EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60222 Robert Foster August 30, 1985 (Spec. Run) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi September 4, 1985 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 9/12/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 9/13/85 (F.R.) Rev. 9/16/85 (F.R.) Rev. 9/17/85 (F.R.) Rev. 9/18/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT RACER by Paul Diamond ________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MOTOR SPEEDWAY - DAY - ESTABLISHING The greatest racing show on earth, thousands of fans in the grandstands, a 500 mile race at full, screaming tilt. THE RACE - DAY - SERIES OF SHOTS A two-car dice for the lead. The second place car's color scheme will be used for the Thomas Flyer. IN THE THOMAS FLYER PITS Bonnie watches the action with her oldest friend from engineering school, Elena Thomas. Elena wears dirty coveralls and a Thomas Racing Team baseball cap, but her beauty shines through. She's tense, excited -- that's the car she designed racing out there. Next to them, just plain tense, is Elena's father Mac, a grizzled Texan ex- racer in his fifties, who has been crippled in a severe racing accident years ago. It's his team -- and every cent of his money tied up in his daughter's creation. They watch and react as: THE THOMAS FLYER drafts in the lead cars slip stream, then slingshots out of a turn, maneuvers past the lead car and pulls away opening up a lead. RESUME THE PITS as Elena who wears the headset and pipe stem mike, talks to the driver in the car. The group shouts over the engine noise. ELENA Way to go, John! Fuel consumption's looking real good! Stretch it out! Stretch it out! (to Mac) This is the one, Dad! MAC It sure is! BONNIE Told you I was going to change your luck! ELENA Yeah, long time coming! BONNIE (indicates track) He's pulling away! MAC There's no stopping him now!! ANOTHER ANGLE - HILLTOP ALONGSIDE TRACK - DAY A thin young man with an aluminum camera case climbs unno- ticed onto the top of hill, opens the case. Inside is a broken-down sniper's rifle. Lurani puts the pieces together. RESUME PITS - BONNIE, MAC, ELENA as we hear and they react to: P.A. VOICE Now leading after 184 laps, John Bender in the Thomas Flyer. Mac cracks a wary smile, Bonnie whoops and hugs Elena as the P.A. crackles over the engines' roar. EXT. HILLTOP - DAY - ON LURANI Rifle assembled, Lurani, prone, tracks the target through his scope. OMITTED ANGLE ON LURANI squeezing the trigger. The noise is covered by the wail of the engines. BACK TO TRACK ACTION The Thomas Flyer goes into a spin.... INT. FOUNDATION - ANGLE TO MONITOR - THOMAS FLYER (DAY 2) spinning into the wall, with a fiery, horrifying explosion. The image then runs backward, the car reassembling itself and retreating from the wall. We realize we are watching a TV replay of the crash. ANOTHER ANGLE Bonnie's at the controls of the main frame, Devon watching gravely. RC also there.... BONNIE See, there's just no reason for the crash. She runs it one more time. After the crash, the network coverage goes to a hand-held image of the Thomas pit, Bonnie standing helplessly by, Mac holding Elena comfortingly in his burly arms. Bonnie freezes the video again, on a closeup of Mac and Elena. BONNIE Elena was my closest friend in college. She's the best engineer I know. Nothing she designed would just lose control like that. DEVON Granted, it seems unlikely, Bonnie, but what do you expect me to do? BONNIE Lend me Michael. He can get to the bottom of this. RC I'd be willing to go Devon...I'll cover for Michael till he can get there.... Devon glances at RC then ignores him.... DEVON Michael is needed in Cincinatti, the Palmerston affair.... BONNIE Not until Monday. Give him to me for thirty-six hours, that's all. (indicates monitor) Look at them, Devon. Their driver is dead, their entire life's work is at stake. This is the first real shot they've had since Mac's accident. Who else was the Foundation created to serve, if not them? RC She's got a point there boss. From everything Bonnie's told me, sounds like something weird's been going down. DEVON (to Bonnie) Is it because they're your friends? BONNIE It's because they're victims, and they deserve our help. They need it. DEVON (ponders) Forty-eight hours? She knows she's got him. RC3 Atta boy, boss. You knew all along you were going to give in. You're just a righteous dude at heart. You shouldn't be so into hiding it. DEVON Spare me your street-corner psycho- logy, Reginald and get into some righteous driving, now. Devon eyes him, points to the drivers section. EXT. STREET - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising along in convertible mode. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael finger-pops along with a high-volume, high-style, MTV-style video visible on the monitor. K.I.T.T. Michael, these videos are a complete waste of time. MICHAEL Hey, they've got everything; rhythm drama, excitement. Remember Kitt, music hath charms to soothe the savage breast. Take a look. INSERT - MONITOR Guys in loincloths, girls in loincloths, the works. K.I.T.T. I'm not only looking Michael, I'm showing it. Very soothing.... MICHAEL C'mon pal, loosen up. Feel the beat. K.I.T.T. If I keep feeling that beat, I won't just loosen up, I'll fall apart. MICHAEL You're uni-welded can take it. K.I.T.T. But I don't want it. The volume is suddenly cut to zero. MICHAEL Hey! K.I.T.T. Devon's calling, Michael. And if you ask me, not a moment too soon. MICHAEL Everybody's a critic these days. (patching in) Hi, Devon, what's up? DEVON Bonnie needs your help, Michael. She is on her way to meet you at Il Cavallino, restaurant, on Route 14.... MICHAEL Then, I guess we're on our way. (to K.I.T.T.) ETA to Il Cavallino, pal? K.I.T.T. 12.368 minutes, Michael. EXT. STREET - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. speeding off. EXT. IL CAVALLINO - DAY - ESTABLISHING Its parking lot full of exoticars, and K.I.T.T., T-top up. INT. IL CAVALLINO - DAY Posh, decorated with Bugatti grilles and racing paintings. Michael and Bonnie are in a booth. MICHAEL Racer's luck -- or driver error. Goes with the territory. BONNIE Michael, it's not just the crash. It's like Mac and Elena are cursed. All season things have been fouled up. A back up engine went AWOL, trans- missions that are suddenly dry, bolts unscrew themselves. It's sabotage, Michael, I'm positive. MICHAEL Who? BONNIE Another team, someone with a grudge -- that's what I need you to find out. They're racing the backup car at Riverside tomorrow. Join them, find out what happened. Protect them. MICHAEL Okay. Kitt and I'll check it out. If it is sabotage, we'll get to the bottom of it. But if your buddy Elena screwed up and it's faulty engineering, you know I'm going to be honest about it -- no matter who gets hurt. BONNIE What Elena doesn't know about race car design hasn't been invented. She didn't mess up. MICHAEL We'll see. CUT TO EXT. RIVERSIDE COURSE - DAY - ESTABLISHING K.I.T.T. drives in and through.... EXT. THOMAS GARAGE AREA - DAY Elena, once again in coveralls and Thomas Racing baseball cap, spots handsome, cocky young Steve Cochran one of the circuit's top drivers, lounging against a wall outside Altfield Racing's elaborate shop. She walks over to him. ELENA Steve got a second? STEVE For you, always. Trouble is, lately that's all you ever have for me. He aims a friendly kiss at her -- she takes it on the cheek. ELENA It's over, Steve. That's the way it has to be. (beat) Come back and drive for us. STEVE You know I got a deal with Altfield. ELENA What you've got is a handshake. (beat) And Wayne said it was okay to talk to you. STEVE So make me an offer. Altfield is talking 300 G's a year, but since you guys gave me my first ride, I'd be willing to take two and a half. ELENA Steve -- if we don't finish near the top here our sponsor'll bail out, and --- STEVE (interrupting) Maybe I missed something, there. Did you offer me the two and a half or what? ELENA You know we can't go that high. Every cent's tied up in the cars. I'm asking for your help. STEVE Hey, driving's always been a mix of business and pleasure with me, Lenie, you know that. Trouble is, I don't see this paying off either way. ELENA Don't put it on that basis, Steve. Please. CUT TO EXT. RIVERSIDE GARAGE AREA - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising slowly among the gleaming racers being removed from their transporters; drivers in Nomex suits leaving their mobile home quarters. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING as they pass a candy-apple red racer packed with day-glo decals. K.I.T.T. That paint job would stun a blind man at fifty paces, Michael. MICHAEL Come on, pal racing's a colorful sport. It's all part of the spectacle. K.I.T.T. Well I have no intention of ever becoming one. It was Henry Ford who said any color as long as it's black. And I agree. Elegant, quiet, basic black. MICHAEL Can't imagine why, pal. Say, speaking of quiet, I think we're more likely to fall into some useful information if we don't blow in like Crockett and Tubbs. Let's keep a low profile, okay, pal? K.I.T.T. You know me, Michael. Compared to these rolling billboards I'll be the soul of discretion. EXT. GARAGE AREA - DAY - STEVE AND ELENA still talking. They're joined by Mac and Wayne Altfield, Steve's boss, tall, leathery, Mac's age, head of the richest, color-coordinated team in racing. Mac's oldest friend -- drivers together, friendly rivals, and as car owners they've kept the relationship strong. Wayne slaps Steve on the back. WAYNE She having any luck? STEVE She's real persuasive, Mr. Altfield, but I guess I'm still driving for you. Elena fumes. K.I.T.T. rolls into view in the b.g. and pulls to a stop. MAC Sorry, hon, you can't expect the boy to give up a good ride to go with us. ELENA But Dad.... WAYNE Now, you know I joke about this all the time, but if you two are serious about staying competitive, you could do worse than come in with me. (arm around Elena) Altfield and Thomas Racing. It'd be a real family affair, huh 'Lenie? MAC Wayne, we've been through all that. I'm an independent, always will be. WAYNE I know, I know, just a dream. (beat) Let you know if I run across anyone who needs a ride. Steve and Wayne saunter into his garage as Michael approaches. He sees his opening and steps in. MICHAEL I'm looking for one, Miss Thomas. Elena, and Mac turn to face the interloper. MAC Who are you? MICHAEL My name's Michael Knight. You are looking for a driver, aren't you? ELENA I've never heard of you. Where've you raced? MICHAEL Here and there. ELENA Famous track, here and there. MAC (explaining) We need an experienced open-wheel racer, not a rookie, son. MICHAEL I see. Tell me, what's the track record here? MAC (Track record mph) MICHAEL Okay, if I hit a hundred and fifty- five, will you give me a shot? MAC Mighty bold offer, son. But I kinda like it. ELENA Dad -- put an unknown at the wheel of a two-hundred-thousand-dollar race car? And it's the only one we have?.. It's crazy. (to Michael) Do you even have your ticket? MICHAEL Of course. I'll get it to you after I run the lap -- (indicates K.I.T.T.) -- in that T-top over there. ELENA Oh, come on, Mr. Knight. MAC Hold on. I'm still running this team, Elena. (to Michael) Her objection makes sense. But I'm tired of making sense. Maybe, being an underdog, I got sympathy for a fellow canine. (beat) You do a lap at a hundred fifty, fifty-five -- (indicates K.I.T.T.) -- in that, and maybe you got a deal. MICHAEL Every dog has his day, Mac. Something tells me today is ours. Michael gets into K.I.T.T. and takes off onto the track. EXT. RIVERSIDE COURSE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. cruising around a curve, just warming up. The track is empty. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael checks a system readout. MICHAEL Tires at optimum temperature -- guess we're about ready for a hot lap, eh, pal. K.I.T.T. A hot lap? Michael, I can run this course twice as fast as these cars with one wheel tied behind my axle. MICHAEL You know that, and I know that, but we don't want to look too good. Remember -- low profile. Remember -- low profile. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. EXT. RIVERSIDE START LINE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. running up to the start of the lap. EXT. RIVERSIDE PIT WALL - DAY Mac and Elena watch K.I.T.T. pass. With them, a barrel- shaped mechanic, Lon, clicks a stop watch. They are joined by Wayne who wanders over from his garage. WAYNE Giving that boy a try, huh, Mac? What's he got? ELENA Nothing. MAC Nothing but confidence. K.I.T.T. ON RACE TRACK - DAY going through a tight hairpin as if on rails. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. ON RACE TRACK - DAY accelerating like lightning down a straight, stray papers swirling in his backwash. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael relaxing at the wheel. These speeds are a doddle. MICHAEL How're you coming on my competition license? K.I.T.T. I've already inserted your name in the CART computer. INSERT - MONITOR - AS NEEDED as Michael Knight's name is inserted in the alphabetical list. MICHAEL I'll need some hard copy, pal. K.I.T.T. I'm imprinting the official seal now, Michael. As K.I.T.T.'s tray slides out, delivering a fresh new racing license to Michael. MICHAEL Thank you very much. EXT. RIVERSIDE COURSE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. shaking through an S-bend, heading past the pits. EXT. RIVERSIDE PIT AREA - DAY Steve joins the group as K.I.T.T. flashes past the finish line, Lon clicks the watch. Mac takes one look at the time, breaks into a willey grin and swings a look to Elena who nods grudgingly. Steve's brows raise thoughtfully. This guy can drive. Lon, who's not too terribly bright, scratches his head, shaking the obviously broken watch. Wayne turns to Mac. WAYNE Ain't seen a drive like that since we were kids. Looks like you got yourself a driver. MAC That's no driver, that's a phenom. (beat) Qualifying ends in two hours Elena. The new Flyer ready? ELENA Doing my best Dad but I sure could use another pair of hands. MAC Wayne, you once offered me any help I needed. Can you spare a mechanic? WAYNE Sure. I could let you have Alfie Girdler. MAC Really appreciate that, Wayne. WAYNE Hey, we're all family here, aren't we? Michael pulls up in K.I.T.T., gets out and joins the group. Mac pumps his hand. The crowd moves in around them, very impressed. MAC Let me tell you son, I'm impressed. MICHAEL Thank you. STEVE Yeah, pretty good for a solo run. MAC Real good. I'd say we just found us a driver. MICHAEL (to Elena) Care to make it unanimous? ELENA (shakes no) I think we've all forgotten something. MICHAEL My ticket --- She holds out her hand, challengingly. Michael pulls the license from his pocket and drops it in her palm. Smiles --- MICHAEL Come on -- this is going to take a team effort. They hold a look, a trace of a smile breaks the corners of her mouth, and we --- CUT TO EXT. MARINA - DAY A ritzy yacht basin. Off the end of the a pier bobs a thirty-five foot cruiser, the Bullseye, all teak and mahogany and stainless steel. INT. THE BULLSEYE - CABIN - DAY Very plush. A phone rings, is answered by Betty, a buxom, bikinied blonde with a slight overbite. BETTY (into phone) Hello? Yeah, he is, hold on. INT. BULLSEYE CABIN - DAY - WIDER Betty turns to the figure leaning back in a lounge chair and expertly flipping darts across the room at a board... Lurani.... BETTY For you. He said he's a client.... He eyes her as she undulates past, flips the last dart, then gets the phone. LURANI (into phone) Yeah, I heard from my Swiss friend. He tells me you deposited an extra ten thou, what's that, a bonus? (listens) Sure, I can use more work, living on water is expensive...and gets boring ...He got a name? Behind him, Betty pouts. Lurani grabs a pencil and paper. INSERT - PAPER ON LURANI'S DESK As he spells.... LURANI'S VOICE K-N-I-G-H-T. Michael Knight. He puts down the pencil and picks up a knife, flicks it open and toys with it. LURANI IN BULLSEYE CABIN speaking into the phone. LURANI Racing's a dangerous game, isn't it? He flips the knife at the dart board.... DART BOARD The knife hits dead center. LURANI LURANI Sometimes even deadly. FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN RIVERSIDE RACE COURSE - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW FROM THOMAS FLYER - DAY Over the steering wheel, as Michael guides the low-slung racer. MICHAEL IN THOMAS FLYER - DAY Knight painted on his helmet, hands steering, shifting the stiff tranny. A whole other world from driving K.I.T.T. ELENA AND MAC AT PIT WALL - DAY with Lon the mechanic holding the stopwatch. Elena checks Michael's time, on her stopwatch...is dismayed. ELENA Dad, he's ten miles an hour off the pace. MAC It's only his first lap, he's got three to qualify. LON (teasing) Shoulda let him qualify in his own car, Mac. That one's jackrabbit fast. Lon strolls over to K.I.T.T., scanning peacefully. LON Sure would like to see the mill he's got in there. Lon ducks under the bumper, trying to find the hood release. K.I.T.T. Stop that, right this minute. LON Huh? How do you open this here hood? K.I.T.T. You don't. It would be an invasion of my privacy. I'm sure you'd rather be examined by your own mechanic, or doctor, whichever best applies. Lon realizes he's been talking to a Trans Am. He's puzzling over this, moves away to --- MAC Lon, get over here with that watch, Michael's coming around for his final lap. Lon shuts up. Michael passes. Elena checks the watch, shrugs. ELENA Five miles an hour faster. Not awful. MICHAEL IN THOMAS FLYER - DAY Pushing it to the limit; fighting the steering wheel, shifting through the gears, squeezing every tick of speed out of the car. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT MONITOR K.I.T.T. Michael, your car picks up a three- foot sway going into a turn and needs additional RPMs on the downsweep. MICHAEL Thanks buddy.... INSIDE RACER K.I.T.T. That's much better Michael, but I would suggest you adjust your steering to this new pattern. MICHAEL You're right again pal...I got it now...It's been a while since I've gone this fast in another car. Could have used you sooner. K.I.T.T. Sorry Michael, I was protecting myself from a mechanic.... INTERCUT - FLYER - VARIOUS SHOTS As it dives into a turn comes out within a millimeter of brushing the wall, screams down the straightaway past the pits, etc. IN THE FLYER PITS As Michael flashes across the finish line, Lon clicks the stopwatch. LON Hundred and fifty point three.... MAC Way to go! Puts us right in the middle of the grid. ELENA Yeah, well a pro would've gained more than that on his third run.... EXT. THOMAS GARAGE AREA - DAY Michael and the Flyer are met by Mac, Elena, Lon and Girdler, the Altfield-uniformed mechanic. MICHAEL The tires are too slick. We better go to the softer compound. ELENA Don't tell me how to set up the Flyer, rookie. MICHAEL I wouldn't think of it. (to Lon) Softer tire compound, and I'm missing two hundred revs from the top end. GIRDLER You got it. Alfie Girdler. MICHAEL (they shake hands) Hi. ELENA Anything else you'd like me to install? A coffee maker, a Jacuzzi? MICHAEL Right now, Elena, the only luxury I need is to see a smile on your face. Things are going just fine. Elena gives him the smile, sheepish and a little flushed. MAC Let's get this show on the road. Elena goes with the men as they push the Flyer into the garage. All except Lon, who lags behind with Michael. LON Tell me, uh, that car of yours, you ever hear it talk? MICHAEL Talk? Yeah. Sometimes driving on a long, hot summer night, I can hear Kitt talking to me. LON What do you do? MICHAEL Get the ball joints lubed and it clears right up. (winks) See you around. EXT. LOCAL GARAGE - DAY - ESTABLISHING A garage-type building with corrugated doors. INT. LOCAL GARAGE - DAY Godzilla in a T-shirt, Tankel leads Lurani over to a low, pointy-nosed shape under a tarp. TANKEL This oughtta do nicely. Off comes the tarp, revealing a lowered sedan with the meanest looking, spiked steel-ramming prow welded to its snout. LURANI The usual fee? TANKEL I figure it's worth double, easy. (points to metal prongs) Special equipment. LURANI (nods) Just so it's done this afternoon. There's a reception for owners and drivers at Il Cavallino --- Tankel nods, indicates the pointy spears. TANKEL The gas tank -- Knight's not going to a reception, he's going to a barbecue. CUT TO INT. THOMAS GARAGE - DAY Elena sits alone, staring at the burned, twisted hulk of the crashed Flyer, next to the new one. She's wearing her cocktail dress, and if she wasn't so sad, she'd be stunning. She doesn't hear K.I.T.T. coast in behind her, or Michael getting out. MICHAEL Hi. ELENA (turns; a beat) Aren't you going to the reception? MICHAEL (nods) I was hoping to get a lift with someone. ELENA I don't think I'm gonna make it. MICHAEL (gestures to Flyer) What do you think caused that, driver error or mechanical failure? ELENA (a beat) I did. Something I fouled up. I killed John, as sure as if I shot him. MICHAEL He was a pro, Elena. He knew what could happen when he got behind the wheel. ELENA It could be you, next. MICHAEL I know that, I wouldn't take the risk if I didn't believe in the car. And in you. ELENA (indicates new Flyer) It is a good car, isn't it? MICHAEL You know it. Elena nods, thanks him with a smile. MICHAEL Now, how about that reception? They tell me there's going to be music, and I'm ready to dance up a storm. ELENA (smiles; stands) I'll get my car. (moves to door) Thanks, Michael. MICHAEL No problem. She exits. MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) Okay, pal. Like I said before I want a complete metallurgical stress analysis on the frame and suspension, then an engine fail-rate simulation on the first Flyer. I want to know what went wrong and why. Then pick me up at Il Cavallino. K.I.T.T. Commencing scan now. K.I.T.T.'s nose scanner goes into action. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR as a schematic of the Flyer's engine develops. CUT TO EXT. IL CAVALLINO RESTAURANT - DAY Again the parking lot is full of high-priced iron. Michael and Elena climb from her cherished old convertible. Camera pulls back to reveal Tankel at the wheel of the killer car, (N.B. with the ramming prow retracted or somehow camouflaged) checking Michael's appearance against a photo. INT. CAVALLINO - DAY Private party time, chock full of handsome racers, older, more conservative owners and sponsors, groupies of all shapes and sizes, many letting loose on the dance floor. Steve Cochran detaches himself from two girls as he spots Michael and Elena enter. Steve's already a few drinks to the far side of liver damage. STEVE Come on babe, let's dance. ELENA Sorry, Steve, I've already promised this one to Michael. MICHAEL (smiles, gently) Team loyalty, you know. STEVE Hey, it's okay. He's probably good at the slow stuff -- waltzes, fox- trots, like the way he drives. As Elena moves onto the dance floor, Michael lays back a beat for --- MICHAEL Oughtta try it sometime, Steve. Go through life with your foot to the floor, you blow right past the stuff that counts. Michael joins Elena on the dance floor. Steve watches for a thoughtful beat then turns and heads for the bar. INT. THOMAS GARAGE - DAY Lon enters as K.I.T.T. is completing his scan...He reacts, looks around the garage to be sure it's empty then approaches K.I.T.T. and pushes on his fender cautiously, then harder.... K.I.T.T. Please don't do that.... LON (reacts) Ball joints??? I ain't crazy...you can talk --- K.I.T.T. In that order, no, yes, and yes. LON Then will you answer a couple of questions? K.I.T.T. Must I? LON You want me to push on your fender? K.I.T.T. (beat) I guess I must...But later, I have to go now.... ANGLE as K.I.T.T. moves out. LON Wait a second, you big rollerskate I wanna see your engine. K.I.T.T. I'm busy old boy. INT. IL CAVALLINO - DAY - ANOTHER ANGLE Michael and Elena slow dancing now, working quite well together. Wayne taps Michael on the shoulder. WAYNE May I? Michael smiles, hands her over and leaves the floor, joining Mac. They watch the two as they dance. MAC She sure likes her Uncle Wayne. MICHAEL You two go back a ways, don't you. MAC As far as there is. Starting with quarter midgets at the Doon, Iowa fair. MICHAEL Who won? MAC Wayne, every time. Wayne's brought Elena back over by now. WAYNE Yeah, I got the tin trophies, but who got the girl? MAC Nipped you at the checkered flag on that one, didn't I Ace? WAYNE I was gonna come along on the honey- moon -- that's where Beth drew the line. Both of the older men are lost in their memories for a moment. WAYNE (to Elena) You're a very lucky young lady, 'Lenie.' (off her reaction) You look like your mother, not old crankcase face over there. Laughter, while Michael chews this over. Wayne's right, she doesn't look like her father a bit. He files the info away for future reference. EXT. IL CAVALLINO PARKING LOT - DAY - ELENA'S CAR Michael and Elena come out of the restaurant and cross to her car in the parking lot, talking. CLOSER ANGLE - MICHAEL AND ELENA Walking toward her car. ELENA After Dad hit the wall at Indy, it was like he died. Driving was his life. MICHAEL So you had to keep his dream alive. ELENA Yes, by the time I was seventeen I could rebuild an Offy blindfolded, spit like a camel and swear like a marine. MICHAEL (lightening it up) Must've gone over big in Sunday school. ELENA Seriously, Michael, I paid my dues in this business, that's why.... MICHAEL (interrupts) ...when some mysterious rookie shows up, talking big, you find it hard to trust him. ELENA Not just you, anyone. If we lose tomorrow, it's not just the race or that Dad and I won't have more than the clothes on our backs. It's everything that's kept Dad going will be gone. MICHAEL It's not going to come to that, I promise.... Michael happens to glance off, sees something coming, bright and fast. POINT OF VIEW - TANKEL'S KILLER CAR is driving straight at them, his ramming prow positioned to smash them against the side of Elena's convertible. AS BEFORE Elena has seen Michael's alarm and is aware of the danger, so she is almost ready when Michael grabs her and half- tosses her over the convertible, vaulting quickly after himself. ANGLE - KILLER CAR A split second later plows into the side of Elena's convertible, totalling it. Tankel starts to disengage from the wreck, as: MICHAEL AND ELENA He pulls her behind another car for hiding. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt...Pick me up, pal! K.I.T.T. I'm almost there, Michael.... OMITTED ELENA'S CAR - DAY ELENA (confused) ...who're you talking to? What's going on? MICHAEL I'll explain later. Stay right where you are. I'll be back for you. ELENA Please don't leave me! MICHAEL Do as I say! It's me they're after...I'll lead him away.... ANGLE - K.I.T.T. screams to a stop, opens driver's door and Michael jumps in, peels out. THE KILLER CAR has disengaged, does a smoking 180 in pursuit of K.I.T.T. and Michael, as we: FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. screams past camera. Seconds later, Tankel's killer car races by. ANOTHER ANGLE as Tankel comes abreast of K.I.T.T. and slams into the pyroclastic body, bouncing off it. INT. K.I.T.T. - MOVING MICHAEL Kitt, Microlock his brakes! I want him.... K.I.T.T. I can't, Michael. We're at a blind angle for Microlock. MICHAEL Then see if you can identify him.... AS BEFORE Tankel is still abreast of K.I.T.T., once again swerves into his side. This time the speed, momentum and elastic effect of the pyroclastic body sends the killer car off the road.... ANOTHER ANGLE - KILLER CAR ...careening into a tree. The car erupts into flame and explodes. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. MICHAEL Any vital signs, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Too late, Michael. Vital signs are negative. Zero-zero alcohol level too. MICHAEL I figured as much. (beat) Did you get a picture of the driver? K.I.T.T. I have one Michael, but --- INTERCUT K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR AS NEEDED to see a photo of Tankel behind the wheel of the killer car, but his face is blurred, not clearly recognizable. K.I.T.T. (continuing) As you can see it will be difficult to get an identification from it. MICHAEL I knew it was a long shot, pal. Thanks for trying. Come on, there's nothing else we can do here. EXT. THOMAS GARAGE - NIGHT - ESTABLISH INT. THOMAS GARAGE - NIGHT Elena, Michael and K.I.T.T. are gathered around the smashed, burned, original Flyer. ELENA Thank God you're all right, Michael. Who would want to kill us? MICHAEL I told you it was me they were after. ELENA Why? How can you be so sure? MICHAEL Give me a minute and I might be able to answer that. (beat) Kitt, what did your analysis of the wrecked Flyer turn up? K.I.T.T. The crash was the result of failure of the left rear wheel rim, Michael. MICHAEL Caused by? K.I.T.T. I'm not sure. My scan detected traces of lead on both sides of the break. As well as microscopic grains of cordite. ELENA I don't believe this a talking micro- scope on wheels. MICHAEL (ignoring) Sounds like an explosive bullet to me, pal. K.I.T.T. Good thinking, Michael. That round would have to be fired from an Anderson sniper special, a very rare and highly illegal weapon. ELENA (gasps) You mean, the Flyer was sabotaged during the race by a gunman? MICHAEL (nods grimly) And whoever was behind it tried to kill me because he knew we were close to finding out. ELENA (glances to K.I.T.T.) We? Michael, if you don't tell me about this car right now, I'll slug you. MICHAEL I guess our cover is a little blown, pal. Introduce yourself, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Miss Thomas, I am the Knight Industries Two Thousand.... ELENA (putting it together) Knight Industries -- wait a sec, you're Bonnie's work, aren't you? I'd know it anywhere. MICHAEL In a way, we're both Bonnie's work. And I think it's just about time to bring The Foundation in on this all the way. EXT. SEMI - DAY running through the early morning. INSIDE SEMI Bonnie at the main frame keyboard, Michael, Elena and K.I.T.T. beyond. MAIN FRAME MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED The 500-race footage, the Flyer frozen at the start of the crash. BONNIE'S VOICE (over clicking keys) Speed, location of first impact, secondary bullet path, and we vector back to the exact firing position. The enhanced image tracks sideways from the doomed car, across the track and pits, zeroing in on the hills alongside the track. BONNIE (continuing) Which is on the hillside alongside the track. Michael leans in closer to see Lurani's prone form, the barrel of the gun. Bonnie zooms in but the face is just a smeared glob of pink. MICHAEL Can you digitize a useful face out of that mess? BONNIE No way. I've been trying for an hour. That's as good as it gets. MICHAEL Kitt's got another one you can take a whack at -- (off reactions) -- the driver of the car that almost killed me and Elena. BONNIE That could take quite a while. ELENA But Michael has to race in four hours. MICHAEL (indicates picture on monitor) Yeah, with my head in his sights. Do your best Bonnie. We've got to get to the track. Devon has entered and during the following we: INTERCUT - RC3 in cab of semi driving and listening to their conversation over the intercom. He "urges" Devon to give in. DEVON You'll do no such thing, Michael. Turn what evidence you have over to the proper authorities. You're due in Cincinatti, as you well know. BONNIE But Devon.... DEVON I'm sorry, Bonnie, but the time restriction was clear. ELENA If Michael doesn't race.... MICHAEL Don't worry, I'll be there. What's more important, Devon, the livelihood and personal safety of these people, or some con man selling counterfeit Rembrandts to the Palmerston Museum? I know how I feel about it. DEVON But The Foundation has committed itself to... (a beat) You know me entirely too well, Michael. How much more time do you need? MICHAEL Seven hours. Till the checkered flag drops. Smiles. DEVON I'll give you eight.... Michael's look and they all react as in the cab RC3 grabs his hand mike and they hear: RC3 Way to go boss. Told you, you were a righteous dude. CUT TO EXT. RACE TRACK - VARIOUS SHOTS The track is opening for business. EXT. THOMAS GARAGE - DAY Mac, Lon, Girdler and assorted grease monkeys work over the Flyer in the b.g., Elena supervising with Michael, Steve Cochran, who steps by on the way to Wayne's garage. STEVE The way you guys are going at it, you think you actually have a chance of winning. ELENA A good chance, Steve. Now shove off will you. STEVE Sure. And I'll shove that rookie right off the track while I'm at it. ELENA (flares) Hey, you pull anything like that and --- Michael crosses to Elena; interrupts coolly. MICHAEL Take it easy, Elena. We've got him worried. He's just trying to psych me out. (to Steve) I'd be working on my car, if I were you. Going to need every rev you can squeeze out of it. STEVE Listen hot shot, you waltzed in, lucked out and got a ride -- (glances to Elena) -- won't be as easy to grab Elena. ELENA Nobody's grabbing anybody, Steve. MICHAEL You heard the lady. You have a problem with me, we'll settle it after the race. STEVE You got it, Knight. This isn't over. MICHAEL Right. But it's not me you have to beat. It's the Flyer. Their eyes lock in angry stares. The tension broken by Wayne, who arrives and grabs hold of Steve's arm. WAYNE Cool off, Steve. Your job is racing my car, not going ten rounds with my friends. (to Michael and Elena) Sorry, folks. Wayne exits with Steve. A beat before --- K.I.T.T. (comlink) Michael, Bonnie's calling. MICHAEL (comlink) On my way, pal. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael approaches, opens the door and leans in. MICHAEL Got something for me, Bon? K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUTTING BONNIE IN SEMI BONNIE Yes, an ID on the driver of the car that attacked you -- one Jonathan Tankel, 124 Industrial Way. MICHAEL Good work, Bonnie. Get over here and fill in Mac and Elena while Kitt and I check it out. Michael settles behind the wheel, starts the engine and rockets out of there. He punches buttons, as: MICHAEL Plot me the most direct course, pal. K.I.T.T. It's close by, Michael. Our ETA is 2.825 minutes. EXT. THOMAS GARAGE AREA - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES - K.I.T.T. Elena, Lon, Girdler, Mac, Wayne and Steve watch from various positions, puzzled, as K.I.T.T. peels out. EXT. LOCAL GARAGE - DAY It is deserted. K.I.T.T. pulls up in front of the closed, corrugated door. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael hits a console button. MICHAEL Give me a personnel scan, pal. I want to know who I'm up against. INSERT - MONITOR K.I.T.T. scans the featureless interior. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael checks the scan. K.I.T.T. No one, it's empty, Michael. The door's not even locked. This is an easy one. MICHAEL Too easy. Could be a trap...Keep scanning -- for chemical compounds this time. INSERT - MONITOR A red dot pulses danger from a point opposite the door. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm picking up a high concentration of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur, directly behind the door. MICHAEL Gunpowder. Let's open it from here, pal. Michael hits a button on his console. EXT. LOCAL GARAGE - K.I.T.T. The garage door lifts, revealing the muzzle of a double- barrelled shotgun. The booby-trapped weapon immediately blasts away, emptying both barrels on K.I.T.T.'s hood. INT. LOCAL GARAGE - DAY as K.I.T.T. drives in and Michael gets out, the gun smoke clearing. He examines the gun in its wired bracket, thinking. MICHAEL Put together by a pro. We know it couldn't have been Tankel --- K.I.T.T. That's right, Michael, but who? MICHAEL Somebody he was working for who knows I'm still in one piece.... Michael spots something across the area; crosses --- ANOTHER ANGLE - PAY PHONE as Michael arrives and pulls a blank pad from the wall next to the phone. MICHAEL Somebody Tankel's been talking to. I hope. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael gets behind the wheel; removes the top sheet from the pad and puts it into K.I.T.T.'s analyzing tray. MICHAEL Infrared scan this for impressions from the last couple of notes. INTERCUT K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - AS NEEDED to see the square of paper and gradually, the writing F.L. becoming visible. As K.I.T.T.'s scan continues down the page from top to bottom --- K.I.T.T. I can discern the name of F. Lurani Michael. Does it mean anything to you? MICHAEL (thoughtful beat) It sure does, pal -- Fredo Lurani. Hit-man supreme...he works off a boat. Could be anywhere along the Coast. K.I.T.T. Don't despair, Michael. I have what appears to be an address coming through. (slowly as it develops on monitor) Slip 313 Bayshore M. MICHAEL That's it. Bayshore Marina. Slip 202. Let's get there! Michael slams K.I.T.T. in gear. Hits the accelerator. EXT. LOCAL GARAGE - DAY - K.I.T.T. roaring back onto the street, heading for the nearby harbor. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL Get me Bonnie at the garage, buddy. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. INTERCUT THOMAS GARAGE - BONNIE Engines roar. Bonnie takes the phone from Girdler, who stays nearby, working on the Flyer with Mac and Elena. Wayne, and a controlled Steve, are now also within earshot, kibitzing. Bonnie has to talk quite loud. BONNIE Michael, the race is going to start soon. Where are you? MICHAEL We'll be cutting it close. Just have the car ready. We got a fix on the killer. Kitt and I are on our way to take him out, first. BONNIE Good luck Michael. Be careful. ELENA (concerned) Is he okay, Bonnie? Is he going to be here for the race? BONNIE He'll be here Elena, believe me -- but the killer won't. Michael is on his way to nail him right now. Everyone around Bonnie's heard this. One of them is threatened by it. EXT. MARINA - K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael pulls up to the end of the dock, off which rides Lurani's boat. THROUGH K.I.T.T.'S WINDSHIELD - THE BULLSEYE Michael can see Betty, in bikini, as she hands a highball to Lurani, who is briefly visible before ducking back into the cabin, then she exits the boat and walks up the pier past K.I.T.T. ANGLE TO K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Very seaworthy Michael. MICHAEL Good on land too.... K.I.T.T. The boat Michael. MICHAEL Of course, well, he's there, all right -- and if that girl's anything to go by, pretty darn relaxed. Watch out for me, pal. K.I.T.T. Right behind you, Michael. K.I.T.T. scans, as camera moves with Michael over the gate and up the dock. INT. BULLSEYE CABIN - DAY Lurani moves to pick up the phone. LURANI (into phone) Thanks. I'll be ready for him if he shows. He pulls out a .45 automatic, cocks it thoughtfully as he hangs up. EXT. BULLSEYE - DAY Michael has crept to the end of the pier. He leaps onto the fantail and makes his way along the rail to the cabin door, on the side. Michael pauses a moment, throws the side door open, leaps inside, ready to take Lurani by surprise. INT. BULLSEYE CABIN - TOWARD SIDE DOOR - DAY Michael is shocked to find it empty. OMITTED NEW ANGLE K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) Michael, behind you. Michael hasn't had time to react. Lurani appears behind him and knocks him out with the .45 butt. LURANI Amazing how many people die in boating accidents these days.... EXT. BULLSEYE - ANGLE TO WATER as an unconscious Michael is thrown into the briny. LURANI quickly moves off the boat. INT. K.I.T.T. We can see no movement on the Bullseye. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) Michael, Lurani is escaping...come in, please...Michael, there's been a disturbance in your vital signs. Michael? FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. BULLSEYE - ANGLE TO WATER - DAY Where Michael was thrown overboard. A diminishing number of bubbles rise to the surface now. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I'm on my way. The motor ignites. EXT. PIER AREA - K.I.T.T. Roars as close to the water's edge as the location permits. ANGLE TO WATER As Michael's half-conscious form suddenly breaks the surface. MICHAEL Kitt! K.I.T.T. I see you, Michael.... MICHAEL The grappling hook, pal...Give me a hand.... K.I.T.T. My thought exactly, Michael.... EXT. K.I.T.T. fires the hook. EXT. WATER - MICHAEL As the hook splashes nearby and he grabs it. WIDE SHOT as K.I.T.T. reels Michael to shore. TIME CUT TO INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael collapses into the seat, speaks in a mumble. INSERT The oxygen panel opens from headliner.... MICHAEL How much time till the race? K.I.T.T. Ten minutes, Michael. But you need a rest. You swallowed a lot of water. MICHAEL (hits console button) Give me an eighty percent oxygen flush at 20 psi. It works for hangovers, it ought to work for this. That's the price I had to pay to identify a killer. The pure oxygen hisses. BACK TO SCENE Michael gulps it, starts K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Nine minutes. MICHAEL (hits button) Notify the authorities about Lurani. Probably headed for the airport. Super pursuit mode, pal. EXT. MARINA - SERIES OF SHOTS - DAY The super pursuit aero aids deploy and K.I.T.T. rockets away. EXT. RIVERSIDE TRACK - AERIAL SHOT - DAY - STOCK The stands are packed, the cars are gathering on the grid. EXT. GARAGE AREA - DAY Bonnie, Mac, Elena, Lon, and Girdler wait with the readied Flyer. No Michael. P.A. VOICE Cars and drivers to the track.... EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Moving at space shuttle speed through the afternoon. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY - EXTREME CLOSE UP MICHAEL Lurani was warned. He knew I was coming. K.I.T.T. Yes, but by who? MICHAEL Anyone could have overheard our call to Bonnie. K.I.T.T. Steve Cochran? MICHAEL Too small a man for that big a hate. Bonnie and Elena sure aren't suspects...Gimme a rundown on Mac Thomas' insurance policies. MONITOR - GRAPHICS K.I.T.T. He has five hundred thousand dollars coverage on the assets of Thomas Racing. BACK TO SCENE MICHAEL Phew, that's a lot more than he's got tied up in the team. Fraud puts Mac on the suspect list. Next, Wayne Altfield -- if Mac's team replaced his as top dog, what's he stand to lose? K.I.T.T. (riffles data) Conservatively, about eight hundred thousand dollars a year, Michael. But his total earnings are many times that. He can afford the loss easily -- and he is Mac's best friend. MICHAEL Not much to go on, is it? Let's fold up.... EXT. ROAD - K.I.T.T. as he slows up and converts to normal mode. EXT. THOMAS PIT AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls to a halt. Michael leaps out, is surrounded by the Thomases and Bonnie. ELENA Michael, you had us scared stiff. MICHAEL I know the feeling, dry and wet... But at least I made it on time.... Mac holds up Michael's driving suit. He clambers into it as he talks. BONNIE Did you get the guy? MICHAEL No, but he thinks he got me. I bought us some time. Bonnie...Stay with Kitt and keep his scanners peeled.... P.A. VOICE Two minutes. All racers to the grid. MAC Better mount up, son. MICHAEL is in the Flyer. Lon and Girdler push it out. Bonnie climbs into K.I.T.T. as Michael revs the Flyer. Mac gives him thumbs up, Elena a pat on the helmet. Wayne Altfield steps away from his buzzing pits, wishes the Thomases luck. MICHAEL raises his visor, looks sharply at the trio standing together. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW FROM FLYER - WAYNE, ELENA, MAC The three faces line up at identical angles. RESUME MICHAEL IN FLYER Something about those faces, and something Wayne once said...Into the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, how about a snapshot of those guys? INSIDE K.I.T.T. The trio appears on the monitor. BONNIE Something for the family album, Michael? MICHAEL'S VOICE Maybe Dick Tracy's Crimestopper's Textbook. I don't know yet. EXT. RIVERSIDE COURSE The racers move from the pits, around the track onto the start grid. EXT. MICHAEL IN FLYER - DAY Warming the tires. Intercut with Bonnie in K.I.T.T. INSIDE THE FLYER MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, the tachometer is reading way off.... BONNIE Could be a loose connection. MICHAEL Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm betting something's been planted. BONNIE I'll run a scan during the pace lap, Michael. EXT. RIVERSIDE COURSE - START/FINISH LINE - DAY The cars roll in a tight pack for the pace lap. EXT. PIT AREA - ANGLE TO K.I.T.T. AND BONNIE INSIDE K.I.T.T. Bonnie punches instructions into the console. BONNIE (comlink) Scanning, Michael. INSERT - MONITOR Michael's schematic appears, dissolves into a staticky mess. K.I.T.T. I've got a problem, Bonnie. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Bonnie changes the program. No dice. She calls Michael. BONNIE Michael, there's too much interference from all these unshielded ignitions. MICHAEL'S VOICE Get on it, guys. Green flag's coming up. BONNIE We'll keep working on it during the race.... EXT. RIVERSIDE - START/FINISH LINE - DAY The field cranks up at the green flag, and we're racing. EXT. RIVERSIDE - RACE SERIES OF SHOTS - DAY A) Michael makes a daring pass of a car, right at the start. B) Action shots, spectacular passes, shunts. C) Michael, driving with elan. VARIOUS SHOTS A) Bonnie trying all her filters to get a read on Michael's car. B) Mac and Elena cheering as Michael moves up another place. Note: Principals become progressively dirtier during course of the race. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY Bonnie works diligently, half-hearing the P.A. over the roar. P.A. VOICE With just four laps to go, Knight is second behind Cochran, who's driven brilliantly to move up from the back of the pack, after that long pit stop. BONNIE There he is! INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MONITOR A clear view of Michael's car-schematic. Then the static returns. EXT. RIVERSIDE RACE COURSE - DAY Michael's right behind Steve's car. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE (comlink) Michael, we can scan you now, but only as you pass our position. It'll take several laps. MICHAEL (comlink) Just do it, pal, I've got my hands full. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MONITOR Michael's front suspension. Nothing. EXT. RIVERSIDE COURSE - DAY Michael again fails to pass Steve. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MONITOR Michael's car -- a small package glowing red behind the seat. K.I.T.T. An explosive device. C-4, activated in your last pit stop set to blow the moment you lose motion or over- heat --- EXTERIOR - MICHAEL IN FLYER - DAY Eyes set on Steve's car, setting it up for a pass. BONNIE'S VOICE (comlink) Michael, bail out! MICHAEL We could blow up a grand stand if I do...Where's the bomb planted?! K.I.T.T. Directly behind you, Michael. MICHAEL Okay, Bonnie's the one who's got to bail out, pal. Then get moving and meet me at the runout lane after the esses on turn seven. As Michael reaches behind the seat, we go to: EXT. K.I.T.T. IN PITS - DAY Bonnie gets out, and K.I.T.T. moves out unobtrusively, but fast. EXT. RIVERSIDE - RUNOFF LANE - DAY The Flyer runs off down the empty lane, K.I.T.T. nosing in behind him. MICHAEL (comlink) Pop the trunk pal.... K.I.T.T. pops his trunk, Michael yanks the bomb, tosses it straight up. Momentum carries K.I.T.T. under the bomb. As Michael motors back onto the course's main route, the bomb plops into K.I.T.T.'s trunk. OMITTED EXT. RUNOFF AREA - K.I.T.T. As, bomb safely enclosed inside, it skids to a halt. The bomb explodes inside, harmlessly. K.I.T.T. pumps out the smoke. OMITTED EXT. RIVERSIDE - START/FINISH LINE - DAY The distant explosion's distracted no one from the drama, as Michael passes Steve in the Altfield car right at the checkered flag. MAC AND ELENA IN PITS Excited, running for victory lane with Bonnie. EXT. TRACK - PIT AREA - DAY Michael rolls the Flyer to a halt, leaps out, ditching his helmet. He ignores the offers of champagne, the laurel wreath, the telephone numbers of race princesses. He pushes through to where K.I.T.T. waits and hops in. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY As Michael takes the wheel. K.I.T.T. Congratulations, Michael. MICHAEL Couldn't have done it without you pal. Head for the garage. Maybe we can track down who put the firecracker under the seat. K.I.T.T. Do you have any idea who it was? MICHAEL Just a hunch. Run a Linear Comparative Graphics Routine on that snapshot I had you take. All three, faces. CUT TO INT. THOMAS GARAGE - DAY - CLOSE ON A TOOL BOX with Alfie Girdler's name stenciled on the lid. Widen to include Michael who is rummaging through it and K.I.T.T. parked in the doorway of the empty garage. Suddenly Michael freezes at the unmistakable click of a gun cocking behind him. K.I.T.T. Behind you, Michael. MICHAEL I hear you, pal. (doesn't turn around) Afternoon, Wayne. INT. THOMAS GARAGE - DAY - WIDER Michael turns slowly. It's Wayne, all right. With him is Lurani, resting the rifle barrel across K.I.T.T.'s roof. WAYNE C'mon, Knight, you were just guessing. MICHAEL Nope, it took me a while, but it snapped into place. It was the money angle that threw me off. WAYNE What would I do with more money? MICHAEL Right, if it wasn't that, it had to be Elena. Plain as the nose on your face. On both your faces. (beat) She's your daughter -- right, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Correct Michael. Elena's face shares sixty-seven points of similarity with Wayne's but only five with Mac's. It's pretty clear. WAYNE (nods) Yeah -- her mom, Beth and I, we, we were lovers. She broke it off, but Elena's mine...He stole Beth from me, he stole my daughter, and now he's going to steal my place in racing... (beat; groping) I, I gave her, her genes. I gave her, her education. I --- Elena has arrived, unseen, and has been standing at the door's edge for the last couple of moments, shocked. ELENA (steps into view) ...everything except a father's love. I got that from Mac, thank God. MICHAEL Elena, get out of here. ELENA No. I can't make believe anymore. WAYNE You knew --- She moves defiantly to face Wayne. ELENA Mom told me just before she died. (beat) Sure, Wayne, you helped us out with money, but then, when you found out you couldn't buy me, you tried to destroy everything. Wayne stands there, his world in ruins. Lurani's getting jumpy. LURANI What do you want to do? WAYNE (beat) Kill him. Elena, despite Michael's warning look, goes to his side. LURANI (turning away; chokes) Both of 'em have to go.... WAYNE (reacting) No! Not her...I'll work it out with Elena.... LURANI And leave a witness? Not a chance.... ON K.I.T.T. as Lurani aims, steadying the gun across K.I.T.T.'s T-top. K.I.T.T. pops the T-top as Lurani fires. The shot hits the ceiling. K.I.T.T. starts, sideswiping Lurani, knocking the gun away. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael wades in to Lurani, trading punches. WAYNE goes after the loose gun. Wayne tries to go around them for the weapon. Michael notices. MICHAEL He's going for that gun, pal! K.I.T.T. pops a door that knocks the whole pile of tires down on Wayne's head. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael gets up from a Lurani punch, grabs a tire rolling by and jams it over the assassin's head, then drops him with a karate blow. Weary, Michael looks at K.I.T.T., with Elena, standing over the downed, groggy Wayne. MICHAEL Thanks, guys. Kitt, whistle for the cops, will ya? I'm beat. He leans against the nearest wall, catching his breath. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG EXT. FOUNDATION HEADQUARTERS - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY As Michael enters joining Bonnie, Devon and RC3. MICHAEL What's up guys? DEVON Well, Michael, it came to our atten- tion you were forced to pass up the traditional accolades given the winner after the race. MICHAEL It wasn't easy ignoring all those trophy queens with phone numbers. BONNIE Well, they've already moved on to the next race and of course Mac and Elena have the trophy --- RC3 But, we still put together a little victory lane celebration just for you. RC3 drops a cap covered with racing logos onto Michael's head; then another on top of it, and another. As Michael juggles the hats that tumble into his arms --- MICHAEL Not something Kitt would approve of but -- I think this one is me. As Michael sets one of the hats at a rakish angle, Bonnie wraps a laurel wreath over his shoulders. BONNIE And the traditional laurel wreath of course. DEVON And lest you think we've forgotten, the tradition wouldn't be complete without --- Devon comes up with a magnum of champagne; hands it to Michael. Michael studies the bottle for a beat. RC3 Come on Michael, come on, open it. BONNIE Yeah, the winner always shares with his crew. A wicked smile breaks across Michael's face as he gets an idea; nods in agreement --- MICHAEL Right, it's the tradition to end all racing traditions. Michael starts to vigorously shake up the bottle of champagne. The others realize what he's up to. BONNIE You shouldn't have said that, RC. RC3 I knew I shouldn't have said that. DEVON Really, Michael, don't you think this would be carrying the --- Devon's sentence is cut off by the pop of the champagne cork. Everyone dives for cover, and Michael cracks up as the bubbly explodes out of the bottle, and we: FREEZE FRAME THE END