EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58645 Robert Foster January 28, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Burton Armus KNIGHT RIDER TEN WHEEL TROUBLE by Burton Armus ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN A FIST flies into camera filling the frame.... REVERSE as Phil Janetti, recoils from the blow...He gets up from the ground quickly, neither scared nor anxious...We hear the sound of the crowd as the fight is cheered into further combat. Janetti is a well-muscled, dark-complexioned man in his thirties wearing the rugged wardrobe of a trucker which is topped by a short uniform jacket and baseball cap designating JORDON TRUCKING. He puts his hands up and moves back towards camera and: ON JOE FLYNN Janetti's adversary. Flynn has the wild good looks of an Irish warrior, messed hair and a certain uncontrolled anger that fills him with an untamed energy and strength...He's smaller than Janetti but more than makes up for it with his wildness...He charges. The camera widens to: EXT. TRUCK STOP - PATIO The fight moves through the patio with the spectators, other truckers and some waitresses, move tables and umbrellas to keep the area clear and the furniture intact... Janetti is the only one in the group with the Jordon uniform. ANGLE Flynn swings another couple of blows, missing the first and catching Janetti with the next one...Janetti goes down and he stands above him.... FLYNN Come on get up you creep...You turned over on us...You're worse than a traitor.... JANETTI Calm down Joe...I'm trying to make a living...We used to be friends. FLYNN We ain't no more.... Joe reaches down and yanks Janetti to his feet and is met by Janetti's punch...Flynn is sent backwards.... FLYNN He wipes a speck of blood off his lip and glances at it...It's like a cattle prod in his brain...He lets out a roar and leaps at Janetti.... SCENE A certain seriousness comes over the crowd as the fight takes on a deadliness that was not present before. In the crowd is a forties rawboned man dressed like the others but with an additional hard edge to his appearance.... MIKE CURTIS studies the scene with a more calculating look. Edges away towards a phone booth. FIGHT Flynn leaps forward and before Janetti can even protect himself he starts to pound Janetti into the ground...There is no way to defend against Flynn's rage.... SCENE Some of the other drivers realize that it is getting to be too much of a fight and step forward, Frank Dial, a tall thin black man with a calm demeanor and a soothing voice, and "Burgers," a short, squat, overweight, strong and always hungry. DIAL Slow down Joey...This ain't Nam and Janetti ain't no Cong. FLYNN I'm still going to kill him.... He screams over to Janetti who's being helped to his feet. FLYNN You're dead Janetti...I know your routes and your schedule...I'll run you off the road.... Dial puts some more pressure on his restraining hold...Calls over to Janetti.... BURGERS Go ahead Phil...Get out of here and he'll cool down.... Janetti holds a beat, then nods.... JANETTI I only left your Independents cause I was about to lose everything...I need the security of Jordon Trucking.... FLYNN You're a traitor!! Janetti knows he can't reason with Flynn...He moves off towards the rigs which are parked nearby...The camera moves off to: PHONE BOOTH - MIKE CURTIS He has a pleased look on his face as he talks.... CURTIS What do you think Mr. Jordon? INT. JORDON TRUCKING OFFICES - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Plush, looking down on the panorama of the city below him... Edmund Jordon looks out of place in the surroundings...His dress is severe in comparison to the sounding decor...He is a tall, thin, heavy boned man with an intellectual brow and a brooding calculating look. Two other men are in the room, dangerous looking but subservient...One preps an Alka Seltzer for Jordon who always has an upset stomach...Jordon speaks into the phone. JORDON I think this is an opportunity we have to seize upon.... CURTIS What does that mean? JORDON It means that I believe my company can stand the loss of one driver.... CURTIS (now he understands) Got you.... (hangs up) Camera stays with Jordon as he grimaces, downs part of his Alka Seltzer, then he turns to one of his henchmen. JORDON Check on our Compensation Insurance carrier. I want to know what the employer's share of a Death Benefit is. Jordon downs the rest of his Alka Seltzer. CUT TO OPEN ROAD - TEN WHEELER Jordon Trucking logo, as it roars past camera. INSIDE TRUCK CAB Janetti at the wheel...He shows the fresh marks of his recent combat. He drives his rig with nonchalant competence ...He suddenly reacts as his rig is jarred almost spinning the wheel out of his hands.... SCENE A tractor not pulling any trailer slams into the side of Janetti's tractor and sends it out of line.... JANETTI'S TRACTOR Janetti fights the wheel of the rig...The trailer adding momentum to his difficulties.... ROAD The two trucks side by side as they barrel along. ANGLE The uncoupled rig jams into the side of Janetti's rig again.... The trailer starts to fishtail sending the tractor out of control.... JANETTI Some panic starting to show on his face as he can't control.... OTHER TRACTOR gives Janetti one more bang and then pulls away.... SCENE Janetti's rig is totally out of control...The trailer flips around and takes the tractor section with it...The truck runs off the road and flies off into space.... GULLEY The truck tumbles down the side, pieces flying off...then a burst of flame...then stillness.... BACK ON THE ROAD The long tractor pulls next to the side of the road and Curtis stares down from the cab and eyes the crash...Then he hears the sound of an air horn, reacts and pulls off.... ALONG THE ROAD Another full rig is barreling down the road...It is clearly marked with the name of FLYNN AND FAMILY TRUCKING.... INSIDE FLYNN CAB Joe at the wheel...still intense.... POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD He sees a column of smoke billowing up from the gulley...He pulls over...Jumps from his truck.... SCENE as he looks down at the wreckage of Janetti's rig...A couple of other cars pull up now...The people eye Flynn. FLYNN A look of panic starts to show on his face, then he gets into his truck and pulls off.... CUT TO K.I.T.T. caught in the middle of a freeway traffic jam...The cars move along at a snail's pace. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael shows his frustration, his trapped feeling...He slams his fist on the steering wheel...K.I.T.T. reacts.... K.I.T.T. Michael, it's not my fault. MICHAEL How did you let me get into this Kitt? K.I.T.T. Sorry, but you were driving.... MICHAEL I know pal but why is this happening to me? K.I.T.T. Well, to tell the truth this is called the morning traffic jam... It's not an hour you're usually involved with.... MICHAEL (smile) Are you preaching to me? K.I.T.T. Absolutely not Michael...Merely making a statement of fact. A few beats of silence...then: K.I.T.T. You're not angry with me are you Michael? MICHAEL Not if you can get us out of this traffic mess old buddy. K.I.T.T. May I drive...? MICHAEL Be my guest.... Michael takes his hands off the wheel, sits back.... HIGHWAY K.I.T.T. swings onto the emergency lane, pulls around a couple of cars to an exit, speeds out, swings a fast U-turn and moves along a parallel road.... K.I.T.T.'S VOICE You can take over now, Michael. MICHAEL'S VOICE Have I told you lately that you're the greatest? K.I.T.T. Not recently, Michael.... CUT TO EXT. ROAD - THE SEMI - STOCK The ramp drops down and K.I.T.T. drives up and in.... DEVON (V.O.) It's the simple matter of a group of small operators being swallowed up by a larger operation. INT. SEMI Devon swings around in his chair to face Michael...In the b.g. Bonnie treats K.I.T.T. to a checkup and some kindness.... DEVON Except in this case the Independent truckers were holding their own on the basis of sound business rules. It even looked like they could win.... MICHAEL Then something changed the rules and now the Foundation is involved. DEVON Exactly...The leader of the Independent Association, a Joe Flynn, is wanted for the murder of one of the Jordon Trucking drivers. BONNIE It just doesn't fit his profile... Flynn may be a hot head and a fighter but he's also a war hero and a natural leader.... MICHAEL Seems like we know a lot about the wanted man and what his operation is all about...You must have been sitting on this one for a couple of months.... DEVON (evasive) You might say we've been monitoring it, rather than involved in it.... Michael's puzzled look goes from Bonnie to Devon...Bonnie explains. BONNIE We started getting communications on the computer. Devon and I have been watching this situation for over a month...It's like we're part of it...It's become important to us.... MICHAEL Who's been sending the messages?? DEVON We don't know.... MICHAEL Are you trying to tell me that you can't trace the communications back to the source...? BONNIE All I know is that the reports have been checked and they were all accurate. Michael glances from one to the other...He smiles at them. They seem slightly uncomfortable.... MICHAEL Sounds to me like both of you are more than a little personally wrapped up in this situation without ever meeting anyone involved in it... (beat) Isn't that one of your strict rules, Devon? No personal involvement? DEVON Not exactly a rule, Michael...More like a general guideline.... SCENE Michael laughs.... MICHAEL Fair enough...What do you want me to do? DEVON Find Joe Flynn...Put him safely in jail and then investigate the case and then discover his innocence.... MICHAEL Or guilt.... DEVON Of course...But either way I'd like him safe from any reprisals by the Jordon people who have been reputed to be extremely competent at finding and disposing of people.... MICHAEL Anything else? BONNIE Yes...Respect your equipment.... DEVON (beat) ...and be careful.... BONNIE That, too.... ON MICHAEL On his look, we: CUT TO EXT. K.I.T.T. driving through...They pull into a moderate neighborhood of older houses maintained neatly and inexpensively.... K.I.T.T.'S VOICE They had three rigs when the father was still alive...Flynn is down to one and operating out of their garage. They pull to the curb and Michael exits K.I.T.T. ANGLE as Michael eyes the house...The driveway leads to a work area where a sign designates FLYNN & FAMILY TRUCKING... Michael moves to the house.... CLOSER SHOT As he paces, the monotone sound of a beep matches his steps...One step, one beep...Michael catches the sound and staggers his pace. The beep maintains the exactness of the pace...K.I.T.T.'s voice interrupts Michael's little dance step routine.... K.I.T.T. Michael, you're being scanned by an electronic beam. A harmless but effective alarm system. MICHAEL (into comlink) Then there must also be a guard of some kind.... MAMA FLYNN (V.O.) Damn right there is, now freeze! Michael reacts, crouches but holds his position, just turns his head to: SCENE Mama Flynn faces Michael with a shotgun capably held in her hands. She's a good-looking lady in her early fifties with the same flare in her eyes and voice as her son, Joe.... MICHAEL Take it easy...I'm only here to ask a few questions.... MAMA FLYNN Are you now...? Well, you'd better not be a cop or from Jordon Trucking ...We get medals in this neighborhood for shooting burglars.... MICHAEL If I'm none of the three, can I have a little conversation instead of buckshot.... A wisp of a kid comes from around Michael and scans Michael with a metal detector wand...(airport style). ANGLE ON SALLY as she turns to Michael angrily...She's as cute as a button, as tough and as much of a tomboy as the rest of the Flynn clan.... SALLY I ain't no junior...I'm a girl... (to Mama) He's got nothing on him but some sort of two-way wrist radio.... MICHAEL That's no regular metal detector.... MAMA FLYNN She's no regular kid...Now what do you want? MICHAEL I'm from the Foundation For Law and Government...I'm looking into the incident involving Joe Flynn.... MAMA FLYNN My boy is innocent.... Sally studies Michael more carefully.... SALLY Your name, Devon Miles? SCENE Mama lowers the shotgun at her daughter's recognition but still remains alert.... MICHAEL No, I'm Michael Knight...How do you know Devon? SALLY I'm the one's been sending him messages. MICHAEL By computer? SALLY (shrug) Once you break the code all you have to do is know how to type. I can do eighty words a minute...You going to help us out? MICHAEL I'm willing to try, but first you'll have to get Joe to surrender to the police. Mama flares...The shotgun pops up into position again.... MAMA FLYNN You just became a burglar again... Get off my property!! MICHAEL The longer Joe is on the run, the longer it'll take to get to the bottom of it...I am going to have to talk to him.... ON MICHAEL He holds Mama's look then glances to Sally.... SALLY Sally motions him away with her eyes.... SCENE Michael gets the message, he shrugs, backs away towards K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael gets in.... K.I.T.T. That's an aggressively close-knit family, Michael.... MICHAEL That's why they know there Joe is... Put a tap on their phone, Kitt.... Michael turns as Sally appears at K.I.T.T.'s window...She studies K.I.T.T. with an appraising professional look.... SALLY What else does this car do besides go to the market? MICHAEL Kitt is a lot more than a car.... K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael.... SALLY (reacting) A voice modulator...That's great... Will it give a verbal response to major mathematical computations...? K.I.T.T. Of course.... SALLY (to Michael) You really want to help? MICHAEL That's why I'm here. SALLY You look like an okay guy, but I ain't that sure.... MICHAEL I feel sure about you...You're bright enough to get the Foundation's atten- tion, and pretty enough to get mine.... Sally reddens.... SALLY You're teasing me...That's what my brother always does...I know I ain't pretty.... MICHAEL Trust me...I'm a good judge.... Sally looks up at him with a new interest...Michael returns her look...She is about to say more when K.I.T.T. interrupts with a flashing on his monitor. K.I.T.T. There's an incoming call, Michael.... Before Michael can adjust any switches, the voice of Mama Flynn comes on.... MAMA FLYNN (filtered) Flynn Trucking.... FLYNN (filtered) Hello, Mom. It's Joe.... Michael hits the switch that cuts the sound of the inter- cepted call...It's too late.... ON SALLY Her shocked reaction...She flares.... SALLY You're tapping our phone! You ain't a friend...You're a creep! She turns and runs for the house. Charges into it.... MICHAEL/K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Sorry, Michael.... MICHAEL I know, buddy...Backtrack that call and give me a location.... K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as the map grid flashes across the screen and then a red dot centers in on a specific location.... K.I.T.T. It's about a mile from here...ETA ______ seconds.... K.I.T.T./MICHAEL As they speed through, Michael has flipped the speaker switch again as he picks up speed...The telephone conversa- tion can be heard over K.I.T.T.'s monitor. MAMA FLYNN (filtered) Are you all right, Joey?? JOE FLYNN (filtered) I'm okay, Mom.... The conversation is interrupted by the loud voice of Sally who warns both of them.... SALLY (filtered) He had the phone tapped...Michael Knight...He'll know where Joey is.... Mama Flynn reacts instantly...She yells into the phone.... MAMA FLYNN (filtered) Joey, get out of there!! Run! EXT. PHONE BOOTH Joe Flynn on the phone...He hears the urgency in his mother's voice and drops the phone, races to his rig which is parked nearby and hops in.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD He sees Joe's moves and the rig pulling away in the distance. He speeds up. FLYNN pulls from the area and picks up speed as he grinds his way through the gears...He spots Michael in his rearview mirror.... THROUGH MIRROR - MICHAEL bearing down on the rig...Gaining quickly.... FLYNN TRUCK pulling over to block, K.I.T.T. not able to pass. SCENE The cat and mouse of Michael trying to pass and Flynn blocking the road, allowing the trailer section of the truck to slide around and dangerously swing into K.I.T.T.'s path. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael reacting, forced to defensive driving.... MICHAEL I'm faking left, then give me a shot of Turbo Boost when I go to the inside. K.I.T.T. You'll be cutting it close, Michael ...The road is beginning to narrow.... MICHAEL We'll make it work for us.... SCENE Michael swings around to pass the truck in the left lane.... ANGLE - FLYNN swings over to block that possibility.... MICHAEL Using the superior maneuverability of K.I.T.T. and the added boost, he swings to the inside and starts to pass the rig.... FLYNN reacts to the move and starts to swing his rig back to the inside, threatening to squeeze Michael off the road.... SCENE Michael skids off the road bed and onto the shoulder. Gravel and dirt are thrown in the air and he just barely slips by the truck and swings back on the road in front of the Flynn rig. MICHAEL picks up even more speed and pulls away from the front of the truck, then suddenly spinning the wheel.... SCENE ...and swinging K.I.T.T. in a 180, skids to a stop across the road blocking it. OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER - THROUGH PASSENGER WINDOW The Flynn rig bearing down on him...Becoming larger and larger as it fills the screen.... FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN K.I.T.T.'S PASSENGER WINDOW - CONTINUOUS ACTION As the truck bears down.... K.I.T.T. Good-bye, Michael.... MICHAEL Think positive, good buddy.... SCENE At the last possible moment Flynn jams on the brakes...the air brakes screeching in strain...the tractor skidding against the strain.... POINT OF VIEW - PASSENGER WINDOW The truck stopping at the last moment only inches from the window which is filled with the enormous bumper and grill of the tractor.... MICHAEL holds a beat then lets out his breath.... K.I.T.T. Would you like to know exactly how close the truck is to us, Michael?? MICHAEL Definitely not.... Michael is out of the car.... ANGLE Michael is around the car and at the side of the rig as the door flies open and Flynn leaps from it and onto Michael... They tumble to the ground.... SERIES OF CUTS Michael rolls to his feet and coils as Flynn roars and throws himself at Michael.... Michael ducks under the wild punch.... MICHAEL Come on, Flynn, cool it...If you wanted to kill me you would have flattened me with the truck.... Flynn answers with another swing that connects with Michael ...He is about to follow with another which Michael spins under and drives his fist to the midsection of Flynn.... Flynn's breath leaves his body and Michael kicks Flynn's legs out from under him and quickly sits on his chest to keep the smaller man on the ground...Flynn has no struggle left in him.... MICHAEL I'm not from Jordon or the police and the only thing you need to keep me neutral is some conversation.... FLYNN Then why you're sitting on my chest? MICHAEL You have an ability to inflict physical pain...I have an aversion to it...If that's scared the answer is yes.... ON FLYNN He's surprised by the answer, has to laugh.... FLYNN Fair enough...Let me up...No more fighting.... MICHAEL Can I believe you? FLYNN I ain't no liar...I ain't no murderer, either.... Michael slides off Flynn but stays alert.... MICHAEL I'll deal with one thing at a time.... MAMA FLYNN (V.O.) You'll deal with me first...You just went from burglar to mugger...Get your hands up.... SCENE Mama Flynn and young Sally stand behind Michael...Sally runs to her brother and hugs him...For all his roughness, Joe, is amazingly gentle with her...He strokes her head to reassure her.... MICHAEL As he holds his hands above his head he whispers into his comlink.... MICHAEL I could use some help, pal.... K.I.T.T. The dashboard coming to life.... K.I.T.T. Of course, Michael...And since turn- about is fair play.... SCENE The roaring voice comes out over K.I.T.T.'s speakers.... K.I.T.T. 'This is the police...You're surrounded...Drop that weapon, Mrs. Flynn....' Mama Flynn freezes, they all look around to see where the voice is coming from...This gives Michael the opportunity to grab the shotgun from Mama Flynn's hands...He flings it over the roof of the truck.... MICHAEL I think that's about all the ambushes we need for one day.... MAMA FLYNN Where are the police...? SALLY There are none, Mom...It's that car of his...It's something special.... MAMA FLYNN It's not special enough to take on three Flynns.... MICHAEL Enough of this? Is that all you people do is fight? We're not going to accom- plish anything if all we do is keep giving each other bloody noses... (at Joe) So far all it got you is a warrant for murder and... (to Mama Flynn) ...all it's doing to you is to make you live with a shotgun growing out of your arm... (beat, softer) So let's start acting sensible and use our brains instead of our fists.... There is a long pause, then Joe speaks.... JOE Maybe he's right.... MICHAEL You can't keep running around using a forty-foot rig as a getaway car. JOE (to Mama) Yeah, and you'll need it to keep bread and butter on the table. MAMA Don't worry about us...We can take care of ourselves.... ON JOE His softer beat...to Mama and Sally. JOE You're not supposed to have to.... MICHAEL (a softer beat) If you're going in quietly, Joe, I'll keep an eye on them.... SALLY Like Mom said, we don't need your help. JOE (to Michael) All that is fine except for one question...Do you think I'm innocent? MICHAEL (few careful beats) I don't know, but I don't know you're guilty yet, either.... JOE That's honest enough for me.... Mama comes over to hug her son...Sally gives Michael a hard look.... JOE I'll go in with you.... SALLY Me, too.... ON MICHAEL He nods his agreement...They get in the car and drive off.... CUT TO EXT. POLICE DEPARTMENT Michael and Joe exit, Sally gives Joe a long sad look...He ruffles her hair. MICHAEL If you wait for me, I'll drive you home. SALLY Forget it...I'll take the bus.... Michael shrugs, walks away with Joe...Sally eyes K.I.T.T.'s monitor. SALLY You can't trust anything you can't program yourself.... K.I.T.T. Not true. SALLY (reacting) Who programmed you to argue? K.I.T.T. I don't argue, Sally, I merely correct improper calculations...You can trust Michael Knight.... SALLY Sez you...He turned in my brother.... K.I.T.T. Now listen, little girl...I think I like you, but not if you won't keep an open mind when it comes to Michael ...He's a fair man.... SALLY What makes you so smart...I have computers that are pushed up to handle over two million K's...What's your capabilities? K.I.T.T. Unlimited...I now have over fifty million K's in storage and can introduce one million more everyday if needed.... SALLY (beat, impressed) If you tap into my equipment we can talk later.... K.I.T.T. Of course, Sally...But if you wait for Michael I can arrange a guided tour of my backup and design head- quarters.... SALLY Do I have to be nice to him? K.I.T.T. Just be fair with him...He'll help your brother if he can.... SALLY (beat) Yeah, well then, okay.... K.I.T.T. Thank you, Sally, we have a deal.... Sally nods to the dashboard, leans back in the seat as she looks over the police station.... CUT TO EXT. POLICE STATION - DAY as Joe Flynn is being led out of it, tucked between two uniformed cops, walks down the couple of steps...The camera pulls back to show that the scene is taking place on TV. The camera widens to: INT. JORDON'S OFFICE - DAY Jordon watches the scene with a cynical eye...He hits the remote switch, turning off the set and turns to his ever- present aides and Curtis. Curtis turns to face Jordon in disappointment.... CURTIS I wanted to see the end of it.... JORDON Why, does it make any difference what make of car they take him to court in? You know what electricity cost today? Or my whiskey you like so much? The two other henchmen in the room look away or find something else to do...They've heard these speeches before. CURTIS You're a rich man, Mr. Jordon...Look around at these offices.... JORDON This furniture is rented and goes back the minute I put together a trucking monopoly in the area...It's just decoration...and I didn't get rich squandering my money and I'm not about to let you do it for me.... CURTIS Right, Mr. Jordon.... JORDON And it doesn't cost any money to seize upon opportunity. CURTIS Like what? JORDON Like you three and the others earning those fat paychecks I pay...You saw the television. The Independents just lost their leader...You got a ten thousand dollar bonus for handling it.... CURTIS And I figure that now we're in pretty good shape.... JORDON (interrupting) Don't figure, Curtis...Don't think... Don't make decisions...And above all, don't tell me how to make a profit on my investments! (to silence) Now you get out there and sweep up ...While those Indies are disorganized ...Go out there and mess them up... (beat) Finish them up once and for all.... The men in the room keep their look on Jordon...This sets him off.... JORDON Well, what are you waiting for...car fare? The men move off.... CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY - STOCK As it moves along the road.... MICHAEL'S VOICE You might say that Bonnie is the mother.... INT. SEMI Devon, Bonnie, Michael, Sally...Bonnie as usual giving K.I.T.T. her attention. MICHAEL Bonnie created Kitt, raised him, and takes care of him with all the maternal love and ferocity of a tigress.... BONNIE Michael is kidding...Kitt is his. I just put him back together. DEVON Which Bonnie gets a great many opportunities to do with Michael driving all the time. Sally gestures to everything around her. SALLY Joey would love to see this. (beat) He still doesn't have a lot of faith in computers or any of that tech- nology in spite of the fact that I.... MICHAEL In spite of what.... SALLY (elusive) Oh, nothing.... Michael studies her a few beats then leads her gently aside. MICHAEL You're the one that set it all up, aren't you? SALLY Me, what? MICHAEL I've checked the schedules and load capacities of the Independent deliveries and it was worked out to the minute and the ounce.... SALLY (tough) My brother, Joe, runs the family business.... MICHAEL Sure he does, if you can figure out how to break the Foundation's commu- nications, you'd also have the ability to create a special format for the trucking routes.... ON SALLY She's too young to know how to cover her feelings.... SALLY You can't tell anyone...You got to promise not to.... MICHAEL I'm impressed. I think it's something you should be proud of.... SALLY Yeah, we'll try and convince a bunch of truckers that a fifteen-year-old girl is running their schedule... Those guys listen to Joe...They really look up to him.... MICHAEL Just like you do.... SALLY That's right...He's the best.... MICHAEL I'm sure he is...But you're not so bad yourself.... Sally reddens...She's not used to any kind of feminine treatment...She loses her composure just enough to show her vulnerability. SALLY And you got him in jail...We're going to lose everything we worked for...We need Joe. Devon feels for the little waif.... DEVON We're willing to do anything we can to help.... ON SALLY A calculating shrewdness flashes in her eyes.... SALLY You sure? DEVON (reassuring) I'm positive.... Sally points at Michael.... SALLY Then give me him! SCENE A series of reactions.... MICHAEL Me? SALLY (to Michael) I'm talking to your boss. Sally ignores Michael and turns her back on him, faces Devon.... SALLY If he can drive the Flynn family rig till you get Joe out of jail, at least we can stay in business.... DEVON That's a little out of.... DEVON'S POINT OF VIEW He looks over the top of Sally to Michael who gives him an almost imperceptible nod in agreement.... DEVON ...the ordinary but it's possible it could be arranged.... Sally turns back to Michael...She's all business.... SALLY You'll get union wages, profit participation and supplemental health benefits...But you better be clear about one thing.... MICHAEL I think I know... (beat) You're the boss.... On her positive nod and Devon and Bonnie's smile we: CUT TO EXTERIOR - BLUE SKY - DAY Camera moving down. We hear the filtered voice of Sally over a CB radio. SALLY (V.O.) ...and then you pick up at the train yards for an intermediate drop at LAX. FLYNN TRUCK AND TRAILER as it moves along the open road. SALLY (V.O.) You got it...Over. INSIDE FLYNN TRACTOR Michael at the wheel.... MICHAEL I got it, boss...Does my having lunch enter into any of our schedules? SALLY Eat it on the move...Out. Michael smiles at the CB as he hangs up the mike...Then talks into his comlink. MICHAEL You hungry, pal? K.I.T.T. (V.O.) Perhaps a little lonely, Michael, but rather enjoying my independence.... ANGLE ON ROAD as the camera moves back along the length of the truck past it to: K.I.T.T. (DRIVERLESS) following the truck.... K.I.T.T. And if I may comment, that schedule that Sally layed out is well planned and fiscally sound...It's excellent.... MICHAEL Easy for you to say, you're not driving.... K.I.T.T. Yes I am, Michael, and without union benefits.... Michael laughs. MICHAEL In that case you'll be on a coffee break in a few minutes...I'm meeting Mama Flynn at the truck stop. K.I.T.T. What about your schedule? MICHAEL I'll work overtime.... K.I.T.T. Easy for you to say. NEW ANGLE Michael pulls into the truck stop and pulls between some rigs...He exits the cab. EXT. TRUCK STOP Mama Flynn waiting for him...He approaches her and they enter together.... FRANK DIAL (V.O.) (soft spoken, but direct) Why you? If you were on our side you wouldn't have put Joe in jail.... CUT TO INT. TRUCK STOP - DAY The group of Independent truckers uses the tables in the dining room area for their informal meeting. Michael is faced by this wary group of men who are not openly hostile but are not prepared to deal with total strangers. Among them we recognize Frank Dial, "Burgers," and Mike Curtis.... MICHAEL Where would you suggest he be...he's got to answer to that charge or he'll spend his life running from the cops... (beat) That is unless he's guilty. BURGERS We would have protected him...He didn't kill Janetti.... MICHAEL Then maybe you can help me prove it.... BURGERS (smart-ass) Sure, be glad to...Tell me what I'm supposed to say and who to say it to.... MICHAEL That's not the answer to this and you know it.... Mama Flynn sounds out to the group.... MAMA FLYNN Come on, guys, loosen up...I ain't crazy about this dude, either, but I don't see anyone else rushing forward to help.... DIAL You still haven't told us why we should trust him.... MAMA FLYNN (shrugs) Why not? Sally does. MICHAEL (reacting) She does? MAMA FLYNN Don't you tell her I told you.... TRUCKERS They hold their silence for a few beats and then Burgers is the first to laugh and then the others join in...The tension in the room is broken. The men are relaxed and if Michael is not accepted, he is at least past the first hump in being listened to. MICHAEL Okay, let's go back to the fight Joe had with Janetti...How many of you guys were there? The truckers eye each other, still not ready to answer direct questions. Michael senses this.... MICHAEL Hey, fellas...I can't wait till Sally is old enough to marry me just to get a few answers. Won't you just talk to her new boyfriend? Dial smiles and speaks up.... DIAL Yeah, I was there...But the fight had nothing to do with anything... Joe got in a lot of fights...If that meant murder, half the guys in this room would be dead.... MICHAEL I want to get down to exact timing... Whether it was even possible for Joe to commit the crime.... There is interest in the group now...and a sudden concerned look on the face of Mike Curtis...He glances at his watch.... CURTIS I got a couple of drops to make... I'll catch up later.... He moves off as Burger answers Michael.... BURGER Me and Frankie hung onto Joe for about five minutes after the fight, then he hung around till he cooled down and took off.... MICHAEL How much time would you say that took? The camera follows Curtis as he exits the truck stop and then picks up his pace.... CUT TO EXT. TRUCK STOP - LATER Michael exits the truck stop, hops into the Flynn rig and drives out.... EXT. ROAD - DAY - MICHAEL/K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Michael moves along with the Flynn rig...K.I.T.T. is still following. Michael and K.I.T.T. are back at their conver- sation. MICHAEL The only thing I learned was that it could have been Joe who forced Janetti off the road.... K.I.T.T. Not exactly new information, Michael.... MICHAEL No, but maybe a new attitude...I'm starting to believe that Joe's innocent. K.I.T.T. Based on what? MICHAEL Nothing, everything still points to him.... K.I.T.T. Well, Michael, I'd suggest you slow down or you might get the opportunity to discuss your theories with the police...There's a couple of vehicles coming up fast.... INSIDE TRACTOR - MICHAEL checks his speedometer and then slows a little...Then is snapped alert by K.I.T.T.'s warning.... K.I.T.T. Michael, watch out! They're not police! ROAD A pickup truck and an unhitched tractor try to zip past K.I.T.T. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. moves over on the road to block them but they are on either side and the tractor passes K.I.T.T. on the inside as K.I.T.T. is able to block out the pickup truck. FLYNN RIG as the tractor pulls up next to it and: ANOTHER ANGLE An arm flings out a flaming projectile...Michael swerves his rig at the last moment. CLOSER ON FLYNN RIG The projectile can now be seen as a flame bomb...It misses the tractor part of the rig and lands between the tractor and the trailer. SCENE The two vehicles racing down the road...Smoke starting to billow from the Flynn rig. K.I.T.T. still playing cat and mouse with the pickup truck, wants Michael.... K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, you're on fire.... MICHAEL Smoke starting to fill the cab and blind him.... ENEMY TRACTOR pulls next to Michael, preparing to fling another fire bomb directly at the cab.... MICHAEL His reaction.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN MICHAEL - CONTINUOUS ACTION as the fire bomb is released from the enemy truck.... MICHAEL Kitt. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S DASHBOARD as it goes through its electronics, then: SCENE The fire bomb explodes before it hits Michael in the tractor.... K.I.T.T. I hit it, Michael...You're still on fire...If I jam your brakes you'll fishtail.... MICHAEL If I bail out we'll lose the rig.... K.I.T.T. ...and live to fight another day.... MICHAEL Got the message.... K.I.T.T. pulls up allowing the pickup truck to pass him now.... ANGLE as K.I.T.T. pulls between the Flynn rig and the enemy tractor.... ROAD The three vehicles racing down the road side by side... Flynn's rig belching thick smoke from the fire.... MICHAEL fighting the wheel, the smoke blinding him...He throws open the driver's door, looks down at.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. right alongside now and looking very small next to the large rigs that sandwich him. ENEMY RIG trying to squeeze in against K.I.T.T., the size of it enough to squash K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. pops the T-roof.... K.I.T.T. Now, Michael.... SCENE Michael jumps from the smoking truck into K.I.T.T...K.I.T.T. hits the turbos and pulls away from the other vehicles. ANGLE The enemy tractor and the pickup truck veer away and are lost down a side road.... FLYNN RIG It continues on a short distance then the trailer section jackknifes around and overtakes the tractor...It flips over...then explodes.... K.I.T.T./MICHAEL swinging a 180 and head back to the wreckage.... SCENE ...in time to see it burst into a ball of flame.... K.I.T.T. We were very lucky, Michael.... MICHAEL What about those two trucks...? K.I.T.T. scans the area...then.... K.I.T.T. I can't locate them...Something may be damaged.... MICHAEL (beat) I guess they were lucky also.... EXT. TRUCK STOP - DAY - ESTABLISH SALLY'S VOICE (angry) Accidents are rated one percent of total working days...You're out one day and you lose a complete rig... We'll be lucky if our insurance pays what we owe.... EXT. PATIO Sally and Mama Flynn face Michael. Sally flares. SALLY As of now for insurance purposes your overall safety record is rated as poor to uninsurable.... MICHAEL I'm sorry.... SALLY You're fired. MICHAEL Fired? K.I.T.T. I normally don't interrupt, Sally, but there was no way to save your vehicle. I was the one that advised Michael to abandon it...I have the tapes if you'd care to examine them.... MAMA FLYNN Won't make any difference any more now that we've lost...The guys heard about the accident and they know we're beat ...They're pulling out.... MICHAEL All of them? MAMA FLYNN Enough to finish us...Frank Dial and Burgers will hang in...Frank is Joe's closest friend.... SALLY And Burger has this crush on Mom...Joe is in jail and they know we can't make the crop delivery now...We're finished. MICHAEL Hold on...Are you sure this crop delivery is the one thing to keep the Independents together? SALLY We deliver first crop and we have the full season contract...You want to see the printouts that prove it? MAMA FLYNN But no first delivery, no season run.... SALLY And that's all she wrote.... Sally walks away, sits on the rear bumper on K.I.T.T. Mama Flynn eyes her with a sympathetic tenderness...She explains it to Michael.... MAMA FLYNN This is more important to her than to any one of us...I got calluses, she doesn't. She lost her father when she was two, and any chance of being raised in frilly dresses by the time she was five, and now her brother and her 'business' by fifteen... (beat) And there's nothing I can do about any of it..... ON MICHAEL He's touched by the speech...a few beats, then.... MICHAEL Maybe I can.... He moves around to Sally, grasps her firmly by the arm and not too gently steers her into K.I.T.T., then drives away.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL/SALLY as they drive off. She's mad...Michael is in a no-nonsense mood. SALLY You know what you get for stealing kids? MICHAEL I only borrowed you and I have your mother's permission.... SALLY Okay, so you got me...what're you going to do, wreck me? MICHAEL That's a cheap shot.... SALLY Then you can have it for nothing.... Michael's own anger is starting to build. MICHAEL I'm going to try and explain things to you once more.... SALLY Forget it...I ain't listening...You're a loser.... Michael looks upward in frustration...Talks to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL What do I do now, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Children should be treated with great patience, reasoned with and educated so that they can be brought slowly into maturity and a solid relationship with society.... MICHAEL I don't have that much time.... K.I.T.T. Then I suggest a firm but kindly spanking.... Michael jams on the breaks as Sally reacts in shock.... SALLY You going to beat me up just 'cause a computer tells you to? She smacks the dashboard with an angry fist.... SALLY And you...I thought you were my friend.... Michael turns to face her...Sally starting to lose her toughness.... SALLY You ain't really going to do it, are you? MICHAEL Don't you think you deserve it...? ON MICHAEL as he eyes Sally...He can't do it and he knows it.... MICHAEL No, I guess I can't.... Sally loosens up slightly but she has lost her veneer of toughness...A few beats, then.... SALLY You know nobody but Joey ever spanked me... (beat) And then he was like you...He only threatened..... MICHAEL Then if he's like me, maybe I'm just a little bit like him.... SALLY He's the greatest...He really is.... MICHAEL I can only try to come near that, but I am willing.... ON SALLY Her own emotional dilemma...Some beats.... SALLY I know...You ain't such a bad guy... It's just...just.... Michael reads her feelings.... MICHAEL Sally, it's okay to be scared..... ON SALLY This breaks her...She starts to pour out her feelings...The words like the tears, flow.... SALLY He's all I got...Joey...and he ain't here...My mom, she's lonely...she wants to marry Burgers but she won't 'cause of me and it's okay with me, but she won't ask and we're going to lose the truck and the house and there's not going to be anything left and it ain't right. (beat) We're not bad people and we don't do anything that wrong.... The tears fill her face and she is in Michael's arms...He strokes her head like he's seen Joe do.... SALLY ...and even you and that fancy Foundation can't help us.... SCENE MICHAEL I'm going to do everything I can, Sally...I'm not your brother and I can't replace him but I can keep things going for him till he gets back...I truly believe that he's innocent.... SALLY (excited) You can get him out...? MICHAEL One thing at a time...First let's make sure he's got a place to sleep and eat if I do... (beat) Where's this crop depot and who do I have to talk to....? Sally eyes Michael, the trace of a smile...Maybe he is starting to look more like her big brother.... CUT TO EXT. GREEN LUSH FIELDS - DAY - STOCK Pickers working at the harvesting of the crops.... PRODUCE LOADING BAY that spreads out around the one-story building...Michael pulls up in K.I.T.T. ANGLE As Michael exits K.I.T.T. he looks over to see a small sedan with the Jordon Trucking logo on the door...He moves up the loading dock and around a corner to.... NEW ANGLE where chief dispatcher Linden is in conversation with Jordon and one of his henchmen...Mike Curtis, off to one side reacts when he sees Michael...Michael steps up to them, speaks to Curtis.... MICHAEL When you work both sides you're bound to get squeezed in the middle.... CURTIS (flaring) I got a right to do business anywhere I want.... MICHAEL Me, too... (to Linden) Mr. Linden, I'm Michael Knight...I just spoke to you on the phone.... JORDON Curtis, take your friend out for a beer...He's interrupting me.... Michael holds Curtis in place with a look...Turns to Jordon..... MICHAEL You're Jordon...? JORDON Mr. Jordon...Knight, isn't it? MICHAEL For the sake of conversation you can call me Flynn.... Jordon reacts...The color rises.... JORDON Flynn is finished...You must be looking to join him.... MICHAEL Not quite... (to Linden) I believe there's a standing deal for us to deliver your crop.... Linden eyes one and then the other...He speaks honestly and directly.... LINDEN That was the truth when you had the ability to deliver it...From what I hear you can't make the early market. MICHAEL Because they say so...? JORDON You can't possibly make any schedule... (to Linden) Flynn doesn't even have a rig anymore.... MICHAEL That's not your problem, Jordon...It's between Linden and me.... JORDON You'll all go down the drain together ...Your crop and the Independents.... LINDEN I'd like to help out Knight, but just like you, there's a lot of people that depend on me to get this crop in right. MICHAEL And if I do it...? LINDEN If I thought you could I'd keep my end of the deal.... JORDON But you can't so if you'll go about your business, I'll take care of mine.... MICHAEL reacting, thinking fast.... MICHAEL What if I guarantee it...?? JORDON With what, your shiny little black car? There's over a hundred thousand dollars involved in this shipment alone.... Linden is also a patient man.... LINDEN How would you guarantee it? MICHAEL A completion bond. ON LINDEN A few beats as he eyes both men...Then speaks to Michael.... LINDEN If you can put up a fifty-thousand- dollar bond by midnight, you get the route.... JORDON I'll put up a hundred.... LINDEN (annoyed at Jordon) Fifty is sufficient and I did have a deal with Flynn first...If he meets the bond he's got it... (to Michael) You know where to reach me.... Linden nods and walks away.... SCENE Jordon is not feeling too pleasant towards Michael.... JORDON If you cost me one penny of profit you'll live to regret it.... MICHAEL (pressing) Going to run me off the road again, Jordon?? (to Curtis) Or are you the one that does that...??? The henchmen and Curtis take a threatening step forward.... K.I.T.T. The motor roars to life...The sound of it getting the attention of the group...They freeze.... BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Either way, I'll be looking forward to meeting you again.... Michael backs away and then moves to K.I.T.T. ANGLE As Michael drives away Jordon erupts.... JORDON I don't care what you have to do, I want those truckers stopped.... CURTIS They'll be in convoy...We'll need a lot of people.... JORDON I don't care...wipe out the convoy. Do it...I don't even care what it cost.... Reactions.... CUT TO EXT. F.L.A.G. SEMI - DAY DEVON'S VOICE A fifty-thousand-dollar bond? Michael you've got to be out of your mind.... INT. SEMI MICHAEL You want the truckers to go down without a chance...? DEVON Of course not...But.... MICHAEL And Mama Flynn and Sally...??? DEVON No...however.... MICHAEL And make me and the Foundation look like fools...???? DEVON (reacting) Never! MICHAEL Then what's a fifty-thousand-dollar bond among friends...? DEVON I'll have to make a couple of calls but, all right, Michael.... MICHAEL That's great, Devon, but there's just one more small thing.... DEVON On his pained look, expecting the worst.... FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. CROP DEPOT - DAY Busy with the activity of the loading of the crop onto the various Independent trucks...None of them match, none of the trailers are the same, even one flat bed mixed into the group...They are spirited and feeling pretty good as Dial keeps the heavier Burgers sweating.... ANGLE ON K.I.T.T./MICHAEL Michael sitting inside and talking to the monitor.... MICHAEL It's going to be all right, Devon. INSIDE K.I.T.T. The screen image of Devon...he isn't as sure.... DEVON I don't know how you talked me into it.... MICHAEL Don't blame me, Devon, you always told me you never do anything you don't really want to.... DEVON I always felt that way... (beat) ...till now...Actually I don't mind arranging for the guarantee bond.... MICHAEL See what I mean, Devon...I didn't talk you into a thing.... DEVON ...however, allowing you to use the F.L.A.G. semi to deliver onions is beyond my comprehension.... ON F.L.A.G. SEMI as the onions are being loaded into the semi supervised by Mama Flynn. DEVON'S VOICE Barring any jeopardy, the smell of those onions could last for months. Michael tries to contain his laughter.... MICHAEL If you whistle or put a pin in your mouth I won't have to watch a grown man cry...Gotta go, Devon.... DEVON Well, yes... (beat) Good luck, Michael.... MICHAEL Thanks, Devon.... The screen flicks off...K.I.T.T.'s voice fills the gap.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I've come to understand your humor, but don't you think you're being a little rough on Devon? MICHAEL No.... K.I.T.T. (beat) Thank you for your prompt answer.... Michael laughs, exits K.I.T.T...He moves to the: LOADING DOCK where the last of the crates are being loaded into one of the trucks. Mama Flynn and Sally are mixed in with the activity...The rear door of the trailer is slammed shut against the last crate and the group looks over to Michael...Like it or not they have chosen their leader. Michael accepts. MICHAEL We all set? DIAL We're set.... MICHAEL You all know that Jordon and his group have this last shot at us.... BURGERS Let them come. MICHAEL I think they will, so stay close and keep moving.... They break up and load onto their respective vehicles. Sally gets a hug from Mama before she moves off, leaving the girl standing there...Michael gives her a look...She returns a thumbs-up signal. CUT TO EXT. DEPOT as Michael and K.I.T.T. lead out of the area and turn onto the road...The trucks trail him like the ass end of a rattlesnake. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael flicks on the monitor.... MICHAEL We're pulling out now, Devon.... INTERCUT AS NEEDED - MONITOR - DEVON A puzzled look on his face. He holds a beat, then.... DEVON Michael, if you're talking to me on the monitor, who's driving my F.L.A.G. vehicle? ANGLE ON F.L.A.G. SEMI Mama Flynn at the wheel.... MICHAEL'S VOICE The best...Mama Flynn.... Devon's reaction.... MICHAEL Trust me, Devon...talk to you later.... LOW ANGLE ON THE ROAD The trucks now stretch out along the road, Michael leading ...They drive past camera with a roar.... WIDER SHOT As Michael pulls out from the front of the convoy, he keeps moving but slows slightly and waves the second truck, (F.L.A.G. truck) to continue on as the lead...The other trucks passing him as he checks each of the rigs.... VARIOUS SHOTS The drivers, Mama, Dial, Burgers, and the others wave to him as they pass...They are all animated, all with an excitement showing on their faces.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael has the same look on his. THE CONVOY Arms and fists out the side windows cheering themselves on.... The camera pulls back to: JORDON as he watches from a high point...The look on his face... one of controlled fury...He turns to Curtis.... JORDON What are you waiting for?? Get them ...Wipe them out...They don't even have any armed protection...Giving you a bonus for this one is a waste of my money. CURTIS (annoyed) Then why not do it yourself and save it?... JORDON If I didn't think it was easy I wouldn't be hanging around to make sure I get what I pay for...Now get it done.... Curtis eyes him...Talks into a hand radio as he moves off to his tractor.... CUT TO K.I.T.T./MICHAEL K.I.T.T.'s control panel flashes.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm picking up some short wave communications on the Jordon Trucking frequency.... MICHAEL What's the location? INSERT - MONITOR A grid map flashing and showing three vehicles bearing down on the rear of the convoy. K.I.T.T. Moving towards the rear of the convoy. BACK Michael reacts, slides away from the lead position, swings into a 180.... REAR OF CONVOY Two pickup trucks and Curtis' tractor swoop down at the rear of the convoy...Burgers is driving the last truck, a rig with a fully loaded flat bed, the crop crates tied down with a tarp.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD as he speeds towards the rear of the convoy...One of the pickup trucks and Curtis' tractor is forcing Burgers' flat bed off the road...Michael drives right for them, heading for the Curtis tractor, bearing down on it.... SCENE The two assault vehicles split off, swerving to evade the collision with Michael.... ANGLE One of the pickups slides off the side of the road and is disabled. BURGERS' TRUCK trying to regain control, swerving from side to side on the road.... K.I.T.T. swinging another 180 and heading back after the convoy which has built up some distance.... CONVOY The other pickup truck staying with Burgers' rig. It continues to force him over to the side of the road.... Curtis' rig moving on down the line.... BURGERS' RIG swinging a little out of control...The flat bed starting to swing around in a fishtail...Burger has to jam on the brakes as he comes to a curve in the road.... ANGLE The load slides off the flat bed and scatters some of it covering the road.... CURTIS' RIG bearing down on the next rig in line.... MICHAEL/K.I.T.T. after them...He blasts through the littered road sending debris into camera and passing Burgers who: BURGERS' TRUCK ...skids to a hair-raising stop off the side of the road ...then looks upward in gratitude.... ROAD Dial and the other pickups trying to accomplish their same deed with the next truck...This one blocks part of the road...Michael bearing down on them.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. The monitor flashing signals that keep pace with the action.... K.I.T.T. Michael, there's another assault heading for the front of the convoy ...I read it as three vehicles.... ROAD The next truck seems to be holding its own against the Curtis rig and the pickup but have the road blocked...There is no way around. Michael speeds up.... MICHAEL Give me what I need, buddy, we're going over the top.... DASHBOARD doing its functions.... SCENE K.I.T.T. speeding up and launching over the moving pickup truck.... ANGLE ...and landing in front of the truck, continuing on.... F.L.A.G. SEMI Three vehicles head out of a side road and directly towards the blind side of the semi. INT. SEMI Mama Flynn not seeing the move but busy watching the action behind her through the rearview mirrors...The voice of Sally brings her back to the world of peril.... SALLY'S VOICE Watch out, Mom...On the blind side!! Sally crawls out of the sleeper compartment area...Mama reacting.... MAMA FLYNN What are you doing here.... SALLY Yell at me later, Mom...Now you better drive.... Mama sees the logic, swings the wheel over.... SCENE The three assault trucks headed for the front of the F.L.A.G. semi trying to jam it off the road...Mama expertly spins the truck over to one side of the road and evades the first assault.... ANGLE - K.I.T.T./MICHAEL Never slowing, he slides over next to one of the trucks and forces it off the side of the road. ASSAULT TRUCK It spills out of control and into the gulley. ROAD Michael continues at speed to turn back to the other trucks...They are now on either side of the F.L.A.G. semi.... SEMI Mama sees Michael coming up through her side mirror...She pulls over to give him some room.... SCENE The assault truck on the inside reacts to the larger semi moving on it and slides off the shoulder of the road, out of it.... K.I.T.T./MICHAEL force their way between the semi and the other assault truck and then Michael tucks K.I.T.T.'s nose in front of the truck and forces him to the inside of the road and halfway up a bank.... ASSAULT TRUCK as it climbs the bank and then flips over.... F.L.A.G. SEMI Mama and Sally satisfied, then Mama's reaction...From her vantage point she can see down the road.... POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD Two trucks (or cars) straddle the road and block it.... SCENE Sally waves her arm out the window, warning Michael.... K.I.T.T. speeds up and pulls in front of the semi, gains some more speed.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - THE TWO CARS blocking the road.... K.I.T.T. Michael, you're not going to....You are, aren't you...? MICHAEL Not without you, buddy.... K.I.T.T. Obviously, Michael.... VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. speeds towards the blockade and blasts through them, the two blocking cars spinning and flying out of the way.... MAMA FLYNN/SALLY Their reactions.... CURTIS' TRACTOR pulls up and lets the convoy go...He picks up his radio.... CURTIS It's over, Jordon...We can't stop them.... JORDON next to his auto...His rage apparent now.... JORDON You finish them off, Curtis, or I'll let the cops know you're the one that killed Janetti.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. The filtered voices of Curtis and Jordon coming over the speaker.... CURTIS (filtered) Then we'll both go, Jordon, but at least I'll be running.... MONITOR The map grid flicking out the locations of the vehicles.... K.I.T.T. Which one do we want, Michael? MICHAEL Let's get Curtis...The cops can pick up Jordon any time.... ROAD Michael whips K.I.T.T. around and speeds up...He screeches, whips around a curve and spots the tractor and the one last pickup racing away.... ANGLE Michael and K.I.T.T. bearing down on the two of them...Then the pickup pulling to the shoulder of the road...The driver climbing out of the truck and standing there with his hands up. Michael continues past.... MICHAEL'S VOICE Get a picture, Kitt, just in case he changes his mind.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. The monitor does its thing.... K.I.T.T. You'll have the police working overtime if you keep this up... (beat) That's the Curtis vehicle dead ahead.... MICHAEL How do you suggest we take him?? K.I.T.T. Gently, Michael...Gently...I hate making excuses to Bonnie...She worries.... MICHAEL Okay, buddy...I'll do the best I can...How about micro jamming his brakes? K.I.T.T. My pleasure, Michael.... MONITOR K.I.T.T. does his thing again.... CURTIS' TRACTOR The brakes locking and the tractor skidding to a stop sideways across the road.... MICHAEL seeing that he cannot pass.... MICHAEL Give me boost, now! SCENE K.I.T.T. launches in the air and sails across the tractor.... ANGLE as K.I.T.T. lands on the other side and spins a quick 180...then moves to the tractor.... MICHAEL So much for gently, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Sorry, Michael, just thought we should try.... MICHAEL No sweat...We made it.... CURTIS TRACTOR Michael yanks Curtis from the cab.... CURTIS Enough...I've had enough...I ain't the guy you want.... MICHAEL Then I'm sure you'll tell me who it is.... CURTIS Can't we make a deal? MICHAEL I can make one with Jordon if I don't start hearing what I want now.... Curtis' look.... ON MICHAEL His shrug.... MICHAEL Life just ain't fair, is it Curtis? FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG EXT. TRUCK STOP - DAY TAG TO FOLLOW