EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60219 Robert Foster August 6, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 8/ 8/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 8/12/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 8/13/85 (F.R.) Rev. 8/14/85 (F.R.) Rev. 8/15/85 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 8/15/85 (F.R.) Rev. 8/16/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER SKY KNIGHT by Carlton Hollander & Dennis Rodriguez _______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - DAY - ESTABLISHING OMITTED INT. TERMINAL - DAY Michael and Bonnie, carrying luggage, walk towards the security check in. There are two security stations, each manned by a security officer. Both stations possess the normal devices -- X-ray, metal detector, alarm.... MOVING SHOT BONNIE Maybe I should have taken the train. MICHAEL This is the only way you'll ever make it to your sister's wedding in time. BONNIE I think I'd rather be late than terrified. MICHAEL Flying is safer than driving a car. (into comlink) Tell her, Kitt. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. It may be safer than traveling by automobile, Michael, but there is no doubt that air travel is one of the most unnatural modes of transportation ever devised by the mind of man. MICHAEL Thanks a lot, buddy. You really helped. BONNIE It's not Kitt's fault, Michael. He was programmed to be afraid of flying. MICHAEL But you were the programmer. BONNIE I know. They reach the first line. ANGLE TO INCLUDE NICK a fifteen-year-old hotshot with an eye for the ladies. Nick gives Bonnie the once-over and likes what he sees. NICK You in smoking? BONNIE (amused) Non-smoking. NICK Good! Nick places his duffle bag on the conveyor belt, stands back and grins at Bonnie. Their attention is drawn by the sound of the metal detector alarm beeping. ANGLE - DETECTOR X-RAY SCREEN AND ALARM LIGHTS The origin of the beeps -- the screen displays Nick's duffle bag with what appears to be a toy car inside. Alarm lights are flashing. ANGLE - CHARLES ZURICH He is a few people behind Bonnie in line. An affable, folksy-looking kind of guy in his later forties, Charles Zurich reacts to the alert. With him in line is Steven, a young, intellectual type; and Kurt, a guy who looks too tough to wear a three-piece suit. All three carry attache cases. Zurich looks at the alarm, then glances O.S. in the direc- tion of the other line where Larry and Eddie, two young, nervous-looking guys, stand. Larry carries a large briefcase. He glances back toward Zurich, who nods, then gestures for them to remain calm. A Security Officer removes Nick's duffle bag from beneath the scanner and opens it. SECURITY OFFICER Please, remove the contents. Nick glances quickly at Bonnie, then pulls out a few items of clothing before removing a battery-powered toy car. SECURITY OFFICER That's the culprit. NICK (embarrassed; for Bonnie's benefit) It's for my little brother. The kid's really into toys. BONNIE Most kids are. NICK Yeah, isn't that the truth! Nick shoves his stuff back into his bag. The car slips from his hand and rolls along the security desk...Michael grabs it before it rolls off the counter. He examines it and hands it back to Nick who nods and moves on. Bonnie hugs Michael, passes through, leaving him on the other side. MICHAEL Give your sister my best. BONNIE I will. See you in a week. MICHAEL Have fun. OMITTED ON BONNIE as she starts to move down the concourse and is joined by Nick, who has been hovering nearby. NICK You flying alone? That's great! Listen, I buy the drinks, okay? And don't argue, a pretty lady like you, are you kiddin'...? Bonnie glances back toward Michael, somewhat delighted to be in the clutches of this fifteen-year-old Don Juan. Michael grins, waves once more and turns to exit the terminal. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Larry places the briefcase on the conveyor belt, then both he and Eddie begin backing away. The Security Officer watches them, then glances up at the X-ray screen, sees what appears to be a bomb inside -- metal pipes, detonator and wires. SECURITY OFFICER It's a bomb. OMITTED WIDER ANGLE - MICHAEL reacts, turns to see a Security Officer reacting to detector, then on walkie-talkie. SECURITY OFFICER Security, we have an emergency in terminal five. This is a code Red. I repeat, code Red! The security guard from station number one has abandoned his post and is moving people back off the bomb. He is pointing toward Larry and Eddie, who are trying to leave without incident. SECURITY OFFICER That's them, they're the ones who planted the bomb! They turn and flee, heading for an exit door to the airfield. The guards take off after them. OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL as he runs toward the exit door. MICHAEL (on comlink) Kitt, meet me behind the terminal, on the double! INT. K.I.T.T. All systems come to life. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. The accelerator depresses. OMITTED INT. TERMINAL - SECURITY STATIONS They have been abandoned. Zurich, Steve and Kurt wait a moment longer, then walk around the station unwatched then proceed quickly down the concourse toward the boarding gates. OMITTED EXT. REAR OF TERMINAL - DAY Michael bursts from inside the terminal, looks one direc- tion, then the other, sees something O.S. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - WHITE VAN Larry and Eddie scrambling inside. K.I.T.T. pulls around the corner. MICHAEL Let's stop them right here, pal! Microjam. OMITTED WIDER ANGLE Michael runs towards the van just as the van's doors are opening. Larry tumbles out, followed by Eddie, who stumbles over him as he tries to make his escape. Eddie takes a wild swing, Michael ducks, lands a right to the midsection that sends Eddie reeling back towards the van. Michael brings both up to their feet, as airport security vehicles screech up. OMITTED INT. AIRPLANE (FLIGHT 34) - DAY - ON MARY a stewardess, as she carries pillows down the aisle. She passes Zurich, who is flipping through a magazine. Across the aisle are Bonnie and Nick. Bonnie is trying to read, but Nick obviously has other ideas. NICK Would you like the window seat? There's plenty to see. BONNIE Thanks. Maybe later. NICK The name's Nick, what's yours? BONNIE Bonnie. Pleased to meet you, Nick. NICK Going to Boston, eh? BONNIE Yes, my sister's getting married tomorrow. NICK What a waste. BONNIE Getting married?..Or Boston? NICK No, I meant...my parents were married in Boston. BONNIE Oh? Were you visiting a relative out here? NICK Yeah, my mother. Now I'm going to see my father. Mary approaches to take drink orders. MARY Would either of you care for a drink? NICK (brightening) Sure, we'll have a couple of Martinis. Stir, don't shake, we don't wanna bruise the gin. MARY (amused) I'm sorry, but I think all of our gin has been bruised. BONNIE Make mine a root beer. NICK Make it two. Mary smiles at Bonnie, turns to get the order from across the aisle. ANGLE - ANOTHER SEAT A stern-looking woman, Mrs. Swanson, in her sixties is sitting next to her son, Floyd, studious looking and thirty-five and totally intimidated by this woman.... MRS SWANSON Make that three root beers and I'll have one of those bruised martinis. FLOYD I think I'll have a Scotch mother. MRS SWANSON Not a chance. You can't handle liquor any more than your father could. You'll have a root beer. A sympathetic look passes from Mary and Floyd. ANGLE - ZURICH AND MARY MARY Could I get you a refreshment, sir? Zurich opens his magazine to reveal a 9mm pistol. ZURICH I think maybe the Captain would like some coffee, don't you? Zurich stands, the gun held on Mary from beneath the magazine. She leads him up the aisle to the cockpit door, Steven and Kurt watching from their respective seats. OMITTED ANGLE - COCKPIT DOOR ZURICH Now don't get fancy on me, sweetheart ...Just knock on that door and announce coffee. Mary knocks on the door. MARY Coffee...? INT. COCKPIT Captain Bill Rogers, a copilot and a navigator. Without looking back, the navigator unlatches the cockpit door and opens it. Zurich slips in. ROGERS Mary, don't forget my two lumps this time, would you please? ZURICH Wouldn't dream of it, Captain. Rogers and his crew react to Zurich and his gun. ZURICH Good morning gentlemen. ROGERS Sir, you are committing an act of air piracy, a felony under Federal Aviation law. I must inform you at this time that my responsibility.... ZURICH ...Is only for the safety of your passengers and your behavior will, in no way, constitute support of my actions or political beliefs. That's real nice, Captain, now please remain calm. Zurich opens his attache case, revealing a sophisticated electronic device with a small radar screen and many dials and settings. We see a blip on the screen. Zurich sets the dials and pushes a button which causes the screen to turn to "snow." ZURICH As of this moment, Captain, we are off radar. Rogers glares at Zurich. ZURICH I'm going to take you all to some very pretty country. Your new heading, Captain, will be one twenty- three. (beat) Don't be a hero. He levels the pistol at the Captain who turns back to the controls; then he picks up an intercom. ZURICH Ladies and gentlemen, you are now in the hands of the New Dawn Movement. OMITTED ANGLE - STEVEN opens the attache case which sits on his lap and extracts an Uzi with a collapsible stock. Steven locks the stock in place and jumps to his feet, brandishing the Uzi as Kurt, from another part of the plane, also gets to his feet with an Uzi. STEVEN If you want to live you'll do exactly as you're told. OMITTED ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE AND NICK Along with the other passengers, they react, stunned. BONNIE My God, no! Steven has Mary in front of him. He gives her a large plastic bag. STEVEN Your wallets and purses in the bag. Mary starts down the aisle, Kurt steps in behind her while Steven maintains his position at the front of the cabin. The passengers throw their wallets and purses into the bag. BONNIE (to Nick) Please, do as they say. Nick angrily takes out his wallet and throws it into the bag. Bonnie then holds up her wallet, a beautifully etched leather piece, and hesitates, then tosses it into the bag. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The semi rolling, K.I.T.T. coming into scene from opposite direction, hangs a 180 and charges after the semi, rolling onto the ramp. INT. SEMI - DAY Devon is on the phone as RC3 enters worriedly. DEVON (on phone) Yes, I'll hold. (a beat, to RC3) Shouldn't you be behind the wheel? RC3 We're on auto pilot. (concerned) Any news of Bonnie? DEVON (back on phone) Yes.... Over this Michael and K.I.T.T. pull in, screech to a stop, Michael climbing out. Ad-lib greetings with RC3 over: DEVON (on phone) I see. Thank you. (to Michael) Bad news, Michael. It's as we feared. Bonnie's flight disappeared from radar fifteen minutes ago. MICHAEL (deflated) What about that bomb? DEVON It's a fake...That's why they let Bonnie's flight go on schedule. MICHAEL I had a feeling it might be. It was a decoy -- a smoke screen for their real purpose. The phone rings and Devon answers it. DEVON (on phone) Yes, patch it through. Devon places the telephone receiver on a modem. DEVON That was airport security, they're receiving a transmission from the plane. MICHAEL Kitt, pick this up and give me a voice analysis. Michael, Devon and RC3 look expectantly up at the speaker. ZURICH (O.S.) Gentlemen.... OMITTED EXT. HARRIS FIELD - BUNKER - DAY In the immediate f.g. we see just the wing and landing gear of a commercial jetliner. Beyond is Harris Field, an abandoned military airfield. Next to one of the hangars is a bunker, with a powerful radio transmitter above. Between the jetliner and the bunker is a perimeter fence. There are signs everywhere of robotic weaponry -- missile packs, .50 caliber guns and mortars and mines. ZURICH (O.S.) ...this is the new commander of Flight 34. We are now on the ground and all the passengers are doing fine. INT. BUNKER - DAY A split level, high-tech war room. Zurich stands at the communication center which contains broadcast equipment, computers and a huge monitor above. In the b.g. is a black monolith about ten feet high which will be revealed later as the Doomsday Device. The bunker is totally enclosed, with catwalks above the main floor. The passengers, including Bonnie and Nick and the Swansons in the f.g., are on the main floor. Steven, Kurt, and five guards patrol the catwalks. ZURICH (on radio) Fortunately, there were no heroes. Just a lot of people who want to get home safely. INT. SEMI - INTERCUT AS NEEDED ZURICH A list containing the names of one hundred and ninety-seven men currently serving time in this state's prisons should be arriving about now at the Justice Department. My demands are simple. In addition to three million dollars cash, I want each and every one of those political prisoners named on that list released. Details of how and where will be forthcoming. Zurich moves to the catwalk railing, studies the passengers. ZURICH (on radio) You have twenty-four hours to comply or The New Dawn Movement will have no choice but to begin executing these people one at a time. (a beat) I'll be in touch. Zurich cuts the mike, grins at Steven and throws him a wink. Steven raises his Uzi in a salute. Zurich moves off the catwalk, down to the main floor. Kurt stands at a table piled high with the wallets of the passengers. Kurt hands Zurich Bonnie's wallet. OMITTED CLOSER ANGLE as Zurich opens it, sees ID for F.L.A.G. Kurt nods in Bonnie's direction. Zurich turns and smiles. ZURICH Foundation for Law and Government. An organization, as I recall, that meddled in the affairs of others. Zurich hands Bonnie her wallet. ZURICH Unless my demands are met, I think it would be appropriate if you're the first hostage to be executed. Bonnie stares incredulously down at her F.L.A.G. card. ZURICH Foundation for Law and Government -- I'm afraid it's become your death warrant. OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN INT. SEMI - DAY ZURICH (O.S.) I'll be in touch. Michael pushes the off button. MICHAEL Kitt, have you got the voice analysis yet? K.I.T.T. Just completed, Michael. Sorry it took so long but it took special cooperation from the authorities to cut through the maze of security clearances. DEVON Security clearances? K.I.T.T. Yes, it appears our hijacker was at one time in a strategically sensitive position. OMITTED ANGLE - SEMI MONITOR A photo of Charles Zurich, basically a security mug shot. K.I.T.T. Charles Zurich, age forty-nine. Until two years ago he was with Special Operations for the National Security Commission. MICHAEL And now he's a freelancer. K.I.T.T. Exactly, Michael. It seems he was passed over for promotion. The NSC dismissed him when it suspected he was manipulating funds. He was about to be charged when he simply disap- peared. RC3 Yeah, but what would he want with 197 cons? MICHAEL He calls them 'political prisoners,' but I had Kitt check 'em out -- they're hard-core murderers and thieves, not a political bone in their bodies. (beat) Tell me if I'm wrong, Devon, but aren't there 197 troops in an expanded infantry company? DEVON My God! RC3 A ready-made terrorist army.... MICHAEL (nods) Yes...but what for? (to K.I.T.T.) Kitt, tap into every source you can -- I want all there is on Mr. Charles Zurich. K.I.T.T. Of course Michael. MICHAEL (to Devon) Anything on the two guys in the van? DEVON (shakes his head) They've been well-rehearsed. MICHAEL What about their van? DEVON The police were good enough to provide a readout...just odds and ends, really.... On the semi's main frame he accesses the findings. Michael studies the miscellaneous items, all innocuous, some tickets.... MICHAEL Doesn't tell you much, does it.... RC3 (over his shoulder) One of 'em smokes too much, and they like drive-in movies...They've been to the same double feature for the past six days.... MICHAEL Sounds more like a meeting place than a movie.... RC3 I'll be glad to check it out.... MICHAEL No, you baby-sit the semi, I'll go to the movies.... He gets into K.I.T.T.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. SEMI - DAY The ramp lowers, K.I.T.T. rolls out, makes a 180 and roars out. CUT TO EXT. DRIVE-IN THEATER - DAY K.I.T.T., approaching the empty theater, moves past the marquee and toward the closed entry gates. OMITTED MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - GATES Michael drives through, passing a sign which reads: Warning -- Do Not Back Up, Severe Tire Damage. EXT./INT. DRIVE-IN THEATER - DAY The vast lot is empty. K.I.T.T. cruises past the playground beneath the screen, then heads towards the rear past the snack bar. MICHAEL Okay, pal, keep your scanner peeled for anything unusual. K.I.T.T. Would you care to be more specific? MICHAEL Would if I could, buddy. K.I.T.T.'s systems flash across the monitor. Michael drives slowly, eyes covering everything. K.I.T.T. Michael, if 'unusual' is the requi- site, I may have something. MICHAEL Lay it on me. K.I.T.T. The speaker dead center, number 1204 last row has been altered to function as a telephone. MICHAEL Let's check it out. As K.I.T.T. moves to the last row, and the center speaker, Michael brings the speaker into the car. MICHAEL If we make a connection I want you to run a trace. K.I.T.T. I'm ready, Michael. Michael depresses the tone button. MICHAEL Zurich told me to come here. Silence. MICHAEL He said I could make contact here. I've got some important information for him. SPEAKER VOICE Is this regarding 'Deep Sleep'? MICHAEL (reacts) 'Deep Sleep'...right. SPEAKER VOICE Hold on. K.I.T.T. (sotto voce) Michael, the speaker connects directly with a switcher located in the office above the snack bar. An outgoing call is being made at this moment.... CUT TO INT. BUNKER - DAY Zurich picks up the telephone, listens. ZURICH I made no arrangements for a contact. (a beat) Find out who he is, then terminate him. (a beat) Yes, that's right. Terminate. CUT TO EXT./INT. DRIVE-IN THEATER - DAY SPEAKER VOICE Could you state your business more specifically? MICHAEL I could, but it's got to be directly with Zurich. Michael reacts to something O.S. MICHAEL Uh oh, looks like we got company. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - TWO SEDANS barreling towards him from either side of the movie screen. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL No time for tag with the small fry, pal. Contact the police. K.I.T.T. With pleasure, Michael. ANOTHER ANGLE The two sedans fly over the humps. A gunman hangs out of each shotgun window, firing an automatic weapon. The sedans close in on K.I.T.T., the bullets pinging off. K.I.T.T. roars off in the opposite direction, the converging sedans almost collide but manage to avoid one another at the last moment. SERIES OF SHOTS K.I.T.T. being chased by the sedans over the humps, between the speakers, along the perimeter fence. MICHAEL How close are the police? K.I.T.T. Within two blocks Michael.... MICHAEL All right, buddy, let's deliver them.... OMITTED SERIES OF SHOTS K.I.T.T., the sedans, Michael finally leads the pack around the back fence, then directly towards the entrance. ANGLE - ENTRANCE featuring sign: WARNING - NO EXIT - SEVERE TIRE DAMAGE! ANGLE - REVERSE SPIKES blocking entrance. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. heading directly at the spikes. MICHAEL This'll blow 'em away! REVERSE ANGLE - ENTRANCE featuring reverse spikes as K.I.T.T. rolls over them without damage. The first sedan attempts the same feat and blows all four tires. ANOTHER ANGLE - FIRST SEDAN out of control, spinning and coming to a stop. BACK TO ENTRANCE The second sedan plows through, blowing all four of its tires. WIDER ANGLE as two black and whites, sirens blasting and lights flashing, pull to a screeching stop on either side of the sedans. OMITTED ANGLE - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've traced that call to a town in southwestern Arizona called Cactus. MICHAEL Good work, buddy. Get me Devon. MONITORS - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Devon flicks on.... DEVON Michael, are you all right? MICHAEL No worse than any normal Saturday night at the drive-in movies. We made connection -- a call from the drive-in to Zurich in a town in Arizona called Cactus. DEVON We'll be right behind you. MICHAEL Good -- oh, and Devon, whatever Zurich's got planned, the code name is Deep Sleep and let's hope that isn't Bonnie's future. DEVON My thoughts exactly, Michael. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt. It's time for a little Super Pursuit Mode. Michael hits the SPM button as Devon disappears. SERIES OF INSERTS An air dam slides down on K.I.T.T.'s front end. The rear fin converts to a new aerodynamic shape as the rear end lifts up to expose two jet exhausts. Side vents slide outward. An air intake vent pops up from the hood. ON K.I.T.T. The Super Pursuit Mode transformation complete, K.I.T.T. explodes. CUT TO INT. BUNKER - DAY - ON ZURICH as he patrols on the catwalk. He stops, lights a cigarette and looks down to the floor. ANGLE - ZURICH'S POINT OF VIEW - BONNIE She is looking up at him, then turns away. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE AND NICK Nick is absently playing with his toy car. NICK I should have told them it was my wallet. BONNIE Since when could you pass as a Bonnie? NICK It's not fair, them choosing you to be the first. BONNIE I'm not going to die, Nick. I've got some very special friends who are going to see that I don't. ANGLE ON SWANSON SEATS Floyd is exchanging a look with Mary, the stewardess. His mother catches it and interrupts him. MRS. SWANSON I would think in a situation like this you'd be paying some attention to me.... Floyd is a little annoyed, but as usual, patient with her. But not frightened!... FLOYD What would you like to discuss Mother? Shall we walk about your summer plans for us in the Hamptons? Shall it be three weeks or four this year... (beat) Or perhaps none at all.... On his mother's shocked look we: CUT TO ANGLE - ZURICH He has been watching Bonnie. He turns to Steven, who sits at the communications panel. ZURICH Well...? STEVEN The police have the drive-in and four of our men. ZURICH Did we get an ID? STEVEN Michael Knight. He works for The Foundation for Law and Government. ZURICH I see.... Zurich turns and looks toward Bonnie, then moves to the Doomsday Device. ZURICH Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please! They turn their attention to Zurich. ZURICH Now, I know some of you believe in miracles...Like those which may have been wrought in the past from organi- zations like...say, The Foundation for Law and Government. Well, stop believing in miracles because if any- one ever managed to get this far... Then, I'd have to activate this right here. Zurich pats the device affectionately. ZURICH (pointing to the key) This key is the secret. Pull it and fifteen minutes later everything around here and five thousand feet above us is gone. Incinerated. Everything. (beat) It's the key to life.... Zurich pulls the key, which is a long, thin piece of metal with what appears to be microchips on either side. We hear a few horrified gasps from the passengers. OMITTED ON THE DIGITAL MONITOR In huge digital numbers, the countdown has begun. ANOTHER ANGLE Bonnie and Nick stare with horror at the monitor, as do the other passengers. Holding the key, Zurich looks from hostages to monitor. ZURICH Makes you wish the government would cooperate a little quicker, doesn't it? Zurich shakes his head and inserts the key back into the device. Countdown stops at zero minus fourteen minutes and twenty seconds. Zurich leans casually over the railing, facing the hostages, clasping his hands. ZURICH What can I do? My hands are tied. I just hope all of you understand how difficult this is for me. I really do.... Zurich shrugs, smiles weakly -- a kind soul caught in a dilemma. OMITTED ANGLE - BONNIE AND NICK NICK Geez, Bonnie! BONNIE (firmly) Don't let him get to you, Nick. Don't let him do it. NICK It's not me, it's you he's gonna get. On Nick's glance at Bonnie.... CUT TO EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. at SPM roaring through the night. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Okay, pal, let's take a look at that map. ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR A map of southwestern Arizona -- a scan until we can see the town of Cactus, which sits next to a very large blank area with no ID. K.I.T.T. The only town in the area is Cactus, Michael. The call had to go there. MICHAEL That blank area next to Cactus.... K.I.T.T. Normally unidentified areas of terrain such as this would indicate government restricted areas. MICHAEL Get me Devon. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Devon comes on. MICHAEL Anything from your people in Washington? DEVON Apparently Deep Sleep was a top-secret project, Michael. Only a select group of men knew about it. MICHAEL How select? DEVON At the highest levels. My contacts have put me in touch with a man named Calvin Holmes who should be here soon. MICHAEL He'd better be one of the select few. DEVON Holmes is considered this country's top authority on techno-weaponry. He worked on Deep Sleep. MICHAEL Let me know when he arrives. I should be in Cactus by sunrise. DEVON We're right behind you, Michael. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY - DAWN A sign in f.g., riddled with bullet holes, reads: Cactus. MICHAEL We better slow down for the town buddy.... ON K.I.T.T. As it moves down highway, the Emergency Braking System engages. INSERT coming out of SPM. The intake vents retract, the side vents retract, the rear fin reconverts and the air dam retracts. EXT. MAIN STREET - CACTUS - DAWN Even though there are a few older cars parked on the street, the place seems deserted. Most of the businesses and cocktail lounges are boarded up. K.I.T.T. cruises slowly past places. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Find that phone, Kitt. K.I.T.T. The only operative phone in the immediate area is located in a booth at the end of this street. BACK TO STREET as K.I.T.T. rolls past an old, crotchety-looking man whose wardrobe looks like the town, but on his worn jacket hangs a badge denoting him as sheriff. He steps out from the shadows, watches K.I.T.T. for a beat, runs back and returns with a parking meter and note pad. Amos walks purposefully after K.I.T.T. ANGLE - PHONE BOOTH K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop along the curb nearby. ON K.I.T.T. Michael gets out. MICHAEL Do a general surveillance while I check this number out. K.I.T.T. Right away. Michael walks away toward the booth as K.I.T.T. goes into surveillance mode. His windows darken. Amos walks up to K.I.T.T., plants the parking meter and begins writing a ticket. Amos cannot see inside. K.I.T.T. Sir, that parking meter wasn't there a few minutes ago. Amos continues writing. AMOS Well, it is now, sonny. K.I.T.T. Sonny?!? AMOS Who's in there? K.I.T.T. No one, you're talking to an automobile. AMOS That crack'll cost you another twenty- five dollars! K.I.T.T. starts his engine and backs twenty feet down the street. Amos sighs, picks up the meter and places it next to K.I.T.T. AMOS You drag racers think you can come racin' in here, disrupt our rush hour traffic patterns by parkin' illegally and then leave without so much as a ticket? Think again! K.I.T.T. Drag racer?!? Sir, you are out of line! AMOS Talkin' back to a sheriff? Fifty more bucks. As Michael returns, Amos tears off the ticket and hands it to him. AMOS Better teach this friend of yours a little more respect for the law, mister. Amos grabs his parking meter and ambles off, leaving Michael shaking his head in disbelief as he climbs into K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael, but his methods were.... MICHAEL (interrupting) Forget it, pal, tell me what you've got. K.I.T.T. Incredible electronic interference to the south, Michael. MICHAEL The number in the booth didn't match the one we traced from the drive-in. Let's head south. ON K.I.T.T. as it rolls out of town into the desert. EXT. BLUFF - DAY K.I.T.T. moves up a small hill toward the edge, stops. K.I.T.T. Michael...? MICHAEL I think we've found Bonnie, pal. K.I.T.T. And somebody has found us.... OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POIUNT OF VIEW - HARRIS FIELD Sitting on the runway, outside of the fenced area in which the bunker is located, is Flight 34. ON MONITOR as it comes to life with static. ZURICH (O.S.) Mr. Knight, you're a long way from the drive-in. But since you're here, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you. ANGLE - FIELD From within the fenced area a burst of movement as an armored vehicle appears, loaded with the latest offensive weapons. It moves toward Michael and K.I.T.T. ZURICH (O.S.) Welcome to Deep Sleep.... OMITTED FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. BLUFF - DAY Michael sizes up the adversary. MICHAEL Looks like we got company, pal. WIDER ANGLE The armored vehicle, complete with a mounted .50-caliber machine gun, screams from the other side of the field towards Michael. MICHAEL If we're gonna play games, let's not play on their turf. Michael takes off, does a 180, and roars back toward Cactus. OMITTED EXT. MAIN STREET - CACTUS - DAY Michael and K.I.T.T. scream down the street. ANGLE in the opposite direction; the armored vehicle as it turns onto Main Street and stops, facing K.I.T.T. MICHAEL If we don't stop them right here, they'll own the ground the semi's going to park on. It's got to go down here and now! OMITTED WIDER ANGLE K.I.T.T. at one end of the street facing the armored vehicle, which sits at the other end. The driver smiles, looks back to his gunner, who nods, then shoots the gate, burning rubber as he heads straight toward Amos, who's holding his ground but getting a little nervous. It opens fire and bullets spray the ground in front of him. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Michael revs the engine. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, let's give these guys a run they won't forget! K.I.T.T. screams straight toward the armored vehicle. K.I.T.T. AND THE ARMORED VEHICLE - INTERCUT careening towards one another. MICHAEL Let's microlock their brakes, pal! Michael punches the buttons and K.I.T.T. performs the microlock function. OMITTED ANGLE - ARMORED VEHICLE The brakes lock, sending the gunner flying and the driver smashing into the steering wheel. ON K.I.T.T. as it passes the vehicle, spins into a 180 and heads full speed down the street. K.I.T.T. roars past the Cactus Lounge, Amos appears, ticket book in hand, shaking his fist at K.I.T.T. AMOS (just a little less convinced) I mean it, one more time and it's your license! CUT TO INT. BUNKER - DAY Steven on the radio, rips off his earphones and slams them down on the table. STEVEN They lost him in Cactus. TO INCLUDE ZURICH ZURICH He's a very lucky man -- so far. Steven grabs his Uzi. ZURICH What do you think you're doing? STEVEN Blood will stop him. ZURICH There's still time. We start killing hostages now we've lost our negotiating position. STEVEN I'm not going to wait forever. ZURICH Trust me. Let him come. Let him commit suicide. ANGLE TO INCLUDE BONNIE who has been listening from the floor. BONNIE It's Michael Knight, isn't it? ON ZURICH who glares down at her. ZURICH (for Bonnie's benefit) Steven, be so kind as to prepare a transmission. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. roars down the road. INT. K.I.T.T. as Devon comes on. INT. SEMI - INTERCUT Calvin Holmes, whom we will meet later, has joined Devon. He is tall, thin, has the ascetic look of a prophet. DEVON Michael, Zurich's just cut the dead- line in half! MICHAEL He knows we're here, Devon. DEVON Calvin Holmes from the National Security Commission is with me now, Michael. MICHAEL I'm eight minutes away from you. Have we got any help coming? He punches out. We stay in the semi. DEVON The President has appointed an intragovernmental task force to monitor the crisis and they're in constant touch with Zurich. MICHAEL Where are they posted? DEVON At a National Guard Armory thirty miles north. They've got tank, heavy weapons --- HOLMES (scoffs) -- heavy weapons --- DEVON (glares at Holmes) -- and a forty-man antiterrorist force on combat alert. HOLMES I don't know why you brought me here. Measures like that are futile. DEVON Mr. Holmes, I certainly did not bring you here to concede defeat! HOLMES You people just don't seem to understand what you're up against! On Devon's look.... EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. roars past. ANGLE ON SEMI as K.I.T.T. approaches from other direction, and we stay on K.I.T.T. as it hangs a 180, screams out after the semi and moves up into the trailer. ON THE SEMI It heads towards Cactus. INT. SEMI - DAY - ON MONITOR A schematic of Harris Field which will be intercut throughout the following to visualize the various weapons systems as they are described. Michael, Devon and Calvin Holmes. HOLMES Ten years ago, Charles Zurich and I worked for the National Security Commission. We were asked to develop an impenetrable fortress to protect top government officials in the event of a non-nuclear terrorist war. We called it 'Deep Sleep.' (a beat) The result of that collaboration is one of the most devastating defense systems ever created. It was a victim of tax cuts and abandoned. Zurich is the one man who would know how to rearm it. Holmes gestures toward the monitor where an aerial photograph of Harris Field appears with a computer-animated overlay showing the defense systems. The outer perimeter system, which encircles the terminal/bunker area and inner tarmac area, is shown via a multitude of pulsating white lights. Inside this area is a series of rectangular red lights. And closer yet to the terminal area are a series of blue, green and yellow lights. HOLMES Gentlemen, this is Deep Sleep. MICHAEL There's got to be a way. Nothing's impenetrable. HOLMES Deep Sleep is. There's no way in, by land, or by air. DEVON Explain, Mr. Holmes, exactly what you mean. Holmes' enthusiasm begins to bubble over. (He controls the images on the monitor from the console.) HOLMES An aerial attack, using paratroopers? A series of bluish-green lines, representing laser beams crisscross the area -- moving rapidly. Figures representing paratroopers fall through the laser grid and burn a bright orange as they are struck by the beams. HOLMES (O.S.) Laser beams creating a grid above the field would burn any object floating through. DEVON A plane coming in beneath the grid.... Holmes smiles, pushes a few more buttons. We see the rectangular red lights, a representative plane moving towards the terminal, and the red lights releasing hot, fiery orange missiles at the plane -- a white burst as they strike. HOLMES The missiles, sir, would make that a rather unfortunate option. The blue and green lights popping tracer bullets from various locations within the inner perimeter area, then the white lights begin exploding, and missiles fire again --- HOLMES You see, the entire field is ringed with land mines, missiles and robotic .50-caliber automatic weapons and mortars. MICHAEL Kitt, add this to your analysis of the weapons systems. K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. HOLMES It will do you no good. To insure that the compound would never fall into the hands of our enemies, we installed a doomsday device inside the bunker. Michael and Devon exchange worried glances. DEVON Mr. Holmes, are you telling us.... HOLMES (interrupting) The explosive has the power of a small nuclear device. We see a simulation of a nuclear explosion wiping out all of Harris Field.... HOLMES (almost happily) It all goes...! MICHAEL You guys really thought of everything. HOLMES Charles and I worked brilliantly together, I must say. MICHAEL (angrily) And now innocent people are going to pay! As a phone beeps in the b.g. Devon picks it up. HOLMES (a little defensively) You must understand, we were asked to protect top government officials. ON DEVON He turns back to Michael and Holmes. DEVON I'm sorry Michael, the antiterrorist force attack has been aborted...It was considered a suicide mission.... SCENE MICHAEL Devon, I've got to try. HOLMES The odds against you are staggering! MICHAEL Bonnie's in there. I have no choice now...I've got a plan.... DEVON Are you sure Michael.... MICHAEL (beat) What have we got to lose. He climbs into K.I.T.T. OMITTED INT. BUNKER - DAY A depressed Nick sits on the floor, absently playing with his car. Bonnie sits next to him. NICK I don't know about dying I never even thought about it. I've never even had a real date. BONNIE Nick, we've got friends out there. NICK (becoming angry) It's not fair! Zurich approaches, stands behind Bonnie. BONNIE Twenty-four hours from now we'll be eating ice cream and laughing. I promise. ZURICH You're a dreamer, aren't you? Bonnie and Nick react as Zurich idly kicks Nick's car across the room. He laughs and walks away. She's about as angry as she can get. BONNIE Think Michael Knight, Nick. Keep thinking Michael Knight. CUT TO SWANSONS As Zurich passes Mrs. Swanson reaches out to grasp his arm and turns to him angrily and righteously.... MRS. SWANSON Young man, you're an animal.... Zurich turns to her, his eyes flare for a beat then settle down to a cold taunting hardness.... ZURICH Am I now? Then examine the enormity of the fact than an 'animal' is in the position of power to decide whether you live or die. MRS. SWANSON If you're trying to frighten me you're failing...I'm well over seventy years old and been prepared for death for quite a few years... You would simply be advancing the schedule a season or two and not creating anything of awesome originality... (beat) In my eyes you remain an animal.... ZURICH (beats) I can create a war...I can walk into any small country with my combat group and sway the balance of power...That in turn makes me the power...I decide who runs the country and then where the next incursion will take place...This incident that surrounds is just a start, the nucleus of what I intend. MRS. SWANSON (beat) I think if I manage to live through this I'll require a rabies inoculation. Zurich stares at her a beat then starts to laugh. Floyd takes this opportunity to make a lunge at Zurich but is easily thwarted by Zurich who then coldly glances at Mrs. Swanson, then smashes Floyd across the face unnecessarily.... MRS. SWANSON That wasn't necessary.... ZURICH I chose to...Another option of power.... Zurich walks away as Mary moves to Floyd's side to administer some aid...Mrs. Swanson shows a little concern and surprise as she speaks to Floyd. MRS. SWANSON Why did you do that? FLOYD (beats) I also chose to.... A new look of respect from Mrs. Swanson.... MRS. SWANSON Floyd, is we make it through all this I'd like to buy you a glass of Scotch. Reactions...Floyd a smile. FLOYD I really do prefer root beer.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. BLUFF - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up to the edge and stops. MICHAEL Kitt, first off scan the bunker, if we do get through we have to know how many guards are inside. K.I.T.T. Michael, I can't differentiate between the hostages and the guards. MICHAEL We've got to know. (a beat) Wait a second! I've got a wild hunch ...Kitt, give me a visual of this year's MPC electronic toy cars.... One toy car after another crosses the monitor. MICHAEL C'mon, c'mon, you've got to be there someplace... (a beat) Hold it, Kitt, go back two! Visual pattern reverses, stopping on a car that looks exactly like Nick's. MICHAEL That's it! Now give me a schematic of its design. A schematic of the toy car. K.I.T.T. It hardly qualifies as a 'design,' Michael. MICHAEL Maybe not but it's the one that Bonnie's new boyfriend was carrying. Locate its ignition system, pal. Focus in on the ignition system. MICHAEL Good work! Now put that into your directional memory bank and activate your micropulse. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. MICHAEL Now phase into target using the memory. OMITTED INT. BUNKER - DAY - ON THE TOY CAR sitting on its back against a far wall behind Kurt, who stands guard. Move to Bonnie and Nick, who sit on the floor, looking worried and depressed.... Back to Kurt, who stares out with cold, killer eyes. Then down to the car, still on its back, when suddenly its rear tires begin spinning. CUT TO ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL All right, pal, give it a power thrust. K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. CUT TO ANGLE IN BUNKER Suddenly the car's wheels really whir, the headlights flash on, then off, and finally the entire car jumps as though charged by electricity. The jolt causes it to flip onto its tires and bang into the wall. ANOTHER ANGLE Hearing the tiny sound of the crash from below, Kurt checks it out, shrugs, ignoring it. OMITTED BACK TO THE CAR It backs up, clears the wall and rolls quietly past Kurt's jackboots and out onto the floor. ANGLE - NICK resting on his side, his head propped onto his arm at floor level, daydreaming about better days, when suddenly his eyes open wide. The car heading toward him. He sits up, astounded and thrilled. He nudges Bonnie as the car rolls up to them and stops. The car begins blinking its lights in Morse Code. NICK That's Morse Code! It's asking, 'How many guards?' (a beat) I was an Eagle Scout. BONNIE It's got to be Michael and Kitt. Use your controls, tap out 'three.' OMITTED EXT. BLUFF/INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR as electronic impulses flash in code. K.I.T.T. They count five guards, Michael. MICHAEL (reacts) Good news. He could have twenty men waiting...Give me silent mode pal.... INT. BUNKER - DAY - ON ZURICH standing on catwalk, looking down at Bonnie. ZURICH I'm afraid your time has run out. He nods O.S. ANGLE ON STEVEN He moves to the floor and walks directly up to Bonnie. Nick steps in between, but Steven pushes him away. STEVEN Don't worry, your time will come. On Nick's worried look: CUT TO EXT. HARRIS FIELD - DAY K.I.T.T. approaching the perimeter area, running silent. INT. K.I.T.T. Devon comes in. DEVON Zurich has just announced he's going to execute the first hostage. Michael, he's chosen Bonnie. MICHAEL (to himself) I'll be there Bonnie. INT. BUNKER Bonnie stands near the catwalk area, alone against a wall. She is terrified but trying to retain control. She looks at Nick, who holds up his toy car, a signal for hope. She smiles, turns to face Zurich. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FIELD - ON ARMORED VEHICLE as it guards the perimeter. ON K.I.T.T. moving up behind it. MICHAEL Next move pal, electronic ignition starter. Let's shake this place up! CUT TO INT. BUNKER - ON BONNIE ON ZURICH as he pulls out his 9mm pistol. CUT TO EXT. FIELD - ON ARMORED VEHICLE as it starts up, careens towards the mine field. The vehicle hits the fence, detonating a mine, which causes a huge explosion and takes out the fence. CUT TO INT. BUNKER - ON ZURICH aiming his pistol at Bonnie when, suddenly, the alarm beep goes off.... ANOTHER ANGLE as Zurich looks frantically around, forgets about Bonnie and runs up the catwalk. STEVEN He's trying to come through! He used the armored vehicle to clear a path through the mine field! ZURICH Then our first execution will be Michael Knight! ON BONNIE as Nick runs to her and hugs her. She's shaky and happy to be alive, if only for a few more moments. EXT. MINE FIELD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. moving through an imaginary maze. INT. K.I.T.T. - MONITOR A schematic of mine field with the mines forming the maze and K.I.T.T. as the cursor. Michael playing the video game of his life. MICHAEL (to himself) Okay...easy...stay inside, stay inside! BACK TO EXTERIOR as K.I.T.T. penetrates deeper. ANGLE - ROCKET LAUNCHER It moves, taking aim, and a rocket is launched. INT. K.I.T.T. - MONITOR The rocket, in the form of another cursor, approaching. K.I.T.T. Michael, we have a rocket approaching. MICHAEL Give me its launch coordinates, Kitt! The rocket launcher on the monitor, then K.I.T.T. changing direction and heading towards it. MICHAEL Use the TDS to project a heat source into that launcher, pal. The launcher begins to glow, K.I.T.T. heading straight at the launcher. The launcher glowing brightly, K.I.T.T. on top of it, and at the last second Michael turns hard to the right. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. screeching to the right, the rocket flies past and makes a direct hit on the launcher. The explosion is tremendous as all the rockets either explode or are launched like a fireworks display. INT. BUNKER - DAY - ON ZURICH slamming his fist down in anger as we hear the explosion. EXT. HARRIS FIELD - ON K.I.T.T. moving across the tarmac. ON AUTOMATIC WEAPONS .50-caliber robotic machine guns take aim and open fire. ON K.I.T.T. as bullets ping off its body. ON MORTARS Also robotic, they take aim and fire. ON K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Hang on, we've got mortars coming in! ON K.I.T.T. as it evades the mortar fire raining down. SERIES OF SHOTS The weapons fire on K.I.T.T., who manages to get through and finally out of range next to the bunker. MICHAEL Nice work, pal! Very nice! K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. INT. BUNKER - DAY Zurich stares in disbelief at the monitor. Steven bangs his fist in anger on the console. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Zurich moves toward the monolithic device. Steven watches him, clutching his Uzi. Zurich takes out the key. The monitor begins the countdown. Zurich begins slowly making his way off the catwalk and onto the main floor. ZURICH They've got fourteen minutes to make up their minds. STEVEN There's got to be a better way. That computer's taken it out of our hands. Zurich continuing to move, Steven glancing alternately between Zurich and the Doomsday. STEVEN Shut it down, we'll start executing hostages! Zurich now moving towards a wall. ZURICH They'll back down, they've got to. Stay by the phone, they'll be in touch. Zurich stops, looks at the wall. OMITTED INSERT - KEYHOLE exactly like the one on the Doomsday Device, very unobtrusive, virtually unnoticeable in the wall. BACK TO SCENE ZURICH They'll let it run down to three, maybe two minutes...and then we'll hear from 'em. STEVEN You're doing it all wrong! You're blowing it, Zurich! Zurich palms the key, slips it into the slot and, instantly, the heavy metal walls part. Zurich steps into the opening, smiles. ZURICH Then try it your way! The doors close. ON STEVEN stunned, then opening fire on the closing doors. STEVEN He's got the key! He's double- crossed us -- left us to die! The bullets riddle the door, but do no good. ON BONNIE BONNIE He's done it! ON MONITOR The countdown continuing...now at thirteen minutes, thirty seconds and counting. ON BONNIE, NICK, THE HOSTAGES AND TERRORISTS Reactions. We: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN A SERIES OF CUTS ON BONNIE standing with Nick. ON MONITOR The countdown is continuing. BACK TO BONNIE who glances at the terrorists, feature Steven and Kurt, still guarding the hostages but shaken by the countdown on the monitor as well. BONNIE (to Nick) I've got to try. Bonnie moves quickly towards the catwalk. ANGLE - KURT raising his Uzi. KURT Halt! He begins firing. BACK TO BONNIE She runs for the ladder, bullets spraying the floor behind her. She starts to climb up, but stops. ANGLE - BONNIE'S POINT OF VIEW - STEVEN His Uzi pointed. STEVEN Get back. ANGLE - BONNIE AND STEVEN BONNIE I'm a computer programmer. I have to try and stop it. He left you here to die, can't you see that? Bonnie begins moving up the ladder. OMITTED BACK TO SCENE Steven following her with his Uzi. BONNIE Kill me and you all die. I'm your only hope. Bonnie reaches the catwalk level, faces Steven directly. BONNIE You can shoot me or you can drop your weapons and let me try. Bonnie turns away from Steven, begins moving toward the communications panel. ON STEVEN who takes aim at Bonnie. OMITTED ON BONNIE as she begins activating the communications panel. ON STEVEN sweating now, finally lowers his Uzi and drops it to the floor. The others follow suit. OMITTED CAPTAIN ROGERS AND HIS CREW quickly move in to grab the weapons as does Floyd Swanson.... ON BONNIE as the communications panel is fully activated. CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY Devon is picking up Bonnie's transmission, Holmes by his side. DEVON It's Bonnie! What's happened in there? INTERCUT - BONNIE BONNIE Zurich activated Doomsday and escaped with the key! We've got less than eleven minutes! INTERCUT - MICHAEL in K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Bonnie, we're right outside the bunker. Kitt scanned the walls -- they're steel reinforced, too thick to penetrate. INTERCUT - SEMI Holmes shrugs. HOLMES It's hopeless. DEVON (angrily) You designed this monstrosity, now help us! HOLMES (breaking down, helplessly) There's nothing I can do. In case of evacuation, the device was supposed to guarantee total destruction of the facility. DEVON Then there was a serious flaw in your design if there was no fail/safe mechanism. Innocent people are going to die because of your idiocy.... HOLMES I'm sorry, I.... DEVON Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Think, man! How do we stop it? HOLMES Without the key... (a beat) Time, we need time to access the computer. ANGLE IN BUNKER - INTERCUT Nick joins Bonnie as she prepares to access the computer. BONNIE I need a password! Devon turns to Holmes who shrugs.... HOLMES It was Deep Sleep. DEVON Try 'Deep Sleep.' Bonnie enters "Deep Sleep." ANGLE - MONITOR It flashes NO ACCESS. ANGLE - BONNIE BONNIE I didn't get in. NICK Try 'Doomsday'! Bonnie makes the entry and the monitor repeats NO ACCESS. EXT. BUNKER K.I.T.T. parked in front. INTERCUT - MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. Michael punches buttons. MICHAEL Okay, buddy, let's access that endless vocabulary of yours. Any and all syno- nyms for sleep. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. The words flash across K.I.T.T.'s monitor. INTERCUT - BONNIE She enters them one by one. INTERCUT - OTHERS waiting, tense, time running out. ANGLE ON BONNIE She enters "Coma." The monitor suddenly displays the Deep Sleep menu, featuring "Random Number Access Shut Down Code." BONNIE We're in! ANGLE - TERRORISTS, HOSTAGES They sense hope. ANGLE - BONNIE as she types in random number access instructions. OMITTED ANGLE - MONITOR One digit locks in. ANGLE - TERRORISTS, HOSTAGES The hostages and the terrorists step towards the monitor. The Doomsday clock reads nine minutes, twenty-two seconds. The numbers are still rolling and a second digit locks in. Another hopeful cheer. NICK We're gonna make it, aren't we? BONNIE (convinced) Darned right we are! INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, my preliminary calculations indicate that fifteen minutes are needed to break that code. Bonnie and the others have nine minutes remaining. MICHAEL We couldn't get them out and safe by then...we've got to get the key. Scan the hangars -- we've tried everyplace else! ANGLE - SCREEN Graphics of the hangars and, in one, the schematic of a C-130 plane. A heat pulse appears in the plane's cockpit. MICHAEL That's gotta be him! K.I.T.T. Michael, he's on the move! Michael looks O.S. across the tarmac. ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - HANGAR The door opens. The C-130 lumbers out, heading for a runway. ANGLE - MICHAEL MICHAEL Get right behind him, pal. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as it takes off after the C-130. SERIES OF SHOTS as the C-130 picks up speed, K.I.T.T. in hot pursuit, angling after the cargo plane. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY MICHAEL Microlock on the entry ramp's system, pal. On my signal.... K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. INSERT - SCHEMATICS OF C-130 EXT. RUNWAY - DAY The C-130 moves towards a takeoff. K.I.T.T. moves up behind the plane. MICHAEL Kitt! Activate! INSERT - MONITOR On the schematic we see the microwaves lock. ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - C-130 They are underneath the plane as the ramp opens before them. BACK TO SCENE K.I.T.T. Michael, you wouldn't! You know I'm terrified of flying! MICHAEL Sorry, pal, there's no choice. INSERT - K.I.T.T. CONTROLS Michael activates the turbo thrust. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he's thrown back against the seat. ANGLE - C-130 K.I.T.T. rockets up the ramp into the plane as it takes off. INT. C-130 COCKPIT - DAY as Zurich fights for control of the suddenly unstable aircraft. INT. C-130 CARGO HOLD - DAY K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop. Featured on the fuselage wall are parachutes which are attached to harnesses, each with a boldly lettered sign reading: Warning - Test All Hook-up Before Vehicle Drop. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's access the automatic pilot system, pal. I want the plane to circle the field. INT. COCKPIT - DAY Zurich at the controls. The plane lurches into a bank, throwing Zurich into a state of alarm. Zurich attempts to regain control, but it's useless. Zurich pulls out his 9mm pistol, releases the safety, turns to leave the cockpit. INT. CARGO HOLD - DAY - ANGLE - MICHAEL He leaps from cover and jumps Zurich, a couple of blows and Michael disarms him. MICHAEL The key, Zurich! ZURICH Don't be a fool, you'll never land this plane in time! Your only chance is to fly out of here with me. MICHAEL Nobody's flying anywhere, Zurich -- we're locked on auto-pilot circling the field. If Doomsday goes off you die with the rest of us. It's your call. Zurich hands over the key. ZURICH You're a fool. MICHAEL Kitt, can we bring her down in time? K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael. OMITTED ANGLE - MICHAEL seeing something O.S., the hint of a smile. ANGLE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - PARACHUTE BACK TO MICHAEL MICHAEL Kitt, you're not gonna like this.... K.I.T.T. Michael, you wouldn't! As Michael begins to unstrap parachutes. MICHAEL (to Zurich) After I'm through, help yourself to one of these. I'll be waiting for you.... CUT TO EXT. PLANE - DAY K.I.T.T. shoots out from the rear of the C-130, free- falling until three parachutes open. K.I.T.T. My fear of flying has been fully justified! MICHAEL It's the ride of your life! VARIOUS ANGLES as K.I.T.T. drifts to Earth. K.I.T.T. A ride, Michael, is taken with four wheels in contact with a hard, smooth surface. MICHAEL What's our ETA for touchdown, pal? K.I.T.T. Less than one minute -- providing this operation is a success. MICHAEL There's nothing to worry about, buddy. These chutes were designed for this. K.I.T.T. Falling through space hardly seems the result of design. MICHAEL We're getting down in one piece, aren't we? K.I.T.T. Michael, I am in no mood to debate the point. MICHAEL No time, anyway, here comes Mother Earth! K.I.T.T. Thankfully, not a moment too soon! As K.I.T.T. lands. CUT TO INT. BUNKER Bonnie and Nick watching the monitor. ANGLE - MONITOR reading one minute -- ten seconds. BACK TO SCENE Static coming over the radio, then: MICHAEL (O.S.) Bonnie? Bonnie? BONNIE Michael?!? Where are you??? INT. K.I.T.T. as Michael speeds towards the bunker. MICHAEL Bonnie, how did Zurich get out? BONNIE A door -- on the south wall, dead center! (a beat) Michael, hurry! K.I.T.T. Fifty-two seconds, Michael. ON K.I.T.T. as it roars toward the hangar. EXT. HANGAR as K.I.T.T. screams into the dark, cavernous hangar. INT. HANGAR - INSIDE K.I.T.T. as they roar through the darkness. INT. BUNKER Reaction of Bonnie, Nick and the others as they watch the Doomsday clock counting down. We are now at less than one minute. INT. K.I.T.T. roaring through the darkness. MICHAEL How long till impact, buddy? K.I.T.T. Eleven seconds and counting. INSERT - TURBO BOOST Michael waits a second, then activates it. OMITTED INT. BUNKER - ON THE DOOR and K.I.T.T. smashes through. Michael brings K.I.T.T. to a screeching halt and leaps out, key in hand. BONNIE reacts to the sound. BUNKER Michael enters via door. ANGLE - BONNIE BONNIE Up there, Michael -- on the catwalk! ON MICHAEL up the steps, to the device, slams home the key. ANGLE - CLOCK two seconds left. The process still runs with eight digits locked in. ANGLE - HOSTAGES, TERRORISTS, BONNIE, NICK Joyful celebration. ANGLE - BONNIE as she releases Nick from an embrace and rushes up the steps to join Michael. They embrace. MICHAEL (warmly) Hey, Bonnie...you did real well. BONNIE You, too, Michael.... INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. OUTSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael, is Bonnie all right? BONNIE (comlink) I'm fine Kitt, and thank you. K.I.T.T. And my congratulations to you young man. You also performed well. NICK You're incredible! ANGLE - TOY CAR The toy car beeps its horn and flashes its lights. K.I.T.T. And you did well too, young sport! ANGLE - MICHAEL AND BONNIE laughing -- as the last digit locks in. On their reactions we.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED EXT. MAIN STREET - CACTUS - DAY With the semi in the b.g., Michael, Devon, Bonnie and Nick. K.I.T.T. is parked behind them in front of the Cactus Lounge. DEVON Your mother and father are waiting for you in Los Angeles. NICK Together? MICHAEL Together. DEVON They're apparently ready to try again, Nicholas. NICK Gee...I guess I won't be going to Boston after all, Bonnie. No more foolin' around for me. I really to help them make this work. (a beat) But I bet we woulda been great together at your sister's wedding.... BONNIE No doubt about it. Sorry we missed it.... She laughs and gives him a big hug. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as Amos approaches from the rear, carrying his parking meter and ticket pad. K.I.T.T. Surely you have something better to do. AMOS The joke's on you buster, now I'm the only sworn officer in these here parts to ticket a talkin' car??? It just don't get any better'n that, sonny! A moan from K.I.T.T. as he begins moving down the street. Amos hustles after him. AMOS I'll teach you respect for law and order if it's the last thing I do! On Michael, Devon, Bonnie and Nick's laughter, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END