EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #58643 Robert Foster January 7, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 1/10/85 (F.R.) Gino Grimaldi Rev. 1/11/85 (F.R.) Gerald Sanford Rev. 1/14/85 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 1/14/85 (F.R.) Rev. 1/15/85 (F.R.) Rev. 1/16/85 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 1/16/85 (F.R.) Rev. 1/17/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER BUYOUT by Gregory S. Dinallo ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. ARMORBILT TEST TRACK - DAY - ON A LIMOUSINE The luxurious stretched variety, as it comes screaming out of a high-banked turn at top speed and accelerates down a straightaway. INTERCUT - BLEACHERS - FAVORING BUYER GROUP all wealthy, European men in finely cut attire and all very impressed. The aquiline German is Kleiser. The bespec- tacled Italian, Corelli. In front of them at a table that contains hi-tech timing devices are Armorbilt President, Gene Hanson, late forties, a taut, military bearing. Next to him, Lilah Graham, thirties, sexy, charming, polished Director of Sales. HANSON This obstacle course simulates every conceivable situation you might encounter. The limousine rockets past the bleachers and heads into: A SERIES OF ESSES as the limo dives into the first turn and we follow it through the hard-snapping lefts and rights, establishing for a vehicle of this size it is handling like a sportscar, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - LIMOUSINE as it blasts out of the last turn onto a straightaway; makes a panic stop into a blinding one-eighty and takes off in the opposite direction, and during this sequence we: RESUME THE BLEACHERS The buyers duly impressed. HANSON What you're seeing, gentlemen is state-of-the-art maneuverability for tactical evasion. KLEISER Indeed. None of the other vehicles we've seen are competitive. LILAH And of course, the LXAP does this with no sacrifice of range or comfort. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING THE UTCV (Urban Terrorist Control Vehicle) a cross between a tank and an armored personnel carrier; formidable looking; sporting turrets, gun mounts. As it rolls out onto the track --- CORELLI Ah, and what is this? LILAH The Armorbilt UTC twelve hundred. The ultimate in urban terrorist control. HANSON We use the armament package in the next part of our demonstration. Hanson clicks on a walkie-talkie he holds. HANSON We about ready? OMITTED LIMO - DRIVER adjusting his helmet and ready. OMITTED INTERCUT - ARMORBILT TEST VAN parked adjacent to the track. Four Armorbilt employees study the electronic measuring devices: Mel Mitchell, Ed Deskey, and Hank Kagan. They are obviously pleased at how the demonstration is going. Deskey sits at the console. DESKEY We're up to speed. THE LIMOUSINE accelerates down the track picking up speed, and we hear: HANSON (V.O.) The LXAP's protection package employs the cutting edge of structural tech- nology and materials. Steel magnesium alloy. Forty-five millimeters thick, case hardened armor plate and flame- treated, bullet-proof glass throughout. (beat; walkie- talkie) Commence weapons assault. The limousine comes out of a turn and heads right toward: OMITTED THE URBAN TERRORIST CONTROL VEHICLE as the machine gun turret comes to life and starts tracking the limo. The big cannon suddenly starts firing bursts at: THE WINDSHIELD OF THE LIMO as the rounds hit and ricochet off the bullet-proof glass. THE LIMO keeps travelling, unaffected, unstoppable, and we: INTERCUT - THE BLEACHERS where the buyers are reacting, impressed. HANSON And, what's coming next will demonstrate beyond any doubt you'll all be making the right choice. (beat; walkie- talkie) Launch when ready. The buyers sit up in anticipation. THE UTCV As it tracks and fires. The missile blasts out of the launchers and homes in on: THE DRIVER'S SIDE DOOR OF THE LIMO - SLOW MOTION as the missile penetrates the armor-plated steel, and explodes, and we are: INSIDE THE LIMOUSINE as it is wrecked by a massive explosion that obliterates our view of the driver with a blinding flash. LILAH AND HANSON react horrified. THE BUYERS are stunned, turn away from the sight of the limousine engulfed in flames that are beating back Armorbilt personnel, who try to move in with extinguishers, and during this we: THE ARMORBILT PERSONNEL AT TEST VAN all clearly in shock as they huddle together, devastated. CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - K.I.T.T. travelling, heading back in the open road for the Foundation after finishing an assignment. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING MICHAEL I really love the Big Apple, pal, but it sure feels good to be back on the road again. K.I.T.T. I agree, Michael. If I never see the Big Apple again, it will be too soon. Those streets have more pot holes than Devon has neckties. The beeper goes off, and we: INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as Devon appears. DEVON Did I hear my name mentioned? MICHAEL Good morning, Devon. DEVON Ah, there you are, Michael. I under- stand things in Manhattan turned out quite nicely. MICHAEL Why do I feel like I'm being set up? DEVON Well, there is one matter I'd like you to cover. MICHAEL (knowingly) Because I'm being set up, that's why. (beat) Just a little detour --- DEVON A minor course adjustment to -- Armorbilt Carriage Works. Mel Mitchell, one of the employees, is expecting you. Michael sighs, clicks off the monitor and K.I.T.T. acceler- ates on down the road, and we go to: EXT. ARMORBILT CARRIAGE WORKS - DAY as Michael arrives in K.I.T.T.; bypasses a sign that says OFFICE and drives around the complex to the courtyard; Michael eyes some unique vehicles parked outside, then heads for the door labeled STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGY, and we are: CLOSE ON THE NOZZLE OF A BLOWTORCH as the blue-white pinpoint of flame welds a perfect bead. We widen out to include the welder's helmet that proclaims "MEL" above the rectangular window -- and pick up Michael crossing in the b.g. He raises his voice above the roar of the torch. MICHAEL Excuse me?! Mel, talk to you for a minute?! INT. ARMORBILT CARRIAGE WORKS - DAY A white, pristine, hi-tech environment. All personnel wear white coveralls -- ARMORBILT across the back; insignia over the pocket. Mel Mitchell welds armor plate on the UTCV (Urban Terrorist Control Vehicle). Mel finishes, dials down the torch and flips up her visor, revealing a model's face and vulnerable smile. Michael smiles, pleasantly surprised by the revelation. MICHAEL Wrong --- MEL Pardon? MICHAEL I'd guessed 'Mel' was short for Melvin. MEL (shakes no; smiles) Melanie. MICHAEL Michael. Michael Knight. MEL From the Foundation -- Devon told me all about you. MICHAEL One of his bad habits -- You do the armor plating here? Michael extends a hand. Mel reaches out; hesitates, realizing she's still wearing her asbestos gloves. It's a lighthearted moment. Michael grabs the forefinger; shakes it gingerly; Mel points to a rack of tools on a nearby wheeled tool chest. MEL Sure do -- hand me the number five file. Michael hands her the next file in the toolbox. MEL (continuing) It's my department. Wrong file. Next one down. He hands her a different file. MEL (anticipating) I got my degree in structural engin- eering; found out I was a damn good engineer but a lousy desk jockey and here I am -- Everyone always asks. MICHAEL It's easy to see why. (beat) Someplace where we could talk? MEL Uh huh. I know where. CUT TO INT. DESIGN/DRAFTING ROOM - DAY Walls and tackboards covered with engineering drawings and slick renderings; as Michael and Mel enter and move between the drawing boards: MEL The missile just penetrated the limo's door. I couldn't believe it. I still can't. (beat) I decided we've come too far to have it taken away from us now. That's when I went to see Mr. Miles. MICHAEL Mel, you're losing me. Who's come too far, and for what? MEL Oh, I'm sorry. I thought Mr. Miles explained it. Armorbilt was filing for bankruptcy. It really hit us hard -- All the people who work here. So I came up with an idea, an alterna- tive -- an employee buyout. MICHAEL Gotcha. The employees all kick in; renegotiate with the creditors and end up owning the company. Sounds terrific. MEL It was, until the accident. It cost the company a major sale. We needed it to keep alive long enough to finance the buyout. MICHAEL You saying someone purposely caused it? MEL (shrugs; uneasily) All our vehicles are designed to withstand twice the explosive force used in demonstrations. What do you think? MICHAEL I think it calls for a second look. MEL The group's getting together at lunch to discuss our options. MICHAEL Mind if I come along? CUT TO EXT. HOUSE - SIDE YARD - DAY The buyout group surrounds Michael and Mel. Hank Kagan, thirties, a large powerful man, Ed Deskey, late twenties, an urban cowboy, and a few others. DESKEY Mel, honey we love you, but maybe you've already given us all the help we can handle. KAGAN Yeah, we know you meant well, but if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess; wouldn't have our savings in jeopardy, our houses mortgaged. DESKEY (defeated) The buyout's finished, Mel. Forget it. MICHAEL From what Mel's told me, you were okay until you lost that foreign sale the other day. What if you can get it back? MEL It's a long shot, but we could try. (to group) We all got into this buyout because we had something to gain. Something good. We still do. BRESLOFF Come on, we know about your kid and college and the price of things. MEL (interrupting, passionately) Right, money's important. We all want to better our lives. That hot car you're always talking about buying, Eddie? Give up on it? DESKEY No way. I got my eye on one right now. MEL What about you, Hank? You and Alice ready to cancel that second honey- moon you've been planning? DESKEY Hey, after livin' with him for twenty years you really think she'll go? Deskey's joke eases the tension momentarily. Michael sees an opportunity to bring the group back together. MICHAEL The way Mel described your buyout plan, it was the chance of a lifetime. A chance to save your jobs and latch onto a piece of the American dream at the same time. What happened to that? Why are you giving up without a fight? KAGAN Easy for you to say. You got an idea? MICHAEL Somebody has to turn that foreign sale back into a sale before it's too late. DESKEY Got anyone particular in mind? Mel swings a look to Michael, eyes him a beat before: MEL What about you, Michael? Mel smiles. Everyone in the group nods in agreement and we: CUT TO OMITTED CLOSE ON HANSON as he considers whatever Michael has just told him. HANSON Don't you think I thought of that? INT. ARMORBILT CARRIAGE WORKS - DAY Hanson has looked up from the open engine compartment of a limousine. Lilah stands next to him. A technician monitors gauges that evaluate the output of the car's engine. Michael and Mel around him. HANSON The problem is -- we don't have a driver. If you get the buyers to come back for another demo, who's going to give it to them? LILAH Right, who's going to be crazy enough to go on that track after what's already happened? Looks between the members of the group. A beat before Michael steps forward. MICHAEL I might. HANSON We're talking about a high degree of skill here. Just because you talk a good game doesn't mean you can drive. MICHAEL Doesn't mean I can't. Try me. HANSON Typical. Every guy with a hot-looking car thinks he's the next Parnelli Jones. You want to take that freeway flyer onto the track and make a fool of yourself -- be my guest. CUT TO CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S REAR WHEEL as it screeches to life; burns rubber and takes off in a haze of smoke heading for a ramp, and we go to: EXT. MACADAM TEST TRACK - DAY Hanson, Mel, Kagan, Deskey, Lilah and other Armorbilt employees watch, and we are: INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING Michael hits some buttons on the overhead console. MICHAEL Let's look good, Kitt, there's a lot riding on this one. K.I.T.T. Michael, I always look good. MICHAEL You'll get no arguments from me, buddy. Let's do it. RESUME TEST TRACK as K.I.T.T. enters the track and does a double spin onto it. OMITTED INTERCUT - ARMORBILT GROUP as they react to Michael and K.I.T.T.'s performance. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I think that got their attention, Michael. MICHAEL Okay, pal, now let's get me the job. RESUME THE TRACK as K.I.T.T. maneuvers through the esses at blinding speed; screeches to a stop at the end of the last curve. ANOTHER ANGLE The awed spectators line up in the b.g. K.I.T.T. spins a 180, and stops within inches of the spectators. Deskey's mouth drops, this is his kind of car. OMITTED THE GROUP OF SPECTATORS DESKEY What a set of wheels! HANSON The man's a hot dog. MEL Who cares? Right now he's the key to keeping the buyout alive. The group is clearly jubilant and relieved at this turn of events. As the group gravitates toward K.I.T.T., who approaches and pulls to a stop nearby. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING MICHAEL As he gets out of K.I.T.T., Melanie, Kagan, and others collect around him. Deskey is oogling K.I.T.T. In the b.g., Hanson and Lilah are walking away. Mel gives Michael a thumbs up --- MEL Not bad. We just might have found us a driver. MICHAEL If that's an offer, I'll accept. DESKEY You take the driver, Mel, I'll take the car. Name's Deskey, Eddie Deskey. (gestures to K.I.T.T.) How much'd that baby set me back? MICHAEL Sorry, but that baby's not for sale. Deskey grimaces; glances to his watch before --- DESKEY Can't haggle with you now. Gotta get back to work. But when ole Eddie makes up his mind to get something -- I'll be coming at you again. Deskey swings an envious glance toward K.I.T.T. then turns and heads off. CUT TO INT. HALLWAY - DAY as Hanson and Lilah enter --- LILAH I suppose the buyout is on now. HANSON Lilah, not now. They step into the office. INT. HANSON'S OFFICE - DAY as Hanson and Lilah enter --- LILAH I say we pack up, head for Europe now and let 'em have the damn company. HANSON You know I can't do that. It took me years to pull the money and get it out of the country. All the paperwork to cover it is set up for a bankruptcy. I get into a buyout instead, I could lose it all. Don't push me now, Lilah. LILAH If I don't push you, you'll still be here six months from now. Let me tell you something, Gene, I've been hanging around this grease pit for two years. I'm tired of playing sales director and making believe I'm really into those over-priced toys of yours. HANSON You didn't have any problem handling it when you found out about the money and the villa in St. Moritz. LILAH A lot of men have money, Gene. (ironic smile) Armorbilt has proven a perfect place to meet them. Would it surprise you that some of our clients have expressed more than casual interest? (off his reaction; coldly) Get it together fast -- or I'm gone. HANSON I'll handle it... I'll just need an extra day. LILAH You're out of days.... HANSON If it wasn't for Michael Knight, we'd be packing right now. Twenty-four hours, Lilah -- Michael Knight's first test run tomorrow will be his last. We hold on their look, and we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. barrels along and we hear --- K.I.T.T. I was just wondering, Michael. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY traveling. K.I.T.T. (continuing) Why are we going to see these buyers before making certain what happened to the limousine wasn't an accident? MICHAEL Because they're checking out today, pal. It's our only chance to con- vince them to stick around for another demo. (beat) What's our ETA? K.I.T.T. Four minutes, thirty-seven seconds. (beat) You know, Michael, while we have a few moments, do you recall that fellow who wanted to buy me? MICHAEL Sure. Did he make you an offer? K.I.T.T. No, Michael, we never progressed to the bidding stage. That's what I want to talk to you about. MICHAEL Me? I can't put a price on you. I wouldn't even know where to begin. K.I.T.T. Well, what if -- (dramatically setting scene) What if we were in deep snow country. Our adversaries dynamited the road. The explosion set off a massive ava- lanche. We're buried under tons of ice and snow, we have no food, you haven't slept in two days, and --- MICHAEL Can Mel be with me? K.I.T.T. (exasperated) I want to know my worth. What must I do to get a serious answer out of you? MICHAEL Try being serious.... K.I.T.T. All right, Michael, you're trapped in a burning building. The flames are raging all around you. The smoke is so thick, you can't see. I am outside ready to spring into action and --- MICHAEL (trying to stop him) Kitt, Kitt! Not now -- maybe later. Michael groans, and we: CUT TO EXT. POSH HOTEL - DAY - TO ESTABLISH As K.I.T.T. approaches in the drive. A limousine is parked beneath the entrance canopy. Kleiser, Corelli and the other buyers stand next to a mountain of luggage. A chauffeur gets out of the limo and goes around to open the trunk. K.I.T.T. Not a nano-second too soon, Michael. INTERCUT - INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's microjam that trunk lock, just to be sure, pal. K.I.T.T. As you know, I prefer to avoid such tactics unless they're absolutely necessary. MICHAEL It's necessary. Do it. K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN comes to life; a graphic of the lock rotates and freezes, and we: RESUME THE SCENE as the chauffeur works at the lock to no avail. He shrugs at Kleiser, and the group. They are less than pleased at this turn of events. Michael pulls up; gets out and joins them. MICHAEL Excuse me, but you folks seem to be having a problem. KLEISER We were just leaving for the airport. Now, we'll miss our flight. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. I know a little about locks. Maybe I can fix it for you while we talk about limousines. (beat) You found the one you're all looking for at Armorbilt yesterday but some- one doesn't want you to have it. The vehicle was sabotaged. A sense of curiosity surfaces in the group and we: CUT TO OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE CORELLI Do you have any proof of this? MICHAEL Not yet.... KLEISER (interrupting) Mr. Knight -- if you have no proof, I think we're all wasting our time. I'm sorry I can't help you. MICHAEL We're not talking about me. We're talking about expert technicians; hard-working, proud people; people who put their life savings on the line to save their jobs and their company. It turned out you were the key to it. Your sale would have given them the time to pull it off. All I'm asking is that you give them another chance. KLEISER We're due in Detroit tomorrow for a competitor's demonstration. Impossible. CORELLI (beat) Is it Hans? I found Mr. Knight's words touching. I'm surprised you didn't. KLEISER I've got a business to run. CORELLI Yes, Hans, we know. (to Michael) You see, Mr. Knight, though my colleague possesses great wealth, he began with nothing. He knows what it is to struggle and sweat to build a --- KLEISER (had enough) All right, all right, no history... Theo, enough. Corelli smiles, satisfied, as Kleiser muses a tad chagrinned and softens with a reflective nod. KLEISER Schedule your demonstration, Mr. Knight. Michael smiles; swings a look to K.I.T.T. and nods. Then he taps the trunk with his fist. The lid pops open, we hold a beat on reactions. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - TO ESTABLISH as we pan across and pick up K.I.T.T. travelling, and we hear --- K.I.T.T. You know, Michael, it occurred to me --- INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY travelling. K.I.T.T. (continuing) -- that these low profile information gathering missions are the ultimate test of our abilities, aren't they? MICHAEL You better believe it, pal. I've got a feeling, checking out this limo at Armorbilt is going to be a valuable night's work. K.I.T.T. I agree, and keeping value in mind, what if... (beat) What if we were in the desert, in a sand storm. There was no water for miles around. And you were being chased by a band of sword-waving camel drivers? What would I be worth? MICHAEL I'd have to say -- (muses) -- priceless. K.I.T.T. (a defeated sigh) You know, lately I get the feeling you enjoy answering my questions without really answering them. Am I right or am I wrong? MICHAEL Yes. K.I.T.T. stifles a groan and we: CUT TO EXT. ARMORBILT - NIGHT as K.I.T.T. comes around the building and pulls to a stop. A guard in a motorized cart drives past. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as the guard's cart moves toward some buildings in the b.g. MICHAEL Keep your scanners peeled tonight, pal. K.I.T.T. How are you getting in? MICHAEL I'm picking the lock. K.I.T.T. That's illegal, Michael. MICHAEL So is the way I parked. Michael exits K.I.T.T. EXT. ARMORBILT - DOOR Michael uses his lock pick to gain entrance. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - ARMORBILT CARRIAGE WORKS - NIGHT As Michael enters and makes his way between the vehicles parked inside, he stops next to the only one that is covered. He whips back the cloth cover revealing the limousine -- or what's left of it... The driver's door is gone. MICHAEL (via comlink) Kitt? K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL They've beaten us to it, pal. The door's gone. K.I.T.T. What are you going to do now? MICHAEL Find it. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael moves about the area. He rolls aside a long tack board covered with engineering drawings -- nothing behind it. He crosses to: A LARGE REFUSE BIN Lifts the top; peers inside. Nothing. He is about to walk away. He pauses; turns back; rolls the refuse bin aside -- nothing behind it too. He stands puzzled for a few beats. His eyes return to the limousine and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - LIMOUSINE as Michael crosses to it; opens the trunk and looks inside. He pauses, dismayed; closes it, shaking his head. MICHAEL Run a Chem-Scan of the area. Look for compounds left by a warhead when it detonates. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR AS NEEDED as a schematic three-dimensional computer graphic of the complex appears, and is rotated on various axis. K.I.T.T. The interaction of explosive materials commonly used in mobile-launched missiles deposits, a residue of hexo-cy-clonite, Michael. The graphic on the monitor stops rotating and holds on an area, where a flashing indicator indicates the presence and location of the chemical residue, and we: RESUME MICHAEL as he reacts to --- K.I.T.T. I'm picking up a high concentration in that area above you. Michael crosses from the limo and moves up the stairs into the parts department and down an aisle to a stack of tarpaulins used to cover the larger vehicles, tanks, etc. Michael pulls a few aside revealing the punctured limousine door behind it. CLOSE ON THE DOOR OF THE LIMOUSINE The gaping hole in the sheet metal and ruptured armor plating behind it. Michael runs his hand over the twisted surface, then holds his comlink near a section of the armor plate. MICHAEL (continuing) -- Analyze the composition of this armor plate and compare it to standard tech specs. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR AS NEEDED As a multicolored graphic depicting a density/hardness/ thickness analysis builds across the screen. K.I.T.T. The material in question is of proper thickness, but has a highly porous molecular structure. I'm getting a density/hardness reading barely one fourth the grade specified. MICHAEL That sure explains how the missile pierced it. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE As the printer begins spitting out a copy of the graphic on the monitor, a surveillance warning light starts flashing. K.I.T.T. Michael, my scanners are indicating someone else is on the premises. RESUME MICHAEL MICHAEL Thanks, buddy. as Michael heads for the door --- A FIGURE lunges out of the darkness. MICHAEL whirls in reaction and is able to partially block the blow. But the force of it knocks Michael to the ground. THE ATTACKER dives at Michael. He rolls aside. They scramble to their feet in the darkness grappling with each other for a hand hold. Michael throws a punch; blocks one and connects again, and we: RESUME THE SCENE - WIDE as both men freeze in reaction to the sudden blast of headlights that illuminate the scene, revealing Michael's attacker to be Hank Kagan and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - HANSON'S SPORTS CAR as it pulls into a shop. Hanson and Lilah get out leaving motor running and headlights on. HANSON What's going on, Hank? KAGAN I came back to check out the limousine for tomorrow's demo and found him sneaking around. MICHAEL You always shoot first and ask ques- tions later, Kagan? HANSON I've got one you can answer -- What are you doing here? MICHAEL Looking for proof what happened to that limo wasn't an accident. LILAH What? That's ridiculous. HANSON There was a thorough investigation. MICHAEL The armor plate in the door of that limo was so below spec you could use it to wrap sandwiches. Hanson reddens; surges forward angrily. HANSON That's a powerful accusation. MICHAEL Your word, Hanson. Not mine. LILAH Ease up, Gene. He hasn't proved a thing. He's a driver. He's got a gas tank for a brain, a tail pipe for a mouth, and --- MICHAEL (interrupting) And I've spent enough time behind the wheel to know when I'm on the right track. HANSON You trying to say something? MICHAEL I just said it. Michael burns a look from Lilah to Hanson and we: CUT TO EXT. ARMORBILT - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. DESIGN/DRAFTING ROOM - DAY as Michael and Mel move between the drafting tables. MEL (puzzled) We buy one grade of armor plate. From Blacksteel Fabricators. We use it on all our vehicles. MICHAEL Somebody ordered a different grade. We'll find out who. MEL (beat) Maybe we're going too far with all this. Suppose it doesn't work? What if the buyers come back and we still don't make the sale? MICHAEL We're turning this thing around, Mel. I thought you'd be excited? Mel smiles at him, a little chagrinned; uncertain. MEL I am, Michael. I don't mean to appear ungrateful. It's just that I -- I don't know -- I'm --- Mel turns away from Michael; steps closer to the windows. He follows after her; catches up. Mel nods, and he gently turns her back towards him. She pulls a sleeve across her eyes; buries her face in his shoulder as he hugs her comfortingly. ANOTHER ANGLE - CLOSER - FAVORING MEL as she looks up moist eyed, she nods. A beat before --- MEL (softly) It's not that I'm afraid for myself... (beat) ...it's the others. In the beginning when it didn't look like we had a chance, I was the one who kept it alive. I built up everyone's hopes. I feel responsible. MICHAEL You did those people a favor, Mel. And believe me, they know it. MEL What if it all comes apart again? ON MICHAEL MICHAEL I'm here to make sure it doesn't.... Mel thanks him with a smile. They hold a long look and we: CUT TO EXT. ROLLING TERRAIN - HIGHWAY - DAY - TO ESTABLISH as we pan across and pick up K.I.T.T. traveling, we hear --- MICHAEL'S VOICE What I need to know, Devon --- INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY - TRAVELING MICHAEL (continuing) -- is who ordered the steel kit analyzed from Blacksteel Fabricators. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR SCREEN to see Devon. DEVON I'll have Bonnie get right on it. What will you be doing in the mean- time? MICHAEL Demonstrating a limo for a group of buyers. If Armorbilt makes the sale, the employee buyout is still alive. DEVON I see -- (muses) You know, Michael, I recall asking you to evaluate the case at Armorbilt, not take over the employee buyout program. MICHAEL Hard to do one without getting involved in the other. DEVON (knowing smile) I had a suspicion Mel Mitchell might have that effect on you. MICHAEL It also occurred to me this might not be the first limo to come off Hanson's assembly line with inferior grade armor. DEVON Are you thinking a review of the well-being of past clients might be in order? MICHAEL Exactly what I'm thinking. OMITTED EXT. ARMORBILT TEST TRACK - DAY as K.I.T.T. approaches and pulls into the parking area. As Michael parks and gets out --- MICHAEL (continuing) The run's scheduled for ten o'clock, Kitt. Gives you plenty of time to do a complete structural analysis -- start with the driver's door. K.I.T.T. I'll get started right away, Michael. As Michael walks off past the test van where Mel and the other employees are gathered, Deskey spots him. DESKEY Hey? Hey there?! Got a minute to do some negotiation --- Deskey lets the sentence trail off as Michael joins the buyers and Hanson before Deskey can get his attention. K.I.T.T. I certainly do, Eddie. Deskey turns toward K.I.T.T. in reaction. DESKEY Son-of-a-gun. That's a great intercom you got there. You do some serious thinking 'bout what I said yesterday? Deskey leans to K.I.T.T. to do some serious talking and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING LIMOUSINE where Michael joins Hanson, Lilah, Kleiser, Corelli and the other buyers who are collected around the vehicle. KLEISER I'm afraid we'll be starting a little sooner than we had anticipated. MICHAEL The test was scheduled for ten? HANSON You promised these people a demonstra- tion. MICHAEL I'd like some time to walk the track. HANSON Are you saying you can't handle it? MICHAEL I can handle it, Hanson. Let's go. Michael crosses toward the limo and we: RESUME K.I.T.T. AND DESKEY DESKEY I'm a little gun shy 'cause my financing hinges on this buyout going through. And I'm used to dealin' face to face. K.I.T.T. I understand, but as a very wise fellow once said, Eddie -- bid now or forever hold your peace. DESKEY Okay, assuming it all works out, what would you say to --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Kitt? I need you, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I'm right here, Michael. K.I.T.T. drives off leaving Deskey baffled and we go to: INTERCUT - INSIDE THE LIMO ON TEST TRACK - MICHAEL is behind the wheel of the luxurious, stretched limo. Michael talks via comlink. MICHAEL They moved up the test time. I'm moving onto the track now. K.I.T.T. I'll accelerate my computations. INTERCUT - MICHAEL'S HAND as he moves the comlink across the inside of the limo's door. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN as it comes to life and a schematic drawing of the door traces out and starts rotating as K.I.T.T. starts his analysis and we: INTERCUT - BLEACHERS where Hanson, Lilah and the buyers wait in anticipation. THE URBAN TERRORIST CONTROL VEHICLE rolls forward. The rocket launcher tracks the limo. EXT. ARMORBILT TEST TRACK - DAY as the limousine rockets down a straightaway and heads into the esses. K.I.T.T. (alarmed) My analysis indicates the armor plate in the door is the same inferior grade I tested last night. RESUME - MICHAEL INSIDE THE LIMOUSINE His reaction. THE UTCV ROCKET LAUNCHER as it fires. The missile takes off across the terrain, homing in on the limousine. We hold a beat and then we: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. ARMORBILT TEST TRACK - DAY - THE MISSILE - CONTINUOUS rockets over the terrain at high speed, and we are: ON THE TEST TRACK The limousine comes flying out of the esses. LILAH, HANSON AND THE BUYERS watching with expectation. THE TEST VAN Mel and other employees watching nervously, hopefully. THE LIMOUSINE rockets down a straightaway. K.I.T.T. ETA four point three-six-eight seconds, Michael. INSIDE THE LIMOUSINE - MICHAEL is now maneuvering the car into an upcoming turn. MICHAEL Can you override the guidance system? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - AS NEEDED A graphic of the test track depicted. The limousine represented by a moving rectangular symbol and the missile by an arrow that is homing in on it. K.I.T.T. Not enough time! MICHAEL Then it's precise timing and teamwork, pal. K.I.T.T. Three - two - one --- MICHAEL Zero! As he shouts out zero, Michael floors the accelerator, whips the steering wheel to the right and: THE LIMOUSINE dives behind a grassy knoll, an eyeblink before: THE MISSILE slams into the knoll and explodes. INTERCUT - HANSON, LILAH AND BUYERS reactions. The buyers clearly impressed. Hanson can't believe his eyes; a frustrated look to Lilah during --- KLEISER That's what I call tactical maneuver- ability! CORELLI An incredible evasive reaction! INTERCUT - MICHAEL IN LIMOUSINE When the missile explodes, he lets out a long breath before --- MICHAEL (into comlink) We cut that one pretty close, pal. K.I.T.T. I know, Michael. MICHAEL But we sure showed 'em what this limousine can do. OMITTED RESUME THE SCENE As smoke from the explosion curls to the sky in the b.g. The limousine pulls to a stop next to Hanson and Lilah who come from the bleachers. The window rolls down, revealing Michael. MICHAEL Guess a defective missile slipped through the old net this time, huh? Michael breaks into a knowing smile. Hanson burns. Michael gets out of the limo. INTERCUT - TEST VAN Mel and the employee group, thoroughly enjoying this and we go to: OMITTED RESUME MICHAEL, HANSON AND LILAH as Kleiser, Corelli and the other buyers join them. The UTCV in the b.g. CORELLI (smiles) Well -- a most -- impressive demon- stration. LILAH (off look to Hanson) Yes, lately, they all seem to have a surprise ending. MICHAEL You gentlemen ready to do some business, now? KLEISER (considers) I would say some discussion is in order. CORELLI Yes, and along with the limousines, perhaps we should consider obtaining one of these also. He gestures to the UTCV behind them. Hanson forces a smile. HANSON Sure. Why not. But under the circumstances, maybe we'd be more comfortable in my office. Hanson starts to direct them aside. Michael stops them with --- MICHAEL Just one second, folks --- (beat) I'm sure you're all familiar with the Armorbilt, ironclad guarantee? KLEISER Certainly. It was part of the specification package we assembled. MICHAEL Good, because if I were you, I'd want to be dealing with the new people who'll be backing it up -- not the old ones who screwed it up. Kleiser, Corelli and the group ad-lib positive reactions. Michael takes Kleiser and Corelli by the arm and directs them aside. MICHAEL Right this way, folks --- Hanson is about to further confront Michael, but Lilah stops him with a look and moves him away. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING K.I.T.T. as Deskey approaches. DESKEY Okay big fella, get on your intercom and hear this -- (beat) That sure was a nifty move you put on me, before, and I --- K.I.T.T. (interrupting) Would you explain what you are implying by that, Eddie? DESKEY You set me up -- got me to the point of making an offer, then slammed the door. I hope you don't pull it again. K.I.T.T. On the contrary, I am extremely interested in what you have to say. DESKEY Now you're starting to talk business --- Deskey moves in closer; leans in a confidential manner on K.I.T.T. and prepares to deal, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL AND BUYERS as their meeting breaks up; handshakes all around as the buyers move off. Hanson, Lilah and Mel, who have been waiting anxiously on the fringes, move in around Michael. MEL Well, how'd it go, Michael? MICHAEL (thumbs up) Ninety-nine percent sure they're going with Armorbilt. MEL (brightens) Great. We can pull it all together, now. (to Hanson) The buyout's back on, Gene. Hanson and Lilah force smiles and move off --- MEL I'm really going to enjoy giving my fellow stockholders the good news. Michael holds her back for --- MICHAEL Maybe you'd better hold off on that. (off her look) Those buyers didn't exactly say ninety-nine percent. More like forty-nine. They still want to check out the other company. MEL Then why did you say that? MICHAEL To put some pressure on Hanson. I'm betting he purposely used low-grade armor to torpedo your sales demon- strations. MEL Why would he do that? MICHAEL To stop the buyout. That's what happened, isn't it? MEL (suddenly realizing) Then he -- he killed our driver to stop it. MICHAEL (nods) He just tried it again. If I'm right he'll be forced to make another move now. And when he does, I'm going to nail him. We hold on Michael's determined look for a beat and then we: CUT TO ANOTHER PART OF THE TRACK where Lilah and Hanson are walking. LILAH (angrily) That's it, Gene. I've had it. I'm not having any more to do with this. HANSON By tonight, neither will I. (off her look) I've got it figured. I know just what I'm going to do. LILAH I'm tired of hearing that. I'm tired of you. Count me out. She turns and walks off. He pursues her; turns her around. HANSON Lilah -- We leave for Switzerland, tonight. That's a promise. All we have to do is --- LILAH (interrupting) All you have to do. Get it done and pick me up here. If you're not back in an hour, I'm checking out of my penthouse and heading for the airport. She eyes him coldly; with finality: LILAH One hour. CUT TO ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING K.I.T.T. Deskey is standing back, scratching his head. DESKEY You know, that intercom sure changes the sound of your voice. K.I.T.T. You're getting off the track, Eddie; I believe you were about to make me an offer I can't refuse. DESKEY Well, what would you say to --- Michael steps in front of Deskey as he crosses to K.I.T.T., opens the door and gets in. MICHAEL (interrupting) 'Scuse me, good buddy. Michael slams the door, and drives off before Deskey can get out a word. DESKEY Hey, Hey, I'm not done talking yet --- Deskey watches Michael drive off, then crosses to his car. CUT TO INSIDE K.I.T.T. traveling. K.I.T.T. That fellow just refuses to give up, Michael. MICHAEL Not now, Kitt. Get me Devon. K.I.T.T. (continuing) He seems intent on acquiring my services -- in perpetuity and --- MICHAEL Kitt --- K.I.T.T. (continuing) And I was just wondering, if we were trapped in the bowels of the earth just prior to an underground nuclear test and --- MICHAEL Your worth would have plummeted like a rock, okay?! Now, get me Devon. K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN comes alive and we see Devon appear in his Foundation office. MICHAEL Hello, Devon --- DEVON Michael. I was just about to contact you. MICHAEL Got something on who ordered the inferior grade armor from Blacksteel Fabricators? DEVON Yes, and thanks to your suggestion, we've also acquired some data on Mr. Hanson you'll find most enlight- ening. Bonnie is on her way to meet you in the semi and give you the details. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - SEMI - DAY - STOCK The ramp lowers. Michael drives K.I.T.T. up into the semi. INT. SEMI - TRAVELING Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. and crosses to Bonnie at the computer console. As they talk we see purchase orders flash on monitor, each bears Hanson's signature. BONNIE You were right, Michael -- Every one of those Blacksteel purchase orders --- MICHAEL -- Signed by Eugene Hanson. BONNIE More than one of Hanson's past clients didn't get the protection they paid for. I cross-checked a list of Armorbilt clients against global assassination attempts. MICHAEL Don't tell me -- a lot of the targets were killed in Armorbilt limos. BONNIE Too many -- for it to be coincidental. Devon checked his international con- tacts. The word is, Hanson's been taking massive payoffs from radical factions --- MICHAEL (putting it together) -- to install low-grade armor in vehicles he supplies to people on their hit lists. BONNIE You got it. MICHAEL He's on my list now. BONNIE He's a ruthless, cold-blooded killer, Michael --- MICHAEL (anticipating) Be careful. I know. BONNIE With somebody like Hanson that may not be enough. Michael digests this for a beat; nods his appreciation to Bonnie and we: CUT TO CLOSE ON A STACK OF CURRENCY as Hanson takes it out of an attache case and we hear --- HANSON'S VOICE Twenty-five thousand dollars, Mel --- INT. HANSON'S OFFICE - DAY as Hanson holds the money out to Mel. MEL Twenty-five thousand for what? HANSON You're the sparkplug behind this buy- out. You started it. If you pull out you'll end it. MEL (puzzled) Why? HANSON That's not your concern. I'm running out of time. Fifty thousand dollars -- final offer. MEL What's happening here? Money is not what this is all about. HANSON I want a yes or no, now. MEL Then it's 'no.' HANSON In that case, you've forced my hand. (beat) You can buy your kid a lot with fifty thousand dollars. Or would you rather take a loan out for his funeral? MEL Let me get this straight. Are you threatening my child? Hanson holds her look, says nothing. MEL I don't believe you.... HANSON Believe it. On Mel's look, we: CUT TO EXT. ARMORBILT CARRIAGE WORKS - DAY as K.I.T.T. approaches and pulls into the parking area. Michael gets out and crosses toward the buildings: OMITTED EXT. ARMORBILT - NEW ANGLE - MICHAEL as he enters the Armorbilt building. Camera pulls back to: MEL at her car ready to leave, watching Michael, a concerned look on her face. OMITTED INT. ARMORBILT RECEPTION AREA Michael walks in, heading for Hanson's office. HANSON'S VOICE Just the man I've been looking for. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING HANSON MICHAEL Took the words right out of my mouth. Hanson levels a gun at Michael. HANSON That's not all I'm going to say. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. ARMORBILT - DAY - ESTABLISHING INT. ARMORBILT GARAGE Michael is faced by Hanson who keeps the gun leveled.... MICHAEL What are you figuring on now, Hanson? Blowing me up inside the garage won't fall into your pattern of accidents.... HANSON And going to prison doesn't fall into my pattern of living...Turn around and you can buy yourself an extra five minutes of life.... Michael holds a beat, then turns. HANSON Now move forward.... Michael takes a few steps forward and then is shoved forward and into: OMITTED INT. ARMORBILT PAINT DRYING CHAMBER Michael spins from across the room to still face the gun leveled at him by Hanson.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW ON HANSON as he shuts the first side of the dual door.... HANSON It takes four minutes to heat dry and seal the paint on a car...Temperature in here should cook you in about thirty seconds.... Hanson slams the second door shut.... ON MICHAEL He scans the inside of the room...It is barren, a clean-white dustless and hermetically sealed room...Infrared and/or micro- wave lights point down at the room seemingly all aimed at Michael...Michael moves to the door, tries them...They are locked.... DOOR WINDOW - MICHAEL peering out, then reacting.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDOW Hanson moving towards a bank of controls across the room.... RESUME MICHAEL as he crosses from the vehicle to the window in the door and talks into his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt? Talk to me. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE K.I.T.T. I hear you, Michael. A schematic of the building spins on K.I.T.T.'s screen. The paint chamber identified by a flashing Knight chesspiece. MICHAEL I got problems, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. (continuing) Your comlink signal indicates you are locked in a hermetically sealed chamber, Michael. You have enough air for over two hours.... MICHAEL Maybe, but I can be burned to a crisp in thirty seconds.... K.I.T.T. I'm on my way.... INSERT - K.I.T.T. - STOCK switches on, drive lever moving, accelerator pedal lights, etc.... INT. ARMORBILT GARAGE Hanson is at a control panel at the far end of the garage...He reaches for one which starts the motor of a support generator...We hear the sound of it starting as Hanson's hand moves to another switch clearly labeled INFRA RED TEMP. CONTROL.... ANGLE Mel races across the garage...She sees what Hanson is about to do and screams out. MEL No!! Stop it, Hanson!! HANSON Her scream causes Hanson to delay and turn in surprise...He is suddenly thrown away from the panel, as she launches herself and lands on his back in a clumsy clawing fashion.... CLOSE ON K.I.T.T. As his engine comes to life, the revs build to a deafening roar, the wheels spin, and K.I.T.T. burns rubber as he takes off.... WIDER - K.I.T.T. taking off at high speed across the grounds and headed for the garage.... INT. GARAGE Hanson flips Mel around and off his back, swipes her solidly with a cross-hand blow...She is knocked across the floor and lays there. HANSON He reaches for the switch again...Flips it on.... K.I.T.T. crossing the open area and headed directly for: ANGLE - STEEL ROLL-UP DOOR K.I.T.T. speeds to it and: HANSON hits the TEMP. switch...The generator revs to a higher pitch.... CHAMBER The infrared lights start to build up heat.... MICHAEL The red glow reflecting off his face...He pulls up his jacket collar to protect his face.... INSERT - THERMOMETER As the temperature quickly exceeds 110.... INT. GARAGE - STEEL DOOR As K.I.T.T. explodes through it...Fragments of steel door and framing fly through the air.... HANSON A stunned look on his face.... K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop...His sensors scanning the area.... MICHAEL peering through the small window in the chamber, starting to show the effects of the infrared heat.... HANSON Recovering quickly, he shoves a speed jack under the rear wheels of K.I.T.T., and giving it a quick jerk, K.I.T.T.'s wheels are off the ground. K.I.T.T. His wheels spinning helplessly.... HANSON moves away from K.I.T.T. and exits. MICHAEL Seeing what's happening through the window...He speaks into the comlink.... MICHAEL Kitt...The generator...Jam it.... INT. K.I.T.T. The lights and dials react in their proper order. MICHAEL (V.O.) I'm running out of seconds, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I've got it, Michael...Jamming.... MICHAEL starting to fade...He sinks from the window and its red glow. K.I.T.T. All his circuits going.... GENERATOR continuing to pump out its extra source of electricity, then a small fizzle and some smoke, then a flash of electric-short circuiting, then the generator seizes and stops.... CHAMBER Michael almost out of it...Looks up at the thermometer.... INSERT - THERMOMETER It holds at 170, then slowly starts to drop.... MICHAEL The look of relief and then he sinks down to the ground... His face no longer visible in the window.... K.I.T.T. His own circuits now turn down. K.I.T.T. Michael...Michael...Are you all right?? His question is met by silence...K.I.T.T. spins his wheels again in frustration, unsuccessfully trying to free him- self.... INT. K.I.T.T. - CONSOLE A warning blip appears on the console screen...K.I.T.T. scans immediately and the image of Mel appears in on the screen as she tries to sit upright.... MEL off to the side and regaining...She shows a little damage from her scuffle with Hanson...Then K.I.T.T.'s voice over his loudspeaker...firmly.... K.I.T.T. I've Med Scanned you, Melanie. Just a few bruises...Now get on your feet.... Mel reacts, not sure of where the voice is coming from, but staggers to her feet. K.I.T.T. To your left...The heat chamber... Open that door.... Mel wavers a little.... K.I.T.T. Not now!! Open the door, then you have my permission to faint.... The sign of weakness angers Mel...She glares at K.I.T.T., moves to the door and is barely able to open it...but does...She flinches from the heat.... K.I.T.T. Thank you, Melanie, sorry I yelled at you.... Mel's look...then she moves in to help Michael out...He moves immediately to a work sink (or hose) and gulps down water.... MICHAEL/MEL He looks over to K.I.T.T., gives him a smile and a thumbs up sign to assure him he's okay...Then turns to Mel.... MICHAEL I'm glad you were around.... MEL Not all the time...I left you out on a limb for a few minutes.... MICHAEL You remembered in time.... They hold for a beat, then Michael reacts.... MICHAEL on the move...He goes over to K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Are you injured, Michael? MICHAEL No, just a little tanned. But you seem to be up in the air over this, pal. K.I.T.T. It's no joking matter. I find this posture humiliating. Michael releases the speed jack...K.I.T.T. drops the six inches to the ground...Lets out a sigh. K.I.T.T. Oh, that feels good...Thank you, Michael. The door opens and Michael gets inside...Starts the engine. MICHAEL I'll be back. Take good care of your business. K.I.T.T. zips out of the garage through the smashed door.... MEL Her look.... OMITTED EXT. ARMORBILT CARRIAGE WORKS - DAY K.I.T.T. explodes out of the opening he blasted through earlier, and we hear --- MICHAEL'S VOICE Let 'er rip. K.I.T.T. pauses a beat, then explodes into turbo mode. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL is snapped back against his seat by the acceleration. MICHAEL Scan the area, see if you can pick up Hanson. K.I.T.T. There was a car in the area when I came in...It's not there now.... MICHAEL Then find it.... INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as the Map Scan appears...then a moving red dot that designates the location.... K.I.T.T. There he is, Michael...West on Route 4.... MICHAEL The test track...Let's get him, Kitt. I've got a little going-away present I want to deliver in person. EXT. K.I.T.T. as it picks up more speed.... OMITTED K.I.T.T.'S SPEEDOMETER The digital readout climbs over the two fifty mark, and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. TEST TRACK - DAY Hanson skids to a stop near the track office...Lilah exits ...Checks her watch.... LILAH You cut it pretty close...I was two minutes away from heading for the penthouse.... HANSON You'll be glad you didn't...I brought along a little extra pocket money for our trip.... She leans in the car to smile pleasantly at the wad of money in the open case...She opens the door to get in, then reacts.... LILAH'S POINT OF VIEW OVER ROOF OF CAR Michael and K.I.T.T. speeding towards them.... LILAH Unless that's your travel agent, you've got some trouble coming.... ANGLE Hanson reacts, seems about to speed away, then he looks over to.... HANSON He's supposed to be dead. THE UTCV looking ominous.... HANSON He gets out of the car, moves towards it.... HANSON This time there won't be any margin for error. Hanson is out of the car and races to the UTCV and climbs in.... K.I.T.T.'S/MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD as they approach they see Hanson crawling into the UTCV.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm sure you're aware of the armament of that vehicle.... MICHAEL I'm very aware...You watch for the missiles, I'll cover the rest.... THE UTCV It roars to life, starts to move, swiveling towards Michael and K.I.T.T....The missiles are aimed towards the approaching K.I.T.T.... K.I.T.T. moves onto the test track. K.I.T.T. My scanners indicate he isn't carrying missiles, Michael. MICHAEL He's got plenty of other things for us. INT. UTCV Hanson, intent on his target...He fires the fifty caliber machine guns. CLOSE ON MACHINE GUNS blasting away. K.I.T.T. The bullets hitting, sparking and ricocheting off steel and glass. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, we're driving right into his line of fire. MICHAEL Hang in there, pal.... SCENE K.I.T.T. accelerates. Michael skids K.I.T.T. around the UTCV, coming in behind it. HANSON - UTCV He mumbles under his breath, accelerates away. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael intent on his driving...Pursuing the UTCV. K.I.T.T. He seems to be running, Michael. MICHAEL Don't be too sure of that, good buddy. SCENE K.I.T.T. speeds in behind the UTCV, getting close.... HANSON - UTCV Using a sight, he hits another series of switches.... ANGLE ON UTCV Small projectiles fly from the grenade launchers at the rear of the UTCV.... K.I.T.T. driving through the series of grenade explosions, flame and debris covering the car, but not slowing it.... INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I don't like surprises, Michael.... MICHAEL Me either, what's he got left.... K.I.T.T. Fifty-caliber machine guns and over six tons of armor plate.... MICHAEL Then let's round him up.... Michael jams down on the gas pedal.... K.I.T.T. I'm sure you have a plan... (beat) Don't you.... MICHAEL (we never know) Don't I always? SCENE Michael heads for the UTCV...Hanson appears out of the turret. ON THE UTCV MACHINE GUNS as the tandem-mounted fifties come to life, firing rapid bursts, and we are: K.I.T.T. The hits sparking off his body.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL reacts as the rounds ricochet off K.I.T.T.'s windshield without leaving a scratch. He turns the steering wheel and begins to maneuver K.I.T.T. away from the knoll, across the shoulder and around the UTCV. OMITTED RESUME THE SCENE as Michael steers K.I.T.T. down the road and cuts at an angle past the UTCV. Hanson wheels around and pursues at high speed, still firing and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING RAVINE A sharp dropoff bordered by parallel sections of the roadway where it switches back on itself. As K.I.T.T. accelerates and angles off the road toward the ravine and Hanson continues his pursuit in the UTCV --- MICHAEL (V.O.) Okay, Kitt, reach down and give me everything you've got. The car roars forward.... OMITTED CUTS - TEST TRACK K.I.T.T. speeds through the gulley while being peppered by the fifties from the UTCV.... Michael shoots out of the gulley and spins a ninety-degree turn away from the gulley. Hanson still in the turret of the UTCV has to follow into the gulley before he can come out and chase Michael...He's caught in that narrow alley-like road.... Michael gets a short distance away and makes another ninety- degree turn which puts him perpendicular to the gulley and the moving UTCV.... The turret of the UTCV appearing just over the gulley, Hanson with the turret turned, fires at Michael as he moves.... Michael guns the engine and heads right for the tank... bullets spark off K.I.T.T.'s body.... ON HANSON in the turret, keeping up a steady fire.... K.I.T.T. headed directly for the UTCV. HANSON The look of panic on his face as he realizes what Michael is about to do.... SCENE Michael crosses the gulley slicing off the fifties and a chunk of the turret...and lands K.I.T.T. on the other side...The UTCV comes to a screeching halt...Michael spins a 180 and heads down the gulley to face the UTCV head on... He jams on his brakes.... HILLSIDE Lilah sees the defeat of her man. She throws Hanson a sarcastic kiss; quickly scrambles into her car and drives off.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD The UTCV is silent, nothing left for it to fight with.... K.I.T.T. He's disarmed...Nothing left.... Michael is out of the car. SCENE Michael hops up on the UTCV and yanks open the hatch, reaches down and pulls out a scared and beaten Hanson...He eyes Hanson a beat...then: MICHAEL I have this truck for you...It's grey with bars on the windows, an average motor, mediocre driver and some printing on the side that says Department of Corrections...You'll love the view. Hanson's look.... Michael meets it.... EXT. ARMORBILT - DAY as K.I.T.T. drives into the courtyard area and pulls to a stop. Mel is waiting outside. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Hanson in the seat next to Michael. MICHAEL Keep an eye on him, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Oh, he'll be here when you get back, Michael. THE SCENE MEL Michael? You all right? MICHAEL Fine. I'll be going home tonight, he won't. Michael gestures to Hanson. MEL (wistfully) Yeah, I guess that ties everything up, doesn't it. MICHAEL Not quite -- I haven't had a chance to tell you how attractive you are without that welding mask. MEL Don't make me blush. I'm the president of a company now. MICHAEL Not until the board of directors meets. MEL (smiles) In that case, I have a few minutes -- MICHAEL I was counting on it. He moves forward and kisses her. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. PLUSH HOTEL - DAY A sleek stretch limo pulls up in front of the entrance... and parks.... ANGLE Lilah exits the hotel with the attache case containing the money and a small suitcase...She hurries to the limo and gets in. INT. LIMO Lilah settles into the backseat with a sigh of relief, clutches the attache case to add to her security...Then speaks to the driver.... LILAH International Airport...I have to be there in thirty minutes.... ANGLE ON DRIVER'S SECTION The separating window slides down and a smiling Michael Knight turns to answer.... MICHAEL Not likely...Would you settle for Police Headquarters and I'll drive through the park getting there.... ON LILAH Her reaction...then she opens the attache case, showing the money.... LILAH I have two hundred and fifty thousand dollars here...I'm willing to pay half for the airport trip.... Michael eyes her a bit...Talks into his comlink.... MICHAEL You hear that, Kitt? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. parked a short distance away from the limo...the lights flashing.... K.I.T.T. Well, Michael, now we know what you're worth, does she want to make me an offer...? LILAH (hearing) I have another twenty-five thousand for your friend.... MICHAEL (enjoying) What about it, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I find that offer unacceptable...I'd rather the drive through the park.... ON MICHAEL He smiles at Lilah. MICHAEL You've offended him...I guess you go to jail.... SCENE The limo pulls away from the curb...K.I.T.T. follows along. K.I.T.T. Michael.... MICHAEL Yes, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. (upset) That offer she made... (beat) Do you think she knows I'm air- conditioned...? ON MICHAEL His laugh.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END