EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60224 Robert Foster September 13, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Bruce Lansbury KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT STING by Herman Miller __________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. PARAGUAYAN CONSULATE - DAY - ESTABLISHING SHOT An extended, isolated, walled compound set on a hill, looking a little like a fortress with its high walls, guarded gates, consular flag flying. At this distance, we probably will not be able to make out the nationality of the colors. INT. LIVING ROOM - THE CONSULATE Three men who are watching a television screen, each with his own interest and fascination. The first is Antoun, fortyish, cadaver-thin, pockmarked, ill-suited in American garb. He might look less sinister in a burnoosem but nothing would help the garish twitch at his lower lip which gives him a perpetual, humorless grin. The second man is August Hollenbeck, fifties, a suit-and- tie American scientist, a little sweaty, the latter helped along by what is on the television screen, afflicting him with a growing unease and distaste. The third man, Simon Carascas, is the presence -- head man at the consulate, big, bluff, open shirt and gold chain. Outgoing, gregarious, which means -- as he pulls his dagger out of your back, he hopes you don't take it personally. ANGLE - THE TELEVISION SCREEN - STOCK A biological laboratory where cute, inoffensive monkeys are enjoying themselves, peering at us with trusting eyes. CARASCAS This experiment has also been filmed with guinea pigs and dogs. A mechanical claw makes a slow approach to a beaker filled with a cloudy substance, and opens it. CARASCAS' VOICE Monkeys, as you know, are primates and react more like human beings. ANGLE - THE THREE MEN watching in fascination, Antoun with greedy anticipation; Hollenback, uneasy, Carascas, casual, indifferent. CARASCAS Once released, the bacteria travel by air. Watch the time -- in seconds. One...two...three...Yes, Antoun they're already in extreme pain, look. HOLLENBECK That's enough. Shut it off, Simon. We're all familiar with the horrible death it causes. Let's get this over with. ANGLE - THE TV SCREEN The monkeys are stretched out, motionless. ANGLE - THE THREE MEN Carascas nods a signal, and Vascone, a consulate guard comes into shot to switch off the TV set. He is a big man, with a kind of feral strength, and a useful capacity for carrying out orders. Antoun is still staring at the darkened TV screen, running something over in his head. ANTOUN I like it. The Hammer-of-the-Desert will take it. Carascas nods. Hollenbeck wipes his face nervously, moves quickly to the door, Vascone on his tail. Carascas and Antoun stare after him; a beat, then follow. EXT. CONSULATE COURTYARD Hollenbeck is ushered to his waiting car by Vascone. We stay on Carascas and Antoun who hang back. CARASCAS You know the price. ANTOUN One million dollars. CARASCAS In advance. Ten times that much on delivery. Antoun nods in the b.g., Hollenbeck gets behind the wheel of his car. Vascone slams the door shut behind him. ANTOUN When? CARASCAS It will go out on the next shipment. Hollenbeck's car approaches the consulate gates. They open. ANTOUN And that man -- your partner -- he seemed to be in a hurry to leave. Will he give us any trouble? Hollenbeck's car moves through the gates. Another car pulls out from behind the building. Two men with automatic weapons appear and get in the back. Vascone gets in beside the driver, and the car moves after Hollenbeck's car. CARASCAS Don't concern yourself about him. EXT. A ROAD - IN THE HILLS K.I.T.T., alone on the road, curving up into the hills. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. approaches an abandoned gravel pit, a series of declivities gouged into the hills, dirt roads leading in and out, and here and there the remains of work shacks. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING MICHAEL Why would Hollenbeck pick this prime vacation spot for our rendezvous? K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see Devon in his Foundation office. DEVON As a safety precaution, Michael. If his customers discover he's had a change of heart and offered to help us, his life would be in jeopardy. MICHAEL He should have thought of that before he sold them the canister. DEVON I agree. But the fact remains, a lethal bacteria developed with a Foundation grant has fallen into the wrong hands, and the responsibility is mine. MICHAEL Devon, there's no way you could have known Hollenbeck's experiments would accidentally produce a weapon. DEVON But they did, Michael, and I won't have a moment's peace until you and Kitt retrieve that canister. MICHAEL You can count on us, Devon. DEVON I am, Michael. And be careful. Michael clicks off and pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL Give me an area scan, pal. I want to know if Hollenbeck's here yet. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as a schematic of the area develops and we see a moving blip on a road that leads to the gravel pits. K.I.T.T. A car is approaching, Michael. Two people in front. MICHAEL That's it. He said his daughter would be driving. EXT. APPROACH TO GRAVEL PITS Hollenbeck's car moves up the dirt road leading to the abandoned pits. Behind the wheel is Gaye Hollenbeck, early twenties, slim and good-looking. On the passenger side is her father, August Hollenbeck. A second car, following Hollenbeck, appears on the road. Inside are Vascone and the other three men. Automatic weapons suddenly thrust out the windows. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm picking up another car with four men inside. The automatic weapons open fire. MICHAEL Hollenbeck's in trouble, pal! Michael stomps on the accelerator. K.I.T.T. takes off, whipping into motion with a squeal of tires. HOLLENBACK'S CAR Bullets shatter the rear window. Gaye and Hollenbeck are startled, fearful. Gaye steps on the gas. Vascone's car accelerates in pursuit. K.I.T.T. speeding along the makeshift road in pursuit of the two vehicles as Vascone's men continue to fire at Hollenbeck's car. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Shall I microlock their brakes, Michael? MICHAEL No. The cars are too close together. We're going to have to do some open field blocking. Turbo boost, pal. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. accelerates and launches into the air. MICHAEL is slammed back into the seat. WIDE ANGLE - THE ROAD Vascone's car running parallel to Hollenbeck's. K.I.T.T. drops into frame, lands between the two cars, taking a burst of gun fire. The disabled Hollenbeck car glances off a road bank, comes to rest. Vascone has had enough, and roars off. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. We can catch that vehicle easily, Michael. MICHAEL Scan the Hollenbeck's vital signs first, pal. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as a vital sign scan of Gaye and Hollenbeck appears. K.I.T.T. Hollenbeck has been wounded, Michael. Pulse very faint. Blood pressure sixty over thirty and falling. His daughter appears uninjured. MICHAEL Forget the shooters and call the paramedics, pal. ANGLE - THE HOLLENBECK CAR Vascone's car vanishes in the distance as Michael pulls up in K.I.T.T., is quickly out to help Gaye. She looks tearfully at Michael as she holds her seriously hurt father. INT. FOUNDATION - CLOSE ON TELEVISION MONITOR The screen shows a picture of Carascas. DEVON'S VOICE Simon Carascas, head man at the consulate. Over the years he has been trading hi-tech contraband to proscribed countries. The little Hollenbeck has told us from his hos- pital bed confirms what we suspected -- Carascas has the missing canister of genetic material --- ANOTHER ANGLE - DEVON, MICHAEL, BONNIE listening intently to Devon's words. RC3 enters as the slide changes to a picture of the consulate compound. DEVON -- somewhere on these premises. RC3 Why not blow in there with a S.W.A.T. team and search the place from top to bottom? I mean, it used to happen in my old neighborhood all the time. DEVON Unfortunately, this isn't your old neighborhood, RC. It's a foreign consulate, and therefore illegal for anyone to set foot on the premises without permission. RC3 Who said anything about asking permission? Michael smiles and advances the slide through a series of shots of the consulate interior. MICHAEL The place is a nest of surveillance cameras monitored by armed security personnel RC -- an army of 'em. An intruder wouldn't stand a chance. DEVON But your instincts are correct, Reginald. While you've been on the road, Michael, Bonnie and I have formulated a plan to covertly infiltrate the consulate. It must be done before the canister leaves via diplomatic courier which would make it untouchable. MICHAEL We've never been up against anything like this before. No way Kitt and I can handle it alone. We're all going into the field to get it back. RC3 Hey, I'm ready. There's gotta be a way to get to that Carascas dude. MICHAEL Two of them -- his passion for classic cars and -- beautiful women. He swings a look to Bonnie who steps forward holding up a slinky, revealing evening dress. BONNIE I think this will work. MICHAEL (appreciateively) It would work for me. Bonnie smiles demurely. Devon advances the slide. DEVON No, the canister is being kept in a consulate vault located in the same underground area where Carascas keeps his classic cars. RC3 glances to K.I.T.T., starts putting it together. RC3 I think I know where you're coming from, boss -- we're adding to the man's collection, right? BONNIE Right on, RC. And I'll need your help to create Kitt's new identity. She holds up a baseball-sized plastic sphere. BONNIE This is the key to it -- a super- cooled plastic that can be instantly liquified. She sets the sphere down; activates a remote-control device. CLOSE ON THE SPHERE as the ball glows as if illuminated from within, then melts and runs onto the table revealing a cube concealed inside. RESUME THE SCENE RC3 Outta sight. This is gonna be a piece of cake. MICHAEL Not exactly. Hollenbeck is being moved to a better-equipped hospital to insure he stays alive to testify. DEVON However we've learned Carascas is bringing in a contract killer to make sure he never does. MICHAEL Kitt and I will be riding shotgun between hospitals while you two make a shell to turn him into an exotic antique. K.I.T.T.'s scanner suddenly pulses faster. K.I.T.T. I've never thought of myself in quite that way, Michael. MICHAEL You'll get used to it, pal. We all get there sooner or later. Michael swings a look to Devon who forces a smile, then --- DEVON Yes, provided our switch is success- ful. Camera pans with his look to a gleaming, shiny metallic canister, cylindrical in shape, set on a table near the monitor. INT. VAULT ROOM - THE CONSULATE - DAY - CLOSE ON A MATCHING CANISTER Pull back as Vascone carefully lifts it into a packing crate as Carascas watches. CARASCAS Careful. VASCONE It won't break. CARASCAS I know. I'll still be glad when it goes out. VASCONE (shrugs) Nine hours. A buzzer sounds. They trade looks in reaction. CARASCAS He's here. Vascone closes the packing crate, and the two start quickly out. Carascas waits as Vascone closes the security door, locks the electronic controls, then both move away. THE BASEMENT SHOWROOM Six classic cars in prime condition. Pascal, like the cars, an antique -- white-moustached, is polishing one of the cars, slowly and methodically, encumbered by his age. PASCAL You enjoy this don't you? Yes, yes, I can always tell. You brighten and come alive at my touch, instantly, and in a way that tells me --- He pauses, sensing a presence and looks up from his work to see: NEW ANGLE - FEATURING CARASCAS AND VASCONE Carascas glaring at the old man and pointing obsessively to a speck of dust on the car's fender. CARASCAS What is that, Pascal? You can see it, can't you? Pascal nods, chastised. Too frightened to answer. CARASCAS Then it shouldn't be there, should it? (beat; silence) Should it?! PASCAL (timidly) No, Mr. Carascas. CARASCAS If you spent less time talking to the cars and more caring for them, you'd notice these things yourself. Carascas leads the way to the stairs, going up to the main level. The old man looks after them fearfully, addresses himself to the speck of dust and blows it off the fender. MAIN ROOM - THE CONSULATE Two guards stand by while a third man paces nervously, radiating the energy and containment of a caged tiger. His name is Lupo. CARASCAS Ah, Lupo -- been a long time. LUPO You only call when you have a problem, Simon. I keep telling you, my wife is a gourmet cook. Any evening, eh? CARASCAS A little celebration perhaps --- Carascas gives Lupo an envelope. He checks the cash inside and removes a small photo of Hollenbeck. CARASCAS This will not be easy. The man is well guarded. LUPO If it were easy, you wouldn't have to pay me one hundred thousand dollars to eliminate him. Carascas smiles thinly. EXT. CONSULATE GATES - DAY An old Chevy convertible drives up the gates. Behind the wheel is RC3, dressed as a "sharp dude." The Guard at the gate stares at him coldly. RC3 honks his horn impatiently. GUARD What do you want? RC3 C'mon, man, the car. I'm making a delivery. Can't you see? The Guard scowls dubiously. RC3 Look, man, it's your hide if I don't make it. I mean, Mr. 'C' ain't gonna like losing this baby. You better call him 'n check me out. You dig? The Guard is thoroughly confused, hesitates. RC3 nods him encouragingly toward the gate phone. INT. MAIN ROOM - THE CONSULATE - ANGLE FEATURES THE PHONE as it rings. Carascas, close by, picks it up, not pleased by the intrusion. CARASCAS What is it? (beat, puzzled, softens) I'll be right there. He hangs up; swings a look to Lupo for --- CARASCAS You're usual guarantee is something should go wrong? LUPO I've already arranged for back up. His name is Hajeck. Johnny Hajeck. Carascas nods and starts for the door leaving the two men behind. EXT. CONSULATE GATES RC3 and the Guard at the gate. RC3 has gotten out of the car, watches as the Guard goes back to meet Carascas, approaching. ANGLE AT GATE Carascas turns from the Guard, looks at the Chevy with disdain. RC3 moves up fast, talks through the gate. RC3 Hey, man, you think I'm trying to hustle this ragtop? No way! I'm here to put you onto this. He holds some Polaroid prints up against the gate. Carascas scowls, shakes his head. RC3 holds up another and then a third. It electrifies Carascas. He moves quickly to the gate, takes the picture, looks at it closely. INSERT - POLAROID SHOT A picture of a 1955 Lynx Imperial Racer. BACK TO SCENE as Carascas looks up from the Polaroid, coolly suspicious. CARASCAS How did you know I was interested in antique cars? RC3 It's my business to know. It's not exactly a secret that Simon Carascas has been after a '55 Lynx 'Imp' for years. CARASCAS (correcting) Lynx Imperial, and I don't believe you have it. Only two were ever made. Neither has ever been in this country. RC3 (holding up the print) Where do you think I took this? In China? (beat) Of course, if you ain't interested --- He starts to move away. CARASCAS Wait! Where can I see the car? RC3 Deal first. Like what's my end? CARASCAS Ten percent of the selling price. RC3 Twelve -- and stay near the phone, my man. I'll be in touch. He hops into the car, turns the key, and roars off. EXT. AMBULANCE ENTRANCE - CITY HOSPITAL - DAY Normal activity for this time of day. An Ambulance standing by. Some hospital personnel visible. K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop within close range, Michael at the wheel. MICHAEL I want a surveillance scan of anyone or anything near that ambulance, pal. K.I.T.T. All systems activated, Michael. (beat) There they are. HOSPITAL ENTRANCE - POINT OF VIEW - A GURNEY is rolled by two orderlies toward the ambulance. Gaye hovers over Hollenbeck, who has an IV plugged into him, the plastic sack carried high by one of the orderlies. THE AMBULANCE DRIVER gets out, moves around and opens the rear door. It's Lupo in hospital whites. He signs a clipboard held out by an orderly. LUPO Give you the old John Hancock, there. (beat) In we go, folks --- As the orderlies shove the auto-collapse gurney into the ambulance, Gaye following after it, we: RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. My scan is picking something up, Michael. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see a graphic of Lupo and a military .45 in shoulder holster clearly delineated behind his uniform jacket. MICHAEL Yeah, unless a forty-five is standard paramedic issue these days, we've got a problem, pal. RESUME THE SCENE as the orderlies move off, Lupo closes and locks the door of the ambulance. He's moving around to the driver's side to get behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. A big one, Michael. That man just locked Hollenbeck and his daughter inside the ambulance. What are we going to do? MICHAEL More like what you're going to do. Don't fail me now, pal. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. LUPO reaches for the door handle and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HOSPITAL STREET - DAY - CONTINUOUS as Lupo's fingers come to rest on the ambulance's door handle, the engine suddenly starts. It takes off leaving a surprised, baffled Lupo standing in the middle of the street, grabbing at air. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael reacts, pleased at the result. MICHAEL Nice work, pal. Guess he'll have to catch the next bus. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid he's decided not to wait, Michael. Look --- LUPO is dashing toward a car parked across the street. As he pulls open the door and jumps in next to his associate who's behind the wheel. LUPO Move! Move! We've got to catch that ambulance! The car rockets down the street after the ambulance. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Okay, pal, park the ambulance someplace safe. And we'll take him. K.I.T.T. Very good, Michael, but you realize I can't do that and microlock at the same time. MICHAEL No problem. There's more than one way to bring those guys down. Michael stomps on the accelerator. THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. pulls abreast of Lupo's car. Lupo leans out the window and opens fire with the .45 The rounds spark off the window next to Michael's head. Lupo reacts, baffled, and watches as K.I.T.T. accelerates past Lupo's car and does a tire screeching ninety right in front of it. INSIDE LUPO'S CAR The driver slams on the brakes. He and Lupo cover their faces, realizing they have no chance of stopping. THE SCENE as Lupo's car plows into K.I.T.T. at high speed. Lupo's hood wrinkles and pops open. The entire front end accordions, tires askew and flattened. K.I.T.T., of course, not a scratch. ANOTHER ANGLE - LUPO'S CAR The driver kayoed by the crash. Lupo scrambles out. Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. and goes after him. He catches up and grabs Lupo's shoulder using his momentum to spin him into a devastating right. Lupo drops and stays where he falls. MICHAEL Bring the ambulance around, pal. K.I.T.T. I was anticipating you might say that. As Michael turns, the ambulance pulls to a stop next to him. ANOTHER ANGLE - AMBULANCE Michael pulls open the door and leans in. MICHAEL You two okay? Gaye is dazed, baffled, nods before --- GAYE I'm confused and frightened, Michael. A runaway ambulance, people shooting -- when is it all going to stop? MICHAEL Soon, that's a promise. (glances to Lupo) And I think I know exactly what my next move is going to be. He crosses to K.I.T.T., pulls the door open and leans in for: MICHAEL Get me Devon, Buddy. Something he has to check out for me first. CUT TO EXT. A PASADENA STREET - DAY tree-lined, well-kept, expensive houses on both sides. A Mercedes 600 bearing the consulate crest and flags waving stops at the curb. Driving is Vascone. Carascas in back with Franco. NEW ANGLE RC3 approaches in his ragtop, pulls up in front of the Mercedes. RC3 gets out as do Carascas and his mechanic. Vascone remains in the car. RC3 looks suspiciously at Franco. RC3 You're supposed to be alone, man. CARASCAS Franco is my mechanic. An expert. If this is a hoax, you'll pay for it. RC3 This ain't no scam. Hey, man, you need a little security, take him along. No problem. He indicates for Carascas to precede him to the house. EXT. AT FRONT ENTRANCE OF HOUSE as RC3, Carascas and Franco approach. RC3 rings the doorbell. The door opens, and Bonnie appears wearing the dress seen earlier. A chic, class act, a vogue jet setter. RC3 This is the man I told you about. CARASCAS Simon Carascas. BONNIE Contessa Alisha Craven-Hall. Please, this way. She turns and leads the way toward the garage. INT. GARAGE - DAY as the group approaches a car under wraps. We sense the tension, excitement building in Carascas, a long time craving finally fulfilled. And in Bonnie and RC3 for other reasons. BONNIE I can't tell you how pleased I was to find a man who shares at least -- one of my passions. CARASCAS We'll soon find out if you share one of mine, Contessa -- I am obsessed with authenticity. Franco --- ANOTHER ANGLE - THE CAR as Franco steps forward, hesitates a beat, then pulls off the cover revealing the Lynx in all its pristine beauty, gleaming and polished. Carascas catches his breath as Franco opens the doors, the hood. He motions Carascas over. CLOSER ANGLE - CARASCAS AND FRANCO FRANCO (sotto; an aside) It's genuine. See this little nick. The Baron himself put it there on one of those tight curves at Le Mans. CARASCAS (tense; containing excitement) You're sure. FRANCO I was there, on his crew. Carascas turns and crosses to Bonnie. CARASCAS Incredible. May I ask how you come to have this car? BONNIE The Baron had it flown here -- for our anniversary. CARASCAS You were married to him? BONNIE Not exactly. The word isn't in his vocabulary. Nor mine for that matter. Bonnie baits him with an alluring smile. Carascas lets his eyes take her in. CARASCAS How much are you asking -- for the car? BONNIE Two-fifty, firm. CARASCAS It's not worth a penny over two hundred thousand. Bonnie moves closer establishing eye contact -- seductively. BONNIE But you're buying it from me. CARASCAS (muses, envisioning) True, a car's value can often be increased by the reputation of the owner -- Hitler, the Beatles, a contessa, perhaps. BONNIE In this case, would that criteria be satisfied if the owner were to -- deliver it personally, for example. CARASCAS More than satisfied, Contessa. I have no doubt of it. BONNIE Good. (beat; adds) Oh, don't feel defeated -- I always get my price. Carascas nods and smiles in anticipation. Bonnie returns his look, a fetching smile before: BONNIE Cash. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Gaye is looking down at her father. He is comfortable and asleep. Angle widens to include Michael, behind her. She turns to him. GAYE You know, it all started out with what sounded like harmless business transactions. MICHAEL That's how these people work, Gaye. They lead you into quicksand. Before you know it you're in so deep there's no way out. GAYE (nods, sadly) He thought sharing his knowledge might serve the cause of world peace. I sensed he was in trouble. At first he was evasive, then frightened and angry when I questioned him. There was nothing I could do. I just --- The phone rings. Michael picks it up. MICHAEL Hello? INTERCUT - DEVON on the phone in the Foundation. DEVON Two things, Michael. First, Carascas went for the Lynx. MICHAEL Way to go, Bonnie and RC. Is Kitt ready? Devon glances off to --- A 1955 LYNX IMPERIAL RC3 putting the finishing touches on it. RESUME THE SCENE DEVON Indeed, Kitt has been transformed into as exotic an antique as I've ever seen. Second, I checked out that 'ambulance driver' as you requested. He's a contract killer named Lupo. MICHAEL What about a backup shooter. Anything on that? DEVON Yes, your suspicions were correct. He's already engaged one, a fellow named Johnny Hajeck. The police just picked him up at our request. He'll cause you no trouble. MICHAEL Carascas is no fool, Devon. Soon as I make my move he's going to have me checked out. DEVON You're fully covered. I've just completed work on your police dossier. ON COMPUTER MONITOR to see the name John Hajeck atop a lengthy rap sheet and two numbered mug shots of Hajeck. Devon encodes at the keyboard and the photos are replaced by mug shots of Michael. DEVON The next move is yours, Michael. Make it well and carefully. Michael hangs up; turns to Gaye for --- MICHAEL Gaye, we'll need you in this. GAYE Whatever I can do, Michael. Anything. MICHAEL You know there are risks. GAYE Michael, this is the man who destroyed my father. And is trying to kill us. Michael smiles at her resolve and courage. EXT. ROAD - DAY leading up to the consulate in b.g. The Mercedes has to stop for a branch that lays across the road. Vascone, leaves the engine running, gets out to move the branch. Carascas watches from in the backseat. INSIDE THE MERCEDES Carascas is startled as a door opens, and Michael slides in beside him, reaches over, presses the control, and: THE DOOR LOCKS operate automatically, locking all the doors. BACK TO SCENE Michael turns to the startled Carascas. MICHAEL Lupo's been busted. CARASCAS I don't know what you're talking about or even who you are. Now get out. MICHAEL (shakes no) The name is Hajeck Johnny Hajeck. Carascas reacts to the name -- a beat, cautiously. CARASCAS Lupo's backup man. Yes, he mentioned you. VASCONE returns to the car; tries to get back in, finds it locked. He flares when he spots Michael with Carascas. RESUME MICHAEL AND CARASCAS who holds up a hand, quieting Vascone. MICHAEL It's going to cost you an extra fifty thousand to waste Hollenbeck. CARASCAS (considers, nods) Deal. But that buys me an observer -- right there next to you when you make the hit. MICHAEL (nods) Eight-thirty. Have your man at the hospital with fifty thousand. I'll come here to collect the balance after it goes down. Carascas nods tersely. Michael activates the door lock to open. He exits one rear door and heads off down the road as Vascone yanks open the other and leans in to Carascas. VASCONE You okay? CARASCAS Yes, no thanks to you. (beat) He says he's Johnny Hajek. Check him out. If he's okay, I'll fill you in on what happens next. (a beat) Either way I don't want to be bothered by him again. You understand? Vascone nods. He'll be happy to take care of Johnny Hajek. EXT. CONSULATE GATES - NIGHT Out of the darkness comes RC's ragtop pulling a flatbed trailer carrying the Lynx. Driving is RC3, flashily dressed and, beside him, a classy, sexy Bonnie. RC taps the horn. RC3 Open the gates, my man. They were expected. The gates open, and they move on through. EXT. CONSULATE COURTYARD RC3 pulls to a stop, at the door of the consulate. Gets out of the Chevy, goes to Bonnie's side and escorts her out. The consulate door is opened by a uniformed guard. He bows slightly to Bonnie and admits her. The guard hands RC3 an envelope, and closes the door. RC3 goes back to his car and begins disconnecting the trailer. INT. MAIN ROOM - CONSULATE The table is set for an elegant dinner for two, candlelight and wine. Bonnie is ushered in, left alone. She looks around, crosses to the "entertainment console", finds a radio station with soft music. Then crosses to a sideboard, pours a couple of martinis from a decanter. Carascas enters. Bonnie turns, hands him a glass. BONNIE I took the liberty --- Carascas takes a sip; sets the glass down and gently pulls Bonnie into a light embrace, studying her face. CARASCAS Another one of my passions -- (off her look) Assertive women of considerable beauty. She fingers the open collar of his shirt, seductively --- BONNIE Armani -- hand sewn, pure silk. I like powerful men with taste. Very elegant. CARASCAS Very perceptive. As she undoes one of the buttons on his shirt, and sniffles. BONNIE The Baron wore them exclusively -- until he started spending time with me. I'm afraid you'll have to remove it, Simon. CARASCAS (lasciviously) Oh, I was planning to --- BONNIE The sooner the better, hurry. He hastily undoes a few more buttons and Bonnie sniffles again. CARASCAS Of course. I have no objection to dispensing with the preliminaries, Contessa, if you don't. BONNIE We'll have to dispense with the evening if you don't do it quickly. (massive sneeze) I'm allergic to silk. He looks at her a little chagrined. CARASCAS Well we wouldn't want an intimate moment shattered by one of those sneezes. Would we? I'll be right back. He goes out of the room. Bonnie quickly extracts a small electronic box and screwdriver from her purse. ON THE ENTERTAINMENT CENTER as she begins to attach the device to the back wiring of the stereo-TV complex, working coolly and efficiently. INT. BASEMENT SHOWROOM - NIGHT as the Lynx is parked between two of the classic cars. INSIDE THE LYNX Pascal is behind the wheel. He shuts off the engine. Sits awestruck for a moment, runs his fingertips across the dash down onto one of the leather seats. PASCAL You're more beautiful than I ever imagined. A dream come true. I will care for you like no other person could -- I promise. He gets out closes the door after him. A beat before: A PANEL ON THE LYNX'S DASH slides aside revealing K.I.T.T.'s monitor and voice module. The words COMMUNICATIONS OVER-RIDE LINK appear. Followed by the word ACTIVATE that flashes. ON THE LYNX as Pascal runs his fingertips over the gleaming finish camera follows and picks up a metallic rod that telescopes from the tailpipe area toward a complex electrical connection on a wall. PASCAL does a take noticing it; stares at the rod puzzled. Touches it gingerly. It keeps telescoping toward the connection. PASCAL I don't know what you got there. Nothing in the specifications about one of those. (beat; ponders) Maybe Mr. Carascas would know. Pascal reaches for a wall phone; pauses when he hears. A voice comes from the Lynx -- K.I.T.T.'s voice. K.I.T.T. Excuse me? PASCAL Who said that? K.I.T.T. I did. PASCAL (startled) You talk? But how? None of the others have ever --- K.I.T.T. (interrupting) There's no cause for alarm. A voice module is one of my special features. That connector which is going to make your life a lot easier, is another. PASCAL What do you mean by that? K.I.T.T. It will provide power to my on-board battery charger. I'm sure you're aware of how batteries in antique cars tend to run down. When they're stored. PASCAL I sure am. Mr. Carascas gets very angry with me when one of his cars won't start. Pascal watches fascinated as --- THE CONNECTOR ROD reaches the electrical connection on the wall and plugs in. K.I.T.T. Well you won't have to worry about that with me. Pascal nods. Good. INT. MAIN ROOM Bonnie has attached the device to the stereo-TV. A pinpoint of light goes. The connection is completed. She puts the screwdriver into her purse, picks up her drink. A beat later Carascas re-enters, wearing a different shirt. CARASCAS Better? BONNIE Much. You know, you've handled this much more good naturedly than the Baron. He really couldn't --- CARASCAS (interrupting) Please, I can't let this go on another minute. (off her look) Do you really think you're fooling me? Bonnie fights a massive Adrenalin surge; keeps her cool. BONNIE What do you mean, Simon? CARASCAS You're not who you say you are -- (skeptically) -- Contessa Alisha Craven-Hall. BONNIE Your obsession for authenticity is blinding you to the facts. I brought you the car didn't I? CARASCAS Yes, but I checked out the Baron. His last girl friend was a blonde -- a world class skier from Northern Italy. BONNIE Oh, Gabriella -- 'like making love to a snowdrift', is how the Baron put it. A beast of a girl. That's why he gave me the Lynx. CARASCAS (considers; threateningly) I don't like being deceived. It makes me into a hostile person. BONNIE I assure you I haven't misrepresented myself. CARASCAS I'll be the judge of that. He eyes her a beat, then moves in and runs his fingertips over her face. Bonnie eyes him seductively, covering her disgust. EXT. A STREET DOWN THE HILL FROM THE CONSULATE - NIGHT RC3's ragtop parked just off the main street. He looks up at the sound of a vehicle. THE MERCEDES 600 approaches, its flag removed. Vascone driving alone. RC3 watches it pass, starts up and follows in his ragtop. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT as we pan across the facade and down to pick up the Mercedes as it pulls into the parking lot. Vascone gets out and crosses toward another car. Two thugs get out and join him. As they briefly converse MOS. INTERCUT - RC3 as he pulls to a stop in his ragtop and observes the meeting. RC3 (to himself) Oh, oh, Michael my man. Something tells me Mr. 'C' is setting you up for major double-cross. Lupo moves off alone. The two thugs vanish in the darkness. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT as Vascone comes around a corner passing some shrubbery along the side of the building. Michael steps out behind him. Jabs a forefinger into his back. MICHAEL Hold still. Real still. Michael frisks Vascone. Removes a gun; jams it in his waistband. MICHAEL You won't need this. VASCONE Okay, okay, go easy. Carascas -- he wants me to be a witness. MICHAEL I know. I wouldn't have it any other way. Michael pulls an envelope from Vascone's inner pocket and checks it for cash. Satisfied --- MICHAEL (nodding a direction) Thanks. Now move! With Michael close behind him, Vascone walks in the indicated direction around the side of the hospital. BACK OF HOSPITAL - FEATURING A FIRE ESCAPE Michael prods Vascone to the fire escape, Vascone starts up the fire escape, Michael following. ANGLE - THE FIRE ESCAPE - VARIOUS SHOTS The ascent, to the second or third floor. To a hospital window. Michael plays it to the hilt, cautioning Vascone out of sight of the window, then sidling up himself to look in. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT - ON HOLLENBECK in bed, bandaged but awake and looking off. Pan to Gaye beside the bed, also looking off. Pan with their look to two uniformed "policemen", on guard near the door. A deep sense of tension pervades. BACK ON THE FIRE ESCAPE Michael fits a silencer to his gun, carefully slips the gun barrel through the slightly open window and aims. Vascone watches tensely. THE HOSPITAL ROOM - SHOOTING PAST MICHAEL Michael fires. We hear the pop-pop of the silencer, and see the two cops fall. Now Michael shoves the window open, steps inside. THE HOSPITAL ROOM Michael turns on Gaye. He pulls the trigger. Gaye falls to the floor. Michael looks back over his shoulder. POINT OF VIEW SHOT - THE FIRE ESCAPE Vascone peering through the window. BACK ON SCENE Michael fires the remainder of the clip into Hollenbeck. He stares for a moment, then turns and goes back out onto: THE FIRE ESCAPE Vascone stares at him with grudging admiration. Michael pops another clip into his gun, gestures for Vascone to precede him down. MICHAEL To your car. They start down, and we go to: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM Four unmoving "bodies" as the door opens and Devon enters. DEVON All right, everybody. The cops get up off the floor, Gaye picks herself up, Hollenbeck opens his eyes. Gaye hugs her father as Devon watches. DEVON You did well. Very well. He nods at the two "cops", and they follow him out of the room. EXT. A SECLUDED AREA - HOSPITAL PARKING LOT As Vascone and Michael approach the Mercedes 600. THE TWO THUGS waiting in the darkness guns drawn. We hold a beat and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS The two thugs waiting for Michael and Vascone as they approach the Mercedes. ON RC3 He gauges the situation, reaches for the light switch with one hand, grabs a tire iron in the other, ready for action if necessary. ANGLE - FEATURING VASCONE AND MICHAEL approaching the Mercedes. Suddenly, from adjacent shrubbery, RC3's headlights flash twice. Michael rushes, grabs Vascone, uses him as a shield just as the two thugs spring. VASCONE (shouts) Don't shoot! Go! Get out of here! The two thugs take off into the darkness. Michael grins at Vascone. MICHAEL I'll bet Carascas is going to be thrilled with the way you handled this. I can't wait to see his face when he finds out he's still a hundred thousand in the hole. He prods Vascone toward the passenger door of the Mercedes. MICHAEL Open it and get in --- Vascone slides across the front seat to the wheel. Michael gets in next to him. The engine starts and the car takes off out of the parking lot. INSIDE RC3'S RAGTOP RC3, watching the action, relieved at the outcome. RC3 (to himself) Nice work, Michael, my man. INT. MAIN ROOM - THE CONSULATE - NIGHT The music is playing. Carascas takes a wineglass from Bonnie's hand, sets it aside and kisses her, deeply. CLOSER - BONNIE repelled by him but faking it. Opens an eye, glances expectantly, anxiously to the entertainment center. The music continues to play. Her gaze swings to her watch, as Carascas breaks the kiss, leans his face back from hers. CARASCAS Well, if that's an allergic reaction I'm more than happy to have been the cause of it. BONNIE They say continuous exposure can build an immunity to even the most virulent strains. CARASCAS I'm sure you'll still be pleased to know, my sleeping quarters are done entirely in satin, Contessa. She forces a smile. He moves in for the kill, and we are: ON THE DASH OF THE LYNX As the panel slides back, we hear the same music Bonnie and Carascas are listening to. K.I.T.T.'s monitor comes to life. The words "NEWS BROADCAST, TRANSMIT" appear. ON THE LYNX as we move across the gleaming surface onto the rod telescoped out from beneath and follow it to the wall connector. RESUME BONNIE AND CARASCAS He is leading her ostensibly to his bedroom when he pauses and reacts as the music cuts off and we hear --- ANNOUNCER'S VOICE We interrupt this program for a special bulletin. Mass murder at Southside Hospital this evening. Police report four people shot to death in gangland style. The victims include two police officers, a visitor and a patient who had been hospitalized by an earlier attempt on his life by gunmen. Stay turned to this station for more on our next newsbreak. As the music resumes, Carascas brushes past Bonnie impatiently, switches off the radio, punches on the TV set. ON THE DASH OF THE LYNX to see the graphics change to Devon at a TV news desk. DEVON -- no further details yet. We do know four people were killed. INT. MAIN ROOM Carascas at the TV set, Bonnie watching as Devon continues. DEVON We've learned that the patient was research scientist August Hollenbeck and the woman his daughter. Hollenbeck had been involved in another shooting just two days ago. It is not known yet whether the two incidents were related. However --- Carascas listens intently, and we: CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Gaye is on the phone, Hollenbeck reading. GAYE It's closed? Are there any vending machines in the building? Just outside? She hangs up; crosses to the bed. GAYE Daddy, I'm starving. I'm going to run downstairs and get a sandwich. You'll be okay? He nods. She leaves the room and we go to: EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT as a car comes from the parking lot. INSIDE THE CAR We recognize the two thugs who ran from Michael and Vascone earlier. Call the one in the passenger's seat Jorge. JORGE We're gonna be in deep with Carascas for this one. The driver nods, tight-lipped. Jorge does a take when he sees Gaye outside. He points incredulously. JORGE Hey, hey, it's her! She's supposed to be dead! This could square it for us. Let's take her. THE SCENE Gaye at a row of vending machines along the wall of the hospital. The car screeches to a stop next to her. Jorge leaps out and brutally grabs Gaye and drags her into the car. JORGE Go, go. Haul it outta here! The car takes off into the darkness and we: RESUME BONNIE AND CARASCAS still watching TV as: DEVON (continuing) The gunman apparently entered the room through the fire escape, and fled the same way, making good his escape. Witnesses say --- A signal buzzer sounds. Carascas punches off the TV set, picks up an extension line. CARASCAS Yeah? -- I'll be right out. He glances to Bonnie, gestures to the bedroom beyond. CARASCAS Make yourself comfortable. I won't be long. He strides out. INT. ENTRANCE HALL Carascas joins Michael, Vascone and three or four consulate guards. Michael, holding a gun on Vascone. MICHAEL Nice try, Carascas. But your shooters blew it. My money. Now. CARASCAS You would have done the same in my position. No? That's how the game is played. MICHAEL But you lost. Lucky you did. My people would be all over you. And they don't miss. Carascas slaps an envelope in Michael's hand. CARASCAS Paid in full. Now get out of here. MICHAEL Not a chance. Too much heat on the street tonight. Do you know a safer place to spend it, than a diplomati- cally immune consulate? CARASCAS Be my guest. But I'll have to ask for your weapon. (opens jacket) I don't carry one. Michael hands over the gun. Carascas smiles. CARASCAS Show him to the guest room. The guards escort Michael through a doorway into: A CORRIDOR Luxurious like the rest of the residence. All but one of the guards drop off into a control room. Michael glances to see: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE GUARD ROOM dominated by a bank of TV screens, the security center of the compound. INT. GUARD ROOM A guard is staring up at a monitor which shows Michael being escorted down the corridor. INT. CORRIDOR Michael and the guard come around a turn in the corridor and approach the door to the guest room. Michael looks up to: A TV SURVEILLANCE CAMERA mounted near the ceiling, pointing at the door. INT. GUEST ROOM The door opens, Michael enters. The door closes behind him. He looks around. The room is well-appointed, bed, desk, etc. And --- ANOTHER TV CAMERA taking in the whole room. INT. GUARD ROOM The guard watching the monitor showing Michael in the guest room. RESUME MICHAEL as he discreetly raises his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt? DASH OF LYNX - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as the panel slides aside and K.I.T.T.'s voice box comes to life, as does his monitor, where we see Michael in the room. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael? MICHAEL Are you picking me up? K.I.T.T. And watching you. I'm patched into the surveillance system as well. MICHAEL Any problems? K.I.T.T. No, Michael. As a matter of fact, I found myself in some interesting company. I mean, suddenly it occurred to me, being a classic means being part of history. It means that having reached a certain plateau, one enjoys a status that few --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Okay, okay, I hear you, pal. Just remember beauty is only skin deep. K.I.T.T. And can melt away at the flick of a switch. It's not necessary to remind me. MICHAEL Good. It's time for Hajeck's favorite pastime. Put me on a five-minute loop. K.I.T.T. Rolling tape now, Michael. Michael crosses to a table; pulls a deck of cards from his pocket and begins laying out the cards. DASH OF LYNX We see Michael playing solitaire on K.I.T.T.'s monitor. INT. GUEST ROOM - THE CONSULATE - NIGHT Michael is sitting on the bed playing solitaire. K.I.T.T. Okay, Michael, I've got enough. MICHAEL What about the corridors? K.I.T.T. I prerecorded them earlier. They'll appear empty on all the surveillance monitors. MICHAEL Start feeding both into the surveil- lance system. I'm getting out of here. Michael opens the door, peers out, then slips out of the room. We hold a beat, establishing it is empty but --- INT. GUARD ROOM The guard is watching a monitor that shows Michael still playing solitaire. THE CORRIDOR as Michael moves toward --- A STAIRWAY LEADING DOWN TO THE BASEMENT Michael approaches the stairs, starts down, passing a TV camera. ON MONITOR IN GUARD ROOM The same staircase, but empty, no sign of Michael. INT. BASEMENT SHOWROOM as Michael comes down the stairs and moves between the classic cars laid out in all their beauty. He pauses, just a moment of uncertainty. MICHAEL Kitt? K.I.T.T. Over here, Michael. Michael crosses quickly to the Lynx. NEW ANGLE - MICHAEL AND THE LYNX Michael looks at the Lynx for a beat --- MICHAEL Time for the canister, pal. CLOSE - THE LYNX A compartment opens, and the dummy canister is revealed. BACK TO SCENE Michael takes the canister out. MICHAEL Stay tuned. I'm going to need your help on this one. He heads for the vault. INT. ENTRANCE HALL Carascas and Vascone are in conversation when the door is flung open, and Gaye, stunned, unsettled, face tear- streaked, is forcibly brought in by the two thugs. Vascone blanches, in total shock. CARASCAS Who is she? VASCONE Hollenbeck's daughter. CARASCAS I thought she was dead?! VASCONE She was. I saw the hit go down. I saw it!! CARASCAS Get Hajek! Vascone heads out with a pair of guards. INT. VAULT DOOR Michael is looking at the intricate electronic lock. He carries the dummy canister. He raises his comlink. MICHAEL The lock, Kitt. THE DASH OF THE LYNX as K.I.T.T.'s monitor comes alive with a schematic X-ray of the lock mechanism. The combination dial starts twirling. Various numbers and letters print out across the screen. RESUME MICHAEL at the vault as the dial continues to spin. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE This is a tough one, Michael. It will take me at least -- ten seconds. MICHAEL Make 'em count. We hear electronic clicks a few beats before the lock pops. Michael opens the door and goes into the vault. INT. CONTROL ROOM The guards on duty look startled as Carascas and Vascone, dashing down the corridor, burst in to check the monitors. Both relieved when they see --- THEIR POINT OF VIEW ON MONITOR that shows Michael playing solitaire. INT. VAULT Michael is looking around, his eyes finally coming to rest on the crate we had seen earlier. He opens the crate, sees: INSERT - THE CRATE with the canister inside. INT. CORRIDOR AT GUEST ROOM Carascas, Vascone and guards. One of the guards opens the door. INT. GUEST ROOM They blow into the room and find it empty. VASCONE He's not here! How the --- CARASCAS The vault!! Check the vault!! They dash out of the room. INT. VAULT Michael carefully lifts out the real canister. K.I.T.T. Hurry, Michael! They've discovered you're not in the guest room! Michael picks up the tempo, replaces the canister in the crate with the false one, closes the crate. INT. VAULT STAIRWAY Michael emerges with the real canister and dashes up the stairs to: BASEMENT SHOWROOM - THE LYNX as Michael approaches with the canister. The compartment in the Lynx opens. K.I.T.T. Michael, my sensors tell me they're coming! MICHAEL I'll take my chances. Long as they don't have this. He stashes the canister away. We watch the compartment close. Michael then moves away from the Lynx into the open. Vascone and the guards appear, stop on seeing Michael, level guns at him. CARASCAS What are you doing down here?! MICHAEL Admiring your fleet of classics. I'll bet you have no idea what you've got here. CARASCAS You're slick, whoever you are. Michael puts his hands up. They approach slowly and take him prisoner. INT. MAIN ROOM Bonnie is collecting her wrap, her purse as Carascas stands at the open door, scowling. CARASCAS Please leave. BONNIE (wryly) I hope it's nothing I said. CARASCAS Just get out! Bonnie slides past him out the door. INT. ENTRANCE HALL Bonnie heads for the front door, when: GAYE'S VOICE Bonnie! Bonnie turns, startled. NEW ANGLE - TO INCLUDE GAYE being held by the two thugs in a corner alcove near the door to the main room. BONNIE I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else. Bonnie shoots a glance to Gaye to clue her in. Carascas catches it, looks from one to the other. CARASCAS Bonnie -- Well, 'Contessa,' now that's more like it. Take them both! The guards move in and around Bonnie and Gaye and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. LOADING AREA - REAR OF CONSULATE - DAY The Mercedes 600, flags flying. The packing crate containing the canister is being loaded into the trunk by Vascone and two guards. Carascas watches, then looks toward the house. ANOTHER ANGLE as Bonnie and Gaye are hustled into the back seat. Vascone closes the door on them. Behind the wheel is a consulate guard driver. CARASCAS (nods at the back seat) If what they say about the Hammer-of-the-Desert is true, these ladies will be very appreciated. VASCONE What about 'Hajeck?' CARASCAS We'll deal with him when I get back. (off a thought) He's a phony, she's a phony, bad things come in threes. Check out that car. Strip it. Vascone nods his understanding. Carascas gets into the front seat beside the driver, and the Mercedes moves off. Vascone watches it go, moves purposefully back towards the house. INT. HOLDING ROOM - DAY a prison cell, windowless, bars on the heavy front door for observation from outside. Michael is alone peering through the bars, then turns away to conceal his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt? DASH OF THE LYNX - INTERCUT AS NEEDED As the panel slides back, K.I.T.T.'s voice module comes to life and monitor clicks on. K.I.T.T. Are you all right, Michael? MICHAEL If you consider being locked in a filthy six by six locked room okay, I'm fine. K.I.T.T. How can I help you, Michael? MICHAEL Keep your scanners peeled. I want to know if Carascas leaves the premises. A grid map develops on the monitor. A pulsing blip moves away from the consulate. K.I.T.T. He's already left, Michael. He took Bonnie and Gaye with him. MICHAEL Stay on him, pal, and I've got another lock for you. Michael passes his comlink over the lock. An analytical schematic appears on K.I.T.T.'s monitor, replacing the map. K.I.T.T. We've been up against this type before, Michael. I already have the data stored. (beat) That should do it. The lock emits metallic clicking sounds and pops open. MICHAEL It sure did. Be right there. Michael opens the barred door; about to slip out into the corridor; pauses in reaction to --- K.I.T.T. Hold it, Michael. INT. BASEMENT SHOWROOM - DAY as Vascone and Pascal approach the Lynx. K.I.T.T. (continuing) Vascone is coming. VASCONE (to Pascal) Get the tools. We're taking this baby down to the frame. Pascal looks at him, displeased, then crosses to a wheeled tool chest. Vascone tries to open the door of the Lynx; can't budge it. VASCONE The keys. Come on, open it. PASCAL It's not locked. The keys are inside. Vascone tries the door again, nothing. He scowls, goes to the tool chest, removes a large pry bar and goes to work on the door. RESUME MICHAEL IN THE HOLDING CELL MICHAEL (comlink) What's going on, pal? INTERCUT DASH OF LYNX K.I.T.T.'s monitor and voice module visible. K.I.T.T. They're trying to dismantle me, Michael. MICHAEL (smiles) You mean, your outer shell. The Lynx. K.I.T.T. Yes, I'm afraid I've started thinking of it as a part of me. MICHAEL Well, it's time for the butterfly to shed its cocoon, pal. We've got to get out of here. Ready? K.I.T.T. Ready, Michael. Michael pulls a small remote control device from his pocket. (The one Bonnie used earlier to transform the sphere) and depresses the button. INT. BASEMENT SHOWROOM - DAY Vascone stymied by his inability to pry open the door of the Lynx, angrily tosses the pry bar aside. Glares at Pascal --- VASCONE Get me the oxy-acetylene torch. One way or another, this body's coming apart. But a sudden flash of light comes from the Lynx before Pascal can respond. He and Vascone are startled, spooked; shrink back and watch in amazement as: THE LYNX glows from within, a searing, electric red that pulses in waves, the surface of the vehicle suddenly becoming dripping wet, as a liquid cascades off onto the floor. CLOSE ON BODY OF LYNX - VARIOUS SHOTS as they soften, melt and liquify, running down like watery molten wax -- revealing K.I.T.T.'s shiny black surface beneath. INTERCUT MICHAEL MICHAEL (comlink) On your cue, buddy. K.I.T.T. Vascone's more than distracted, Michael. MICHAEL On my way. RESUME THE SCENE as the last of the Lynx "melts" away and cascades onto the floor leaving a "water dotted" K.I.T.T. amidst the other classic vehicles. Michael enters from behind Vascone, who is frozen, aghast at the spectacle he's just seen. ANOTHER ANGLE as Vascone senses, whirls pulling his gun. Michael knocks it aside as it fires once. Then puts Vascone away with a karate combination. Vascone goes down into a puddle of the liquified Lynx body. MICHAEL You've just been slimed, pal. Vascone stays down. Michael grabs Vascone's gun and levels it at Pascal not knowing if the old guy has a gun or is one of Carascas' men. K.I.T.T. No, he's on our side, Michael. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Next, Carascas. K.I.T.T. He's still within scanner range, Michael. As Michael pulls open K.I.T.T.'s door and gets behind the wheel. MICHAEL Good work, buddy. Super Pursuit Mode, hit it. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. - SEQUENCE OF SHOTS as he transforms from regular to Super Pursuit Mode, fins, air scoops, spoilers, nose cowling deploying. INT. BASEMENT SHOWROOM - DAY Pascal watches in awe as K.I.T.T. transforms and then rockets away. PASCAL Wow! That's what I call a classic! INT. THE RAMP - DAY as K.I.T.T. burns rubber heading up the ramp. Uniformed guards scatter at his approach. EXT. COMPOUND GROUNDS - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes up off the ramp, scattering more guards and blasts through the gates and takes off. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Give me directional scan on the Mercedes, pal. Bloopings and beepings. K.I.T.T. I've got it, Michael. Carascas is heading for the harbor area. MICHAEL Figures. He's probably going to deliver that canister in person -- play it safe and get out while he can. EXT. THE MERCEDES - DAY The Mercedes 600 crossing into the harbor area. INSIDE THE MERCEDES Bonnie and Gaye in the back seat. GAYE I'm sorry, Bonnie. I was upset. I wasn't thinking. I --- BONNIE You couldn't help it. (sotto) Michael will find us, somehow. He will. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Michael focusing on the road ahead. K.I.T.T. My sensors tell me they're at the waterfront. MICHAEL Probably for a boat stashed somewhere for a quick getaway. K.I.T.T. blows past camera in Super Pursuit Mode. EXT. WATERFRONT WHARF - DAY as the Mercedes pulls to a stop next to a "cigarette" -- a super fast speedboat. Carascas gets out quickly, crosses to the trunk and carefully takes out the crate with the canister. The driver forces the two women out of the car at gunpoint and directs them toward the boat. EXT. SERIES OF ANGLES - DAY K.I.T.T. barreling along in super pursuit mode entering the waterfront area. ON THE WHARF Carascas gets down into the speedboat; reaches back for the crate with the canister. The driver forces Bonnie and Gaye towards the wharf edge, and down into the boat. K.I.T.T. explodes onto the street, rockets down toward the wharf. CARASCAS AND THE DRIVER react to K.I.T.T.'s approach on the wharf. The women are already on the boat. Carascas hits the ignition. The engine starts to turn over. THE DRIVER still on the wharf. He whirls, automatic weapon in hand and cranks off a burst. Behind him, we hear the engine of the speedboat roar to life. K.I.T.T. rockets onto the wharf toward him in Super Pursuit Mode, rounds sparking off his shell. INSIDE K.I.T.T. the rounds sparking off the windshield in front of Michael. K.I.T.T. My scanners indicate Carascas has just started the engine, Michael! MICHAEL Microlock it and hit the EBS, pal! The shooter's yours. Carascas is mine. K.I.T.T. as he deploys braking fins and roof flap and screeches to a fast EBS stop. Michael leaps out and heads for the speedboat. K.I.T.T. takes off after: THE DRIVER boxing him in with sudden bursts of speed, forcing him back until he screams, drops his gun and falls off the wharf into the water. CARASCAS - IN THE BOAT trying to restart the stalled engine, then freezes, holding Bonnie and Gaye as shields as Michael levels Vascone's gun at him. MICHAEL Let's talk trade off! CARASCAS No deal. (gun on the gals) I'm holding all the cards. Michael aims his gun at the crate that contains the canister. MICHAEL (shakes no) I put a bullet in that canister -- we're all dead. CARASCAS (considers) What do you want? MICHAEL The women for your freedom. CARASCAS And I take the canister. MICHAEL You got it. CARASCAS Deal. Carascas releases the two women. Bonnie climbs up onto the wharf, helps Gaye up. Both run for safety to Michael. MICHAEL Bon voyage. Carascas gives it the gas, the speedboat roars away from the wharf. ANOTHER ANGLE - INCLUDE K.I.T.T. as Michael and Bonnie start to laugh as they watch Carascas roar off. GAYE What's so funny? He's got the canister! MICHAEL He sure does. I'd give anything to be there when the Hammer-of-the- Desert opens it. BONNIE Yeah, but Carascas will wish he wasn't. GAYE What are you two talking about? MICHAEL I switched canisters. He's got a phony. GAYE (brightening) You mean, it's empty? MICHAEL Not exactly --- BONNIE What did you fill it with anyway? MICHAEL Oh, nothing special -- I'm sure the Hammer has camel pens full of it. Gaye joins in the laughter and we: FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG TO FOLLOW