EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen A. Larson PROD. #60211 Robert Foster July 5, 1985 (Spec. Run) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 7/ 9/85 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 7/11/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 7/12/85 (F.R.) Rev. 7/15/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER OUT OF THE WOODS by Gregory S. Dinallo __________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. ESTATE ENTRANCE - DAY as Devon's limousine approaches and stops. The chauffeur hands an engraved invitation to the attendant. The limousine moves onto the grounds. EXT. ESTATE GROUNDS - MANSION - DAY as Devon's limo pulls to a stop and a uniformed valet opens the rear door. Bonnie, especially alluring, in a chic dress glides out followed by Devon who looks dashing in a tuxedo. We hear an upbeat piano playing as they cross to the mansion. DEVON As I recall, the last party we attended here, the guests were still dancing on the tables at sunrise. Took me two days to recover. BONNIE You must've taken someone else, Devon. I think, I'd remember you dancing on a table. Devon chuckles as they enter the mansion, and we: INT. MANSION - DAY A party amidst priceless antiques and works of art. Host, Jonathan Dutton, fifty-three -- handsome, board chairman is seated at a concert grand. His daughter Samantha, twenty-four -- beautiful, intelligent; everyone calls her "Sam," stands next to him. Elegantly attired guests gathered around. Dutton spots Devon and Bonnie and seques into an exaggerated fanfare. ANOTHER ANGLE - FAVORING DEVON AND BONNIE as they cross and join Dutton and Samantha. JONATHAN Devon, Bonnie -- good to see you! DEVON Jonathan. Looking proud, aren't we? BONNIE I hear the scent of perfume's permeated the Board Room, Sam -- congratulations. SAMANTHA Thanks. Keeping it in the family, as Daddy always says. DEVON Yes, no denying you've inherited his business acumen, Sam. JONATHAN Promise you won't hold it against her now? SAMANTHA He'd better not --- Samantha hugs Devon; plants a big kiss on his cheek. SAMANTHA -- I've had a crush on this man for as long as I can remember. Devon reddens slightly as the others laugh, and we: RESUME THE MANSION ENTRANCE as a 4 x 4 pickup roars past the attendant, rockets up the drive and screeches to a stop in front of the mansion. Erik Whitby, twenty-two, six feet three inches, 225 pounds of muscle, mackinaw, jeans and unbridled anger, gets out and blows past the parking valet. RESUME THE PARTY - FAVORING JONATHAN as he holds a glass of champagne aloft and addresses the guests who have gathered around him. JONATHAN A year ago, our Humboldt Division was so awash in red ink, I'd decided to shut it down. But my little girl kept insisting she could turn it around. So I dropped the entire mess in her lap -- just to shut her up. (beat; laughter) Tonight, we celebrate our third quarter of record sales and profits. Thanks to the young lady who one day will replace me as chairman and --- Dutton is suddenly interrupted by an ear splitting racket. CLOSE ON A CHAIN SAW that roars to life -- pull cord snapping back; exhaust belching; the jagged teeth traveling at blinding speed. Widen to reveal Whitby holding the saw. THE SCENE As frightened, guests shrink back from Whitby who brandishes the saw. He dashes between them to: A LARGE SCULPTURE A Grecian figure on a pedestal, as the chain saw bites into the surface and cuts the torso in half. RESUME THE SCENE Guests react horrified as the statue tumbles. Whitby turns and searches for his next target; Dutton dashing after him. JONATHAN Stop! Stop it!!! What are you doing?! (yells to someone) Call security!! Dutton bites off the sentence as Whitby whirls; the snarling teeth of the chain saw keeping Dutton, Devon and others who approach at a distance. WHITBY Back off me!! Just back off Dutton! You got this and more coming! Whitby whirls from the group and attacks. AN ANTIQUE TABLE Sawdust fills the air as the saw slices the table in half. It caves inward. Trays of hors d' oeurves, glasses, bottles of champagne, tumble into the crevice. RESUME THE SCENE - ANOTHER ANGLE as Whitby spins from the table swinging the saw in a wide arc. WHITBY How does it feel, huh?! Don't like having things you care about destroyed, do you?!! He lunges at Dutton, Devon and others who approach. They flinch as Whitby turns and buries the chain saw in: THE PIANO as the saw slices deep into the keyboard. A weird cacophony of chords and the screech of metal against metal as the saw jams amidst the popping strings and becomes stuck. RESUME THE SCENE as Whitby fights to pull the saw free, Dutton, Devon and other guests grapple with him amidst cries of -- "I've got him! Get his other arm!" Whitby struggles; seethes as they subdue him. Dutton holds his glare for a beat, then swings a look to Devon who's shocked, concerned, and we: CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - K.I.T.T. - CONVERTIBLE MODE - TRAVELING We move in on a white Stetson that sits atop Michael's head. K.I.T.T. I'm glad that assignment is over, I've had my fill of pot holes. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Come on, New York's a fascinating town. Where else can you ride the subway one minute and a brahma bull the next? K.I.T.T. Michael -- while you were playing cowboy in Madison Square Garden, I was stuck listening to that parking attendant's life story. His accent was so thick I had to use my voice synthesizer to understand him. MICHAEL I rest my case. K.I.T.T. Well, speaking of oddballs -- don't you think it's time you took off that hat? MICHAEL No way, pal. I earned the right --- Michael groans; adjusts his seating position. MICHAEL (continuing) -- I've got more bruises than the Big Apple has bagels. Why is it bugging you? K.I.T.T. Well, after what you said to that cowgirl in the hip-hugger chaps --- MICHAEL It was a joke. I'm not getting a set of horns for a hood ornament. K.I.T.T. What about the palomino upholstery and six shooters for door handles? INTERCUT AS NEEDED - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as it chirps and Devon appears in his Foundation office. DEVON A horse shoe hanging from the rear- view mirror might be a nice touch. MICHAEL (laughs) Yo, Devon. What's up? DEVON Something I'd like you to look into. MICHAEL If it isn't a hot tub, I pass. DEVON I'm afraid logging country is the best I can do, Michael. Yesterday someone named Whitby, Erik Whitby vandalized Jonathan Dutton's home with a chain saw. I'm baffled as to why. Jonathan's the most decent man I know. One of those people who doesn't have an enemy in the world. MICHAEL He's also a big supporter of The Foundation, Devon. It might have something to do with one of our cases. DEVON Good thinking. I'll have Bonnie run a check. By the way, she's already transmitted technical logging data to Kitt. He'll brief you in transit. One other thing, Michael, Whitby's had a number of run-ins with local authorities. MICHAEL Are you sure they shouldn't be handling this. DEVON They have handled it, Michael. Whitby was arrested and charged. But you see I'm still --- MICHAEL I know where you're headed -- he's out on bail and you're worried he might go off the deep end again. DEVON Precisely. He was paroled this morning in the custody of his sister. I'd like you to keep an eye on him. MICHAEL While I'm at it, maybe I can find out what lit this guy Whitby's fuse. DEVON From what I've observed it's a very short one, Michael. Be careful. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY - VARIOUS SHOTS - K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING from downtown freeway to rolling countryside and into towering forests. EXT. WHITBY'S COTTAGE - DAY Erik Whitby is chopping wood in front of a modest but comfortable cabin surrounded by stands of trees. He pauses as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop in the gravel drive. Michael gets out and crosses to Whitby. MICHAEL Morning -- are you Erik Whitby? WHITBY Depends on why you want him. MICHAEL I've got some questions that need answers. WHITBY You got a badge to back 'em? MICHAEL I'm not with the police. I just want to talk. WHITBY Then you must be working for Dutton. Hit the road -- or this'll do my talking. Whitby grabs a double-barrel shotgun that leans against the timber. Michael stands his ground; raises his arms slightly indicating he has no weapon. MICHAEL Set that aside and --- CLOSE ON THE SHOT GUN as one of the barrels fires. MICHAEL dives and rolls to cover behind a pile of logs. His Stetson flies off and is hit by the shotgun blast. WHITBY First barrel's a slug! Next one's bird shot! ANOTHER ANGLE as Whitby's pickup turns into the gravel drive and screeches to a stop. Ellen Whitby, twenty-eight, a fresh-scrubbed, earthy beauty, in jeans and tank top jumps out and hurries to Whitby. ELLEN Erik! What's going on here?! As she takes the shotgun, breaks it and removes the remaining shell, Michael eases out from behind the pile of logs. WHITBY Ask him. ELLEN Who are you, mister? MICHAEL Michael Knight. I'm with The Foundation for Law and Government. Your brother got creative with a chain saw and upset a lot of people. I'm worried about their safety. WHITBY I knew you were with Dutton! Well, mister, you tell him our parents spent their lives harvesting these trees! Now they're resting beneath 'em. Michael follows Whitby's look to see: TWO SMALL HEADSTONES side by side atop a little knoll beneath a towering pine tree. The name Whitby on both. WHITBY (continuing) They left us this land, and nothing, nothing's going to keep us from working it just like they did! MICHAEL That's still no reason to vandalize a man's home. According to local police, you have a habit of popping off when you don't get your way. Erik bristles. Ellen holds him back, a hand on his arm. ELLEN That was years ago, mister. He was just a kid. He's past all that, now. We're not bad people --- WHITBY (nods) If I wanted to hurt Dutton, I would have, believe me. I was just making a point that's all. MICHAEL I'd say you made it. Now, tell me what this is all about. ELLEN You really want to know? MICHAEL Didn't drive all the way up here just to get shot at. Ellen studies Michael a beat, deciding, and we: CUT TO INT. WHITBY'S COTTAGE - DAY - CLOSE ON COFFEE as it's poured into cups. We widen out to include Michael, Ellen and Whitby, settling around a table in the rustic kitchen. Ellen gestures out the window next to her --- ELLEN See that timber? It should have been sold and milled months ago. WHITBY (bitterly) Of course Dutton's mill is the only one around, but he won't buy it. MICHAEL Look, Dutton's an intelligent businessman. There has to be a good dollars and cents reason for that. WHITBY There is -- he can get all the timber he wants for half our price. ELLEN And the only way to do that is by operating illegally. MICHAEL Wait a minute. Logging is a regulated industry. As I understand it, each region has an inspector to prevent illegally cut timber from being sold to the mill. ELLEN Right. He's called the scaler. He works in the field; tickets each log to verify it hasn't been pirated. The mill can't accept one that doesn't have a ticket. WHITBY Yeah, and Dutton's found some way to get around him. MICHAEL Hold it. The only person here I know who's committed a crime is you. (beat) You put your temper on hold and I'll see if what you said is true. Michael stands to leave; takes his shotgun-ventilated Stetson from an adjacent chair; examines it a beat --- MICHAEL Either way, you owe me a hat. EXT. WHITBY'S CABIN - DAY as Michael exits and gets into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Better button up, pal. No telling what we might run into. Michael hits a button on the console and --- K.I.T.T.'S T-TOP unfolds from the trunk and locks into place. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY - K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING between groves of towering pines. K.I.T.T. I'm a little puzzled, Michael. It appears you've signed a truce with the enemy. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL It's a long shot but there's a chance the Whitby's are just a couple of hard-working people who're getting the short end of the stick. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL I need some information, pal. Run- down what saw mills are paying for raw lumber these days. Give me the national average. INTERCUT AS NEEDED - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as it comes to life and columns of figures assemble and a pulsing rectangle highlights $79.90 PER 100 BOARD FEET. K.I.T.T. It fluctuates, Michael. But at the moment it's seventy-nine dollars and ninety cents per hundred board feet. RESUME THE SCENE as Michael glances to the screen and reacts to the data. MICHAEL Okay, let's see if we can do worse. K.I.T.T. Worse? Did I hear you correctly? MICHAEL Sure did. For starters, I want to see if the mill is undercutting the going rate like the Whitby's claim. K.I.T.T. All right but it's rather obvious we aren't a lumberjack and his faithful mud-caked pickup. MICHAEL Way ahead of you, pal. I've already got an angle that'll cover it. K.I.T.T. You know I have to admit, I hope it turns out Whitby is innocent. I owe him a favor. MICHAEL (sensing the setup) Okay, pal, let me have it --- K.I.T.T. He forced you to take off that hat. Michael's laugh segues to the roar of: CUT TO EXT. MOUNTAIN LOGGING OPERATION - DAY - MONTAGE - STOCK A MASSIVE OFF LOADER The engine straining as the powerful jaws close around a giant log and loft it from a truck. EXT. SAW MILL - DAY A sign reads -- DUTTON INDUSTRIES HUMBOLDT MILL -- pan across as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. Michael gets out and crosses to: A LARGE BLACKBOARD on the wall of the mill where prices are chalked -- (approximately half the going rate determined earlier). Michael studies the figures, then crosses to the off loader that's unloading the truck. He shouts to the Operator. MICHAEL Excuse me? Can you tell me where I can find the scaler? The Operator nods; gestures behind the off loader. OPERATOR Right back there. His name's Gerry Nash. CLOSE ON THE ENDS OF LOGS a scaler's ticket stapled to each. We widen as Michael joins Gerry Nash, thirty-four, a lumberjack-type with a Deliverance mentality. An axe hangs next to a walkie- talkie on his belt. The off loader almost hits Nash as the jaws clamp onto another log. NASH (shouts to operator) Hey! Watch it!! That's five thousand horsepower worth of trouble you're jockeying!! MICHAEL Hi, name's Knight. Mike Knight -- White Wood Pulp and Paper. I under- stand you're the scaler in this region. NASH Right. Nash. Gerry Nash! Real busy right now! Gotta head out into the field. MICHAEL Well, this'll only take a sec. We're purchasing a lot of acreage in this area. And I'm checking out how much this mill pays for timber. NASH Don't look like the type who can't read -- prices are right over there. Nash gestures to the blackboard. MICHAEL I've seen 'em. If those numbers are for real, the people who run this place aren't buying timber they're stealing it. NASH You've got a lot to say for somebody new to this grove. Way I hear it, these loggers are getting a fair shake. MICHAEL Way I hear it, the only way to cut timber for those prices -- is to cut it illegally. The off loader lifts the last log from the truck and pulls away. NASH I hope that's not an accusation. 'Cause nobody's pirating any timber in my district and I wouldn't recommend anyone try -- (beat; pointedly) -- if that's where you're headed. MICHAEL No, sir. White Wood P&P's a stickler for regulations -- and we stick it to anybody who isn't. Especially if he happens to be the guy who supposed to be enforcing 'em. Michael burns him with a look, crosses to K.I.T.T., gets behind the wheel and takes off after the truck, and we: RESUME NASH eyeing K.I.T.T. following the truck. He pulls the walkie- talkie from its holster; clicks it on. NASH Dave? Come in Dave. Come in? Do you read? Over. INTERCUT ON ANOTHER WALKIE-TALKIE as Dave, twenty-eight, tall, sinewy, clicks it on and we widen out to reveal he's standing in a grove that's been clear cut; not a tree standing. DAVE Loud and clear, over. NASH A guy in a black T-top been asking some hard questions. He just followed one of your trucks outta here. He's headed your way. DAVE You saying he didn't buy a round trip ticket, Gerry? NASH You got the idea. Nash clicks off and we: CUT TO EXT. FOREST ROAD - DAY as the logging truck from the mill barrels through the turns in the narrow, twisting road. We hold and pan back to pick up K.I.T.T. coming through the same turns. K.I.T.T. How did you make out at the mill, Michael? INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL The Whitby's story held up, pal. I figure Dutton's paying half what the timber is worth. K.I.T.T. Where are we going now? MICHAEL Wherever that truck's going. OMITTED K.I.T.T. T-TOP MODE - FROM ABOVE as he moves along the winding ribbon that cuts through the forest and begins to climb a steep grade. We pull back to include Dave observing from above the road. He waves, signaling to: ANOTHER LOGGING TRUCK parked off the road at the top of the grade. Phil is behind the wheel. He returns the high-sign, as the truck Michael and K.I.T.T. are following passes him going in the opposite direction. Phil starts his truck and pulls onto the narrow road, picking up speed. The truck is going right at K.I.T.T. OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael sees the truck rocket into view. K.I.T.T. Michael, that truck's coming at us head on! MICHAEL Let's micro-lock the brakes, pal! K.I.T.T. He's too close! There isn't enough time! MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD The massive grille of the truck coming at K.I.T.T. head on. We hold a beat and then: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. FOREST ROAD - DAY - CONTINUOUS as the truck and K.I.T.T. rocket toward a head-on collision. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL We'll have to turbo boost over him, pal! K.I.T.T. He's too close for that too! There's not enough room! MICHAEL Then we'll have to make the most of what we've got! Michael whips the wheel; tromps on the accelerator. K.I.T.T. makes a swerving maneuver up the sloping shoulder; the edge of the road. And a sheer drop-off inches away from his tires. ANOTHER ANGLE - HEAD ON as K.I.T.T. rockets past the onrushing truck; barely a sliver of daylight between them. The truck keeps going. As K.I.T.T. comes down off the shoulder and spins out across the road --- K.I.T.T. That was a close one, Michael! OMITTED K.I.T.T.'S FRONT TIRE hits a log at the edge of the road. It spins beneath K.I.T.T. and smacks hard into his undercarriage. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Sure was. Hey?! What was that? K.I.T.T. We hit a rock. It must have bounced up and hit me in the --- As they accelerate away, K.I.T.T.'s voice is interrupted by an electronic screech that garbles a few words, then --- K.I.T.T. Like I was sayin', Mickey. I just took a helluva shot right between the eyes. MICHAEL (a little take) What's wrong with your voice pal? The impact must have damaged your communications module. You sound just like a disgruntled Bronx cabbie. K.I.T.T. A Bronx cabbie? Come on, stop putting me on, Mickey. I --- The car hits a bump. The electronic screech interrupts K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Oh, dear, my CPU automatically stored all the words I had to 'translate' while talking with that parking attendant in New York -- the vocal boards in my synthesizer must have loosened and retro-activated. MICHAEL Makes sense, you returned to normal when we hit that bump. I think you better keep your scanners peeled for the next one -- and make sure you don't hit it. CUT TO EXT. WHITBY'S COTTAGE - DAY Erik is getting into the pickup. Ellen comes from the cottage and calls after him. ELLEN Where you headed? WHITBY (evasively) Nowhere special. Just feel like getting out for a while. ELLEN (knowing better) Last time you said that you ended up at Dutton's party. WHITBY (smiles; arms splayed) No chain saw -- I just want to see if this guy Knight's on the level. ELLEN Give him some time. He seemed sincere. Something about him -- a good feeling. I --- WHITBY Sure you don't mean good-looking? ELLEN That was uncalled for and you know it. WHITBY Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just not as sure of him as you are. You heard what he said, Ellen -- he's here 'cause Dutton sent him here. (off her look) Look, I won't do anything stupid. Just gonna check him out. They hold a look for a beat and we --- CUT TO EXT. SAW MILL - DAY as Michael roars up in K.I.T.T. and screeches to a stop next to Nash, who's supervising the unloading of another truckload of logs. As Michael gets out --- MICHAEL Nash?! Just the guy I want to see. (beat) I was a couple of miles up that road when a truck came out of nowhere. Almost had a head-on. NASH Yeah, well these logging runs aren't the Hollywood freeway. What's it got to do with me? MICHAEL Truck was headed here. Thought maybe you saw it. NASH I see lots of 'em. What were you doing up there anyway? MICHAEL Checking out acreage for my company. NASH No land for sale up there. You were headed in the wrong direction. MICHAEL Funny, but the more I talk to you, the more I know I'm right on target. Michael burns him with a look. The tension is broken by Samantha Dutton's Mercedes that pulls up in front of the mill. Nash moves off as Samantha, wearing expensive designer clothes inspired by wilderness gear gets out carrying a bulging briefcase and crosses toward Michael. SAMANTHA Mr. Knight? (off Michael's reaction) Three years ago? At Foundation Headquarters. I'm Sam Dutton. Michael glances from Sam to the briefcase and back. MICHAEL Hello -- I remember a shy, young woman who'd curl up with a good book over a balance sheet any day. And it's Michael. SAMANTHA Well, Michael, Daddy's little girl grew up and became Daddy's right hand man. A busy one. Mind if we talk on the way to my office? ANOTHER ANGLE Follow Michael and Samantha as she leads the way through the mill yard. SAMANTHA I've been looking forward to meeting you again. I didn't expect it'd be here. MICHAEL Neither did I -- until Devon asked me to look into an incident at your father's last night. SAMANTHA Yes, I know. What I meant was, he told me you'd be keeping an eye on the Whitby's. MICHAEL I had a talk with them. I don't think they're out to hurt anyone. SAMANTHA (cooling) Really. Then what prompted the remodeling job on Dad's house? MICHAEL Frustration. The Whitby's claim they can't get a fair price for their timber because somebody's underselling them -- and they're right. Samantha stops walking; turns to Michael, angrily for --- SAMANTHA Michael, if someone wants to cut timber and give it to us for nothing that's their business. Not the Whitby's. Not yours. MICHAEL But it's your's to make sure it's been cut legally before you buy it. Samantha bristles; whirls to a stack of logs next to her; yanks a scalers ticket from the end of a log and slaps it in Michael's hand. SAMANTHA These guarantee it. MICHAEL Not if there's a fox guarding the chicken coop, they don't. SAMANTHA Which means? MICHAEL If my guess is right, somebody's pirating timber and Nash slaps these tickets on it. This stops her. As she reacts, we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as Whitby's pickup drives past the mill and slows when Whitby sees Samantha and Michael. He observes the following from a distance. RESUME THE SCENE as Samantha shakes no in disagreement. SAMANTHA I'm a businesswoman, Michael. I can't afford to guess, I have to know. I've been dealing with Nash for over a year and I can tell you you're wrong. MICHAEL You keep this between us and I'll prove I'm not. Deal? Michael extends a hand. Samantha studies him a beat; eases; reaches out and shakes it. In the b.g., Whitby slams the truck in gear and angrily drives off, unnoticed by Michael or Samantha. SAMANTHA (grudgingly) Deal. (beat) Now, I've got a lot of work to do. MICHAEL (off scaler's ticket) That makes two of us. Michael watches her go, then crosses to K.I.T.T. OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael gets in, places the ticket in K.I.T.T.'s analyzer tray, slides it closed and hits some buttons. MICHAEL Analyze this, Kitt. I want to know where this tree grew up. K.I.T.T. That's an easy one, Michael. It's a simple binary code. INTERCUT AS NEEDED - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR as the ticket's numerical data is transformed into words. K.I.T.T. According to the ticket, the log was cut from the Castleberry Grove. That's a legal cutting area according to the data Bonnie gave me. MICHAEL Okay, now get a picture of the ring pattern of the same log -- the one without a ticket. ON K.I.T.T'S SCANNER as it pulses, scanning. K.I.T.T.'S POINT OF VIEW - THE CUT END OF A LOG The same one that Samantha removed the ticket from. As we move in very close on the distinctive pattern of the rings: K.I.T.T. Got it, Michael. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's get out of here. Michael slams K.I.T.T. in gear and drives out of the mill. As they head down a tree-lined road --- MICHAEL Okay, pal. I'm betting that log wasn't cut from the Castleberry Grove. Analyze the ring pattern. Tell me everything you can about it. If I'm right, it won't match the ticket. INTERCUT AS NEEDED - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR A diagramatic of the logs rings highlighted by a rippling effect from the center to the outermost rings as K.I.T.T. analyzes. K.I.T.T. The specimen is a forty-seven-year-old Pinus Ponderosa. It survived a flood as a sapling, a harsh winter in its fifteenth year, a forest fire in its forty-second and --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Hold it. Hold it. That forest fire was five years ago. When was the last fire in the Castleberry Grove? The graphics on K.I.T.T.'s monitor changes into a high speed data search, then suddenly: K.I.T.T. July, 1964, Michael. MICHAEL That's over twenty years ago. That log couldn't have come from the Castleberry Grove. That ticket was forged. Michael accelerates. The car hits a bump as it swings through a turn. We hear the electronic screech before --- K.I.T.T. Hey, Mickey? You mind tellin' me where we're goin'? MICHAEL (can't believe it) Oh, no...Bonnie's got to fix your vocal boards first chance we get. If you don't drive me crazy first, we're going to the Whitby's to give them the good news. K.I.T.T. Betcha they're gonna be happier than a couple of cab drivers at a demolition derby. Anything else I could do for ya? MICHAEL If that tree wasn't from the Castleberry Grove, where was it from? See what you can come up with. Okay? K.I.T.T. Mickey -- for you, da moon, you know that. MICHAEL Kitt -- Get me the moon, get me the data, get me anything you like -- just do it without talking, please? CUT TO EXT. WHITBY RANCH - DAY - CLOSE ON AN AXE as it cuts into a log, chips flying. Widen to reveal Ellen swinging the axe as Whitby's pickup screeches to a stop in the drive. He jumps out, angrily slams the door. ELLEN What's wrong, Erik? WHITBY You can take all those good feelings and forget about 'em! Knight's not helping us. He's working with the Dutton's. During the following exchange, we move with Ellen and Whitby as he crosses and grabs a chain saw that leans against the timber and moves back to the pickup. ELLEN What? Erik? What are you doing? WHITBY Turning that mill into a pile of kindling. ELLEN That's not the answer. WHITBY If they won't mill our timber, they aren't milling anybody's. Hurt 'em in the pocketbook -- they'll start seeing this our way. ELLEN You're only going to hurt yourself. (beat) Erik, you're my brother. You're more important to me than the timber, the business. If you get arrested again -- Don't do this, please? Please! ANOTHER ANGLE K.I.T.T. pulls into the drive behind the pickup as Whitby pulls away from Ellen and tosses the chain saw into the pickup. She crosses to Michael as he gets out of K.I.T.T. ELLEN Michael -- he's going to try and shut down the mill. Maybe you can talk some sense into him. MICHAEL Somebody better. He has his sights set on the wrong target. Whitby pushes Michael aside and moves to the door of the pickup. Michael grabs his arm, stopping him. MICHAEL You oughta hear me out. Whitby whirls and throws a punch at Michael. He catches Whitby's wrist; snaps his arm up behind his back in a hammer lock and slams him up against the side of the pickup. MICHAEL I said you oughta hear me out. And if that doesn't stop you -- I will. Whitby gets the message; eases; nods. Michael releases his grip on him. MICHAEL I was right. Nash is a thief. He's putting scaler's tickets on stolen timber. WHITBY (challenging) And you've got proof of that --- MICHAEL No -- but I know where to get it. Whitby swings a skeptical look to Ellen, then back to Michael, and we: CUT TO CLOSE ON A MAP as Whitby unfolds it on the tailgate of the pickup. Widen to include Whitby, Ellen and Michael. Michael studies it for a beat before circling an area with a marker. MICHAEL Right there. ELLEN That's a national park. They're cutting on federal land? WHITBY You're crazy. Makes no sense pirating in those areas. They're policed by rangers. MICHAEL Who have millions of acres to cover. They could patrol for years and never catch Nash in the act and you know it. I'm getting tired of you biting the hand that's trying to feed you. Michael punctuates his comments with a look; holds it. Whitby thinks; decides and nods. WHITBY What's your next move? MICHAEL (indicating map) Get in there and get evidence to make those pirates walk the plank. WHITBY That's high ground. They'll spot you before you get near the grove. MICHAEL You know this country. There must be a back road I can take. On Whitby's smile we --- CUT TO EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. bounces along the overgrown road that snakes between the trees. K.I.T.T. Back road? This isn't even a cowpath. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael being jostled; trying to find a comfortable position. MICHAEL Tell me about it. Bull riding was easier. I'm getting bruises on top of my bruises. K.I.T.T. hits a huge bump. Michael lurches in his seat. We hear the electronic screech as K.I.T.T.'s voice changes. Michael is at his wits end. He reaches to his console and shuts off K.I.T.T.'s voice modulator, inter- rupting him. K.I.T.T. Mickey, ya gotta --- MICHAEL Sorry about that, pal. You've always been a scintillating conversation- alist. But until Bonnie can do her stuff, I'm forced to restrict your scintillation to official business. RESUME DIRT ROAD that becomes more and more overgrown as K.I.T.T. comes through a turn and stops in a grove of trees. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael maneuvers K.I.T.T. between some of the big trees to the crest of a ridge, stops K.I.T.T. and gets out. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW of a large grove being clear-cut by a crew of timber pirates. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Kitt, you see what I see? K.I.T.T. I certainly do, Michael. MICHAEL Crank up your zoom lens and fire away. I'm going in for a closer look. Keep your scanners peeled --- As Michael gets out and moves off, we hear chain saws and heavy equipment. K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER pulses faster and starts scanning. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - 35MM VIEWFINDER MATTE as K.I.T.T. zooms, focuses and rapid shoots photos of: An axe -- biting into a trunk; wood chips flying. A chain saw -- making the final cut. A huge tree -- as it shudders and falls. A offloader -- loading logs onto the trucks. Gerry Nash -- stapling scaler's tickets to the logs. INTERCUT MICHAEL as Michael moves between the trees, observing. MICHAEL Make sure you get a mug shot of Nash stapling those tickets. A warning light flashes on the console. K.I.T.T. I got it, Michael, but we better get moving, my scanners just picked up someone in the area. MICHAEL Hang in there, I'm on my way. Michael makes his way between the trees back to K.I.T.T., gets in and drives off. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE as Dave and Phil arrive on the run as K.I.T.T. pulls away. Dave gestures to the departing T-top. DAVE Come on, we can cut him off! They take off running between the trees. OMITTED ON WOODEN STAKES that hold the logs in place, as the two men use the back side of the axes to knock the stakes loose. The logs start rolling. THE SCENE K.I.T.T. comes through a turn and the logs tumble down the hillside with a deafening roar toward K.I.T.T. below. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael reacts to the sound. MICHAEL I hear it, but I don't see it, Kitt. K.I.T.T. A logslide, Michael! Directly above us. We'll never get out of the way in time! Michael whips the steering wheel to avoid the first log that bounces down onto the road in front of K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Then we go around 'em! THE SCENE - WIDE as K.I.T.T. is clobbered by the logs that fall from directly overhead. The dust settles revealing a mountain of logs, that completely buries K.I.T.T. A long beat before we hear --- K.I.T.T. Hey, who turned out the lights? FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. MOUNTAIN OF TIMBER - DAY - CONTINUOUS As we fade in we faintly hear --- K.I.T.T. Michael? INSIDE K.I.T.T. Tiny beams of light project through spaces between the logs. K.I.T.T. Michael, remember that old saying about makin' a silk purse our of a sow's ear? MICHAEL Kitt -- first you talk with a New York accent, now you're talking in riddles. If you have something to say, say it straight out. K.I.T.T. It just occurred to me, there's enough lumber on top of us to make 10,658 hot tubs. MICHAEL If you mean we're in hot water up to our eyeballs, you're right. Now talk to me about turning it into a pile of toothpicks. K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, but turbo boosting isn't one of our options at the moment! MICHAEL Why not?! We have enough power. Get your turbo up to maximum thrust and blast us out of here. K.I.T.T. You're absolutely right, Michael. But I'm afraid we're trapped. The logs have interlocked around us like a giant cage, which will move along with us. MICHAEL Then we shake things up a little, first. Michael pushes some buttons. ON K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE as the hydraulic lift graphic illuminates. ON K.I.T.T.'S HYDRAULIC JACK as it lowers to ground. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael pushes more buttons. The car starts moving up and down repeatedly. THE MOUNTAIN OF TIMBER shudders; starts vibrating; moving up and down causing logs to loosen and tumble free. K.I.T.T. I think that did it, Michael. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael pushes some buttons. MICHAEL Okay let 'er rip --- K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE as the turbo boost graphics illuminate. MICHAEL is snapped back into the seat. THE MOUNTAIN OF TIMBER suddenly erupts in an explosion of logs, splinters and wood chips. ANOTHER ANGLE - SLOW MOTION as the explosion of logs continues and K.I.T.T. emerges into view amidst the debris that fills the air. ANOTHER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. sails through the air, lands hard on the dirt road and takes off at high speed. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Way to go, pal! Now let's get out of here. They're pirating the timber. That's how they can sell it for half price. K.I.T.T. Yeah, we've got enough evidence to nail Nash and those palookas but good. MICHAEL Not so fast. That's twice they were waiting for us. Somebody has to be tipping them. I'm not moving on Nash until I find out who. Get me Devon. (beat) His voice will be music to my ears. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. Hey, gimme a break will ya? I don't like this any more than you do, Mickey, it's the pits. K.I.T.T.'s monitor chirps. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see Devon in his Foundation office. DEVON (distastefully; cringing) 'Mickey? The pits?' Michael, it sounds like you drove to logging country via the Brooklyn Bridge. MICHAEL I'm ready to jump off a bridge. He's driving me crazy. (beat) Two things, Devon. First anything on that check of Whitby yet? DEVON Yes, I was about to report he has no connection to Foundation cases. His actions must be related directly to the Duttons. MICHAEL They sure are. It's a business matter. Whitby's not getting a fair shake from their saw mill. Which brings me to item two. I want you to set up a meeting with Jonathan and Sam for me to discuss it. DEVON I'm not sure that's a good idea, Michael. Jonathan is quite upset you've been getting involved in his business instead of dealing with Whitby. MICHAEL You said to find out what's going on not support an assumption. And that's what I'm trying to do -- But somebody on the inside's working against me. I've got to rattle some cages and find out who. DEVON Well Jonathan doesn't rattle easily. As they say, he's the coolest customer I know. CUT TO INT. MANSION - DAY - CLOSE ON JONATHAN JONATHAN Pirated timber?!! That's absurd!! Pull back to reveal Devon and Michael and Samantha gathered around Dutton in a warm-up suit working out on an exercycle. He's infuriated by what Michael has told him. JONATHAN (continuing) You don't know what you're talking about Mr. Knight. Dutton Industries follows every Federal regulation to the letter. SAMANTHA That's right. Our records are an open book Michael. There's a scaler's ticket for every log we mill. I'll be more than --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Those tickets are forged. Look -- (hands out photos) Nash is certifying stolen timber. That's why the Whitbys can't compete. Dutton examines the photographs disdainfully as he pedals; brandishes them at Devon --- JONATHAN Are you telling me The Foundation is supporting Whitby?! The man who barged in here and destroyed priceless antiques with a chain saw?! MICHAEL The man was desperate. He and his sister are decent people trying to scratch a living out of their land. They're the victims here. JONATHAN You're putting the well-being of a couple of misfits before that of my employees! What about them?! There are 2,300 jobs at stake here! Devon, I want this assignment dropped. MICHAEL Not a chance, Devon. This leads right to his door. He and Sam are going to have to deal with it. JONATHAN I built this business from scratch to use your word Mr. Knight -- I'll decide what I deal with! Dutton gets off the exercycle; shoves the photos into Michael's hands and heads for the doors that lead outside. Michael is about to go after him when Devon holds him back; settles him with --- DEVON Easy, Michael. Let me try --- EXT. MANSION TERRACE - DAY - CONTINUOUS as Dutton explodes onto the terrace, the group following led by Devon, who catches up to Dutton for --- DEVON Michael's right Jonathan. It's time to face facts -- Your mill has been purchasing stolen timber. JONATHAN Just whose side are you on, Devon?! DEVON As always, the side of truth. SAMANTHA Don't get so upset, Daddy. I have to admit, I probably should have --- JONATHAN (interrupting) Don't admit anything. The media gets hold of this, you'll be tried and convicted before you know it. DEVON The innocent have nothing to fear from Foundation activities, Jonathan. You know that. MICHAEL But those who are involved do, Mr. Dutton. That's a promise. Michael and Dutton hold a look. A beat before Michael turns and leaves. Devon nods to Jonathan and follows and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as Jonathan softens; puts a consoling arm around Samantha. We follow as they go down a staircase from the terrace to the grounds. JONATHAN You okay, princess? SAMANTHA I guess so Daddy. I'm sorry about this. Maybe, I didn't ask all the questions I should have. Maybe I was too anxious to turn it around for you -- but I didn't break any rules. I didn't do anything illegal. JONATHAN I know you didn't. If Nash has taken advantage of us, I'll deal with him in my own way. SAMANTHA Daddy, you've got enough to do. Let me handle it, please? I'm the one they used. I'm responsible for this. Give me a chance to clean it up. JONATHAN It's a little late for that, Sam. Frankly, any other manager would be on his way out the door -- but I can't fire the future Chairman of the board now can I? Dutton smiles paternally. Samantha smiles, relieved. He kisses her on the forehead, and we: CUT TO EXT. MANSION ENTRANCE - DAY as Michael and Devon cross toward K.I.T.T. Devon's limo and Samantha's Mercedes also parked in the drive. MICHAEL Devon, I hope you're not going to ask me to drop this case -- because I won't. DEVON You know better than that Michael. My sole concern is a man's good name and reputation. MICHAEL This won't be the first time a big company tried to swat one of the little guys -- and got caught. DEVON (nods grimly) Just be certain -- beyond any doubt -- before you take action that might injure Jonathan. MICHAEL You have my word Devon. The two men hold a look and we: CUT TO EXT. SAW MILL - DAY - ON GERRY NASH the huge off loader moving logs in the b.g. NASH Easy, take it easy will you? ANOTHER ANGLE as Samantha whirls angrily to face Nash. SAMANTHA Take it easy? Michael Knight is going to bring this whole thing down on top of us. NASH Knight? We buried him under enough timber to build a city. SAMANTHA That wasn't his ghost who just had a meeting with my father. We've got to get rid of him. He went to Whitby's place from the estate. You can get the three of them off our backs if you move fast. NASH What about your old man. He gonna just let it go? SAMANTHA I've handled him for the last year haven't I? I've got this thing where I want it and nothing's going to ruin it. Not even him. You do your job and I'll do mine. She punctuates her reply with a cold look. Nash turns to go. SAMANTHA Nash? No slip-ups this time. I want Michael Knight out of my way for good. Nash nods forebodingly and we: CUT TO EXT. WHITBY'S RANCH - DAY K.I.T.T. and the Whitby's pickup parked in the gravel drive. INT. WHITBY'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY as Michael, Ellen and Whitby review the photographs K.I.T.T. took of the pirating operation. ELLEN Michael, these are fantastic. WHITBY Yeah, we can use them to put Nash out of business and get ours back on its feet. MICHAEL (nods emphatically) There'll be no timber to pirate where he's going. Now, I want you to get these to the authorities. Nash is mine. ELLEN I don't know how to thank you, Michael. You're --- She is interrupted by the screech of tires, and --- K.I.T.T. Michael! Michael, there's a pickup circling the house. MICHAEL (comlink) On my way, pal, thanks. Whitby grabs his shotgun. Michael holds him back. MICHAEL I'll handle it. You stay with Ellen. Whitby eases and nods. Michael heads for the door --- EXT. WHITBY'S HOUSE - DAY as Nash speeds past the house in a pickup. OMITTED THE FRONT DOOR OF THE HOUSE swings open and Michael appears at the very instant. NASH tosses a fire bomb at the house. NASH You oughtta be more careful, Knight. You just started a forest fire! THE FRONT DOOR A loud whoosh, as the bomb lands and explodes, in roaring flames. ON MICHAEL He's driven back, slamming the door. RESUME INSIDE THE HOUSE as Michael rejoins Ellen and Whitby. MICHAEL Nash -- That's three times. WHITBY Yeah, every time you make a move he's all over you. MICHAEL Sam Dutton -- (off reactions) She's the only one who could be tipping him. There another way out of here?! WHITBY In there! Whitby points to a hallway. As they cross toward it, Ellen screams as they pass --- AN OPEN WINDOW As billowing smoke shoots up to and across the ceiling. MICHAEL grabs Ellen; pulls her aside as the smoke billows around them. He shepherds Ellen down the hallway after Whitby to: ANOTHER DOOR as Whitby pulls it open and a wall of black smoke explodes in their faces. Michael and Whitby work together to get the door closed. ELLEN We're trapped! They turn back. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE ROOM smoke seeping in every window; pouring into every opening and billowing overhead. MICHAEL, ELLEN AND WHITBY engulfed in smoke and bathed in the flickering orange glow of the flames. We hold a beat and then we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. WHITBY'S HOUSE - FRONT DOOR - DAY K.I.T.T. in front of the house; the area where the fire bomb landed engulfed in flames. INT. WHITBY'S HOUSE - DAY Michael, Ellen and Whitby surrounded by thick smoke. MICHAEL (comlink) We're trapped! We can get to the rear porch but we need you to open the door for us! K.I.T.T. I understand, Michael. On my way. RESUME K.I.T.T. He starts his engine; builds power for a beat and peels out heading for the house. OMITTED THE REAR PORCH OF THE HOUSE as K.I.T.T. approaches at high speed and slams into the porch knocking it off the house. He makes a diving stop adjacent to the door and below it. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael, Ellen and Whitby appear in the escape opening from inside the house. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T.'S T-TOP as it automatically pops open. INSIDE K.I.T.T. smoke outside all of K.I.T.T.'s windows as the trio climbs in through the open T-top. WHITBY (incredulous) Nobody's in there. ELLEN Yeah, there's no driver. I don't understand. MICHAEL He's here. You just can't see him. As Michael settles behind the wheel and slams K.I.T.T. in gear: MICHAEL Thanks, we were just about to become three crispy critters. K.I.T.T. engulfed in smoke, peels out and rockets away from the house. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Drives a distance away from the house and stops. Michael, Whitby and Ellen get out and look back as --- MICHAEL Okay pal, hit the CO-2. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - WHITBY'S HOUSE smoke billowing as K.I.T.T. drives up to the source of the fire. Suddenly, his fire extinguishers blast the area, putting out the fire. RESUME MICHAEL, WHITBY AND ELLEN Whitby and Ellen are overcome by a sense of hopelessness. ELLEN (down) They're just going to keep on coming at us, aren't they? WHITBY (bitterly angry) Yeah, they're beating us; beating us at every turn. MICHAEL You don't strike me as quitters. It's not over if you don't want it to be. ELLEN I'm not even sure what I'm fighting for, anymore. MICHAEL How about your parents? You said they left you this land. ELLEN (nods sadly) They loved it. It was their whole life. MICHAEL Something tells me they wanted it to be yours too; wanted you to keep what they'd started alive and have an easier time of it than they did. (beat) Now you're going to walk away? Let Sam Hutton and Nash take over? Ellen and her brother exchange looks, as the impact of Michael's words hit home. MICHAEL I didn't think so. WHITBY You know it. Nothing I'd like better than to help put them where they belong. MICHAEL I was counting on it. The Whitbys brighten, and move into a conspiratorial huddle with Michael, and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. SAW MILL - DAY Samantha is supervising as a off loader unloads logs from a truck. Nash's pickup pulls to a stop next to her. Nash, Phil and Dave pile out. ANOTHER ANGLE as they move aside with Samantha. SAMANTHA Is it done? NASH Well done. A little forest fire just came out of nowhere and blew right through Whitby's place. SAMANTHA Good. Then it's business as usual. DAVE Yeah, we won't have Knight gettin' in the way anymore, either. SAMANTHA Then start cutting timber, we've got a lot of orders to --- She is interrupted by the screech of tires as: K.I.T.T. screams through a turn and approaches the saw mill at high speed. THE SCENE as Samantha, Nash, Dave and Phil react. SAMANTHA I thought he was dead? DAVE He is dead! NASH He's gotta be! No way anybody got out of that blaze alive! They scramble as K.I.T.T. swerves off the road; comes right at them; and nose dives to a fast stop. Michael jumps out. SAMANTHA Get him! Get him, don't just stand there!!! MICHAEL That one's your's pal! K.I.T.T. takes off after Phil who's running away. ANOTHER ANGLE Dave comes at Michael. He sidesteps, grabs Dave's arm and uses his momentum to flip him. Dave gets to his feet. He grabs an axe from a pile of logs and gets ready for Michael who approaches. As they circle warily, we go to: OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE Phil is being pursued by K.I.T.T. He hears the roar of the engine; turns; freezes as K.I.T.T. comes right at him; slams on the brakes and pins Phil against a pile of logs. He struggles to get free but to no avail. RESUME MICHAEL AND DAVE as Dave lunges at Michael and swings the axe. Michael dives beneath the blade, knocking Dave to the ground. Dave gets to his feet first; rears back and brings the axe down toward: MICHAEL as he rolls at the last instant. The axe buries in the ground where Michael would have been. THE SCENE Dave runs. Michael scrambles to his feet and goes after him. Dave jumps into his pickup and takes off. MICHAEL puts on the brakes and reverses direction. As Michael makes a beeline for K.I.T.T.: THE HUGE LOG OFF LOADER roars to life, Nash at the controls --- K.I.T.T. still has Phil pinned against the pile of logs. He's struggling to get free as Michael arrives. MICHAEL Timberrrr! Michael puts him out with a short hard right and gets: INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael jumps behind the wheel and starts the engine. K.I.T.T. Expertly felled, Michael. MICHAEL Thanks for baby-sitting him. Now let's get that pickup. But as Michael slams K.I.T.T. into reverse --- THE OFF LOADER roars in behind K.I.T.T. The jaws poised to strike. K.I.T.T. We have a problem, Michael! INTERCUT NASH in the cab of the off loader, operating the controls. THE HUGE JAWS OF THE OFF LOADER are about to clamp around K.I.T.T. like he was a log; just inches from his surface. MICHAEL We've got to get loose, Kitt! Michael floors the accelerator. K.I.T.T. explodes forward just as the steel jaws clamp shut, narrowly missing him. THE SCENE K.I.T.T. swings around. The off loader lifts a massive log; tries to drop it on K.I.T.T. It misses, but traps him behind it. K.I.T.T. does a circling 180 to get around it. A cat and mouse battle (to be choreographed) between K.I.T.T. and the off loader follows. CUT TO A ROAD Dave's pickup is barreling along at high speed. He comes through a sharp curve and sees: A ROADBLOCK Ellen, Whitby and some other loggers man two pickup trucks that block the road. Dave's pickup does a 180, careens out of control and stalls at the side of the road. Whitby jumps into his pickup and pulls in front of Dave's so he can't escape. DAVE throws open the door and freezes, looking down the barrels of Whitby's shotgun. WHITBY Right there. Or you go down like a sapling. And we: CUT TO RESUME SAW MILL The battle between K.I.T.T. and the off loader continues. K.I.T.T. is getting the upper hand, maneuvering the off loader to the edge of a slope. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - SAMANTHA sees Nash and the off loader have almost had it. She dashes to her Mercedes and takes off down the road at high speed. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (O.S.) (reacting) Sam's getting away, pal! We've got to finish this guy fast! Michael hits buttons on his console. The eject graphics illuminate. K.I.T.T.'S T-TOP as it pops open and Michael ejects from behind the wheel. MICHAEL sails through the air and lands on the off loader. He puts Nash away with two fast punches that knock him out of the off loader onto the ground. Michael shuts off the engine, jumps down and runs to K.I.T.T. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael gets into K.I.T.T. and accelerates, fishtailing onto the road after Samantha's Mercedes that's already out of sight. CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY as Samantha's Mercedes comes through a turn at high speed and approaches: THE ROADBLOCK as Ellen, Whitby and a group of loggers are wrapping up Dave and his pickup. They move onto the road to stop Samantha. The Mercedes comes right at them. SAMANTHA tromps on the accelerator. THE SCENE as the Mercedes barrels toward them. ELLEN She's not gonna stop! Ellen and the loggers dive to safety as the Mercedes blasts past on the side of the road that had been blocked by Whitby's pickup, and keeps on going. Whitby runs into the middle of the road and fires his shotgun at the fleeing car. CUT TO OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING at high speed on the same road. K.I.T.T. It looks like she's heading for home, Michael. MICHAEL We've got some catching up to do, pal. Give me all the pursuit power you've got. Michael pushes some buttons; is snapped back in his seat. K.I.T.T. - PURSUIT MODE as K.I.T.T. transforms -- nose elongating; rear spoilers deploying, etc. and -- takes off at full pursuit speed. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S SPEEDOMETER rapidly approaching and exceeding 400 mph. OMITTED ANOTHER ANGLE - ROAD as K.I.T.T. explodes out of a turn and maneuvers between the pickups after the Mercedes. MICHAEL Notify the police, pal. Have them meet us at the Dutton estate. ELLEN AND THE LOGGERS cheer as K.I.T.T. blows past them at pursuit speed and vanishes down the road and we: CUT TO EXT. JONATHAN'S ESTATE as the Mercedes roars into the drive; screeches to a stop. Samantha jumps out and hurries inside. We pan back to pick up K.I.T.T., who approaches at pursuit speed. K.I.T.T.'S BRAKING FINS explode outward and we widen as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop behind the Mercedes. Michael jumps out and crosses to: THE FRONT DOOR OF THE MANSION as Michael arrives and shoulders the door open, almost running over Jonathan Dutton, who responds. JONATHAN What do you want? MICHAEL Sam. Where'd she go? Michael pushes past Dutton into the house. INT. MANSION - DAY as Dutton hurries after Michael, leaving the door open. JONATHAN Why? Why are you bothering her? MICHAEL She tried to kill me. JONATHAN Are you out of your mind? Get out of here before I call the police! MICHAEL Already on their way. (off Dutton's reaction) I'm sorry about this, Mr. Dutton but Sam's behind the timber pirating. She just had Nash torch the Whitbys' house. The three of us barely escaped. Michael whirls in reaction to --- SAMANTHA That's true Daddy. ANOTHER ANGLE A siren rises O.S. as Samantha nervously enters with a gun. SAMANTHA Michael's right. JONATHAN (stunned; incredulous) Why? Sam, I -- I don't understand. SAMANTHA Because you pushed and pushed -- be productive Sam; women are getting power in the marketplace Sam; there's no one to take over the business, Sam -- (beat) Because I knew I couldn't fail, Daddy, that's why! Don't you --- Sam bites off the sentence as: THE TWO UNIFORMED POLICEMEN come into the room behind Michael and draw their guns. SAMANTHA No! No, stay back. MICHAEL (to police) Go easy. Let me handle this. (turns to Samantha) You have to take responsibility for what you did, Sam. You know that. Michael takes a step forward, hand held out to Samantha. MICHAEL Give me the gun. Then we can --- SAMANTHA (interrupting) No, no. Daddy -- Daddy, tell them we don't want Michael here. Tell them all to go. JONATHAN (shakes no) I'm sorry, Sam. I -- I can't. It's time we both faced our responsibili- ties. (to Michael) I'll cover the Whitby's losses and make everything right. And you'll all -- do what you have to. A look between Dutton and Samantha. A long beat before he turns and leaves. SAMANTHA (wails) Daddy?! Daddyyyy? Dutton keeps going and exits. Samantha is shaking nervously; starting to break down. Michael moves in and takes the gun from her hand. She collapses, sobbing in his arms. MICHAEL Easy, Sam. Take it easy. We hold a beat and then we: FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. WHITBY'S PLACE - DAY where the Whitbys have been repairing the fire damage to their cabin. Michael, Ellen, Whitby and Devon are all anxiously gathered around Bonnie, who is working on K.I.T.T., replacing his voice synthesizer. As she finishes --- BONNIE Well, that should put an end to Kitt's New York accent, Michael. But I don't see why it couldn't wait until you got back to The Foundation. MICHAEL (thick N.Y. accent) That's 'cause youse ain't got no idea what kinda torture I was going through. Lemmee tell ya, he was drivin' me up da wall. K.I.T.T. (perfect diction) I wish you would stop rubbing it in, Michael. It was your driving that caused my English to become less than perfect. DEVON Ah ha, English! So that's what you think you're speaking. Well before you get too disillusioned, I believe it was Winston Churchill who said the Americans and the English were staunch allies separated by a common language --- ELLEN Well, what we have to say is the same in any language -- thank you. Michael, thanks for everything. WHITBY Oh, before you go --- Whitby takes a Stetson from the cab of his pickup; drops it on Michael's head. WHITBY (continuing) Couldn't let a staunch ally leave without that. K.I.T.T. (groans) Oh, no --- MICHAEL I heard that, pal -- (New York accent) -- but this is your lucky day. 'Cause, I'm gonna make youse an offer you can't refuse. (beat) I won't tease you about your New York accent -- long as you don't tease me about my cowboy hat. A deal? K.I.T.T. (beat) Very good, Michael, I accept your offer. MICHAEL Whew, for a minute there I thought he was going to say -- Okay pardner, now let's saddle up and make tracks. The group laughs. We hold a beat and then we: FADE OUT THE END