EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60202 Robert Foster October 3, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 10/10/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Bruce Lansbury KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT BEHIND BARS by Rick Okie __________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. HOTEL MAXMILLIAN - DAY The chrome and glass cylinders of a space-age hotel rise toward the sky and rock music thunders out. CLOSE ON A/C FOOTING as a climbing rope is looped around the steel support of the air conditioning unit on the roof and ties securely. ON THE ROOF OF THE HOTEL - DAY as Julie Rogers, attractive, petite, blonde, tugs on the rope testing the knots, then crosses to the parapet paying out a coil of rope. She wears a jump suit, sports shoes and small backpack. She tosses the rope over the side; pauses thoughtfully for a beat, then climbs over the parapet. ON THE FACADE OF THE HOTEL - VARIOUS SHOTS as Julie expertly repels her way (about six stories) down the steel and glass facade on the rope to: A BALCONY as Julie comes down on the rope and lands. She immediately slips out of the backpack, removes a pair of dressy heels from it and sets them aside. Then, she unzips the jump suit revealing dressy clothes beneath. As she continues to change, we go to: INT. "TO THE MAX" DISCO - DAY A chic, elegant dance spot. Banner's proclaim GRAND OPENING. Beautiful bodies in high-style clothes are gyrating to a live band. Camera follows Samantha, twenty, sexy, dark hair flowing as she moves through the dancers, passing Bonnie who's dancing with handsome, well-dressed Matt Erickson. OMITTED BALCONY DOORS as Samantha arrives; casually leans her back against them appearing to be into the music. She reaches behind her and undoes the latch. The door pops open and Julie slips inside joining her -- dressed for the occasion. SAMANTHA Good, Julie. Right on the money. Ready? Julie nods nervously. Samantha picks up her uncertainty. SAMANTHA You better be. That's him. Brooks Brothers. Julie follows Samantha's nod to: BONNIE AND MATT dancing. BONNIE This place is so different from Foundation headquarters, Matt. Hard to believe they were both designed by the same architect. A female hand snakes over Matt's shoulder. He turns and sees it belongs to Samantha. SAMANTHA Not if you're as talented as Matt Erickson. MATT (brightening) Hey, thanks. Have we met? SAMANTHA (nods; sexy smile) But we haven't danced. I'm Samantha. As they dance off, Michael arrives and joins Bonnie. MICHAEL Hi there, Green Eyes --- BONNIE You kidding? Me? Jealous of my friend in his hour of glory? (beat) She is kinda cute.... MICHAEL Sure, but can she reprogram a range- finder? He winces from an elbow in the ribs. ON THE DANCE FLOOR - MATT AND SAMANTHA dance close, eyes locked. The song ends, she whispers something to him; smiles, heads off past --- JULIE standing near the exit, fidgeting, frightened. As Samantha passes, she slips something we don't see to Julie. MICHAEL AND BONNIE are rejoined by Matt, who's feeling his pockets for his keys; reacts to Michael having arrived. MATT Well, the Lone Eagle of the highway finally made it. MICHAEL He landed hours ago. You've just been too busy to notice. MATT Hey, when you're hot, you're hot. Samantha's freshening up. Why don't the four of us --- Matt pauses; is now patting all his pockets. BONNIE Lose something? MATT Yeah, my keys... (beat; freezes) My wallet, too! MICHAEL That girl! Bonnie, check the ladies' room. I'll cover the door. As Michael heads for the entrance/exit to the room, he discreetly raises his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, look for a pretty lady, dark hair, leaving in a hurry. EXT. HOTEL PARKING LOT - DAY - K.I.T.T. is parked in a tight space, amid other cars. K.I.T.T. Did the 'Lone Eagle' strike out again. MICHAEL Very funny. She's a pickpocket. Keep your scanners peeled. K.I.T.T.'s scanner pulses faster. BALCONY - JULIE zips her jump suit and goes over the side on the rope. OMITTED EXT. HOTEL - DAY - VARIOUS SHOTS - JULIE is ten stories in the air, rappelling down the rope, bouncing off the chrome and glass cylinder with a practiced flair. She hits the ground running. ANOTHER ANGLE - INCLUDE K.I.T.T. as Julie dashes to a red sedan parked nearby, guns it and rockets out of the parking lot at high speed. K.I.T.T. Michael, someone just made a very unconventional exit. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S DASH/MICHAEL IN DISCO Michael tenses, responds to comlink as the others react. MICHAEL Which door, pal? K.I.T.T. None. She came out a window. MICHAEL We're on the twelfth floor, buddy. K.I.T.T. I told you it was unconventional. MICHAEL Track her and pick me up. EXT. HOTEL - FRONT ENTRANCE - DAY - K.I.T.T. screeches up as Michael emerges from the lobby. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael dives behind the wheel and starts the engine. K.I.T.T. She's out of scanner range, Michael. In a red sedan heading --- MICHAEL (finishing) North on Piedmont or east on Wheeler. K.I.T.T. North on Piedmont. How could you predict it so quickly? MICHAEL Matt lives on Wheeler. His office is on Piedmont. Had to be one or the other --- K.I.T.T. I don't understand, Michael? MICHAEL Safest scam in the book -- Rip 'em off while they're out having a good time and they won't show up and catch you in the act. (beat) Let's show this gal just how wrong she can be. Super Pursuit Mode, pal. Michael hits some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. transforms into pursuit mode; nose elongating, spoilers deploying, etc., and speeds off into the night. CUT TO EXT. ARCHITECT'S OFFICE - DAY Amid a Century Plaza-type complex. We move in to find a sign reading "Matt Erickson A.I.A." INT. MATT'S INNER OFFICE - DAY - JULIE opens the door with Matt's keys, slips inside. Then crosses to and unlocks a drawing file; rifles it until she finds the set of plans she's seeking. She lays it out on the desk and produces a compact 35mm camera from her purse. She starts snapping pictures of --- BLUEPRINTS - CAMERA MATTE Complicated architectural drawings, which we recognize as the distinctive Hotel Maxmillian. CUT TO EXT. ARCHITECT'S OFFICE - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls into a parking space behind the red sedan. K.I.T.T. That's the sedan. Shall I check the license plates? MICHAEL No, I know that car. It's Matt's. Keep your scanners peeled. Michael gets out and crosses toward the offices. INT. OFFICE - DAY - MICHAEL slips in through the open door. MICHAEL I know you're in here, lady. INTERCUT - JULIE concealed behind a desk. She grabs a book from a nearby shelf and throws it. The noise makes Michael turn in that direction. THE SCENE As Julie runs behind Michael, leaps a drafting table in a perfect tuck, hits the floor in a somersault, and is out the door running. Michael springs after her. EXT. OFFICE AREA - DAY Julie hurdles benches and obstacles with extraordinary grace, yards ahead of Michael. He raises his comlink on the run. MICHAEL She's headed around back, pal! ON K.I.T.T. auto-starting, and driving off. ANGLE IN ALLEY Julie dives behind some boxes. A second later, Michael appears followed by K.I.T.T., who screeches to a stop -- the alley dead ends in a ten-foot wall. K.I.T.T. Behind those boxes, Michael. MICHAEL Pretty fast, lady. But you're cornered, now. I won't hurt you. JULIE For a second, it looks as though she'll give herself up. Then she bursts from the boxes at a full run. Michael gapes as she takes one last bounce on the ground, and uses a dumpster to vault with a twist up and over the wall. She's vanished. Michael stares stunned. MICHAEL She just stopped being predictable. Michael reacts; crouches to examine something. OMITTED INSERT - JULIE'S FOOTPRINT a distinctive imprint in the soft earth. MICHAEL (continuing) -- but she may be traceable. He passes his comlink over the footprint. MICHAEL Photograph this, pal and run down the manufacturer or distributor for me. K.I.T.T.'s scanner pulses in response as Michael crosses. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael settles behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. Michael, over 100 million sports shoes are sold every year. It could take days. MICHAEL I know it's a long shot but it's the only one we've got. Maybe we can get some help. CUT TO EXT. TWO LANE HIGHWAY - DAY The semi's ramp drops down and K.I.T.T. slides up inside. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael crosses out of K.I.T.T. as Bonnie moves in. Devon is at the computer terminal in b.g. MICHAEL How's it going? BONNIE I'm updating Kitt's data banks now. RC3 (sotto) I don't know why but the man's real uptight over the scene at the hotel last night. DEVON Very uptight, Reginald. And my hearing is more acute than you think. Michael, Bonnie and RC3 trade a look as Devon crosses. DEVON I want that incident vigorously investigated, Michael. MICHAEL Devon, I know you personally selected Matt to design our headquarters, but I think even he'd be surprised by your reaction. DEVON That's because like you he doesn't know our Secretary of State is attending a meeting at the hotel -- a top secret gathering of NATO Defense Ministers to map out strategy in space. The conference starts in just over forty-eight hours. My concern is --- MICHAEL (seeing it now) Security -- if two young women can get inside and pull off a simple scam what could some battle-hardened pros do to that conference? DEVON Precisely -- and how do we know those women weren't professionals testing the waters? I suggest you start with them. MICHAEL We already have. RC3 The lady left a calling card boss. BONNIE A footprint. Kitt's been running a trace on it. K.I.T.T. Yes, and I've just identified it as a training shoe often used by gymnasts. MICHAEL Keep at it pal. In the meantime, I'm going to have a chat with Matt. Michael moves off, a concerned expression falls across Devon's face. He hides it when he sees Bonnie looking. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON THE SEMI as K.I.T.T. slides down, out, and away. CUT TO EXT. MATT ERICKSON A.I.A. - DAY We recognize the site from last night. Michael slides up in K.I.T.T., parks on the street. As Michael heads off --- A WOMAN an offbeat type, suddenly appears in the trendiest of flexitards, headband, pulse watch and Walkman headset...huffing and puffing her way past K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER scanning. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR does a diagnostic breakdown: we see a holographic-like diagram of her body and metabolic information below. K.I.T.T. Oh my, what a terrible physical specimen. We hear K.I.T.T.'s voice through her headsets. K.I.T.T. Madam, forgive me, but you really should stop. WOMAN (gasping for air) Half-a-mile and I'm already hallucin- ating...I'm hearing voices! It's probably old cupcakes screaming in my thighs.... K.I.T.T. This is not cupcakes, this is the voice of reason. Trust me, for some, exercise is a spectator sport! WOMAN And who's out there doing all the spectating??? Single Men! (summoning up all her reserves) This is one small sprint for a woman; one giant leap towards a cute lawyer! Off she goes...not a pretty sight. K.I.T.T. I've never seen a happier jogger.... CUT TO OMITTED INT. MATT ERICKSON'S OFFICE - DAY Matt and Michael have given the office a careful check. MATT I don't get it, Michael. Nothing's missing. MICHAEL As far as we know --- (off Matt's look) Usually they lift your keys, take your car, get your address from the registration and rip off your house. What was that girl doing here? MATT I don't know. They couldn't have gotten this address from my registration --- MICHAEL That's my point. This is no ordinary street con, Matt. Those girls were after something -- something they knew was here. Michael glances around the office. Something on Matt's drafting table catches his eye. INSERT plans for the Hotel Maxmillian as Michael examines them. RESUME THE SCENE MICHAEL I thought the architect's work was over once the building opens for business. MATT Yeah, most of the time it is. MICHAEL But the Hotel Maxmillian was different. MATT No, I've been working on a new mall project. I haven't looked at the hotel for weeks. MICHAEL Somebody has. Matt swings Michael a puzzled look and we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. TRAVELING INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING MICHAEL Looks like those girls were after the plans for the hotel. K.I.T.T. Any idea why, Michael? MICHAEL Yes, I'd say Devon's concerns about that defense conference are valid. Any more on that sport shoe for me? K.I.T.T. It was made by Sportique -- their 'Fastop' model. The local distributor is Aero-Nastics, a fitness center downtown. MICHAEL Sounds like a place where the little lady who wears 'em might hang out. Let's jog over there. Michael tromps on the accelerator and we: CUT TO INT. OFFICE - DAY - ON SAMANTHA SAMANTHA Don't congratulate her. She almost blew it. Widen out to reveal Samantha is in a small, well-kept office. Julie sits in a chair facing Jason Nelson, thirty, athletic, handsome, cool, and Christine Briggs, thirty- eight, vicious, efficient, in charge. Nelson removes the film cassette from Julie's camera. NELSON But she didn't blow it. Did you? Julie, dressed in jeams and a work shirt, doesn't react. Nelson runs a hand over her shoulder, massaging --- NELSON You used to complain, during workouts remember? But one more excursion and they'll pay off for all of us. A glance passes between Nelson and Briggs, broken by --- JULIE (incensed, betrayed) Hold it. You said just this once! You promised that if I --- BRIGGS (interrupting) Shut up! Last night was a test and you almost failed it. Remember what I said would happen if you did?! Want me to keep those promises?! Julie shakes "no"; shrinks back frightened, cowed. SAMANTHA Come on, Julie. You can handle it. It's your ticket out of here. JULIE I don't even belong here and you know it. Nelson steps between them; runs one hand over Julie's hair; the other across Samantha's back. Unseen by Briggs, she eyes him during --- NELSON Ladies, ladies, calm down, please. This sort of thing has no place on our team. Now relax. Easy does it. Okay? The girls nod and settle. Nelson moves close to Briggs; puts a finger to her lips for --- NELSON See? They're no different than you are, Christine. They like to be handled gently, considerately. (smiles, turns back to Julie) Practice at ten as usual, okay? JULIE Forget it. I can't do it. I can't live through another night like that. BRIGGS (explodes) You won't live through tonight if you don't! She locks eyes with Julie a long beat, then Julie breaks it off. Briggs swings the look to Nelson for --- BRIGGS Get her out of my sight! We follow Briggs as she angrily storms off and we: CUT TO CLOSE ON JULIE as she is shoved into frame and whirls to camera. Suddenly -- a cell door clangs; the bars right across her face. We pull back to include two uniformed guards, Walsh and Roark, an especially vile fellow. Julie looks around the cell, puzzled. JULIE Hey? Hey, where's Alice? ROARK In a body bag -- started a knife fight in the shower. JULIE What?! She wouldn't do that? She was getting out next week. She --- ROARK Yeah, because she was meeting with the DA this week. (smirks to Walsh) Inmate violence -- never know who they'll waste next. They exchange grins; turn and move off. Julie's face fills with fear and panic. We hold a beat and then we: FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. SMALL SHOPPING MALL - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls into the parking lot. The sign above a storefront -- AERO-NASTICS - FITNESS & GYMNASTIC CENTER. INT. AERO-NASTICS - DAY Chrome and mirrors, muscled guys and shapely gals giving Nautilus machines a workout as we pan across to gymnastic apparatus and mats where students aged six to twenty cartwheel, tumble, etc. ON GYMNASTICS BEAM as a twelve-year-old girl does an amazing flip on it. Dina Shelton, nineteen, a lithsome beauty in a leotard, evaluates the maneuver as Michael observes from behind sunglasses. In the b.g. is an area where leotards, wristbands, sport shoes, etc., are displayed and sold. DINA Nice -- but the rotation had a big wobble. Let's go again. MICHAEL Sure looked like a 'ten' to me. DINA (smiles) Unfortunately, the judges don't wear sunglasses. Can I help you? MICHAEL Yes, I'm interested in a pair of Sportique 'Fastops.' Who runs the concession? DINA I do, but we don't carry that brand. MICHAEL That'll be news to them. DINA (remembering) Oh, right, we took a half dozen pairs on trial. Didn't sell real well. MICHAEL Because they didn't have you endorse 'em -- I'm Michael, Michael Knight. DINA Dina Shelton. MICHAEL Dina, it'd be a help if you could check your records and tell me who bought those six pairs of Sportiques. DINA Nobody. We gave them to Jason -- Jason Nelson. He's one of our instructors. MICHAEL Where can I find him? DINA Gainesboro prison -- (off Michael's look) He's their sports director. What's this all about Michael? MICHAEL A routine with a high degree of difficulty. EXT. GAINESBORO PRISON - DAY - TO ESTABLISH K.I.T.T. is parked inside the yard. BRIGGS (V.O.) Yes, of course I've heard of The Foundation Mr. Knight. INT. WARDEN BRIGGS' OFFICE - DAY Michael is with Briggs. BRIGGS (continuing) Jason's class'll be over in a few minutes. Why don't you fill me in while we wait. MICHAEL I have reason to believe one of your inmates may have been involved in a burglary last night, Warden. Nelson might be able to help me find her. BRIGGS We do our best to rehabilitate our girls but -- some do fall back into old habits after they get out. As for an escapee -- our security procedures are state of the art. She turns to a computer on her desk; encodes a few numbers. Michael watches as the roster of the inmates scrolls past. BRIGGS All present and accounted for. What gave you the idea anyway? MICHAEL A footprint from a shoe I've traced here. BRIGGS We issue footwear to every inmate. Most take it with them when they leave. I'm afraid you're looking at thousands of suspects. MICHAEL I've already narrowed it to six. BRIGGS (stopped; concerned) I see. How does Jason fit in? MICHAEL The imprint was from a sports shoe -- the model he donated to the prison. On Briggs' look, we: CUT TO INT. EQUIPMENT ROOM - DAY - NELSON as we widen to include Briggs, Roark and Michael. NELSON I gave them to inmates in the gymnastics program. Who else? MICHAEL Then one of them could very well be the girl I'm looking for. BRIGGS I told you I run a tight ship, Mr. Knight. It has to be someone on the outside. NELSON Yes. Those aren't the only pairs of Sportiques in existence. I mean -- we also bought two hundred pairs of sweat sox. Maybe you'd like to know who's wearing them, too? MICHAEL Hey, I know it's a long shot but we could settle this in a few minutes with a lineup. BRIGGS This is a State facility, Mr. Knight. The paper work will take months not minutes to clear. I'll cut through as much red tape for you as I can. (to Roark) Make sure Mr. Knight has no trouble finding his car. Roark escorts Michael from the equipment room and we: CUT TO EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY as Michael and Roark exit the building and cross toward K.I.T.T. in the b.g. Michael reacts O.S. when he sees: JULIE as she dashes barefoot down a runway; hits a springboard that catapults her toward a vaulting horse. She does the same flip she did to get over the wall in the alley earlier. RESUME MICHAEL AND ROARK as Michael turns from him and takes a step in Julie's direction. Roark grasps Michael's arm to stop him. ROARK Hold it, buddy. You heard the Warden. Michael nods and moves toward K.I.T.T., discreetly raising his comlink for --- MICHAEL Page Roark to call the Warden's office, pal. K.I.T.T.'S DASH CONSOLE as Enharmonic Synthesizer illuminates. ROARK'S WALKIE-TALKIE scratches to life. Widen to include he and Michael, during: PAGE VOICE Officer Roark? Officer Roark, call the Warden's office immediately. MICHAEL Sounds like serious business. Roark hesitates a beat before heading off to a locked security phone on a wall in the b.g. ANOTHER ANGLE - JULIE has just completed another vault as Michael joins her; gestures to her bare feet. MICHAEL Hi, almost didn't recognize you without your training shoes. Julie recognizes Michael but covers her reaction. JULIE I'm sorry but, I don't think we've ever met. MICHAEL The other night, in the alley; that vault over the wall -- world class. JULIE I'm an inmate here. I don't go running around alleys at night. MICHAEL And an escaped prisoner doesn't come back for the social life and conti- nental cuisine: Unless of course you have an identical twin. JULIE Look, whoever you are -- (thinks; decides) I've minded my business, done as I was told and I'm this close to getting out, alive. (pleading; desperate) Don't screw it up -- please. MICHAEL I don't know what'd going on here but I'm going to find out and you're --- Michael is interrupted by Roark, who shouts as he and Walsh hurry across the yard toward them. ROARK Knight?! Okay, Knight. I don't know how this happened but the Warden just come down on me real hard. First chance I get I'm doing the same to you. MICHAEL Anytime. Cutting guys like you down to size is my specialty. ROARK (to Walsh re Julie) Put her in solitary. As Walsh roughly escorts Julie toward the building in the b.g., Michael turns his body away from Roark and brings his comlink to his mouth for: MICHAEL Get a photo of that girl via comlink, pal. Michael turns his comlink in Julie's direction a beat before Roark shoves Michael toward K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR to see Julie's face with SLR range-finder graphics as K.I.T.T. snaps her picture. CUT TO INT. BRIGGS' OFFICE - DAY as she whirls to Nelson angrily. BRIGGS I don't like this, Jason. He saw Julie. He knows it was her last night. NELSON Easy does it, Christine. There's no way he can prove it. BRIGGS Yet. Knight isn't the kind that quits. He'll keep pressing until we stop him. NELSON Time will stop him. We'll be long gone with all the money we'll ever need before he figures it out. (off her look; reassuring) We will. That's a promise. Briggs eases; presses herself against Nelson. He wraps his arms around her and gently kisses her. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. barrels through a turn. K.I.T.T. She's rather cute, isn't she, Michael? MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see the photo K.I.T.T. took of Julie. MICHAEL Cute and desperate, pal. Let's find out who she is. A high-speed data search rolls across the monitor. K.I.T.T. Her name is Julie Rogers, she's just seventeen. Two years ago she was a highly promising member of the National Gymnastics Team that went to the Pan Am Games. MICHAEL Pan Am Games -- something happened when that team came back into the country. Am I right? K.I.T.T. Yes. One of the athletes was caught smuggling hard drugs through Customs. Her name was --- MICHAEL/K.I.T.T. (together) -- Julie Rogers. MICHAEL And I'll bet the Foundation her coach was Jason Nelson. K.I.T.T. Shall I check that, Michael? MICHAEL No, look into Warden Briggs. I've got someone to talk to about Nelson. K.I.T.T. Somehow I just knew you were going to say that. INT. AERO-NASTICS GYM - DAY - CLOSE ON DINA SHELTON practicing her own routine on the bar; does a flip, then balances as she responds to Michael's request for info. DINA Nelson? Sure, tell you whatever I can. Give me a minute to finish and --- Dina does a spectacular flip off the bar and lands on her feet face to face with Michael. DINA (continuing; flirtatiously) -- I'll be free the rest of the day. She cartwheels across the mat away from Michael. MICHAEL (to himself) Unfortunately, I'm not --- On Michael's look we: CUT TO EXT. AERO-NASTICS PARKING LOT - DAY Here comes our woman jogger. Remember Gabrielle Anderson- Scheiss in the Olympics? This is worse. She runs an exhausted, out-of-control serpentine path towards the gym. K.I.T.T. And they say there are no more miracles left. Come on baby, you can do it! WOMAN No...it's over...fat wins...pain wins... (sniffing) Everything smells like fondue! K.I.T.T. simulates the sounds of a cheering crowd and inspirational music. K.I.T.T. Nonsense! You've only run 1.2 miles! What about your men? WOMAN I'll become a nun! Black is slenderizing! ANOTHER ANGLE Just as she hobbles to the door, a young Man comes out... and they collide. He tries to help her up. MAN Gee, I'm so sorry. WOMAN That's okay. It hurt more to run. MAN Hey, if you want to sue me, that's perfectly fine... (smiling) I'm a lawyer.... CLOSE ON HER FACE Bingo. She casually takes off her headsets...and drops them into the garbage pail...as they go hand in hand into the building. K.I.T.T. How deeply moving. Someday it'll be my turn...'Kitt and the freeway of love....' OMITTED RESUME MICHAEL AND DINA They're having a drink at the gym juice bar. DINA Nelson's a very talented guy. AAU champion; a Gold at the Nationals. Coached me for a while, too. But Julie was his shot at coaching the Olympic team. MICHAEL Then Julie was arrested and that was the end of it. Nelson must have been devastated. DINA No, he blew it himself before that. Got caught pushing performance drugs on his athletes and was suspended. MICHAEL I don't get it. He was at the Pan Am Games with Julie. DINA The charges were dropped and he was reinstated. Something 'happened' to the witness against him. MICHAEL Things 'happen' to witnesses who testify against the mob not gymnastics coaches. DINA Don't judge him too harshly, okay? I mean he's been really great to Julie. He used his connections to get her transferred to Gainesboro. MICHAEL (jumps on it) She was assigned to another prison and Nelson arranged for her to be moved. DINA Yes, so they could continue to work together. MICHAEL (putting it together) Let me tell you, they've come up with one heck of a routine. On Michael's thoughtful look, we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. barrels down a straightaway. K.I.T.T. This road leads to Gainesboro Prison, Michael. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL They all do today, pal. K.I.T.T. I know what you mean. Briggs' record reads like an inmate's. Twenty-seven reprimands for cruel and unorthodox disciplinary methods. She's on the brink of being fired. MICHAEL Let's push her over the edge. She made a big thing of her computerized security system. Access it for me. Michael punches some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as appropriate sound and visual effects tell us K.I.T.T. is making the necessary electronic connections. K.I.T.T. I'm in, Michael. But the system has state-of-the-art safeguards. I can read the data but I can't update it. MICHAEL That's okay, I just want a closer look at last night's bed check. Key on Julie Rogers. Names scroll up the screen at high speed. The scroll stops. A flashing rectangle highlights Julie's name. K.I.T.T. She spent last night in solitary. I'm afraid her cell mate Alice Pierson spent it in the prison morgue. MICHAEL The more we find out the less we know. Remind me to have Bonnie check that out, Kitt. More names scroll up the monitor. K.I.T.T. An inmate named Samantha Lawton also spent last night in solitary. MICHAEL Wait a minute, the pickpocket who hit Matt was named Samantha. Where are she and Julie now? K.I.T.T. Both listed in solitary again, Michael. MICHAEL Just like the night of the heist -- if the pattern holds they're getting ready to pull another tonight. Let's keep the place under surveillance. EXT. GAINESBORO PRISON - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. SOLITARY CELL - NIGHT Julie stares out through a barred window as a guard admits Warden Briggs. A pile of dark clothes sits on the bunk. BRIGGS You aren't dressed? JULIE I told you, I'm not going. BRIGGS Listen, lady. You've got exactly three minutes to get into those street clothes. JULIE And if I don't? BRIGGS What happened to Alice could happen to you! Briggs smacks Julie across the face, knocking her backward onto her bunk. BRIGGS Get dressed. Samantha's here. Julie is rattled; fights for control and starts to change her clothes. Roark brings Samantha into the cell joining them. She wears a tight tank top and jeans, looking very sexy. Briggs crosses to a bunk, unlocks and lifts one end of it, revealing a dark hole in the floor. Samantha starts down a ladder inside. BRIGGS Have a nice evening, ladies. Julie swings her a frightened look, then follows Samantha. EXT. GAINESBORO PRISON - NIGHT as a van marked GAINESBORO PRISON comes from the far side of the prison and heads onto the road. INSIDE K.I.T.T. atop a hill or other vantage point. MICHAEL That could be them, pal. Scan the van. K.I.T.T. It contains a driver and two pas- sengers, Michael. But it's too dark to identify them. They could be prisoners being transferred. MICHAEL Not at this time of night. A SEDAN pulls onto the same road and drives off in the opposite direction to the van. K.I.T.T. What about that sedan, Michael? RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL It's a toss up, pal. But there's something suspicious about a prison van running errands at night. Let's tail it and track the sedan on your monitor. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see a flashing blip moving on the grid work of streets, as the sedan drives off. EXT. HILLSIDE NEAR PRISON - NIGHT K.I.T.T. pulls from concealment, and takes off down the rural highway after the van. EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT - VARIOUS SHOTS as K.I.T.T. follows the prison van into a honky-tonk district. A few couples laughing, having a good time. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. There's nothing in this part of town anyone would want, Michael. MICHAEL (correcting) Any car would want. Seriously, I don't get it either. Briggs sure didn't spring for a night on the town for some inmates. CUT TO EXT. POWER PLANT - NIGHT The sedan bearing Nelson and the girls pulls into cover near a good-sized rural transformer station. Cables and generators hum as power throbs out to the city. INSIDE NELSON'S SEDAN Nelson produces an explosive device and hands it to Julie, who puts it into a small backpack. NELSON Give Samantha time to make her move before you make yours. Julie nods. The girls get out of the sedan and move off toward the power plant. CUT TO EXT. HONKY-TONK STREET - NIGHT The prison van pulls to the curb in front of a disco. Music blares at ear-splitting volume. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL They're stopping, pal. Full alert, all systems. K.I.T.T. My audio sensors are being jammed by that racket, Michael. MICHAEL That's not a racket, that's reggae. K.I.T.T. I don't think it matters. Look --- POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD as guards Roarke and Walsh in atrociously patterned Hawaiian shirts exit the van and are engulfed by a number of squealing hostesses, who usher them inside. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL We blew it. We should have followed the sedan. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR to see the pulsing blip on the grid work of streets. K.I.T.T. It's clear across town at a power plant substation, Michael. MICHAEL Give me all the pursuit power you've got, pal! Michael punches some buttons. K.I.T.T. transforms into pursuit mode, nose elongating, spoiler deploying, etc., does a tire-smoking 180 and peels out. CUT TO EXT. POWER PLANT - NIGHT as Samantha, openly carrying a tire iron, approaches a uniformed Guard, who is distracted by her sexy come-on. SAMANTHA Hi. Am I glad to see you. GUARD I was hoping you'd say that. SAMANTHA (chuckles) My car -- got a flat just down the road. Think maybe you could help me out? She holds up the tire iron. As the Guard eyes Samantha, assessing the meaning of her request: JULIE slips from the shadows and dashes through the darkness behind the Guard. She takes a running leap, vaults the fence with ease and moves around the far side of a transformer. ON THE TRANSFORMER as Julie climbs the structure to a catwalk at the top. She removes the explosive device from her backpack and plants it in a well-concealed spot. As she turns and starts her descent, she bumps a metal gate in the railing that encloses the catwalk. It clangs loudly. RESUME SAMANTHA AND GUARD as he reacts to the noise and turns to see Julie making her way down the transformer to the ground. GUARD Hey? Hey what are you doing up --- Before he can finish, Samantha coldcocks him O.C. with the tire iron. He drops like a rock as Julie vaults the fence and rejoins Samantha. Julie bends to the fallen Guard. JULIE This guy's not breathing, Samantha. He needs helps. SAMANTHA It's your life you ought to be worried about! Come on. Let's get out of here. Come on! Samantha grabs Julie and practically drags her away. CUT TO K.I.T.T. rushing down the dirt road leading to the power plant, speeding past Nelson's hiding place. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael grips the wheel with determination. Over Michael's shoulder, we see the girls emerge from the plant. MICHAEL There they are, Kitt. Give me E.B.S. and back to cruise mode. RAPID SEQUENCE OF SHOTS - K.I.T.T. as he deploys braking fins and then transforms from S.P.M. to cruise mode. EXT. PLANT - NIGHT Samantha and Julie freeze in K.I.T.T.'s powerful headlights, then run. Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. to go after them. NELSON'S SEDAN rockets out of the darkness and screeches to a fast stop in the road. Julie and Samantha jump in. Nelson floors it, heading right for Michael. K.I.T.T. Michael, look out! Michael freezes momentarily, then dives and rolls to safety as the sedan goes fishtailing past him. He rises to watch as: THE SEDAN purposely sideswipes a power pole. The wires and pole come crashing down atop Michael. The sedan keeps on going. MICHAEL is pinned beneath the pole. A broken wire is snapping and sparking next to him, as K.I.T.T. pulls up. K.I.T.T. Michael, get out of there, quickly. That high tension wire is getting closer and closer! MICHAEL I can't pal. I'm pinned. I can't move. We hold a beat and then we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. POWER PLANT AREA - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL - CONTINUOUS ACTION Michael is pinned beneath the fallen power pole. The snap- ping, sparking wire moving closer and closer. K.I.T.T. waits nearby. MICHAEL Set your grappling hook, pal. MICHAEL ducks backward as a wire whips past his face. K.I.T.T. But if it hits that wire, my circuitry will be charcoal! MICHAEL If it hits me I'll be charcoal. Make it fast. OMITTED INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S GRILL as the grappling hook fires. MICHAEL catches the hook as it passes, then drops it carefully onto an insulated patch of the shorting wires. MICHAEL Now reel it in, pal. Reeeeeal slow. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S WINCH grinding the line in slowly. Gradually it pulls the pole aside just enough to release the pressure on Michael, and he slips free. K.I.T.T. Power surge coming, Michael! Michael dives to safety just as the wire explodes in a fire- works display. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael gets behind the wheel. MICHAEL You all right, buddy? K.I.T.T. Nothing Bonnie can't cure with a little hi-tech TLC. MICHAEL Good. Get that sedan on the screen for me. Michael punches buttons, then slides K.I.T.T. in a spinning turn onto the road away from the plant. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see a map grid and pulsing blip. K.I.T.T. They're heading back toward the prison at a high speed. They have a huge lead. They -- (beat, down) I'm afraid they're already back in the prison, Michael. Michael slams his palm against the steering wheel in frustration. CUT TO INT. BRIGGS' OFFICE - NIGHT Briggs is raging at Nelson, Julie and Samantha. Roark observes in the b.g. BRIGGS How the hell did Knight get onto you?! SAMANTHA He's probably a cop. How else? NELSON No way. He's a freelancer with a hot car. He didn't stop us tonight. Forget him. JULIE But that man at the plant -- what if he's dead. What if --- BRIGGS (interrupting) Shut up! That's what happens to people who get in the way -- (a look to Roark) -- people like Michael Knight. They get killed. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. AND THE SEMI The car slides up the ramp and into the trailer. INT. SEMI - NIGHT Devon, RC3 and Michael gathered, Bonnie in the b.g. at the computer console. DEVON Michael, am I to understand that -- that these young women get out, commit crimes and go back to prison? MICHAEL Exactly -- the perfect alibi. You may have heard of one of them -- Julie Rogers? DEVON Yes, the gymnast -- a promising future cut short by a drug smuggling conviction, as I recall. MICHAEL Right. She swore she'd never seen the drugs before; ended up serving time anyway. RC3 Sounds like the lady was set up to take the fall. MICHAEL (nods emphatically) Nelson, the prison athletic instructor was her coach at the time. I'm betting he and Briggs are up to their barbed wire in this. DEVON What I fail to comprehend is how they fit into sabotaging the defense conference. MICHAEL I agree. It doesn't piece together. And there are more pieces. According to Kitt's data search, Briggs should be facing brutality charges. But the witness against her was killed in a fight with another inmate. Ditto for the girl that could have cleared Julie. Bonnie tears a print-out from her computer and joins the group. BONNIE I ran that check for you, Michael. The witness against Briggs was Alice Pierson. MICHAEL Julie Rogers' cellmate. BONNIE (nods) Six months ago her fingerprints were found at the site of a robbery. She was eliminated as a suspect because --- RC3 Don't tell me -- she was in solitary at Gainesboro at the time. BONNIE Right. MICHAEL Now she's in the morgue. (beat) It looks like Briggs eliminates any- one who can incriminate her. If Julie's work is finished -- she's next. A beat as Michael's comment hits Devon, Bonnie and RC3. DEVON Then how do we draw these people out and protect Julie at the same time? MICHAEL I've got an idea but it's risky. (to Bonnie) You willing to try something a little -- unusual? Off Bonnie's looks we: CUT TO INT. GAINESBORO PRISON GYM - DAY - TIGHT ON JULIE ROGERS NELSON (V.O.) Go! Julie leaps from a standing start and grabs a rope dangling from the gym ceiling. With a catlike grace she starts climbing up it, hand over hand. NELSON AND BRIGGS watch her eagerly, Nelson checking a stopwatch. NELSON Faster, Julie. Faster. ANGLE FROM CEILING Julie reaches the ceiling, clambers onto a rafter and walks it like a balance beam. She reaches the end of the rafter, crouches and grasps another rope hanging down to the floor, swings into midair. NELSON Atta-girl. Good, good. NEW ANGLE Julie slithers to the foot of the line and is off across the floor in a tumbling exercise which takes her flipping and flying over and under several small crossbars mounted on vertical stanchions. She passes them all without touching any, until: THE LAST BAR gets knocked off its stand as Julie does a flip over it. Nelson punches the watch; catches a look of utter disgust from Briggs. BRIGGS You just blew it, honey! (to Nelson) What do we do now? JULIE (overhears; lashes back) Find someone else! BRIGGS There is no one else! (to Nelson) You hand-picked her. Now make sure she gets this right! JULIE Well, maybe I can't! Maybe I just can't do it! Nelson crosses to Julie; manages the muscles in her neck and shoulders during --- NELSON Sure you can, Julie. I know you can. I've seen you do it. It's your ticket out of here. A look between them, then Nelson raises his watch, nods. Julie starts off. Nelson moves close to Briggs for --- NELSON Maybe we ought to forget it. BRIGGS Are you crazy?! We're this close to ten million dollars, Jason -- Ten million. I've been living in gray crud for too many years to chuck it all now. NELSON Our future is in the hands of a scared teenager. That's crazy. I don't think she can pull it off. BRIGGS You make sure she does. You promised me sunshine and good times, mister, and you're going to deliver, aren't you? She kisses him lightly on the lips; the kiss of a cobra. His eyes fill with contempt as she turns and leaves. CUT TO EXT. HILL ABOVE PRISON - DAY K.I.T.T. glides to a stop in brush, Gainesboro visible below. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NECESSARY Michael punches buttons. The monitor comes alive with a picture of the prison. MICHAEL (continuing) Okay, zoom in for me, pal. K.I.T.T. How far? The soup stain on the tower guard's tie? MICHAEL (chuckles) No, the front gate will be fine. The monitor responds with a zoom in to the front gate area. MICHAEL (continuing) Okay, now access the computer terminal in the guard shack. K.I.T.T. I can transmit data to the monitor, Michael, but remember that system has state-of-the-art safeguards. I can't make additions to memory. Michael reacts as a black and white paddy wagon pulls up next to the shack. MICHAEL No problem. But you better make it fast. EXT. PRISON GATE - DAY The driver of the van is signing a clipboard for the Gate Guard. Behind them, the daily volleyball game is in progress in the prison yard. CLOSER ON THE VAN The uniformed driver looks up and beneath his cap, we see his face. It's RC3. GATE GUARD (puzzled) You say you got a transfer from upstate? RC3 Yeah, a real wildcat. Spent the entire ride trying to get through the screen and rip my head off. The Guard leans back into the shack; types on his computer keyboard --- GATE GUARD Sorry, buddy, we haven't been notified. RC3 Listen, my man. No way I'm taking her back. Better tap dance on those buttons again. The Guard encodes on the keyboard again. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR/CONSOLE where we see Bonnie's name on the screen. K.I.T.T. Ready to transmit, Michael. Michael depress a button labled -- TRANSMIT ON THE MONITOR IN GUARD'S SHACK as Bonnie Barstow prints out, followed by transfer arriving and a lengthy criminal record. RESUME THE SCENE as the Guard leans back out to RC3. GATE GUARD Just came through. Got a rap sheet that makes Ma Barker look like a brownie. RC3 That's why the chick's here. GATE GUARD We'll take good care of her. Go on in. The car proceeds into the yard. The other girl inmates stop and take notice as it stops. Devon gets out and opens the back door. RC3 Okay, sweetcakes. End of the line. The prisoner gets out wearing prison denims and carrying a duffle bag. As she turns to RC3 and winks -- we recognize a very tough-looking Bonnie Barstow. BONNIE Thanks for the lift, creep. He turns her over to a waiting guard, Roark, who grabs Bonnie brusquely and shoves her toward the yard. NELSON AND WARDEN BRIGGS watching from her office window, menacing. ON BONNIE RC3 drives off and the gates shut behind her. Off a look which tells us she suddenly feels very alone.... FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. HILL ABOVE GAINESBORO - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. - ESTABLISHING parked in concealment but with a view. Michael's inside. INTERCUT MONITOR - ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Michael scans an image of Bonnie on the video screen. MICHAEL So far, so good. Bonnie's inside. K.I.T.T. I don't like this plan, Michael. The people in that place are not nice. And I don't mean the prisoners. MICHAEL We'll have Julie out of there in no time. Get as close to the west tower as you can. As they move toward the prison, we: CUT TO EXT. PRISON YARD - VOLLEYBALL GAME - DAY Bonnie struts across the yard. She intercepts the volleyball from the game nearby and picks it up as one of the female player/prisoners comes to retrieve it, a tough but pretty girl named Darlene. DARLEEN Right here, rookie. Hand it over. BONNIE You want it? Bonnie defiantly tosses the ball back over her shoulder. BONNIE Go get it, creep. DARLEEN You get it. Before you get your face mashed. Bonnie shakes no and shoves past Darleen, bumping her hard with a shoulder. BONNIE (taunting) Anytime, sweetcakes. Anytime. Darleen grabs Bonnie; whirls her around and throws a punch. Bonnie blocks it and lunges at Darleen. In a second they're grappling in a violent wrestling match. Other girls gather and shout them on. Guards run toward them as --- EXT. NEAR PRISON WALL - DAY - K.I.T.T. glides to a position directly beneath a guard tower. THE GUARD ATOP THE WALL is watching the fight; attention riveted to the fighting women. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL She did it! Here we go, Kitt! Michael punches "EJECT LEFT" on his console. VARIOUS ANGLES as the T-top pops open and Michael slips up and out of the driver's seat, ejecting up the side of the wall. LOOKOUT TOWER ATOP WALL - PARAPET Michael lands. The guard turns. Michael comes up from his landing crouch and puts away the guard with a karate combination. RESUME THE FIGHT IN THE YARD Guards Roark and Walsh are separating Bonnie and Darleen. BASE OF LOOKOUT TOWER - MICHAEL now wearing the guard's cap and jacket, emerges from a door moving toward the main building's entrance. SCENE - THE YARD - NELSON AND BRIGGS have spotted the commotion and joined the guards. Briggs grabs Bonnie's face; squeezes it in her hand. BRIGGS Congratulations, Barstow. You just set a record for getting thrown in solitary. I'm going to enjoy teaching you the ropes. (to Roark) Put her in the hole. I want to review her records. The guards lead Bonnie off and we: CUT TO INT. CELL BLOCK - DAY Michael slips along the cell doors until he finds the one he's looking for. He "plays" guard here. MICHAEL Okay Rogers. Let's go. Move it. INT. JULIE'S CELL - DAY She scowls at first then recognizes Michael. He softens her reaction with a look. JULIE (sotto) What are you doing here? MICHAEL Stopping Nelson and Briggs from sabotaging that defense conference. JULIE (baffled) Defense conference? I don't know what you're talking about. MICHAEL This is no time for games Julie. That conference could swing the balance of world power, and --- JULIE (shakes her head) That's not the target. (off Michael's look) It isn't. It's an industrial exhibit on the top floor -- a display of crystals. MICHAEL Crystals? (deduces a beat) Perfect ones -- they're the only kind worth stealing. They can increase the output of a laser by a hundred. In unfriendly hands --- He lets the sentence trail off as he turns to the cell door; passes his comlink over the lock. MICHAEL Okay pal, you're on. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as the diagram of the lock assembly appears on the monitor. K.I.T.T. It's a standard lockup tumbler, Michael. No problem. RESUME MICHAEL AND JULIE The lock clicks open. Michael slides back the cell door. As Julie and Michael move down the corridor, we: CUT TO INT. WARDEN BRIGGS' OFFICE - DAY - ON MONITOR as names of the inmates scroll up the screen. ROARK No record for a Bonnie Barstow. THE SCENE as Roark at the monitor continues to encode. Nelson stands to one side equally baffled. BRIGGS She's here, Roark. There has to be something on her --- ROARK (shakes no) Nothing --- NELSON I don't like this. Something's wrong. I think maybe we should --- BRIGGS (interrupting) Let's ask Barstow what she thinks. Briggs marches out of the office, Nelson and Roark following. CUT TO INT. BONNIE'S CELL - SOLITARY - DAY Michael and Julie in the corridor. Bonnie still inside. BONNIE Come on, Kitt, come on --- The tumbler clicks open as Michael slides the cell door open. BONNIE Thanks. Five more minutes in that hell hole and I'd be right off the deep end. BRIGGS (V.O.) Think how you'll feel after five years! Michael, Bonnie and Julie turn to face: NELSON, BRIGGS, ROARK AND WALSH The two guards have riots guns fixed on them. Michael boils over. MICHAEL (explosive) What do you promise these girls?! A chance to get out of here alive?! Is that how it works?! BRIGGS Don't push your luck, Mr. Knight. In the cell! Both of them! Roark and Walsh move in, forcing Michael into the cell, pushing Bonnie in with him. The door slams shut. JULIE is on the outside of the bars, face to face with Michael. A poignant moment before Nelson grips her arm, pulling her along. NELSON Forget them, Julie. It's time to concentrate. Today's performance has to be a 'ten.' As the group moves off, Briggs leans to Roark for --- BRIGGS Wait 'til we're gone, then kill them. CUT TO EXT. HILL OUTSIDE PRISON - DAY - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Devon? Devon, I have to talk to you right away. INTERCUT MONITOR - ANGLE IN K.I.T.T. Devon's concerned face looks out from the screen. DEVON What's the problem, Kitt? K.I.T.T. Michael said if he didn't contact me in ten minutes to have RC3 back him up. I'll tell you where he wants him positioned. DEVON Make it fast. Michael could be trying to reach you right now. CUT TO INT. BONNIE'S CELL - DAY Bonnie paces as Michael talks into his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt? Kitt, come in, pal. (beeping sound) Still busy. BONNIE Busy?! I'm going to die and Kitt's line is busy?! I don't mind telling you, I'm scared stiff. ROARK You oughtta be, honey. They whirl to see Roark, riot gun aimed at them. As Roark unlocks the cell door, Michael raises his comlink for: MICHAEL I hope you're tuned in now, pal. ROARK What's that? Who you talking to? MICHAEL A friend. And if this is my lucky day, you'll get to meet him. SMASH CUT TO EXT. PRISON - FRONT GATE - DAY - K.I.T.T. smashes through the wire and metal of the front gate and bursts onto the yard, past several amazed prisoners and guards who are firing at K.I.T.T.; the rounds ricocheting off. RESUME BONNIE, MICHAEL AND ROARK who bump-loads his riot gun; levels it at Michael just as K.I.T.T. smashes through the wall of the cell past Bonnie and Michael. As Roark dives out of the way, the riot gun fires. Michael yanks it out of his hand and decks him with a right cross. MICHAEL Just call me Mr. Lucky --- Bonnie and Michael jump into K.I.T.T. and blast out in reverse. EXT. YARD - DAY K.I.T.T. backs out of the cell and heads across the yard as Briggs emerges from her office and yells to the guards. BRIGGS Do something! Shoot! Stop them!! Stop them!! The guards empty their magazines on K.I.T.T., the rounds ricocheting off as he rockets toward the gate he blasted through earlier. Several black and whites, sirens screaming are on the way into the yard. Briggs sees what's happening and runs. INT. SOLITARY CELL - DAY - BRIGGS runs down the corridor and enters the cell. She crosses to the bunk and lifts it up, exposing the mouth of the tunnel, but before she can climb out of it. RC3 pops up, a gun in his hand trained on her. RC3 Hi! I'm here to offer you a lifetime subscription to the prison newsletter. CUT TO INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING K.I.T.T. Where to, Michael? MICHAEL Hotel Maxmillian, pal. Michael tromps on the accelerator; K.I.T.T. takes off and we: CUT TO EXT. HOTEL MAXMILLIAN - DAY - TO ESTABLISH as we move in to a banner that proclaims -- INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION --- EXT. HOTEL - DAY as Nelson and Julie walk quickly along a deserted section of hotel ground. Nelson hand-carries a small backpack. NELSON After I blow the power, you'll have two minutes to get the crystals before emergency power kicks in. JULIE And if it takes me longer? NELSON The laser alarms will reactivate and you'll have to elude them -- (off her look) The tumbling routine in the gym -- those bars were in the same position as the lasers. Piece of cake. He stops at a corner of the building then removes a nylon climber's rope with a hook on one end from the backpack. He spins the rope and throws it toward --- CONCRETE SUPPORT No more than three inches wide, topping an arched connector between the hotel and one of two adjacent parking structures. The rope hits and loops around it like a bolo. SCENE Nelson pulls it to make sure it's taut, then hands Julie the backpack. As she slips it on --- NELSON In case you're thinking of running -- remember -- Briggs'd hunt you down like an animal. She'd have you shot on sight. He offers Julie the end of the nylon climbing rope. NELSON (continuing) Get us those crystals and in an hour, she'll be signing your parole. Julie thinks, decides and takes the rope from Nelson. He removes a remote detonator from his pocket and depresses the button. CUT TO CLOSE ON THE BOMB The high-tech device Julie planted earlier, as it blows: EXT. SIERRA VISTA POWER PLANT - DAY A beat before it is wracked by a massive explosion. CUT TO THE HOTEL - JULIE AND NELSON suddenly, all around them, the power goes off. NELSON Go! Julie takes a deep breath, starts climbing. VARIOUS ANGLES - JULIE'S CLIMB She shinnies her way up the nylon line, higher and higher. CUT TO EXT. STREETS - DAY - ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. speeding into the outskirts of the city, racing through traffic. CUT TO EXT. HOTEL - ATOP NARROW SUPPORT - DAY - JULIE is walking across the narrow beam. She loses her balance for a moment, then regains it and reaches the --- HOTEL ROOF as Julie sprints across to a skylight. She raises the cover, then reaches into her pack and produces a second nylon rope which she drops down inside. She disappears through the skylight. INT. EXHIBIT GALLERY - DAY - JULIE slithers down her rope and hits the floor. She crosses to a cluster of display cases and we see: CLOSER ANGLE - THE CRYSTALS Julie marvels at them then reaches into the cases and starts sweeping them into her backpack. EXT. HOTEL - DAY As K.I.T.T. screeches up to the front entrance. Michael jumps out and sprints inside, leaving Bonnie in K.I.T.T. RESUME JULIE She's sweeping the last of the crystals into her backpack when the power comes back and lights go on in the room. Julie looks around, finds herself surrounded by: FULL SHOT - LASER ALARM SYSTEM A dozen pencil thin, glowing bands of laser light suddenly crisscross the room between the display cases at varying heights. Julie's in the middle, frightened, trapped. INT. LOBBY - DAY - MICHAEL races through the startled bystanders and approaches two heavily armed guards on duty in front of high oak doors and starts talking fast. INT. EXHIBIT GALLERY - JULIE is taking several deep breaths, gathering her courage. Finally takes a few fast steps toward the first beam of laser light. CLOSE ON HELICOPTER as Nelson pulls up in his car, gets out, climbs into the chopper. CLOSER - THE BEAM as Julie's torso pinwheels over the bright red shaft of light. THE SCENE as she lands in a tuck and roll allowing her momentum to carry her beneath the next beam. She comes up and goes right into a cartwheel that carries her over the next two beams. JULIE'S FEET as they land on the floor, barely an inch from a beam that skims just above the surface of the carpet. THE SCENE as Julie's momentum carries her into a tumble over the last beam. She comes out of it in a crouch and springs for the rope catching hold of it eight feet above the floor. She starts climbing frantically. ANOTHER ANGLE FROM ABOVE as Julie makes her way up the rope to the ceiling and slips out the skylight, a beat before --- THE DOORS burst open. Michael and the guards enter. Michael looks up, sees the open skylight above. MICHAEL Too late -- she's gone. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Bonnie reacts when she sees Michael approach and jump in next to her. With a squeal of tires they take off, racing around the perimeter of the hotel. BONNIE Did you find her? MICHAEL No. She went out the skylight. How many ways off that roof, pal? K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED A graphic view of the hotel and adjacent high-rise parking structures. K.I.T.T. Only one, Michael. The connector to the parking structure. But it's less than three inches wide. No normal person could do it. MICHAEL Julie Rogers is no normal person. He hammers a right turn into the parking structure. VARIOUS ANGLES - K.I.T.T. whizzes around and around up the ramps of the structure. EXT. PARKING STRUCTURE ROOM - DAY The Trans Am bursts into daylight atop the parking structure. BONNIE Look --- ANGLE - JULIE tightrope walking the top of a very high dividing wall which connects the two parking structures, at least sixty feet above the ground. She holds her hands out to her sides for balance and steps tenuously. At the other end of the wall is: A CHOPPER PAD Nelson stands next to a helicopter urging Julie forward. NELSON Come on, Julie. Don't stop now. Nelson does a take; pulls a gun and fires when he sees: BONNIE AND MICHAEL are getting out of K.I.T.T. They take to cover behind his doors. The bullets ricochet off. JULIE wobbles atop the wall, terrified. RESUME MICHAEL, BONNIE, K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael! Julie's pulse rate is skyrocketing. She's got vertigo! She's going to fall. MICHAEL Calibrate wind speed, distance and running room. BONNIE Michael, you're not going to.... K.I.T.T. Oh, yes he is. Michael and Bonnie scramble back into K.I.T.T. FULL SHOT - JULIE AND NELSON She approaches the opposite roof and Nelson, but the wind from the chopper blades makes her going tougher. NELSON Come on, Julie. Just a few more feet. Julie fights the breeze and her nerves, then takes the last step to Nelson. He pulls her to safety and tries to strip off her backpack. She struggles in his grip. EXT. ROOFTOP - FOLLOWING K.I.T.T. Michael floors it in reverse, backing the Trans Am to the farthest edge of the structures roof. MICHAEL Hang on! As K.I.T.T. revs up, the car shudders, the turbines rise in pitch. VARIOUS INSERTS - TIRES, SCANNER, DASH shudder and smoke, instruments red-lining. VARIOUS ANGLES - SKI MODE K.I.T.T. roars across the roof of the structure and tilts up into ski mode heading for --- THE NARROW BEAM That connects the two buildings as K.I.T.T. ski modes on two wheels across the beam that Julie has just traversed. NELSON looks up, can't believe his eyes. K.I.T.T. reaches Nelson's roof and comes out of ski mode settling down. On all four wheels. Michael's out of the car in a flash and after Nelson. Nelson goes for his gun but he's got his hands full with Julie. THE BACKPACK FULL OF DIAMONDS hits the pavement, sending an icy shower onto the pad. RESUME FIGHT as Michael drops Nelson with a couple of quick karate blows, then puts his arms around a trembling Julie. MICHAEL If they gave out medals for guts, kid, you'd take the gold. As they look down at Nelson. FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG TO FOLLOW