EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58642 Robert Foster December 26, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gerald Sanford Rev. 12/30/84 (F.R.) Gino Grimaldi Burton Armus KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT IN RETREAT by Gerald Sanford ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. THE RETREAT MANSION - NIGHT We're on a conservative sedan as it pulls up to the locked gate and stops. CLOSER DRIVER His name is Harley Freeman, forty-seven and a brilliant computer scientist. A shy man by nature, even somewhat awkward in public, Harley at the moment appears terribly distraught, nervous, a man pushed to the brink. He inserts a keycard. The gate opens and he drives through. FULLER ON MANSION as Harley nears the entrance. There are other cars in evidence, as well as several guests arriving and leaving. Some have luggage. INT. BIANCA'S SUITE - NIGHT We're on Bianca Morgan as she begins to lift herself from the sunken marble tub in her luxurious bathroom. Barely are her lovely shoulders out of the water before her personal female servant quickly wraps her in a luscious robe. Bianca is in her early thirties and devastatingly beautiful. A woman with an insatiable taste for adventure, of all kinds, Bianca owns and operates The Retreat. Lying beside, always nearby, is her exotic pet cat, Sheeba. BIANCA Come, Sheeba. She moves from the bathroom into the main room, which is part boudoir part living room. Sits at the dressing table and begins brushing her hair. Then, hearing the door open, she glances into the upper mirror. BIANCA'S POINT OF VIEW - HARLEY He hesitates, gathers his courage, then enters. Bianca forces a little smile. BIANCA Harley...I wasn't expecting you until later. (beat) Looks like you could use a drink. HARLEY No. BIANCA Just as well. I'm running a little late. Do you have it? No response. BIANCA Harley.... She moves to a desk, takes a video cassette out of a drawer. Lying next to the tape we see a gun. She closes the drawer. BIANCA Once I deliver this tape, there's no turning back. Is that what you want? No response. BIANCA All right, suit yourself. She presses a call button. HARLEY My wife is very ill. BIANCA Poor wifey...but you should've thought of that before you started playing the game. HARLEY You tricked me! BIANCA No, Harley, I just gave you something you weren't getting anywhere else -- pleasure. Isn't that right, Sheeba? The cat returns her smile with a harsh bare-tooth meow. ANGLE TO INCLUDE TANYA entering. She's twenty-five, tall, with beautifully chiseled features and the strong, muscular body of a female power builder. BIANCA Tanya, I want you to see that Harley's loving wife gets this tape. TANYA I'd be glad to. But as Tanya goes for the tape: HARLEY No, wait. Bianca looks at him. TANYA Then you have the information? HARLEY (beat) Yes. She holds out her hand. TANYA Well? Beat, then he takes out a small piece of folded papaer and gives it to her. She examines the information written inside. TANYA That's a good little boy, Harley... and I'm sure we'll be doing more business in the future. As she opens the drawer to return the tape, Harley sees the gun, makes a frantic grab for it, and levels it on Bianca. Desperately: HARLEY No, Bianca...this is the last time you'll ever use me...or anyone else. His hand shaking, he's about to pull the trigger: BIANCA Tanya! FAVORING TANYA In an unbelievable maneuver she dives over the couch, does a cartwheel, and comes up kicking the gun out of Harley's hand. Stunned, he turns to her, only to find himself on the other end of three devastating karate kicks that send him flying across the room. ON HARLEY landing near the gun, and picking it up. FAVORING TANYA She raises an outstretched hand at him, and a weapon unlike one we've ever seen suddenly appears from under her long, loose sleeve. It's strapped to her arm, and Tanya quickly presses one of several buttons on the controls. INSERT - WEAPON as an electric current is seen sizzling and cracking out of the barrel. ON HARLEY The electricity hits him with a violent "crack" all but breaking him in two. He actually smokes from the current surging through his body, and falls deathly limp. FULLER ANGLE The two women exchange looks. TANYA He was about to shoot, I had to use the full current. BIANCA I understand. (beat) When all the guests are asleep you'll drive him up the coast.... Tanya nods. BIANCA And remember, my pet...make it look like an accident. (looks down at the cat) Come, Sheeba...time for dinner. And they start out. OMITTED EXT. MALIBU ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising at a normal speed. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Now let me get this straight.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. One...we're on our way to the beach. MICHAEL Right. K.I.T.T. Two...when we get to the beach you're going to put a parachute on your back and secure a towing line to my rear bumper. MICHAEL So far you're batting a thousand. K.I.T.T. That's what worries me. Three...when I get the word.... MICHAEL (interrupting) 'Grab the sun.' K.I.T.T. (patiently) 'Grab...the sun.' I'm to race down the beach until I get enough speed to make you airborne. MICHAEL It's called parasailing, pal. K.I.T.T. Wrong. It's called total insanity. MICHAEL Well, it just happens to be one of the most popular sports in Acapulco. Only there they do it off the backs of motorboats. K.I.T.T. Michael, we're not in Acapulco, and I have about as much in common with a motorboat as you have with a seagull. MICHAEL (controlling his pateince) Kitt, you know your problem -- you have absolutely no imagination. K.I.T.T. If turning yourself into a human kite is imagination, Michael, then the lack of one is surely the least of my problems. A long beat evenly: MICHAEL We're going to give it a try, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Whatever you say, Michael. (beeper) Devon is calling. Michael pushes the buttons. Devon appears on the monitor from the Foundation. Intercut as needed. MICHAEL Yo, Devon, and if you're in cahoots with Kitt against my parasailing.... But Devon, terribly concerned, interrupts. Softly: DEVON Michael, it's Bonnie.... MICHAEL What's wrong? ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE distraught, she's seen nearby. DEVON A good friend of hers was killed last night in a car accident. Harley Freeman. MICHAEL I'll be right there. He punches off. EXT. MALIBU ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. doing a 180 and heading back toward the Foundation. EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY BONNIE'S VOICE (tearfully) Oh, Michael...! INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY Bonnie moves into Michael's arms. He comforts her. MICHAEL I'm sorry, Bonnie. BONNIE He was such a...wonderful man. Beat, then Michael looks to Devon: MICHAEL Where did it happen? DEVON On Seaview Road. He was thrown from his car after crashing into a transformer pole. One of the broken wires electrocuted him. (beat) There were also indications he had been drinking pretty heavily. Bonnie pulls away from Michael. BONNIE I just don't believe that! DEVON Bonnie.... BONNIE (interrupting) As long as I knew him I never saw him have more than a glass of wine, and that was usually at dinner. MICHAEL How long did you know him? BONNIE At least ten years. He was one of my professors at M.I.T. We became good friends. DEVON He gave up teaching about two years ago and joined Data-Tech, so he could be closer to his wife. To Michael's curious look: BONNIE She's very ill and confined to a hospital nearby. DEVON Because of the sensitive nature of his work, all highly classified, and the circumstances of his death, there's going to be a security investigation, and...well, Michael...Bonnie would like you to get involved in it. MICHAEL Whoa, wait a second. Bonnie, you know I'd do anything for you, but.... BONNIE (interrupting) If you're afraid you might find something, Michael, you won't. MICHAEL But suppose I do? BONNIE Harley would never do anything to betray his country. MICHAEL I'm sure you're right. But just on the slightest chance you're not -- what then? What's that going to do our relationship? Our friendship? BONNIE (slight beat) I thought of that, Michael. I'd be lying if I said I didn't.... MICHAEL And? BONNIE If Harley was involved in something he shouldn't have been...then I guess I'd rather hear it from you than some stranger. Don't worry, I won't shoot the messenger. MICHAEL (beat; nods) All right...Devon? DEVON I've already made the appropriate calls...if you want the case it's yours. Michael looks at Bonnie, hoping he's made the right decision. EXT. THE RETREAT - DAY - ANGLE ON POOL The guests, mostly men but some women, are being catered to by The Retreat hostesses and hosts. ANGLE ON BIANCA coming from the mansion with Tanya. Sheeba with her. BIANCA You're sure you don't want to take one of the other girls with you? TANYA Why? Don't you trust me? BIANCA (slight laugh) You know better than that. It's just that...well...this little prize is something special. You might even say it was Harley's masterpiece. TANYA Then don't worry. I won't let you -- or Harley -- down. She smiles. TANYA See you later. Tanya heads for a nearby Bronco, as innocently and as lovely as a young girl off to the beach. ON BIANCA as she heads toward the lanai, obviously looking for someone. Not seeing him, she stops Monica, who is only sensational; not quite as physical as Tanya, but close. BIANCA Monica, did you see Mr. Cooper? MONICA He's right over there. ANGLE TO INCLUDE TED COOPER thirty-seven, nice looking, a button-down security type who's presently being pampered and lotioned by Veronica, who falls somewhere in between Tanya and Monica. These are three winners. BIANCA Come, Sheeba. Time for the kill. Bianca moves to Cooper. He glances up from his lounge, definitely likes what he sees. BIANCA Mr. Cooper, welcome to The Retreat. He smiles. BIANCA My name's Bianca Morgan, I'm the owner. He gets up. COOPER Good to meet you. BIANCA Veronica, why don't you bring Mr. Cooper a drink. COOPER Thank you. Veronica goes off. BIANCA I hope you're having a relaxing time. COOPER Just what the doctor ordered to recharge my batteries. BIANCA I know what you mean. My father was a physicist. COOPER No kidding. BIANCA Yes. In fact, I built The Retreat in his memory. So that members of the scientific community could have a place to...exchange ideas...catch up on their correspondence...meditate ...or just lie in the sun and do nothing. (slight beat) Mind if I join you? COOPER No, not at all. They sit on separate lounges, as Veronica comes over with two tropical drinks. VERONICA Two specialities of The Retreat. BIANCA Thank you, Veronica. (beat) What...company do you work for, Mr. Cooper? COOPER Ted. Omega Industries. Actually, I'm not really a scientist. BIANCA No? COOPER Uh-uh...I'm head of security. BIANCA Well...what do you know about that, Sheeba? (pets the cat; lifts her glass) Cheers. They exchange smiles and drink. EXT. HARLEY'S HOUSE - DAY K.I.T.T. is parked outside the small, unassuming home. BONNIE'S VOICE What did you find? OMITTED INT. HARLEY'S LIVING ROOM - DAY Michael looks at a note pad. This is the same paper that Harley gave Bianca, only blank. MICHAEL I don't know. Something he wrote on the previous sheet of paper. (taking a pencil) Maybe just a phone number.... He gently runs the pencil back and forth over the paper until only the white indentations show. He reads: MICHAEL 'Tri-State Courier Service...' It's routing information...with today's date. (on comlink) Kitt.... OMITTED INTERCUT AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. Right here, Michael. MICHAEL I want to find out if Tri-State Courier is delivering anything for Data-Tech today. K.I.T.T. I'll get right on it. FAVORING BONNIE as she looks into a cupboard containing, among other things, numerous bottles of booze. Michael sees her: MICHAEL For a man who only sipped an occasional glass of wine, your friend kept a well-stocked bar. Bonnie looks away, her eyes falling on the small room with things tossed carelessly about. She shakes her head sadly: BONNIE I don't understand it, Michael. I could be in a complete stranger's house. MICHAEL (beat) People change, Bonnie...and we don't always know why. Michael looks down at a desk, begins going through some snapshots. Bonnie goes to him. BONNIE All right, so Harley changed. He drank a little more, he didn't care as much about neatness, but that doesn't mean he was involved in anything illegal. MICHAEL Right...but you have to admit it does add a new dimension to his profile. (re photo) Any idea who she is? INSERT - PHOTO OF BIANCA at the side of the pool. BONNIE'S VOICE No. BACK TO SCENE Michael turns the photo over to read in Harley's handwriting: MICHAEL 'The Retreat.' Takes another look at Bianca. Then the comlink beeps. On comlink. Intercut as needed. MICHAEL What've you got, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Your hunch was right, Michael -- one of Doctor Freeman's projects -- a microcomputer board -- is on its way to a testing facility this very moment. MICHAEL Start plotting the Courier's route. Bonnie, you stay here and look around. Go through his diaries, photos. See if there's any other mention of this 'Retreat.' BONNIE All right, Michael, and be careful. (slight beat) I got you into this, remember? MICHAEL Hey, what else did I have to do but go parasailing anyway? An encouraging hug and Michael hurries out. OMITTED EXT. HARLEY'S HOUSE - DAY as Michael slides behind the wheel. INT./EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - INTERCUT MONITOR GRAPH K.I.T.T. I've plotted the Courier's route, Michael. MICHAEL Now give me the fastest point of interception. K.I.T.T. He should be coming up to the Foothill Junction now. MICHAEL Let's see if we can cut him off! Michael smokes out. OMITTED EXT. FOOTHILLAREA - DAY - ON COURIER'S CAR It's an unmarked sedan. The Courier, however, is in uniform, armed, and has a security case next to him. Suddenly, something in the mirror catches his eye. WHAT HE SEES Tanya driving the Bronco far behind him. ANGLE ON TANYA as she maneuvers the Bronco into position. VARIOUS ANGLES as Tanya pushes a button on the dash, and we see a small explosive dart firing from beneath the bumper. The dart hits the Courier's rear tire, and the tire blows. ON COURIER reacting, pulling over and getting out. As he looks at the tire. ANGLE ON TANYA pulling up, getting out, moving toward him. TANYA Having trouble? COURIER Just a flat tire. TANYA Maybe I can give you a hand. And as she lifts her hand, the concealed electric blaster shoots out from beneath her sleeve. She fires, and the current hits the Courier with a lightning-like crack. He falls. In a flash, Tanya opens the car, takes the case and returns to the Bronco. But as she starts to get in she sees something: TANYA'S POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. still a good distance off, but coming up fast. BACK TO SCENE Tanya gets in and peels out, turning onto a side road. EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY racing toward the scene. Intercutting monitor graph. K.I.T.T. Michael, that's the Courier's car up ahead. MICHAEL And that's the Courier lying next to it. Scan his vitals, pal. K.I.T.T. He's in a state of shock, Michael. MICHAEL Then we better give him a hand. And get an ambulance here. Quick! Michael gets out, hurries to the Courier and begins giving him first aid. Suddenly: ANGLE ON BRONCO appearing from the side road, and roaring down on Michael. (Note: During the action that follows, Tanya will never get a good look at Michael's features, and he will not see her behind the windshield). MICHAEL K.I.T.T. nearby: K.I.T.T. Michael! Michael looks up to see the Bronco...and dives out of the way just as it passes, and down the embankment. VARIOUS ANGLES as the Bronco drives down the embankment after Michael, shooting those deadly darts at him from beneath the bumper. Michael runs, desperately searching for cover. The Bronco makes one pass, two, getting closer each time. As for K.I.T.T.: He springs into action from the beginning of the chase, and is now coming down the embankment. MICHAEL falls, stunned. BRONCO heading right at him. And only a few yards from plowing him into the rugged terrain --- K.I.T.T. roars up between Michael and the Bronco. VARIOUS ANGLES Not wanting to hit K.I.T.T. head on, Tanya turns the wheel at the last moment, drives up the embankment and disappears down the road. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you all right?! Michael slowly gets to his feet. MICHAEL Yeah.... He looks up the road to see that the Bronco is long gone. MICHAEL Come on...let's see about that Courier. As they head back toward the fallen Courier, we --- FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. as the Trans Am catches up to the semi, rides up the ramp and disappears inside. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael slides out from behind the wheel. MICHAEL Any word from the hospital? BONNIE The Courier's still unconscious, but his vital signs have stabilized. Michael, you didn't even get a glimpse of the driver. MICHAEL No, it all happened too fast. K.I.T.T. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help in that department, Michael, but there just wasn't time for me to make use of my Thermal One Hundred Hard Copier. MICHAEL It wasn't your fault, buddy. At least you managed to get the license number. K.I.T.T. Yes, that's true. Except that the license plate turned out to be stolen. MICHAEL You can't win 'em all. (troubled beat) Bonnie.... BONNIE (interrupting) Michael, I know what you're going to say. But just because Harley made a note of the Courier's route doesn't mean he had anything to do with the theft! MICHAEL Then why did he make the note? And where is the note? And better yet -- why did he go out of his way to find out the Courier's route in the first place?! BONNIE (softer) I don't know, Michael...but I'm positive there must be some logical explanation, and I don't think greed or disloyalty had anything to do with it. MICHAEL Maybe not, but one thing for sure...that micro computer board is definitely in the wrong hands. (re desk) Did you find anything else in Harley's apartment. Moving to the monitor area: BONNIE I'm not sure...take a look. She pushes the remote, and we see a photo of Harley seated at a table in a restaurant. There's a salad in front of him. BONNIE That's a company photograph taken about three months ago at a restaurant called S.I. Fourteen. S.I. is the symbol for silicon and fourteen is its atomic number. MICHAEL Great for Trivia Pursuit, but what else? BONNIE It's in an area known as Silicon Valley, because of all the hi-tech industries located there.... MICHAEL Including Data-Tech. BONNIE Yes. Michael, you see that table way in the corner? Michael looks to where she points. MICHAEL Kitt, center the upper right quadrant. Done. MICHAEL Now move in on it. We see Bianca. MICHAEL The lady from the retreat. BONNIE And she seems to be eyeing Harley. MICHAEL Yeah...like a vulture. (beat, turns) Kitt...I know it's asking a lot...but I want you to make me a brilliant computer scientist. K.I.T.T. Michael, that's not asking a lot, that's asking a miracle.... K.I.T.T.'s scanner flashes. INT. BIANCA'S SUITE - DAY Bianca is looking at Harley's micro computer board, as Tanya stands behind her massaging her shoulders. Sheeba near by. TANYA All that trouble for a board with a lot of little lines on it. It's not even very pretty. BIANCA This board, darling, is going to make me rich. TANYA But you're already rich from all the other thefts. BIANCA (laughs) A lady can never be too rich. Right, Sheeba? (gets up) But this is only a part of the prize... (opening a hidden safe) The guidance system...but not the missile it controls. The brains but not the body. She puts the board inside, closes it. TANYA You promised delivery on both by tomorrow. BIANCA That's why we still have a lot of work to do. TANYA Meaning Ted Cooper? BIANCA Dear Ted...whose wife is off visiting her parents in New England...while he enjoys the warm sunshine of the retreat. TANYA Do you want me to go get him? But there's a knock on the door. BIANCA No need, my pet...no need. She goes to answer it. Cooper waits on the other side. BIANCA Ted...come in, darling. He enters, but stops upon seeing Tanya. BIANCA It's all right, Tanya was just about to take Sheeba for a walk. Tanya smiles at Cooper: TANYA Have fun. And leaves with the cat. Cooper looks about, impressed: COOPER Very nice. BIANCA Thank you. This is where I come to recharge my batteries. (gives him a light kiss) Fix yourself a drink...while I see to the hot tub. She smiles and heads for the bedroom. Cooper, alone, smiles in anticipation and goes to the bar. INT. BEDROOM - DAY Bianca opens a locked cabinet to reveal a monitor screen and several recording instruments. She flips them on and we see Cooper at the bar fixing a drink. She sets the taping devices. OMITTED EXT. SILICON VALLEY STREET - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. heading for the S.I. Fourteen restaurant. MICHAEL'S VOICE Yes, sir, given a choice between a beautiful woman and a good floppy disc, I'll take the floppy disc anytime. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is dressed sort of egg-headishly, and even wears rather unglamorous glasses. He definitely looks different. MICHAEL How did that sound? K.I.T.T. Truthfully, Michael...I didn't believe a word of it. MICHAEL Kitt, if my hunch is right that the contacts are somehow made at the S.I. Fourteen Restaurant, then I've got to pass myself off as a very hot piece of space age manpower! K.I.T.T. Lots of luck. MICHAEL Kitt! K.I.T.T. All right, Michael, I've given you a background that would make you the star of any scientific community. Now you want my advice: Say as little as possible. Pulling up outside the restaurant: MICHAEL Thanks a lot, pal. K.I.T.T. I didn't mean that as an insult, Michael...it's just that a man with your security clearance can't be too loose with his tongue. MICHAEL Kitt...you'd make some diplomat. Keep your infrared diode peeled. He gets out and starts for the restaurant. K.I.T.T. flashes his scanner. K.I.T.T. Really, Michael. OMITTED INT. S.I. FOURTEEN - DAY Michael is seated at the bar sipping an orange juice when: MONICA'S VOICE You're right...I know how lonely it can be. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONICA beautiful, friendly. She carries her own drink. MONICA Mind if I join you? MICHAEL (hesitant; a bit shy) No...not at all. MONICA I couldn't help overhear what you were saying to the bartender...does your business take you away from home a lot? MICHAEL Yes, I'ma...fraid it does. MONICA I used to be engaged to a man in the space industry. Jeff Marvin. Ever hear of him? MICHAEL Jeff Marvin? No...but there are so many of us nuclear physicists around, and...due to the...sensitivity of our work we try to keep a low profile. MONICA I understand. MICHAEL What...happened to your engagement? MONICA Let's just say...it's one of those sad little stories I'd rather forget. (smiles) Monica Brown. MICHAEL Michael Knightwood. Doctor Michael Knightwood...Beta-Star Industries. And...what do you do, Monica? MONICA You might say I'm a...hostess...at a place called...The Retreat. She smiles at him. EXT. S.I. FOURTEEN - DAY - ON MONICA as she walks smartly from the restaurant, gets into her convertible sports car, and drives off. ANGLE ON MICHAEL hurrying out and getting into K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Keep a fix on Miss Congeniality, pal. We don't want to lose her. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR AND GRAPHIC OF MONICA'S CAR K.I.T.T. I take it she didn't buy your cover, Michael. MICHAEL She bought it. She just wants time to check it out. Said she'd be in touch in a day or so. K.I.T.T. Well? MICHAEL We haven't got a day or so. Michael peels out, as Monica turns a corner. OMITTED EXT. THE RETREAT MANSION - DAY Monica's car drives through the keycard gate, which quickly closes behind her. (Note: There's a surveillance camera mounted nearby.) ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. appearing at a safe distance. Stopping to survey the scene. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Want me to use my microwave jammer to open that gate, Michael? INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY intercutting with monitor graphs. MICHAEL Not with that surveillance camera there. (looks about) Kitt, I think I've found another way in. K.I.T.T. Why don't I like the sound of that? OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael starts up a steep incline, leading around the back of the mansion: INT. BIANCA'S BEDROOM - DAY Bianca and Monica stand reading a computer screen. BIANCA Doctor Michael Knightwood: PhD in Physics from the Washington University of Technology. Most recent publication: The Journal of Military Science. Subject matter: Space Weaponry. (to herself) Star Wars. MONICA Didn't I tell you he'd be a good catch? BIANCA Not good, Monica...excellent. She smiles at her. EXT. HILLTOP - DAY We're on Michael and K.I.T.T. perched high on a hill overlooking the grounds of The Retreat. Michael is outside the Trans Am. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, what happened to the good old days when we just turbo boosted over fences, or crashed through walls? MICHAEL They'll be back, Kitt, you've got my word on it. But for now you think you can hit the top of that building over there. INTERCUT - MONITOR AND GRAPHICS K.I.T.T. I'll do my very best, Michael. MICHAEL That's all I ask. Whenever you're ready. VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. lines up the roof of the building...and then fires the grappling hook which catches hold of the edge. MICHAEL Good work, pal! K.I.T.T. I just hope I don't live to regret this. MICHAEL That makes two of us. Michael takes hold of the grappling wire, using a special attachment secured to his wrist. VARIOUS ANGLES as Michael slides the great distance from the hilltop, all the way down to the roof. ANGLE ON ATRIUM ROOF Michael takes off the sliding attachment, frees the grappling hook, takes to comlink: MICHAEL Take it way, buddy. ANGLE ON GRAPPLING HOOK being pulled back up into K.I.T.T. ON MICHAEL dropping into the atrium. He begins looking around...then suddenly stops. WHAT HE SEES - TANYA AND VERONICA looking bigger than life, and only a short distance away. Tanya lifts her arm and the barrel of the electric blaster slides into view. Aimed at Michael, we --- OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. ATRIUM - DAY Continuing the action, Michael looks at Tanya's outstretched arm. (Note: Although never getting a real good look at Michael when she tried running him down, and his appearance has now been considerably altered by his dress and glasses, there's still something about him that troubles Tanya.) MICHAEL I was just...looking for the coffee shop. Seeing they're not buying this, and noticing the look in Tanya's eye, Michael takes off. They go after him. VARIOUS ANGLES OF CHASE which will lead toward the gate. Tanya fires a couple of times, missing Michael, but knocking off a tree limb and shattering a large clay pot with her electric blaster. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael finds himself trapped and Tanya closes in. And just as she's about to fire: BIANCA'S VOICE Wait! Michael looks around. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BIANCA AND MONICA having come from the house without Sheeba. MICHAEL Monica! Doctor Knightwood, remember? BIANCA Is this him? MONICA Yes. Bianca looks back to Michael, studies him. BIANCA She said she'd be in touch with you. MICHAEL I know, I know, but...well, she made The Retreat sound so...peaceful and ...intellectually stimulating...I guess I got carried away and followed her here. BIANCA Ahhh, the impatient kind. MICHAEL Well, you know what Einstein said about...mass, and...velocity. BIANCA No, but it sounds interesting. Tell me about it. Michael's beginning to sweat, but carries on: MICHAEL It's...very complicated. And without a blackboard handy...I'll tell you what, maybe we can discuss it over a drink. She studies him. Still somewhat suspicious. BIANCA The Retreat is private, Doctor Knightwood. Surrounded by a high fence. How did you get in? Michael thinks fast, points to gate. MICHAEL Just walked through that gate. BIANCA Impossible. It can only be opened with a keycard. MICHAEL Well, then...something must be wrong with the lock, because all I did was push. BIANCA (slight beat) Let's see. As they begin walking toward the gate, Michael secretly takes to the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, I need that main gate to open real bad. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Scanner flashing, then show graphics of gate and lock. Intercut as needed. K.I.T.T. I'm not sure I can do it from this distance, Michael, but I'll try. ANGLE ON GATE Bianca looks to Michael, then tries to open it. And it opens, much to her displeasure. MICHAEL What did I tell you? BIANCA (to Veronica) See that this is fixed immediately. And I want to know why he wasn't picked up on the surveillance camera. VERONICA Yes, Bianca. Veronica goes off. Bianca smiles at Michael: BIANCA As for you, Doctor Knightwood... welcome to The Retreat. The girls will make you comfortable...and maybe later we'll have a chance for that little discussion...about mass and velocity. She heads back toward the mansion. TANYA This way, Doctor. She gives him a curious look, then turns and starts up the incline with Monica. Alone, Michael takes to the comlink: MICHAEL Thanks, pal. But I want you to stay out of sight. If the one who tried to run me over is here, you might be recognized. INTERCUT AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. More important, Michael, you might be recognized. MICHAEL Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind. Tanya turns. Studies him curiously. Does she know him or not? TANYA Coming, Doctor? MICHAEL (Smiles; re her electric zapper) A bolt of lightning couldn't keep me away. She studies him another beat, then turns. He follows. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY His scanner flashes. Then: K.I.T.T. Oh, no. Just what I don't need. ANGLE TO INCLUDE SHEEBA moving toward him, and jumping onto the hood. K.I.T.T. All right, you overgrown fur ball -- scat, go chase a mouse, or better yet a sardine. Sheeba responds by showing her fangs, and claws. K.I.T.T. Well, we'll just see about that! K.I.T.T. responds by flapping his sunroof...keeping it open just a bit too long. Sheeba jumps through it, landing on K.I.T.T.'s seat. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. Oh, dear.... Sheeba begins nuzzling the controls, chewing on a button. K.I.T.T. Oh, dear! Nice little kitty! OMITTED INT. BIANCA'S SUITE - DAY - ON MONITOR SCREEN where we see Cooper and Bianca in a hot tub embrace, several embraces. (Note: This will, of course, be done tastefully.) REVERSE ANGLE We're in the living room area, and a stunned Cooper watches the screen. Bianca and Tanya are nearby. BIANCA Seen enough? She motions for Tanya to turn it off. Cooper looks to her: COOPER I don't understand? BIANCA Oh, come, Ted, you're an intelligent man. You've been around. You decided to play the game and you lost. How long have you been married? He's slowly getting the message, still stunned: COOPER Ten years.... BIANCA In October. October second, to be exact. You have two daughters, Mary Ann and Elizabeth, a dog named Bon-Bon, and a parakeet named Lovey. (slight beat) Your wife bakes chocolate chip cookies every Friday, and you have them with a glass of warm milk before going to bed. COOPER (pained, angry) What do you want? BIANCA The Pegasus missile. COOPER You're insane! BIANCA And you're head of security for Omega Industries...which builds the Pegasus, and is about to ship it to the Patton Proving Grounds for testing. It's never going to arrive...because you're going to help us steal it. COOPER I can't! BIANCA Of course, you can...because if you don't, your wife's going to see that tape...and your daughters... and there's going to be no more chocolate chip cookies before going to bed. Tanya, I think Mr. Cooper needs a warm glass of milk. Tanya moves to the bar. Cooper sinks back in his chair. EXT. THE RETREAT POOL - DAY - ON MICHAEL seated in a lounge with Monica beside him, fattening him up on papaya and grapes, while Veronica tempts him with a tropical punch. VERONICA Sure you don't want something to drink, Michael? MICHAEL Thanks, but no thanks. MONICA I thought you wanted to have some fun, let yourself go. VERONICA Maybe if you made yourself a little more comfortable. She begins unbuttoning his shirt. He quickly buttons it back up. MICHAEL Physicists are shy by nature. Michael suddenly reacts to something O.S. WHAT HE SEES Bianca is walking Cooper to his car, and appears to be giving him instructions. As he gets in: BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Well, ladies, last one in the pool is a rotten papaya. MONICA But you still have your clothes on. Getting up: MICHAEL Now who's shy? He starts to unbutton his shirt. They get the message and jump into the pool. Looking down at them: MICHAEL On second thought, maybe I will go get a bathing suit. Keep the water wet. And he starts for the side of the mansion, taking to his comlink when it's safe: MICHAEL Kitt.... OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Sheeba is still inside resting. Intercut as needed. K.I.T.T. I'm here, Michael. MICHAEL There's a man leaving in a light blue sedan.... K.I.T.T.'S POINT OF VIEW - COOPER'S SEDAN heading for the gate. K.I.T.T. I see him. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Check him out. K.I.T.T. Anything in particular you want me to look for? MICHAEL Yeah...what qualifies him for membership in The Retreat. K.I.T.T. I'll get right on it, Michael. ON MICHAEL entering the mansion. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. And as for you, sleeping beauty... welcome to the artic. K.I.T.T. turns on the cold. The windows frost up, the temp gauge drops, ice forms, and the cat quickly takes a powder when K.I.T.T. opens his door. After which, the car returns to normal, and K.I.T.T. begins photographing the blue sedan as it leaves The Retreat. We'll see various angles, graphs and readouts on the monitor. OMITTED INT. MANSION HALLWAY - DAY - ON MICHAEL moving toward Bianca's suite. Then hearing someone coming from another direction, he takes cover. ANGLE ON TWO OF BIANCA'S GIRLS Beautiful, physical, they move right past him and disappear down the stairs. ON MICHAEL continuing toward Bianca's suite, picking the lock and entering. INT. BIANCA'S SUITE - DAY Michael looks about, then takes to comlink: MICHAEL Kitt.... INTERCUT AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael.... MICHAEL See if there's a hidden safe anywhere in here. K.I.T.T. Right away. ANGLE TO INCLUDE GRAPHICS K.I.T.T. There's one in the hallway between the living room and the bedroom.... INT. HALLWAY - DAY As Michael enters. Intercut as needed. K.I.T.T. In the recess behind the vase. Michael swings open the recess to see the safe. MICHAEL Now give me some amplification on the tumblers. K.I.T.T. does, and Michael begins cracking the safe. But suddenly has to stop as he hears Bianca's voice in the hallway. BIANCA'S VOICE If everything goes as planned we'll have both the missile and the guidance system just in time for delivery. MICHAEL Later, pal. He closes the safe, the recess, and heads into the bathroom. ANGLE ON BIANCA AND TANYA entering. BIANCA What say we celebrate with some champagne? As Tanya goes to the bar: INT. BATHROOM - DAY Michael looks about after picking the lock to the cabinet, and discovers the monitoring system. He pushes the button, and Bianca appears on the screen, as does Tanya popping the cork. Intercut as needed: TANYA What if Cooper changes his mind? BIANCA Don't worry, he won't. TANYA How can you be so sure? BIANCA Because I know men, my pet. A man's home is his castle...but it's the little woman who makes him feel like a king. Without her, he's nothing more than the court jester. Tanya laughs. Bianca picks up her glass, toasts: BIANCA To the real power behind the throne. ON MICHAEL When Sheeba suddenly bounds through the open bathroom window, knocking over a bottle of bath oil. ON BIANCA AND TANYA reacting to the noise, putting their glasses down and moving cautiously toward the bathroom. They hesitate before entering, listen. Then Tanya kicks open the door. Bursts in, followed by Bianca. They stop at what they see. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL his glasses off, seated comfortably inside the hot tub, a glass of champagne by his side. (Note: The monitoring system is concealed again.) A broad smile: MICHAEL Come in, ladies...there's plenty of room for everyone. BIANCA (not amused) What are you doing here? MICHAEL Soaking. Isn't that what a hot tub's for? BIANCA Not my hot tub...unless by special invitation. MICHAEL Like I said, I'm the impatient kind. BIANCA Mass and velocity. MICHAEL That's right, and I did promise we'd discuss it over a drink. Like some champagne? Bianca can't help but soften a bit. She walks around him. Tanya, however, seeing him with his glasses off, begins to place his face. BIANCA You are something else, Doctor Knightwood.... MICHAEL Call me Michael. BIANCA But then I guess one has to expect a certain amount of arrogance from a man of your brilliance. MICHAEL It's all part of the package. She looks him over. BIANCA I like the wrappings. All right, we'll have that drink together... (re living room) But in there. She leaves with Sheeba. Tanya looks at the glasses sitting near the tub...then follows her out. CUT TO INT. BIANCA'S SUITE - DAY Bianca sips a glass of champagne as: TANYA I'm telling you, Bianca, except for the glasses and the way he's dressed, I'm almost positive he's the same man who came to the aid of the Courier. BIANCA That's very interesting, Tanya. But before I do anything I have to be sure you're right. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL as he comes from the bathroom. He's fully dressed, wears his glasses. BIANCA Doctor Knightwood -- feel better? MICHAEL Like a new man. And call me Michael. Bianca moves to him. BIANCA I'd like that. (very close to him) But wouldn't you feel even more comfortable -- Michael -- without your glasses. She takes them off, and hands them to Tanya. Tanya looks through them: TANYA Just as I thought...window glass. It's him. Realizing that it's over, Michael makes a move toward the door. OMITTED FAVORING TANYA pushing a large piece of furniture in front of him, forcing him to change his course. And when he turns: TANYA fires a electric blaster at him. ON MICHAEL hit and dropping. BIANCA Don't kill him. I want to see what he knows first. (looks down at him) Sucha pity, Michael...I was looking forward to the lecture on mass and velocity. On Michael's unconscious body, we --- OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. THE RETREAT MANSION - DAY - ESTABLISHING INT. STORAGE ROOM - DAY We're on Michael strapped to a table with several electrical wires attached to his body. He writhes in pain. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BIANCA AND TANYA Tanya works the electric current from a fairly sophisticated unit. Upon a look from Bianca she lowers the voltage and Michael quits screaming, although he's still obviously in some pain. Bianca speaks softly to him, even somewhat intimate. BIANCA Michael, have you any idea how much this hurts me? MICHAEL (difficult) Why don't we trade places? BIANCA But that's just it. There's no need for either of us to be here. All you've got to do is tell me who you really are. MICHAEL I told you...Doctor Michael Knightwood ...Beta-Star Industries. I'm sure you checked me out. BIANCA A computer is only as trustworthy as the information fed into it. No... I'm sure you work for one of the law enforcement agencies, and to tell you the truth, I don't even care which one. The only thing I want to know is...can I get away with it? MICHAEL You haven't got a chance. BIANCA Then they know. MICHAEL Everything. BIANCA No, Michael...if they knew everything they'd be breaking down the doors right now. My guess is, they sent you here on your own to see what you can find out. MICHAEL You're wrong. BIANCA Then all you have to do is tell me what I'm after, Michael. What is it, Michael? No response. Moves in closer to him. BIANCA Can I get away with it? What is it? Can I get away with it? What is it? Can I get away with it? What is it? Michael's entire back is arched, his muscles contorted. BIANCA Can I get away with it...what is it?! Nothing, and he finally passes out. Bianca looks to Tanya who turns off the current. BIANCA He has no idea what we're after. Which means once we hear from Cooper we can go get it. She leaves, followed by Tanya who locks the door. Michael remains motionless. EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY DEVON'S VOICE Kitt, I'm very concerned about Michael.... INT. FOUNDATION - DAY Devon is behind his desk, speaking into the O.S. monitor. Bonnie is nearby, very troubled. DEVON Have you heard from him at all? EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY He's moved off the hill and is now at a safe distance from the gate. Intercut with Devon as needed. K.I.T.T. Not for a couple of hours, Devon. I tried making contact with him on the comlink, but there was no response. BONNIE Is it possible there's some sort of interference with the signal? K.I.T.T. I thought of that, Bonnie. But I couldn't find any. I did notice, however, sudden surges of electrical current, but I wasn't able to isolate where they were coming from. Of course...there is one other possi- bility. DEVON What's that? K.I.T.T. (hesitant) The lady of The Retreat...she is quite attractive. Of course, knowing Michael the way I do, Devon, it would strictly be in the line of duty. DEVON Yes...in the line of duty. Well... we'll wait just a little while longer and see what happens. K.I.T.T. One more thing. Michael had me check out one of the guests at the resort: I learned his name is Theodore Cooper. And he's head of security at Omega Industries. DEVON Good work, Kitt. I'll get right on it. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Devon. Devon punches K.I.T.T. off, and picks up his desk phone. INT. BIANCA'S SUITE - DAY - ON BIANCA picking up the ringing phone. Tanya, Monica and Veronica are with her. BIANCA Hello.... EXT./INT. PHONE BOOTH - DAY Cooper, totally distraught, is on the other end. COOPER It's me, Ted. INTERCUT AS NEEDED BIANCA Do you have the information? COOPER Yes, but...Bianca! BIANCA Just give it to me! COOPER (beat) It left in an unmarked truck about fifteen minutes ago.... Stay on Bianca. We're unable to hear Cooper's directions. BIANCA Good...all right...yes, I got that. Thanks, Ted, I'm glad we could help each other out. INTERCUT AS NEEDED COOPER When do I get that tape? BIANCA When? When I no longer have any use for you. I'll be in touch, darling ...and say hello to wifey for me. (hangs up) It's already on its way, we have to move fast. TANYA What about...? BIANCA You found him, Monica...you can get rid of him. MONICA No problem. She leaves. BIANCA Let's go. INT. STORAGE ROOM - DAY Michael is just regaining consciousness. He looks about, struggles with the leather straps, sees it's useless and then spots a large nail sticking out of one of the wooden beams running floor to ceiling. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael begins shifting his body, gaining momentum, and causing the wheeled table he's strapped to, to move alongside the beam with the nail. Then, working desperately, he manages to insert the nail in between one of the leather straps and use it to unbuckle his wrist. Before he has a chance to free the other one, however; he hears someone unlocking the door and lies back down. ANGLE ON MONICA as she enters, and goes to Michael, who pretends to be unconscious. She looks at him a beat, then gently strokes his cheek. MONICA Such a waste. And with his free hand Michael pushes her away, sending her flying against the opposite wall and down for the count. MICHAEL You took the words right out of my mouth. Freeing himself he talks to the comlink: MICHAEL Kitt.... EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Intercut as needed. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL I am now. K.I.T.T. I just saw that lady leaving with two if her friends. MICHAEL All right, buddy, let's show them what mass and velocity is all about. Come pick me up. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. self-starting and driving for the main gate. OMITTED VARIOUS ANGLES ON K.I.T.T. as he plows right through the gate and continues on his way to pick up Michael. ANGLE ON MICHAEL hurrying from the mansion. K.I.T.T. pulls up and he gets in. MICHAEL Which way were they heading, Kitt? Michael peels off back toward the gate. K.I.T.T. They turned north on Stockton Road, then disappeared from my scanner range. They roar out the gate, hit the street. OMITTED EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, Devon's calling. ANGLE TO INCLUDE DEVON ON MONITOR from his office. Bonnie is with him, at the computer bank. Intercut as needed. MICHAEL Yo, Devon. DEVON I'm relieved to see you're safe, Michael. MICHAEL I feel better about it, too. What've you got. DEVON A Pegasus missile is on route from Omega Industries to Patton Proving Grounds. It's what's known as a smart missile because of its ability to launch multiple warheads, and then return to its launching site. MICHAEL Sounds impressive. DEVON To say the least. But it's also fairly useless without its guidance system. MICHAEL Doctor Freeman's microcomputer board. DEVON Exactly. And my guess is, whoever has that will now go after the Pegasus. MICHAEL A very educated guess. Bonnie, do you have the information about that delivery. BONNIE I'm programming it into K.I.T.T.'s CRT now. MICHAEL I'll be in touch. He punches Devon off, and a routing graph appears on the monitor. K.I.T.T. If the truck carrying the Pegasus is traveling at its prescribed speed, Michael, we should be exactly twenty- five, point seven miles from it. MICHAEL All right, pal, let's step on it. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. moving at great speed to sound-alikes. CUT TO EXT. MOUNTAINOUS ROAD - DAY We're on the Pegasus delivery truck, an enclosed, unmarked truck that could be carrying anything from toilet seats to missiles. Following behind is a military Jeep with two armed military guards inside. ANGLE ON BIANCA'S BRONCO coming up fast behind the Jeep. Bianca drives. Tanya sits nearest the passenger window. Veronica in the middle. BIANCA Ready, darlings...let's do it. She pulls out. ANGLE ON JEEP as Bianca pulls alongside it. Tanya looks out the open window, her arm resting on the door. She smiles: TANYA You soldiers going our way? The driver looks over, almost smiles, then keeps a stiff upper lip. TANYA That's too bad...we could've had some fun. She fires the electric blaster. ON JEEP hit. The driver loses control of the wheel. VARIOUS ANGLES as the Jeep goes off the side of the road and down an embankment. (Note: This must be staged so that we know the driver and his shotgun aren't seriously hurt, merely taken out of action.) ANGLE ON BRONCO BIANCA Good girl, Tanya. Now for the missile. She begins to gain on the truck. CUT TO EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY traveling very fast along a highway. MICHAEL Can you pick the truck up on your scanner, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael. It's still out of range. But we will be coming up to Stone Mountain Road soon. MICHAEL It can't be soon enough. He hits the throttle as hard as he can. CUT TO EXT. MOUNTAINOUS ROAD - DAY - ON BRONCO as Bianca pulls far enough in front of the truck to turn perpendicular to the narrow road, thereby blocking the truck's path. VARIOUS ANGLES as the truck bears down on the Bronco. The driver reacts, debates whether to stop or plow into it. Meanwhile, the girls wait calmly. It's a rather eerie sight. VERONICA What if he doesn't stop? BIANCA He's just a man, Veronica...he'll stop. And sure enough he does. Tanya and Veronica spring out. And just as the driver gets out of the cabin, gun in hand, Tanya grabs hold of him. VARIOUS ANGLES It's no match, as the stronger and more agile Tanya flips, does cartwheels, and catches the trucker on the jaw with her foot. When he tries to get up, Veronica puts him out for a long time with a kick to the solar plexus. Then both girls jump into the truck, Veronica behind the wheel, and take off following Bianca down the road. CUT TO EXT. MOUNTAINOUS ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael! THEIR POINT OF VIEW - JEEP One of the soldiers is on the radio phone calling for help. MICHAEL No question about it, they've been here. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR K.I.T.T. I have the truck in scanner range, Michael. MICHAEL I see it...now let's go get it. VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. eats up the narrow mountain road in pursuit of the truck. EXT. BRONCO AND TRUCK - DAY moving fast along the road. The Bronco in front. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. coming up behind the truck. There's no room to pass alongside it. K.I.T.T. I can't get in front of it, Michael. And if you're thinking of turbo boosting, forget it. More than likely we'd end up on the bottom of the canyon. Michael looks about: MICHAEL There's a dirt road heading up that mountain. ANGLE TO INCLUDE GRAPHICS K.I.T.T. It dead-ends a hundred yards from here. MICHAEL That's better than nothing. Michael turns onto the dirt road. VARIOUS ANGLES as Michael drives until he pulls ahead of the truck... except for the fact that he's also a hundred feet above it. He stops. Gets out. Goes to the edge. K.I.T.T. Michael, you're playing with suicide. MICHAEL Uh-uh, buddy. Suicide is letting them get away with that missile. (beat) Rock 'n roll! And he jumps. K.I.T.T. will back down the road. ANGLE ON TRUCK as Michael hits the top, but bounces over the side. He clings to the side to keep from falling off and down a steep canyon. INT. TRUCK CAB - DAY The girls react to Michael's landing. VERONICA What was that? Tanya sees Michael trying to pull himself back up through the side mirror. TANYA Nothing I can't get rid of. She opens the truck door and gets out. VARIOUS ANGLES as Tanya climbs to the top of the truck. ON MICHAEL pulling himself up on the back. Seeing Tanya. MICHAEL AND TANYA The two combatants approach one another. K.I.T.T. in the meantime is seen coming up from behind. VARIOUS ANGLES of the fight on top of the swerving truck. Tanya uses all her tricks, flips, cartwheels, etc. She also uses her electric blaster, which fortunately for Michael misses. And the truck continues to roll, taking the curves at a dangerous speed. And then when it looks bad for Michael, Tanya flips, loses her balance and starts to go off the edge. Michael makes a desperate lunge to save her, but it's too late. She falls to the deep canyon below. Michael sees that the road gets wider up ahead, takes to the comlink: MICHAEL Go get her, pal. K.I.T.T. My pleasure. K.I.T.T. will pass the truck and go after the Bronco, as: ANGLE ON MICHAEL moving to the cab, and dropping down inside. INT. CAB - DAY as Michael slides in, smiles: MICHAEL Nice day for a drive in the country...now pull over. And she does. OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. forces Bianca into a ditch. As she gets out, Michael is there to meet her. MICHAEL Bianca...the wrappings are the same...but Michael Knight's the name. On his smile, we --- FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. MANSION - SWIMMING POOL - DAY Michael is with Bonnie. There's no one else around. BONNIE I guess you were right all along, Michael...my idol had feet of clay. MICHAEL You can't judge him too harshly, Bonnie. Harley was a lonely man, who fell into the clutches of a very beautiful and evil woman. I guess the worst thing you can accuse him of...is being human. BONNIE Thanks, Michael. FULLER ANGLE Bonnie looks over the deserted mansion, the grounds, as they moves toward K.I.T.T. BONNIE So this is The Retreat? MICHAEL Was. Past tense. It's all over. BONNIE But while it lasted it was pretty great, huh? MICHAEL Bonnie, come on! What's so great about a bunch of pretty women, running around in bikinis and catering to your every need? BONNIE I don't know, you tell me. MICHAEL Got a couple hours? Bonnie laughs. ANGLE TO INCLUDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Oh, no, I thought they arrested her, too. ANGLE TO INCLUDE SHEEBA coming their way. MICHAEL Wrong, buddy. The authorities found a nice home for her. K.I.T.T. Just so it's far away from me. BONNIE Actually, the Foundation was thinking of adopting Sheeba as a pet. K.I.T.T. You have to be kidding. MICHAEL We have a Kitt so why not have a cat? Michael and Bonnie laugh. K.I.T.T. Very funny, Michael...very funny. And on Sheeba's growl, we --- OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END