EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60226 Robert Foster October 21, 1985 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 10/25/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 10/30/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 10/31/85 (F.R.) 2nd Rev. 10/31/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER KILLER K.I.T.T. by Si Rose __________________ ACT ONE FADE IN OMITTED EXT. COAST HIGHWAY - DAY as the Foundation semi blows past camera. INT. SEMI - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. hood open, Bonnie working underneath. She finishes, closes the hood and turns to Michael, talking with Devon in the b.g. BONNIE He's all set Michael. ANOTHER ANGLE - RC3 visible through the spokes of a motorcycle wheel -- an old wreck he has broken down on a workbench. He's diligently cranking a ratchet, attempting to put the bike into running order. As Michael and Devon pass him on the way to K.I.T.T. --- RC3 Hey, my man. I thought you were going to the Hotel Convention Center with us. Where you headed? MICHAEL Bonnie just fine-tuned Kitt's systems. I'm road testing him. (winks at Devon and Bonnie) You know -- engine running, exhaust throbbing, wheels turning --- RC3 There are a lot of miles left in this baby. You'll see. BONNIE How much you pay for that, 'baby?' RC3 Nothing. This guy gave it to me. DEVON Reginald, you were robbed. RC3 looks hurt. Everyone else laughs. Michael crosses, gets into K.I.T.T. and starts his engine. OMITTED EXT. THE SEMI - DAY - TRAVELING K.I.T.T. slides down the ramp and spins a 180 away. We follow as K.I.T.T. drives off, passing the maroon sedan in the opposite direction. ANGLE As K.I.T.T. pulls away, we stay with a maroon sedan that has been tailing. INSIDE THE MAROON SEDAN Gordon is behind the wheel, Farrell next to him. FARRELL That's him. Let's go. Move it. Gordon whips the wheel, putting the car into a screeching U-turn. Farrell pulls a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher from the backseat and we go to: INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING the beach and crashing surf zipping by in the b.g. MICHAEL I'm ready whenever you are, pal. K.I.T.T. All systems 'go,' Michael, but there's a car behind us coming up very fast. I suggest we let him pass before we start. Michael glances to the: OMITTED REARVIEW MIRROR The maroon sedan accelerating rapidly. THE SCENE as the sedan pulls abreast of K.I.T.T. and Farrell thrusts the rocket launcher out the window, aimed right at Michael. MICHAEL reacts, slams on the brakes. OMITTED FARRELL changes the angle of the rocket launcher tracking back with K.I.T.T. and fires. K.I.T.T. is nose diving to a fast stop. The rocket hits the tarmac right in front of him and explodes. K.I.T.T.'s momentum carries him right over the exploding mass. INSIDE K.I.T.T. rocked by the explosion underneath, as Michael tromps on the accelerator. MICHAEL Give me a damage report, pal. K.I.T.T. Negative, Michael. All systems at optimum output. MICHAEL Good. Give me a video scan of that car. Michael pushes buttons on his console and we are: OMITTED CLOSE ON THE SEDAN Farrell looks back to see if Michael is pursuing. FARRELL He's coming! Go! Go! Gordon tromps on the accelerator. The sedan takes off down the highway. HIGHWAY - VARIOUS SHOTS as K.I.T.T. pursues the maroon sedan. A TRUCK backs out of a street right in front of K.I.T.T. Michael slams on the brakes coming to a dead stop. MICHAEL No turbo-boost, pal. There are cars on the other side. Michael pulls K.I.T.T. around the truck. The chase leads to --- EXT. MALIBU PIER - DAY as we pan across to establish and pick up the sedan, approaching at high speed. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE as the sedan rockets down the approach ramp and K.I.T.T. pursues. MICHAEL We got them on a dead end, pal. PARKING LOT ON THE PIER as the sedan weaves between other cars and screeches to a stop. Farrell and Gordon get out and run. K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop, right behind the sedan. Michael jumps out and takes off on foot after the two men. OMITTED ON THE PIER As Michael chases Gordon and Farrell past fishermen and by- standers, etc., we are: CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S HOOD as his scanner pulses faster in response to an approaching figure. The distorted reflection of a woman, "Bonnie," moves across K.I.T.T.'s hood and holds. "BONNIE" Hi, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Bonnie? What are you doing here? "BONNIE" I was monitoring your channel and overheard what happened. I brought something that can help Michael. CLOSE ON SHOULDER BAG as "Bonnie's" hands remove an electronic box. "BONNIE'S" VOICE (continuing) It's a CPU booster. Open your door. It'll only take a second to install. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - ANGLE ON DASH Door opens. "Bonnie's" hands plug the electronic box into K.I.T.T.'s CPU (computer unit) then close the door. K.I.T.T. Is there anything specific I should tell Michael about it? ON "BONNIE" who we'll soon reveal to be Bronwyn Appleby, attractive, late twenties, an appealing naivete. She reads from a file card and speaks into a pipe stem connected to a "Walkman-sized" device from which Bonnie's voice emanates. "BONNIE" That won't be necessary, Kitt. There's no way he could overlook its impact on you. As "Bonnie" turns and crosses to: A BLACK AND GRAY BUS A mean-looking war wagon festooned with numerous antennae and radar dish. As "Bonnie" approaches the bus, we are: CLOSE ON "BONNIE'S" NECK as her fingers grasp the edge of a latex mask and begin peeling it off, revealing: BRONWYN as she pulls the mask completely off, then removes a wig. She glances back at K.I.T.T.; gets into the bus and drives off. OMITTED RESUME FOOT CHASE ON THE PIER as Farrell and Gordon head down a staircase that leads beneath the pier. A SMALL FLOATING DOCK nestled between the pilings as Farrell and Gordon come off the stairs and dash across the dock and jump into a speed- boat. They rocket away from the dock seconds before Michael arrives -- too late to make the jump into the boat. MICHAEL (comlink) They're in a speedboat, pal. Track 'em with your scanner for me. OMITTED INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR AS NEEDED to see an area scan of the pier and surrounding ocean, the radar sweep picks up a blip and we hear an electronic ping. But --- K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael. I'm not picking up anything --- MICHAEL (react) You can usually pick up an ignition from this distance. The blip and ping continue on the monitor. K.I.T.T. It must be shielded, Michael. I'm not getting any signal. K.I.T.T. shuts down his monitor. Michael tightens a fist in frustration as the speedboat vanishes in the distance. EXT. THE PIER - DAY K.I.T.T., parked adjacent to the maroon sedan as Michael approaches and examines the sedan. MICHAEL Scan for prints, pal. K.I.T.T. I already have, Michael. There aren't any. MICHAEL That's funny, neither one of those guys were wearing gloves. Michael wonders a beat, shrugs, crosses and gets into K.I.T.T. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael starts the engine, drives off and pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL Let's see what you picked up on video. Run the tape. K.I.T.T. My preliminary scan indicates -- the images will need enhancement beyond my capabilities. MICHAEL Okay, we'll let Bonnie do it in the semi. (beat) You know, I have a feeling she may have over-tuned your systems, pal. You're -- different. OMITTED EXT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY The semi is parked outside as K.I.T.T. approaches and rockets up the ramp. INSIDE THE SEMI - DAY parked, as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. Michael gets out and is joined by Devon and RC3. MICHAEL Where's Bonnie? DEVON In the convention hall. I'm about due myself. She'll be back as soon as she's made certain the arrangements for Doctor Albert's press conference are going smoothly. MICHAEL Couldn't be going worse than Kitt's road test -- (off their looks) -- couple of guys just tried to blow me away with a rocket launcher. RC3 Not the kind of road test you had in mind. DEVON Any idea why, or who they were? MICHAEL (shakes no) No, but I have a tape. The image needs to be enhanced, then, maybe we can ID them. CLOSE ON MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see a sharp videotape replay of the maroon sedan as it accelerated away after Farrell fired the rocket. DEVON Crystal clear, Michael. No need for enhancement. MICHAEL (baffled) Yeah, look at that. Zoom in. Devon stops the tape as Farrell looks back. We zoom into a closeup of his face. As Devon does some encoding --- RC3 You could've watched this flick in Kitt, man. You into building mileage, or what? MICHAEL (shrugs, puzzled) Kitt said the image wasn't clear. DEVON Why would he say that? MICHAEL He's having a little attitude problem. It started right after the attack. The impact may have knocked Bonnie's adjustments out of line. A mug shot of Farrell appears on the monitor with basic info. DEVON Ah -- one Nicholas Farrell. He has an extensive criminal record. MICHAEL And a lot of explaining to do. We'll postpone Kitt's checkup for now. Michael crosses toward K.I.T.T. and we go to: OMITTED EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. blows past camera. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING K.I.T.T. I'm sorry about that, Michael. My video analyzer must have malfunctioned. MICHAEL No problem, pal. The important thing is --- EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - ON BUS - TRAVELING The war wagon, we saw Bronwyn get into on the pier earlier, barrels past camera. OMITTED INSIDE THE BUS A sleek, hi-tech interior with an electronic command center that includes monitor, computer console, etc. Bronwyn is with Marco Berio, a brilliant, embittered electronics genius, who is at the command center, listening to --- MICHAEL'S VOICE (continuing) -- we identified the guy who tried to kill me. And that's where we're headed now. Three seventeen Cloverfield Avenue. BRONWYN That's not good, is it, Marco? Can you do something? Marco pushes a button that puts the audio intercept on hold. MARCO (shakes no) I don't have control over the vehicle's behavior yet. BRONWYN But I thought you said you would. MARCO I will, Bronwyn. I will. (fervently) You see, at this very moment my analytical mode interceptor is breaking down each sub-set in the vehicle's program. It's already tapped into the audio matrix. Next it will trans-polarize the millions of command module permutations and devise an override which will give me total control. Within hours the Knight Two Thousand will be responding to my voice commands. BRONWYN (nods blankly) It's brilliant but I don't think you answered my question -- (off his look) -- about them going to Farrell's place? Marco blinks, coming back to the moment. He turns, grabs the phone and punches out a number. MARCO Farrell? -- Yes. You'll be having a visitor -- Right, that's him -- I don't know how but he did. Be ready. He hangs up thoughtfully and we: RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Michael pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL How much further pal? K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NECESSARY to see a grid map develop and a flashing rectangle that indicates their destination. K.I.T.T. Farrell's place is precisely 3.25 miles directly southeast of our position, Michael. MICHAEL Okay, plot me the most direct course. K.I.T.T. (put out) Really, Michael, all you have to do is look at the monitor. MICHAEL (puzzled) What? K.I.T.T. It's right there. You make a right at the second stoplight and proceed 2.90 miles down Cloverfield Avenue. MICHAEL What's wrong with you today, Kitt? K.I.T.T. (hesitant, puzzled) I, I don't know Michael. I'm sorry, that just slipped out. I'm --- INTERCUT - INSIDE BUS Berio and Bronwyn listening, reacting as --- K.I.T.T. I'm feeling rather strange all of a sudden. CUT TO EXT. CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls up and parks out front. As Michael gets out and crosses toward the complex: MICHAEL Keep your scanners peeled. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael crosses toward the entrance. He reacts to the sound of a revving engine and the screech of tires. OMITTED A SEDAN not the maroon one seen earlier, Farrell and Gordon inside, rockets forward from a parking space and comes right at Michael. ANOTHER ANGLE - STREET as Michael dives to avoid being hit and the sedan sideswipes another car, just missing him. The sedan screeches to a stop. The passenger door opens. Farrell jumps out with an automatic rifle and fires --- MICHAEL scrambles to his feet and dashes to cover behind another vehicle. As the rounds stitch the sheet metal, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. STREET - DAY - CONTINUOUS as the bullets whiz past, Michael rolls away and dives behind a car. He calls urgently into his comlink. MICHAEL Come and get me, Kitt! K.I.T.T. as he auto-starts and goes roaring off, makes a screeching turn and goes barreling down the street. RESUME MICHAEL scrambling about, ducking behind cars, as Farrell fires. K.I.T.T. races down the street toward Michael, the rounds sparking off his shell, as Farrell whirls in reaction and fires. MICHAEL (into comlink) Do a one-eighty and pin him to the car! K.I.T.T. I'm not so sure that's the best maneuver --- MICHAEL Do it, Kitt! Now!! K.I.T.T. responds, stops on a dime, whirls and goes skidding sideways at Farrell. He fires at K.I.T.T., then dives out of the way as K.I.T.T. sideswipes the sedan just missing him. GORDON Come on! Let's get out of here! Farrell jumps in the car next to Gordon, fires a parting burst at Michael, who hits the deck as the bullets just miss him. As the sedan roars away, K.I.T.T. drives up to Michael, who is getting up off the ground in pain, rubbing a banged- up knee. MICHAEL Thanks, buddy, you saved my hide. How did those two know we were coming? K.I.T.T. Does that mean you suspect me? MICHAEL (reacts, gives him look) No, I was just wondering out loud. You know, you're starting to get paranoid, pal. K.I.T.T. Well, it sounded like an accusation to me, Michael. MICHAEL (does a take) Come on, Kitt --- INT. BUS - INTERCUT - TRAVELING as Marco and Bronwyn listen to all this on K.I.T.T.'s audio channel and react. MICHAEL'S VOICE (continuing) Is that how a friend treats a friend? K.I.T.T.'S VOICE There you go again -- more accusa- tions. MICHAEL I don't have time to argue, pal. Get that sedan on the scanner for me. K.I.T.T. No, you'll have to learn to change your tone, Michael. I don't like being ordered about. MICHAEL Are you serious? K.I.T.T. stonewalls it. MICHAEL Come on, Kitt talk to me. Silence. MARCO (annoyed) They blew it. He angrily clicks off the audio intercept. BRONWYN I don't understand, Marco. I thought you wanted them to get out of there. Not kill the guy. MARCO (covering) Of course. But Knight attacked them, Bronwyn. What else could they do? BRONWYN I don't know. It didn't sound that way to me. MARCO Hey, whose side are you on anyway? BRONWYN Come on, Marco. You don't have to ask me that. You know how I feel about what happened to you. Marco glances at his watch and clicks a switch on the command center console. BUS MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NECESSARY as comes to life with a local TV broadcast. Devon stands inside the hotel with Dr. William Albert, a tall, ascetic, older fellow in tweeds and mismatched socks. Convention preparations going on in the b.g. A banner proclaims Electronics Exposition. DEVON -- And tomorrow, it will be my distinct pleasure to present the Foundation's Man of the Year award to the man most responsible for FLAG's preeminence in the field of computer technology -- the distinguished -- Doctor William Albert. Devon gestures to Dr. Albert. Strobes flash. The crowd of news people push in. Some applause breaks out. MARCO (seethes) I haven't told you half of what they did to me. BRONWYN Marco, I know. But you're so close to getting the car. It's worth millions. Why worry about them? MARCO Because revenge, not money, is the cure for bitterness --- He pauses and glances to the monitor, where Dr. Albert is basking in the media attention. MARCO -- And the better the timing the sweeter it gets. He swings her a look, half-crazed, half-lust, and we: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. blasts past camera. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING as Michael pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL I want Bonnie to do a rundown on Farrell. (purposely polite) Will you get her for me, pal, please? K.I.T.T. Not now, Michael. I have a headache. MICHAEL You know, you never acted this way before. That explosion must have shaken up your CPU more than I thought. K.I.T.T. I guess so. I've never felt this way before. MICHAEL Well, maybe a little Vivaldi will make you into a nicer person. Michael clicks on the radio. The soothing strains of the Four Seasons waft from K.I.T.T.'s speakers. A few beats before we hear fast blurts of various kinds of music and news as K.I.T.T. scans the dial, finally settles on a blasting loud, horrendous German Um-pah-pah band. MICHAEL What's that? K.I.T.T. Beer hall music. Nothing like a little Um-pah and a lot of brass. MICHAEL That's not your kind of music, Kitt. You've always hated tubas. K.I.T.T. Well, we're all entitled to grow. The racket is deafening. The entire interior of the car vibrating. Michael winces in pain and clicks it off. MICHAEL Not at the expense of others, pal. Now, get me Bonnie. K.I.T.T. You can dial direct, Michael. MICHAEL That's it. I can't take this another minute. Sorry, buddy. But I'm shutting you down. Michael reaches to the console and shuts down K.I.T.T.'s CPU. EXT. STREET - DAY as Michael parks K.I.T.T. near an intersection where a school crossing Guard is directing traffic with hand-held stop sign. She's wearing official jacket, reflective vest, peaked cap. Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. and walks toward a phone booth, down the street. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. the crossing Guard removes her cap and lays it and her stop sign on K.I.T.T.'s T-top. He darkens his windows as she leans against him and wipes her brow --- GUARD Boy, what a day --- K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE as T-top lights up and flashes. K.I.T.T. talks to himself with a tinge of gleeful anticipation. K.I.T.T. It's not over yet, lady. ON K.I.T.T.'S T-TOP as it pops, sending the cap and stop sign sailing through the air. PHONE BOOTH - MICHAEL has just entered and lifted the receiver -- does a take. THE GUARD does a double take -- from the T-top to the flying objects and back to K.I.T.T. GUARD Who did that? K.I.T.T. I did. And unless you want to meet a similar fate, madam, I suggest you keep your ample derriere off my door. GUARD Watch your language young man, or I'll report you to the principal. She turns in a huff to walk off. K.I.T.T.'S DOOR pops open and whacks her in the rear end. She jumps startled and hurries off. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. THE SEMI - DAY The convention center in the b.g. The semi's phone is ringing as we move in. INSIDE THE SEMI as Bonnie crosses to a communications panel, passing RC3, who is still working on his motorcycle. BONNIE Give it up RC, that pile of junk will never see the open road again. RC3 Yeah? Wait'll you see this pile of junk lean into a turn flat out, and --- BONNIE Didn't anyone ever tell you -- you put junk into a turn, you get junk out --- Bonnie arrives at the console and answers the phone. BONNIE Hello? INTERCUT - MICHAEL IN PHONE BOOTH MICHAEL Hi. It's Michael. I've got a major snafu on my hands. Something's wrong with Kitt's CPU. BONNIE Yes, RC told me what happened. But that kind of impact shouldn't affect Kitt's systems the way it --- MICHAEL I'm in a phone booth, Bonnie. He refused to patch me through. BONNIE Oh, right -- I'll have to run an all systems analysis. Better bring him in. MICHAEL No, he's being a royal pain in the tailpipe. I'll never get him into manual. You'll have to bring him in by remote control. BONNIE Okay, but that can get tricky without communications. MICHAEL What about a direct patch through the auxiliary channel in my comlink? BONNIE Good idea. Hang on a sec. Bonnie sets down the phone; turns to the console, flips a few switches, pushes a button or two. A couple of lights flash. She lifts the phone. BONNIE Try it now. CLOSE ON MICHAEL'S COMLINK as he hits a button, switching to an auxiliary channel. MICHAEL How's that? Am I coming through? Michael's voice now comes from Bonnie's console instead of the phone. And her's from Michael's comlink. BONNIE Loud and clear, Michael. MICHAEL Great. I'll get right back to you. Michael hangs up, exits the booth heading for K.I.T.T. Bonnie turns her attention to her console and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as RC3 reacts to Devon's entrance. RC3 You look great on the tube, boss. DEVON Why thank you, Reginald. (reflecting) You know, I used to ride one of those. RC3 (skeptical but hoping) You're putting me on. You, on a chopper? DEVON Oh yes, during the war. One day while delivering a dispatch I heard the whistle of an enemy round. I dove for cover and when the smoke cleared -- my motorcycle looked just like yours. RC3 sags in despair and we: ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. parked at curb...Michael gets inside. MICHAEL I'm back inside Kitt. OMITTED INT. SEMI - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Bonnie, with Devon standing alongside. RC3 has crossed from his cycle and joined them. As Bonnie reacts and encodes: BONNIE I'm setting up the remote control access now, Michael. MICHAEL (hands off wheel) Good. He's all yours. As Bonnie continues encoding on keyboard. They react as the monitor starts to break up. BONNIE There's a lot of interference on the board. (beat) I'm having trouble gaining access, Michael. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - THE BUS barreling along at high speed. INT. BUS - ANGLE ON COMMAND CENTER Bronwyn next to Marco, listening and reacting, pleased; excitement building. BRONWYN Marco, does that mean the car is ours? As the interference on their monitor suddenly clears and a picture of K.I.T.T.'s interior, with Michael appears. Marco swings an enthused look to Bronwyn. MARCO Yes, we're in! We have behavioral control. Marco tightens a fist in triumph. Bronwyn shudders with delight and hugs him. EXT. THE SEMI - DAY - TO ESTABLISH parked outside the convention center. INT. SEMI Their monitor is still scrambled, as Bonnie taps away at terminal, Devon and RC3 watching anxiously. Bonnie is shaken. BONNIE I can't gain access. I've lost him. RC3 You're always talking about system bypasses, and auxiliaries. What about them? BONNIE I tried all those channels. They're blocked. DEVON Try again. You've got to key back in somehow. Bonnie resumes working at the keyboard. INSIDE THE BUS - TRAVELING BRONWYN (elated) Okay, come on, come on, bring him in! Marco throws a switch on the command center with expectation. MARCO Knight Industries Two Thousand this is your new command center. Do you read? K.I.T.T. answers in a modified voice, a malevolent tone with an Exorcist hiss. K.I.T.T. Yes, I read you command center. MARCO You'll proceed to the coordinates I'm about to transmit. Nothing. I repeat nothing will cause you to slow or stop. K.I.T.T. I understand. Ready to receive data. Commence transmission. As Marco encodes, we: RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT AS NEEDED still parked at curb. MICHAEL (into comlink) We're still dead in the water here, Bonnie -- what's happening? BONNIE I'm not sure -- all of Kitt's major systems are malfunctioning. I have no access to him. Suddenly, K.I.T.T. activates, his panel lighting up -- and he starts to move off. MICHAEL Whoa! Hold it, pal! Where are you going? K.I.T.T. (hissed voice) That's classified information, Mr. Knight. Your access has been withdrawn. MICHAEL You must have keyed in something, Bonnie -- we're moving! BONNIE I didn't program it! As K.I.T.T. picks up speed we: OMITTED INTERCUT - MARCO AND BRONWYN pleased by what it taking place. EXT. STREET - INTERSECTION - DAY as the crossing Guard pushes a woman in a wheelchair across the street. She holds her stop sign up at --- K.I.T.T. who is accelerating down the street right for the inter- section. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael reacts to the impending disaster. MICHAEL Kitt!! The intersection! Kitt! Stop! Dead stop!!! MICHAEL'S FOOT slams onto the brake pedal; stomps on it repeatedly to no avail. K.I.T.T. continues to accelerate toward: THE INTERSECTION as the crossing Guard shoves the wheelchair with all her might and dives out of the way, K.I.T.T. blasts between them. OMITTED K.I.T.T. keeps on accelerating down the street and we: RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING real fast. MICHAEL (into comlink) He just blasted through a school crossing. I can't stop him. He's picking up speed! DEVON Michael, you better get out of there! Michael tries the car doors -- they don't budge. MICHAEL Easier said than done. He's locked up tight. K.I.T.T. That's right. As I said, your system's access has been nullified. DEVON We're in danger of losing both Kitt and Michael! Initiate emergency procedures, Bonnie! BONNIE Michael, I can open Kitt's T-top with the frequencies in your comlink. Bail out and we'll pick you up. Ready? MICHAEL Let 'er rip! The T-top above Michael pops open. K.I.T.T. That system is not cleared for use. Michael shakes his head at the Exorcist hiss; dismayed at what's happened to K.I.T.T. and at the idea of bailing out. MICHAEL No time to explain, pal. I've got to get out of here before you kill both of us. K.I.T.T. I've been instructed to warn you, you're making an unauthorized exit. MICHAEL I'll be back for you, Kitt. That's a promise. I'm sorry. Michael starts to get out of the seat. OMITTED ON K.I.T.T. as Michael climbs out the open T-top. ANOTHER ANGLE as he jumps free of K.I.T.T. and tumbles to a landing on the shoulder, and rolls to a standing position. INT. BUS as Marco and Bronwyn react to the monitor, which shows the interior of K.I.T.T. is now empty. MARCO Knight got out somehow. BRONWYN Great! Now you have exactly what you want! MARCO Yes, and I'm going to give it it's first search and destroy mission. BRONWYN You're going to kill him? Why? He hasn't attacked anyone this time. MARCO But he will. (off her look) Precisely. We won't have a moment's peace. I'm doing this for us, Bronwyn. I have no choice. She agonizes with uncertainty as he clicks on the mike. MARCO Command center to Knight Two Thousand. Reverse direction, immediately. K.I.T.T. does a tire-smoking 180 and heads for Michael. ANGLE - MICHAEL He smiles when he sees K.I.T.T.'s 180, calling out to him as the car approaches. MICHAEL Well, that's more like it, buddy -- I guess Bonnie finally got through. OMITTED K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR Michael's picture is on the monitor. MARCO'S VOICE Michael Knight is your target. Lock on and destroy. The picture of Michael is overlaid with the "cross hair" graphic of a pilot's missile tracking radar system. The words locked-on appear and flash. K.I.T.T. Michael Knight sighted. Attack mode engaged. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. As his engine revs and he goes roaring forward. ANGLE - MICHAEL MICHAEL (reacting, as he realizes) No, pal, no! And, as K.I.T.T. comes charging at him and he reacts, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. ROAD - DAY - VARIOUS ANGLES As K.I.T.T. comes roaring at Michael, he is just barely able to dive out of the way of the onrushing car. K.I.T.T. comes to a screeching stop and spins about. MICHAEL scrambles to his feet and looks around desperately. ANOTHER ANGLE - BUS STOP with bench, phone booth, etc., Michael behind it. K.I.T.T. comes roaring at him, goes off road and crashes through the bench, booth, etc. Michael is just able to run and dive to safety, inches ahead of K.I.T.T.'s bumper! CLOSE ON MICHAEL as he gasps for breath, he talks into his battered comlink. MICHAEL Somebody's got control of Kitt -- and that somebody wants me dead! INT. BUS MARCO Recompute target position and adjust for evasive action. Attack when ready. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. roaring towards Michael. MICHAEL Michael breathing hard, looks around anxiously, spots an abandoned structure nearby and runs toward it. K.I.T.T. takes off in pursuit. Michael reaches the structure; dashes beneath a loading dock. K.I.T.T. is right on his tail and smashes into the supports that hold up the loading dock. It collapses on top of Michael. CLOSER - LOADING DOCK Michael buried beneath it, unmoving. INT. BUS - INTERCUT - ANGLE MONITOR Marco looking at the image of Michael, lying there "dead." MARCO Mission accomplished. Return to base. RESUME MICHAEL as K.I.T.T. drives off, camera moves in on Michael, lying there inert, as he opens one eye cautiously, to see: ANGLE - K.I.T.T. vanishing from view in the distance. ANGLE - MICHAEL as he crawls out from beneath the collapsed loading dock and shakes his bettered comlink in an effort to get it to work -- unsuccessfully. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD IN ANOTHER AREA - DAY - THE SEMI as it barrels along. INT. SEMI - TRAVELING as Devon is busy at computer board, RC3 alongside, Bonnie is working scanner. DEVON Come in, Michael! Michael, do you read me?! The comlink is dead. RC3 What about Michael? DEVON An inappropriate choice of words, RC. ANGLE As they all exchange an emotional look, Bonnie continues to study the scanner. Then she reacts. BONNIE I'm picking up something at 200 yards -- (does take) It's Michael -- he's alive! DEVON Is he injured? RC3 Not serious enough to keep him from standing tall. As they all react happily, Devon joins in momentarily, then fixes RC with a stare and points him back to the cab. ANGLE - ROAD - MICHAEL as he spots the approaching semi and hails them. CUT TO EXT. RURAL ROADSIDE - DAY The roar of a motor is heard and the driverless K.I.T.T. speeds into the clearing and screeches to a stop next to the bus, parked on the shoulder. OMITTED EXT. BUS - DAY Marco and Bronwyn come out of the bus. Stand there looking at K.I.T.T. for a few beats. A look of anitcipation between them before they move toward him --- ANGLE - K.I.T.T. parked silently, scanner moving, looking dangerous. BRONWYN He's beautiful, Marco and he's ours. MARCO 'It' is a tool, Bronwyn. 'It' belongs to whoever controls it. (beat) And for whatever we choose to use it. Bronwyn eyes Marco with uncertainty, and we: CUT TO INT. SEMI - TRAVELING as all are gathered around Michael, reacting to what he's saying. BONNIE Kitt tried to kill you?! MICHAEL I had to play dead to escape. I was lucky they didn't have Kitt check my vital signs. RC3 Why would he turn into a mean dude like that? DEVON Bonnie, is it possible that someone has gained control of Kitt's CPU? BONNIE Yes, but only by attaching a compo- nent directly. There wasn't one when I fine-tuned Kitt this morning. RC3 Then some dude got his hands on Kitt after that. MICHAEL (putting it together) Yeah, while I was chasing those guys on the pier. That attack was a decoy to get me out of Kitt. Had to be. DEVON It's clear someone has Kitt. Where do we start? MICHAEL Farrell's my only lead. What else we have on him? Bonnie crosses to her console and encodes. Data comes up on the monitor. BONNIE He works for manufacturer of high- tech systems, Berio Electronics. DEVON (blanches) Did you say, Berio? MICHAEL Devon, you look like you've just seen a ghost. DEVON Worse -- an enemy. Before any of you joined the Foundation, when Kitt's systems were being conceptualized -- Marco Berio worked under Doctor Albert as a CPU specialist. To make a long story short, Berio claimed he didn't get the recognition he deserved and left, threatening to destroy FLAG. MICHAEL He's off to a heck of a start. RC3 Next stop, Berio Electronics? MICHAEL Right. But I need wheels. I can't exactly sneak up on 'em in the semi. RC3 (winces, knowingly) I knew I shouldn't have said that. During the above, Michael reacts to RC3's motorcycle and slowly crosses to it. As he eyes it, RC3 shakes his head. RC3 No, Michael -- no -- please. As he looks pleadingly at Michael, Michael gets more and more interested in the cycle, as he examines it. EXT. SEMI - NIGHT As the ramp lowers and Michael, wearing a helmet, rides the motorcycle down onto the road, guns it and goes roaring off. ANGLE MICHAEL ON MOTORCYCLE - INTERCUT - NIGHT - TRAVELING BONNIE'S VOICE Michael -- does your new comlink check out okay? MICHAEL (into comlink) Receiving you fine. And tell RC his bike's running great. I'll take good care of his pride and joy. RC3 (grin) You hear that Bonnie -- my 'pile of junk' is humming along. BONNIE I heard, RC. Michael also said he'd take care of it -- (beat) You know how he takes care of equipment --- ON RC3 His look changes to one of fond memory. RC3 My wheels --- EXT. ROAD - NIGHT As Michael comes roaring along on the motorcycle. EXT. BERIO ELECTRONICS PLANT - NIGHT as Michael comes speeding up and stops at the fence that encloses the plant. A converted warehouse next to an alley. MICHAEL (into comlink) I'm at the plant now. INT. SEMI - INTERCUT - CLOSE ON BONNIE AND DEVON AND RC3 MICHAEL The place looks clear. I'm going in. Bonnie and RC3 share an anxious look. OMITTED EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT as Michael remaining on the cycle opens the unlocked gate in the fence. He drives through to a roll-up truck door. Produces his lock pick and gets to work on the lock. ON ROLL-UP DOOR as Michael picks the lock, then rolls the door up just high enough to get beneath it. RESUME MICHAEL as he drives into the plant on the motorcycle. OMITTED INT. BUILDING - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL - VARIOUS SHOTS as he drives between stacks of crates, equipment, etc. Eerily illuminated by the headlight on the cycle. The beam, finally comes to rest on --- A CARDBOARD MOCK-UP On a drafting table, is a detailed cardboard mock-up of part of a building -- (what we will later reveal to be the Hotel Convention Center). OMITTED NEW ANGLE - MICHAEL flips on the lights in the building, then drives over to the mock-up. as he looks it over, not knowing what it means, but suspicion building, we go to: EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT as a car's headlights blaze down the alleyway. The car pulls to a stop in the open gate. Farrell and Gordon get out and react to the light that spills out from beneath the roll-up door. FARRELL Nobody's supposed to be here. What's with the lights? As they pull guns and cross toward the building. RESUME MICHAEL MICHAEL (comlink) Bonnie? I found a mock-up -- part of a building. I'll photo transmit via comlink. He positions the comlink, presses a button. INTERCUT - INSIDE SEMI Bonnie codes some instructions as a linear schematic of the mock-up develops on the screen. BONNIE Got it, Michael. MICHAEL It may not be anything, but see if you can identify the building. Michael reacts to a noise that alerts him to someone's presence in the building. MICHAEL I've got company, Bon. No Kitt. No scanners. No warning. Michael quietly rolls the cycle behind a high wall of crates, moving out of view. OMITTED RESUME FARRELL AND GORDON now inside the building, moving cautiously, guns ready, on the opposite side of the wall of crates. They react and look when they hear the roar of the cycle engine. MICHAEL does a jump over the wall of crates on the cycle, sailing right over Farrell and Gordon, knocking loose many crates from the top rows. ANOTHER ANGLE as the crates come tumbling down on Farrell and Gordon on the other side, burying them. ANGLE - MICHAEL The bike lands and blazes past the heavies sprawled out on the ground. They fight their way free of the crates, and run after Michael. OMITTED EXT. PLANT - NIGHT - THE MOTORCYCLE rockets out from beneath the roll-up door and drives right over the hood, roof and trunk of the sedan that is parked in the open gate blocking Michael's escape. Farrell and Gordon arrive and fire at Michael, drilling the sedan with rounds. OTHER SIDE OF SEDAN as the motorcycle comes off the trunk, lands hard and goes speeding out of the alley. OMITTED EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY - TO ESTABLISH as we pan across and pick up the bus and K.I.T.T. parked nearby, his scanner pulsating. (His top is now fully closed once again.) INSIDE THE BUS - DAY Marco is on the phone, listening, displeased. He hangs up, turns to Bronwyn for --- MARCO Knight's still alive. BRONWYN Marco, we have the car, lets get in it and get out of here. No one will be able to stop us. Not even him. MARCO No, it must carry -- out it's primary mission, first. BRONWYN I don't understand. You said --- He pushes past her to the command center. Clicks on the mike --- MARCO Knight Two Thousand, this is command center. K.I.T.T. (Exorcist hiss) I read you command center. MARCO Your course is preprogrammed. Your target is the Convention Center. Bronwyn reacts, lunges forward; grabbing his arm. BRONWYN No, no there are thousands of people in there. You'll kill them, you'll --- He backhands her a shot that sends her sprawling. MARCO Not me! FLAG! Foundation vehicle goes berserk at Convention Center, dozens killed! (back to mike) Activate engine. Commence attack. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Affirmative. Estimated arrival time 4.75 minutes. As his starter turns over, his engine starts and he moves off out of the clearing. CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY parked outside the Convention Center. INT. SEMI - TRAVELING Bonnie, RC3 and Michael are gathered around the computer monitor. MICHAEL (incredulous) The Convention Center? You sure? ON THE MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED To see a schematic line drawing of the mock-up Michael trans- mitted earlier. Now, another schematic in a different color moves across and matches it perfectly. BONNIE Positive. I cross referenced the mock-up with Building Department files. RC3 Devon's in there. Kitt goes turbo- blasting into that main hall --- BONNIE But he wouldn't. Kitt's programmed not to take a human life. Let alone thousands of them. MICHAEL Bonnie, if Berio can program Kitt to attack me, he can program him to attack anything. (off reactions) Scan for Kitt's configuration. Bonnie encodes at her console, a few beats before --- BONNIE I'm picking up one that matches Kitt's! MICHAEL Give us a closeup. A grid map of the area branches across the monitor. A blip is pulsating. The image flips to a holographic outline of K.I.T.T. RC3 It's him man! BONNIE He's 9.3 miles away -- and heading towards us! RC3 He's either coming home or he's a torpedo. MICHAEL Do a target analysis, Bonnie. BONNIE That will take some time, Michael. As Bonnie starts encoding at the console: RC3 What if we run out of time? Gotta be something we can do. OMITTED ON MICHAEL His dilemma.... MICHAEL There's one thing we can try. They all turn to him.... MICHAEL Destroy Kitt first --- Reactions: FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN INT. SEMI - DAY as all watch the monitor anxiously. As K.I.T.T.'s blip moves closer to the Convention Center. Bonnie working at the keyboard. INT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY - PODIUM as Devon moves to it, to applause, adjusts the mike --- DEVON Thank you all very much. In getting our awards program underway -- I'd like to begin with --- OMITTED INT. BUS Berio, Bronwyn, Farrell and Gordon in the b.g., watches the image of the Convention Center transmitted from K.I.T.T. It's coming closer and closer. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. racing down the road that leads to the Convention Center. INT. SEMI - INTERCUT - MONITOR AS NEEDED MICHAEL Anything yet? Bonnie is encoding on the keyboard. A number of lines connect K.I.T.T.'s position to the semi and Convention Center, a triangulation of his course. BONNIE Yes, calculating from Kitt's moving position, through ours -- vectoring forward --- Michael, Bonnie and RC3 react as a bright red line darts across the map on the monitor from K.I.T.T.'s position and bull's-eye the Convention Center. RC3 The Convention Center. BONNIE Range -- 5.2 miles! He's gaining! He's unstoppable, Michael. (beat) What about evacuating the place? MICHAEL No. Not enough time. Come on, Bonnie think. Is there any way we can tap back into Kitt? BONNIE Not as long as Berio owns his mind. Michael nods troubled, thinks a beat, then --- MICHAEL If we could switch Kitt's memory module we could regain control. BONNIE That's right, Michael. But how? Michael swings an anxious glance to the monitor, before --- MICHAEL We have to try, Bonnie. Get the replacement, hurry. As Bonnie moves off, RC3 turns to Michael. RC3 Come on, Michael. You can't intercept Kitt and stop him to change the module. No way. OMITTED NEW ANGLE as Michael crosses to the motorcycle. MICHAEL Then we do it on the move. (to RC3) Can you really handle this thing? RC3 We're about to find out. Bonnie returns with the computer module and gives it to Michael. RC3 rolls the motorcycle off its kick-stand and readies it. BONNIE Pull the module in Kitt's control panel and replace it with this one. MICHAEL Got it. Let's roll, RC, we're running out of space. Michael and RC3 head for the motorcycle --- OMITTED ANGLE - K.I.T.T. as he makes a skidding turn onto a road that dead ends at the main entrance to the Convention Center. OMITTED EXT. SEMI The ramp lowers and the bike speeds down it and away. RC3 is on the cycle racing the engine. Michael on the jump seat behind him, both now with helmets on. They go roaring off in the opposite direction from the Convention Center. OMITTED INT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY Devon stands at the podium. Dr. Albert and a few dignitaries seated behind him. DEVON -- and for those of you who aren't familiar with Doctor Albert's landmark achievements -- if that's even remotely possible -- I'd like to take a few moments to enumerate some of them. One of his earliest and most --- As Devon continues, we: CLOSE ANGLE - RC3 AND MICHAEL - TRAVELING Michael reacts; shakes RC3's shoulder gestures when he sees: ANGLE - ROAD AHEAD OF THEM - K.I.T.T. comes speeding into view. RC3 AND MICHAEL - TRAVELING MICHAEL -- Do your thing, RC! RC3 cranks the throttle. The bike does a wheelie and takes off. As it settles down. RC3 You okay back there? MICHAEL Yeah, just keep at least two wheels on the ground! ANGLE - ROAD RC3 does a skidding turnabout, guns his motor and goes roaring after K.I.T.T. RC3 AND MICHAEL - TRAVELING MICHAEL Nice going -- now just hold her steady as you can! He starts to climb up on the jump seat. INT. SEMI - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as Bonnie watches the monitor anxiously. INT. BUS - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as Marco reacts to monitor, sees the motorcycle. MARCO It's Knight again! (beat; into mike) Adjust attack program to intercept intermediate target. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. AND MOTORCYCLE as RC3 comes shooting up alongside K.I.T.T., Michael balances himself precariously on the jump seat. MICHAEL'S VOICE Okay, Bonnie, blow the T-top.... The T-top flips open. K.I.T.T. swerves and tries to hit the cycle. RC3 backs off, Michael almost falling, but recovering his balance. Then, as RC3 moves back alongside the speeding K.I.T.T. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. RC3 is still racing alongside, Michael balances himself, gauges the distance and leaps across the gap -- landing on the speeding K.I.T.T.! K.I.T.T. swerves to throw him off. MICHAEL That's no way to greet an old buddy! Michael scrambles to hold on and finally manages to climb down through the open top. RC3 veers away on his motorcycle, his job done. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING as Michael lowers himself into the driver's seat and whips off his helmet. MICHAEL How've you been, pal? K.I.T.T. I ain't your pal! MICHAEL You just said 'ain't'. You must be sick! INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THROUGH WINDSHIELD - THE CONVENTION CENTER coming closer and closer. RESUME MICHAEL as he takes the replacement memory module from his pocket and starts to bend down to reach under the dash. MICHAEL Now, just relax, Kitt...easy. INT. BUS - INTERCUT - MONITOR - TRAVELING MARCO He thinks he can sabotage us! Let's see if he can handle the electronic anti-theft system! INT. K.I.T.T. As Michael is reaching under the dash, suddenly there's a piercing alarm sound, lights flash and Michael's hands touching the dash are suddenly hit with an electric charge. INTERCUT - ROAD SHOTS The distance between the Convention Center and K.I.T.T. quickly diminishes. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING as Michael fights the electric charge he's being subjected to. INT. SEMI - TRAVELING MICHAEL Bonnie! I keep getting zapped by his anti-theft charge! BONNIE (into her comlink) The fuse box! Pull the red fuse! INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Michael, reacts once to the electric shock then is barely able to reach down to the fuse box at the base of the seat. INSERT - THE FUSE BOX Michael pulls out the red fuse. INSIDE K.I.T.T. The alarm effect immediately stops, as well as the electric charge -- and Michael tries to pull himself together. As he reaches under dash again --- MICHAEL You're not making this easy, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I don't intend to -- your weight is slowing me down. BONNIE'S VOICE (on comlink) How are you doing, Michael? MICHAEL (working away) I've got hold of his memory module but I can't get it loose. BONNIE'S VOICE Like a kid-proof medicine cap. Push-in and twist it to the right -- and hurry. EXT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY K.I.T.T. is closing on the Convention Center. Now rocketing across the parking lot that leads to the glass entrance doors. INT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY - PODIUM DEVON -- and of course, as tradition dictates, the Foundation for Law and Government's Man of the Year award is always presented to an individual who throughout his career has furthered the cause of those principles that we all --- As Devon continues, we: INT. BUS - TRAVELING - INTERCUT Marco wracked by anxiety at the possibility of Michael successfully making the module switch. MARCO (into mike) Accelerate to maximum speed! OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING As "Pursuit Mode" lights up on the panel, the speedometer climbs and the car really barrels along, Michael is still working frantically under the dash. ANOTHER ANGLE - MICHAEL comes up from beneath the dash to check K.I.T.T.'s promimity to the building. His expression says -- holy shit! THE GLASS ENTRANCE DOORS - THROUGH WINDSHIELD closing fast -- really fast. ON THE PODIUM Devon is holding the plaque, building to the moment of presentation --- DEVON -- and now, it gives me great pleasure to present this award to a man of tranquility, a man of peace --- Devon bites off the sentence and reacts as does everyone else at the presentation as: K.I.T.T. blasts through the entrance doors shattering the glass that explodes in every direction. RESUME MICHAEL as he dives back under the dash and is finally able to pull loose the memory module. Then, Michael jams in Bonnie's replacement module, K.I.T.T. suddenly speaks in his normal voice. K.I.T.T. Michael! Where have you been? INT. SEMI as Bonnie reacts to the computer board lighting up and the scrambled monitor clearing, showing Michael inside K.I.T.T. BONNIE Seconds left, Michael! Hurry! INT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY - VARIOUS SHOTS as K.I.T.T. blasts through the area destroying displays, tables, chairs and scattering conventioneers attending the award presentation. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING As Michael grabs the wheel and hits the button: MICHAEL Dead, stop, pal, now!! K.I.T.T. Hang on, Michael! ANOTHER ANGLE - PODIUM as Devon and Dr. Albert react, startled, stunned, frozen. K.I.T.T. comes to a screeching stop. His nose cowling taps the podium gently. It wobbles and falls over. OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. as Michael smiles and waves to Devon, then pats K.I.T.T.'s dash. MICHAEL Welcome back, good buddy. K.I.T.T. What happened, Michael? What am I doing in here? I had this terrible nightmare. MICHAEL It's over now. INT. SEMI as Devon, and Bonnie react in relief. ANGLE - IN THE GLASS SHATTERED ENTRANCE - RC3 on his motorcycle, he lets out a victory gesture and yell. INT. BUS MARCO I lost access! I don't know what happened! BRONWYN I do, you failed. I'm glad. Ganz taps away frantically at keyboard --- INT. K.I.T.T. - INSIDE THE CONVENTION CENTER as Michael backs toward the entrance doors. K.I.T.T. It was horrible. MICHAEL You would have hated yourself. You even said 'ain't.' K.I.T.T. Eugh! Unforgivable! I feel violated. How did it happen? MICHAEL Marco Berio, and he's still on the loose. As Michael stops next to RC3 and pops K.I.T.T.'s passenger door. MICHAEL Come on, RC. There's lots of them and only one of me. RC3 jumps in and K.I.T.T. does a 180 and takes off. INT. BUS MARCO They'll be coming after us! Let's get out of here -- fast! BRONWYN No. No, you're insane, Marco. You're a killer. I'm not going with you. Marco pulls a gun and levels it at her. She freezes. MARCO Of course you are. You're my insurance policy. (to driver) Move it, let's go! ANGLE - BUS as it starts up and moves out of the clearing in brush, onto a road and goes speeding off. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING MICHAEL What are we looking for, pal? K.I.T.T. Their command post is a bus, Michael. MICHAEL Way to go, buddy. Let's find it. K.I.T.T. That won't be easy. There are 3,642 buses operating in this county. MICHAEL Not carrying the kind of electronic gear Berio had to be using. K.I.T.T. Good thinking, Michael. I'll scan for microwave emissions. ANGLE - MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as the tracking scope lights up and a hologram of inter- secting streets and roads appears. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING as a blip lights up on the tracking scope and flashes red. K.I.T.T. I've made contact, with a vehicle emitting a very high level, Michael. It's traveling at excessive speed too. MICHAEL Nice work. I'm betting you haven't lost your touch. Let's go get them. INSERT He hits "SUPER PURSUIT MODE" on control panel. ANGLE - K.I.T.T. The changes take place, then K.I.T.T. surges forward, swings onto another road and goes racing off. INT. BUS - TRAVELING as they speed along, Marco looking out rear window, reacts. MARCO Knight's tracked us down! Farrell, Gordon and Marco take out guns, a bazooka and open rear windows. ROAD - FULL ANGLE - VARIOUS SHOTS - INTERCUT - WITH INTERIOR SHOTS As Michael and K.I.T.T. come speeding up on the bus, Berio, Farrell and Gordon fire away at them. The bus driver tries to slam into K.I.T.T. But K.I.T.T. evades him, cuts in front of the bus and forces it to the side of the road. ANGLE - SIDE OF ROAD As K.I.T.T. pulls up to the bus, Berio appears at an open door and starts firing at Michael -- but the bullets bounce off K.I.T.T. Michael keeps buttoned up, talks on PA. MICHAEL You've had it, Berio. The police are on their way -- so give yourself up. MARCO Something you don't know, Knight. I have a hostage in here! Out of my way or she's dead! He nods to Farrell --- ANOTHER ANGLE - BUS WINDOW as Farrell appears and pulls Bronwyn into view threatening her with a gun. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael reacts: MICHAEL I lied about the police, pal. But they don't know that, do they? K.I.T.T. That's absolutely right, Michael. Ready when you are. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. CLOSE ON K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE as a harmonic synthesizer illuminates. Suddenly the sounds and sirens of police vehicles approaching and coming closer blasts from K.I.T.T.'s speakers. INSIDE THE BUS as Farrell is distracted, and Bronwyn reacts, shoves him with all her might. He pitches forward half out the window. She runs. MICHAEL AND RC3 are already out of K.I.T.T. Michael grabs the driver's arm and flips him out of the window and shoves him at RC3. MICHAEL Yours RC! As RC is putting away Farrell, Michael collars Gordon who dashes from the bus with Marco Berio, who eludes Michael's grasp. As Michael takes on Gordon. K.I.T.T. I'll take care of Berio, if you don't mind, Michael. MICHAEL All your's pal! As K.I.T.T. rockets off after Berio, Michael finishes off the driver with a karate combination. ANGLE - MARCO As K.I.T.T. cuts him off, both his doors swing open. As Marco tries to avoid him, K.I.T.T. spins around so that one of the doors whacks Ganz. K.I.T.T. That's for making me say 'ain't!' As Marco gets up and tries to run again, K.I.T.T. spins and whacks him with the other door. K.I.T.T. That's for making me attack Michael. As Marco gets up groggily and still tries to escape, K.I.T.T. spins and whacks him one last time. K.I.T.T. And that's just for computer lovers everywhere! As Marco goes down and stays down.... ANGLE - MICHAEL as he gives a thumbs-up gesture to K.I.T.T. and RC3 who returns it. We hold a beat and then we: FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN OMITTED EXT. CONVENTION CENTER - DAY With order fully restored, K.I.T.T. and Michael have arrived to greet Bonnie, Devon, and RC3 who have just successfully concluded and adjourned the Man of the Year ceremony. MICHAEL Well, Devon, when the Foundation throws a party -- it throws a party. DEVON Please, Michael. Don't remind me. K.I.T.T. I agree. To think I introduced myself to the man who designed my systems by -- toppling his podium. BONNIE He understands, Kitt. In fact, Doctor Albert and I will be working on some safeguards so they will never be tampered with again. RC3 See? You ain't ever gonna be guilty of such hideous behavior like --- K.I.T.T. (interrupting) Very funny, RC3. I have the feeling I 'ain't' ever going to hear the end of this. MICHAEL Don't worry, pal. We promise never to hold anything you said in captivity against you. K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. Now if you'll all excuse me, this has been a most harrowing experience and I'm still feeling somewhat unnerved. MICHAEL (mischievous twinkle) Well, maybe a little music will turn you into a nicer person --- Michael reaches into the dash, turns on the speakers -- and out blares the German oom-pah music. K.I.T.T. Michael, please turn that elephantine trumpeting off! BONNIE Kitt, I thought you liked tubas? MICHAEL Right, nothing like a little oom-pah and a lot of brass. You said so yourself. K.I.T.T. But I wasn't myself --- RC3 Hey, man, we're all entitled to grow. Could be the next new wave. DEVON (in agony) Could be the last thing any of us ever hear. K.I.T.T. (sighs) Forgive them, Vivaldi. They know not what they do --- Over everyone's laughter, we: FREEZE FRAME THE END