EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60204 Robert Foster June 25, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 7/10/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 7/16/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 7/18/85 (F.R.) Rev. 7/24/85 (F.R.) Rev. 7/25/85 (F.R.) Rev. 7/26/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER BURIAL GROUND by Michael Eric Stein __________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. CANYON COUNTRY - INDIAN TERRITORY - NIGHT Moonlight falls on the cliffs, which echo with the long and lonely howls of the coyotes. A coyote wanders down the slope. EXT. BURIAL GROUND - ESTABLISHING At the bottom of a ravine, a Landrover is parked by the mouth of a cave. We hear the crunch of pickaxes. INT. CAVE - NIGHT By the glow of a battery-powered lantern, Dr. Quentin Tanner, archaeologist, digs fiercely away at the rock wall. Tanner's a grizzled early sixties, strongly built, with skin red from the desert sun, and the wild fervor of a man who lives for his work and doesn't come up too often for air. Barbara Ralston, his college protege, digs by his side; a clean-cut preppy, she's a little tired and spooked by the surroundings. She slows down to wipe the sweat off her face. They work with small chipping hammers and soft whisk brooms. DR. TANNER Let's dig a little faster. Barbara speaks up -- not happily. BARBARA Doctor Tanner, all we've got is a tribal legend that hints the relics may be in the fork of this cave.... Dr. Tanner glares at her. DR. TANNER You may yet become an archaeologist. But less grades and more grit -- that's what you need. That galls her into digging harder. A loud wail of a coyote echoes through the cave and she jumps up, listening ...Dr. Tanner is amused by her fear. DR. TANNER We must be getting closer, Barbara. The spirits are angry with you. As Dr. Tanner chuckles, she tries to shrug off her case of nerves and resume digging. But meanwhile.... EXT. ANGLE ON EDGE OF RAVINE - NIGHT An old pickup wheels into view -- short, squat and ominous. It eases to a stop and perches right at the edge of the rocks. CLOSER ON TRUCK Two Indians in dark baseball jackets put on masks and wait.... RESUME CAVE As Barbara keeps digging.... DR. TANNER Stop! Tanner grabs her arm, halting her in midswing. He then scrapes at the hole bare-handed, Barbara eagerly joining him. THEIR HANDS snatch and pull carefully at the stones, and suddenly a brood of small, ancient clay dolls, like mice flushed out of their hole, tumble out of the dirtfall. DR. TANNER AND BARBARA catch them. With Barbara hovering over his shoulder, Dr. Tanner takes a rag and wipes them off. Then he brings it over to his lantern. BARBARA Is it...? DR. TANNER (quietly jubilant) What we came here for. The guardian spirits of the warrior dead. BARBARA The Kobe Indian shrine. CUT TO EXT. MOUTH OF CAVE - NIGHT Dr. Tanner and Barbara rush out of the cave laughing and talking, in high spirits, though their voices are muffled, swallowed up by the depth of the ravine. The camera pulls up and back to disclose the truck lying in wait for them. TANNER'S VOICE We've done it...Let's get it to Susan. BARBARA'S VOICE It's wonderful. I never really believed till now. REVERSE ANGLE ON TRUCK The Indian in the driver's seat knocks on the back of the truck. The camera tilts up as two other masked Indians, Simpson and a cohort whose identity we'll learn later, hop out of the flatbed, landing with catfooted lightness on the ground. WITH THE INDIANS They silently slip down the ravine. EXT. BOTTOM OF RAVINE - LANDROVER While Dr. Tanner stows the dolls in the back, Barbara jumps into the front seat and starts the engine. He glances up at the rearview and freezes with fear. IN THE MIRROR A dark human form rearing up into view. BARBARA whirls around just as the Indian slugs her down. DR. TANNER jumps as he hears the attack and Simpson grabs him from behind. He tries to twist free, but the big Indian yanks him down and out of view and punches him once. Dr. Tanner doesn't get up. Simpson pokes the driver in the back. SIMPSON Go. The camera pulls back as the driver shoves the unconscious Barbara aside, guns the Landrover into a speed turn and heads up the ravine towards the pickup, which revs its motor and pulls away. The coyotes once again begin to howl. CUT TO EXT. OCEAN DRIVE - SANTA MONICA - DAY K.I.T.T. cruising along the palm-lined beaches in his convertible mode. MICHAEL'S VOICE (laughing) Stress-relaxation techniques? INT. K.I.T.T. Michael hale and hearty and having fun at K.I.T.T.'s expense. K.I.T.T. It really works, Michael. Combined with the right sort of meditation. MICHAEL I'm going to have to park you in the shade more often, pal. What do you need with stress-relaxation and meditation? The best kind of stress- relaxation is two weeks in Maui. I can't wait. Michael holds up a colorful Hawaiian shirt.... K.I.T.T. Your choice of shirts make that quite apparent. MICHAEL The luaus, soft tropical nights... the sun, the sand.... OMITTED MONITOR Devon flashes on the screen. DEVON I'm afraid you'll have to settle for a working vacation at the Kobe Indian Reservation. MICHAEL Devon, c'mon -- that's a contradic- tion of terms! What about Maui? DEVON Maui will have to wait, Michael. Have you ever heard of Doctor Quentin Tanner? MICHAEL Can't say that I have. Why? DEVON He's a noted archaeologist who's been searching for relics on the Kobe reservation grounds. The Foundation has supported his activities on behalf of native Americans for years. Last night, he and his assistant vanished from the area. MICHAEL Devon, it seems to me that's a matter for the Missing Persons Bureau or the police. DEVON No time. The bulldozers will be on the land before they get there. There's a conflict between the Kobe Indians and some oilman over the ownership of the canyon where Doctor Tanner was last seen. You're to contact Susan Christopher. She's a social worker. She thinks Doctor Tanner and his assistant may be in grave danger. MICHAEL I'll check it out -- on one condition. No more references to 'working vaca- tions.' Devon smiles, clicks off. K.I.T.T. is sympathetic. K.I.T.T. Look at it this way, Michael. In the desert, you'll get just what you wanted. MICHAEL What's that? K.I.T.T. The sun, the sand...But no shirt.... MICHAEL (laughs) And dust, and heat, and small animals crawling over your fenders... (beat) We're going to love it.... Michael hits the gas. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - SHOTS OF MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. - STOCK heading in to the desert. CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. - STOCK speeding down a two-lane blacktop towards the reservation. Music underscores the eerie beauty of the stark shapes of boulders and mesas rising up from the red sand. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. RESERVATION - DAY K.I.T.T. drives into the center of the reservation, passing the gas station, the general store and some assorted buildings. ANOTHER ANGLE He pulls to a stop opposite the tribal council lodge and the local medical clinic. CLOSER ON LODGE A bunch of Indians are hanging out on the porch. They turn and all their eyes burn in on.... MICHAEL as he pulls to a stop. The Indians move forward. MICHAEL Well, here we are, pal. And people to greet us to boot. K.I.T.T. Careful, Michael, this doesn't appear to be a welcoming committee. MICHAEL Gotcha. As Michael gets out of the car he is met by a looping punch thrown by Jonathan Eagle, a young hotheaded Indian in a native jacket. Michael is caught off balance and goes down. NEW ANGLE as Eagle rushes forward. EAGLE Go back and tell Cyrus Oakes we've had enough of his people putting the squeeze on us. Eagle reaches down to grab Michael who allows Eagle to pull him to his feet. Eagle aims another looping punch at Michael, who slides under it and drives his fist to Eagle's midsection, then quickly turns the limp man around in a choke hold to use him as a shield against the other Indians who start to press forward. Susan exits a building. MICHAEL Now take it easy...My name's Michael Knight, Foundation for Law and Government...I just want to talk to Susan Christopher. The Indians start forward. ANOTHER ANGLE Susan Christopher, a good-looking, strongly built woman in her early thirties, races forward. She is part or all Indian herself and not afraid of the conflict or the group. She bangs the topmost Indian on the head, kicks off another, and that gives Michael more than enough edge. SUSAN Wait! Stop! I called him...He's here to try and help us find Doctor Tanner and Barbara.... EAGLE We don't need a white man's help! SUSAN Tell that to your mother. A white doctor delivered your three brothers. There is some laughter from the other Indians. Eagle is embarrassed, so he turns back to Michael to swing another blow which Michael, now prepared, easily ducks. He controls Eagle in an armhold. MICHAEL (to other Indians) If you promise to hold him, I won't have to.... SUSAN (firmly) He'll be no trouble. Michael lets him go and although Eagle doesn't look happy he at last accepts it. SUSAN (to Eagle) Control yourself and you can join us with Thorn. MICHAEL Who's Thorn? SUSAN Curator of our Kobe Museum. CUT TO INT. RESERVATION MUSEUM - DAY - CLOSE ON THORN Thorn is a formally dressed, scholarly, older, half white, half Indian. The museum is a musty space lit by a skylight and surrounded by glass cases containing Indian relics. THORN I worked closely with Doctor Tanner. We were hoping to come up with a major archeological find and have the burial grounds declared a national shrine. EAGLE (flaring) Instead Cyrus Oakes will be drilling through the bones of our ancestors to get to his oil. SUSAN Oakes has acquired the rights to exploit the land as of eight AM tomorrow. Doctor Tanner was our last chance to keep the grounds intact. MICHAEL Isn't it a little far-fetched to believe that Oakes grabbed Doctor Tanner before he could complete his survey. EAGLE I told you he wouldn't believe us. Eagle exits the hut. MICHAEL I didn't say that, but I'm going to need a little more explanation and a lot more proof before I'm convinced. I'd like to start with the spot where Doctor Tanner disappeared. THORN Susan can take you out there...but I doubt you'll find anything. They move off, followed by Eagle's disgusted look. CUT TO OMITTED INT. RESERVATION - THORN'S OFFICE - MUSEUM - DAY A spooky little enclosure in part of the museum, dominated by a large glass case containing a headdress, a satchel and an ancient spear. Thorn goes to his desk, picks up the phone, and starts dialing. OMITTED EXT. CITY SKYLINE - DAY - ESTABLISH EXT. HILL COUNTRY - DAY Cyrus Oakes, a big, middle-aged businessman with a well- tailored suit and big-city attitude and language. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the country air and the view.... OAKES Nothing like a little tailgate picnic to christen a new piece of property. He turns around and we see his "tailgate" -- a big stretch limo. Lisa, his blonde and very hot companion, dressed in revealing, flowing silk, comes out with champagne glasses. Oakes starts to open the bottle. OAKES What you're seeing, Lisa, is diver- sification. Coal, oil... (pointing with the bottle to the hills) ...Real estate. A natural progression. The land and its resources. Something you can grab a hold onto. LISA All yours? OAKES Absolutely. CHAUFFEUR Mr. Oakes --- ANGLE ON LIMO The Chauffeur holds out his cellular phone. Oakes, not a little annoyed, goes to answer it. OAKES Yeah. OMITTED INT. RESERVATION MUSEUM - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Thorn on the phone, nervous. THORN Mr. Oakes, it's Thorn.... OAKES How'd you find my mobile phone? THORN I told your secretary it was an emergency. OAKES Then it better be just that. THORN Michael Knight. An investigator for The Foundation for Law and Government showed up. He's on his way out to the burial grounds now to snoop around. OAKES If you did what you were told there shouldn't be anything there to find. THORN It's not just that -- some of the Indians are thinking he might help and I think you're going to have trouble rounding up drill and rig crews. OAKES (a few beats, controlling) I pay people to do a job and then I end up doing it myself. (checks his watch) I'll be out at the reservation to talk to them myself. THORN What about this investigator? OAKES Handle him. Use Simpson. THORN Wait a minute, I don't want to be involved in any killings.... OAKES I got millions of dollars' worth of oil waiting to be tapped. You got eighty-nine cents worth of Indian relics. Where do you figure your future lies? CUT TO OMITTED EXT. DESERT BLACKTOP - DAY K.I.T.T. cruising through the high desert country. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING Susan sits next to Michael, her eyes taking in all of K.I.T.T.'s "extras" but not wanting to comment about them. SUSAN I'm sorry about that welcoming committee at the reservation, but Jonathan Eagle has quite a temper and the others are just frustrated enough to follow his lead. MICHAEL You seem to be able to control him. SUSAN (a laugh) I've known him all my life. When I got my degree and decided to come back to the tribe it was like I never left...Now this whole issue of oil is tearing us apart. MICHAEL I can understand your loyalty to tradition and to your heritage...and as beautiful as this country is, I can also understand why someone would try and grab it. SUSAN You've got to help us. Somehow, some way...we've got to keep the tribe and the land together.... ON MICHAEL He holds a beat. MICHAEL Let's take a look at things, then I'll do whatever I can. Susan, a little more relaxed.... CUT TO EXT. PANORAMIC - DAY - EDGE OF THE RAVINE K.I.T.T. steers off the two-lane blacktop and pulls up at the ravine's rim. Michael gets out and looks over the ravine, and Susan follows him. We pull back to a ridge of boulders up which Simpson is slowly climbing, keeping an eye on Michael and Susan and carrying in his leather-gloved hand a large, ugly-looking sack. CLOSER ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND SUSAN MICHAEL Let's do some old-style tracking. SUSAN Please, no Indian jokes. Michael leans on K.I.T.T.'s hood. MICHAEL This isn't a joke. (to K.I.T.T.) Kitt, give me an imprint reconstruc- tion for the bottom of the cave. I'm looking for evidence of any struggle that might have taken place here last night. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. SUSAN (startled) They've certainly put some interesting accessories on cars lately! MICHAEL You won't find these on any other model. ON SCAN SCREEN A hologram of the ravine. In quick sequence, two pairs of footprints head into the cave. Then two pairs come out towards a line of tire tracks -- and two new pairs of footprints converge on them. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. I show an unusual pattern for the past twelve hours. ON MICHAEL AND SUSAN Michael leans inside K.I.T.T.'s side window, pointing to the image. SUSAN That looks like Doctor Tanner's land cruiser. MICHAEL Those footprints intersect by the car -- and then they disappear. SUSAN He wasn't meeting anyone out here. MICHAEL Then he just might have been ambushed after all. Show me where he was digging in the cave. (to K.I.T.T.) Surveillance Mode, Kitt, watch my back --- K.I.T.T. Of course, Michael. EXT. CAVE Michael and Susan cautiously enter the cave mouth. INT. CAVE TUNNEL They slip inside, Michael bent almost double in the tight space. The cave track forks and Susan points him to the right. ANOTHER ANGLE as they head deeper into the cave, they pass a cleft in the rocks above. The camera tilts up to reveal the sunlight pouring down from the surface and the ominous silhouette of Simpson's head peering through the crack. UP ON THE ROCKS ABOVE Simpson kneels at the top of the crevice. A gunny sack in his hand, setting himself to throw it down.... RESUME SCENE Michael and Susan get to the dead end where Tanner was digging. There's no room to stand -- they're crouched against the wall. Suddenly, the comlink crackles to life. K.I.T.T. Michael. MICHAEL Yeah, Kitt? INT. K.I.T.T. - SCREEN A pulsating, red light on a holographic readout of the ridge. K.I.T.T. I've detected an intruder on the rocks above you. BACK TO MICHAEL AND SUSAN as we hear dirt sliding loose in the crevice and Michael yanks Susan towards him. MICHAEL Stay back! THE GUNNY SACK - ANGLES AS NEEDED It crashes down and bursts open to release a horde of rattlesnakes. MICHAEL AND SUSAN recoil against the cave wall in the tight, dark corner -- the rattlers all around them.... FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN INT. CAVE - DAY The rattlers move, coil.... MICHAEL AND SUSAN are backed against the wall. Michael, eyes glued to the rattlers, raises the comlink. MICHAEL (in a low voice) Kitt, go into Electrical Generation Mode and pump about two hundred volts through the comlink. K.I.T.T. If I do, Michael, it will cause more damage to you than to those snakes. The rattlers coil in wait. Michael unstraps the wristband. MICHAEL I'm taking the comlink off, pal. Wait for my signal. Susan, transfixed with fear, shrinks back as Michael dangles the comlink in front of the rattlers. They crawl towards the bait -- he hurls it at them. MICHAEL Now, Kitt! THE RATTLERS pounce. MICHAEL grabs Susan to protect her. ON THE RATTLERS They attack the comlink and are stunned by the jolt of the current. RESUME MICHAEL AND SUSAN Michael takes Susan by the hand and they slip by the snakes, some of which are still twitching on the ground. They pass them. Michael picks up his comlink...Susan, overwhelmed with relief, clings to Michael for support. CUT TO EXT. RAVINE - DAY Michael and Susan hustle up the ravine slope. Michael gives the still-shaky Susan a hand over some rocks. MICHAEL Are you all right? SUSAN Oh, I'll be fine. I've seen my share of snakes... (trying to smile) ...just not all at once.... Michael grins at her display of pluckiness and rushes over to where K.I.T.T. waits for them. MICHAEL Kitt, locate the guy on the ridge. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid he's gone, Michael. SUSAN We've got to be able to stop Oakes now. Isn't this enough proof? MICHAEL Not yet. Nothing to tie him directly to any crime. A guy like Oakes works through middlemen. But I think I have a lead on who those middlemen are. SUSAN What's that? MICHAEL There were only two people who knew we were coming here. Eagle and Thorn. Susan takes it in. SUSAN It couldn't be Eagle. Not the way he feels about the land. MICHAEL That leaves Thorn. He was working with Doctor Tanner at the dig, right? Susan is shocked as it sinks in. SUSAN I've worked with Thorn for a year.... MICHAEL Susan, it's just a hunch so far. But I wouldn't recommend trusting Thorn with any of our travel plans from now on. CUT TO EXT. RESERVATION LODGE - DAY A crowd of Indians has gathered around the porch. K.I.T.T. pulls up behind the group. Michael and Susan exit...They stare ahead at a meeting taking place. MICHAEL AND SUSAN'S POINT OF VIEW - OAKES stands on the porch, speaking to a bunch of Indian pipe fitters and construction workers. OAKES He spots them a distance away and continues his speech as he refers to them...His Stetson still a prop in his hand. OAKES Who do you people want to listen to, a welfare worker paid by the state who has nothing to gain by this influx of money and jobs...How much money has she put in your jeans since she came back? You people start to do well and she's out of her job...Or do you want to listen to that 'inves- tigator' in the fancy car...He's got a steady paycheck coming in from a place called F.L.A.G. SUSAN AND MICHAEL She's furious. SUSAN That creep.... MICHAEL So that's Cyrus Oakes.... BACK TO SCENE OAKES I'll guarantee six months employment at double minimum to any and all of you who report to my compound at six AM tomorrow morning.... OMITTED ON THE PORCH Oakes claps the shoulder of a potential Indian worker. OAKES Oakes Industries can also guarantee plenty of overtime.... ANOTHER ANGLE - THE INDIAN CROWD begins to turn away -- except for Eagle, who furiously breaks from the front rank of the crowd and marches up to the porch. RESUME MICHAEL AND SUSAN SUSAN (alarmed) Eagle! Michael shoulders his way up front. ANGLE ON EAGLE Alone, he confronts Oakes and the construction workers. EAGLE How can you shake this man's hand? He's taking the land that's right- fully yours. He's destroying your birthright. SIMPSON lumbers forward. A couple of other henchmen frame him in the b.g. SIMPSON He's offering them jobs, Eagle. Jobs, not ghosts. EAGLE That's what you think it's about, Simpson? Ghosts? That land is the heart of our tribal heritage! SIMPSON Get lost, kid. With one hand, he shoves Eagle against the wall -- but Eagle jumps right back at him. Simpson catches him, hoists him up and draws back his fist for a crashing blow -- only to have it grabbed from behind by Michael. He steps in and yanks Simpson across the porch. CLOSER ON SIMPSON He crashes against the post. MICHAEL squares himself in front of Simpson, who's stunned to see him still alive. MICHAEL Speaking of ghosts, you look like you've just seen one. ANGLE ON THORN Thorn stands a short distance away and watches him...and he's dumbfounded by Michael's appearance. WITH OAKES He suavely steps forward to handle the situation, passing as close as possible to Thorn. OAKES (under his breath) I thought you took care of this. Thorn has no answer. ANGLE ON MICHAEL AND SIMPSON both called for action...Oakes steps in...Michael turns away from Simpson to face Oakes. The Indians surrounding the porch, behind Michael, perk up at his coming confrontation with the oilman. OAKES You seem to know so much, Knight -- when did you become an Indian? MICHAEL When I went through a snake ceremony and lived. The line is directed at Oakes and Thorn, who flinch at it. OAKES You sound like a lucky man...But I wouldn't press it if I were you. MICHAEL You're not me. Some of the Indians in the square laugh at Michael's comeback. Oakes' eyes show a brief flash of hatred -- then he holds a restraining hand up to Simpson, nods and moves off.... Thorn, with a last frightened look at Michael, heads out of the square. The rest of the Indians hang back with Michael and Susan. Eagle is still fuming, eyes Michael. EAGLE I didn't need your help. MICHAEL You really should think a little more before you jump someone twice your size. But in this case, you might also have helped me out. EAGLE Yeah? How? MICHAEL Flushing Simpson out. He looked awfully nervous just now. And I'm gonna find out why. CUT TO ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. - A SHORT DISTANCE AWAY As the Indians mill about in the b.g., one old man, Blue Feather, slowly walks up to K.I.T.T. He's blind, cautiously he touches the windshield, touches the rim. K.I.T.T. May I help you? Blue Feather is thunderstruck -- then smiles blissfully. BLUE FEATHER I knew it. In my heart, I knew it. And he begins an old tribal chant, bowing and dancing. K.I.T.T. What in the world are you doing? BLUE FEATHER It is as my dreams foretold. The god of the wind has come to Earth to instruct us in this time of crisis. K.I.T.T. I beg your pardon. Cross-checking my data bank on tribal customs, I find that your god of the wind material- izes as a horse. BLUE FEATHER It is 1985. So in your wisdom, you have chosen, instead, to come as a car. K.I.T.T. No I haven't. BLUE FEATHER Ah! You are trying to trick me, as the legends said you would. But I know you, Great One. I know you. He begins the chanting again. K.I.T.T. Well, I...I have to agree, I could be compared to 'lightning on a summer's day.' 'Wise as the all- seeing hawk,' hm? Blue Feather corrects the chant and starts to do some serious "dovening" when Michael, a little startled, comes up to the door. Blue Feather smiles. BLUE FEATHER Blessed is the servant of the mighty steed. He shall do great things. He drifts away. Michael chuckles and slides into the front. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. 'Servant.' You know, Michael, I never thought of it that way. MICHAEL Yeah, well don't start to, 'mighty steed.' K.I.T.T. Sometimes I don't think you appreciate me enough. MICHAEL All right, god of the road, all powerful one.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - SIMPSON heads over to his Datsun pickup. MICHAEL ...if I may check if my suspicions are on target...please beam your all- seeing scan on Mr. Simpson's shoes and his truck. K.I.T.T. (irritated) You don't have to rub it in. THE SCAN SCREEN flashes with shoe impressions and tire tracks. MICHAEL Thank you, your magnificence. Now compare them with the footprints from the ravine and the snake attack. The first imprint is flashed parallel to one from K.I.T.T.'s memory. K.I.T.T. We have a double match. And Michael, you can stop worshipping me now. I see your point. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. RESUME MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - SIMPSON gets into the truck. With one last dour look back at Michael and K.I.T.T., he revs up the motor and heads off. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL All right, let's talk to our snake handler. CUT TO SIMPSON He is suddenly cut off by Michael and K.I.T.T...Simpson jams on the brakes and exits his truck in a rage. EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY Michael is out of K.I.T.T. and meets Simpson's swinging charge with a couple of punches to the ribs and a blow to the side of the head...He shoves Simpson against the fender of the truck and holds him.... MICHAEL The game of tag is over. You're it, snake man. SIMPSON What's your beef? You cut me off, you're the one looking for trouble. MICHAEL You tried to kill me and chances are you're involved in Doctor Tanner's disappearance. Talk to me. Simpson reacts slightly but holds. SIMPSON I don't know what you're talking about. Cut me loose or call the cops. MICHAEL No cops yet, Simpson...just you and me. SIMPSON (building) What do you want from me? MICHAEL Like I said, it's tag and you're it. You belong to me and it's just a matter of time before I come back with enough facts to take possession. (beat) Go tell that to Oakes. Michael steps back, Simpson drives off. INT. K.I.T.T. Parked. K.I.T.T. Michael, would you explain that last bit of action to me? I assume you have a plan. MICHAEL It's simple, pal. We don't have much time before Oakes takes possession of the land. We've got to get them thinking scared and getting careless. (punches buttons) Now let's do some checking into Oakes and his operation. Unless I miss my guess, he's got Doctor Tanner and Barbara stashed around here somewhere. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael.... The monitor comes to life. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. OAKES' COMPOUND - DAY An impressive cluster of fenced-in oil rigs perched on a high plateau. Simpson's truck heads for the gate and is waved inside. OMITTED INT. OAKES' COMPOUND OFFICE - DAY Oakes slams down his phone, gets up from his chair and shouts at Thorn. Simpson enters over: OAKES One of you left a trail -- Michael Knight's headed here! (to Simpson) He's got a reason to be here. (to Thorn) You don't. THORN I'm here because I'm scared! OAKES Scared? I don't care if you're shaking like a leaf -- if you're spotted with me before we take the land tomorrow the whole deal can fall apart! THORN It's gone too far -- farther than you ever said. I'm willing to settle for a percentage of what you promised if I can have it now. OAKES So you can turn around and tell Knight everything you know?! THORN No! I just want to get away...I don't want any trouble.... OMITTED ON OAKES He studies Thorn a few beats, then turns to Simpson. OAKES You feel the same way? SIMPSON I only told you what happened to me so you'd know. I still want my end of the payoff...And I'll do what I have to do to get it. Oakes nods, turns back to Thorn, his look and voice soften; he is now charmingly lethal. OAKES Okay, Thorn, wait over in the cook shed. I'll have to send for the cash. You do want cash, don't you? Thorn nods, exits gratefully. Oakes turns his look to Simpson; they understand each other. OAKES I think you know what has to be done.... SIMPSON (nods) Anything else? OAKES Yeah. One detail. Arrange it so they go together -- him and that Knight character. CUT TO OMITTED INT. HUT - DAY Two cots, two chairs, blacked-out windows. Dr. Tanner and Barbara Ralston sit and eat as Lucas, an Indian guard holding a rifle stands over them. DR. TANNER Do you know what the penalty is for kidnapping? LUCAS Yeah. 'Bout the same as it is for murder. Barbara flinches. Tanner won't be put aside by words. DR. TANNER You have the mentality of a cro- magnon man. LUCAS (untouched) Maybe, but at least I know where I am -- and I ain't no prisoner. Lucas laughs at his own joke, then is interrupted by a phone ringing outside the hut. He picks up his rifle and moves through a double set of doors to the outside to: INT. COMPOUND AREA And we see that the hut is located in an off section of the compound; he picks up a phone on the wall of the hut. LUCAS Lucas. INT. OAKES' COMPOUND OFFICE - INTERCUT AS NEEDED OAKES Come on over to my office...I've got a bonus job for you. LUCAS Sure thing, Mr. Oakes. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. BLACKTOP - DAY K.I.T.T. getting closer to the Oakes compound. EXT. OAKES' COMPOUND - YARD - DAY Simpson escorts Thorn across the yard. SIMPSON Lucas will take you to the bank -- Oakes has arranged for the money in cash -- $25,000. EXTERIOR - BY THORN'S CAR NEAR THE GATE - DAY Lucas quickly slips an explosive device into the trunk of Thorn's car. He slams it down and backs away before Simpson and Thorn arrive. WITH THORN AND SIMPSON Thorn, a little tentatively, steps in. Simpson slugs Thorn and shoves him into the car. SIMPSON He's all yours. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Lucas gives a little nod back before he drives off. CUT TO WITH K.I.T.T. Michael drives K.I.T.T. along a twisting hill road over- looking a narrow defile between the cliffs. WHAT HE SEES - OAKES' COMPOUND across the way. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL I'd say Oakes has a pretty big stake in this operation. K.I.T.T. And he's protecting it very carefully, Michael. That fence is electrified. Its control grid goes back to a timed computer-locking system. Michael punches the appropriate buttons. MICHAEL Okay, pal. Use your Comprehensive Configuration Analysis and give me a rundown on any weak spots. EXT. CLIFFSIDE ROAD K.I.T.T. wends his way towards Oakes' compound. EXT. COMPOUND - DAY Thorn's car heads out the gate. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael watches the car come out. MICHAEL That's Thorn's car! Kitt, plot an intercept course! EXTERIOR - WITH K.I.T.T. - DAY They roar down the ravine road, heading straight for Thorn's car. EXT. CLIFF ROAD - DAY The two cars, churning up dust, head towards each other. INT. THORN'S CAR - DAY Lucas driving straight towards K.I.T.T. Lucas kicks open the door. Jams a stick between the accelerator pedal and the front seat.... WITH CAR - DAY - MOVING Lucas rolls out of the car. THORN'S CAR heading straight for K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. He's heading right at us, Michael! MICHAEL (pushes buttons) Kitt, scan that car. Now! ON SCREEN A graphic of the Chevy and Thorn, the trunk flashing red. K.I.T.T. Michael, Thorn's inside -- uncon- scious -- and there's a packet of explosives in the trunk! Michael gives the wheel a hard and fast turn to the right. LUCAS at the roadside, he presses a remote switch.... EXT. ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. turns off the road just as Thorn's car explodes into flame. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. suddenly and violently jolts to the side. OMITTED EXT. SIDE OF RAVINE - ANGLES AND STOCK AS NEEDED The explosion triggers an avalanche on the western slope, and it brings K.I.T.T. down the hill in aa mass of falling rock. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. WEST SLOPE OF RAVINE K.I.T.T. spins down the mountain. INSIDE K.I.T.T. As K.I.T.T. is buffeted with rocks and dirt, some of which pours into the car, Michael, gagging on the dust, tries to drive free of the rock slide. MICHAEL Kitt, dig in and move! K.I.T.T. I have no traction, Michael! The whole slope's coming apart! MICHAEL I'm hitting turbo boost! Try and land us somewhere solid! INT. DASHBOARD He hits "Turbo Boost". ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. shoots out of the torrent of falling debris. EXT. RIM OF NORTHWEST SLOPE - DAY He slams down with a rattling jolt on the edge of the ravine. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael whips back into his seat and then brakes to a sudden stop. ANOTHER ANGLE He looks out the window, and knows there's nothing he can do as: EXT. CLIFFS Thorn's car burns out of control halfway down the slopes. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael is angry and dejected. MICHAEL Oakes figured he'd get two for the price of one, Kitt. Setting up Thorn and using him as bait for me. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid he came very close. (beat) I'll need Bonnie. Michael patches in to the communications. MONITOR Bonnie flashes on. BONNIE Michael! I've been getting strange readouts from Kitt...Like an earth- quake. MICHAEL Nope. Just a rock slide. BONNIE I wish I thought you were kidding. Is Kitt all right? MICHAEL I love you, too, Bonnie. I'm fine, thanks. But Kitt's gonna need some stabilizer readjustment. I'm coming in. BONNIE I'll be here. Michael has to smile as she signs off. CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY K.I.T.T. drives up the ramp into the semi. INT. SEMI - DAY RC3's knees poke out from under K.I.T.T.'s chassis as, lying back on the roller, he gives K.I.T.T.'s undercarriage a working over. RC3 So much for that. He wheels out from under K.I.T.T., pops up from the cart, and, lounging against K.I.T.T.'s fender. RC3 Those stabilizers were hit over-under- sideways down. Hey Michael, didn't you read that part of the Drivers' Manual? Where it says watch out for falling rocks? Devon strides in. MICHAEL Right. Thanks. And speaking of manuals, RC, the Foundation Manual specifically states that, when not otherwise engaged, the driver of the Flag semi should be at the wheel. RC3 Bonnie's autopilot is so smooth. DEVON Too smooth. RC I prefer a more personal driving experience. MICHAEL See you around. RC. RC3 Yeah, you got it. He smiles, quickly heads back to the driver's seat. DEVON It's so unnerving to have RC3 back here chatting while over six tons of truck rolls down the highway driverless. (then) Our check on Cyrus Oakes proved very fruitful, Michael. It seems that seven years ago he tried to railroad an Indian tribe in Oklahoma out of some oil-rich land. He was convicted of thirteen counts of land fraud, filed an appeal and then beat the case on a technicality. A most unsavory character. (shaking his head) It makes me fear the worst for Barbara Ralston and Doctor Tanner. MICHAEL Perhaps Devon, but I don't think so. Oakes has tried to kill me twice, and his compound in the middle of the desert has as much security as an Army barracks. I think he's hiding them there. (beat) I want to get 'em out. DEVON You'd best forget about another frontal assault on the compound. MICHAEL I'm ahead of you, Devon. But I know enough about Oakes to plan another way in. Bonnie tears off a print-out from a computer...hands it to Michael who reads it.... BONNIE Here's his activity for the day. MICHAEL Oakes will be spending tonight hosting a business party at an exclusive club ...your computers are on top of everything.... BONNIE Right down to where he gets his hair and nails done.... MICHAEL Be a shame to interrupt his moment of pleasure.... CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY K.I.T.T. roars out the semi. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. RESERVATION CLINIC - EVENING K.I.T.T. drives up to the clinic. Michael gets out steps up to the porch where Susan is working late. She turns around, relief on her face.... SUSAN (worried) Michael, where have you been? MICHAEL Well, I ran into a small explosion on the cliffs below Oakes' base camp. So did Thorn. He's dead. SUSAN Oh no. Seems like every time you turn around there's more madness going on. MICHAEL Yep. Oakes'll stop at nothing, and he's smart. But I've got a few moves of my own to try. If they're alive. I'm pretty sure Oakes is hiding Doctor Tanner and Barbara Ralston at his base camp. SUSAN They're alive? MICHAEL It's a good bet. It looks like that canyon is your sacred shrine, and Doctor Tanner found some kind of proof of that. So Oakes is keeping him under wraps until he can grab it all for himself. SUSAN I knew it. I always knew it. MICHAEL Now listen. Until eight AM that's your land out there. Get everyone who wants to save the burial ground to go and dig there in the morning. If I'm late get them to stay. Buy me some time. SUSAN Oakes won't let us stay very long. I don't want my people hurt. MICHAEL I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or your people. Susan agonizes over it -- and then decides to trust him. SUSAN We'll be there. Michael, moved by the devotion in her voice, hugs her comforts her. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. A SHORT DISTANCE FROM THE CLINIC - EVENING Blue Feather slowly walks up to K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Well, it's my acolyte! Hello! The old man leans forward, prayerfully touching K.I.T.T. BLUE FEATHER I knew you'd come back. I've come for my first lesson, Great One. K.I.T.T. In what? BLUE FEATHER The Secrets. K.I.T.T. Ah, yes. Of the universe, as it were. Well, let's see...let's start simple...Basic stress relaxation and meditation technique. Clear your mind. Concentrate on your breathing. BLUE FEATHER Great One, our tribe has known these things for centuries. K.I.T.T. Well, of course, but, ah...ah...you must start with what you know, and... ah...in your own way get to the great truth by small steps. BLUE FEATHER I see. You shelter your deepest wisdom, and in that way tell me to find my own path. K.I.T.T. (relieved) Exactly. BLUE FEATHER Then I will trouble you no more. Good-bye, Great One. K.I.T.T. Good-bye, my friend. I think I'll miss you. The old man, with a few bows, backs away. Michael passes him en route to K.I.T.T., amused by this spectacle. K.I.T.T. You know, Michael, this being a god is very demanding. Michael gets into the car. MICHAEL Stick with what you do best, Kitt. Let's go. CUT TO SERIES OF SHOTS - HIGHWAY K.I.T.T. racing to the city. OMITTED EXT. HAIR SALON - NIGHT - ESTABLISH INT. HAIR SALON - NIGHT Empty, except for the Oakes group...An attractive female hair stylist works on Oakes' hair as another beauty manicures his nails...The Henchman/Chauffeur stands at the door and a business associate, Jim, watches Oakes pampering with amusement. OAKES It's called luxury Jim.... JIM A fifty-year-old barber and a hot towel is luxury...There's got to be a better word for this.... MICHAEL'S VOICE There is, but none of them are very nice.... DOORWAY Michael steps in, the Henchman steps in front of him to block his way.... HENCHMAN You can't come in here. It's private.... MICHAEL I'm already in and throwing one me out could prove dangerous to your health.... OAKES Let Mr. Knight in.... SCENE Michael smiles at the Henchman, moves him aside and steps over to Oakes.... Jim, breaks the excruciating silence. JIM Who's your friend? MICHAEL Cyrus and I go back to the Curran County days. Back when he was running his game with the oil fields on Indian land. Oakes steps up to Michael, nods towards the side. OAKES We'd better talk elsewhere. Michael lets Oakes lead him away to a dark corner of the room. OAKES You're one hell of a good investi- gator, Mr. Knight. But you're really pushing it now. Michael meets Oakes' anger with some of his own. MICHAEL You're right. Why spoil your pleasures by dredging up anymore of your past? Let's get to the point. I know how much that Kobe burial ground is worth to you, and how much your old record could screw it up. OAKES So what do you plan to do about it? MICHAEL Nothing. For a half a million dollars. In cash. OAKES You're crazy. MICHAEL Easy, Cyrus. I know it takes a bit of time to raise that kind of money. Even for you. So I'll settle for an initial installment of fifty thousand. Tonight. OAKES You'll have to come to my compound to collect it. I have a business dinner...it'll be a couple of hours. MICHAEL Fine. It's a tough drive, but I know it pretty well. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. DESERT ROAD - NIGHT In the vast darkness, K.I.T.T.'s lights shoot down the blacktop. ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael at the wheel, thinking. K.I.T.T. Michael, I can't believe you're going to walk right into Cyrus Oakes' compound. MICHAEL I'm not. K.I.T.T. But you just said you were. MICHAEL I said I told Oakes I was. There's a difference. (beat) I've got something else in mind.... CUT TO INT. CLUB - NIGHT Oakes is on the phone to his base camp. OAKES Yeah, listen. Michael Knight is headed on over there to meet with me. When he gets there, you hold him. I'll be there and deal with him in a more permanent fashion. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - DRIVEBY FURTHER DOWN THE ROAD K.I.T.T. comes up a hill, and as he passes by we see the hive of lights of Oakes' compound down below. ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. coasts to a stop. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL All right, pal. Scan the camp personnel. He punches the required buttons. ON SCREEN A hologram comes on of the camp, red lights winking all around the perimeter, two flashing in the center of the compound. K.I.T.T. There's a concentration of men by the front gate. MICHAEL Yeah. Betcha they're waiting for me. But look at this -- they're keeping a guard by that hut. Close in on that and give me an infrared scan. The image zeros in on one Quonset hut. A very faint image of two seated people appears. MICHAEL I think we've just found Doctor Tanner and Barbara Ralston. MICHAEL Silent mode, pal. OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael patches in the required circuits. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, neutralize that fence. ON SCREEN The holograph shows the fence as it de-enhances. EXTERIOR - LOOKING PAST K.I.T.T. DOWN THE HILL Michael slips out and races to Oakes' compound. EXT. COMPOUND A guard patrols a narrow land between two huge earth-moving vehicles. Pan from him to the fence and, through the links, Michael sprinting up to the perimeter. REVERSE ANGLE OVER MICHAEL'S SHOULDER - THE FENCE He walks into frame. Looks up the links. Looks down. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - DEAD BIRDS are scattered at his feet. CLOSEUP - MICHAEL - THROUGH FENCE He looks down, picks up a piece of iron, tosses it at the fence. No zap. He grabs the fence and starts to climb. ANGLE ON GUARD As the guard walks by, Michael, seen past him, gets to the top of the fence, climbs down, then races stealthily along the fence. EXT. POWER STATION Michael gets to the corner and hides. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - A GUARD crossing the alley between the huts. He goes by and Michael races past him along the walls. OMITTED EXT. HUT Lucas, outside the hut, lights a cigarette -- and is clubbed to the ground by Michael. INT. HUT Dr. Tanner and Barbara stop eating, amazed as Michael rushes in. MICHAEL (in a whisper) I'm Michael Knight, a friend of Susan Christopher. I'm here to get you out. Come on. He leads Dr. Tanner and the somewhat stunned Barbara out the door. OMITTED EXT. COMPOUND Michael leads Barbara and Dr. Tanner past the other huts. EXT. BY THE GATE - NIGHT Guards wait for Michael. One of them Simpson. He looks up at the fence and is dumbfounded. SIMPSON'S POINT OF VIEW - AN OWL is perched on the wire. EXT. YARD - WITH MICHAEL AND THE KIDNAP VICTIMS They are coming towards the fence when --- LIGHTS go on all around the camp, accompanied by a shrieking alarm. MICHAEL whirls around to see guards surrounding him, Dr. Tanner and Ralston. He raises his hands high. Simpson steps forward to glare at Michael, seems about to slug him, but instead his eyes settle on Michael's watch (the comlink). He rips it from his wrist. Smiles.... SIMPSON Nice watch you won't be needing this.... Michael looks.... FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. OAKES' COMPOUND - DAY (SUNRISE) The sun rises over the yard. INT. POWER STATION - MORNING Michael sits in a chair flanked by two guards, in front of him, seething with anger. DR. TANNER AND BARBARA sadly watch him. Roaring machines can be heard. Michael, Barbara and Dr. Tanner bristle to attention. CUT TO EXT. ENTRANCE TO THE COMPOUND - MORNING A line of bulldozers, pipe and shaft drivers, and trucks of workers rev up at the gate. OAKES waves them on over the thunderous clamor. OAKES Let's move 'em out, boys! I want to be there at eight AM.... CUT TO EXT. BURIAL GROUND - DAY In the morning silence of the desert, Susan and Eagle look over a group of about twenty Indian men and women who are digging at the rubble of the cave. Some members of the group are getting restive as Susan worriedly checks her watch. Finally a middle-aged Indian man, Thomas, calls out to her. THOMAS Susan! She looks in the direction of the voice from the crowd. THOMAS Oakes and his men are coming! Where is this guy Knight? The crowd gets angry. But before Susan can answer them, Blue Feather steps out from the edge of the group. BLUE FEATHER The god of the wind will come, as he said he would. THOMAS Yeah, sure. The wind ain't gonna stop Oakes' men from bustin' heads. And I got a family. He looks sadly at Susan. THOMAS Why don't you face it. It's over. Some people begin to lay down their shovels. SUSAN It's not over! Listen to me! All I'm asking is that we stand here just a little while when they come and demonstrate our feeling for this land. THOMAS What good will that do? The land belongs to Oakes! SUSAN Not yet it doesn't...Michael Knight has still got something to say...and from what I've learned about him -- he'll be here to say it.... She looks over the group. They consider what she said, and decide to trust her. As one, they go back to digging. CUT TO INT. POWER STATION - DAY Michael and the captives hear the sound of footsteps and the door slamming open. OAKES accompanied by his goons, strides across the room. OAKES I'm sorry our meeting was delayed, but I believe you've caused some real trouble now. For yourself and your friends. Oakes nods over to Simpson and his goon, who hoist Dr. Tanner and Barbara, fiercely struggling, out of their chairs. BARBARA Let go of me! DR. TANNER Where are you taking us? Barbara's face drains with abject fear as she and Dr. Tanner are taken out the door. SCENE Oakes crouches down in front of Michael, taunting him. OAKES In fact, Mr. Knight, you might say you killed them. MICHAEL Let them go, Oakes, you got what you wanted. OAKES And I intend to keep it. You'll join them in a different way. I think we'll give you another shot at the electrified fence. Good-bye, Mr. Knight. Oakes turns on his heel and leaves. CUT TO EXT. RAVINE - DAY Susan and the Indians, waiting at the bottom, hear the rumble of massive engines in the distance. CUT TO ON THE BLACKTOP - DAY The line of rigs pound through a haze of dust. CUT TO OMITTED INT. HUT Lucas trains his gun on Michael, orders him to get up. Michael does, raising his hands but just high enough to touch the hanging metal lamp between him and Lucas. In the next instant he pushes it hard as he can. THE LAMP smashes Lucas in the head. MICHAEL jumps for him, and, as Lucas tries to wield his rifle, deflects the stock and smashes him down. He kneels to the floor, grabs Lucas' wrist, and, while unstrapping it, speaks into his comlink. Michael lifts up his comlink. MICHAEL (quietly) Kitt? I could use a little posse to the rescue, buddy. I'm surrounded by bad guys. CUT TO EXTERIOR - BEHIND THE HILL - K.I.T.T. revs up. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. Dash signals light up. The pedal floors. ZOOM-IN K.I.T.T. He explodes from behind the hill.... ANGLE DOWN THE HOOD ...speeding toward the electric fence. AT THE FENCE Impact -- he smashes through the sizzling wires as guards hurl themselves out of the way. CUT TO MICHAEL straps on the comlink, looks around, then heads for the window. OMITTED ANGLE - WINDOW Michael hurtles into it and smashes through the glass. EXT. GROUND BY THE POWER STATION He lands, rolls, and starts to run. MICHAEL (on comlink) I'm coming out, Kitt! Lay down a smoke screen! CUT TO WITH K.I.T.T. MOVING THROUGH COMPOUND K.I.T.T. shoots across the yard, spurting a blanket of thick black smoke. The guards stagger blindly in his wake. CUT BACK TO OMITTED WITH MICHAEL He runs around the corner of the hut. EXT. COMPOUND - ALLEY BETWEEN THE HUTS Guards see Michael and open fire. RESUME MICHAEL He ducks the shots and does a credible job of broken-field running into the path of K.I.T.T.'s smoke. OMITTED CLOSER ON MICHAEL ...racing through the wake of the smoke screen.... MICHAEL Block 'em for me, Kitt! ON K.I.T.T. He cuts in front of the guards, whose bullets squib harm- lessly off his fender. WITH MICHAEL He races through the smoke to the truck. ANGLE ON GOONS confused by the noise and the smoke they barely have time to react as Michael wades into them. CLOSER ON MICHAEL - ANGLES AS NEEDED He quickly grabs and dispatches the first goon -- but then Simpson leaps on him from the back. They fight. Simpson brings Michael down with a couple of body blows, then yanks out of his hip sheath a long-bladed Bowie knife and prepares to stab him. But Michael grabs his arm, kicks Simpson, then rolls away and decks him. He pins him with his knee. MICHAEL You're caged, snake man. He looks up. MICHAEL Doctor Tanner! DR. TANNER AND BARBARA rush out from behind the truck. Michael races over, hustles them towards K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Into the car! Hurry! We've got to double time it to the burial ground! He pushes them in, shuts the door. EXTERIOR - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. OMITTED WITH K.I.T.T. He blasts through the fence, shooting down the road. MICHAEL'S VOICE Gimme Super-Pursuit Mode, pal! OMITTED K.I.T.T. - SERIES OF INSERTS Out comes the gleaming Air Dam, the sleek nose cone, the vent in the hood and ferocious jet exhaust pipes. OMITTED WITH K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. in SPM shooting down the road. OMITTED EXT. BURIAL GROUND - DAY The earth movers line up at the top, motors growling and pouring smoke. Oakes stands in front with a bullhorn. EXT. BOTTOM OF RAVINE The frightened but steadfast group of demonstrators look up at them. RESUME OAKES OAKES (on bullhorn) This land is the property of Oakes Industries. If you people don't disperse, we will forcibly remove you. SERIES OF SHOTS - THE DEMONSTRATORS Susan, Eagle, Blue Feather facing Oakes' men down. WITH K.I.T.T. - DAY streaking down the blacktop. MICHAEL C'mon, Kitt, give it all you got! THE SPEEDOMETER hitting 300. LOOKING UP AT THE RAVINE RIM - DAY The construction workers line up behind Oakes. He checks his watch, looks at the demonstrators, shrugs. OAKES I don't want a tap dance. Let's kick 'em out now. He leads his workers down. ON THE DEMONSTRATORS They brace themselves for the onslaught. ON OAKES AND HIS MEN They line up in front of the group. Ready to rumble. ON ROAD K.I.T.T. in SPM bearing down. THE E.B.S. SYSTEM deploys, the fins shooting out as air brakes. EXT. RAVINE Men jump back from the machines as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop between them. EXT. RAVINE - SERIES OF SHOTS Susan and the Indians smile with relief. Oakes looks up and is absolutely stunned as --- EXT. RAVINE - K.I.T.T. races up to the edge. The Air Dams, spoilers, etc. tuck in. The door opens and Michael rushes out. ANGLE - OAKES AND HIS MEN He turns behind him to summon his muscle. OAKES Get him! CLOSER ON MICHAEL Dr. Tanner and Ralston get out of the car behind him. Michael looks back at them and then at Oakes' men. MICHAEL You men might want to think twice before you become accessories to a kidnapping and a murder. OAKES looks at his group of men. OAKES You heard what I said! MICHAEL If there is oil here it belongs to the tribe and you don't need Oakes to find it.... They don't budge. Oakes tears up the trail. MICHAEL comes down to intercept him. WITH OAKES He tries to get by Michael, but Michael grabs his arm. Oakes manages to sneak in a gut punch, but then Michael deflects his next blow and with a quick one-two combination knocks Oakes flat on his back. THE INDIANS applaud and cheer. Even Eagle smiles.... MICHAEL catching his breath, stands over Oakes. MICHAEL You'll end up with all the land you'll ever need...and eight-by- eight cell... (beat) No digging permitted. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. RAVINE - DAY The dig in full swing -- a whole group of Indians, moving in and out, led by Eagle. Dr. Tanner proudly claps Barbara on the shoulder. Then he looks up towards the top of the ravine, shouting at someone up above. DR. TANNER Come on! We could use us another pair of strong arms! (pointing to the Indians) You can see how much fun it is! ON MICHAEL taking it light as he looks down at Dr. Tanner, puts his arm around Susan.... MICHAEL I've already got my hands full, Doc. (to Susan) Are there any other caves we can search privately? SUSAN (laughs) I don't think Eagle would like it. MICHAEL (a reaction) You...and him? SUSAN Since we were seven years old, but he'll understand this. She walks into his arms and gives him a tender and lingering kiss. Michael breaks away, a little surprised, and sees --- ON K.I.T.T. Blue Feather is laying a whole bouquet of desert flowers on K.I.T.T.'s hood. Michael walks up and takes them. MICHAEL These are beautiful. BLUE FEATHER They are simply my way of offering thanks to the both of you for helping us in our crisis as the legends foretold. INT. K.I.T.T. As Michael gets into the car. K.I.T.T. You know, Michael, I did fulfill the ancient promise of their god of the wind. MICHAEL Please. Don't get it into your... circuits that you have any sort of divine heritage, Kitt. K.I.T.T. But what if it's true? What if I, without knowing it, am in fact --- MICHAEL Let me answer your question with a question, Kitt. What's wrong with merely being a superb piece of machinery, a partner, and a friend? K.I.T.T. Nothing at all. MICHAEL I rest my case. K.I.T.T. But Michael? You could bring me flowers some time. Off Michael's "Oh, brother..." expression, FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END