EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58630 Robert Foster September 20, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gerald Sanford Gino Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT AND KNERD by Larry Mollin ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. STREAM/CANYON AREA - DAY Dappled sunlight shimmers down through the trees. A small stream chatters between banks covered with ferns. Over the forest sounds we hear the click and whir of a motor-drive camera and the voice of a young woman. ALI'S VOICE Come on, give me something. THOMAS' VOICE (whispering) Shhh...they can hear you. The camera pans to find Thomas Raymond, fifties, grey hair, dressed in a T-shirt with rock 'n' roll graphics and khaki shorts. He wears a grim expression, stands on the bank casting a fly rod. With him is his daughter, Ali, twenty- two, a free-spirited photographer. She moves around him, snapping pictures. ALI Smile. According to Who's Who, Thomas Raymond loves fishing. THOMAS I hate fishing. His line jumps with a bite. He starts to reel it in and turns to Ali, brightening into a wonderfully natural smile. THOMAS It's catching fish I love. She clicks away. THOMAS Satisfied? ALI (with a laugh) No. I ran out of film. Thomas laughs too, pulls her in close, kisses her forehead tenderly. Camera pans up to find: THE CANYON BLUFFS Two motorbikes pull up close to the edge. Atop them, two powerful-looking men, both wearing strange, Oriental hawk- faced masks. They dismount, look below, exchange a glance, then head down a steep and narrow canyon path on foot. EXT. CANYON ROAD - DAY - K.I.T.T. streaking over the blacktop in the same wooded area. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Geo-physicist, chemist, musician, jeweler...Thomas Raymond is quite a Renaissance man. You could look a touch impressed, Michael. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Sorry, pal, I just can't figure why Devon wants me to meet him. K.I.T.T. Considering Doctor Raymond's been totally reclusive since retiring last year, I'd say meeting him anywhere is a great honor. MICHAEL Ahhh...mild case of hero-worship here? K.I.T.T. Well...isn't there anyone you've ever admired for well-rounded accomplishment? MICHAEL Just last week...remember Belinda? K.I.T.T. (dryly) Yes...very accomplished. MICHAEL Not to mention well-rounded. The sound of a woman's scream interrupts their banter. Michael reacts, hits buttons. MICHAEL What was that? K.I.T.T. Sounded like a woman screaming, Michael. MICHAEL Kitt, scan the area. K.I.T.T. (alarmed) There seems to be a struggle on Doctor Raymond's property. MICHAEL (accelerating) Let's move. EXT. CANYON/STREAM - DAY - ALI screaming, watching in horror, as the two hawk-faced men charge after Thomas Raymond. He tries to elude them, but they are on to him too soon. Thomas struggles free for a beat and yells to Ali: THOMAS Ali, for heaven's sake, run! ALI But.... THOMAS Run! Now! Frightened, Ali runs off. While Hawk Man #1 restrains Raymond, Hawk Man #2 produces a knife, uses it to swiftly pry out a black crystal that is enjeweled in Raymond's belt buckle. EXT. END OF CANYON ROAD - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael speeds to the end of the road. Ali, in a Volkswagen, tears past him, away from the scene. MICHAEL Get a picture of that car, Kitt. Michael drives down into the stream bed. FOLLOWING MICHAEL as he hops out after the second attacker, whose bike is starting up the steep path. Michael grabs hold of him, but the man ferociously gives him a karate chop to the neck. Michael goes down, but takes the man's mask off as he falls. The man races up the path, gets on his bike and both hawks take off. MICHAEL (into comlink) Give me a hard copy of Hawk Man, Kitt. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. to see a photograph of a menacing Oriental (Hakito) coming from the hard copy dispenser. ANGLE ON MICHAEL getting to his feet, starting after. MICHAEL Can we go after 'em? K.I.T.T. Not up that narrow path, Michael. Besides, they're long gone. Michael winces in frustration as he runs back to the fallen body by the stream, begins examining it. Then he calls to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, is this Doctor Raymond? K.I.T.T. Yes, it is. MICHAEL I'm afraid he's dead, pal. Sorry. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER slowing, absorbing the loss. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - SEMI in motion, as K.I.T.T. slides up the ramp and inside. DEVON'S VOICE I feel responsible, Michael. If we only had got there sooner. ANGLE IN SEMI - MICHAEL AND DEVON Michael steps away from K.I.T.T. holding the hawk mask. MICHAEL Devon, you just got the call an hour before. DEVON I know, but when you lose a man of Thomas Raymond's stature.... Devon shakes his head thoughtfully. MICHAEL (re mask) You said you recognized this mask? DEVON Yes, it's an antique. Once used by elite Samurai mercenaries called Takishi -- 'The Hammer Hawk.' Only they've been extinct for three hundred years. MICHAEL Well, I think they just opened a new franchise in L.A., 'cause those guys in the canyon definitely had the right stuff. (to K.I.T.T.) Anything on Hawk Face's photo? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR showing the glaring Takishi. K.I.T.T. Still trying, Michael. But I did identify the car leaving the canyon. It's registered to Ali Raymond. DEVON Doctor Raymond's daughter? K.I.T.T. Yes. I also have her address. MICHAEL Then let's go talk to her. DEVON Before you hit the road, there's some- one new among us I'd like you to meet. MICHAEL (glances about) New among us? DEVON Yes, a very bright young student, a Knight Industries Fellow. Our Board of Directors feels he might be one of us someday. With that, an explosion is heard from the coffee room of the semi. He and Michael quickly head that way. INT. SEMI - COFFEE ROOM - DAY Bonnie is there picking up the scattered pieces of a porcelain teapot. With her is Elliott Sykes. Elliott is dressed like your quintessential nerd: white shirt with top button buttoned. Pocket filled with pens. Calculator on his belt and glasses which are currently steamed over in the smoky room. Elliott wipes them on his shirt, shaking his head sheepishly. Devon looks at the mess, reacting. DEVON My mother's Wedgewood service? BONNIE (tentatively) Elliott was showing me how...to brew tea by computer. Elliott looks up at Devon, putting his glasses back on. ELLIOTT Sorry...Normally, it's mega-efficient. Precise tea steeping time is broken down into minute fractions. MICHAEL Just like the teapot. Elliott looks at Michael for a beat. Then cracks up in a distinctive asthmatic, nervous laugh. ELLIOTT ...Just like the teapot. That's funny. DEVON (dry anger) Hilarious. Bonnie and Michael exchange a glance. BONNIE Michael Knight, allow me to introduce Elliott Sykes. Elliott puts out his hand, shakes Michael's enthusiastically. ELLIOTT That's Elliott with two l's and two t's. Like in latitudinal. Another exchange of glances with Bonnie. MICHAEL Nice...to meet you. Quickly, Michael turns to Devon for help, explanation, some- thing. MICHAEL Devon.... DEVON (interrupting) In spite of Elliott's obvious -- youth -- he happens to be an authority in Doctor Raymond's Field of electro- magnetic radiation, and I'm positive he'll prove a great help to us. Michael, still not convinced, studies Elliott a beat: MICHAEL Right. Elliott grins. MICHAEL Welcome aboard. ELLIOTT Wherever I can help. Beat. Michael nods, looks back at Devon before exiting, who is picking up the pieces of his Wedgewood service. MICHAEL Smile, one day he may be one of us. Off Devon's reaction, we: CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY as the ramp goes down and K.I.T.T. rolls out and off. OMITTED EXT. ALI'S PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO - DAY K.I.T.T. drives toward a two-story city structure. K.I.T.T. (V.O.) Michael, this Elliott Sykes has quite an impressive academic record. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL You don't say. K.I.T.T. Yes, I do. He was the youngest student ever to enter Cal Tech, graduating Magna Cum Laude, at the age of fifteen. Not to mention earning a Phi Beta Kappa Key along the way. MICHAEL You're right. Impressive. K.I.T.T. But there is one piece of information that keeps appearing, Michael, that I don't quite understand. MICHAEL What's that, pal? K.I.T.T. It says he's also a 'nerd.' What does that mean? Michael smiles, pulling up in front of Ali's building. MICHAEL Well...it's kind of a term of affection. K.I.T.T. Sounds more like an affliction. Michael gets out. EXT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL You know...you just might have a point. Michael starts up the stairs to: INT. ALI'S STUDIO - DAY - ALI hanging photos on a drying line. She turns as the bell tinkles, to see Michael. ALI Can I help you? MICHAEL (gently) I hope so. I'm Michael Knight from The Foundation. (off her reaction) I was coming to see your father yesterday.... FAVOR ALI An emotional flush crosses her face, then she turns to her work. Michael watches her back. MICHAEL Keeping busy helps. I know. She turns, but keeps busy. MICHAEL When my dad died, I went and shot hoops for five hours, right through the night. Ali's trembling fingers drop a print. Her defenses go down with it. She sighs. ALI For me it was the morning. I went out on my boat with my camera. There's a family of whales I've been trying to shoot all week, but the father never let me get close enough. Just too protective. (indicates the prints) Well, this morning I got those. FAVOR PHOTOS Michael checks out the photos on the line. They show closeups of a family of whales on the ocean. He turns back to Ali with a comforting smile. MICHAEL I think your father would have been proud of them. Ali forces a smile back, turns. ALI When the men attacked, he told me to run. I feel like such a coward. MICHAEL It's okay. He was just being protec- tive like your whale. He didn't want you hurt. ALI You're making me feel a lot better. MICHAEL (smiles) I'm glad. (beat) Your father wanted The Foundation's help. Do you know why? ALI (shakes her head no) Only that something was really troubling him ever since this woman dropped by to see him last week. MICHAEL Old romance? ALI I didn't recognize her. MICHAEL Do you have any idea what your father was working on? ALI (sad smile) Who knows? He was always very secretive about his job. Besides, all he was really concentrating on now...was his fly-casting, or playing the electric guitar.... K.I.T.T.'s Voice is heard over the comlink. Ali reacts. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I've just identified Hawk Face. He's custodian of a temple downtown. MICHAEL I'm on my way, Kitt. ALI (re comlink) Standard Foundation equipment? MICHAEL (smiles) It comes with the job. Ali, will you be all right by yourself? ALI Sure. I've got my work, remember? MICHAEL I'll keep in touch. Ali nods and Michael leaves. OMITTED EXT. VANESSA SUTTON'S HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING SHOT an upscale, secluded house, in the hills. EXT. POOL AREA - TIGHT ON THE BLACK CRYSTAL in the hand of Mac Gifford, thirty-five, a handsome karate master with chiselled muscles and features. GIFFORD Here's your black crystal. He flips it in his hand, tosses it to: VANESSA SUTTON twenty-seven, sexy, in a short dress. She sits at a poolside table working at an electronic device. She catches the stone. GIFFORD Got it off Raymond's belt, just like you said. VANESSA Perfect. That puts us right on schedule. GIFFORD As long as it doesn't put us in jail. VANESSA You have to have more faith in modern science, Mac. This little work of art is going to make both of us very rich. As she inserts the crystal into the device, he watches, appreciating the curve of her legs. VANESSA Beautiful. GIFFORD I'll say. VANESSA The stone, Mac...not my legs. Move on me now, and you just might get vaporized. She flips one of the buttons. Gifford jumps back. Vanessa laughs. VANESSA I've waited a long time for this. You ever heard of a thermo-light generator? GIFFORD Anything like a sun lamp? VANESSA Only that it produces an intense heat. And adding the black crystal to it... brings new meaning to the word 'melt- down.' Watch what it does to three inches of solid steel. Vanessa points the generator toward a sheet of heavy steel in the garden. Gifford watches eagerly as she flips a second switch and an intense bolt of red light focuses on the steel. THE STEEL glows, smokes a little, but the light doesn't cut through it. BACK TO VANESSA AND GIFFORD She glares, her eyes like switchblades. She adjusts the device. GIFFORD That's going to get us into a vault full of diamonds?! VANESSA Damn...something's wrong. GIFFORD (angry) You telling me? I killed a man for that? VANESSA Shut up! It's only working at half strength. (examining crystal) It's been cut in two! We have to find the other half. GIFFORD And where do 'we' look? VANESSA That, lover, is your department. Just find it. OMITTED EXT. TEMPLE - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up in front of the picturesque structure. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE His name is Fuji Hakito, Michael you might find him out in the garden. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Sayonara. He climbs out, heads for the temple. OMITTED INT. TEMPLE Michael enters. Hears a gonging and follows it to: EXT. TEMPLE GARDEN - DAY Hakito kneels before a statue. Also present is a pretty, fragile, kimono-clad Japanese woman. She kneels before a small gong, which she sounds periodically. CLOSE ON HAKITO Deep in meditation, he grunts and strains his muscles before using his forehead to break a brick he holds before him. Behind him, we see Michael moving toward him. Hakito tenses, aware of the intruder's presence. As Michael approaches, he lashes out swiftly behind him, attacking Michael. Michael crashes through some shrubbery. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE FIGHT It's quick and fierce before Michael knocking him uncon- scious. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, have Devon call the police to pick up Hakito and his friend here. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Right away, Michael. As Michael looks back toward the unconscious Hakito, we: OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. SEMI - DAY in motion, cruising down the highway. MICHAEL'S VOICE How's the interrogation coming? INT. SEMI - COFFEE ROOM - DAY - MICHAEL WITH DEVON as he pours tea from a cheap pot into a styrofoam cup. Michael paces. DEVON According to Sergeant McMillan, it's not. Ever hear of 'Sei-jo?' (Note: pronounced "sey-jo.") MICHAEL Sounds like something from a sushi bar. DEVON We should be so lucky. It's apparently the Takishi version of 'omerta' -- the vow of silence. Michael shakes his head, frustrated. MICHAEL Terrific. An ancient warrior clan alive and well -- and living high on the hog. I had Kitt check out Hakito's piggy bank. He had more in CDs than you make in a year. DEVON I'm not interested in changing occu- pations, if that's what you mean. (beat) There's got to be more to this than meets the eye. MICHAEL I agree. The question is 'what?' They move into the main room. ANGLE IN SEMI As Michael and Devon enter we see Bonnie with Elliott. She watches, fascinated, as Elliott sets up a demonstration: behind a conventional standing candle is a highly polished reflector; in front of the reflector is an opaque grey lens the size of a quarter. ELLIOTT ...by reorganizing particles of light into their most efficient matrix. Michael and Devon exchange a look. MICHAEL Couldn't have said it better myself. DEVON Precisely. BONNIE Elliott is going to demonstrate Doctor Raymond's principal of 'split-particle radiation.' ELLIOTT It's not all that complicated, really. The light we see is only one percent the total available spectrum. They nod, lost. ELLIOTT Watch. Elliott lights the candle, holds the grey lens in front of the reflector. ELLIOTT This convex focal lens was one of Doctor Raymond's early innovations. They ad-lib appropriate comments, no idea what they're witnessing. Then Devon's eyes drift to something beyond. He goes pale. DEVON My Hampton Court trophy! He lunges off. WIDER ANGLE They look up to see Devon grab a heretofore unnoticed silver trophy cup from a bookshelf or resting place. It's half melted and smoking. Devon looks aghast. DEVON I've had this for decades! We beat Hedgerow in the cricket championship that year.... He trails off, realizing it doesn't matter now. Everyone looks embarrassed, especially Elliott. ELLIOTT (for lack of anything better) Gee...What decade was that? DEVON (darkly) Never mind. To fill an awkward silence: MICHAEL Well, I really hate to leave, but I've gotta check out a place called Body Boutique. Hakito had a member- ship there. Reaching K.I.T.T., he pauses before leaving. MICHAEL On the way over I'll keep an eye open for a trophy repair shop. Devon looks at the melted trophy in his hand. DEVON Thanks so very much. EXT. SEMI - DAY K.I.T.T. drops down the ramp, spins a 180 and accelerates off. EXT. MAC GIFFORD'S BODY BOUTIQUE - DAY An up-scale health club in a fashionable part of the city. K.I.T.T. drives up and into the lot. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, there's one thing about Elliott I don't understand. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael guides the car into a parking space, climbs out over: MICHAEL What's that? K.I.T.T. If he doesn't like being called a nerd, why does he act like one? MICHAEL I don't think he's acting, pal. I'll be back. Meanwhile, get me what you can on this Mac Gifford. INT. KARATE ROOM - DAY Gifford massages a towel-draped Vanessa on a leather massage table. GIFFORD Tell me that doesn't feel good. VANESSA The only thing that'll make me feel good now is finding the other half of the black crystal. GIFFORD If Raymond's daughter doesn't have it, she'll know where it is. Either way, we'll find it. Now relax... that's it...visualize the tension leaving your body. CUT TO INT. BODY BOUTIQUE - RECEPTION AREA - DAY - JEANIE The spunky receptionist, watches a soap opera on a small TV. Glued to the tube, she barely turns as Michael enters. We hear rock music from the workout rooms. JEANIE You here for aerobics? MICHAEL Only if you give private lessons. She turns...likes what she sees. JEANIE Sorry to disappoint you...I'm just the receptionist. MICHAEL Even better. You could tell me about your members. JEANIE Sorry. Mr. Gifford's high on confi- dentiality. MICHAEL Whatever gets you through the night. Is he in there? He indicates a door marked "Members Only." JEANIE Yes, but that's only for the Karate Club. Black belts. MICHAEL You a member? She shakes her head. MICHAEL (winks) Good. Then you can't stop me. A muscular hunk, Sam, enters the room behind Michael, heading for the showers. Jeanie indicates him with a nod. JEANIE No, but I can yell for security. Before she can yell, Michael quickly pulls Jeanie close, covering her mouth with a kiss. Sam chuckles and moves off. When they break, Jeanie looks at Michael, pleasantly surprised. JEANIE ...and I thought that only happened in soap operas.... Michael smiles and heads inside. MICHAEL I won't be long. INT. KARATE ROOM - DAY - VANESSA nearly purring now, eyes closed, as Gifford continues the massage. GIFFORD (softly) I'll be right back. He leaves. A beat as camera moves in close on Vanessa's back. A PAIR OF HANDS enter shot. Start massaging again. VANESSA That was fast. FULL ANGLE to see Michael continuing the massage. Vanessa moans. VANESSA Ohhh...I never thought you could be so tender. (off Michael's smile) Careful...I'm beginning to visualize more than 'tension leaving my body.' I can't wait to return the favor. MICHAEL Me neither. Vanessa, shocked, turns to cover up, seeing Michael. At the same moment: ANGLE TO INCLUDE GIFFORD GIFFORD Hey, what do you think you're doing? His recognition of Michael is immediate. MICHAEL Relieving tension. My name's Michael Knight. I'm a friend of Fuji Hakito's. GIFFORD I...understand Hakito died recently. MICHAEL So I hear. Too bad. I lost a good sparring partner. I was hoping to pick up another one here. GIFFORD This is a private club...but out of curiosity...what belt are you? MICHAEL Oh...I'm beyond colors. I've beaten a Takishi. As Vanessa reacts, Gifford meets his eye, without wavering. GIFFORD The Hammer Hawk. To my knowledge they died out years ago. And from what I've heard, bragging wasn't part of the Takishi code. You had to withstand the test of raw nerves to even be considered. MICHAEL Try me. As Gifford studies him: SMASH CUT TO EXTREME CLOSEUP - MICHAEL standing against the karate room wall as a razor-sharp diamond shaped shuriken embeds into the wall next to his face, just above his shoulder. He doesn't even flinch. GIFFORD'S VOICE Very good. Widen to include: GIFFORD looking on as Ito, a large, robed Oriental handles four more shurikens. GIFFORD The Takishi believed the superior warrior could look into the eyes of death five times and never waver. MICHAEL Five's my lucky number. A second is thrown, embedding perilously close to his other shoulder. GIFFORD Had enough? MICHAEL I came to play. Ito winds up and tosses two more with both hands. Michael does not even blink as they land on both sides of his ears. INCLUDE VANESSA moving into the b.g., now dressed. Gifford acknowledges her presence. MICHAEL Four down, one to go. GIFFORD For the last you must close your eyes. According to the Takishi code, it would scare off all pretenders. MICHAEL For someone who just claimed the Takishi had died out, you sure do your best to keep the tradition alive. Vanessa looks over at Gifford, betraying a sense of nervous- ness. Michael sees it. Gifford turns back to Michael. GIFFORD You can always quit. Michael closes his eyes. Gifford gives Ito a hand signal. The man grunts and flings the shuriken toward Michael. At the last moment, Michael ducks. It embeds right where his head was, narrowly missing him. GIFFORD You moved. MICHAEL You should have told me the Takishi had a height requirement. GIFFORD Don't get the wrong idea. You bailed out first and my man adjusted. Michael starts off. MICHAEL Yeah, right. Let's do it again some time. In my gym. With that, he exits the room. Once he has left, Gifford moves over to Vanessa. GIFFORD He could be trouble. VANESSA Wrong tense, Mac. He is trouble. ANGLE IN RECEPTION AREA - MICHAEL passes Jeanie, who smiles at him. Michael smiles back. MICHAEL Thanks. (fishing) Boy, Mac has all the luck. That Angel Brown is one stunning woman. JEANIE (confused) Angel Brown...You mean Vanessa Sutton? Michael taps his head. MICHAEL I must have been thinking of her eyes. Catch you later, baby blues. Jeanie laughs, as Michael exits. EXT. BODY BOUTIQUE - DAY - MICHAEL getting into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Think we're on a roll, pal. This place is Takishi Central and Gifford's in it up to his shurikens. He starts the car and pulls out. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. That's odd, Michael. He's a very respectable man. Decorated Green Beret, karate champion, and this club is very successful. Why would he risk it? MICHAEL I don't know, but if I'm any judge of manhood, it has something to do with a beautiful lady named Vanessa Sutton. See what you've got on her. They drive away. EXT. STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. streaking through the afternoon sun. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I've completed the check, Michael. There are eleven Vanessa Suttons in my data bank. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL driving. MICHAEL Run 'em by me, buddy. K.I.T.T. Vanessa Abigail Sutton.... MICHAEL Pass. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael, she's a virtuoso bassoonist. MICHAEL Kitt, she's ninety. Go on. K.I.T.T. Very well. Vanessa B. Sutton.... INTERCUT - MONITOR - A RACE HORSE MICHAEL Great legs, but that's a pass, too. Next? INTERCUT - MONITOR - THE REAL VANESSA K.I.T.T. Vanessa Mary Sutton. MICHAEL That's Miss Massage. K.I.T.T. Intelligent as well as beautiful, Michael. She has a Ph D in Geo-Physics. MICHAEL Just like Doctor Raymond. Let's head over to Ali's and see if that's the woman who visited her father. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. doing a 180, and speeding off to Ali's. INT. ALI'S STUDIO - DAY - ALI packs up some photographic equipment from various parts of the room. The sound of a motorbike approaching outside is heard. Getting closer, then stopping. Ali stops for a beat taking it in. Footsteps are heard outside below, moving around. She seems to hold her breath as the foot- steps start up the wooden stairs to her studio. Slowly, they climb, as if tiptoeing. A sense of panic crosses Ali's face. A sixth sense tells her to grab a tripod. She moves fearfully behind the door, holding the tripod over her head as the door knob slowly turns. The door opens, and Ali readies to crash the tripod down on the intruder. Elliott steps in. Ali aborts midswing as Elliott ducks, terrified. ALI Who are you?! ELLIOTT Me? ALI You! ELLIOTT Me. Yes. I'm Elliott Sykes...I work with the Foundation. ALI (amazed) The Foundation for Law and Government? ELLIOTT (proud) Yes. Michael and I are on the case together. ALI What were you doing creeping up here like that? I almost took off your head. ELLIOTT I'm sorry, I just didn't want to disturb you in case you were working. I was just trying to be considerate. I guess I overdid it. ALI (a beat) That's all right. ELLIOTT No, it's not. I'm always doing nerdy things like that. I've really got to stop. ALI Don't be so hard on yourself. How were you to know I was going to be so jumpy. Elliott breaks into his charming, overbite smile. ELLIOTT Thanks for letting me off the hook. ALI I'd like to invite you in but I'm already late for a shoot. ELLIOTT Oh, that's too bad. Michael and I are hot on the case. I was hoping I could get your father's notes... letters...anything that might give us a clue to what he was working on. I thought maybe we could brainstorm. ALI Well, how about I let you go through his things. By the time you finish, I'll be back. We can brainstorm then. ELLIOTT We can? Ali smiles, moving over to a desk. Elliott is clearly smitten. She takes out a stack of bound letters and notes, hands them to Elliott, noticing for the first time the new shirt Elliott wears. A shirt just like Michael's except buttoned askew. Her hand moves around the collar, touching it. ALI Nice shirt...new? ELLIOTT No...I wear it all the time. Ali pulls out the price tag, still attached to the back. She gives him a gentle smile and removes it. He breaks into his asthmatic laugh. She laughs too, enjoying his innocence. ANOTHER ANGLE - THE DOOR flies open and a hawk-masked Takishi appears. Ali screams. So does Elliott, taking a karate stance. ELLIOTT Back! I'm warning you! Hawk-mask does a lightning-fast karate combination that sends Elliott flying back and crashing into a stereo system of bookcase. Ali grabs a lamp to strike him but he disarms her, throws the lamp on top of Elliott who's struggling to his feet. ELLIOTT You'll never get away with this! I'm a Foundation man. We never stop. We never sleep. We eat guys like you for breakfast. Hawk-mask dumps a carton of books on Elliott, grabs Ali, seeing the black crystal around her neck. She tries to twist away but he clamps a hand over her mouth and darts outside with her. ANGLE ON ELLIOTT Determined, he struggles once again to his feet. ELLIOTT Don't worry, Ali! He charges for the door but his feet get tangled in the stereo wire. He goes down with a crash. OMITTED EXT. ALI'S STUDIO - DAY Hawk-mask (Ito) pulls Ali out to the street as the Jeep swings up, stops. Ito pushes her in, leaps aboard as it pulls out. REVERSE ANGLE K.I.T.T. turns down the street to Ali's. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael reacts. MICHAEL Kitt, is that Ali? K.I.T.T. Yes! And there's Elliott! MICHAEL Elliott? ANGLE ON ELLIOTT coming down Ali's stairs double time, running to rendezvous with Michael and K.I.T.T. at the curb. To Elliott's amazement K.I.T.T. flashes by, splashing a puddle of water onto his new Knight Rider shirt. ANGLE ON STREET The Jeep roars by. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. pursues, gaining. EXT. CONSTRUCTION AREA - DAY The Jeep darts through a gate in the fence, disappears in a cloud of dust. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. racing toward the gate when: K.I.T.T. Michael! MICHAEL Gotcha, pal. He hits Turbo Boost. WIDER ANGLE A truck carrying lumber crosses in front of the gate. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE JUMP K.I.T.T. flies up and over the truck. ANGLE IN JEEP Gifford, driving, reacts to what he sees in the rearview mirror. He grabs Ali, holding her fast with one arm. GIFFORD (to Ito) Use the gun on him! ITO But Miss Sutton said --- GIFFORD Use it! Ito seats himself behind the swivel mounted black crystal gun. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael behind the wheel, seeing the Jeep trying to arc around behind them. MICHAEL About-face! He slams the wheel. WIDER ANGLE K.I.T.T. does a 180. ANGLE ON ITO He fires. K.I.T.T.'S RIGHT FRONT TIRE Virtually motionless for that split second in the 180, it suddenly begins to smoke, then disintegrates into a gooey mess in front of our eyes. ANGLE ON MICHAEL Accelerating, he fights the wheel. MICHAEL Kitt! K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael, but they've disabled my right front tire! MICHAEL Disabled? K.I.T.T. I've never experienced anything like it. A more apt term would be 'melt down.' Angry, Michael looks ahead. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE JEEP roars back out through the gate. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - EARLY MORNING - ON SEMI moving. DEVON'S VOICE Do you think they'll harm Ali, Michael? INT. SEMI - DAY Michael paces with concerned energy, as Devon talks with him. In the b.g. Bonnie and Elliott are repairing K.I.T.T.'s tire. MICHAEL Let's just hope they consider her insurance until they get whatever they're after. DEVON Have you no hint of what that is? MICHAEL Just that it's worth killing for and it's going down soon. Elliott looks up with a groan. ELLIOTT It's all my fault. I could have stopped that guy from taking Ali. MICHAEL You did your best. Sometimes, it takes more than heart, Elliott. You were a little overmatched. I wish I had the same excuse. BONNIE Believe me you do, Michael. That beam imploded poor Kitt's tire like it was ordinary rubber. K.I.T.T. Yes, it was most embarrassing. MICHAEL We'll get them next time, buddy. BONNIE Don't be so sure. Now we know Doctor Raymond developed the black crystal, and they've got it. DEVON That's the frightening part. I had a chance to glance over the diaries that Elliott brought back. There's no earthly material that the split particle beam can't melt down. MICHAEL If you're trying to scare me off, forget it Devon. Right now, I've got to find Ali and I've got a good idea where to start. Bonnie closes K.I.T.T.'s hood. BONNIE He's ready, Michael. Elliott moves to Michael, standing in his way. ELLIOTT I want to go with you...for Ali's sake. Michael looks at him a beat. MICHAEL You really like her, don't you. ELLIOTT (a little sheepish) Well...sure...you gotta aim high. MICHAEL (hands on his shoulders) Then for her sake stay here. Put your head together with Bonnie's. Figure out something that'll give Kitt and me a fighting chance, pal. ELLIOTT (smiling broadly) Pal? DEVON Good luck, Michael. Michael hops into K.I.T.T., starts up. EXT. SEMI - DAY - K.I.T.T. gliding down the ramp and on to the highway. A sharp 180 degree turn sends it rocketing off down the asphalt ribbon. OMITTED EXT. MAC GIFFORD'S BODY BOUTIQUE - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up silently across from the gyn. Michael looks through the open glass front where a large sign reads "Closed Mondays". There's no activity, but we see a large pair of feet sticking up over the reception counter. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT - MONITOR Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL Zoom in on twinkle toes for me, will you, Kitt? The monitor responds with appropriate graphics, then we see a zoom-in picture of Sam, the hulk we met at the club earlier. Obviously there for security, he's sitting with his feet up, watching cartoons on the TV. K.I.T.T. He's alone, Michael. He's eating brown rice, fresh vegetables...and a Ding Dong! MICHAEL Shame on him. See a way inside, pal? K.I.T.T. There's an opened skylight, Michael. MICHAEL Time to drop in. They pull into an alley beside the gym. INT. GYM - DAY - ANGLE IN WEIGHT ROOM Michael dangles from the skylight in the ceiling, gets his bearings, and drops to the floor noiselessly. He moves to a door, opens it a crack and looks outside. ANGLE IN RECEPTION AREA Sam, the security hulk, is laughing over a cartoon. He doesn't see Michael behind him, peering through the crack in the door. In a moment, Michael disappears. After a beat, we hear the sound of crashing and breaking glass and metal coming from the weight room. Sam leaps to his feet and runs to find out what's going on. INT. WEIGHT ROOM - DAY Sam runs in, looks around, and sees nothing. MICHAEL'S VOICE Catch! Sam whirls. REVERSE ANGLE - MICHAEL pushing/tossing a heavy barbell to the unsuspecting Sam, who's thrown backwards by its momentum as he catches it. He stumbles over a weight bench and winds up pinned under the barbell. Michael quickly deposits a second barbell on top of him before he can recover. MICHAEL Come on...show me your bench press. Sam tries to lift the barbells. He's starting to move them when Michael slaps an additional weight plate onto the end of one. Sam struggles to keep the weight off his chest. MICHAEL Come on...you can do it! Pump it! Sam pumps all right, straining, bulging, but getting nowhere. Michael adds one more plate. MICHAEL Okay, let's talk. SAM (grunting) Get these things off me. MICHAEL Where'd they take Ali Raymond? Sam doesn't answer. Michael lifts another weight-plate. SAM No! Come on, man, you're crushing me. MICHAEL (with the weight poised) Read my lips. Where's Ali Raymond? I know Gifford has her. No answer. Michael starts to put the plate on the bar. SAM They're holding her in a van at Mars Canyon. A little ways past road's end. Michael stops, pleased. He drops the weight, watches Sam squirm for a minute. MICHAEL Oughta stay away from those Ding Dongs. A wink and he goes, leaving Sam under the weights. ANGLE ON SAM He pushes the weights off, with one quick move. Then gets to his feet and crosses to a wall phone. He punches in a number. INT. VANESSA SUTTON'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Gifford picks up a receiver. Vanessa works over the Thermal Light Generator in the b.g. We also see Ito and Ali, bound. GIFFORD (into phone) Yeah?..Great. (hangs up; to Vanessa) He swallowed the bait. VANESSA Perfect. Just in time for a dry run. Let's go test it out. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - FOUNDATION SEMI highballing down an open highway. INT. SEMI - DAY We open on Elliott and Bonnie working on a glass windshield. With care, they are covering it with patches of prismatic, corrugated material. Widen to see Devon cross to them with a plate of cookies. DEVON Cookie anyone? Bonnie takes one, but Elliott shakes his head. ELLIOTT No thanks, Devon. I won't eat until we finish this. Devon shakes his head, smiles at his determination. To his surprise, Elliott's hand snakes out absently, grabs a cookie and devours it unconsciously as he works. Devon and Bonnie share a glance. Devon paces off with a sigh of frustration. DEVON It's been too long since they've called in. BONNIE Relax. You know Michael. Sometimes he gets too caught up in his work. DEVON (cocks his head; re Elliott) Like someone else we know. Elliott puts down his work with a big gesture, standing with frustration. ELLIOTT I know what you're both thinking -- 'if the nerd hadn't let them take Ali, none of this would've happened.' BONNIE (protesting) Elliott.... ELLIOTT No...I know. You don't really think I'm Foundation material. DEVON Elliott, do you know what makes Michael such a good Foundation man? ELLIOTT Sure, he's brave, strong and good looking. DEVON No. It's the fact he never gives up. And neither should you. Elliott smiles and gets right back to work. Michael's voice is heard. MICHAEL'S VOICE Yo Devon. They all turn to look as his picture appears on the computer's monitor. INTERCUT - MONITORS - INT. K.I.T.T. - INT. SEMI - DAY - DEVON AND BONNIE Michael driving. MICHAEL I'm in a hurry. They've got Ali in a van down in Mars Canyon. I'm on my way there. DEVON Splendid, Michael. We may have more good news. Elliott and Bonnie are close to completing a polarized refracting windshield that could give some defense against the split particle beam. MICHAEL Great. Give them high fives for me. I'm gone. His image fades. Devon and Bonnie turn to congratulate Elliott. DEVON Elliott? But he's not there. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - ANGLE TOWARD THE REAR OF SEMI - DAY Elliott has fired up his white Moped and is disappearing down the back ramp on it. BONNIE Elliott, what are you doing? You'll kill yourself! Ell...iott! EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - THE SEMI The ramp is down and out flies our nerd on his bike. He bounces onto the pavement, pedalling furiously to pump up his RPMs. By the time the lumbering truck can slow, he's long gone. CUT TO EXT. MARS CANYON - DAY - K.I.T.T. moves carefully onto a rutty dirt track into a heavy-brush canyon. MICHAEL'S VOICE Silent mode, Kitt. The car's engines goes quiet. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL This is where Gifford's boy said they'd... (beat; reacting) Hold it. Look. REVERSE ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD/ INTERCUT - MONITOR Parked in the brush is an ND van. MICHAEL Scan that van, Kitt. The monitor shows disrupted static bars. No image. MICHAEL What's the problem? K.I.T.T. I can't get a picture. The van's frame is reinforced with lead. This may be a trap. MICHAEL (concerned) I know, but there's still the chance Ali may be there. I'm going in. K.I.T.T. I'm with you, Michael. MICHAEL Not this time. (reaching for buttons) I'm gonna have to shut you down, pal. K.I.T.T. No, I can't allow that. MICHAEL And I can't allow you taking another jolt from that beam. K.I.T.T. But Michael, the danger is the same for you. I'm programmed to preserve human life, especially yours. MICHAEL And that's one of the problems, buddy, I can be replaced. You can't. Don't worry...I'll be back. As Michael deactivates K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. ...but Michael...this is nooot acc-coor-ding tooo.... The voice, console lights and scanner fade as Michael gets out. EXT. CANYON - DAY - FOLLOWING MICHAEL moving commando-style through the brush, he darts between trees, then low to the ground through open area, as he moves closer to the van. Camera pans away to find: THE JEEP hidden by deep brush. On it's rear is the Thermal Light Generator, now mounted on a swivel like some sinister machine gun. Manning it like a turret gunner is Vanessa. Gifford is behind the wheel. VANESSA Here he comes, Mac. She puts her eye to the weapon's sight. INSERT - SUPERIMPOSE - MICHAEL creeps through the brush, but we see him trained in crosshairs of a high-tech electronic scope. At the last moment, Michael glances into camera, reacts. WIDE SHOT - MICHAEL AND VANESSA as she fires the Thermal Light Generator he dives behind a rock. The rock glows brightly, then melts like wax, instantly, leaving Michael exposed. In a flash he's on his feet and ducking down into a stream bed. THE JEEP Vanessa shouts back to Gifford. VANESSA Pull out, Mac. I want him. The Jeep rumbles out of the brush across the expanse, after Michael. MICHAEL dodging it, ducks behind bushes, trying to reach the van. A high pitched whine is heard. Michael turns and sees: ELLIOTT on his Moped, riding in like the cavalry. Braving every- thing, he rides right up to the van, softly. ELLIOTT Ali --- Ali --- He then tries to open the door. Suddenly Ito and Sumi reach out and pick up Elliott and Moped, in one big move, throwing him into the van. The van takes off. (Note: Ali is not inside). ANGLE ON MICHAEL reacting as he looks up from behind a bush. Exposed. VANESSA fires again. ANGLE ON MICHAEL The bush explodes in a fireball of flames. Michael's blown back by the force of the blast. VANESSA looks at Mac with a satisfied smile. VANESSA There goes our last hurtle. Let's get out of here. Gifford starts the Jeep away. We hold on Michael's motionless body. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. MARS CANYON - DAY We pan around the area struck by Vanessa's weapon. Flames still lick at the objects struck by its light. Amid the desolation, camera finds: MICHAEL lying flat in the dirt, gasping for breath in the sooty air. He raises his head and quickly sees he's got to move to avoid being broiled. Struggling to his knees, he addresses his comlink: MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt...turn yourself on...I need you, buddy. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. coming to life, self-activating, lighting up and shifting into gear. The gas pedal floors. EXT. CANYON ROAD - FOLLOWING K.I.T.T. as the car screeches out of hiding and bolts to the spot where Michael has now reached his feet. He leans on the car rather shakily, then climbs in. K.I.T.T. Michael, you're hurt. What happened? MICHAEL I almost got deep-fried by Doctor Raymond's black crystal. K.I.T.T. We've got to get you to a hospital. MICHAEL No time, buddy. Now they've got Ali and Elliott. Let's get to the semi. They're already screeching away. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - SEMI on the move. K.I.T.T. slides up and in the ramp. MICHAEL'S VOICE Ouch! BONNIE'S VOICE Almost finished...there. INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie finishes taping up a bandage on Michael's arm. Devon, at the desk, reading Dr. Raymond's diaries. MICHAEL I think you missed your calling, Florence. BONNIE Not really. I just spend more time nursing Kitt than you. And now that you're all wrapped up.... She crosses to the car and starts working again on K.I.T.T.'s windshield. Devon looks up from his reading. DEVON Considering the power of Raymond's crystal, you're lucky you're still with us. (warm beat) We're lucky, too. MICHAEL Yeah, everyone's lucky but Elliott and Ali. I feel like we're going backwards. He moves painfully to the desk. MICHAEL Find anything in Doctor Raymond's diaries? DEVON Yes, you were right about her having visited him shortly before his murder. But one thing I bet you didn't know... Vanessa Sutton was his assistant on the black crystal project. MICHAEL That explains a lot. Suddenly: DEVON Michael, look here. An address with the initials V.M.S. alongside it. MICHAEL Vanessa Mary Sutton. DEVON Only it's dated two years ago. MICHAEL Devon, I'll bet she has it under a different name, that's why we haven't been able to locate her. DEVON I'm sure you're right. MICHAEL Bonnie, Kitt ready? BONNIE If I said no, would you leave him here? But Michael's already sliding in. MICHAEL Absolutely. He's backing out. BONNIE Michael! Don't you want to hear how that polarized refracting windshield works?! MICHAEL I'm sure Kitt will tell me all about it. Right, buddy? K.I.T.T. In detail, Michael...in detail. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON SEMI - MOVING K.I.T.T. backs out, spins a 180 and heads off. EXT. VANESSA'S HOUSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING SHOT the Jeep and Gifford's van parked in front. INT. VANESSA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - VANESSA zipping up a pair of tight uniform overalls. Gifford is in the room with Ito. They wear the same overalls and are gathering equipment. VANESSA Ready? GIFFORD Just say the word. VANESSA Let's go over the plan one more time.... She goes to a desk, behind which we can see an intercom box. CUT TO INT. VANESSA'S HOUSE - MASTER BEDROOM - DAY - ELLIOTT tied back to back with Ali on two chairs. One of the lenses from his glass frames is missing. He holds its jagged edge in his hand and blindly tries to cut their ropes. ELLIOTT Ali, I think I'm getting somewhere. Abruptly, change falls out of Ali's jacket pocket. ALI That was my pocket, Elliott. ELLIOTT Sorry...I just can't see. ALI Let me try. They squirm together and Elliott transfers the jagged glass lens to her hand. It's awkward, but she starts cutting. He strokes her wrist with love. ALI This is hopeless. ELLIOTT Don't give up, Ali. At least we're in this together. ALI I'm glad...really. I just wish it was different circumstances. ELLIOTT You do? You mean I don't turn you off? I know I'm not much to look at.... ALI Elliott, you've got a beautiful heart and a beautiful mind. Take it from a photographer, you can't see that with your eye, but it always shows up in the picture. ELLIOTT (touched) Boy...If I could only find out what they were up to, maybe...Wait a second.... Elliott's eyes move off. INCLUDE INTERCOM MASTER CONSOLE on the wall, nearby. Elliott getting an idea. ELLIOTT Ali, bounce with me.... ALI Bounce?! Elliott nods and jumps up. Ali, too. The chains move across the floor. They bounce until they reach the console, where Elliott leans over and pushes the intercom button with his nose. Abruptly, the voice of Vanessa is heard over its speaker box as it activates. VANESSA'S VOICE According to my calibrations, it should take exactly thirty seconds for the black crystal to cut through the vault door. Ali and Elliott exchange looks. Then: ALI Hey, I got it! We see their hands pop free of the ropes and they rub the feeling back into their wrists. They give each other a quick embrace. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY as Vanessa finishes going over the plan. VANESSA Any questions? Okay, let's hit that diamond exchange. GIFFORD I'm going to check those kids first. VANESSA Don't hurt them. They're our ace in the hole. He heads off to the bedroom. INT. BEDROOM - DAY Gifford opens the door and reacts as he sees the kids are gone. As he steps into the room: ELLIOTT appears from behind the door and smashes a chair over Gifford's head. He goes down, groggy but not out. Ali leaps from the closet and grabs Elliott's hand. ALI Come on! Let's get out of here! They climb out the window. EXT. HOUSE - DAY as Elliott leads her to his bike, leaning against the side of the house. They get on. He starts it. ELLIOTT (proudly) Computerized ignition. ALI Will you just go! Elliott does. INT. BEDROOM - DAY Vanessa charges in as Gifford is getting to his feet, a bit groggy. VANESSA What happened? GIFFORD They got away; I'm going after them. VANESSA There's no time. Another half hour and that diamond exchange will be swarming with people. Gifford follows her out. OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. streaks by. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael steers doggedly toward Vanessa's. MICHAEL You're kind of quiet, buddy. What's on your mind? K.I.T.T. Well, I've just been calculating our chances against that overgrown blowtorch. MICHAEL And...? K.I.T.T. Let me put it this way. If we go into battle, and my calculations indicate our demise is impending... do I have permission to eject you to safety? MICHAEL (touched) You know your problem, Kitt, you're too negative. K.I.T.T. And you're too evasive. Well? MICHAEL Permission denied, pal. My momma always taught me, you dance with who brung ya. (beat) What the.... He reacts to the sight of: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - WIDE SHOT K.I.T.T. is suddenly passed by Elliott and Ali, racing the other way on Elliott's Moped. K.I.T.T. burns a 180 and catches up to them as they stop on the roadside. CLOSER ANGLE - MICHAEL AND THE KIDS as Michael runs to greet them. MICHAEL Elliott, Ali, are you guys all right? ALI We are now...thanks to Elliott. ELLIOTT What about you? I was afraid they had you char-broiled. MICHAEL Not quite. Vanessa and Gifford... where are they? ELLIOTT After diamonds. Something about an exchange.... K.I.T.T. The diamond exchange downtown, Michael. MICHAEL It fits. (starting back to K.I.T.T.) Elliott, you take Ali to safety. ELLIOTT I'm coming with you. I'm a Foundation man, too. MICHAEL Then you should know a real Foundation man would never leave a lady when there could be danger. ELLIOTT (takes this in) You're right. Okay. But call if you need me. MICHAEL You have my word on it. Michael and the kids zoom off in opposite directions. EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - DAY Vanessa's Jeep pulls into the business district, deserted at this hour. ANGLE ON JEEP Ito drives. Gifford next to him, with Vanessa in back near the gun. VANESSA There it is.... ANGLE TO INCLUDE DIAMOND EXCHANGE EXT. STREETS - DAY - K.I.T.T. at pursuit speed, racing to intervene. EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - DAY The Jeep is in position. Vanessa aims the gun at the steel door. VANESSA Once we cut through that steel door, the vault is only fifty feet away. FAVORING GIFFORD reacting: GIFFORD Unfortunately, Knight's even closer! She looks to see: K.I.T.T. screeching around a nearby corner and to a stop, like a gunfighter arriving for a showdown. BACK TO SHOT VANESSA This time he's going to get burned for good. She aims the gun toward K.I.T.T. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael surveys the situation. MICHAEL Did Devon raise the police? K.I.T.T. They're on their way. Maybe we should wait for them. MICHAEL No way. They're strictly backup. I don't want any police officers getting hurt. K.I.T.T. Michael, she's getting ready to fire. MICHAEL That's what we want, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Wrong, Michael. What we want is for her to hit our refracting windshield. If she hits us anywhere else, even with my molecular-bonded shell, we'll both be incinerated in ten seconds. MICHAEL That's the chance we'll have to take. Set your timer, buddy. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH We see an L.E.D. digital clock, calibrated at 100ths of a second, click up to 5:00. Next to it, a digital ther- mometer reads "Interior Temp.: 76o". MICHAEL Here goes nothing. He accelerates forward. FULL ANGLE - THE STREET K.I.T.T. speeds toward the Jeep, the device's beam fires onto K.I.T.T.'s front end and reflects up toward the cockpit. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. A rainbow of refracted light plays over Michael's face as he instantly breaks into a sweat. K.I.T.T. Michael, she's hitting us! We're burning up! MICHAEL We've got to give her a target she can't miss. K.I.T.T. But you're driving right into her. MICHAEL It's the only way to make sure that beam hits the windshield. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH The timer counts down past four as the thermometer passes 100o. ANGLE ON THE JEEP - GIFFORD AND VANESSA frowning as Michael keeps on coming. The device fires continuously. GIFFORD Hey...where's your meltdown? VANESSA Keep your shirt on. I've got him now. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael squints and gasps for breath, the colored light more intense. MICHAEL They're going for it, Kitt! K.I.T.T. Yes, but less than two seconds and we incinerate. FOLLOWING K.I.T.T. We see the beam hit the windshield and reflect back on its source. ON VANESSA firing, suddenly jarred by the reflection of the beam. VANESSA It's reflecting back on us! How'd he.... But her hands jerk away from the gun as it starts to glow red hot. VANESSA It's going to blow! She and Gifford dive for cover away from the Jeep. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL The rainbow colors and heat more intense than ever. K.I.T.T. This is it, Michael. We can't take any more! MICHAEL Just one second more! VARIOUS ANGLES - DEVICE AND JEEP exploding. The beam reflected on it becomes too much and the device glows white hot, then explodes! Taking the Jeep with it. Vanessa and Gifford hit the pavement nearby. GIFFORD shakes his head to clear the cobwebs and is off and running, but: K.I.T.T. slides a 90 into his path and he crashes up against the car's hood. Michael's out in a second and on him. THE FIGHT is short and sweet. Michael gets in two ace karate blows and sends Gifford down in a heap. He then crosses and yanks Vanessa to her feet. She struggles in his grip as a police car arrives on the scene, siren winding down. The officers cover Ito with drawn guns. Michael looks over his fallen enemies. MICHAEL Now you two are going to feel some real heat. On his triumph: OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG TAG TO FOLLOW