EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60214 Robert Foster June 7, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 6/12/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 6/18/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 6/21/85 (F.R.) Rev. 6/25/85 (F.R.) Rev. 6/26/85 (F.R.) Rev. 7/ 5/85 (F.R.) Rev. 7/11/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT OF THE JUGGERNAUT by Robert Foster & Burton Armus ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. UNFINISHED ROAD - DAY (DAWN) The Southside of Chicago, over the Chicago River, late, hardly any traffic. A guard booth and reinforced concrete barricades block the road...The Guard on the phone.... GUARD'S VOICE You don't have to tell me how serious this is, I know how serious this is.... ANGLE IN TRAFFIC CONTROL BOOTH The Guard is on the phone. GUARD (phone) I don't care what Ellen says, I wasn't flirting with her sister, I barely know her.... He glances off...A tractor pulling a loaded tarp-covered flatbed approaches.... ANGLE INSIDE TRUCK Hower, a muscular, military-looking man in civilian Windbreaker, reacts as he sees the booth operator. HOWER You recognize the man in the booth? DRIVER That's not Frank.... HOWER We've got big problems.... Hower reaches for his wallet as they pull up to the booth.... ANGLE TO INCLUDE TRUCK - BOOTH It slows as it approaches. Guard is still talking. GUARD All we did was drive down to the liquor store for more beer. (beat) Look, I've got a truck that doesn't belong out here, I'll call you back. He hangs up. ANGLE FROM OUTSIDE The truck's cab is parallel with the booth's window. The Guard leans out. GUARD You can't cross here. You'll have to use the Wacker Avenue Bridge. Hower leans across the Driver. He holds out some bills, twenties -- over two hundred dollars. HOWER It's worth this to save me that trip.... Tempted, he nevertheless shakes his head. GUARD Not to me, I got a pension here, medical benefits -- no way I'm gonna jeopardize that. Sorry. The Guard slams his window shut.... ANGLE INSIDE TRUCK Hower dials a cellular phone. HOWER (phone) We don't have control of the guard booth...our man's not here... (listens) I understand. Yessir. He hangs up, glances at the Driver. DRIVER What'd he say? HOWER He ordered us to get past it...no witnesses.... ANGLE OUTSIDE TRUCK A hydraulic ramp lowers. ANGLE INSIDE BOOTH The Guard picks up the phone, begins to dial his girl friend back. ANGLE ON TRUCK dark inside. Now the sound of big Cummings diesels being fired up, first one, then another...four in all. ANGLE IN TOLLBOOTH Dialing, the Guard hears the noise; it's deafening. He glances out, reacts. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE JUGGERNAUT It rolls down the ramp and turns, facing the booth. Half- tank, half-armored vehicle, it's an awesome sight, a sixteen-foot battering ram protruding from its turret. BACK TO GUARD He stares in disbelief, redials in panic. GUARD (phone) Hello, police? Police? OPERATOR'S VOICE I'm sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.... He frantically begins to dial again. INTERCUT JUGGERNAUT It advances, reaching the booth. ANGLE IN CONTROL BUBBLE The driver, Hower, faces a control panel that rivals K.I.T.T.'s. He presses a button. ANOTHER ANGLE The battering ram, hydraulically operated, retracts into itself, then punches out to its full length with tremendous force. ANGLE IN BOOTH A glass panel explodes under impact. The Guard hits the floor, dragging the phone with him. OTHER ANGLES The battering ram proceeds to punch the booth apart, even steel framing collapsing under the assault. ANGLE ON GUARD huddled in the corner, desperately trying to finish dialing. WIDER ANGLE The Juggernaut is kicked into gear and it grinds forward, relentless, simply rolling right over the booth, crushing it.... ANOTHER ANGLE - MOMENTS LATER The Juggernaut rumbles back up the truck's ramp, the doors close and the truck crosses into Chicago. ANGLE ON BOOTH A flattened confusion of glass, steel and concrete. OPERATOR'S VOICE I'm sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please hang up and dial again.... CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. rolls along a stretch of highway somewhere in the Midwest. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE 'Call me Ishmael.' ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael relaxes behind the wheel, enjoying the countryside. MICHAEL What? K.I.T.T. Our game, Michael. Don't tell me you've forgotten already. (beat) 'Call me Ishmael.' Everyone knows this book. MICHAEL Let me think. (beat) Hemmingway. K.I.T.T. Wrong. Devon appears on the monitor. DEVON Good morning, Michael. MICHAEL 'Call me Ishmael.' DEVON I beg your pardon. MICHAEL The first line of what novel, Devon? DEVON Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Everyone knows that. MICHAEL It was on the tip of my tongue. What's up? DEVON We'll have to postpone your next assignment -- I need you to meet me in Chicago as soon as possible. MICHAEL Sounds serious. DEVON I'm afraid it is -- on several fronts. A Foundation-sponsored laboratory has inadvertently produced a mysterious, powerful new isotope which needs safeguarding during a temporary layover in Chicago. MICHAEL Baby-sitting. Piece of cake, Devon. DEVON It's not as simple as it sounds... Cernium 116 is volatile and potentially dangerous. Unfortunately, so is the 'second front' -- the Knight Foundation's annual Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for this after- noon and you and I have been requested to attend. MICHAEL (groans) Anything but another black-tie affair. Tell 'em Kitt and I are on assignment. DEVON You don't understand, Michael. Wilton Knight's daughter, Jennifer, has resigned from the President's Advisory Council to take a more active role in the Foundation's operations. MICHAEL I didn't think she was interested in F.L.A.G. DEVON You'd be surprised just how interested. Number one on her agenda is to phase out the Foundation for Law and Government. On Michael's reaction: WIDE ANGLE K.I.T.T. accelerates, passing cars like they're standing still. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I don't understand --- MICHAEL'S VOICE Neither do I, pal. Neither do I.... CUT TO EXT. FOUNDRY - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. FOUNDRY - DAY The Juggernaut truck is present. The foundry is a well-equipped design and production complex. ANOTHER ANGLE Present for the occasion, watching intently, is Phillip Nordstrom, lean, intense, aristocratic...His age is difficult to read, his face clear and forties but he sometimes appears older...Hower jumps down from the truck to join him...Hower is somewhat excited, animated from his encounter at the guard booth. He moves quickly to Nordstrom. NEW ANGLE - NORDSTROM/HOWER Hower starts his conversation before he fully reads Nordstrom's look. HOWER She was incredible, sir. You would have been proud to see the way.... Hower trails off as Nordstrom motions to a couple of guards who walk towards him with a man in between them...The man is Frank...Nordstrom turns to face him.... NORDSTROM He is calm, cold, his eyes pierce into the man, who seems to cringe in front of him.... NORDSTROM (to Hower) I believe you know 'Frank' here.... HOWER (to Frank) Where were you?! You were supposed to be at the booth. NORDSTROM He wasn't. 'Why' is irrelevant. FRANK (to Hower) Jim, I was on my way, I got a flat tire, I call a tow service, the guy tells me ten minutes -- Jim, tell him, you know me, c'mon -- it wasn't my fault! Surprisingly, at least to Frank, Nordstrom extends his hand. Hower winces and looks away. Frank smiles, extends his hand, and Nordstrom begins to squeeze. And squeeze. Frank's face shows the pain, incredible pain. FRANK Mr. Nordstrom --- We hear bones crack and break and Frank screams in pain, dropping to his knees. Nordstrom now releases his broken hand, and as Frank moans over it Nordstrom cracks him with one sharp blow to the side of the head. ANOTHER ANGLE Frank is snapped back and flung across the room like a rag doll. He hits a wall and crumples, neck broken. It's an incredible show of strength. CLOSE ON NORDSTROM'S RIGHT ARM It's a little too pink...a little too perfect to be real. Nordstrom turns to Hower, who has trouble facing him, holds his prosthetic hand up.... NORDSTROM This is mechanical perfection...I expect that from everyone and everything... (beat) Now, when will the additional armor and the Contact Detonating Tip be ready for testing. HOWER With any luck, sometime before 2400 hours tomorrow night. Nordstrom's eyes narrow. NORDSTROM We've been presented with a unique opportunity, Mr. Hower. A rare con- figuration of fate and circumstance. If we lose it, it's gone forever. HOWER Yessir. NORDSTROM Sometime before 2400 hours tomorrow night -- with or without luck. He holds a beat, then leaves. Hower lets out his breath, then crosses toward the truck. HOWER (to Technicians) All right, let's go. Let's get it unloaded. Every minute counts! As they move off, his eyes go to Frank's body, motionless.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. CHICAGO - DAY - VARIOUS SHOTS as K.I.T.T. enters the city along Michigan Avenue, the lake to his left, the high-rises to his right. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Ah, Chicago. 'The windy city...a toddlin' town....' ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael behind the wheel. MICHAEL You seem awfully chipper considering what Devon said. K.I.T.T. I can't believe it's a real possibility, Michael. I've come to the conclusion it's 'much ado about nothing' -- which, though not from a novel --- MICHAEL (overlap) I know, I know -- the title of a play by Shakespeare. K.I.T.T. Very good! (beat) Are you considered on official duty while we're here in Chicago? MICHAEL Not twenty-four hours a day, but I would have to say yes.... K.I.T.T. In that case, Michael, I've picked up a robbery alarm on the police band...two males, Caucasian, one is six foot, denim jacket...the other in a sweat shirt, and something quite odd. MICHAEL They're really victims of social injustice. K.I.T.T. No, they're being chased by a man wearing a strange costume.... Michael hits the accelerator, screeches into action.... MICHAEL'S VOICE Does he look like a bat? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE No, but he does seem to match the description of this 'Street Avenger' who's been seen about recently. Michael two-wheels it around a corner into a more populated area...Traffic inhibits him.... K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Through that alley Michael...I can't get there. MICHAEL I'll have to take it on foot. EXT. STREETS Michael is out the door and running into the alley.... ALLEY - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW MICHAEL Scales a wall that separates two alleys and drops down into... ALLEY The two felons face the Street Avenger, a knife in the hand of one, the other yanks a gun from his pocket. NEW ANGLE Street Avenger realizes that he's bitten off more than he can chew as the man starts to level the pistol at him, then: MICHAEL Racing into the scene, he takes the two men down with a well-timed cross body block. The gun skitters out of the man's hand. SERIES OF CUTS The two felons scramble quickly to their feet...The man with the knife still armed. Michael and the Street Avenger face the two men who advance on them...Michael takes the one with the knife, Street Avenger the other. Michael disarms and levels his man with well-coordinated karate kicks and blows...while: Street Avenger uses the more conventional street fighting methods of hitting the guy with anything handy. OMITTED ANGLE As sirens are heard in the b.g., Michael turns to the Street Avenger. STREET AVENGER He gives Michael a "thumbs-up" thank you and a nod. MICHAEL returns the sign and a smile...then he checks the unconscious felons, moves off...Street Avenger moves the other way.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. THE "VAULT" - DAY A big, solidly built building in the heart of the city, an open, armored truck is parked in front, its cargo already delivered inside.... DIFFERENT ANGLE Technicians in astronaut-like protective suits, hood off, return to the truck, get in, pull away.... OMITTED ANGLE IN PARKING AREA Michael finds a place and K.I.T.T. pulls in, parks. Michael climbs out. INT. "VAULT" LOBBY - DAY The ground floor, lots of security, two separate checkpoints visible, manned by S.W.A.T. team-like security guards. As Michael reaches the first checkpoint: DEVON'S VOICE Michael! He appears, breaking away from a group of people. DEVON (to security) It's all right, he's with me. They shake hands, ad-lib greetings as Devon hands him a plastic ID card, leads him past a guard counter in the center of the lobby and to the elevator and another guard next to the doors. DEVON You'll need this ID card...You made good time. MICHAEL Had to. The suspense is killing me. DEVON It is exciting, isn't it? MICHAEL I'm talking about Jennifer Knight and the Board of Directors. DEVON Of course. All in due time. First you must see this.... Devon slides a card into an electronic ID machine. The elevator doors open. Devon starts in but Michael stops him. MICHAEL Devon, you tell me to come to Chicago ASAP, Jennifer Knight's taking an active role in the Foundation and number one on her agenda -- I quote 'number one' -- is to phase out the Foundation for Law and Government. That's us -- you, me, Bonnie and Kitt. DEVON Yes. MICHAEL That's what I mean. You're so calm. Kitt's decided it's 'much ado about nothing...' Am I the one who's crazy here? DEVON No, not at all. But we deserve to exist -- how could anyone, particu- larly anyone named Knight, decide differently? He enters the elevator. Michael smiles and follows. MICHAEL That's what I love about you, Devon. DEVON My faith in the future? MICHAEL That's if you're right. If you're wrong it's called blind optimism. INT. SUBTERRANEAN LEVEL - DAY Elevator doors open and Michael and Devon emerge, Devon and Michael flashing their credentials to pass yet another security checkpoint. DEVON ...bombarded a mass of plutonium with titanium ions, creating a new isotope. ANGLE They move a few more feet to a barred door leading into the main vault...Devon presses his palm against a palm print security sensor...as armed guards watch the proper readout. They enter. DEVON May I present Cernium One-sixteen. WIDER ANGLE The room is well-fortified, steel-plated walls; banks of sophisticated monitoring equipment; and, in the center, a lead-lined box which contains the mysterious substance. As they cross to it, built-in monitors projecting its image on several TV screens: DEVON Preliminary tests indicate it's more radioactive than uranium. It could emerge as the scientific discovery of the decade. Michael whistles, impressed. MICHAEL Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us. You mentioned a 'temporary layover' in Chicago. Why? And how long? DEVON A precautionary measure, Michael. It's half-life is still being charted. The best guess us thirty-six to forty-eight hours. It's proven to be a highly unstable material, safely transported only in its 'inactive' cycle. MICHAEL Meaning it's 'active' right now. DEVON (nods) Preparations are underway at Bergen Rock Laboratories for its permanent home. (glances at watch) We'd better leave, we don't want to be late for the Board. MICHAEL Heaven forbid. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. VAULT - DAY As Michael and Devon exit, start toward K.I.T.T., a uniformed Messenger hurries over. MESSENGER Mr. Devon Miles? DEVON Yes? MESSENGER An urgent message for you, sir. (hands him note) You're to proceed immediately to Doctor Jonas Quinlin's residence. I have a cab waiting. Devon reacts, glances at the note. DEVON Impossible. I have an important meeting in fifteen minutes. MESSENGER (shrugs) As you wish, sir. Devon and Michael exchange a frustrated look. MICHAEL Who's Doctor Quinlin? DEVON One of the premier nuclear physi- cists alive today, dating back to the 'Manhattan Project' days. He's being brought in as a consultant. MICHAEL You'd better go. DEVON But Michael --- MICHAEL Devon, I'll be okay. Best behavior, I promise. Decorum at all costs. Torn, Devon finally relents. Michael shakes his hand, watches as Devon moves to a waiting cab. DEVON (over his shoulder) At all costs, Michael. Devon moves off. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. BROWNSTONE - DAY A beautiful tree-lined street in one of Chicago's older neighborhoods. The cab pulls up and Devon steps out. Pays him.... ANGLE AT FRONT DOOR He rings the bell, waits. A dog barks inside. WOMAN'S VOICE Yes? Come in please.... INT. BROWNSTONE Marta Simmons, young, beautiful, is on top of a ladder stacking books. Her dog hops around her below. DEVON Devon Miles. I have an appointment with Doctor Quinlin. MARTA He's not here. DEVON I beg your pardon -- I was pulled away from a very important appoint- ment because of an urgent meeting with Doctor Quinlin. MARTA I'm sorry, there must be some mistake. He left for a conference downtown. Devon tries to control his frustration. She's down off the ladder, smiles apologetically, extends her hand. MARTA I'm Marta Simmons, Doctor Quinlin's assistant. Please forgive the con- fusion -- it's been so crazy since this happened. The conference is at Thortex -- are you familiar with the city? DEVON It's been awhile. MARTA I'll drive you over. DEVON Thanks, no, I'll call a cab. CUT TO EXT. LAKESHORE ESTATE - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. ESTATE A huge foyer, grand by any standards. Well-dressed men stand in small groups and chat. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He sits alone, feeling out of place in his leather jacket. The Head Butler approaches. HEAD BUTLER Excuse me, are you one of the chauffeurs? Michael looks at him. MICHAEL Michael Knight, Foundation for Law and Government. HEAD BUTLER I see...of course. Skeptical, he turns to leave. He drifts off. The front door opens and there's a stir, a subtle buzz. Michael turns. ANOTHER ANGLE Escorted by a male secretary a beautiful young woman in her late twenties sweeps in, fashionably elegant, a magnetic quality to her. She pauses to greet the other members of the board, all charm and style. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He takes it in, struck by her looks and poise himself. Also very aware she will be a formidable opponent, if that's her purpose. WIDER ANGLE Following Jennifer's lead, the other board members enter a large room through oak doors. Michael stands up, crossing toward the doors when they close from inside. The Head Butler approaches. HEAD BUTLER You'll be notified when your presence is requested. Michael bites back his anger. He smiles, determined not to let it get under his skin. CUT TO INT. THORTEX OFFICES - DAY Shooting through plate glass windows we see Devon exit a cab in front, approach. It's a beautiful building, all glass and atriums -- and discreet security cameras. ANGLE AT RECEPTION AREA Devon pauses. A pretty Receptionist glances at him. DEVON Devon Miles. I'm here to see Doctor Quinlin. RECEPTIONIST One moment, please. She presses a button. ANGLE IN SECURITY ROOM A highly sophisticated security system monitors every area of the building. We see Devon on one of the monitors. A Man's hand presses a button. MAN'S VOICE Send him up. ANGLE ON SECOND FLOOR Elevator doors open and Devon steps out, greeted by Hower. HOWER I'm Jim Hower, Mr. Miles. Director of Security. This way, please. They start down the corridor of executive suites. They reach double doors which Hower opens. ANGLE IN ROOM Devon steps in, suddenly stops cold. REVERSE ANGLE in a chair next to Nordstrom's desk is Dr. Quinlin, late sixties, a professorial look to him. He is bound, hand and foot, his mouth taped. His eyes have the quality of a frightened, helpless animal. ANOTHER ANGLE Hower locks the door behind Devon as Nordstrom rises. NORDSTROM Good afternoon, Mr. Miles. DEVON (reacts) Doctor Quinlin! (to Nordstrom) What's the meaning of this? NORDSTROM I wouldn't concern myself with 'meaning' right now, if I were you. I'd concern myself with survival. (to Hower) Tell Doctor Von Furst we're ready for her now. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. ESTATE - DAY K.I.T.T. as before, surrounded by limos. HEAD BUTLER'S VOICE The Board will see you now. INT. BOARD ROOM - DAY Doors open and Michael is ushered into an enormous room, a long mahogany table lined on each side with stately looking men in dark suits. MICHAEL Feeling like he's the only one out of place, he glances at the faces, then his eyes come to settle on Jennifer, cool and elegant. But inside, we sense a strong reaction at the sight of him. ANOTHER ANGLE The chairman, John Lloyd, rises. LLOYD Gentlemen of the Board, Ms. Knight, I'd like to present the F.L.A.G. operative, Michael Knight. Eyes on him. He nods, waiting. LLOYD I understand Devon Miles is unable to attend.... MICHAEL An emergency meeting with Doctor Quinlin. He sends his regrets. LLOYD I see. (beat) This particular...segment of the meeting has been requested by Ms. Knight, so I respectfully turn the chair over to her. Jennifer acknowledges with a nod, turns her attention to Michael. JENNIFER Please be seated, Michael. I hope you don't mind my calling you Michael, I have difficulty attaching the family name to you. MICHAEL Since your father saw fit to give it to me, and since he had it long before you -- I think we should both respect his wishes. Reaction around the table; if no sign of support for Michael, at least a more interested attitude. Jennifer's face tightens imperceptibly. JENNIFER My father, as you well know is dead. I'm not. I carry the name now -- and I refuse to have it attached to vio- lence and a vigilante state of mind. MICHAEL (reacts) 'Vigilante state of mind' -- wait a minute, lady, you have no idea what we do! Over this, eyes turn on Michael. Lloyd quickly rises. LLOYD Ms. Knight has the floor. You are familiar with Robert's Rules of Procedure? MICHAEL It's been awhile. I apologize. But I don't think Ms. Knight knows what we do. JENNIFER I think you'd be surprised at just how much I do know. We'll get into that in a moment. (to Board) Gentlemen, I'll get right to the point. Generous though the Knight Foundation's resources may be, they are finite. They demand choices. We find ourselves on the cusp of a new age -- an age of technology, of quantum leaps in pure and applied research -- witness the discovery of Cernium One-sixteen. If we use this gift we have within our grasp the resources to help change the world... (beat) If we simply 'spend' it all we'll accomplish is continuing to fund a project like F.L.A.G. To borrow a phrase, 'A picture is worth a thou- sand words'. Jennifer presses a button. ANOTHER ANGLE The lights dim and a VCR is projected onto a big-screen TV. ANGLE ON TV A series of film clips of Michael and K.I.T.T. in action: car crashes, 180s, turbo boosts through walls, etc.; An impression of wanton destruction. As the clips run we hear Jennifer.... JENNIFER'S VOICE What you see here is a waste of resources -- human and otherwise. State-of-the-art technology to support a James Bond fantasy run amok. WIDER ANGLE The lights go up. All the members turn toward Michael, who feels the gallows beneath his feet. Jennifer gives him a look and sits down. LLOYD Mr. Knight. MICHAEL I wasn't sure what to expect when I came here. I considered a lot of possibilities -- all except an out- right indictment of F.L.A.G. and the people who make it what it is. (beat) As it turns out, I'm glad Devon isn't here. This would break his heart. JENNIFER That's a cheap shot! MICHAEL (to Lloyd) I guess it's been awhile for 'Robert's Rules' with Ms. Knight, too. LLOYD Ms. Knight, the rules apply to everyone. Jennifer seethes quietly. Michael nods his thanks to Lloyd. MICHAEL I don't have a PhD in Physics, I wasn't born to money, to influence ...to privilege privilege. I'm not exactly sure what 'cusp of a new age' means...or 'quantum leaps'... sounds great. I hope it happens. (beat) In the meantime I agree the world needs help. There's starvation, war, disease...any feeling human being wants to see it end. I'm sure Wilton Knight felt the same way -- and then he made his decision. He chose to save the basis of charity and caring -- the law. Without it there's nothing. No 'cusps' or 'quantum leaps.' With it, there's a chance. That's all we want -- to guarantee that chance. If it takes going through a wall, we go through a wall. Walls can be fixed. He lets it sink in. Jennifer glowers. The Board members confer in hushed tones. Lloyd clears his throat. LLOYD This is obviously a complex and highly charged issue. And due to circumstances, we've not yet had the benefit of Devon Miles thinking. I therefore postpone a final decision until Friday. However, until that time, funding for F.L.A.G. project is frozen...and it's operative, Michael Knight, is hereby placed on probation. A small smile crosses Jennifer's lips. Michael's jaw muscles flex. MICHAEL What exactly does that mean? LLOYD It means no more notoriety. No more car chases, no more stunts, no more 'James Bond fantasies.' Michael turns and leaves, not looking back. CUT TO EXT. THORTEX - DAY To all intents and purposes, it's business as usual. INT. SECOND FLOOR ROOM - DAY Formerly an executive office, it's been stripped bare except for two identical surgical chairs, adjusted to a bed-like position, and an array of high-tech medical machines, including a parabolic laser. ANOTHER ANGLE Each surgical chair has a man strapped into it, a device holding each man's head in a fixed position. Overhead, the parabolic laser swings in a fixed arc from one head to another. One man is Devon; the other, who matches him in size and weight, is a carefully selected actor/imposter by the name of Jonathan Elliott. ANGLE ON NORDSTROM He watches while Dr. Von Furst, a hawk-faced woman in her forties, monitors the progress of the computerized laser, occasionally making minute adjustments. DEVON (barely audible) This is insane.... NORDSTROM Is it 'insane' to reproduce the one man responsible for security at the vault? The one man to whom Jennifer Knight looks with total confidence? DEVON You're wasting your time. I want you to reconsider. By the time plastic surgery heals, the Cernium will be secure at Bergen Rock. DR. VON FURST I can't work with him talking. The measurements must be precise. NORDSTROM (to Devon) You listen, I'll talk. Not only am I smarter than you, I know more. For instance, this isn't plastic surgery, it's a concept borrowed from the future: 'laser reconstruc- tion'. It's accomplished in half the time and requires no surgery. Looking into Devon's eyes he leans closer. NORDSTROM Your time is over. You see that, don't you? The Third World will have nuclear capabilities, that's all she lacks -- that capability guided by a mind blessed with seeing the future, and a hand capable of seizing it. He grasps Devon's shoulder with his mechanical hand, almost crushing it. He smiles, perversely enjoying his joke, but most frightening of all is the feeling Nordstrom believes every word he speaks. OMITTED INT. BROWNSTONE - DAY Marta crosses to answer a knock at the door, her dog Roger at her heels, barking. MARTA Roger, be quiet. Yes? MICHAEL'S VOICE I'm Michael Knight, a colleague of Devon Miles. If he and Doctor Quinlin aren't too busy, I'd like to see him for a minute. She opens the door. MARTA He's not here. Neither is Doctor Quinlin. I'm afraid there was a mix-up in plans. Roger begins barking again. MARTA Roger! (to Michael) I'm sorry, won't you come in? I'll put him in the bedroom. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael enters as Marta scoops up Roger. MARTA He's not usually like this. I think he knows he's having an operation tomorrow. MICHAEL Nothing serious, I hope. MARTA (crossing to bedroom door) He's being fixed. Michael winces at the thought. She puts Roger in the bedroom. MARTA They tell me he'll be less excitable. MICHAEL I imagine so. Any idea where I can find Devon? MARTA Doctor Quinlin had a meeting at a place called Thortex. He took a cab. Is something wrong? MICHAEL Yes and no. I haven't heard from him in a couple of hours, and it's not like him. Where's Thortex? MARTA I have some messages for Doctor Quinlin. If you like I'll drive you over. MICHAEL Let's split the difference. I'll drive you over. She smiles, and he's struck by how pretty she is, how open. CUT TO OMITTED INT. SECOND FLOOR ROOM - DAY As before, Devon and Jonathan Elliott, Nordstrom and Dr. Von Furst. Now, however, a different aspect of the duplication is in progress: The palm print. NORDSTROM We have your face, Mr. Miles...We'll now duplicate your palm print and win carte blanche access to the vault.... ANOTHER ANGLE The parabolic laser records Devon's palm print on a computer, line by line. CUT TO OMITTED INT. NORDSTROM'S OFFICE - DAY Jonathan Elliott, his face still covered with a protective plastic mask, sits in a chair with earphones, listening to a tape. Nordstrom is with him, turns a knob on the machine, and for several moments we hear Devon's voice on the tape. He turns it down. NORDSTROM Pay attention to the way he clips his consonants. Elliott will from this point on be referred to as "Devon." "DEVON" My dear Mr. Nordstrom, I'm a master of voices, which is precisely why you hired me. Would you advise Stradivarius how to make a violin? Amazingly, he sounds exactly like Devon Miles. Nordstrom, however, is not deterred. He moves to "Devon" and removes the earphones, steel in his voice, his eyes boring into "Devon's." NORDSTROM Like Stradivarius, you're a craftsman, a very highly paid craftsman. Don't for a moment confuse yourself with a visionary. Now, listen to the way he clips his consonants. He replaces the headphones and the tape continues. The door opens and Dr. Von Furst looks in. DR. VON FURST May I see you? I must see you. A curious, charged moment between them. Privately he seems to relent; he nods, follows her out the door. "Devon" watches, intrigued. CUT TO OMITTED INT. THORTEX - DAY Michael and Marta cross to the Receptionist. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight and this is Marta Simmons, Doctor Quinlin's assistant. We'd like to see the Doctor and Devon Miles. She gives them a quizzical look, dials a number. RECEPTIONIST One moment, please. EXT. THORTEX LOBBY - DAY Two suspicious-looking characters, Ardell and Potts, glide along the sidewalk, checking out cars as they approach K.I.T.T. POTTS Hey, look at the T-top. ARDELL It ain't new, man. You're gonna rip a car, it might as well be new. ANGLE FROM INSIDE K.I.T.T. They peer in. POTTS Yeah, but it's in great shape. Look. ARDELL So's Sugar Ray Leonard, but he's retired. They continue on their way. K.I.T.T. Whoever accused car thieves of having taste? (beat) 'Sugar Ray Leonard' indeed! INT. THORTEX LOBBY - DAY Michael and Marta turn as Hower approaches, crisp and professional. HOWER I'm Jim Hower. I'm afraid neither Doctor Quinlin nor Mr. Miles are here. Michael and Marta exchange a look. MICHAEL Where are they? HOWER I really couldn't say. They left together over an hour ago. MARTA (to Michael) Maybe they're back at the house. MICHAEL No, I've left messages. Devon would've called. (to Hower) Maybe whoever they met with would know. Who did they meet with? Tension between Michael and Hower, neither willing to give in. HOWER Are you always this persistent? MICHAEL Are you always this evasive? MARTA Gentlemen, please -- I'm sure everything is all right. MICHAEL (to Hower) She's sure, I'm not. Now, one more time -- who did they meet with? Hower glares at him, then turns, leaving. HOWER Wait here. Hold on Michael and Marta, Michael staring after him. OMITTED OMITTED ANGLE IN NORDSTROM'S OFFICE Nordstrom and Dr. Von Furst, alone. She is facing him, looking into his eyes. DR. VON FURST You've been ignoring me. NORDSTROM That's not true. I've been extremely busy, as you well know. DR. VON FURST You haven't touched me in days. He looks at her, a mixture of feelings flashing across his face. Then, surprisingly, he puts his arms around her; they make an unlikely pair, this handsome, polished man and the hawk-faced woman. DR. VON FURST You feel cold. He manages a smile. NORDSTROM Like me, you expect too much. DR. VON FURST I share your dream. Every waking hour I work toward it, and when I sleep I dream it. Like you, I expect everything or nothing, but never too much. He is moved by her. Whatever radiates between them at unexpected moments is radiating between them when the door bursts open. Hower entering. He suddenly stops like a schoolboy entering his parents' room during an intimate moment. HOWER Oh -- I'm sorry, sir, I didn't.... NORDSTROM (snaps) What is it? HOWER Trouble downstairs. That guy who works with Devon Miles -- Michael Knight. He won't take no for an answer. NORDSTROM Stall him. Tell Mr. Elliott to meet me in the security room. Hower nods, allowing his puzzlement at Von Furst's hold on Nordstrom seep through. HOWER Yessir...Anything else? NORDSTROM No. DR. VON FURST Yes. Next time knock before entering. Hower hates it but he nods. ANGLE DOWNSTAIRS Hower exits an elevator, crosses to where Michael and Marta wait. HOWER They're seeing if they can locate him now. ANGLE IN SECURITY ROOM "Devon" is waiting as Nordstrom enters. BACK TO MICHAEL, HOWER AND MARTA Neither Michael nor Hower has budged. The Receptionist moves to them. RECEPTIONIST Excuse me, Mr. Knight? It's Devon Miles for you. Michael reacts, moves to the reception desk where she hands him a phone. MICHAEL (phone) Devon? INTERCUT WITH "DEVON" AND NORDSTROM "DEVON" Michael, what are you doing at Thortex? MICHAEL Looking for you. Devon, where are you? "DEVON" Doctor Quinlin and I haven't stopped moving. He's an extraordinary man, Michael. You're going to like him no end. What happened at the Board meeting? MICHAEL It's a long story. Devon, we've got a lot to talk about --- "DEVON" (overlapping) I really must go, Michael -- we're joining a physicist Doctor Quinlin worked with on the Manhattan Project. I'll be in touch. Michael hangs up, watched by Hower. MARTA Are they still together? Michael nods, something vague and undefined bouncing around inside his head. ANGLE IN SECURITY ROOM "Devon" looks at Nordstrom. "DEVON" No trouble with my clipped consonants? Nordstrom gives him a look, a small smile. ANOTHER ANGLE As "Devon" exits, Hower enters. Nordstrom is watching Michael and Marta cross outside. HOWER I'm sorry, I didn't mean to inter- rupt you and...the Doctor. Nordstrom can't ignore it; the implication's clear. He faces Hower. NORDSTROM Mr. Hower, do you have a problem with Doctor Von Furst and me? HOWER (beat) I don't understand it, sir. You could have anyone you want. NORDSTROM Doctor Von Furst fills a very special need. Right now I want this Michael Knight out of the way. He's dangerous. HOWER (defensive) I handled him. NORDSTROM With the help of a phone call you handled him. I want him out of the way. Soon. Tonight. CUT TO EXT. CHICAGO STREETS - DAY K.I.T.T. drives by. MARTA'S VOICE Is something wrong? MICHAEL'S VOICE I don't know. Nothing I can put my finger on. MARTA'S VOICE But you talked to him on the phone. (beat) Michael, if something's wrong, please tell me. Now I'm starting to worry about Doctor Quinlin. MICHAEL'S VOICE Devon's always accusing me of an over- active imagination. What could happen to them anyway -- a bottle of bad wine? A veal picatta with a touch too much tarragon? She laughs. OMITTED EXT. CHICAGO STREETS - DAY K.I.T.T. disappears into the heart of Chicago. CUT TO OMITTED INT. BROWNSTONE - DAY The door opens and Marta enters, followed by Michael. MARTA Will this security project be taking all of your time? MICHAEL It better not, I'm already planning to spend some of it with you. MARTA Business, of course. MICHAEL Not on your life. She smiles back playfully. MARTA I'll have to take Roger along. The vet said he needs a lot of affirma- tion before his operation. Michael winces at the thought again. MICHAEL That eliminates plane trips and movies. I'll settle for outdoor cafes and long walks. Marta's look becomes more serious as she studies Michael for a few beats. A soft look fills her eyes. MARTA You could be asking for problems, Michael Knight. MICHAEL That's exactly what I'm doing, Marta Simmons. I'm asking. (a beat) I've got to check in at the vault, make sure the new isotope is resting comfortably -- I'll call you as soon as I know when I'll be out of there. MARTA I'll be waiting. He smiles and leaves. She closes the door, thoughtful. EXT. BROWNSTONE - DAY as Michael climbs into K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, we really must talk. MICHAEL What's up, buddy? K.I.T.T. How do I look? Michael pulls away. MICHAEL What's wrong, aren't you feeling well? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I feel fine. I'm asking you how I look. MICHAEL You look great, pal. Same as always. K.I.T.T. That's exactly my point. I never change. MICHAEL You're only three years old. That's prekindergarten. K.I.T.T. For a human being, yes, but for an automobile it's different. We age more quickly. MICHAEL Not you, Kitt. You're ageless. K.I.T.T. (flattered) I am? MICHAEL You defy time. K.I.T.T. I do? (beat) Thank you, Michael. MICHAEL Don't mention it, buddy. CUT TO EXT. UNDERPASS - DAY A street maintenance worker waves Michael past a couple of stanchions and into the tunnel. The worker quickly waves in two other cars then blocks off the tunnel entrance with sawhorses. INT. TUNNEL - DAY K.I.T.T. appears, the only car present. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is relaxed behind the wheel, notices something in the rearview. HIS POINT OF VIEW - TWO CARS are approaching from behind, fast. BACK TO MICHAEL Something alerts him. He glances in the rearview just as the cars swing out, one on either side of K.I.T.T. ANOTHER ANGLE Each car has a driver and another passenger -- and each passenger is armed with a semiautomatic rifle. They open fire simultaneously. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. His windows go up automatically as a spray of bullets ricochet off. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael hits the accelerator, punches Pursuit Mode. K.I.T.T. Michael! MICHAEL Gotcha, buddy. (more buttons) Full scan ahead -- I want to make sure we're not double-teamed. The monitor reveals a dump truck blocking the end of the tunnel. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid we are! ANGLE IN ASSAULT CAR The Driver speeds to keep up with K.I.T.T., the Passenger firing. DRIVER C'mon, bring him down! PASSENGER I'm trying! The bullets just seem to bounce off! DRIVER Try the tires! ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael presses Turbo Boost. MICHAEL Give me all the Turbo Boost you've got! K.I.T.T. Michael, we may not clear! MICHAEL No choice now, pal! ANGLE FROM DUMP TRUCK K.I.T.T. lifts into the air. ANGLE ON ASSAULT CAR The Driver stares in disbelief. DRIVER'S VOICE Do you see what I see?! DIFFERENT ANGLES He sails up and over the dump truck. The men in the pursuing cars stare in disbelief, the drivers slamming on their brakes. ANGLE PAST DUMP TRUCK K.I.T.T. lands in a shower of sparks, hitting over 100 mph. FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. appears, suddenly swerves to make a hard left on an intersecting street. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, I don't understand -- who would try to kill you? Why? ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is behind the wheel. MICHAEL Good questions, pal. Wish I had some answers. K.I.T.T. Perhaps it's a repercussion from our last assignment. MICHAEL I don't think so. There's only one person who knew where we were going -- and when. K.I.T.T. Marta. MICHAEL You got it. INT. BROWNSTONE - DAY We're shooting over Marta's shoulder as she crosses to answer an impatient knock on her door, Roger at her side. She pauses before unlocking the dead-bolt. MARTA Who is it? MICHAEL'S VOICE Michael Knight, back from the dead. Open up. She unlocks the dead-bolt and opens the door. As Michael starts in we see his face change from anger to surprise. MICHAEL Marta -- what happened? REVERSE ANGLE with Marta full-face, we see a small bruise over her eye, a swollen lip. She looks frightened, relieved. MARTA Thank God, you're all right --- She folds into his arms and he comforts her, conflicting emotions competing for his attention. MICHAEL What happened? MARTA Two men. Not more than a minute after you left, there was a knock on the door. I thought it was you. They wanted to know where you were going. I told them I didn't know and one of them, the taller one, hit me...Roger bit his leg and he kicked him across the room.... She turns away, fighting not to cry anymore. Michael watches her closely, sympathetic but evaluating. MICHAEL No idea who they were.... She shakes her head. MICHAEL Or why they wanted to kill me. MARTA No. (beat) Michael, what's going? I haven't heard from Doctor Quinlin...Those men trying to kill you...is there something you're not telling me? He studies her for a moment. MICHAEL No. Is there something you're not telling me? He can see the disappointment flash across her face. MARTA Why do you feel you even have to ask? MICHAEL Call it an occupational hazard. (beat) Marta, I don't know Doctor Quinlin. I barely know you. I'm not making any accusations but there's something you should know. Devon Miles is like a father to me. There's no stone I'll leave unturned if he's in danger. MARTA (flares) And I feel the same way about Doctor Quinlin. If you think I'd do anything to harm him.... She turns away, determined not to cry. MICHAEL I didn't say that. (beat) I've got to go. I guess I don't have to tell you to keep the doors locked. MARTA No. He doesn't know what else to say, and she's not helping. He crosses for the door. MICHAEL I'll call you if anything develops. She nods, only briefly meeting his eyes. He leaves and she closes the door behind him. CUT TO OMITTED INT. FOUNDRY - NIGHT Hower supervises the round-the-clock operation, of the highly trained technicians who are dwarfed by the size of the Juggernaut...We pan across the dull grey finish of the machine, its protruding rivets holding the additional armor plating, and continue to the front where the cow pusher steel bars now protect the front tires...The camera continues to the Contact Detonating Tip of the Juggernaut. A test is currently underway. TECHNICIAN #1 Three...two...one...fire! ANGLE ON JUGGERNAUT The telescoped battering ram punches out to its full length like a fist, the C.D.T. exploding on contact with a test shield of solid steel six inches thick. ANOTHER ANGLE The explosion warps and mangles the shield, but doesn't penetrate it. The Technician glances at Hower. TECHNICIAN #1 We're getting closer. HOWER Closer's not good enough. It still didn't penetrate. The phone rings. Hower picks it up. HOWER (phone) Hower. (listens; reacts) What do you mean 'he escaped?' I told Mr. Nordstrom he was taken care of! (listens) What did you say? His car did what? CUT TO INT. VAULT - NIGHT - CLOSE ON THE MONITORS all focused on the lead-lined box containing Cernium One- sixteen. REVERSE ANGLE The room is empty except for Michael, who stares at the monitor as if this strange substance can tell him some- thing no one else can. The door behind him opens and Bonnie enters, security guards seen in b.g. BONNIE I think you're expecting too much... it's not an oracle. Preoccupied, Michael looks over to her, reacts. MICHAEL Bonnie! He gives her a hug, surprised and pleased to see her. Ad-lib greetings. MICHAEL When did you get in? BONNIE Earlier this evening. I told them not to say anything -- I wanted to surprise you. MICHAEL You succeeded. As a matter of fact, you couldn't have come at a better time. (beat) How'd you get past the palm print detector? BONNIE Devon left orders to include me. (beat) Speaking of Devon, I know you're worried about him, but I'm sure there's a simple explanation. He's got a lot on his mind right now. MICHAEL Bonnie, Devon always has a lot on his mind. It's never stopped him from staying in contact before. BONNIE Give it until noon tomorrow. Please. MICHAEL 'For the sake of the project' -- I know the speech. BONNIE It happens to be true. Given what we're dealing with, even a whisper of anything 'irregular' and the press would get wind of it --- MICHAEL I'll be discreet. In the meantime, you hold down the fort here. She nods, smiles as he exits. CUT TO EXT. VAULT - NIGHT K.I.T.T. is parked at the curb when two shadowy figures appear: Ardell and Potts. POTTS Hey, there's a nice T-top. They move closer. ANGLE FROM INSIDE K.I.T.T. They approach, then suddenly stop. ARDELL (disappointed) That's the one we saw earlier. POTTS I don't know, it looks better in the dark. Maybe it's okay. ARDELL You say the same thing about the women at Crazy's at closing time. K.I.T.T. can no longer contain himself. K.I.T.T. Now just a moment! They stare. K.I.T.T. For your information I am the most advanced automobile known to mankind. I have capabilities beyond your wildest dreams. Potts and Ardell exchange a look, shrug. ARDELL Yeah? Prove it. K.I.T.T. I don't have to prove myself to anyone -- particularly car thieves. POTTS Yeah, sure. (to Ardell) It's got some kind of tape recorder that makes it sound like it's talking. Ardell is struck by a thought. He pulls Potts aside. ARDELL Some of those systems are worth a lot of money. POTTS (likes it) Yeah! They converge on K.I.T.T., producing hidden tools of the trade; a lock-pick, a flat bar. DIFFERENT ANGLES They try every way imaginable to get into K.I.T.T., growing more frustrated by the minute. ARDELL I got a way that never fails. He grabs a nearby brick and lifts it to hurl at K.I.T.T.'s windshield. VOICE Hey you! They spin. ANOTHER ANGLE A bizarre figure materializes; long trench coat, wide- brimmed hat, sunglasses -- and holding a fearsome-looking automatic assault rifle. For purposes of identification (more about him later) he is RC3. Potts and Ardell react as if seeing a ghost. RC3 We don't go for that stuff in this neighborhood. POTTS It's that guy they call The Street Avenger! They sprint away into the darkness. RC3 (calls after them) I don't want to see your faces around here again! They're gone. And then just as suddenly is RC3, slipping away into the night. K.I.T.T. Simpletons. Victims of planned obsolescence. (then) I've never been so insulted in all my life. ANGLE Michael approaches K.I.T.T. with urgency, enters. K.I.T.T. Michael...I think you just missed the Street Avenger. MICHAEL My loss, pal... (all business, punching buttons on the dash) Kitt...Devon's got to be someplace in this town, so let's access his Chicago contacts over the last three years. I want to talk to all of them.... K.I.T.T. That could take all night. MICHAEL Not if we're lucky. Michael pulls away.... CUT TO OMITTED INT. SECOND-FLOOR ROOM - NIGHT Devon is strapped to one of the surgical chairs, Nordstrom and Dr. Von Furst on either side. NORDSTROM Hower tells me your pain threshold is quite high.... Dr. Von Furst moves to the other side of Devon...She holds one of her scalpels...others on display next to her...The light reflects off the razor-sharp tool.... NORDSTROM I want this 'secret formula' that makes your Michael Knight's car invulnerable...and high threshold or not, I'll get it. DEVON I don't know the complete formula... no single person does.... NORDSTROM I'm not without some background on you...You're one of three who knows its key components. DR. VON FURST All I need is its chemical base to develop a neutralizer. She adjusts her grip on the scalpel. DEVON (beat) As you said, I have a very high threshold for pain.... NORDSTROM And I lack the time to enjoy your discomfort. He motions to Von Furst, who puts down the scalpel and picks up a hypo. Devon eyes the needle as Nordstrom explains.... NORDSTROM An innovative new truth serum...In some cases it can produce brain damage, but you leave me no choice.... He nods to Von Furst, who steps forward to Devon.... CUT TO EXT. CHICAGO SKYLINE - DAWN The sun rises over Lake Michigan. SEVERAL SHOTS - THE CITY coming to life, people and cars filling the streets. OMITTED INT. THORTEX LOBBY - DAY The front door pushes open and Michael enters like the wind. ANGLE IN SECURITY CONTROL ROOM We see Michael and the Receptionist on a monitor, Michael obviously hot and determined. Hower watches, concerned. The phone rings. HOWER (phone) Tell him I'll be right down. He hangs up, dials another number. HOWER (phone) Get Mr. Nordstrom for me, quick. ANGLE AT RECEPTION AREA Michael studies the building, the surveillance cameras. The Receptionist hangs up the phone. RECEPTIONIST Mr. Hower will be right down. MICHAEL Thanks anyway, I'll save him a trip. He heads for the elevators. RECEPTIONIST Wait! Only authorized personnel are allowed on the second floor! Just before the elevator doors open, a guard rushes at Michael...Michael ducks the blow from the guard, and sends him sprawling across the lobby. He enters the elevator.... RECEPTIONIST presses the button on the console. ANGLE ON SECOND FLOOR The elevator doors open and Michael steps out, quickly moves around the side of a pillar as he hears the sound of voices. Two security guards pass in a hurry. SECURITY GUARD'S VOICE I'll cover the elevator, you cover the stairs. Their attention diverted, Michael slips by. ANOTHER ANGLE The door to Nordstrom's office opens and Hower comes out. HOWER He won't get far, sir. I promise you. Camera pans Hower as he hurries by, then holds on a maintenance door. It slowly opens and Michael slips out, heads for the office Hower left. ANGLE IN NORDSTROM'S OFFICE The door opens and Michael peers in. WIDER ANGLE Nordstrom sits at his desk, his back to the door. He slowly swings the chair around to face Michael. NORDSTROM (beat) Mr. Hower assured me the building was security proof. MICHAEL Don't feel alone -- he assured me Devon Miles was perfectly fine. NORDSTROM What makes you think he isn't? Michael crosses to face him across the desk. Nordstrom presses a button, gets up to walk towards Michael.... MICHAEL A wasted night looking for him in all the wrong places. (re button) I have a feeling I don't have much time, so I'll get right to the point. I think he's here. I want to see him. Now. In the flesh. NEW ANGLE Nordstrom is in front of Michael, who is alert to his moves...Nordstrom positions himself for a clear swing at Michael with his prosthetic arm. NORDSTROM And if you don't? MICHAEL I'll tear this building apart brick by brick.... A look in Nordstrom's eyes warns Michael and his arm swings in its killing blow...Michael pulls back, the blow missing Michael by inches...Michael uses Nordstrom's awkward posi- tion to his advantage, shoving him away and to the ground... then, seeing no reason to stay in the room, he is quickly out the door.... ANGLE IN HALL Michael exits Nordstrom's office. HOWER'S VOICE Stop! Hower charges him, swinging, and Michael flips him, karate kicks him in the groin, slams a knee into his forehead. He then slams into the next door with his shoulder and it pops inward. ANOTHER ANGLE - IN ROOM As Michael bursts in, a man at the window turns, it's "Devon." Hold a beat, then: "DEVON" Michael! Michael takes him in as if he's the last person he expected to see. "Devon" clasps his shoulder. "DEVON" I am sorry. I promised to stay in touch and I didn't. It's been so hectic, so much to accomplish in so little time. I trust you've kept yourself occupied? Michael nods, a little taken aback. MICHAEL You could say so. "DEVON" Good, good. "Devon" leads him to the door over: "DEVON" Michael, there's so much I have to tell you.... They leave. "DEVON'S" VOICE Goodness, Mr. Hower, you must learn to be more careful. OMITTED ANGLE IN "THE ROOM" Devon is conscious, recovering from his ordeal. NORDSTROM'S VOICE I think you'll be interested in this.... ANOTHER ANGLE Nordstrom switches on a security monitor, and we see "Devon" and Michael crossing toward the entrance together, talking, two old friends reunited. CLOSE ON DEVON He reacts with a mixture of disbelief and pain. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. VAULT - DAY - ESTABLISH It's stolid look belies its contents. "DEVON'S" VOICE I'm not quite as sure as you are that everything is in order.... INT. VAULT - DAY "Devon" and Jennifer Knight approach the palm-print checkpoint, followed by Michael and Bonnie. "Devon" tries the palm-print -- an acid test -- is relieved to see it works. As they enter the vault: MICHAEL I covered everything, Devon. There's no way into this vault without passing three security checks, and the men are rotated every four hours to keep them alert. The Cernium One-sixteen seems to be stabilizing and I've laid out four different exit routes. Any three could be used as decoys.... "DEVON" I don't doubt your professionalism, Michael. But I intend to check everything to my satisfaction. With a glance at Michael, Jennifer chooses sides. JENNIFER I couldn't agree more. One-sixteen is far too important to allow a subordinate to determine security. If you want to delay the transfer I'll explain it to the Board and back your decision. How much time will you need? "DEVON" A minimum of twenty-four hours. JENNIFER Consider it done. We're due for the consultant's briefing in fifteen minutes. (to Michael) I hate to see a man with half Devon's experience and only a fraction of his intelligence question his judgment. She joins "Devon" and they leave. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Michael watches them leave. Bonnie steps to his side and gives him a sympathetic look. Michael shakes his head. MICHAEL If I didn't know better, I'd say Devon's grandstanding for Ms. Jennifer Knight. BONNIE If he is, he's probably doing it to help keep F.L.A.G. alive.... MICHAEL I don't question that, Bonnie. What I question is his attitude, his style. (beat) For a moment there I found myself feeling something I've never felt before. I found myself disliking him. CUT TO OMITTED INT. FOUNDRY - DAY Camera moves down the length of the battering ram to the new steel reinforced grill that extends from the cow pusher bars up and over the front of the Juggernaut to the operator's viewing bubble...The massive machine is now encased in steel armor and protective grillwork. The workers make their last minute adjustments on the lethal machine as Hower supervises...The phone rings.... TECHNICIAN (re phone) It's for you, Mr. Nordstrom. Hower crosses to the phone. HOWER (phone) Yessir. INTERCUT - NORDSTROM IN HIS OFFICE He holds a sealed bottle of amber liquid. Von Furst is nearby, a smile on her face. NORDSTROM (phone) Where are we with the Contact Detonating Tip? HOWER We're making final adjustments now. She'll be ready in time. NORDSTROM Good. Doctor Von Furst has given us another example of her unique talents. A destabilizing agent that will make Michael Knight's super car exceedingly mortal on contact. (beat) Arrange for that contact, Hower. Immediately.... Hower almost clicks his heels.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. CHICAGO AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. drives by, a view of the skyline in the b.g. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael in a pensive mood. K.I.T.T. Are you still thinking about Devon? MICHAEL (nods) Maybe I'm overreacting. He's probably tired, and he's not a kid anymore. K.I.T.T. Perhaps I could give him a medical scan. I do not, however, share your thoughts about age. MICHAEL Oh, no, I did it. You're going to start again.... K.I.T.T. No. Michael, since you don't wish to discuss 'that' problem with me I intend to continue to work with you during my decline...As you requested I checked the police computers. The dump truck had been reported stolen and neither the city nor the state had authorized any road crews on the tunnel. MICHAEL The Board of Directors wants my hide and now someone else wants my bones. (beat) And by the way, I hope you realize that if it weren't for your abilities, your turbo boost and tracking radar system, I'd be talking to you from a cloud. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael, but how did I look? Michael looks to the heavens for help -- interrupted by the beeping signal of an incoming communication. INTERCUT - MONITOR Bonnie's face appears. BONNIE Did I interrupt a family argument? MICHAEL I think you saved us from one. BONNIE Then I'll add the eternal triangle to it. I received an urgent call from Marta. MICHAEL Is she all right? BONNIE When you see her I'm sure you'll check her out. She'll be at Timmons and Fifth Street.... MICHAEL Thanks, Bonnie. I'm on my way. He hits the accelerator. CUT TO EXT. CHICAGO STREETS - DAY Michael drives past the Chicago River and turns down Wacker alongside the river heading south, crossing one of the many drawbridges, then heads towards the area where demolition ends the history of a neighborhood and gives birth to sky- scrapers. The area has already been semiraised and left in its skeleton form. EXT. DEMOLITION SITE - DAY Michael drives into the area. There's no one in sight.... K.I.T.T.'S VOICE There's a vehicle approaching on your left Michael.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD He spots Marta arriving in a cab. Michael exits K.I.T.T. MICHAEL I'll be right back, buddy. MARTA AND MICHAEL She exits the cab, moves quickly to him as the cab pulls away.... MARTA I got a call...a man's voice...He wants to meet you at 685 Timmons, it's the last house on the end.... MICHAEL Did he say what it's about? MARTA He said there was something you should know about Cernium One-sixteen -- before it's too late. OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. A big vehicle rumbles by with "Chicago Pest Control" on its side. A spray nozzle is inexplicably activated. ANGLE INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Oh, dear! He activates his windows, which rise immediately. Then the windshield wipers. ANGLE ON VEHICLE continuing past. The driver is one of the Thortex's security guards. He picks up a walkie-talkie. DRIVER Bull's-eye to Target Control... mission accomplished. MICHAEL AND MARTA Michael walks back to K.I.T.T., Marta next to him. MICHAEL You could have just given me the message. MARTA Then you wouldn't have let me come with you. MICHAEL I still won't. You wait here. Marta reaches out and stops Michael, upset. MARTA It could be a trap. MICHAEL If it is I'll have a few surprises for them. She reaches out and pulls Michael to her, kisses him. MARTA Be careful. MICHAEL No other way to be. (beat) Thanks. OMITTED NEW ANGLE Michael gets into K.I.T.T. and pulls away, starts the slow careful drive down the narrow lane between the rubble and the shells of houses that are about to go. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael scans the area as he rolls along. MICHAEL What'd you do, take a shower? K.I.T.T. In a manner of speaking. A pest control vehicle sprayed me. Please Michael, no humor.... MICHAEL Okay buddy, keep your scanners peeled. INTERCUT AS NEEDED - MONITOR as the screen is filled with graphics and various targeting schematics. K.I.T.T. My radar is giving me a false contour line. MICHAEL Try your heat sensors. K.I.T.T. Varying temperatures, Michael. We're sitting on underground steam lines. MICHAEL Do the best you can, pal, 'cause we're still going in. K.I.T.T. I was afraid of that. The graphics on the screen remain semiscrambled -- then a warning light. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've picked up something. I can't read it. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE SOLID BRICK WALL TO HIS LEFT Then the wall disintegrates as the Juggernaut's ramrod end smashes through; a shower of brick and mortar bounces off its massive shell and rains down on K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael.... MICHAEL What was that?? OMITTED NEW ANGLE The ramrod catches K.I.T.T. in the rear just as his tires catch hold and he spins awkwardly out of the way. K.I.T.T. still mobile but dented badly, the rear end grinding. K.I.T.T. I don't know.... MICHAEL (punches buttons) Give me a damage report! K.I.T.T. Rear stabilizer's out...Traction control non-functional -- Michael! We're no longer protected by the molecular bonded shell! MICHAEL That's impossible! THE JUGGERNAUT has maneuvered around and the battering ram slams into the front end of K.I.T.T. MARTA a short distance away, watching...Tears start to stream down her face. JUGGERNAUT turns to aim its battering ram at K.I.T.T. again. SEVERAL DIFFERENT ANGLES The battering ram punches into the defenseless K.I.T.T. time and again, rending huge holes in a ruthless, brutalizing attack. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael fights to regain control, punches buttons seeking backup systems. K.I.T.T. Michael, we're virtually defense- less.... MICHAEL Any suggestions, partner? K.I.T.T. Yes. Abandon ship and save yourself. MICHAEL Not a chance, pal. We'll use what we have. Michael jams down on the accelerator. WIDER ANGLE The rear wheels try to dig in...K.I.T.T. swings in a weak half circle, not enough to elude the full force of the Juggernaut; it blasts into what little is left of K.I.T.T., flipping him over and over. OMITTED K.I.T.T. comes to a stop on his roof, one wheel spinning slowly. ANOTHER ANGLE Marta comes running toward K.I.T.T. as the Juggernaut circles for the final blow. She peers inside the overturned car, sees Michael trapped inside, semiconscious. OMITTED THE JUGGERNAUT rumbling forward. Marta makes a decision, takes a 9mm automatic from her purse, then waves to the Juggernaut. It grinds to a stop. OMITTED MARTA In full view of the Juggernaut, and its driver, Hower, she turns to Michael and aims the gun at his head...and fires two shots. OMITTED WIDER ANGLE The Juggernaut holds for a beat, then the ramrod shaft slides back into its larger sleeve. The Juggernaut turns and rumbles away. CLOSER ANGLE She turns back to Michael. He moves slightly...and we see two clean bullet holes in the upholstery close to his head. She gives him a tender look, turns and runs away. OMITTED WIDE ANGLE The silence of a graveyard...The destroyed buildings framing the wreckage of K.I.T.T. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN EXT. ALLEY - DAY A series of shots graphically detailing the carnage: K.I.T.T., once so invulnerable, now lies at a grotesque angle, pierced and punctured at will, as if torn apart by a savage beast. CLOSE ON MICHAEL His eyelid moves, the first indication of returning consciousness. WOMAN'S VOICE (echo, as if far away) Michael...Michael, what happened? Michael! His eyes slowly open. HIS POINT OF VIEW - THE BLURRED SHAPE OF A FACE A woman's face peering down at him. Slowly it comes into focus: it's Bonnie. WIDER ANGLE Bonnie bends over him, near tears. MICHAEL Bonnie...? BONNIE Oh, Michael...are you all right? What happened? Kitt is.... She can't finish. Michael struggles to see for himself, can't. MICHAEL He'll be okay...you'll fix him, Bonnie...you always do.... ANOTHER ANGLE with Bonnie's help, Michael struggles out of K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt...hey, buddy, it's me, Michael.... Silence. MICHAEL Talk to me, pal.... Silence. Michael just stares. Bonnie shakes her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. VAULT - DAY Pan to the Foundation semi, parked in a lot adjacent to the building. "DEVON'S" VOICE This isn't possible, Michael -- not with Kitt's molecular bonded shell. INT. SEMI - DAY "Devon", having just been summoned, surveys the damage done to K.I.T.T., Michael with him. Bonnie scans his systems with the semi's sophisticated electronics, trying to assess the extent of internal damage. MICHAEL That was my first reaction. Then I realized there's only one possible explanation -- Someone found a way to neutralize it. "DEVON" Impossible. No single person knows the formula -- you know that. MICHAEL I asked Bonnie to analyze a chip. Take a look. "Devon" follows Michael to a high-powered microscope. "Devon" looks. INSERT A paint chip, magnified, shows a web of hairline splits in the M.B.S. BACK TO THEM "Devon" turns to Michael. "DEVON" It appears to be fragmented. MICHAEL It was sprayed with a destabilizing agent -- specially formulated to do just what it did. I know when it happened and where -- and one of the key players involved. "Devon" regards him, a peculiar expression on his face. MICHAEL Doctor Quinlin's doe-eyed little assistant. "DEVON" Marta? Michael, you can't be serious! A half-smile, "Devon" shakes his head, glances at Bonnie. "DEVON" Are any of his internal systems in- tact? BONNIE (discouraged) I'm afraid we have an enormous job ahead of us. "DEVON" What you're saying is, that for all intents and purposes, Kitt is dead. Michael and Bonnie react to the word. BONNIE I...wouldn't exactly put it like that. "DEVON" No, but that's the essence of it. (beat) I'm afraid we have no choice. Bonnie, I want you to return to The Foundation with Kitt and await further instruc- tions. Michael, you're always complaining about aborted vacations. This is your chance -- a month off, free and clear. They stare at him in disbelief. He starts out. MICHAEL Devon! What's going on here? You can't just throw Kitt away like a toaster or a TV! And what about the assignment? What about The Foundation's responsibility to provide security for the Cernium One-sixteen? "Devon" looks unfazed by the barrage. "DEVON" As far as security is concerned, I'm satisfied it's more than adequate. As far as Kitt is concerned, look at him. Face the facts. He's dead. (beat) I'm sorry, but that's my decision. Michael, send me a postcard. He starts out. Michael is struck by a thought. MICHAEL 'Call me Ishmael.' "DEVON" (turns) I beg your pardon. MICHAEL You remember, the first line from classic novels. You were right -- it was Hemmingway. "Devon" smiles, accepting the acknowledgment, and leaves. BONNIE I don't believe what just happened... Michael, what's wrong with him? MICHAEL (absorbing it) You'd never guess in a hundred years... (beat) That man isn't Devon. Her face goes blank. Before she can put her reaction into words he crosses to her, hands on her arms. MICHAEL Bonnie, listen to me. Don't ask me what this is all about -- or how, or why -- but that's not Devon Miles. You're not going back to the Foundation and I'm not going on vacation. We're staying right here. We'll rebuild Kitt ourselves -- I've got a feeling we're gonna need him. BONNIE Michael, you don't --- MICHAEL Bonnie, just go with me on this. Find a garage. We've got less than twenty-four hours before they can move the Cernium -- less than twenty-four hours to find out what's going on here. He turns and goes, leaving her open-mouthed. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. TOUGH NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT A seedy area. A cab pulls up to the curb. In back, Michael looks out. CABBIE End of the line. MICHAEL Where's the alley? CABBIE You'll have to find that on your own. I been mugged down here twice. This is as far as I go now. That'll be fourteen-ninety. Michael pays him, climbs out. The cab does a U-turn. Michael looks around, compares an address to the one written on a slip of paper. OMITTED ANGLE TO INCLUDE GANG MEMBERS up the street, lounging, they watch him like hungry hawks. A wino ambles by. MICHAEL Excuse me, I'm looking for an alley behind a surplus store on.... He doesn't finish, the wino long gone. Several of the gang members slip away, then several more. OMITTED EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT dark and quiet, the mouth of it fronts a busy street, cars and people passing. A figure appears, turns and starts down the alley. It's Michael. He looks around, finding it hard to believe Bonnie would choose a place like this. OMITTED OTHER ANGLES Shadows appear ahead of him and behind him, blending into cover, stalking. ANGLE ON MICHAEL He becomes aware, pauses, glances behind him. VOICE Hey, loan me five dollars, man. A figure emerges ahead of him, then another, coming toward him. Other figures approach him from behind. VOICE #2 Yeah, loan him five -- what's five or ten dollars to a rich dude like you? Michael knows what's coming, and he's trapped. MICHAEL I'm a little short on cash. SEVERAL DIFFERENT ANGLES One of them pulls a switchblade, another an eight-inch lead pipe. They're closer, converging on him. RC3 Cool it, suckers! They freeze. OMITTED ANGLE UP A bizarre figure stands above them on a fire escape; it's RC3, dressed in his long trench coat, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. He has the automatic rifle in his hand. RC3 Ain't you the same creeps I stopped just last week? They quickly mumble no, wasn't us, and hurry off. Michael is amazed. RC3 You Michael Knight? More amazed, Michael nods. RC3 jumps down to the ground. RC3 Bonnie said you might get lost. (beat) You look familiar.... MICHAEL We crossed paths the other day. Different alley, similar circum- stances. Remembering, RC3 grins, nods. RC3 Follow me. INT. GARAGE - NIGHT It's old and primitive. The Foundation semi is here, K.I.T.T. inside, Bonnie doing some preliminary work. The door opens and RC3 comes in, followed by Michael. RC3 I found him. BONNIE'S VOICE Good. Hello, Michael. I'll be right out. CLOSER ANGLE In the light, Michael sizes up this strange figure. RC3 grins, extends his hand. RC3 Reginald Cornelius the third, RC3 for short. MICHAEL Michael Knight. Thanks for the help. RC3 Ain't no big thing. He throws the automatic rifle aside and it bounces. Michael reacts. RC3 It's only wood. He grins, takes off his shades, hat and coat and we see an open-faced black kid in his late teens. RC3 What happened is a couple of months ago it was getting real nasty around here. So I borrowed an AK47 my brother brought back from 'Nam, and I got all dressed up like this one night and I ran around calling myself the Street Avenger. I shot up a few of the gangs cars, no big deal. It worked so good I made a dummy rifle out of wood. Michael laughs, liking him immediately. MICHAEL I don't believe it. You do this often? RC3 Not much anymore. I'm in semiretire- ment. Over this Bonnie appears. BONNIE Well, how do you like it? Michael glances around, wondering how to phrase it. BONNIE It was the cheapest I could find. Given our nonexistent budget, I grabbed it. MICHAEL Given our nonexistent budget, I like it. BONNIE It belongs to RC3's father. MICHAEL Don't tell me -- RC2. Bonnie and RC3 nod, smiling. BONNIE Any luck this afternoon? MICHAEL (shakes his head) Marta's gone. She took all she needed -- her clothes and her dog. How's Kitt coming? Michael sees a weariness cross her face. BONNIE I think we've...bitten off more than we can chew. MICHAEL (puzzled) You said you could get by with the equipment in the semi. BONNIE I can -- to a point. I can recreate his systems and technology. But Michael, I had no idea how much struc- tural damage was done. To repair that I'd need a fully equipped machine shop and skilled technicians. They share a look, the reality of it sinking in. RC3 smiles as he moves to an outside door.... RC3 From your lips to RC3's ear.... He swings open the door, whistles, then steps aside.... ANGLE ON DOOR A unique group enters. They range in age from early twenties to thirties. A couple of old gang jackets, a bandanna around the head, a 'Nam combat hat, cut-off sweat shirts, but all with the same anxious intent look in their eyes. They represent every ethnic group in the city. Clutched in their hands are their tools; one wheels in an electric welder, another a complete Heliarc setup, etc. BONNIE (reacts) What...is this? RC3 smiles, acts as a master of ceremonies as he introduces his band. RC3 Bonnie, say hello to your new pit crew...guys. This is the boss, Bonnie. The tall one's Michael. Ad-lib hellos, Bonnie unsure what to make of them. RC3 I answer to her, you answer to me. (re K.I.T.T.) This is the patient. Okay, let's go to work. He turns back to Bonnie and Michael. RC3 Hey, you think just 'cause this is the ghetto there's no talent down here? Don't let how they look fool ya. These guys are great. MICHAEL (to Bonnie; a smile) Looks like you got your wish, Cinderella. CUT TO INT. THORTEX "ROOM" - DAY Devon has breakfast on a tray in front of him, untouched. NORDSTROM'S VOICE Now now, you must eat.... WIDER ANGLE Nordstrom and "Devon" have stopped by to see him. "Devon" particularly enjoys it. NORDSTROM You must keep up your strength. You still have an important role to play. "Devon," knowing what it is, enjoys.... "DEVON" Trooper that he is, I'm sure he'll do an admirable job. NORDSTROM Cheer up, you won't be here much longer. They leave. Hold on Devon. CUT TO EXT. THORTEX OFFICES - DAY We see Nordstrom and "Devon" pause inside, finish their conversation, then part; Nordstrom returning to his office and "Devon" exiting outside. ANOTHER ANGLE He pauses, looking for a cab. WOMAN'S VOICE Mr. Miles! He reacts, turns: a Woman in dark glasses and a large hat is desperately motioning for him to come to her. Puzzled, he approaches her. CLOSER ANGLE He reaches her. "DEVON" Excuse me, do I know you? She glances furtively around, then removes her glasses: it's Marta. MARTA It's me, Marta Simmons! Though he, in fact, doesn't know her, he certainly knows about her. A look of recognition dawns on his face. "DEVON" Marta, I hardly recognized you.... MARTA Where's Michael?..have you seen him? Is he all right? "DEVON" Yes of course...a bit banged up but otherwise fine...Is something wrong? MARTA Yes, but I can't talk here...If any- one from Thortex sees me.... "Devon" quickly snaps his fingers, hailing a cab, which slides to the curb next to him...He opens the door. Eyes the frightened Marta.... "DEVON" There, there my dear. Come with me ...We'll find a safe place to talk.... He extends his free hand, a pleasant look on his face.... MARTA She starts to walk towards him.... "DEVON" You'll be safe with me.... FADE OUT END OF ACT FIVE ACT SIX FADE IN OMITTED EXT. THORTEX - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) "Devon's" hand extended to Marta...She moves closer to him and he reaches for her...She pulls away at the last moment. "DEVON" My dear, please -- I want to help. Come with me and we'll phone him together. MARTA No, you do it -- please. Tell him I've got to talk to him. I'll call you as soon as I find a safe place. She mixes in with the crowd and is gone. Hold on "Devon," his look of anger and frustration. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. GARAGE - DAY MICHAEL'S VOICE Marta's the key to this. If I only knew where to find her.... INT. GARAGE - DAY Bonnie is working on K.I.T.T. removing his CPU. The pit crew and RC working around and on other parts...K.I.T.T. is stripped down...(Stage 2), tarps cover part of him, tools cover the rest...RC rules them like a foreman.... RC Take your time on that, Hector... That weld has to hold...Hey Jocko, don't waste time on that...We'll polish him when the time comes.... Michael leans over near Bonnie. BONNIE Why, so she can set you up for another execution? MICHAEL Marta also saved my life. BONNIE Too bad she didn't do the same for Kitt. Here, hold this. He does. She relaxes, gives him an exasperated smile. BONNIE I'm sorry. It's just that there's so much to do.... MICHAEL (suddenly) Roger! Michael is already on the move to the corner of the work- bench where a greasy phone and an equally greasy and dog- eared Yellow Pages act as bookends. He flips through it quickly. BONNIE Michael, what are you doing? He dials the number first. MICHAEL Double A Kennels...I'd like to check on a patient...a terrier named Roger. He has an appointment to be fixed today...I know it's a personal ques- tion but I'm a very close relative... (beat) Thanks anyway. Michael goes to the next number. RC3 looks at him like he's crazy. MICHAEL Hello, Bon Vivant kennels? I'd like to check on a patient.... CUT TO OMITTED INT. NORDSTROM'S OFFICE - DAY Nordstrom and Dr. Von Furst are grouped around "Devon," who has blueprints and charts spread out on Nordstrom's desk. "DEVON" (indicating) ...the steel wall has a seam here, which faces the subway tunnel -- it should be twenty to twenty-five percent more vulnerable. NORDSTROM What about the security systems? "DEVON" (indicates) There's an emergency manual alert here. It seals off the vault area. NORDSTROM What about access via the palm print? "DEVON" This overrides it. Nordstrom smiles thinly, pleased. He glances at Doctor Von Furst. NORDSTROM When we return this time, it will be to the sound of trumpets -- saviors from the political and economic chaos their cherished 'democracy' has brought them. The phone rings. Nordstrom picks it up. NORDSTROM (phone) Yes... (listens, angry) The security room -- two minutes! ANGLE IN SECURITY ROOM/OFFICE Nordstrom faces Hower, angry. Von Furst watches with pleased expectancy. NORDSTROM So, Michael Knight has apparently not gone on vacation...Bonnie Barstow has not returned to F.L.A.G. headquarters...and now I learn this 'Marta Simmons' you recruited is running around the city talking to anyone who will listen! Hower stares at his feet. Nordstrom crosses to him, eyes piercing. He reaches to touch Hower's shoulder with his "killer arm"...Sweat starts to build on Hower's forehead but he stands firm.... NORDSTROM You told me she was beyond question.... HOWER She'd never failed before...neither have I. I won't again, I promise you. NORDSTROM Then find her. Quickly. He holds a beat, then lowers his arm without the blow.... CUT TO EXT. LAKESHORE ESTATE - DAY - TO ESTABLISH OMITTED EXT. REAR OF ESTATE - TENNIS COURT Jennifer drives a tennis ball at her male assistant...He swings awkwardly at the bullet serve...Jennifer walks off the court.... JENNIFER Thank you anyway Jeffry...I didn't hire you for a good service return.... She walks over to the terrace, drapes a towel around her shoulders and sits at a table already set up with her Foundation papers...She immediately gets into her work.... ANGLE Her head pops up as she sees Michael Knight hop over the fencing and onto the terrace...She covers her surprise. JENNIFER Devon told me you were on a tropical vacation. Did you trade in your ticket for burglars' tools? MICHAEL Okay, you don't like me, and other than the fact that you're the daughter of a man I respected I don't like you very much either. But, there is one thing we have in common.... JENNIFER We're mammals. MICHAEL Back off, Jennifer. I don't have the time or the patience to deal with your cute little insults now... There's a group of people who are planning to steal your Cernium One-sixteen from the vault. JENNIFER The vault is impenetrable. MICHAEL Nothing's impenetrable. I know the machine they intend to use, and the man. The man is Devon. Jennifer laughs disdainfully. JENNIFER You really should go on vacation. You need one. MICHAEL At least, he appears to be Devon. Jennifer, the man you're dealing with -- the man you're trusting -- isn't the real Devon Miles. She turns, walks slowly across the room. JENNIFER It's amazing, it really is. Not only do you look like my brother Garth, you think like him as well.... MICHAEL Is that why you dislike me so much? Because I remind you of Garth? JENNIFER (flares) It's a good place to start! You're virtually a reincarnation of him! MICHAEL Garth was a criminal! JENNIFER Flip sides of the same coin! Cops and criminals, sinners and saints. Like Garth you're hooked on 'action' -- to the point of inventing it if it doesn't exist! Michael reaches into his pocket, hands her an envelope. MICHAEL I'm not inventing this. It's my resignation. JENNIFER (beat) What do you want in return? MICHAEL To believe me...That man is not Devon Miles...If this Cernium is as valuable as you say, don't trust him!! JENNIFER You're asking a lot. MICHAEL I'm offering a lot. Everything that I feel is important in my life. Everything I've come to stand for. Jennifer holds a beat, then nods. JENNIFER All right, I'll do what you ask. But don't expect me to trust you. MICHAEL Your father did. JENNIFER He's dead. MICHAEL (on the move) Not as long as F.L.A.G. is alive. Michael is gone. Jennifer stares after him. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. VETERINARIAN CLINIC - DAY Through glass windows we see Marta leave, exit outside. She quickly crosses to her waiting cab and climbs in. ANGLE IN CAB She closes the door. MARTA Royale Hotel, 6th and Evans. DRIVER'S VOICE How's Roger -- less excitable? Marta blinks, stunned. REVERSE ANGLE The driver is Michael. MARTA Michael! What are you doing here? I've been looking all over for you.... MICHAEL I'll bet you have, lady. We've got some talking to do. MARTA I'll explain everything.... OMITTED ANGLE IN CAB They drive toward the Chicago River. MICHAEL I've heard that too many times from too many people. MARTA It's the truth! MICHAEL You lied to me! And worse, you set up Devon to be kidnapped! MARTA I didn't know what they were planning when I posed as Doctor Quinlin's assistant. MICHAEL What happened to his real assistant? MARTA She thinks she won a three-month cruise around the world...Nordstrom arranged it. MICHAEL What did Nordstrom arrange for you? (beat) How do I know you haven't been doing this for years? Her reaction. OMITTED INT. HOTEL COFFEE SHOP Michael and Marta at a corner table. MARTA My father was a successful stockbroker ...until the S.E.C. discovered he was using client's money to speculate in the futures markets. One day, very quietly, he committed suicide... (beat) I went from being a debutante to a young lady ill-equipped to do any- thing but ride side saddle and play a decent game of tennis. Then I met Jim Hower.... (beat) I guess I needed someone to tell me what to do...someone with strength ...he filled that role and mostly... mostly...he was just nice to me...He helped me...Then he started to ask me to do things...Find things out for him...Check on someone...have dinner with a certain man and ask him certain questions. Whatever Nordstrom wanted him to do. MICHAEL Nordstrom...it keeps coming back to him. Did Hower talk about him much? MARTA (shakes her head) Hardly at all. I think he's afraid of him...why? EXT. HOTEL - DAY A late-model sedan pulls up, Hower and two men inside. Hower climbs out. BACK IN COFFEE SHOP Michael hesitates, debating whether or not to tell her. MICHAEL I think they've done something to Devon. Don't ask me how, but they've reproduced him -- because there's a man walking around out there who looks and talks like Devon, but it's not him. Marta goes pale. MARTA Oh no...Michael, I talked to him. He asked me to call him when I got settled and...I did. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael spots Hower as he comes in. He has a gun in his jacket pocket, his hand on it. Michael and Marta exchange a look. He grabs Marta's hand and runs. OMITTED ANGLE ON CAR The two men inside leap out, guns drawn, as Hower regains his feet, furious. They race after Michael and Marta. EXT. ANOTHER STREET - DAY Michael and Marta run, dodging pedestrians, dart down the alley. ANOTHER ANGLE The three men follow, run down the same alley, firing at them. OMITTED ANGLE ON BRIDGE as Michael half-carries a tired Marta along now...He crosses the bridge as another shot hits the girder near his head...He keeps himself between Marta and the trio. NEW ANGLE Michael ducks down the street that heads for the lower level and the Chicago River. They continue to run. MARTA I can't go any further, Michael...Go ahead without me.... MICHAEL C'mon, you can make it.... Michael looks around for a way out. HOWER across the bridge from his henchmen...Close on Michael's tail...One of the henchmen stays on the drawbridge and takes careful aim at Michael. OMITTED CHICAGO RIVER MARINA An overweight businessman is about to cast off and take his thirty foot boat out of the Marina and down the Chicago River. MICHAEL He gets a firm grip on Marta and leaps from the dock to the boat. ON BOAT The shocked owner turns as Michael grabs the throttle. MICHAEL Don't ask...You'll never believe it. Michael guns the boat. LONG SHOT DOWN as the boat speeds up the Chicago River. ANOTHER ANGLE Hower and his henchmen open fire. BOAT He continues on in safety, shots hitting the water next to it. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT SIX ACT SEVEN FADE IN EXT. THORTEX - NIGHT Closed for business, only security personnel and janitors present. INT. THORTEX - NIGHT A guard checks the rear door, routine, continues past. EXT. REAR AREA - NIGHT A janitor exits with trash, moves to the dumpster...Michael emerges from shadows, to silently slip inside the open door.... The janitor shrugs, goes back inside, locks the door behind him. OMITTED ANGLE IN HALLWAY A janitor's cart is in front of an open office door. As Michael passes he hears two security guards approaching. He grabs the janitor's cart and does an about face, ambling back down the hall, whistling. ANGLE ON GUARDS They round the corner. THEIR POINT OF VIEW His back to us, pushing the cart, a rag in his pocket, Michael disappears around a distant corner. THE GUARDS They check several locked doors, go back the way they came. ANGLE ON OPEN OFFICE DOOR The janitor comes out, reaches for his Windex, discovers no Windex, no cart. He scratches his head. ANGLE ON SECOND FLOOR Using keys from the janitor's cart, Michael checks every door. ANGLE AT "THE ROOM" He tries every key; none work. Resorting to his lock pick, he begins to probe the tumblers. ANGLE IN "THE ROOM" The door opens and Michael appears. He switches on the light, reacts. WIDER ANGLE No one is here, but its purpose is crystal clear. Michael moves into the room, sees the bolted chair and straps, the portable generator -- and, tossed carelessly in a corner, Devon's tie...It sends a chill down his spine. MICHAEL Devon.... CUT TO OMITTED HIS POINT OF VIEW - K.I.T.T. The ghetto technicians swarm over K.I.T.T. like ants over a dead beetle, competing for space, occasionally cursing one another in their native tongues -- which include Chinese, Spanish, ghetto slang and several defying identification. But what is amazing is the progress; though spotted with primer, and still absent some key components, like doors, K.I.T.T. is beginning to look like K.I.T.T. again. ANOTHER ANGLE Exiting the semi with blueprints and sketches, RC3 spots him and comes over. RC3 Hey, Michael! What d'you think? MICHAEL Incredible, RC. He's starting to look like a car again. RC3 These guys are good -- the best. With all the unemployment around, they don't get a chance to show their stuff very often. When they do, look out. Hey, Michael -- this car's gonna do great things. MICHAEL I can't wait. Where's Marta? RC3 In the semi with Bonnie. (re blueprints) If she could write checks as fast as she writes blueprints we'd build us a fleet of Kitts... (yells) Hey Julio, give Chan a little room with that heliarc, man! You're gonna burn him to a crisp. Michael smiles, crosses toward the semi. ANGLE FROM INSIDE SEMI Bonnie is at a computer console, writing programs, Marta watching over her shoulder, fascinated. They look up as Michael enters. Ad-lib greetings, hellos, pleasure at seeing him undercut by the fact he's alone. BONNIE What happened? MICHAEL He's not there. BONNIE And Doctor Quinlin...? MICHAEL (shakes his head) I got in -- up into the security wing on the second floor, just like Marta said. I even found the room where they'd been keeping him, but he's gone. A moment of silence, no one knowing what to say. Michael crosses to the console. MICHAEL We've got to believe he's still alive. If they wanted to kill him, they'd have done it by now. My guess is they've got something in mind for him -- some purpose that ties in with whatever they're planning for Cernium One-sixteen. (beat) How's Kitt coming?..we're running out of time.... BONNIE I've had to integrate some concept changes -- without his Molecular Bonded Shell he's just too vulnerable. I think we can get a forty-percent increase in speed, improved maneuverability -- and a new braking system to handle the increases. I have a surprise for you. She opens a shelf to reveal K.I.T.T.'s voice box, attached to a number of wires and terminals. MICHAEL (reacts) Kitt! BONNIE He has no perceptors yet. I'll let him know you're here. She hits keys on the computer. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, is that you? MICHAEL It's me, buddy, how --- BONNIE (overlap) He can't hear you. MICHAEL Oh, right. Tell him I'm here and I'm fine and looking forward to having him back. Bonnie hits more keys. Marta watches, intrigued. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (a ghetto lilt) Me too, bro -- sick bay ain't my style. Michael blinks. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'm the Knight Industries Two-Thousand, sure enough. Ready to ramble, ready to roll, ready to strut my stuff! Michael stares at Bonnie. MARTA Does he always talk like that? MICHAEL No. (to Bonnie) Does he? BONNIE (smiles) No. He's just picked up a few... colloquialisms during his reprogramming. I'm working on it. Michael nods, reassured. Somewhat. A loud argument erupts outside, is finally calmed by RC3. MICHAEL (to Marta) Let's find someplace quiet to talk. CUT TO EXT. LOOP TRAIN STATION - DAWN The elevated subway that circles the downtown area. A subway train rumbles by. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael and Marta slowly walk the deserted station. MARTA Maybe you should just go to the police. MICHAEL With what? We don't have any real evidence. The only edge we have is Kitt -- they think he's dead. MARTA Michael, I've told you everything I know. MICHAEL Everything you think you know. Now I need the rest -- anything Hower said to you, a phone call you over- heard, anything that might give us a clue. She shakes her head.... MONTAGE The ghetto workers continue nonstop on K.I.T.T.'s frame and body, supervised by RC3...Bonnie makes steady progress reprogramming K.I.T.T.'s CPU...huddles with RC3 over blue- prints...in the subway station Michael and Marta alternately sit or stand, Marta talking, Michael occasionally asking questions. EXT. LOOP STATION - DAWN Subway cars flash by. MICHAEL'S VOICE Wait a minute -- what did Hower call it? ANOTHER ANGLE MARTA What? MICHAEL The place where he was going to meet Nordstrom -- you said it was a restaurant. MARTA Some place called 'The Foundry.' MICHAEL Are you sure it was a restaurant? MARTA What else could it be? MICHAEL Marta, did he say it was a restaurant? MARTA No, I just assumed it was...why? Michael grabs her hand and they leave. CUT TO INT. GARAGE - DAY In the semi, Bonnie is at the computer, checking everything she can on "Thortex, Inc." BONNIE There's no local restaurant or business called 'Foundry,' or a local Thortex subsidiary...Thortex is a shell, a paper corporation. I'm sorry, Michael. WIDER ANGLE Michael and Marta behind her, Michael frustrated. He paces. MICHAEL Try Nordstrom, Phillip. She hits keys. BONNIE President of Thortex, Inc., same thing ...a closed corporation -- wait a minute. Michael leans over her shoulder. BONNIE He also owns half interest in a company that designs and manufactures anti-assault vehicles. He looks at Marta. MICHAEL 'The Foundry.' He jots down the address and runs out. ANGLE IN GARAGE as Michael comes out. MICHAEL RC, you got a car? RC3 It's right out back. Ain't much. But it's rag top and 320 horse.... He tosses Michael the keys and Michael quickly exits. RC3 turns to the ghetto workers, grins. RC3 Wonder how he'll like driving my convertible. They laugh conspiratorially. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY A twenty-year-old convertible with a battered top rounds a corner on two wheels, Michael driving. CUT TO OMITTED INT. FOUNDRY - DAY The Juggernaut is ready for its final assault, new Contact Detonating Tip in place. ANOTHER ANGLE A gun to his back, Devon is forced to enter the cockpit by Hower. ANGLE ON NORDSTROM talking to Von Furst.... NORDSTROM (checks watch) We should reach the target area by six-thirty, the departure area by no later than seven. Make sure Doctor Quinlin's aboard the plane in plenty of time. DR. VON FURST I can sedate him and have him carried ...it would be easier. NORDSTROM No! No sedatives -- I want to return with one of the world's top nuclear physicists, not a limp, drooling old man. He kisses her, then crosses to the Juggernaut, climbing in to join Hower and Devon. ANGLE ON JUGGERNAUT Hower fires up the diesels and the big machine turns, facing a wall. Then starts forward, directly at it. ANOTHER ANGLE The Juggernaut crashes into the wall, revealing a dark pit of an opening inside, and disappears. It's part of the underground subway. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FOUNDRY - DAY The convertible glides to a stop a short distance away. Michael jumps out, runs behind cover toward the building. ANGLE AT DOOR Michael silently opens it, peers in. ANOTHER ANGLE It's empty, devoid of machine or life save for one lone Technician, ready to leave, turning off lights. The door opens and he steps out. Michael grabs him and slams him up against the wall. MICHAEL Where are they?! Where'd they go -- where's Devon Miles! The Technician struggles to breathe. TECHNICIAN Who're you...? Michael increases the pressure. MICHAEL You don't have enough air for any more questions, only answers. CUT TO OMITTED INT. SUBWAY TUNNEL - DAY The Juggernaut appears out of the darkness and roars by. CUT TO INT. FOUNDRY - DAY Michael is on the phone to Bonnie. MICHAEL (phone) Bonnie, there's no time to explain -- they've got Devon, they've got that armored vehicle that nearly destroyed Kitt, and they're heading for the vault. Through the subway system. Call security and alert them... (listens) Right -- Oh, and one more thing. I'm on my way back. Have Kitt ready to roll. The response almost singes his ear. MICHAEL (phone) Bonnie, I know that -- I wish we had a choice, but we don't. Even if he's only fifty percent operational, it's still fifty percent more than I've got right now. He hangs up and runs for the door. CUT TO INT. GARAGE - DAY RC3, flanked by Bonnie, addresses the ghetto workers. RC3 Okay amigos, you heard what the lady said -- ready to roll in fifteen minutes! A wail of protest in half-a-dozen languages goes up. RC3 turns to Bonnie, smiles. RC3 They said 'okay.' Bonnie smiles, turns back for the semi. BONNIE I'll have the CPU ready to install in ten. RC3 We'll be here. He crosses to K.I.T.T., virtually complete now, strolls around the perimeter like a foreman. RC3 (sotto voce) Now remember, if Michael or Bonnie notices the 'C' button, play dumb -- which from my own personal experience I know you're good at. I want it to be a surprise. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY The convertible races through the streets, Michael at the wheel. INT. SUBWAY TUNNEL - DAY The Juggernaut roars by at 50 mph, an awesome sight. OMITTED FADE OUT END OF ACT SEVEN ACT EIGHT FADE IN INT. VAULT - DAY "Devon" checks his watch, then walks toward an access door. He is intercepted by Jennifer, who's just arrived. JENNIFER Good morning. He covers his reaction at seeing her, smiles. "DEVON" Good morning. I...didn't expect you so early. JENNIFER I understand the Cernium is to be moved. I wanted to be here for the grand event. "DEVON" Preparations are almost complete...it won't be much longer. JENNIFER (beat) How much longer? He checks his watch. "DEVON" No more than half an hour. (to guards) I want all of you upstairs for peri- meter security...I'll remain here. Almost despite herself, we can see her last conversation with Michael flit across her face. JENNIFER I don't understand...If you're preparing to move the Cernium, why do you strip security. "DEVON" My dear Jennifer, you charged me with providing security. Please let me provide it. (beat) Now I have a few things to check down here. I'll meet you upstairs momen- tarily. She studies him briefly, nods and turns toward the elevator. "Devon" proceeds to an access door. INT. ACCESS ROOM - DAY A small area with electrical panel boxes and telephone trunk lines that feed the building. ANGLE "Devon" enters, moves quickly to a telephone trunk box, opens the panel and uses a pair of wire clippers to snip the main cable. Sensing something, he turns. AT DOOR Jennifer watches him with a stunned expression. She turns, running, "Devon" right behind her. ANGLE IN VAULT He catches her by the arm, whirls her around to face a gun in his hand. JENNIFER Who...are you? "DEVON" It's a long story and I'm short on time. For that matter, so are you, my dear. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. GARAGE - DAY Michael pulls up in the convertible and rushes inside. INT. GARAGE - DAY The group is still working on K.I.T.T., work cloths spread on fenders, hood and trunk. RC3 is the first to see Michael. RC3 Hey, the 'main man.' We're almost finished. MICHAEL Where's Bonnie? Bonnie looks up from under the dash. BONNIE Two more minutes, Michael. He nods, paces impatiently. Tries to peer under a work cloth but RC3 scolds him with a look. MICHAEL Sorry. ANGLE INSIDE K.I.T.T. Finishing the installation of the CPU, Bonnie notices a button on K.I.T.T.'s dash, labeled "C". It wasn't there before. RC3 patrols the perimeter. RC3 C'mon, guys, move like you're hearing sirens, supper's in the backseat and Mama's home hungry. BONNIE RC3...what is this button? He peers in innocently. RC3 What button? BONNIE This one. It's marked 'C.' RC3 Beats me. MICHAEL (a plea) Bonnie...! BONNIE Okay, okay. She climbs out. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael, Bonnie and RC3 watch as K.I.T.T. is lowered off hydraulic jacks, work cloths removed, etc. The ghetto workers look like an Indy pit crew. MICHAEL Give me a quick rundown. BONNIE Except for some fringe programs, he's fully operational.... Michael nods, satisfied, climbs into K.I.T.T. ad-libbing "Thanks...you guys are incredible," etc. Bonnie chases after him. BONNIE Michael, wait! I developed two new systems -- They won't make up for the loss of his Molecular Bonded Shell, but they may help --- Michael fires up K.I.T.T...or rather tries to; he won't start. Reactions all around. BONNIE Just a minute. She reaches under the hood, makes an adjustment. BONNIE Try it now. Michael does, and K.I.T.T. fires up. Applause all around. MICHAEL Thanks, Bonnie. (to others) RC3, fellas...supper's in the back- seat and Mama's home hungry. He drops K.I.T.T. into gear. They laugh, ad-lib good luck, etc. RC3 gives him a thumbs up and Michael hits the accelerator. ANOTHER ANGLE Overhead door raised, K.I.T.T. flashes by with a roar. Hold on the group.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. CHICAGO STREETS - DAY Michael swings out of the garage and under the elevated trains, then takes a turn out of the "loop" and onto a faster road. MICHAEL'S VOICE Hey, buddy, welcome back! K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Thank you, Michael. It's certainly good to be back. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael admires K.I.T.T.'s systems. MICHAEL How do you feel? K.I.T.T. I feel fine. (beat) Michael, may I ask you a question? MICHAEL Anything, pal. K.I.T.T. How do I look? Michael groans. MICHAEL Some things never change. K.I.T.T. According to Bonnie, my new Super Pursuit Mode and E.B.S. produce an altered configuration. MICHAEL 'Super' Pursuit Mode -- forty percent more speed according to Bonnie. But what's 'E.B.S.'? K.I.T.T. Emergency Braking System. I'm quite anxious to see how I'll look. MICHAEL Unless I miss my guess, you'll get the chance pretty soon. (hits buttons) Plot the fastest route to the vault. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. INTERCUT - MONITOR A street map of Chicago flashes across the screen, a red dot denoting their location, another dot the vault. K.I.T.T. I have it, Michael. May I suggest you try my new Super Pursuit Mode? MICHAEL If we ever needed an edge, it's now. Michael hits the designated button. SERIES OF INSERTS An Air Dam slides down on K.I.T.T.'s front end. The rear fin converts to a new aerodynamic shape as the rear end lifts up to expose two jet exhausts...Side vents slide outward. An air intake vent pops up from the hood. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. The Super Pursuit Mode transformation complete, we see a whole new K.I.T.T. -- sleeker, meaner, a car out of the future dropped into today. K.I.T.T. explodes forward in a burst of speed. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael is pressed back into the seat, an amazed expression on his face. K.I.T.T. Well, what do you think? MICHAEL Wow. K.I.T.T. I take it you're pleased. MICHAEL 'Pleased' doesn't begin to describe it, pal. VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. speeds through the streets of Chicago in Super Pursuit Mode. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Estimated time of arrival has been reduced from fourteen minutes to eight minutes, twenty seconds. EXT. TUNNEL - DAY The Juggernaut rolls out of the tunnel, still on the rails, and becomes exposed to outside observation for a short dis- tance as it races through the train yards then back under the massive buildings, the southern branch of the Chicago River on its left framed by the Fashion Mart...It reenters the underground area and directly to a brick wall, racing for it. INT. VAULT - DAY "Devon" checks his watch again, then moves to the emergency security panel and pulls a lever, in effect sealing off the vault and elevators. THE WALL It explodes inward under the impact of the Juggernaut's Contact Detonating Tip, sending a shower of steel and brick. Sirens go off. WIDER ANGLE Hower and Nordstrom exit the Juggernaut, drag Devon down and chain him to a pipe where Jennifer is, also chained. They're both gagged, their eyes transfer their conversation as Jennifer looks between the two Devons. DIFFERENT ANGLES IN VAULT LOBBY, ETC. Full alert, the security team trying desperately to get into the elevators, find themselves sealed out. They open up on the steel door with their weapons, but nothing budges. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE IN VAULT "Devon" and Hower load the leaded box containing the Cernium One-sixteen onto the Juggernaut while Nordstrom attaches an explosive device to the wall. He sets the timer to three minutes, turns to look at Devon and Jennifer. NORDSTROM Now you see your ultimate value, eh? A scapegoat -- the assumption being that you masterminded the theft of the Cernium, accidentally blowing yourself and Miss Knight up in the process. That assumption will divert attention from my escape...and my plans for our precious new element. He chuckles, climbs into the Juggernaut. It rolls back out through the opening in the wall. OMITTED EXT. TRAIN YARD - DAY A flatbed truck already has its ramp down. The Juggernaut rolls up on the flatbed and is quickly covered with a tarp. The truck pulls away on a dirt road adjacent to the tracks. CUT TO EXT. CHICAGO STREET - DAY K.I.T.T. speeds into the midtown area in Super Pursuit Mode. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL At this speed, we'd better try your Emergency Braking System. K.I.T.T. Good thinking, Michael. Michael hits the E.B.S. button. K.I.T.T. Rear side vents flip out as air brakes, the roof hinging up in the same fashion; K.I.T.T. slows immediately. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael hits another switch which converts K.I.T.T. out of Super Pursuit Mode. INSERTS It reverses the process, the air dams, spoilers, rear end, jet exhausts tuck into the car and it is converted back into its normal mode. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael notices something. MICHAEL What's this button marked 'C'? K.I.T.T. 'C?' I have no idea. MICHAEL Maybe something Bonnie forgot to tell us about. Kitt, give me a scan and infrared on the vault. INTERCUT AS NEEDED - MONITOR as it scans the building and works its way down to the vault area. Graphics flash across the screen, then the full schematic of the vault appears. K.I.T.T. Michael, the vault has already been entered through the sub-basement wall! MICHAEL That ramrod -- any sign of the Cernium. K.I.T.T. None whatsoever, but I'm picking up an explosive timing device inside the vault and my Heat Sensors indicate two people. MICHAEL (realizes) Devon...Kitt, can you micro jam it? The schematic of the timing device. K.I.T.T. It's mercury weighted. An attempt could set it off. MICHAEL How much time left? K.I.T.T. Eighteen seconds. Michael jams down on the gas. K.I.T.T. rips around the building to the side alley and then down a service road that takes them into the train yards. OMITTED MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE HOLE IN THE BRICK WALL jams down on the gas...K.I.T.T. shoots forward. MICHAEL Full turbo, pal! SCENE K.I.T.T. flies in through the opening in the wall to: INT. VAULT - DAY He skids to a screeching stop. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE The console to your left. INSERT - TIMING DEVICE as its digital display counts down the last five seconds. WIDER ANGLE Michael runs past Devon and Jennifer and dives for the device, yanking off the wall as he skids across the floor. He pulls the wires from the explosives as the digital countdown reads one second. ANOTHER ANGLE He slumps against the wall, takes a breath, looks over to Devon and Jennifer, then crosses to them and removes the tape from Devon's mouth. MICHAEL In the nick of time, as they say. Kitt, a little help with this lock, por favor. DEVON (urgent) Michael, they have the Cernium! INTERCUT K.I.T.T. Graphics of the lock over: MICHAEL They can't get far --- DEVON You must make sure they don't -- Michael, I heard them talking -- Philip Nordstrom is an assumed identity. The face you see was produced by laser reconstruction -- he was Doctor Von Furst's first subject! MICHAEL Devon, you're losing me --- The lock opens and Devon grabs his arm. DEVON Philip Nordstrom is an international terrorist known by half a dozen names. He disappeared several years ago, presumed dead. If he succeeds in getting the Cernium out of the country.... MICHAEL (a reaction) I'm on my way. Michael glances at Jennifer, then crosses to K.I.T.T. and climbs in. MICHAEL I'll let you take care of Jennifer. Between you and me, her silence is a treat. ANOTHER ANGLE As Devon works to free her, Michael and K.I.T.T. exit back out through the hole. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. TRAIN YARDS - DAY Michael heads down the dirt road next to the tracks. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael turns off the road onto one of the surface streets that crosses the River into the city. MICHAEL If the Juggernaut was driving surface streets we'd be picking up police reports. Kitt, scan the area for a truck with a serious overload. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. INTERCUT - MONITOR The street map of Chicago, crossing left to right, then north to south, various flashes lit and then discounted by K.I.T.T. Then it centers in on one flashing dot. K.I.T.T. I have one! MICHAEL (looks) Good work. Now check for an airstrip or a pier nearby. K.I.T.T. Both within a mile, but Lake Michigan only connects with the other Great Lakes. There's an airstrip south of Soldier's Field. MICHAEL That's gotta be it. Plot me a course, pal. WIDE ANGLE Michael spins a U-turn and heads east, past the El of the loop and turning out toward the branch in the river. OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael recovers, hits the overhead buttons. MICHAEL Let's try Super Pursuit Mode again. K.I.T.T. By all means! INSERT The series of changes. STREETS as K.I.T.T. speeds through on Super Pursuit Mode. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE If I do say so, I'm quite pleased with my new look. CUT TO EXT. PARKING LOT - SOLDIER'S FIELD - DAY The truck pulls into the airfield and swings around to a twin engine plane. Dr. Von Furst stands next to the wing. ANGLE The tarp is pulled off the Juggernaut. The box with Cernium One-sixteen is hoisted down and wheeled towards the cargo section of the plane. HOWER (looking off) I don't believe it...! THEIR POINT OF VIEW In the distance, K.I.T.T. makes the turn into the entrance. SCENE Nordstrom reacts. NORDSTROM Stop it! Hower jumps back into the driver's seat. The Juggernaut roars to life, rolls down the ramp and onto the blacktop... Spins around to meet the oncoming K.I.T.T. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as K.I.T.T. jams to a stop with the aid of E.B.S. Mode. Then retracts into his conventional mode. MICHAEL I think we have a fight on our hands -- let's not use Super Pursuit Mode unless we have to. K.I.T.T. My Comprehensive Configuration Analysis denotes no outward weak spots in that monster. An explosive Contact Detonator has been added to the ramrod since our last meeting. MICHAEL That's the bad news. K.I.T.T. Michael, don't forget -- I have no Molecular Bonded Shell. MICHAEL No, but we've learned a few things since our last encounter. OMITTED JUGGERNAUT heads for K.I.T.T...The explosive tip on the ramrod looking deadly. K.I.T.T. burns rubber as he swings to the side and, using his speed and maneuverability, manages to avoid the deadly ramrod. WIDER ANGLE Michael swings K.I.T.T. around in a full circle, causing the Juggernaut to come to a stop, attempting to follow him. Then Michael drives directly at one of the rear tires, at the last minute swerves away. PLANE It starts to roll down the runway, picks up speed. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael eyes the plane, hits the accelerator. SCENE The plane has to stop and swerve out of the way. THE JUGGERNAUT closing in on Michael. K.I.T.T. swerves out of the way at the last moment. MICHAEL How long will it take for that plane to swing around for another takeoff run? K.I.T.T. I estimate twenty-two seconds, Michael. MICHAEL That's how much time we have to get rid of that ramrod. SERIES OF CUTS Michael swings a circle around the Juggernaut, teasing it.... Hower, in the Juggernaut, is enraged. He jams down on the gas.... Michael, right in front of the Juggernaut, leads it off the edge of the asphalt. A fuel truck a distance away. Michael heads directly for them, the Juggernaut's explosive ramrod just feet away from him.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael braces himself. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, Oil Drop and Turbo Boost. The panel lights, designate the functions. INSERT Oil sprays from the underside of K.I.T.T.'s rear end. SCENE K.I.T.T. zooms from the ground and over the fuel truck. JUGGERNAUT'S POINT OF VIEW as the fuel truck comes closer and Hower skids into it. SCENE A huge explosion as the Juggernaut hits the fuel truck with the ramrod's explosive tip. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. as Michael spins around and heads for the plane, which is making another takeoff attempt. MICHAEL They've got a good head start. Super Pursuit Mode, buddy! K.I.T.T. Oh, good! INSERTS As before, K.I.T.T. converts to Super Pursuit Mode. DIFFERENT ANGLES K.I.T.T., in S.P.M., races down the asphalt, gaining on the plane, and then, once ahead of it, forcing it off to one side, unable to maintain takeoff speed. ANOTHER ANGLE MICHAEL Good work, Kitt. Now let's use your Communications Link to patch in to the plane. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. MICHAEL (beat) All right, gentlemen -- open the door and exit with your hands over your heads. INTERCUT - INSIDE THE PLANE Nordstrom is furious...He picks up the mike in the cockpit. NORDSTROM I have Doctor Quinlin. Any further interference and I'll kill him. MICHAEL You're going nowhere. I can keep you here indefinitely and you have Cernium One-sixteen on board. It won't stay stable indefinitely... (beat) It's your move. ANOTHER ANGLE The plane's door opens and "Devon" jumps down, starts to make a run for it. Michael climbs out and takes out after him, tackling "Devon". "Devon" gets up, throws a punch. MICHAEL I was hoping you'd do that. Now he swings, catching "Devon" full in the face. Two or three more blows and it's all over. DOOR OF PLANE We hold on it for a few beats, then it opens again and, one by one, they step out. MICHAEL If you'll all just move a little closer together, I'd like to get a family portrait. (to K.I.T.T.) Kitt, you do the honors. K.I.T.T. My pleasure, Michael. A click is heard...and: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT EIGHT TAG FADE IN EXT. GRANT PARK - DAY A small celebration is in progress...Devon, Bonnie, Michael, Marta, and Jennifer Knight.... MICHAEL It's only a little button with a 'C' on it. Why can't you just tell me? DEVON Michael, you'll simply have to wait. BONNIE I promised RC3.... Jennifer steps over, laughing. JENNIFER I've learned two things from this recent incident...One is to be patient and not interfere with things I know very little about... (beat) And the second is that your name is Michael Knight...Spelled like mine, and I'm very grateful and proud that it is. She kisses him. He smiles. MICHAEL Then tell your other employees here to let me push the button. MARTA Look who's here. They turn as RC3's convertible chugs up the driveway...He has a bottle of champagne tucked under one arm and a dazzling grin. Ad-lib greetings. RC3 (to Michael) You ready for the great moment? Michael gets into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL If this is a joke... (to K.I.T.T.) Are you in on this? K.I.T.T. As I understand it, Michael, I am it. RC3 signals Michael with a point of the finger. RC3 Countdown...Three, two, one...'C' button! OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael presses the "C" button. INSERTS The T-roof lifts up and folds back into the trunk, which opens to receive it. The windows roll down. A flat panel slides out to cover the roof...and then: ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. He is suddenly, miraculously, a convertible. There is a round of applause, oohs and ahhas. K.I.T.T. Michael, I love it...but is it me? MICHAEL (grins) It is now, pal. (to them) Who do I thank for this? RC3 Man has to have a rag roof and at least 400 horses under him or life is just regular. DEVON A man also has to have a job and a future... (beat) How would you like one, Reginald? RC3 (pleased) With you? DEVON With the Foundation for Law and Government. I'm offering you a job, not an adoption. RC3 I'll take it! (turning) What do you think about that, Michael? OMITTED ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. Michael driving away with Marta and Jennifer in Convertible Mode. They wave back to the group. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. MICHAEL For what, buddy? K.I.T.T. Getting away from RC3 before he tried to break that bottle of champagne on me. Reactions...laughter. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END