EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60229 Robert Foster November 18, 1985 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 11/22/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 11/27/85 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 12/ 2/85 (F.R.) Rev. 12/ 4/85 (F.R.) Rev. 12/ 5/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER DEADLY KNIGHTSHADE by Philip John Taylor ______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. THE OCEAN BREEZES HOTEL - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING A LUXURY RESORT HOTEL somewhere on the coast. INT. CABARET THEATRE - NIGHT The lights go down. The audience hushes in anticipation. BONNIE AND RC3 are seated at a table with Dr. Ian Browning, forty-five, a bespectacled, pleasantly mannered computer scientist, and Maxwell Henderson, fifty, a wealthy dynamic businessman. Bonnie leans to RC3 for --- BONNIE Magic shows are for kids RC. I don't know how I let you talk me into this. RC3 You're going to thank me. This Templeton dude is something else. Bonnie's look says, "that'll be the day." They react to --- ARIEL (O.S.) Ladies and gentlemen, the Ocean Breezes is proud to present the incomparable, the world famous, the Amazing -- Templeton! ON THE STAGE - A PIN SPOT A match lights -- lights a cigarette -- a spotlight reveals Templeton, a handsome, charming, hypnotic fellow of thirty- five, on stage in top hat and tails. Applause. Suddenly, he vanishes in a blinding flash of smoke. RESUME BONNIE AND RC3 Bonnie's mouth drops when she sees Templeton. She's clearly but pleasantly stunned when she recognizes him. BONNIE Hey, it's him. RC3 You know the dude? BONNIE (nods) I met him on the tennis court today. Pick-up doubles game. (clearly taken by him) He's really -- (catches herself) -- got a great backhand. RC3 smiles knowingly. The audience's reaction directs their attention to --- THE SPOTLIGHT swings to the rear of the cabaret, where the magician miraculously reappears in another flash of smoke. As the audience applauds enthusiastically. TEMPLETON wanders toward the stage, shaking hands with guests, bowing to the ladies. When he reaches the stage he talks to the audience as if he were casting a spell. TEMPLETON Thank you my friends and good evening. My name is (The Amazing) (Austin) Templeton, and tonight I am going to change your life! Indeed, before the evening is over, you will never again trust that which allows you to perceive this world, your very own senses. He makes a dramatic gesture. TEMPLETON (continuing) And now, may I have a volunteer from this illustrious gathering? BONNIE shoots up her hand. TEMPLETON Someone with a car in the parking lot? Bonnie drops it in disappointment. ON THE STAGE A young lady, Pam, volunteers. Nancy, Templeton's attractive assistant, leads her into the wings. Templeton crosses to Gary, Pam's date, placing a hand on his shoulder. TEMPLETON Have no fear, sir. The lady is in no danger. I may even return her to you. The crowd chuckles. Templeton moves away, then spins back to Gary. TEMPLETON Your name is Gary Shaw, is it not? Gary nods in astonishment. Templeton hands him his wallet, followed by other personal articles. TEMPLETON Your wallet, I believe -- ah, your handkerchief -- your watch. The audience applauds with delight as Templeton moves to: BONNIE'S TABLE Templeton establishes eye contact and a familiar tone with Bonnie. TEMPLETON The red rose whispers of passion -- (drawing a red rose out of the air) And the white breathes of love -- (a white rose, with his other hand) O, the red rose is a demon but the white rose is a dove. He places the two roses together and they change into a silk handkerchief. ON THE HANDKERCHIEF as a white dove flutters into view and flies off above the audience. The crowd goes wild. TEMPLETON materializes a dozen red roses which he gallantly presents to Bonnie. He whispers to her. TEMPLETON Until later. Then he moves through the audience giving back the articles he 'took' from them earlier: necklaces, earrings, watches, etc. The crowd loves it. BONNIE (delighted) Looks like he wants to play singles this time. RC3 Hey, you're kinda hung up on the guy aren't you? Bonnie nudges RC3 in the ribs though she's clearly delighted at Templeton's attention. Browning and Henderson are amused. TEMPLETON arrives back on the stage and holds up a lady's brassiere. TEMPLETON And who might this belong to? Silence for a second, then everyone starts to laugh. Templeton flings the brassiere into the wings as Pam drives her car onto the stage. She gets out. TEMPLETON As you can see, the car is now perfectly empty. CUT TO EXT. HOTEL - MAIN ENTRANCE - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. arrives and parks. MICHAEL Plot a course for the airport while I fetch Henderson, pal. We hear K.I.T.T.'s monitor come to life. A few electronic sounds before: K.I.T.T. Done, Michael. MICHAEL Oh, and patch into the airline's computer, make sure he has a reservation. K.I.T.T. That's already been taken care of. Michael grins, gets out and enters the lobby. CUT BACK TO INT. CABARET THEATRE - NIGHT - TEMPLETON is now wearing a monk's robe over his tuxedo. He spreads a large plastic cover over Pam's car. Nancy is not onstage. As Templeton pulls the hood of the robe over his head. TEMPLETON Pam, would you please draw back the cover on your car -- Now! ON THE CAR as Pam removes the cover revealing a large tiger inside, peering out through the windshield. The crowd applauds. The applause doubles as: THE HOODED MONK'S ROBE drops to reveal, not Templeton but -- Nancy! A beat before: THE CAR'S TRUNK LID pops open and Templeton rises out of it. The audience is on its feet in appreciation. As Templeton basks in the adulation --- MICHAEL enters and crosses to Bonnie's table. A few ad-libbed greetings. The applause is so loud, Michael had to lean in to Henderson to be heard. MICHAEL I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Henderson. Devon wants you to fly back immediately. HENDERSON Oh, what's the problem? MICHAEL There's been a legal snag with the Curtis Foundation. HENDERSON I'll need a little time to pack my things, Michael. MICHAEL (nods) Meet you at your room in ten minutes. ANOTHER ANGLE - BONNIE'S TABLE Henderson starts to leave. Browning catches his sleeve. BROWNING Anything wrong? HENDERSON Devon wants me back in town. Some problem with the bequest. As Henderson moves off: TEMPLETON reacts and watches out of the corner of his eye, as: HENDERSON slips out of the theatre. The audience applauds wildly. RESUME TEMPLETON as he steps to Nancy and whispers as they go into another bow. TEMPLETON I'm changing the sequence. We'll do the escape next. Nancy looks surprised. He nods firmly. She moves off. He turns to the audience --- TEMPLETON I would like two male volunteers, please. As two men get to their feet --- CUT TO OMITTED INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT Henderson opens a door and enters his room. INT. HENDERSON'S ROOM - NIGHT He crosses to his suitcase, places it on the bed and starts packing. CUT TO INT. CABARET THEATRE - NIGHT Templeton has been placed in a straitjacket, festooned with padlocks. The volunteers help him get into a black bag. Then help him onto: A TABLE positioned on the stage. A bed of vicious two-foot-long spikes hangs directly above it. TEMPLETON Many thanks, gentlemen. I would shake your hands, but --- Nancy places a silk hood, with a sequined monogram (important for later) over his head. The bag is tied shut. The volunteers snap padlocks securing chains already in place around the bag. Nancy gestures grandly to the audience. Nancy gestures to a large sweep-hand clock set at 3:00. NANCY The countdown will begin the instant I light this candle. The Amazing Templeton will have exactly three minutes to escape before it burns through the rope and the spikes plummet onto the table. An intake of breath from the audience as: OMITTED MICHAEL looks at his watch and leans across to Bonnie, RC3 and Browning. MICHAEL I'd better go fetch Henderson. Catch you guys when I get back. Michael gets up from the table and leaves. NANCY strikes a long fireplace match and lights the candle. The clock starts. The seconds tick away loudly. CUT TO INT. HENDERSON'S HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Henderson straightens his tie in a mirror, pausing suddenly when he notices (in the mirror) that someone is standing right behind him. He turns and we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE we see Templeton. He wears gloves, and the silk hood from the performance is half-stuffed into a pocket. He "magically" produces a silk handkerchief. HENDERSON My God! What -- what are you doing here? TEMPLETON Improvising. Your last-minute change of plans makes it necessary --- Templeton pulls a dagger from the handkerchief and he lunges toward Henderson, and we: CUT TO INT. HOTEL STAIRCASE that leads from the lobby up to a row of balcony rooms as Michael bounces up the stairs. CUT TO RESUME HENDERSON'S ROOM Templeton crouches over the body removing Henderson's wallet and papers. Then he purposely opens drawers and suitcase, scattering the contents, and exits. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT as Templeton leaves the room. A Maid comes around the corner, seeing only Templeton's back. He does not see her as he walks briskly to the emergency stairs and goes through the door. CUT TO CLOSE ON CANDLE The flame burning through the rope; a few strands part. INT. CABARET THEATRE - NIGHT The clock's sweep-hand counting down, 2:02, 2:01, 2:00 --- NANCY Two minutes! The audience is getting nervous. RESUME CANDLE as the strands of the rope continue to burn and unravel. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT Michael is approaching Henderson's room when he hears a scream. He runs around the corner to find the Maid staggering out of Henderson's room in hysteria. Michael grabs her as he looks in and sees Henderson's corpse. MICHAEL Henderson! INT. HENDERSON'S ROOM - NIGHT As Michael enters and quickly checks the corpse for life signs. Finds none. As he passes the Maid on the way out --- MAID (pointing to stairs) A man -- He went that way! Michael runs out of the room to: THE EMERGENCY STAIRWELL As Michael comes through the door and looks over the railing. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE STAIRWELL A glimpse of a fleeing figure several floors below. MICHAEL races in pursuit. He calls K.I.T.T. on the comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, I'm chasing someone down the emergency stairs. EXT. HOTEL PARKING LOT - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. On my way, Michael. K.I.T.T. auto-starts and takes off. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED a graphics display of the hotel area. Suddenly a blip moving in the alley appears on screen. EXT. ALLEY BEHIND HOTEL - NIGHT as Templeton comes off the stairs and takes off on a dead run into the alley. The silk hood is stuffed half into his pocket, flapping in the breeze. ON THE STAIRCASE - NIGHT Michael is in pursuit, taking two steps at a time. K.I.T.T. I have him on my scanners. MICHAEL Way to go! Keep on him! ONSTAGE The clock reaches 0:00 and buzzes loudly. CLOSE ON THE ROPE as the last few strands burn through and part. THE BED OF SPIKES crashes onto the coffin, the points visible as they punc- ture through the bottom of it. THE AUDIENCE gasps. Some leap to their feet. IN THE ALLEY as K.I.T.T. comes in and screeches to a stop, ostensibly blocking Templeton's escape, as Michael runs out of the stairwell door. MICHAEL Hit the floods, pal. Let's illuminate this place. K.I.T.T.'s headlights pop-up come on, revealing: THE ALLEY bathed in light, no sign of Templeton -- and a dead-end wall. RESUME THE STAGE As the bed rises withdrawing the spikes from the coffin, Nancy and Ariel run to the coffin and unlock the chains as fast as they can. Templeton suddenly bursts from the coffin, quite unharmed, and acknowledges the tumultuous applause. IN THE ALLEY Michael kicks a garbage can in frustration. K.I.T.T. One second he was on my scanner, the next he was gone. MICHAEL But it's a dead end. The only way out of this alley was past you. K.I.T.T. I'm sorry, Michael, there was no one. THE AUDIENCE on their feet, applauding. ONSTAGE Templeton and Nancy take another bow. They whisper. NANCY They really thought you'd gone too far this time --- TEMPLETON Always keep them guessing, my dear. He notices: MICHAEL reenters the theatre, baffled, unnerved as he crosses toward Bonnie and RC3. TEMPLETON TEMPLETON Always keep them guessing. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. FOUNDATION - DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY He is on the phone, distraught at the news of Henderson's death. DEVON I'm stunned, Michael. I don't know what to think. INT. SEMI - DAY - INTERCUT Michael, Bonnie, RC3 and Browning are gathered around the monitor. MICHAEL The police think he surprised a burglar when he went back to his room to pack. DEVON And you concur? There were no unusual circumstances? MICHAEL Well, one thing -- I chased the guy and he vanished into thin air. Why do you ask? DEVON Of the four Curtis Bequest trustees, Henderson is the second in recent months to die unexpectedly. MICHAEL Too much of a coincidence --- As Michael considers the implications, Browning moves closer to the monitor. BROWNING Devon, I know this isn't foremost in our minds, but the deadline is near. Considering Max didn't sign those papers, can just you and I award the grants? DEVON Of course, Ian. I thought you were aware, power of attorney reverts to the surviving trustees. I'll be on the next flight. Will you be able to pick me up, Michael? -- Michael? Michael has been turning an idea over in his head. A beat before Devon's query brings him back. MICHAEL Oh, sure Devon, no problem. Devon clicks off. Michael turns thoughtfully to Bonnie for --- MICHAEL Bonnie, the killer was on Kitt's scanner one second, and gone the next. Check his systems, will you? Bonnie turns to her console and begins to encode. BROWNING A malfunction in any number of them could have that effect. RC3 (impressed) You know your electronics, Doc. BONNIE Doctor Browning developed many of Kitt's systems, RC. (beat) And they're all working perfectly. MICHAEL (stymied) We had the guy trapped in a dead end alley too. This looks more and more like a well-planned escape. Devon may be onto something. BROWNING How could it be a premeditated killing, Michael? Henderson wasn't supposed to be in his room. MICHAEL A lot of people saw him leave the cabaret. One of them could have followed him. RC? RC3 (shakes no) According to the Usherettes, nobody else left during the show. Sorry. MICHAEL (muses) There was one person who did. Everyone swings Michael a puzzled look. BONNIE You just lost me. Who? MICHAEL Templeton. BONNIE Templeton? Michael, he was in a straight jacket inside a sealed bag and then in chains! You said your- self the police think it was a burglary. (beat, pointedly) I think maybe you malfunctioned this time. She forces a smile, then leaves. Michael swings a look to RC3. MICHAEL What'd I say? RC3 The magic word. (off Michael's look) Templeton -- She's having lunch with him. Michael and RC3 hold a look and we: CUT TO INT. TEMPLETON'S DRESSING ROOM - DAY Templeton is before a mirror primping prior to meeting Bonnie. Satisfied, he heads for the door, then turns back when the phone rings. TEMPLETON Yes? -- No, that's not how I work. You decide who. I pick when and where -- That degree of risk doubles my fee. (writes on pad) Yes, I have it. Templeton hangs up, then tears the sheet from the pad. We move in to reveal Templeton has written the name "Devon Miles" on it. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. THE OCEAN BREEZES HOTEL - DAY EXT. ALLEY BEHIND HOTEL - DAY K.I.T.T. slowly cruising. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL There's got to be another way out of here, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I'm still reading negative on all systems. MICHAEL Maybe Bonnie's right. Maybe I did malfunction. K.I.T.T. Wait, I've just found a concealed fire door. MICHAEL Probably covered over when they gave the hotel a face-lift. But I'll bet it still works. Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. and we go to: OMITTED EXT. ALLEY Michael approaches the wall and begins to examine it. K.I.T.T. I still don't know why I missed it last night. MICHAEL Because you weren't analyzing the structure, you were scanning for personnel. Michael finds a loose brick in the wall -- a veneer face that hinges open revealing a control button. Michael pushes it. Appropriate sound effects and the door rolls open. MICHAEL Abracadabra, buddy. See you later. Michael slips through the open panel and we go to: INT. HOTEL PASSAGE - DAY Dark and forbidding. Michael gropes his way along the passage, which finally opens into: THE HOTEL BASEMENT - DAY Damp, silent, dim. Several corridors lead off in different directions. Michael is uncertain which to take. He moves a few steps to his left, then does a little take when he sees: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW something glittering in the darkness. RESUME MICHAEL as he changes direction and moves between the old wooden supports beneath the hotel and finds: TEMPLETON'S SILK HOOD snagged on a nail that protrudes from one of the supports. The glitter comes from the sequined monogram. THE SCENE as Michael studies the hood, smiles, feeling vindicated. He moves off into the area where he found the hood. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael comes forward out of the darkness and comes upon a ladder. O.S. laughter from above grows louder as Michael climbs up to: A TRAP DOOR As Michael reaches the top of the ladder, he pushes up the hinged panel slightly and peers through the narrow opening to see: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE CABARET Bonnie is sitting on a chair amidst some of the props from Templeton's act, watching him shuffle a deck of cards with great dexterity. She's having a wonderful time. BONNIE You are incredible! How do you do that? Templeton hands her the cards and moves behind her chair. Leaning forward, he takes her hands in his. TEMPLETON Keep this thumb on the top of the deck and then feed the cards into your other hand. Like this --- Bonnie does as instructed but the cards fly everywhere. She laughs and turns to Templeton. Their faces are very close together as: MICHAEL comes up through the trap door and joins them. MICHAEL Excuse me. Up to some old tricks, Mr. Templeton? BONNIE (surprised) Michael. MICHAEL Sorry to intrude. (off Templeton's look) I found a hidden door in the alley where I lost Henderson's murderer last night. It led me here. TEMPLETON This is a very old hotel. Its base- ment is a labyrinth that leads many places. Now, Miss Barstow and I were about to leave for our luncheon. So, please get to the point. MICHAEL I'll show it to you. Michael pulls the silk hoos with the sequined monogram from a pocket and hands it to Templeton. As he examines it --- MICHAEL It is the hood you use in your act. TEMPLETON Indeed, I'm afraid it is. MICHAEL The killer left it behind last night. Michael flicks a vindicated look to Bonnie. She reacts with concern. The moment is broken by Templeton, who makes a grand, distracting gesture with his arms; snaps his fingers and picks up a tube that is clearly empty. ON THE TUBE as he uses his thumb and forefinger to pluck an identical silk hood from inside it, and then another and another, flamboyantly tossing each into the air. THE SCENE The air around Templeton, Bonnie and Michael filled with diaphanous silk hoods that settle gently to the floor. TEMPLETON (smiles) I suppose I should have said, one of them --- BONNIE (relieved; conciliating) See, Michael? Anybody could have taken that hood. TEMPLETON Oh, I assure you, I'm working on it, Mr. Knight. But, to date, being in two places at the same time is a state of being that has eluded me. (to Bonnie) Shall we? He and Bonnie move off. Templeton pauses, turns back to Michael as if he's forgotten something. TEMPLETON Oh -- interesting little toy --- He holds Michael's comlink between thumb and forefinger. TEMPLETON (continuing) -- but not to my taste. He tosses the watch at Michael, who stares after them in frustration. CUT TO EXT. HOTEL ENTRANCE - DAY - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. is parked in the drive. A luscious, busty Blonde is being escorted out the door by a burly, cigar-chomping Harry. She's the Judy Holliday type. He's the William Frawley type. He's grabbing her by the elbow as she reluctantly follows, leading her to his parked Buick Electra. BLONDE But Harry, I only asked him for his autograph! HARRY You want a movie star's autograph? You do like everyone else -- you hand him a piece of paper. Not your underwear! BLONDE But I didn't have any paper! HARRY If I didn't stop you, you wouldn't have had any underwear! He opens his car and gives her the keys. HARRY Now you be a good girl and wait in the car. I gotta go back and pay the bill. BLONDE But who will I talk to? HARRY Talk to the radio! Just don't wear out the battery! Harry leaves. BLONDE (under her breath) I wore out your battery a long time ago.... She notices K.I.T.T. parked near her. She goes over to him, admiring him. BLONDE Now this is my kind of car. Tough. Sleek. Sexy. K.I.T.T. Thanks. You're not so bad yourself. The Blonde looks inside K.I.T.T. BLONDE Hey, you must've left your car phone off the hook. Where you calling from?... K.I.T.T. From within my central terminal brimming with the freshest software, megabytes and silicone chips. BLONDE Oh, you're calling from the supermarket. She leans into K.I.T.T.'s window, revealing her ample cleavage. BLONDE Would you be a honey and pick me up some of them silicone chips? They sound yummy. K.I.T.T. Believe me, if anyone needs them, it isn't you. BLONDE Whoever you are, you sure have a sexy voice. I'd love to see what you look like. K.I.T.T. Actually, I'm right under your --- She's still leaning in the window. K.I.T.T. ...nose. BLONDE I'll bet you're tall, dark and handsome. K.I.T.T. I'm definitely dark and handsome. I'm only tall when I'm climbing a steep incline. BLONDE You sound real classy. I can picture you all decked out in black tie. K.I.T.T. Try black top. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY After K.I.T.T. is summoned by Michael, his motor comes to life. The rear wheels smoke as they spin backwards. The Blonde jumps aside. BLONDE Hey! Where you going?! K.I.T.T. You'll have to excuse me, but duty calls. BLONDE Wait! How about a phone number? K.I.T.T. It's on my license plate! K.I.T.T. speeds away. BLONDE This guy thinks of everything! OMITTED INT. K.I.T.T. electronically chuckling. CUT TO INT. BACKSTAGE - DAY Nancy, in jeans, casual top, is checking some props for the evening performance as Michael crosses to her. MICHAEL Excuse me. You're Templeton's assistant, aren't you? NANCY Yes, Nancy Marston. MICHAEL Michael Knight. I caught the show last night. I was hoping you could answer some questions about how Templeton -- does it. NANCY I'm sorry, I grew up in this world but I never got into it. I spend most of my time working on an M.B.A. I'm just helping out my dad. MICHAEL If you're Templeton's daughter, his youth is his greatest illusion. NANCY (laughs) No, no, that's my father over there. His name's Ariel. He's the one you should talk to. He taught Templeton everything he knows. (calls out) Daddy. Ariel sets down the prop he's checking. As they move together. NANCY Daddy, this is Michael Knight. He has some questions for you. ARIEL (anticipating) More questions? I told the last fel- low from the Humane Society the tigers are never drugged, they get plenty of exercise and the doves are always --- MICHAEL Excuse me, but I just wanted to know if the coffin is constructed so Templeton stays someplace inside? Or so he can get out and go back in after the spikes are withdrawn? ARIEL You're not the first to wonder, Mr. Knight. That escape is brilliant, isn't it. The supreme expression of Austin's genius. But one magician never reveals the mystique de mode of another. It's an unwritten code. (eerily) A pact among sorcerers with unspeak- able consequences for those who break it. Ariel lets the moment play, then picks up a prop and heads off toward the stage. NANCY Why do you want to know? MICHAEL Let's just say I'm a fan. By the way, it looked like the escape went right to the wire last night. Did it take longer than usual? NANCY No, no, it didn't, all part of the act. (beat) But Austin did move it up all of a sudden. It's usually his finale. MICHAEL It may have been somebody else's too. Off Nancy's reaction, we: CUT TO EXT. CITY AIRPORT - DAY - TO ESTABLISH EXT. ROAD - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes from the airport and heads for the hotel. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING Devon is sitting next to Michael. DEVON (surprised) You suspect Austin Templeton, the magician? MICHAEL Yeah, more and more. DEVON I don't understand. What would he have to gain by the deaths of the Curtis Trustees? MICHAEL I don't know. But with fifty million dollars at stake, I'm sure he's thought of an angle. (beat) Who was the first trustee to die unexpectedly? DEVON A gentleman in Tucson, Arizona named Jason DeSylva. MICHAEL Let's see if Templeton's played any dates in Tucson recently. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as a search of hotel bookings scrolls up the screen, then stops on one that is highlighted by a rectangle. K.I.T.T. He performed there the entire month of July. Michael swings a look to Devon, who nods grimly in response. DEVON July eighteenth. I'll never forget it. They hold a look. K.I.T.T. blasts down the road and we go to: EXT. OCEAN BREEZES HOTEL ENTRANCE - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls up outside the entrance. Michael and Devon get out and unload Devon's suitcase. MICHAEL Wait for me in the parking lot, pal. THE DOORMAN does a double take when he sees: K.I.T.T. auto-start and take off driverless down the circular drive, leaving Devon and Michael on the sidewalk outside the lobby. As they wait for a bellman they react to the screech of tires and turn to see --- A HEARSE turning into the hotel drive and accelerating right towards them. (Note: All windows are tinted.) Michael grabs Devon and shoves him out of the way just as: INSIDE THE HEARSE Templeton stomps on the accelerator, whips the wheel and: THE HEARSE rockets onto the sidewalk, missing them by inches as they dive out of the way. THE SCENE As bystanders react, Michael helps Devon to his feet and the hearse makes a tire-smoking one-eighty in the drive and comes back at them. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt! We're under attack! K.I.T.T. On my way. Michael bear hugs Devon and lunges with him through the lobby doors. ANOTHER ANGLE as the hearse swerves past the doors just as they make it inside the hearse plows into luggage, planters and almost clips the doorman who dives out of the way. The hearse rockets down the drive as: K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop at the entrance. Michael comes from the hotel and jumps behind the wheel. K.I.T.T. takes off in pursuit of the hearse. POINT OF VIEW THROUGH K.I.T.T.'S WINDSHIELD to see a car coming toward them in the narrow drive. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING K.I.T.T. Oh, dear, this could be a problem. MICHAEL We need some fancy footwork! Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. goes up on two wheels and just shaves past the car in ski mode. ANOTHER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. settles down and comes out of the drive into the street in pursuit of the hearse. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The hearse sails down the street, fishtailing out of sight around a corner. K.I.T.T. appears, in hot pursuit. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING Michael pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL Try to get an ID on the driver. K.I.T.T. It's impossible at this range, Michael. ON AN INTERSECTION A real funeral procession is making a left turn. A hearse in front and several cars right behind it. A TRUCK blasts through the intersection. The other cars in the procession are forced to wait. When the way is clear: TEMPLETON'S HEARSE streaks across the intersection in the opposite direction. INSIDE FIRST PROCESSION CAR The members of the Smith family, dressed in black, watch the hearse speed by in amazement. Smith throws up his hands, then proceeds to turn the wheel. THE SMITH CAR makes a right after Templeton's hearse. The other cars in the procession follow. K.I.T.T. races down the street. The real hearse is travelling towards him at a sedate and proper speed. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING MICHAEL He one-eightied on us! K.I.T.T. No, that isn't the hearse we're --- Too late, as Michael whips the steering wheel. ON K.I.T.T. AND THE REAL HEARSE which is forced to stop as K.I.T.T. intersects the hearse's path. The Driver rolls down his window. HEARSE DRIVER You maniac! This is a funeral! MICHAEL Sorry! K.I.T.T. peels off in pursuit of the other hearse. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING K.I.T.T. I tried to warn you. MICHAEL Just keep scanning. ON TEMPLETON'S HEARSE as it tears down a street. The funeral procession is trying to keep up with it. Templeton just manages to weave his way across an intersection, but the pursuing cars are forced to break suddenly, swerving left and right to avoid a series of rear-end collisions. K.I.T.T. weaves between the swerving cars. MICHAEL (O.S.) There he is! INSIDE TEMPLETON'S HEARSE - TRAVELLING Templeton looks in his rearview mirror. TEMPLETON'S POINT OF VIEW K.I.T.T. is closing the gap. ON THE HEARSE AND K.I.T.T. as they tear down the street. Suddenly the hearse does a one-eighty. K.I.T.T. He's coming at us head on! MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE STREET AHEAD as the hearse comes straight at them. THE HEARSE rockets toward K.I.T.T. Michael waits till the last instant then whips the steering wheel, right, left, right. K.I.T.T. swings around the hearse with a centimeter to spare. The hearse spins wildly out of control. A BRICK WALL as the hearse slams into it and bursts into flame. K.I.T.T. swings around and pulls up nearby. MICHAEL Hit the CO2! K.I.T.T. No need to, Michael. MICHAEL No vital signs? K.I.T.T. None whatsoever -- as a matter of fact, there's no one in that vehicle. Michael looks at the hearse in astonishment. We hold a beat on his expression, as we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. HOTEL - MAIN ENTRANCE - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes up the drive at high speed and screeches to a stop. Michael jumps out. MICHAEL Cover the back alley. K.I.T.T. auto-starts and takes off. Michael heads into the hotel. OMITTED INT. HOTEL LOBBY - DAY as Michael moves through quickly. K.I.T.T. turns into the alley and screeches to a stop. K.I.T.T. No sign of him, Michael. MICHAEL Hold your position. OMITTED INT. BACKSTAGE CORRIDOR Michael is making a beeline for Templeton's dressing room. We follow him down the corridor. He arrives at the door and blasts right through it. INT. TEMPLETON'S DRESSING ROOM Templeton is now seated at a makeup table, in smoking jacket, a makeup bib around his neck, feigning he's been here all along. He whirls in reaction. He keeps his left hand in the pocket of the jacket throughout the following. TEMPLETON This is becoming a daily event, Mr. Knight. MICHAEL And it's going to continue until I prove you killed Henderson. TEMPLETON (sigh of distress) I thought you'd gotten that out of your system. MICHAEL Getting out of things is your specialty -- a straightjacket and chains, a flaming hearse. TEMPLETON You do have a vivid imagination, Mr. Knight. You think I can escape from anything. MICHAEL Not solitary confinement. Michael burns him with a look, turns and exits slamming the door behind him. A beat before Templeton grimaces in pain and pulls his left hand from his pocket revealing blood running down onto his hand from beneath the cuff of his jacket. INT. BACKSTAGE CORRIDOR - DAY as Michael comes down the corridor from Templeton's dressing room and crosses to Nancy who is feeding two caged tigers. MICHAEL I need to talk to you for a minute. NANCY Sure, soon as I'm finished. Better stay back, she tends to be --- Nancy is interrupted by the roar of: THE TIGER teeth bared in a deep-throated roar, lunges at Michael several times with a massive paw that pounds against the mesh of the cage. THE SCENE as Michael lurches backwards to escape the swiping claws. NANCY Michael! Are you okay? MICHAEL Yeah. Always been allergic to cats. That's one angry tiger to use in a magic act. NANCY Oh, we've been using the other cat this week. This one's in heat. And take my word for it, you never get close to a tigress in heat. MICHAEL I thought that was the whole idea. NANCY (smiles) An interesting one. MICHAEL I agree. But that's not what's really on my mind at the moment. (beat) Did you see Templeton go into his dressing room in the last five or ten minutes? NANCY No, I haven't seen him at all. I've been here for over an hour. Michael digests this a beat and scans the area filled with props. MICHAEL I'm looking for the props he uses for the escape. NANCY Oh, they're taken away and stored after each performance. Austin really goes off the deep end when someone tries to examine them. MICHAEL I'll bet. You know where they're kept? NANCY No. But it isn't here because they go by truck. Ask Dad. He might know. She gestures to the stage. Michael nods, moves off. Nancy turns back to the cage, jumps back as: THE TIGER roars and lashes through the bars with a paw. We hold on the bared teeth, the crazed eyes for a few beats and go to: THE STAGE Michael is with Ariel who is setting up a prop. ARIEL Oh, I'm afraid I can't tell you that. MICHAEL I don't understand. You just told me they're taken to a warehouse. But you won't tell me where it is? ARIEL (nods) I told you I can't betray him. Like all those who have sold their souls to the devil, Austin Templeton must be left to destroy himself. MICHAEL You don't believe that. ARIEL What I believe isn't important. Austin believes he's a true sorcerer. And if you're going to catch him, Mr. Knight, you'll have to 'catch him in the act' so to speak. Michael digests Ariel's reply, an idea forming, then: MICHAEL (nods, emphatically) I intend to. EXT. SEMI - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. SEMI - DAY Bonnie, Devon, RC3 and Dr. Browning are with Michael who has just brought them up to date. BONNIE That's twice you've been positive it was Austin and proven wrong, Michael. MICHAEL No one else could have pulled a stunt like that. That hearse was an inferno. RC3 I think it's time to start looking someplace else. MICHAEL Not until I'm positive there's no way Templeton can get out of that coffin during the act. Either his alibi holds up or it doesn't. DEVON I agree, Michael. In the meantime, Doctor Browning and I have fifty million dollars in grants to award. Shall we, Ian? BROWNING It will take me a few hours to pull my papers together, Devon. How about over dinner? DEVON (settling) Well, I do have some Foundation matters that need attention. MICHAEL Keep an eye on 'em, RC. RC3 You got it. You going to check out that 'table of death' routine? MICHAEL That was my plan but Templeton trucks it out of here after every performance. So --- BROWNING Not surprising. As we've all seen, he's a cunning adversary. I assume you have a plan of some kind. MICHAEL Yeah, I'm going to catch his act again tonight. (beat) I'm taking Kitt with me. The group questions Michael with looks. He ignores them and continues. MICHAEL I could use an observer in the audience, Bonnie. BONNIE (mysteriously) Oh, I'll be there. We hold on her enigmatic smile and: CUT TO EXT. HOTEL PARKING LOT - DAY K.I.T.T. is waiting. The Blonde approaches K.I.T.T. as he scans her. K.I.T.T. Well hello, there. The Blonde smacks the side of the car with her purse. BLONDE Creep! K.I.T.T. Please, it's "Kitt." The Blonde looks inside the car and sees no one is there. BLONDE He's gone again! What's the matter with you? You afraid to face me or something? K.I.T.T. On the contrary. I'm always delighted to take in your ample -- personality. BLONDE Well what was the big idea of tearing off like that the other day?! K.I.T.T. I had other priorities. BLONDE Oh yeah? Like your wife?! K.I.T.T. I'm not married. BLONDE Or maybe your girl friend?! K.I.T.T. No, I don't have one of those, either. BLONDE You high-class guys think you can just take advantage of a pretty girl just because you got the right lines -- (considers what he said) Did you say you're not married? K.I.T.T. That's right. BLONDE Why not? K.I.T.T. You might say I haven't yet met my match. BLONDE (coy, primping) Oh yeah? Well what kind of match you looking for? K.I.T.T. Oh, something very stylish, preferably in red, loaded with sophisticated software, total artificial intelligence, fully padded seat, removable top with an adaptive megabyte system that can interface for hours. BLONDE You animal! What kind of girl do you think I am! She kicks K.I.T.T. in the tire and storms off. K.I.T.T. What did I say? OMITTED EXT. INDUSTRIAL AREA - DAY - WIDE as we pan across and move in to a warehouse. A car pulls up. A man, whose identity is concealed by the angle and the distance, gets out and crosses toward the entrance. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY gloomy, deserted, darkened. The man's silhouetted figure comes through the door and moves between rows of abandoned scenery, props, etc. ANOTHER ANGLE as the man moves into an area littered with magician's equipment: two halves of a box, a huge saw, oversized playing cards, a large circular board with straps and throwing knives stuck into it. Suddenly there is a loud splash. The man whirls to see: A LARGE GLASS TANK filled with water and ostensibly a human head bobbing in it. THE MAN screams, horrified, turns into camera revealing it's Dr. Browning. His momentum carries him right into Templeton, who appears suddenly, and fishes the (prop) head from the water. BROWNING You almost gave me a heart attack. TEMPLETON That would have been a very costly mistake. I'd lose five million dollars if I kill the wrong trustee. BROWNING We're both out five million until you kill the right one. You're supposed to be the best. Why isn't Devon Miles dead? What happened? TEMPLETON (rhetorically) What happened? (beat, twisted) I planned and executed the escape of the century this afternoon. It was brilliant, beyond your wildest con- ception. Hades brought to life. (beat, saddened) No one was there to see it -- (coming back) -- except Michael Knight. Miles would be dead if it wasn't for him and that car. I have to deal with them first. BROWNING That won't be easy. That car contains state-of-the-art technology. Knight plans to use it tonight to disprove your alibi. TEMPLETON That is a problem -- (muses, brightens) -- and perhaps also the solution. BROWNING I'm not sure I understand what you mean. TEMPLETON Remember, Ian, I'm not only a master assassin but a truly great conjurer capable of hanging an adversary not only with a rope but with his own logic as well. BROWNING Knight is quite capable of hanging you, believe me. TEMPLETON (pointedly) Hanging both of us, Ian. (off Browning's reaction) I'm going to need your help this time. Browning questions him with a look. Templeton moves closer to explain his plan, and we: CUT TO EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. CABARET STAGE - NIGHT as Templeton finishes his opening monologue. TEMPLETON Indeed before the evening is over you will never again trust that which allows you to perceive it -- your very own senses. He makes a dramatic gesture. TEMPLETON And now may I have a volunteer from this illustrious gathering? One with a car in the parking lot. Michael is up and moving toward the stage before anyone else. MICHAEL Right here. TEMPLETON Ah, Mr. Knight. (to audience) I must tell you, this gentleman and I met earlier today, but he is in no way part of my act. MICHAEL You can say that. TEMPLETON (continuing) As a matter of fact, he's a bit of a magician himself. MICHAEL (into comlink) Okay, pal, you're on. The backstage doors to the parking lot open and: K.I.T.T. drives on stage, clearly no one behind the wheel. As the audience reacts. TEMPLETON Now, Mr. Knight, please make sure your car is empty and the doors locked. As Michael does so, Nancy hands Templeton the robe and exits while he puts it on. To Michael's surprise --- BONNIE comes from the wings wearing a "playmate tux" like Nancy as she throws the cover over K.I.T.T., and Michael helps her position it. MICHAEL What are you doing up here? I thought you were --- BONNIE Austin thought it would be fun if I got into the act. MICHAEL We'll see if he's still laughing after Kitt analyzes it. TEMPLETON Mr. Knight, you may pull the cover off the car -- Now! Michael grabs the cover, holds a beat, then whisks it off, revealing: K.I.T.T. the tigress sits behind the wheel, her head sticking through the open T-top. THE ROBE drops to reveal Nancy. TEMPLETON climbs out of K.I.T.T.'s trunk. During the wild applause: K.I.T.T. AND MICHAEL whisper. K.I.T.T. This is very undignified. MICHAEL Hang in there. Did your scanners pick up how he did it? K.I.T.T. No, I'm afraid not. Michael swings a puzzled look to Bonnie and we: CUT TO INT. HOTEL RESTAURANT - NIGHT RC3 reads a magazine at a table by himself. There are just a few late diners. Devon and Browning are several tables away from RC3. They sit across from each other, their table littered with papers, computer print-outs and the remnants of their meal. DEVON This is getting us nowhere, Ian. These are perfectly reputable companies and you've vetoed them all. BROWNING With good reason. Now, here's my list. As Devon reads the list, his jaw drops. DEVON Ian, everyone in the business com- munity knows these are all inactive corporations; shells that produce nothing. Surely you're not serious. BROWNING Oh, but I am. You see, I'm getting a considerable fee for awarding forty of the fifty million to them. DEVON (livid) You're retaining ten million dollars? Is that what has made you --- Devon bites off the sentence as Browning slides his brief- case between them and he hears a click. BROWNING There is a gun here. If I let go of the handle, it will go off. Do you understand? DEVON (nods) What do you want? BROWNING Send RC on an errand. Now. Devon looks over at RC3 and makes a difficult decision. DEVON Reginald -- (as RC3 approaches) Be a good feelow and get a file on Rigg Electronics from the semi, would you? It's on my desk. RC3 Sure. You ought to be okay in here for a couple of minutes. Be right back. As RC3 leaves, Devon glares defiantly at Browning. CUT BACK TO INT. CABARET STAGE - NIGHT The bed of spikes drops onto the table as previously. The audience gasps as the spikes are withdrawn and Nancy and Ariel run to undo the chains. MICHAEL in the audience. MICHAEL (into comlink) Are you getting any readings, Kitt? INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. in the wings, looking onstage. K.I.T.T. I started scanning the 'table of death' the instant Templeton got into it. I'm having the same problem I had with the tiger. MICHAEL (incredulous) Nothing? No scan at all? K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see a field of zigzagging interference lines. K.I.T.T. That's correct. My systems are going haywire for some reason. Michael is puzzled. Reacts as: OMITTED TEMPLETON leaps out of the coffin to a standing ovation. MICHAEL is the picture of frustration. CUT TO INT. HOTEL RESTAURANT - NIGHT RC3 returns with some files to find Devon and Browning gone. He looks around, puzzled; crosses to the maitre d', who shrugs, shakes no in response to RC3's question. CUT TO INT. BACKSTAGE AREA The performance is over. Michael crosses to K.I.T.T. poised in front of the doors that lead to the parking lot. MICHAEL Let's go, pal. Bonnie's meeting us in the semi to run a check on your scanners. K.I.T.T. The sooner the better. I still have no idea why --- ON K.I.T.T.'S DOOR as Michael pulls it open. The growl of a tiger from inside the car interrupts K.I.T.T.'s reply. MICHAEL reacts and lurches backward when: OMITTED THE TIGER lets out a mighty roar and lunges at Michael from inside K.I.T.T. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN BACKSTAGE - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. The tiger explodes out of K.I.T.T. in pursuit of Michael. ANOTHER ANGLE - NANCY responds to the commotion and arrives on the run. THE TIGER reacts; stops; changes course and heads across the back- stage area toward her. NANCY No! Simba no!! Heel!! Heel!! The cat keeps coming. MICHAEL grabs a tied-off rope; pulls it loose and swings through the air on it, passing in front of the tiger. He sweeps Nancy out of its path. They run like crazy. The tiger chases after them with a roar. OMITTED INT. BACKSTAGE CORRIDOR as the tiger pursues Michael and Nancy. She slips. The tiger almost gets her. Michael grabs her arm, drags her into Templeton's dressing room. Michael slams the door an instant before the tiger lunges at it. THE TIGER She starts to paw at the door furiously. INT. TEMPLETON'S DRESSING ROOM Nancy screams as the door begins to give way under the tiger's rage. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt! -- Kitt! K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. Michael, where are you? The dressing room door splinters. MICHAEL In deep trouble. Why didn't you warn me about the tiger? K.I.T.T. I don't know. My scanners didn't detect her presence. THE TIGER bashes a huge paw through the door; keeps clawing wildly. RESUME SCENE MICHAEL (still on comlink) Yeah, I noticed. What do you know about tigers? K.I.T.T. Not much I'm afraid. The tiger fianlly breaks down the door and explodes into the room. Michael grabs a chair to protect Nancy and himself. MICHAEL Now would be a good time to learn. Can you synthesize the mating call of a male tiger? K.I.T.T. I'll check my enharmonic data bank. The tiger snarls and gets ready to pounce. K.I.T.T. enharmonically synthesizes the mating call. INT. TEMPLETON'S DRESSING ROOM The tiger loses interest in the humans, lets out a terrific roar and pads out of the room. NANCY (to Michael) Looks like Kitt's equipment's doing the job. INT. BACKSTAGE AREA Simba sniffs around K.I.T.T. She roars now and then. K.I.T.T. I may be able to reproduce the tiger's mating call but, after that, she's on her own. (to tigress) Go away! Shoo! INT. DRESSING ROOM CORRIDOR Michael and Nancy escape. MICHAEL (into comlink) We'll get help. In the meantime, just keep her happy. K.I.T.T. Keep her happy!? NANCY The only thing that works is Mozart, the 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusic.' It really calms her down. MICHAEL You hear that? INT. BACKSTAGE AREA K.I.T.T. Thank you. At least the tiger has taste. K.I.T.T. suddenly bursts with music. As the Mozart piece plays, the tiger quiets down; settles on K.I.T.T.'s hood and goes to sleep. K.I.T.T. There's a good kitty. CUT TO EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Browning and Devon arrive in Browning's car. Browning prods Devon with his gun. They enter. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Browning and Devon move along the darkened rows of scenery until they arrive at an illuminated area where Templeton waits. TEMPLETON Welcome Mr. Miles. I understand your Foundation is heavily involved in research of all kinds. DEVON I don't see what research has to do with this. TEMPLETON You're about to give your life to it. He materializes a pair of handcuffs and snaps them on Devon's wrists. On Devon's reaction, we: CUT TO INT. SEMI - NIGHT Bonnie is setting up at her console to run tests on K.I.T.T. who has yet to arrive. A concerned RC3 is with her. BONNIE I haven't seen either of them, RC. Have you checked the cabaret? RC3 Yes, I looked everywhere. I --- He is interrupted as the tailgate lowers and Michael drives K.I.T.T. into the Semi. He pulls to a stop and gets out, reacting to RC's presence. MICHAEL I thought you were keeping an eye on Devon and Doctor Brown? RC3 Devon sent me to get a file. When I got back to the restaurant they were both gone. I can't find them anywhere. BONNIE I don't like this Michael. What are we going to do? MICHAEL For openers, check out Kitt's scanners. I have a feeling I may be needing them. Bonnie turns back to her console, starts encoding. BONNIE None of his sensory circuits have been damaged. Bonnie continues to encode. MICHAEL Which leaves his program. BONNIE I'm checking it now. (beat) Look, it's been revised. His scanners have been deactivated. MICHAEL Only two people could have done that. You're one -- Doctor Browning's the other. RC3 That means he's got Devon, Michael. I blew it. I'm sorry. MICHAEL It's not your fault, RC. I'm going to need your help. RC3 What you need is a place to start. MICHAEL That we've got. Off Bonnie and RC3's reactions, we: CUT TO OMITTED INT. CABARET BACKSTAGE AREA - NIGHT Nancy is removing props from the stage. Ariel is testing a small device (size of a golf ball) that creates the "vanishing puffs of smoke" used during the act. As he sets it off. They hear a screech of tires; turn to see K.I.T.T. roar onto the stage and screech to a stop next to them. RC3 remains in K.I.T.T. Michael gets out and crosses to Ariel. MICHAEL Ariel, you have to tell me where that warehouse is located. Ariel stares at him, stonewalls it. NANCY Daddy, it's a matter of life and death. Two people have been killed. More are going to die. Michael picks up one of the smoke devices. Gestures with it, then slips it into his pocket as he talks. MICHAEL This problem isn't going to vanish in a puff of smoke, Ariel. These two are two greedy killers who'll stop at nothing. ARIEL (thinks; decides) It's about five miles south of here --- EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT as K.I.T.T. rockets out of the stage exit, and takes off across the parking lot. ARIEL (V.O.) (continuing) -- 4660 Industrial Boulevard. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Okay, pal. Plot me a course and super pursuit mode! (beat) Hang on, RC. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. RAPID-FIRE SEQUENCE OF SHOTS - K.I.T.T. as he deploys his spoilers, elongates his nose cowling, etc., and takes off down the street in SPM. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael and RC3 are slammed back in their seats by the acceleration. THE SPEEDOMETER climbs rapidly to 250, 300 MPH and past. K.I.T.T. blows past camera in SPM and disappears over the horizon. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Devon is still handcuffed and stands next to the water- filled tank. Browning watches as Templeton wraps a long chain around Devon's legs. TEMPLETON As I said, all in the spirit of research, Mr. Miles. You see, in this escape, the audience must believe I'm drowning. After watching you die, my performance will be frighteningly authentic. BROWNING I don't like this, Austin. Get it over with, quickly. DEVON It's one thing to order an execution but quite another to witness it. Isn't it, Ian? Browning turns away as Templeton places a hood over Devon's head and pulls the drawstring tight around his throat. CUT TO INSIDE K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - TRAVELING blasting down a street in an industrial area in SPM. K.I.T.T. The warehouse is at the end of this street, Michael. Michael pushes buttons on his console. MICHAEL Okay give me cruise and silent modes, pal. RAPID SEQUENCE OF SHOTS - K.I.T.T. transforms from Super Pursuit Mode to Cruise Mode and drives to a noiseless stop beside the warehouse. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. - INTERCUT AS NEEDED MICHAEL Who's in there? K.I.T.T. Three men. My metal scan indicates one of them is bound in chains. MICHAEL Okay, let's move. Michael and RC3 slip out of K.I.T.T. EXT. WAREHOUSE - CONTINUOUS MICHAEL You cover the back, RC. RC3 You got it. MICHAEL Kitt, you're going to announce our arrival. As the two men run into the darkness. MICHAEL dashes up close to the door of the warehouse. MICHAEL (into comlink) Okay, now! INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Templeton and Browning put Devon (hooded and in chains) into the water-filled glass tank. As he tries to surface, Templeton slams the lid on the tank and padlocks it. The magician watches as Devon writhes to free himself. TEMPLETON Fascinating. So dynamic! The noise of a car engine revving O.S. Templeton and Browning spin around in time to see: K.I.T.T. crash through the main door of the warehouse and speed towards them. Scenery, packing crates, etc. go flying. Templeton holds his ground. Browning runs. BROWNING Look out! DEVON hooded, spinning helplessly in the water. OMITTED BROWNING runs between the rows of scenery only to find RC3 in his path. RC3 grabs him. RC3 Where's Devon Miles?! Where is he?!! BROWNING Inside. Inside dying. RC3 rears back and decks Browning with one punch. RESUME K.I.T.T. As he pursues Templeton and stops within inches of smashing into him in an attempt to pin him against a wall. Suddenly, Templeton vanishes in a cloud of smoke and reappears right in front of: MICHAEL who is dashing toward the tank to free Devon. He puts on the brakes, staring right down the barrel of a gun Templeton levels at him. TEMPLETON A valiant attempt, Mr. Knight. But all for --- THE SMOKE DEVICE in Michael's hand, as he sets it off and a cloud of smoke explodes in Templeton's face. He is interrupted by: RESUME THE SCENE Michael's foot flashes with blinding quickness and knocks the gun from Templeton's hand in a karate kick. ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael comes out of the spinning kick, grabs Templeton, spins him around and shoves him toward RC3 who's running into the area from his run-in with Browning. MICHAEL He's yours, RC! As Michael dashes to the water tank, we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as Templeton spins right into RC3's fist that comes out of nowhere. He blocks the punch. Tries to throw one of his own. RC3 blocks it and decks him. THE WATER TANK Devon, bubbles rising in a steady stream from the silk hood, as Michael climbs atop it, reacting to the pad lock. MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt, I need some help with this lock! THE PADLOCK on the tank cover snaps open. THE SCENE as RC3 joins Michael at the tank. They pull off the top, drag Devon up out of the water and remove the silk hood. Devon gasps for air for a moment. MICHAEL (into comlink) Now, the cuffs. K.I.T.T. opens the cuffs. They pop off Devon's wrists. MICHAEL Devon?! Devon? Are you okay? DEVON Right as rain, thank you -- But this was my best silk suit. As they all smile with relief, we: FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG INT. STAGE - DAY A cleanup of Templeton's paraphernalia is in progress. Devon, Bonnie and RC3 are on the stage, Devon inspecting Templeton's hood curiously as K.I.T.T. glides up behind him. MICHAEL Thinking of getting into the act Devon? As Devon drops the hood and turns to K.I.T.T. DEVON No thank you. I've had enough magic to last me a lifetime. Michael? Turning to K.I.T.T., Devon's puzzled to find K.I.T.T. driverless. Instantly we hear the trunk pop in the back -- and with a puff of smoke, Michael leaps out of the car. ON BONNIE, DEVON AND RC3 at most, mildly impressed. DEVON Amusing. But hardly mystifying. MICHAEL (playing it up) Then perhaps I can dazzle your senses with the help of a simple handkerchief. Devon finds it all a bit much, but still obligingly reaches into his breast pocket -- and there's nothing there. DEVON I had one right here. I --- MICHAEL This one? Michael produces Devon's handkerchief from beneath his jacket. MICHAEL Must have flown my way. And he parts the handkerchief to reveal a fluttering white dove. Now the group smiles, and even Devon applauds. Michael hands the dove to Bonnie. BONNIE (touched) Maybe I'm the one who should be making a peace offering. (apologetic) Not even a master illusionist should make you doubt your friends. MICHAEL Bonnie, he even had me under his spell for awhile. But two can play the escape game. At that tender moment, a synthesized coo echoes through the room. The dove flies away and perches on K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I believe that's three, Michael. Counting your assistant. RC3 Yeah, you've got to give K.I.T.T. his moment in the spotlight, too. MICHAEL You're right, RC. Now that Templeton's history, we've got an unemployed tiger on our hands. Kitt can perform his famous Seduction and Sedation of a Tigress in Heat -- all by himself. K.I.T.T. On second thought, Michael, I think the only magic I'll perform is a disappearing act. Off the other's laughter: FREEZE FRAME THE END