EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60212 Robert Foster August 6, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 10/28/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 11/ 5/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 11/ 7/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER THE SCENT OF ROSES by E. Nick Alexander _____________________ ACT ONE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. GOVERNMENT DATA CENTER - ISOLATED AREA - EARLY MORNING A cement building which sits back from a single-lane roadway. Charged electrical fences, with their security locks, cross checks, and warning signs in bright red, protect it from any intruders. To the side of the electronically controlled entrance gate is a guard shack. Establish this, then: ANGLE The van, a driver and a passenger inside, slows to a stop in front of the guard shack. The Guard moves to the passenger's side of the van. The lab-coated passenger has a full beard and wears thick, steel-rimmed glasses. He is the Durant. GUARD Good evening...Doctor Hanson...Sorry but I have to see your ID card. As Durant hands the Guard an ID card. NEW ANGLE A bull of a man, Martoni, appears. In a blur, Martoni is behind the Guard and knocks him out...The Guard is pulled back, hidden from view by the guard shack. Martoni reaches into the shack, activates the gates, races to and into the van as the gates start to open. THE VAN barrels through the open gates with accelerated speed, telling us that its engine has been turbo-charged. It reaches the loading dock of this huge, gray building, screeches to a halt. EXT. LOADING DOCK In a flash, the three men are out of the van. The driver, Stocker, now has a Mach Ten in his hands positioned and ready to fire. Martoni is carrying a well-polished reflec- tive case...The three men move onto the dock. They reach a door requiring an identifying hand impression for it to open. Durant places a plastic charge behind the blocking lever. Stepping back, he plays out the battery- controlled wires. On the move: DURANT Let's move...stay on schedule, we have a safe ten minutes.... Durant activates the charge. The explosion rips the door open. INT. DATA CENTER - CORRIDOR An alarm system starts blaring. A security guard, automatic drawn, comes racing from an adjoining corridor. As he makes his turn: STOCKER opens fire at the onrushing guard. INT. SEMI - ON ALARM LIGHT flashing...Devon, reacting, moves next to a monitor, hits a button and speaks over the mike.... DEVON Michael I'm receiving an alarm from the Government Data Center.... EXT. ROAD - K.I.T.T. MICHAEL'S VOICE I'm punching in. INT. K.I.T.T. Graphics cross the monitor screen. MICHAEL I'm on my way...What about local police response? DEVON Nothing immediate. It would take local authorities over twelve minutes. MICHAEL Let's get there buddy...Plot a direct course. OMITTED EXT. K.I.T.T. Into S.P.M., screeches off.... CUT TO INT. DATA CENTER - RELAY STATION Row after row of communication panels stand in silent duty. We pan to discover the three men at an open panel. Angle adjusts and we find Martoni removing a section of the switching panel. He then takes a pair of tweezers and picks up a minute chip (a bugging device) and connects its two wires to a section of this panel. As he starts to replace the panel: CUT TO EXT. GATE - K.I.T.T. soars through the gate, and speeds towards the data center. EXT. LOADING DOCK - K.I.T.T. spins to a stop, using E.B.M., and converts to normal mode, blocking the van's exit and pinning it against the dock. MICHAEL vaults from the car and races towards the dock, shouting back at K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Keep the van pinned and your scanners peeled. I'll try to keep them inside 'til backup gets here! K.I.T.T. Right, Michael. OMITTED INT. DATA CENTER - CORRIDOR Durant, his steel-rimmed glasses removed, is racing down the corridor, leading Martoni and Stocker. Martoni is carrying his aluminum case...Stocker's Mach Ten is positioned to fire. EXT. DATA CENTER - ON MICHAEL moving carefully through the blown-away door. His eyes go wider. INT. DATA CENTER - CORRIDOR Michael and the three men are a step away from a head-on collision. Michael, in a flash, recovers from the shock. He lunges at Stocker, whose gun goes off and Michael is hit...As Michael sinks down he reaches for Durant and his hand grabs hold of Durant's beard. The beard rips away ...as Durant spins away, covering his face. He pushes Michael away which projects Michael backward and off the dock.... OMITTED EXT. DATA CENTER - LOADING DOCK - ON MICHAEL As Michael hits the ground: K.I.T.T. Michael!! INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. jams his gear shift to reverse. As he starts to spin out: DURANT, MARTONI AND STOCKER stand over Michael's bullet-ridden body. Michael's eyes fight to focus on Durant's face. Martoni holds the aluminum case to his chest...Stocker stands ready to fire. Durant gives his command: DURANT Finish him! SCENE Suddenly they see K.I.T.T. Stocker panics, swings his weapon...firing...emptying the rest of his clip at K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. streaks towards the fallen Michael, as bullets bounce off his hood and fenders. DURANT hiding his face with his arm, breaks for the van...Martoni and Stocker follow. K.I.T.T. skids to a halt over Michael's fallen body, protecting him from further harm. INT. K.I.T.T. He gains contact with a paramedic unit. K.I.T.T. This is an emergency! Dispatch a unit to the Data Center -- twenty-two thousand Hill Mount...Man in need of immediate life support systems! EXT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL His life ebbing away...His eyes try to focus as he stares up at K.I.T.T.'s red scanning lights. We hear, through his comlink: K.I.T.T. Move Michael, move any part. (beat) Please Michael.... THE RED SCANNING LIGHTS blur out of focus as Michael slips into a coma. CUT TO THE BLURRED RED LIGHTS Stay for a beat...and then refocus and find the rotating red lights, atop the paramedics' ambulance. Pull back and reveal: EXT. DATA CENTER - CRIME AFTERMATH SCENE - DAY Black and whites have arrived on the scene. Uniformed officers comb the area as Michael's body is strapped to a gurney by two paramedics. IV tubes are held steady as the gurney is wheeled to and loaded into the rear of the ambulance. The medic climbs inside. As the driver races towards the front, the rear doors are slammed shut. ANGLE The ambulance pulls out...K.I.T.T. follows. INT. AMBULANCE - DAY - MOVING SHOT Wires lead from Michael's chest to an EKG monitoring system. The medic squats beside Michael, placing a blood pressure cuff on his arm. CUT TO EXT. ROADWAY - DAY K.I.T.T. trailing behind the speeding ambulance. (Blind drive.) INT. K.I.T.T. - MONITOR - MICHAEL is on K.I.T.T.'s screen. As the medic places an oxygen mask over Michael's face: K.I.T.T. Oxygen, give him oxygen...That's correct...Now check pressure and vitals. OMITTED INT. AMBULANCE We see the ambulance driver look back over his shoulder with a questioning look. The Medic responds with: MEDIC The patient is in extremis -- I think we're going to lose him. MONITOR K.I.T.T.'s monitor flashes to the ambulance's EKG screen. Michael's heartbeat is barely registering. INT. AMBULANCE - HOLD ON MICHAEL then pan in tight to his eyes...his eyelashes barely flicker -- and then...no movement at all...A beat of this and then the screen starts to destroy and over Michael's face we: NURSE MILLER (V.O.) (echoing) Code blue...code blue!! DISSOLVE TO OMITTED INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY - CEILING LIGHTS as they roll by...widen to reveal all the controlled madness of hospital personnel administering aid to a patient nearing death is taking place as Michael is being wheeled down the hospital corridor by the paramedics. An old warhorse, Nurse Miller, is racing alongside the gurney. Miller continues to yell to an approaching doctor. NURSE MILLER Code blue, doctor...We have a clearance in the operating room! As the doctor joins in the race to the operating room: DISSOLVE TO OMITTED THE LIGHT white, clear...and of an indescribable brilliance. MATCH CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM - THE LIGHT positioned above the operating table. Three masked doctors lean into the glare. OMITTED INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - NIGHT Devon and Bonnie stand, waiting and watching, as the Head Surgeon approaches. Reaching them, he nods. HEAD SURGEON I don't know how...but he made it. Tears start to well up in Bonnie's eyes. Devon wraps his arm around Bonnie, comforting her as he covers his emotion. BONNIE I didn't think he had a chance.... DEVON Of course he did... (beat) He wouldn't have had it any other way. EXT. K.I.T.T. - HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - NIGHT on K.I.T.T.'s screen. The EKG monitor...The heartbeat grows stronger. K.I.T.T. Well done Doctor...and thank you. On this: LONG DISSOLVE TO EXT. DURANT'S ESTATE - DAY - ESTABLISH THIS LUXURIOUS ESTATE with its iron gate, manicured grounds, and the mansion Victorian situated on the summit of the property. Then pan to the swimming pool area, with its panoramic view, and find a long-stemmed beauty swimming laps in the pool. Continue to pan past the beauty to poolside, then move in to: DURANT sitting in a lounge chair reading The Wall Street Journal, a stack of newspapers next to him. This is our first clear look at Durant. He is in his late forties, with cold, dark eyes and a bearing of elegance. We sense an inward energy in Durant that sits like a coiled spring. WIDER Stocker exits the house and crosses to Durant's lounge chair. Durant continues to read, then discards the paper and picks up a New York Times.... STOCKER It's working like a charm...In the next few days we could be selling information for millions. This is the score of a lifetime. Durant continues to read as he talks. DURANT For you maybe, not for me...The access into the government computers could be worth six, eight million...After overhead there'll be less than two million for me...That's twelve to eighteen months of this lifestyle. Not nearly enough.... STOCKER It means lot more than that to me.... Durant finally looks up at him.... DURANT Different tastes Stocker...Perhaps you'll develop more of them as you realize you can afford them...As for me, I'm easily bored... (points) Like her...She's been here too long.... STOCKER A day? DURANT Too long...Dismiss her...I've got more important problems. Have you heard from Martoni? STOCKER Klus did...He's in the computer room. Durant, as he moves away from the pool area and into the house.... DURANT He always is...Between computers and model planes all he needs is eight hours sleep and a box of Corn Flakes.... OMITTED INT. HOUSE - DAY Durant and Stocker move through and to section of a room. We see that this is an advanced, complete, high-tech computer control center. A computer expert, Klus, sits at the controls of a complex machine that has a coded message on its screen. On a large work table is Klus' latest project, in the final stages of construction -- a Cox Cessna 182 Skyline model airplane. Klus turns to Durant, indicating the computer readout: KLUS It's from our contact in East Germany ...They're ready to transfer funds.... Durant stops him with a hand gesture. DURANT What did you hear from Martoni? Klus holds a beat, then: KLUS He said Michael Knight is still alive and in the hospital. (beat) Works for some organization called 'F.L.A.G.' He said you'd know them.... Durant's eyes tighten.... DURANT The Foundation for Law and Government ...A group of specialists. Durant turns back to Klus. DURANT Tell the buyers there'll be a delay in the final transfer. STOCKER (reacts) What do you mean delay? DURANT Michael Knight has to be eliminated first. He's seen my face. There'll be no money for any of us till I know Michael Knight is dead.... Reactions.... CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL lying in his hospital bed, staring out towards the window, watching the night close in. His thoughts are miles away as we hear: DEVON (O.S.) We found the remains of a false beard with traces of makeup. Whoever it was, he disguised himself as one of their scientists.... WIDER Bonnie and Devon are in the room. DEVON Nothing seems to be missing... (beat) ...Michael, are you listening to me? Michael, still staring out the window, nods "yes." Bonnie takes hold of Devon's arm. BONNIE I think we should go... (to Michael) Rest...Rest, Michael -- for as long as it takes.... Michael doesn't respond. Bonnie leads a troubled Devon out of the room. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR Two paces out of Michael's room and Devon stops, turns, his eyes lock on Michael through the open door. DEVON His wounds are healing, he's not.... BONNIE It could be just a temporary after effect...Mental scars take longer to disappear.... DEVON Michael's walked away from death before. His withdrawal is not because of that -- I believe it goes far deeper.... They move off. Camera moves to: TIGHT ON MICHAEL His eyes, now staring at the ceiling, start to mist with tears. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - NIGHT Find Michael's hospital room on K.I.T.T.'s screen. K.I.T.T. Michael, are you feeling better... INT. MICHAEL'S HOSPITAL ROOM - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Michael composes himself, then speaks into his comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, where are you? K.I.T.T. In the parking lot, Michael. Dirty, dusty and humiliatingly wedged in between a foreign disaster and a Detroit mistake! MICHAEL How long have you been there? K.I.T.T. Since they brought you here. (beat) You have no idea how many baby carriages and wheelchairs have bumped into me...So, if for no other reason -- other than my dignity -- please get up from that hospital bed.... MICHAEL (a sad smile) Soon, Kitt...soon. K.I.T.T. becomes compassionate. K.I.T.T. Michael...we both know you're strong enough to leave now. If you're going through an emotional crisis having trouble resuming your life again, I may not be able to solve it but I'm ready to listen.... Michael digs deep into himself, trying to explain -- as much to himself as to K.I.T.T. but remains silent. MICHAEL The problem is...I'm not sure what life I want to resume again -- if any. Michael reacts to the sound of someone coming into his room. A beat...and Nurse Miller comes into frame. In her hand is a paper cup with two tablets. She shakes her head. NURSE MILLER I've had patients that talk to walls ...but never to a watch...Take these pills before I do. She hands Michael the tablets and a paper cup of water. Michael downs the tablets. She flips on the TV camera that baby-sits the patients.... INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - ANGLE TO INCLUDE WINDSHIELD We see Nurse Miller on K.I.T.T.'s screen as she tucks Michael in. Angle adjusts and, through the windshield, we see the "changing of the guard" of the hospital's personnel ...nurses, orderlies and doctors headed to, and into, the Personnel entrance directly in front of K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. (O.S.) (softly) Good night, Michael.... CUT TO INT. HOSPITAL - PERSONNEL ENTRANCE AREA - NIGHT - CLOSE ON MAN IN ORDERLY'S UNIFORM He moves down the corridor with those entering...then as he breaks from the main group, we recognize his face -- it is Martoni. INT. MICHAEL'S HOSPITAL ROOM - ON MICHAEL in that "twilight zone," slipping into a troubled sleep. Hold a few beats...then hear the sound of the door to Michael's room quietly being opened. SCENE In the shadows of Michael's darkened room, see the form of a man in an orderly's uniform, groping his way towards Michael's bed. His face becomes recognizable as he stops and takes, from his jacket pocket, his knotted rope. It is Martoni. NEW ANGLE Martoni wraps the strangling cord around his hands as he stares across the room at Michael, sleeping the troubled sleep. Martoni starts to move towards Michael's bed. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - MONITOR Michael's hospital room is still on K.I.T.T.'s screen. K.I.T.T. sees Martoni. Emergency signals flash across the screen. K.I.T.T. Michael! Code Blue...Code Blue! K.I.T.T. activates the "Code Blue" emergency alarm in Michael's room. INT. MICHAEL'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT A loud, gonging sound echoes through Michael's room -- shattering the stillness. Martoni is frozen with shock -- Michael is startled into an awakened state. Martoni recovers, starts to attack Michael, as the sound of the alarm continues.... INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR The nurses and orderlies react to the sound -- start to race towards Michael's room. MICHAEL'S ROOM Michael and Martoni, bathed in shadows, wrestle on the bed, crash to the floor. Martoni has Michael in a choke hold...Michael, reaching...reaching...for a weapon with which to free himself from Martoni's death clutch...He finds it -- a bed pan. With his last breath of strength, Michael swings out and bashes the bed pan into Martoni's face. We hear the sound of hard metal hitting flesh...and the lights are flipped on. Standing at the open door is Nurse Miller...behind her, hospital personnel. An exhausted Michael and the unconscious Martoni are on the floor. The sound of the alarm ends. Michael, into comlink: MICHAEL Thanks pal. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE I'm sorry they don't allow cars in hospitals. I would have been a lot closer. MICHAEL I know you would have buddy.... ON NURSE MILLER Her reaction.... CUT TO EXT. MICHAEL HOSPITAL ROOM TERRACE - DAY Bonnie and Devon with Michael. Michael, dressed in a robe, staring out. It's obvious that he's in a deep state of depression. MICHAEL It's final, Devon...I'm leaving The Foundation. DEVON (compassionately) You've just gone through a series of harrowing experiences and I don't believe you're thinking clearly.... MICHAEL I've had days to think clearly and my decision is made. Michael turns and faces Devon. MICHAEL I've had one incomplete life already -- as Michael Long. My life as Michael Knight -- may not be the answer. DEVON (again, compassionately) It won't be that easy to leave, believe me, I know. (beat) You've seen too much -- you've witnessed the violence -- the injustices...You've seen the good that we can do -- you've been part of it too long to walk away. (beat) Michael, certain men are chosen to enjoy a little and endure much... You're that breed of man.... MICHAEL (beat) No, Devon...you're that breed of man. I want to be the kind with no respon- sibility. (beat) I don't want to be involved in any of the so-called 'great' schemes of this world. DEVON Michael, I don't think you mean that.... MICHAEL I'm tired, Devon. It seems as if it's been one long process of getting tired. I think I'm finally there. Michael turns away from Devon and Bonnie. Bonnie is about to say something. Devon stops her with the shake of his head. Then, to Michael: DEVON Even though there's someone out there who wants you dead.... Michael doesn't respond. Devon, after a beat.... DEVON ...We'll be back in the morning.... We hold on Michael as Bonnie and Devon exit from frame. A beat...then Michael moves, once again, to the window and stares out. EXT. HOSPITAL ENTRANCE - DAY The door swings open...RC3 is standing there...He eyes Devon and Bonnie.... RC3 You people are looking like he's dead.... BONNIE No, but he's not really alive either. RC3 Where I come from breathing is alive ...the rest is up to you.... DEVON (beat) Thank you RC...You've said something that's basic yet brilliant...Michael needs a will to live...a reason to care. I'll have to find that for him. He has a right to that even if F.L.A.G. loses him.... Reactions. CUT TO EXT. INTIMATE RESTAURANT - NIGHT that overlooks the ocean in a quaint beach community. We hear the sound of a female voice singing a tender love ballad. The ballad continues as we move: TIGHT ON PLACARD adjacent to the entrance door, with Stevie Mason's photo on it and an announcement reading: "APPEARING TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY." INT. INTIMATE RESTAURANT - NIGHT It is nearing closing time. The patrons who half fill the room are totally engrossed as the ballad continues. The pianist moves his fingers over the piano keys as Stevie Mason, looking her loveliest and totally involved in the love song, sings it to its conclusion. The patrons respectfully applaud. Stevie takes her "bow." STEVIE She turns to her accompanist and: STEVIE Thank Aaron...Let's take ten.... She turns back to the room and her eyes lock on something across the room -- she freezes as she sees: DEVON standing on the far side of the room. NEW ANGLE as Stevie, her body tense with emotion, crosses the room. Reaching Devon, she stares up into his eyes...Forcing the words: STEVIE ...You've come to tell me Michael's dead, haven't you? DEVON No. He's alive...But something in Michael has died...and he needs you. Play the moment.... FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY Michael is crossing the lot, carrying his suitcase, moving towards K.I.T.T. Reaching K.I.T.T., he leaves the suitcase out on the pavement, opens the door, moves in. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael leans back in the driver's seat, trying to find a way to say "good-bye" to K.I.T.T...A beat...then: MICHAEL Kitt...there's something I have to tell you.... K.I.T.T. I had you on my monitor and I don't understand...this is your life -- you're programmed the same way I am. Michael, with a sad smile: MICHAEL Think of it this way...my computer bank has been overtaxed... (absently) There comes a point when you can't do any more -- when all your energies are used up.... K.I.T.T. Michael, will that happen to me? MICHAEL No, Kitt, you don't have to worry about that...Now, I have to say 'good-bye' friend. K.I.T.T. -- Michael -- I may not be flesh and blood, but I am a friend...and I wish you happiness. (beat) But I still don't understand. MICHAEL In a way, neither do I. MICHAEL his emotions rising to the top, takes off his comlink, places it in the glove compartment...gently shuts the door, then exits K.I.T.T. EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY Camera stays as Michael picks up his suitcase, moves away from K.I.T.T. and heads across the parking lot. EXT. STREET - DAY - ON MICHAEL exiting the lot, moving onto the sidewalk. He stops in his tracks...A puzzled look registers on his face. NEW ANGLE Michael is face to face with RC3, who stands next to the limo, its rear door open. RC3 Come on, Michael, you're not getting away that easy. You've got a 'good-bye' party to go to. MICHAEL No way, RC. I've already said my good-byes. RC3 Hey, man, I haven't known you that long, but everything I've seen about you and heard about you tells me you don't take the easy way out...You've got two people waiting that have been to hell and back with you. They want to say good-bye. If I have to throw a flying tackle, you're not leaving them cold. Michael glares a warning at RC3. RC3 (smiles) ...You're still hurting...I may even be able to take you.... Michael holds a beat, then a half smile...RC3 lets out a grateful breath, smiles back...opens the limo door. RC3 Thanks Michael, I think you just saved my hide.... CUT TO INT. INTIMATE BEACH TOWN RESTAURANT - ALCOVE - DAY Devon and Bonnie stand next to the maitre d' at the entrance to the dining room. Michael and RC3 are approaching... Michael, reaching Devon: MICHAEL ...This isn't going to change anything.... BONNIE We know that, Michael.... DEVON We're not trying to. We've accepted your decision. (smiles) Now, let's enjoy ourselves. Devon motions to the maitre d' to lead the way, indicates to Michael that he should follow. Camera holds: TIGHT ON MICHAEL AND MAITRE D' as they move through the dining room to an intimate, corner booth set for two. A silver ice bucket stands chilling a bottle of champagne. Michael reacts to the setting. MICHAEL This can't be our table.... NEW ANGLE as he turns back towards where Devon and the others should be. But, instead, Stevie stands there alone with a broad smile. STEVIE I'm allergic to whip cream, or I would have come out of a cake. Michael stands there, dumbfounded. STEVIE Are you going to stand there with your mouth open, or are you going to offer a lady your well-scarred body for a warm hug. MICHAEL I don't understand.... STEVIE You're not supposed to...All you have to do is tell me how wonderful I look.... She loses her bravado and is in his arms...he holds her, kisses her.... STEVIE (mocked scolding) Devon told me you've always known where I was...every club I've worked ...I always expected a call.... MICHAEL It would have just ended in another good-bye...Stevie, why are you here? STEVIE Over the last few years the only times we've spent together have been when I was in some sort of crisis. A long beat...Then: STEVIE This time Devon said you needed me. But you have to say it -- I have to hear it from your lips. Michael stares into her eyes, all of his pent-up emotions rising to the top. His eyes start to well with tears. MICHAEL I don't know if I can, right now.... STEVIE (smiles) I didn't say 'when.' (beat) I'll hang around and wait a while, I'm a very patient lady.... Michael takes her face in his hands, they embrace. DISSOLVE TO EXT. BEACH TOWN RESTAURANT - DAY Michael and Stevie exit the building hand in hand. The glow of their encounter is still evident. Suddenly, O.S. we hear the sounds of romantic ballad. Michael and Stevie do a double take and we go: WIDE and find K.I.T.T. parked in front of the restaurant, the music is emanating from K.I.T.T. NEW ANGLE puzzled, Michael and Stevie cross to K.I.T.T., reaching his open window. MICHAEL Kitt, what are you doing here? K.I.T.T. I'm on 'R and R.' Bonnie said my computer bank is overtaxed. MICHAEL Don't put me through this. Saying 'good-bye' wasn't that easy. K.I.T.T. Michael, the Foundation has no need for me until they find a replacement for you. For once, Michael -- just once -- be practical...You're out of work...and you need free transporta- tion! Michael turns to Stevie for the answer. Stevie smiles, shrugs. As they start to move into K.I.T.T.: CAMERA ZOOMS BACK TO INT. HIGH-POWERED SEDAN - DAY - ON STOCKER behind the wheel of the sedan, equipped with a car phone, parked within viewing distance of the restaurant. Stocker's eyes are riveted in K.I.T.T.'s direction. K.I.T.T. - DAY As Michael and Stevie get into K.I.T.T.: MICHAEL For the first time we have something new.... STEVIE What's that? MICHAEL Time...there are no deadlines anymore. CUT TO EXT. BEACH - DUNES - DAY K.I.T.T. flying through the air, clearing a sand dune. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT Stevie, in a bathing suit, Michael, in jogging pants and sweat shirt, loving it as K.I.T.T. goes sailing over another sand dune. K.I.T.T. Stevie, I really don't think this is what The Foundation perceived when they designed me! STEVIE Kitt, remember -- you're on 'R and R!' MONTAGE - BEACH (to be choreographed) EXT. SHORELINE - DAY - ON STEVIE AND MICHAEL Michael and Stevie, framed in the beauty of the shoreline... the ocean behind them, the sky above...Joy is bursting out on their faces. Music heard over.... STEVIE (with a broad smile) Michael, not that I'm complaining, but don't you think that music is a touch too much? MICHAEL (gestures) Hey, whatever works for you...You want mariachis? You got it! The words are barely out of Michael's mouth when we hear a Mariachi band playing a Mexican hat dance. WIDE and see that K.I.T.T. is on the shoreline, trailing ten paces behind them. The music is blaring out of his sound system. Stevie raises her hand in surrender. STEVIE (laughing) I surrender! Enough! The music of the "Mexican Hat Dance" stops, and we hear K.I.T.T. come over through Michael's comlink. K.I.T.T. This was Michael's choice, Stevie... I prefer the classics. STEVIE Play something soft, Kitt...something soft and easy.... The music begins. Stevie takes Michael's hand and they start walking the beach. BEACH As they walk. STEVIE This is a little too perfect to be happening. MICHAEL No, it's the way I'll always want for you.... STEVIE There's a thing called reality Michael.... MICHAEL Not yet, Stevie, not yet.... They hold each other.... CAMERA ZOOMS BACK TO EXT. HIGH GROUND - BEACH AREA - DAY Stocker is standing next to his sedan, with a pair of binoculars to his eyes, focused on Michael and Stevie below. Stocker lets the binoculars drop from his eyes, then moves to and into his car. INT. STOCKER'S SEDAN - DAY Stocker picks up the car phone, dials a number. EXT. DURANT'S ESTATE - DAY INT. DURANT'S MANSION - COMPUTER SECTION - DAY - INTERCUT STOCKER AS NEEDED Durant with the phone to his ear. STOCKER ...He's got that black car on remote control again. He's with this girl ...looks like they've known each other a long time.... Durant, becoming impatient: DURANT If you can see him you can get a shot at him.... STOCKER It's long range and if I miss, that car of his will be on me.... DURANT Then get close enough to be sure. STOCKER We're talking empty beach here... nothing gets that close to them but that car and some sea gulls.... DURANT (beat) Then we'll have to handle it another way.... Durant places the phone back in its cradle, looks over to the Cessna model. CUT TO EXT. STEVIE'S BEACH HOUSE - TERRACE - NIGHT (GOLDEN HOUR) The sun is setting; the sky, multicolored...as Michael and Stevie lean over the railing of Stevie's rented beach cottage, staring out at the view. K.I.T.T. is parked on the sand below the terrace. Michael keeps staring at the sunset. MICHAEL Stevie, I love you. ON K.I.T.T. The music starts to play. MICHAEL smiles, but yells over to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt stop listening.... The music stops.... STEVIE What did you say? MICHAEL I said I want to marry you...now... right away.... Stevie steps over to him. A serious look.... STEVIE I don't know Michael.... MICHAEL What do you mean you don't know...? STEVIE You've chosen something that you find higher and more important than happi- ness or unhappiness...and that's the gap between us. Michael, shaking his head "no." MICHAEL That's the gap behind us...I'm never going back to The Foundation. STEVIE Are you sure? MICHAEL Positive.... Stevie stares deeply into Michael's eyes, trying to find the truth...She does, and starts nodding her head "yes." Then she initiates an embrace...Michael glances over her shoulder to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Now Kitt.... The music starts, Stevie laughs. DISSOLVE TO EXT. DURANT'S ESTATE - POOL AREA - EARLY MORNING A sleepy-eyed Beauty #2 is having breakfast at poolside. We hear the sound of a model airplane in flight overhead... Beauty #2 tilts her head up towards the direction of the sound. EXTERIOR - SKY - EARLY MORNING - TIGHT ON MODEL AIRPLANE (Cox Cessna 182 Skylane -- 36-inch wingspan)...Going through a series of maneuvers in the sky. A beat of this ...and then the "182" banks, descends, and comes in for a landing. NEW ANGLE as the "182" taxies across the back lawn of Durant's estate. ANOTHER ANGLE and we see Klus at the controls of a two channel remote control radio. Standing next to him is Stocker and Durant. The "182" comes to a stop. As Klus removes a set of small weights from inside the body of the "182": KLUS It maneuvers perfectly with the weight.... Stocker hands Durant a packet containing the plastic explosives: STOCKER That's enough plastique to flatten a three-story building.... DURANT I like to be sure...gambling is the only vice I've never acquired.... CUT TO EXT. STEVIE'S BEACH HOUSE - TERRACE - EARLY MORNING K.I.T.T., still parked below on the sand, as Stevie, in shorts and a blouse, crosses the terrace, carrying soiled breakfast place settings from the table as Michael, wearing a jogging outfit, comes out of the house. He moves to Stevie, gives her a "good morning" peck in passing and continues to run...Stevie moves into the house.... ANGLE We stay with Michael as he moves to and down the terrace steps, crosses the sand to where K.I.T.T. is stationed. Reaching K.I.T.T. in the b.g. We start to hear the sound of the "182" flying somewhere in the distance. MICHAEL How you doing, pal?! K.I.T.T. Fine, Michael. But I was just wondering -- do you think the lack of activity and the salt air will corrode my chassis? The sound of the "182" becomes more prominent. MICHAEL (smiles) Kitt, I have never known you not to cover your backside. The sound catches Michael's ear as he looks out over the water. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE "182" far out over the water as it banks and starts its descent. EXT. CLIFF - DAY Klus, Stocker and Durant stand on high ground overlooking the ocean and cottages below. Durant's eyes are tight and purposeful as he works the controls of the two-channel remote-controlled radio. MICHAEL AND K.I.T.T. at the water's edge. Michael's eyes are glued in the direction of the "182." Puzzled, but not alarmed: MICHAEL Kitt, am I nuts, or is that plane headed towards us? INT. K.I.T.T. - MONITORING SCREEN - DAY K.I.T.T. begins to scan the "182" as it levels out twenty feet above the ocean's surface, and sets a direct course for Stevie's beach house. K.I.T.T. Michael, if its course remains set -- it will impact with the cottage.... EXT. BEACH - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Check it out...Give me a scan.... K.I.T.T. Michael, I detect explosives on that craft! Michael's eyes widen with shock as he breaks into a full out run for the cottage. Through his comlink: MICHAEL Microjam its controls.... K.I.T.T. Even if I do his glide path will continue right into the house.... SERIES OF INTERCUTS Stevie in the kitchen. The "182" in flight, locked on its target. Michael, racing across the sand. K.I.T.T., scanning channels. The "182," closing in on the shoreline. Michael, bounding up the stairs to the cottage. INT. STEVIE'S BEACH HOUSE - DAY - ON STEVIE MICHAEL (O.S.) (shouts) Stevie!!! She turns, wide-eyed, totally confused, as Michael bursts into the room, grabs Stevie's arm, half dragging her, as he races through the cottage. EXT. SHORELINE - SKY - DAY - ON "182" The "killing machine" en route to its target.... EXT. STEVIE'S BEACH HOUSE - TERRACE - DAY as Michael and Stevie burst through the open doors! SERIES OF INTERCUTS Michael and Stevie racing across the terrace -- The "182" about to kamikaze into the beach house! At that moment of truth, Michael and Stevie leap over the railing of the terrace! THE "182" crashes into the beach house...A deafening explosion as the cottage shatters and bursts into flame! ON STEVIE AND MICHAEL clutched in each other's arms, on the sand...The tears stream down Stevie's face. FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. BEACH TOWN - BLUFF - DAY (DUSK) overlooking the ocean and the smoldering, burnt-out remains of Stevie's beach cottage. Michael and Stevie stand a few paces away from K.I.T.T., staring down at the scene below. Stevie is still emotionally shaken as Michael tells her: MICHAEL It was meant for me, Stevie...They tried to kill me when I was in the hospital...they tried now...and they'll try again.... STEVIE And if they kill you they kill me. Suddenly, K.I.T.T. interrupts with: K.I.T.T. Michael, Devon is calling --- Michael and Stevie, stunned, exchange glances...Then Michael moves to and enters K.I.T.T. Stevie stands outside, peering in. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MONITOR Devon, sitting behind his desk at the Foundation, is on K.I.T.T.'s screen. DEVON Michael, I can't say how sorry I am ...Word just came to us that Martoni let it slip from prison, that Durant has put a hold on all activities until Michael Knight is dead. Michael's eyes go wide. MICHAEL (flares) What have I got to do with Durant! Half the agencies in the world are looking for him and he singles me out?! DEVON Durant thinks you've seen his face. He was with Martoni at the Data Center. You're the only witness that can tie him into a murder. MICHAEL (stunned) Everything 'came down' in a blur -- I didn't have time to ID him. DEVON We know that...But, apparently 'Durant' is obsessed with the thought that you can identify him. MICHAEL You've got Martoni. Let him ID Durant and sew him up.... With a weak gesture: DEVON Martoni won't talk about Durant. Nobody ever has and lived...and there's no way to form a link, we can't find Durant. MICHAEL (cold) No one is that hidden! Michael breaks the connection...The screen goes blank. K.I.T.T. Michael.... Michael, cutting him off: MICHAEL Not now! Michael slams open the door and exits K.I.T.T. NEW ANGLE Michael, still furious, moves to the edge of the cliff and glares out. Stevie moves to his side and, after a long beat: STEVIE Michael...Marry me. Michael, jolted, turns to her. STEVIE Marry me as soon as possible.... MICHAEL Stevie, we'll be looking over our shoulders the rest of our lives.... Shaking her head "no": STEVIE We're going back to the Foundation. You're going to help Devon get what- ever information he needs on that man -- Durant...Then we walk away and leave it in Devon's hands. MICHAEL Stevie, let me go back alone and finish this. STEVIE ...Michael, until that day you're my husband, I'll never be certain that you'll leave the Foundation. (beat) Leave alone, Michael, and you're gone again. As Stevie awaits his answer: CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY Stevie, Devon, Michael and K.I.T.T. are present -- eyes all glued on Bonnie at the control panel, finishing another data search on Martoni. Exasperated, Bonnie turns to Michael. BONNIE Believe me, I've run data search after data search to tie Martoni in with Durant. It's always the same result -- a blank. MICHAEL (frustrated) Try it once again. Bonnie shoots a look to Devon, Devon nods his head "yes." As Bonnie reinitiates the process: CUT TO INT. DURANT'S COMPUTER ROOM - DAY The computer expert, Klus, sits watching the screen before him. As its information rolls by, he turns to address the passing Durant: KLUS (COMPUTER EXPERT) The Foundation is running another series of checks on Martoni through their banks. DURANT They'll discover nothing...There are no ties back to me. And Martoni will sit and do his time -- quietly. KLUS You're sure.... DURANT I'll bet his life on it.... He walks on.... CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY Stevie, Devon, and Michael are still present. Bonnie turns away from the control panel, turns to Michael and gestures "nothing." Michael, after a long beat of thought, forms his conclusion, then he gently reaches out and touches Stevie's cheek. MICHAEL Stevie, why don't you let Devon show you around outside...The Foundation has beautiful gardens.... Stevie hesitates, momentarily. Then, sensing that Michael wants her to go, she doesn't resist. Devon leads her away. ANGLE - MICHAEL crosses to Bonnie and draws up a stool. MICHAEL Bonnie, I'd like to see Kitt's view of what happened that night I was shot.... K.I.T.T.'s voice displays a bit of concern: K.I.T.T. Michael, it won't be pleasant.... MICHAEL I know, but I have to see it. K.I.T.T. Very well. ANGLE ON BONNIE'S LARGE COMPUTER SCREEN The blank screen starts to flicker...then shows a reenact- ment, from K.I.T.T.'s point of view, of the scene at the Data Center in Act One: Michael reaching the blown-away door leading into the Data Center, then moving, carefully, through the door. Michael disappears for a beat...and we hear the gunshot. The push...and we see Michael's body hurling, backwards, out of the door, crashing onto the dock -- and then to the ground below. Then the screen flickers again and we see Durant, Martoni and Stocker standing over Michael's body. Note: Martoni is holding the aluminum case to his chest. Michael's eyes fight to focus on Durant's face. Durant gives his command: We freeze on this. Michael studies the frozen frame before him. MICHAEL Kitt, enlarge by five. THE SCREEN'S PICTURE is enlarged as if a camera was zooming in on the subjects. BACK TO SCENE Michael studies this picture.... MICHAEL Kitt, transfer the image of the man directly over me to a separate channel. A second screen displays the lone figure of Durant. Michael looks at this image...and then back to the blowup. Michael studies the blowup for a beat...Then: MICHAEL There's an image...a reflection on Martoni's metal case. Kitt, zero me in on it -- on another screen.... A THIRD MONITOR now shows the blurred image of Durant's reflected face. BACK TO SCENE Michael studies the screens. MICHAEL Okay, Kitt, now I want you to compute the reflectory angles and build an image from those two points of view. K.I.T.T. I understand the request. But, Michael, I will need a little time -- these are not simple calculations and evaluations. MICHAEL Whatever it takes, buddy. As the screen starts to scramble: CUT TO EXT. FOUNDATION GROUNDS - DAY Stevie and Devon are walking the grounds, their thoughts centered on Michael. After a long beat: DEVON Stevie, I can understand your hostility towards the Foundation, but I'd like us to remain friends.... STEVIE I'm not hostile Devon, but I am uncomfortable. We're two people fighting for the same man.... Devon looks at her, questioningly. STEVIE I'm a woman fighting to have the 'small dream' with the man she loves...And you're fighting for him to fall in love with an 'ideal.' DEVON Wisely put -- but incomplete. I love Michael as a man would love his son. (sad smile) Stevie, I woke up one day and found that life was 'duty.' Then Michael came to us and brought with him... not only his dedication...but his joy of life. STEVIE And you can watch him face death every day...caring for him the way you do? He wants it to end. DEVON I know...It's difficult for me to let go -- but believe me I have...For Michael's happiness. Stevie senses the truth of Devon's statement. Suddenly they both react as: ANGLE Michael and Bonnie come hurrying toward them; in Michael's hand, a print-out of Durant's face...Michael extends the print-out for Devon to see. DEVON Michael, what is it?... MICHAEL A print-out of Durant's face. As Devon studies the print-out, his eyes widen in disbelief.... DEVON I thought he was dead...it was confirmed. BONNIE You know him? DEVON (nodding) His name was Kurt Rolands...an explo- sives expert, a double agent, and one of the top European connections...An explosion fifteen years ago was supposed to have killed him and three others. ON STEVIE excluded from Michael's and Devon's conversation...We sense her awareness of Michael's inextricable involvement. She starts to tense.... DEVON (O.S.) He was licensed to kill by both sides. I believe he enjoyed that.... RESUME ANGLE - ALL Michael's eyes shift towards Stevie for a beat...and then back to Devon. He hands Devon the print-out. MICHAEL It's your ball game, Devon. Play it to win. (to Stevie) We're getting married. Michael puts his arm around her.... BONNIE Stevie, as a wedding gift, I'd like to be the one who makes the arrangements.... Stevie, joy in her eyes, nods then turns to Devon. STEVIE Devon...would you do me the honor of giving away the bride? ON DEVON who, for one of the rare times in his life, loses his composure. EXT. COUNTRY INN - DAY K.I.T.T. sits, parked, in front of the entrance and under the overhang, with ribbons streaming from front to rear. A string of old shoes and a few tin cans are there as finishing touches...RC3, dressed in a tuxedo, looks back at his handiwork. K.I.T.T. RC, this is embarrassing. RC3 You think you got problems, look at me... K.I.T.T. I see your point. RC3 laughs, moves in to: INT. COUNTRY INN - FOYER - DAY RC3 enters and skips down to the lower level, nodding as he passes Bonnie, who is dressed in a long, flowing, pink chiffon, bridesmaid's gown. Bonnie is addressing Mildred Thames -- forty and dignified. We hold on these two. BONNIE Thank you, Mildred...Everything is lovely...Now, I have to get back to the bride. MILDRED This is very exciting...I love last- minute weddings.... BONNIE It's long overdue. MILDRED Do you know where they're going on their honeymoon? BONNIE It's their secret. Bonnie turns and starts her move to the bride's dressing room. Camera tracks with: BONNIE as she crosses the foyer, dropping her hands, checking her dress and its flow and, at some point, she enters a narrow hallway. As Bonnie passes a closed door, camera holds, moves: TIGHT ON DOOR HANDLE It turns, slowly...the door opens, revealing the obscure figure of a man, from the waist down, exiting the room. His hand reaches out and pulls the door closed behind him. CUT TO INT. BRIDE'S DRESSING ROOM - DAY - ON STEVIE'S MIRRORED IMAGE reflecting her beauty, as she stands in her white, beaded lace wedding gown. NEW ANGLE Stevie, in front of a full-length mirror, places her veil over her long, flowing, blonde hair. A beat...and then Bonnie moves into frame. BONNIE I hope I look half as beautiful on my wedding day. Stevie takes a very deep breath and slowly lets it escape. STEVIE Bonnie...it's here...it's happening. So, why am I so nervous? Bonnie smiles as she moves to correct the flow of Stevie's train. CUT TO INT. GROOM'S DRESSING ROOM - DAY Michael stands in front of his mirror adjusting the collar of his tuxedo shirt, as RC3 stands by enjoying Michael's tension. A beat...and then, from Michael's comlink, we hear: K.I.T.T. Michael, do I really have to drag old shoes behind me? Michael shoots a look at RC3. MICHAEL Kitt, it's traditional. RC3 If he doesn't wear the shoes I don't wear this monkey suit.... MICHAEL Kitt please, you're going to start a revolution.... RC3 It's time Michael.... Michael makes one final adjustment, then follows RC3 out the door. EXT. LAWN PATH - WEDDING AREA - DAY RC3 leads Michael to the crest of the path where Devon stands, dressed in proper attire. The three eye each other and Michael smiles, nervously, then stares down towards the ceremonial canopy approximately thirty yards away. MICHAEL Everything is just...just so right.... MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - WEDDING AREA Magnolias grace an arched trellis; on each side, white wicker fonts hold huge bouquets of roses. A small, white, chest-high pulpit, for the minister, stands back from the opening in the trellis. Behind this, completing the picture, are greenery, foliage, and a rock grotto, with a waterfall cascading down its face. A gray-haired minister wearing a mustache and glasses, stands back by the stream, reading his marital book. A small party of guests, standing on the lawn under the trees, suddenly turns to look up the slope, as the beginning bars of the "Wedding Song" are heard permeating the scene. RESUME ANGLE - MICHAEL, DEVON AND RC3 Devon's eyes lock on Michael. He places his hand on Michael's shoulder. A moment between two friends when no words are needed...and then Michael follows RC3 down the long path to the side of the trellis...stops and stares back up the slope. Devon checks his attire and stands there, alert and ready. ANGLE - THRESHOLD OF WEDDING PATH Bonnie appears, taking the "step, pause, step" cadence down the walk. She glances at Devon as she passes him. He nods his reserved greeting back and then turns to await the bride. Through the open doors, Stevie steps out into the sunlight. She radiates beauty as she glides to where Devon stands. Stevie and Devon proceed down the path.... THE MINISTER turns and crosses to the pulpit...There is something familiar about his manner. MICHAEL totally caught up in the moment, has his eyes riveted on Stevie. ANGLE - MILDRED standing in the open door at the threshold of the wedding path, satisfied that all is going well, heads back into the interior of the Inn. ANGLE - STEVIE AND DEVON reaching the halfway point of the wedding path. ANGLE - BONNIE moving into her position, across from Michael and RC3. ANGLE - MINISTER moving to the pulpit. As he places his book on the stand. ANGLE - FAVORING MICHAEL including Devon and Stevie, nearing. INT. INN - DAY - ON MILDRED moving towards her nearby office. ANGLE - MICHAEL as Stevie steps next to him. ANGLE as the Minister now approaches the lecturn. MICHAEL AND STEVIE their eyes only on each other as the Minister's Voice starts to drone as he walks. MINISTER'S VOICE Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here together to join these people in holy matrimony. ANGLE - THE MINISTER'S HAND as it drops to the pulpit's shelf -- to a cloth-covered object. His hand slides under the cloth and starts to take from it a PK10 automatic.... ANGLE - TIGHT ON STEVIE tears misting her eyes. ANGLE - TIGHT ON MICHAEL eyes locked on Stevie. ANGLE - MINISTER Durant, in a disguise of gray hair and mustache, starts to bring the automatic up from the pulpit's shelf. INT. MILDRED'S OFFICE - THROUGH THE OPEN DOOR - THE UNCONSCIOUS BODY of a gray-haired minister with a mustache. The air is shattered with the piercing scream of Mildred's voice as she looms up, horrified, before the camera's eye. EXT. THE WEDDING PARTY AND GUESTS as they react to the sound of Mildred's horrified screams which echo, shattering the serenity of the moment. DURANT as his automatic comes into view. STEVIE as she screams: STEVIE Michael!!! SCENE - SIMULTANEOUSLY Mayhem breaks loose as Durant opens fire...Michael shoves Stevie away, hurdles through the air -- hits the ground -- tumbles -- Durant's first shots squibbing next to him. Devon tries to protect Stevie with his body, but shoves him aside and races towards Michael. RC3 starts to make a move towards Durant -- Durant kicks the pulpit, crashing it into RC3 as he continues to fire again away, maniacally. Michael comes off the ground as Stevie nears. He dives through the air at Stevie -- his arms spread -- trying to cover her body with his as bullets cascade around him. A bullet finds its mark in Stevie an instant before Michael's body hits Stevie, covering her -- pulling her to the ground. NEW ANGLE as Durant makes his break, firing back towards the onrushing RC3 and Devon. He races past the waterfall, towards a low fence that separates the property. He leaps the fence and, suddenly, Stocker's van screeches onto the lawn area behind the fence. Klus, driving, spins the van to a momentary halt as Stocker, at the van's open door, opens fires. Devon and RC3 are forced to hit the ground as Durant leaps into the van...The van screeches away. CUT TO ANGLE - MICHAEL AND STEVIE surrounded by Bonnie and the few local wedding guests. Michael, still on the ground, has Stevie cradled in his arms. Overwhelmed with emotion, refusing to believe what is happening, he stares down at Stevie, whispering: MICHAEL No...no.... Stevie, her life slipping away, makes that last effort to reach her hand up and touch Michael's tear-stained cheek. STEVIE ...Remember only...how much I love you.... Her eyelids flicker...then close. Michael, his eyes drenched with tears, pulls Stevie's body to his chest, starts rocking her, slowly and gently in his arms. Back and forth...back and forth...as we: FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN OMITTED EXT. CEMETARY STREET - DAY Bonnie, RC3, Devon and Michael exit the cemetary solemly and move to a parked limo...Devon holds the door open and Bonnie and RC3 enter... Michael looks over to where K.I.T.T. is parked...Devon eyes him. MICHAEL I'm not going back with you. DEVON Michael I don't think this is a time for you to be alone. ON MICHAEL As he takes off his tie he stares back at Devon. A fire seems to be burning in his eyes.... MICHAEL I have to do this alone... (beat) I'm going after Durant on my own. DEVON Michael, no! The Foundation is working in conjunction with every law enforcement agency in the country. Stone cold and deadly: MICHAEL Tell them to stay out of the way. DEVON Michael. You can't do that...There's a judicial system! MICHAEL I don't need judges and juries on this one.... Michael brushes past Devon to K.I.T.T., gets in and pulls away.... CUT TO INT. PRISON INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY - ON MARTONI Martoni is being shoved into the room by a guard...The guard slams the door shut behind him. Martoni's eyes go wide with fright. MARTONI Nobody...nobody can make me talk to you.... WIDE and we find Michael, his eyes burning into Martoni from across the room. MICHAEL Then don't talk...but you're going to listen.... Michael moves closer to Martoni, nose to nose. MICHAEL (deadly) Get word back to your boss, Durant. I know what he is -- who he is -- and what he looks like. MARTONI You're talking to a wall -- I don't know from nothin'. Grabbing him by the shirt collar: MICHAEL When he killed my wife, he issued his own death certificate. MARTONI (terrified) ...I don't know nothin' about killing your lady. All I do is plant bugs. MICHAEL We've already got you nailed for the murder of one of the guards at the Data Center -- and the attempt on me at the hospital. MARTONI You have to put me on trial first.... MICHAEL It'll be months before you get to trial meanwhile the word will go out that you gave me Durant... (drops a photo) That's his face...his name is Kurt Rolands. Martoni stares at him, stunned. MICHAEL You're going in a 'stoolie's room' you'll jump at shadows and wonder when he's coming for you. MARTONI (coming apart) You're reading me my 'last rites'... you're giving me a 'death sentence'! MICHAEL (cold) You got it. Michael starts to exit the room. Martoni stops him cold with: MARTONI What do you want from me?! MICHAEL Durant. MARTONI He could be in twelve different places now. MICHAEL Then you better pick the right one.... MARTONI (few beats) Purdue Auto Parts on Eighth Street... It's a contact point...Purdue is a big guy always wears a vest and a cigar...He knows.... Michael reads the terror in Martoni's eyes -- and believes he's telling the truth...He starts to open the door to leave. MARTONI Hey, I can't walk out of this room clean! Michael turns back and stares at him. MARTONI Please! You got to mark me up or else word's gonna get back to Durant that I 'dropped the dime'...Please, you gotta! Michael, his eyes locking on Martoni for a long beat...Then he turns, walks out, closing the door on Martoni's life. CUT TO OMITTED INT. AUTO SHOP - DAY - CLOSE ON PURDUE As described...He's a big dude wearing a leather vest and a cigar jammed in his face. He works at something at the counter, then looks up as he hears the entrance signal bell and then he is yanked to his feet and over the counter.... WIDER ANGLES Purdue reacts quickly and fights back but despite his size and strength he is futile against Michael's silent fury...He cannot be stopped.... CLOSER Michael finally gets a grip on the beaten Purdue and jams him against the wall...Purdue's eyes show his fear.... PURDUE There's money in the register... till...it's yours. MICHAEL Keep it. You'll need it. PURDUE Then what are you after? MICHAEL I want Durant. PURDUE You're crazy...I'll be dead.... MICHAEL (tightens grip) Then you only have to decide if it's now or later.... ON PURDUE He realizes that Michael means exactly what he says. PURDUE I've never seen Durant...I'm just a contact.... MICHAEL You talk to him...Put me in touch with him.... Purdue's head snaps around as he hears an electronic beeping sound. He holds a beat then: PURDUE That's him. Durant.... ANGLE Michael takes Purdue by the jacket and they move to a small section of the store where a two-way radio is stashed behind some boxes on a shelf...Michael holds a beat then picks up the mike. Before Michael can say anything Durant's Voice announces.... DURANT'S VOICE You've done extremely well Michael Knight but attempting to trace this frequency won't help you a bit. It will take days and I'll be long gone by then.... MICHAEL I'm still coming for you Durant...Me ...alone...You run and I'll be right behind you...I'll be narrowing the gap each day and then I'll have you.... INT. DURANT'S HOUSE - COMPUTER AREA - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Durant at the radio...He holds a beat. He shows little emotion but perhaps a trace of amusement. Klus is behind him. DURANT We'll have to eliminate Knight sooner or later... (flicks on mike) What are you suggesting? MICHAEL You and me...Let's finish this. DURANT An excellent idea...Wait in your car at First and Hill Street. I'll give you a location.... MICHAEL You have one hour Durant, then I start the hunt again.... Michael yanks the radio off the shelf smashing it...Turns to Purdue. MICHAEL That gives you exactly fifty-nine minutes.... Michael turns and exits the store, leaving a sweating and scared Purdue. EXT. STORE - DAY Michael gets into K.I.T.T. and peels out.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING MICHAEL Blank out the Foundation. Keep them shut down, Kitt. Keep all currents to F.L.A.G. shut off. (beat) I need you just a little longer -- then you can return to the Foundation. K.I.T.T. No...Michael, I don't believe what you're doing is right, but, I'll stay with you. TIGHT ON MICHAEL moved by this. A beat...then the deadly burning returns to his eyes. MICHAEL Thank you.... CUT TO OMITTED EXT. DESERTED CITY STREET - INDUSTRIAL AREA - DAY K.I.T.T. moves slowly down the street. It comes to a dead end. K.I.T.T. pulls up to the curb to stop. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael scans the area...nothing. OMITTED CLOSE ON SCREEN The message: 136 COMMERCE ST.... DURANT K.I.T.T. Michael, are we going to continue this? MICHAEL Yes.... EXT. CITY STREETS - DAY - MOVING SHOTS ON K.I.T.T. at an accelerated speed, working his way through the traffic. CUT TO EXT. OLD FIRESTONE BUILDING - DAY - ESTABLISH THIS HUGE, FIVE-BLOCK STRUCTURE then find K.I.T.T. pulling to a stop at the east entrance to the building. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY The panel lights rotate and then: K.I.T.T. I am monitoring several guidance systems, Michael. This is an obvious trap. Michael nods in agreement, but we sense the feeling of relief...At last he is going to meet the "enemy." MICHAEL Yes.... EXT. STRUCTURE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. as he passes through a wide entrance. INT. STRUCTURE - DAY We examine this massive structure. Row upon row of enormous concrete pillars stretch away to the shadows of the burned-out and desolate interior, lit by the smoked skylight and broken windows. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY The screen is alive with readouts: K.I.T.T. (alarmed) Michael, we're facing a gauntlet... There are three men on that catwalk at the far end of the building. MICHAEL Compare them to the photo you have ...I want Durant. Michael lays his hands on the top of the steering wheel and nods. Now we'll see that this man's mind and this machine are united into a single unit.... INT. STRUCTURE - DAY As K.I.T.T. sits at the far end, the camera views the gauntlet they must run to reach the end. Attached to each pillar is a rocket-launching device holding four rockets. These rockets are on pivots, and can be directed and fired to cover the entire area. Camera pans up to the tower. DURANT, KLUS AND STOCKER stand behind a control panel. As Durant lays his hands on the controls: DURANT Come on...Come on.... INT. STRUCTURE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. starts forward at a creep.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT Michael jams his foot down on the accelerator and whips the wheel to the left. INT. STRUCTURE - DAY A cloud of dust erupts from the rear, and K.I.T.T. leaps to the left as the first rocket is launched...It hits, in a burst of phosphorus flames, where K.I.T.T. should have been! ANGLES Now, other rockets are launched and K.I.T.T., under Michael's control, swerves left and right, avoiding their impact! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT Michael spins the wheel, then accelerates, and yells: MICHAEL Lock the front brakes! INT. STRUCTURE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. as he does a sliding "180" and avoids two rockets -- spins away as another rocket hits where K.I.T.T. was, momentarily, stopped! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT K.I.T.T.'s panel is flashing. K.I.T.T. These rockets are being fired by hand -- no guidance systems are in use. Michael looks up at the end of the run. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - TOWER He is almost halfway there.... K.I.T.T. as a rocket explodes within inches of its mark! INT. K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he spins the wheel and hits the brakes and then the accelerator. INT. STRUCTURE - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. spinning -- sliding -- tires screeching -- avoiding rocket after rocket as they explode around him!! Always maneu- vering forward toward his goal -- the tower! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael activates K.I.T.T.'s turbo charge!!! K.I.T.T. vaults upward -- his afterburner ignited!! NEW ANGLE as K.I.T.T. smashes into the tower's catwalk supports!!! ANOTHER ANGLE as the tower sways and topples -- crashing to the ground!!! We look through the dust and debris...Then: DURANT staggers up from the debris to his feet.... MICHAEL bolting out of K.I.T.T. -- racing towards Durant. WIDER Durant regains his legs, starts to race towards a door leading out of the building...Michael, full out, cutting the distance between them...gaining -- gaining -- gaining!!! As Durant reaches the parking area, Michael dives through the air -- finds his mark!! Michael and Durant crash to the ground. A brief exchange...Michael's uncontrollable rage makes it no contest. Slamming Durant's head against the ground, Michael starts to choke the life out of the Durant.... K.I.T.T. (O.S.) (shouts) Michael!!..Michael, stop it! You wouldn't be able to live with your- self!! ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. has neared the fray. Michael, jolted back to his senses, debates this for a moment...and then he reaches down and drags Durant to his feet. MICHAEL (cold) Durant, you're not going to die today -- it's too easy...Four countries want you for capital crimes...If you're lucky you'll be executed after trial...If not you'll do one life sentence after the other. (beat) You'll watch your life rot away...in the mirror of a prison cell. As Michael begins to drag Durant towards K.I.T.T., we pan to: TIGHT ON MICHAEL'S FACE There is no sign of satisfaction on his face -- no signs of a purpose fulfilled -- just the numb look of a man who's won, but lost. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. BEACH - EARLY MORNING Michael, showing the effects of a sleepless night, walks the lonely beach with K.I.T.T. trailing...At some point, he stops, picks up a stone and flings it out into the ocean. CLOSE ON MICHAEL as he watches the stone skip...and then disappear. TIGHT ON MICHAEL'S FACE A beat...then dissolve to a series of shots of Stevie taken from this episode, ending with: ANGLE - STEVIE AND MICHAEL - FILTERED at the ocean's edge: STEVIE I read something when I was very young ...'You may break, you may shatter the vase...but the scent of the roses will hang 'round it still.' Stevie gently places her hand on Michael's cheek. STEVIE ...The scent of the roses will linger, Michael...always. We come back to the present as: MICHAEL walks to and into K.I.T.T. with a new resolve. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - TIGHT ON MICHAEL As Michael fires the engine: K.I.T.T. Where are we going, Michael? MICHAEL Where else. Home, family... (beat) The Foundation. FADE OUT THE END