EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58647 Robert Foster February 7, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gino Grimaldi Burton Armus KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT STRIKE by Gregory S. Dinallo ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT A security fence surrounds the building that is entered through a steel roll-up door. Outside the fence and adjacent to the electric gate is a guard shack. ANOTHER ANGLE - GUARD SHACK A sign proclaims -- NO ADMITTANCE WITHOUT PASS. Inside the shack, his attention riveted to the sports page of a news- paper, is uniformed Police Sergeant Gottlieb. A shadow falls across the shack, we hear: TYLER'S VOICE Excuse me? Gottlieb glances up, does a little double take: INTERCUT - GOTTLIEB'S POINT OF VIEW - TYLER'S FACE incredibly beautiful, a sultry quality; hair that tumbles onto her shoulders as she breaks into an appealing, dis- arming smile. She's twenty-six; wears an elegant dress, a shoulder bag -- and is as intelligent and calculating as she is beautiful. TYLER Hello -- I'm looking for Captain O'Malley? RESUME THE SCENE GOTTLIEB O'Malley? You have some kind of business with him? She fingers his name tag; smiles coyly, seductively. TYLER Why Sergeant Gottlieb, I think the Captain would prefer it be kept between he and I. You understand --- Gottlieb's eyes drift from her face down to her ample cleavage that pushes against the vee of the dress. GOTTLIEB Oh yeah, sure, I understand. (beat) But a, he's -- not here yet. TYLER Is there someplace inside I can wait? GOTTLIEB Sure. If you have a pass. TYLER You mean one of these? Tyler goes into her shoulder bag and removes: A 3 X 5 CARD The signature reads T. O'MALLEY. As Tyler gives the card to Gottlieb, it slips from her fingers and flutters to the ground next to the guard shack. RESUME THE SCENE as Tyler feigns a move to retrieve the card and Gottlieb steps out of the shack with a slight air of chivalry. GOTTLIEB Hey, I got it --- He crouches in front of Tyler; as his fingers scrape at the edge of the card to pick it up we: INTERCUT - GOTTLIEB'S POINT OF VIEW - TYLER'S LEGS beautifully shaped, one of them turned out of the slit in the dress that goes to her hip and then suddenly -- blackness, as: TYLER takes a .357 Magnum from her bag and brings it down hard across the back of Gottlieb's head. RESUME THE SCENE as Tyler moves into the guard shack and three men, Jastrow, Rawleigh and Fletcher, hurry from a vehicle parked nearby. Jastrow is forty-seven, a once proud, battle-hardened Army officer. Rawleigh, twenty-eight, a cross between a Hell's Angel and a soldier of fortune. Fletcher, thirty-five, British, serious, committed, precise. INTERCUT - INSIDE THE SHACK - FAVORING SECURITY PANEL as Tyler presses buttons labeled -- GATE -- DOOR -- ALARM OFF. RESUME THE SCENE as the electric security fence gate slides back; the roll-up warehouse doors open. Jastrow runs into the warehouse with Rawleigh and Fletcher dump the guard back in the shack. RESUME GUARD SHACK - ON WIRE CUTTERS as Tyler cuts the bundle of wires that come from the communications console; keeping an eye on: THE WAREHOUSE as a truck barrels out of the entrance; Rawleigh and Fletcher in the cab; Jastrow outside on the step. INTERCUT - ANOTHER GUARD making rounds at the opposite end of the building. He hears the roar of the truck engine and runs toward the entrance. RESUME WAREHOUSE ENTRANCE The security gate is already closing as the truck exits and heads into the street. Jastrow jumps off the truck and heads for the car. Tyler crosses from the guard shack to: THE SECURITY GATE As it slams shut, Tyler pulls a chain from her bag; wraps it around the frame and locks it. Jastrow pulls up in the car. As Tyler jumps in and they take off after the truck, the other guard, gun drawn, comes running after them but is stopped by the locked security gate. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY (DAY TWO) as K.I.T.T. comes out of a turn and accelerates past camera. K.I.T.T. Well, Michael, we're almost home. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING MICHAEL (suspiciously) Which means -- it's about time for Devon to call. K.I.T.T. Oh, I don't think he will, Michael. MICHAEL Bet you he does. Every time I'm ready to knock off for a couple of days and get some R & R, he sticks me with another assign --- Michael is interrupted by the beeper, signaling Devon is calling. Michael groans; forces a smile --- MICHAEL -- ment. Good afternoon, Devon. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR Devon in his Foundation office. DEVON Well, Michael, how are you this fine, glorious day? MICHAEL I'll let you know as soon as I find out what kind of omelet you're cooking up for me. DEVON Why, Michael, I was about to suggest you check into the Dune Drifter for the weekend. MICHAEL (surprised; delighted) The Dune Drifter -- whow, posh as they come. DEVON No need for concern. The Foundation will pick up a few extravagancies. I've already made the arrangements. MICHAEL Now I know you're scramblin' my eggs. Come on, what's the catch? DEVON Guns -- a truckload confiscated by a police department was stolen from a warehouse a few days ago. Among the weapons were five hundred 9mm Baretta automatic pistols and two laser rifles. MICHAEL Laser rifles? DEVON Yes, it seems some bank robbers were apprehended trying to cut into a cobalt steel vault. MICHAEL That's a police case, Devon...we shouldn't be involved. DEVON One of the thieves, was a woman. She had a pass issued by a Police Captain Tom O'Malley. The police want an independent investigation. MICHAEL How does the Dune Drifter fit in? DEVON O'Malley is a survivalist...and there's a convention there. MICHAEL Survivalists don't usually buy stolen guns, they're legitimate people. Patriotic. DEVON They may not know what they're buying.... MICHAEL I see where you're coming from --- CUT TO EXT. DUNE DRIFTER HOTEL - DAY as we pan across a sprawling, posh resort and convention center, and pick up clusters of survivalists: outdoorsmen, cowboys, mercenaries, a rowdy mix of rugged individualists talking shop -- pistols on their hips; rifles in their hands. The pan picks up K.I.T.T. approaching. MICHAEL (V.O.) (continuing) -- A whole convention of unsuspecting customers. ANOTHER ANGLE - PARKING LOT packed with four-wheel-drive vehicles, campers, vans, some with camouflage pattern paint jobs and gun racks; few con- ventional cars in sight, as Michael parks. INT. DUNE DRIFTER LOBBY - REGISTRATION DESK - DAY alive with conventioneers in a cross section of wardrobe; some in fatigues; others in Western gear; and others in fancy, almost formal attire. The Clerk, an attractive young woman in a uniform, hands Michael his room key. CLERK Here we are, Mr. Knight, suite thirty- seven -- the Mirrored Grotto. MICHAEL Just your basic survival shelter, uh? The Clerk smiles and attaches a name tag to Michael's jacket. MICHAEL Oh, I'm meeting an old buddy here. Name's O'Malley, Tom O'Malley? He check in yet? CLERK (chuckles, reflecting) Certainly has. Everybody knows Tom O'Malley. (off Michael's look) Got the desert foxes by their tails, if you know what I mean? MICHAEL Any idea where he's hunting today? CLERK Try the display hall -- the Uzi display -- her name's Sheila. CUT TO AN UZI SUB MACHINE GUN cranks off rapid bursts. A TARGET is turned into confetti by the rounds from the Uzi. THE UZI BOOTH - IN THE CONVENTION HALL When the demonstrator finishes, Sheila Gutherie, twenty- three, a knockout in leather jacket, shorts, cartridge belt, boots, an Uzi planted on her hip, takes over. A crowd of men watch -- attention divided between the equipment and Sheila's -- vulnerable eyes, tumbling blonde hair and legs as long as half-time at the Super Bowl. One of the men is Rawleigh (seen earlier at the gun heist). After the demo --- SHEILA Something else, huh? RAWLEIGH (calls out) You sure are, sweetcakes. SHEILA Thanks, and so is the Uzi RF22L -- a fully automatic weapon that --- She glances to a "crib sheet" Scotch taped to the stock of the weapon she's holding. SHEILA -- a weapon that oozes more fire power per buck than any other --- RAWLEIGH (calls out, interrupting) -- You sure do, baby. Laughter from the crowd. SHEILA Come on, fellas, I wrote this myself. Don'tcha want to hear it? MICHAEL I do. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING MICHAEL As he pushes to the front of the crowd and directs Sheila aside, Rawleigh eyes him coolly. MICHAEL You can run down the entire nomenclature for me if you like. SHEILA Right. A, listen, Mr. -- (off name tag) -- Knight. I, a -- I'm going on my break now, so -- maybe later. Sheila waves at Michael, smiles and moves through a door exiting the convention hall. Michael moves after her. ANGLE - DISPLAY AREA as Michael catches up with Sheila. MICHAEL Sheila? Why don't we do it over a cup of coffee. SHEILA I'm sorry but -- Well, I don't really know anything about guns. I mean, last show I worked I washed my hair twenty-five times a day for a shampoo company, next one could be Bibles.... MICHAEL (chuckles) I get the message. By the way, I'm looking for a Tom O'Malley. I hear you know him. SHEILA Tom? You know Tom? He's the neatest guy. The kind a girl could spend a lotta time with. MICHAEL You seen him today? SHEILA (shakes no) Said something about going to the shooting competition -- I think. You can --- Sheila is interrupted by gunshots. She screams as Michael bear hugs her and dives for cover in an alcove. ANOTHER ANGLE as a man, in a garish Western tuxedo, brandishing a handgun, call him Tuxedo, runs down the corridor. He whirls and fires at: ANOTHER MAN in similar dress who pops into view and cranks off two rounds from his hand gun. TUXEDO is hit in the chest; a red splash explodes across his clothing. He drops his gun and goes down right in front of Michael and Sheila. The attacker rushes up to him. MICHAEL springs at the attacker. They go down in a flurry of arms and legs. Michael comes out on top and rears back his right fist to put the guy away. A meaty hand grabs his arm. TUXEDO Easy, son --- Michael whirls his head around to see: TUXEDO The red splat staring Michael in the face. MAN (continuing) -- just a game. Ever hear of the East Orange Ambush Club? We do this for fun. THE SCENE Tuxedo standing over Michael and the attacker. MICHAEL No, no I haven't, but I've heard about -- (fingers the red splat) -- paint pellets. TUXEDO Right, and we're in this war with Ventura County whenever one member spots another, it's draw and fire, no questions asked. Michael smiles. Tuxedo turns to retrieve his gun from the floor. Michael helps the attacker get to his feet. MICHAEL (to attacker) Sorry 'bout that. You okay? TUXEDO Sure is. Nine millimeter. Accurate. Great balance. MICHAEL That's what I hear. Mind if I take a look? Tuxedo hands the gun to Michael; as he examines it, he runs his comlink across the serial number.... INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. as it runs down the number against a list. RESUME THE SCENE MICHAEL (returns gun) Beauty. Gotta get one. Where'd you get yours? TUXEDO Bought it from her -- Sheila -- the gal that was with you. Tuxedo and Michael look around to discover Sheila is gone. TUXEDO Gotta keep 'em on a leash these days, huh? Be seein' ya. Tuxedo and the attacker move off. Michael raises his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael, it's stolen. Are you onto something? MICHAEL Yeah, her name's Sheila. CUT TO CLOSE ON SHEILA SHEILA Stole it? You're nuts. I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even admit I sold it.... She turns and heads for the Uzi booth in the b.g. Michael pursues and stops her. MICHAEL I'm talking about doing years, Sheila, not weekends. SHEILA (suddenly worried) In jail.... MICHAEL You got it. The guns were ripped off from a police department -- a woman was involved. SHEILA Hey, I didn't steal any guns. I didn't. That's the truth. MICHAEL But you sold one. SHEILA (nods contritely) Only that one. Got the others back in my room. Just trying to make a buck. You a cop? MICHAEL No. Now, where'd you get them? SHEILA I found them -- out in the hills. I was hitching. This guy started to get fresh. I started walking. I took a shortcut through some trees and found this truck -- full of guns. MICHAEL You take me there and I might believe you.... SHEILA Okay, okay, but I've gotta get outta these clothes first. MICHAEL So you can split on me? SHEILA I can't escape hitchhiking...that's the way I travel...I'll meet you in the parking lot. (off Michael's look) I will. Michael studies her face; decides, nods and we: CUT TO EXT. HOTEL PARKING LOT - DAY as a battered, older-model sedan turns into the parking lot right in front of another car that is exiting. The other driver slams on the brakes. His car dives to a stop. The old sedan continues on -- the driver oblivious. INSIDE THE OLD SEDAN Edgar at the wheel. Martha next to him; both in their sixties. They are oblivious and smack into K.I.T.T. ANOTHER ANGLE - PARKING LOT to reveal the car Edgar has whacked is K.I.T.T. -- still in a parking spot. The sedan's fender mashed into K.I.T.T.'s rear bumper; not a scratch on K.I.T.T. of course. Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. Edgar and Martha out of their sedan. As they move together --- EDGAR Don't you look when you back out? MICHAEL I was parked. I never moved. EDGAR Listen here, young man, you're not the first road hog I've run into who --- Michael glances to: THE SEDAN to see a heavily dented and dinged fender and door. MICHAEL (interrupting) I can see that. RESUME THE SCENE as Edgar spots a crowd that has formed. EDGAR You saw what happened. Right? He backed into me. Came right out and --- MARTHA I think I have whiplash. Edgar crosses to the crowd to continue his appeal. We stay with Michael and K.I.T.T. Michael talks into his comlink. K.I.T.T. That's not how it happened, Michael. MICHAEL I know that, pal. K.I.T.T. Well, I'm a witness too. MICHAEL Yeah, but I don't think I can put you on the stand. K.I.T.T. Why not? It's all recorded in my data bank. I wouldn't lie. Michael spots Edgar coming back. MICHAEL Knock it off, he's coming back. (to Edgar) Look, I'm sorry this happened. At least no one got hurt. Now --- Michael is interrupted by Martha, who grabs the back of her neck with both hands and lets out a loud moan. EDGAR You're sorry?! You ever been on a second honeymoon with a woman who has whiplash? MICHAEL (eyes rolling) Not in this life --- CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. barrels past camera. SHEILA'S VOICE It should be just around that turn --- INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Sheila is seated next to Michael. MICHAEL You said that three turns back. SHEILA Hey, I was walking. Things look different when --- She pauses, recognizing something O.S. SHEILA There it is. Those trees --- EXT. A WOODED AREA - DAY just off the road as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop on the shoulder and Michael and Sheila get out. She points to the ground. SHEILA See? Michael follows her gesture to: TIRE TRACKS that lead from the road into dirt and on toward the grove of trees. RESUME THE SCENE as Michael and Sheila follow the tire tracks toward the grove of trees. GROVE OF TREES As Michael and Sheila approach: SHEILA The truck's right --- She bites off the sentence when she and Michael see: THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE GROVE A clear sight line through the grove; the clearing beneath the canopy of foliage empty; no truck anywhere in sight. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL AND SHEILA as they exchange looks, and we pull way back to: ANGLE - HILLSIDE Rawleigh watching them. We hold a beat and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. GROVE OF TREES - DAY - RAWLEIGH - CONTINUOUS as Rawleigh watches Michael and Sheila; too far away to hear them. He ducks behind bushes when they turn to leave. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as Michael and Sheila return from the grove. SHEILA I swear it, that truck was there. It was. MICHAEL I believe you. (thoughtful beat) Weird -- tracks going in: none coming out. SHEILA That's right. Where'd it go? MICHAEL Up probably...chopper. SHEILA (admiringly) That's pretty good. They get into K.I.T.T. and drive off. We hold as Rawleigh pulls onto the road in a Land Rover and follows. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING SHEILA So what now? MICHAEL I've got to find O'Malley. Where'd you say he was going? SHEILA A shooting competition. MICHAEL I don't even know what he looks like. Will you help me? SHEILA Sure. Why not? As K.I.T.T. accelerates down the highway, we: CUT TO EXT. HOTEL - DAY - TO ESTABLISH JASTROW'S VOICE No, no forget about it. INT. CONVENTION HALL - LOUNGE AREA Jastrow's got the phone in one hand; a rifle in the other; a handgun hangs from his hip. JASTROW Don't go back. He hangs up; thinks; toys with rifle a beat before Tyler enters, she's looking good.... JASTROW 'Bout time you got here. TYLER Father, when I look good, I think good, you know that --- JASTROW Yeah, and I'm tired of hearing it. If that's all they taught you at those schools, I wasted my money. TYLER I got us those lasers, didn't I? What's the problem? JASTROW Rawleigh called. TYLER Is he too drunk again to get rid of those tire tracks like he was supposed to? JASTROW No. Couple of people were out there nosing around. TYLER Cops? JASTROW (shrugs) One's a pitch girl who works the convention. The other's a guy. Rawleigh followed them to the shooting competition. TYLER We should go there and check him out. JASTROW We should stay put -- right here 'til tomorrow. 'Til it's time. TYLER Why? The convention's the perfect cover for our equipment and practice. That's why we're here. JASTROW Yeah, yeah, I know, but --- TYLER Then let's look like we belong -- and check out the snoop at the same time. CUT TO EXT. SHOOTING RANGE - DAY - ON A LARGE TARGET some hits in the bull's-eye -- others in the outer rings. INTERCUT - MARKSMAN as he continues to fire at the target with a rifle. THE SCENE - WIDE as Michael moves through the spectators who watch the competition. Wardrobe here is military fatigues and hunters...Sheila weaves her way through and joins him. MICHAEL Anything? SHEILA Everybody knows O'Malley but nobody has seen him. As Michael ponders this: SHEILA I looked everywhere. A LAND ROVER arrives. Tyler and Jastrow get out and are joined by Rawleigh who indicates Michael in the b.g. RAWLEIGH That's him, that's the guy who was nosing around. Tyler leans to Jastrow; whispers something. He nods, and we: RESUME MICHAEL AND SHEILA as Jastrow crosses and joins them, we notice a handgun riding on his hip -- the same distinctive grip as the Baretta we saw earlier. He indicates Michael's clothing. JASTROW Couldn't help noticing, you look like you're new to all this. MICHAEL Yeah, well. When I got in from L.A. I found out my bags went to Honolulu. Michael's eyes drift to the handgun on Jastrow's hip. JASTROW You saying, you're into guns? MICHAEL Shoot anything and everything. (indicates handgun) Even those. Nice weapon. JASTROW Does the job. I'm Lyle Jastrow. MICHAEL Michael Knight. Say, you wouldn't know a guy named Tom O'Malley, would you? JASTROW (thinks; shakes no) He in the competition? MICHAEL I don't know. JASTROW Are you? MICHAEL I was. But my guns went the way of my bags. I'm out of it now. JASTROW (muses a beat) No you're not. My daughter's got a beautiful twelve-pound, small bore I can loan you. MICHAEL Hey, I appreciate it, but I couldn't do that. JASTROW I don't know any man who's really into guns who wouldn't. (beat) That is unless you're one of those reporters came here to ridicule us.... MICHAEL (trapped) No way...I wouldn't mind firing off a few rounds...Thanks. They cross toward Tyler, Rawleigh at the Land Rover in the b.g. and we: CUT TO A TARGET as rounds pop into it. The range officer removes it; puts a fresh one in its place. MICHAEL crosses to the firing line with a rifle. As he loads and positions it on his shoulder, he talks into his comlink. MICHAEL Talk to me good buddy. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I detect a sense of urgency in your voice, Michael. MICHAEL Good, because I need some fast windage and elevation calculations. Give me some numbers, pal. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S SCREEN as a graphic of the competition range setup followed by fast-changing equations and numerical readouts appears. K.I.T.T. At that distance Michael, I'd try --- MICHAEL Try? This has to be right on. K.I.T.T. Elevation ________; windage ___________, should do it. Michael makes the adjustments; raises the weapon and fires. INTERCUT - TARGET as rounds pop into the bull's-eye. INTERCUT - CROWD REACTIONS impressed by Michael's marksmanship as rounds continue to pop into the bull's-eye. INTERCUT - SHEILA watching; pulling for Michael; excited at each bull's-eye -- she's here with a winner. ANOTHER ANGLE - TYLER AND JASTROW as Michael finishes up; and applause breaks out --- TYLER Shoots pretty good. He might be useful. JASTROW He was also asking about O'Malley. He might be a cop. TYLER Then we better find out as much about him as we can. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL He comes off the shooting range to congratulatory, hand shakes, back slaps as he moves through the spectators. SHEILA pushes her way toward Michael; is a few feet away when Tyler cuts in front of her intercepting Michael. During this Sheila is also showing some jealousy, not liking it at all. THE SCENE - FAVORING TYLER AND MICHAEL TYLER Congratulations -- my father was right -- (indicating rifle) You two really got along. MICHAEL Thanks. (eyeing Tyler) Fine weapon: smooth action, beautifully finished --- TYLER But it takes the sensitive hands of a marksman to give it life. MICHAEL Breathe, hold, squeeze -- nothing quite like it. (smiles; beat) Don't know how to thank you. TYLER Well, there are some events at the convention later. Come with me. I'm sure you'll find them interesting. MICHAEL (considers; nods) I'm sure I will. They hold a look for a beat. Then Michael turns and he and Sheila cross to K.I.T.T. in the b.g. Jastrow and Rawleigh join Tyler. As K.I.T.T. pulls out and drives off --- TYLER That's twice. They spend a lot of time together, don't they? EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. drives past and accelerates into a sunset. MICHAEL Answer a question for me will you? INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Sheila slouches, staring blankly at the passing terrain. MICHAEL (continuing) Those guns you found -- you said you sold only one. SHEILA That's right. MICHAEL You're positive? SHEILA You heard me. MICHAEL Sorry, I had to be sure. (beat) What's the matter, you're mad at me aren't you? SHEILA (defensively) No. Why'd you ask me that? MICHAEL Well, since we left the competition, you haven't exactly been Miss Congeniality. I thought maybe you didn't like me talking to --- SHEILA (interrupting) That girl? Michael nods. SHEILA Hey, you're good-looking and all -- but you're not my kinda guy. I want someone who's -- (choosing each word) -- personable, dependable and bankable. Am I making myself clear? MICHAEL Painfully --- SHEILA I mean, I'm tired of going to parties with great-looking guys and coming home alone. I just want somebody I can count on who wants to take care of me. MICHAEL I think they're called husbands.... SHEILA Sure. That's why I came to the convention. Lotta guys here fit the bill. But I know I'm not gonna catch Mr. Right without some decent threads. (continuing; down) -- that's why I sold that gun. MICHAEL And that's where you almost blew it. (beat) Come on, cheer up. You'll do fine. SHEILA You really think so? MICHAEL I'm sure of it.... She glances at Michael; thanks him with a vulnerable smile. CUT TO EXT. HOTEL - ENTRANCE - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. Sheila hops out. As K.I.T.T. pulls away and heads into the parking lot, we hear: INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael heads for the parking lot and cruises in search of an empty space. K.I.T.T. Really? We did very well at the competition didn't we Michael. MICHAEL Yes, Kitt, we did. We won.... K.I.T.T. Now will you tell me why you entered? MICHAEL Because that guy Jastrow was carrying a 9mm Baretta. When he said he didn't know O'Malley, I decided to take the bait. Get Devon for me, will you? Michael hits some buttons on the console. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR comes to life -- Devon appears in his office. DEVON Hello, Michael, I assume you're calling to tell me you've tracked down O'Malley. MICHAEL No. Why would you assume that? DEVON Well, my data clearly indicates that -- everyone knows O'Malley. MICHAEL (echoing) Everyone knows O'Malley. Right, but nobody can find him. DEVON Is it possible we've taken a wrong turn here somewhere? MICHAEL No, no this is the place. Someone here's seen the truck and I've turned up two of those Barettas. DEVON Excellent work, Michael. How can I help you? MICHAEL By checking out a guy named Jastrow. Lyle Jastrow. Michael clicks off the monitor and pulls into a parking spot. MICHAEL You can help me too, pal. Keep your scanners peeled for Jastrow while I'm at these events. K.I.T.T. Anything specific I should be looking for Michael? MICHAEL No, I've just got a feeling his daughter cooked this up to keep me busy. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY - FAVORING K.I.T.T. as Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. You're going to be a lot busier than you think. EDGAR'S CAR as it lurches to a stop in a no-parking zone. Edgar gets out followed by Martha in a neck brace. EDGAR There he is Martha! He runs up to Michael waving a sheet of paper; Martha brings up the rear. Edgar shoves the paper into Michael's hands. MICHAEL What's this? EDGAR An estimate. MICHAEL For what? EDGAR To fix my car. MICHAEL Why're you giving it to me? EDGAR 'Cause you're the one that hit me. And you're going to pay. MICHAEL (off the estimate) Replace cracked rear window? Repair dings and dents in roof? Replace bumper, right front fender, trunk lid, wheels covers, prime and paint -- four thousand six hundred and eighty-one dollars? EDGAR Without the engine work. MICHAEL Engine work? EDGAR I'm still waiting for that estimate -- and the one to fix Martha's neck. K.I.T.T. Excuse me, Michael? EDGAR Who's that? MICHAEL My attorney. K.I.T.T. I think you should let the Foundation handle this. EDGAR Foundation? MICHAEL My employer -- the Foundation for Law and Government. EDGAR Law and Government --- MICHAEL Right. We have an entire division that specializes in fraudulent accident claims. (beat) I'm sure you'll be hearing from them. Michael stuffs the estimate into Edgar's breast pocket and heads into the hotel. CUT TO INT. LOBBY - ELEVATOR Michael in camouflage fatigues exiting the elevators, talks into comlink. K.I.T.T. Michael? MICHAEL I read you good buddy. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD as Jastrow and Fletcher leave the hotel carrying long cases; load them into a Land Rover, and drive off. K.I.T.T. Jastrow and another man are leaving the hotel with some kind of equipment. RESUME MICHAEL as he pulls on an army shirt; jams a foot into a boot. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Get 'em on radar. I'm on my way. As Michael pulls on another boot. MICHAEL Oh yeah, one other thing. Cook up something to delay Tyler for a while, will you? K.I.T.T. If she's doing what most women do before a date Michael, I have just the tactic. INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY wrapped in a towel standing in front of a mirror blow drying her hair. Suddenly the dryer stops. She shakes it; flips the switch on and off several times. THE DRYER makes a little explosive noise as sparks and smoke emanate from the air vents. TYLER yelps frightened, dropping the dryer. CUT TO EXT. WILDERNESS HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. accelerates toward camera from the horizon. K.I.T.T. We're almost there, Michael. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR A map of the area with radar scan highlighting the location of the Land Rover. K.I.T.T. I've pinpointed the Land Rover behind those boulders up ahead. ANOTHER ANGLE - HIGHWAY as K.I.T.T. approaches and pulls off onto the shoulder and Michael gets out. MICHAEL Keep your scanners peeled --- Michael makes his way between the boulders, and we are: CLOSE ON A LASER RIFLE set on a mount in the rear of a Land Rover. Fletcher sights in and fires. A TREE A bright flash, a loud crack as the tree is hit and snaps in half as if struck by a bolt of lightning. INTERCUT - MICHAEL watching, reacting. EXT. WILDERNESS AREA - DAY The Land Rover is pulled in behind the boulders. Fletcher is seated in the cargo bed behind the laser rifle. Jastrow stands next to him. FLETCHER Powerful little devils, aren't they. JASTROW I'm gonna use it on Rawleigh if he doesn't show soon. FLETCHER I told him where and when. He's always late. What's his problem? JASTROW Booze. RESUME MICHAEL MICHAEL (comlink) Laser rifle, pal. You see that? K.I.T.T. Yes, according to my data it uses a highly advanced mega laser capable of --- K.I.T.T. is interrupted by the beep from his surveillance scanner. K.I.T.T. Michael, there's a vehicle approaching. A SECOND LAND ROVER Rawleigh behind the wheel swings off the road barreling down on Michael; he barks into a walkie-talkie. RAWLEIGH Jastrow? You guys got company! MICHAEL whirls and runs a few steps toward K.I.T.T., then freezes as: THE OTHER LAND ROVER Jastrow driving, Fletcher in rear, drives out from behind the boulders and accelerates toward Michael cutting off his access to K.I.T.T. RESUME MICHAEL trapped; the two Rovers closing in on him. We hold a beat, and then we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. WILDERNESS AREA - MICHAEL - ROVERS - CONTINUOUS Michael barks into his comlink as the Land Rovers converge on him. MICHAEL I'm caught in the middle, pal! K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. starts his engine and rockets across the terrain toward Michael. K.I.T.T. On my way! THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. rockets between the Land Rovers, missing each by inches, forcing them to swerve wide to avoid a collision. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL As K.I.T.T. approaches, slams on the brakes and pops the driver's door open. Michael jumps inside. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, let's take it to 'em. K.I.T.T. takes off after the Land Rovers, a beat before: THE LAND ROVERS swing around and converge on K.I.T.T. Michael waits until the last moment before spinning a 180 sending a rooster tail of dirt and gravel into the air. MICHAEL Eat dirt cowboy! INSIDE A LAND ROVER as a shower of dirt and gravel and blasts into the windshield and down onto Rawleigh in the open cab. He loses control; spins to a stop. K.I.T.T. takes off after the other Land Rover. K.I.T.T. Well done, Michael. THE SCENE as Jastrow stomps on the accelerator of the Land Rover. It takes off across the terrain, K.I.T.T. in pursuit. IN THE CARGO BED OF THE ROVER - FLETCHER swings the laser rifle around and starts tracking --- K.I.T.T. - HI-TECH CROSS HAIRS as the laser tracks: RESUME K.I.T.T. as Fletcher fires repeatedly and the laser hits create an explosion of sparks as they ricochet off K.I.T.T.'s body. One laser hit misses and smacks into: A BOULDER as it is cracked by the impact of the laser hit. FLETCHER tracks and fires again. ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER as one of the laser blasts hits and shatters the crystal. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as a warning graphic starts flashing on the console and Michael reacts. K.I.T.T. I've taken some damage, Michael! MICHAEL Give me a report, pal. K.I.T.T. They've knocked out my scanner. All my gyro circuits are down. What's our plan, Michael? MICHAEL Run -- If we're going to war, pal, we've got to repair our equipment. ON K.I.T.T. as he turbo thrusts away leaving the Land Rovers far behind. MICHAEL (continuing) Let's contact Bonnie and have the semi meet us. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT as the semi barrels through a turn --- ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER PORT as Bonnie slides a new scanner unit into position. BONNIE That ought to keep your wheels from spinning. INT. SEMI - NIGHT - TRAVELING Michael watching as Bonnie finishes her work on K.I.T.T. and turns to him. BONNIE (continuing) Find anything out there besides trouble? MICHAEL Laser rifles. I'm betting they're the only reason Jastrow stole that truck. BONNIE Any idea what he's up to? MICHAEL Not a one. DEVON Perhaps I can shed some light on that, Michael. Michael and Bonnie react, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING MONITOR to see Devon appear in his Foundation office. Michael and Bonnie move in. MICHAEL Devon -- that means you've got something on Jastrow for me? DEVON Yes, he's a once zealous patriot who became disenchanted when promotions passed him by.... MICHAEL Anything on his daughter? DEVON She's been to the finest schools in Europe; expelled from most for militant behavior. Has expensive tastes and an unusually high IQ. MICHAEL Any clues as to what kind of bash they're planning? DEVON Indeed, officials believe it was Jastrow who tried to hijack a shipment from the Denver Mint a year ago. But can't prove it. MICHAEL Large scale crime -- that's where the lasers fit in. That it? DEVON A few last items -- He's an expert helicopter pilot and he's booked a number of international flights that leave at noon tomorrow. MICHAEL Then we know whatever he's up to is happening before lunch. DEVON What's your plan of attack? MICHAEL I'm gonna rattle Jastrow's cage and see what crawls out. DEVON That's it? MICHAEL That's all I've got. Michael crosses to K.I.T.T., and we: CUT TO EXT. DUNE DRIFTER HOTEL - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH as we move in. INT. LOUNGE AREA - NIGHT Sheila enters the room, looks around for someone, not finding him!..Tyler comes up next to her. TYLER Michael Knight's not here...I'm the one who wants to speak to you. Sheila holds out the hotel message to her. SHEILA You're the one that sent this. Tyler nods. SHEILA Why? What do you want? TYLER I want to talk. I knew you'd show if you thought you were meeting Michael Knight -- (a sexy smile) -- I would. SHEILA Hey, I don't like this. In fact, I don't like you either. Tyler takes a stack of currency from her purse and peels the edges with her thumb -- ziiiip. TYLER You like this.... Sheila pauses. Tyler holds out the money. TYLER Five thousand dollars -- It's yours. SHEILA Just like that? Come on, what's the catch. TYLER No catch. All you have to do is spend some time with our favorite guy. It's that --- SHEILA (interrupting) Forget it. Michael's been good to me. No way I'd do anything to hurt him. Sheila swings a forlorn glance to the money and heads for the door. Tyler pursues her. TYLER Neither would I, Sheila. Really. That's not what I want you to do. Sheila pauses; interested; questions Tyler with a look. TYLER Just get him away from the hotel tomorrow; steer him to a certain location.... SHEILA (considering; crumbling) That's all? TYLER That's it. Here --- Tyler pushes the money into Sheila's hands. Sheila hesitates to accept it. TYLER Go ahead, take it. (winks) Just between us girls, can you think of a -- more pleasant way to earn five thousand bucks? Tyler smiles. Sheila returns it, softening; glances down to the money she's holding; deciding --- CUT TO EXT. DUNE DRIFTER HOTEL - MORNING - TO ESTABLISH ANOTHER ANGLE - PARKING LOT - K.I.T.T. pulls in and parks. Michael gets out; is hurrying toward the hotel when Edgar's car screeches to a stop and cuts him off. Edgar's head pops through the open window. EDGAR Just the man I'm looking for! MICHAEL Sorry, I don't have time for this. Michael turns to go. Edgar opens the door, clocking his way and gets out. Martha follows wearing the neck brace and balancing on crutches that she's added to her ensemble. EDGAR No one fluffs us off that easily. MICHAEL Look, I'll give you two hundred bucks and we're square. Okay? EDGAR Two hundred?!! K.I.T.T. That's a hundred over blue book, Michael. MICHAEL He's right. You'd do better if you scrapped it. MARTHA (incensed) Young people! No respect for anything older than they are. EDGAR Right! This car's a classic. Solid as a rock. He slams the door closed -- a beat before: A FENDER creaks and falls off. RESUME THE SCENE As Edgar and Martha react, and Michael laughs. K.I.T.T. (checking data) Blue book -- without one fender. I can't find a listing. EDGAR A couple of loose nuts that's all --- MICHAEL (sotto; to K.I.T.T.) You said it, hey pal? EDGAR -- This car's got another hundred thousand miles in her. He slams a fist onto the hood to emphasize his point. THE FRONT BUMPER falls off. CUT TO INT. HOTEL LOBBY - DAY - FAVORING SHEILA camped out in a chair. She reacts as Michael enters and crosses the lobby. SHEILA Michael? He stops; turns as Sheila runs up and joins him. SHEILA Michael, I've been looking all over for you. MICHAEL What's up? SHEILA I've got some information for you. MICHAEL Can it wait? I have to find Jastrow right now. I --- SHEILA (interrupting) That's who it's about. (off Michael's reaction) I overheard that guy Rawleigh in the bar. He said something about Jastrow and O'Malley meeting. MICHAEL Jastrow and O'Malley -- where? When? Did you hear anything else? SHEILA (nods emphatically) Vasquez Canyon. I'll show you where. Michael's already on the move out of the lobby. Sheila goes after him. MICHAEL (calls back) Thanks. I'll find it. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY as Michael dashes to K.I.T.T.; pulls open the door pauses when he sees Sheila opening the passenger door. MICHAEL Where do you think you're going? SHEILA I feel safer with you than here alone. Michael considers; nods. They both get into K.I.T.T. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Sheila settles in. As Michael starts the engine and back out of the parking space --- K.I.T.T. What's our destination, Michael? MICHAEL Vasquez Canyon. Plot me a course. SHEILA Hey, that's neat. When I was little, I had a doll that talked. (beat; sidelong glance) Who are you anyway, Michael? MICHAEL Let's just say I work in support of law and government. Jastrow works against them. SHEILA Good guys and bad guys, huh? MICHAEL Don't leave out the ladies, Sheila. You've been a big help. SHEILA Somebody once said, good girls finish last. MICHAEL Not the ones I know --- Michael winks at her. Sheila smiles nervously, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - HIGH POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. as he exits the parking lot and accelerates onto the highway. CUT TO A BALCONY to reveal Jastrow and Tyler watching from a window or small balcony that overlooks the area. TYLER There they go -- the little ding-a-ling pulled it off. Jastrow crosses to a phone; punches out a number. JASTROW Rawleigh? They're on their way. He hangs up; swings a look to Tyler. We hold on their conspiratorial smiles, and then we: FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. RUGGED HILLSIDE - DAY - CLOSE ON DYNAMITE We open tight on a pair of hands firmly placing an explosive charge into the rocky soil of a desert incline. Pull back to reveal they belong to Rawleigh as he uncoils a spool of wire and runs it back to: FLETCHER who attaches it to an explosive plunger in cover behind some brush. Two camouflaged Land Rovers are concealed nearby. RAWLEIGH This oughta slow him down. FLETCHER Slow him down? They'll be scraping him off the rocks...We have time to check our equipment once more. RAWLEIGH You check, I need a little rest.... Rawleigh unbuttons his shirt, sprawls back in the sunshine. CUT TO EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. The Trans Am knifes across the sequaro. MICHAEL'S VOICE Something wrong with my driving? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Michael sits comfortably at the wheel, glancing over at a nervous Sheila. She jumps when she realizes he's talking to her.... SHEILA No, I'm -- I'm just trying to make a decision. MICHAEL Well, I hope you make it soon. Sheila broods, doesn't answer. Finally, suddenly: SHEILA It's made. Pull over. Something I have to tell you. MICHAEL No time...O'Malley isn't going to be in Vasquez Canyon forever. SHEILA (beat; troubled) He isn't there, Michael. Neither are the guns. MICHAEL What are you talking about? SHEILA They paid me to set you up. I just can't go through with it. MICHAEL Who? Who paid you? Jastrow? SHEILA (nods; contritely) His daughter. Michael glances at her accusingly. Sheila pulls a fist full of money from her purse; waggles it at him in reply. SHEILA Five thousand bucks --- MICHAEL (understanding) That's a lot of shampoo and gun demos --- Sheila nods. They hold a look before --- MICHAEL What did they say, Sheila? Did they tell you anything, did you overhear something that could help me? SHEILA (shrugs; shakes no) No, they just said to get you out to Vasquez Canyon. MICHAEL Think you can make it back on that thumb of yours? SHEILA Why? Where you going? MICHAEL Vasquez Canyon. SHEILA (surprised) But they're after you, you could be walking into a trap. MICHAEL I'm after them, too. See you back at the hotel. He starts to pull over, but Sheila settles back into her seat, determined. SHEILA No way. MICHAEL Out. SHEILA You go, I go too. MICHAEL Could be dangerous. SHEILA Drive. MICHAEL (beat; smiles) I owe you one. And as they speed up: EXT. RUGGED HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes out of a sweeping curve and heads toward a tunnel. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER Michael and Sheila cross into the darkness of the tunnel looking out toward the circle of daylight ahead of them when: RAWLEIGH hammers the explosive detonator home and: THE TUNNEL EXIT erupts in a massive explosion. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - THROUGH WINDSHIELD The circle of daylight up ahead suddenly vanishes. MICHAEL slams on the brakes; jams K.I.T.T. into reverse; looks back over his shoulder as he backs up at top speed and sees: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - OPPOSITE END OF TUNNEL as a second explosion obliterates the daylight, sealing off his escape. He brakes to a stop. They're in total darkness. EXT. HILLSIDE - DAY - RAWLEIGH AND FLETCHER look down with satisfaction on what used to be the tunnel. They share a nod; jump into their Land Rovers and take off. INT. TUNNEL - INSIDE K.I.T.T. dark, Michael and Sheila barely visible. K.I.T.T. They sealed off both ends of the tunnel, Michael. We're trapped. SHEILA (panic building) Is he saying we're buried alive? MICHAEL Let's shed some light on it before we panic. INSERT - HEADLIGHTS as they come on and illuminate: THE END OF THE TUNNEL A massive mountain of sand in front of K.I.T.T. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Sure settles that -- Can we turbo blast our way out? INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. There are 9.68 tons of sand blocking the way, Michael. Out of our range. MICHAEL Even with a running start? I'll back up to the end. As he shifts into reverse and backs up, another graphic hits the screen, measuring the length of the tunnel, computing. K.I.T.T. Maximum turbo over that distance -- (beat) We'd be traveling 247 miles per hour when we hit the wall. SHEILA What's he mean, we? I'm getting out, now. MICHAEL I wouldn't, Sheila. The impact could bring the whole mountain down. SHEILA Can we call for help? MICHAEL Good idea. Get me Devon, pal. K.I.T.T.'s monitor comes to life again; a sea of wavey, zigzag lines accompanied by static. K.I.T.T. There's something in the tunnel creating interference, Michael. No one knows where we are. SHEILA And if we don't make it.... MICHAEL (decision made) We go for it. We've got no choice. Michael pushes buttons, preparing for maximum turbo boost. K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER The TURBO BOOST graphic pulsing quickly, the indicator edging past MAXIMUM. K.I.T.T. I'm at full power, Michael. MICHAEL Let 'er rip, pal! INSIDE THE TUNNEL - K.I.T.T. shudders as the roar of the turbo builds -- a beat before K.I.T.T. rockets forward down the tunnel. MICHAEL AND SHEILA are slammed back in their seats, as K.I.T.T. heads toward: THE MOUNTAIN OF SAND K.I.T.T. approaches at blinding speed, a blur as he passes camera and slams into it. EXT. TUNNEL - DAY as the roar of the turbo comes from beneath the earth, a beat before the mountain of sand blocking the tunnel explodes into the desert. ANOTHER ANGLE - CLOSER - MOUTH OF TUNNEL - SLO MO as K.I.T.T. rockets into view, launching through the air as the sand and debris explode around him. He lands to a shuddering stop. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL AND SHEILA rock to a stop and heave sighs of relief and exultation. MICHAEL Way to go, good buddy! K.I.T.T. Amazing what you can do when you have no choice. I'm afraid the jolt knocked out several circuits, communications among them. MICHAEL How's your radar? INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED Graphics appear on the screen, with the familiar sweep arm. K.I.T.T. It appears functional. What am I looking for? MICHAEL Devon said Jastrow leased a chopper. See if you can pick it up. SHEILA Michael, he could be anywhere -- hundreds of miles away. MICHAEL No, he can't. The flight he booked leaves in an hour and a half. It's an hour to the airport from this area. The target has to be within a half hour's driving radius for those Rovers to make it in time. K.I.T.T.'s monitor responds with ever widening concentric circles until a clear "blip" appears on the outer edge of the screen. K.I.T.T. I have one, Michael -- about twenty miles north of our location. MICHAEL Okay -- check the area for structures that contain something of great value: mints, banks, museums --- K.I.T.T.'s monitor scans a list of companies and businesses at search speed; finally holds on one highlighted by a flashing rectangle. K.I.T.T. How about -- the Anderson Precious Metals Depository? MICHAEL Bingo! (turns to Sheila) Okay young lady, time to put that thumb of yours to work. SHEILA What do you mean, Michael? MICHAEL Get to a phone; call F.L.A.G. head- quarters and tell Devon Miles to get us some backup just in case. She starts from the car, then leans back and kisses him. SHEILA Be careful, will you? MICHAEL Everybody's always saying that to me --- She smiles, gets out, crosses the road and starts hitchhiking. HIGH SHOT - K.I.T.T. races away. MICHAEL'S VOICE Come on K.I.T.T. Let's go get us a chopper. CUT TO EXT. JASTROW'S CHOPPER - DAY flying low across terrain, the Land Rover's on the road below. EXT. PRECIOUS METALS DEPOSITORY - DAY - FROM CHOPPER isolated in the distance, a low-slung, high-tech storage building, its gleaming roof cutting outward toward the high electrified fence surrounding its front courtyard. INSIDE JASTROW'S CHOPPER - FLYING as he gestures and smiles to Tyler next to him. They shout over the roar of the rotors. JASTROW There it is --- TYLER Better get ready. Jastrow nods. She moves from her seat, and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE - DOOR OF CHOPPER as Tyler pulls it open, then prepares a hoist and sling apparatus attached to a winch. JASTROW clicks on his microphone. JASTROW Rawleigh? Fletcher? We're on final approach -- split up and move into firing positions. INTERCUT - ROAD BELOW - DAY - THE TWO LAND ROVERS come throw a turn and approach the road that circles the Depository. RAWLEIGH Gotcha --- FLETCHER Read you. Over. ANOTHER ANGLE - POINT OF VIEW FROM CHOPPER as the Land Rovers reach the road junction near the building, one going left, the other right, and we: CUT TO K.I.T.T. racing on the road, and we hear: MICHAEL What's our ETA, pal? K.I.T.T. One minute, seven seconds. Michael tromps on the accelerator, and we: CUT TO INT. JASTROW'S CHOPPER - DAY - ON JASTROW as he speaks into his headset. JASTROW Get ready men: on my countdown. Three, two.... ANGLE IN DEPOSITORY COURTYARD - FAVORING PLATINUM BARS stacked compactly and strapped to a shipping palate in the center of the yard. Two armed guards are stationed at opposite sides of the palate, react to: PA VOICE Attention all personnel! Be on full alert for.... The voice is suddenly cut off. The guards look at each other, puzzled as we go to: QUICK CUTS - RAWLEIGH AND FLETCHER - IN LAND ROVERS squeezing the triggers on the lasers, firing bolts of light toward the Depository. CLOSE ON A SWITCH PANEL a laser beam bores directly into the "Central Security" switch, which sparks, smokes, then melts right before our eyes. CLOSE ON THE RADIO FUSES A second beam locks onto the largest fuse which bursts with a bang. The guard nearby is startled, picks up his post phone, but bangs the switchhook helplessly -- it's cut off. IN THE COURTYARD - ON THE GUARDS looking around, confused by the sudden silence, cocking their weapons, as: JASTROW'S CHOPPER - FAVORING TYLER as the chopper swoops down over the courtyard and Tyler crouches in the open door wearing a gas mask tossing out: GAS CANISTERS as they land in the courtyard and explode in billowing smoke. THE GUARDS fire at the chopper but stumble, drop their guns and fall as they are overcome by the gas. EXT. HIGHWAY - K.I.T.T. screams past, racing for the Depository. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE HELICOPTER hovering as Tyler, at the end of the cable-and-sling, winches down into the courtyard directly above the platinum bars. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael throws some switches -- MICHAEL We're running out of time! Can we turbo boost, pal? K.I.T.T. I hope I have some left, Michael. Michael is slammed back into the seat as K.I.T.T. turbo explodes onto the Depository approach road. MICHAEL Yeah! I'll take it! ON A LAND ROVER - FLETCHER looks up in disbelief as he spots K.I.T.T. approaching, then swings his laser around and begins sighting. ON THE SECOND ROVER - RAWLEIGH does the same. K.I.T.T. turbo blasts past camera toward the Depository entrance gates that puts him in a crossfire between the two Land Rovers. QUICK CUTS - RAWLEIGH AND FLETCHER sight in on the Trans Am and fire bolts of laser light. EXT. APPROACH ROAD - K.I.T.T. swerves and rocks as blasts from the two lasers chew up the pavement just behind him. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL reacts to the explosion; whips the steering wheel as laser hits spark off K.I.T.T.'s hood in front of him. MICHAEL They found a new target, pal! Can you micro-jam their firing mechanisms? K.I.T.T. No, but I may be able to close their induction vents. MICHAEL Which means? K.I.T.T. I think you'll find the result satisfactory. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE as MICRO-JAM pulses with appropriate sounds and effects. RAWLEIGH tracks and fires. His eye is pressed to the laser sight when the big gun starts to hum and spark. A red light flashes, indicating "Core overheat." His eyes widen and is knocked from the Land Rover as the weapon blows in a hail of sparks. FLETCHER fires with the same result, thrown from his post as the laser shorts out. K.I.T.T. accelerates right toward: THE DEPOSITORY ENTRANCE GATES as K.I.T.T. approaches and blasts into them. REVERSE ANGLE - GATES as they are blown away by K.I.T.T., who explodes through them into the courtyard. ANOTHER ANGLE - TYLER perched atop the platinum bars attaching the chopper's winch cable to the palate. She reacts to K.I.T.T.'s explosive arrival. She pulls her Magnum and starts firing at: K.I.T.T. who's side-sliding across the courtyard. He makes a screeching stop right next to Tyler. Michael pushes open K.I.T.T.'s door to get out; ducks back behind the door as the rounds ricochet off the window in a hailstorm of sparks. ANOTHER ANGLE as he lunges to grab Tyler. She ducks and slams a karate blow up into Michael's midsection followed by another across the back of the neck. He straightens and puts Tyler away with a short right hook. ANOTHER ANGLE - PALATE OF PLATINUM The cable being reeled back up toward the chopper as Michael grabs it and snaps it onto K.I.T.T.'s winch hook. MICHAEL Okay pal, reel him in. K.I.T.T.'s winch starts whirring. JASTROW'S CHOPPER strains to lift off, but can't. MICHAEL thumbs up to K.I.T.T., and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG SHEILA Sheila shows up with Tom O'Malley, a rotund, teddy-bear type the ladies love to cuddle. He tells Michael, he and Jastrow were in the same artillary unit in Korea; stayed in touch at conventions and shared a continuing interest in the big guns. He casually mentioned the 105mm's his police department confiscated to Jastrow, never dreaming what he was up to. Where's O'Malley been? At a desert spa recovering from his first four nights at the convention. THE END