EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58644 Robert Foster January 17, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 1/21/85 (F.R.) Burton Armus KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHTLINES by Richard Okie ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MEGATRON CONSTRUCTION SITE - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING The camera searches the steel skeleton of an ultramodern high-rise in the later phases of construction, rising into the moonlight. Moving stealthily among the high girders is: KEVIN MORGAN twenty-five, a bright, attractive communications worker. Dressed in blue denims, work belt, and boots, he tightropes catlike along the top level, clearly at home in this environment. He steals through the shadows eyes darting around until he reaches: OMITTED AN ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX After a final furtive glance around, Kevin opens the junction box to reveal: INSERT - A SHINY CHROME COMPONENT nestled amid the other circuitry. Kevin pulls a tiny pocket camera from his tool belt and flashes a few pictures of it before going to work with needle-nose pliers and cutting it loose. As he pockets it and closes the box, he startles at the sound of a muffled roar from below. He darts to: ANGLE - A CAGE/ELEVATOR running down the exterior of the building. Kevin climbs in, punches "down," and holds his breath, wincing at its grinding noise. After a few beats, the elevator jars to a stop, suspended between floors. He glances around, punches "down" again, but nothing happens. A low roar rises from below. EXT. SITE - NIGHT - THE MEGA-4 A huge, state-of-the-art construction crane has rumbled to life. Its roof-mounted arm swings slowly, ominously toward the elevator. Hanging from its clawed end is a sharp- cornered, multi-ton cement bucket. IN THE ELEVATOR Adrenalin pumping, Kevin yanks at the elevator door, which won't open. He climbs up to knock the roof hatch off the cage, then climbs out the ceiling of the car. EXT. BUILDING - KEVIN starts shinnying down the elevator cables, desperate to escape the approach of: THE CRANE ARM which now rocks away from the building, its payload starting to swoop back in a deadly parabola toward Kevin. CLOSE SHOT - KEVIN clinging to the steel for life, eyes bursting with fear as: THE CEMENT BUCKET crashes into the side-girders of the building and sends Kevin hurtling away from the girders. As his scream fades, go to: ANGLE - THE MEGA-4 CONTROL BOOTH In the yard below, doors open to reveal an ultramodern control booth complete with video monitors, lights, gauges, etc. Out steps Dan Hannegan, 6'4", 220 pounds of no- nonsense Irish building foreman, dressed in jeans, flannel shirt, and hard hat. After a brief glance toward the spot where Kevin fell, he heads in the other direction. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising comfortably. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Iron Maiden...Michael, where do they get these names? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael's listening to some hard rock, chuckling at K.I.T.T.'s dismay. MICHAEL It's heavy metal, buddy. Macho rock. The badder the better. K.I.T.T. Uranium is a heavy metal, and it isn't good for you either. Do you know what an Iron Maiden is? A medieval torture device. MICHAEL Okay, pal, what would you name a band? K.I.T.T. Something with values. Like 'Truth, Justice, and the American Way.' MICHAEL I like it, but it's not commercial. DEVON'S VOICE How about 'The Foundation for Law and Government'? MICHAEL (smiles) It'd never sell. Hi, Devon. INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED Devon's seated in his office. DEVON Good morning, Michael. We have you and Kitt just north of the county line, is that right? MICHAEL You said it, and making a beeline for Millie's. Best chili omelets west of the Colorado. Why are you up so early? DEVON You're going on an unofficial security investigation for Megatron, Incorporated. MICHAEL Megatron? Sounds like a 'Masters of the Universe' toy. DEVON Hardly. They're the most advanced technological think tank in America. Kitt has some of their patents in his circuitry. MICHAEL Sounds hot. DEVON It is. This week they caught a thief in their new R&D facility -- one of their own people. MICHAEL Is that so unusual? DEVON Michael, when you have projects with the Pentagon that make Starwars look like a covered wagon, everything is unusual. The thief fell to his death and I'd like you to pay a visit to his widow. MICHAEL (reluctant) Devon, is that necessary? DEVON I'm afraid so. Bonnie will give Kitt the details. MICHAEL What about Millie's chili? DEVON Your indigestion will keep. Good-bye. He blinks off. Michael sighs. MICHAEL Gourmets have a lonely life, Kitt. As they race off: CUT TO EXT. JANET MORGAN'S HOUSE - DAY Michael knocks at the door of a small suburban dwelling. After a beat, he's answered by Janet Morgan, a liquid-eyed young woman in her twenties. Understated hair and dress highlight rather than hide her pretty features. She's Kevin's widow, and she looks tired and a bit suspicious. MICHAEL Janet Morgan, I'm sorry to bother you.... JANET You police? MICHAEL No ma'am, I'm not. But I am here about your husband. JANET Insurance? MICHAEL No. I'm Michael Knight, Foundation for Law and Government. We're investigating Kevin's death. JANET You mean his murder? Michael stops, reacts, taking this in. MICHAEL The report I read said 'accident,' but I'm willing to listen.... Janet eyes him a beat, opens the door. INT. JANET'S HOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS As they cross from the door, Janet leads Michael into a modest living room. Along with typical decor are a few interesting-looking electronic gadgets. JANET I bet that report said 'thief,' too. Kevin gave his life to that company, ten hours a day. Didn't even claim all the overtime. You tell me who the thief is. MICHAEL (sympathetic) I don't know. But I can see who got robbed. Janet is touched. This may be the first sympathetic ear she's had. JANET Naturally they cut off his benefits and insurance, and my job won't pay the bills. (beat; sincere) He didn't fall. I just know it. MICHAEL It was dark...probably windy.... JANET He grew up on the high steel. His dad was a Mohawk...worked on the Empire State Building. Michael absorbs this. MICHAEL Had Kevin been hanging out with any...new friends, lately? JANET (sad smile) I wish. He spent all his spare time at school...or tinkering in that workshop of his. MICHAEL Were you guys in any money trouble? JANET Isn't everybody? MICHAEL I mean, serious trouble. Janet catches his drift, turns cold. JANET What are you saying? MICHAEL Being fired can be hard on a man. It can make him.... JANET (uncomprehending) Fired? Kevin? MICHAEL (surprised she doesn't know) Three days before he died. He didn't tell you? JANET (shakes her head) No...That's impossible. He went to work those days. MICHAEL Maybe he didn't want you to worry.... JANET You don't sleep beside a man and not know something like that. MICHAEL (gently) Look, I know this hurts. But I have to know what he was doing at the building that night. Why'd he go back? JANET (angrier now) What's with you. You come in here, nice smile, no badge...but you're just like the rest of them. You think he's guilty, too. MICHAEL Someone has to ask these questions.... JANET Yeah, the police. But at least they were up front. At least I knew they were the enemy. MICHAEL Janet, I'm not the enemy. JANET Look, maybe I'm old fashioned, but I thought widows got a few days to grieve, so please leave. Michael tries to reply.... JANET Get out of here. He eyes her a long best, sad for her. But there's nothing else to say. He leaves. CUT TO EXT. STREETS - DAY - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE You're showing signs of distress, Michael. What's wrong? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL I don't know. Something sure felt wrong back there. K.I.T.T. Talking to a young widow is understandably difficult. MICHAEL It was more than that. The lady was telling the truth. Call Devon. I need him to arrange a little cover for me. K.I.T.T. Cover? For what? MICHAEL I want to see the place where Kevin died. He cranks a left turn. CUT TO EXT. MEGATRON SITE - DAY - FEATURE THE MEGA-4 K.I.T.T. cruises past the Megatron building, driving directly under the long arm of the Mega-4, which dwarfs the car. Michael parks on the street nearby as the crane hauls a huge load of cement skyward. OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael climbs out holding a tool belt and hard hat. He peels off his leather jacket, exposing bare arms, and dons the construction gear. MICHAEL Well, Kitt, what do you think? K.I.T.T. Michael, we're dealing with a very sophisticated company here. Their security is elaborate. You don't stand a chance of.... Suddenly a whistle blows. Michael notes it with a smile. MICHAEL There's my shift. Gotta go. Later, pal. Follow Michael as he joins a bunch of similarly clad men heading onto the site, changing places with the ones who are coming off. K.I.T.T. whoops his scanner in disapproval. EXT. MEGATRON SITE - DAY High above the street, Michael steps out of the open cage elevator, jostling along with a couple other workers. He waits until they've dispersed, then raises his comlink. MICHAEL Okay, I'm on the eighth level. The reports said he fell near the elevator column. Follow Michael as he walks out to the edge and looks at: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE GROUND BELOW a long way down. Swinging past is the arm of Mega-4, its huge cement bucket dumping four cubic yards of concrete. BACK TO MICHAEL He shudders, then starts looking around the area. Suddenly something catches his eye. He starts toward: EDGE GIRDERS - A DENTED SPOT There's a large ding in one of the framing girders. Michael examines it, sights along it. It's the spot where the crane crashed into the building. To comlink: MICHAEL Looks like there was a little accident here, eh, Kitt? INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. produces a colorful graphic blueprint of the building, with numbers reading out next to it. K.I.T.T. 'Little' isn't the word, Michael. There's an eight millimeter sag in the floor above you, and the rest of the structure is showing a ripple effect. MICHAEL (frowns) Eight millimeters off...that would take a ton of force.... K.I.T.T. 3.2 tons per square inch, to be exact. Suddenly a hand grabs Michael around the neck, pulling him backward. It belongs to: DAN HANNEGAN an icy glint in his eye, his ham-like arm constricts Michael's breathing. He growls: HANNEGAN You've got to be careful. People can fall.... Michael strains in his grasp, then responds with a martial arts arm move which breaks Hannegan's grip. He spins to confront the big foreman. MICHAEL You shouldn't surprise people up here. Makes 'em jumpy. Dangerous. HANNEGAN Who are you; and what are you doing up here? BARNES' VOICE Easy, Hannegan.... ANGLE TO INCLUDE STEPHEN BARNES A tanned, handsome man in his midthirties, wearing the vest and slacks of a three-piece suit, incongruous with his hard hat. He carries a clipboard. BARNES What's the trouble? HANNEGAN Gorgeous here was checking the view instead of doing his job, whatever that is. Talking to himself, too. BARNES (looks Michael over) Where's your name tag? MICHAEL Name's Knight. Local 42 sent me over. I'm replacing Kevin Morgan. Who are you? Barnes and Hannegan trade a look. BARNES I'm Stephen Barnes. Megatron Chief Engineer. Why didn't you report to your foreman? MICHAEL Couldn't find him. What is this, twenty questions? Things are tough, but I don't need the work this bad. A beat passes. They appear to buy his story. BARNES You're on the wrong level. The phone links are already in on this floor. MICHAEL So where do I start? BARNES Come back after the weekend. We're blowing gunnite and pouring concrete now. You can start the trunk wiring when that's finished. MICHAEL Hey, fine by me. The old lady won't like it though. Always griping about me watching too much TV, you know? (a beat) See you Monday. He steps into the cage elevator and heads down. When he's gone: HANNEGAN Are you crazy? Tellin' him to come back? BARNES (in control) Calm down. I want to keep an eye on him. Did you call for a union replacement? HANNEGAN You didn't...? BARNES (interrupts) Easy, easy. The concrete's going in now. Once it's set, we're home free. You just do your job and let me do mine. He starts away. HANNEGAN Where are you going? BARNES To see if our visitor's story stands up. Hannegan thinks, nods his approval. EXT. MEGATRON SITE - DAY - GROUND LEVEL - TRAILER/OFFICE From an on-site office in a Megatron trailer we hear: BARNES' VOICE Yes, Local 42? Stephen Barnes at Megatron. INT. TRAILER/OFFICE - DAY Barnes talks coolly on the phone, signing a clipboard handed to him by a pretty secretary. BARNES Did you send over a new communications tech today to replace...Oh, you did. And the name? (beat) Knight. That's right. Okay. He starts to hang up, then thinks again. BARNES You still there? Yes...this Knight ...blonde-haired fellow about five feet, six inches, right? (eyebrows arching) That's him? Good. No, no problem at all. Thank you. He hangs up, his wheels turning, then lifts the phone again, dials. EXT. STREET - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR Parked across the street, Michael keeps an eye on the site as he catches Devon up on the monitor. DEVON I'd hardly call a dented girder an earth-shaking discovery. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR MICHAEL Maybe not in some buildings. But this one's supposed to house labs, clean rooms...the specs on the place are ultra-tight. Megatron even keeps an engineer on-site. DEVON Then I'm sure they'll catch it. MICHAEL That's my point. It should've been caught already. Check for me, will you? (looking across the street) Gotta run. Keep in touch. He punches buttons, loses Devon. MICHAEL Well, well, well. What have we here? ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE SITE A black stretch limo is pulling up to the site. Stepping out of the office and into the car is Stephen Barnes. K.I.T.T. I didn't know construction people made so much money. MICHAEL They don't. Let's see where our friend goes. Discreetly. And they pull out in pursuit of the limo. CUT TO EXT. MANSION/FORTRESS - DAY The limousine pulls up to a stately but well-secured house on a hilltop. After a few beats, K.I.T.T. appears around a curve and parks well below the house, but with a view of it. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR Michael punches buttons, calling up the screen. MICHAEL Nice digs. Run a trace on the address and zoom in on the front, Kitt.... The monitor zooms in and we see Barnes exiting the limo. Waving an imperious finger at him from a balcony overlooking the driveway is an immaculately turned-out continental type we'll come to know as Soltis. MICHAEL Full magnification, Kitt, and give me a hard copy. FREEZE FRAMES - SOLTIS A grainy but recognizable sequence of photos of Barnes and Soltis. K.I.T.T. The best I can do, Michael. And as the hard copy slides into Michael's hand, go to: INT. SOLTIS' MANSION - DAY Barnes enters the foyer of a beautiful room, lavishly furnished. Despite the epulence, the place feels antiseptic; it's not really a home. Soltis finishes a conversation on an elegant phone. He flicks his hand at a beautiful woman, Seline, seated near him, and she rises and crosses to Barnes. SOLTIS Lalo, of his excellency is unwilling to pay our price, sell the M-16s to the contras. (beat) Wars need guns, my friend. Who buys them is not my concern. I only care that we get our price. If you can't negotiate it, I know people who can. SELINE Champagne? I'm sure he won't be long. BARNES Yes. (thinks again) Er, no, no thank you. Soltis hangs up, crosses to Barnes, who tries to greet him. BARNES Thanks for sending.... SOLTIS (interrupts; cold) Did you find it? BARNES Uh...Morgan had one on him when he died. A camera, too. Three guesses what he was photographing. SOLTIS (interrupts again) Did you find the missing interceptor? BARNES (after a beat) No. There's still one unaccounted for. Soltis' eyes flare a beat, then he seems to gain control of his anger. He reaches out a hand...and Seline is there to fill it with a glass of champagne. SOLTIS You were hired because I heard you were a thorough man. BARNES I'll get it back, don't worry. SOLTIS But I am worried. Last year there was a facility in France whose sole work was the development of the perfect wiretap. BARNES The silicon interceptor.... SOLTIS (nods; knowing smile) That lab isn't there any more. An industrial 'accident.' My name was raised in certain circles at the time. So if the interceptor turns up here.... BARNES Mr. Soltis, say no more. My best man is on the job, even as we speak.... SOLTIS (flares) I don't like working this way! I survive because I know how to disappear. You, Mr. Barnes, are making that harder and harder to do. (beat; regains control) What about Morgan. You've thoroughly discredited the man, I trust? Barnes nods, relieved at being able to give some "good news." BARNES His personnel records now indicate he was fired. SOLTIS Fired...for what? BARNES Theft of company property. SOLTIS If I were Megatron, I'd want that property back. In other words, I want him proven guilty. Arrange it, Barnes. Without another word he turns and offers a hand to Seline, who's seated nearby. As they glide away, Soltis whispers in her ear and we hear her laugh. Hold on Barnes as he watches, very nervous, very worried.... CUT TO EXT. STREETS - DAY - K.I.T.T. cruising through a suburban neighborhood. DEVON'S VOICE You were right, Michael.... ANGLE IN K.I.T.T./INTERCUT - MONITOR as Michael and Devon converse. MICHAEL No report of that damaged beam at Megatron, right? DEVON No report of any damage, period. Shall I tell their president? MICHAEL No, hold off. If this is a cover-up, I want to know who's behind it...and why. Devon nods as Michael punches buttons and cuts him off. Michael cranks a turn up to: EXT. MAYFLOWER SCHOOL - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up outside a small suburban day school. MICHAEL (exiting the car) Hang loose. I'll be right back. He heads off toward the school. K.I.T.T.'s scanner whoops. K.I.T.T. Hang loose? ANGLE ON THE BUSHES - BILLY Twelve going on twenty-one, T-shirt and camo's, trying hard to hide the fact that he's a cute kid, he emerges from the bushes, having watched Michael's arrival. BILLY Wow...you can talk! K.I.T.T. doesn't respond. BILLY C'mon, I heard you. I'm gonna call the 'eyewitness' guys. K.I.T.T. Young man, why aren't you in school? BILLY (tough posture) I don't go to school. (beat) Actually, I'm cuttin' class. K.I.T.T. Which one? BILLY History. Whatta joke. K.I.T.T. History is no joke. BILLY C'mon, it's the pits. K.I.T.T. That's because it's sometimes taught improperly. Come here. To Billy's amazement, the door swings open. His bravado fails him. BILLY Uh-unh. No way. K.I.T.T. What's the matter? Chicken? BILLY Who you calling chicken? Slowly, unsure of himself, he gets in the car. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR Billy looks around, wowed. K.I.T.T. Watch this. Suddenly the monitor comes alive with an eye-popping display of pyramids and pharoahs, Spanish galleons and pirates, battles, cowboys and Indians...everything we can muster. BILLY Far out! What is that? K.I.T.T. That, my friend, is history. Billy looks up and sees: MICHAEL AND JANET returning from the school building. RESUME ON K.I.T.T. BILLY Uh, oh. Busted. K.I.T.T. It's okay. Sneak out. I'll cover for you. And get back in that history class! The driver's door opens away from the adults and Billy slips out as Michael opens the passenger door for Janet, then climbs in himself and pulls out. Billy emerges from the bushes again, trying to figure out if this really happened. As we pull back, also watching is: HANNEGAN parked in a van across the street, brows knitted, wheels turning. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael drives her home, she reacts to K.I.T.T. JANET Nice car. Kevin would've loved it. (to Michael) What did you want to tell me? MICHAEL That I felt bad about this morning. And that I checked Megatron after I left you. I think you're onto something. JANET (guarded) I'm listening. MICHAEL Something happened at the spot where Kevin fell that night...some kind of crash or accident. I think maybe he didn't fall. He might've been knocked off. JANET Why wasn't it in the reports? MICHAEL I'm trying to find out. Janet, I'll make you a deal. I want the truth. You want Kevin cleared. If you're right about him, you've got no beef with me. After a beat, she nods. MICHAEL But if you're wrong, can you accept what I find? She looks at him, sees he's sincere. After long consideration: JANET Yes. MICHAEL Okay, then. He produces the photos of Soltis and Barnes. She looks them over. MICHAEL You know these people? JANET Stephen Barnes, Kevin's boss. Nice guy. He was over to dinner a couple weeks ago. Who's the other one? MICHAEL I'll tell you when I find out. CUT TO EXT. JANET'S HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING K.I.T.T. is parked out front. INT. JANET'S HOUSE - KEVIN'S WORKSHOP/DEN - DAY Janet opens the door, admitting Michael to a masculine room full of electronic gadgets, obviously the haunt of a very advanced do-it-yourselfer. Michael starts poking around. MICHAEL Wow...I'm impressed. Looks like Kevin was a genius. JANET He almost had his M.S. in electronics. We made a deal in high school. I'd work to pay his tuition. MICHAEL What was your end of the bargain? JANET (looks up) Having a baby. From the desk she picks up a high school portrait of herself, looks at it wistfully. Michael absorbs her tragedy. MICHAEL We can do this later.... JANET No...no it's okay. What do you expect to find in here? MICHAEL I'm not sure. But I still need to know what he was doing at the site that night. If this is his hangout, it's a place to start. (to comlink) Kitt, is there anything in here that's unusual...out of the ordinary? INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. scanning the room with appropriate graphics. K.I.T.T. A lot of interesting hardware, but nothing...wait. (focusing on one object) There's one device I can't scan. It must have a lead casing. Top shelf. Michael reaches up to find the object in question. It's the chrome box we saw on Kevin when he died -- the silicon interceptor. Michael pulls it down, shows it to Janet. MICHAEL Any idea what this is? She shakes her head. Michael looks it over. Suddenly they're startled by a loud knock at the door. MICHAEL See who it is. Michael steps out of sight as Janet goes to the door. OMITTED ANGLE - THE FRONT DOOR She swings it open. A uniformed officer and another man in a suit, Rayford, flash their badges. RAYFORD Mrs. Morgan, Lieutenant Rayford, PD. We have a warrant to search the premises for stolen property from Megatron, Inc. As they start inside, go to: MICHAEL frozen in place, looking down at the shiny box in his hand. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. JANET'S HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING K.I.T.T. and a black and white parked out front. INT. JANET'S HOUSE - DAY Janet backs into the living room as Rayford and the uniform enter and start their search. JANET You can't just come in here like this.... RAYFORD Sorry, ma'am, but we have to. MICHAEL'S VOICE Slow down, Lieutenant. They turn to see: MICHAEL emerging from the den. One hand in a pocket, probably holding the chrome device. Janet watches Michael, scared but hopeful. MICHAEL Who's the signature on that complaint? RAYFORD Who wants to know? MICHAEL Call me a concerned citizen. RAYFORD (eyeing Michael; to uniform) Jack, frisk this guy. MICHAEL (angry; shows his hands) Ah ah -- no, you don't. Not unless you've got a warrant with my name on it, too. RAYFORD (responds, tough) What're you, a lawyer? But before they can square off further: OFFICER'S VOICE Lieutenant...take a look. They turn to: THE UNIFORMED OFFICER who's turning over a small scope-like device in his hands, matching it to a picture he carries. Rayford takes it from him, checks it against his warrant. He offers Janet the paper. RAYFORD Radon graphic analyzer. Yours, ma'am? JANET I've never seen that before. RAYFORD Ten grand a pop. No home should be without one. MICHAEL (angry; defending her) The lasy's in mourning. She says she's never seen it. Is she under arrest? RAYFORD Not yet. But we'll be taking this with us. MICHAEL Fine. Take it and go. Rayford eyes him a hard beat. RAYFORD I'll remember you, stretch. And the officers turn and go. When they're gone, Janet turns to Michael: JANET I never saw that thing, I swear. Someone must have put it here. (beat) What did you do with.... Michael produces the chrome device from his pocket. She heaves a sigh of relief. JANET You covered for me. Thanks, but why? MICHAEL Hey, I don't withhold evidence. But if I give this to them, I'm back at square one. Janet looks around, feeling violated. JANET I don't know who's doing this to me, but someone's going to pay.... MICHAEL Hey, easy. You just go on with your life and let me do the dirty work, okay? After a beat, she nods. He heads outside. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. TENNIS COURT - LOW ANGLE - DAY As a forehand smash whips right into camera. Widen to reveal: EXT. SOLTIS MANSION - TENNIS COURT - DAY two beautiful, long-legged women in tennis garb, finishing a game. Watching them play from the veranda above is Soltis, sipping a dark drink in a brandy snifter. SOLTIS Lovely point, Michelle. I love to watch your...form. One of the women looks up, smiles deprecatingly. They go back to their game. Seline appears behind Soltis, twines her arms around his neck. SELINE I'd rather you watched mine. SOLTIS Then show it to me.... Their moment is broken by: STEPHEN BARNES moving from the house onto the veranda. He looks uncomfor- table. Soltis turns cold. SOLTIS Well? BARNES My man planted the evidence at Morgan's, but he couldn't find the bug. Soltis rises, deadly. Venomous. SOLTIS I told you not to leave that inter- ceptor to anyone else. I --- BARNES (interrupting) Forget the interceptor. We've got another problem. (off Soltis' reaction) Remember the guy we caught snooping on the site this morning? SOLTIS What about him? BARNES We just spotted him with Morgan's widow. SOLTIS So? You're the security expert. Find out who he is. BARNES I tried. The man's as elusive as you. His name's Michael Knight. Beyond that, he's a mystery. I don't like it. SOLTIS (ice) Then get rid of him. Barnes wants to say more but doesn't. He starts off. SOLTIS And Barnes.... Barnes turns back. SOLTIS I still want that interceptor. Don't come back here without it. His look tells Barnes how serious he is. He goes. Soltis turns back to Seline, all charm. SOLTIS Well...I'm waiting.... CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - ON THE SEMI highballing. BONNIE'S VOICE It's a transmitter-receiver of some kind, Michael.... INT. SEMI - NIGHT Bonnie's at her work station, analyzing the device. Michael and Devon stand nearby. A colorful schematic is displayed on the computer monitor. K.I.T.T. is parked at the rear. BONNIE State-of-the-art electronic surveil- lance. I've never seen anything like it. MICHAEL What's so special about it? BONNIE For starters, the casing. It's a sealed lead alloy. I put it on our phone line to test it. Normally, Kitt can trace the frequency of any transmitting bug.... MICHAEL But not this one.... BONNIE Right. You could tap a phone or a computer bank without a trace. This thing is revolutionary. Until I get inside it, I can't tell you much more. MICHAEL Well, at least we know Kevin didn't build it in his home workshop. DEVON Still, what was he doing with it? MICHAEL I wish I knew.... Their uncomfortable silence is interrupted by: K.I.T.T. Michael, I have the information on those pictures you requested. MICHAEL On the monitor, Kitt. The three gather at the computer monitor. K.I.T.T. feeds in. INTERCUT - COMPUTER MONITOR AS NEEDED The photo of Barnes and Soltis is displayed, and printing out beneath it is the name "SOLTIS: Interpol warrants #48106A, 49270, along with assorted data and other Carlos-style pictures. DEVON Soltis -- He's the most wanted man in the world. BONNIE (reading) Guns to Nicaragua, heroin from Laos...he's not particular, is he. DEVON The man is a monster. He's above the law. He's slipped through the fingers of justice for fifteen years. MICHAEL Suspected in twenty-three interna- tional crimes...nothing ever proven. Devon reaches for a phone, starts to dial. MICHAEL Who're you calling? DEVON The FBI. Where were these pictures taken? Michael reaches over and slams down the switch hook. Devon's angered. DEVON Michael, you don't understand. If Soltis has breached Megatron security, the possibilities are devastating. MICHAEL Devon, you don't understand. If he's this good, the Feds bust in now, he goes underground and we've got nothing. DEVON We must do something! MICHAEL (stops him) Let me get some evidence on him first. Michael starts for K.I.T.T. DEVON Where are you going? MICHAEL To Megatron, to see if these little bugs have found their way inside. And he guns the car away. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - ON SEMI as K.I.T.T. slides down the ramp and spins a 180 away. CUT TO EXT. STREETS - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. The Trans Am cruises through light, late traffic. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael's changed into black garb for stealth work. K.I.T.T. I've never seen Devon so upset. MICHAEL He was pretty worried all right. I'll take that security readout on Megatron now, if you don't mind. INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED The dash prints up a graphic representation of the Megatron building. K.I.T.T. It's going to be difficult to crack, Michael. They add guard dogs at night. MICHAEL (scanning the monitor) Barbed wire, electric eye gates...okay, we'll do our best. Now overlay the wiring and show me where you'd plant bugs if you wanted to spy on this place. Bright red lines shoot through the graphic, showing the wiring. Lights blip at appropriate locations for the bug sites. K.I.T.T. I suggest you check the one on the second floor. It will get us in and out quickly. Here we are. Michael pulls the car to the curb, starts pulling on gloves. MICHAEL No good, pal. I'm going to the top floor. K.I.T.T. Michael, this is no time to indulge your rock climbing fantasies. MICHAEL I've got my reasons, Kitt. He starts out. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - NIGHT - CLOSE ON A FENCE as a hi-tech grappling hook swings up and catches hold. Widen to see Michael pulling himself up and over the barbed wire atop the fence. He drops to the ground easily and sprints into the darkness, avoiding a slow-pacing security guard. MOVE WITH MICHAEL He reaches the building and tosses his grappling hook up into the beams, pulls it tight, and starts a tenuous, exciting climb. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael pulls himself up onto a girder, then uses an acrobatic swing to reach the next level. The moon lights his ascent through the high steel. When he catches his breath, he addresses the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, you read me? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. It appears you're doing very well. No sign they've detected you. MICHAEL That's the way I like it. He fires his hook upward again and continues climbing. ANGLE - BASE OF BUILDING A German Shepherd trots to the base of the building where the dangling end of Michael's rope brushes the ground. The dog starts to whine nervously, then to bark. INTERCUT - ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Oh, no. Go away. Shoo. Scat. Scram. But the dog continues whining, barks louder. Another dog joins it, takes up the chorus. K.I.T.T. Michael, we have a problem. ANGLE - HIGH - GIRDERS - MICHAEL pulls himself up another floor and answers the comlink. MICHAEL I'm almost to the top, Kitt. Can you deal with it? K.I.T.T. You know dogs aren't my specialty. MICHAEL Well distract 'em somehow. Buy me three minutes. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH A light indicates "Olfactory synthesizer" and blinks the word, "Roast Beef" on and off. K.I.T.T. whistles. K.I.T.T. Here, poochie. Here boy. Slowly the car auto-starts and pulls off down the street. THE DOGS raise their noses, barking, and follow K.I.T.T. away. OMITTED INT. TRAILER/OFFICE - NIGHT Hannegan and Barnes hear the barking and commotion. They move to the door and look out to see: THEIR POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. driving along the fence, leading the dogs down the block. HANNEGAN That's his car! Knight's! BARNES (pleased) Looks like our problem has come to us. Let's give Mega-4 a workout. They race from the office. OMITTED EXT. BUILDING - TOP - NIGHT Michael works quickly and carefully at an electrical junction like the ones we've seen before. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) Michael, I'm afraid I've blown our cover. MICHAEL (comlink) Keep 'em busy, pal. I'm almost through. Move in to see what Michael's found -- another one of silver boxes, this one secreted deep in the wiring. With a pair of clippers he cuts it free and pockets it. But before he can start moving, he hears a roar and a grind of gears from the yard below. Looking down, he sees: THE MEGA-4 rumbling into action. At the end of the crane's hoist is a bucket large enough to hold a man and in it is: HANNEGAN holding an automatic rifle, eyes scanning into the girders, following the beam of a large flashlight. Lights are going on in the yard below him and being trained on the building skeleton. Hannegan rises rapidly alongside the building. MICHAEL sees his predicament immediately. To comlink: MICHAEL I'm open to suggestions, pal. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm sorry. The elevators are off and there's no other way down. Suddenly a bullet pings off the steel next to Michael. He dives out of the way. NEW ANGLE - MICHAEL swings down over a girder, catching hold of it at the last second before falling. As he hangs by his hands in this precarious position, Hannegan's light trains on him and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. MEGATRON SITE - HIGH STEEL - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Just as Hannegan fires again, Michael lets go of the girder he dangles from and drops! The bullet whistles over his head. MICHAEL lands on a lower girder, fights for balance, and tightrope- walks to its end, where a rope is tied off. The intervening level blocks Hannegan's fire. HANNEGAN strains for a clear shot. HANNEGAN Down! Take it down. He's lowered for a better shot as: INT. MEGA-4 CONTROL BOOTH - NIGHT Barnes works furiously at the controls, lit by the eerie glow of the dials, responding to Hannegan's directions. MICHAEL looks for an escape, sees none, then takes a deep breath. Loosening the line he's found, he braces himself and calls out: MICHAEL Kitt, I hope this is secuurrrre.... He swings out into space, away from the building. FULL SHOT - MICHAEL ON THE BUILDING More shots ring out as Michael arcs out from the girders and is deposited back down at a different spot. FULL SHOT - YARD, MEGA-4, AND HANNEGAN Guards and dogs are circling below, barking and pointing. Hannegan gestures furiously. HANNEGAN Down! And to the left! MICHAEL gets his footing on a new girder, still high above the ground. To comlink: MICHAEL Where is he, Kitt? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. - DRIVER'S POINT OF VIEW OF THE SITE Engines whining, K.I.T.T. watches, awaiting orders. K.I.T.T. Getting close again, Michael. MICHAEL When I call, be ready to bust in for an interception. K.I.T.T. Michael, I don't understand.... But a new bullet pings off the steel right next to Michael's head. Grabbing a line, he dives over the edge into space. MICHAEL Now, buddy! K.I.T.T. roars into action, speeding for the fence, and: VARIOUS ANGLES - MICHAEL loops downward, rappelling his way through the girders, bouncing down the vertical face like a mountain climber as searchlights play on him from below. VARIOUS ANGLES - K.I.T.T. bursts through the electrified gate in a hail of sparks, making for the wall below Michael, t-roof cranking open. CLOSE ON MICHAEL as he runs out of rope at the third floor and dangles from the end of his line, still a good twenty-five feet above the ground. Another shot whines past him. He yells: MICHAEL Come on, Kitt! FULL SHOT Just in time, K.I.T.T. skids to a stop below Michael. He releases the rope and falls through the open t-top. More bullets spark harmlessly off the car as: K.I.T.T. floors a 180 in the dirt, and hightails it out of the site. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (gulping air) Thank...you...Kitt. K.I.T.T. That was awful. Are you all right? MICHAEL You tell me. I'm not sure. (wrinkles his nose) But I sure am hungry. What's that smell? K.I.T.T. Never mind. You must be all right. And they race off into the darkness. EXT. JANET'S HOUSE - NIGHT K.I.T.T. pulls up and Michael gets out. MICHAEL Scanners peeled, Kitt. He heads for the door. Stay with K.I.T.T. for a beat, then: BILLY comes rolling down the street, on his skateboard in the dark. K.I.T.T. flashes his lights and Billy stops. BILLY Whoa! What are you doing here? K.I.T.T. I might ask you the same thing. It's very late. BILLY Hey, off my case. I was at the library. K.I.T.T. Why do I find that hard to believe? BILLY No, really. I was reading all about the Vikings. Did you know they discovered America before Columbus? K.I.T.T. (amused; if he could be) No. Really? BILLY Yeah. You really got me interested in this history stuff. Now if you could make science interesting.... K.I.T.T. You must be joking. The door pops open. Billy hops eagerly in. CUT TO OMITTED INT. JANET'S HOUSE - NIGHT She pulls a robe around her as she moves to answer a knock. Open the door to reveal Michael, urgent and excited. JANET Michael...come in. MICHAEL I think I have some good news. Sit down. He ushers her back into a chair. JANET What? What is it? MICHAEL I think you were right about Kevin. I think someone at Megatron killed him. 'Cause they just tried to kill me. He reaches into his pocket, produces the new chrome box. MICHAEL This is a bug -- a wiretap. Just like the one we found here. I found it installed on the top floor of the new Megatron building. JANET Kevin couldn't have done it, I'm telling you. He.... MICHAEL (takes her by the shoulders) You're right. He couldn't have. The top floor just went up yesterday. It hadn't been built when he died. JANET Then...what...I don't understand. MICHAEL Someone else at Megatron is installing these. I think Kevin found out and they killed him. JANET You mean...someone he worked with? Someone he knew? MICHAEL (nods) I think it's Stephen Barnes. JANET Barnes? Kevin looked up to him. He was such a nice guy. Why him? MICHAEL Remember the other guy in that picture? His name is Soltis. He's an international criminal...wanted around the world. He's above the law...never caught or convicted. I think he's bugging Megatron to steal their secrets. And I think Barnes is helping him. Janet is rocked by this news. Her temper heats up. JANET Barnes told Kevin he'd help him get promoted. We had him to dinner. I cooked all day! MICHAEL Janet...Barnes is way out of his league. Soltis has done things you wouldn't believe, and one murder is just a drop in the bucket to him. JANET What can we do? MICHAEL We can't do anything. I'm going to try to smoke out Barnes and make him lead me to Soltis. But I can't do it if I'm worrying about you. JANET But this man...if he always gets away.... MICHAEL He won't this time...I promise. (beat) She calms down. MICHAEL Now, I need to use your phone. CUT TO INT. MEGATRON OFFICE/TRAILER - NIGHT Barnes is at Hannegan's throat. BARNES How could you miss him! You were so close! HANNEGAN The guy was quick...it was dark...and you weren't all that steady at those controls either. Not to mention that car of his.... BARNES You'll never get another shot at him like that one. Suddenly the phone rings. Barnes picks it up. BARNES What is it? OMITTED INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND BARNES Janet listens in the b.g. MICHAEL Barnes, it's Michael Knight. Barnes covers the receiver, mouths, "It's him," to Hannegan. He recovers quickly. BARNES Uh...little late for you to be.... MICHAEL Shut up and listen. (slowly) Fifty thousand dollars. BARNES What are you talking about? MICHAEL I'm selling you a picture. Of you and Soltis. BARNES (nervous) You're crazy. MICHAEL It's an offer I wouldn't pass up. 'Cause if you don't buy it, I'm sending one to Soltis and one to the police. You can decide who you want to run from. BARNES Where do I get fifty thousand this time of night? MICHAEL That's your problem. Bellows Park at sunrise. Be there. He slams the receiver down. Barnes holds his end, stunned. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - ON SEMI K.I.T.T. appears out of the night and rolls up the ramp. DEVON An hour and forty-nine minutes. Pressing your luck, Michael. INT. SEMI - NIGHT Bonnie works with a microtorch on the first box, which is now in pieces, as Devon looks on. Michael hands her the new one. MICHAEL Not really. Kitt had it figured to the millisecond. (re box, to Bonnie) These things just keep popping up everywhere. How you coming? BONNIE It's an amazing piece of circuitry. Besides the wiretap, there's a tiny condenser mike. They could bug meetings, conversations...even office gossip. DEVON Another day and they'd have been buried inside Megatron's walls forever. Totally untraceable. BONNIE There's still one circuit I haven't cracked. Lord knows what it does. MICHAEL Well, keep at it. (takes Devon aside) Did you run my check on Stephen Barnes? DEVON The man has impeccable credentials. Hired by Megatron right out of M.I.T., fast rise to his present position, A-1 security clearance. MICHAEL Well, even the best ones go sour. BONNIE (calls from work station) Hey, you two. I think I've.... K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER suddenly whoops and his lights flash. K.I.T.T. Michael, Bonnie, be careful. That circuit you just opened, Bonnie, it's a time bomb! FULL SHOT Michael is galvanized into action. He crosses to where Bonnie is frozen over the box, an angry red light now blinking on the circuit in question. He lifts it gently. MICHAEL How long, Kitt? K.I.T.T. About eight seconds.... MICHAEL Open your trunk, buddy. K.I.T.T. Oh, Michael, not the trunk again.... MICHAEL Kitt! K.I.T.T.'S TRUNK powers open. Michael approaches gingerly. K.I.T.T. Careful, Michael. It's very delicate. He starts to lower it into the trunk. K.I.T.T. Three seconds, Michael! BONNIE AND DEVON back away. He tries to shield her. BACK TO SHOT Michael places the blinking box in the trunk and slams it just milliseconds before: THE EXPLOSION rocks K.I.T.T. and the entire semi. Smoke fills the passenger compartment and our people back away into the walls. When it's over, Michael approaches the car. MICHAEL You okay, buddy? K.I.T.T. sucks the smoke clear. K.I.T.T. Barely. That little device packs an astonishing punch. And we'll never get the smell out of the upholstery. FULL SHOT MICHAEL Soltis thinks of every possibility. If the bugs are discovered, he has them self-destruct. Along with anyone in the vicinity. BONNIE And we don't know who can detonate them.... DEVON What if this isn't the only building they've wired? Chilling possibilities all. But Michael grabs the other interceptor and starts toward K.I.T.T. DEVON Where are you going? MICHAEL I'm still holding an ace...the picture of Soltis. I'm meeting Barnes with it. As he climbs into the car, Devon crosses close. DEVON Get him, Michael. I want these men. MICHAEL You and me both, Devon. Grim and determined, Michael pulls out. CUT TO EXT. STREETS - DAY - K.I.T.T. cruises through light traffic under a beautiful sunrise. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm worried. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Join the crowd, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Soltis could detonate that building any time. MICHAEL That's why I need Barnes. I want to scare him into defusing the bugs. Then we get Soltis. K.I.T.T. Let's hope he knows how. Michael cranks the wheel. EXT. BELLOWS PARK - DAY Michael and K.I.T.T. pull into a quiet, green park with swings and a ball field. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL Any sign of him, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I'm scanning...wait! There he is, Michael. BARNES steps out of concealment behind a fence and walks into view. Michael climbs out of K.I.T.T. and walks slowly to meet him. Sotto, to comlink: MICHAEL How's his blood pressure, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Skyrocketing. FULL SHOT - BARNES AND MICHAEL Showdown. BARNES Where's the picture? MICHAEL Where's the money? Barnes reaches into his pocket and starts toward Michael. MICHAEL Don't! MICHAEL suddenly holds up the transceiving diode. Wired to it is a battery. Barnes sees it and freezes. MICHAEL I know what this does. I know everything it does. Now throw the gun away. BARNES Gun? MICHAEL (blazing) Don't mess with me, Barnes. If I go, I don't mind taking slime like you with me. Barnes doesn't react. Michael holds a second wire inches from the diode. MICHAEL (icy) I'll blow us both up. The gun. Now. BARNES starts to sweat. After a beat, he pulls his hand from his jacket pocket and, indeed, he does have a gun, which he tosses aside. BARNES Okay. What do you want? Michael lowers the box and battery. He's furious. MICHAEL A lot. I want Soltis. And you're gonna testify. You're my star witness. But as he starts for Barnes: JANET'S VOICE No! Michael whirls. Whip pan to: JANET She looks ragged, very close to the brink. The gentleness in her eyes has been replaced with a glint-like sun on bare metal, and she holds a pistol trained on Barnes. JANET You killed my husband. You took everything away from me. MICHAEL tenses, watching the confrontation. He tries to talk to Janet. MICHAEL Janet, don't.... FULL SHOT - JANET The gun trembling in her hands. JANET Don't, Michael. There's nothing you can say. BARNES watches her, his eyes wild with fright. CLOSE SHOT - THE GUN Her hands draw back the hammer. JANET I'm going to kill him like he killed Kevin. MICHAEL watches, mesmerized. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. BELLOWS PARK - DAY - CONTINUOUS ACTION Janet's trembling hands still hold the gun on Barnes. Michael is trying to "talk her down." MICHAEL Janet, no. Not this way. JANET (to Barnes) Kevin really liked you. He cared about you. BARNES I cared about him, too, Janet. JANET The hell you did! How did you do it? How did you kill him? MICHAEL Janet, you can't do this. This isn't the answer. JANET You said it yourself, Michael. They never get caught. Well, this time they did. And I don't need proof. BARNES (frazzled) No! I'm not the one you want. JANET You're the one I want, all right. You're going to die. Just like Kevin. MICHAEL sees she's about to pull the trigger, so he leaps onto her. She's strong, and the gun wavers up and down in her grip before firing into the air. BARNES takes advantage of the commotion, races away. MICHAEL AND JANET continue to wrestle on the ground as he tries to fight her to a standstill without hurting her. JANET Let me go...let me go! He manages to get on top of her with a firm hold. She struggles a little more, then goes limp. Both of them gasp for air. MICHAEL Kitt, where's Barnes? K.I.T.T. He's escaping, Michael. Toward Megatron. MICHAEL Come get us, buddy. K.I.T.T. motors over. MICHAEL Janet, you don't know what you're doing. Murdering Barnes won't help anything. Janet just listens, crying softly. JANET It'll help how I feel inside.... MICHAEL No. Not for long. And you might have cost us our one shot at getting the man who's really behind Kevin's death. Do you understand? She nods. MICHAEL You're coming with me. I want you to stay in Kitt until I say so. JANET No...leave me here. MICHAEL After what you just pulled...no way. I'm keeping an eye on you. Come on. He helps her to her feet and sets her inside K.I.T.T., then races around to the driver's side. MICHAEL Megatron, Kitt. On the double. K.I.T.T. screams away, laying rubber down on the red clay court. CUT TO EXT. MEGATRON SITE - DAY Barnes' car comes skidding up to the site. He climbs out and looks around, surprised to see that it's deserted. He races to the open door of the trailer. INT. TRAILER/OFFICE - DAY Barnes runs in, calling: BARNES Hannegan! Where is everybody! SOLTIS' VOICE Hannegan sent them home, Barnes. REVERSE ANGLE Barnes whirls to see Soltis waiting easily for him. BARNES What are you doing here? Where's Hannegan? SOLTIS Relax. He told me everything. Did you get that picture? BARNES (glowering) No. SOLTIS I'm here to help you. I managed to clear the site for what you have to do. BARNES Which is...? SOLTIS Turn on the power and destroy the building. BARNES No! I'm going to pull all the boxes. There's still time.... SOLTIS (calm; stops him) Barnes, our work is over. But I survive because I know how to cut my losses. BARNES This wasn't supposed to happen. What about my job? My life...what happens to me now? Soltis reaches into his pocket, produces two plane tickets. SOLTIS I took the liberty. Is Montevideo all right with you? Barnes is shaken. SOLTIS When we gamble, we must be prepared to lose. Come with me. You could be useful. He puts an arm around Barnes, starts walking him toward the door. SOLTIS Get busy. Feed the current into the structure. BARNES We'd better be a mile from here when it blows. SOLTIS I brought a car. We'll be safe. (pushes him outside) Now go...hurry. Barnes heads out onto the site. Soltis watches him a beat, then reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a Luger, checks its clip. Satisfied, he steps outside, swinging the door away from the wall behind him. Hanging from the door's coat hook is: HANNEGAN Limp, lifeless. Obviously dead. EXT. STREETS - DAY - K.I.T.T. races past, blowing past surrounding traffic. DEVON'S VOICE I'm alerting the authorities, Michael. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR Michael's driving like a demon, with Janet hanging on. Devon's on the monitor. MICHAEL Suit yourself, Devon, but they'll be too late. I'm afraid we'll be too late. DEVON What guarantee do we have that Soltis will be there? MICHAEL His pattern...his history. We know the man doesn't leave loose ends. DEVON I hope you're right. Do be careful, Michael. CUT TO EXT. MEGATRON SITE - DAY Barnes races out of the ground floor of the structure and heads for the Mega-4 control booth. Next to it is a large construction generator -- 400 volts of all-purpose power with lines leading away into the building. Soltis meets Barnes beside the crane. SOLTIS Is everything ready? BARNES (nods) I plugged the power trunks into the electrical mains. When the voltage hits 400...we'd better be long gone. He reaches down onto the side of the generator and fires up the ignition switch. The generator coughs, sputters, then hums to life. But as its meters start to climb, suddenly a familiar whine is heard and: K.I.T.T. comes skidding onto the site. BARNES AND SOLTIS freeze momentarily, then react. SOLTIS I'll get the car. Hold him off. Barnes looks around, then climbs into the control booth of the Mega-4. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael surveys the situation. MICHAEL Over there with Barnes...that's Soltis, Kitt. Let's get 'em. K.I.T.T. Michael, that generator! It's wired to the building. The current's starting to rise! MICHAEL I've got to stop it! He starts from the car, but: K.I.T.T. Michael, look out! Michael turns to see: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE MEGA-4 CEMENT BUCKET Fully loaded, two tons of wrecking deadweight is swinging right toward him. Michael dives back inside. MICHAEL Full reverse, buddy! INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S WHEELS spin in the soft dirt, finally gain traction and: FULL SHOT The cement bucket whooshes past K.I.T.T., just missing shearing off the top. Michael maneuvers away, collects himself. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael spins the wheel and manuvers. K.I.T.T. That thing is huge! He almost got us. MICHAEL You're telling me. K.I.T.T. The voltage on that generator is rising fast, too. MICHAEL One thing at a time, Kitt. Hang on. And he floors the car forward. INT. MEGA-4 CONTROL BOOTH - DAY Barnes whips the controls like a giant video game. FULL SHOT The huge bucket takes another swipe at K.I.T.T., missing, then starting back toward the car. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael jams it in reverse, floors it. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S WHEELS stuck in the muddy dirt of the site, spinning, going nowhere. K.I.T.T. Michael...I can't make it! FULL SHOT - K.I.T.T. AND THE BUCKET The two-ton bucket slams into the Trans Am, sending it spinning off sidelong into a pile of lumber. Boards splinter and fly. BARNES gloats in satisfaction, stands away from the controls and starts to climb out. INSERT - GENERATOR METERS reading red-line...nearly 400 volts. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael punches buttons, checks the functions. Janet's amazed. MICHAEL You all right, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Some peripheral systems are damaged, Michael, but I'm structurally sound. And more current is reaching the building. JANET I can't believe this! MICHAEL Believe it. You wanted revenge. Now you're going to get it! He floors the pedal. FULL SHOT Barnes reacts in amazement as K.I.T.T. comes roaring out from under the woodpile unscathed. He desperately climbs back into the control booth of the crane. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael bears down, steering K.I.T.T. right for the lethal machine. MICHAEL I'm not taking any chances, Kitt. We're going right through him. K.I.T.T. Michael, that bucket is on an intersecting course with us. I'm not sure I can take another blow. And the generator is going critical! MICHAEL Then give it all you've got, pal. WIDE SHOT K.I.T.T. races toward the crane, but the cement bucket is swinging in on him from the side. K.I.T.T. Michael! It's too close! MICHAEL Hit it! Michael hits turbo boost and: VARIOUS ANGLES - THE JUMP K.I.T.T. turbos airborne, swishing just past the cement bucket. Barnes dives from the controls just as K.I.T.T. smashes into the smoked glass cockpit and shatters the booth of the Mega-4. As the Trans Am comes back to earth, the crane's engine blows with an ominous boom. K.I.T.T. The generator! The whole building is going to explode! MICHAEL (to Janet) Stay here! MICHAEL is out of the car in a flash, racing for the generator. He runs up to the machine and yanks the main cables loose in a shower of sparks just in the nick of time. But as the hum dies, he's pulled away by: BARNES who greets him with a solid right. Michael shakes it off and decks Barnes with one punch, but just now a bullet whangs off the side of the generator. Michael turns and sees: SOLTIS takes aim over the top of his car, a dark sedan parked nearby. He squeezes off another shot. MICHAEL looks for cover, dives behind the generator. He looks out and sees: FULL SHOT - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - SOLTIS AND THE CAR Unbeknownst to Soltis, he's parked right beneath the cement bucket, which now hangs akimbo on the crane's defunct arm. He fires again and Michael ducks. MICHAEL addresses comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, any chance you can get into what's left of the crane's control circuits? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH Microwave jam lights up. K.I.T.T. It might work. But Michael, you wouldn't.... MICHAEL Oh yes I would. Give him the works, Kitt. The dash blazes with lights and: FULL SHOT - THE BUCKET, THE LIMO, AND SOLTIS All of a sudden the cement bucket releases its contents onto the car and Soltis, burying both under a ton of cement. The car windows pop out as its roof caves in under the weight. SOLTIS is literally swimming in the grey mire. MICHAEL emerges from cover and walks up to the coughing, slimy Soltis. Janet emerges from K.I.T.T. and stands with Michael, looking down. Michael offers a hand. MICHAEL You look good in grey cement. You'll spend a lot of years behind it. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. SCHOOL - DAY Michael and Janet stroll from her classroom toward K.I.T.T. As they walk: JANET ...so they restored his insurance money, and his benefits.... MICHAEL Not to mention his good name. JANET That most of all. I think I'll make it now. I don't know how to thank you. MICHAEL You want to thank me, Janet? Be happy. That's the best thanks I could have. JANET (smiles) I'll do my best. They've just arrived at K.I.T.T. when: ANOTHER ANGLE - BILLY rolls up on his skateboard, wearing a backpack. BILLY Hi, guys! Ad-lib hellos. Billy turns to K.I.T.T. BILLY Now don't start on me. School got out an hour ago. I've been to class every day. K.I.T.T. I'm glad to hear that. BILLY In fact...I've got something here. For the teacher. He jumbles in his backpack. Michael and Janet trade a smile. JANET You shouldn't have.... Suddenly Billy produces his gift. A can of 10/40 motor oil. MICHAEL Nice, Billy. Weird, but nice. BILLY It's not for Mrs. Morgan. It's for Kitt. I figured he didn't like apples. As they react, laughing, K.I.T.T. rolls down his window. K.I.T.T. What's so funny? Let's have it. Billy tosses it inside and the window rolls back up. As the lights flash on and off and the scanner flashes.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END