EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58627 Robert Foster October 7, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gerald Sanford Rev. 10/ 9/84 (F.R.) Gino Grimaldi Rev. 10/12/84 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER THE NINETEENTH HOLE by Gerald Sanford & Robert Foster ____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MARBERRY - DAY A lovely, tranquil little community tucked away in the folds of low hills, flanked by evergreen mountains on one side, expanses of high desert on the other. EXT. MARBERRY TIMES NEWSPAPER OFFICE - DAY Shooting past an economy four-wheel drive parked in front, we see Jamie Downs, midtwenties, pretty, on the phone, in the office. JAMIE'S VOICE It's called the 'Marberry Grand Prix' -- I don't care how it sounds, it's spelled P-r-i-x, not P-r-e-e. It's French. What am I going to do with five thousand fly sheets spelled wrong?...Okay, thanks George. See you in half an hour. (beat) P-r-i-x. Right. She sighs, hangs up, crosses out and climbs into her four- wheel, the misspelled fly sheets loaded in back. She pulls away through the quiet early-morning streets. ANGLE ON PHONE BOOTH shooting past Jamie to a man standing at the public phone. He picks up the receiver, deposits and dials a number. MAN'S VOICE She just left. CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Jamie appears, the only car on the quiet road. ANGLE ON JAMIE Though preoccupied with a thousand details, she's never too busy to appreciate the countryside, the pristine scenery of the area. She turns on the radio to a local rock station. Something ahead catches her eye. HER POINT OF VIEW AHEAD - A LARGE SEDAN is approaching from the opposite direction. Suddenly a second equally large sedan pulls out from behind it as if to pass, taking Jamie's lane. INTERCUT - JAMIE She honks. INTERCUT - TWO CARS Neck and neck, heading straight at her. ANGLE ON JAMIE The road is flanked by a grade on the inside, a substantial drop-off on the other. There's nowhere to go. ANGLE ON CARS only yards away, side by side, eating up all available space. ANGLE ON JAMIE Desperate, she whips the wheel, a scream is caught in her throat. SEVERAL ANGLES as Jamie's little truck spins off the side of the road, flips and rolls down the embankment. ANGLE FROM BOTTOM OF EMBANKMENT It tumbles to a stop. Nothing moves. Then, slowly, the driver's door opens and we see Jamie, bruised, disheveled and ghost-white. But alive. A loose fly sheet flutters to stop near her: "FIRST ANNUAL MARBERRY GRAND PREE". CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. flashes by at a comfortable speed. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, you're awfully quiet this morning. ANGLE ON MICHAEL at the wheel, relaxed. MICHAEL Just appreciating the countryside, Kitt. Kind of reminds me of when I was a kid...lazy days, green hills, streams full of catfish.... K.I.T.T. For some reason I can't visualize you as a child. Then again I can't visualize myself as one either. MICHAEL (a smile) Probably 'cause you never were, buddy. K.I.T.T. As a 'child,' would I still have all my functions? Would I still be able to Turbo Boost? MICHAEL Yeah, but you'd have to start off small. Like maybe over wagons. K.I.T.T. Station wagons? MICHAEL Toy wagons. K.I.T.T. In that case, I'm glad I never had to experience 'childhood.' Michael laughs. The com button buzzes. K.I.T.T. Devon's calling. MICHAEL (buttons) Yo, Devon. INTERCUT - DEVON on monitor. DEVON Hello, Michael. I see you're not far from the town of Marberry. MICHAEL (looks) Couldn't prove it by me. What's up? DEVON The granddaughter of an old friend I met during the war is editor-publisher of the local paper. MICHAEL I'm way ahead of you, Devon. You want me to drop by and pick up the latest edition as a keepsake because I've been on the road three days straight and you wouldn't dream of --- DEVON (overlap) Michael. MICHAEL You would. DEVON She's sponsoring a local event. For some reason she's convinced someone tried to kill her this morning. It may be nothing...but I'd never for- give myself if I were wrong. MICHAEL (sighs) Gotcha. I'll get back to you. Devon's image fades from the screen. Michael pushes more buttons. MICHAEL Plot us a course to Marberry, Kitt. And give me whatever you've got on the town. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. INTERCUT - GRAPHIC OVERLAY A map-search appears. K.I.T.T. According to my data, Marberry is a quiet, peaceful retirement community. CUT TO EXT. "MANNY'S DRIVE-IN" - DAY Late Friday afternoon, "Manny's" is a thing out of the past -- a genuine drive-in restaurant with car hops, window trays, etc. A banner reads "Welcome! First Annual Marberry Grand Prix!" DIFFERENT ANGLES Manny's has become the gathering place for the throngs of visitors and entrants -- mostly in their late teens and twenties. Lots of hot street cars, beefy four-wheel drive trucks, guys drinking beer, girls bouncing around in their tightest jeans. Lots of rock-n-roll over car stereos. ANGLE ON REGISTRATION STAND Jamie mans the little makeshift stand, signing up entrants. There's a large trophy nearby. Prominent is a beefy guy in his late twenties, Danny "Rooster" Roskovich. ROOSTER How much, darlin'? JAMIE Fifty dollars to enter. I also need to see a valid driver's license. He puts his money and his license down. ROOSTER It's valid all right -- they'd yank it, but they can't catch me. ANGLE ON STREET as K.I.T.T. approaches the drive-in. MICHAEL'S VOICE A 'quiet, peaceful retirement commu- nity,' huh pal? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, I don't understand it. Bonnie meticulously revises my data banks regularly. Is it possible we're in the wrong Marberry? MICHAEL I don't think so. Looks like Marberry's changing its image. K.I.T.T. None for the better if you ask me. Is nothing sacred? Isn't there anywhere safe from fast cars and rock 'n' roll? MICHAEL (smiles) You tell me, buddy. You're the one with meticulously revised data banks. K.I.T.T. Very funny. ANGLE AT MANNY'S K.I.T.T. pulls in, easing through the tangle of cars and people. Michael climbs out, taking in the scene. DAISY'S VOICE Is that thing blown? ANGLE TO INCLUDE DAISY DOOLITTLE a flashy, buxom blonde protruding from her racer's coveralls. K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes in reaction. K.I.T.T. I beg your pardon. MICHAEL (aside) Not now, Kitt. (to Daisy) Blown as in 'blown a gasket'? DAISY No, blown as in supercharged. MICHAEL Ah. Does it matter? DAISY Only if you want to win. MICHAEL I'll let you know. Any idea where I can find the sponsor? DAISY (points) Right over there. (then) It's winner take all. In case you're interested, that was my nickname in high school. MICHAEL Winner? DAISY All. Michael smiles, easing away. MICHAEL The wisdom of youth. Catch you later. ANGLE ON ROOSTER having spotted K.I.T.T. and now moving up to him. In b.g. several people pause to admire K.I.T.T. ROOSTER Ain't seen you around before, dude. Let's have a look at your horses. K.I.T.T. I beg your pardon. Rooster glances inside. Sees no one. Shakes his head. He tries the door to open the hood, can't. ROOSTER Okay, there's more than one way to open a tin can. As he moves to some tools lying nearby --- K.I.T.T. We'll see about that. Rooster returns with a tire iron, shoves it under K.I.T.T.'s hood: ROOSTER Open sesame. He puts all his weight on the tire iron, and it snaps in two. He takes it out, looks at it, back to K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Who do you think you are, Ali Baba? And K.I.T.T. peels backwards, turns and slides into another space. Rooster only looks at him, scratches his head: ROOSTER I ain't through with you yet. ANGLE AT REGISTRATION STAND Jamie works as Michael approaches. She finishes with an entrant, sees she's got a momentary lull and pauses, grateful. MICHAEL Business looks good. JAMIE Want to sign up? MICHAEL Maybe later. Are you Jamie Downs? JAMIE Yes. Why? MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. Devon Miles asked me to drop by. She looks a little surprised, but pleased, relieved. JAMIE That was fast. Thanks. MICHAEL Can we go somewhere and talk? JAMIE I didn't expect you until later. There's no one to relieve me.... MICHAEL Tell you what. I'll go find a motel, clean up, and we can meet when you're finished. JAMIE That sounds fine, except you'll never find a motel. MICHAEL Filled already? JAMIE No. They won't rent to racers. MICHAEL (smiles) No problem, I'm not a racer. Where can we meet? JAMIE How about my place? Say, nine o'clock? MICHAEL All I need's an address. She jots down the address. Michael notices her hand is trembling. He touches her shoulder. MICHAEL It'll be okay. Whatever it is, we'll work it out. CUT TO EXT. MARBERRY MOTEL - DAY A fairly modern, good-sized motel. Despite a prominent "No Vacancy" sign, the parking area is deserted, except for a big limo with darkened windows. Parked nearby is K.I.T.T. MOTEL CLERK'S VOICE The sign says 'No Vacancy'. INT. LOBBY - DAY It's fairly spacious, a small bar and restaurant off to one side. The Motel Clerk looks resolute. MICHAEL If you're filled up, where are all the cars? Look, if it makes any difference, I'm not a racer. No pets, no wild parties. ANOTHER ANGLE Over this a man and a woman cross out from the bar. The woman is young and pretty, flashily dressed. The man is in his early forties, swarthy, a dark quality about him. His name is Joey Rome. He carries a brown attache case. MANAGER Read my lips. He mouths an exaggerated "No Vacancy." MANAGER Now leave before I call the police. MICHAEL What is it about your attitude I don't like? I know. It's your attitude. Rome moves in front of Michael, scarcely looking at him. ROME Take off, punk. (to Manager) Transfer my calls to the ladies room. MANAGER Yes, Mr. Rome. He starts past with his woman, shoulders Michael aside, suddenly stops, staring at him. ROME I said take off, punk. MICHAEL I heard you. ROME You're still here. MICHAEL I've got some unfinished business with the Manager. Like a trigger on a gun Rome suddenly grabs Michael by the throat of his shirt, his face dark with explosive anger. ROME You got any unfinished business, it's with me. One more word outta you and you'll wish you were never born. His eyes bore into Michael. Just when it appears Michael won't react he suddenly twists, executes a perfect karate move. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael has Rome off balance, suspended, the palm of his hand on Rome's chin. MICHAEL One more word out of you and you'll wish I never was either. Point made, Michael lets him drop. The woman looks like she can't believe her eyes. The Manager stares. MICHAEL (to Manager) On second thought, I don't like your motel either. Michael turns and goes outside. ANGLE ON ROME He gets up, watching Michael leave, his eyes white with rage. CUT TO EXT. JAMIE'S HOUSE - NIGHT A neat little house near the outskirts of town. Kitt is parked in front. JAMIE'S VOICE More French fries? INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Michael and Jamie share a meal. MICHAEL No, thanks. I'm fine. Go ahead. JAMIE That's about it. When I found out I'd inherited the Marberry Times, I took a week off to come out and sell it. And instead, I fell in love. MICHAEL With Marberry. JAMIE (a laugh) Does that sound strange? I guess it does. MICHAEL Not to me. What sounds strange is what's been happening to you. When did the threats begin? JAMIE The day after I announced I was going to stage the first Marberry Grand Prix. I'd contacted the Racing Association of America, they'd given me their blessings -- they even agreed to help underwrite the cost of building a permanent course if the first race was successful. (beat) Michael, the town could use the business, believe me. I thought they'd be enthusiastic. At first I thought it was just a crank caller.... MICHAEL Until this morning. She nods. MICHAEL Who owns the Marberry Motel? JAMIE I don't know, I never thought about it. Why? MICHAEL I had a strange little incident there today, that's all. Some hard guy with an attache case and one too many women. (beat) Any idea why someone would be willing to kill to stop this race? She shakes her head. JAMIE I've asked myself that question a thousand times. The phone rings. She crosses to answer it. MICHAEL Just a minute. (comlink) Kitt, stand by to trace this call -- just in case. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Yes, Michael. JAMIE You don't think --- MICHAEL I don't know. Go ahead. She answers it. JAMIE (into phone) Hello.... Her face pales. Michael is on his feet. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, were on! INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. Systems alive. We hear: MAN'S VOICE ...your last chance. Cancel the race before it's too late...or it'll be cancelled for you tomorrow. The line goes dead. BACK TO MICHAEL AND JAMIE She looks at Michael, shaken. JAMIE He hung up. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt? Did you get it? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm tracing it now -- Michael, there's a man in a car slowing up outside. MICHAEL Let's check him out. (to Jamie) I'll be right back. Michael heads for the front door. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT As Michael comes out, heading for K.I.T.T., passing Jamie's four-wheel drive parked in the driveway, we see taillights of a dark sedan swing past. ANGLE FROM K.I.T.T. The door pops open as Michael reaches K.I.T.T. He jumps in and accelerates. ANGLE FROM STREET The sedan races by, a dark figure inside. As it passes we see K.I.T.T., accelerating. ANOTHER ANGLE The sedan rounds a corner on two wheels, K.I.T.T. gaining rapidly. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is intent behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. I've completed the trace, Michael. The call came from a pay phone at the Marberry Motel. MICHAEL My favorite place. Let's find out who this guy is, Kitt. He accelerates. ANGLE IN SEDAN The driver picks up a device on the seat, presses a button or switch. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors detect an electronically activated device! MICHAEL Where?! K.I.T.T. The undercarriage of Jamie's truck! Michael slams on the brakes. WIDER ANGLE K.I.T.T. does a 180, heads back toward Jamie's house. ANGLE AT JAMIE'S HOUSE K.I.T.T. slides to a stop and Michael leaps out, springs toward her as she's parallel to her truck. MICHAEL Jamie, down! JAMIE What? No time to explain, he tackles her just as her truck explodes in a blinding flash. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. MOTEL ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. heading toward the motel on the way into town. As a black limo pulls in front of them and into the motel area: MICHAEL'S VOICE Welcome to the Marberry Motel. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Jamie is seated next to Michael, who continues observing the motel as they pass. Sees he's troubled: JAMIE Michael, what is it about that place that bothers you so much? MICHAEL The clientele -- that and the fact that's where the call came from last night. She looks back at the motel with renewed interest. JAMIE Are you saying whoever wants to stop this race is staying there? MICHAEL I don't know. JAMIE You don't know, or you just don't want to tell me? MICHAEL Jamie, the call was made from a public phone. It could've been a guest...it could've been a passerby. You let me worry about that. You worry about making Marberry's First Grand Prix a success...okay? She meets his smile, nods...and then glances back at the motel in the distance, intrigued. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. continuing toward town. OMITTED ANGLE ON MARBERRY MOTEL - DAY as the same black limo pulls up in front. The doorman almost collides with the tough-looking chauffeur as each hurries to open the back door. A thin man gets out. He's Benji Bomper, fifty, silk-suited, somber and carries an oversize attache case, similar to the ones we've seen before, and the ones we'll see later. No sooner does he get out than he's met by Rome, coming from the lobby. The two men shake hands, then embrace, kissing each other on each cheek, with absolutely no affection. ROME Welcome, Benji. BOMPER It's been a long time, Joey. As they head for the entrance: ROME Too long, my good friend. BOMPER Is Mr. C. here yet? ROME No...but soon. Soon. They're about to enter when they react to the sound of two powerful and roaring engines. They turn, look. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - TWO RACE CARS flashing by the motel. BOMPER What's that? ROME A race of some kind. But don't worry, we're dealing with it. BACK TO SCENE BOMPER The nineteenth hole, huh, my friend? ROME (smiles) Yes, the nineteenth hole. They both laugh and enter, but they're not having any fun. EXT. MANNY'S DRIVE-IN - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. as Michael pulls in. A number of the drivers are working on their cars as they wait for their qualifying heats. There's the same excitement and fun as the day before. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, really, asking me to qualify for a car race is like asking Reggie Jackson if he knows how to throw a forward pass. OMITTED ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, remind me to have Bonnie check out your sports chip. K.I.T.T. Besides, I don't understand why we're entering in the first place. MICHAEL Because my guess is, having failed to discourage the sponsor, they're going to go to work on the contes- tants. And when they do, I want to be close enough to try to keep anyone from getting hurt. Keep your eyes open. K.I.T.T. All right, Michael. But it would certainly help if I knew what I was looking for. Getting out: MICHAEL Don't worry, pal, just as soon as I find that out you'll be the first to know. In the meantime, give me hard copies on the racers, and run them through your Image Data Bank. K.I.T.T. Whatever you say, Michael. ANGLE TO INCLUDE DAISY seeing Michael as he moves from K.I.T.T. and hurrying to him. She has a clipboard with her, and several entry numbers. DAISY Michael! He stops. DAISY If you're looking to enter the race, I can sign you up. All you need is a valid driver's license and fifty bucks. MICHAEL Just so happens I've got 'em both right here. As he hands her the license and money, and she begins entering the information on her clipboard --- ANGLE TO INCLUDE ROOSTER under the hood of his car, and causing it to blow out tons of black exhaust. He spots Michael and moves to him. Re K.I.T.T. ROOSTER That T-top of yours looks a little light in the horses. MICHAEL That's because he's a jumper. Daisy finishes, hands him his heat number: DAISY Number eleven. It'll be at least an hour yet, but with any luck you and I might be in the same qualifying heat. MICHAEL I can't think of anyone I'd rather be in a heat with. She smiles at him and goes off. He looks to Rooster who's green with envy. MICHAEL It's not whether you win or lose, Rooster, but how gracious you are when you pick up your trophy. Michael grins and heads to a nearby public phone. As he picks up the receiver: ANGLE ON ROOSTER eyeing K.I.T.T., picking up a power cutter from a toolbox, and heading his way. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. his scanner flashing as he photographs the various contes- tants. K.I.T.T. Oh, no, I do hope this Rooster doesn't damage my X.K. One Hundred Thermal Printer. OMITTED ON HARD COPY DISPENSER as Rooster's photo comes out. ON ROOSTER reaching K.I.T.T. He has a small power cutter with him. ROOSTER Okay, dude, let's open 'er up. He turns on the cutter, puts it to the bottom of the hood, where it meets the fender, and the cutter blades break off. K.I.T.T. Back to your barnyard, Rooster. I have work to do. And once again K.I.T.T. goes off, his scanner flashing photos. Rooster scratches his head, and looks at his broken power cutter. ANGLE ON MICHAEL hurrying from the phone to K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, what's wrong? Michael slides in: MICHAEL I just tried to call Jamie -- her service said she went to the Marberry Motel! K.I.T.T. peels out in a scattering of pebbles and dust. OMITTED EXT. MARBERRY MOTEL - DAY Another limo pulls up in front. As before, the chauffeur and doorman race to do the honors. A large man gets out, wearing an expensive suit that doesn't quite fit, and a diamond ring the size of a golf ball. He also carries the oversize attache. And he, too, is met by Rome. They shake hands, kiss: ROME Welcome, Nick...it's good to see you, my good friend. NICK And you, too, Joey. It's been too long. But what are all those race cars doing in our town? ROME Don't worry, my good friend, it's being taken care of. He exchanges looks with Nick, smiles, then puts his arm around his "old friend" and continues for the entrance. Suddenly: OMITTED START - STOP ACTION as both men are seen through a camera lens, and we hear the clicking away of the shutter. They enter the motel. Camera pulls back: REVERSE ANGLE - TO SEE JAMIE standing across the street, and safely behind some bushes. She has an old, and not very expensive, camera with her, that she puts inside a large purse. Then, thinking like a reporter on the trail of a hot story, she crosses and starts for a service entrance of the motel. EXT. MOTEL - SERVICE AREA - DAY Nothing more than a large corridor leading to various service departments. A couple of employees, delivery people enter first, and then we see Jamie coming in. ANGLE TO INCLUDE ORGANIZATION SOLDIER keeping an eye on the area, leaning against a wall. He spots Jamie, not sure about her. The soldier wears a rather shiny suit. ANGLE ON JAMIE Thinking fast, she follows a couple of the girls to the time clock, grabs a card, any card, and punches in. And as she passes the still-curious soldier: JAMIE Goota morgan! Goota morgan! A lovely smile, and she goes on her way. INT. BANQUET ROOM - DAY There's little more than a very large, boardroom type table, chairs and a few arrangements of flowers. In fact, the whole thing looks more like a funeral parlor than a banquet room. The drapes are drawn and there's even something surreal about it all. Rome is present along with Benji, while Nick stands a short distance away, feeling out the place, or whatever it is he's doing. Three bodyguard/chauffeurs are also in evidence. And there's even someone who could be an FBI agent checking out the phones, chandeliers and anything else that might conceal a "bug" or camera. For this he uses an elec- tronic device. The attache cases rest on the table. ROME (to Benji) Benji, my good friend, you will sit here, to Mr. C's right. And you, Nick, will sit there on Mr. C's left. Both men seem pleased. INT. MOTEL CORRIDOR - DAY - ON JAMIE Moving along the corridor, toward the banquet room, she suddenly reacts to something she sees up ahead. JAMIE'S POINT OF VIEW - NICK AND BODYGUARD leaving the banquet room. With the attache case. BACK TO SCENE As they move toward her, she hides behind a potted plant. NICK Remember, any trouble -- the 19th hole. They pass. And she continues on. ANGLE ON BANQUET ROOM Jamie hesitates...then slowly reaches for the doorknob... only to have the door spring open, and Benji step out. BENJI What do you want? Jamie is truly caught off guard, fights panic --- JAMIE I...I.... Benji grabs her by the arm. BENJI Who are you?! But before she can think who she is, or should be: MICHAEL'S VOICE Honey! There you are! OMITTED ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL hurrying toward her. A big smile: MICHAEL I've been looking all over for you. (to Benji) Just got married, and...she thought this was the honeymoon suite. First time.... ANGLE ON ROME INSIDE THE BANQUET ROOM and slowly recognizing the voice. He moves toward the still open door: MICHAEL'S VOICE ...you know how it is. BACK TO SCENE Benji hasn't cracked a smile. MICHAEL Maybe you don't know how it is. (takes her arm from Benji's grip) Honey, tell the nice man how it is. JAMIE Uh...happiest day of my life. As Michael starts to lead her away: MICHAEL We'd like to invite you up for a drink...but well, you understand. ANGLE TO INCLUDE ROME reaching the open doorway, reacting: ROME Get him! As two of the soldiers burst from the banquet room: MICHAEL Maybe another time. And Michael yanks Jamie off down the corridor. VARIOUS ANGLES Michael and Jamie turn a corner. The soldiers follow. Michael then spots a serving cart outside one of the rooms, loaded with the remains of breakfast for two. He grabs hold of it, and pushes it with all his strength toward the two charging soldiers. A strike! And as they regain their balance, wipe the eggs and cereal off their silk suits --- MICHAEL AND JAMIE turn a corner leading for the lobby. Into comlink: MICHAEL Kitt...we're coming out. In a hurry. EXT. MOTEL - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. auto-starting, and picking Michael and Jamie up right outside the entrance. Needless to say, the doorman's a bit shocked. K.I.T.T. peels off. SMASH CUT TO EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY pulling up in front of the Marberry Times. JAMIE'S VOICE It was incredible! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY JAMIE Every time I turned around there was another limo pulling in -- and the faces! Michael, it was like watching an old gangster movie come to life. I wonder what was in those attache cases. MICHAEL Jamie, listen to me. I'm serious. I don't want you taking any more chances like that. JAMIE Michael, come on! I'm a trained reporter! MICHAEL You're also a lady who's been run off the road and had her car blown up! Last night you were scared to death! JAMIE And the reason I was scared to death has something to do with what's going on at that motel. I'm sure of it! MICHAEL Okay, but until I find out what that is, I want you to promise me you won't go back there again. Not alone. JAMIE (beat) Michael -- where did you come up with that honeymoon idea? MICHAEL (shakes his head, realizing he's getting nowhere) Just...the product of a fertile imagination. JAMIE They're the best kind. Her smile says the rest. JAMIE Have a safe race. A quick kiss from her and she leaves. Michael smiles, and peels out. EXT. MANNY'S DRIVE-IN - DAY We're on Michael in K.I.T.T., Red Rooster in his car, at the starting line, waiting for the starter to drop the flag. Rooster calls over: ROOSTER Take a good look, dude...only thing you're gonna see from here on is my exhaust. He blows out a cloud of black exhaust. MICHAEL Sure a whole lot better than seeing your face. K.I.T.T. That's telling him, Michael. ROOSTER (if looks could kill) You get in my way...and they're goin' to be pickin' T-top out of your hide. Michael has to admit that's tellin' it like it is. MICHAEL Kitt...I don't think he likes you. K.I.T.T. Me...Michael? The starter drops the flag. Rooster grins at Michael and peels out. MICHAEL I've got my passive laser restraint seat belts on, pal, so let's make it safe. For everyone. K.I.T.T. Do you think the heat will be sabotaged? MICHAEL According to the call last night it will be. Let's be ready for anything. K.I.T.T. peels out, and even though Rooster now has a pretty good head start, he quickly catches him. VARIOUS ANGLES AND CUTS OF RACE as the two cars trade lead positions. It quickly becomes clear that Rooster wants to win, even if it means pushing Michael off the road. MICHAEL'S VOICE What did you find out about our competition? INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. They're not exactly what you'd call pillars of the community, Michael, but except for a few outstanding traffic citations, and one or two arrests for disturbing the peace, none of them has ever been in any serious trouble with the law. MICHAEL I'll try to hide my disappointment, Kitt, but I was hoping for something a little more. ANGLE ON RACE Michael and Rooster side by side, when Rooster suddenly pulls in front, almost causing Michael to go off the road to keep from running into him. Rooster smiles to himself, and floors the pedal. OMITTED EXT. RACE COURSE - DAY Rooster takes a sharp corner onto a straightaway. Michael follows, keeping a good distance between them. Suddenly: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! The road up ahead. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL What about it? ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR The proper graphics will appear. K.I.T.T. There's a high-voltage wire stretched across it. MICHAEL Any chance of neutralizing it? K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael. And if Rooster's car hits that wire he'll surely be incinerated. MICHAEL Then we've gotta hit it first. He floors the throttle. The speedometer clicks upward. VARIOUS ANGLES AND CUTS as Michael races to reach the wire before Rooster hits it. Intercutting with Rooster, we see him becoming all the more determined as Michael closes the gap. K.I.T.T. He's in our way, Michael, we can't get around him. MICHAEL Then that leaves only one thing to do.... K.I.T.T. You're not going to try turbo boost at this speed?! MICHAEL (pushes Turbo-Boost) No choice, pal. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Turbo-boosting over Rooster, and cutting through the high-voltage wire. The T-top becomes a dazzling display of dangerous sparks, before the current is finally shorted out. ANGLE ON ROOSTER not even bothering to stop. Instead, he whizzes by, calling out: ROOSTER See you around, dude! And he blows out a cloud of black exhaust. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael slides out. MICHAEL Good work, Kitt. As he looks over the terrain: Camera pulls back: REVERSE ANGLE TO SEE A MAN on a distant hill watching through binoculars. We're far enough away that it's next to impossible to make out his features. As we --- OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. MARBERRY TIMES OFFICE - DAY K.I.T.T. is parked in front. JAMIE'S VOICE Michael, do you golf? INT. OFFICE - DAY Michael is with Jamie, following her as she bustles around the office, waiting for photographs to come out of an automatic developer. MICHAEL Jamie, stop. Slow down. Take a deep breath. You're not listening to me. JAMIE Yes I am. Do you? MICHAEL (exasperated) Why? JAMIE I heard them talking about 'the nineteenth hole.' MICHAEL I'll check it with Devon. JAMIE You're not taking me seriously. MICHAEL Wrong. You're not taking the situation seriously. The danger. You suddenly smell a story and everything else vanishes. JAMIE Michael, you don't understand! When I left Chicago to come here I made a trade-off. I gave up every journa- list's dream, the chance of hitting the mother lode -- The big story. Don't you see? I gave it up and now here it is, knocking on my door! As the negatives come out of the developer, she excitedly holds them up -- then reacts, disappointed; they're generally out of focus, obscured by leaves in the f.g., backs of heads, etc...and are underexposed. JAMIE Oh, no...they're all underexposed! MICHAEL What kind of camera did you use? She holds up an ancient 35mm camera. JAMIE The best. My grandfather used it in the war. MICHAEL (looking it over) What war? JAMIE Very funny. If it was good enough for the Battle of the Bulge, I figured it would be good enough for the Marberry Motel. MICHAEL Tell you what. I'll run them through Kitt's system, see if there's some- thing salvageable. On one condition. JAMIE I was afraid of that. MICHAEL You stay away from the motel for now. I've got an appointment with Devon. I'll meet you back here in a couple of hours. Deal? JAMIE You drive a hard bargain. EXT. OFFICE - DAY Michael slides into K.I.T.T., puts the negatives into the analyzer compartment. MICHAEL Need a little help, buddy. K.I.T.T. That's an understatement, Michael. I don't care how sophisticated my Image Enhancement software program is, there are limits. I can't reach sufficient recognition threshhold on any of these negatives. MICHAEL (looking closer) Maybe not Kitt, but one thing's in focus...The brown attache case. (beat) I've got an idea. He pulls away. MICHAEL'S VOICE Let's find the nearest leather goods store. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I was afraid of that. OMITTED EXT. MARBERRY MOTEL - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls in and parks in a safe spot, where he won't be hollered at by an attendant. Michael reacts to the change: There are now half-a-dozen limos in the parking area, and two attendants poised to park any new arrivals. MICHAEL'S VOICE Looks like business is booming. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL Interface with the motel's computer, Kitt. I want to know what room 'Mr. Rome' is in. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. I just hope you know what you're doing. The interface appears on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. K.I.T.T. Room one-sixteen. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Michael climbs out, taking the brown attache case with him. OMITTED INT. MOTEL SERVICE ENTRANCE - DAY Michael slips in unnoticed. INT. MOTEL HALLWAY - DAY As Michael appears, heading for one-sixteen. INT. ROOM ONE-SIXTEEN - DAY Pan from Joey Rome, asleep, to the door as Michael slips in with the aid of a lock pick. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael quietly comes in, looking for an attache case. Doesn't see one. Then he does. ANGLE ON THE ATTACHE CASE It's on the sofa with Rome, his arm resting on it. Michael tiptoes over, carefully tries to lift Rome's arm up, reveals a .38 in a shoulder holster. But Rome stirs, and Michael is forced to stop. He looks around. THE BATHROOM - HIS POINT OF VIEW - A CLOCK RADIO rests on the sink top. BACK TO MICHAEL He has an idea. He quietly crosses back to the door. ANGLE IN HALL Michael comes out, leaving the door just slightly ajar. MICHAEL (comlink) Need a little help, pal. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. His systems activate. MICHAEL See if you can activate his clock radio. K.I.T.T. I'll do my best, Michael. The clock radio's schematic appears on the monitor. We see it electronically activated. ANGLE IN ROME'S BATHROOM The clock radio's hands move, activating the alarm set for 4:00 PM. Loud rock music blasts out. ANGLE ON ROME He jumps up out of a sound sleep, disoriented. He mumbles an inaudible curse, charges into the bathroom. Camera angles over to the door as Michael slips in with the attache case. ANGLE IN BATHROOM Rome punches the "Alarm Off" button but it continues to play loud music. He hits it again. ANGLE IN ROOM Michael darts over to the sofa, aware that if Rome turns he's a goner. He switches the attache cases. ANGLE IN BATHROOM Furious, Rome finally picks the radio up and yanks the plug out of the socket. ANGLE IN ROOM Michael hurries across the room, slips out the door just as Rome returns, grumbling. He looks at the door, as if sensing a presence. He shrugs, returns to the sofa. CUT TO EXT. TWO-LANE ROAD - DAY The semi moves along through the countryside. DEVON'S VOICE Michael, I fail to see what a brown attache case has to do with anything. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael pops it open. MICHAEL Look. ANGLE ON ATTACHE CASE It is full of high denomination bills. WIDER ANGLE Devon reacts. Behind them Bonnie is finishing up a thorough check of K.I.T.T.'s system. DEVON That's a staggering amount of money. But what possible connection could there be between this 'convention' at the motel and the incident on the race course? MICHAEL Good question, Devon. I don't know what it is, but I know it's there. (to Bonnie) How's he coming? ANOTHER ANGLE Bonnie crosses over from K.I.T.T. BONNIE He's finished. I had to recalibrate his Suspension Synchronizer, but other than that he's fine. MICHAEL (preoccupied) Thanks. (then) Do me a favor -- update his data banks on Marberry. All the prominent busi- nesses, starting with the motel -- who owns what, financial history, the works. BONNIE I'll get right on it. Anything else? MICHAEL (thoughtful) Yeah... (to Devon) You're an old golfer -- ever hear the phrase 'the nineteenth hole?' DEVON I prefer the word 'seasoned golfer.' Yes, it's a phrase for the bar or club. MICHAEL Kitt, punch up your schematic on the golf course. Intercut K.I.T.T.'s monitor as a graphic appears. MICHAEL Does it have a bar or club? K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael. DEVON Is it important? MICHAEL I don't know. Something else to add to the list. He crosses to K.I.T.T. DEVON Be careful, Michael. When the owner of the brown attache case discovers what's happened, I imagine he'll be quite distressed. MICHAEL Gotcha. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. EXT. TWO-LANE - DAY The semi's ramp lowers and K.I.T.T. rolls out, hitting the road. CUT TO EXT. MOTEL - DAY The parking area is filled with limos. ANGLE AT SERVICE ENTRANCE A figure appears, pauses. It's Jamie. She cautiously moves forward, toward the rear of the motel, a shoulder bag slung across her. The soldier seen earlier appears, regards her. She smiles. JAMIE (accent) Goota dayen. She hurries past. JAMIE (accent) Goota bye. He watches her, unsure. INT. BANQUET ROOM - DAY The side door opens and Jamie enters. HER POINT OF VIEW - A LONG TABLE is laid out for a formal dinner. No expense has been spared. ANGLE ON JAMIE She moves across the room, heading for the door to the rooms when she hears voices approaching. She hides at the nearest available place -- under a serving cart draped with a linen tablecloth. ANGLE UNDER CART She cautiously peeks out. HER POINT OF VIEW - BENJI AND NICK entering with a half-dozen other men talking quietly among themselves. They have the unmistakable look of gangsters. Each of the men carries a brown attache case. There are no women present. BENJI Where's Joey? NICK Prob'ly asleep. I'll give him a call. BENJI Tell him to hurry. Mr. C.'ll be here any minute. BACK TO JAMIE She opens her bag, takes out her new Minox camera and micro- cassette recorder, ready for anything. INT. ROOM TWENTY-TWO - DAY The phone rings. Rome stirs, answers it. ROME (phone) Hello...yeah...I'll be right there. He hangs up, rises, crosses to the bathroom. The brown attache case waits for him on the sofa. INT. BANQUET ROOM - DAY The room is filling up; more men, more attache cases. ANGLE ON JAMIE She carefully peers out from underneath the table cloth and begins snapping pictures. Then the informal tenor changes. She hears voices..."He's coming...Mr. C.'s on his way," etc. ANGLE IN BANQUET ROOM All present stand as Mr. C. enters. Everyone applauds. Mr. C. is sixtyish, small, silk-suited, and beneath a benevolent facade -- deadly. ANGLE ON JAMIE Busily snapping pictures, she reacts to the face, stunned. She activates her tape recorder, begins taking more pictures -- pictures of Mr. C. ANGLE IN ROOM Mr. C. is ushered to his chair by Benji and Nick. Someone pours him wine. MR. C. (accent) Sit, please...all of you.... They sit. MR. C. Wine for my dear friends. Wine is poured. MR. C. I got a nice toast I made up myself.... They all stand. MR. C. But first...I believe there are some presents. Sit. They sit. He chuckles. MR. C. Philly. Benji rises, crosses to him and places the attache case in front of him. Mr. C. pops it open: it's full of cash. He smiles. Everyone applauds. ANGLE ON JAMIE She busily snaps more pictures. ANGLE IN ROOM The door opens and Rome hurries in, just as: MR. C. Very nice, very nice...I always liked Philly, I got a nice toast about Philly. I made it up myself. (to Joey) Joey, my friend, you're just in time. I wanna see my nice present from Detroit.... Rome crosses to him, puts his attache case in front of Mr. C. ROME You're gonna be pleased, Mr. C. MR. C. I better. He smiles and opens it. A spring-loaded clown pops out. He stares. Rome goes white. The room is deathly silent. MR. C. Is this a joke? I don't like jokes from Detroit. ROME Mr. C....I don't know what to say.... MR. C. Think of something, Joey. Think of something. In the silence someone sneezes. Everyone looks; no one at the table sneezed. ANGLE ON JAMIE It was her. She fights off another one, can't, sneezes again. ANGLE ON ROME He rushes to the cart, others behind him. ANGLE ON JAMIE She jams her camera and tape recorder in the brace of a folding leg. WIDER ANGLE As Rome shoves the cart, Jamie is exposed. Rome sees her. Everyone sees her. ANGLE ON JAMIE She runs desperately for the door but several lieutenants grab her. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. MARBERRY ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. heading toward the motel. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I do hope you're wrong about Jamie going back to that motel. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL That makes two of us, pal. But that receipt for a new minicamera and microcassette I found in her office tells me I'm not. K.I.T.T. But why wouldn't she leave word with her service, as she did the last time? MICHAEL Because the last time I found her, remember? K.I.T.T. And you might also have saved her life. (slight beat) I only hope we're not too late now. EXT. MARBERRY MOTEL - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. pulling up to a safe spot. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Be careful, Michael. As he slides out: MICHAEL Thanks, buddy. He starts toward the entrance. OMITTED INT. MOTEL LOBBY - DAY - ON MICHAEL He looks around, gets his bearings, making sure the desk clerk doesn't see him. Then he spots a nearby house phone, and dials front desk. ANGLE TO INCLUDE CLERK having to turn away from the front to answer it. As he does, Michael sneaks past him, and heads for the banquet room. OMITTED INT. BANQUET ROOM - DAY It's empty of people. Michael looks about the leftovers, then takes to comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, how about scanning the banquet room for me, see if they left anything that might help us behind. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Graphics as needed, until: K.I.T.T. Michael, there's something under that serving cart.... INT. BANQUET ROOM - DAY Michael searches beneath it and finds the minicamera and microcassette. MICHAEL She was definitely here, Kitt...and we better find her fast! He hurries out. EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. CAESAR'S VOICE 'Get rid of her.' ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. The tape is playing. ROME'S VOICE 'The nineteenth hole?!' CAESAR'S VOICE 'Do what has to be done.' Michael turns off the tape. Thoughtfully: MICHAEL The nineteenth hole...the nineteenth hole... (slight beat) Kitt, punch up your schematic on the golf course again. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. ANGLE TO INCLUDE SCHEMATIC ON MONITOR Michael studies it a beat: MICHAEL What's directly behind the course? K.I.T.T. A small housing tract, recreation area, shopping center.... Michael touches the monitor and it turns red to his touch. MICHAEL What about this area here -- it looks undeveloped. K.I.T.T. It is, Michael. MICHAEL Who owns it? K.I.T.T. The city. But here's something inter- esting. If the Racing Association of America does build a permanent course in Marberry, the city has offered that piece of land for its clubhouse. MICHAEL Kitt -- I think we've found the nineteenth hole...Let's see what else we can find. Michael hits the accelerator. EXT. ROAD - DAY as K.I.T.T. peels off: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, you know the race is starting now. If they're really intent on stopping it.... MICHAEL'S VOICE (interrupting) I hear you, Kitt...I hear you. The Trans Am eats up the road. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. approaching the undeveloped area, which is really little more than a wooded area, with a small shack far back in the distance. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE This is it, Michael. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL See anything unusual? INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. There's a shack hidden within those trees. MICHAEL (sees it) Check out the terrain, Kitt...top and bottom. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. leaving the road and heading for the distant shack. EXT. RACE COURSE - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES as Rooster vies with Daisy for the lead. OMITTED EXT. WOODED AREA - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. The shack is still a good distance off. Suddenly: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, a short distance up ahead... there's something buried beneath the ground. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael sees a subterranean graph of a series of oblong boxes. MICHAEL What are those? K.I.T.T. They're wooden boxes, measuring seven by four-by-four. MICHAEL See what's inside them. K.I.T.T. pushes in on the graphics. K.I.T.T. Oh, no, Michael...human remains. According to the chemical and mineral analysis, some of the bodies have been here for as long as twenty-five years. Michael is stunned, concerned: MICHAEL And...the most recent one, Kitt? K.I.T.T. It's not Jamie...it's been here for almost six months. Michael relaxes, but just a bit. MICHAEL The nineteenth hole. The place they bury those who get in their way. K.I.T.T. No wonder they're so determined to keep this land undeveloped. MICHAEL (glances toward the shack) Put yourself on silent mode and let's take a look at that shack. EXT. WOODED AREA - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. moving closer to the shack. EXT. RACE COURSE - DAY Rooster is still in the lead. EXT. SHACK - DAY K.I.T.T. is approaching in b.g. INT. SHACK - DAY Jamie is tied up, seated in a chair. Rome stands in front of her: ROME I'm going to ask you one last time where's my money?! JAMIE I told you, I don't know. ROME (slams his fist on the table) You know!! (points his finger at her) And believe me...one way or the other ...you're going to tell. EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY moving closer to the shack, but staying within the safe cover of the trees. Rome's car is seen parked at the side. Michael pulls to a stop. MICHAEL Scan the inside, pal. INTERCUT - MONITOR as we see graphs of a couple of empty rooms, before: K.I.T.T. Michael! A different graph representing Jamie and Rome. MICHAEL What've you got? K.I.T.T. There is a man and woman inside. From her vital signs she's obviously under some stress. MICHAEL She's obviously Jamie. K.I.T.T. How are we going to get her out with that gorilla in there? MICHAEL We're not, pal...but Mr. C. is. Think you can imitate his voice? K.I.T.T. Once it's on my polyphonic synthesizer, no problem. MICHAEL Then let's give Joey boy a call. INT. SHACK - DAY The phone rings, and Rome answers it. ROME Yeah. INTERCUT - AS NEEDED K.I.T.T./MR. C. Joey, Mr. C. I want you to bring the girl back to the motel. ROME But I thought you wanted me to plant her. K.I.T.T./MR. C. What I want, I tell you I want. And right now, I want you to bring her back to the motel. ROME Sure, Mr. C., we're on our way. K.I.T.T./MR. C. Oh, one more thing, Joey -- you're sure the race is being taken care of. ROME Don't you worry, Mr. C....the drivers won't make it beyond Roads End. See you in a little while. He hangs up. ROME I wish he'd make up his mind. (untying Jamie) Come on! Leads her out. EXT. SHACK - DAY - ON ROME AND JAMIE coming out and moving toward the car. ANGLE ON MICHAEL appearing from nowhere. A quick knockout punch, and at the same time dragging him to Rome's car and stuffing him into the open trunk, slamming the hood. Jamie runs to him. JAMIE Oh, Michael! He embraces her. MICHAEL Are you all right? JAMIE I am now. MICHAEL How far is Roads End from here? JAMIE About five miles. MICHAEL Let's go. As they hurry to meet K.I.T.T., who's come out of hiding to pick them up: JAMIE Michael, the racers should be coming up to Roads End any minute now. MICHAEL That's what I'm afraid of. As they get in: MICHAEL Kitt, have Devon make arrangements to pick Joey up. K.I.T.T. Right, Michael. And Michael peels out in a spray of dirt. OMITTED VARIOUS ANGLES as Michael races at top speed to Roads End. EXT. ROADS END - DAY This is a flat stretch of road, and we see Rooster, Daisy and another racer heading down it. VARIOUS ANGLES OF RACERS Rooster with a good lead. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. coming at the racers from the opposite direction, head on. JAMIE'S VOICE This is the area known as Roads End, Michael. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL See what you can find, Kitt. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR as red lights begin flashing on the proper graphic. K.I.T.T. Michael, there's a bomb buried up ahead, powerful enough to destroy a half-dozen cars and then disintegrate without leaving any trace. MICHAEL Any way to stop those race cars from hitting it? K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael. MICHAEL That means we're going to have to trigger it first. K.I.T.T. Michael, even with my molecular bonding I don't know if I can with- stand a bomb of that magnitude. MICHAEL For all our sakes, pal...give it all you've got. VARIOUS ANGLES - INTERCUTTING WITH ROAD, BURIED BOMB, MONITOR as Michael turns over the bomb neutralizing it in an array of explosions and fireworks. ANGLE ON RACE CARS making it safely through. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL I knew you could do it, pal. Now let's turn over all our evidence to the FBI, and let them take care of the rest. K.I.T.T. With pleasure, Michael...with pleasure. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. MANNY'S DRIVE-IN - DAY The racers are gone, but the signs proclaiming the First Annual Marberry Grand Prix still remain. Michael is coming from the drive-in window with hamburgers and fries for all -- meaning Jamie, Devon and Bonnie. K.I.T.T. is parked nearby, with Devon's red Mercedes in the b.g. MICHAEL Hamburgers, French fries, and malts... just like the good old days. DEVON Speaking of good old days, Michael, did I ever tell you I used to do some driving myself? Michael winks to Bonnie: MICHAEL Really? DEVON Formula cars, mostly. The Strasbourg Grand Prix, Monte Carlo, the Tour de Versailles. Just to name a few. BONNIE Very impressive, Devon. Someday you have to show us your trophies. DEVON Well...I never really took home any trophies. The cars, you know, are very small. But ahhh, the memories ...the wonderful memories. JAMIE And maybe next year you can enter the second annual Marberry Grand Prix. DEVON Yes...we'll...see. Suddenly the sound of a race car. K.I.T.T. Oh, no, not again. They look. ANGLE TO SEE ROOSTER roaring in, and getting out. He pats the trophy on his seat. ROOSTER Didn't I tell you the big red Rooster could do it?! MICHAEL You sure did. ROOSTER Yeah...and now you know what I want -- you! MICHAEL Me? ROOSTER One on one. Horses to horses. Winner take all. Well? You think you got what it takes? Michael looks to Devon, Bonnie, then shrugs, innocently: MICHAEL I don't know, Rooster...but I'll sure give it my best. He slides into K.I.T.T., Rooster slides into his car. Michael looks over: MICHAEL Whenever you're ready. Rooster savors the moment, clutches, shifts: ROOSTER Now! And before he even takes his foot off his clutch: UNDERCRANK ON K.I.T.T. peeling off, off and away. As we --- FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END