EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58641 Robert Foster December 4, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gerald Sanford EN Rev. 12/10/84 (F.R.) Gino Grimaldi Rev. 12/11/84 (F.R.) Burton Armus Rev. 12/12/84 (F.R.) Calvin Clements, Jr. Rev. 12/13/84 (F.R.) 2ND. Rev. 12/13/84 (F.R.) Rev. 12/14/84 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER JUNKYARD DOG by Gene Hanson ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. ROAD THROUGH REMOTE TERRAIN (DESERT OR ?) - DAY Camera pans the idyllic countryside, finding a rabbit at roadside. Pan continues, and finds a tanker truck some distance down the road, barrelling this way. CLOSER - THE TRUCK A logo identifies INTERSTATE WASTE DISPOSAL CO. INT. THE CAB We meet the driver, Chuck, a hard-looking man who's doing a dirty job and doesn't mind a bit. He stares ahead at the road. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD No traffic ahead. BACK TO DRIVER glancing at rearview mirror. REARVIEW MIRROR No traffic seen behind. BACK TO DRIVER he reaches for a wire pull release under the dash, pulls this. EXT. TRUCK - DAY - INSERT - A VALVE as it is opened by the pull release, and a viscous liquid spills out. ANGLE ON THE ROAD The fluid striping the roadside as the truck drives off. Camera pans down to the fluid; the sound of the truck fades to nature's silence again, then: ANGLE The rabbit moves out of the terrain flanking the road, to the liquid staining the roadside, sniffs at the mess, staggers, stumbles and finally falls -- dead. CUT TO ANOTHER AREA OF ROAD - DAY The truck barrels past some cattle on graze land -- still gushing its poison. ANGLE WITH SOME OF THE CATTLE There's a plaintive lowing, and we know these beeves are a goner. CUT TO EXT. ROAD THROUGH DIFFERENT TERRAIN - DAY A runby of K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael facetiously bantering with K.I.T.T. MICHAEL I'm telling you, pal, I've seen custom paint jobs that'd stop your heart. K.I.T.T. I haven't got a heart, Michael. I haven't got a paint job either. I have a molecular bonded shell. MICHAEL So what would be so wrong if we maybe airbrushed a little surfing scene on the doors, wrote your name on your side window -- Kitt: the love machine! K.I.T.T. Michael, even in jest this line of conversation strains my audio sensors. MICHAEL O.K., Kitt, we'll stick with basic black. K.I.T.T. Thank you. MICHAEL Maybe just a little pin striping. K.I.T.T. (beat) Devon is calling. INTERCUT - THE MONITOR as Devon's image appears: DEVON Hello, Michael. MICHAEL Hello yourself, Devon. If you'd waited another few minutes, we could've talked face to face. We're almost back to the semi now. DEVON That's why I'm calling. I won't be there. I've injured my back. No jokes, please, about falling off a barstool or chasing blondes. MICHAEL Somehow, the image didn't occur. DEVON Bonnie will be doing double duty. Taking my place. She'll fill you in on what we've got. MICHAEL On what case? DEVON Acid John Birock. (to Michael's reaction) You can pat yourself on the back for putting the Foundation onto him. MICHAEL I'll pat myself on the back when we put him out of business. DEVON It took considerable research and surveillance, but I think we have a handle on how to do just that. Good luck, Michael. MICHAEL Feel better, Devon. And the screen goes to black. POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD TO SEMI ahead. BACK TO MICHAEL He tromps on the gas. ANGLE ALONG THE ROAD - STOCK Michael drives K.I.T.T. into the semi, and we see the tailgate raise, etc. Finally we go: INT. SEMI - DAY Michael hurriedly emerging from K.I.T.T., meeting Bonnie, who's putting a video disc (or VCR cassette) into the machine. BONNIE I think you're going to like our movie selection for the day. MICHAEL So Devon said. Tell me you've caught Acid John in the act. BONNIE No such luck. But we have put a lot of pieces together. Bonnie hits the lights, and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. INTERSTATE WASTE DISPOSAL CO. - DAY The United truck enters the complex, moving past a sign that identifies the place, and a guard gate. The guard has a pistol on his hip, and in the facility we are aware of a lot of security. We establish the facility as we follow the truck in, and: ANGLE IN THE COMPLEX TO FEATURE THE MONSTER MACHINE It's (literally) a custom tractor truck, (figuratively) the meanest "junk yard dog" to K.I.T.T.'s "pedigree." Angle adjusts as it hauls some barrels of God knows what on a flat, to an area of drums...tires throwing up rooster tails of sand or mud, engine screaming as it plows its way through the toxicity it's grown used to and now calls home. We never see who's at the controls of the thing, but it pulls its load past: ANGLE AT THE ACID PIT as Monster Machine moves past, a workman is finishing a beer, tossing the can in the pit. ANGLE IN THE ACID PIT The beer can smokes and dissolves...and is gone in a malevolent burp of bubbles. CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY - OPEN CLOSE ON A VIDEO SCREEN Seeing various angles of the United Waste dump operation, plainly taken surreptitiously. BONNIE (V.O.) ...the waste disposal site itself, where acid is presumably contained, but is actually leaching into the ground waters of the area...barrels of toxic waste...rusted, leaking, a nightmare. On a clear shot of Birock himself entering his Century City office building: MICHAEL (V.O.) There's our man! John Birock --- ANGLE ON SCENE Michael here with K.I.T.T. and Bonnie watching the film. MICHAEL -- Acid John. Owner of Interstate Waste Disposal. King of the polluters. BONNIE Your friend and mine. MICHAEL Chemicals that kill tossed in your back yard, or dumped in your lakes and streams. He likes his manicures today, but he came up from the streets and there's a lot of dirt under those fingernails. Tell me you've found a way, Bonnie. BONNIE We concentrated on finding his records. They'd show a jury what chemicals came in to the disposal site, and what were unaccounted for --- MICHAEL Yes, dumped. Bonnie, we've been all through that. The District Attorney subpoenaed his records. BONNIE And Birock was happy to give him a set -- a nice clean phoney set from his nice clean offices. (re film) Here --- And she slo-mo's the film. We see Birock entering his (dump) office, briefcase in hand. BONNIE Here's why Devon brought you in. For obvious reasons Birock stays as far from that dump as he can get. But we caught him there on two separate occasions. Both times carrying something.... MICHAEL You think the real records are in that dump of his. BONNIE We think they're in that office. If we can confirm, the DA says he'll jump on Birock with both heels.... Michael considers the image of Birock on the monitor, and we: CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - STOCK K.I.T.T. slides out of the semi, and heads on his way. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. ROAD AT GRAZE LAND - DAY Panning to see a number of cattle, dead in the graze land here. INCLUDE FRAN A pretty lady in her late twenties, now moving away from her camper (parked at the roadside), filling with fury at the sight of the dead cattle. She hears a pathetic bawl, looks to: POINT OF VIEW TO A CALF Miraculously, one calf has survived. CUT TO ANGLE ON THE ROAD - FEATURING THE DEAD RABBIT as K.I.T.T. blasts past. BACK INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael reacts to an odor. MICHAEL I think we just entered enemy territory, pal. Can you give me a reading? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S SCOPE Showing computer versions of various molecular structures, as: ON SCENE K.I.T.T. The road's surface is covered with benzene and PCBs...polyvinyl chloride ...C-56...all in all, a highly toxic combination. Michael suddenly becomes alert to a sight ahead: POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - A CAMPER is parked at roadside. On the road, Fran is moving after the calf that is staggering, attempting to get hold of the thing. BACK TO MICHAEL as he slows K.I.T.T. ON THE ROAD Fran manages to get hold of the calf, which has faltered and fallen. Michael pulls up, emerges, moves to her. MICHAEL Need a hand? FRAN Who're you? MICHAEL Just a guy passing by. FRAN You might as well just keep going. There's nothing you can do. Nothing anyone can.... She barely holds back the tears. Michael is looking about, stunned by the sight of: SEVERAL DEAD CATTLE lying near the roadside. BACK TO SCENE as Fran collects herself, indicates the calf. FRAN He's too heavy for me. Can you get him in my camper? I'll take him to a vet...for all the good it'll do.... Michael picks up the calf. ANGLE as they walk to her camper: MICHAEL Is this your ranch? FRAN I'm not a rancher. I'm a wildlife photographer. I'm beginning to feel like an endangered species -- the illegal dumping of toxic waste is on its way in, and wildlife is on its way out. Michael loads the calf into the back of the camper, ad- libbing: "There you go." "Be all right, little feller." etc. FRAN Everyone knows what's happening, but no one does anything. Everyone is just 'passing by.' MICHAEL (can't spell it out) I'm not so sure about that. She enters the cab, starts it, then pauses. FRAN I'm sorry. Thanks for your help. MICHAEL It was no trouble. She nods her thanks again, drives off. Michael watches her go, then heads back to K.I.T.T., gets into the car. K.I.T.T. Who was she, Michael? MICHAEL A lady with a point of view. Let's go, Kitt. We've got business. And they head off. CUT TO EXT. INTERSTATE WASTE DISPOSAL CO. - NIGHT Quiet but the feeling it's a security-conscious, well- armed camp. OMITTED ON THE ROAD OUTSIDE THE DISPOSAL SITE K.I.T.T. cruises by, slowly, scanning. INT. K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. survey the place. POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD TO COMPLEX The guard at the complex is armed. Other security personnel are apparent. MICHAEL You get the feeling they don't want company. K.I.T.T. More to the point, who'd want to visit? MICHAEL Let's find the office, Kitt. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR Seeing a schematic of the disposal site, as it is completed. BACK TO SCENE K.I.T.T. That's it -- upper left quadrant. MICHAEL What kind of security? K.I.T.T. There's a Bell model 211-403 safe, and a Marco steel and rock fireproof file cabinet, complete with combina- tion lock. MICHAEL Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, pal. EXT. INTERSTATE WASTE DISPOSAL - NIGHT The place is lit in patches with work lights. The office building is quiet; sounds of a poker game emanate from a back shed. Off to the side are rows of barrels of God- knows-what, stacked near the ominous acid pit. THE MONSTER TRACTOR TRUCK is parked, quietly, concealed by the barrels: the sleeping junkyard dog. OMITTED MICHAEL appears near the chain-link fence ringing the place. To comlink, surreptitiously: MICHAEL I'm going in, Kitt. And with a commando's moves, he's up and over the fence. He moves through the shadows until he's outside.... OMITTED THE OFFICE BUILDING Michael ducks aside as a Security Man passes, then uses a lock pick, breaks in. INT. OFFICE - NIGHT - MICHAEL entering. He turns on a flashlight, goes through the place, checking the desk, and the file cabinets...but of course it wouldn't be so easy. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, I need a hand with this lock. INT. K.I.T.T. The monitor shows K.I.T.T. going through the mathematical permutations possible, and: BACK WITH MICHAEL at the file cabinet. The combination lock is worked by K.I.T.T.'s invisible hand, and finally, Michael hears the lock open. He hauls open the drawer, examines the papers there, and is well satisfied by what he sees. MICHAEL (comlink) Activate photo-scan, Kitt. We've hit the mother lode. Michael uses the comlink to scan the files, and: OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT He monitors the records, commits these to his computer memory. BACK TO MICHAEL Suddenly Michael is pausing in his work, closing the file, as he hears a ruckus outside. FRAN'S VOICE No! Let me go! Michael moves to the window, sneaks a look out at: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE YARD Fran has been doing some skulking too; she's dressed in dark garb and is now wrestling in the ham-like arms of Chuck, the tanker driver. MICHAEL is exasperated at the turn of events. Into comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, we've got trouble. Get in here! K.I.T.T. All systems come to life as he auto-starts. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. And with a squeal of tires and a burst of speed K.I.T.T. heads for: VARIOUS ANGLES - THE CHAIN-LINK FENCE with a crash and a clang of grinding metal, K.I.T.T. barrels through the fence. ON THE SHED Reacting to the noise, three of Birock's bruisers emerge from their poker game and see the onrushing headlights. They start racing for the office building but K.I.T.T. slides into the fray. The lead bruiser gets through but the other two find themselves being backed up by the ominous black Trans Am. K.I.T.T. Going somewhere, fellows? As they start to back away.... BACK TO FRAN AND CHUCK He's got her and is now holding her camera by its strap. CHUCK Camera? Who are you? She bites his hand and saves the camera but doesn't get free. Suddenly: MICHAEL'S VOICE That's no way to treat a lady. Chuck whirls as: REVERSE ANGLE - MICHAEL unloads on Chuck before he can respond. There's a brief fight, and Chuck gets knocked out. Michael grabs Fran's hand. MICHAEL Come on! But before they can start away, the lead bruiser grabs Michael from behind, and a second fight starts. ANGLE - THE JUNKYARD DOG Mysteriously, as if with a life of its own, it starts up with the sound of a grinding diesel, belching flames and smoke from its pipes. ANGLE ON THE DRUM AREA K.I.T.T. continues to corral the two other bruisers, who keep backing toward the drums of waste. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE In a way, you two qualify as toxic waste, so.... K.I.T.T. revs his engine and sends up a rooster-tail, lunging for them. The two men turn and leap over the barrels for cover. K.I.T.T. stops, satisfied, but just then.... THE JUNKYARD DOG snarls and roars its way out of concealment behind the barrels, pushing them out of the way like so many aluminum cans. Before the Trans Am can react, it drives its forklift blades under the car, lifting it off the ground, its tires spinning freely. K.I.T.T. Michael! Help! MICHAEL applies a roundhouse right to the bruiser's chin, sending him out alongside Chuck, when he hears K.I.T.T.'s cries. MICHAEL Come on, Fran! This way. They race off toward: FULL SHOT - JUNKYARD DOG AND K.I.T.T. The Trans Am is suspended helplessly above the ground as the demon machine carries it to the edge of the bubbling acid pit. K.I.T.T. Michael, hurry.... But it's too late as: VARIOUS ANGLES The Junkyard Dog dumps K.I.T.T. splashing down into the acid waste and stands over K.I.T.T., almost glowering, belching smoke in triumph. It starts backing out of sight as: MICHAEL reaches the pit and looks into it, seeing K.I.T.T. sinking deeper and deeper. MICHAEL Kitt, hold on! K.I.T.T. (weak) Michael, I can't.... K.I.T.T. sinks deeper and deeper into the ooze. It's over his door panels. MICHAEL is joined by Fran. In the distance we hear: CHUCK'S VOICE Call Birock! We got a break in! Get the dogs out here! Along with other ND voices sounding the alarm. Michael ignores them, dying inside at his inability to help K.I.T.T. Fran grabs him. FRAN They're coming! We've got to get out of here! Let's go! K.I.T.T. (weaker) Michael.... Michael can't bear it. Before he turns: MICHAEL I'll be back, Kitt. I'll be back. He grabs Fran's hand and they run off into the darkness, toward the gate, toward freedom. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. The last of him sinks into the bubbling smoking mess... and, finally, his red scanner grows pale, then stops as he disappears from sight. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. INTERSTATE WASTE DISPOSAL CO. - DAY - OPEN CLOSE ON K.I.T.T. being hauled out of the acid pit by a F.L.A.G. tow truck. Adjust to find an anxious and disheveled Michael on the bank, Bonnie with him, giving instructions to F.L.A.G. technicians who wash off the chemicals with huge steam/ solvent guns. Fran watches in close b.g. ANGLE ON THE BANK as K.I.T.T. -- or the shell of K.I.T.T. -- comes to rest on the bank. Michael and Bonnie move slowly to the car, examining K.I.T.T., hearts breaking, as they see: VARIOUS ANGLES K.I.T.T. has only (steel belt) shreds of an interior left. Shreds of other "stuff" (trim, wiring) hang festooned from the car. There are only plotches of paint. There is no upholstery. The car might well have been burned to its metal skeleton, which, in fact, is pretty much what happened. ANGLE Michael exchanges a somber look with Bonnie, moves to look at the empty interior. Blanches. Finally, he is gently calling: MICHAEL Kitt...Kitt.... There is no answer. Michael reaches out and touches the voice box. MICHAEL Kitt? INSERT - THE VOICE BOX which crumbles at Michael's touch. BACK TO MICHAEL absorbing this, now running his hand along the car as if looking for some sign of life. There is none. THE MONSTER TRACTOR/TRUCK looks on from nearby, belching exhaust, flanked by several workers and security guards. They seem to be enjoying themselves. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND BONNIE Their eyes meet again. MICHAEL Let's get him out of here. BONNIE (nods) The sooner the better. ANGLE ON LIMO Long and sleek, sparkling, it pulls up and stops. Doors open. A chauffeur/bodyguard stands aside as John Birock and his Attorney, Arthur Stiles step out. Birock is a big man, well-dressed but tough, a street survivor who lets nothing stand in his way. Birock has an MOS brief exchange with his Attorney, who doesn't want Birock talking to Michael. Birock brushes his Attorney aside, and: ANOTHER ANGLE Birock crosses to Michael, the Attorney in his wake. BIROCK You know me? You got some beef with me? MICHAEL The same beef the rest of the world has. BIROCK Now what is that supposed to mean.... ATTORNEY (overlapping) Mr. Birock, there's no reason for you to be talking to this person! BIROCK (overlapping) All right, all right... (to Michael) I don't know who you are, or what you want, and I don't care, but I'll tell you what -- don't come back here. ATTORNEY (to Michael) You know what a restraining order is? BIROCK You hear what I'm telling you? MICHAEL (returns Birock's stare) I hear just fine. ATTORNEY Step foot on this property again and I promise you'll be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Michael doesn't dignify the outburst; would turn to go, but the Attorney puts a hand to his chest. ATTORNEY You got that? MICHAEL Take your hand off me, or you're going to be flat on your back in the mud. Have you got that? The Attorney quickly removes his hand. BIROCK Don't press your luck. You're walking away this time. This one's on me. MICHAEL Next one's on me. Their eyes lock. Any spark could let it off. Bonnie breaks the moment: BONNIE Michael...let's get Kitt out of here. Please.... A last look and Michael turns, crosses to join Bonnie at the truck. Hold on Birock, staring after him. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY The semi roars by. INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie is going over what is left of K.I.T.T. with diagnostic instruments. Michael watches her, waiting... almost not daring to ask. MICHAEL (finally) How bad is it...? Bonnie sighs, pauses, tries to find the right words. For a moment Michael thinks he sees tears in her eyes. BONNIE It's...gone, Michael. Destroyed. Everything, but his shell, his frame.... Michael looks to her for clues. MICHAEL How long will it take to repair him? BONNIE Michael, I don't think you understand. It's not a question of 'repairing' him, it's a question of recreating him. There are only the barest shreds of his memory banks left.... It sinks in. MICHAEL But he can be recreated...he can be reborn. It's half a question. Bonnie has trouble meeting his eyes. BONNIE With a lot of help, a lot of work...and time, yes.... Michael senses it. MICHAEL 'But.' BONNIE But Kitt was greater than the sum of his parts. We can recreate the parts...but whether they will equal 'Kitt' I just can't say.... MICHAEL (beat) We'll do it, Bonnie. Whatever it takes, we'll do it. (then) You said a lot of help -- how much? Who? BONNIE The original team that Wilton Knight assembled -- Von Voorman, Yamata and Breeland. MICHAEL Where are they? BONNIE Von Voorman's living in Berne, Switzerland. I don't know where Yamata and Breeland are. Michael crosses to the computer, punches up Devon, whose face appears on the monitor. DEVON Michael, I've been waiting to hear. How is he? MICHAEL Not good, Devon. We need the original team -- I don't care where they are, what you have to do -- we need 'em and we need 'em fast. On Devon's look: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. F.L.A.G. FOUNDRY - DAY A hi-tech complex in a tranquil setting. INT. FOUNDRY - DAY Various angles of sparks and molten metal being worked; reconstruction from the skeleton up. ANOTHER ANGLE A crew of technicians in coveralls muscles (with a dolly or forklift, or chain hoist) the shell of K.I.T.T. off toward a waiting (what we'll call) "Emergency Room." An anxious Michael and Bonnie follow in their wake. AT THE "EMERGENCY ROOM" As the doors are opened we find a team of white-coated technicians and scientists, high-tech automotive equipment -- scopes and racks and wires and gauges and you-name-it -- all in a "clean room" kind of setting. As the technicians get K.I.T.T. into the room, Michael -- inclined to follow -- is halted by Bonnie, who puts a firm hand on his chest. BONNIE There's nothing you can do in here, Michael. Please.... He subsides...finally nods his understanding. Bonnie turns, hurries into the room after the technicians. The best Michael can do is go to the door and stare through the glass inset. POINT OF VIEW - THE EMERGENCY ROOM as K.I.T.T. is hooked up to wires and scopes, and one of the technicians lights a cutting torch under Bonnie's MOS direction. REVERSE TO MICHAEL AT THE WINDOW Camera moves in on his troubled look. DISSOLVE TO INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT - VARIOUS ANGLES - A TECHNICAL MONTAGE opens up angle on the glare of a work light, as the techni- cian bends into camera, handling some tools. K.I.T.T.'s hood and doors are off. A technician is attaching a number of wires from a hand truck of batteries operated by another technician. Bonnie sits at a computer console, wires running into K.I.T.T.'s interior where we see a makeshift speaker box set up where K.I.T.T.'s voice used to emanate from. Bonnie types on the screen: YOU ARE THE KNIGHT INDUSTRIES TWO-THOUSAND. WHO ARE YOU? Bonnie waits, but...there's no response from the speaker box except electronic static. Bonnie tries again. WHO ARE YOU? Bonnie waits again, watching the cursor blipping, awaiting instructions. But again the only response is electronic static. ANGLE WITH MICHAEL in the hall. Moving away from the door as a technician hurries out on some important mission. Motivated away from the door, he now moves off into the hall, and paces. ANGLE IN THE HALL As Michael sees white-coated Von Voorman and Yamata moving into the emergency room. BONNIE (V.O.) Dr. Von Voorman! Doctor Yamata! Thank goodness!... VON VOORMAN (V.O.) We came as quickly as we could. MICHAEL moves to the emergency room window, sees: POINT OF VIEW TO BONNIE MOS orienting the two scientists to K.I.T.T.'s situation. BACK TO MICHAEL turns away from the window; it's too painful. DISSOLVE TO BACK IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM It's later. Breeland arrives, and is greeted by Bonnie. She shows him to a table filled with micro-chips and schematic designs, where she's been using a soldering iron to create a complex circuit. He now assists, adds another capacitor (or micro-chip) to the circuit. Von Voorman and Yamata wheel in a cart, and put it next to the engine compartment. On the cart, once the toweling draping it is pulled aside, is an exotic-looking engine part; the two technicians begin removing and transplanting this new one, working with all the precision one would expect of a technical "first team." And all the while: ANGLE IN WAITING AREA Michael is waiting...and waiting, hating it. The door opens and Bonnie comes in, exhausted, but determined. BONNIE Hi.... MICHAEL Hi. (beat) Coffee? BONNIE No thanks. Both are reluctant to address it. MICHAEL How's it...coming? BONNIE It's coming. 'How' we won't know for a while. Why don't you go get some sleep? MICHAEL If there's nothing I can do.... BONNIE There isn't. MICHAEL (nods) I could use an hour or two. BONNIE Good. I've been trying to think of a polite way to kick you out of here. They share a smile. It's been a while. It feels good. She starts back in, when: MICHAEL Bonnie? She turns. MICHAEL It's funny.... BONNIE What? MICHAEL I guess sometimes it takes something like this to make you realize how you can take people for granted. I've been watching you. I'd forgotten how good you are. She almost blushes. BONNIE Thanks. She goes back inside. Michael grabs his jacket and leaves. OMITTED EXT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH - STOCK MICHAEL'S V.O. Thanks for coming over. I know it's late. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - NIGHT Michael escorts Fran into Devon's office. She notes the opulent surroundings. FRAN I owed you one. Nice place, but... somehow it's not you. MICHAEL Hardly. Did you bring the photos? She reaches into her bag, presents Michael with a set of 8 x 10s. FRAN Right here. MICHAEL (as he examines) Are all these from the Birock dump site? FRAN (nods) More to add to my collection -- some not so good, some kind of good -- but none good enough to make the cover of a national magazine and have people sit up and take notice. I have a dozen portfolios full of shots just like these. MICHAEL Sounds like you've made Birock a personal crusade. Why? FRAN I came home the summer after my first year as a professional in New York. My father had died the year before. I went out to the lake where we used to go hiking and fishing on the week- ends. I hadn't been there for years. I couldn't believe the change -- the trees were either dead or dying, there weren't any more fish in the lake... the old caretaker who rented cabins was sick. He had a 'cough' he just couldn't get rid of. He'd had it for a year. MICHAEL Birock had a waste disposal place nearby. She nods. FRAN I extended my vacation. I made phone calls. I contacted every city and state official I could. Finally, eighteen months later, the Department of Health got a search warrant. The night before they were to exercise it, the place inexplicably burned down. MICHAEL Arson? FRAN I didn't know for sure. Not then. But in the two years I've been following his operation, I've seen it happen three times -- you fight the local bureaucracy. The red tape, you're in a position to move on him and suddenly a mysterious man shows up...and that night there's a fire that destroys everything. A sober, reflective moment between them. Michael crosses to her. MICHAEL I've got an idea how to nail Birock. FRAN It'll take eighteen months. MICHAEL No it won't. Not if it works. FRAN You have no idea how involved due process is when it comes to toxic waste. MICHAEL Yeah, I do. That's why I leave it to people with more patience and more time. (beat) I want you to tell me all you know about Birock -- don't judge it, don't screen it -- whether you think it's important or not, I want to know everything you know. On her puzzled look: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. F.L.A.G. FOUNDRY - DAY - TO ESTABLISH OMITTED INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - DAY Michael enters with Bonnie. She looks cautiously optimistic. He reacts. WIDER ANGLE leaner now, no more "stuff" festooned from him, but in place of all that, are even more wires, etc. As K.I.T.T. is hooked up to a myriad of machines and pneumatic gadgets, looking very antiseptic (draped with drop cloths, etc., and very pathetic). A couple of technicians are cleaning up, packing away some ugly looking cutting tools, and some precise-looking scientific ones. They finish packing up their gear, and finally leave the room. Michael turns to Bonnie. MICHAEL You sure it's okay...? She nods, a hint of a smile. BONNIE Just don't ask him to turbo boost. With that, she too leaves, disappearing out a far door. Michael cautiously crosses to K.I.T.T. THE SCOPES K.I.T.T. is hooked up to a couple of scopes, which read flat at the moment, and one which clearly shows electrical amperage, the needle moving rhythmically in time with the pneumatic tube, cooling the exposed circuitry. Also exposed, and not in its usual place, K.I.T.T.'s voice box. Assorted battery packs are about, and alligator clips are everywhere, tangled -- octopus ganglions of life support. ON SCENE Michael is affected by the sight, but manages: MICHAEL Hey, pal...it's me, Michael. There is a long beat as he waits. Then, as if with great effort, K.I.T.T. speaks. Except, it's K.I.T.T. speaking out of a temporary speaker, and under various "boosters," and so it hardly sounds like K.I.T.T. at all. And every line could be his last. K.I.T.T. Hello, Michael.... Michael closes his eyes in gratitude for a moment, in spite of the weakness in K.I.T.T.'s voice. Tries to rouse good spirits. MICHAEL How you doing, buddy? Ready for a little turbo boost? Maybe a couple of one-eighties? There is no response. Michael's smile fades, replaced by concern. MICHAEL Kitt, I was just kidding. (beat; worried) Kitt? K.I.T.T. I guess my humor mode needs a little more work. (then, with concern) Where's Bonnie? Did Bonnie leave?! MICHAEL No -- no, she's right outside. Michael feels uncomfortable. Doesn't know what to say. MICHAEL As a matter of fact she tells me you're doing fine. You're gonna pull through, buddy. Good as new in no time. Again, no response. MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes? MICHAEL Did you hear me? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. Another silence. Michael tries to hide his concern, fakes cheerfulness. MICHAEL Well, I just wanted to come in and see you...got a lot of people out there anxious to get back in here and...finish you. (beat) So. I'll see you soon, huh? K.I.T.T. Good-bye, Michael. MICHAEL You take care, pal. He rises, torn, unsure what to do. He touches K.I.T.T.'s fender, then turns and leaves. OMITTED ANGLE IN THE HALL Michael emerges, plainly shaken, pauses as Bonnie crosses from technicians to join him. BONNIE (encouraged) Well? Michael looks at her, can't fake it. MICHAEL It's...not him, Bonnie. She reacts as if slapped, hurt. BONNIE What do you mean it's 'not him?' It's him. It's Kitt. MICHAEL It is, but it isn't. There's something wrong. BONNIE Michael, how can you say that?! Of course there's something 'wrong' -- you saw what happened to him! How insensitive can you be! MICHAEL Bonnie, I'm not criticizing you -- I'm not criticizing Kitt --- BONNIE He's not finished yet! He's still weak, he still needs work! What did you expect, jokes and pratfalls? She doesn't wait for a reply, pushes back into the emergency room. He's tempted to stop her, explain, but she's gone. Hold on his face, the secret knowledge he's right. Or is it just his imagination? CUT TO EXT. CENTURY CITY TYPE OFFICE - DAY A bright, upscale location. THE FRONT DOORS Emerging from the high wood and glass doors is John Birock. On his arm is a lovely, well-dressed young woman, Tori, who hangs on his every word. BIROCK You'll love it -- forty-eight feet, twin diesels, fly bridge. That's where my captain sits running the boat. TORI While we're down below -- partying. BIROCK We'll leave Friday about noon. Hey, and why not bring that cute little friend of yours for Eddie. TORI You mean, Melissa. The one who does the bikini ads? BIROCK As I think of it, let's leave Eddie home! As they head for Birock's limo a hand grabs Birock's shoulder and whirls him around. ANOTHER ANGLE As Birock finds himself face to face with a haggard and intense Michael Knight. Tori steps aside, and looks on during: BIROCK What do you want? MICHAEL I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. BIROCK Get away from me. MICHAEL You're finished, Birock. You may know how to deal with red tape and cracks in the law, but you don't know how to deal with me. BIROCK Don't let the limo and the suit fool you, chum. I know how to deal with you. I just don't have to deal with you. MICHAEL Your operation is dirty. I'm gonna close it down. BIROCK Be my guest. All you need is some evidence. Birock would head away to the limo once again, but Michael has him halting. MICHAEL My little trip out to your acid pit might have been a lot more productive than you think. BIROCK Go ahead, Knight. Talk tough. Threaten me. Every word's a nail in your coffin. MICHAEL I'll see you arrested, I'll see you prosecuted and I'll see you put in jail. The law's a two-edged sword, Birock -- you've been sitting pretty on one side of it too long. Time's run out. Now you're gonna taste the other side, the side that cuts. Michael doesn't wait for a reply, turns and stalks off. Hold on Birock feeling a fury he hasn't felt in years. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. F.L.A.G. FOUNDRY - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT K.I.T.T. is looking more finished now. All his glass is back in. Tires on. The body is filled out with grey lead and primer. The interior is still makeshift and full of wires, but seats are in it, and the wiring suggests most of the components (and abilities) are back. K.I.T.T.'s hood is up, his engine racing, as a technician bends over the engine compartment, monitoring everything, revving the engine at the carburetor, watching the scopes, etc. Bonnie stands with Dr. Von Voorman nearby, supervising and noting all the results on a clipboard, stoic. VON VOORMAN Response time is better, yes? BONNIE (nods) Kitt, what's the square root of 256 and the capital of Montana? K.I.T.T. Bonnie, really.... Bonnie smiles. He's sounding a lot more like the K.I.T.T. we know and love. But she stays firm. BONNIE Kitt, do you know the answer? K.I.T.T. Can Michael Jackson moonwalk? (proudly) Sixteen and Helena, population 22,730. The city boasts some lovely old mansions along Power Street. Police chief Bill Ware keeps the streets safe. And it's not as cold up there as they say it is. Shall I go on? BONNIE You got it! MICHAEL'S VOICE Did I hear what I think I heard? REVERSE ANGLE - MICHAEL enters the room from the glass doors. He's up and excited at K.I.T.T.'s "progress." MICHAEL What say, old buddy? How do you greet an old friend? K.I.T.T. (excited) Michael! I'm so glad to see you! I have new diodes and circuit boards and.... MICHAEL Whoa there, pal...don't wear yourself out. (to Bonnie and Von Voorman) Seriously...how's he doing? Von Voorman and Bonnie trade cautious looks. BONNIE Well, we're still not sure. You can see there's been improvement.... K.I.T.T. Improvement? That's an understatement. We're planning a test run on the track in two hours, Michael. Can you be there? MICHAEL Wouldn't miss it for the world. He means it. Michael looks to Bonnie to share his hopefulness. Her reaction tells him and us she's still not sure. Michael moves off, and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. STREET - DAY Fran and Michael at the back of her van, checking over her camera equipment. MICHAEL I did just what I told you -- I rattled Birock's chain, but good. Now, let's see if you were right. FRAN He's going to do it -- like he's done it every time someone's gotten close before. He's going to burn that toxic waste site to the ground, and go find a new place to poison. MICHAEL I wouldn't ask you to tail him, but he'd be watching for me now. FRAN (holds up camera) I'll be the eyes and ears for both of us. MICHAEL Both of us? The man hasn't got a chance. There's a chuckle, and a warm moment between them, then Michael turns serious again. MICHAEL It may take a while. We don't know just when he'll make his move. FRAN I've been waiting years. MICHAEL You watch yourself. I don't mind telling you the guy scares me. FRAN Welcome to the club. There's a moment between them, then Fran moves to the driver's seat and drives the van off. Michael watches her go a beat, then walks off and we: CUT TO EXT. TEST TRACK AREA - DAY Bonnie and Michael emerge from the large, well-equipped Foundation tow truck in the middle of a large open testing area. They're met by Von Voorman. VON VOORMAN This is fine. Right here. MICHAEL (looking around) I don't get it. Where's Kitt? BONNIE He wanted to show you himself. Suddenly, K.I.T.T. roars out of nowhere and slides a ninety degree to face the group. He still sports primer and patchwork. K.I.T.T. Ta da! They all applaud. And K.I.T.T. takes off, down the track. All watch, as: ANGLE ON THE TRACK K.I.T.T. goes through the paces. And he looks pretty good, at first. INTERCUT - MICHAEL, ET AL At first ad-lib jubilation at seeing K.I.T.T. back in action again. Bonnie's face tries for enthusiasm, but Michael's starts to fall. BONNIE Looks pretty good.... MICHAEL Bonnie...before, he would have gone through that trap at a hundred. Not doing more'n sixty, now. BONNIE (reaching) Just warming up? Suspension too stiff, maybe? MICHAEL (sadly) Bonnie, that's not it. Look at him. K.I.T.T. continues through the course, but he does it the way your car would...missing pylons, skiing erratically. The group's faces confirm the sad story. VON VOORMAN I was afraid of this. MICHAEL Of what? Keep talking. VON VOORMAN He's been hurt. It's not surprising he doesn't want to be hurt again. BONNIE You mean...he's lost his nerve? VON VOORMAN (nods) In layman's terms...yes. He'll never admit it, but you watch. He'll find some excuse to stay out of the action. Bonnie and Michael try to digest this. BONNIE Maybe if I reformat the software.... VON VOORMAN (shakes his head; interrupts) Miss Barstow, I'm sorry. (beat) I'll have to recommend he be reclassified for light duty. Michael is rocked by this. MICHAEL Light duty?! VON VOORMAN A utility vehicle, perhaps. Recreational use. It's still a fine automobile.... MICHAEL (hot) Fine automobile! Kitt's a thorough- bred. You wanna make a golf cart out of him! VON VOORMAN (gestures re K.I.T.T.) Look at him. He's playing the brave soldier...for you, I suspect. (beat) But he cannot be trusted under pressure. He just doesn't have it, anymore. ANGLE K.I.T.T. roars up in "triumph," stands in front of them. K.I.T.T. A little rusty...but not bad, eh, Michael? MICHAEL Looking good, Kitt. (testing) You ready for business? K.I.T.T. Just as soon as you can get me out of here. I have been poked and prodded and violated.... Suddenly there's a backfire, and K.I.T.T.'s engine runs rough. And then another backfire. Which causes sparks and fire at K.I.T.T.'s muffler. K.I.T.T. Oh...oh my...! BONNIE Fire! Michael grabs a fire extinguisher off the tow truck and douses the flames before they spread. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael stands and surveys the car. K.I.T.T. (weakly) Maybe they should tow me back to.... MICHAEL (firmly) No. He moves to the car and opens the driver's door. K.I.T.T. Michael, what are you doing? MICHAEL No one is going to tow you anywhere. We are going back to bay three and we are going to put you in shape and we are going to run this test again until we get it perfect. You got that straight, Kitt? VON VOORMAN With all due respect.... MICHAEL Keep your respect, Doctor Von Voorman. We don't deserve it...yet. Come on, Bonnie. And he gestures her into K.I.T.T., guns the engine, and screeches off. Von Voorman looks after them, shakes his head. CUT TO OMITTED MONTAGE - REBUILDING K.I.T.T. - IN REPAIR BAY Wider tires are wheeled in. Michael uses pneumatic tool on the lug nuts. Michael uses a grinder to sand a portion of K.I.T.T.'s body. Finally, Michael sprays black paint onto bare metal and into camera...K.I.T.T.'s bonded shell...the finishing touch. Michael stands by K.I.T.T., admiring his work, as K.I.T.T. looks like his old self again. We can almost hear the "Rocky" theme, as we: DISSOLVE TO EXT. BIROCK'S OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Hustle and bustle as yuppies and working types move in and out. Camera moves in among them to find Fran maintaining a low profile, dressed unassumingly in jeans, sweater, sunglasses. But around her neck is a professional's 35mm camera with a good-sized lens. Suddenly her attention is riveted to: OMITTED BIROCK'S LIMOUSINE - BIROCK AND ZOORMAGIAN As it reaches the curb, Birock exits the limo with a small, dark weasel of a man -- Mike "The Torch" Zoormagian. They move quickly, furtively. FRAN recognizes her target, starts snapping away; moto-driving shot after shot. WHAT SHE SEES - CAMERA MATTE In a series of freeze frames, we see Birock and Zoormagian as they head into the building. FRAN lowers her camera, showing a satisfied smile. FRAN Gotcha! CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FOUNDATION TEST TRACK - DAY K.I.T.T. tears around the track with Michael at the wheel. This time, all the maneuvers are being executed perfectly. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Way to go, buddy! Looking good. K.I.T.T. Nice to have you back at the controls, Michael. MICHAEL Nice to be here. Just one more test. He swings the wheel toward: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - A CONCRETE WALL K.I.T.T. Oh, Michael...that's fourteen inches of reinforced concrete. MICHAEL No sweat. We've penetrated twice that much. He bears down on the pedal. INTERCUT - BONNIE AND DR. VON VOORMAN looking on, pleased with the testing. Even Von Voorman is impressed, until.... INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH A button labelled "abort" lights up and: K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop just short of the cement wall. MICHAEL rocks in his seat, controls his frustration. MICHAEL Kitt, what happened? K.I.T.T. Michael, at this stage of my recovery.... MICHAEL Kitt, you would've gone through it like shaving cream. Trust me. K.I.T.T. I do trust you, but.... Silence from the car. Michael sags, it was going so well.... K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael. MICHAEL It's okay, pal. He climbs out of the car, shuts the door softly. WIDEN TO INCLUDE BONNIE AND VON VOORMAN running up to man and car. BONNIE What happened? Why didn't you finish the.... But a look at Michael's discouraged face tells her all she needs to know. As they ponder their dilemma: FRAN'S VOICE Michael! We got him! They turn to see Fran running up to them. NEW ANGLE - FRAN AND MICHAEL Michael reacts to the importance of her news, pulls her aside. MICHAEL What? Show me, tell me. But Fran's already pulling a couple of 8 x 10 glossy pictures out of her satchel. Hands them to Michael. ADJUST TO INCLUDE THE PICTURES grainy, but unmistakable: Birock and Zoormagian. MICHAEL (responding) That's him. That's Mike Zoormagian. BONNIE Who?! MICHAEL Aka 'The Torch.' The most wanted arsonist in the country. Meeting with Birock today. FRAN It worked! MICHAEL Birock's gonna blow the Interstate yards. And we're gonna catch him doing it! He plants a big kiss on Fran, and strides back to: BONNIE AND K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Get ready for a ride, buddy. The ride of your life. BONNIE Michael, you can't take him! MICHAEL You bet I can! BONNIE He might give out on you, just when you need him most! Or he might try to work for you, and try too much! Michael is ignoring her and climbing into K.I.T.T., though the door is open and Bonnie and Fran are on hand for: ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. has his own thoughts, and (plainly) fears: K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm not sure I'm ready. MICHAEL Are you kidding?! We're partners, aren't we? K.I.T.T. Yes. MICHAEL We're a team, right?! K.I.T.T. Yes. MICHAEL I know you better than anyone, don't I? K.I.T.T. Yes. MICHAEL Then believe me when I tell you, pal -- this is it!!! Michael slams the door and, with a roar and a squeal of tires, he speeds off in K.I.T.T., Bonnie and Fran watching them go. On the vanishing tail section, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. INTERSTATE WASTE DISPOSAL CO. - DAY The Monster Junkyard Dog belches, growls, and bullies its way through debris on its appointed rounds. OMITTED ANGLE AT THE PITS Chuck is swinging up into the cab of the tanker truck. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael and K.I.T.T. are observing from a vantage point that overlooks the waste disposal yards. K.I.T.T. I was hoping I'd never see this place again, Michael. MICHAEL I know how you feel, buddy. If things work out -- this'll be the last time. (reacts to O.S.) Here we go. MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T.'S POINT OF VIEW ON BIROCK'S LIMOUSINE as it pulls into the yard. Birock gets out. The tanker truck rumbles up to Birock. Chuck is behind the wheel. They have a brief MOS conversation. Chuck gives Birock a thumbs up. As the tanker heads toward the main gate, Birock goes into the office. OMITTED RESUME MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, is that tanker full or empty? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN as it comes to life -- a graphic of the tanker indicating a liquid inside followed by the diagramatic molecular struc- ture of the chemical. K.I.T.T. To the brim. (pauses, distraught) Michael, its contents are identical to those awful chemicals in the pit. MICHAEL Get me Bonnie. Monitor comes on. BONNIE I'm here with Fran, Michael. MICHAEL Bonnie -- It's going down. There's a fully loaded tanker heading out right now. OMITTED INTERCUT - BONNIE ON MONITOR - IN SEMI BONNIE I'll relay the information to the state police. They're ready to set up the roadblock. MICHAEL Tell 'em to hustle. You know where to find me. BONNIE That's what worries me. You two take care of yourselves. FRAN Here, here! A half smile and her image fades. K.I.T.T. Michael, I just detected tumblers opening the security locks in that office. MICHAEL Birock cleaning house. It's all falling into place, Kitt. Birock's covering his tracks with his usual M.O. All the evidence will go up in flames when Zoormagian does his bit. INT. INTRASTATE WASTE DISPOSAL CO. OFFICE - DAY as Birock unlocks and opens the fireproof security files; pulling the drawers all the way out, exposed, ready for the fire. Dumping other files on the floor. RESUME IN K.I.T.T. as Michael sees a car pulling into the dump. MICHAEL That'll be Zoormagian. Right on cue. OMITTED ANGLE AT UNITED A car pulls up, drives in. Stops. Zoormagian gets out, is joined by Birock from the office, MOS dialogue between them. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael watching every move. MICHAEL There's a pretty picture. Partners in crime. Let's get it all for posterity, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Not to mention the DA. K.I.T.T.'s monitor shows the Birock/Zoormagian scene below. MICHAEL Video and audio. K.I.T.T. I remember the plan, Michael. INSERT - THE MONITOR seeing Birock and Zoormagian below. ANGLE AT DRUM STORAGE AREA - DAY Hundreds of fifty-gallon drums filled with chemicals; stacked three, four, five high. Zoormagian moves between the drums. He stops and we are: CLOSE ON A DRUM as Zoormagian uses a small pry bar to pop the steel plug in the center of the drum. The volatile waste chemical begins pouring out onto the ground. BIROCK Be careful with that stuff -- or we're both history. ZOORMAGIAN You hire an expert, then you have no faith.... ZOORMAGIAN crosses to another drum and does the same, Birock watching. BIROCK I've got a one thirty flight. I don't want anything to happen until I'm gone. (looks about) Beautiful...it was a gold mine. (beat) Burn it to cinders. ZOORMAGIAN It'll be like it was never here. BIROCK Two minutes. I've got to clean out the safe. He hurries back inside. Zoormagian continues his preparations for the fire. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. watching the monitor. Michael flips some switches. MICHAEL Birock just talked himself right into jail. You ready, pal? K.I.T.T. What...exactly are we going to do, Michael? MICHAEL Kitt? You were just bragging about your memory. K.I.T.T. Michael, if you're suggesting I'm afraid, nothing could be further from the truth. I don't experience fear. I do, however, abide by my dominant program: the preservation of human life. (beat) You could be hurt down there. MICHAEL Yeah, I could be. But so could you... (beat) Kitt, I'm not saying you're afraid. But if you were, that'd be okay, too. It's no crime. If it were, we'd all be guilty. (beat) Before we met, when I was still Michael Long...what am I telling you for, you know what happened. But maybe you don't know all of it...When I regained consciousness days later, I could still see that muzzle flash. I couldn't get it out of my mind. For months afterwards I'd flinch when someone lit a match, when a car's headlights would flash in my face.... K.I.T.T. (long beat) How did you overcome it, Michael? MICHAEL I didn't. It overcame itself. All I did was refuse to give in to it, and do what I knew had to be done. A thoughtful pause before K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. His voice takes on a more determined, confident tone. K.I.T.T. Speaking of what has to be done, I believe we have an arsonist to stop. The image on the monitor zooms in until a blowtorch nozzle and flame become visible. The flame sharpens to a blue- white pinpoint as Zoormagian turns up the flow of gas. MICHAEL (a smile) Gotcha. Ready? K.I.T.T. (beat) Yes, Michael, I am. (then) And Michael? Thanks. Michael pops the clutch; slams the accelerator to the floor and: OMITTED K.I.T.T. takes off down the road at high speed toward the entrance to the yard and we go to: EXT. DRUM STORAGE AREA - DAY Waste chemicals flow from a dozen drums, forming puddles on the ground between the stacked drums. Zoormagian, torch in hand, is following a narrow river of the chemical that flows in a tire rut. He allows this "fuse" to lengthen for a few beats, then lowers the torch toward it. ANGLE AT GATE K.I.T.T. speeds through. ANGLE WITH ZOORMAGIAN Ready to ignite the chemicals, he reacts as K.I.T.T. roars up, Michael leaping out. Zoormagian comes at him; throws a punch. Michael blocks it and puts Zoormagian away with a roundhouse right to the jaw. Zoormagian goes down and stays down. Michael crosses toward K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Nicely done, Michael. MICHAEL Thanks, buddy. But we're not finished. Gotta find Birock --- K.I.T.T. Michael! OMITTED ANGLE - THE MONSTER FORKLIFT blasts through some drums of goop, climbs over these, bearing down on them. OMITTED K.I.T.T.'S POINT OF VIEW - THE MEANEST MACHINE AROUND stares right at him, exhausts growling, ready to eat up the pedigree in front of him. BACK IN K.I.T.T. He's a little uncertain; takes a moment to gather his courage, then: MICHAEL We could micro-lock his brakes!... K.I.T.T. That wouldn't prove much, would it? MICHAEL It's you and me, buddy. Let's go! Michael tromps on the accelerator. K.I.T.T. surges ahead. OMITTED THE JUNKYARD DOG rocks toward K.I.T.T., intending to spear K.I.T.T. with the massive forks that jut out from the front of the monster vehicle, but: K.I.T.T. turbo boosts right over the top of the Junkyard Dog. OMITTED INTERCUT - BIROCK reacting with amazement to this maneuver, while: THE JUNKYARD DOG continues to blast forward to where K.I.T.T. would have been. Its momentum driving the massive forks into another car, or Birock's limousine, or the guard shack, whatever is feasible. As the monster vehicle backs away from its skewered victim, we are: OMITTED ON MICHAEL As K.I.T.T. lands, he's clearly euphoric at K.I.T.T.'s performance. MICHAEL Yeah! Way to go, pal!! K.I.T.T. Oh, I must admit, this is a good feeling, Michael. Michael flips some switches on the console. K.I.T.T. does a screaming one-eighty; circles the monster vehicle and blasts right in front of it at high speed and we are: OMITTED ON THE MASSIVE FORKS as K.I.T.T. lops them right off the front of the Junkyard Dog, and: ANOTHER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. swings around; aligns his front bumper with the front of the monster vehicle and plows it into the bubbling acid. There's a roar that sounds like pain as its engine tries to race out, then coughs and dies. ANGLE Birock manages to scramble out onto the top of the cab, as Michael is getting out of K.I.T.T. Birock considers his position and blanches with mortal terror. BIROCK Pleeeeze!... FRAN'S VOICE Hold it! Perfect! Michael turns to see: BONNIE AND FRAN are arriving, Fran with her camera ready. MICHAEL (reacts) What're you two doing here?! FRAN Getting my shot for Newswatch magazine, what else? As Fran clicks off shot after shot of Birock atop the Junkyard Dog being destroyed by the ooze in the acid pit. BIROCK (calls out) Come on, get me out of here! What is this? MICHAEL I believe it's called hazardous waste disposal. (to K.I.T.T.) Wouldn't you agree? K.I.T.T. I most certainly would. BIROCK His jaw drops. MICHAEL grins, swings a look to K.I.T.T., then Bonnie and Fran, and we: OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. FIELD - DAY Open close on a magazine cover -- the masthead proclaims NEWSWATCH. The cover is Fran's. A photograph of Birock atop the Junkyard Dog sinking into the acid pit. We widen out to include Michael and Fran on a blanket having a picnic and looking at the magazine. K.I.T.T. is parked close by. FRAN Been a long time coming --- MICHAEL Well, I'm glad we're the ones who made sure he finally got -- wasted. Fran and Michael laugh, but K.I.T.T. maintains a serious demeanor. K.I.T.T. Yes, well, unless my speed reading program has developed a glitch, I can't find anything in the accompany- ing article that indicates who put those Neanderthals into that acid pit. FRAN Why, Kitt, I think I detect a subtle craving for recognition in that statement. K.I.T.T. After what I've been through, a little publicity might help reinforce my self image. MICHAEL Gee, Kitt, I'm sorry. (winks to Fran) I mean, I thought you were one of those old-time heroes who just drove off into the sunset, secure in the knowledge that you can handle any situation that might arise. OMITTED ANGLE WITH K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I don't know if those old-time heroes were so much. I mean, they always drank sasparilla and never kissed the girl. What was all that about? Michael? Michael?... WITH MICHAEL AND FRAN This hero is kissing the girl.... K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'s light waves a "wink" at us, and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END