommy Lee sinks to the floor with a groan. Catching his breath, he looks up in pain, to see: RANDY CAVANAUGH an immaculate forty-year-old man in a white suit, with the look of a seasoned gambler. He leans against something, calmly sipping a drink, working a crossword puzzle. CAVANAUGH Tommy, just in time. I need a nine letter word for 'hopelessly in debt.' (a beat) 'Desperate' seems to fit. TOMMY LEE You'll get your money. I still have forty-eight hours. CAVANAUGH If you value your life, I'd better get the full ninety-two grand. I just thought Lewis should give you the coming attractions if your horse scam bottoms out. TOMMY LEE Mr. Cavanaugh, you don't understand. The money's as good as in your hand. I pulled it off. CAVANAUGH 'You pulled it off' only comes when I cross your name out of my little book. You got that? Cause by the sound of that conversation outside, you might already have some blood- hounds on your heels. As Tommy Lee reacts, Cavanaugh gives him a little pat on the cheek. CAVANAUGH But smile. I pride myself on protecting my investments. If this Knight gives you any trouble...Lewis here is the next best thing to a dog catcher. He puts bloodhounds to sleep. Lewis smiles, and we: FADE OUT FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - THE SEMI moving. MICHAEL'S VOICE Okay, let's try it out. Give me Knightrider's bloodlines. INT. SEMI - DAY - INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR Bonnie stands proudly next to K.I.T.T. as Michael looks on expectantly. The monitor displays an elaborate family tree. K.I.T.T. By Prince Jim out of Whirlaway Dee. Tracing back further, I find two Derby champions and a horse of the year in his background. Further still...in 1915.... MICHAEL Whoa there big fella! I get the picture. Genuine racing royalty. BONNIE You asked me to program him with everything about horse racing, so I did. You may never hear the end of this. DEVON'S VOICE Horse racing? What's all this about? ANGLE TO INCLUDE DEVON entering from the front of the Semi. Bonnie slides into K.I.T.T.'s seat. BONNIE I have some, uh, maintenance to finish. DEVON Well, whatever it is, I'm glad you're back, Michael. We have a pressing matter in Seattle. MICHAEL Devon, I need another day. DEVON But you just took... (his eyes light up) Ahhh. Your friend Maxine. I gather you enjoyed your day at the races? MICHAEL I never made it. Yesterday Max's horse took a fall under her and she lost him. DEVON (truly sorry) She has my sympathies. But, accidents do happen and we have work to do. Now then.... MICHAEL (interrupting) Devon, I don't think it was an accident. I really need some time to investigate. DEVON Investigate what? There are people who specialize in confirming such things. MICHAEL Sometimes it takes a fresh eye. DEVON I'm afraid it's your eye that's dictating your decision here. She is quite attractive, as I recall. MICHAEL That has nothing to do with it. DEVON Oh really? Then what do you have to go on? (off Michael's silence) Just as I thought. MICHAEL (heated) I admit I don't have much. What I do have is a dear friend who's saying she'll never ride again because of this. Twenty-four hours, Devon. If I don't have something concrete by then, it's off to Seattle. Agreed? DEVON (sighs) Agreed. Michael starts for K.I.T.T., but Bonnie catches him. BONNIE Not so fast. Kitt's Auto Currency Dispenser is forty dollars short. But I don't see any receipts. MICHAEL Hey...I'm on the road. I don't have time to jot down every nickel. K.I.T.T. Is it possible the malfunction is in me, Bonnie? BONNIE No! And lying puts a strain on your systems, Kitt. Don't cover for him. K.I.T.T. Who...me? Michael smiles at his "partner's" reaction. As Bonnie rolls her eyes, they pull out. EXT. SEMI - DAY K.I.T.T. exits down the ramp and veers off. K.I.T.T. Where to, Michael? MICHAEL'S VOICE First we pick up Max. EXT. THORPE'S COMPLEX - DAY as we've seen it before. Thorpe's pickup is the only vehicle in sight. INT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY Tommy Lee assembles riding tack off the back wall. Thorpe watches nervously. THORPE It's bad enough you're using my stable. Now you want to use my horse trailer. TOMMY LEE Now you just ease off and think 'bout that retirement condo in Florida. They react to the sound of a vehicle approaching. THORPE What's that? Tommy Lee checks through the curtains, tenses. HIS POINT OF VIEW THROUGH THE WINDOW K.I.T.T. pulls up out front with Michael and Max. BACK TO SHOT TOMMY LEE It's Max with that guy Knight. Damn! (beat) I'll hide out back. You get rid of 'em. THORPE (shaken) Me? How? TOMMY LEE Just do it! Tommy Lee exits quickly through the door. Thorpe steps out through the front. ANGLE ON PORCH - THORPE, MICHAEL AND MAX The vet greets them before they can knock. THORPE 'Lo Max. MAX Doctor Thorpe, this is my friend, Michael. He's like to talk to you about Knightrider. THORPE (cautious) What about him? MICHAEL I'd like to see the report. THORPE I don't know, son, that's not how we do things 'round here. MAX He has my permission, Doc. (to Michael) If you don't mind, I'll just wait out here. Michael understands how this hurts her. Thorpe has no other choice. THORPE All right, but I don't know what you expect to find. Max watches them go, into the office, then her attention is drawn by the sound of a horse's whinny from the stable. She wanders over to check out the animals. INT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY Thorpe slams a file drawer shut and hands a folder to Michael. Michael looks through it as they talk. THORPE You working with the insurance company? MICHAEL No, just a friendly interest. I'm trying to find out what caused that accident, and give Max some peace of mind. THORPE I'm afraid it's pretty standard stuff, Mr. Knight. It's always sad, but in this business, we lose thoroughbreds everyday. MICHAEL Yeah, but Max doesn't. (pulls an X-ray, looks at it) This is Knightrider's broken leg? THORPE That's right. You can see it was badly fractured. MICHAEL I guess it would take a strong drug to dull that kind of pain. (beat; studies Thorpe) Something like Promazine. THORPE Yeah, guess it would. Only why would anyone dope a horse he was going to put down? MICHAEL (slight beat) Good question. He continues perusing the files. Thorpe looks very nervous. INT. THORPE'S STABLE - DAY Tommy Lee hides in the shadows just inside a stall marked "Quarantine - Keep Out". Tied down beside him, wearing a headcover and blinders, is Knightrider. When the horse neighs nervously, Tommy Lee looks out and sees: MAX wandering into the stable, daydreaming, petting another horse. Tommy Lee notes her approach fearfully. Pushed and frightened he picks up a pitchfork leaning against the stall door as she wanders closer and closer to Knightrider's stall. INT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY Michael looks through Knightrider's file. Thorpe watches him anxiously. THORPE Hate to hurry you, but I've got rounds to make. MICHAEL (nods) I can understand you must be pretty busy. (returns file) One more thing...How is it you just happened to have your rifle with you that morning? THORPE I always carry my thirty-thirty in my pickup. This can be wild country. MICHAEL (studies) Thanks for your help. He returns the file and starts outside. INT. STABLE - DAY Tommy Lee now holds the pitchfork menacingly. Max wanders nearby, unaware. Suddenly, Knightrider gets a strong scent of his owner/trainer and cries out, kicking the stall walls. Max reacts to the familiar sound and starts for the stall. ANOTHER ANGLE Tommy Lee stands on the other side of the wall, desperate to avoid discovery. Max is inches from the stall when: MICHAEL'S VOICE Max.... She turns. Michael ambles into the doorway. MICHAEL Ready? She gives one more long look at the quarantine stall, nods, then exits. Tommy Lee, sweating bullets, heaves a sigh of relief. EXT. THORPE'S OFFICE/STABLE - DAY Michael and Max walk toward K.I.T.T. She's troubled. MAX Well, was it worth the trip? MICHAEL Yes and no. I didn't get much, but.... Michael stops, taking note of Thorpe's pickup parked nearby, and of the thirty-thirty mounted behind the driver's seat. MICHAEL Kitt, I need a diversion. Keep Doctor Thorpe busy inside for a few secs, okay? K.I.T.T. I have just the thing. INT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY Thorpe is watching Michael through the curtains when his phone rings. He turns away to answer it and we hear the shrill Woman's Voice: WOMAN'S VOICE (phone filter) Hello, Doctor Thorpe, it's about my cow.... THORPE Cow? What about your cow? Who is this? WOMAN'S VOICE (phone filter) What difference does it make, I'm calling about my cow, not myself. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S VOICE BOX flashing, speaking in the Woman's Voice. WOMAN'S VOICE (K.I.T.T.) All she does is mooo all day long. Mooo, mooo. EXT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY - ON PICKUP Michael reaches into the truck and quickly cracks the shotgun open. He runs the comlink over it, then: MICHAEL (comlink) Scan inside the barrel, Kitt. I want to know when...and what...this gun last fired. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) I can't hold him any longer, Michael. Michael quickly replaces the gun and starts back for the car. INT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY Thorpe holds the phone away from his ear as we hear K.I.T.T.'s "Woman" prattling on. WOMAN'S VOICE (K.I.T.T.) I think she's trying to tell me something...what do you think it is, Doctor? THORPE I'm sorry, ma'am, but I specialize in horses. Good-bye. He slams down the phone, crosses back to the window where he sees: THORPE'S POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. pulling off. Thorpe breaths a sigh of relief as Tommy Lee enters from the stable. BACK TO SCENE THORPE (urgent) I told you it was a mistake to keep the horse here! TOMMY LEE The sooner you shut up and give me a hand, the sooner my buyer's gonna see the goods. Now come on! They exit into the stable. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. cruises by with Michael and Max on the way to the racetrack. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - MAX AND MICHAEL K.I.T.T. I've completed the analysis on that shotgun, Michael. MICHAEL Fire away. INTERCUT MONITOR AS NEEDED Max reacts to the amazing graphic display the gun. K.I.T.T. It was discharged yesterday, and I scan traces of paper wadding in the barrel. MICHAEL Which means he might've fired a blank. MAX Oh, great. Now you're dragging Doc Thorpe into your little conspiracy, too. MICHAEL Max, Tommy Lee lied to me. When I brought up the Promazine, he told me dozens of horses were training on that track where Knightrider died. MAX He must've misunderstood you. He's got a lot on his mind. MICHAEL And you know something else that sticks in my craw? When Kitt scanned that track yesterday, he didn't find any traces of blood. Add that to Doctor Thorpe's rifle blank, and something tells me Knightrider's still alive and kicking. Max is stunned by this suggestion. MAX Now you're being cruel, Michael. MICHAEL No, just calling it like I see it. (beat) Look, if you want me to shut the door gently and walk away, I'll do it. But if my hunch is right on this, then that so-called friend and partner of yours isn't worth having. (beat) It's your call. WIDER ANGLE INTO K.I.T.T. AT MAX She's quiet as they pull to a stop outside her tack room at the racetrack. MAX Can you give me a little time for this to soak in? MICHAEL Sure. Think you could whip me up some of your famous backstretch java? MAX Come on. They climb out and she starts for the barn. Michael hangs back. Quietly, to K.I.T.T.: MICHAEL Kitt, start digging up all you can on Burgess, Tommy Lee. He slams K.I.T.T.'s door and heads into the barn. When he's gone, a screech is heard from the road. A smoking older model convertible pulls up next to K.I.T.T. Out jumps: OSCAR looking a lot better than the first time we saw him. He now wears a pinky ring, an expensive new suit, and he's smoking a Churchill. He greets the car like a long-lost brother. OSCAR Heyyy, sport! Where ya been keeping yourself? K.I.T.T.'s windows go black. Oscar knocks at one. OSCAR Heyy...come on. I know you're in there. If you're funny looking or something, don't be shy. I got no prejudices. K.I.T.T. Please go away. I'm busy. OSCAR Oh, you got company in there -- haw haw ...C'mon. Who do you like in the seventh today? K.I.T.T. If you must know, I'm on the line. OSCAR Whaddya got, a wire to Hialeah? C'mon, sport. Lemme in on the action. We could go places. K.I.T.T. What will it take to make you go away? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR running through the racing form. K.I.T.T. Very well: Baltimore Ned and Flying Fenwick in the daily double. OSCAR You kidding? Flying Fenwick, at those odds? K.I.T.T. You asked for my opinion, sir. Now run along to the betting window or you'll get shut out. OSCAR Right! Thanks, sport. Any time I can lay one down for you, say the word. He races off. EXT. HIGHWAYS - DAY - MONTAGE OF K.I.T.T. crossing the concrete from rural to urban surroundings with sound-alike music under. MICHAEL'S VOICE What did you dig up on Tommy Lee Burgess? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE His bank balance fluctuates like a roller coaster. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR displaying a register of several large amount bank items. K.I.T.T. ...and he makes an inordinate amount of long distance calls to a number in La Playa registered to one Randy Cavanaugh, a known racketeer. MICHAEL (reacts) So much for Tommy Lee's playmates. Let's check it out. He cranks a right turn. EXT. CAVANAUGH'S HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING as K.I.T.T. glides up to a circular drive in front of a formidable mansion, a number of cars parked in front. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR AS NEEDED Michael punches buttons. The monitor displays a floor plan with flashing lights. MICHAEL Some party. K.I.T.T. Only for the winners. I'm scanning an illegal gambling casino inside. MICHAEL I've got a feeling I know where Tommy Lee's money goes. Slip me a couple hundred, partner. K.I.T.T. Partner? Whenever it's money, it's 'partner.' MICHAEL I always call you partner. Kitt, come on, it's Foundation business. K.I.T.T. Whatever you say, but don't forget. You still owe me forty dollars, and I can't cover with Bonnie forever. The cash machine in the dash beeps and a stack of bills pops out. ANGLE IN DRIVEWAY Michael drives toward the house. Michael climbs out as a supercilious valet parking attendant approaches the car. Michael gestures him off. MICHAEL That's okay, I'll park it myself. And the shocked attendant reacts as K.I.T.T. drives itself off to find a spot and Michael casually walks up to the door. INT. ENTRY HALL - DAY - GINA a sexy female hostess stands watch as Michael enters. GINA May I see your invitation, sir? MICHAEL (feels his pockets) Shoot. I must have forgotten it. GINA Shoot, I can't let you in. Michael surreptitiously palms a bill, then bends over as if to pick it up off the floor. MICHAEL Say, did you by any chance lose this picture of President Grant? GINA (taking it from him) No. I lost two pictures of President Grant. Michael eyes her a beat, then hands over a second bill. Gina smiles, reaches under the podium and hits a button. A large heavy door off the hall pops open. Michael winks at her. MICHAEL You've got a future in banking. INT. GAMING ROOM - DAY Michael passes into a small but busy gambling room, nicely appointed. There are card and crap tables and a large, bright roulette wheel. Michael scopes things out for a moment, then leans up against the roulette table, buying chips. After a beat, he drops a chip on double-zero. INTERCUT - ROULETTE WHEEL AS NEEDED The ball bounces into a double-zero for a second, then flies onto a red number. MICHAEL (smiles at Croupier) That was close.... LADY CROUPIER (sweeping Michael's chip) Only in horseshoes and hand grenades, handsome. Place your bets. Michael steps back from the table. Discreetly, to comlink: MICHAEL Kitt.... K.I.T.T. (comlink) Not another penny! The odds on that silly game are thirty-five to one. MICHAEL Not in here. Something tells me that wheel's got a mind of its own. (beat) Okay, buddy, let's make a little spectacle of ourselves. Give me a winner. K.I.T.T. (comlink) If you insist, Michael. Four. MICHAEL Four it is. He places his bet. ROULETTE WHEEL The Lady spins the wheel, the ball dropping into number four. LADY CROUPIER'S VOICE Four, red, even, the winner. MICHAEL Well...what...do...you...know. Michael sweeps in his winnings. VARIOUS SHOTS - BRIEF MONTAGE of Michael cleaning up at roulette. Intercut K.I.T.T.'s scanner rigging the wheel. Michael's pile of chips grows enormous, a crowd begins to form, among them Randy Cavanaugh. ANGLE ON ROULETTE TABLE Michael standing in place. MICHAEL This is great! I haven't had this much fun since I was... (punches comlink discreetly) ...Fourteen. He moves the chips over onto number fourteen. The Croupier spins the wheel. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER FLASHING K.I.T.T. Fourteen, the winner. BACK TO ROULETTE TABLE as the ball drops into fourteen. The Croupier's eyes bug out. LADY CROUPIER Fourteen! The gentleman wins again. Michael's pile grows enormous. The crowd around him murmurs approval. Michael smiles with satisfaction as Randy Cavanaugh sidles up to him. CAVANAUGH Quite a run, mister.... MICHAEL Knight. You the pit boss? CAVANAUGH You might say that. I own this place. I'd like to buy you a drink. MICHAEL (shakes his head) Not when I'm on a roll. I've been superstitious since I was... (punching comlink) ...thirteen. Michael moves his chips again. The ball spins, bounces, and lands on thirteen. The crowd oohs and ahhs as the Croupier eyes Cavanaugh nervously. CAVANAUGH Amazing. How'd you happen to find us? MICHAEL Friend of mine, Tommy Lee Burgess. CAVANAUGH You a horseman, Mr. Knight? MICHAEL No, I just have a weakness for winners, and Knightrider was a winner. I'd pay anything for that horse. CAVANAUGH But didn't you hear -- Knightrider's dead. MICHAEL I heard...but hearing and believing are two different things. Michael smiles, plays with chips and returns to his roulette game as Cavanaugh studies him. CUT TO EXT. RURAL FIELD - DAY Open tight on Knightrider, trying to break free of his reins being held by a handsome, well-dressed Arab, Sheik Haroun Al Rashid. Widen to include Tommy Lee and Dr. Thorpe, watching. The Sheik's red sports car is parked nearby with a beautiful girl in the front seat. Also the pickup and horse trailer. TOMMY LEE High tempered, isn't he. RASHID No. He's vicious. (smiles) But that's something I relish in stallions and women. I want him. TOMMY LEE Knew you would. You got a winner there. RASHID For his sake, I hope so. Losers don't last in my stable. Bring him to Lincoln Hills Airport tomorrow, and you'll have your million-five. Tommy Lee takes the reins. He and Thorpe watch as Rashid climbs onto his car and drives off. When he's gone, Tommy Lee whacks Thorpe with his hat, ecstatic. TOMMY LEE Whooooo-ee! CUT TO INT. GAMBLING ROOM - DAY Michael now stands before an enormous pile of chips. The Croupier eyes Cavanaugh. Lewis has joined him. Michael pushes a pile of chips onto a number. The whole room is watching by now. A pretty lady leans on Michael's shoulder. MICHAEL I'll never forget this streak if I live to be a hundred and... (punches comlink) ...twenty. Cavanaugh nods discreetly to the Croupier who spins the ball around the wheel. CLOSE ANGLE - UNDER THE TABLE The Croupier's knee presses a lever underneath the table. ON THE WHEEL as the ball bounces, bounces, then drops into red 31. The gathered spectators groan with disappointment and the Croupier heaves a sigh of relief, but: INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER FLASHING K.I.T.T. The good ones know when to quit, Michael. BACK TO SHOT - THE BALL pops out of its resting place and bounces into the twenty spot. Michael brightens and whoops with delight. The spectators applaud. Cavanaugh grinds his teeth as the Croupier pushes almost all the chips at the table to Michael, who takes a rack from the Croupier and piles them in. MICHAEL Thanks guys, it's been a blast. Where do I cash out? CAVANAUGH (forces a smile) The cashier's just through that door. He points Michael to a door. Michael heads through it. ANGLE IN HALLWAY as Michael crosses to a pretty cashier at a window and drops his load of chips on the counter. MICHAEL Fifties and hundreds will be fine.... But he never finishes as he's struck from behind by: LEWIS who places a sap back into his pocket. The chips scatter and tinkle all over the floor. Cavanaugh enters and looks down at Michael. CAVANAUGH Take the limo and get rid of him. (to their looks) He's onto Tommy Lee. EXT. CAVANAUGH'S - REAR ENTRANCE - DAY Lewis exits carrying Michael with the help of an ND person. Cavanaugh follows and opens the trunk of a large limousine and Lewis drops Michael's body inside. CLOSER ANGLE We see Michael sprawled unconscious just before the trunk lid slams shut. LEWIS He was too lucky for his own good. He climbs into the limo and starts off. Cavanaugh watches him go. ANGLE IN TRUNK Very dark. We can just make out Michael's face and his slow, irregular breathing. FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. STREETS - DAY The limo bearing Michael turns up an urban canyon road. ANGLE IN TRUNK Michael struggles but can't get the comlink close to his mouth. He hits the button anyway. MICHAEL Kitt, can you read me? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Faintly, Michael. Where are you? MICHAEL Feels like the trunk of a car. K.I.T.T. I guess this means your plan isn't working out. MICHAEL Not necessarily. Follow my signal and get in behind us. Silent Mode. I'll tell you what to do. K.I.T.T. goes through his start-up routine. EXT. MANSION - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls out of his space and past the parking Valet. VALET Hey...how 'bout a tip? K.I.T.T. Okay. Classy Cassie in the fourth at Pimlico. K.I.T.T. screeches away, leaving the hapless Valet wondering. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY The limo motors safely past, well within the speed limit. Lewis is blissfully unaware of K.I.T.T., who, after a long beat, comes tearing up the canyon at twice the limo's speed. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH "Silent Mode" lights up and the whine of the turbines stops. INT. TRUNK - MICHAEL squirms uncomfortably. Into comlink: MICHAEL How close are you, Kitt? It's getting stuffy in here. EXT. STREET - DAY - POINT OF VIEW FROM SIDE MIRROR as K.I.T.T. slides silently up into tailgating position. K.I.T.T. Any closer and I'll have to marry this limo. ON MICHAEL IN TRUNK MICHAEL I'll be your best man. Now pop this trunk. EXT. STREET - POINT OF VIEW FROM K.I.T.T. The trunk pops open and Michael unfolds himself from inside. When he has his balance he steps out of the trunk and onto K.I.T.T.'s hood. The auto-roof opens and Michael walks across the hood and climbs into the driver's seat. ANGLE INTO LIMO - ON LEWIS His eyes go to the side mirror and widen in surprise. He nails the limo's pedal, speeding up. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael rubs the circulation back into his limbs, seeing the limo pull away. MICHAEL The cat's out of the bag, Kitt. He's made us. K.I.T.T. How shall we deal with him? MICHAEL Let's teach him not to speed. Brace yourself. Michael grips the wheel and hits "Turbo Boost." VARIOUS ANGLES - THE JUMP K.I.T.T. turbos up, up, and over the limousine, crashing back to Earth just in front of it. ANGLE IN LIMO - LEWIS flabbergasted, jerks his wheel to the right to avoid hitting K.I.T.T. and slides into a harmless stop. FULL ANGLE - K.I.T.T. AND LIMO Michael is out of the Trans Am like a flash. MICHAEL Call the police, Kitt. And while you're at it, steer them over to Cavanaugh's club. He opens the limo door and pulls the larger driver up to his feet, slamming him against the side of the car. MICHAEL Okay, friend. Time for a man-to-man talk. About Tommy Lee Burgess. How much is he into you guys for? LEWIS All you get from me is four words. I...want...my...lawyer. If glares could set fire, Michael's would. CUT TO EXT. DR. THORPE'S COMPLEX - DAY - KNIGHTRIDER frightened, resisting Dr. Thorpe, who tries to lead the horse out of the stall toward Tommy Lee, by the open door of an enclosed horse trailer. TOMMY LEE (scans the area) C'mon. Move it. It's clear. Dr. Thorpe tries, but the horse stubbornly refuses. THORPE Tell him that. Tommy Lee moves over to Knightrider, grabbing his head tether powerfully. TOMMY LEE Easy, Knightrider. You're going to your new home, boy. Tommy Lee takes the reins and tries to move the horse off. Knightrider rears up, kicking with nervous energy. Tommy Lee yanks his head down to show him who's boss. TOMMY LEE And I swear if I have to drag you there, you're going! The horse bucks and kicks, resisting every step. TOMMY LEE Let's sedate him, Doc. THORPE (shakes head wearily) Whatever you say. Dr. Thorpe moves over to his pickup to grab his vet's bag, while Tommy Lee controls Knightrider. Tommy Lee looks right up to the horse's eyes. TOMMY LEE Behave, big boy, everything's goin' to be all right. THORPE Hold him steady. Tommy Lee tries. Knightrider's head turns and sees the needle and he goes crazy. Rears up on two legs, knocking Tommy Lee back. Tommy Lee loses the ropes and Knightrider dashes free, as the two men react: WHAT THEY SEE - KNIGHTRIDER sprinting down the road, then through an open fence and down into a canyon valley, and out of sight. BACK TO SHOT - TOMMY LEE flushing with panic, racing for Dr. Thorpe's pickup. TOMMY LEE C'mon, we got to catch him! Dr. Thorpe just stands there. THORPE Forget it. He's headed for the canyon. Tommy Lee gets in the truck. TOMMY LEE I don't care if he's headed for hell. I'm a dead man without him. And if anyone recognizes him...you're not much better. Wincing at the thought, Dr. Thorpe hops into the pickup with him. They burn out toward the road, in Knightrider's direction as we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. flashes past. DEVON'S VOICE I'm sorry, Michael, but Cavanaugh's was clean by the time the police got there. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MICHAEL AND DEVON ON MONITOR Max is seated next to Michael, deep in thought. DEVON Not a gaming table or chip in sight. MICHAEL It figures. What about Lewis? DEVON True to his word. He let his lawyer do his talking for him. Bail was set at -- five thousand -- dollars. Needless to say, he managed to raise it. MICHAEL I'm sorry to hear that. Okay, Devon, I'm on my way to Doctor Thorpe's. DEVON Still feel he's the weak link, do you? MICHAEL The weakest in sight. I'll keep in touch. He punches out. Looks toward Max, whose thoughts are far away. MICHAEL Thinking about Knightrider? MAX Yeah...You know, the first time I met him was after he'd kicked three trainers out of the corral. Well, I moved up to the rail, looked him in the eye and said, 'Hey, big Black, you're not so tough.' Then I scratched him under the chin...and it was love at first sight. (looking back at Michael) I guess you wouldn't understand that kind of love. MICHAEL (smiles) Oh, I don't know...first time I met Kitt.... K.I.T.T. (protesting) Michael! MICHAEL C'mon, pal. I remember it well...I looked you right in the scanner, gave you a scratch under the bumper.... K.I.T.T. (indignant) And then drove me right through a garage wall! Michael laughs. Max, too. Suddenly, Max's attention is drawn outside. MAX (excited) Michael, stop the car. There he is! Michael brakes and looks off. OMITTED WHAT HE SEES - A BLACK HORSE a long distance off, atop the crest of the canyon's moun- tainous ridge, running free. BACK TO SHOT Michael reacting. MICHAEL Pretty far off to tell for sure. MAX It's him. I know it! Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL Now you're the one with instinct, huh? Kitt, give me visuals. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - MICHAEL AND MAX The monitor shows a picture of the horse racing along the ridge. First, a wide shot, then a zoom-in profile of the horse's head. We see the distinctive red markings. MICHAEL That's Knightrider, all right. MAX (kisses Michael) I told you! I told you it was him! K.I.T.T. Yes, and by the look in his eyes, I'd say he's terrified right now. MICHAEL Nothing that a little TLC from Max won't cure. Let's round him up, pal. Michael accelerates onto a dirt road that leads toward the mountain. EXT. MOUNTAIN CREST - DAY - KNIGHTRIDER gallops along the edge. Sensing K.I.T.T.'s pursuit, he veers off and disappears down the blind side of the mountain and out of view. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. moving swiftly up the road toward the mountain top. MAX We spooked him, Michael. He's gonna be tough to follow down there. MICHAEL We'll track him. Kitt, give me an infrared overlay of the other side. K.I.T.T. I can't. The rock outcropping is too dense for sensor penetration. MICHAEL Then we'll just have to get above those rocks. Hang on, Max, we're off and running. MAX (as they accelerate) Go to the whip! EXT. OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN - KNIGHTRIDER coming down the steep and treacherous incline. He reaches the valley bottom, a dense brush-covered area. Then sensing something, he moves to: A STREAM running along the bottom. Knightrider, out of breath and tired, thirstily drinks. Abruptly, his head raises with fear upon noticing: INCLUDE BOBBI GABRIEL fifteen, a local girl, with rolled up jeans, standing on the stream rocks, picking wild flowers. Her school knap- sack nearby. She looks as shocked as the horse. BOBBI Easy.... She approaches him slowly, stepping across the stream rocks. BOBBI Don't be scared. You lost? Knightrider snorts and backs away. Bobbi pulls out a cookie from her pocket, offering it as she moves closer. BOBBI Hungry? It's oatmeal. Made it this morning. Knightrider sniffs it, then moves in and takes it. Bobbi gives him a little scratch under the chin. Knightrider whinnies with pleasure. Bobbi smiles. BOBBI You like that, don't you. Can I ride you? Knightrider whinnies again in a positive response. Bobbi smiles, grabbing around his neck and getting on. BOBBI Giddyap. Knightrider, with Bobbi aboard, takes off through the brush. EXT. MOUNTAIN CREST - DAY - K.I.T.T. reaching the crest of the mountain. MICHAEL'S VOICE Okay, Kitt, give me a scan. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR Shot after shot of empty wooded terrain appears on K.I.T.T.'s screen. MAX Where'd he go? We can't lose him now. MICHAEL I don't know. There's a lot of territory down there, Max. MAX At least we know he's alive. MICHAEL But you can bet we're not the only ones looking for him. On their tense reactions, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. powers down a rutty two-line through the mountains. DEVON'S VOICE The Foundation helicopter is nearing the area to help the search. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR as Michael coordinates the search with Devon. MICHAEL Tell 'em to step on it. We've got to find Knightrider before anyone else does. DEVON I know. But I am a little loath to ask local law to help us look for a dead horse. MICHAEL He's not dead and we're not waiting. Stay in touch. Michael hits buttons and Devon fades. MAX He'd probably go to water and there's a stream down to the left. MICHAEL Atta girl! Let's give it a try. Michael turns K.I.T.T. onto a dirt road that's little more than two ruts. K.I.T.T. This path is better suited to hooves than wheels, Michael. MICHAEL Talk to Bonnie about it when we get back. Maybe she can install some. K.I.T.T. I can hardly wait. They disappear down the path. EXT. FOREST NEAR STREAM - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop near where we saw Bobbi. K.I.T.T. This is as far as I go, Michael. But I do scan some hoofprints in the mud by the stream. Michael and Max brighten and are out of the car in a flash. They search the stream bed. Max bends over the hoofprints. MAX Here they are. They could be his. Michael has spotted something else: Bobbi's knapsack. He wheels it out of the brush. MICHAEL Max! Look! She joins him as they scrutinize the bike. CLOSE ON KNAPSACK We see a name tag with the name "B. Gabriel". Her shoes are next to it. BACK TO SHOT MICHAEL B. Gabriel. The kid who owns this might have seen Knightrider. (calls) Kitt! Give me a check on the name Gabriel within a fifty mile radius. INTERCUT K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR doing its thing. K.I.T.T. Gabriel Mortuary, Gabriel Plumbing, and the residence of a J. Gabriel on Highway 14. MAX That's be Jim Gabriel from the Feed and Seed. He's got a daughter named Bobbi. MICHAEL Won't be the first longshot that's come in this week. Let's go. They race for the car and peel back up the way they came. CUT TO EXT. THORPE'S OFFICE/STABLE - DAY - ESTABLISHING Cavanaugh's limo has joined the horse trailer and pickup. The sound of a blow being struck and a groan come from inside. INT. THORPE'S OFFICE - DAY Thorpe cowers behind his desk as Tommy Lee tries to rise from the floor. Lewis stands over him with his sap. Cavanaugh paces with calculated casualness nearby. CAVANAUGH One more time. Where is my money? TOMMY LEE (desperate) Please, Mr. C., just a little more time. We'll find the horse. He'll come out of that canyon, I know it. CAVANAUGH No more time. You're already a month late. And considering the compound interest, I'd say it's not your horse anymore. It's my horse. And if my horse doesn't turn up.... Suddenly they're all frozen by a knock at the door. Thorpe stands up, whispers. THORPE Let me get it. Cavanaugh grabs Tommy Lee and roughly pulls him out of sight of the door. He signals to Lewis who produces a gun and moves behind the door, training it on Thorpe. The knock comes again. CAVANAUGH Okay. No fast moves. Just tell 'em you're closed. Thorpe, sweating, nods and opens the door. ANGLE ON DOOR AND PORCH as Thorpe opens it to reveal Bobbi, leading Knightrider on a lead-line, barefooted. BOBBI Isn't he beautiful, Doc? THORPE Bobbi...where'd you find him? BOBBI Down in the canyon. I figured if anyone lost a horse out here you'd know. (brightening) But if no one did, I'd love to keep him. THORPE (covering his nerves) I'm sorry to disappoint you, Bobbi, but that horse belongs to a man I know. He's been worried sick. BOBBI Yeah, I don't blame him. Can I at least brush him down for you? THORPE No honey, I'm sorry, but I've got to close up. I'm on my way to the airport. Thorpe takes the lead-line and Knightrider snorts and paws the ground. Bobbi turns and leaves. Cavanaugh appears in the doorway behind Thorpe. CAVANAUGH She doesn't know it...But she just saved a man's life. C'mon. We got a buyer to see. The three men move into action toward the vehicles, leaving Doc behind. EXT. GABRIEL HOUSE - DAY The Trans Am pulls up to a small country house. Bobbi's just returning home. She looks up as Michael and Max climb out. Michael has her knapsack. BOBBI Hey, that's mine! MICHAEL We found it way down in the canyon. We were looking for this lady's black horse. Hoped you might've seen him. BOBBI I sure did. Boy could he run. MAX What happened to him, Bobbi? Is he all right? BOBBI Oh he's fine. I left him with Doc Thorpe. He said a man owned him. MICHAEL (to Max) C'mon, let's hurry. They start for K.I.T.T. BOBBI You won't catch Doc there. He said he was going to the airport. MICHAEL How long ago was that? BOBBI Half hour. Did I do something wrong? MICHAEL You did perfect. Thanks. They peel out in a cloud of dust. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael's wailing on the buttons. Max is on the edge of her seat. MICHAEL Kitt, tap the tower of the local airport. Check out the traffic. Anything big enough to carry a horse. INSERT K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR displaying a flight-control pattern. K.I.T.T. There's only one plane big enough, Michael. It's a private jet belonging to a Shiek Haroun Al Rashid. MAX Rashid! MICHAEL Know him? MAX He used to race on the European circuit but was banned for mistreating his stock. He's turned champions into dog food. MICHAEL You can bet he's our buyer. Kitt, let's beat 'em there. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. hits pursuit and speeds off. EXT. DIFFERENT HIGHWAY - DAY Doc's truck and trailer pass, followed by Cavanaugh's limo. ANGLE IN TOMMY LEE'S TRUCK Tommy Lee drives nervously, and with good reason. Lewis sits next to him. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. flashes by. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'm scanning a horse trailer and a limousine less than a mile ahead, Michael. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Max and Michael tense with excitement. MICHAEL Limousine...as in Cavanaugh? K.I.T.T. Affirmative. MICHAEL We got 'em now. They accelerate. ANGLE THROUGH WINDSHIELD - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW coming up on the rear of the limo like it was standing still. Michael pulls out to pass. ANGLE ACROSS THE TWO CARS Cavanaugh looks to see who's passing, reacts at the sight of Michael. MICHAEL Hi! I thought you left the driving to others. Cavanaugh doesn't think it's funny. He bears down on the gas, but K.I.T.T. slips in front of him, in between the trailer and the limo. FULL SHOT - THE VEHICLES Cavanaugh thinks he can put Michael out of commission, so he pulls the heavier limo right up on K.I.T.T.'s tail and rams the Trans Am. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Max and Michael rock with the impact. K.I.T.T. How rude! He's trying to make a sandwich out of us. MICHAEL I think I have just the thing to loosen him up. Arm your oil jets, Kitt. INSERT - OIL JETS Two nozzles protrude from the car's rear bumper. BACK TO SHOT K.I.T.T. Ready and waiting, Michael. MICHAEL Just the thing for a 'slick' guy. He hits the button marked "Oil Slick." INSERT - OIL JETS Squirting dark thirty-weight out onto the pavement. FULL SHOT - THE LIMOUSINE Cavanaugh loses control and starts skidding the limo. It does two full 360's through K.I.T.T.'s oil slick before coming to an ungraceful stop up against the embankment. Cavanaugh gets out and looks after the Trans Am. Slams his fist down on the hood of the limo in frustration. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL One down, one to go. K.I.T.T. Correction, Michael. Two to go. Tommy Lee's got company: our friend from Cavanaugh's. MICHAEL Time to make our move, Kitt. Let's get in front of 'em. MAX Way to go, pony boy. Box 'em into the rail! FULL SHOT - THE VEHICLES K.I.T.T. whips out and around the truck/trailer rig. Michael gets in position in front of the pickup and slows down. ANGLE IN PICKUP CAB LEWIS Damn! Him again. ANGLE DOWN - K.I.T.T.'S AND TRUCK'S BUMPERS as K.I.T.T. slows down the pickup bumps it once, then again. Michael's bringing the pickup to a controlled stop. MAX'S VOICE Easy, I'd hate to hurt the horse. MICHAEL He's safe as a baby in his mother's arms. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S TIRES smoking and grabbing the pavement, braking. ANGLE IN PICKUP CAB Lewis frowns at Tommy Lee. LEWIS Step on it! Push 'em! TOMMY LEE I can't believe it! It's floored and they're stopping us! The truck's engine and suspension groan as the vehicles slow to a stop. Lewis and Tommy Lee start out, as do Max and Michael. FULL SHOT - THE VEHICLES stopping on the road. Lewis takes the thirty-thirty off the rack, starts firing at K.I.T.T. The bullets spark harmlessly off the car's shell. Lewis then climbs down from the cab with the rifle, but Michael is all over him in a flurry of punches. In the b.g. we see Max exit K.I.T.T. and head for the rear of the trailer. Michael decks Lewis and tosses the thirty-thirty off into the bushes. He looks up and spots: TOMMY LEE climbing from the truck and racing toward the trailer where Max is frantically opening the latches. He goes for her but: MICHAEL hits him with a flying tackle. They wrestle for a moment before Michael ends Tommy Lee's resistance with a solid right. MICHAEL You made a good run, but you had nothing left for the stretch. (calls out) Kitt, have Devon call the local authorities. And have 'em round up Doctor Thorpe. K.I.T.T. Michael...look. OMITTED MAX AND KNIGHTRIDER She stands with her arms around his neck. The horse nickers softly. Home again. CLOSE ON MICHAEL His face filled with satisfaction. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. TRAINING TRACK - DAY Once again we see Max galloping Knightrider through a clear morning, but now there's an important difference. MICHAEL, DEVON, AND BONNIE stand watching near K.I.T.T. MICHAEL How's she doing, Kitt? INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH AND WINDSHIELD Where a digital timer clicks off hundredths of a second and stops as Max and Knightrider whizz past. K.I.T.T. Twenty-three point one four. Fast enough to win the Jackson Stakes tomorrow. BACK TO SHOT as the group applauds horse and rider, moving away from K.I.T.T. to where Max is riding back. She hops down to greet them. MICHAEL I think I smell a triple crown. DEVON Yes, Man O' War never looked better. BONNIE You've got yourself a real champion, Max. MAX Thanks to Michael. (turning to him) Where would I be without you? MICHAEL (smiles) Saddle-shy in Atlanta. ANGLE TO INCLUDE OSCAR Looking broke again, he slides up to Michael. As the others look on: OSCAR So finally I see you. Whadya do to me, sport? MICHAEL Do I know you? OSCAR Know me? You told me Foster's Folly was a sure thing. He ran dead last. MICHAEL I told you? (looks suspiciously to K.I.T.T.) Kitt, is there something I should know here? K.I.T.T. Don't look at me.... OSCAR Twenty bucks I bet for you. Big deal. Me, I parlayed my whole week's winnings. (throws his losing tickets in the air) I'm gonna have to start working for a living. He moves off. Michael looks scoldingly at K.I.T.T. MICHAEL You bet a horse? (enjoying this) With Foundation money? K.I.T.T. Michael, I was just trying to bail out your Auto-Currency statement. Statistically, I couldn't lose. MICHAEL That's what they all say. K.I.T.T. Michael, can I ask a favor? (whispers) Lend me $20? Off our group's pleasure and K.I.T.T.'s chagrin.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END