EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #58633 Robert Foster October 28, 1984 (F.R.) PRODUCERS: Gerald Sanford Gino Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER CIRCUS KNIGHTS by Rick Middleman ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. RURAL HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising along the outskirts of a small town. MICHAEL'S VOICE Given a choice, pal, I'd rather be skiing.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Or sailing...or snorkeling...or hang-gliding, or horseback riding or...let's face it, just about anything else in the whole wide world than going to a circus. K.I.T.T. I know what you mean, Michael. I never could understand what people saw in fifty grown men, wearing red noses and baggy pants, with floppy shoes, no less, climbing out of a car the size of a baby carriage, and then throwing buckets of water at each other. Not to mention the elephants. And then there are those awful.... MICHAEL (interrupting) Easy, buddy, don't make me feel any worse than I already do. K.I.T.T. Well, there is one consolation. MICHAEL Yeah, what's that? (long silence) Kitt...! K.I.T.T. I'm thinking, I'm thinking! All right...you're doing this as a favor to Devon. MICHAEL Yeah, I guess you're right. When it comes to the circus...our leader's just a kid at heart. He smiles at the thought. EXT. RURAL HIGHWAY - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. roaring along to a rock/circus beat, and sound-alikes. EXT. CIRCUS - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES to catch the fun and thrills of this family-owned attraction, known as Circus Major. This is the day before opening, so there's no audience, really, just some invited guests, the press, and a few others who have managed to sneak on the lot. It's also a dress rehearsal, so the clowns, the fire eater, the strong man, and all those other wonderful and amazing acts are performing in the b.g., as --- The camera finds: DEVON AND BONNIE walking toward the trapeze apparatus, which like most of the other attractions is outside. Devon is filling his face with a big bouquet of cotton candy. Bonnie is delighted to see him so happy: DEVON Ahhh, the magic and the wonder of it all, Bonnie. Did I ever tell you about the time.... BONNIE You went undercover in occupied France as Valentino the Knife Thrower. DEVON (pleased) You remember! Yes, I spent three months with Circus Major. In fact, my senior O.S.S. officer, may he rest in peace, was Gunther Major, whose father founded this very show. They're in front of the trapeze apparatus now: DEVON And now Gunther's two children are the star attractions. Look -- here they come now. ANGLE TO INCLUDE PETER AND TERRY MAJOR Beautiful and handsome in their flying costumes, accompanied by drum rolls and bugles as they move toward the trapeze ladder. He's twenty-six. She's twenty-three. BONNIE And here comes our star attraction. Devon looks to see Michael driving up nearby, and getting out. MICHAEL Yo, Devon.... DEVON Michael! I'm glad you could make it. MICHAEL Hey, you couldn't keep me away with a herd of dancing elephants. (aside to Bonnie) Is it over yet? BONNIE (aside) It hasn't begun. MICHAEL (big smile) All right! Devon has taken a few steps closer to K.I.T.T. DEVON Kitt, I wonder if you might film the Flying Majors for me? (very quickly) Rather, for my nephew. Yes, my nephew. K.I.T.T. Of course, Devon. I'll even use my new image enhancement lens. For your nephew. DEVON Yes...he'll...appreciate that. As Devon moves to join Michael and Bonnie: ANGLE ON K.I.T.T.'S FLASHER spotting something. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Oh, no. Now what on earth does he want? WHAT K.I.T.T. SEES "Bang" the orangutan...who spots the scanner and now places his big face right near it, following the red light. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE All right, rubber face, move it. But hearing the voice, Bang only rises to his full height, bares his teeth, begins banging his chest, and roaring like an ape. Or orangutan. After which: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Well...we'll see about that, Latex lips. And K.I.T.T. begins flapping his hood up and down, while letting out a combination of jungle sounds that would make Tarzan proud. And makes Bang run for shelter. After which: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Now -- let's hope I've made myself clear. K.I.T.T. returns to scanning/photographing the Flying Majors. ANGLE ON MICHAEL, DEVON AND BONNIE as they watch Peter and Terry about to climb the ladder to their perch high above the ground. DEVON There have only been a handful of flyers who have mastered the triple somersault and Peter Major is one of them. INTERCUT - PETER AND TERRY Terry starts up first. (Note: There are other circus performers clustered about them, and we will see one unidentifiable hand reach out and pat Peter on the shoulder, before melting away in the crowd.) Peter starts the quick climb, moving up like a cat. BONNIE I think I'd feel a lot better if they used a net. MICHAEL So would I, but I don't think they'd sell as many tickets. DEVON (tense) Watch! She's about to fly. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - TERRY leaving the perch, doing a double somersault and being caught by the catcher. BACK TO SCENE Our people react. Impressed, proud. Especially Devon. BONNIE That was beautiful, Devon. DEVON Thrilling is more like it. We hear a loud drum roll, which will fade to silence as Peter gets ready to perform his triple. DEVON It's Peter's turn now. MICHAEL Think he'll try the triple his first time out? DEVON Knowing his father the way I did -- I'm sure of it. INTERCUT - PETER as needed. He readies himself, but for a brief second seems to falter. MICHAEL Devon, is it my imagination or does he seem a little unsteady? Devon has also caught it. DEVON I'm not sure. No...it's probably just part of the act. Peter catches the swing. The tension builds. BONNIE He's ready. There he goes! Peter swings into space, and there definitely appears to be something wrong. He seems to be shaking the cobwebs from his brain. Both Michael and Devon grow increasingly concerned. Then he attempts the triple...once...twice...but on the third somersault he loses all sense of balance, misses his catcher's hands, and plummets downward. VARIOUS ANGLES shock, disbelief, horror, as Peter hits the ground. Within the confusion that follows, our people race to the body. Intercut Terry watching from above, too pained and stunned to move. MICHAEL Kitt, give me a scan of his vitals. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR for appropriate graphs. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm sorry...he's dead. Bonnie gasps, turns into Michael's arms for comfort. Devon is shattered. The circus performers stunned; Blippo the sad-faced clown all but in tears. But mostly Devon: DEVON Oh, dear God. Dear God. EXT. SEMI - NIGHT moving fast along a lonely road. MICHAEL'S VOICE Devon...don't you think you should try to get some sleep? INT. SEMI - NIGHT The lights are dim. Devon sits in front of the monitor, silently watching the film K.I.T.T. shot of Peter's tragic fall. He looks up at Michael, as if seeing him for the first time. K.I.T.T. is parked nearby. DEVON I'm sorry. MICHAEL You've been studying that film Kitt shot of the night. DEVON Really? (glances at watch) Oh, dear, I didn't realize it was so late. He gets up as Bonnie enters with a tray of tea. BONNIE I made you some tea. As he takes a cup: DEVON Bonnie, you make coffee -- you brew tea. BONNIE Not instant you don't. DEVON Instant? BONNIE Just kidding. Devon sips. DEVON Not bad. Not bad at all. FAVORING MICHAEL who has gone to the monitor, and is now examining the film, controlling "forward" and "reverse" with the remote button. MICHAEL Devon, what's so interesting about this film? Devon and Bonnie join him at the monitor. DEVON I'm not sure...probably nothing. MICHAEL C'mon, I know you better than that. What is it? Devon takes the remote, finds the proper frames: DEVON Take a look at this. INTERCUT - FILM OF MONITOR as needed. Michael shrugs: MICHAEL Peter's putting rosin on his hands. What's so unusual about that? DEVON For an aerialist, absolutely nothing. But watch what he does just before he catches his trapeze. Another frame: BONNIE He wipes his brow. DEVON With his open palm. Thereby losing some, if not all of the rosin. MICHAEL Anyone whose life depended on his grip wouldn't do that. DEVON Exactly, Michael. MICHAEL Isn't that where we noticed he seemed a little unsteady? DEVON Yes. MICHAEL Kitt, push in on his upper chest and head area. K.I.T.T. does. MICHAEL Looks like he's also gasping for air. BONNIE Maybe he was having a seizure of some sort. Or even a heart attack. The coroner's report should be out tomorrow. MICHAEL I don't think that's what Devon's suggesting, Bonnie. BONNIE What are you suggesting? DEVON That perhaps the accident wasn't really an accident. BONNIE Murder? DEVON Possibly. BONNIE But why? For what reason? DEVON I don't know. The truth is, I don't even have one piece of concrete evidence to go on. Michael, if you came to me with something like this, you know what I'd tell you? MICHAEL Only too well. DEVON (deeply troubled) But there's something deep inside me...perhaps too many years at this job, perhaps too close a friendship to Peter's father...that won't let me rest until I know the whole truth about his death. MICHAEL That's good enough for me, Devon. I'll look into it. DEVON Michael, you haven't had a day off in over a month. Besides, this isn't a Foundation matter. MICHAEL Then call it a family matter. Devon, you've backed me up more times than I can remember. Now it's my turn. I'm on it...you get some rest. DEVON (beat, warm smile) Thank you, Michael. MICHAEL No need. Devon nods, and turns to leave. EXT. ROAD TO CIRCUS - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael -- if you're expecting the circus people to bare their souls to you, forget it.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. My research tells me they're an extremely close-knit group, who are about as open to strangers as a convention of mafia bosses. MICHAEL But I'm not going in as a stranger, pal...I'm going in as one of their own. K.I.T.T. thinks about this a beat, then: K.I.T.T. Good idea. How about the Magnificent Michael and his Colossal Cotton Candy. A bit sticky maybe, but safe. MICHAEL I was thinking of something a little more...flamboyant, Kitt. K.I.T.T. That's what I was afraid of. EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. flying along to rock/circus sound-alikes. EXT. CIRCUS - DAY - ON TERRY leaving her trailer. As she walks toward one of the tents, Blippo suddenly appears behind her, in costume and carrying a large wooden bucket. BLIPPO Honk-honk! She turns and Blippo lifts the bucket as if to throw water on her. Even in her sadness she forces a smile: TERRY Blippo, don't you dare! He maneuvers for position, she maneuvers away. TERRY I'm warning you. Blippo, if you get one drop of water on me.... BLIPPO Water? TERRY I'm not in any mood for confetti, either. BLIPPO Okay-okay...then how 'bout greens? He puts his hand in the bucket, and pulls out a fistful of good old U.S. currency, unseen to us until now. TERRY Where'd that come from? BLIPPO The sky! It rained money! TERRY It hasn't rained in a month. Money or anything else. Now come on, Blippo. BLIPPO All right -- all right... (motions behind her) Bang the orangutan found it. Terry looks to see Bang seated nearby. She laughs, but --- TERRY Blippo, I'm warning you.... She advances threateningly, until: BLIPPO Terry, sweetheart, it's a gift.... from us...your friends. She looks to where he motions, to see the many performers gathering around. BLIPPO We admit it's not a whole lot, but it's something. And...well...if it helps keep this crazy circus alive one more day, then what the heck, we can afford it. TERRY (near tears) Thank you...thank every last one of you. (hugs Blippo) But I'm afraid it's going to take a lot more than this to keep Circus Major from going under. What we need is...another big act. Someone ...who can take my brother's place. It's too much for her. She starts to cry, taking comfort in Blippo's arms, as the others gather closer. EXT. CIRCUS GROUNDS - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. MICHAEL'S VOICE I've got it! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL I'll go as a human cannonball and you can catch me. K.I.T.T. If I don't, the men in white coats surely will. Michael! I really think you're letting this circus thing go to your head. MICHAEL (seeing something up ahead) You're right, Kitt. I think we oughta stick with what we do best. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - FENCE AROUND CIRCUS GROUNDS K.I.T.T. Michael, you're not.... BACK TO SCENE He accelerates. MICHAEL Sure am.... K.I.T.T. But the front gate's wide open. MICHAEL No one ever hired Turbo Man for driving through the front gate. K.I.T.T. Turbo...Man? MICHAEL You got it! He pushes turbo boost. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES as the Trans Am clears the fence and lands. Intercutting with reactions from the circus performers, favoring Terry and Blippo. Michael then makes a sharp turn, screeches up to where they are and gets out...with a magnificent bow, a certain flourish: MICHAEL For those of you who haven't already heard of me, let me introduce myself. I'm the world renowned Turbo Man... and this is my flying carpet, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Your...flying carpet? The circus people still a bit stunned by the jump, are equally stunned by K.I.T.T.'s comments. MICHAEL My...talking...flying carpet. Who can also crash through solid walls, ride on two wheels, drive by itself, and imitate any sound known to man. Give them a sample, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, really.... MICHAEL (clenched teeth) Kitt. K.I.T.T. All right, you asked for it. K.I.T.T. goes through his now famous jungle act, ending with a rampaging elephant. Herd of elephants? ANGLE TO INCLUDE BANG bounding over, pounding his chest, baring his teeth and jumping right on top of K.I.T.T.'s hood. Bang has also been eating a banana which he proceeds to squash into K.I.T.T.'s windshield. K.I.T.T. quickly turns on his windshield washers and wipers which only make things worse. K.I.T.T. Michael, will you kindly take this poor man's King Kong off my person. Michael forces a grin. To Terry: MICHAEL He's also very temperamental, as you can see. BLIPPO Let's go, Bang. Bang obeys, but not without sticking his tongue out at K.I.T.T. and giving him the old orangutan razzberry. K.I.T.T. Bang! An orangutan named Bang!! K.I.T.T., in total disgust and humiliation, backs up and drives off a short distance. As the others follow to examine him more closely, Terry moves to Michael: TERRY You have some act. (takes closer look at him) Wait a second...didn't I see you here during dress rehearsal? MICHAEL Yes...I came to audition. But under the circumstance...I'm sorry about your brother. TERRY I am, too. But what's the old saying -- tears are as much a part of the circus as the laughter. Maybe even more so. (slight beat, forces smile) I can't afford to pay you much. MICHAEL If I did this just for the money I'd find a new line of work. TERRY All right, Turbo Man...welcome to Circus Major. MICHAEL My friends call me, Michael. She nods, smiles: TERRY Let's go sign the contract...Michael. She leads him toward her trailer. ANGLE ON BLIPPO He stands in the screened doorway to his trailer, watching. Then turns inside. INT. BLIPPO'S TRAILER - DAY The clown picks up the phone, dials. A voice on the other end: MAN'S VOICE Yes? BLIPPO Mr. Barnes...we have another problem. MAN'S VOICE Then, damn it, deal with it! Burn that circus to the ground if you have to! BLIPPO Whatever you say, Mr. Barnes. Whatever you say. He hangs up, then starts dialing another number. EXT. TERRY'S TRAILER - DAY - ESTABLISHING MICHAEL'S VOICE Is this your father? INT. TERRY'S TRAILER - DAY Michael looks at one of the many, many photographs on the wall. The trailer is small, but a museum of the Circus Major. TERRY Yes...and that's my mother over there... and my two uncles...my aunts...my grandfather...my grandmother, and... this is the last picture ever taken of Peter during a performance. (beat) There'll never be another flyer like him. MICHAEL The circus is really in your blood, isn't it? TERRY It's in the blood of this town, Michael...without the circus here, Majorville would just dry up and blow away. It's as simple as that. (moves to her desk) Ready to sign, Turbo Man? She shows him the contract, proffers a pen. MICHAEL On the dotted line. He takes the contract. EXT. SMALL STORAGE TENT - DAY - ON CHUCK FOLEY a seemingly happy-go-lucky type of twenty-five, in roust- about coveralls, except for the fact that he's backing out of a tent marked with "DANGER/INFLAMMABLE" signs, and pouring gasoline around it. Foley, a rock music lover, wears earphones and moves to the beat...even as he sets a fairly sophisticated fuse and calmly walks away. To the beat. CLOSE ON FUSE as it automatically ignites and starts heading toward the gasoline. INT. TERRY'S TENT - DAY Michael finishes signing. TERRY It's great to have you with us. I'll start on the promotion right away.... But she's interrupted by the beeping comlink, then: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, my olfactory sensors detect smoke coming from one of the circus tents. Moving out: MICHAEL Find out which one, Kitt. EXT. TERRY'S TRAILER - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. pulling up, popping door, and Michael sliding inside. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE It's at the far end of the lot. Michael peels off. MICHAEL'S VOICE I can see the smoke now. Kitt, alert the others. K.I.T.T. imitates a fire alarm. VARIOUS ANGLES as the entire circus, except for Blippo and someone we'll get to know as Tiger, pitches in to put out the fire. ANGLE ON FOLEY stuffing his coveralls into a trash barrel and moving toward his nearby bike. EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY K.I.T.T. That's what I call teamwork, Michael. MICHAEL (seeing something) Then I think I just spotted an opposing player. ANGLE TO INCLUDE FOLEY as he takes off on his bike, and Michael goes after him. VARIOUS ANGLES OF CHASE Foley has a little advantage of zigzagging between the parked trailers, then he races for the open gate. ANGLE AT GATE as Foley speeds through. ON K.I.T.T. As he nears the gate, a school bus on an outing, suddenly turns inside the circus park, blocking the entrance. EXT./INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt...! K.I.T.T. If you're thinking of a turbo boost, Michael, we'll never make it. MICHAEL You know something, pal, this time I won't argue. Michael slams to a stop in front of the bus, then swings around it to the chain-link fence. MICHAEL Any sign of him, Kitt? VARIOUS ANGLES OF STREET No sign of Foley. K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael...I'm afraid he's long gone. And on Michael's frustration, we --- FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. SEMI - DAY moving fast along a fairly busy highway. DEVON'S VOICE (excited) Michael, I think I've found something! INT. SEMI - DAY Michael hurries to Devon, who is studying the film on the monitor. MICHAEL What is it? Bonnie follows him. Intercut as needed. DEVON Look closely at Peter as he's about to ascent the ladder. What do you see? BONNIE A bunch of the performers crowding around him. I guess they're wishing him luck. DEVON What else? MICHAEL A hand. DEVON That's right! One single disembodied hand, reaching out of the shadows, and patting him on the back. Kitt, give me a closeup of that hand. K.I.T.T. Right away, Devon. BONNIE There's something inside it. MICHAEL Looks like a small sponge. DEVON Exactly. MICHAEL Kitt, zoom in closer. He does. MICHAEL It's wet. A liquid of some kind. K.I.T.T. Michael, if you're expecting me to tell you what that liquid is from a photograph.... MICHAEL (interrupting) Don't worry, pal, even I wouldn't ask that of you. But I do want to take a look at that fire. He starts for K.I.T.T. DEVON Michael...about your opening perfor- mance tonight.... MICHAEL Say no more, Devon...I'll leave a couple of tickets for you and Bonnie at the gate. EXT. SEMI - DAY as K.I.T.T. drops out and peels off to sound-alikes. EXT. SITE OF FIRE - DAY Michael looks over the area. MICHAEL Can you give me some idea where it started, pal? ANGLE TO INCLUDE K.I.T.T. His scanner flashes. INTERCUT - MONITOR to see the proper graph. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The incendiary flash point is exactly six-point-three feet to your left, Michael. BACK ON MICHAEL as he moves to it. MICHAEL Scan the ashes. K.I.T.T. For anything in particular? MICHAEL The arsonist's name and telephone number...or anything else that might lead us to him. INTERCUT - MONITOR for scanning graph, until: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I'm picking up a high con- centration of phosphorescence only a few feet from where you're standing. BACK ON MICHAEL as he squats down and begins running his hand through the ashes, until finding a high-tech, auto-delay fuse. As he examines it thoughtfully: TIGER'S VOICE See anything interesting down there? Michael looks, reacts. WHAT HE SEES The longest and most beautiful pair of legs in the world, and topped on skates. A slow pan up and we see she's wearing tiger design leotards, with a bullwhip over one shoulder. This is Tiger, twenty-three, fantastic, who does a roller-skating/rock act. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MICHAEL Michael sort of grins to her question, clears his throat, as he rises, putting the fuse in his pocket. MICHAEL Nothing that doesn't get better on the way up. She smiles; her soft laugh is almost a purrrr. TIGER My name's Tiger. MICHAEL You're kidding? TIGER And you must be Turbo Man. The one with the magic car. MICHAEL (softly) It's all done with mirrors. He just sits there, I do all the work. K.I.T.T. I heard that, Michael. And speaking of work, don't we have some to do? MICHAEL Not now, Kitt.... K.I.T.T. Michael...! MICHAEL Kitt (forces a good- natured laugh) He's a real workaholic...practice, practice, practice.... She moves closer to him, turns it on: TIGER While you're the type who enjoys his relaxation...like cuddling up with a nice soft kitten on your lap. She reaches out, touches his face with hands sporting inch- long nails; he quickly backs off: MICHAEL Yeah...well...maybe my partner's right. The show must go on, practice makes perfect, there's no business like show business. Maybe another time, Tiger. TIGER I'll hold you to that, Turbo Man. I'll hold you to that. She gently runs her nails down his face and growls like a big cat. Then backs off, and without missing a beat takes her bullwhip and snaps a couple popping cracks near Michael's face, before skating off. Michael shakes his head, somewhat in relief, and returns to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, that's one tiger that will never be an endangered species. K.I.T.T. Don't say I didn't warn you, Michael. Michael opens the door: MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Now see what you can make of this. He places what he found in the ashes into the analyzer. ANGLE TO INCLUDE MONITOR with proper graphs. K.I.T.T. It's an auto-delay fuse, Michael. Fairly sophisticated. It'll take me a while to check it out. MICHAEL Get right on it. ANGLE TO INCLUDE TERRY walking nearby. She waves: TERRY Michael.... Joins him. MICHAEL Where are you going all dressed up? TERRY To the bank...before the bank comes here. MICHAEL Want a lift? TERRY Sure, why not? It's not every day you can have Turbo Man chauffeur you around town. She gets in. Michael slides behind the wheel, and they drive off. ANGLE ON TIGER as she stands watching them. BLIPPO'S VOICE What was that all about? ANGLE TO INCLUDE BLIPPO coming up behind her. TIGER He was snooping around the fire. I think he found something. BLIPPO If he's that interested in fires... then maybe we'll give him one he won't forget. They continue to watch K.I.T.T. drive away. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - ON SIGN It reads: WELCOME TO MAJORVILLE, HOME OF CIRCUS MAJOR. Pan to pick up K.I.T.T., driving by: MICHAEL (V.O.) Welcome to Majorville.... INT. K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL AND TERRY MICHAEL The high school, the hospital, the auditorium...must make you proud to have the Major name on practically every public building in town. TERRY (laughing) Very proud, Michael, although I take no credit. It was my grandfather who made all those things possible. MICHAEL Must've been quite a guy. TERRY He was. He built a dream on a patch of weeds. A circus town where performers could work and live permanently like normal folks. MICHAEL I wouldn't give away all the credit, Terry. Takes a lot to keep a dream like that alive. TERRY I'm trying, Michael. But if I lose this circus, Granddad's ghost'll haunt me forever. MICHAEL Is there a chance of that? TERRY Is there ever. Fortunately some of the bookings that were cancelled after Peter's death are coming back because of you. But even so, we're just squeezing by. MICHAEL If you're forced to bail out, there's always the land. TERRY If you're talking about selling, forget it. Anyway, the land by itself is not really all that valuable. (then, at dashboard) All these gadgets. Do you really use them? MICHAEL Sure. For instance, see that parking spot? OVER MICHAEL AND TERRY THROUGH WINDSHIELD at parking spot in front of bank. MICHAEL Let's show her how it's done, buddy. Michael accelerates. EXTERIOR - K.I.T.T. (UNDERCRANK) as K.I.T.T. zips into the parking spot. Getting out of the car, laughing: TERRY Michael, you're crazy.... MICHAEL Thank you, thank you. Compliments are what Turbo Man lives for. INT. BARNES' OFFICE - DAY - ON JEFF BARNES sitting behind his desk, beaming with pleasure at his visitor. BARNES When I tell my son that you're here, right here in my own office, he's never gonna believe me. I mean, Turbo Man is all he and his friends have been talking about.... Angle widens to include Michael, who exchanges an amused look with Terry. Barnes rises, searches his desk for a pad and pen. BARNES In fact, the whole town's been talking about you and those marvelous tricks they heard you can do with your car. Please, do me a great favor. (offers pad and pen) Just sign your name, you know: Your pal, Turbo Man. Taking the pen: MICHAEL Sure. What's your son's name? BARNES Jeff. Michael looks at the nameplate on the desk which reads: Jeff Barnes, President. BARNES Junior. Jeff Junior. Michael shoots Terry a smile, and signs. BARNES Guess I've always been a little off the wall when it comes to the circus. I ran away with it four times when I was a boy; wanted to become a lion tamer. TERRY A lion tamer, Mr. Barnes? BARNES Oh yeah. But I wasn't lucky like you. My father was a banker. So here I am. (then, apologetically) And as a banker, I'm responsible to my depositors. You can understand that, can't you, Terry? TERRY Don't sweat it, Mr. Barnes. (hands him check) Here's the payment. BARNES I am relieved. Believe me, if it were up to me, I'd declare the loan paid, wipe the books clean, because of all your family's done for this town. TERRY One thing I've never needed or asked for is charity. MICHAEL Tell your depositors their money is safe. In fact, with the tour coming up, a smart businessman would think about making a heavy investment in Circus Major. BARNES Is that so? Well, maybe I'll look into it. TERRY Come on, Michael, we've got a show to get ready for. As Terry exits, Michael pauses in the door, shrugs: MICHAEL Practice, practice, practice. ANOTHER ANGLE After Michael pulls the door closed, Barnes' expression sours as he grabs the phone and dials a number. INT. FOLEY'S GARAGE WORKSHOP - DAY A wonderland of pyrotechnic paraphernalia and high-fi equipment blasting heavy metal. Rocking to the beat of the music, Foley ignores the first telephone ring or two as he busies himself making an explosive device. Finally, he picks up the phone: FOLEY What? INTERCUT AS NECESSARY BARNES Foley, this is Barnes... (at loud music) Foley, can you hear me? FOLEY You ain't said anything yet, man. BARNES It's that Turbo Man. You've got to get rid of him, you understand? Once and for all, get rid of him! FOLEY Be cool, man. Blippo's already got me working on it. He's dead. EXT. CIRCUS ARENA - NIGHT - ON TIGER doing her act; rolling about on her platform to rock music, and popping balloons with a whip. As we pull back to scene, we also see, in the b.g., clowns, jugglers and acrobats. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. Waiting in the wings, Michael, in his full red sequined finery, is leaning on K.I.T.T. and taking it all in. MICHAEL You know, Kitt, Devon is right...It's all here...the greatest show on Earth. K.I.T.T. Are you talking about the circus or the Tiger lady? MICHAEL Come on, Kitt, where's your soul? K.I.T.T. I have none, Michael. I'm a computer. MICHAEL We'll have to do something about that one of these days. Terry, in costume, comes running over. TERRY Michael...hey, look at you in that outfit. MICHAEL You don't look bad yourself. And that was some performance you gave. TERRY Everything is going so well. We're sold out, and the advance sales are terrific. MICHAEL Let's hope it keeps going that way. At the sound of a dtum roll and a trumpet flourish, she kisses him: TERRY Good luck. And she hurries back. RINGMASTER'S VOICE (announcing) Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please.... K.I.T.T. Michael, it's not too late to get out of this. MICHAEL Kitt, I'm surprised at you. Look at all those fresh-scrubbed little kids out there, waiting for us. K.I.T.T. Stuffing their faces with popcorn and preservatives. EXT. INSIDE THE ARENA - NIGHT - ON RINGMASTER RINGMASTER Circus Major now takes great pleasure and enormous pride in introducing the act you have all been waiting for. THE AUDIENCE tensing with anticipation. ON DEVON AND BONNIE also waiting with anticipation. ON BLIPPO AND TIGER Standing to one side, Blippo looks over at Foley, sitting in the audience. He has headphones on, listening to rock music, and is eating popcorn and cotton candy. THE SCENE The drum roll continues as the house lights grow dim. RINGMASTER Straight from the continents of Europe and Asia, a daredevil who has risked his life a thousand times. Ladies and gentlemen, the great, the fabulous, the incomparable Turbo Man. By now the house lights are out, a spotlight is beamed at the entrance to the arena, and Michael appears standing on K.I.T.T., holding onto a pair of reins. They enter and start to do a turn around the track. THE AUDIENCE cheering, going wild for their hero. ON BARNES sitting calmly in this sea of excitement, watching. THE SCENE as Michael and K.I.T.T. move into position. RINGMASTER Now, ladies and gentlemen, Turbo Man will perform his death-defying feat. THE HOOP as the huge hoop, suspended ten feet off the ground at the opposite end of the arena, is lit and enveloped in a blaze of fire. VARIOUS CUTS OF THE AUDIENCE reacting with oohs and ahhs. ON TERRY watching, growing anxious for Michael. THE SCENE RINGMASTER With no protection whatsoever, the fearless Turbo Man and his faithful Kitt will attempt the impossible. Together, they will try to leap ten feet into the air and pass through the ring of fire unscathed. Can you do it, Turbo Man? Michael waves, indicating he's ready. ANGLE ON MICHAEL astride K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's go, buddy. Like they say in show biz, 'Break a leg.' K.I.T.T. In my case, it's 'Blow a tire.' K.I.T.T. starts in motion, slowly at first. ON FOLEY listening to the rock music and scoffing down the popcorn and cotton candy; he looks over at Blippo and Tiger with a big smile and nods. ON BLIPPO AND TIGER TIGER (re Foley's nod) What does that mean? BLIPPO That means the audience is gonna get a big bang outta this. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. bursting into speed. They roar towards the burning hoop. MICHAEL Let her rip, pal! ANOTHER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. takes flight, heading for the ring of fire. K.I.T.T. (alarmed) Michael, there's something on the other side. MICHAEL What? THE HOOP OF FIRE as Michael and K.I.T.T. fly through. K.I.T.T. An incendiary bomb, Michael. Jump! ANOTHER ANGLE It's too late to jump. As they land on the other side, K.I.T.T. detonates the bomb, which goes off in a blinding fiery flash. ON K.I.T.T. as he is knocked about by the force of the blast. INTERCUTTING - TERRY, DEVON AND BONNIE reacting with horror. ON MICHAEL being blown through the air. And, as he is, we: FREEZE FRAME AND FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. CENTER RING - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Flames from the blast still lick at K.I.T.T.'s underside. He auto-starts and heads for: MICHAEL who lies on the ground, dazed as Terry and other circus characters rush to help. DEVON Michael, for God sake, say something. BONNIE Michael, speak to me! MICHAEL I'm okay. He gets to his feet and waves to the crowd with a flourish. Ringmaster seizes the moment: RINGMASTER Laay-dees and Gentlemen...the amazing ...Turbo Man. ON THE STANDS The acrobats flip, the clowns cavort, and the fans are going crazy. All except Jeff Barnes, who watches intently from his seat next to the runway. Blippo and Tiger slide up beside him, their eyes fixed on Michael's triumph. Then they all share a cold look of frustration. MICHAEL smiles and continues his bows, Terry at his side. TERRY (scared) Don't tell me that was part of your act. Nobody's that good. MICHAEL (gritting his smile) You're right. Somebody doesn't want me in your show. Terry reacts, but he sweeps her up with an arm and they sit on K.I.T.T.'s hood, waving as K.I.T.T. drives them off. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - FOUNDATION SEMI sweeping down the highway. K.I.T.T. appears and motors up the ramp. BONNIE'S VOICE Well, well. If it isn't the amazing Turbo Man. INT. SEMI - DAY as Michael is greeted by Bonnie and Devon. MICHAEL Don't rub it in. I'm still creaking. BONNIE (teasing) You couldn't go undercover as a peanut vendor or a roustabout... (opens K.I.T.T.'s hood) I just hope Kitt's all right. K.I.T.T. I'm fine, Bonnie. Don't blame Michael. DEVON Any idea who might have sabotaged your act? MICHAEL Could have been any of a dozen people. (noticing what's on the computer terminal) What's this? Devon and Bonnie cross to join him. INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NECESSARY BONNIE It just came in. The coroner's report on Peter's death. Bonnie punches some buttons and the terminal displays molecular models. BONNIE He had a lot of D.M.S.O. in his bloodstream and the residue of some muscle salve. Normal stuff for an athlete. The information hits Devon like a bullet. DEVON Not for this athlete. They look at him curiously. MICHAEL Devon, what are you saying? DEVON I know for a fact. Peter never used any medication with D.M.S.O. in it. He was allergic to it. Couldn't risk a reaction. BONNIE Well, he used it that day. MICHAEL Wait...the sponge. Kitt, isn't D.M.S.O. administered through the skin? K.I.T.T. That's right, Michael. Michael's already heading for the car. As he fires it up: DEVON Where are you going? MICHAEL To warn Terry. Whoever's doing this must be a member of the circus itself. BONNIE Be careful. MICHAEL (winks) You kidding? I'm Turbo Man! And he speeds down the ramp. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - SEMI K.I.T.T. pops down the ramp, wheels a 180 and speeds off. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT - DASH MICHAEL Kitt, I keep coming back to one question. Why? K.I.T.T. Michael, we're dealing with indi- viduals who eat fire, hang by their hair, and swallow swords. If you want to know why these people do things, you're asking the wrong computer. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt. It can't be personal, 'cause they came after me, too. What's the market value on the circus land? Maps and graphs fly across the monitor. K.I.T.T. It's never been on the market, so it's hard to project. No minerals, no natural water, no unusual value. It's just another piece of land. MICHAEL Yeah, well, not to Terry. And not to the town. And not to the kids who come here every year. Dig deeper, pal. He twists a left turn onto the circus property. EXT. CIRCUS COMPOUND - NEAR TERRY'S TRAILER - DAY Michael and K.I.T.T. get a warm welcome with waves from the circus characters. A unicyclist goes around them, a stilt- walker straddles the car as they park. K.I.T.T. Looks like Turbo Man's getting popular. MICHAEL I'd be nothing without Kitt the Wonder Car. K.I.T.T. Well, at least that's better than Kitt the Flying Carpet. He starts off. K.I.T.T. reacts to: BANG THE ORANGUTAN waddling up to K.I.T.T., displaying a can of spray paint proudly. He favors K.I.T.T. with his biggest smile. K.I.T.T. Oh, no...not on me, you don't! Bang presses the button and white paint shoots out. K.I.T.T. starts to back away, avoiding it. K.I.T.T. No! Scat! Don't you dare! Bang smiles, sticks out his tongue at K.I.T.T., starts coming toward him faster. K.I.T.T. Back, you simian graffitist. But it's too late. He's after him. K.I.T.T. spins his wheels in the dirt and pulls a 180 and races away. Bang chases him, howling and spraying happily. EXT. TERRY'S TRAILER - DAY Michael walks up behind Terry as she watches two jugglers spinning plates and bottles on sticks atop their noses. TERRY Better, boys. Now, try lighting the bottles on fire. MICHAEL Right. The amazing Molotov Brothers. Terry turns to Michael eagerly, as the brothers wander off, still juggling. TERRY Thank heavens you came back! I was afraid after last night.... MICHAEL (shrugs; not bragging) I didn't become Turbo Man by bailing out of dangerous situations. They start walking the grounds. TERRY Seriously, Michael. You're all right, aren't you? I was so worried. MICHAEL I'm fine. Funny. I was worried about you. TERRY No fire bombs in my trapeze, if that's what you mean. MICHAEL That is what I mean. Terry, I looked at the coroner's report on Peter. TERRY You did what? Why? MICHAEL Right now that's not important. Did you know he had D.M.S.O. in his system? TERRY No, that's impossible. He wouldn't go anywhere near that stuff. MICHAEL I don't think he had anything to say about it. Someone killed him. TERRY Killed him? MICHAEL That's right, and they tried for me, too. TERRY If you mean someone in this troupe, forget it. MICHAEL Look, I'm not accusing anyone in particular. TERRY Well, I certainly hope not, because you're wrong. (stops) Anyway, why do you suddenly sound more like a cop than a circus performer? MICHAEL (smiles) I just signed a new contract, remember? I want to make sure you'll be around to make it good. TERRY Is that the only reason? They look at each other. The moment is interrupted by: K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! Help! K.I.T.T. AND BANG come racing up. The driverless Trans Am is still fleeing the spray-can-wielding Orang. Michael dons a stern expression. MICHAEL Bang, you should be ashamed of yourself. Bang looks chagrined, repentant. Michael holds out his hand. Sheepishly, Bang hands over the paint. K.I.T.T. Good riddance! Bang proffers one last wag of her tongue at K.I.T.T., then waddles off. Michael turns to Terry. MICHAEL You be careful. TERRY I will if you will. He gives her a light kiss, then climbs into the car. She waves as he heads out. Angle off to: BLIPPO AND TIGER standing in the folds of one of the tent doors, watching. Parked behind them is the circus fire truck. TIGER He's not only a pain, he has no taste in women. BLIPPO (pats fire truck) How'd Foley do with this baby, here? TIGER It's all ready...and waiting to be fired up. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL driving off. K.I.T.T. I have the source of that fuse fragment, Michael. MICHAEL Give it to me. K.I.T.T. It's made by a firm in Canada. They recently shipped some to a Charles Foley at a local address. MICHAEL Let's do some burning of our own, Kitt. He floors the accelerator. CUT TO INT. FOLEY'S GARAGE/WORKSHOP - DAY We start close on a flash of fire which flares down to reveal Foley, laughing with pleasure at his handiwork, rocking along to some earsplitting Quiet Riot music. He stops when a light blinks on his workbench, and heads for the window. WHAT HE SEES - K.I.T.T. is outside, pulling up the drive. FOLEY startled, heads for the back of the garage where his motorbike is parked. He stomps on the kick-starter and it roars. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael's senses are on full alert. K.I.T.T. Motorcycle leaving the back, Michael. MICHAEL That's what he thinks! He cranks K.I.T.T. into action as Foley swings into view. VARIOUS ANGLES - THE CHASE is short lived. Foley opens the throttle but is no match for K.I.T.T., who simple edges Foley onto the road shoulder where he high-sides his bike. Michael's out in a flash and throws Foley up against K.I.T.T. MICHAEL AND FOLEY MICHAEL (furious) Who paid you? Who? FOLEY Stick it, Jack. Lemme go. He glares daggers at Michael, who weighs him a beat, then pulls him away from the car. With one hand he opens K.I.T.T.'s door; with the other, he throws Foley inside. ANGLE THROUGH K.I.T.T. Foley jerks at the door handle but finds it locked. He looks around wildly, tries the other door. No good. Michael peers in breezily. FOLEY Lemme outta here, man.... MICHAEL Kitt, this guy put a bomb under you. K.I.T.T. (ominous) I know. FOLEY (reacts nervously) Hey, you got no right. MICHAEL Cool off. Kitt, he's a little hot under the collar. Help him out. K.I.T.T. (even darker) With pleasure. INTERCUT - DASH/MONITOR as a "Climate Control" light blinks on and a digital thermometer appears, numbers falling. Foley suddenly shudders, rubs his arms. His breath comes out in steam. FOLEY What the...it's freezin' in here! MICHAEL No, not yet... (as the numbers pass thirty-two degrees) There. Now it's freezing. FOLEY I don't know anything. MICHAEL I was in Alaska once. Winter of '72. (mock shiver) Horrible time. Lost a couple fingers. (holds up hand; hiding two fingers; smiling) Frostbite! Remember the wind, Kitt? K.I.T.T.'s synthesizer blinks on and we hear the sound of wind blowing over the frozen tundra. Maybe even a timber wolf. Foley's teeth chatter and steam forms on the windows. FOLEY It's Blippo! MICHAEL The clown? Who else? FOLEY No one. I took my orders from Blippo. MICHAEL Why'd they try to kill me? What are they after? FOLEY I don't know. It's a land deal. Something about...I.T.Z. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, let him go. The door opens and Foley tumbles out. MICHAEL Let's give him to the police. We've got to get back to Terry. As he hauls Foley to his feet: CUT TO EXT. BLIPPO'S TRAILER - DAY Terry's passing out paychecks. She hands one to Willie the midget, who thanks her. She then walks to Blippo's brightly colored door. She calls: TERRY Blippo, pay day. INT. TRAILER - DAY Simple, Spartan quarters. The main feature is a lighted makeup table with brightly colored paint pots. Terry sticks her head in. TERRY Anybody home? She enters, crosses to leave his check on his table. Thinking better of it, she opens the top drawer to put it in a safer place. ANGLE INTO DRAWER - OVER TERRY'S SHOULDER She puts the check in but a bottle rolls to the front. She picks it up. It's marked: "D.M.S.O." TERRY reacts in shock. TERRY Oh noooo. Blippo. Not you...of all people. She jumps as the trailer door slams behind her. She whirls around. REVERSE ANGLE - BLIPPO Frightening and sinister behind his makeup, he slaps a hand over her mouth. BLIPPO I'm sorry, Terry. This really is going to make Blippo sad. Off her terrified look: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. screams by with a vengeance. MICHAEL'S VOICE 'I.T.Z.' What does it mean, Kitt. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT - MONITOR Michael drives like a demon, angry and determined. K.I.T.T. It's not listed among American corporations, Michael. MICHAEL Then check the foreign ones. I'm going to nail whoever's behind this. K.I.T.T.'s dash responds. K.I.T.T. Here it is, Michael. It's a holding corporation from the Orient. MICHAEL It's making some sense, now. How far is the railroad from the circus land? K.I.T.T. (displaying map) Less than two miles. And the river.... MICHAEL ...runs out to the harbor at the coast. Nice spot for a distribution plant for imported goods. K.I.T.T. This case means a lot to you, doesn't it, Michael. MICHAEL You bet it does. Let's go warn Terry. He hits "pursuit" and their speed increases. EXT. GARAGE - DAY - ESTABLISHING A large, empty-looking place. Behind the loading doors, we hear: BARNES' VOICE Terry, I just can't let you do it. INT. GARAGE - DAY Blippo listens as Barnes walks around Terry, talking. She's seated at a small table on which sits a legal document, obviously a contract for sale of her circus property. Parked nearby is the circus fire engine. BARNES I can't let you and your circus stand in the way of this kind of progress. TERRY This is what you call progress? That plant they want to build is totally automated. It won't hire a dozen people. What happens to the others who live here? BARNES They'll just have to move somewhere else. Terry, it's a business, that's all, nothing personal. TERRY What about my brother? Was killing him personal, Mr. Barnes? BARNES That's enough! He quickly tries to cover his outburst, but the deep anger's still there. BARNES This isn't a negotiation, Terry, and I don't have to answer to you. Just sign that contract. TERRY And if I don't? BARNES Then I'm afraid you won't leave here alive. Simple as all that. He picks up a pen, holds it out to her. CUT TO EXT. THE MAJOR CIRCUS - DAY K.I.T.T. drives through the main entrance in a rush. EXT. CIRCUS CLEARING - DAY - FULL SHOT K.I.T.T. stops in a cloud of dust. Michael jumps out and rushes to Terry's trailer. MICHAEL Terry! He jerks open the door to her trailer and glances inside. No sign of her. Michael looks desperately around, and sees.... A GROUP OF THE CIRCUS PERFORMERS closing in around him. Ahab the strong man; the fire-eater, a huge Fat Lady; a double-jointed juggler. Out of their makeup and performing roles, they're a pretty intimidating bunch. But Michael's not scared. MICHAEL Where's Terry? AHAB That's what we want to know. Seems like all our problems began when you arrived. Starting with Peter's fall. MICHAEL I'll ask again. Where's Terry? AHAB What do you want her for? MICHAEL (hot) I want to save her life! (looking through the group) Where's Blippo? He's the one behind all this. AHAB Blippo's been with us a long time. Longer than you, Turbo Man. FAT LADY Wait a second. If he's telling the truth...I saw Blippo leaving with Terry about half an hour ago. This elicits a rumble from the group. MICHAEL There's no time to explain. But if we don't find her, there's going to be another 'accident' around here. Now who knows where they'd be? Members of the group exchange looks and shrug. MICHAEL What about Tiger? She seems to hang around Blippo a lot. (suspicion dawning) And she was there when I found the fuse...Where is she? AHAB (gestures) Rehearsing in the main ring. Michael runs to K.I.T.T. and drives off toward.... THE MAIN RING - HIGH ANGLE SHOT The ring is laid with a wood platform, and we're looking down on Tiger as she performs a series of intricate skating moves. K.I.T.T. drives up and Michael hurries into the ring. FAVOR MICHAEL as he stands on the platform, his eyes following Tiger as she skates coyly around him. TIGER Hi, there, Turbo Man. Wanna learn to skate? I'm a great teacher. MICHAEL (controlled) Bet you are. TIGER What's wrong? You look like a bad Monday turning into a lousy week. MICHAEL I figured it out, Tiger. Whenever something goes wrong at this circus ...you and Blippo are there. TIGER (easily) Now that sounds like an accusation. MICHAEL It is. Tell me why, Tiger. What's it all about? TIGER (teasing) I thought you knew everything. MICHAEL (intensely) I know Terry's missing, and I know Blippo's got her. Tell me where he's taken her, Tiger. Michael suddenly reaches out and grabs for Tiger, but she dips away and rolls back toward the edge of the ring. She reaches back of the wooden ring and pulls out her black bullwhip. In a wide arc, she snaps it at Michael. TIGER I was looking forward to tangling with you...but this isn't quite what I had in mind. FAVOR MICHAEL He jumps aside as the whip leashes at him. The whip explodes in the air. A tear appears across Michael's shirt, torn jaggedly across the chest. FAVOR K.I.T.T. scanner whooping with alarm. K.I.T.T. Michael...that whip has a serrated, metal edge! It's deadly! WITH MICHAEL He jumps aside as Tiger lashes the whip at him again. The end of it flicks across the wooden platform...scarring and splintering it. MICHAEL Guessed that, pal. Rolling toward him on her skates, Tiger snaps the bullwhip again. Michael jumps and rolls. The whip bites into a group of performance balloons tied to the edge of the ring. They all pop with a multiple bang. ON K.I.T.T. scanner moving fast. K.I.T.T. Michael! IN THE RING Michael gets to his feet as Tiger takes a tight turn at one end of the platform and bears down on him again. He jumps aside just as the whip lashes at him. MICHAEL lands on the edge of the platform, grabs a large, multi- colored stool (the kind circus animals perform on) and holds it up. THE WHIP bites into the stool...metal edge catching in the wood. WIDE SHOT Michael pulls on the stool and the whip buried in it. Still holding the other end of the whip, Tiger is yanked off her feet. She falls across the platform. Circus performers rush up and enter the ring in a bunch as Michael runs to Tiger and pulls her to her feet. MICHAEL Where are they?! (to her silence) If Blippo kills Terry, you'll be facing a murder charge. You can tell me.... Ahab and the other performers gather around. Ahab's bulk looms large. Tiger stares at all the angry silent faces. MICHAEL ...Or you can tell them. TIGER (knows she's licked) Blippo took her to Barnes. MICHAEL Barnes? The banker? Where? TIGER O'Malley's garage...on Waverly. Michael pushes Tiger toward Ahab. MICHAEL Give her to the police. Michael rushes out of the ring and toward K.I.T.T. The crowd of performers gather around Tiger. Her eyes widen. She backs right into Ahab, and his arms close around her. AT K.I.T.T. Michael rushes up to the Trans Am. MICHAEL Plot me the fastest course to O'Malley's garage on Waverly. K.I.T.T. At once, Michael. Michael jumps into the car and drives off in a big hurry. INT. THE GARAGE - DAY Terry is slowly signing the paper. Barnes takes it from her. BARNES I'm glad you saw reason. TERRY Now can I go? BARNES (beat) Go? I'm sorry, Terry. (to Blippo) Take her out to the desert.... And that's when we hear the approach of K.I.T.T.'s turbines. All three react. Barnes rushes to a window and looks out. WHAT HE SEES K.I.T.T. races toward the garage. INT. THE GARAGE - DAY Barnes reacts, faces Blippo. BARNES It's Turbo Man. Stop him! BLIPPO This time, I've got the right equipment. Blippo gives Terry to Barnes, starts toward the fire engine. EXT. GARAGE - DAY Michael stops in the large parking lot. MICHAEL'S VOICE Scan the area, Kitt. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT ON MONITOR We see a computer picture of the garage, red blip. K.I.T.T. There are two people in the office area...another person in the garage ...and.... MICHAEL And what, Kitt? There's a roar O.S. Michael turns toward the sound.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE GARAGE BAY DOORS The roaring sound is coming from within the garage. The big doors explode outward, and the stolen circus fire engine rams its way into sunlight. WITH THE FIRE ENGINE Blippo sits in the cab, driving. As sirens and bells ring, this outrageous image bears down on K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael stares. K.I.T.T. What on earth?! MICHAEL Something tells me it's no joke, pal. EXT. THE GARAGE - DAY - FULL SHOT The fire engine charges toward the Trans Am. We can clearly see the big water cannon mounted on its back as it rolls forward, making enough noise to wake the dead. VARIOUS ANGLES - FIRE CANNON The water cannon is aimed directly at K.I.T.T. and it explodes like a dragon's mouth, hurling a flaming fireball at the Trans Am. Michael screeches into reverse and the fireball smashes down right where the car stood, creating a huge wall of flame, spreading over the ground. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. as Michael maneuvers. MICHAEL Brings a new meaning to the word 'fire truck.' K.I.T.T. Michael, those flames are a mixture of phosphorus, gasoline, and napalm. They explode, burn, and stick to their target. MICHAEL Foley's crowning achievement. K.I.T.T. Michael, it's no laughing matter. The heat is too intense for my pyroclastic lamination! MICHAEL Then we'll have to be light on our feet. Look out! FULL SHOT A second fireball sparks through the air toward K.I.T.T. The Trans Am dodges and the fireball strikes a tree, instantly engulfing it in flames. ON THE GARAGE Barnes is throwing a horrified Terry into his car. She sees what Michael's up against and is terrified for him. TERRY Michael...No! ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael sweats a little from the nearness of the flames. MICHAEL Getting hot in here. (twists the wheel) Only one thing to do, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Michael, you're not thinking of.... MICHAEL Like the champ says...float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! Let's draw one more shot. ANGLE IN FIRE ENGINE - BLIPPO grimaces with determination at his target. He takes aim and hits the controls. FULL SHOT Another fireball bursts out toward K.I.T.T. At the last second, Michael accelerates right under it. It catches the tail end of the car, flames igniting on the spoiler. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael gets the car into position flanking the truck. K.I.T.T. You better keep me moving. Our motion is all that's keeping those flames from spreading. MICHAEL Let's show him how you can move. FOLLOWING K.I.T.T. Before Blippo can wheel the cannon around, Michael hits pursuit and roars K.I.T.T. right up to the fire truck. At the last moment.... VARIOUS ANGLES Michael turbo boosts up...up...and into the truck, taking the fire cannon out of commission and smashing it to shrapnel. As the Trans Am lands on the other side, the fire truck booms as the tanks of explosive material ignite. Blippo runs from the wreckage before the flames engulf the cab. AT THE REAR OF THE GARAGE - BARNES' CAR Barnes sees the outcome, floors it, trying to escape with Terry. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. There goes Barnes, Michael. He's got Terry. MICHAEL How can he leave just when things are heating up? He cuts the wheel and: NEAR THE FRONT OF THE GARAGE K.I.T.T. cuts Barnes off. Michael leaps from K.I.T.T. to meet Barnes as he leaves the sedan. A brief fight and Barnes is down and out. Terry also leaves the sedan, wraps her arms around Michael. TERRY Oh, Michael, are you all right?..How did you do it?! MICHAEL (smiles) Practice, practice, practice.... As they hug, off their relief.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. MAJOR CIRCUS - DAY - FULL SHOT Devon, Bonnie, Michael and Terry roam the busy grounds filled with happy kids and scurrying circus performers. They all share a big bucket of popcorn Bonnie is holding. BONNIE (as Michael grabs a big handful of popcorn) Hey! Not so much! The others laugh. They pause by the main ring. OVER THE MAIN RING A young man is practicing moves on the bars high above the net. He balances himself on the bars perfectly, making it look easy. BACK TO MICHAEL, DEVON, BONNIE, TERRY reacting to what's happening high above. DEVON Do you enjoy working with your new partner, Terry? TERRY (nodding) Mancini is a dream...a world-class flyer. (beat) Almost as good as Peter. This year's tour should be a great success. DEVON It already is. Look. He indicates a group of kids nearby...all watching Mancini with their eyes as big as saucers and their mouths wide open. As Devon and Bonnie look up, Michael puts his arm around Terry, takes her aside. MOVING WITH MICHAEL AND TERRY as they walk across the grounds. MICHAEL Looks like you don't need Turbo Man anymore. TERRY (tender) Don't you believe it. (kisses him) He's a hard act to follow. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael! Come here at once! Michael looks off toward: K.I.T.T. The fire truck is parked close by, and Bang stands at a remounted water cannon, aiming it at K.I.T.T. Michael and Terry rush up. K.I.T.T. Michael! Is that water cannon still dangerous? MICHAEL (amused) Gee, Kitt, I don't know. K.I.T.T. Nice monkey. Don't touch the bad water cannon. FAVOR BANG With a loud shriek of pleasure, the ape fires the cannon. A huge burst of water lashes at.... K.I.T.T. drenched from nose to tail. K.I.T.T. All right red beard...two can play this game. FULL SHOT The orang laughs and jumps up and down, as K.I.T.T. lets him have a blast of his own medicine. Michael and Terry laugh along with him. K.I.T.T. Very funny, very funny. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END